Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 21, 1870, Image 3

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    fraifori - 1190#ft ,
l et Whortleberries 'ere very abnn
daut, lina Arc selling at 8 cacao,* quirt.
vet. P. T. Scars. at.
Abe Wird
Biome, tuciinujused half hlteresin.the kb House, Owego, N.Y.' •
le...Arrangenients, are beingatmie
to have the Collegiste Institute ro-opetii with
an efficient corps of thaelrre.
• J- ORRIN llsuio has . placed: a
neat and substantial Muzzle on Ma (114. Tbla
is an example which ohonld be followed ,by
every dog owner In town.
Ds- In another column will be
found the list of prizes to be given away by
Lie-ta nOI114) Company. Some of them aro
very Tenable. .
ser- A sneak thief was captured
boar Lcruna's ?Ms, Saturday night last, while
in the set of stealing Clothes from Mr. Minis.
The thief gavo his captors twenty-Hre dollars
to be "let alone." I,
Si - A new serial story by a
tingniehed American railer; whose name ia held
reserre, la to be begun in the /awns% Galaxy.
The tale is said to be full of incident, dramatic,
-novel in SCone and character, and admirably
adapted for aerial publication.
sir J. H. Onarrr, who was former
ly in the employ of Joni; Ihrrourwax, how en
tered into mineral:lip with D. 0. EOLWX in
the building and contracting bitsineaa. Per
sons wanting first-chum work done to their line,
will find Mews. HoLW & Oka= the right
Mud et men to deal with. .
a FlRE—About 9 o'clock
on Friday morning 4st, Mr. Tnunzut's bun,
ritnated on the Northern Liberties, was dimes
(Ted to be on fire, but the flames were extin
gni,.le before the firerash reached, the spot.
short time after the alarm was again sound.
and it was ascertained that the barn was
boning. The firemen were promptly out and
,nreccdcd in confining the fire to the building,
aithengh it was in close proximity to several
do•.lling houses. Had the fire spread to any
OUP of the adjoining buildings, the deistraction
~ f prop•rty would have been very great.
The dwelling of Mr. S. C. Ho-
VIA, of Ulster, was entered a few days ranee,
during the absence of the family, and a pocket
-1,901, containing a small amount of money and
,bent 1,500 in notes and valuable papers taken.
A neighbOr soon after discovered the robbery.
A ,n.picious appearing individual bad been
,een about the premises. Search was at once
maile for him, and about 12 o'clock the same
night he was overtaken near Athens, and prov
ed to be the thief. Mr. H. recovered his stolen
property, and the guilty party was brought to
this place and lodged in jail. He gives his name
az , KELLY..
PERSONAL—N. N. Burrs, Ja., the
p pnlar cashier of the First Nitional Bank,
with his wife, is spending the heated term at
Shoal Island.
--nom F. B. Slum - run and wife, and Mrs. E.
0. Gooinuen, left for Capo Ilayf on Saturday
hist, where they will stop at the Ettockten House.
—M. H. L.tamo and wife, and Miss Art=
coonamn, are at Congress Ball, Avon Springs.
--We are pleased to learn that Joux B.
Kis.:serns has been appointed a clerk in.tbe
cmsus Bureau, Washington.
—Gen..L. B. rIEttCE, general agent for the
Pliolilt Mutual Life Insurance Company, Was
to toe non Monday. Although the General has
becn a resident of the Smith since the close of
tilt- ear, lie is still sound politically.
Mr.ncrn arrived from Washington
t•a Saturday last.
Onwem,.—A most distressing mei
ut ”ecitrred in Orwell on Wednesday evening.
The partirninrs, as wo learn them from a cor
h.-p.c.:cut, are as 'follows : As Mr. WiLsox
3,Pil> was driving his team along the road, they
bee:.nie frightened and ran, throwing him to
thy ground and dragging him for some distance.
lb was so badly injured that he died on Sun
day morning. Mr. Jos was one of the first
tarsi is the county to respond to the call of the
(es - eminent for men to suppress rebellion, and
hi:ascii a brave soldier. Be was a good
rnil u, an affectionate husband and father,
Lind neighbor. His untimely end is deeply
meerned by the' entire community. lie was
thirty-live years of age, and leaves a wife and
small children to sorrow over his death.
ge" The correspopdent of the El
mira Adrerfisrr, in speaking of the business
growth of Towanda, pays a merited tribute to
one of our most enterprising citizens:
" The prosperity and wealth of this place is
steadily and inevitably increasing. The whilom
lethargy which characterized our citizens has
entirely disappeared, and been superseded by
'err apparent activity and energy. We are now
o have an extensive iron manufactory, the capi
tal stye!: haring all been subscribed and the
I , .etril of directors orgaruzed. The work will be
pudied. 3lnch of this is dne to Col. 0. F. 31a
tow President of the Board, who, we ate
prend to record, is an able, sagacious, pradical
financier, and, notwithstanding all these usual-
ly z,eni-narrowing qualifications, a gentleman
large heart and liberality. In the midst of
he. affairs by always finds 'limo to lend a willing
( , :r and helping hand to the deserving poor,
on almost any pleasant evening may be
actually vaijoyiny a game of croquet on the
1 , 1 , 1 ,, ant giounds fronting his spacious real
lc.r. Such rnen a community should be prowl
such men will long live in the memory
th they leave behind."
D-Z- We find the following card in
th. lad Tunkhatinock Republican. "llev."3lr.
visited this place last winter, and sue
d in making quite a raise :
I.lrosyor..--A man by the name of E. H.
professing to be a minister, a physi
, ant. and a dentist, late from Tema, blivin o •tted
refrom with his family to save their lives,
11,, slid children stopping at Alexandria,
611,. he came north to get means to bring them
I,..rth. has been traveling through parts of the
~,,,M.see and Wyoming Conferences pro
1, endorsed by a number of our minis
ter., lecturing, preaching, practicing medicine
cud dentistry, and raising money thereby, He
:• a hell dressed and looking man of abdut fifty
ar, of age, and so well skilled in the several
arts practiced, as to be bide to deceive "the
r, elect." After a careful effort to secure of
31eihmlist ministers in Texas information Ma
ri ri,Ht.s said Wsnwrn, not a word, recognizing
even the existence of such a man, has been ob
tain...l. And from other evidence which has
recently come to AlB, we are forced to believe
that we have been most grossly imposed upon,
and that the said man Is one of the best esti
uted counterfeiters out of State's prison. His
p,,irey to deceive is beyond description ; be can
pray or weep, be a saint or a martyr" jet as
best suits his purpose. We believe him a do
..over and a very dangerous man, whose word
false, whose designs are dark, and men and
everywitite are warned against him as
ntiscrupillons. villain.
beim C.,
P.E. Wyoming Dirict.
SAMUF-L F. Baows,
Painter M.E. Church, Tunk.
ty'T7iwandians visited the Glen last week,
:,‘l,l speak of their excursion in glowing term.
1.111, rs, tre learn, are contemplating the same
d. , tninlion the present week. The party unto
rd 22, and embraced the following gentle
fe.ll awl ladies: Wallace Bingsburr, Joe Pat
!vi, Trask Decker, Mel Spslding, Will Hawes,
Charlie Cross, Walter Tracy; Frank Ooodmanr
Jh Mary Bartlett, Bettie Bartlett, Delen .
Tre-y, Ettie I:erste:7, Hrnnah Naglee, Sarah
heion, Annie Co:, Mary Mix, Jessie Phinney,
(tan Holcomb, Dane Sterling, Maria Parsons;
Frank Goodman, and Mfrs. Dr. Allen, of
Mr. in speaking of the Glen, says:
•• TLcre is not to be found in this country, per.
in the world, a more strikingly sronderful
:051 l' freak of nature than the Watkins
Differing essentially in all its character
ima-s frotu any other remarkable locality of
•natural interest, it; has as distinct an indiridu.
as the Falls of Niagara or the Mammoth
"The Glen is situated in Schuyler county, at
th bead of Seneca lake, and is 22 miles from
Elmira. It consists properly of a number of
glens rising one above another, and extending
la.? , than two miles, forming a series of. rocky.
areal : s, galleries and grottos, subterranean at
lirneo, and again widening out into vast amplii
tie atre,,, the grandeur and magnificence of
c:tnnot be fully realized by 'description.
1t tonna the channel for a limpid stream, which'
itA eccentric course, making tho descent
In a ntrriad of cascades and rapids, the beauty
and varioy of which is unequaled anywhere."
