News Ram_ ail • —lnsiwityjs rare iiinong the 4,dri • . 4 7 - 4h t. e.T are.t4in g to ftwebNigulas • • ---eincimiti has a new park, called "pm, garden of Eden." . , , IS to,Illl - T;3li - bOilt —The Ohio grape citp 'prozniees to be hese , • Ti I '3fammoth (givew.ara is groat Qua sos on. '—The stipbuildin4 interest is drooping in France. , —State-room thieres infest tho Midget' river ateanieni. • —Paris his nineteen comic papers and tondou only six. —England is rejoicing fiver the ab 7 cation of turupike. gates. '-,The New York hotels are Iven eirm to mdnee their rAtett. - . —The Worcester Spy newspaper wa3 one hundred years old last Friday. —California is destinedlo add tea to her long list of productions. —President lilcCosh of Princeton College, Las in press a treatise on logic. —X Springfield. bggag-smasher mints to tosstrnnks bine championship: . Columbia is particularly prolific in libpsi and sahnon. —The Albany bridge across Alio nua.iou Kill be completed in 1871. —The Illinois Central Railroad still has 07,779 acres of unsold bind. —The. Chinese Embassy expect to mail (rum MarscilleaforPekin, August 21. —A western female college has pri,inbited the girls froth whistling in the halls. —The opera If - owe of Providence, Rhode Inland, is let for pugilistic entertain. ments. —The German schools of Detroit have only ono session per day daring the warm weather. —" Return goodior -evil,' ? " as the match said when hgliting . the pipe of man who in,t struck it. . • Califoinia lady has taken to 'silkworms as pets, and his raised a large colony for amusement. —lt required tolgild the eagle on the city hall of Nasbna, liOsr, • Hampfthire, 135 books of gold loaf. —Millonen are happy fellows. They enjoy themselves at the watering places all the year mend. —A French barber's s a ix-board: rends: "Nc.morrow the public w shared grainitolsly: —The Davenport Tnrnverein has purchased the German theatre of that city for ilO,OOO cash down. —The Western Stage Company, for forty years in the carrying business in lowa, winds up its affairs and dissolres. -The birthplace .of Ex-President Pierce, in Hillsboro, N. H., has been sold for a summer boarding establishment. —A drove of three hundred ponies pawed through Mel, Iowa; lately, tm.their way from The Oaage nation to Fort Dodge. —A man in Indiana wants a divorce becalm! , his wife swears at, t hini nail sots him on the hot store when he don t behave. —A movement is on foot to substi tute iron for 'wooden vesßeliit on the wenteru mars. —Thirty-six hundred watermelons arrived in Savannah, Ga., a few days ago, from Florida, and were sold for 150 per inuidied. —The two gas companies of New Orleans aro Lighting fur the right to light tho city. —The Prussian public debt is stat pd to be about one-tenth of that of the United States.. —The Londoa police now wear helmet, bum on the pattern of that worn by Alexander the Great. —lt is said that upward of 1,000,- m 0 gallons or whr will he produced thin season in Loa .kngles enmity, Calirnrnin. —The Egyptian Viceroy has pre twated to the Oxford Univensity a complete col-' keno,' of oriental literature ; in 140 TOitIMOS. Pa," said a little:,friend of ours, " wharf; the use of giving ourlittle pigs so much milli? They make hogs of themselves. —Tho ladies of Pittsburg are going to have a rowing match. This shows the innate fontluees of women formatch-making. —The present wheat crop of. Cali-. Pumis it is estimated will fall 2,000,000 centals short of the last,leatiug 200,000 tons for export. South Bend, Indiana, has had a ti it from a burlesque troupe, the first that has ever appeared before the citizens of that place. western paper rouses its fourth of July anthusiastu ypuplimhing a cut of a tisk and the motto. Ware, bcantlons piece of cloth. —Work has commenced on the llnmboldt College at Springfield, lowa. It is 40 by 50—three stories high, of gray limestone r 2 ,000. ton histrionic individual, who has heard a good deal about tho "theatre of war," suggests that the back seats mast be, Tory de sireable. ' —Minnesota finds rattleatakes un pleasantly numerons this hot! . weather. The state is not as good (or consumptives as it used to be. —Ono of the features of the coming New England fair at Manchester, N. IL, will be a "Ktoek exchange," where cattle and horses will be bought and sold. An analysis shows that cotton aced is'a highly concentrated food, and ix richer in ilerh-producing elements than corn, but MAIMS hat inferior ait, a fat-producer. prominent manufacturing house id Now York, it is understood, has quiet ly made arrangements to employ WOO Chinese bands: They are expected to begin work in the fall. —An lowa clerk discovered the incompatibility of amoldng and weighing out powder at the same time, by an explosion which made him soar into it neighboring cabbage gar den. —The Chinaman looms up as a counterfeiter in San Francisco. Two of the .al mond-eyed rice have beep arrested there for counterfeiting notes or the chartered bank of India, Mistretta and China. - —FOrty-four prisoners were await ing execution the prisunx ef the North Ger man Confederation when the now penal code was adopted bv.the North Gerniam Parliament. Their lives will now he Feared. —Sacramento has on exhibitioa tt sixteen-wind lump of pure gold taken from tho mines near Shasta. Its value is shout s3so' 0, and it is said to be entirely free from quartz or other impurities. —Great exeitement.provails at Co bija, Bolivia, owing to the discovery of some rich silver mines, distant about five leagues from the little settlement of Calama, about twenty.five leagues away from the seaboard. • —lf a small quantity of coal oilLbe dropped on a piece oteotton, then squontoxfout Mt dry as possible, and the cotton then rubbed orer the face and hands, it is said no mosquito bill alight wherethe scent has been left. number of laborers in Killar ney, Ireland, are in jail for having made an at tack on tome mowiug•machines, with intent to seize and destroy theni, on the theory that the inrentions were "taking the bread out of their months." —An eccentric man in Scotland lately died, and his will was broken on the ground of insanity. The decisive evidence was 111 the fact that he used to throw open his win dow every Sunday tnoming and play the ° lladle while the people passed to church. —Among the agricultural timple mews new manufactured in Great Britain are large numbers of clophaut plows, whih are forwarded by way of the Mediterranean, the Isthmus of Saar., and the Bed sea and Indian ocean. tur i ~ .ter —Th e y h ave a musical p ro di gy a t born in Pennsylrunia - in the , year .hinny, in w hich boi sew Yews of age, who is 1810, and entered the naval—service amid to.perform the roost di/Roth pieces on the nolia In a atria bout to Qua of the best , pro- as a midshipman in. 1826. In March' fry„ cost of the se, lists won to be infiicted on the :btu, 1837, was Wade lieutenant, and in p _The m ontatta N a m ar d says I September, 1855, .ho was promoted. OrQtzr farmers Um &luta U tor s nowt. ito commander. He was connected • tit r7voL. Ifr. 11.14 revs wl ikk spends snout of . prA4l4 , kmik 4 th e y4L , with the ordnance ' department, and' b=4;—a °T. 4 1 1 0411- Mi k 64 f 317 invented - the'Dkillgren Shell 1.4 peat.' eV A rdl golliggy 1014Ifiel 494, , nail 9f rtriosi , erf..ol.7 • gap., several works, aervivon; - of tt wruic base topiiA, theta by-order of the bureau' atri*Al EV 1, 1 1 644 lOW 419§9 "L 5"4 4 4"4 : d orfibwa,o, rn Hilyjectn tt , , Ifs • Mtsit LW/ Werw• L r They 1.h.0.4 Liat owe ylorgs4o4o wok- Tiftvrif iinjigitek, 7u1y,18152 . , u. 4 tp44 Immo 4 oleiltars lafAk Lad y , , to piamia awe, Per , tii/44.r. , v. 144 wratuitiOutuAl as cap- Vase"." tA 4- w" ' 4 ' 0041 "ww"° " ; OM after Wag appointed fraibri -ftpf EDITORS t E. 0. CtOODRICO. S. W Towanda, Thursdah.Tnly SA. A meeting of the Standing Committee of Bradford held at the WARD ROUSE, in Toi on Thursday, July V, 1870, a 2 _ _ A full attendance at tlm 'Committee laAtilp_, /1• The following named persons comprise said Committee: H. ElcatT; Towanda; JOSEPH Dawn, - Le. Alcrriivir Fr c, Wyslusing; V.ll. Wtt.