tsriculttintl. How To Ilra. Br..Es.—On this. point the . Rural _ American. says : When honey, bees swarm the) :Will cluster, in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, if trees or suitable shrubbery_be near the apiary, without the ringing of bells or rattling of tin pans. But if a swarm has sent out scouts previ ously to swarming, and has settled in a hollow. tree in the woods to' go to, they are often inclined to go direct to such trees without clustering,and in such cases their flight may b rested sometimes by, miking such a din, by the rattling of tun pans or the ringing of bells,-that the hum of the queen is lost, yhen. the bees will "de scend and cluster immediately. If water be thrown among them to fall toe rain, which may e -done when their alight is low, that will cause them to alight- So will the report of gun fired near theni.. Bees generally remain from one to twenty-four . hours. Indeed, if not hived, they will sometimes remain and die where they cluster, dwindling away by degrees, consequently it is best;to have. hirs ready, and hive theel as soon as possible ; and they may be carried inunecliately to • the stand where they are to remain ,for the season, or they may be left, till evening, and then removed. It does not make much or any difference, :which Way is adopted. L\\n DRALNAGL—An - Article in C,,l:unan'. Rural World, signed "it H. A.." hits the nail on the head, when it says that thorouth drainage of land is the only security the farmer has against loss by " too - much rain or a want pf it." Some deem it an absurglity.to assert that draining the watir from the soil can be beneficial to eilopsluring a protracted drought, yet such is the fact, as :every one knows who has tested the matter on soil whew the texture was such as to hold the water a foot or more below the surface - Such laud, before drain ing, Gecoilies baked and hard ; no fertilizing influences come up to in igorate the roots and develop plant growth ; but draw this water on; and 94Teedy change for the bettpr will seen in the character of the soil, and m the plants whose seeds were committed to it. As the country is more and more divested of forest cov erings, the drier will be the fructify of season, and the greater necessity of drainage to counteract the influence of drought. But the benefit of drain age does not stop here, for, in the event of a wet spring, seeding can be forwarded two or three weeks as a consequence of it, while vegetation will be aided i during the entire season, whatever its character may be. Sumatra Fnuirs.—Aeid s promote the reparation of the bile from the blood, which is then passed from the system, thus preventing fevers, the prevailing diseases of summer. All fevers are " billions ;" that is, the bile is in the blood. Whatever is antag onistic of fever- is cooling. It is a common saying that fruits are "Cool ing," and also berries of every de scription ; it is because the acidity which they contain aids in separating the bile from the blood ; that is, aids in purifying the blood. Hence the. great yearning for greens, and lettuce, and salalds in the early spring, these being eaten with vinegar; hence, also, the taste for something sour, kir lem onade's,- on attach of fever. But this being the case, it is easy to see i that we nulify the good effects of ' fruits and berries, in proportion as we eat them with H1,9,':11*, or even sweet milk or cream. If we eat them in their nalnral state, fresh ; ripe, perfect, it is Jilin ost impossibte to eat too many, to hurt us, especially if we eat them alone, not taking any liquid with them Whatever. 41, • 1? - : Goon FLED roaAvooo BrTTER.—I once bought a dairy of twenty tubs of butter all made from the same COWS' the game Eeason and thy sainct per:-on. Some eight tubs were good, souud, yellow butter; some eight more of it, was very light color :soft, with a, disagreeable some fd)ar tubs shaded clown fnun yellow to:white, and the color the index of qUality. Careful inves tigation developed the fact that the : .00( - 1 butters was Made from grass feel: and the poor, later in the sea :•.m, when the grus had failed from drouth, and the cows lived upon bri . - ars and leaves. A man changed the feeq, of his cowN from corn meal and ' to potatoe , : and hay; it lessened the iinantity of butter, and the color was lighter. Hence the importance of good feed. It is profitable to feed corn meal at all times except when the grass is new and pletty, and it is not lost then. A piece of land five mils by two to each cow, sowed with So - nth - 6-m corn will supply the defi- cieney of the pastures in the last of the season for twb or three months, and save the muWings more than the John.-1,1%.ry (i.) Time.s.• To TralN A ItoILSE TO STAND. —lllO 1//ifTiran Jupehril .contains the following directions : Take your hone till the barn floor and throw a ,-trap over his bac': and fasten it to his right fore foot ; lead him along and say "whoa," at the same time pulkdown the strap, which throws him on three feet and makes him stop This is the hest way known to teach whoa', though you call pnt on - the war bridle and say whoa, and gixe him a sharp jerk that will stop :lila about as soon as the strop to his toot. Then put him in harness with the strap, and drive him up to the 'hoer. The moment he undertakes to move, take his foot and say whoa. (let in your carriage "and get out again ;,rattle the tidlls, make all the he e getting in and out you cau ; give bim to understand, by snatching foot each time he moves, that he lutist, stand still until you tell him to go ; and after a few times you can put the whole family in the carriage and he Won't stir out of his tracks. TAKINo MILK TO TUE FACToltr.