Wassaiiitalis weird
4014 4
Glom pestyetikrelsdies it the boisi4C
ilissoreredibsi twit irert — bt *sub s
condition as to suedes It *thimble thl
should be "lea ti simmer,* as Thom te
1 4 7 2 , 1 4 it, isifikr9NebrUPWoablii.llllo6
real Yroeeedid, in Cieopeny Oith e lively p4ty
from Meths, to explore the sr-tamed Oleo;
Going cue of the daclAdaMis ire • mewl iq
much of their adumMlukuuMPtPlui *Telles
beet In illteli oreteetteateat t , mtg. sod
Miskstioal—the • tut beloe essecli 117- the
grandeur tithe Glen, 110 mama IT -11 'IMO*
sham, the Writ by goalies geabob - dreg
tuubliMed louthOrhu hickuml
gyintsastio feats dinin !hi stilts and off &cm
tho stesodsts at thislikisi Moods& House
(overhanging highteal precipices); and "In t
upon beim forcibly detained horn hie pedbre
Inidertakhigei gently reamired the nervous
spectators b 7 • hilternhig them •that ." he nal
never drunk! . lore and never would be riga**
which mut film been eetaforting. Early nest
Morning our *stole party were on their way to
the Glen; and as wevatered what we may call
the antoleinn au& enchanted mountain au•
tie (for by no 'other mune can we call it), seem•
le* some giant might hare her entrenched
himself and we can shoat Onagtee gitaid!in
satyr ignites retrestlitg beton us In the green
gloom, u we wail One after,another of the
rocky entrenchment's that guard MI castle keep.
Towering walls of rock rise around us, and
the farther side a stream of water, chinned to
foamy whiteness, pours within, not Oirotook, a
4siroir crevice in the reeks.- Nie areasteueded
at being told that the Mountain lionise lies far,
far above; and 'not 'et being - invested with
wings, wonder how ever the height is to bo
Mined, and are shown a _long and steep stair
case, the asoent of which is uncommonly like
that of Trinity Church Steeple. Now begins
our journey of delight ; -here we cross narrow
nude bridges 'with hand-ralls of silver bireh,
spanning such deep chasms as sme 'would only
- expeetto find among the Alps; there scram
bling up rooky steps so difileultua to be almost
unattainable ozoept by the aid of a helping
hand ;. again a long staircase, and then the pie.
tnresque Glen Idountain House aid' its foun
dations of eternal rnek,'lts broad verandahs
rising ane shore another, shadowed by grand
old frees. Oh 1 *bat a plaeo for flirtations, and
tar dancing, leo; provided l nny Amid have vim
enongh leAt after climbing so snaby steps: 'Very
inviting lob* the cosy little ice cream tables and
the more substantial extension table 'which
stands sarong them like pater famaias among
his prancing young people (it is not advisable
that any should cavort elsewhere in the Glen
than hero) ; very inviting these tables, arid the
canter where 7 drinkables are dispensed to such
tourists as " hunger and aro athirst." Anibal
but not least, let us mention theitind host (the
right man in the right place) and his obliging
family. and iisistanta.
Leaving superfluous articles of dress and per
chafing tickets, we proceed to go " higher,'
like The nice young man who bore a
" Banner with a strange device "-
-which, however, we didn't. Oh! the wild de
light of dashing cascades, dripping rocks, vivid
mosses] Beauty everywhere! Hero a rustic
seat ; there a platform for picnics ; in this place
a rocky pavement—a veritable stone floor to
this house " not made with binds." How many
pilgrims seek this mountain fastness, as shown
by the names careen on every accessible rock
and available piece of wood, as well as upon the
register at the house below. On and up till we
come to the Cathedntl, too grand for descry
lion. Here two of our party become too nen.
vows to go farther, and remain, while the other
-three, blind to all sense of danger in their de
light, dash over slippery precipices, through
narrow defiles, clinging to rods of iron fixed in
the walls of rock, scaling dizzy staircases and
looking back at their companions, who, in the
high-pointed bats of the period and enveloped
in black waterproofs, resembled nothing so
mach as a eonple of amiable brigambi, waiting
innocent travelers in that lonely monntainpass,
and the modest demand, "Give no your brains
or we'll blow your money out !" would not have
been at all surprising nnder the circumstances.
On again under the dripping spray of the
"Rainbow," and we come to a glen smaller thin
the Cathedral, but to my mind more beautiful :
the walls almost circular, sloping inward at the
top, the formation somewhat resembling brick
work, great roots of giant trees overhanging the
upper edges, everywhere clinging vegetation,
and through it foaming water dashing in cas
cades, eddying In green pools of great depth
and singing through narrow defiles on its down
ward way. The first arriving in-this glade stead
silent with uplifted face of awe; the next, read
ing its expression, con)d hnt exclaim, "The
Glory of the Lord!" " Even sot" was the quiet
response, and we turn to pass through Glen
Difficulty, crossing another rustic bridge BIM
time with an ,iron railing. We come upon a
path which looks hardly to afford footing for a
mountain goat; but 'clinging to the friendly
iron rod fixed in the rock, and looking carefully
.to our footsteps, we pass it safely ,(but are sadly
puzzled to find it on our return). On again
over slippery ledges, and a wall of rock seems
to bar our way ; but we see an iron handle fixed
on its extreme point, and swinging ourselves
by it around a jutting corner, come upon "Pin
to the last araflable portion of the Glen.
The water plunges down into a basin
"Dark and deep,
Where water kelpies their watch may keep"—
but we shouldn't care to keep It with them.
Since we could go, no farther we turned re
gretfully back, consoled only at the thought of
the beauties to be seen in our descent. Down
and down again, leaning inward against the
rock! to avoid the falling spray, gathering ferns
and mosses as mementos, down to our waiting
friends, and getting mildly "blown up " by them
for what they are pleased to term our foolhardi
ness! Down to the Mountain House with its
'friendly faces, its pictures and hand-books,
which last should be pnrchised before going
up. Hero we arrange oar ruffled and bedrag
gled plumage (one of us resembling " Dorothy
Dragletailft of the ancient ballad) to be as pro
sentible aispossible, and descend to tha
through the beantiftil cemetery. Beautiful in
deed! but oh! why must the grave ever be so
repulsive? Why cannot we bring ourselves,
" Since the Saviour bath lain there,
To fear not its gloom"?
With me is is impossible. Many.were the beau
tiful resting-places that we saw; also the vault
of the Fagan family, probably the former own
crs of the Glen. If the grave is terrible, how
much more so a vault, where one is suspended
like Mahomet's coffin between heaven and earth.
- As we slowly descend we enjoy a view of the
lovely Seneca lake, and only regret that our
limited time prevents us from enjoying a voy
age upon it. We are again hospitably received
at our temporary home, the "Fall Brook Homo,"
by mine host and his gentlemanly clerk, and
after making our toilet partake of an excellent
dinner and depart homeward well pleased with
Our excursion. Many N. RocsivELL
'--Itere are many people wb.o seem to think
they are entitled to unlimited poffery in the
newspapers because they happen tote engaged
in ostensibly charitable enterprises. They ar
rogate to themselves the sole right of judging
what is of a benevolent nature. These men are
not infallible, and occasionally err greatly. As
the Cincinnati ilimmercial remarks: "The
manager of a newspaper is entitled-to his judg
ment as,to what enterprises arc really charita
ble and judicious. Ho is entitled to regard the
columns of reading matter under his control as
valuable for the information of the public, and,
so far as ho can make them so, sacred from in
trnsion, even ander pretense of , pure benevo
lence. He his large expenses, and has a right
to look upon his advertising cdunuis as sources
of revenue not to be abated at the anggestidi
that it is done in tit name of &silty and sweet
good will to Ind the manager of a
newspaper has a right to regard himself as en
gaged in a legitimate private business. He is
not necessarily a public character, and is as
clearly entitled to Ids privacy, and the exclusgre
conduct of his own business, as the keeper of a
grocery at drag store. If ho is prosperous it is
reasonable to expect him to be charitable ; but
ho must claim the privilege of discriminating
in his charitieo as other people do, and of doing
his share of the work of good will to men in his
own way. He will probably prefer to pay Ida
subscriptions in aid of charitable enterprises in
cash, and to demand for the advertising that is
done for those enterprises the regular rates;
and if ho understands editing hie newspaper,
he will resist the tendency to ride his local de
partment with stupid notices that belong among
the advertisements. It mayb e well to add that
Ire ,mean these observation); especially for
late number of most worthy people in this city
who have misunderstood, as we .think, the rela
tions of the newspaper to rociety."
TEE Cm** You N i.
