Sedndhiral. Successita Horticulture. .. J. , Lacey Darlington, who is wide ly ',mown_ as the President of the Chester Comity Agricultural BecietY • for several years past; is soittetlitn,s,: more thanen ameteur farmer. About twenty acres'of his place near West Chester are-devoted to the raising of produce. To propetlY-cultivate this area he empleys eight Men, amlthey have not been fully ablkto• eoriepier the weeds this season. 'The chief ob ject of Mr. D's horticultural labors are celery and cabbages. lAA • year he planted.a large area of celery, but the dry weather was fatal to most of it. When he had one quarter of an acre set out a shower fell, which made the crop. He sold the • celery produced on this plot for $5OO. Few gardeners had any, and celery was ,scarce and - .high last winter. His crop of cabbages last fall was about 20,000 heads, one-half of which spoil ed during the winter so that he had only 10,000 heads to sell. His salad or lettuce beds, under glass, produc ed several thousand heads, which were sent to Philadelphia in barrels coutnining 1130 each, and sokk at $6 per barrel. He does . not deism& in berries, but this season sold 500 quarts of strawberries, Whe.r : *.g them out to the grocery storii, 4 : ,'l5 cents per quart: West' Ches.* a town that is fond of vegetable luxur ies, afforls a market for much of his produce, and when there is a surplus it is at once sent to a commission house in PhilpdelppLia and sold for cash. When.ilve consider that much so o n of, the-personal attentienT f the own er is devoted to other ess, away from kis farm, we mu confess that the results of his gardening are very satisfactory. Perhaps - his example might be profitably oth i rA. We have our' facts from Mr.- t i Darlington himself, who pr bably forgot that he was talking to news paper reporter when he rela them. We have hopes of -inducing him to write out fully some day, "what he knows about gardening."—Bucks Co. latelligencer. Tomato Figs Among the new articles capable of being utilized and converted into money on the farm, nothing to' us looks more plausible than the making of tomato figs. The taste for toma f to whether . a natural or acquired one, P"` s • universally popuhir—and there is dly a vegetable which the public demand has required to be cooked and prepared for present and perma nent use, in such a great variety of ways as the tomatoes, and :which re tains 'so readily its peculiar flavor. • The time will probably come when :large fields of them will be cultivated ;expressly for _converting into figs, 'Which we consider far preferable to cOnmion figs. • They retain,the toma to taste, keep as well as the. others, and could as readily be expOrted or shipped long distances. Large dry ing apparatus must of course be con structed for the N\loksale fig busi ness, and other arrangements to cor respond ; but we predict that those who go first into it will make a great deal of money. The following .-is the recipe for .making tomato figs, which we have kn own tried with the best results : " Collect a lot of ripe tomatoes about one inch in diameter, skin and stew them iu the usual manner, when dope lay them on dishes, flatten them slightly, and spread over‘them a light layer of pulverized white or best brown sugar ; expose them to a sum mer's sun, or place them in a drying house ; when as dry as fresh figs, pack in old fig or small boxes, with . sugar between eieh -layer. If prop erly managed the difference- cannot • be detected.from the veritable arti ele.". Modifications may be made by fur ther experience ; but the- process is very simple arid they could probably be put on the market and yield a good profit at half the price of Smyr na figs—and are so much better, that the latter would to a great extent be siipe'rceded.- I Practical Farmer. Look to the Celery There is no crop of the garden that requires more care and daily atten tion than the celery.• And everything in the way of success, depends upon this attention being rediebled daring the earlier stages of its growth. It is a great feeder. Besides beine• lit orally .seen in manure, it should have a top-dressing. It should be water ed at least once a day, and in the ab ,senee of rain, when the soil becomes exhausted of moisture, twice a .day . early morning and evening. The hot sun must be excluded during the middle of the day. When planted among corn—in between every other ro*, which we much prefer to open culture—the shade afforded by the corn is sufficient protection, except for the first few days. • If the plants are not well started and do not get a vigorous hold of the soil, after nursing seems in most cases to be' thrown away. Thus, if once retarded in its growth, say for a couple. of weeks, it is the most diffi cult thing in the world to catch it up to the legitimate season. Pretty mush the mine is the case with Into planted celery. Now and then it does well, but only now and then. Three times out of four at least it fails. And let it once get be hind, all the doctoring and nursing in the world will not fetch it right. It is a gone case. Frequent stirring of the soil and working with the hand, and gaily applications of niantire-wa ter in September and the fore part of Octyber is indispensable.' 'When hitting np begins,' the manure-water' eriy the measurably withdrawn unless r.lin is needed, when common water can be substituted three times to once of ‘ the other.—Oermatztown 7e! - cg REMEDY ron COCEROACHFS —Make a thick batter of equal quantities of red lend and :Indian meal mixed with molasses, and set it out for the in- They will devour it greedily and die. 13e. careful not to have any fool ::itting near the poison. A f6w doses will exterminate these 'pests. A nother 1 Vay.