Ifradfoti frporter. LOCAL AND GENERAL. ,ttio- An Easton fire company will , i„rt this Once e*Oti. is. S. T. DECKER has sold his Fur viturr establishment to Mr. J. H. runixst. eg..,lt is reported that East ao s,„„a is go l c cnrscd with a Browety. may 0. D. BARTLETT and bun BEE MIN have cacti lost a valuable horse during the [ew astys. Corr.—Wm. 111.1)nATT, son of B. W. Pr..krr, E.:4q., of Danville, has been appoint, c , l n cadet at West Point by Hon. 11. MEILCCII.: lintAu Swim, of Ulster, who w a, quite severely injured by being thrown tr.nt a carriage a few days since, is able to be :tlq , nt hisbnsinesa again. ts,.. Mr. CALKINS, of the- News Eooni, has on exhibition a magnificent "Har cr;t Wreath." It is a perfect gem, and was de -41.,511 d and execnted by Mrs. ('•r•Rras. BAY' HARRY Mix's blooded mare has foaled a horse colt, sired by ETSDYCIeft old Tho colt is,smart and active; :01.1 promises to be a perfect picture Of the old ge- Tickets for the Grand Gift Ditvrprise of Lin-ta Hoae Company are going “ff rapidly. From present appearances the lumbar will be disposed of early in Sep t. raw r. Si.A ACCIDENT.—A little daughter of Jons GraFFIN, in Dana, had a leg - taken off jii•t above the anclo by a mowing machine, on Monday morning, 25th inst. We did not learn the particulars. mom - The Erie R.R. Co. hare made arramlenicuts for selling excursion tickets from Nv:v...-.e.y to Niagara Falls and return for $6,75. gwltl for westward trip from August Btla r and for return trip to August 20th. kt-Y - A. B. RETNELL, general agent I th , Homeopathic Mutual Life Insurance hand.-,1 us a card in reply to the, one 7,..tbikhed by Mr. Ls Man, a week or two ago. ,%111 appear next week. fr. Rey. C. W. BENNETT, pastor of th M.E. Church, performed a marriage cere7- rl ,, ny in German on Tuesday evening, July 19. Th.. happy pair who were thus made one, were KoI'OUT and Miss M'Any HiItiENEYEM, KILLED BY ,LIGHTNING i —On M0n .,1 last week, as Mr. JOEL Pannu Was re lming from a hay-field in Elkland, Sullivan he was struck by lightning and instant ly His ago was about 22 years. . Midshipmen E. 0. MAcrAn- and NEWTON MAsox, who have been on a crui4 in the Old World, arrived, at Dos ,n on Thursday last. They were ordered to i• 1..11 themaOses in Washington. is,. The West Branch Camp Meet ,stll be held on the grounds of the Associa tem, McE'batten Run, near Wayne Station, Philtele/phia fi Erie Railroad, commencing An c7.lDT. and closing August 24. HENRY STULEN has placed a Linz, 1,(.11 oil top of his extensive Carriage t on Pine street above Main. He says bound to make it beard all over the coun t-, !1,.1t h,• sel;s the cheapest and best wagons tr,. t,,tittry. The Towanda Coal Company purchased a little engine for use in their !.ue at liaicky. It is five feet wide, five feet ~!el ten and a-half feet long. It bears the •.:ni , it the Superintendent of the Barclay i •• IL D. V. Plum" trf,tr. A new tffne : table went into P. A: N.Y. It.R. on 'Monday last. 'fle 141,101 express from the &nth now ar ti% fre at 5:05. The Wilkes-Barre train goes .!.:wit at :115, and the evening train from Wa t,stl arti,lt. here at 7:20. I:s'k. R. T. 31.utsnALL has been air for profit" this season, i.e., fur the r. , !.. ~ 1 his neighbors who are less fortunate ;hall ; and we were fortunate enough to be the unfortunates. Conscquently Mr. has our thanks for various favors in the ear ..7,.table Pc . 41.Gr.0. C. Gout died at his resi d xo, in She shequin, (in Sunday evening Inst. Mr. ti. had been ill for some weeks with that cet painful dimasc. intlaniniatory rheumatism. Ilis funeral took place on . Tuesday afternoon. lie was buried with all the honors of the Masonic frat -Nifty, of which he was an old member. While a party of young peo ple In .n 1 Orwell and Herrick were picking whor tl-1, ril , s on Hatch monutain, on Friday last, two large rattlesnalms, one measur fi, t 2 imlies in length and had IS rattles, th....;!,cr 5 tcot and had U rattles. The same ,rty h.) ,txt an old beili with three cubs. s. FiaTruEjt has purchased ti., oeeapitmi by the Sityderlionse barn {`::v, rly. and n ill put up a wen block of t.t..0 • Mt a lart - Te ball. err. sptudent of the Elmira Adtertiscr, -at• Wu i ru hag been offered $20,000 for the r lb.mte, and that if lie does not accept 1.. hotel Aril! be immediately pot !ii filet play,. • i)nr friends, and especially the •r. of the different townshipiethroughout should recollect that they are own • .. I.) the requirements of law to 'lmpish : :Malicia' report in a county paper having circulation. This must be attended or they ehould uoccomplaip, if, after being .111.1. , ttislied of the provisions Of the law, they Sit:tal. to suffer tIll',1[1(11:1ItteR. r rr..D— Dr. DUSENIIVRY, of Leßays ,l*,, and . M. LOVE LACE, of Sheshequin, have ns linger obligations by leaving at the 14.e.onmil office *time nice ripe tomatoes, the f.rst we have seen this season. —The thanks of the employes of this office hereby tendured to Mr. Ilmirr flux fur a fall of delicious early apples, raised in the , :'hard of his father in Burlington. DEATH OF CEO. H. BULL.—!L dis ; r..ceived here on Tuesday morning, :. , ,a•na,cin„ the death of Geo. H. Bum., Esq. IL d.,•d at the residence of his son in Newark, N.J. His remains will be brought to this place Ut,rred on'Thursifay morning. The fit- i ..erenionles will be performed • with mn !IL II In vs Mr. hum. was for many years a resident and pr ~ment eitizen of this county. Ho served as Coinev‘ioner for one term, and filled s• r: ,u• touosliii. offices. He Was an earnest Mas.n, and a most estimable citi- H. SAYRE, General A.:<•nt, and Join: TAYLOR, General • :-7 1 . I t were in town last week. T: PRATI and wife, of Philadel Sabbath in Towanda. Wn. - l'etto.ineic HOLCO3III, an eminent aunst, of East 25th street, New i- paying a short visit here with his wife. trn ed and relative, Juosos lloLooatn. Thi as sit years in Europe perfecting pr. 4'i studies; and ranks high in New Y"r'^ .n•• of the most skillful of his profes- W. T •,ri.ea and Wife are spen.ling a few C ,, :pgri.ss Hall, Avon. C. `• and wife areat, Eaton r.ap ' %lA A , benefit of Mr. health. Piniq.:r., of Hazleton, is one of a j.lrt . o "l.r..licin•at men wh9 have chartered a -• weekx' pleasure tour to the Thy started frOin New York a T - ! ill '77 and Caen. L TRACY have ng eXCUr , i.II to tho Late Superior WC-STON is visiting NA friends in tto• I :tn., nnil • Licomintu•- . .—During the. thunder storm on Monday evening of last Week, a barn owned by Hon. V. M. Lotto, just east of 144 . borough, was stuck by lightning and entirili consumed, with about twenty-five tons of hay and several wagons and farming ImplemenN Oktho same evening Mr. Srarpaar Kum' barn, in Columbia township, was struck and fired, but by great effort was saved. Ex-Sheriff Swim and Mrs. &ALMS% of Troy, wero driv ing Wag the road when the shower clime np, - and had taken shelter In the barn. Mrs. 8., being somewhat timid shout remaining In the barn, persuaded Mr. Burnt WI drive on to their destination, notwithstanding the rain was still pouring down. They had nron — eeded but a few rods Wore the kidding was atnsek. Mr.lCEvan, 'who was also in the barn; had just stepped out, and was an close that he was partially stunned by the shock. Re, however, had presence of mind enough to throw a pail, of milk which he had in his hand on the fire, thus saving his barn from destruction. On Monday evening last, a large pine tree on Mr. Dam's farm was struck by lightning and entirely demolished. SOIITITICESTERN - BRADFORD. Mr. Printer : Dtiring.a thunder shower on the 18th instant, JOEL. PATIDO; of Ekland toinship, was instantly killed by a stroke of lightning. On the 21st instant a severe hailstorm passed along BunNwrr's Ridge, and, according to report, dropped hail stones as large as hens' eggs. On the 2lst instant the new school-hpusepps again jubilant with the merry voices of pedpls, both old and young. The festival was made foi the benefit of the M.E. Sunday-school library. Sweet music was dispensed to the audience by Misses Fasrwir Dsirrr, Ina Dann and AucE Wino Hr. Ice-cream and other edibles were brought into requisition. Sure, without mirth or ftin, Life's cord is nearly spun ; so we anxiously wait for the - next festivity A few days since we were at the " would-he " hub of Western Bradford, and again met one of your townsmen scattering "free tariff" tracts and promising to send his paper until the com ing election, the of cost, to such weak-kneed politicians as seem promising. Oh! for a lodge in Er..usn's sanctum, whence I might_go forth and be fed (by the ravens?) eight weeks and then be able to say, "It has not cost me a cent." Our farmers have secured the greater part of their hay and wheat. As a whole, crops never appeared better than they do this season. 