Won% Clitiliderilaeoelaiketln Warren Pa. (hi
01014101111116.10 1 11 41- kacegilifildi,
=W M-0 Gm They bad reached to r the
oblitiseibee theleitereffid errand, ilheylternd
the Jail was sal* They then resolved to re
tor eippleanloi6r charity, none responded. The
town luta a populatkii auto aid wren &Mh
os:. Grog shops are unknown, and all the b.
ltabitanheareillthei Wolin:42lore
,1 317 MligRAM, M 1 TW , 1 ,1 41; W °9l 4 Cl
ineern a fine days since
Ahat last evening was the fifth anntrustu7 l of
voldibtir ItiltM2Ulranirutir'Mlieeor
ofSt. Paul's church of this borough, and a sur
prise calebratkei et !indium event was plan
ned and curled out, in which*, high esteem
and kind retards for !hi happy pair was mane-
Jested byssipontantailinientblaiiiof our citi
kern irrespective of dentindution, protossionu I
Oftiatimmtl - Wain Aokenti
both ornamental and osehil. We could .1111
column in enumerating the articles, running
tosn 610144 wood to a aiiiiaitiaa44itension
table, arid then perhaps not pnuplete the list.
All the edibles requisite upon such an occasion
seemed to be fortheconing, u if kV ow magic
of Aladdin's Lamp." Sociability ruled oar°.
strainedo and after regaling twelves with ice
cream and the accompaniments, the Bev. J. G.
Muria entertained us , with,Bou,ml :wen timed
and cheering'congrattdatory rentarks, to which
Rev. If,. Waning* responded In a sincere Ox
premien °leant:ulnas: To nuke the thing
completo,nur Bram • Band was in , attendance
' and farniskiedini with a dessert of their exed.
lent music. At an early hour the party retired
for boulee, lesviskB the iimPPY Pair s n r,
roundodand airiest blickaded with the tokens
of respeci, hoping that kind Providence, will
smile upon these and praying that not only a
silver and Bold, but that a diamond wedding hi
yet in store for them. Believing, howenr, that
should our Heavenly Irrithei will otherwise, the
Master for whom they are laboring will crown
them with a diadem sparkling with the jewels
of their good works among us.--MOnfroseLtem.
—Dr. Cu= is in Susquehanna county.
"—Foss cluirsiatutint imea two rititlearakes
a few days ago, one ak- feet in length and Sone
iahed nine rattles, the other four feet long with
fourteen rattles. Beam= Bunn killed one in
ifs door-yard near the bank of the river, two ,
miles above hero, 41 feet long, carrying sixteen '
rattles. It is supposed he bad left his moun
tain home in search of wider.;-Norikern Perm
—The Republican bounty Committee of Sus
quehanna minty mot at the court House, in
Montrose, on Monday, July 4, 1870—B. Gun-
DZN, Chairman, and J. W. WALLED, Secretary.
The Secretary has faded to furnish us a report
of .the proceedings invite for this paper, bat
we shall probably publich there next week. Bnt
fifteen members of the Committee were present,
four from the West, on from Montrose, one
from Bridgewater, and nine (rem the Put. On
motion of Mr. Hums, of Jackson, it was re
solved, unanimously, to make the nominations
this year in accordance with the established
usages of the party, as heretofore, and that each
township and borough be requesh3l to instruct
their delegates to the County Convention as to
what course shall be penned in making coun
ty nominations ; also, that the next County
Convention shall be held in Montrose on the
Bth day of August—being the first Monday of
August Conn.
The Vigilance Committees were also appoint
ed to take charge of the election of delegates
to the County Convention from , the respective
townships and boroughs.—Montrose Repub.
Sorravzsmia BRADrom •-j— Mr,
Printer : As to farming, yonr reatirra would
gain very little it I were to tell theta all I know
abont it„and I could lose jnst as little by telling
it all. But as our good mother, the earth, is
annually coaxed and compelled to giro so flinch
of her riches to feed the.brinfrz, none art sup
posed to dwell in pagan darknrss and ignorance
of the whole subject,
I shall not attempt bow old the earths's—that
AD.tM was a gardener—that CAm put? a crop,
and that ADEL was-in the stock tonsmess, nor
how the gray and grizzled old patriarchs lived
in tents surrounded by baulk of uncounted
sheep and oxen grazing on the 'Oain where the
shepherds saw the anspicious elan rise in the
cast—how poetry, philosophy, and patriotism,
always love the quiet retreat of the farm—how
etwerwusvem, CICEItO and flostacz tilled the soil
or how DIOCLESIAN raised cahiAges in his Dal
matian garden. 1 shall say , nothing of such
things, but shall bound over the past and take
my stand in the age of reapers, mowers, tsh
era, shellers, nuderdralmi, &Awning, des .glow-
;ing, and so forth, and then give two pictures—
one of a farm worth seeing and having, and one
of a farm which no one should have.
Here is one: A trim little farm shining richly
in the landscape. It bunnly an eighty, but no
matter [cu. that. A smooth, chard road rnna
along its margin." Clear, cool irpriags of water
are to be fond for stock and dairy plumes
A little in the distance, the white steeple, of a
village church may be seen, where the preacher
tells how white-robed conscience site royally in
every mar's bosom, and how the divine fashion
of every man's heart binds him by brotherhood
to every other map, and that we alllive for each
other. The neat white country school-house,
Aided by the maple and surrounded by a white
pichot fence, is about a fourth of a mile in the
opposite direction. The farmer's house is in
the rear of an ample flower garden, and suita
bly shaded by thick-leaved maples, such as line
the public highway. It does not require alarge,
pretentious house to make a farmer's snuggery.
As the door opens for the ruddy-faced children
to go to school, you may catch-the fragrance of
the clean buttery and a glimpse of the well ar
ranged library. The 'garden in the rear of the
house is maturing an abundant stock of pota
toes, cabbages, tomatoes, beets, onions, he., to
bo stated-away for winter use. Grape vines,
peach and cherry trees yield a sufficient supply
for the use of the family. The verdant fields .
are roamed over by contented cattle. Vagrant
steers passing along the road look up sit the
high but mathematically set fence, shake their
heads In skepticism, and pass by. Briers only
have the poor privilege of looking into 4 the en
closures. The boughs of the apple trees aro
heavily laden with rich fruit, reminding us 'of
the jolly chimney corner when. winter sets in
and the black cricket's shrill music may be
heard. The well-filled barn defies the siege of
hunger. Everything is clean about the house,
garden, barn and form. There is a place for
everything and everything in its place.
stamps, which are as unsightly on a farm as in
a-pretty face, disfigure the fields.. The beads
of wheat and oats hang like the thoughtful
philosopher's, while the rows of corn stand him
• body of soldiers ready to march..
The owner of the other farnais &filmy, jovial
sort of behig, living in an antiquated horiserir
rounded . with mustard, catnip, plantain 'and
tansy. shingles and clap-boards are as shaky
as teeth afters thorough salivation. The bro
ken and missing panes of glass have given place
to the supenanmeniry hats, coats and breeches
of the bead of the family. At the front deur,
the good housewife has an artificial lake formed
by throwing out dishwater and ands. She won
dera.why they have so many flies and, mosqui
tos. It is a wonder the stench does not kid.
such flying insects. The good 'mother takes
her "wee" ones from the pool, and with a
smack says, "Sweet dirt to mamma." A lank
shoat, with a conntemince ground down to long,
narrow contraction, is casting a cold gray eye
through a crack in the door as if bent on mur
der, while a couple of savage ears are snapping
and snarling within. The garden promises en
abundant crop of weeds. The orchard is near
ly destroyed by this borer, while the drairui and
ditches are so choked as to be useless save as
abiding places for vermin. Sedges' of briers
and elders strengthen the old, decrepid fences.
The ethereal bine serves as a shelter to Abe ,
gathered cropa The farming ntenudlii may be
found where last wed. Tip chickens act as
sentinels during ' midnight hours in cherry trees
well nigh destroyed by blaCk-knot. Crehtple•
horn, threeteat and laphorrt furnish the ndlit
from which the clean (1) white butter is made.
All is decay and disorder. Kind reader, bow
would you like to stand at tho - whidow - on
tea night when the moon just peers above The'
horizon and the owls in the forest aro giving
forth their mournful notes, each echoing from
bill-top to la-top, andloolniithlu and BCC thi
family seated around the dull are, the head of
the family nodding its ho lesnslatelr with a yip°
in his mouth having the howl bottom side up,
and the motheir with elbows on. her knees and
,a pipe in her mouth; while the children ire
playing checkers or dominoes, as books and pa
!pal are not lb be fount* in such a - dwelling?