--To exterminate cockroaches, pulverized borax sprink led about their haunts is said to be an effectual remedy, and not other dangerous. ESE To PREPAII7: CREASI CHEESE FOiZ TA- Remove the cream from the milk just before it turns, then take the milk just 'lobbered,' set it in the stove, warm - it just enough to sepa rate the curd and whey, drain off the whey and pour over the card sweet, rich cream. • THE man who knows the world will tlf,vcrlw bashful. wed that num who kouw:-. iu!l•q.hvl. Books and 3tAtlon DTAIUMS FOR 1870. _ 1 PAPER k ENVELOPES NEB YORK - PAPERS SCHOOL BOOKS • r. PEN'S, Ii 8; MerSIC, STATIC/M:lf AND rtcrumn BLANK BOORS YANKEE NOTIONS. Towanda, Noy. 1% 18/03. rpoollaneous: THE " DOMESTIC" • , LOCK STICH SE• WING MACHINE! THE " DOMESTIC " is alShuttle Sewing Machine, which has been used for the last five years in the West, and is now introduced for the first time in this section It runs faster than most, easier and More quietly than any,-doir the lightest as well! as the heaviest work done on any Sewing Machine ARE.INVITED TO CALL AND SEE IT Plain Machines - - :$65 Half Case - - - - $7O. All Machines have Blake's Patent Table. Agents wanted in nuot - enpied territory. Address, BLAKE & CO., Scrantuss, Pa For sale by May 12, 1870.—1 y TAYLOR & 0011 E, Towanda, Pa. A. A. MISER. Atttona, Pa. Wyalnsing. EASE AND COMFORT BE BLESSING OF PERFECT SIGHT There is not lug so valuta& as perfect sight, ,and perfect shtlit can only/be Obtained by using PERFECT SPECTACLES ! The difficulty of procuring which le well known lIESSIIS. LA.Z.UttS S MOILRIS, OCCULISTS AND OPT (CANS, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, lIANCFACTURF.IIs OF THE C'ELEBRATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES, Have. after years of experience, experiment, and and the erection of costly maehirety, been enabled to produce that GIUND DESIDEIZATUM, PERFECT SPECTACLES ! Which hare been sal with unlimited satisfuchon to the wearers In the Western States during the past fifteen years. Those Celebrated Perfected Spectacles never tire the eye, and last many years without change I Memos. LAzAnus & MORRIS have appointed JULES RUOU'I.I - I,DI, dealer in Watehea and Jew elry, as their wale agent for Towanda: Penn's, and vicinity. April 14, 1870. REPORTER JOB • PRINTING Having recently added greatly to our facilities, we are now prepared to do all kinds of , JOB PRINTING AT LOWER PRICES AND BETTER. STYLE Than any oatabliqhment in NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA CALL AT THE REPORTER OFFICE AND • EX.... L AMM SPECIMENS. GREAT EXCITEMENT IN PA PER EIASGING - PAPER HANGING POSEFOR 10 TO 1.; CENTS rEXEM Oh, yes! oh. yes I it makes me laugh to know that labor is reduced one-3alf. Graining only $2 per day. Pocelain finishing only $2 per day. Glaring only $2 per day. Fainting of all kinds only $2 per day. Minds painted green at only 75 cents to $1 per pair. Blinds common col. lore 50 cents to $1 per pair, and all materials furnish ed. Tin and Decked roofs painted with patent roof ing for cents per yard. I will also furnish my customers with Lead and Zino of the best quality at cost, thus saving from 10 to 25 per cent. on every hundred. F. E. POST. Towanda, Juno 10, 1570.-tf No. 52 Second-st. CENTIL'IL MARKET. The subscribers still continue to keep constantly on hand a full and complete assortment of every thing pertaining to their business, consisting mom ly ot BEEP, PORK, FRESH AND SALT SUGAR CUBED lIASIS. UUTTON„ BEEF, LAUB, VEAL. rortnly, BAUSAG4 LARD, BOLOGNA, DRIED BEEF, TALLOW, &. c.. ~c. ' ,-1- , Also, F FRESH FROM THE LAKES OYSTERS RECEIVED DAILY In their seaaor. Autos walling Oysters in large or small quanti ties will be furnished on short notice, at the old stand, CENTUAL MAIIKET, Monto.n,ye's Mock, first door north of Dr. Porters. Km.y..rat, t KELLU3X srrl,Loca Tam. 3.ItIuLKIE. Feb: 24,18704( • - pisn, PORK, HAMS AND LARD at • • COWELL k MYER'S. POWELL & 111 - YRR ARE , SELL ing TEA eery cbeap. R OYAL BARLNG P,OWDERS at COWELL A: 7. SIYER :S. FRUITS OF ALL KINDS AT cownra. k =EV& • PROF: HORSFORD'S BRRAT) Preparation, at C. U. PATCIM. May 20. CHESTER WHITE PIPS ! FOR SALE TIV May 12, surrn. tinter. P. A PULL STOCK OF WOODEN Waft, at' C. 11. PATCH'S. May 20. =I - "MAU MN= ;. t • =a muss twat, ' ' maws wasixtz ozelawkaatiitz . : 7 "'-`3(• altii*Dia2ll! • BROAD GtIACIZ---DODMX TRACE - • • CLEVELAND, TOLEDO. DETROIT. • .AXILWAtIIIZE. ST. 1.,g17, 01kLMA, And all 'points West end Northwest. MA .n. °ALTON. =Bina. DATTON,IIINCINNATI. INDLOIAPOLIFI,* /A/I=MAX, sr. Louis. And all pobits South and Bouttinent. . . , Nate Ass nirsoits CoAcass Ass sus sunosan virsour mutat so liocalarrsn,, 'Dvs =az, VuivEr.Ass AND Crscnesan. rf • On ind atter Monday, JUNE 13, 1870, trains leave Waverly at about the following hours, viz : • GOB% VirESZ, . ; • 4;24 a.m.. ElPRESSlMonatiyaexCpptedltbr Rochester, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Clevaland and .Cin cinnati, connecting with the Lake Shore, Michigan Southern; and Grand Trilut Itallways at Buffalo, Dunkirk and Cleveland for the West; also at Clear , land with the C. C. C. - Ic Ina. Railway for Indian apolis; and at Cincinnati with theLouis•illeliihart Lino Hallway, and tho Ohio k Idlaalaslppi Itailvray for the South and Southwest ; also with connect- lug lines - Tit principal station on main line:. 4:49 a. m.--NIGEIT EXPRESS. daily, for. Rochester. Dunkirk, Cleveland and Cincinnati. DU*. connection with trains of Grand Trunk and Lako Shore Railways at Butialo. Dunkirk and Cleveland, far all points West. and at Cincinnati with the Ohio Jr Mississippi sad Lonhsville Short Lino Railways for the South and Soutn•west ; also with all connectip,g linos at principle station. on . . ' main line.. 8:28 a.m.—MAIL . =MC, 'Sundays :excepted, for Buffalo and Dnnldrk. , .. . S:37p.m.—ELIIIILL ACCOMMODATION; -Sundays excepted. 