- oos, Alba; J. P.BroopoitheirgDzikPDXlsnol7 Troy; J. .I.3ur4Von. cpsaftEsSlONr4l4. kimcr,tom!, The' probabilities - securing a Democratic majcirity in the House at the next etections aro already being, hopefully discussed by the over-san guine. presses of that party. The Senate, of course, is for years Repub lican, beyond the' reach "of any Con tingency, while the National Admin istration, is, and will continue to be, until 1873, radically, right. Tho Southern States are counted upon to return, at the next elections, a large accession to the Democratic strength in the House, while in the North, there are a large number of districts in which Republicons were &Caen by small majorities, and which 4rci, considqred as doubtfaL . History is quoted to show that the electibus following the induction of a Presi dent, have been ninforinly diSutrous tot the administration; and hopes are indulged by the opposition •that the precedent will hold good in the pres ent case. In this State,there are-scvcral close ! districts which voted in 1868 as fol llows: ;Ind district—Myers... - Ttb " 'Taylor 'Mk " Cake IaMM Merrnr IVith LE=I STlnt Corode MYERS TAYLOR and CovoDE obtain ed their'seats after invesfigation- by the House, in which it was shown that a large number of fraudulent votes had,been polled for their op ponents. ' We observe that some of the news papers in calculating:the piosPective Complexion of the next delegation from this State, put down this- dis trict as dotebffid. While there should not be any question that the Repub lican candidate will be elected, yet we are willing to accept the probabil ities thus made for IA in the h4e that the danger foreshadowed, 7 T*ill awaken the Republicans of the trict, and more particularly of this county, to the importance of the duty which now devolves upon theist.. The district will be sharply contested, we, have no doubt. -The. result depends upon the activity and unanimity with whieb the Republican masses rally to °lent the humiliation and discredit o g misrepresented by 'a Democrat in he councils of the nation. If the Republican party of the Dis trict will rally to_;the support of ibeir candidate with a reasonable deg Tee of cordiality and zeal, there cannot be any doubt as to flu: result. The district has a Republican majority of some hundreds, when there is a full poll, as shoWn by the popular vote, in precious elections. Our success hi.a great measure, depends upon the majority in Bradford. The other fwd. counties in the district, of course, will give Democratic majorities, but we can give _majority enough in Bradford, for the Republican candi date to make his success certain. While we shall expect-our brethren in the other counties, to do their best to keep the l Democratic majori ties within bounds,- we have no doubt that the Republicans of Bradford will be so impressed with the importance of , the result, that they will poll a full vote, which is all that is necessary for our -triumph. Fortunately, we enter upon this canvass, under circumstances pecul iarly favorable and guaranteeing -our success. We shall avoid all the ac rimony and -escape all the dangers, engendered by a contest for the nom ination. There is no one who doubts the - 'propriety or expediency of hon oring Judge MEUCIIR with a nomina tion for re-election- The expression . in this county is unanimous and em phatic—and we. believe is equally well expressed in the other counties of the district. • As a candidate,. ho will command the respect and receive the support of the whole party, with out division or hesitation. His votes in Congress have been so uniformly proper and in accordance with the wishes and sentiments of his constit uents, that his public record is unas sailable. The party is peculiarly fortunate at, this juncture, when unanimity :and good feeling are requisite, in having a candidate who will receive the hearty and united support of the masses. The result, we shall await, with the utmost confidence; while we shall ,not endeavor to disguise the fact, that success must be accom plished by hard work and by earnest and united effort on the part of those who desire the triumph of correct iiincip!es. • EAR-ADMIRAL DAIILGIIEC pr In inent officer 'of the American navy died in Washington, TiAcAay, the 12th inst. Joint A. DAHLGRWr 'was roa., tion4 1868 he Was again appointed t ihiVil the bureau of ortfirance. In the fall of 1869 he was ordered 'to the Washington navy yard, and was in command there at the time of his death. MOE 1191C I AMTS15211*11CIII. There is, the '•same = Tomiiitar of feeling in - regard to the'lnfintrinatiOn ,of go. rosaii•BrEnel*,in tie Other t . th district . a -mink los o 9 tpc es .re - ford. In fact. his retura bit/le:forty second Congress hi:diming: by 'To vl6ll'7lllB all over the State. below vie give . article 'frord • a recent issue of the Voonniburg publican, upon the subject: .- "The time taii now Corn° wheri l / 4 411 who give any attention ,to the subject are turni?ig 'thoughtS to the ,questionlislci vihashal thelteinb bean nominee for COngress frcl.n this district. 'Diningthe past-fetv , weeks `ora' engagenients'have called us out aiming the people n't the conntry to a 'considerable extentiiti4 welicer bit elptestikin of "opinion, • and -that iieto the effect that our Present able repreitentative; Judge Mercur, will be teturned without . oppositon: We have :indulged , int - no . elictioneerhig tricks, order' to generate an opin ion in accordance with our own, but we have endeavored to receive the honest sentiment of -our Republicans. in order That we might, to the extent of our , influent*, give expression to their views and assist in their adop tion. During his service in the halls of Congress, Judge Mercur has' lion estly land faithfully represented his constituents. Wa l do not mean to. say flab he hits in eterrinstancemet• the wishes - of each individual man. This would be impossible; and - we should consider a man incompetent or unfit I'4 the place if he made the effort to conform to the wishes and demandepf each claimant to recogni- - lion. Neitherdo we desire to be un derstcod •as endorsing every word,' appointment or action which may be traced to Mr. Mercur. Errors, even, either in our own judgment or his may have been made, but we admit this an n valid • argument against him only when a man with out blemish, and perfect to fault, shall be presented. What we desire to sny'ie, that the constituents of Mr. Mercer, in Columbia county, endorse fully his whole representative course and arlito-day willing to shoW their 'approval by • the largest vote - ever given to him. While questions have arisen \within the past year upon which the people living in the differ ent sections of this .