.7e70. . hoot your Dem /mum •
----'-'- ':-- - ;,.;-- - z.- - .- - and - -
.-.,- 1e " 1i ".4, . t ' l -
Wore,* _, , .
B ids 10 PITS ay: , . *lf
.• --
in 1 00 11 104 1 "'PlIrM-...90r-POIVI: i
hias-'61#14i60 "Mirtil4.• '.• r.d.' l , .., 1 ,--; ,- '2.i.
', ; - •-:--- - ":"'-'414'.-;i- - -.--
ips;;;A:ft - twasige- . 4*litr oii;
demi., have put Issead a work , full of interest
to 'awry ' . 4rnr;)4g, entitles; _" The Home tot
Weald:oo4v Wilzig:btu:hid. . The work" is
vitt= to the peculiarly attractive it* of Mi.
VmoNlica, *OM* in.:eTro B 1 1 01 °Om
Maim** tit tarnr`eiirsititig lei the work In
this eouniy,.sua will undoubto44 aull, a jaiie
edition. _ - : :',
- Attention is called to the ad
rtyrii•eussit of the EtWe,Rorsu4 *IGO, Mans
lit,ft., SO be inothiicolumn.
. .
Fled ample who hare not spoken to each other
for twenty years. Their whole conversation; is
carded on throggh the children. The carumof
this Ammo conduct is add to ben little Minim'.
derstandhig between the. parties-la regard M
the management of household affairs. If these
Indinmpartles livedh
,ereatbantannd purchased
tiaitharoetteeit4ohot k-thielOtte lady
wonid be compelled some morning to ask her
spouse where be found Mich elegant tea, 'Tan.:
did coffee and magnillinit flour.
Uewaesliew Eitiire On Bridge
street provost° be s very attractive place, las
he is daily secnriaag new enskoners,land we nre
informed they all gi away perfectly satisdcd
with the way in which Gunton doca bnsinessi
, . ,
sea. The finest Tea one dollar Lod
forty cents, at Eznunt7s. Good at GO cents.
PicizapN k Krtancy„
zimeinfoik", Main street, atilt elaim to have the
ini4,aardlti!mt. Or ( kfllMielt *Lid to :aellAhem
it loner figures than any other establishment
this side Of New Yorli: A call will. satisfy any
on? that they ruiderstatid thettudnenl/4
iiir BacTN, in the , : Drug ~,Stpre,
Patipseii Block, - .midi:meg the lu;sit otaummer
quite complacently, and is selling - ail the - drugs
and popidar,suedietnes : of the day at-low prim.
Evetirthing on tikid that IS usually kept in k
&silk's' drug house. • , • •• •I • I
se).- Go to lizEma's for the best
Teas in the market.
•g. Now that a Moody war is be-'
ing waged in the old world, `everybody is anx
ious to gera daily paper with The latest news.
Coosa his nude arrangements to supply the
want* of all iirthii• particular: also keeps
the largest and best assortment of literary pa
pers, miscellaneous books, stationery, de.
aiir Strictly pure Giound Spices,
• • -
! stir BnAntema, it, Rtoomay, of the
Boa, White and Tile, have contributed in the
last siz months nearly .one hundred and fifty
dollars jo the 'different churches,. Persons in
want of Teas and other groceries, 'should boar
this in mind one per coat. of an the - Baia gees
foi the support of the gospeL
ter Tapioca, Sago,- Faiina i • Table
Oil, Canned Fruit, Reardßaxley, Oat Meal, ite.,
at KEELER'S, on Bridge atteet. Tea at whole
sale and • %;
ma. W. A. CapuTataz; has a, lgrgo
and splendid assortment of watches and jewel
ry. 'lto is also special igent for the celebrated
Concave Convex Crystal Speetacles, -
tnred by the Philadelphia (Vies] Inititute,
which are halieved . to be tho'best in use. All
those with impaired sight will do well In-give
him a call.
Oa. CAMP & TpleMiT, insurance.
agents, represent a number of the • most, popu
lar undreliablo Bre and. life companies, The
seniotottlM firm has had long experience,..and
completely comprehends the business in all its
ramiticatiomi.. He may alvisys be found at their
(ace, ready and willing to giro any informa
tion on the subject delired„ Ste Weir adver-.
WOO4--BARN}I3.—At the 31. E. Parsona,Ue 'in
' Lellsysrille, June 29, 1870, by Rev. S. E. Wal
worth, Olin D. Wood, orPike, and Miis Ella
B. Barnes, of Orwell.
THOXPSON--CANFIELD.—By the same, July
3, I,ino, at the home of the bride, to Pale,
Samuel L. Thompson and Miss Fie:Thin' E.
Canteld, both of Pike.
ALLEN-0 WEN.—lniVvsox July 1870, byßev.
Rev. 11. J. Crane,FrailE. ' Allen,uf
port (son of the late Jesse Allen, of Wysos,)
and Miss Frances J. Owen, of Wysox.
CLARK—OGDEN.-=July 3, 1870, by the Rev.
H. P. Gates, 31r. W. Colburn Clark, of Gran
ville, to Blias Polly Ogden, of Union, Tioga Co.
ME AD.—ln Athena, Maly 14, 1870, Harriet, wire
-of James E. Mead, aged 23 years. -
ler Hmur Hums; Merchant Tai
lor, Bridge street.
TAmou 05; GORE, Meichant Tai
. „
chant Tailors, Waverly, N.Y., dune 2-Im.
• De- If you desire a rift, pay
ment of, your loss after Bre, insure in Plicesuz
Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford, Conn.
JOIIN W. Mix, Agent.
. Office Morcur's Block, north •side.. Public
sqnsre, Towanda...
" Cavalry lino officer* are entitled to en allow
ance for nee and risk of horses between July
td, 1881, and July 17, 1862." Call on H. B. Mc-
Kean, attorney-at-law, office Patch's block, To
wanda, Pa. July, 14, 1870-4 w.
. IS. A meeting of the trustees of
the &wencher= Collegiate Institute will be
held at the office of D. D. Moirr.imm, in To
wanda, on Monday, the 25th day of July . ,
1870, at two o'clock, p.m. Business of impor
tance will be brought before the Board. A full
attendance is desired. ISL Fox,
NOTICE.—COStB will be made on
all unpaid deeds and nnaettled accounts of IL
.1. Madill; late Register It Recorder, unless set
tled by the first of September. The deeds and
accounts may be found at my office.
Toirandaanly 19, 1870-3 w.• Jt N. Caurr.
assisted by ?Ems OAR?. YouNu, will open a Se
lect School in the Academy at Rome borough,
August 1. 1870, and continue 13 weeks. No
pains or expense will be spared to make the
school rank among the first, in the country.
Accuracy in recitation, and a thorough com
prehension of the subject in hand 4 will .be in
sisted upon, and any haste incompatible with
those ends will bemirefally avoided. Every ef
fort will be made to render the 'term's Work
thorough and profitable.
For further informatiofi, inquire of L. A.
ItroosivAr, at the Drug Store in Remo borough.
July 1875.* -
C. O. D
I beg leave to inform my old friends, and the
public generallythat I have 'opened A' NEW
and respectfully invite an inspection of my
goods and prices. As my stock has been pur
chased entirely for CASH, and as I propose to
sell for READY. PAY, I reel confident that my
prices will compare favorahly with any estab
lishment in tho C 0411317;
I have Paid particular attention to the selec
tion of Gummi Smcsn, andwarrant them rim
lily assortment. of TEAS .is complete, and
ranges in prices from SIXTY CENTS to ONE
DOM. , ' AND FORTY GENTS. Gaffes voinid.
to order; and sold at the lowest price. Gird ale
a calk • GEO:ItEELEIL
Towanda, July 11; 187 b. -
NOTICE.—The M.E. Church at Now
Albany will be dedicated to the Most High God
for His worship; on Wednelday, August 3, 1870
--the first sermon by Bey:, R. Ives, of. An-
Ulm, ICY.. at 11 o'clOck,ll.m., said the Second
by Bev. Wesley Cochran, Presiding Elder of
the Troy District, at 3 o'clock. Brethren from.
abroad are invited to attend snd enjoy with ns.
• Bev. E: G. 31cCosamt.
July It 1870-3 w.
• SO. Get your spoons, forks and
tea seta engraved at storton'ii, Wickham &
Black's store. - Jane 30,1840.