6:18 p. 3L, DAY EXPRESS. Sundajos excepted, fur liocheatcr. Buffalo, Dunkirk. Cleveland, ancluna tt and the South. Stops at principal stations and connecting points on main lino.. , New and Improved Drawing Boom Coaches &mom pany this train from NOW York to Buffalo, and Sleeping Coaches are attached at llornellavilic, run xdng thro' to Cleaveland and Galion without change. 8:16. p.m.—ES. Simdays excepted, for Buf falo. Dunkirk and Clevelarid, connecting with tufts for the West. A Sleeping Coach is dtschod to this train running through to Buffalo. 7:00 a.m.—WAY FREIGHT. Sundays excepted.. & :10 p.m.—EMIGRANT TRAM, daily for thelVest GOING EAST 1:00 a.m.—NIGHT EXPIIESS,Snndays excepted,con. atoning at New Tork with afternoon trains and steamers for Boston and New England cities. Sleeping Coaches accompany this train to N. T. 5:50 a.m.—CH:CV:IN:ATI EXPRESS. Mondays ex cepted. connecting et Jersey City with afternoon and evening trains of Now Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia. Baltimore: and Washnigton; and at New York with steamers and afternoon Express trains for New England Cities. Also stops at prin cipal stations and connecting points on main line. Sleeping Coaches accompany this train to New York 12:35 p.m.—DAY EXPRESS, Smadaysexcepted,..con necting at Jersey City with midnight Express train n 5 New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia. AIR) stops at principle stations and connecting points on main line. Now and improved Drawing-Room Coaches accom pany this train from Buffalo to New York. 3:35 p.m.—ACCOMIODATION TWIN, daily for Busqnehinna. B:3S MAIL, Sundays excepted. 9:23 p.m., NEW Ton 4 MAIL. Sundays excepted. 9:os p.m.—TiGirrs eva EXPRESS, daily, connect ing at Paterson for Newark ; at Jersey City with Morning ExpreSs Train of New Jersey Railioad for Baltimore and Warhingtoa 'and at New Yark Morning Express train for Boston and New England cities. Also stops at all principal stations and.con. netting points on main line. Sleeping Coaches accompany this trainthrough to New York. 3:45 p.m.—WAY FREIGHT. Sundays excepted. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH; f v.._ A revised and complete Pocket Time Table" of Passenger Trail:of on the Erie Eallvray and con necting Rues, has recently been; published, anti ton be procured on application to the Ticket Agent of the Company. L. D. RUCKER, Gera Supt pA. & N.Y. CANAL tk: RM. CO.- .A.ItIt.i_NCiMIEN'T OF PASSUMEA TXtAI S, - Commeuclug . 1.1y . 16, 1870 GOISG SOUTH. CAISO XOVITL Lease P .Y. P.M. neve r.m. P . at. .a.ll. Waverly....,. 6,05-1.16-8,10 Towanda 7.15-3.5a-7.33 5,15-12,25-7;20 Tunkhannock.o,2. ' 3,07-10,10—A.M Pittston, 10,5 r " 2.00-8.55 Wilkestlarre,lo,ss=7,6s • 1,15-8,30 White 11aven,12,35 P. of 11,58 a.m. Stanch Chunk,l,3o 10,55. Allentown °,13.... 0 9,40. nethehers,....2,oo. .. .... *. 9,35. Easton ....... . 0,05. Pliira le're7,3s. .Newiork(arr.) 6,05 6,00. A.m. Down Train dines at Mite, Ilaren. dines at ,Pittiitor. Passengersito and froml New York and Philadel phia n-lthont change of cars.' Dowlis i train connects at Allentown with Through Fart Express for llarriaburg, l'ittabnrg and the went, Miscellaneous. lIROIrPANT TO ALL WHO VALUE =Fin SI(UIT The sight of the nged assisted, the wen.: strengthen ' rd cud the perfect preserved. PI ILADELPTIIA OPTICAL INSTITUTE, For the tomufttoturing of thy CONCAVE CONVEX, CRYSTAL LENSES, LONDON S)101;:Ell TUTED GLAS. IVA NVEAII OR IN- I=3 Tile Concave Convex Crystal Spector lea, male .y tie. above institute artruow a long tine before the public, rind the rapidandlnareased demand fur them combined with , the universal acknowledgment of their clearness ih vision and VIEO to the eye, shows plainly that they are superior to any other glasses In the market. The majority of Spectacles, (mostly imported) and no matter how fine the frames, contain but a poor and worthless article of glasses, (generally cast or pressed;) they are made to be sold oily, without any calculation Jespeeting benefit to the eye, and therefore the meat complaint of poor and weak eight. Thoosands are using glasses now which tire and fatigue the eye, where the objects gat dim, after short usage, or require an intensely ,stroug light and therefore destroying the sight, which, were.they properly imited. would he preserved a life time. The advantages claimed for the Concave Convex Crystal Glasses are the following : The Lenses are ground of the best material,•pure and hard, anti made only for optical purposes, they are therefore not liable tenet scratched or dim. They confer a brilliancy and distinctness of vision not found In any other glass. They eon be used equally well by day or candle light without tiring or fatiguing the eyes. They are ground mathematically true in the con cave convex mirror, according to the philorephy of nature. and shape of cornea of the eye, therefore assisting nature only instead of forcing it. • That the lenses are centered correct into theTrames. They can be used longer than any other glasses without changing to a higher power- The frames are made etrong and durable by expo rienced workmen and warranted to give satisfaction. WM. A. CJIAMDERLIN. Dealer in Watches, Jewelry• and Silver Ware, Towan da. Pa.. hno the sole Agenry .for these glasses in Bradford county. No redlers employed. July El, 1870-tf FIRST N.ATIONAL.BANK, or• TOWANDA. CAPITAL $125,000 Stacru;s UND 40,000 This Dank offers Ms. - USUAL FACIISTIM for the traueaction cf a GENERAL BANKING B USINES',S: IST'otr An) ON DEPOSITS AOcor.Dwo TO AoßrvurNT. :irEcIAL C.ulE Or To TIIE COLLECTION Oil NOTIM i..ND CIIECEE. • • Parties wishing to APNI:I MONET to any part , of the United States. England. Ireland. Scotland, or tle pont cipal citiea and towns cd Europe, Call hero i rc.cure drafts tor that pnrposo. . . . . • • PASSAGE TICKETS To. or from tbc oh country, by bgst stnanagr ,6r sail jug lines, always on hand. ! F.1,111.1.6$ DLOCWIT 0V1.71 'AT =l:m[7.a SATES Ilighestj!rice paid for U.S Bonds, Cold and Save; E. H. SMITH, President. N. N. 11.71T5, Towanda. June 24. 