News From'sll-Nations. —The Whim Impeiicdl34-donnixi Pin hat.. • • ' . —Charleston, Illinois, is having juvenile opera& —There is a "co-opera five calve at Long Branch. —The London city pliiision cm ' rloys 475 missionaries. —Grenadier hats for ladies aro' in timated froni Paris. —Thor© is great - rivalry among liver manufacturers this scam'. —Large ganga of tyoree are ,rasti iting at Detroit, — . Many bridal parties are visiting Ichgara Falb. -:—A.Cuban elub hag been organized iu Charleston, S. C. - =Ladd• Franklin has returned to' Victoria from Sitka. —A. number of drowning case's arc rewrted this season. -lE,glLway . robbers aro infesting the suburbs of Cincinnati. —Tho Richmond contoated nlity cam hi still in the courts. —Boston has sixteen free baths. Tire for women. .--There are fears of a light hay crop in NM England.. --Chinese converts arc preaching iu'the streets of San Francisco. —retrolia, Canada, it is stated, pro 11 NI•S 7/0 barrels of oil weekly. —Sam Ililderbrand is now said to hi farming in Missouri. —lt is estimated there arc 75,000,- slu op ne the Argentine Republic. —They hare men firing cannon in the fields near Paris, to bring on rant. ° —The Indianapolis woolen exhibi ti9a is to bo livid in the skating rink. —A panther on Peach mountain is _ terrtfying the peoitle around Pottsville. —The labors of the Darien canal metl.toot art , conOidetl for this season. 'A Montreal company has been cr,ratiz - cd to introduce steam omnibuses. —Savannah is goinr , to build her .cif all up:•n-housr. Florida cranes,- pelicans, her orm.:11 nt.u•r wat'r•-fowls are very, utuneronm. steam omnibus is now ,success fail. run Ipowcen Edinburgh and a suburb. -2.00 miles of pathway have been explort.l in Mammoth cavc. —An Erie freight ear has just made the trip from the ilitilann to the Pacific. —Only one-fourth of the Congre gaticonal cianrcbss have st:ttle:d pastors. —There are 3867 registered stills in tlin ITuited fstaies for tI dtstillation of bran dy front fruits. —Between three and four thousand American boys arc studying in European schools and college& —.Red Bear F:ttys he thinks tho KIVIEWS are very landioine, bat thay have t., much War paint. —One firm in East Saginaw, Mich. arc nientlineturing 4,ooo,otv_i shingles 'per week on an average.' —A genuine Chinamen auctioned it Clan,..c,r., by Ow bus, in New York. --Velocipedes, which hare almost aisariwawa in this c , untry, arc still popular in Eurt.:.e.. • --Two th,ouian.l aereB of broom corn ratsefl rr.nind Circle% ilk, Ohio, this 1111= --The personal appeantnee of the ttotlottniti, tots imorovort pororTtibly tho public baths. —Atlanta is now the capital of 6,,rgia, but nakageville demands that the Stat, capit,4 t 4, her. —Cincinnati police grumble be cans, they are no lon g er allowed to smoke when un dote. —lt is said there is danger of the t.,t31 vstiurtnot thu hunters t:n• Lillmt; them off . . —Engineers are surveying the cut- Vichsburg, to turn the chauuel of the Mi4stssqpi, if pos,oble. —The landloras of the leading s I'll h 1 1110,101!'',1 court to tua.wcr for Ivinor sclEng, —A grindstone tweighing four hundred ircintla was rece:itly quarried twar Port Austin, Michigan. —Trre Boon Board of Trfide, Riney their eNcars,ion to California, have lost all respeot foir the big tree on the Common. —The Emperor Napoleon has monnicd for Ills dec,a,ill Baltimore relative by a black hatband for eight days. —ln many counties of Mississippi the ag,:cltharal societies arc making arrange utvats to give fur during the cotalttg fall. —Richmond, Va., Councils have arprvpriat , -(1:'25'1,W0 for the imprxrement o Janics ri% or. --Panama, having had its best buildings -I.urnckl down, intexas organizing a fire lopartinel:t. —Cut tun ibloom is reported in vari on part , ultht south. Tliq (Tv le e%peete: :thou; h•rtr (lays after the bloom. --The contractors of the lialthnore and Pt,t•tniae are pzuthirig Cr* wprk, mia Ic•.e large trees cngag.