Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 14, 1870, Image 4
Sontuitw. (For the 1 - ~, . • - A E tket System " Li. nom,* Towanda, f June 2% 1870. f - Ma. Erma : In thii age of im provement, when all the convenien ces and:luxuries of society axe looked!at• ter, it is surprising. to a visitor that your beautiful town should not have the adiantages of a "Town Market and Market House."' It would be , of great benefit both to the town and country, if you had regular maricet days ; as it is now, it is accidental, never knowing where to look, as the farmers have to hack= ster everything through the streets, instead of being stationary and .all comingito ono point for the wants of the many. When market houses are first built, and regular days for all to bring their marketing in established, a prejudice is not uncommon among the "old fogies " ; but they soon re raze the benefits arising from a reg ular market system. I remember when market days and a market house were firstintroduced into some of the larger towns of our State, how short-sighted and prejudiced setae of the citizens were. To-day, they tire among'the strongest advocates of the market system. 'There is• an advan tage to the farming community, not to be appreciated until realized. The best marketing will always command paying prices,, while - those who bring half-worked butter, &c., must take what they can got. The same idea pervades the whole . market system. The same applies to the milk mar ket. Farmers will • soil instead. of I)asturo,.feed better, make more mon ey, keep double the number of cows on legs lafid, and enrich the farm by so doing. Such has been the obser vation and experience of the writer of these crude and hasty thoughts. B. M. E. -Pigs in Summer. Summer is the time to make pork ; maldne• it in winter is muCh like run ning,- a b boat against wind: and Itidti ; it requires too much food to keep up the animal heat. If hogs have plen ty of grass in summer, aria about half the corn they will eat, they will fatten rapidly ; and my belief is that . three pounds of pork can be made of loss grain in this way than •one pound can be in cold weather with a hog is a close pen. The grass is cooling and loosening, and counteracts the fever- ish properties of the corn. Hogs will never melt in summer, however fat, if they can have access to wer and mud to lie iu. Mud is very bad •for. hogs in cool or cold weather. -It ab sorbs too much animal heat . Milk is a very cooling drink, and Idinost indispensable to rids° young pigs. But very little corn and no corn meal should be fed to young pigs before they are four months old. The ef feets of corn and raw corn meal on young pigs are these :. The pigs at first will be costive ; then they will scour. They will begin to rub against everything they can rub against, that will rub their hair off. Their skin will lia4e, a red and dry appearance. A Oy, black scurf will begin to form . on them ; and the more of the corn' and meal they cat, the poorer they will get. The best thing that can be done for a pi g in this condition is to give him a thorough washing in warm water or sour milk; sour milk is best. Coarse flour or middlings from rye or wheat, when _ii ade into a thin drinkable slop with milk, is the best feed for young pigs, except bread and milk. Bread is good for very young pigs because it is leavened. Food has to ferment before it will digest, and if fed to a young pig before fermented, it will over-task the stomach and spoil him. Lettuce is good for young pigs. It. will stop the scours in them. The middlings . should be put with the milk at night, after the feeding has been 'done, and allowed to be in the milk through the night, never allow ing the swill tub to get quite empty, always leaving a little in the bottom for yeast. The swill should be fed often, and never more fed sp. a time than will be eaten up at once. Slop feed' will make larger hogs than dry feed. After the pigs get to be three or four, months old, their food can be made. stronger ; but a pig will not bear lunch strong food until it begins to change from a pig into a hog, which will be known by his, voice. In the West, where hogs are raised on a large scale, but one litter should be raised from a sow in a year. The fall litter will require too much care for the farmer. One litter can be got in April and another in September or October following, from sow, but the spring pigs will have to be wean ed from four to six weeks old, and fed on clear sour milk for two or three weeks after weaning, and fed often. New milk once a day will keep them from scouring. Sour milk is better than new milk. New milk will first make the pig costive, thtli scour him. It will curdle in his stomach, but sour milk will not. The late fall pigs should suck as long as they will, and the sows should be fed on wain' slop feed, and fed often. The slop can be warmal by pouring hot water into the swill tub. A breeding sow should never be fed much dry corn. She will get foundered onit arid spoiled-- American Stool: Journal. To REATVENATE OLD GRAPE The editor of the Practical Farmer says : "Having on our premises, planted by former owners, probably twenty years, half a dozen old grape vines • with large weather-beaten trunks or stenni, which made annual-, ly but little new wood and yielded but very few poor grapes, tivo sea sons ago we cut off the branches and laid the main stems down in