18 Gn. Cashier THE OTTOMAN DLCHA II3RE! • A NEW ARTICLE OF FURNITURE. CONVENIENT TO EVERY ONE. • INDISPENSII3LE FOR INV.& T TDS AND CHILDREN. Avoiding the suppressing offensive odors of Um Sick Room and Nursery. At once ueefi4 an.l. ornamental. It is more "UMW than any article of Furniture of the :rime cost. For into by all principal Furniture Pealora. Price $.3.90. : febl7 B AKERY AND DINING ROOM! First block north of Want House, BREAD, PIES,, CAKE, AND CRACKERS Bail ; and Rohl at nliolecale antlrethth In ourDlNnift. Ttoo3fS we will aceozanteate the piddle with idthe: a hutch ur a guoil meal at all Utiles of the day and evening. O I - STERS >vt 1V.7 ICI CREAM htnfl during their 'ioatton. Also a fine assortment of Citucutieo;Canfectlonery, Fruits, nuts, *c. Tou'ansta. may 19, 'TO. D. N. SCOTT & CO. A LL KINDS GROCERIES AND .ut. , ololcsalo T•t•bilt at May 21.1. R' It. PATCLIT. • . • :- • .7."!• . ; • . . THE. :VNDEN HAV ':•-• A t Atlggliall°4l/41 BOMA et 4 , t..';'•eZir, r 7A V' rt-'IV-tri ?g . A7h* Ituriet - hrooltioesitia to act to thentioe ow el *sand exagyanitithil• tr. aWP Pa inSP seleetell *l* r ,! Whichlbairo punbasod fog Cup, and teal co:admit .that; an salt at as !Ty Oita as . 10 ti,e'purchsae4 elsowilers, I upar offas to thOpublicaaplanalatoola Eras:conzEs, siiGAßs, MRCS, EIALERNIIIB, BP/023. Acu Have en hand a huge Moak of AILRON FLOUR;''GRAILUT DO. • BT DO., BUOIEWHEA , DO. - I keep constently on handqoltlfinekti3, LAB% ant ._ . . all kinds of FISh. Would call the attesdlon of pnblio to our Can't Be bent qnelity or price. Jesse Oakkry'seciebratetli** dl7. New York Cheri!"teal and Drown Soap Mass call and assiotrio our stock of Largo assortment of YANKEE NOTIONS, TOM= SOAPS, ic., &c. I will pay the hlgliestwahprietifae Farmers, gin , us a call before selling elsewhere All persons Indebted to the late firmwillplcaso csU and make immediate payment. o. A PATCH Towanda, Elari.ll, 12, 1867. GROCERY 'AND PROVISION itoCABE & MIX. FAMILY GROCERIES WM. A. WI:, Genl Pass'e Agl 31ERCIIR'8 NEW BLOCK, TONFLNDA, We do net deem it necessary to enumerate all the difercut articles we keep. Our assortment is T. p Trains FIRST CLASS GOODS' Cash paid for Farmers Produce. . JAMES 3.1c0.01E, March 1. 1870. HAIRY MIX. JOHN P. CON, Superintendent, PEOPLE'S 'tot.= nowcrs DUIDGE AND ELAM MEETS GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Which will be sold at the lowest posaible prices. CODFISH, PORK, FRUIT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, MODERN STONE WARE, FLOUR, FEET), MEAL, GRAIN, &a Bring on your produce, which we pay cash for A constant supply of Ashton• Salt, an sized Churns, Butter Firkins. Tubs, &c. Please call and look through our stock, and wowtll do our best to please you. W. A. RACEME:4T. Towanda-, April 2.4, 1869. • - LOOK HERE! CO WELL (6 'MYER, At the . old stand of BaaarnAm. & COWELL are now receiving a large and well selected stock of 'Which they offer to cash buyers at Prices that deli , competition. Cash paid for all hinds rarmors' Produce. April 21. 18112---tt ; - • JULYS HUGIMIs4'IN, JEWELLER (t.. SILVERSMITH, MERCCR'S NEW BLOCK, TOIVAKDA, PA rias Ju Ft rrcylvell from New York d now mwortmeuf of Rao Gold LADIES' WATCHES, of all descriptions. Also s &dodo(' assortment of GOLD CHAINS; FINE GOLD M - C7 M. I_, RI , CLOCKS OF ALL STYLES FEOII, THE CHEAP. GOLD, SILVER AND STEEL , SPECTiCLES AND EYE-GLASSES to At all cases of Itspatted Sight. NEW PATENT ACCOMCQATING SPECTACLES. By (Ids pateut I au enabled to exchange Maims at any Ulna without extra : charge. Call and ace. 'CLOCKS, VarCIXES AND , JEIVELBT =Ku= Ti=andkEee:/a, /81. c- ERE t;, AfrAC COD littilTE rlph. Muottrayr Trout. Mazes, Pickled 'and 5zu..6e,12. ilatibu4 andrEirlort wet; at I 0,:z; Trinslll3. -I STOCK OF TOBA.M), WOODEN WARE. COUNTRY PRODUCE. C. 'B. PATCH. STORE. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in AND PROVISIONS, ALWAYS COMrLETE. Re sell nothing but GROCERY AND rnovimoic STORE, new and complete stock of MACKEREL, HEIatING, MUTTON, HAM, YANKEE NOTIONS, DAIRYMEN, GIIOCRIELEE4 AND PROVISIONS, 3,31?;!e115r. One door north of AIIfERICA.N WATCHES SUMS WATCHES, all new EST TO 'ME BEST AND IVAILLANZED; : Y J'r a:b ii*X.5.444 atotldag. -, ) .•z.41 0 7. ; .: , 41 el:VGOTiliNtilz-;.:4 lifen . '7l ,3 ,": 4 ‘ ' « J '. .• liF ',A ' ~." 183 . IILIEC8TII*11::Ti:P4WIDA: P&p' Infer= the pub& that helm' imbued the Store tocettely a:alpha by 45, Holetkoorg. -whole' WWII axastatigy exk14 21 4 & loge itink et .:;: ME :READY JUDE DLOTILING, um MID CAPS, GENTS FURNISHING QOODS, Which lie will mall at 140 ivy lowest prices. PAPER COLLARS, buttonbole boot 15 cis IT box WRIEJC BRIBTE tram $1 00 alld uPwarak t iiOCLEN WORTS, from 50 coats And upwards. Auti evezithinglat the VERi' :LOWEST PRICES !;:kND AMIME MY STOOK . , . :rkteripurclipa!bg altioilari) NO TBOIIBLE TO BROW GOODS. One door Cast 'of Powell k Co'n. !larch 80, 1870. TAYLOR & .GORE, Are now openlitg their new Spring Stock of CLUZILS AN D CASSML:MS, consisting of all the latest styles of Fashionable COATINGS, SHIRTINGS, &C. &C Which they aro prepared to make up in any style to suit their customers. on short notice. Also a splendid now stock of ',. READY-MADE CLOTffING, Which Way arc acting cheaper than ever. 11.A.TS & CAPS, En GENT'S 'FURNISHING' GOODS, A now and hill line of all the latest styles. Always on hand and in groat variety, TILE i-tTEST ASD EEWE T STICLEN 01 NECK TIES, BOWS, Zz.o Also the New Patent VINDOW.UBIBRE AlLor any of our Goods win b sold as CHEAP FOR CASH As Any in the market. Call and look through our stock Towanda, April 21. 