7:70. From your DULL JOSHUA. SUSQUEHANNA CousTy.—Avery Coi lege, at Allegheny City, Pa., has just conferred the degree of Doctor of Lawa on Judge J. J. Widmer, of the Supreme Court of South Caro lina. Judge Witte= was born in Susquehanna county, and studied law and was admitted to the bar at Montrose. He was the first colored man ever admitted to practice as an attorney at-law in Pennsylvania, and ho is now the first one on whom the title of LL.D. was ever con ferred on this continent: Having been invited to deliver an address at the recent commence ment of Avery College. he did so, his subject being "The American Approach to Municipal Law." The address vas able and well received. —Fr..uea DENTLIS, Of Moutrose, is catcher of the Yale 6illeg . e Base Ball Club. —J. It. FLurcum, has a hop-vine in his yard which_ mea surcs—withont counting the winding mould the pole upon which it has grown - for ty-one feet m length.. • • --The dry weather has considerably dimin ished the hay crop in thisOcihity, and the pros pect is that oats and potatoes:will be light crops Corn is first-rate. —A. L. IVEns - ren, of New York city, formerly of Montrose, has recently obtained two patents —ime for a nozzle for cans and en4s, and one fora seam for cans. time "city visitors" here have a Chinese kite so nearly resembling a hawk that, while they were flying it the other day, the chickens began running and screaming, expecting to be incontinently pounced upon and eaten.—Rep. —There are . in the Soldiers' Orphan School at 'tortoni, 163 children supported by the State —llO hcys and 5.3 girls. —Nev. J. B. larrimutv and], wife celebrated their crystal wedding in Great Ilend on the 7th inst. 'Through the• politeness of FRANK GOODMAN, chief - clerk Pa'. •'e N.Y. Bit. A; C. Co., wie had the pleasure of a must delight fat 'ale from Towanda to Waverly find return, ou Friday last, on the "Cricket," a locomotive and coach combined, which has just been com pleted for the use of officers en the L.Y.11.11. The car is much more convenient thah a larger one requiring a large engine. It is easily man aged. An engineer and brakeman are all the hands needed. She came from Easton to this place on a trial trip, which gave very general satisfaction. The distance is 18$ miles, and on ly three-fourths of a ton of anthracite coal was consumed. It ran portions of the distance at the rate of thirty miles an hour. It is about the size of a street car, measuring only twenty one feet from tip of pilot to rear bumper, by seven feet in width. It stands on six wheels, two'of which aro tour feet drivers. Die engine occupies the rear half of the car, the boiler ly ing under the while. The passenger apart ment is neat and substantially finished in oiled walnut, with cushioned seats and stained glass windiwe4, and will seat ten persona comfortably. Everything inside, men to the spittoons, is em bellished with crickets. It was built by DAVID CLARE, at the Lehigh Company's shop at Ha zleton, Pa. The "Cricket" created quite a sensation all along the line. At Athens a good-natured Hi bernian came aboard, with the characteristic exclamation, " What the divil have ye here, Misthet DESMOND? Sure, and whin I saw it I didn't know what it was, and run for Mr. 17x vmin ibis. Myi but isn't it agi eat curijauteer " CYIAELLY," thes-enginet r, .untletstainls the management of the "machine" to perfection, and bays there is no more danger to be antici pated while riding on the i` Cricket" than on any other car, and we think he is right. If all the officers of the Lehigh Valley B.R. are as gentlemanly and obliging—and under stand their business as well withal—as 31r. SAYRE, General Ticket Agent, and Mr. TAYLOR, General Freight Agent, who were in charge of the " Crickß " on' this occasion, we are not ?:rti. pried at the very enviable reputation which the road enjoys. LAILAIAN H. ELLIOTT, 101*- merly of this c(miity, but now of Mansfield, Ti uga r. 'unity, Pa., furnishes the following account of a great hunt in Eastern Bradford to the. Athens Gleaner: Perhaps the greatest hunt in Nerthern Penn sylvania, took place in the eastern part of Brad f4d county, something over tiny: years ago. This region was at that time settled along the SUsqueliauna, and up the Itiyabising and Wy-' sox creeks, and through Orwell and Pike from one of those streams to the otlia:r, leaving with in those lines over one hundred square miles of wilderness, almott entirely destitute of habitants. On a day previously agreed upon, some eight or ninc.hundreal men and boil ap peared on all sides of this territory, the men armed with titles and shot-guns. slid the boys with tin hones, conch shelis, tow -bells or any other thing with-which they could make a noise. At the sound of the horns along tlw lines, thov all started into the „woods, aiming for a- hill (since km r - n as "Slaughter Ilan near the center, a, short distance south of " the State Bond," to which they intended to drive the game. Many deer were killed on the march throngh the woods, but the whole number it was impossible to obtain. After arriving at the bill, surrounding it, and halting, the deer could be seen skipping about in countl.ss numbers. The cracking of the guns, until all the deer in sight were shot, was equal to that of two hos tile,forres in mortal combat. The men were then ordered tat lay down their arms, prepare themselves with dubs, and march up to the top of the bill. While going up, they killed several foxes which had bidden under prostrate trees. On arriving at the summit, out rushed an old bear through the crowd. The men be labored hint with their clubs, brit it seemed much like striking a bag of wool, and the bear paid about as muds attention to it as a wool sack would have done. lie Would haVe escaped had it not been that two men were outside the ring with their guns ; they put a couple of bul lets through him, which had a different etrect on him than the clubs .had. ?This ended the hunt, all but dressing and dividing the game annum the different companies. It was esti mated that more than two hundred . deer were killed during the da„ several bears, wolves, foxes, and other game; and forty or Efty deer went ont through a laurel swamp at the foot of the bill, where toe anen had sepa rated to avcid the thicket. One amusing circumstance maybe worthy of mention. Col. THEUON DAIZLINO, (lintel - a tall man, was standing on the top of a steep . bank near the foot of the hill, when an old doe, that had been slightly wounded, came down with a determination-to break through the ranks. The men by this time had got se close together, that they stood shoulder to shoulder. The deer, discovering a larger opening between the Colonel's legs than anywhere else, put down her head and attempted to pass through. The Colonel fell forafard, and clasped his. arms around her, and away they both went. down the bank, a couple of rods, the old Colonel feet foremost. Being a good soldier, he did not re linquish his hold until he got the deer doWn and cut his throat. Tho Littletk offenta ward of $5OO for a prise 'dory. Those interest ,l46ol*tud 3.2 cents to the Publlituirs, th4reir.: & ltiinisaa , Mono. M., for the Umlaute.; tier, 414 gives all the portierders. We every surer ilia Lille eorporul iiidispoUsibli to every household containing children. M. The Board of Visitors appoint . ed by the Wyoming Conference to be present at the commencement exercises of the Wyom ing Somhuiry, at Kingston, Lucerne county, in' making their report, give Prof. firnmitry Of the commercial&pertinent, a. high compliment.l They say : . " Nowhere have we seen better anangements than are hero presented for a thorough .com mere's' education. The department devoted to this branch of instruction is large, light, airy, and retired. It is also well arrangedwith store, bank, and various offices, together with several telegraph instruments, so that the student has every facility for acquiring a thorough practi cal, as well as a theoretical knowledge of busi ness life.. Prof. L. L. Renatuft is in charge of this department." NEW EPISCOPAL CHVBCII.