. .
lir Watches accurately regulated
at licorton's
1 okLem
& Black's Mors: - •
. Awe att; 870. '
11!!., The deteiminbd'
imarows at Wilma* cost
mid itimisOlicime 43/loloi*. Itomalts io
liCoUgo i!or
bl=or garoli/R,Fit . Rffir ,Calboull•
7'160 thiilllollllfilietllll4 ditat
0 41 / 11 .014 1 #10 1 7.2
Minh 80, MO.
11 D. Tr. Boors
IS. Cho i ce . Mackerel, only one
shilling Per p.n_unil, ac, M. J. Lowe!: - .
- 4 4 - 4° 1 4 4 . 7.
Fon SALE.- - -A two-horse tread pow
er Threshes and Cleaner. Has been 'used ewe
seasons.. sold at afiargahle
- • • =, • aanns..Peemt: ;'
NortliTivnandsi Inty 19.,-1870.* "
See' " Slott' Moss Forint) for Pria
1. • dvio_rmale by -t
, iosel • • .~ . • •
• -Ist. rtoN;a:
• 1I hm,bygivestotice that. here
after, persons artifleial teeth on Rub
ber, can obtain them at my offfee; and also,
140 tbe Pr* of Ol in tlx,P#4 l Elaqr - ortit. !a• re-.
due. arta trnity • .
• " W. B. KELLY, Dentist!
Office - over Wickham A: Black's. •
- Juno 23, 1870. _
Mum TO Dams.—Yon should study two thinet
irst w togi3t them where first-class clothing'
made; secondly, where they are sold cheap.
And in ardor to le able An!. toll=s - gotta erhcie
_the merchant mvist imderstand his busi
ness,: And know histr,. - where,' and Whet' to buy,
as aliractical man does ; and a practical talkir
in all its branches I profess to be, having hid
18 years srpederwo m thebrudness. Mavebeeri"
a cutter in some of the best bousesin New York
city. Ido any own buying, Bailin..? and cuithig,
and• have tar divide mrproSts wit t h , xtTlnan, so
that lest of it will 40—tni14rith low rbnt and
other espouses in proportion, tbna making the
cost of carrying on the business very email.
In-reading the Shad yuo will! tee , why it
that I cauf.sell goods cheaper than men &Untir
ing the !mites ,s and haring no knowledge id'
it themselves, have to - .employ others at large
Binaries to attend to itand - customers must pay
accordingly, r as they t like myself, 40 business
to live by it. If yott doubt tho above Statement,
be convinced by calling on
- , Huss Hamm%
Merchant s ailor, .
Bridge Street.
1820, 31ONTANYE 8 - r „A7O.
Constantly - on hand and arriting, seasonable
goods of every variety, domestic and foreign
mannfactureij. Goods bought exchutively on
the cash system and sold at a correspondingly
low figure. Going oat of the Hardware trade ;
are offerings lot of goods in that Eno At 'astcm
lehly low rates. Great "bargains for litifldors
and contractors. - -
N 9.
/ glaießit t a BLOCK.t—GLOVEB AT
$1;50-1 - AortSiikivis--TairorFiamioirs.--htiss
Bauwr informs her patrons that sho has just
received' from:Europe a supply of .Jonyin's
Gloves, which' she can Offer at"sl,so of
Also Shawls and Barbee in Lama •and Chumy
Miss Bitsarrr calls especial attention to her
fashion plates and patterns, She regularly re
ceives the Berlin "Bazar' (the original of har
per's), as well as the: Parts , s `,!ilfilitilettr des
A fine stock of the latest Hats and Bonnets
always on hand. - -May 4,187024 f.
SEO - Second-hand Sewing Machines
for sale at a bargain by Wickham & Black.
' Machine Neealco, Oil; Thread, Silks,
dc. ' April 28, 1870—if.
ger W. I)rrrrrcir ' s Music Store,
east of • Mercur's Bank, first doorollrere you
will find Pianos, - Melodeons, Organs, Violins,
Guitars, Banjos, strings, Accordcons, Clarinets,
Flutes, tilted Music, Instruction Books for till
Instruments, Music Books and all kinds of Mu
sical Morchandiso. • April 11,10.
SEir Wes-guarantee satisfliption in
all the work we do. We cut, make, and trim
clothing for men and boys wear,
H. Haunts k Co,
• . 4 Bridge Street. Tan:arida, J.
M. Burnett's celebrated flavoring
extracts. for sale by 31. J.:1.0x0 t ,.
June IC, Ifl7o.
.!.Parties; . picnics, feativa),s,. and
private families, furnished with Ice Cram, nn
short notice, at Hart's.
IJAGEIF.ST.—Ifessra. Taylor & Gore have open
ed, in connection with their Clothing thore, a
Tailoring Department ; and having Secured the
services of a "first-class cutter" and competent
workmen, they are now prePared to make up
work in.the best style and latest fashions to or
der. Having just received a new and frc.vili
stock of iloths, they are prepared to offer bet
ter inducements than ever before offeredin To
wanda. The public will find it to their advan
tage to give us. a call before • buying elsewhere.
Remember w•o warrant our work-and guarantee
good fits. Repairing &Ile on short notice.
March 12, 1870.
gir Two good, active book can
vassers wanted in every town in Bradford POWI
- for five new and attractive books. Those
having experience desired.
C. F. Cross, Towanda, Pa.
4 : Or Clocks and Jewelry of all
kinds and styles fopsared with the greatest pos
sible dispatch, at G. A. Morton's, Wickham 4t,
Black's Store. June 30, WO.
Nevi Advertisements.
The 52nd Term ender A. J. LANG. A. M..- opens
AUGUST 23, 1870.
English. Classical and Comments! Departments.
Normal Clue In which twenty pupils receive free
tuition organized at the beginning of Fall Term.
Send to Principal for Catalogues anitputailtars.
N. 11:113NEY,
Rest. Board of Trusties.
July 2.1), 11370-4 t
wife, aiATILDA, has left !lobed and board with
out Just cause or prorocatlon. this is to forbid all per
sons harboring or trusting heron my , account, as I
shall ioy no debts of her contracting after this date.
Albany, Pa.. July 20, 1870.—.1t*
The_ =Orin ent of this shop is now offerlag
some of the best-
ever offered in this market. Best selected
used, and sil work made by the-most
• We have the
- very light, and sp durable that even tune has bn
little to do towards their decay.
Pleasentamtne our valet before mutbasing else-
Wt , Are rlnl in shortncr .6. = , i47 .,. Vi zesw i .
Towanda, July 20, lag. Stmerintendent.
(Fifth District)
Fall Term begin tkplentber ltb. 1870.
Winter Term begins I,tecoinhor 12111, 1810.
Bprbig•Torm begins antra 27113, 1871,
For Catalogues or adnileatou,, zullreas
. CHAS. 11. NT.ItItILL,,
Manattela, duly 20. 1870. rrtbelpal
the ' premixes of B. F. Bowman, in Towanda
township, about the 9th or 10th of duly, a three year
old Mare Colt, medium sir" bay and black mixed.
With'whito in the face. Any information in relation
to it will be thankfully received, and any person re
turning said colt will be liberally rewarded. •
July 20, 1811).
Y 35 Maio Street;
Itmectrally intnianii the public that. ho hoops con
atattly on hand all Urals of
Alvan flue ceeortnientof
Consisting of Chains, laugh, Thimbles ' Sr
Dings, and other articles too rinme.iotia toreentlon.
A great variety of the Most approved 0 locks. The
WATCH lIPPAIBDSG Is done by himself, personal. ;The
and hpflatters himself thatwith his twenty years
experienoe in Towanda. be will be able to please al
.who may favor him with their patronage. Thank in
:tor the past liberal patronage, heassures the peddle"
that his charges shall be reasonable, and no pained
spared. Remember theplace. 135 Main-st., Patton's -
Block, two doors south of Powell k. Coen Store.
Towanda. Pa., July 12, 1870.-tf
CO-A.l, iY.ARD.
... ..
- • • -
Until farther noticeprices at,rard, are
ra S 0 00.
Stove . . ' - 15 00
Nat 44 75
. • : Pittston Nut $4 GO
sor'Leare orders at my Coal 0111 co, No. 3. Mer
curio/4m, Illoclr, wrath side.
. for Orders mud in all case be acconmented by
the mai- ~. ~
Towanda, June 1,10. . U.,31. wg,L.t.Es. •
1 4: .2,:;• Magi 1 0411144 : -
LEN-TA ,1108E4MIIPAlari,No:
Al-274,95F:f PA.
valls.l9lo=oll m me rns - nt yeticitarock
"'s ;ENGINE!