1870.- lIIIRRAII 1 HURRAH 1 GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES OF READY MADE CLOTHING, M. R ROSENFIELD'S, (Opposite Powell & Cos.) I am now offering to the public a large and choice stack of SPRING AND SII3IkER GOODS, c.ooshding of LINEN GOODS, And all the late etylea for Spring and Bummer wear, FOR MEN IND BOYS Which will be soil 23 per cent. less than former prices at 31. E. ROSENFIELD& Also a Luce In voice of. UNDERSHIRTS xxr; DRAWERS I intend to sell leas than cost, to make room for Nall Stock. Nor is your time buy a Snit cheap. Call and convince yourself that 11. E. BD SENFIELD offers Great Bargains in the line of Clothing and GENTS FUENISLITNG GOODS. Call before purchasing elaewhern. M. E. 1109MFIELD Towanda, ,Tan. 25, 1870. A DISPATCH JUST RECEIVED.f GLORIOUS NEWS FOE cmzithe OF TOWANDA AND Vlka.e4 Li There to cnnstantlp being received at the "TEMPLE OF FASHION," a large stock of SPICING AND SUlilliktl GOODS, which have been purchased for, cash, at reduced prices. and will bezold to cash buyers at lower rates eau ever before offered in Towanda. My stock con sists in part of MINS% BOYS' ANN, YOUTIII3 014)TIMIG-, BLACK. MOWS AND El ttr. ISEAViIt EVLT • • I:,:iLisato)Cmwt:soll4ooij Coats, panty, Vests, and White Linen Duck Snits, Ws° alarge variety of GENT'S FURNLStaNG GOODS, LIATS, CAPS. SITSPENDESS, NECK TIES, PAPER A3D ISNMI COLLARS, of the latest styles and frishlons. Remember the in ducements that I offer, and • that I am not to be un dersold by any dealer in town, or elsewhere. All whe wish anything in my tine are respectftilly invit ed to give me a WI hefare purchasing and convince yourselves. , 11. JACOBS. No. 149 Beldleman's Block, Towanda, Pa. fir Cash paid for Hides and- Pelta. GOLD STILL COMING DOWN ! AND =Mr/ SUING DI TUE GROCERY & • PROVIRION, LINE,. tiro now being offered et 0 W EL L 31 YER'S at prices that cannot fail to satisfy all that they are dctenninal not to be undersold by any one. They have enlarged their Store by building so that they now have mom for the fresh supplies that aro daily received by them. They have connected with their store a Market where they now keen fresh meats to eel' by the quarter or piece, sun a hill supply or Gro ceries and Provident), to which-they would ewil the attention of all rash buyers. Come and CUIC.IIIII3 our Goods and Prices, before purchasing and satisfy yourselves. We guarentee all goods to give entire satisfaction. We are thankful to nor customers for their past liberal patronage and solicit a conthtuance of the same. • COWF.4I. & MITER. Dee. 20, 1869. TRY OUR TEAS AND COMAE, COWELL & MEE. SA - •-).-,:;;I: : : ;•:' - : r:1; 1111 4 111 *. - -; -, .';•,-;,T .-:, :. 1870.!' '.' , '?. - ',:IIMNG:' , . -'..';'-stB7o._ _,,:!,,,:,,.;-,•,:. , f,...,t.,,7 : , n.-.: ,, ...,1::;...,., , r+-:.:... ! ,cP.::''2.:;" .:.:. • _.vAicirErmararr-lumNERs, SEM :. , 7. ARROILINT.-' ; TAILORB, - :; - .-:''' 68 Broad Streoty WAVERLY, TLOGA Ca, N.Y. sou the Depot. IIVE•LI0111,• 011T113,,904 SSW . TOTXITIG UnaAmox GIIAEiEiANTEED Alm" havt on hand Lugo stock of CLOTHS AND CASSMEMS: - HATS ,AND- CAPS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. bo at tho Wand Hama° every. Thursday, with maples of Goode, snit prepared to take inea' SWIM , - April 51;1810 NEW SPRING ANIY SUM= CiOODBI R. T. 'E . 11 . D Y . Would announce to the citizens of Towanda, and the public generally. that he has in store and daily re ceiving new and FRESH . GOODS, In his line, suitable to the wants of thllpeople, which ho will sell for Currency at former GOLD PRICES! Consisting as usual of good, well ankrallable made CLOTHING, (No Shoddy of any kind) consisting of BUSINESS SUITS, all grades, • • COATS; VESTS AND PANTS, aE Wool, • DRESS COATS, PANTS ,& VESTS, Linen Coats, Dusters and Pants, Overalls and Overstaffs, Linen and Paper Collars, Linda, 01116iMine. and Flannel Shirts, Neck Ties, Sus penders, Gloom Canes, Leather Bags, Spring.lityle Silk, Soft and Straw Eats. All tirstclans. Iternem her that good Goods are cheaper at a fair price than or goods at any price. Call and examine nay goods before buying. No. 3 Patton & Griffiths piock,Bridge Street. Towanda, lune 8,1870. S. V. EDDY. E. SCHWAB& 133 Main Street. Manufactories. CO.,BLOOD; 8z Still continue to manufacture their celebrated HORSE . POIVERS & CLEANERS, and will sell a huller machtne. ter less money than can be bad elsewhere in the world. We claim for our machines that they will do As much, or more, than any other, and are more durably built. We personally superintend our work. and see that It is well down. We will send of our machines, on spplication. ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, One & Two horse THRESHER ,L , REPEILITORS, THRESHER and CLEANERS, FANNING MILLS, SAW AND GRIST MILL work done to order. Give ea a call bofQre purcluislOi; elsewhere. WI "OD aIIO,REVIIEL `SNRI-171X - 00 2' aoo'att Ana. 2, 1829. NEW CARRIAGE FACTORY ! On Pine, between Baia and ficcontl, Shrecta, back of O. F. Mani k Co.•a Bank, EMBRY STEVEN, (formerly of the Arm of Bryant & Stilton) Informs his &lends and former patrons, that ho has built a - NEW ninth CABItiAGE nem= where he will constantly keep on hand a full assort ment of FAMILY CARRIAGES, TOP ' AND OPEN BUGGIES, PLATFORM WAGONS, marroa sum s, AND' stumurozsis, Blade of the beet and finished In the beat city style. His long experience in 'city Carriage Factories gives him a decided advantage over others In the . Pinta, Style and Durability of Us Wagema. All Lo anAn Is an INSPECTION OP HIS WORK previous to purassiug elwitere ALL WORK WARRANTED TO WIT PERFECT Thankful for the liberal patronage formerly ex. tended and respectfully ask a continuance of the Ramo: IMPAIRCIG PROMPTLY ATTEN. DEP TO Towanda. May 24. 1870.