trenches, covering with about 4 foot of earth. Vigorous and healthy shoots sprang up in great abundance—the weak ones of which were 'broken off and leading ones at proper distances trained to the arbor. The new growths are now clean, healthy and strong—suffi.cient -to entirely cover the large arbor the pr . cont season ; we look fdr bushels of it from the new bearing wood. We see olol'grape vines, everywhere, doing no good and which could be made- young and thrifty by. this process." Cruz Fan FOUNDER -it has bean asserted that a pint of sunflower seed mixed in the food of a horse and giv en to him immediately on discovery that h has been foundered, will give perfect cure. This seems incredible; bat there can be no harm in giving it a trial. All-the cures and remedies for diseases are only known 'by ex periment. TIIE Young lady who "was driven to distraction" is now afraid sho havo •to walk back. Tun largest chestnut tree in Penn. i.tandi on the grounds of the Bethlehem Iron C..mpany, It measures twenty-four feet in dr , awfvrctica one lout fruni the ground, =IMMI=MM= , - giNIM IOIOOII h T B2 "DOMESTIC" LOCK STICH SE WING -MA C HINE! THE " DOVESTIC " is a Shuttle &Wing Arnithino, which has been lased for the last five years in the West, and is now introduced for the first time in'this section. It runs faster than most, easier r a d more quietly than any, doing the ghtest tis well as the heaviest work done on any Sewing Machine ALL ABE ,INNITED TO CALL AND SEE IT Plain Machines - - $6l Half Case - - - - $7O. 1 All MehlAns have Blake's Patent Table. Agents wanted in unoccupied territory. Address, BLAKE & CO., Scranton, Pa. For sale by • TAYLOR & GORE, Towanda, Fa. A. A. IMMER. Athena, Pa. May 12, 1870.—1 y Wyalusing. EASE AND COMFORT. THE BLESSING OF PERFECT. SIGHT. There 'tenet dim Co valuable as perfect sight, and perfect eight can only bo obtained by 'using PERFECT SPECTACLES! The difilcnltY of procuring which is well known. MESSRS. LAZARUS A MORRIS, OCCULISTS AND OPT [CANS, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, 9LINUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES, Have, after years' of experience,,srperiment, and and the erection of costly machirtry, been enabled to produce that GRAND DESIDERATUM, PERFECT SPECTACLES! Which have been sold with unlimited satisfaction to the wearers in the WestermStatee during the past fifteen years. Those Celebrated Perfected Spectacles never tire the eye, and last many years without change I Messrs. LAZARUS & MORRIS have appointed JULES HUGUENIN. dealer In Watches and Jew elry. as their sole agent for Towanda, Fenn'a. and April 14, 11170. NEW BOOT AND SH`OE STORE The subscribers would respectfully inform their many friends that they have opened a BOOT .AND SHOE STORE 1 At No. 148 Maln-et., Towanda, Pa They have just received a fine assortment of LADIES' AND GENTS' SHOES ConsiFling of LADIES WAITE.RS, Of all, gradeS. Ladies GOAT .AND LEATHER SHOES MISSES Ati'D CECILDItENS SHOES Of every variety, which will be Pohl cheap f.r cash. Give them a call and satisfy yourselves thatthey aro ertiiui cheaper than the cheapest. We would call csepecial attention to our CUSTOM DEPARTMENT! We make to order everything in the line, of LADIES' • AND GENTLEMEA"S WEAR icing mechanics of many year practical experience, we feel confident, that we cen kn. e entire satisfaction. We employ none but first-till:lSe mechanics. We guarrantee perfect fts ' ,..and alt work Warranted. Repairiag neatly and promptly done. Remember the place, No. 148 Main-st. ' a few doors below the Means Montle, Towanda, Pa. Look out for the sign of the Big Boot. apL27,10.--1f DAVIS k RI.ENEJL CALL AND EXAMINE THE NEW STYLES OF SPRING 3.ITII,T,TNERY GOODS AT MISS GRIFFLTS STORE, Where you cannot fail being pleased with the GREAT TARtERY OF F,ONNETS, RATS, ETC. Prices to suit all customers. Do not forgot file place, No. 2, South Front MERCER'S NEW BLOCK, TOWANDA, PA. Ap r 6,1870-2 m REPORTER JOB PRINTING} . OH'FIOM. • Baring recently added greatly to our facilltles, we are now prepared to do all kinds of JOB PRINTING . AM LOWER PRICES AND BITTER STYLE' Than any establishment in NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA CALL AT THE REPORTER OFFICE AND EXAMMTE SPECIMENS. SENT FItEE! M. O'KEEFE, SON & CO.'S SEED 'CATALOGUE AND GU DE TO TUE • FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN, FOR 1870. Published in January. Every lover of flowers wish• ing this new and valuable work, free of charge, should address immediately ➢f. O'KEEFE, SON & CO., ER, winger & Barry's Block, Rochester, N. Y. Oct. 21, 1869.--4 jun CENTRAL MARKET. The subscribers still continue to keep constantly on hand a fall and complete sport:mot of Cren, thing pertaining to their btutiness, consisting main. 01 BEEF, PORK, FRESH AND SALT SUGAR CURED ILMS. Irerrol. BEEF, LAMB VEAL, POULTRY, SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA, DRIED BEEF. TALLOW, &c.; &c. l Also S , FRESH •FROM Tat: LAKES. OYSTERS lU=D DAILY In their season Parties wishing Oysters to largo or small quanti ties will be Du - Matted on abort notice. at the old stand. Cinemax. litaniMr. MontlxiDes /nook, drat door north of Dr. Porters. Cuts. o:Kmx.rat.l KELLUILk. Txtto—ltrubox. I Feb. 24. 1870-tf INISH PORK, HAMS AI4D LARD A_ at COWELL k !MR.