—At a lalo meeting of the patrons of the ;iynamore Cheese Factory, the pro priaor, in Th e courae of some excel reinarl: on the allow subject, f-aia : A larg(• portion of the milk has been brought to thc J factory in lumber wag ons—the cars notsufficiently protect ed from the sun, and in almost all eases the morning's milk not suffi ciently cooled. Asa consequence we were troubled from the latter-part of June 60 the first of September with drciad of all cheese makers, float ;:v.! curds. Milk, after being enteral erAtd, t4iolllll . to 'hauled to the factor v, as far ns: pr: cticablei upon • prit:g wagon:., and the can,, during :Valli/ weather Ebc.nda ah'irtyli.bt; Cfr.g."- with a thicl woolen blanket or rob e , prot, , ,tibern from the of the sam. g T HE " DOMESTIC" LOCK STICH SEWING. MAG.IIINE! THE " DOILESTIC " is a Shuttlo Sewing Machine, which has been used for the last five years in the West, and is now iutroatleed for the first time in this section. It runs faster than most, easier and more quietly than any, doing. the lightest its well as the heaviest work done on auy Sewing Machine ALL ABE INNITED TO CALL AND SEE IT. All Machines littve Blalie's Patent Table.. _ Agents wanted in ittoecnOed territory. Atllinse, BLAKE & CO.. Scranton, Pa. For sale by TAYLOR A: GORE, ' Towanda, P 3. A. A. REVSER. Atiwus, Pa. Wyalusing. May 12., EASE AND COMFORT. THE BLESSING OF PERFECT SIGHT. There is'not -ing eo valuable an perfect sight, and perfect eight con only be obtained by using PERFECT SPECTACLES !, The dificulty of procuring which is well known. MESSRS. LAZARUS k O , CCULLSTS AND OPT [CANS, HARTFORD, coNNEcTICUT, MANUFACTURERS OF TILE CELEBRATED - PERFECTED SPECTACLES,, Have, after years of experience, experiment, and and the erection of costly machirery, been enabled t, produce that GRAND DESIDERATUM. PERFECT SPECTACLES! Which have been sold with unlimited satisfaction to the wearers in the Western States during the past fifteen years. Those Celebrated Perfected Spectacles never tire the eye, and last many years Without change! Messrs. LAZARUS k moraus have appointed JULES lIUGUENIN. dealer In Watches and Jew. elry, as their sole agent fur Towanda,Penn'a 1474., and vicinity. . April 14, NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE The subscribers would respectfully inform their nary friends that they have opened BOOT AND SHOE STORE! They have just received a fine assortment of LADIES' AND GENTS' SHOES! GOAT AND LEATHER SHOES, Of every v ar lety, trhiuh nlll be eudd cheap fir Give them a call and satisfy youre4lves that they are sehlnq stealer than the cheapest _ We would call esspecial attention to our CUSTOM DEPARTMENT We male to order everything in the hue, of Being mechanics of lazily year practical exio-riener, we feer,,,a adept. that we ran giverntire uattntaetin n. We employ none but drat-clans mechanics. - Jr. vuarrao, perf - et fd,t, and all murk it - arra - n/4 Repairing neatly and promptly dune. iteructraher the place,,;:o. 114 Main-at., a few doors bdow the Mennen llonse., Towanda, out for the Fagu of tie Big Boot. DAYIS CALL AN'D THE NEW STYLF.S OF SPI tING MILLINERY GOODS I AT MISS urarvlN'S sTor.r.! Wl.ert , you vantelt fail belui; pleased with tho .01LEAT TADIEDY OF rc..s:NE - rs, EATS, ETC. Prima to stilt nll ensjuners. Do net fist:, I the place. No. 2. South Pronl , MED(I I II'S FEW 110C1I, TOWANDA, PA. April 6. Ih7o-3111 REPORVR JOB PRINTING Ravine recently added greatly to our facilities. we are now• impared to do oil kinds of 1:CI "lloseous. Plain Machines -, - $65 Half Case - - - - $7O At No. 119 Tovrancla, Pa Consisting, of LADIES GAITERS, Of all gradea. Lutes MISSES AND curLDMINs 811015 LAMES' AND GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. oppzcE. JOB PRINTING LowEn PRICES em BETTER STYLE Than any ectahlislanolt in NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA IMRE THE 111 PORTER OFFICE t.'%'D 4xA3m - E SPECIMENS GREAT EXCITEMENT IN PA, PER HANGING! PAVER HANGING no.vr FOR 10 TO 13 CENTS PER ROLL Oh. yeti , . oh. ;:cs! it males me laugh to LC= that labor is reducccl one-halt. Graining only S 2 per day. Pocelain finishing only S 2 per day. Glazing, only 2 per day. Painting of all kinds only S 2 per day. Blinds painted green at only 75 cents to per pair. • Itllnds common col lora 50 cents to SI per pair, and all materials furuisk- NI. Tin and Decked roofs painted with patent roof- Jag for 12 emits per yard. I will also furnish my customers with In•a4 and Zinc of the beet quality at cost. thus saving from 10 to 25 per cent. on every hundred. ' F. F. POST, - Towanda, Jrate id, 1570.-tf No, 32 St•cond-st. CENTRIL MARKET. Tho subsrribers stall colitis - inn to tei‘p ronnt 2 TitlY on Band o foil anti complete assortment of every• thiLg I,ertainitig, to their business,' consisting-Main ly of BEEF, PORK, FRESH AND SALT SUG.I.II CURED MI NS siu77oN, 13EY.11 Lon:, VEAL. - I'OrLTILY, • B.SAISMI r. I t /km), ttouit ISA, 1)11;1.1) max, TALLow. ke.... fie. Ab,o, i: ° F ils .11 FRESH _F - ROlki THE LAKES OYSTERS RECEIVED DAILY In their seaßen l'artira al0.11n!: Osr.t,ni to I.ro r.r ■mall glinnti liPa innaeho.l 01. W4'3 , 0. of the , old 31.11tAllytft BLkk , rast. dlorr ii,Tlh t.t Lr. Prati.rm. . . e , HELLt-14. • 2r.r..r.r.,17. - t2 Mri.uorla. 