—tf NAW PLANING, MILL. e undersigned haling built a large and &dame. dious lOU In the Borough of To and Wed It with the most modern'and Improved machinery, for the manufacture of • wrmacit, malt &ND rsLnipti Are prepared to till, orders. whether large or small, upon the shortest notice. Wo hare also a large va riety of liouLDn;cts, of the begat style and patters, which we can furnish much cheaper than they can be worked by hand: • PLANING. TONGUEGIG, iaItOONING, BAWD, And all other work pertaining to Joinery, will bo done to suit our customers. Persons building. and not living more than twelve to fourteen miles dietarit. will find It largely for their interest to bay of us, or brhig their !maker and have it worked by our machiriery. Bring your grist of Flooring, or ;other lumber, &mil while your team is feeding. have it ground out and take it 'Lkome with Wo`wlß _pay CASK for PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBER deßvered at oar lumber yard. - Otons and see tut, er if yogrean't come, write. Towanda. Feb.. 1864. .* L.B. RODGERd & CO. IVIONTANYES, General Deobun In STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, Guocsalr.s, OIIOCZEMIN dusssvAar, BOOTS, SHOES, SHOE FINDINGS 'Leatl:e!, Hata, Cape, Mbreltaa, No. 10511111 n St., corner of the Public Square. . . . J. D. NthqTAICTE. may 19.1810.. I. D. 310.17ANYE. ..._ ..._ __ THE BEST FRUIT JARS -MUSE _A_ at Mc CALUE te, 121111 E GEO. B. VAN VELBOII, BOBT. N. MANNERS. DISCIII.PTIVE CATALOGI7E9 GLUM:MAIL AND DRAG SAW DILLS TOWANDA, PgNN'A SATISFACTION. at reduced prices. IMILY STTILLN AND BC7IOOL 7'OWA2 DA. PA. Zardwars, MARSHALLaiiiIiTHERO ITARDWAIER BTOR. Ft BIEBUtriTS =MEI 1 • , 7 PWAXIVA• the 1000 io buyall 140 of , • oit• bandii;i HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, DOORS, WM BLENDS, GLASS, PUTTY, AND LEATHER BELTING Our Pabita. 01.1 a, fee.; aro of the ,beet quality and will be sold very low.. We'are 'also rigouts for the Great . AMERICAK: SWAN' ;SAFE, (SANBORN'S PATMIT). The only iollable Firo prop[ Sato made. -Also FAIRBANKS'S SCALES, SCHAGHTICOKE _POWDER CO., BAUGH'S RAW BONE SIIPHER- P,UOSP-HATE OVA &tAVIj In very largo and inanufactnred out of the bee We aro also prepared to do Jobbing of all kinds. Wo are the only agents for the celebrated now EMPIRE COOKING STOVE, Tho best cooking stove in Was, and every stove warranted to give satisfaction. March 10,10. FURNITURE STILL Law= JAS. 0. FROST, Would announce to the Wei)le of Toinnda and the rest of mankind, that after Mb date, his magnldcent stock of biU I L , ,lln N L - GREATLY REDUCED PRICE. 3ly Mock is complete and consists of PARLOR SUITS, LIBRARY SUITS, DINING ROOM FURNITURE, AND FUESMTEE FOE THE HITCH:KV, MATTRESSES, Imows, REDDENS, =WOES Exm - slas TAxiLts, &c., Lc BEDSTEADS! My own manufacture, and warranted superior, will bo soldt for less than city made ones will cost else- COME ONE, com - F, ALL, Examine for yourselces. See and bo convinced that Fnrnintre is s old cheaper at FROST'S than at any other place in the world. Country decdepa supplied at the lowest market rater. I furnish coFrnis of every description, )Ictallc Banal Cra.•s, Caskets, Se., anti have the FINEST HEADSE NOIITIIERN MI:VA JAMIBI 0. FROM' Towanda, jinn, 22, 1870. FURNITURE WARE-BOOMS JA3tES MASINSOI: announces to the Publle that ha still continues to manufacture and keep on hand a largo assortment of • CABINET FURNITURE, Bureaus, Taldes, Bedsteads, Stands.. Minim &c., of every description, which are made of the beat mate rials, and in the mot , t,workmanlike manner. I Invite the itumeetion of the public to my work, which shall not be frarressed in durability at any Abel:. In the country, and my prices will be found to, be as low u the times will admit.', Ready.inade Coffins constantly on band or made to order. A good Hearse will 1)0 furnished when &tired. Aug. 15, 1865. Brucellaneous pOWELL it, co., DRESS GOODS. LARGE ADDITIONS' Lacs been tumid to our STOCK OF DRESS GOODS Several novelties Laving been lately introduced _ GREAT BARGAINS . CHINESE ! GRASS CLOTHS, ORGANDIES, JACONETS, CHINTZ, &C., 4.() KEYSTONE STORE Towanda, June 'l5, 1670 116tOCIK-BMMERY.---111H.: PUB lic is respectfully informed that the Beak-Bin dery has been removo to the Argus Building, third story, where will be dime DOOR- INDINGI In all its various' brandies, .an terms asressonable as ••the'times" slim. The Bindery will be under the charge of 11. C. I4IITTAKEI4 An experienced Binder, and all work will be promptly done to a style and manner which cannot be excelled. Music, Bagazines, NewsPaPers.Old Books, kc., bound in every variety of style. Particular attention will be paid to the Baia. and Ilinding of To any deiered pattern, which in quality: and dune tatty will be warranted. " • All work *lll be readyfOr delliery when promised. The patronage of-the public is solicited, and per. fect satianiAtien guaranteed. Towanda, August 2,- 1860—tL cairStISIMRS OF CONFECTIONDBYI comE - - LET US.REAON TOGETHER! How can any person maindsetere Confectionery. and sell it at 15 cents a pound, when roger is worth 16 cents at the Itellnery. (unless it is terribly sthil. tented)? • - How can any dealer retail such a Zile compound to his customers and have a conscience void of offence! How can any consumer expect to purchase pure Cenfectionery at twenty-five and thirty cents per pound when a pure article cannot be manufactured leas than thirty to forty cents per pound, emulating of cassia buds, burnt almom% and such class,of goals! Within a few days we ham been offered cassia bnds, etc., for fifteen cents per Muni, and Choco late Creams at twenty cents, and. the agent acknow ledged that they were adulterated ten per cent, with Terra Alba ; and it is fact that tons of this cheap Confectionery are made and sold In this country every year, and the consumers are the only persons in by IL Yom, or the benyjd of Anse tear Walt 4 Ant article of ectionery, tee win warrant every article of our wan dart Strictly Pure and free from eeery inure. dknt deleterious to health. A. IFIART. Btord formerly ocuipiodlly Jelin Carmw,Bfabilitreet Towanda, U.tober 91, 1.903. OEMS out stook of reTm9 Furniture. — be offered at iii : Eliti 0 0 a tgiall) V ii: BLANK ]300E3, 11..,..