- . --Tia" new. Episcopal church at Wellsbnrgi was opetuul Thursday afternoon with appropriate ceremo nies. Messrs. McKxxcurr of Elmira, and Bnows of Horseheads, fetid the evening prayer; after which au excellent sermon well adapted to the occasion was preached by Ilev.,W; A. Hrrcn coca, of Binghamton. A collection was then taken up, the proceefts intended to assist in the removal of the debt „which remains on the building. The congregation 'sunder the pastoral charge of Rev. F. D. HOSILINB, at Grace church, Elmi ra, who holdi services there every Sunday af ternoon.—Elmira "Idealiser. CAUTION.--Great care should be taken as to what parents say to their children; especially when angry. A word may be spoken in anger that is not intended, which may cause a child much sorrow, and the Parent a great r- deal of trouble. A short time since a mother in Philadelphia, in a tit of anger, told her , daugh ter, a child about thirteen years old, to "be off ont of hei_sight," which preyed upon the child so that she procured five cents worth of lauda num and took the whole of it in order to rid herself of so crud a parent. After a great deal of labor and medical skill the child was restored to consciousness, and is now well. How often do parents make use of such expressions as-- " knock yonr head off;" "I'll brain you ; " " I'll break every bone in your body," and many other like expressions which they do not mean, but in a fit of anger will say almost anything to show the authority over the dear ones which God has given diem. • Z EDITOR REPORTER. :In a recent trip to Washington I was surprised at the in feriority of the crops generilly south, of here, compared with the crops ln this county. I passed down the West Branch valley hi the night, and could make no aservatiou in that respect . ; but from Harrisburg to Baltimore, and beyond there, the oat crop is nearly au en tire failure. Corn is uneven in height and co lor and ver.;, much below the average here as to promise of yield. Grass and wheat were light, and unless the kernel is unusually plump there ;will be a great deficiency in that grain. Returning from Philadelphia through Bucks and Northampton eountie, the same state of things existed, although this section Is well farmed and the land high priced. The farmers of Bradford should appreciate. the burden of wealth which clothes the hills- Ant valleys of our county. A few more years of the patient industry that has redeemed him country from the woods, persistence in economy and applica tion of manures, and a mode of farming calcu lated to bring it up to its full capacity in the produe r tion of grass, grain,;,beef and butter, and those who now occupy the laud will live to see the county termed wealthy—wealthy—wealthy —although its native features were at lirst so rugged. IL B. 1. STIESHEQUIN.—.3fr. EdiiUr : fit fear I shall need a second introduction to yoarread ers, who by this time must have forgotten me. I trust I need not assure them and yourself that my silence has been involuntary and altogether • unpremeditated. Yet I must acknowledge that for HOILC weeks past my pen has been unneces• sarily iille. Twaited for an impulse - and none came. With me the habil of authorship is every thing—more powerful than ambition or even the consciousness of obligations. The festival of the 30th ultimo passed off very pleasantly. I cannot give yon'a particular des cription of the events which came off under my observation, from the fact that I did not care to assume the drudgery s of taking notes (except dadepd they were "banknotes,"-of which a mer ry and generous-hearted, company gave most freely, the receipts amounting to about two hundred and cloven dollars). The weather has been uncomfortably warm for the past few weeks, sontc days being as lot as the one in which SIDNEY SMITII declared him self "compelled to take off his Cesh and sit in his bents..: We have rather formidable pets up this way. J. F. BRINK and sun killed (not a copperhead, hut) an enormous rattlesnake, measuring four feet and having thirteen rattles. I was unaware until a few days ago that the " vials of wrath" had actually been thrown at my_ defenceless bead: Strange to say, however, niy craniums for once possessed a flinty nature, and the vials passed off harmlessly. The hear ty laugh which toy friends and I indulged in upon reading the eloquent article (written by a resident of this place and published in the gu.s June 30th), would more than have repaid its author for thus devoting his bine and Welds to rectifyipg any mistake 1 may have uninten tionally made as regards our "local affairs." !slot being a disciple of GALEN I lack the physt ciatii's skill to heal the wound I may have giv'en. As regardkmy limited knowledge of things in general, I beg leavdito say to my hind friend who subscribes himself "SnEsitEotaN," that never possessing any greul amount of egotism, I become conscious npon reading his. gentle manly communication that am gaining "no news" as regards my capacities. I would not intentionally write of anything but, facts in re ference to our local affairs—always - having hefoli taught that Trtith was preferable to Falsehood, and remembenng that it is better "To always speak the truth And he an tion. , st And never tell a lie, For that is very bad." "SUESISEQUIN" shall most certainly "be ex cused for his imperfect epistle,"for it has brought with it a knowledge of something heretofore unknown, viz : That we have not any disloyal subjects of Uncle SAsfii in our. vicinity. Speaking of the improvements, "SnEsur.- QUIN " writes that Mr. FRANK S. really the man of our place. I have noted his house and gronnAs, and exactly coincide with "S.'• in saying "it ' s a moat delightful situation," and :ftrun my knowledge 'Of Mr. Avt:rts shonld judge him to be a man desirous of promoting the pub lic good, in every possible manner. One, too, who would do good acts for the satisfaction afforded himself Father than for the rake of what " this one says" or " that One says " in his praise. Ido not believe him to be a man who would selfishly take upon himself all the credit . of the progress our town Nifty make--oft the contrary, I believe him to be just and honora ble. • Should we enumerate the good qualities of all in our toWn it would" be necessary to write - many volumes ; as it is, possibly they may re ceive (now that there are two chroniclers) their just dues. Space will scarcely permit wi to speak of many in this letter. Ur. GEO. C. Guns, whose liberality is proverbial, has done a great deal toward the advancement of our place ; also o enterprising young townsman, 0. D. limm., whoss 'thoroughgoing business tact and enci.,E is LO detriment to the town. Ily kind frien4 "8 " seems wholly forgetful that it requires time to write of so many. I am not quito positive as regards his identity, else I should say to him, ." Please, Sir, mayn't I enu merate your good qualities?" inasmuch as I have an exalted idea of the man. I cannot en ter into a discussion about estaldished facts, and as I shall endeavor to write only illese,-I can but laugh at "Suk.3nr.qmv:s" letter,know ing that he is past that age, where he has' not Oven the satisfaction of shaking a fist at mc t as he repeats that frightful threat, "I'll t-e , l-1 ru;y m-o-t-h-e-r 1" Perhaps the words in his letter as regards my bravery and loyalty have , given me more courage. Perhaps the kind words of some of my friends have made me more. self- reliant, or more piobable glimpses of the'other world through the door that those I love have left ajar on entering, have made mo careless of this world's praise or blame, so that I try to do right.. I cannot tell, I only know that it is so. . Ilerivctfully, . SCRIVENEI.I. July 23, 1870 ' la _.