26. 1h70.-It Tinfilf, PORK, rums AND TARD / cula3.l, 1 , ..1111404 , 1 0 WEI ,111". 1 .11 1 A lit :S{ a, 03.? ‘.7 Ball-toasts EmE RAILWAY. - / M° 41"$_,Wi n113 , rTnOlft • xucAmmilorn - auxas as (*On* • ,%11,0A.D GIIAGE-15011BIZ =UM - , CLEVELANMTOLEDO, Drrnorr;clllo4oo. 10IIINVAIDIES, ST. PAIM.OII4II‘ • And all point& iresktind Northifelt. Ataininan.' 00201% MUM. • - DATTON L . CINCINNATI. istotactrows. OU/SVELLP, ST. LOUIS. - ' And all points South init frOili*Vett. ME „ , . , NEW ittO2 1:111111tOTEO COW= AVM avii zpotron Nirracitrr awtene TO IiOOLUOMII. Urrra,m• MK, CLEVIMLUI AST) Cracuoma. on and after JUNE 13; . 11370, , trains will leave Waverly at about the tallcuriag hears, viz GODIG WZST. 4:21 a.m., NIGIIT EXPRESS (Mandays excepted) for Rochester, lintialo, Dunkirk. Cleveland and Gin. cinnati, connecting with the Lake Shore. Michigan Southern, and Grand Trunk Railways at Buffalo, Dunkirk and CleVeland for the West; also at Mav land with the C. C. C..k inn. hallway for Indian apolis; and at Cincinnati with the Louisville Short Lino Railway, and the Ohio &-Mississippi Railway ...for the South and Sonthwest ; also with connect ing lines at principal stations on main line. 4:45 a. m,-:-.NIORT RSPItESS, daily. for Rochester. Buffalo, Dunkirk, Cleveland and Cincinnati, mak ing direct connection with trains of Grand Trunk and Lake Shore Itaitwaya at Buffalo, - Dunkirk and Cleveland. for all points West, and at Cincinnati with the Ohio ,f 6 Mississippi and Loulaville Short Line Railways for the South and Sontmwc.st ;`also with. all connecting linos at principle slallows on main line. £l;2B' a.m.—MAIL TRAM'. Sundays excepted: for Duffato and Dunkirk. B.S. p.m.—EL3II.M. ACCOMMODATION, Sundays excepted. 0:18 p. M., DAY EXPRESS, Sundays excepted. for Rochester,• Dufftdo, Dunkirk, Cleveland, Cincinna ti and the South. Stops at principal stations end , connecting points on main line. Now and improved Drawing Room Coaches accom pany this train from New. York to Duiralo, and Sleeping Coaches, are attached at ltornellsville, run ning thro' to Cleaveland and Gallon without change. 8:16 p.m.—EX: MAIL, Sundays excepted, for Intl falo, Dunkirk and Cleveland, connecting with trains for the West. A Sleeping Coach is attached to this train nimbi o leongb to Buffalo. • :00 a.m.—WAY FREIGHT. Sundays excepted. 4:10 i>11 . 0:—.M1110.11AN - T - TRAIN, daily for the Went I=3 . _ 1:00 a.m.—NIGHT EXTBESS,Sundays excepted,coti necking at New York 'with afternoon trains and steamers for Boston and New England cities. steeping Coaches accompany this train to N. Y. 5:50 am M.PRESS. Mondays ex cepted. connecting TVJersey City with afternoon and evening trains of New Jcreey Railrotta .for Philadelphia. 'Baltimore, and Faslinigton: and at New York with steamers and afternoon Express trains' for Now England Cities: ' Also stops at prin cipal stations and connecting points on main line. Sleeping Coaches accompany this train to New York 17:35 p.m.—DAY ENPRESti, Sundaysoscepted, con necting at. Jersey City with midnight Express train o 5 New Jersey Enilrmd for Philadelphia. ,tlso slops at principle Stations and connecting 'points on :nein lino. New and improved Drawing-Ewan - Coaches accom pany this traM from I'mffalo to New York. p.m.—SCCOMMODATION TILA.IN, daily for SuggneLatina. VSR a.m.—ELM - ISA MAIL. Sundays excepted. - - 9:21 p.m., NEW Y..)141: MAIL. Sundays excepted. 9:03 p.m.—LIGHTNING EXPRESS. daily - , connect 4ng at Paterson for Newark ; at - dem:3' City with Morning Express Train of New Jersey Railroad for Daltimore and Waibington ' • and •at New York with Morning r.vpref , s t.-ain for PA )stnn and New England cities. Also stop= at all principal. stations and con. net•tim; points'on Main libe. Skiving Coaches accompany this train through to New-York. 3:43 p.m.—WAY FREIGIIT, Sundays excepted. 'BAGGAGE CHECE.EI) TIIRCUGH. A revised and complete “Pocket Time Table" of Passenger Trains ou the Erie Itnilway and eon r.ectirui lines, has recently been published, an can be pi-min:ea on npplicattou to the Ticket Agent of the Company L. D. IZUCKErt, Gen'l 8110. pA. & N.Y. CANAL Sz It.R. CO. ARRANUEMENT OF PASSENGER, TRAINS, Commencing May 111, 1870 I:=IB Loave r.m. r.a. ar're P.M. P.M. A.M. urly r,35-11.05-11,42 " C. 05-1,18-14,10 'l3ovanda • 8,15-12,25--7.20 Titukhanno.lt.9.23-8.17—r.5S " 3.07-10.10 A. 31 PittSton Wilke stlarre, 1,15-8,30,.... Whitt. 11att,n.11.33 P. M. 11,10 Am. ',Mauch Clitualt.l.3o Allr Mown, ....2 33 Ilethelion, " 0,35 Easton .3.17 I " ....... Ettira (arr). • • .5.05 iO'N't 7.35 Newl!ork(arr•l 6.05 " 0,00 Down Train /Inn's at White naveit. tip Trains dins at Eittstor • " Pasmengcrw to and front New York. :Ina Philade nltia without chanic of care. . , !town tratEi connate at Allentou - n with Through Fa , t ExprOs fur Ilariltodurgi rittsburg. and the wt,t. I.tiscellaneoup.. TIVPORTANT TO ALL WHO .