„, ~ - f„.1•• •-•,:,-.- :- ,•. ~. • .-Pr50P414.40119!1! SON & EEC= torm'‘, PASTiI . pIIVG .STOIRE, 411/1.1i22 pointer Lin lid Ilia Streets,. Towsada, Ps.. Ilara mantis addedtaa., to their 'foci, a fall and completesasortnient, on 0744"Ve ss - carandly riatVerabraciag many !Miele& mod in tha Arta nbfar Insehanfail alerted • with d, to the' re wants of tha public; ;which wW kltr . atantly mpUed. with !nub porahaaas, and ousted on tha mo4nausnaabla terms at WhoLeaala or 1141}11, sting of. 11 " 38 , MWODUSEHt • CPMaenat, _ rims, oas, wannexisk4. ALCOHOL AND TURPENTINE, SASH,. PATh'Z VAENW3II. WEITIZMASTI, • Asifd all kinds otßrashea, • KEROSENE :OR 'COAL' OIL,. p7mtig Flniria, . LAMPS, CAINNEYS, • Sperm, Danl. Wh2lc. Seats Foot, TANNER'S AND MACHINE OILS, Fancy .;.:iToilet-Axtl 9 li:i iZI . AiI their • SPON0111; mtusitts; SOAPS, COMBS, ranuuks, Bair Dycs. Parftuueig, POCKET BOOKS,PORTMONAM, Pocket infves. gazors, , TOW/I. BSIPi AND 1141:13.1,1LRAHATIthia, 4„ PUNE . WINES AND , pqroas, For ?lodictad •1250, TQiACC:O, SSITFF, AU) CIGARS, Garden, Mold sad Flower Bads. Trusses. lihrP.' 'porters, BuspthsOdes„ Shoulder Braces, Bread Pumps, Teething Rings. Nursing Bottles, Nipples. Fipple Melts and Sields,. Syringes: i!ani;seitsosung moinatere, 'Ent:recta, Stone :ufts.'Bho! , Ware, Ntlen. Vhd!, Corks. Bath Brie C; and Btoire 131uic1ng, FialiTackle, Am munition: &c., Botanic, Eclectic and Homoepath• lc Medicines, and all the popplar latent , MEDI - CINES MI articles warranted as. represented. Persons at a distance can receive their orders by stage or which will receive prompt and careful attention. Medical advice given gratuitously, at the Oleo, charging only for medicine. Mar Thaekful for past libaral patronage, Would res pectfully announce to their friends - and thopubilc,that no pains shall bo spared to satiafy;. and merit the coo l:intuition of their confidence and patronaae. Kir Open Sundays for Prescriptions from 9 to 10 - a.m., and 12 in. to 1. and; to r, If. C. -PORTER, SON k Co. July 1, 1870.-7. • - ' . F.. w . .: . , B 1t . !3. 0 W i. N 137 MAIN STREET, TOWANDA,• PA WHQLESALE .AND RETAIL - The subsertbnr respectfully announces to the pub- Ile In general that ho has on hand - a large and well selected stock of i DRUGS. 't ' MEDICLSES. cumricas. / PAINTS, OIL, VARNISHES • WINDOW GLASS. STRIPS DYE . , Re.. /cc. All the pnpular Patent Medicines. of the day..., PURE WINE AND LIQUO For Medical purpouca only PERPU.M • , ERY. Fancy andloifet articles. - . Soaps of eTery description, . , Tneneometers, - Bathing. Surgeon& and. Common Sponges, Mir Dresher, • Tooth Brindles, ' 1 ). . lln &sing Combs, , • •. Pocket-and Fine Combs, . Toilet Powder, Puff Boxes, Tooth.powderS, Tooth Washes ' • . • and Tooth Soaps. And Mixer-articles indongtng tib the 14,n 4 trade too nutuerous,n 'neutron. P Avim.; the Agency of tho .4- , • GREAT U. S. .EA COMPANY, . . ; _ .• . 1 .1.... oiet.,.at ... • GRE!T INDUCEMENTS To porclaar.era o goo,ia in tlivir lino. Physicians prescriptions and family receipts com pounded by persons thorottighly competent, at all how% of the day or night. Thankful for the past liberal patronage, I re apertfully solicit a continuance of the same. pledg ing myself that no effort shall be stared : to make my establishment second to none in this section. - • • Dr.'T. F. Madill may be consulted at tills store as heretofore. . F. W. BROWN. Jan. 31. 1870. • Loots and Shoes. G RE-4'T J3ARGAINS IN 1300TSZz 8110'S ft ISEII SEW 1300. T A.lO snort •STolige South end of Ward Holum The llnAetglgried are recieNing a largo and well se lected stock of B 0 0 - 8 A .N'D S H . O E S Suitable ter the SIIAMES AID Which wo titer low for Cash. iConsisting of GENTS, LADIES, CFITT4DIMN'S WEAR SEWED AND PEGGED BOOTS . ELME TO ORDER. REPAIRING N&.I.T.LY DONE AND BEADY WHEN PROMI:SED Thankful for past favors, Ira solicit a continuance of tlko same, • • stAXISEL WOpDPOBD. • . owanda, 'April 5, 1869. , ' roundery and Maohino Shop. FOUNDER Y & S HOP The mulersigned having ..purchased the Fotindry and 31achine Shop lately. owned by John. Carman, are prepared to do all kiuda bt,work appertaining their fruition", with ‘iromptnees and dispatch. ". - - . MILL G,EAI-tc.ING, VIRCULAR" SAW MILLS, MAN R I S , And ail kinds of MI-LL IRONS MADE TO ORD= • ENGINES IMPAIRED, And ill win* warranted to give satisfaction> SHINGLE .MACHINES Of the latest and most improved kinds miumfactnred . apd kept constantly on hand ready for use. PLOUGHS ; • SIDE-11111L. PEON AND WOODM BEAM • • t Of gat kinils. - CULTIVATORS, CORN PLOUGHS £D PLOUGiIiPOINTS of all kind and the 114 inproientente kept' constantliou hand: CHURN POWERS, LAUGE AND SMALL !SIZE S.TOV•E C-ASTINGS CELLAR GRATES, - SLED' AND ' SLEIGH SHOES, WIDE iIION kaa-iLES And all kinds of castings furnished In March 30. le no. J. F. MEANS R SON U 472 CO„ Cling Cunt!, $!,.001,000-riso arm. Clintens4 b 7 C?D‘ress. INC "meta U. CLiSK, - Preed - dent JAY KIA, Chairman Yinanee sad Ex. tom, ; MaißY D. COOSE, Pico Preside*: WESSON W. PEST. Secretary and actuary. The etlrentagenvf !beldiot/al Lae Insnunce co. te fa swami cowpony caarteraa r ;4 „,, reo g. It tau a paid neonatal of One Ifillion Denali ; 3. It offera low rater of madams ; It famtaive larger kml7lllloo than . ether emit. . pante*, for the mane money ; a: 'lt Le ilefitiltersid contain ; 41. There fa no posalbility of relerepeteentatina by • agents, oruttitulderstattillng by policy-holden; 7. Thu pouch!a lie plain emitted*, so lauth-num. . ranee for's6 mach - Money ; • 8. AU policies are nen-ferfelting 9. The &tides are exempt from.attaehmod. E. W. CLARK & CO.. Ranker., ituadeltia IL S. LaISSIMI 4 Maw= N. C. =wimp k A. O. MASON 03.. Agents for .Towanda and vicinity Jan. 9. 