--:e~c~ ; , ti_ .4ru~.::C '.>c~; -.S} .s:~Sk:xX#~riwYY+?➢`:xr~.t'~..;. '`•:;<; - ::s;:.i'r:'€rii. ~c,ic:'4 . 4~•-iay,:t?'"i"~~ .1141InialiOCAL. secinOtictesti Sewing Medlin°. Woo in iipecial or_Hqrrall-,_ for z ..:Bridge.:,streAk Titian; yoicati get sarniaer'elothing 'Mita onlor at mt, &MT some below cost. I one as t above to nrinkrixtri for, fa) - ! S. lhaats, - No. 4,4tridgolat. . July 77, 1870. ItnniEr. wish it distinctly tocsl that their goods are in ferior to one, and that they cannot ho under- Sold, and wo think their nuniorona customers will bear them out in the assertion. - • --sar Acquired habits are easily put off; but our natural passions arid appetites have to be starred into submission. The passion Which is natural in the breast of every ono of (leaking gOod food need not be subdued so long. 31.rx sell Groceries as cheayi as they aro now doing: Their fragrant teas aro a great Ina.ury, and yet so cheap as to be within, the reach of all ;—the war has hot yet affected the pricks at this establishment. Go into their store at any time, and ask for. anything in their line, and our word for it you will not go away unsatisfied. Fnurr Jens.—The very best in tore_ at wholesalennd cheaper than the cheap est, at the Red, White andßlue store, Bridget st., Towanda. DILLIIIIALL h Broomar. /illy 27, 1870. _ AT COST, AND SOME BELOW COST.— I will sell as above nll my stock of summer dollies and easimeres, to make room for fall goods. Now is the time 'to get bargains at H. H.mnis, No. 4, Bridge-at. EEC' While business has usually been quite dull during the past few weeks, there has been no diminution of the throng at Pow- ELL tt Co.'s mammoth establishment. This house has now become to this section what STF,WAIIT * B Store is to New York, and their busi ness is conducted just as systematically as tho large establishments in the cities. Dull times never trouble them, as their assortment is al ways complete, and by judicious and liberal ad rertisilig they let the people know what they hare to sell. While in this establishment the other morning we were shown. a new invoice of kid gloves—fifty dozen—whicli Ur. DELANO in forms us are fully warranted to thent as first class, and which they are selling at the aston ishingly low price of onertollar per pair. The following letter from the importer will giro a better idea of the goods than We can : NEW Yonic, July 22, 1870 MrAsits. POWELL k CO. : Gents,—ln sending you the first invoice of the Joseph Glove, I would call-your attention to the fact that they are the very best glove imported, and are sold by the largest and best concerns throughout the cOuntry. We will send you new gloves for all such as are returned to you ripped or torn by first putting on, and re rpnst you alwayS to take -back such as irove (nfective. Years, jI M SAAC I. LACY. They are algo receiving large additiOns tti th l eir general stack, and we should jtulge * are bitter prepared than ever to satisfy the l wantii I cd the u Whole community. Their grocery dei partmeut noirembraces everything in the linei and they pay the highest prie;e for butt 4, Noir FRUIT4ARS.—The very best in use at wholesale and r eat, at the Red, W st., Towanda. July 27, 1870 'venue, Scranton, for the Chickering _ _ .11ason Organs in a large portion of the States f Penn ') ed sylvania and New York. These celebt litruments are the only pianos and organs farm ufactured that are selling at low rates strictly on the "ow: prim system." Send to Mr. Fow l:Lt. for the new circulars and price lists. July 1870-3 w. tek.. Caoss' Book Store presents a lively appearance on the arrival ofilie daily pers. Everybody 114 anxious to glt the latest war news, and they linow.cmir.uir gets n roll simply of papers. Mr. Cross also beeps the brat and largest assortment of wall paper. CAMP ALEETING' NOTICE. —It was fin- Pos,ible to secure "llochester tents" for our camp meeting on Lime llill—hence we shall have no tent.. to rent. Bat sec will rout lumber for floors, and perhaps for side 6 of tents, to those front distance who desire, if they inform us of such desire before the 13th of August. non occupying teut sites lest year will be entitled to the same this year, provided the committee are informed, before the 20th of Au gust, that they desire to occupy again. nrctliren,.the sooner we are apprised of your wishes the better we will be prepared to meet them. / I'. It. Towca, Tent Com. Camptown, July 22, 1870. Le - - Examine figures of sewing machine sales, as found in the special notice of this weeks ilneorann. Cam' There will be sold at auction, in (rout of First National Bank, on Saturday next, the 30th, two splendid new Platform Spring *Wagons, with pules, shafts, whillletrees and two seats, made by the best makers and war ranted fur a year. Terms pilule linoWn on day of sale. MARRIED REELER —WILLCQCE.—In Towanda, on the morning of the fifth &it., by the Rev. John S. Stewart, ?Ir. W. Wallace Reeler to Miss Hattie F. Wilcock, both of Towanda. • LEWIS—FERGUSON.—At the residence of John Fergunon, EAT, in Granville, July 3, IS7J, by Rev. J. J. Turten, Mr. Frank - 11. Lewis, of Ulster, to Miss Julia E. Ferguson, of Granville. OSMAN—WCAIIIIICK.—In Wells, on the 31 by Kev.o Charles Weehs, Mr. J. K. P. Osman, of Geniiva, and Miss Helen E.Meestr rich; of Wells. DIED MOBSE.--In Troy township, on the 20th inst. Nancy C.; wife of Orrin Morse. WINtiTON.--111 Troy, Pa., on the 11th inst., Lucy wife of organ M. 'Winston, and daughter of William Iteech, - Esq. ; of Coles vine, Broome county, N.. 17.; in the 33d year of her age. ; SPECIAL NOTICES: HENRY HAILIZIB, Merchant Tai lor, Pridge street. ~ TAYLOR I& GORY,•Merelfflt 70E9;1. ti A:Sr/MM./11 ik MANNERS, Mer chant Tailqrs, Waverly, N.Y. June 2-Im. L. If yOu desire. a prompt pa3:- ment of your less after, tire insure Plicemm Fire Immrance Company, of Hartford, Coon. Jon:: W. Ma, Agent. Office Mr•renes Bloch, north side FOAM .S'lnary, 7 cmanda. ' CAVALRY OFFICERS, WAR 1861.- " Cavalry line ofticern are entitled to an allow. once for use and risk of horses between July 22, 1801,- and July 17, 1802." Call on-11. 13. Mc- Kean, attorney-at-law, office Patch's Block, To wanda, l'a. July 1-1, 1870-4 w. tel. A meeting of the trustees of the Susquehanna 'Collegiate Institute will be held at the office of G. D. Illoarals - rn, in To- wanda, on Monday, the 25th day of July, A.D. 181 P, at two o'clock, p.m. Business of impor tance will be brought before the Board. Mull. attendance is desired. M. Fox„, Norms.—Costs will be made on all unpaid deeds and unsettled accounts of J. Madill, late Register r Recently, unless set tled by tho f.rat of September. The deeds and accounts may bo Annul at my office. Towanda, July 19,1870-8 w ... J. N. C.tLIFP. Fnurr JAns.—The very-best in use at wholesale and retail, cheaper than the cheap est, at the Rea, White and Blue store, Bridge 'at., Towanda. Imu ELLXIEWAY. July - 27, 1870. CO— Got your spoons, forks and tea sets engraved at Ilorton's,j - Wiekham & IMack's Store. &me 30, 1870. it " Watches accuratel regulated at Morton's, Wickham Black's Btore. Juno 00, 1470. Go to KEELEU'S for the best Teas m the market. SELF 47, L, Ompagge *Misted billisilSops,Touius, villopen sjitr. loot .BeMW WOW Amsdemy at Some 'barons% August 1::1870, and continue 13 weeks. Ito pains or expense will be spared to make the school rankaniong the first in the - country. recilittioN'and is• thorough coin prehou ores, subject - in hand, win be in. slatedppon;and:anrbaate-Inmanpstible with. these ends will be.carefidly ayoidec7, Every ef -Ibs made , to tlix ternys, rotor thervragitend profitable. Far farther information, inquire of AV nIDOILWAY, at the D rag Store in some borough. July 14 , 1870.