• Congressional distriCt ma and do hold opposite views, yet Mr. 3lercur lias conscien tiously recorded his vote always in favor of the best interests of the dis trict and the State at large. In the delegation fr,oni Pennsylvania our Congressman stands as a staunch, true man—always open in the ex pression of his views, andOthey are always consistent with the best in terests of his State and constituents. Mr. Mercer is never considered doubt ,/ When a vote is taken upon any important subject we always know where to find the name of our repre sentative recorded. No other name has, as yet, been sumested, and we presume, •it is a foregone conclusion, that Mr. literatr will bo re-nomina,t,- ed and re-elected with a largo popu lar majority. Every voter must go to work as though he were- personal ly interested, as he is,' in . the ques tion. Let us all be workers.- Great interests are now at stake, and it'be hooves us to put only Well 'trained and faithful men upon the outposts." A prominent citizen of Montour. county, - writing, from Washington- to the Anteeican, refers to Judge Men- CUB in the following complimentary terms: ....Ur majority ....225 " " judge now serving his third term in Congress , land the peo ple of the district are al/01A to retain him fora fourth, beennse they have found him an honest and faithful representative, one who is ever pres ent to guard the interests of the country and his constituents. Petty misrepresentations cannot ' injure such a lean in the eyes of the people who have repeatedly endorsed him at the polls, Indeed, few representa tives have shown themselves so at tentive to the wants of their • constit uents, and it is gratifying to know that the Republicans of the thirteenli district are anxious to return him to the forty-second Congress. Judge Mercur is here regarded as one of the inthiential, 'working members of Congress, occupying! as ho does a jrominent - position on one of the first committees of the House, that of the Judiciary; and his return to the next Congress _is looked , for with great - satisfaction by the Republican leaders of that body." '. Stir We have received from - the General Superintendent of the Union Pacific It. R. the following notice which will be of interst to the travel ing public: • GEN'L SUPDRINTEI 4 iDENT'S OFFICE. OMIIIA, Neb., July -7,•'70. j • TO prevent the necessity of reply ing specially to numerous enquiries regarding danger from Indians on the line of the Union Pacific road, I would state, that I am. informed that from the opening of the road to July 1869, and from that day to, he pres ent time, during which, I have had charge, no Passenger has been mo lested or any passenger car interfer ed with in a single - instance. -That those portions of the road where In dians occasionally cross, and indeed all stations through the Indian corm-. try, are well andlhoroug,hly guarded , by U. S. troops, infantry at stations, with cavalry scouting and co-operat-- ing therewith, all under command of "Maj. Gen. C. C. Augur.. " The Directors and other officers of the road and, their families are 'pass ing over the line stithimt hesitation or fear. I have recently passed days upon and aver. the whole _line, and can say with .liertect truth that I.:felt as free .from danger at if traveling, in • tiny part of the - Union: My own family And lady fiends have had the same experience and testifr, to , the same feeling of perfect security.. To their testimonymight be added hun dreds of others. - • • —This C. G. 'Hamm. -Gen7-Snig: P.. 11.---Setutatimal newmparr hello ithotlld Ike rwid with allowance.. h3uw4ukt._ '"' - • " -1 protracted and apparently painful preparation they appeartiithiiinfoid:' ,They- make force the arbiter ~ of their quarrel, and oblivious.of all the ads-, ery they bitibk-4popOheli subjects and won the world and imuelledig e nature, `by an indi vidualovo*d bib* him to -the • scif fold,' they-rush to •the_strn,ggle. therein but little to -OhoOse between , them. Let theni have their'll.ll of mfirder and blood, may:: bf ) results may emerge from the ,shoCk' vindicating the claim of' the subjeet to a jester appreciation of h4,inher. , ant manhood. - - =ma The quarrel -has been' long: Coh= teMplate& ;and-{ deli' giet his km!rwa for years that thefirstlivora ble opportunity' _would ;hurl- the','s - of -France , -upon ' - Pruseia, and that 'a -great •• -War' Was - Since the battlejof.'Ladowd the despot, haa, felt.his prest4o as - arbiter-0 6 4. 1 91, Er' 61)12, giving way, lila usurpectihrone insecure, and now, as the hero of Wr, plebiscitum, he wantonly precipitntbs thie war. And - iili,y talks done note: .or father,' inasmuch as for years cherished the 'determination to fight Prussia, and this war is the out-come of a settled resolve; .whiit, at this juncture, impels him 'to' the struggle? - • ' •'' This. The throne. of Spain 'Vacant since the expulsion of Isabella, _of fered to Leopold of Hohenzollern, .2% prince who for the last twenty, yeare of his life, if he 'has lived so long, has been a subject- of Prussia. Louis Napoleon, feel* that this, feet iiOuld - gh'e Prussia an undue influ ence in the policy of Spain, which might be used• against him or against his imperial honsooleinanilg of Pruss ia an order forbidding Leopold to accept. Prfissia replies, that, as, she has not induced the Spanish Cortes to choose a Prussian subject . tif ) fill the vacant throne, in fact, • htui : een passive and inactive duringthe whole negotiation, she will issue no such order. And therefore, Napoleon de clares war. The fact, that Leopold has declin ed the honor Spain would do him, will hardly arrest the course of war like events. Both belligerents have looked with longing, eager byes across the Rhine toward- each.. other - for a caws belli; bothhave bent their, whole energies to the point of prepa ration, and both expect victory: Na poleon hopes by success to retain his' throne for his aim, and to -win back .to himself that faVor and confidence he has lost by his manifold duplicity, and unsuccessful enterprise. ' The 2nd of December, 1851, ' the false oath, the blood that filled the gutters of Paris, imprisonment- and exile of so many illustrious men who' loved the land of their birth, Mexico; Max imilion and poor Carlotta,—these, and others yet, are times we cannot. forget, nor will the world, while truth and honor hold a place in hu man consciousness. On the other hand, Bisznark, the soul and will of Prussia, hopes to redeem his country from the shame of her many -defeats by the arms of the first Napoleon, to retain the position ho won