& A'LL KINDS GROCERIES AND Prmidnna, at 11 . bl:donde and retait at • may 18, 180 11 . C. . PATEIIIII., Illabahe VRIETXWAY.: .214 - ,-Angaluguazum awripokomailw _ nap apgat-Dovicatpci— lierowTser. - - :iuiiipointe West sitaWeiiikireit: vaiLANA. DAYTON. CINCINNATI. iIIDIANAPOLTI, - . ACII/r1344. POVIEL , - 02 italAitiamith ikadViert. Xxv A*, amiam .ocmcals Aas.sus Tasman vrnicar mama o ROMIZIITIM 131131•20, 'DUN 1131iF. Cancun' imp Miamian. , ". On andutter Monday, JUNE 11, 1170, trains will leave Waverly at about the following boars, s 4 : GOING .wEar. 4:24 a a.. NIGHT IMPRESS (Moresyseseepted) for Rochester, Buffalo, Lituddrk, Cleveland and Cin dnnati, connecting with the Lake Shore, Weldon Southern, and Grand Trunk Railways Buffalo, Dunkirk andaarrelind for the West; also at Clews land with the C. C. C. & Ina. Railway fosr spoils; and at Cincinnati with-tbeLonimille Short Line Railway. and the Ohio & Mississippi Railway for the South and Scrothwest ; also with connect ing lines at principal stations on main line. 4:49 a. in.—MOAT P U dal/. for nootiosbrro Buffalo. Dunkirk, Cleveland and Cincinnati. inak.. a me nd direct connection with trains of Grand Trunk and Lake Shore Railways at IMMO, Dunkirk and Cleveland. for all point. West. and at Cincinnati with the Ohio & Mississippi and Louisville Short Lino Railways for the South and Soutnorest ; also main with Learn:meting lines at principle stations on 8:28 •.m. MAIL TEAM. Bandar excepted. for Buffalo and Dunktrk. ' 5:35 p.m.—ELMIRA ACCOMMODATION, Sundae excepted. d:18 p. M., DAY =MOMS, Sundays sampled. for , Rochester, Bulfsio, Dunkirk, Cleveland. Cincinnr U and the South. Stops at Principal stations and connecting points on main line. - • New and improved Drawing Room Coaches atc oro. ropy this train from Now Yak to Rufdlo, and Sleeping Coaches are attached at Ilornellaville, run ning Dam' to Cie:lreland Slid Gallon without change. '5:16 p.m.—EX. MAIL, Sundays excepted., for But• taco. Dunkirk andoloreland,connectliniudtb tails for the West. A Mooing Coach is attached to UM; train minim through to Buffalo. 7:00 a.m.—WAY NOUGHT, Bandar" excepted. 4:10 p.m.—EMIGRANT TRAIN, daily for the Weet. GOING Er 1:00 a.m.=NIGRT WIPRESS,Sundays excepted,con neethag at New York with • afternoon trains ind steamers for Boston and New England cities.: Sleeping Coaches accompany this train to N. Y. 5:50 a.m.—CINCINNATI EXPRESS. Mondays ex canted. connecting stllersey City with afternoon and evening train" of . New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Witahnigton; and at New York with steamers and afternoon Express trains tor New England Cities. Also stops at prin. • cipal stations and connecting points on main line. Sleeping Coaches accompany this train to New York 12135 p.m.—DAY EXPRESS, Sandaysexcepted, con necting at Jersey City with midnight Express train 05 New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia. Also stops at principle stations and connecting points on main line. - New and improved Drawing• Room Coaches accean pany this Irian from Thafralci to New York. 3:35 p.m.—ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, daily, hit Susquehanna. 8:38 a.m.—ELMIRA MAIL,-Sundays exttpted. 9:25 p.m., NEW YORK MAIL, Sundays excepted. 9:95 p.m.—LIGHTNING EXPRESS; daily, connect ing at Paterson for Newark ; at Jersey City with Morning Express "Min of New Jersey Railroad for Baltimore and Wachlngton ; and at New York with Morning Express train for Boston and Now England , cities. Also stops at all principal stations' and con necting points on main line, • - Sleeping Coaches accompany this train through to New York. 3:45 p.m.—WAY' rmaGur, Sundays exceptod. ' BAGGAGE CHECKED THECIJOIL A ierised and complete •• Pocket Time Tabk" of Passenger Trains on the Erie 'Railway and con necting lines, has recently been published, and can he procured on application to the' Ticket Agent of the Company. L. B. RUCKER, Gen'l Supt pA. & N.Y. CANAL ARRANGEMENT OF PASS Commencing May GOIE6 M 317211. • Leave sat. P.M. P.M. Waver1y,...:.6.35-3,05-6,42 Towanda 7,15-3.58-7.35 Tunkhannock,9,23-6,l7— Pittston,.... 10,35-7,30 Wilkesßarre, White 11aven.12,35 P. zd 'blanch Chunk,l,3o Allentown 13ethehesn 2 50, .1 Eabton 3 17 Plink (are), —5;05 Newiork(arr.) 0,05 00EN0 xorrro. - tr've P.Y. P.X. A.Y. •• 6.05-1.18-8,10 •• 5.15-12,25--7,20 •• 3,07-10,19—A.m •• •• 1,15-8.30 •• 11,58 A.m •• 10.55 •• •• 9,95 •• 9,05 ..... •• 6,00 Down Train (lines at White Haven. Up Trains dines at Pittston. Passengers to and from New York and Philadel• phia without change of cars. Down train connects at Allentown with Through Fast Express fur Ilarrlsbnrg. Pittsburg and the west. Tea and. Coffee. GLORIOUS NEWS! TEAS GIVEN AWAY EMMI GREAT AMERICAN TEA STORE No. 1 Gnrnmx & PATTos'd Nzw DMICK. BUDGE STREET, TOWANDA, PA., At the sign of tho AMERICAN FLAG! And the RED, WHITE-.LIND BLUE STORE 6aEapieB of Teas GIVEN AWAY MIZELT, to satisfy the people that this is the place to save money. PRICES LOW AS TUE GREAT A3IERICAN TEA COSWANY. OF NEW YORK. Fresh Ground Coffee received daily from New York, or ground to order. Also whole Coffee, green and roasted,-all styles, whole end ground Spices, Dried Fruits, igc.,at equally low prices. The'subscriber begs leave to return his thanks for the very liberal patronage extended to him while in the Grocery IMMLICAS in this place, and respectfully solicits a trial in hie new enterprise. The business will be conducted strictly on-the CASH SYSTEM! • So yon will not hare to pay extra prices to mike 0 up for the lotuses of ecredit business. If