•d. —Four thous' and tons of ore; it is statek wero thro*n out at a gingle blatit ill the Lal,e :•;uptrior iron reg.on the other dl l y. —An interesting account of Abra ham Lincoln, translated into Haw4an lan guage, i. navertgeil in the If onulnlu papep. —:. new screw-.pile light-hortso is to in: Ludt (al, tin. York split shoal, in tlij bay, off the inmith of York river. •; —A family up the North river de elare their si , eaty-year old fathcr crazy hecaus he rants to marry a iiandsome young widow. —The Spanish papen+ are ridieul t,,,, alelioalion of Queen Isabella in favor her The I,ant t:o:e• of Ow —Complaints have been filed ngaitisi over three i inrtrrd business men of hatisss City, for Tiotntin th revenue IaWS. —The French 4ice consul at eltarl,,ton has received h gold medal from a ty, for t:u• bc'st arth-le on tho cul t or, lb; ..,•;1 —-A lady at Saratoga; Carpe to 11 . ea6fast, a few im , rninga ago, dresxed in Ptain ealico . dtvA.,, with diamond ear-rings and ravklace. —Tho president fof the Miami nni ser.ity, it is ,aid, hzts been compelled to admon ish the young li studnnts for,whistling in the —Some Cherokees have gone to t , , point out,oine lead :hat they norkt...l before they were re- yemarliable statement is t::at ns - m g h Rhode IKland has an area of M,, S41111:1 :t Collt:tinti 41 . 0 !Idles of 0ri"..1 , :e coal fields. --The Canadian Press Association is at Brantford. Ontario, on the 19th inst., and affil tale a tifp to Buffalo, Toledo, Clt•ve ian.l, Detroit and Letlon, Ontario. - —Piirsons who prefer stale bread ~111 IlaYe their tnA , ' gratified by sot fling to Pomp, U. wltyr, thoy have loarus ihiet wuro r eighteen hundred years ago. • - - Inin-Qernmn speaking censn*- t-ik, r in a Teittoinc.New York diAtnet Lae rt.- ,:gned. Iry I , lin , levcry nii,l \las all the information he - A large bear has been seem in of rr.Lakliaritiu, Caro 31.13- i .mtity, N. J., :old 1119 nian mho eneountered aro, it ail:ay by two or three Wows with a fowl rail. --The railroads in California are 11 madc• with tici or red wood, which i2+ very InrAle. In the rallyys The routes are nearly I , vel, r.r,i th, grz ding 'llit•arqrage cost twr rn is alp tn; v,m,9(99, --One .of the bigeFt reptile stories yr t ht that Of an alUgntor near 31!dway, s. e., 'arch a idatit. , :r has n4t:ci harnutg to do plow pminda and in rail ty, 1,. rr• ••th 1. and '•firr,l“:; l in 1..-. .'ernk,f4at , 14,11 y fig ft r, ;; Tfar r~u:6r,ritY a 9rsarttAy totr- P-r , rie , Trtiy. "'srini.t.T. lat riPreirna,B tvstis 1,14 rai- , -tinic• in Cttrinnit'i. itsid,riwkrof r.. :4 not- in larmnr.s , w ith r,," 1.4-J7 it ti„ h. Irani Minim F.DITOILEI t E. O. aoomucn. 6. W. Towanda, Thursday, July 14, TUE CRAWFORD COUNTY NY We have on several occasions dis cussed the plan of electing candi daterc-calleikthaeonAty System," :expressieg our:: : founded on observation, that it afforded unusual facilities for fraudu lenfvoting. 'This plan of nominating eaudidites bye direet-vote -of- the people, at the primary elections, was first adopted in Crawford county, whence its name. After, a trial of some years, the Republiean Conven tion of that county, at its late nieet -int; unanimously :resolved to r4um to the delegate system. The experi ence in that county has been that ; it - has had the effect to reduce tho Re publican majority, and that under its operations the most outrage* frauds were perpetrated. F. As a fair example of ,the working of this system in the , towns of that county, 'we will merely 'mention that Gm. R. ANDERSON, one of the, Sena torial candidates, but who was bea t- en nearly five hundred in the County, polled in the city of Titusville four hundred and eighty more votes than there were ftepublicans entitled to vote—leaving none at all for his OP ponent. Happily, this ballot box stuffing did not extend to the coun try polling places, and hence Ander • •,•• son was beaten. This ANDERSON was the chief in strument in bro'king down the can cus nomination for State Treasurer last winter, by furnishing the funds for demoralizing and corrupting a sufficient number of members to elect Inwis iu coalition with the democra cy. He is a man of immense weolth, who voted in Philadelphia last fall, and removed to Titusville for the ex press purpose of representing that district in' the Senate, sn' pposing that his money would be suffi cient to secure 'the nomination. Ho managed to obtain a majority of 1,000 in Titusville, while it is notori ous that the Republican vote in that town does not exceed 550. Fortu nately this gross outrage was insuffi cient to effect the purpose for which it was perpetrated, aid only served to show how faulty was the system under which it could be done. va.. The reduction for June in the national debt is $20,203,772 . 