The Company take great Omen= ha presentUm to
theimblle, the following splendid LIST 01 MT%
which they tatter, thieleefriiiii4ii
ed. Many of the Prises, which hare been contribu.
ted by the businessmen awl properly holders of To.
wands, cap be seen 4 the several Places of businese.
no dutribltuou of prises min talaraiace at Marsnes
Hall as soon as the tickets are disposed at. under the
. anperibst r oa of a sossmitteaSoolspted at plat tis4s by
the tickyt.holdeis. ' - "s ';' '
LUCID End TaWanda • •
• • '
I First-class Sleigh
I Ladles' Gold Watch ,“ - ;
20 Dollars In Gold,
Churn Power,
1 ChurnPowdril •
I Iron-beam , Sldo - -'l‘M, Plough,
1 Wood-beam Evans Plough,
&Bradford ecru* Plonk'
1 1 L Plo=
I Buffoat Pig,'
1 ffnit of Clloatra,.fo ostlor, .
1 Cook 810c5,“.-., • •- - •.‘ --'.
1 Large Chromo,
1 Globe • - • ~,
-I VerefPWltitethirta, ''' . •
1 Caddy of 10 lb& Choice Tea:
STras of Coal, - • ' •-• ' •
1 Set Doable Harness, -
1 TOTICIi • tOll/: . • • ' -• • •• •
1 .. of Stove Coal. '
1 ° of Cheat:ant Cosi, ..
1 Globe Hemisphere, • . . .
1 Box Cigars,
6 Benoit of Toilet Soap.
i'Dresstug Case, • . •
1 Ton of Coal,
1 Patella Vases.` _ . -
14911 - Painting,
1 Box of Cigars, . , . '
1 Globe Hemisphere,
1 Silver Watch,
'1 Library Ink Stand, •
1 Large Album ..
20 Dollars in Gold, 16 cL premium,
littuallehromo, t • . . .•'
1 OpeteDulmy,
1 Box of Cigars,
1 Oil Painting,
1 Chester White Hog, • -
1 Ton of Coal,
1 Chester White Sow, . : ' •
1 Globe Hemisphere,
1 Suit of Clothe& .
1 Lame Steel Plate Engraving,
1 Box of Cigars, ..
1 Ton of Coal, . •
(25.prites11 copy esill.,l yr., Bradford Reporfer,so 00
I Silver Watch, 25 00
1 Barrel of Flour, , 10 - 00
I four Lamp, Gas Chandelier, 40 00
1 Box oLCigarra . s'oo
1 First-class Overcoat, to order, 55'00
1 Ton of Coal, 400
I Globe Hemisphere, 15 00
L Barrel Sugar, v 26o lb., at 15 eta per lb.. 35 00
1 Vi.locipede,• 65,00
I Small Cbromo, 2 00
1 Barrel Flour' 10 00
I Box. of Soap, _. 900
1 ” - , . 000
1 Box of Saleratus, 6 00
1 Case of Canned Peaches, . 10 00
1 Globe IlenSiaphere, - 15 00
1 Tim of Cohl, 4 00
1 CoOk Stove and Furniture, 75 05
1 Came of Canned P1r9195, 19 00
11101,90 Lot, 50x150, 400 00.
tßoseeMod, TOll4 Box, • 6 00
I,Barrel Lim:lr,. 10 00
1 Fancy Match Holder, 1 00
1 Jar Pomade, ' 2 00.
1 Bosewood"Toilet /lox, ' • 300
1 Ton of Coal, • • • • 4" 09
(25 prizes) 1 copy each, 13T.. Bradford Argue, 50 00
1 Cane of Perfumery. 3 00
(6 priiee) Gent's Poeket nooks, i4eb, . 900
1 Case Congress Water. . 12 00
1 Ton of C0a1,... 4 00
.(3 prizes) Ladles' Velvet Purses, $2 each, • 0 tie
1 Case of Perfumery, 1 ('
I Jar Pomade. .
1 Tounf Coal, . 4
.1 Caw of Perfumer!.
( 5 prizes) Fancy Iron Match Holders, $1 each,
1 Toilet Set, four brushes each,
1 Oil Painting, ,-'
1 Marble Mantle Shelf.
(27 prizes) Box tack 100 Garibaldi Cheroots, .. 27 00
1 Large Reeling Horse, , - It) 01)
1 Pair Napolebei Grain, Waterproof Boots, . 15 00
(10 prizes) Kerosene Oil Lampe, 61-each, 10 00
1 Barrel of Crafters, ~ G 09
I , Ton of Mal, -.. .. . • . -
4 00
1 Set Sash and Blinds, for a house, 125 (s)
1 Marble Mantle Shell, 9 00
1 Case of Mk Destorer, 10 0.1
1 Case of Perhunery, 0 .00
1 Jar of Pomade, - - t 10
1 Toilet Case, . 2 00
1 Case of Perfumery, 2 0) 1
1 Tou of Goal, 4 00
.20 Dollars In tiohl. 16 cis premium, - 23 20
1 Marble Mantle Shelf, - 5 00
10 Dollars in Silver, 10 LAI
(20 prizes) 1 pound Tea each., 20 (V
1 Case of Perfumery,3 oil
1 Ton of C0a1,4 00
1 Barrel of Floor, - 10) (o)
1 Fancy Watel, Holder, - . 100
1 Jar of Pomade, . - 1 10
1 Bottle of Perfumery, 2 08-
.1 Case of Canned Peaches, . 10 00
1 Marble Mantle Shelf, . . 10 00
I Case of Pe:fernery, 3 00
1 Ton of Coal, 400
t Barrel of Flour, . 10 110
1 Jar of Pomade, 2 00
I Oil Painting, 12 50
1 Marble Mantle Shelf, ' 6 09
1 Toilet Set, four brushes each, . • 500
1 Borough Lot, 601150, .. . 400 00
I Ton of Coal, ' 1 00
I Morino Dress Pattern, 10 yds. at $2 per yd; 20 00
1 Pair of Fine Boots, to order, 12 00
1 lion of Cigars. " 6 00
I Set orSingle Harness, 40 00
1 Barrel of Flour, - - 10 00
1 Woman's Patent Cutting Box, ' 13 00
1 Marino Dress Pattern, 11!, yds. at $2 per yd. 23 00
20 Dollars-1n Oold,lG ets t - Prornium, • • 23 20
1 Box of agars, . . , 500
1 Yeoman's Patent Cutting Boxes, , 13 00
1 Box of Cigars, . 500
1 Barrel of Flour, . ••, • 10 PO-
I Marino Dress Pattern; 10 yds. at $2 per yd. 20 00
1 liox of Cigars, 6 00
I Complete Set of Tinware, - 7 40 '
1 Riffle, (warranted) ,
I Box of Cigars, • . ' 5 00
I Set- of Chamber Furighare, 75 00
1 Point Lace Shawl, 75 00
1 Barrel of Fleur, 10 00
1 Box Of Cigars. . ' • 600
I Dress Pattern, 10 09
1 Shawl, 1 Cl)
I.6lcrino Dress Pattern, 10 yds. al $2 per yd. 20 00
. 1 •14 44 . a( .. • . ... 20 00
1 Box of Cigars, - 000
I. Velo.dpede, - 50 09
1 Barrel of Flour, 10-00
1 French Shawl, • 15 00
1 Silk Dress Pattern, 29 00
1 ROll of Brussels Carpet, , . 70 00'
1 Plough. 10 00
1 Barret churn. - 8 00
1 Box of Cigars. , - 6 00
(12 prize.) Cedar Pails, $1 - 50 each, 18 00
$lOO9 Life Insurance Policy, 20 00
'1 Plough, 14 00
Boxes Soap. . 21 00
' Map of Towanda., by Morgan, '
.: v 00
Total amount of Prfzes,
Whole. Number of fickets, 6,000
M. C. MEltcuit
lion. F. F. STILEETZII, Mon. P. D. Monnow,
lion. I.!Lyssis Ilturra,
JA.3lr.s M. Wmi.o„
• Tickets may bu prbearred at
Members of the EfooeOmpooy.
and at the established Itgencice maned 1n small air
Ail communications addreasod to
C. B. PORT= Tauntla, Pa.,
Chairman of Committee. will_tecottn pTorupt atten
tion. •
Towanda, duly 20,1070
TIISSOLUtION.-=-Thei - 6partner-
A." ship heretofore existing between the subscrib.
era, under the dna name of Grant & Robinson, is
this day dissolv.d by mutual consent.
Colley. gull. Co., Pa.. April 1, 1870. jlyl2-t
T'oucire m roam
- Aserrs, ..'