* Observethe price list of Cas cade Milli Beat winter wheat flour ES 60 per cwt. July 27-4. m. NIP LOrs of • Business for Al the States of the Union, with forms and directions for all tratiesietions By Theoplaus Parsons, The undersigned wouldrespectfully announce to the people that be has been appointed cart yassing Agent in Bradford coon ty for the above named book, by Parmelee Co., Publishers, Philadelphia. Ho will commence the' work , of canvassing the county in a low days. This is the most reliable work of the kind extant (di use), and is adapted to the wants of men in all the . b usiness walks ethic. Any ono desiring A copy before he gets arotaid,`can• address hun At Camptown, Pa. Ile is also agentleir Parmelee'eSi Co.'s new edition Fiddly Bibles, a sample of which ho will carry him: .. DSsarcr Fee, Camptown, Bradford Co., Pa. July 28,1870. • St a. The course purauta_ by the Cascade Mills, of selling good flour at the low est possible , prices, is productive of numerous advantages. It makes a ready Market for the superior wheat :of our vicinity ;. supplies con sumers with a cheap and wholesome article of fresh ground flour, and as a natural result makes activelousiness for the Mills. War in Europe, dronth, and, short crops, are having the efll..vt to raise prices; but this Mill at 'all times sell at minitmun prices. July 28,1870. I bog leaVe to inforna my old friends, and the public genorally,.that I have opened A NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION - STORE • IN BEEDLEMAN'S BLOCK, BRIDGE STREET, and respectfully invite an inspection of my goods and prices. As my stook has been pur chased entirely for CASH, and as I propose to sell for READY PAY, I feel confident that my prices will compare fa'rombly with any estab lishment in the country. I have paid particular attention to the selec tion of GuouNo t3rtess, and warrant them rune. My assortment of TEAS is complete, and ranges in prices from SLKTY CENTS 'to ONE DOLLAR AND FORTY CENTS. Coffee ground to,order, and sold at the lowest price. Give me a call. GEO. L; KEELER. Towanda, July 14, 1870. Norma—The ItLE. Church at New Albany will be dedicated to the Moat high God for His worship, on Wednesday ' August 3,1870 —the first sermon by Bev. B. L Ives, of Au burn, N.Y., at II o'clock, a.m., and the second by Bee. Wesley :Cochran; Presiding Elder 'of the Troy District, at 3 o'clock. Brethren front abroad are invited to attend nth enjoy with 11M. REV:. E. G. Mi•Coa-srm.. July 11, 1870-2 w. Ferri' Jena.—The very bestjn use at wholesaleand retail, cheaper than We cheap est. at the Red, White and liluv stare, Midge street, Towanda. Itualutat.t. RITNIEWAY. July 27th, 1870. The Singer Mapnfacturing Company in 1569 sold eight y-siz thousand serum 'hundred ant (401 y-wag, (86,781) 4fidch tuts These figures, and those given be:ow, are from sworn returns (to which any one can have' ac cess) matte to the receiver, appointed by the owners of valuable Sewiiig Machine Patents, who license most of the companies of lesser im portance. In 18611 The Singer Manufacturing Company Soil over the Leavitt Sewing Machine Co., .86,010 Machines. Sold over the 'Parham Sewing Machine Co., than tlti -, cheap- store, Bridge-, litonewir • 85,640 Mftehinee Solt' over the Finkle t Lyon 31anttrg 85,412 Machines. Sold over the .Etna Sewing Machine Co., W.P.,233 Machines Sold over the American Batten-Holy 78,888 Machines Sold ()WI. the Empire Son ing 3litehinei 78,081 Machines Sold over the Florence Sewing Machine Co., 73,120 Machinen Sold over the Willcox S Gibbs S.M. Co., A., 116 Penn general agency 69,550 MachineK solti over 11w Wevd.:73vwing Machine Co., • . , 67,094 'Machines. fold byeqtlie Ctroven A lial:cr 8.31. Co., . - 51,593 Mac4lines. Sold over the Howe Maehine 41;751 Machines. i $31,1 over the,,Wheeler k Wilson Tilanurg 7,915 Machines. 'Menu= Zr. BLACK, - Agents for Singer. VD.. Crackers manufactured daily and for sato wholesale and retail, at theßakery, first door north of Ward House. Mareb.3o, 1870. D. W. Soorr St Co. G 0.- Choice Mackerel, only one shilling per pound, nt N. J. LoNo's. June IG, 1870. FOR S.tLE.—A two-horse bleadpow or Thresher and Cleaner. Has been used two Reasons. Will be sold at a bargain. Jesus Fosrr.n North Towanda., July 12, 1870.* . Ear " sea Moss Farina " for 'Pud dings and Custards, for sale by June 16, 1870. M. J. Loss. Die - I hereby give notice that here after, persons wishing artificial teeth on Rub ber, can obtain them at my Maim); and also, that the price of full upper or under sets is re duced to twenty dollars; W. IL lieu.; Dentist Office over Wickham Black's. Jime 21, 1871). To THOSE GI.:=ING THEIR CLOTHING M A DE TO ORDEL—Yon should study two things: First, to get them where tirst-class clothing is made; secondly, where they are sold cheap. And iu order to be able to sell a good article cheap, the merchant must understand Iris busi ness, and know how, where, and what to buy, as a . practical man does; and a practical tailor in all its branches I profess to be, having had 18 years experience in the business. Have been a cutter in sonic of the best houses in New York city. Ido my own buying, selling and cutting, and have to divide my profits with no man, so that less of it will du—and with low rent and otherexpenses in proportion, thus making the cost of carrying on the business very small. rending the, above yon will see, why it is that I can'sell gdods cheaper than men follow ing the business, and having no knowledge of it themselves, have to employ others at largo salaries to attend to it, and customers must pay accordingly—RA they, like myself, do business to live by it. If you doubt the above statement, be convinced by calling on NO. 1 MERCUIL'S BLOCK.—GLOVES AT f 4,50 -LACE S AVit--LSTLITT FASHION& —3tiss IlnArirrr informs het. patrons that she has just received from Europek:, a supply of Jouvin's Gloves, which she can Offer at r 1,50 at retail. Also Shawls and Barbes in Lama and Chnruy Lace. • Miss BIIAIiDT calls especial attention to her fashion plates and patterns. She regularly re ceives the Berlin " Bazar" (the original of har per's), as well as the . Paris "Iloniteeir des Modes." A fine stock of the latest Hats and Bonnets aliray4 on hand. - May 4, 18111.—tf. Second-hand Sewing Machines for sale at a bargain by Wickham & Black. Also, Machine Neallea, Oil, Thread, Silks, c. April 28, 1870—tf. :Er -W. Drriiraca's Music Store, ow of Mercer's Bank, first door, where von will find Pianos, Melodeons, Organs, Violllts, Guitars, Banjos, Strings, Accordeons, Clarinets, Flutes, Sheet Music, Instruction Books for all Instruments, Music Books and all !duds of Mu sical Merchandise. { April 14,10. Dar We guarantee satisfaction i n all the work we do. Wo cut, make, and trim clothing for men and boys wear, ff. HARM & Co, 4 Midge Street. Towanda, Pa. toa.. Burn* ett's celebrated flavoring extracts, for sale by . M. J. LONG. Juno 16, 1870. We-Parties, picnics, festivals, and private families, furnished "with Ice Cream, on short notice, at Hart'a. NEW ArMICHANT TAILORIEG ESTAB LIMMENT.—Mesari: Taylor di; Gore have open ed, in connection with their Clothing Store, a Tailoring Department ; and having secured the services of a "first-class cutter" and competent workmen, they are now prepared to make up work in the best style and latest fashions to or. der. Having . just received a new and fresh stock of cloths, they aro prepared to offer bet ter inducements than ever before offered in To wanda. The public will find it to their advan tage to give us a call before buying else Where. Remember we warrant our work-and guarantee good fits. Repairing done on short notic March 12,1370. == Der TWi) good, active book can vassers wanted in every town in Bradford coun ty, for &cotrim and attractivo books. Those Having experienco desired. C. F. Cross, Towanda, Pa. • ler Clocks and Jewelry of all kinds and Stiit'S repaired uittilio greatest pos sible dispatell, at G. A. Morton's, Wickham & Black's Store. v Juno 80, 78701. G Strictly pure Ground Spices, at KEELER'S. C. O. D ilaNnt Merchant Tailor; Bridge Street -01VA/I,olftlenterpin. , $4,306' - o&iinizEs • - TO BE 0111PC4*'AlEi. . . MXOTEGMT=MLI • • To sv,oivitst-ple''•:- . - UN-TA HOSE COMPANY, No. 3, AT ALL7RFIrAI ?ALL; TOWAIfiIA;PA. \- nte rnocimos so ns tuna) ni vs:mm*l=a , A :STEAM FIRE ENGINE ! The Company take great phiaanre In presenUng to the Public, the foliating splendid LIST Olr wrrs. which they tatter theraselveirlisa never been enroll ed. Many of the Prizes. which have been contribu ted by the business men and Properly holden of To wands. can be wen at the several places of business. The distribution of Prizes will tike place it Marines Hall es soon as the tickets are dispoied of,nnder the rapervision eta committee aided's% at that time by fhe ticket-holders. TIIE , ;AST OF GIFTS Articles. - 1 Lot in East Towanda 1 Pirist•claaa Sleigh 1 Ladles• Gold Watch - 20 Dollars- in Gold, 1 Churn Power, • 1 Churn Power, 1 Iron-beam, Side-hill, Plough, 1 Wopd-beam Evans Plough, 1 Itradlord county Plough, 1 L Plough, 1 Cultivator, 1 4 4 1. •• ro/tic. .