you can't spare tho money to pay for a point& buy an ounce and pay for it. Be Independent—then you will be worthy to walk under tho AstEnucls FLAG Into tho American Tea Store And buy your Gooda cheap. Er Remember the Red. White and Blue Store. new Block, Bridge Street. July 1,1 S&. BRAMIALL A: RIDGEWAY. Miscellaneous. FIRST NA:TIONAt DANK, OF TOWAI%.DA CAPITAL SUEZ Lus Thie Bank orire FICUSFAL FACILIIIES for the transaction of • GENERAL BELVKLYG BUSINESS. M - TEREST AID ON DEPOSITS ACCOBDING TO AGRvvvvNT SPECIAL CanE GIVEN TO TILE COLLECTION CM NOTES LED CHECKS. Parties wishing to to tros•ar to any part of the. United Statet, England. Ireland. Scotland, pr tho prin cipal cities and towns of Europe, cap here procure drafts for that purpose. I . PASSAGE TICKETS To or trvm the old country, by best steamer or 'can ing lines, always on hand. FANILTGE; 811.017011 T OTEB AT =DUCES DAWN Highat Pricepaid for MS Bondi, Gold and :Silver E. 11. SMITE, President. N. N. BE /73, . 131 .. Towanda, dnue24,1869.: Cashier. THE OTTOMAN DECHAMp,EI A NEW ARTICLE OF CONYMNIETs.IT TO EVERY ONE. MDISPENSIBLE FOR mvnws AND CHILDREN. Avoiding the =sightliness - and =pp . resing the crfferutive odors of the Sick Room and Nursery. At once useful and ornamental. It is more useful than any article of Furniture of the same cost. For sale by all principal Furniture Defilers. Price $3.00. febl7 Cm A LL KINDS GROCERIES AND Provisions •at wholasalo wad retail. at May 20. C. B. PATCH'S. A FULL: STOCK OF. WOODEN Wara, at C. 11. PATCWB. May 20. W;Ml:== ~1.)11.#1014.9*- ! . no: prvg* 4 - drk.riou'it 3 00.7.iowitrinitti". 11 * , ;444:1. 4 1 f,iik . ...:-•, - ... L it -, •-, is • I:, 1 1 ~ i ~- -,.• n; • inittilss'a ice teak Inaba . that I am eell at siikei sguraikai as tw; peirelisibil' M . eliewheas. imiw to the pazioil ip/Onibki.fxo. T! A M3; (MMM, 1317 G _ll. numenrs, and, *O. AKIRN FLOUR, GRAHAM DO. I keep oanataaUy on Una; POpX.ILUdB, LARD, and ~ +~-~~ public to par Can% Bo Beat In quality or prko. Joao Wla7l gidabraiodLasirp dry. Now York Maniacal. sod Rom soap. Plow call and examine our stook of Lario onortmont of TAZOLE/T,NOTIOIOL TOILET SOAPS, &c, ho. I will pet the bigbesteash prke for Formens. Byre pi a call before oath* el:serf/use: AU persona indebted kithajaa and nuke Immediate. payment. Towanda. Mach, 12, 1887 GROCERY AND PROVISION McCABE & MIX. FAMILY GROCERIES WM. R. BARR. (ken'l Pase'r Ag't 4', RR CO.- GEM 'TRAINS. 13310 KEIXTIBII NEW BLOCK, TOWANDA, P 6. We do not deem It neceronwg to enumerate all the diluent : articles we keep. Ouramortment la FIRST CLASS GOODS Cash paid for Penner, Produce. JAMES McCABC. March 1, 1870: HARRY MIX. JOHN P. COX. Superintend Cot, PEOPLE'S SOUTH DONNER BRIDGE LED XLIN lITEZKIL 12. OROCRRIFB AND PROVISIONS, Which will be sold at the lowest yosusible Wee& FRUIT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, MODERN STONE WARE, FLOUR, FEED; 3,TE ATi, GRAIN, &a Bring on your produce, which we pay cesa for. A ixmstint supply of Ashton Salt, all sized Owns, Butter Firkins, Tubs, kr., Please call and look through our stock, and we will do our best to please you. W. A. ROCX.WELL. Towanda, April 28, 1809. LOGIC HERE! • COWELL & MYEB, .At the old stand of linininuar. do Cowan.; are now receiving a large and well selected stock of GBACEffiIES AND PIiOnIIONS, 'Which they offer to cash buyers at prices. that defy competition. - Cub paid for all kLtula Farmers' Produce. April 21, 1869—tf. $125,000 40,000 JULES HUG, JEW4LLER & SILVERSMITH, MERCER'S NEW BLOCK. TOWANDA. PA. flu Art rocolvod from New York a new assortment • of fun Gold LADIES' WATCHES, of all descriptions. Also • selasted amortment of GOLD CHAINS, FINE GOLD J; 113 - G7 E IZ , OLOG'IO3 OP MIL STYLES MON THE 'CHEAP. (FOLD. SILVER AND STEEL . SPECTSCIaI extr EIZOLASSES to fit all cases of impaired sight NEW r.inurr acooltoDArzNa mamma By this patent I am enabled to exchange Glum at any tine without extra charge. ear and Bee, elke,W*Ml.l•Cqvi:f 7V, Toinuids. Die. Aim M ACKER EL , CODFISH, BLUE Fish; Mackinaw Trent Ciaoaew, Die Mod aid &lc:dad Eamon, Bmobod Mailing. and Dried Beet 441 . LONG. k EXKLA,I4 Have ea hand idiriestni 01 lITE DO" IttrOMENAT STOCK OF TO-BACKIO, WOODEN WARE. COUNTRY PRODUCE. 0. B. PATCH. O. B. PATCH. STORE. Wholesale and Betall Deal= In ED PROVISIONS, ALWAYS COMPLETE. We sell nothing but GROCERY AND PROTISON STORE, A new and complete stock of CODFISH, MAC HERRING, PORK, MUTTON, HAM, YANKEE NOTIONS, DAIBEEEN, Jewelry.. One door north of AMERICAN WATCHES SWISS 'WATCHES, all now. PST TO TIM BEST r,,.1k.#1.:4•51 y. 4.1 e--.A004111k EMI _ G I• _. .oLomnict #4 ~• W * ---, - - • - ' -41 .v. ..i. , ,,,A,_..„,•, - -. 4 • - - .' • - 4.5:h4„,ir.r... 4 .. .:=O, v e a l ;-, :-.....›...; • 1 - ;:f , V4`..# il ‘* - ,•.; , -, , 51 ~i%_4-,..., ,,, , , „ 5 , - , . ., -, 77r; -4.1.41'4---=',.',-..i.A,-.:::. * ''.. • -- 4':•,7 ici*; l 4' 4'l:,'• '=„4 --ir',W4V4-44-V:.:--Ve - . GENTS" 'AIICKFASS. 'FrMrt'T.OW,A+III4I4'LPJLe I=lllEl I Intim the public Quit be ionsbased the Mare forgoer «ended 13 ! - Boman. ,' *we candy bale mama a largo stootot • - BEADY :FADE UMU:FO, - ItaB,lolD ME GENT'S FURNISHING 6001;0S, Widen bit win on At 4...ww.pd. PAPER 4XMLARB, 11aRon Ado 113204 / 5 cL Per box' warn slum, 4om SI 00 sad upwaMit. _ WOCUMPUB. I% from 60 min and upward/h. Mut orrythlug M tLo VERY LOWF.ST, PRICES CALL AND'ZZAKISIB MY .BTOOK Beam pachaliag daawbere. NO 'MIME - TO sum GOODS. 