Onnat. owr
Loser.s PAID
• All approved forme of . Polities issued,
Liberal modes for paymenter premiums,
Polieteit non•forfeitable by their terms.
The entire profits or the Company divided equit
ably among the insured. . •
WALTON H. PECKHAM, Paliaincrt.
WILLIAM T. HOOKER, Vscz Pasaverr
LRCM:MADAM% B=l .orD AcreAirr.
der Coots & Co., Bankers.
Dnszac & Co, Bankers.
Jana - Woomera & Co., Tea kterchaata., _
8; Idioacza,Ttest.Faraterl' & lgeekardeg, Bank.
T. D. PEmeos, Publisher. •
J. A. azoorti.
Agent, Towanda. Pa.
N 4ar j UWg ii . tmoit
s or .11 . i4451:4:) , : y/Al.—:Arg
, i ii , 4 "•*." - ' waft% plootootadobtod
of booltiosoollieutoolao lho
Gal *a bd. to loyal
rag% Itoomfoi Illooihoo of Joon,
110Driq.11'A , V=. Oloyano, awe k Co.'s store.
frog-4gegq.vpl PARK
,Inli27tli,,2Bth,;and,:29tht. 1870..
$300 . - . 1 41t. 17 - $75.350, tot barseOliat hatteiThot beat..
• -
116 0 1-1 300 . $150; $BO, tat bows' that Lave not
BEEoliff DAY.`
$400.--$775, $75, $54), tor horses that him not brat
slooo. , WO, $100„ for horses that barn not
: ' , rump DAY.' • •
$60 0 . - 4 375 . 4 S/1 0 . 573. for 1 2 dirielk. Wit hive not
heat oc OPEN TO ALL.
. . .
The Preceding risea tad all mikiheatit, beat Oren
In Are In harness.' and all to , be gorornedhy the
inks of the National Association. . . 1 • •
A horse distancing the, field will only. be entitled
to first money; , ~. .•
Entrance. ten per'cent., andninitactompluty nom
ination. • • , ,
. .
Entries close at the °thee of B.S. ;Anent. Treasur
er, 28 Court-mt.; on the ISM of July.
hawses three to enter and two to start.
Track fall half mile.
PAM &cretin.
pc, -C •
44. 17 .4 iturt°Peuida . tarsge and very . , hoto:loOoto lot of
_ .
- . - • NEW v STYLES; - • • ,
. .
1 • •
ToyrhtaL tlioy call particulor attenlicin. •
Tommli,'Jnne la, 1810. •
2 00
25 20
• 00
4 12 5 00
5 00
10 00
50 00
4 00
- 50 00
15 00
40 00
40 00
4 00
Tom (13, 13, 1870
The mutest variety of
Together with the tooser.o ' mpleto assortment of
P? 50
Towanda, June 15, 1870
Codding, Russell & Co.
Keep the largest stock of
to be found in this part of the State.
FRUIT r ki - A. Ei
Try the Now Improved Top •
Quarts,, by the case, $22 00 gross
QGal "- " " - 00 "
uarts, " • " dozen '2 00
Gal. •' "
$4,306 V 5
Hay, Rope; Fork Follies, &e.
• Si 00
(}to. D. Itharesys,
3121..Uxx. Divv‘,
all kiada of
SAWS, and
We offer at wholesale
4 $25,000,000
and many other goods,.at all times a
lowest market rates.
S. .
Ara addlngtlaily to their
Headqu4rters for
2 50
Codding, Russell icCo.
Towanda, May 12, 1870.
• t-
powE'LL & C 0 T
n " ,
i n yni titattae" of awit;7
nocK:cde AilociumEs
Bolus inercaised IsdlitiCif Mats docklaxor much
lore complete ittan forme4ty
Flew all and apitbeir
twaluts,. TEAS, Si RU S,. &Q.;
Tu . wsinda;Jane . ls,lQ
9A:', :4 A:1
Bridge Street, Towanda, Pa,
7r in occupy ibis spoce
TO OUR 11 . 1.4 NY FRIENDS'. f:
We. take pleasure Ll announcing
the arrival of Our very
NEWEST • . and. • BEST
NEWEST - and. • BEST
The market glands, spiraled with earn by cape
cured men In the trade. • ,
.Wo baio all Um beta and moat popular inaniatac
tureranoodis suited to the wantA ot
With full lino of tbc,cetOrated
31 7 '`kN . AND BOYS
, . i
Our own Ilantifactru'y is n full blast and we are
prepared to make to order any kind of work. ASSUr•
lug thee Public that we shall: take more pains_ than
ever to please then), and invite en examinattda of
our stuck. •
Match ap. 1870. HUMPHREY BROTHERS.
pOWELL & co
Julotber largo lot just recelyed.
Towandiphulo,l6, 45.70
Alm Roam betral , gtietribistirproom hidebte d
to the estate ot UMW It. WOW& late ar t 110111 . 00
diarilleg sal aixpgairdie itiOdummelds.
a w * waff au perscrot4latng deal* Maktißgt‘alag el
ls* =Abe preeetttthe amentivTatf seneevaseises for
, settlateest., •
Jane 24, 1870. ,
sa-lhoimsda mai be , left Citlatlik.l).ll,oastrs,
A I M:MN% - sliSi NOTICE-=',
- hereto-oms. 40 jadsbt- 1
ad So the estate of "MOD= itto of Bos
notttonboto', deditimast
ar4illipersom bring s oloists dodo* OA sotto.
mutt pmemit Mon t i auttiotaostaloritettlattot
to - mo otTost Bad i ' 7/ I
BliateWarr TAILOR,
Have received.
t •
;nisi 21,16'i0.`'• •
:LILL Notice le tasEelggiven thabted
to th e ratite et aNnuritifiL Maine
/kW deeneotd, are amnesia's to Aoki. famaadaite
torment. and adt peraoea having elatantimalnst, said
estate moat weeent them deb aidamoneated act
tlement. CifFnopingi gn urr .
June 21. tale.' ddiadniatrator:
eionmer rs. X..D. Aar .."4.9. 302. dent. Term.
1810. 'ln - the Corm of Cannon Plass of Bradford
The underaigned.'art anditor,'• by said
Court to diatribute frinda in MuMW' • hands alum
from BheriTa sale of , defendant's ?caudate...till at
tend to the duties of mid- appotw6tlsa4 at his taco
in the borough of Towanda. up tiATllitihtT, the CM
day of AVOUBT. 1810, at ono (Mock p.~ in., at 'bleb
time and visa: all :moor hie*. dais* on said
money are, reutdredto mount the muss or be de ..
red from coming on - •
• - •
AOTlCE:=7Wheats, - Mgy turf A tl,T
has left my bed and board withoutputose
or provocation. this is to notify 111 person to
harbor or trust her en my somata as I inn pay no
debts of her contracting atm dbla date. .
' Per dm Graage.hgent. I
F2kland, March *O, Irio.—ana.e.sp.2ll.
June:29", 1870.
liotice bell:brawn' that an venous Indent•
ed - to tno extant. of C.' V WARD, &ceased; btu
of Tosatula Done, ire esqueillid Wink. Irontedt.
ate payment; and all persona luring dams spinet
todd - eatato must yenta thenkdoly authenticated tar
settlement; CHLUI•O. H. WARD,
June. 21, O. 4datiaittralrtr.
!if qtice is hereby stem that all:persons indebt.
ed to the estate of
. Jerezniab Holton, We of Monroe
tp. deed, srerequeitted to make immediate payment.
and all persons having than, spins! saklestate mast
present theta duly. uEhemtkabd Ibreettiement.
D.O. MiLLON. ,
J; W. zurrsE, •
Jane, 22.1870
To James P. Niebohs:—.ll,s6 Feb. termini.
You are hereby notified that IlaryAnn Nichols:your
'rife. by her neat friem i „ Emerson Ai. Iferehant. - haa
applied to thri- court of ,common pie-ar of Brad
ford county. for a divorce .from the builds of matri
mony, and the raid court has appolitted Iforiday, the
sth day of Sept., „ for hearingthe said Huy Ann
M the premises. at which time and place you can at
end if you think proper. • -
J. PERUT VAN nazi,
June 'ZI-4t
To Nancy Emma Graham.—No. 343 Feb. term.
1,170.—Y0u are hereby notified that 'torten A.
your lksitttand has applied Jo the court
of corureou.pjeti'hf Bradford county, fur a divorce
from the bonds of matrimony and the said court
hie appointed Monday. the Stilday of Sept.:lll7o, for
hearing Kalil Philites ill the premise., at whiejatlmo
- .awl place you Mu attend if you thltdrprotce.r
J. PEZIty vAs ralA‘i
Jnnr tn-tt - ,5141 ff.
pin)voli rs. o,6per L'aighers.—Nos. 1028 May T..