$5OO 00 160 00 100 00 23 20 ' - 35.00 15 00 10 5o 8 60 9 50 7 50 . 8 00 - 800 6 00 . _ 1 Suffolk Pig, 25.00 Greenbacks, • 5 00 . I.Suit of Clotho . ), to order, 50 00 1 Cook Stove, 00 00 1 Largo Chrome, 4 35 00 1 Globe, 15 00 1 Dozen White Shirts, , - , 25 00 1 Caddy of 10 lbs. Choice Tea, 15 00 1 Ton of Coal, 4 00 1 Set Doable Ilarness, ' . - 75 - 00 1 Corr, 75 00 1 Ton of C0a1,4 50 . . 1 1 . of Stove Coal, 550 1 .. of Chestunt Coal, . 525 1 Globe Hemisphere, 15 00 3 Box Cigars, r . 500 • 5 Borax of Toilet Soap, 5 00 1 Dressing Case, •., ' 10 00 ' 1 Ton of Coal, ' .. 4 00 1 Pair Lava Vases, 5001 1 Oil Painting, Is 00 , 1 Box of Cigars, .. '5 00 • • 1 Globe Hemisphere,_ 15 00 1 Silver Watch, 25 00 1 Library lnk Stand, • t 7 30 1 Large Album ' 2 00 20 Dollars in G old, 16 cf. prcininiu, 23 20 Small ammo,. 2 00 , , Open Binzgy. 125 00 . . Dor of Cigars, 5 00 Oil Painting, 11) 00 - Cheater Whito Hog, 50 00 Ton of C0a1,4 00 • • Chester. White Sow:. '5O 00 Globe ReruiSphere, 15 tPO Suit of Clothes, 40 00 Large Steel Plate Engraving, 40 00 Box in Cigars, 5 00 Ton of C0a1,4 00 23 prizes) 1 copy each, 1 yr., Bradford .11 , porter,30 00 Silver Watili, 23 00 Darrel of Flour, 10.00 four Letup, Gas Chandelier, • - 40 00 Box of Cigars, 5 00 Pirst-cluss Overcoat, to order, 55 00 Ton of Coal, 4 00 • Globe Hemisphere, ' 15 00 Darrel Sugar, 250 lb., at 13 cts. per lb. 35 00 Velocipede, ' 63 I. C, 1 . Brasil Chronio,. • 2 00 Darrel Plour . f .10 00 Box of Soap, 0 lid • , i Box of Saleratug, • • 0 110 lease of Canned Peaches.lo Gil . . 1 Globe Hemisphere, • . • • 13 00. 1 Ton of C0a1,4 00 1 Cook Stove and Furniture, 75 00 1 Case of Canned Plums, 10 00 1 ItorJugh Lot, 50x150,, 400 00 1 Rosewood Toilet Box, 5 'Co . 1 Barrel Flour, ' 10 04) 1 Fancy Match Holder, 1 UO 1 Jar Pomade, 2 CO . . 1 Rosewood Toilet Box, 30 0 1 Ton of Coal, '4 60 (23 prizes) 1 copy each, 1 yr., Bradford Argus, 50 00 I 'Case of Perfumery, - 3 MO (6 prizes) Gent's Pocket Books, ;I 50 hitch, ' 9 00 1 Case Congress Water, , ' 12 00 1 Ton of Coal, 4 00 (3 prizes) Ladies' Velvet Paryes, 33 each. 6 00 I Case of Perfumery, 3 03 1 Jar Po:mule, 1 Ton of Coal, 1 Clow of Perfumery 5 prizes).Fancy Iron Match Holders, $1 each.' 3 Ou Toilet Set, four brushes each, 5 00 Oil Painting, . .. 12 21) Marble Mantle, Shelf. - ' 600 ' 27 prizes) Box each 100 Garibaldi ilherOois, 27 00 Large Rocking Horse, • 10 00 Pair Napoleon Grain, Waterproof Boots, 15 00 1 - ID prizes) Kerosene-Oil Lamps, 'sl each, 10 00 Barrel of Crackers, 6 00 Ton of Coal. 5 4 00 Set Sash and Blinds, for a house, . 123 (s) Marble Mantle Shell, 0 01' Case of Hair Restorer, , 10 DO Case of Perfutnery, - 6 GO Tar of Poinatle, 1 50 , , Toilet Case, - 2 00 Case of Perfumery, 2 00 Ton of Coal, 4 C') 0 Dollars in Gold, 16 cis premium, ' trl 20 Marble Mantle Shelf,' 5 1) , ) . 0 Dollars in Silver, . 10 60 20 prizes) I pound Tea each, 20 IX) Case of Perfumery, • 3 00 . Ton of Coal, • , 4 00 Barrel of Flour, , , 10 00 I Fancy Watch Holder, 1 00 1 Jar of Pomade, , " 1 53 BOttle of Perfumery, 2 te) 1 Case of Canned Peaches, 10 00 1 Marble Mantle Shelf, 10 00 Case of Pe.lumery, i 3 00 1 Ton of Coal, ' 4 0) 1 Barrel of Floor, - 10 00 Jar of Pomade, • . 2 00 I Oil Painting l2 50 I Marble Mantle Shelf, • 6 0 ) Toilet Set, four brushes each, 5 00 I Borough Lot, 50x150.450 on . I Ton of Coal, 4 00 Menus Dress Pattern, 10 yds.ati2 per yd. 20 (» 1 Pair of Fiue Boots, to order, : 12 00 `lllox of Cigars, 6 00 Set of Single Harness, 4 - 40 to 1 Barrel of flour, . 14 00 1 Yeamau's Patent Cutting Box, 13 00 Marino Dress Pattern, 11!, yds. at $2 per yd. 23 00 .20 Dollars in Gold, 16 cis. Premium, 23 20 Box of Cigars, ' J 5 00 • Yeoman's Patent Coiling Boxes, . 151 00 Box of Cigars, • - 500 Barrel of Flour.• ' 4 'lO 00 Menno Dress Pattern, 10 yds. at $2 per yd. 20 00 Box of Cigars, 6 00 Complete Set l of Tinware, 7 it) Italie, (warranted) 23 00 Box of Cigars, _ o 00 Set of Chamber Furniture, 75 (0) Point Lace Shawl, 73 00 1 Barrel of Flour, • 10 (s) I Box of Cigars, . 6 00 Dress Pattern, . 10 1)) 1 Shawl, - 5.i.0 1 Merino Dress Pattern, 10 yds. of $2 per yd. 20 00 .• .. , .. .. ~ .. .. 20 00 . 1 Box of Cigars, I Velocipede, I Barrel of Flour, I French Shawl, • I Silk - Dress Pattern. I Roll of Brussels Carpet, 1 Plough, 1 BarrefChrirn,_ 1 Box of Cigars, (12 prites) Cedar Pails, $1 iio -each, :SUMO tie Insurance Policy, 1 Flo i. !loxes clap, . -- I Map f Towanda. by Morgan, . i Lil amount of Prizes, T 4 Whole Number of liekels, 6,000 PRICE FOR SIIiGLE TicaErs, . 00 ICEFERE.VCES MEM ion. F. F. STnEt. - ren, Don. P. D. Monnow JOHN F. 141EANs Lion. th.rststm J.tur.s M. Venn J 13.5 A. C.:DD/Sti Tickets may be pm:lured at PORTER AL KIRBY'S. DRUG STOnE, Members ofthe Hose Company, and at the established Am.ncica named in small cir curare. All ccnnEonnialtioru3 athlres2ed to C. B. PORTER, Towanda, Pa ~ Chairman or Committee, will rezeive prompt atten Lion.' Towancla; i l Jnly 20, 1870. WAVE.RLY. INSTITUTE ! • The ,S2ndTerm under A. J. LANG. A. M., opens AUGUST 20, 1870: English, Classical and Commercial Departments. Normal Class In which twenty pupils receive free tuition organized at the lwrjrming of Fall Term. Send to Principal for Catalogues and particulars. N. - Erector; . duly 20, 1870-=-It Rest of Trustees. DDISSOLUTION.—The copartner ship heretofore existing between the snbacrib. era, tinder the firm nainelof Grant 8: Robinson, is thin day dissoired by myths! consent. • JOHN 0. GRANT, - THOI3. 11. ROBINSON. SnII. Co., Pa... April 1.1870. .14124 KINGSLEY Desirea to call the attention of lin Ladies to Ler new assortment of FkNOT Goops Efho mix° h'as a full Untl of Bomirra. HATS. AC.. for tho Sommer trade, which are offered to her cus tomers and the public on the moat reasonable tarots. Bonnets repaired and trimmed on short none'''. She has also a tine selection of Flair and Fancy aka, such le Lace and Linen Collars, Cuffs, Hand kerchiefs, Corsets, /re. Entrance next door. to Fox,Stevens, "terror /c Co..' up stairs . To wanda, May 24, '7O. DRIED FRUIT OF 94 ; ALT. aTigS CAMP VINCE•NT . 'S ~.,DTSURANCE AGENCY, . _ . • Monts Written In all Of OW following" mina uoll rethink aompantes. LORSEEI senla and paid at our Linke. FATUUntopEuTr, (Including Inc Sward and dwellings In town inattred aunoW .u2,11.91.1GE an Lzonwnuo u well as Fun: • • LIFE /20311 RANCE affected In - one of the Qtded, - Largest and Brygl Cetapanteis l a ud e country: , . . . bscrsuicia Cm/I%NY, - . Londare, Engkind., • •, •$10,000.000 eae0t.,.... Wtoisorarinittuacci C,olitrixt; IriLkeitgar' re, N. Assette. LuccaTraz intftAliCk COMPANY. ia.n,caster,.Pa. J ME! LW:AVM= Isstrwser. Cog' PANT, I VOINII, Mcuz.: ME! rtn,Tow Fins Insvaaser. COSWANY. New York. =I Norm A3O:IIICAX /2111IIIIAXCT C... liar Toni, Conn. 11=1 Ctrs Piam Inunism COMPANY, gartforri. Conn. ---- • • CIXIMLAXD IItRitrII.VCCE COXPANT,"., Clerdand, Ohio. $51:5,674. NEw ironic Lire Invatxce Colukkx.r. 1 New rurk. J $13,000,000. • Assets. As.setta, Aseettg. AGBIGATE CAPITAL IMPUTIMIITED, OVMZ Strict attention to 'niobium; fair 'dealing:Tend prompt statement of Josses, is oust surrro: • ' Coma and try us. • Mee on main street, opposite- Court ,house, up stairs. Mr. Viscmcr at Meninx Bank from 9 d. m. till 3 o'clock, p. m. .T. n. CANT, W. S. VINCENT. j Towanda, Pa., July 20, 1870,—1y powELL & co OPEN TEN BALES OF SHEET I -N" DIFFERENT QUALITIES, 2 0 } 4 MI =1 Codding, Russell & HAIiDIVARE,`IRON, STOVES NAILS, TINWARE, &C. Keep the largest stock of BUILDING MATERIALS, • GLASS, , SASH, PAINTS, LOCKS, OILS, &C., to be found in this part of 'the State • Headquarters for. FRUIT Try the New Improved Top - PORCELAIN LINED AND PER- FECTLY JAR LOOK AT THESE P.lllOl.iLS.' Qnarts, by the case,.. $22 00 ,gross Gal.. " " " 29 00 " Quarts, " " dozen 200 I I Gal. " " " 250 • . MOWING - MACHINE SECTIONS, Hay, Rope, Pork gullies, &c. SI.JJG 05 REFRIGERATORS, • ICE CREAM 'FREEZERS, BATHINO TUBS, dosvra Powczr., TINWARE, Cizo. D. McninsiE, Maj. Ar.