04. , For the fifteen months of Grant's admin istration, $125,000,000. And this too With a reduction of taxes last year of more than $60,000,000, and now, for the coming year, a redaction of $75,000,000. It is peculiarly noticeable that this great result proceeds entirely •oni the successful admini.4ralion of the Government under Grant. While Johnson, and the thieves he patroniz ed, held sway, the taxes actually levy ied v. ere one hundred and fifty mill ions greater than they are to-day, while the amount collected did not reach the total which now floWs into the treasury,.and enables us to pay the vast sums Which even• mouth gladderithe people by reducing the national burden. We are paying the debt under a system, and in amounts annually, Which will easily pay off the debt in thirty years. This fact is steadily breaking down the premium on gold, and advancing the premium on our bonds ; until to-day the obligations of the / I.7nited States are quoted at 6 per cent. above Gold, and so puts. the funding of our debt at a lower rate of interest not only within our power, but brings it into the near. future. Is this a failure ? *ii 6 . The tax bill was reported ; to the House on Saturday ' from 'the Commitee of Ways and Means, With a a recommendation of non-concur rence in the Senate amendments, al thoph some of them might be ad visable. The House refused to con cur in the Senate substitution of new sections•for the first thirty-four of the House bill relating to special taxes and stamps ; refused to strike out the income tax-67 to 116 ; agreed to re duce the rate of the income tax to 2i per cent., agreeably with the Senate action-92 to 35 ; refusecuto limit the collection of the income to the ensu ing two years ; agreed to reduce the duty on steel railway bars of a cent, making it 1.1 Cent per pound, and to reduce that on railway bars in part made:of steel to 1 cent per pound. The House also refused to place du ties 'on round iron, sugar, and a varie ty of other articles, as provided by the Senate, au4l to refund the differ ence between the amount paid and the amount due under this bill on goods in bonded warehouses. /35 , 53- The rebel and rebel sympathiz ing hoot for a "White Man's Party " does not find favor in all quarters. The Louisville Courier, a prominent Democratic organ, denounces the movement most pointedly, and' de preciates such an element in the pol itics of Kentneky. Its opposition, however, is based on the fact that it win tend to intensify the opposition of the colored people so much . that .the Democratic net will not catch colored viiters. This is the moral of its opposition, not the inherent injus-„ Gee of the thing. If :mien will bet governed only by policy, why, there is something gained. While the per son or party deserves no credit, a mischief is averted. If those' who fear neither God, man, nor the devil, can be haltered by policy, we say, A if t lid'Tile attempt cif a few clisap i,nintel itapnillimna in' Allegbany f: , ,nety ravaniza ts-no-w party, hnu FROM' WASHINGTON. Numesolex, D. c., Jaty 9, 1870.' • • p. As the seindo of the -• V-- • . • ' - in which the two great partiottr . , e , Politically Were the c,:Aintry htuftitt materially changed since the election of members of thii - preirenTtergiesli: yr the dectiiin of General Gluxr to the Presidency. Since the suppres sion of the7rebellion by the " loyal forces' of the Union, the ranks of the 'dert•,ioeratie - TutrtyhalrebtFen - iin'gtii'd - nt - Cd by : the:.actire isitptiort , 4:nearly . . the' entire "en pret4 `irf'' ) . 1 444 4 113 7 :.=.9o=ekAiitmTals; to 'the e mbrace of -clip Dember - ati4, party where, next' to 'a state of 'acti've rebellionand.wei,-theY can do the. 'Union cause. most harm. - Thia latter fact inspires the Democratic party with hope of the Congressional . .,districts. in the approaching dentinn4y .and :securing 'control of. the House 'of Bepresenta. tives in the forty-second Congress.' - • , A 'National; Pemocratie Congrest *nal Committee has recently been fcutixed,' fin& ranched-: iri carefully- eoniiidt3i well cal culated to deceive unthbughtful Ito! Yublicans - has been]ifseued;andu phin: of tirgnuization is fully Matured; by which they so distract and divide the party as to be successful in the proaehing elections. l In. strong' , Re publican district; where . the Union cause brOught together on t the out+ break of the rebel li ony men holding different views upon questions of an entirely civil nature, inch as tariff, currency, finance, &c., do t cuments are Ito be circulated 'advocati ng free trade and opposed to taxation e mbellished with all the deceptive theories and promises, of which the Democratic party is ,prolific, with the hope of 'anti-tariff Republicans, and promoting Democratic ascendency. These arc facts-fairly stated, and not overdrawn, of which Republicans will do well to give attention. Every intelligent Republicarizonst be aware that it is upon the eg of "free-trade," "Anti-tax," " spode basis," &c., that the Democratic party hope to suc ceed to poWer, by drawing from the ranks of the Republican organization such as incline to their opinions up on these questions. 