& VALUE THEIR SIGHT! rue sight tit aig ague! assistril, the weak strengtDen- ed apd the perfect preserved PIIIL.II)ILil1U Ol'ric&l. ISSTITI'TE, For the manufacturing of the CONCAVE COVEY, CRYSTAL LENSES, LONDON rgnKro A'%l.) TINTED GLA,q'ron NVIUR OR tn. The Concave Convex CryetaliSpectailvs, wade by the above institilti are now a long tom , before the littlpne, and the rapid and Increased demand for them viAbine,l with the univerral acknowledgment of their ch•arnese in VI,i0:1 and ease to the eye, show; plainly that they are ti,pezior to any other ;;lases in the 11111HU.t. The majorlty of Src,:tclea, I:uoetly imported) and no M.ltter how fine Cho frames. contain hut a poor and worthlt cc article of glat+Feß, (generally east or they arc made to Le only, without arty ealculation, reslsieting ts-nefit to the eye. and therefore the vreat complaint of poor and weak soda. Th.‘,l4anilA are ining g1ai. , 54, now whit h tire and fatigue the eye. whore the olit,;ects get thin after short usage. or require an intenseiy strong light the,fore desirtcing the eg.l t, winch, were they properly cu.t••d- WOlll,l 111, pryer reed a life time. , Tin• P.tiVahhigt.S claimed 14,: the C.ltCaVe 0 , 11,4,1 Cry-tal (11,#.,•s are tin: : The Lens, are ground of the best material. pure and hard. awl - mache only for net hal purpe,e,. they are Itton•fo:i. tv.t to get ,ratite,l or dint. They ettnf, a brilifitiney antldislinelness'oflision Pot found in any utter glass. They can to. nerd well by day or fandle ligla without tiring or fatiguing Bac eyes. They are ground toallionaflcally true in the con cur c crow x mirror, ern:min: to the phileeopl.); of tint:tre. and ••hipi• of contra of the eye, therefore actiM! Lattice only lnstenil.el forcing it. That the len , •es arc centered correct tutu the fratue-s„ They run be uscl longer than any other glasses wnhont rho!!;ting to a higher power. The frames are math: strong and O.:rabic by expe rb tired workmen and warranted to give satisfaction. Wll. A. CHAWBERLIN„ Dralrr in Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware, Towan da, l'a., has the sole Agency for those glasses In Bradford county. No Pedlors employed. July 12, putsT NA,TIONAL BANK, • CAPITAL SunrEus FUND .1 This Bank °Tors-UNUSUAL FACILITIES for the transaction of a GENERAL BANKING I] CSINESS. 15TEREsT MI) ON PI niiirs' AtcoranNo TO SEECIAT. Gtvr.:: TO Tiir. COLLECTION NOTES AND CS'EEKS. Parties wishing to FEND stoNc.r to any , part or tho ITlntea Btltes. Edvrlund, Ireland. S'eotlantl, or the prin cipal cities and towns of Eairoye, can byre proettre drafts for that porp,,o. T. or -from the obl eonnt , y, by Lest sb:atn , :r or sail mg lines, always - on Lund. = lli9Arst R ea ds, Go l d ai d S'i'e,r F. H. •tiIIITII, Eresi4 ent. N. N..IIETTF...Ja •i Towantla, Jane 24. leGth Cashier THE 0TT0 . 1..\.N DECHAIIBREI A NEW ARTICLE 01' inrsiTur,E. CONVENIENT TO EVERY ONE. INDISPENSIDLE FOR • .DTVALIDS AND oHELDREN. Avoiding tho unsiglitlinerA and suppressing lbe ofr,usive odors of the Sick Itoont and Nursery. At once twin] and oruatuoital. It 18 more ',Arta than any artide of Furniture of the tonne rust. 'For sale by all principal i'arruiture Dealers. Prim! $3.00, . febl7 Gm ------- - BAKERY 'AND DIN : LsCG ROOM! First block north of Ward Housr, BREAD, PIE, CARE, baked daily and Fold at wilolesalo and rrtall In our DININC: itooms aceouuno.lata Vv. with either a luswh• or a rood meal at all time* of the dly and etenio e. =1 uu baud aurlue alas. season MBO a nlie . seFortmont of Groceries, Confectioner'', rrntts. tints, kc. bk • may 19, 'W. A I,T, IiLNI)F4 CfROCEI3IES AND pt 14/14 , e1"..40 Atld r.tail. al .1 , ! • Cf. L,. I'ATCIrd.. V3I. It. ULM. Geu'l Paga'r Ag't 12= JOLTN P. COX, Superintendent, I= OP TowANDA $125,000 40,000 ME= P.I4;SIGE TICKETS AND CRACKERS D. W. SCOTT & CO 'CMkwftbs. . HE'tftkii:l6MEr; • ~ ry ~ • • , co- is 10 the Oiaradhel Comic . na.tant~ thaYneal, 4 WitilqadoiliP*ol GIiaVERIES, Mich flkeo pi rclimed for pith. and feel P 0011,14 that lola sell at am lowllipzrew 014 be. purctuumo, thowhero. I now offer to thopoblloa oplotuUd stock VAS, COMM, SUGARS, BTABOIL 0 - thallat - MS, ISPIGEB, .Thsce so Units lags stock of AKRON : FLOUR,' GRAHAM; 117. DO., DIIMM= IM. I keep constantly on kind. roux. aims, LABA and. all kinds of FIBS. Would call the atteatton of the public to oar Owl Be Beat STOCK OF TOBACCO; In quality or price. Joaaa OalltraCtaobtatidigiUn- dry, Now Tor!! Chemlota load Brown Corp. Please call and examine our stock of WOODEN WARE. 'Largo assortment of TAIMEE NOTIONS, TOILET SOAPS. &e. I will pip the highestaleh pliee for COUNTRY PRODUCE. Farmers, give us a call before selilitg elsewhere. C. B. PATCH. • All persons indebted to the late tirm wlllpleaao call and make immediate payment. • Towanda, March, 12, 1861 GROCERY AND ' PROVISION STOP IifcCABE 4; 311. X. Whokail? and, V Retail Donlers.i.a FAMILY OROCERIES t t AND PROVFSIONS', 31ERCIIR'S NEW BLOCK, ,TOWANDA, PA. We do not deem it necessary to enumerate all the &fermi articles we keep. Our assortment is ALWAYS COMPLETE. AY . o aell nothing but FIRST CLASS GOODS. Cash paid for Partners Produce. JAMES 3fcCABE, EARRY MIX. Illarch 1, 1870 PEOPLE'S GROCMY AND PROVISION STORE. BOVIII romizu manor. AIM 114111 BTBEETB. A new and complete stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Which will be sold-at the lowest pusgiblo prices. CODFISH, '. MACKEREL HERIUNG, PORK, MUTTON, HAM, FRUIT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, MODERN STONE WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, FLOUR, FEED, Arm, GRAIN, &c Bring on your produce, which we pay caeh for DAIRYHEN, A constant supply of Ashton Salt, all eked churns. Butter Firkins, Tubs, Ac. Please call and look through our knock, andonwill do our best to please you. W. A. R.OGEWELL. Towanda, April 23, 1819. - LOOK HERE! , COWELL . 