}:x. Pz.vEN FISHING TACKLE ' 'FLOWER POTS, WATER COOLERS, SCREEN WIRE, STONEWA.RA WOODEN WARE, . _ . all kinds of CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, FELLOES, • SPORT'S, &C. „ LEATHER BELTING, SAWS, and . . We ofer• at wholesale NAILS, GLASS, FRUIT JARS; - • FAIIMNG TOOLS, KEROSENE, POCKET CUTLERY, and-many other goodi, at all times at lowest market rates. . Codding, Russell Co. • Towantbt, May 12, . 1870, CAKES AND CRICKERS.-GRE clan Bond, Scotch Honey, Orange, Raison, Leta. on and Ginger Cates, Washingt . on inmbles and Coffee Meerut, and all kinds of Crackers at March 4, 10. , ROCKWELL'S. ' Now Aclinethenumts. = W*'ANDA. • $2,000 $26,000,000, CAMP A VINCENT THIS WEFT: OF ILL BE SOLD ! • VERY LOW KEYSTONE STORE DEALERS TOILET SETS, BIRD CAGES, ICE PITCHERS, REVOLVERS, AIECHAXIC'S TOOLS, BABBETT New 'ditiatifiemoi& :ri o iv- t1.;,,,t, ik cO . JUNE THIS DO OPTED • 4-, 5000 YARD ItZIINANTS OF. f 245,000 BEST QUALITY CALICOES, P 630,000 WEI 6491,44'0. MEDIUM AND DARK CQLORS; Which will b reld„%ery cheap., KEYSTONE STORY, .Touvida, July 27,1870 TOW.A.NDA IGM.CUII4TIZAL WOR4B STILL ALIVE! Who snperiniendeni: of this shoi, Is nor: offerißiq sonic of the best LUMBER 11":100N-S, PLATFORM WAGON - S 1 COVERED 4 AND OPE:k BUGGIES, ever orered In trite mar Let. Dest pi‘lect.,l OAK AND HICKORY TIMBER uwd, and In work made by the most L= Elt I ACED WOr.K3l£;: Emonm PATENT -RUSSIA IRON SEATS very light, and au durable that even Line 113 but little to du to' 'ard4 their deep}. • . I::,,,Kurt.. AN of the elm:elle& ribed lets, ,leer- i, - Plead: examine - our work before purchasing el,- • pateein i.f laml are a part of the farm ow nt by •th where. Repairing done on short nota-e. said William M. Watts, th,4•34.-,1, OM colltainiro , ' t •;: , ..thar :.',out 1' , 7 arses, and 111,1'4d/es: The land 111, C. 3[r Prest, -. 1.. i. W. VINCENT, Towanda,. July 20, 1570. Superintendent. wul be sold in 64.1,:1rate iote, fir a:if - V .- II:Cr. /4..51 ix:3. ----------------- :,..Nt„..4.l:l.thl . purclia.er. - I TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TLe ri , ..te 1:t.,:.1 - 11),(Inro;:rrly i 9 P l / 2 1:1:it:d cLoilt I', 1 TUE UNITED STATES. for the Western District lii from the .'ourt Ilmr.r, and ,withio te,! 1..:::1- of Pennsylvania. JOHN-HILLIER. a Dinrept on- ht ' s , '4th to the `-I'4.'t• The are two t hrill - 1 ; Y""a;Z ' der the Act of con, g ri , ,,. of March 2d, 1861, Laving ',.''''" -tr '''', -a """` I 'ir'h"; Lome. -end a large ne‘e ,an nu t.ll. 1;r unwn. Inn Ntoel, lime a ,arge...p o r. applied for a disliaro from all his debts, and other ; :••n of the land vim 1 e e.. 1,1 for Coen lota , . aa the,:::l- claims probible inn .I 'raid Aet, fly order of tle ' Court, nodes in beret* given, to all .persona s: it) I,'''..- of T '''''' a ada i'' laP'tiT rereading :n that thr , :- have oved their - debt, and other persons interested t , ',..',-..„..,_. - to ap pe ar on th e 6th day of AlltilinT, 1110, at Ist [' f ,""'''''—nv,i, ~ Lt. of the laln•h•rie nemeyir , pad al,ea the prop-rte is ,tri0i,,1.,-ti, v.... ty•l... o'clock, a.IM, before E. ovr.irros. Jr., Esq., Regis- t Mr in ''''- Dankrutcy. at Lie othee, at Towanda, In., mi i ''''' ''''''' - ,' t th ` - ''' I ''" "' )" '''''tht 'al '• a a•I t'''' b - : - , :.):1,:. Nt ISL. interest, annually frouilcounrmation c c how cause, if any they have, why a Indeharge should not lxi grantell to said Bankrupt. And ' ht. ' "I t. ' 1 ""'" 1 1"."-ta'ateate* _ .further,-notice is hereby given, that the Second and ,„, ~„ ,_, • )1111.1" E. WATTS. Tonal Settings of Creditor , of the said Ilankrhpt, ''''Y -"!' ''''' - Atiministratria. _... required by the 27th• and 28th Sections, or said A . ct, will be held before. the said Eeeieter, at the time aml pled. S. C. 31,CANIYI.E.,S. Clork C.S. litt,t. Court for raid Dvdnat duly 27,,'70:w2 A . • yEZT_TIT JARS, , Towanda, tune 15;1RTO TO OtR MANY FRIENDS We take plcriptire in annritufeing tic arrival .of our Very EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT SPRING STYLES SPRING STYLES SPRING STYLES SPRING STYLES , COMPRISING -, COMPRISING COMPRISING COMPRISING NEWEST • and ' BEST NEWEST 'and BEST NEWEST and BEST NEWEST • - and BEST . Tilt mulct mgerds, selected nith care by experi enced num in the Wide. /EMI] We have all the beat and inor,t populr .manttfasa were goods 'I! nited io the wants of LADIES, ,311, SE . & CHILDREN, With a full line of the colebrated JAMES M. BURT'S GOODS M..EN , AND BOYS per own Mannar:buy is in full blast and we are preparedlo makii to order any kind of work. Nssur. lug the public that.we shall take loons pains than ever topless° them, end invite an eraminapou of our Stock. . Mich 30:1870; UUMPIIRE DEOTUERS. 1011111PES.—THE LARGEST AS JL aorttaent dr Pipes for Maio at !Larch 4, 70 . . - W. A. HOCKWELL'i3. IN moirr, li J MOOTS and• SHOES BOOTS and SHOES BOOTS and SHOES BOOTS and SHOES El GOODS - GOODS GOODS --GOODS Fos A DMINISTRATBIX. NOTICE,- listiceta hereby Overt/vat all persona indebted to the estate of JAWS 8. BORE, lide.of Meow" twp., deceased, are regnmited to malts inonsdlite pay. mtz, MA all pervious havinw claim against said ee. tate nand be present the suaxdulyanthenticated to 4 - ewttleznent. - • ANSA 110 WE. • June 21, 1870. Admintstratrir. AWDcreands may. be left with lf. - D. &assts. dreenwood, Pa. E, mmus "TIIATORS -NOllC'E. ANntlce Whereby given that an persons indebt ed to Um' estate of DIODATE SP.MICEIT, late of Dar lington bard', tree'donnatinaks immediate papmant, and:all persons having claims against said estate, must present them duly authenticated for settler:ten to me at East Staitittleld, Pa. . • JAB. 11. WEDD. J tiC o Z T 7; • ' Adminiatrator. • sTßAtoirs NOTICE.- A Bailee is hereby given that all persona indebted to the estate of Alin= id. RINEY. lido of Borne Bore.' deccared., are regneitect to make immediate payment, and all persona baring claims against said estate remit premit Ulm duly authenticated-for set. Bement. • CHRISTOPHER. H INEY. dune 27. 1270. Administrator. A UDITOWS Cranmer rs: N. D. Fnx.-2P0._302, Sept. Term. 1810. In the Court of Coruntourloartopradford nits undersigned, Au 'auditor; appointed . by eahl Comfto dletributo funds to Shirt! • hand* among ' frnn MberLfrn solo of 'deliindant'a teal estate, trill et. tend-to the dntieipf said appointment. at bla &Cleo in the tiorough - otTouranda. - on SATVIMAY, the f.th' day of AUGUST. I£l7o, at one o'clock p. m.:at which titno and place all persona having claims on -said money are reqniredtp plexent the urns or be debar. red from coming on amid fund. W. A. SECIi, . Tilde, 22, 1.870. Auditor. - 01.1PHANS' COURT_ SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE NEAR TOWANDA! •- rtrtna • of an order lasted ont of the Orphans' Court of. Bradford co:, the nnderbigned, oda:inlet rz !Lir of the estato of W. MEANS WATTS, deceased, will expose at public silo on the.nrcznisea in North Towanda, on SATURDAY, AUG. 27th. 1870, at 1 o'- clock p.m.,the following described property, viz: A certai piece or parcel of land situate in North Towanda township, beginning at a corner on west line of Alanson Lovelace, and north-east comer of' Badger's lot, thence along north line of Badger's lot south-tlO deg. 10 rule, west 84 per, to the public high way !ceiling to Towand# borough. then,. along the' same north RI deg. west 37 2.10-per. to the south-. nest Cori: , : of Jainee Foster'• lot,thence along the mute north - GI dog. cast 01 perches to the thence, corner of sold Lovelaceslot, thence along the lineitif tie' name south deg. cast 36140 perch e s to the place of beginning. tontalumg 29 acres and 11 per , dies. • , ALSO—Adjoining the above lot. a piece bounded and described as full,:sws: On the cast by the main road Lading from Towanda tee Athens, on the north, nettle and west by other *Undo of said deccd , int.