'Ono door out at Powell dr Co% Hari O. 1870. TAYLOR - & .GOR E, 4ra now opening their new Spring Stock of CLOTHS AN D CASSDifERES, Consisting of an the -latest styles of Fashionable COATINGS, SHERIINGS, &C. &C. Which they are prepared to make up in arty style to suit their customers, on short notice. Also a splendid new stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Which they are selling cheaper than ever - R - ATS & OA-1:181 GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, A nor and full line of all the latoid styles. Always on bind and in great variety. 71111 Liman AND srxwars irrnas os NECK TIES, BOWS, &t Also the New Patent WINDOW UMBRELLA All or any of our Goods will be sold u CHEAP FOR CASH Ae any in tho markot. Call and look through our stock Towanda, April 21. 1870. HURRAH 1 HURRAH 1 GREAT REDIJCPION IN PRICES OF READY MADE CLOTHING, M. E. ROSEIiFIBLD'S, (Opposite Powell & Cos.) I am now offering to the public a large and °bolos stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Coneristing of LINEN GOODS, a►nd all the lato styles for Spring and Sommer wear, FOR iZEN AND BOYS. Which will be sold 28 per cent. less than former prices at AL E. ROSENFIELDS. also WO in voice of UNDERSHIRTS .t.m) DRAWERS I intend to sell Icon than cost, to mako room for Fall Stock. Now is your timo• to buy a Suit cheap. Call and convince yourself that M. E. RO SENFIELD offers Great Bargains in the line of Clothing and GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. Call before ism/ming elsewhere. M. E. 11081MIELM Towanda, Jan. 25, 1870. A DISPATCH JTJST RECEIVED GLORIOUS NEWS FOR CITIZENS OF TOWANDA AND VICINITY . . Thera is constantly being recotrod at the hE3IPLE OF FA131:110N," a large stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which have boon pnrchasod for cult, at reduced prices. and will be sold to cash buyers at lower rates than ever before offered iriTowanda. hly stock con sists In part of mom BOYS' Ami YOUTH'S CLOTH:LNG, Buzz, MOVIX AND DW mar= sorra, FINE DBMS COATS, CASSIMERE SUITS, LINEN Coiti, Panto. Veda, and White Linen Mick Snits, also saarge variety of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS; HATS, CAPS, SIISPMCDELS, NECK TEES, PAPILII AND Lflt 1 COrAdEllt, of the latest - 471es and fashions. Remember the in ducements that I offer, and that I am not to be um dereold by any dealer in town, or elsewhere. All who wha t anything In my limp are respectfully invit ed to give an a WI before purchasing and convince yourvelvea. H. JACOBS. No. 140, BeWoman's Block, Towanda, Pa. Cash paid for Miles and Pelto. GOLD STILL COMING DOWN ! AND ZINN! SUMO IN MID GROCERY & PROVISION LINE, are now being cared at COWELL & MYER'§ at prices that cannot fall to satisfy all-that they are determined not to be undersold by any' .one. They have enlarged their Ettore building so that they now lucre roam for the supplies that are daily received by them. They have coanecteg with their store a Market where they tow keep fresh meats to sell by the quarter or piece, and a full sun* of tiro-caries and Provisions, to which they would all the attention of all cash buyers. Come and examine onr Goods and Prices, before purchasing and satisfy yourselves. We guarantee all goods to give entire satisfacthm. We are thankful to one customers for thetr part liberal patronage and solicit a continuance of the mum • COWELL ik AUER. Dec. 20,1869. TRY OUR TEAS AND COFFEE, COWELL & TE IT. -- - • - rizmal EMU= 1,870M 4 !!"! sfteW* `: 1.. * - " 1 - 4 4. ' f - ..-: " j t,t,....:1 F:. , Z -,.. , S, -1:':,.„,. ".`:;.?;• '^- : '' 2 "o",4;:.''Z-Vit'll.CV.lil,V%*Altg-43.1,1*4301.14;it lrta :i , e r. ~ ."- -:: ;2,1?- k r:, . ..'. .. 11. , ,' • artiumitizio9s4 , , ,, ,- . . _ . . MEE 4,-.BB;ltupad- .3 • - *magig, tiod4 co2§l,y. xe}e uio 4~:. ink urpk t /411y17201, rpicipir.seaz efrF - SATISFACTION VII MITS7II /1/1?6 - 011 hand i laiipii4ocie4 '''..'',' - t cithnis Am) °Amur VIAIXIIS 131 - - - HATS -AND CAPS tt) kii itzill all: ko t:J; Ildeirelllo*l ww-Will be at the Ward Roue emeri Tinirsday.. with samples ad Gauls, and to bike 'rises. eoreti. GEO. It. VAN VELSOR, April2o, - 1870. UMW. It. MANNERS. NEW SPRING_ AND SUMMER -- • GOODSI R. ''W .- •_ Would announce to theMilaena of Towanda, and the public generally, than be ban in, store and datiy rr caving new and - . .1 0 R S - 11 GOODS, In his Hue, suitable to the wants of the people, which ho will sell for Currency at former G - OLD PRICES! Omnasting as Mind of gOod. well and reliable made CLOTHING, (No Shoddy of any kind) consisting of • BUSINESS. SUITS , all grades,. • - • COATS, VESTS AND PANTS, all Wool, DRESS COATS, PANTS & VESTS, Linen Coats, Dusters and Pants. Overalls and Overshirts. Linen and Paper Collars, Cassimero, and Flannel Shirts, Neck 'Ties. Sus penders. Glares. Canes Leather Bags, Spring 'Style Silk. Soft and Straw Elite. All firatedass. .Remem. bet that good Goods are cheaper eta fair price than poor goods at any price. Call and examine my goods before buying: No. 3 Patton & Griffiths Blook,Rtidge Street. Towanda, Juno 8,1870. It. W. EDDY. scswAßz. 133 Main Stmt. B1_10032) & _cos, Still continue to manufacture their celebrated HORSE POWERS & CLEANERS, and will sell a better machine, fee loss money than am be had elsewhere in the world. Wo claim for our machines that they will do as much, or more, than any other, and aro more dumbly built. ,Wo personally superintend our work and see that it is _well down. We will send ' .. of our muchlues, on appllcatiort.. ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, Ono it Two Horse THRESHER et SATERATORS, .THRESHER and CLEANERS,' FANNING MILL'S, SAW ASD GRIST 'MILL work done to order Glve us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Vd "oo auomnrua gstigiur* Aug. 2, 1869 NEW CARRIAGE FACTOR'S I On Pine, between Main and Second, Strata, back of 0. F. Mason & Co.'a Bank. HENRY STIMMI, (formerly of the firm of Bryant k !Union) informs hie - friends and former patrons, that he has built a NEW -BRIDE CARRIAGE ?AMORY, where he will Constantly kelp on hand a full assort ment of TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES; TUOTIING EMMET% AND SSELETON:S. Made of tho boat material and finished tho boat city style. His long experience' n city Carriage Factories gives him a decided advantago over others in tho Finish, Style and' Durability of hla Wagons. All he naka is an INSPECTION OF HIS NOEL previous to purchasing elsewhere. ALL WORK WARRANTED TO GIVE PERFECT Thankful for the liberal patronage formerly ei tended and respectfully ask a continuance of the Same. REPAIRER() PROMPTLY AMDIX) TO Towanda, My 24, 1870.—t1 NEW. PLANING MILL The undersigned having built a large and commo dious Mill in the Borough of Towanda, and filled it with the most modern and improved machinery, for the manufacture of WINDOW NAM AND BLINDS, Am prepared to fill orders, whether - iargo ar upon the shortest notice. We have also a large va riety of MOULDINGS, of tbelatest style and pattern, which we can fund& much cheaper than trtr7 can be worked by hand. PLANING. TOID2IIEDID. 131100VSG. AND SMOOL SAWING, And an other work portidi:;dzin to Joinery, win Do done to Eat oar customers. Person building, and not living more than twelve to fourteen miles distant, will find it larply for their tetereed to buy of rut, or bring - their lumber and have it worked by our machinery. Bring your , grist of Flooring, or other lumber, and while your team I. Fl have it ground out and take it home with We Will pay 0A!!$ Ibr • PM'S ARIt =MOCK Daft= delivered at oar lumber yard. Come and Poe ne; er if you caret come, write. Towanda; Feb.,11384. L. B. RODGERS at CO. 31- 41) NTAN E.S , • General Dealers in STAPLE d; FANCY DRY GOODS, Claomcants, Cnocamrr, 041116WAXII. BOOTS, SHOES ; SHOE FINDINGS Leather. lists, Caps, Umbrellas, ToviesDA. PA. • No. 105 ?join Bt., corner of the Publlo &Fire. • J. D. KONTANIZE. may 19,1870. ONTANYE, rp s l t E BEST FRUIT JABS IN USE McCABE ec MISS =I i awn , I=EZI =MEM Mannfact4ries. CATALOGUES, AND DRAG SAW LULLS. OD 9 5' GOo'l£l. TOWANDA; PENN'A. FAMILY CAR,pI,kGES, PLATFORM WAGONS, SATISFACTION. at rednccd priaea. 1172111 Y STMEN. 4- j-VrR;T' 41r4 ' Alaliatilo2 ' ' • , .., .. ,r: ~..1.4 tr ,, q ,,,v1, 1 4 . A.A.14A"„ „ r; i=. ''''HARDTFAtirwiltit ..`-s. ME RUTUVat iiiIWBNOOK3 •'f- :' ' ' - ' 3 '.. .-•-•''') ;W . . - ..< 4, ` ~ 7 , .. . s • -3 ,' '-''' IMPSDA:3 , IOI -- -". ~p, , ,-, ' ', '-1,At'4•...;•.- 1 , '1,t it,. . k .‘ -fi, 1.,- EINE *otlAbw e - • ' V 5:4 to; • ,3 noftt,,thliva MIEN Howv,lnnultam2usticiptis; -", • ',►ND tatTizis inevrziel: 71'; , . Our Paints. 000. ko., ass, of tbolbOoeqoality sari Will be sett very liVo airo also egoista for. Usl IMEI AVICRTITCANSZEAM!SAMIrr, turboriznraiinf " • . • The only reltabhitiro Troxf astepude. 1116 FAIRBANKS'S SCALES. 8011A.GHTICOKE 'PONVISER, Sitass , xtaw'zsciiti SII - PWER PHOSPHATE TIZN'IN"AXZIO L r 27 wetend rusauttettwed out of the bat - „. . , We are also pit...l;l;oM 'Ao &pining of all kinds. Wo =the only agents for ttie'eelolEastridiew cgoqxcl.:.p.Tov - 4 The best cOoktog stoioit mg* seeit. Irsztatittxl to gin satisfaction, • March 10. • FIrRNITIME STILL. LOWED ,LOWED,! JAB. 0. FROST,, World announce to Ste, peaphs of Tosiisetta and the rest of mankind, that after Ufa date, Ms magateent stook of - PURNITURI GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. My. stock Is complete and (xisuilEta ot . ,r 4 PARLOR WITS, LIBRATLY SUITS, DINING ROOM FURNITURE, AND ItILNITIME FOE 'TILE EITCUUE. MATTRESSES, PILLOWS, BEDDEVI, Ex=Fuca Maass, Szy...-&a. BEDSTEADS! Illy own manufacture, and warranted imparter, will be sold for leas than city made. once wilt cost else where. COME ONE, COME ALL, Examine for riarselves. See and be convinced that Furniture la sold cheaper at FROST'S than at any other place in the world. Country dealers supplied at the lowest market rates. - I runtish - COFFINS of every deserlfdlon, Natalie Burial Cases, Caskets, ac., and have the , FINEST IIEANSE IN NORTH:IEIO PENN'A. Towanika, Jane 22,1870. FURNITURE WARE-,ROOMS JAMFB HASD.I3O.V announces to tbrumblietbat be still continues to manufacture and, keep on bawl a latge assortment et iCIARI*ET FIIIINITU .E, Bnreaus, Tables, Bediteads, Stands,. Ohaha • kc., of every description, which are made o the beat mate rials, and in the moat workmanlike manner. ; I invite the inspection of the public to my work, which shall not be surpassed in durability at any shop in the country, and my prices will be found to be as low as the times will admit. neatly-nude Coffins constantly on band ar order. A goodHearce willboturnialted when red Aug. 1 5 . 28 GP. • pIOWELL & Co., DRESS GOODS. LARGE ADDITIONS hare boen made to emir STOCK OF DRESS GOODS ! Several novelties having been lately Introduaxl , GREAT BARGAINS CHINESE GRASS CLOTHS, ORGANDIES, JACONETS, CHINTZ, &C KEYSTONE _ STORE. Towanda, June 15,1670 BBOOK—BINDERY.