6 MYER, At the old stand of Bums:LULL k Corms, aro now reeeiN ing a large and well selected stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Which they offer to cash buyers at prices that- defy competition. , Cash paid for all kinds Farmers' Produce. April 21, 1150—tf. Jewelry. TIMES lIUGUEICIN, " JEWELLER & SILVERSMITH, One door north of MCC CUICS NEW BLOCK, TOWANDA, TA Has Paid received from ls.lmv York a now nesortment of flue Gold LADTES' WATCHES, AMER ICAN WATCHES ,:) SWISS WATCHES, of all descriptions. Also a selected assortment of GOLD. CHAINS, FINE GOLD JEWELRY, CLOCKS OF TALL STYLE:I3 FROM THE - MAP EST TO: THE BEST. GOLD. SILVER AND STEEL SPECTACLES AND EY&OLA'css to tit all civet; of impaired sled. NEW PATENT ACCO.4IODAVNG SPRp7'ACLIM. the thin patent I am enabled to exchange. Muses at any time without calm charge. Call and son. CLOCKS, WATCHES A.:SH JEWELET EEPAISED Toccands, Dee. 10,1869 MACKEREL, CODFISH, BLUE ILL. nth. Mackinaw Trout. CieL:oes. tickled Ltd Smoked ...Uwe). Smoked Halibut, stet Dried Beet. at • • , LONG & KFIELEIL% ' 6 41 4 temEING r Craft/Mit . .P . ,_. - '. , T 7 :•?. , !" - !..' , i , :" 4 %..k . - F'..' - g t .5' :.,., ?.. , :.: Z 1 .. ....:!- - . P . , it : . , '4,.: I '' ..'`.' u . -- 1 ,. .::Y.:',.1 - : . ." . , ,i;.), '-':.. 2 , 4 *;i14100:4:1! '. .‘,•:',,,'",.;t:',...,:„:f,';,: GroksytnankatscroooDst in' .Nam mu= iusiard. lefonnsthopubllethattbe haw:patehseed the Store fornwity occupied try where he will constantly have unhands liage deck at 'IMAM MADE "CLOTHING, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, `1 Which lye 'will soli at Oa seri lowest , ' • PM= COLLSIII3, Ninon bob llned, 15 cis pox box WHITE MUMS. from $lOO kid tuntarda. WOOLEN MUM, from 60:centa Ind upwarite, 4 And everAlft afithe VERY LOWEST PALCES I CALL AND E - KAMINE MT STOCK March 30,1870 TAYLOR & GORE, Are now dpentitg their new Inninglitockof CLOTHS AN D CASSIMERTA C. 11. PATCH Consisting of all the latest styles of Fashionable COATINGS; 'SKIRTINGS, &C. &C. Which they are prepared to make tip in any 'style to spit their maternal, on-short notice. Also a splendid_ new stock of READY-MADE 7CLOTKING, inach thoyitrii Baling obeaper than over. i 11. , 42 - I.S. dr, OA.PS, GENT'S 'FIIIINISEENG., GOODS, Always on Land abd In great variety, - s NECK TIES, BOWS, &C Alao the.. Kew Patent. WINDOW UMBRELLA All or any of our Goods will be sold as Call and look through our stock Towanda, April 21. 1810 lIIIRRAH 1 HURRAH 1 READY MADE CLOTHING, • I ant now offering to the knife a largo and Dhaka stock of SPRING AND SIMMER GOODS, And all tho late styles for Spring and Summer wear, Which will be sold 25 per cent. leas then former prices M.)l. E. EOSENFIELDS. Alm a large in coloe of !intend to sell less than cost, to make room for Fall Stock.. Bow in your time to buy a Snit cheap. Call and convince yourself that M. E. RO SENFIELD offers Great Bargains in the lino of Clothing and A DISPATCH JUST RECEIVED I;M=LLAIM,A There ix constantly being receirea at the ..TEMPLE OF FASHION," a large stock of SPRING AND , SIT3EVIER GOODS, which have, been purchaaed for cash; at reduced price& &tidied' be sold to cash buyers at lower rates than ever before offered in Towanda. My stock con. sista in part of 1111 ME DREW coxrs. cAssitinE Burrs, usENT COOS, Pants, Veßts, and Mlle Linen Dna Salts, also &Jiro variety of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, of the latest styles and fashions. -Remember the In &memento dud I offer, and • that I am not to be un dersold by any dealer in town, or elsewhere. All who wieb anything In my line are respectfully Invit ed to give Ms a call before purchasing, and convince yonreelvea. . _ _ ECM . i ~.; .. gilDI X. iteif Weing. 4 AND OAPs. Belem purchasing elsewhere. 1410 ThOVDLE TO SHOW GOODS. One door east of Poviol] k E. SCITWAtt, 133 Mtn Street. 1 AND A new and full line of all the lateet THE LATENT - AND WEIVTJ3T @TIMES 01 CHEAP FOR CASH M any in the market, GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES OP M. E. ROSENFLELD'S, (Oppoelto Powell k Co.) Consisting of LINEN GOODS, FOl4 MEN AND BOYS UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS GENTS FIDLNISDING GOODS Call before, ruralising elsewhere. M. E. 110SMIFIELD Towanda, Jan. 25, 1870 AND VICINITY KENS'. BOYS' AND YOUTIIIICLOTIILNG. DLACK IistOIVN d.;' , ') 111 L'E BEAVEIL birrrli HATS, CAPS, SHSPENDERS, NECK 'TIM, PAP= AIM LEI= COLT ,T.R. 11. JACOLt£I. No. 145318Ln-et., &Ullman's Block, Towanda, PA. tp - o- Cash paid for Hides and Pelts GOLD STILL COMING DOWN ! 