at Ladowa and to free himself and•Enrope from the dictatorial aggression of the Tu illeries. -It is impossible to' determine • now - the final issne. Fnuice has -204,000 ;square miles of surfaeei while Priniaia has but 18,000. France has 40,000,- 000 of population, while Prussia has less than 25,000,000. France has an army whicl in a great war may , num ber 800,000, and having an annual increase of 80,000. The war :firma; 'lament. of Prussia is quite that, with .a reserve - of disciplined troops num bering 250,000, always ready for the field. She has a needle' gun which may discharge six -times a minute, the deadly effectiveness of which the Austrians learned at • Ladowa. But this Prussian gun is antagonized by the chussepot, said to be an invention of Napoleon himself. • The French navy is - greatly supe rior to the Prussian, but the gnat struggle will be on the land, for on that theatre, tha belligerents - have won their greatest honors. ' France owes a h r eavy debt, and Prussia a comparatively light ono. That of France at a' recent period was $1,750,000,000, and that of Prussia, a little short of ;$200;000,- 000. If he war is, not extended be yond this one campaign, the dispari ty of debt will make no great differ ence in the result; but if protracted through several, France will grow restive under the drain upon her re sources, and_refuse further sacrifices to gratify the pride of her usurped head. So far as money and troops are a make-weight, Prussia. with but half the territory and population of France, feels abundantly Able to hold her own in the strife .. She has, too, a conacionsness of being in-the right, and also that she could not, in honor submit to the impious demand of his arrogant, cantankerous rival. Nor could she preserve her own self-re v spect, or that of the world, by any ether course than the one she has pursued. Her 'population, patriotic and brave, and intelligentleyond all other European peoples, go heart and hand with her sovereign, in a dignified and manly resistance to-the French usurper. If the American people need any more evidence of the entire lawless ness and want of principle of the French despot, let them look back a few years upon our. own civil war. From its inception, he unceasingly urged • England to recognize rebel independence •in a joint declaration with `himself, and ,in our darkest Nutrient his army to ?aeri e°, in derogation Of - what .he kneiv was the confirmed policy of our gov ernment, 'and for the. purpose of be ing near us to ;take ViavaXitugo of our •advereities, whatever they might be. ,A man, who in private MI would so act in reference to his meighbor and friend,.: would put himself without the pale-of decent society, and be re garded as a robber and buirglar of the meanest kind. If :he is - obliged to speak back from: Pitsitia, as,-he did from Mexico, at the cotnnvand • of our government, Paris will . cast him off forever. - . - '. , It is - quite impossible to predict:the complications which may aiise from the wai in the event of t he , success of. either belligerents. Nor is it .possi ble,to guess who may be drawn into it. Should it become galena, it *ill end in strandualterations of tho map of - El:trope. Should' 'Prussia 'win, there be a consolidated Germany reling with the fenians, °and possibly disOttabliabititheiStatiatireli. In the height of the imat-uproar,:ltuss la, unless belping, the. Kieft of rinsms:rliilli AS9I the Black sea to Constantinimlgo4d send lie Taiii:Pic" all-tluit; beforiCiax.Obtdstbili: Bonaparte; ors MT: filiias„, asked Mn Itonuinoif .iC4ir (pistil:lnk Ideantirne Ara reatihareibetwelii, old' two )oceians; lialjoyinvoor otitinviiimagnitate,-tit feaceivitth air - the-voildiskid-the Testeof tgilkhtd:l ' .r: ME 1 ::---:."-„•? ~ ..,Cf, I ~,; 4uE N 8011131'000/4kA t ilt• :,,, ~ , t ,,,. , , s:.-; , ',••,-,, , •.,=1120 , 0491)1ti itrtO! ~ ,;'Weleft lieui - ForliAprilltithi• DO I. ntearrati, for . Charlanton.; had a•Zirii-v r ongh3royikgc loll”. tho firlin Aunt to inalinitutill4orsC.;.ario Utile . • s 'gin out.inra storm; a ' gf_ na .46 . fi, datlater thin thensual tell' , edlaharlestcht °nth° — ng.eirt .ti n t 20th, Mid left bySouth - CurolMs. i 02: R. for'Aiken, distaut 12043iikii4ntrgv, ed there at 4 - 1):,! 14. - • the , . sant& day'.' We - had - . nut& : arrangements :for a hcruner here,. and so - event 'directly to itl .foundityci7 pleasantly. situated and in good condition, although: two miterfrom the.' Villag ;. eta. rye :do not. or Slconld .nat. - min& that if - l•ive werinot so - fax from clunth'l, h.:m.o - Ire ge!,there occasionally: - Aiignc;. ta,' Eta.; is distant.l.s 'miles.-- •We 04 7 irally go thorn-tdpurchase groceries, &o. • There isn decent of TOO feet to . reach Augista, whiChis notes healthy as : here. • , • • - : , .s---, :: . • Aiken is situated high up among the sand hills of mountains.' -The air is wonderfully -dry.. and pare,:: *hick makes it nitionbtedly one of :the. healthiest ; situationinthe states, end Many travelers say,- in:lthe One of our next door neighbors; Mr.. Burkett, formerly a merchant of Hartford, a man of much intelligence and a'fine-neighbor; has been a - tray,- eler in the - Old, World for' 'six - yew; and has finally come here,' bought place, and brought on his family He has direct :consumption; . that is, consumption is hereditary in his fam= ily.' Ho says he never expects to • get well, brit thinks by. • staying here he may live several years. • • The great point:is; the air is dry and pure, quid there are very-few days in the year that even. an invalid may 'not: be out of -doors. • This- 'then. is -the •• secret, and is what is rapidly bringing thou= sands to Aiken who have chest • diffi culties; Of course many Come here . who are too far • gone to recover: - There are not so many here in sum: . mer, but in winter the - hotels and boarding-houses are crowded. The climate is certaiuly delightful.. There are many inconveniences, stud He there is everywhere ;we came . for a ! good climate and it is certainly as near perfect as possible. We all like it here; or at least - are satiefred ,to 'stay as long as we are benefita..- I trust that in_ time I may recover; :although, my case is rather a seripui one. ...By the best medical authority it is pro 7 nounced "tnbnrenlar consumption," but is as yet confined to the tipper portion of the lungs, „ I was sloWly but surely growing worse at the north ; but I think this climate is having a tendency to check the formation of fresh tuburcles. Should you knoW of anyone in the early stages of consumption _who . do not Rooth to be benefited by Medical treatment, yen 'would confer a great, favor upon: them by adVising. thein to come here, - 'Still there are some who do not Stein to be benefited. I think . it would be much the better plan to remain here from the first of October until the Ist of May, as the summer months are rather warm for persons debilitated: The thermometer seldom. reaches 100, the highest, point- 'sinc e we have-been here is 96 ; but we have a great Many more hot-days than you Ati at the north. ' • The Foil is poor bein,nothhag but White sand: No subaoil, not a spear of !grass - Within miles of here: Still they 'raise 'very 'fine . ith,gefables, and almost all.kinds of fruit - grow ahem.