1862. DAMP iti, VI•NCENT'S INSURANCR AGENCY, Pslidos iirltterrin all of ihs followin g pornhr reliable Companies. LORRES sidiJialsudpahl at onr °Moe., FAUX PROPERTY, (Inoluding LIVE Sr.., 1.1 and dwellings in tarn insured against ALL n•3/,, ;2 , us Einar:mu as Well as FIZZ. LIFE INSURANCE alerted in one of the obt,t, Largest and &Veit Companies in this eonntry. LurEnraL LeacnAncz CoIfPANY, t - London, EnglaruL J _ UM WYOMMO ZNAVIL(NCE COMPANY, pria?Barre. • Pa: - - Aesetts, LLIZCLETEE htIIVISAXCE COMPAXY. ' Lancasleri Pa. ME! IsnzrznarT /061311.%5CECONPANT. Poston, ,Van. 1U3:311:1 • ri , L202 , 1 FmE iNSVIZANCE Couremr. New York. f =MI A.SI73EgCAN INTILMANCE CO.. Hartford, Ciotti. IMIM Crrr FLUE INSVIIANCL COMPArIi giartiord, Conn:. Asatts,..." CLEVELAND INSURANCE COMTANY, ekrelaud. Ohio. Arizetty NEW YORE LIFE INslawscr. Cosmnxr, Sew Pork. CEO AGRIGAIT. CAPITAL REPRESMiTED, OVER • $25,000,000. Strict attention to busthess, fair dealmr. and prompt settlement of Losses, is ou aturro. Como anti try• na. • - Offlee.on Main street, oppositu Court lion.e, np stairs. Mr. Vt.wcmit at Mercara Bank from 9 a. na till a o'clock. P. in. T. D. CAMP, 1 W. 1114 . 7.-IT. Towanda, l'a., J - oly 20; 1870,—1y THE PENN' MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE 03119 ANY, NO.i 721 CIIESTNUT STILEET, 111M.1 , INCORPORATED 1517. • L' • • ACCUMULATED FUND, 'IC. $.1,0011,00'1 • INCOME FOE 1860, $U66,2:15.1'.1 DIVIDENDS lIA VE AVERAGED .1. N I LLY Ar.ot,": 50 PEL.CENT. POLICIES ISSUED ON :Lir APPLoVED PLANs. Premium. ..may be paid annually ur n t-a nnnally or u loan will be made foi put of the =mud. SANNTEL C. ItHEY, Presideni, SAMUEL E. STOKES. Vi'ce President. _ JOHN NV. HORNOH, A.V.P. and Actuary. H. S. STEPHENS. Secretary. j1y13.'70.1.1 EL B. M'KEAII, Omer! Agent. , GUARDIAN MU TUAL 7 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, co. 251 BROADWAY, NSW VOLK POLICIEE ry POECT 11,ISI:T3,lower ALTt Lscont. over..!' Lofgt.% Pub All apprlfil forms of Policies issued. . Liberal odes for payment of premiums. Toheirs non-forfeitable by their terms. The etitirg profits of the Company divided egad ably among the insnred. DIVIDENDS. WALTON 11. PECKHAM, PRESIDENT. . WILLIA3I T. I:WOKEN:VICE PREIDENT. LUCIUS U ADAIIS,'NEey AND AcrrArtr. PIIILADEIAHIA REVERENCES : JAY Coosz k Co4l4ukeiA. Duran. k Co., Balers. Jon?: Woouf.ruamuls. S. A. 3ltr.crn . Pre . Farmers'. k MeChanit..' Bank . I`. D. Prrkau.oN, Publisher. jlyl2 70 tf CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. OF lIARTFORD, CONN Nurrnr.nrso Mons TIIM 59,000 Thoinzna. ASSETS (Juno 1. 1569) over $25,090,000. Burplua over $7,000,900. CURRENT DIVIDEND FROM i 0 TO 70-PER CENT Total Claims by Death pail to date, over $6,000,000. TOTAL DITIDENDE PAID TO DATE, COria 6,000,000. MLSSES, A P CI:EL Y 111C1'(:.:1 L C 0.11 1 14 Y 1: All ftsisurplus is equitably divided among, tic i L•ol• tcy hokle . re in \/ A_IN:N.:UAL DIVIDENDS, 'Which may be applied in reduction of Premiums, or may be accumulated at Interest for the benefit of t Assured, or may be receired by them in Cash. --Pall-up Policies are granted atter tau or morn years' Premiums barn been 'paid, thus practicoll; making ALL POLICIES NON-FORFEITI.VG. It bumps ,rolicks upon all DIBALILE PLAxs Lnsuni M NcE, "And hab adopted In‘iterworkings several . SPECIAL FEATURES! ORIGINAL WITH THIS, COMPANY AND OFFER ED BY NO OTHEB. IL B. IcIf.F.AN. Agaa 'Amanda, Pa., July 22; ISN—tf 'MEW ROUTE TO 'PHLLIDEL PLUA. NORTE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Shortestand most direct line to Philadelphia, Bal timore, Washington. amkthe Smith. Passengers by .th rotito tako Pimusylvanis k New York Eallroad train. passing Towanda, 21.7 :IS A.U., make close connection at Ikt i tilehem with Es- Press train* of North Penn'a aglr e ed, and arrive In Plidadelphla at 5:03 P. 31.; in oto take night trains either for the South or W mt. City passenger cars am at the Depot. on arrival of U tralux to convey paseengors to the various Depots nd to all parts of the city. Leave worth Penn's Railroad Depot, corner Barks and: American streets, Phpadelphis,'at 7:35 A. 11.. arriving at 'Towanda 5:1.3 P. M., same evening. Mann's Baggage Erpress s collects and delivers bag gage; Mlles N. 105 South Fifth street, Philadelphia. MOTET AccommoDAvoxo. Freight roc ved it Front and Noble streets. Mils delphia. and forwardpd tic Daily Fast Freight train to 'Towanda, and all points in Snamehanua valley with quick dlspateh. - ELLIS CLARKE. Den. Apt. N. P. li. R., Front and {1 1101 V Sta. May 10, 1870. Philsdelplds. SOMETHING NEW IN TOWANDA. FA. • `RAG AND TAPER DEPOT ! OFFICE,„' GRIEFTIIS . PATTO.N"S .72LOCK - . Intler B. w..nady.k, Clothhag Store, Bridge Stn- t. ' Wo beg to inform the .14ople of Ilrluttord county that we have openettan establishment as above, Ai.' intend paying thO Highest Price in Ctolt for RAGS, PAPER, COPPER, LEAD, lIWS Mid Iu fact all kinds of old metals There ar‘.. Toni of OIL AN'Aispaper, old ll,oks. * wasted yiarly in Towanda. Gather up the fiagments that nothing be that, and tang them to us and e , t your cash:C. WILLSON & CO. C. W1LL20.1 , 7. `7• A. F. COWLER. Jttly3S - -§HAD, Iletrlnk, Cticocs. Italshut, Coaft.h, )4c.. at March 4..10. . W. A. ROCKWELL'S. E:==l SVM iNguRA Nc r E - ixp. tr.ast. ' General Agents. Toisr.v:rm, e 1 U.OOO fysj ;250 ur.lo ME SEM IMAM OEM $573,in $516,674. $13,000,e o. CAMP A: laliCL-Nt. $25,000 000 2,1 !0,000 . 1,000 000 . 500 ( )0 S.l A. RECORD, Agiqlt, Towanda, Pa MEM