1151) EMIT 1111210 IN TUE GROCERY & PROVISION are now being offered at COWELL & MYER'S it prices that cannot thil to satisfy all that they are determined not to be undersold by any One. They have enlarged their Store by building so 'that they now hare room for the fresh supplies that are daily 'received by them. They have connected with their store a Market where they now keen fresh meats to sell by the quarter or piece. sue a full supply of Gro ceries and Proclaims. to-which they woolci call the attention of all cash buyers. Come and examine our Goode and Prices, before purchasing alla satisfy yourselves. We guarentee all goods to give entire satisfaction. We are thankful to oar customers for their past liberal patronage and solicit a continuance of the same. COWELL & nrrEtt. Dec. 20,1869... ItY OUR TEAS AND COFFEE, CtIWELL h MITI« EEO - -• 1870. ` - vAN • _ 68 iroaa Sti;3t, IVATERLY; TIOGA-CO, Near the DopeL QB mi.l7. eutun ruou vr.tv LOUx errz MMI'7X 4 MMT I M7q . • Alwara bare oa !mai a largo stockT of , CLOTHS AND CASSI'AIERES. HATS AND CAPS, GENTS' PIIRXISHING GOODS its. win be u£the Ward House every Thursday, with samples of Goode, arid perpared to take mea sures. . 6EO. 11. VAN VELSOR, April 20.1870 NEW SPRING ANDS R. W. EDDY Would anntionce l toklie eittrena of Towanda, and thia public . generally, that he bag in store and dally calving new and FRESH GOODS, In big line,Attitable to tke.wanta of tho pt'.ople. which he will soil for Ciirreney at former GOLD PRICES! Corinnatug as mud (Wood, welt and raliable wade CLOTHING, INN Stiodd;) , of ani4nd) .- ponisUng 'of BUSINESS SUITS, all grades, CaTS, VESTS tND PANTS, DRESS COATS, PANTS & VESTS, Mien Coats, Dwders and Pan Overalls and OVaniblrts, Linen and Paper Collars.' lluen, Cassimere. and Flannel Shirts, Neck Tica, Siis endera. Gloves, Canes, Unities Bags, Spring Style Silk, Soft and Straw Hata. 1 Al! first-class. Itelnetio ber That good Good., are alkalisr at 4 bar price than poor goods at any price. Call and etarnine any gOods before buying. "?;(). a Ypttqu 6 Orillitils Inock,.DrliZa Street. Towanda, June 8, 1870. B. W: EDDYb Manufactories. BI_IOO3D & CO., • Still continue to manufacture their celebrated . HORSE POWERS & CLEANERS, and will veil a better machine, for less money than can be had elsoivbere In the world. Wo claim for our machines that they will do as much, or more, than any other, and - era niqu durably built. Wo personally superintend our iforb and see that it is well down. We will send DIBCRIMVE. CATALOCIUF.S, ~of onr machines, oll,applicatlon. ONE AND TWO HORSE PO WERS One Two Morse THRESHER 6 SEPERATORS THRESHER and CLEJSERS, , FANNING HILLS; arm.= AND DUMI UW MILLS. SAW AND GRIST MILL work o.ono to order. • Give na a call before purehastog eleetrbere. via " co ctuomii - lla `sAgts,v Aug. 2. 1362 N Ew CSRRIAGE FACTORY On Pine, between Alain and Second, StrectA, ba , of G. F. Mason t: Co.'s Bank, TdWANDA, PENN'A UENRI STULEN, (forumrly of the firm of Bryan LL fitulou) informs his friends . as l former patroUs that he has built a KEW BRICE CARRIAGE FACTORY, where he will constantly keep on hand a full aSflOrt. ru.nt of FA3IILY CARBLIGES, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, PLATFORM WAGONS, TROTTING SIILKNS, .‘,N/3 SKELETONS Made of the best material and finished . in the best city style. Ills long experience In city Carriage Factories gives him a decided advantage over ethers in the Finish, Style and Durability of hlB Wagooe. All he asl.•9 le an INSPECTION aW. HIS IVORR precious to porchasinit elsewhere , - ALL WORK 11 - .IRIZ.L.V.I'ED TO GIVE PERFF,Ci Thankful fur the lilk.ral patronage formerly e%. tended and reepectfully flak 'a continuance of the EMS REPAMING PEOMPTLY ATTENDED TO Ton - amts . , May 21, 1570.—if NEW PLANING MILL: The undersigned having Unlit a large and commo- dious Mil in the Vorough of Towanda, and 'lilted it with the most moderrOand imprpred machinery, for the manufaanre of ArA prepared to fill orders, whether large or small, upon the shortest notice. We have also a large vs ricty of /dOULDINGS, of the lateet style and pattern, which we can furnish much-cheaper than they can be worked by hand. PLANING, TONGUEING, • OItOOVING SAWING, And all other work pertainin,4to Joinery, will be done to snit eux-cuntonnsre. Persons building. end not living more than twelve to fourteen miles distant, will find it largely for their Interest to buy of us, or bring theitlumber and have ft worked by our machinery. liring 'Your grist of Flooring. or other lumber.- and While your team is feeding, have it ground out -and take it home with yon. We' will pay CANN for PINE AND lIMILOCIii LUMBER delivered at our luinhor yard. Como and sea us, or If yoa.can't come, write. T-owarla. Feb.flliG4. L. 11. It-ODGERS It CO. ONTA.NYES, M General Dealers in STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, Gnocrens; enonsmex, GuamAnr.. s BOOTS, SHOES, SHOE FINDINGS Leather, Hata, Cam P i llireSas, ke., • TOWANDA, PA. No. 105 Min Si., corner of the Mlle Sqnsro. J. D. 110tTANTE, L. D. ItIONTANVE, /PRE BEST FRUIT JARS IN USE 1 at AIeCADE . . , 4870. „ „, DKALY.IIII. -t BORT. N. 'MANNERS GOODS! all Wool. 00 Y CEoOrla SATISFACTIOX. at repeal prices lIEN'ItY STULEN WINDQW SASII AND lILLNDS, AND SCRODIA ~ .titardwaro;_. R, BROTHERS HARDWARE ',STORE, , lIIERCUR!S NEW BLOCK, TOVirpiDA„ 111 the Nut to boreal lands of A Far cash. Vo cm ' ltand and any ronelvlng . a HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Voons, sasu, 3 pIUMA ousk rum, a AND , LEATHEU BELTING Our Paints. ON, &e., are of tile :beat quality arid' will be aohl very . loo. _We aro also agouta for Um Great • • ANMICAN STEAM SAFE, (sp;Bolors PATENT). The only reliable Piro-Proof Safo.made. Also FAIR:I3AI44.S ; S SCALES; SCHA.GHTICOKE POWDER CO BAUGH'S HAW / BONE • SUPHEB PIIO,THAtT, • Our stock or - ichtlikavlairt. Z. al Ia Nary largo and manufactured ont . of, tlitibtmt material. Wo are also prepared to do