— Contaiumg one-half- acre, more or lose. ALSO—One other piece of laud adjoining the. above and bounded as follows : • On the north by . Charles IL Brow:rand the lot above, deFcribtit., on the east by the Towanda road, on the south by Lou.,p,en DeLong, and ep the west by lands hemming to the estate 41 the 'late John C. Adams, ex."Fepticr: therefrom' two acres adjoining Reuben DeLong, which has been Set apaet to the widow. Containing, after deducting the two aclui eet'spsrt to the ciwint la; acres. ALSO—Onc, other piece of land, purchased of Jay. S. B. Harding, begioning sea point•in the. wen. ter of. the Towanda road on the north line of ot4. r lauds if mid decedent herein dracatmd , thence in a W. sterly direction :dim:: mid Inst mentioned land .1d rods to a stake and :tones; thence in a northerly direction parallel with the Towanda road G rods'to a stake and stones corn:.rthenee - in an eal-t•nly .- tau parellel with the Leath line of other lan'', of iteced,ott 2,;G„: rods to the center of tht- Milli, a v. theme , sontlierly along toiid huihway 6 list, to piece of bei.:inuing. . Containing. one tier's; str,ci. 'TI' NOTICE.— .....u.'• iyher,:," thr , S 1,4 , 1,, , upf 11001- 1 t, tt, tt! C. L. :CALL:, di:cut...lL 14to r.(Tri•Vandla a., .0-Tv 1 , , 4.:.- paym , and :01 ltzting t t thorn 4111 , :,r WARD. • 7 T 0 N 6 - E.- that gel prlsons Inarbt• 4 1.11,• r.-4-tt, 11r , hon. 1:44.r,f Munn. , tip r , otir-4,1 t.. ninAr Imnirdiate I.ror:n.zeiranisripinst said ce:At.• nffirt4 !7.41!:. I:1 llttlp aut!ir nt.,Ar4 for sett:rills:lt. MEER . - A 1,,D11 4 7.70.11'S NOTICE-s, r,per BruMer.—No. I.ol+ Nay T.. 1,7 q. ti 4 conrt of CorOloa ilea+ of Dradf. , ro.- qulfr.' The itt.-I,...ttniel an Attain - it appointo,l by 1.4 A :ottrtior,eye in Cie hands of the Shethi! trout Sl.e.t:tr'e p:111 of iltteudante pert. owl propert-i. ntll attend to' tite.ilittieii of said meat at Ins office in the tioroueh of Totc,ilol.l on I'EESE.II' tho trtit iLty of ActiCtiT. at 2 o'. etceli p. ill.. at witieli time and place ell Te'recoas bro. 'Ott claims to suit} money.ariff requited to i.reAerit ten Le deb:l:Tea trot COMM ' ' , 111/611 Raid Intel. DE.N.t. 31. PECK, Aq.ltror. I= CIRPT-tAN'S' COURT SALE.-BY • Yirtue.-of en order iesned out of the Orphans.' s'estrt licalford county, the undersigned aslnsies s 4- is-atsa. of the estate of PHILIP It. HALL decease I, sit publie'eale, on the premises in Tuscarora on Tiul - nst).ll - . Arc :sr 25.7870, at I o'clock p. in.. ti, 'selounner described lot. piece oyparcel of land. s:essate in Tnsrazora, bounded and Reser:bed ais fob lows li-ginnlit.; at the esAth-cast corner of a let Sun i'vra for Thos. no•th tO the youtlo.wesstfors. a lot cold en won: Hall, thence along the er. , t line of said Hall to the county line far enough by runi.s iss.! a line dna west to Reuben Mattivou's ea , t line:swamg one hundred acres--eix percent. allew- TETIMK—sino to he psi} rin the prof erty Twitypr, thk7l - 11, $6OO at COnannztion. of,aale. aml tne within oe year from contirmabon. Pay- UOIII of bahtnee to be et-cared by good and =ntHc•ec hen upon the itrentites. • jtkly 1. A I'DITOR'S NOTICE.—s. V. Is- -• .1 I- - pis we'll eg. E. B. Ebireigsf . -ro.-No.:o3Sep.T.'f.2. In Oh.. C.oirt of emit/non Incas of liradford Co. -Tl,e nn.lerdene.l having 'mien appointed Alithif , a I'lr said Com - t t” 116L - ibute nicuey in Sheriff's Lands raised froio .at., of defendanes nal estate. von at-,` tend to the illitiiis of said appoititnietit. at his office, ? . in the 80r.:17.h of Towanda, on TUES . 5.T, the Stla day-of AI:OUST. ISl'll, at 2 o'clocli, p, 1., at which time and pied- all persons haring t.I ' s -nil said theney are noplestrl to presc.ht Idle sr r,,, ! o r 1,, ~,,.. 1,:!ar,.,1 fro:a craning info: a share oet,,,i 1n,.1..ty: vrN.I. m. rrcrz, Auditor. I. 1A76-4t ITLEAS, lion. FABIUS 11. STRKETEILP evident lodge of the 12th Mt:kW District cotimisti of the ,-non: - bss of Bradf , rd and Susqnthanna. a d Hone. 7.1.13 r; LON Fr. 1,1111: mid .J. W. VasDrmr.. -- A Judues, in and for said county of-Bradfrird.l re issoed char precept bearire: dato the rith day of -July, 1.870; to me directed for holding an ad; narn - od Court of, Comma u Pleas at To for the Ci!onty of Brad ford. en Monday, August 8, 1870 to continue One week. • . • Notice it therefore hereby friVe to the Cormier?, and Justices of the Pih , . ofthe C, unty of tradford, that tiley tse then and there in th -ir proper person, at 10 o'cicolt in the forenoon ,of slid day, with ris -cords. inquisitions and other remembrances: t• ;do those things which to their °Mee appertains tote done: and those who arc bound lirrecognizance or otherwise to prosecute. against the prirrioners who are or nuivire in the jail of raid county, , or who shall ' be luyeefte appear at the said court are to Le thou and there to prosecute azaiust Drina as shall be just.? Jurors ore requested to be punctual la their anon darter, al:reredily to their notice. . - - Dated at 'rowainil. the Alth• day of in tho year of onr Lord. one thookind eight htutdred and seventy, and of the Independence of thf,linited e, the ninety-third. 1. T. P. CADS FLEET, LIST OF PERSONS b r ltAltY AS Juror% for and Adjourned. Court of Commgn Pleas to be held at Tovranda, commencing Monday, August 8, 1870 : Athena tarp.. WrigLt Bunbim, MUM E. Walker, Win. Moot, Win. Sawyer, Sitrum IL Morley; Barclay Wm. ICMeCranny; Burlington, Almon Weed: 0.1. umbla, Robert G. Card ; Granville. Wm. Yeoman ; Leßoy, John R. Chaapel ; Monroe, pastel PowerWi: Orwell, Albert Prince, Wm. Sm!th: Pike, Salmon B. Canfield, Sylvegfer Camp, George L: Lewis . ; South Creek, Gorton E. Paraoni, Rehm Watkins; Smithfield John Van Kirk ; Shesheguln, George. C. Gore.J4f,, Brown; Toivanda hero', Menials M. Woodruff, 0. 11. Perry Jaeob Allyn, Wm IL Shaw; Macro ra, San - ,rd Overton ; Ulster, Amos Walk:111;i, John Antlion,y4 Wells, George 11. Knapp, Wade. Beardsley; Wyaluerhg, Harrison Lamb ; Wilmot, Francis G. Morrow, Paul Bates, David Ellenberger ; • Wyscx, John Tuttle. Real Estat© for -Sale. ri . Q R SALE---A FARM OF FIFTY 1 Acme, within the Borough litnits i suitable for village tots., Infra - lre pt Charles 3ferrur; at - the office of the Fall Creek Bittitulnous. Company, Tow. Pa. Feb. , 2S, 18711-tf, WO- SMALL FARMS FOR T 8:1I,E.--One containing 05 acres, t 0 sloated within 80 rods of Burlington - borough. Tho othir ou Holton 11111. containing 20 acres. vreil lin. pros ed. Inquire of C. M. Manville or E. W. hale. April k 18:0. - IjOR SALE-.--A 30 :horse - power Ftki:nnary eugtne and boiler in good qouditlon. Terms—One•bell to be paid down and the balanoo in ore ycar. Apply to Mtelmel Williama,,Fall creek; a• Mathew Ikea:nen; 'Wilmot ..townaldp, oii fame Road. maylB.'7o T)ESIBABL.E PROPERTY FOR SALE CET-LP.—Owing to ill-beillth the under .s:gned offers for 6.110 cheap a good House, Barn.. - Wagon and Blacksmith Chop, with about 1% acres • of land. Two good wells, a cistern, • an& plenty cfl , good fruit trees thereon. This property is located in Ebeshequin township. Bradford county. Fa.. on, on the river road, and near a good school and 'ehurch. Possession given immediately. For fur. thee particulars inquire of the proprietor, 0. W. , Vincent. at Towanda Agricultural. Works. or Woe. anyder:Sheshequin, Pa. 0. W. VINCENT. • Feb. 8, 1870-tf --rA„," FOR SALE IN PIKE.- - f The undersigned offers his farm for sale. sans ited on the btate road, two miles from Steve:lls%iile, and tlrct mites from Leltaysvillo. containieg about acres, over 70 acres Improved And the balance ell timbered. A house, two barns, a good orchard. and peach. pear, plumb: and cherry trees in atnin ticnee, thereon. For further particuLTra apply to I. WHIPPLE. krtevenaville, Pa.. Julie 2s, Is74—dl• == T. (1. H(T'lll..i)N. 3.. C. I.N.VINE, Extelitor O. E, igeKrrr. Admin.mtrator.,