1870. -In.the Court of Common Pleas of Bradrytql
county. •
The uuderelmnd 'an AnAltor appointed by land
Court to distraint, moneys in tbit gaada of the BUT - 111
fr , m Sherlfrs sale, of defendants personal •
property. will attend Mt duties of .staid appoint
tuna at his office in the 11Ozonnit of Towand.s.ny
TC.ESIPAY tie lc,t!.. illy of AUSUST. 1670. at 2 o -
e1,..k p. re., at whiell time and 'place all persona llas.
llkg t ) nai.l tnoccy aro rectuirocl to precept tho
sdine4l..! detarrr( from vmut)giti upon said fund.
EMU. 31. PECS. .
fuly 12. ISIO.-It. 4+6l'ilor.
f • •
1._./virtlie of an order la..sned out of thoOrphana*
Court of Bradford county; the undersigned adminis
trator of
. 5.40 catat,S of 'PHI LIP IL HALL. detvooed,
wid will at public rale, on tho premises in Tuscarora.
on Turr.snAr. Auctsr t, Is7o, at I o'clock p. tn.,
the foftosrhaxilescribed lot. Vero or parcel -of land.
a,tintto Tuscarora, hounded and deecribed as
I,wa Begtoniog at the ff th -Pact corner oft lot
eurKeved for Tholl. Hall. north to MO aolath-arcid
t,C or a 3 , ,t r. 0 1 ,1 eo Wen. Ira% thence-along the eara
hal of mid tfall to the county Doe far enough by '
rrolnng a hoe (lne lreat to Tomball Itattixon'm ettot
Hop, luskimg arrry- 7 el: percent. allow:
TI:11.11 , ,--$:(03 tie paid an the proiwttrVtim:
tntelt &Ara. RC^O at confirmation or rale, and tt3.
ialanee within atto ye . ar from crinttratation. Pay
of tialauce to he r.curi,4 by good and auflitc.HA
:Pis mina the prrmiar-f.
1". 12, 1470.
14111::11 P . *. E. B. Pmccll 0.703,1 f T.T .•
In the Court of Common PiCaP of Bradford Co. The
und , rnigned harinu been appointed 'Auditor by
snit Court to distribute money In Sboriff's handl' .
raierd front sale of defendant's real estate, will at,
tend to the duties of said appaintrnent at his office.
in thi, Borough of Towanda, on TUMMY, the' (iii
day of AUGUST, 1870, at 7 o'clock, p. nu. ;at which
'time and place all persona furring claims on said
money- sre requested to present the same or be de
barred from coming in for a share of said money.
ti 'Auditor.
July 12. 187#-4t
,015.110CLAMATION.--VarEREAS, .
../1_ lion. FARRIS B. STBEETEII.Tresident Sedge .'
of the 12th Judicial District. cetudirting of the coon
tlea of Bradford end fiasquehanns.. and Hone. Zenc . -
LuN Fltltlllt and J. W. VasDrug, Associate Judges.
in end for said corinfy of Bradford. have fawned - their
precept bearing date the 6th day of July. Brio,
to me directed for holding an adjourned Court of
Common Mae at Towanda for the- Counts of Brad
ford, on Monday'. August. 60870. to continue one
Notice to therefore hereby given to-the Coroners.
and Justices of the Peace, of the County of Bradford,
that they be then and there in their proper periwig .
at-10 &deck In the forenoon of said day, with re.
cords. inquisitions and other remembrances, to do •
_those things which to their office appertains to ho
done; and thoso who are bound by recognizance or
'otherwlso to prosecute agahut the prisioners who
are or may be In the jail of said coun, or who shall
• be been.' to appear at the said cowl are to be then
ant there to prosecute against them alibi)] be just.
Jurors 'are fequeided *be/ punctual in their atten
dance, agreeably to their notice.. -
Dated at ToWanda, the 6th day 'of - July, imps
year of, our Lord. one thousand ht hundred and ,
seventy. and of the Indepeudo of the United
bthtes, the ninety-third.
• J. P. vANMET. azeriff
Jury Fifer and-Adjourned Court of Common
}'k t, be held at TOwapda, c owing Monday. --
August el, 1870
Atlions7dar:;Widght Dunham. W H. Walker,
Wm. Boit. Wm. Sawyer, Simon H. M ; Barclay
Win. W. Mceraney; Burlhigto(n. Almon eedr Cob
. .
limbic Robert G. Card ; Granville, Win. Vroman
Leroy, John H. Chaapel ; Monroe. Daniel Powers;
Orwell. Albht PriniM, Wm. Smith: Pike, Salmon B.
Canfield, Sylrester Camp. aeons L. Lewis; South
Creek, Corten E. Parsons, &Bin Watkins; Stulthileld
John VanEirk Sherhequld, George C. Gore. Jess.)
Brown: . Towanda boro. Thoma=M. Wood.rafr. B. 11 .
Perry Disbrow, Jacob Allyn, Wm. li. ..,....ausw; -Taw-iro
n, Sanford Overton ; Mater, Amon Watkins, John
Anthony: . Wells, °fermi!. Tamp, Wade Bearchiley
Wyalosine. Harrison Lamb ; Wilmot, Fran. is G.,
Marrow. Paul Bates, Vavid Eillierger ;_ Wyacix,
John Tuttle.
Boal.E.sfato for Salo.
Aires, within the Borough Illnits suitable for
ciliate. tots. Inquire of Charles NCrem; at ths
lace of the Fall Creel: Liituzidnotts Company'. Tow
anda. Pa. Feb. 28, 187e-tf
SALE.—One containing f 5 Rem; O. improved. ,
e.triateil within 80 rode of Millington baronet: The
other on ilollon 11111. containing 20 game, well Ira
proled. Inquire of C. 31. Mauville - or E. W. lisle..
April it. .
FOR SALE--A 30 hors© Bower
etationary engine and boiler in,good condition.
Terms--One.balf to bo paid down and the balance
in one year. Apply to Stichael 'Miami, Pall Crcek.
or 3lathow 3lcearnen Wilmot:township,' a 1 Paine
SAL,F. CIIPAP.—Owing to in-health the under
'signed offcro for salecheap, a good Some. Barn,
Wagon and lilsovemitti • shop,' With abost-1% sem
of land. Two good wells, a dater% and' plenty of
good fruit trees thereon. This property is 'located
• in - fihesheguln townsbip, Bradford amity. Pa.. on
on tho river road, and near a good school and
church. Posseselon given immediately. ;For far
ther particulars inquire of the_ tor. 0. W.
Vincent, at Towanda Agricultural • Worts, or Wm.
Soyder;Filieshequin, Pa. G. W. VINCMiI.
Feb. it. 18704 f -
XX. Con earn.,-The subscribers offer for sale their '
fine Dairy Farah situated two trines east of Green
wood. McHenry Co., Illinois:, Said farm :contains
three hundred and twenty acres choice lamb, describ
ed as follows : 160 *me, choice thribertal. 100 acres
meadow, and CO acres rinder the plow. Oood dye,
'U house and outbuffd, ings, large Cattle ban 36:60:
andgood horse barn.). The finest thing springs in
the country, running through * commodious spring
house. Is capable of torping eawa„ and !s oslj
1l milesfrom Abbott's Cheese Faciam Terms one
half cash. Wane* In slay pimento at 6 per cent. in
terest. Ilercrelier*:4l. M. Geroukt B, 8. McHenry.
Oreenirood, Meffeniy Co., DI., or F. 8. Ayer. ITheshe
- F. 8. MYR.
May 8, 1860—t f. . • . . a. Anat.
MISS Z. L .135013LEY.
MUS again. returned boil . Now York with a Clap var.
itty of • - -
somins. EAT% AC,.
for ttur...fhtnimentinde, which art offend to her cus
tomers and the public on the saatt.Tenaonaideitrrins.
Bonnets repaired and trimmed on abort notice.
She, hat also a. One nalaction of Hair and Taney
Goods, such as Laos and Linen'Collars, Cat% nand
kerchiefs, Cornets, Sc. .
Entrance next door 10 Pox. Sienna, Moron, . 1 / 4
Co's, tip stairs. Towanda. May 24, 10.
sortorout of /Vas for sale at •
-Mardi 4. : W. A. ROCEWELL'S.
Prolisione, at wholesale as . aftratall. at
Itay 18, 1869. ,C. B. PATCI/11.