Jobbing of all Ends, We are the only agents for the celebrated new EMPIRE COOKING STOVE, The beat cooking stove In nae; , and every Fiero warranted to give satisfaction. ; March 10, '7O. Parniture: STILL L9WEE! JAS. 0. FROST,' • IVAnt:llaunennee to the pauple of Towanda andthe rest or mankind, that after We date, his inagnineont block of 12.,N" I rit :UR M IM=l GREATLY REDUCED PRICES *y stock Is complete aM Mmelets of PARLOR „SUITS, T TBRARY SUITS, CHAMBER SUITS, brs.'llS J- G ROOM FURNITLT4E, AND 11TD,NTTDDE FOE TIIE KTIVELEN, SATIDESP, PILLOWS, BEDDING, arlnr,or.s. EXTRESZON TABLES, &c., &C BEDS TEA D 8! Aly own manufacture, and Warranted superior. will be sold fortless than city made ones wilt cost else where. COME ONE, COME ALL, Examine for yourEelre.. Lice and be convinced that Furniture 114 gold cheaper at FIZOSTS than at any other'place In the worhl. Country cicalera enpplied et the market rate's. I fltrnisti GOFERS of every Ilepeription. Dula! Cases. Caskets, ,cc., and have the FINEST HEARSE IN NORTHERN TENN'A EC= FITRIsTITURE IVARE—ROOMS JAMES.MAKINSON announces to the public that he still cont.:tines to manufactice and keep on Lan•! a largo esasrtmeut et CA - BINET Ettn!RITURE, Bureaus, Te.bles, Bedsteads, Stands, Chairs, &c., of every dessoriptiop,Avhich are made of the best mate rials, and in the-most workmanlike manner. I invite the inspection - of the public to my work, which shalt not be surpassed in durability at any shop in the country, nua my prima will.be found to be ao low as the times will aamit. Ready-made Coffinseonetantly on bona' or ton do to cer. A good Ucarac will be furnished when de H.rea. Aug.A IS, 180. 11'sco ian.OGS pOWELL CO., DRESS GOODS. LARGE ADDITIONS I= STOCK OF DRESS GOODS! Several uovelte,, lately introduced GREAT BARGAINS CHINESE GRASS CLOTHS, 0 fiGANTDI.ES, JACONETS, C}I,INTZ, 41 &C KEYSTONE . STORE Towanda, Jute 15, IG7O ROOK-BEiDERY.-THE PUB lic is respectfully trireme,' that the Book-Bin dery has been removed to the ,'uris Duilaiug, third story, where will be done B 0 0 13 - In all Its larions braucließ. *la t2run r.B remgonittile ea •• the times The will be under the charge of 11. C. IVIIITSKEII. An experienced L'hlpr, and all worl: trill be prbraptly done inn style 4.11 a manner which vuntot be excelled. Music, Magazinos, NewApapera.Old '11,nd.% bound In evary vaikty of etyle.. Particular at teLtion will be paM to the liullr.g and Llinding of ur..►ax .11001i3. To any destred-pattern, which In quality and darn, Witty will be warranted. An work will be ready for deli.v..vy when prondred. Tho patronage of the public is eolielted, and per fect Satlmfaction guaranteed. Towanda, August 2, 18t3 --tt. coNsuArrius or CORP ECTIONERY! LET US EE SON TOGETHER! How ran any portion manufacture Confectionery, 1 and sell it at 15 eentaa pound, when auger is worths 15 Cents at the Itefinery. (unless It to terribly ailul teratein? • flow can any dealer retail such a ;Zs anrapound to his customers and have a conscienee cord of offets-?. _ . How ran any consumer expect to purchase pure Cenfectionery at twenty-tice and thirty conts.per pound when a pure •article cannot be manufactured loss than thirty to forty cents per pound, consisting of cassia buds, burnt almonds. and snob class of goods? Within a few days we hate been offered cassia buds, etc., for fifteen cents per pound, and Chcn•n. late Creams at twenty cents, and the agent acknow, ledged thattlwy weie adulterated ten per cent, with Terra .Üba r and it is (act 'that tons of this cheap Confectionery are made and-sold_ in this country every year, and the consumers are the only persona Witted by it.. - Soto, ...r Me beth:/il of Mate who Iris% a Pure article of con ..clion4 i ry, we win warrant every article qt'eur atanu acturc Strictig /lire and free from. ere,. y ingre dient deleterious to heallA. A. HART, • &tom formerly mimiod by .I.llllt rarniatiAlaiuStrrot TowawlA, ()timber '4l, 1d69. ':-Trigti:*dlftlat• - • ---:' 4 DR& PORTER" SON & CO.; OLD \ ' Call DRUG ffrOIZE, Cornei tuitl Plpi.Streeca, Trscli, - Moro Incentljadded geli to their stockis full and complete assortment, constituting an extensive vs rfcty, faubrarlng.manviartieles tilf.4 In the Arts for meclou . ncal purposes. 'carefully , stiletned with egad In' the progressivnwants of the public, which will. be lc BO constantly- supplied with fresh Torch's/we; Jand of red on the mostze.owable tunas at Wholesale pr Ttetial. consisting , st ing of - „ *Davos, . ?J 16117/14,. _ CHEM ' CALS . our, vuunaffiii, ALCOHOL /INTL> TURPENTINE, son, PAth, yAr.iasu,' And all kin& of Brudoo, K.EROSENL' OR' COAL.OIL, •llurniag Flnide, . LAMPS, SI!AD4S, WICIII3. Spenu,,l4l4, hLalc iptK Foot• . .TANNEIt'S,ANpMM E OILS, Yancy l attil Toilet Ar tides In alllitair variety, spoxakso . tuu . sur,s, NO 'S, COMBS, POCKET BQUKS, P(.lltrillON2llS, TOOTII, SKINT AND HAIR I'ItEPLUATIONS. For kedielnal USe. torucco,,SNtrr, POLS AND CLOSES, Garden, Fiuld and Flows Seeds, Trusses; ay. Porters. lidspinaories. Sliculder, Bracca, Breast Pumps, Teethiluz Bitunt,..llnrsiii,3 Bottles, ' Nipples. tillgAo Melhi and SLtelda, Syringes. lied Pans, Mt-Sealing , rruit Jars, Titer. • =musters, Flavoring . .Ettrscts, sinus • Jugs, Glass Nara, Vials, Borks,,Bath Brick, and-Stove Blacking, Fildi o Tackla, Am. • „ . , &c:,llotauic, Edectip anti Mil:wellmit.. Sc ~icdiclnrv, acd tlk All articles warranted ae reprrsectcd: Yersons at a distauce in mteive their ordera• by-stage - or mail.. 