-THE P 131- uo is respectihily informed that the Book-Bin. story, where will be done dray has boon removed done the Argus Building, third BOOK- In all its various branches, op,teriii s as reaaonable as ”ilie times " will allow. The 'Bindery will bo under the charge of An experienced Ilinder, and all work will be promptly done in a style and manner which cannatbo excelled. Music. Idagaztnes, - Newapapers.Old Books, Ac., bound in every variety of style. Particular attention will bo paid to the Buling and Binding of To any desired pattern. which in quality and dura bility will be warranted- Al!work will be ready for delivery when promised. The patronage of the public! is aollelted, and per fect satisfaction guaranteed.- , Towanda, August 2. 1860—tf.., CONSUMERS OF CONFECTIONERY! LET US'REABON-TOGETHER! now can any person manufacture Confectionery, and sell it at 15 cents a pound, when sugar is worth 16 cents at the Refinery. (unless it is terribly odal. tended)? How can any dealer retail such a silo eompound to Ids automate and have a conscience void of offence/ How can any cotummer- expect to purchase pure Confectionery at twe a i r t i rtive and thirty cents per =when a pure de cannot be manufactured an thirty to forty cents per pound, ooni of cassis bads, burnt Mmonds, and such apes of Within a law. days we have been offered mai* buds, etc., for fifteen Dents per pound, and Choco• kite Crowns •at tertstity cents, and the agent acknow ledged that they were adulterated ten per cent, with Terra Alba ; and it isilact that tons of this cheap ConfectionerY am made and sold in ..thin country every year, and the conaumera are the oilly persons injured by it. Nor tAst knefot of Lk* soAo sbiaVa Agri article 4 rdionerlf. tra/ tourant every artick-qj our mann adore Sividty rare and free frosSerery &,gro. dins deleterious to .411/14 • • 'A HAUT, Word formerly ix:ivied 14 Jelin Cosmanadaln Street. . Towanda, October 91,18. • Out doe* al ==2lll Zmlittn. will bo offered at CHAM3EI, STJITIEI, JAMES. 0. I!EOST Escgllanocras INDINO! H. C. IVIIITASEU, BLWI BOOKS. colite, ftiati - 041.1bMM 744 -- •"-"? ; • i 4 :4.!OR ' KERs. SON : -& 00 4 411 Eat fIAAS DRUG - Awn,. • .4 i> , - 1- 140111111 Mats sa4 lime Blnsta, Trends,' Ps.H iettalPS atleillirgely tibia eta, tan lila anaplela imitations; soesmats as esteruivo vw. rudi mee t zad iegneigassay a umit ttoqulte with trash vuthises, Weed vs th• sx iar =rmixpabletenuki“ . 7l9lo,o9ar eatillitthirof • •• " Algal" Icatatßsl.-,UMMOLTA •ri ; soirroramitufinausii;•!::•::. -- ..*"4•4":40.10314P1W164 11,101..2131414: Pratt. • kid ill kinOtof Drruduos. t KeR °SWIZZ ' OR oz. - 8 1 3+ 13 4 1 6 Xha44. IA!" MADE% Mae. aLIMUCIII; - .; 7-' Spepyiant. Wbale, NW* Yobt, t 7 11 R 17 ;4 13 1 4 0 /Mt gAIS, 7434.4 1-T4AArtkluft4itud ,- ..utin_ broom BRusuiscsaus, cow* wimoswol=tvivei., PociaTjiooKS, ran ;molars, • • I • ..11:4* • i ioar aum sad EIR ZILISPARUTOXI. •-•. . • . • WET! ;,IQI7OIII, Voaapoo, &UM' PIP 'Am) •Otlns,- - 'esidenormair.4l64aissed.; Truesei. Bap , .soartms, iimmaaaddes, Shdalder Belem• Snead - Pilo^ -Meath; Alloy lluestog &Wad, Nipples,24lppieShells'and Sields, Dal Pans, delf-dealbm Fruit Jul, Them , - Flarating Extract/.-, Stow • ,/aim, Wan Ware, Bottles, Was; Corks, /lath' ' • MftlK, aadtkrve Blacking, Fish Tackle, Am . immitloa. de., Botanic:Medic and Romcepapa , Ic ildedhdrastiotstd all the pander raked • M.EDICINES. An articles Viaren _ ted ted. ?sin". at *distance eantoostro theirend n by stags at , mill. 1"will receive prompt and careful attention. n i lkal - athico given gratuitously at the Mike, clanging only far medichse..- • in-Thankful for past liberal patronage, would les. pectfully announce to lila friends and the public, that no pains shall be spared to satisfy, and merit the con flotation of their confidence and patronage. sir Open Sundays for prescriptions from fk to 10 lianotad 12 m. to 1, and 6 to 0 Jan 069--Tr• B R O.W N C. -PORTER, BON k Co 137 MAIN STREET.p TOWANDi. PA. • WHOLESALE , AND RETATE. DRUG-G-IBT. .. The subecritcr rospoctftgly announces to the rib- He hi general that ho bar ou hand a large sad well wgected stock of a. . • DRUGS, • - 111thICINE1 . 5, WIEMICALS, .". . • PALNTS. OIL, VAILNWLES . WINDOW °Lag% ' - Dn.' STUFFS . ' ' . , kn., kc. ." • ' - • • All the popular Patent Medicines of the day. ' PURE WI AND LIQUORS Fos Mara pnrpotes only PERFIIMERt.. Fancy arid Toilet articles. . Boaps of every description. Thermometers, . • • . Bathing, Smeons, and Common Sponges, ' Bair Brimhea. • ~ Tooth Brushes, • . 1. • Drew:Mg Combs, Pocket and Fine Combs, ' • Toilet Powder, . • Puff Boxes, Teeth Powders. - • Tooth Washes, and Tooth Soaps. Ld other articles belonging to the Drug trade too numerous :o mention. F-wing the Agency of the' s GREAT 11. S. TEA COMPANY, I AN OFFER "GREAT INDUCEKENTS To purchaaers of ; goons in their line. Physicians prescriptions and . faredir receipts core. pounded by persons thoroughly...competent. at all hours of the day or night. Thankful far the past. liberal Patronage. I re spectfully solicit a continuance of the same, pledg ing myself that no effort shall be spared to make my establishment second to none In this Beaton. Dr. T. F. Madill may be oonsaltcd, at this stomas heretofore. . F. W. BROWN. Jan. 31. 1670.