- dantly;'but the staple northern crops, such as corn, wheat, oats; `& - c.; &e., amount to but little. This undoubt edly is the, poorest land' in thh‘ state. The climate of coarse is what has brought the place to public notice. All kinds 'of. vegetables are ,in the market , and have heen some time. Fruit is commencing to ripen, 4uch as peacheS, grapes, plums . and figs.. The wood's axe full of wild grapes, that get ripe in August., said to be very fine. Blackberries and raspber ries have. been ripe two or three weeks, there aro thousands of 'bushels throUgh the woods, and of the finest quality. 'There are thousands Of acres of land unfenced and covered with en ormous •pines and scrub- 1 oaks, how ever, often miles apart:with a few acres around cleared.' • - In regard to the natiVe population' here, thre are a very few 'of the, real old southern "_gentlift-folks." 'A near neighbor' a Mrs.. Greg ,is perfect lady, and although many of her faini ly were in therebel army, she 'does not seem to have the slightest ill-feel ing towards northern men. She often .. speaks of the late war,•but nevei en ters into any argument as-to the cause of. it ; and this I find, is the case with all the intelligent southeners. , They have. quietly accepted the situation. and now seem anxious to let "by genes" be'" by genes," and are glad to have northern.people come among .them. slanyy, of them retain theii'old slaves, '—of course as hired servants— and say they had lanai - .rather . have . them so than as slaVes. What a field there is here all through the south for northern' enterprise and industry ; and many see it and are coming- on, and although it may many years, before manufactories, &c.; Can be brought to the. system 'and perfection that exists at the north; still it must' eventually happen. • • *. California is claiming another Representative in consequence of her large- Chinese population. 'When the people of California have pro gressed far enough to treit a China man as they would any other human being, the claim will become reason able. Ems' Gov. Grarty appointed G. lif.limunsci, of Wilkes-Burn; President of the LT:merlin ,In dicial district, in place of Judge Oa. iIItiGILAM; resigned.; Hesse Darmstadt 'withdrew , her asP Theis fs ~ . nothing nt from-eertainiiiiiimitii tholeparhaterof the Emperor for the geld - ofWgiel-lt is not likely lie will # 1 41g4P.441*/:... 1 1 4)40# ( !c o.' - ate ;i i ty cif ',Wo . .v?kv-,f 1 4 1 1 1 4M19;',4 11 .0t i 1t:1L - 14d WillkibutPirtiAl.9.4 o Yo ent'T keate4:_:: , rv ie4 6tl * * zinqp4se 4-4 4 fi ,DOP Pt,rovi±l ll .T.fe4f 4 • WO'Fr.4.o l /.7.19,F.e 4 . P)koolv *Axile,o3d 64% P97pygow.,:it /WA a cOPPIc444 - ,; •f• '4 • The. Liberia publishes a statement to **effect Ahat'n aelV ; will probabl ba apixanted_ ' , of War, Vio6 `Lo Bout' - who' takes intheirfield., T L The morning journals lay 4in Bus:. .siluis no* in France not be a liened fronr'thei country:: as long as Ahiyzobsiive strict neutrality. , ,The-grourrial official That Emperor.-has decided - riot - to re sire lather iii he- imperial guar ter :or quarters of generale:Moors any volunteer, or : foreign bfficerl or any me , mot , belonging the' French . army.,:.-• , • - .7- Earl Gianvillei • the British Secre tary of State for the Foreign Depart taint, arrived here fromiondon yes terday; andinid a three hourston feriae° 'With the Emperor. The Minister :of War has asked the Corps Legislatif - fck. nifincrease of the military. class., of 1870 from 9,000 tii..1.4,050 meni and that this contingent may be culled ont to seive their time January Ist, 1871. The Liberte,_ organ of the - Thiers party,- gives the following as the pro gramme of the French. The army will first enter Meese lin order to neutralize- 'the southern States of Germany. They wilL then occupy and 'fortify -the city of• ,Frankfort. From this point they will' be able to irisreep all the Prussian territory to the left of the Rhine, and will the enter Prussia by way of TWestphalia. reconstruction of the Rhenish Confedeiation will follow. The Patriot this-morning says the Prussian ambassador at. Vienna start ed from here • last night for Berlin with the official declaration of war. The 'Journat de Sair• hair inform tion which it believes to be reliable, Iliat Mr. Washburn, Americtin-Min ister, has agreed to, protect Prussian subjects-now in __Frtmee. The Attr act adds that Mr. Washburn could certainly not . make such a promise without first having 'obtained the consent of the Fran& Government. BERLIN,: July 19.—Last evening Tung William made a speech to a great , crowd of people in Berlin, who came to congratulate him. He,paid he was not responsible for the war. Which hail just broken out. He might-personally be .passive under the outrage, but Germany, 'even" from beyond the seas; had spoken. Sacrifices verb sue. Prussia 'lad been spoiled by her'' tapid victories in two wars, and perhaps a Worso'fatc awaited her now, ' ite, however, knew what to hope from God, the' army and the people. A French proclamation for the purpose of exciting the people to re volt has been distributed in Hanover. PARIR, July 19.=—The public and private subscriptions to the various charitable projects incident to. • the' war are very liberal in all , parts- of the country. The Duke De Monte mart has given 100,000 francs to one of these funds. Many-persons have agreed to pay certain sums daily during the continuance of the war, and others again pay double taxes. Many manufacturers continue the wages of - their employes who chobse to enlist as soldiers. • • ' A large number of 'constituents Of M. Thiers, who voted for himit the last election, demand his ietirentent from the 'Corps Le g islatif, on ; the on the ground that he has outrtiged the patriotic sentiment'of the coun try by his recent speech . againstihe TI e journcl Officei has a significant article on- the attitude of Holland, with which it professes to be pleased, and continues : • " Bat ,no one can ignore the ambitions design's of Prus sia against the independence of Hol land. - Biemark wished to make that generous and illustrious lit tle nation submit. as the Danish DuChes were forced to submit. He wished to , render Holland a -naval State of the North German Confed eration, and under the pretext of ea r tablishing Close commercial iolatiqns, - tried to place Prussian customs offi cers at Amsterdam; The patriotic animation 11.1'011141311 in the Netherlands at' the time of the-Luxemburg affair; will also be remembered ; nor will it bo forgotten that without the firni stand taken- by France then, the Prussian policy would hare- had re state fatal to' the independence and autonomy - to the Netherland& • - "The Cabinet of the Hague on its guard, and will not fail to main: tarn the real interests of the country:" 'The same paper has' the following on the aviation& of Switzerland to. France: "-We-: learn, from several Swiss Cantons, and particularly from, Neufchatel,• that the Military meas ures of Federal government are not directed against France, hat are in spired by a friendly neutrality; Switzerland knows she has nothing to fear from 'France, her natural ally and firm friend. The measures tak; en by Switzerland to secure the re= speck of Prussia° for her neutrality, are in our furor, as by her geograph jeal positioishe protects ,an rnpor- Oat position . of, our frontier:" _ The friendly feeling of the Spanish people towards France is also point-, ed out by, the- Journal, which says: "We hear. from -S . pain Th at La notice hew carefnlly the , piesent: oitr, government end,Chanalvrs have. 