'Finch will re.eeivu'proutpt and candid attentiou; Medical advice given itmtititorn•ly 'at the clam, charging only for I . l,vlielnit. - " • 4 , o—Thanktriffor past libitral patrfmage, / , 1 I es. reetfull.} , announce to their friends and the putile.that no nainn shall be spared, to latirfy . .,and mertfthe con. tirmattou of then' emnith.tnee and patronage. A r,a , Open Suiplays fur pre:e.triptit.nr, from. 9 to 10 and 12m. tt.J.. and i; to I; p.m. • - • • .: •Opf. C. d'Ult=it, soN tvco. July 1. 1870.—yr. • t F. BR. N,• . • • • 137 3Lllll' STREET. ; 10NV..1.7.7D.V... PAS' WHOLESALE AND: RETA IL The oubscribi , r re•svhAtully Annoulcr, lathe pub lic ip generitl that he has on .'mod a ',large awl well selected stock of s. . ... - ... . - Eir.GGS, , .• %Ur...DR:INES, . • C/lENTICitS, • ' ' . TSINT., C).1.,, ' - VAIINISTIPA-1 VINDOW CL,L.-1.. , i, . DYE bTI7.FIS • (. . • ' &e... a . e.. . All tho popular Patent - .llediqinen of the thy. PURLc WIC E AND • • LIQUORS nor Mcdical pnryoxon only, . , • P E It F IT :a. E R Y . . 'Fancy an.l.Toilet artiel..s. •" • . Soaps of every description,- ' • Them :cte term, "lathing, Surgeol,s, and C6.711.11uri Spougt,s, - Hatr Drnthec. - . • . _ .. Tooth Drnshes,' . • Drikt.ing Conitys,• . . .. . . l'oehet and l'ine Combs. . . • Twat Powder,' . - Put' Dozes. - - . . Tooth Powders, . -Tooth Washe,.. • • -' ' - and lit.,oth ' Siaps. And otheearticleg bcionaing to the Drug tends-too nu:Lena:pi :ouieutiCn. 1 1 1.ving the Agen,7 of the GREAT. tT. S. TEA COMPANY, JAAES 0. FtOST To pnrchasers 61 p:9_,.3 i tlmir •I:LC Phrdc:auv pro;crptlons audfaliiity recelpth corn rount4 t!, roughly c:..nipto:.et., at all tiourn of tlso day or. night. 'rr.auktal for• Ca! p^> sdl• AS CHEAP AS , THE CHEAPEST Call and :369 . them on Main St; .01).1 posite the Cwart Ifousi.,;; JudTOWANDA, PA e I.S7o.—tf d \ i:AL 1 1 C)1VDE11:-; • at cowcr.T. 4: :a ITS OF ALL KINDS . .AT • con•i:i.L s: MY11:•;;. . FS - 13HCF. 11.0.1tfit'o D'zi - 1-;u:rAD - May 2V.. . . , Intaratce. co. or u.s.i Cott CAVITAL, irMOSArt-tuir, tx reit gUrterea Ly Corgrrry 1851.1 C i TAILENCZ U. CLAD.N. Prv , ldPkt ; JAY CAOKE, Chatrmaa PrnallPs ap,l ' lIESAY D. COOKE. Yite Pl:rhlthrEt DIEUSON W PEET, Ste - Ai:icy aud Toe advants,gea or tb,, 1L511:4,4u, aro 1:4 t Is a National.Catorany, clartcr..l . 2. it has s wad up !‘pittil of One 115111 r, -a: It offers low rates otpremturno ; . 4. It lurnlshes larger Insurance than ctl.y: - tattles, for the same money.; '5, It is definite Ara certain ; C. There Is no possibility of agents, or tr.i.omult rot:nu:mu 7. l'ha pollats aro plain contra,.t.,, tr) nano for so much mute 1 ; • 8. All polities are non.futfettlms ; . 9.. The politico are eserett front E.W.. CLAUS k CO, I.:44lkeiL. , 1.1,11,14,11.1 s Gtnend Ag( Eta UtS . BELL. 31aLaptr. N. C. YISDP.I.T, ?;.: A. (r, tn.. igtniti for T wannxNisi isity Jan. 9, 1862. Mat PENN 'MUTUAL LIFE D;SUEANCE C;W , II'.I•N Y, NO. '4IiCIIEETNUT iNee.Lron.ll - 1 - .D ACCOWLAT6 rt ND, OV, $3,600,40. IN . 00311: To:: .!..1,5a, ~,,;,; DIAIDESDS. N 7ALI y AnocT 7,/,1 I;'ENT. POUCIESISSULD ON ALL ).1•1•;:4vEb PUN mop hr paiflartit.i:la• luau will to hgtiti SAMUEL C. num.. Prf.Pr:..... SAMUEL E. STOELS, JOHN W. 1101:N0E, .I.VA'. :OA jlyl:l:7o.tf TI, It. A,,, GUARD . I4.N . MUTUAL LIFE rssup,A.NcE .cO3II.)iNY, 2`;o. 2:1 lino.l.Dr,-,ky, POLICIES IN rt/th. Inco:ay, o%Cr, Loaans PAIJ "All 3ppriive.l . PlrmA of ?011, Ire Liberal m.xles'fbr paysueut of I r• Folici Lon-foriett,l2, by t 1 . Th.!: entire of ably among tile insured. • - ANNUAL DII'II:!ENDS. WALTON IL. PECE.IIA3I, WILLLk3I T. 41.0(.*:..E.1t. zvr. PIIILADELPIII.I SAI 1:.1/114,n. JrniN :V e. . T , :il'rrf..l.a.V.Y. S. A. Prett. Val - 111,g' k. T. B. I.i.TEL,,,s, i1y12.704f ri0NNECTR71.71',..1.11"117.11, DTI . 11:14.INCE COMPANI% or riAIiTDAID, c,)N)/ 11.7511:=Ltir/ AE.srrs i.i1111,2 1. Pal; .ver • Sral•;111 ovv: Z..7.09i , , ,, 0). • CEI:IIENT DIVIDEND II:0Ni Tu 1.11. Total Claal., 1,7 . . PA:11 OVF.:I 1.6 A PURELY .11t,TtilL CO_IiPANI All its sutTlos is cptitably O.: ...... ley holders In _VINNUAIJ DIVIL 12)5 'Which lus4y ho reds , t.en =ay br• c.t r G: • . 4 .-.1 , t17,1, Cr: L:3y rc...,,t1,11 , , , : It :1. 17, Ct-U. 1:1 - .1d-atp trn t , CIS yt...rs• 1. = .:1 i;i• I Ana ha. r.,1,,,t1 , 1 in 11, SPECIA't. Tf TES.' caus..-NAL OD on T. , •..anda..Pa.. July T. 3. Fcu;ry acl !zci iop : 4 F0777.•:1)1 . '.11'; E,.: .I.',CIIINI:', S.llO nwler-ogned I.arthg rl,-..!:,•• d tne Mat.!..1:124 , l'tt, 1y aro vriparctl clo r.i.p.•l:. tin ;r pr..:u14:,2,1,5,•1 d,patch. MILL GE AEr INGS; CIT;CULAR SAW N I) It I I, S MILL U•\,s .F.N“I,NES I;EPAIRED, MISSES, ,:-::, 1 CIN G i.r, 17., tA C HINES of P. 1 tto,t. a'l , ! 711.-A tuant:f.- and Lcit uu 1,1.1 L 0 U , • L 0 15 (i I '2; T Of all Watl, mita the 1: - ,te,t poor° , :n..1.!1 c0:n.412:03 - ou Lzudi Clitit:i 1)(3W I:US, LAIiCi ANIY SMALL SIZE STOVE cAS'TiiN(. SLED AND sr,EIG`Ir -.sl[o 13!MIBilliiiil _ At:d a/1 kials of var,!it /313 . 1.113,:), IS7O. Books' ani Staticr.F.7. A Ems FOE 1570 PAPER. & Es V:LOPES NEW-YORK PAPERS SCHOOL. LOOKS PLNS, Lvs, lfr-;10, Sr ITIONRY , DLANE: POO Kf,• YAN111 . , , 3E NOTIONS ;I, it., BEE RE , 01:0. T0,111j3. Ya MEE E9l: N:)-4,T11L1 =BE '.EILL =MEM To Of:P}' t• .••.ati.factiott Ct ~a. <.,:~:. RE Cr.LLA r.IZATR-: K I 71TT.F> J P•citl:t=i