• • Boots and Shoes. i GREAT BARGAINS 'IN BOOTS & 6110314 =3 /cm BOOT AND SHOE BTOBA South end of Ward Holm The underelgaod are reideNdag a large and veil ea. lected Meek of • . BOOTS • A ND. SHOES Buttable far the; SIIMEES AND FAIL TRADE, Which wo offer low for Cash. Cordhang of GENTS, LADIES, Al AND CHILDRFN'S SEWED AND PEGGED BOOTS MADE TO OEDEE. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE AND RFAnY SFFI S....ROXLSED • Timinkfal ter must Amore, we - ecillelin continuum° of the same. LLIIITEL WOODIPOIM. lIILBEIIS M. CLAIM Towanda, April IS, 180. 8.. A. PETTES Sc . CO., Have just received a fresh supply of 4 . 31-00DS for tho SMOMER TRADE, Colu3isthigiti part of the latest styles of - DRESS G-oons. For the season POINT L&CE and GRENADINE SHAWLS, tuff Embroidrel Skirts, Prints, &c. Also fresh supplies of MILLINERY GOODS, - NOTIONS, &C and: bought in New York at the present low• prices, and they arq. determined. to sell AS CHEAP AS THE CIMU'EST Call and see them on Main st., op- posito the Court House, TOWANDA; PA. Juno 22, 1870.—* PQYAL BAKING POWDERS at cowrxL &unws. FRUITS OF ALL KINDS AT eowmt, t imam 1311 CF. ' TIORSFORD'S BREAD Troparatiou. at U. B. PATOWE4. May 20. • :.-.4.N.15/7/I:thar AGENCY, , * MO . enders lghed baying entered Into a co.p lit , alerehtp tor tho purpOoe of proarenthig a . b8l:11/AW, BlJ)ptaig, utiayr, A ND keit. ENTA L , woubirs SOWS tbe patronage. ot /11 anns a / 4 1ring Ihsurance of any bud, IN „ nu p e r ; Nola au Dawn. and Perecnat Propety of a n klnds and at so low rates as can be done by any ny liable commie, In the country. We would tally Call attention of noon= to the ea fact that • au eve them Policles covering a/I amesse dose 4 'LTO . ITRING to bogdfogr, persrmarpreperti out /44 LIFE We* • ' nannumeg, procured In one or the omen an OSt . WOWd strongest Life Company" in dmerka Lad u, M& , . Wrakinitionlikkot OffrkZlT. frilkearrre, Ps. • LOMAS'S= Lunalocz COX)I4, /Wefts I Lastutter, Pa! .............. 821,0003 • arri itar. bispuwat Cocrtir. , CaPiti!, .......... ... CkairmurD lastraasca COMPANT. fa/M:kat* OW. ) V. 000,000 - 1111 X brICCRANC* Cfnenar, 1 4 ew no*. f ... firsuitona.z) FuZ k Raw' Izca. Co,' Asiatic *VW... - • ,Mietta, ifiritTosz Lva Isturitrxii °. l ilompArr, Nal York. Anetta, Office flrat block noutta of Ward Ibmsa...ocmut Moor. Xt. Visporr will be found at Itzarvai from 9 A.m. till Vp.m. z. 13. CAMP. . T Pe.. MT 2..1870,—e1y NATIONAL LIFE INFRANCE Clan Qmu.L. 81,000,000—PAW II 1113 i. Chirtered try Congream,lem auumiez R. CLARE, Preanient AY COOK!. Chairman Finance awl Ex:Com.; lighßtY D. COOKE. Tice Presideat; E3LEIISON W. PEET, Secretary an 3 Actual.. The adnutteges of the Itattonal Life TOratanee Co-. I. It is a Rational Company, chartered by o.ngrers;, 2. It hap a paid tip capital of 01:1C Million Lenart 3. It offers low rates of premiums It furnishes larger insurance than other Cam. yanks, for the same money ; • 6. It is definite. and certain ; C. There is no Possibility of misripresentaten by agents, or miscuiderstanding by polley-hotA . l; 2. The policies are plain contracts, so marry:au , 7 ranee for an much money ; , 8. All policies are non-forfeitiag 2. The policies are exempt from attachment E. W < gums. & CO., Liai*rs, Philadelphia, 8., S. - RUSSELL Manager. N. C. ELSBIZEE k A. 6. 1L SON, am Agents for Towanda and vicinity. Jan.. 9. 18G9. CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE 12:81JILLNCE COMPANY, OF - 11A4TFORD, CONS. NITICEIZZL4O YOBS THAN 59,000 MVIIT.ENA -- ASSETS (June /869) over 925.000000 - Surplus over $7,000,900. CETRZMYT DIVID&ND FRUIT to . TO 70 PER MT Total Claims by Death paid to date, over $0,000,c00. Tara. Drninntna PAHNTO DATT, OTEH 1: 1 3 000.050. A FUEL]. XL TEAL COZPANY. All its eruplus is equit ' abli divided among the .1•0.. ley holders in . ANNUAL DIVIDENDS, Which may be applied in redaction of Pranceles or may be accumulated at interest for the bellied Zit Asurpred, oamay be received by them in Cash. •Pald-up .Pollcies are granted after two or more years' Premiums have boon peel, thus practically making lALL POLICIES NON-F9RFEITING. It lanes Pollak' upon all - PEURABLE PRAM or INSURANCE, And has adopted In its workings several • - • SPECIAL FEATURES! • ORICIMAL WITH THIS COMPANY AND OMR ED BY NO OTHER. B. B. MOKEAN, Agent- Tovandayra., July 22, 1862—tt Pounder) , and MaChino Shop. FOUNDFItY & MACIUNF, SHOP The underefuned baying purchased the Foundry and Machine Shop lately owned by John Carman. are prepared to do primds of work appertalaing to their busftess, witrcrtuptness and dispatch. MILL GEARINGS, CIItbIIL.A.R SAW MAN DRILLS, 1" MILL IRON'S MADE TO wawa. ENGINES REPAIRED, And all worE warranted to ere satisfaction. t SHINGLE MACHINES MISSES, Of the latest and most improved kinda manufacinrei • and kept constanUy on hand ready for use. - AOtGHS, SIDE FILL, !EON AND WOODEN BEAMS CULTIVATORS, CORN PLOUGHS PLOUGH POINTS Of all lands, and the latest improvinlents kept conataittly on hand. CHURN , POWERS, LARGE AND SMALL SIZE STOVE CASTINGS SLED AND , SLEIGH SHOES, LARGE DION. SEMIS And all kinds of castings furnished to order. Unruh 30, 1370. J. F. MEANS k 80N Books and Stationery. DIARIES FOR 1870 PAPER & EaviOPESii • NEW-YORK PAPERS wwlvrmri PENS, LT, Music, STATIONILY BLANK BOOKS YANKEE NOTIONS. Towsida. Nov. 19, IN& I'LOUR, PPM) AND 31 sold cheap. at tX)WELL t MIKE a NM sztoore 8200,00 t toomot 113400,0i, 74 CAMP A VISCEST. Co. OF tr. 8.4.! :Genetral Agents And all kinds of Of al!itinas. AND CELLAR ORATES, Pzmn= 1 I