'avoided nay net 4g expression of iriendlinessr i towaxd , that power.: , The results from the feeling of sympithy, between the two d l ations. - Paris; Daly 19.=-Evening.--There portpublished in the morning join.- nabi that Earl Granville had an inter, view with: the Emperor, Ivan rintrne,; Lord Granville hasnot. been in the he Empress •• has sent, 500,006 francs to the aid of the•wounded. Pam ; July r 19.—Evening. -= The ' naperoi held a oimeil'othiinistere td-day. . • •- • : - Prince Napoleon has. arrived- and had 'a long interview-with i the Ent iieror. It is understood that it" Corps di Arm* sad the Pim) the.. officers and eve . They tie nu mpr The Inuid pliyed su b - tfar gcminment,-and- tads,* -the clonentre(l in the action of. the Corps. toy-= journals protest against a time of war.. - , r - Th jketmark is givin way ~ the'n3 Reit* of En-, Russitt7sYNi/JunesVwn no signs of swervnag ~•fnmrk,--ler attitudes of neutrality.- • . , 14P1 11 4144:. ors of Badezli Sisony; Hesse; Bays:: ria, and Wurtemburg„ huve ; hem or dered to quit,,Rup,a„...: . 141 ' bil'erie - PaYs theidlicial-declara tion of warwill-not.l e.communicati otto, the Chamhers until an answer nse been-retnrued*ein:Triusiia' , the 'Cabinet' of Berl:kiwi* . ' 1 0 6, Y0 notification of Sib - diaaration." . Deputy , Dreolle, It- is loaikintendi to move 'that 'the 'CliAinbers ddring war may , hefented tOr'n'perma : neat counniEtce of Senators and Dep., uties.--: • - , . 2 - ' Le Public ' nnnounCes that ' the, French Government hair given Din Carlos entail to leave the cottntry. Pants,-July-19.—The official of the declaration df war by' France against Prussia,- was sent yesterday to the European *titers: ' • Franco has notified Prtissia that , she will not nse explosive bullets if Prussia will not; Alter the - first' battle has . been" fought, all . the powers 'Etirope will have to make an effort to , stop ,the conflict. ' ' The French journals have received orders topublish no information con: cerning military movements. - The Catholics of the South Ger man States are reported-to be oppos ed to Prussia." ' ' Eight Prussian officers have been seized in Strasbourg ikspies. One hundred thousand volunteers have enrolled their names in Paris am! the Departments.. . • BIIVESZIE, _July 19. 7 —France has communicated to the powers a noti 'if-Cation 'that sh©'lies entered`into re ciprocal- engagements with Belgium and Rolland, ensuring their neutral ity.' France is also in active nego tiation with Russia to obtain her for mal promise of neutrality. . COMM POOR-HOUSE. MIISSIIR. EDITORS: We wish to make a remarks through the columns of the REPORT= concerning a county poor-honse, because we . think it to be a every important subject. We wish to speak to the . tax-payerS in particular about the matter and hate them consider it before the. coming election.. You are nearly_ all aware .that . (Isere are a great Many poor who come upon the town for, support that . rnight quite maintain themselves if they were put to work. But . in stead of this they,. are around doing nothing, calling upon the town . for their living, and the working - people have them to support. Is , this what we want ? No: then let us have a; place for them, . and have them in- it, so that each can do what he can to maintain himself. It is nearly as much trouble and cost to see - and take care of the poor in a few townships in the usual way as it mould be to take . care of all the poor in the county in a, well conduct .ed p,oor•house, „ As-the country becomes older the More- poor there will be to keep, (and sorry to tiny some townships have enough now) and the more we shall need a place ler them. It will cost a little to make a Com mencement, but when that is made it will ,be by far the, cheapeSt way . V). - keep poor. et. us be stirring and.try - to,have established what we soniuckneed. - NOw is the time to ash what influ ence you can 4n favor of what will be a general benefit to•the whole coun ty. We will be glad to hear from others who are Juterested in this eubjeet. . A'r.tx-Parcn. 'lbs. The war - news' from Europe, has, giien an upward tendency to gold. It - closed iu New York on Tuesday, at 1221. New Advertisments ORPHANS' COURT 'SALE OF ,SALIIMEAE ItEAL ESTATE NEAR TOWANDA(' • By virtue of an order issued out of the Orphan's' 'Court of Bradford co., the undersigned. edmirdstia trlz One estate of W. MEANS WATTS, deceased, wilt expose at public sale on the premises in North Towanda. on SATURDAY, AUG. 27th; 1870, at o'- clock p.m., the following described p roperty, viz: A certain. piece or parcel of land situate in North Towaiule township. beginning at a corner on weal lino of Alauson Lovelace,- and nurth.east ebrner of Badger's lot, thence along north line of Badger's lot south CO deg. 30 min. west 81 per. to the public high way leading to Towanda borough, thence along the same north 33 deg. west 37 2.10 per. to the south vial corner of .James Poster's lot, thence along the 6111110 north 61 deg. east 81 perches to the north-west corner of said Lovelace's lot, thence along the line of the Name south 24 , 4 deg. east 36 7-10 perch& to the place of beginning. Centalciing 20 acres and 31 per ches. .'• ALSO—Adjalitsg the above. lot, • Pieee boWadod ind deabrtbed as follower On the east by the main road leading front Towanda to-Athans, on the-north, south and west brother land* of said decedent Containing one-half acre, more or lees. • ALSO—Ond other piece of land adjoining the above and bounded as follows : On the north by Charles It. Brawn and the lot above described. on • the east by tlio Tosfands raid, on this southby.lteu benDeLong. and on the west by lands belonging to "the estate of the late John C. Adains, excepting therefrom two screw adjoining Benben DeLong. which has loeetiact apart to the widow. Containing. after deducting the two acres set apart to the widow,: Owed 38 saes. • . : • . ALSO—One other piece of land, purchased of Jas. A. & S.'S. Harding, 'beginning at a point in theeen ter of 'the Towanda road on , the north line of other Wads of said decedent herein described, thence In a ,westarly directiOntaang said last mentioned land 20 % rods to settle and stones, thence in a northerly flirectlon narratel with the Towanda road 6 rods to a plate and stones cerner,..thence in an easterly tion.parellel with the north fine .of other lands of said decedent 25% rode-to the center of the highway, thence southerly. alongsaid t = t wa e : 8 , rode to the place •of beginning. Con one acre, strict measure.' Alt of the above desert lots, nirtes or panicle °fiend artra fort of..the farm owned by the saidltilltam M. W ails, deccased, and containing at together about 57 Sues, and In perches. The land Wilt be sold inseparate iota, Or itllegetherr , as may &eit suit the pure The abonsdesertbed property is situated about I.ti miles trim the Court House, and within dye into late°. walk to the depot : Thero are two thrifty young orchards:a good dweLUne bone, ,and a large , new bara, on the premises; in a. abort time a large por tion of the land can be sold fbr town lots; as the tit. 'hp of Towanda is rapklly spreading in tbst-dirne- • TEa2l23.—lfive per cent: of the pueblos money to be peed when the property le streck down, thhiy-flre per cent: at the andirmation of the ate, and the ba ne" *Wintered. tutsually hem oonfirmation in three otint3 animal instalments. • • ably 19,111701 VOTICE, 'OE'. DISSOLUTION.— .01 The Maffiseratdp heretofore es:hang between the unde r signed. under the Arm name at D.C. DAY TON'it.CO., lends day dhusolvellty mutual consent. Tho Mudness will be retUed at the office at Dayton aratcotharaYvas= o r N. C. Dlabree. ' • D. Cr DAYTON. N. C..ELSIDNEE, 0. A., DAYTON. 7*93411. N 1 17 . 18 b /870• florae!. OF PARTNEBBIgP..—The • undenigned, a have Mist .1 armed a puthei44. under the Ann of DITTO .Ik.BROTt stul urn continue the Wool. ,gn HID* n u allf:a!'as hPFO°IO4I3 conducted hit). C. Dayton .„" Co. ToAnnda,-Ju)y' OAKES AND ,CRACKERS.:-CIRE- V itatilked, none*, °rose, Batumi, Enin. and.Oingar. Cakes; Washington Jumbles and Coffee - 131watt. and all kinds otCrackers at _ ' Much t '7O. ' W. A. ROCKWELL'S. %lOWA .114: 1 0111M1111:tettadtbtattrrilli 3 . 2 ! 1 4 Plata' DUPIEUs . X O X O LEO, MBEIN3. '4:3. A3IbWoEII HEN Woos or Putriiwrioa.--Botho,ln Tacso. War / I "*./Ph-b, 0 14 4 14 4 4 T. $9 tan. Ane awl -42.07 Asts o !o*"'ledlffdi 6l6llo4l ; 3 wid `m* qdi:ivi:0101!31- offrotottatpr Dirties Territta, "Pr ied roan roporton of soot.:lf 4;ixbri paa. o*, wdi-rnr ME prepped, ll 7 • Priggisis• is. oft dark' : color. It Is a- *tow omitsdlogrine; actin irt geoid's**. Ma Otifilletitel l2l4 l4) laaTing a dark uidglatfneasdrocetkoa. Mae Isiite eelor of ingmdleiiis: Ibe Bad= in myprepseauon Orea .. caullsides anapest ..quarstitr of tbe other iMiEM;;;M= 'els inspection; it will tie t‘iiioo34. to to a itneture, as made in Ili:kamm* is ft., therefore eau berteeci cue sr where fates or hub- anat . = exist. 'ln 'US yob 'tare auk inindedge of the tegreihenta sud the imtle of preparation giving that you will .Livpirtwilit a 04 as, thatiijgen insiodlihs'it win limit lints Chemist And Druggist of fcr yams experience. [Erma lbo largest isszaaractarinrettemiets In the . 4 -' • Wcirhi] ' • .ted with Mr. IL T. Iteletbettl; he occupied the Drnif waif enceasethl • ducting the. trasidePs•where others bad ootbeen eloolly so before him.. I . tire been favorably: impretwed with his character and en- terprize." H1:0111OLD'A FIXID Erruaer.Etrewll, for weak- nesii seeing from indecretion. The eihausted pCni. ere of Nature which 'are aceampatgett by so many - sbath?g, trymptoms, among whlih xlllbe found, In dlispoeltion to Exeitton,' tofue of itemory, Wakeful neis, goror 91 Dthease. or Foreboding. of E U ; in fact. Unlyersal Lansitude, PFnatration, and inability to enter into the enjoyments of society 'The comilltutlOß. Owe' affected with Organic Weaned; requires the ald of naerliclns to strength- 4d and illiterate the !Sateen, which HELMI3OLD'S Emu= "WOW invariably doe.. If no treat. meat to submitted to, Conenniption or triunity en CUM Ernuer or Buono, In at teeth= peculiar to remake. L. unequalled by any other preparation; 4? fn Chloroals, or ietention Painfulness, or &hiring State of Mal:ltem, and all • complaints inelder4 tp the sex. or the decline or alta r of life lizzontatz's' fturrs Exnuer Erma A3n3 Ix PROVED Eons WASH Win limitedly exterminatefrOm the eyetem, dieeseee arising from . hablts of diselpa. thin. s Utile expente, Utah, cm no change In diet, no incontenlence:or . wc46;ml; completely einmlf vElig pose =pleasant and dsnierons remedies, Copaira . _ and Sferent, In all Mese disessei, Use IltutooLa's rum) Examscr BUCUII in all diseases of theme &gaps, whether existing in Vide or fontalii; front - whatecer cause originating, and no matter of how lini; standing.. It pleasant In taste and oder, °immediate!' in action, and more atrongth- ening than aly of the prepara tlona of hark or Iron Those suffering from ,broken-down or gencate constitutions, procare.tbe mnedyiitonce The reader must be aware that, boa, alight may be the attack of the above Mamma, It is certain to affect the bodily health and'mental powers All' the atop; 'dieeneei', require the alit of a Diu; relic. IMLili3otDl3 TRACT 1:BUCIIII Is the great DiureUr.. Sold by prbggight :everywhere. Paws-41.25 bottloi ar 6 iiettles for $6,50. Delivered to oily jocacran araittoati ►u all co:mai:ilea' tions. Melly E. watts, Addies* U. tiELKDOLD; Drug aid Chend al Wheiehcasm 594 Broadway, NONE ARE (iENUTRE, 'DONE UP LV O:. A: DAYTON, J. L DAYTON. 'atee . l4mgraved wivpper.irigt fai-eimile of iry C h emi. cal Warebouse, inits!gbed; Illy Ir. 11170,-1y P TSIATIA NS. ley York, Algust 131 b, 186.8; " With • feeling of oonfidenci. I gym, Teri p:tilliectratir• -- H. T. HpIBOLD, 1 . 4141:1111/31 4, 1 '844 ore opposite ;ay reeldenize, tud WiLLIAM Flan of Power.' & Weightmon, Ifoonlicbuitig Ninth and Brown Sta., Ptak U. T. lIIELM.DOLTi it . . 7 maw n . ri tt ri comi :, =7, -•"- • lei NZ} Ar if PA g ., .. BTS. - : . 117(01,1,1az PMTS.. os correneil"444l7' WednesdaY, by-1. D I , A • Tenklect,tosbac4ol4. - - . • . Wbeasoil bash.-- ft•I••• • • • •.‘ ...... Si 20 fai 44 , Iloclasbosl. -Il• Walk ! . , ... ; ----- • Coss; it basb; ................ . .... ... Gm& iii n . ........... , ...... ... .......,,,...... ........ , . ...,.. Buttes . teslll6 lb ................ .. - 1 ~.r m: • :• d 4 P 4 1 7,1314.,....., .. .......„. ntall dots q ... • ? .... 1.. • • i; 4 ,.4 .11 ' Wbtlab ...... i '.. .. ..... .14 , inOliti i URIC* ' " ... .. , . i4O qi. rO4 ,i141141k lb T °Wank 111 boob ... . . :.. „ • • I i• ~ %morn or Gasis.—Wileat . iiiii. c,„„ L 4 . _ 8Y44 66 lbs.; Onts 32 Ila.; Bale, 46 ib k; b v i nite. ;• 43 1b ..! Beans 62 lbs.; Bras 'ln 11*.; cir mr 1,,, t , :. MIL ; mmotby *el 64 lbs. ; M .Aoki.' Dried Kkhes Dried s.. Flax tieed *lb*. • . _._. • l i rkur. _ A.REANGEXIENTS of AXIL TIE TOWANDA pogrorktex. ', . Untithuther sake the Naga at Ana mice IQ Nil?. and dolma so follows: • - . /mire. Lltint. ' Hettlinnt Hall 7•15 A.. P. ........ SiS e. ir Noutbara, . 00, . 5:15 P. at. ........ 7:1/ A. X • „.. .... ' 2:ne AL ...... . ... LOCIp x . Canton ~ ....... ...5:0( P...X. .....10 1: • Daudemat ..., ! MOO a.., at: ....... Loa is U. Leßalwaine " • 11:00 .a Ja. ... : .. 12:o Barclay .. •-' 12 510 se. . .2:00.:4, • Edon MR , arkloall every Monday , We'dneaday mei sit. isle* sr, and departs at 7M A. M. .11 A Thetaday. and Saturday. • '..L...-- mom." Conners mitt arrives every 4- • Tliar - day liviil Eaturday at 5:00 A.*. . Duane ni _at o:9orae. • • - , . •• • isrAy. mai dos, 30.nlaide; beferejle f isle of 6. partl674; aad Me main north end nun dive {5 .16,1. fez Omelette. • - IC W. ALVOUD, P.N. WHIST CLASf FARMING' .E.I. 12 tarligitr. OP ALL MINI drepury ac• Intritn. 1 . ' • HARDER'S AND WHEELER% CIVITILirt ri , Florae Po wers J.: - ThredLiog Mada n , . . Excmwort ILIIr TEDDER§ ; Enters UNRIVALLED TWO-W lIRELED movEk! WIILLINGTOICS 110()T CUTTERS ; LEVER 1 1014KFI,PCPFER.ti• AND 71110:8111He PORTABLE SAW RILLS: CLOVES: 111.:Lizis , . STEEL ,pr.ows. &c. cc. _ In fact all kinds ot !Superior Panuing 3laohlnrrs turidshed*at mapuiact ant'. Friars. send ter, 1. . . acrifinve -and Pileed Circular.. Cerrch.vel,...., pampa): attended t% 1 • Office In Merctu'a niw block. south side. .. . ELLE} IL -, Toyeanda; Pa., July"l2, 1570. E. %I SINGING SCHOOL ! Ell AIMS - HATTIE. SEES!. Will opens Singing School, for the metro tien .1 children hewn, 'T toll years of age. In the Preth:,-ter. fiat Church, gin Thursday: July 7, IST°. Th e h em sonar twenty lessons ; of one h ew Sessions to commence at 1 o'clock, a. in. Tmrandaannelit, 1870.. IVOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN A.. • that application null he made at the unit tog of the Legislature of Pennsylvania f,.r IL, poration of a Savings Bank,• to he Athena &tinge Bank, to hare a capital of hay .and dellata , rritlt authority to int:r, ns,. the urne amount not exceeding-three Myatt,' thou-and a 4. lace. The objects of said bank are to on dpeosit and to discount. , notes. bal., ke., and t„ exercise. general banking privileges. to Le !mated to the borough of Athens, county -of Bradfonl, alth authority to establish branched at other p ia said county. , FOR SALE IN PIKE.- . The undersigned oars his f,trzo for aale. situ, tad on the State road, two miles from Bv.. necti - .. and three miles from Leltaysvillc, centaunce 85 acres, over 70 acres improved and the lalx4, well timbered. A house, two barns. a coed erd., :. and peach, pear, plumb, and cherry dance. therezih. For turtle - r particular, apply to I. wmPrtz Junj 28, 1870—lt. St vvnbville, T E RAYSITILLE ACADEMY ! 1-4 The undersigned, with an arcompll,bed will open the Fall Term of th!, inshnitee:, M. DAlr,. AUGUST 22nd. 1670, winch will rontinnt weeko, (Including institute). No et'ort will be ria, ed to render the school pleasant and rreetahlP. en I - to cause every subject etudied prehentled as far as pursuud.. It is dent:4lj, , thr.: pupils--ca tar as cuisvenient--entsr the a : "r• opening-of the terra. Board ean..l, obtaumdli•zr bytat reasonable rates; also monv , ter the.,. wOt, n; to board themsehes. -nution tr.fau •I• 3 to !fi ,e. Higher Msthemative, Latta. Greek.. French. :.e. taught. . I. SleY/LEtaUN. Leßayorvllle. July 13; 1a70.4w l'rlarnpar. • VOR. SALE.—A LanzP House aryl Lst on STATE STREET. T6WANDI, Lot 1 40 by 710 feet. The Ifoltte is s tarty , t, story trams. containing clew u n.OO , fors r,f thin. very large. 31l was nsirly painted and Ir.p.r. I throughout this .prrug. . Ly su.table for a Ilons.e or 'Private Itesiclnce. Terms ,a-y partulilars apply cm the pry wis.•• • or 7. W . Ir Fs' T.F.B. Box 435, Tosran‘Li. 22- VALUABLE FAI:3I FOE SALE containing 12G acres, situate. in Wysna. twr.. Bradford county, Pa. 110 acres iniprovt.l. buildings and fruit trees. Enquire of J.W. on the promisee near Myersburg. . Wystix. June 21, 1870.,-but QWI{IT.POTATO PLANTS, CEL LI- ERY PLANTS, An kiuda of early and late 0,1.- bagC Planta 1:14)a ready and in tine condition to .). 111 n - MIX. DEMOCRAT sPeond - hand), nicely fitted lip, and fcr sale by • 31rCABE k DISSOLUTION.—The partnership hm•etofore rats - Wig mtt.: the Gen naux IinSEE k WAEIUNEE. it tine day ditetolted by r. tt• teal consent. AU pereone im..ebttil are n quest, dto make immediate pa - mt. ct to MeREI: moors to Mclif , e 4 Warriner; and tll bllla slot be settled by them. Y. U. wArenrsEit, . STERNE IIcKEE. Franklindal4, Pa.. •Innc 27, ]Rit,-3t• IlliTt7iL LIFE rcsunrstE COMPANY, trat cErEsrstrr STREET, PIMA I= ACCprIMATED Ft - ND, over -0,000,00 P INCOME FOR $91113•21t, DIVIDENDS HAVE AVEEAGF 4 O ANNUALLY X 101.7 .7 , 0 PER CtM'. POLICIES ISSUED ON' ALL APPROVED PLAN,. PreminmP maybe paid annually or , eml-anunally or , a Ivan will be made for part of the atnonnr. SAMTEE. C. HUEY, Pr,4 , l.•ut, SAMUEL, E. STOKES, Vu.• Preeddrut. JOHN W. IIoHNOH. A.V.P. and Actuary. 11. 8. STEPIANS, Sc..cretary. iI.TIV7 II .H • 11. P. Geteral Agent. TOWXNDA CpIL AlintilAcrrr. AND Irrt3uNors Tho undersigned, having leased the CO3l Yard and Dock at the old ...Barclay Basur," and just curepiri, a largo Coal-hauso and Office upon the p: em:.., s, arc, now prepared to furnish the citisens of To. lnda and vicinity' with the different kind and A 17.1.6 010 , cLe named coals upon the moat k . 11‘14. m . quantity desired. ,Prict is at thi• Yard mud furl notice : • Stove Large Egg • • Small Egg Lump Plimoth :Cut ,Pittston NO. Barclay" Lump Run of Mines 4 . " Fine, or Blacksmith • The following additional charges will 1,3 wa,h. delivering Coal within the borough Per Ttin...llo cents. Extra.tor carryingin. 50 Qr. T0n...24 " t. " /WOrciere may be left at the 'Yard, rerner F.M. read and Ellmbeth titreeto, or 11. C. r'. I•mr. Store. 5 . 15.,..0r1ers Milk in %a cnv . s 0iv , 1111 ,. .”..t d e••th tho cash. • 3105T.01 1 .. Towanda. June 1, 1970—tf. _ IvElv rotTTE TO PHILA.DEL PIIIA. NORTH PENNSYLVANIA IIAII.1:011) • Shortost and most dirt line to l'lnlad,•iphla , LW tnuore, Washington. arid the South. Passengers by this route take PennAylvaroa New York Railroad train. passing T0 ,,, 10'1" 3 ' 7 I mike close connection at llctlilelteru with Li. Wm; train of North Penn'a Railroad. and sirias in Pldladelphis-at 5:03 P. IL, In nine to tat , cu " trains either for the South or Wert. CitYPVwfmger cars aro at the i>✓pot olarris a: • , r U trains to convey passendera to The camera Dry nd to all parts of the city. • .nacrunrma. Lonvc North renn'a Railroad Dar, ronarr Bcrks and American strrets. Philadelphia. at 7.313. M.. _arriving at Towanda 5:13 P. 31., .531r.0 Manna Baggage Expresq collects awl do livers WI. gage, aka No. 103 South Filth strett. 111.;1201II ACCOMMODATICato. Freip,ht received at Frofit and gtt., tP. Finie and forwarded Dr Pally Fast Freight tr" to Towanda. and all points in sn ,,, yellow , " Talky with quick dispatah. ELLIS .CLARSE. Gen. Ant. N. P. R. ft.., Front and wino" , - May 1 6 .1870; -- • MRS., A. E. • (11RTEs", Would reapectfully announce to her numerous l.t• rime and aennainteneve that ahejiaS eeenrel the vices of a arst-elausaselatptdresionaker from New Ton, and will be enabled to meet all &Juana 111,1 a her time with even more than her motel promptec ,4 and fidelity. CUTTING and FITTING done in -a neat and perfect manner ou short 110tiri% BOOMS over Porter k KlrbraDrmrstare. 3b.rcnt'a Block, Towanda. • TO THE PUBIAC.L-The subscriber -L. being aware of the groat two.l in roorandA .4 a Repair Shop. is now prepared to go a general Job, g Mu business of or everything that .1- tatne-to WATCHMAKLICG anything and -ENGRAVING. lim• ing several years experience iu the IniWne....b . feeLa confident that he eau - give entire satofschou Give btu a call. Alt work oxtrroak./.. • (I. A. MORTON.. iitscies Store. U 01 3. 0. Towanda, Fat, June 21. 1J70.-01 11 FIZCZA ME I EMI