'ln view of this, every Republican should consider well the effect of lending his aid to bring the Democratic party again in to power. How will the country be fbenefited by it? What would be the condition of things under Democrat ic policy and rule? No intelligent voter, if he is not an advocate of Re pudiation, will deny that the collec tion of revenue for the support of the government, and the gradual ex tinction of the national debt incurred in the suppression of the rebelliqn, is positively - indispensible. He will ac knowledge then that taxation under an efficient, well administered 'rove nue system, is also imperatively de manded by the public exigencies. Revenne from customs cannot be re alized under a system of free trade., The Republican party, therefore, as a true Union party, in favor of re deeming the faith of the government, by the payment 'of the national debt, is bound to support the leviing! of reasonable rates of duties on imports, discriminating in favor of itioMe:,in dustry, but not so highly/ proteetive as to be p?ohibitory, or as to be un just to the consnmsr. This policy, the Republican party in Congress has endeavored to maintain. It has sought 'to redeem its pledges to The 'people by removing the most odious features of the system of internal tax ation, realizing to the fullest extent that ".,direct taxation is always ocli ons," it has given great relief to the industries of the country; the tax on. sales and gross receipts by the bill now pending, and which will be passed--will be abolished; the income tax reduced to two'and one-half per cent., and the 'exemption increased . to two thousand dollars, with liberal deductions for rents, &c. The out cry against qa, tax on incomes is with out foundiition in reason or justice, provided the tax be levied upon a fair basis; the exemption should be liberal; if three thousand dollars no one would complain, and. the tax five per cent. Who will object that the income of - men of such immense wealth as A. T. Stewart, W. B. Astor, H. T. Hembold, James Fisk, Jr., Cor nelius Van Derbilt, and hundreds, and thousands .of others we might name, should be made to contribute to the payment of the debt of the government, and_lighten the burdens of the great mass 4 of the people? The incomes of these men for the present year iu the order named are: $1,420,- 000; $1,273,000; $182,000; $65,000; and $40,000; making im aggregate income of $2,980,000; upon which a tax of 5 per cent. would pay the trea sury.sl49,ooo; at 2i per cent $74,- 500. This class of capitalists should be assessed upon their incomes, and to this there could be no possible ground of complaint. Under an ex emption of two thousand dollars, with . the deductions provided for, not one in twenty, and we might safelysay forty, out of any hundred persons brought promiscuously to gether will bo subject to income tax. General GnAirr has amply fulfilled 'the pledge Of his inaugural, that ho would " have no policy to enforce against the will of the people." In the sixteen months of his administra tion the National Debt has been re duced $130;000,000. He has raised the public credit, practiced rigid economy, preserved order, and fos 7 teied the loyal spirit of the nation.' He "promised to be " the President of the people," and has earnestly Fought to I:now their will. . :Ho ja entire borders. Some =dem' eleimt.4o 'Con gress has do 1 e sci little in, its, Jong session. ThQ Alit; bon siderim-the-iptecaitesi- • closing tup thetwork of roconstru tiee, and ,thelliteraciltiterests, repr seated in Congreo, much has bee; done; more would--have m plialibd', but' for, iiik#4tY 'P . 4en, e • 11* P.fsPf-P4 l . 411111V11 in, the senate,, Where no !vpr • ! views ,question" can liinit debate` and 'flltch :redone thin:heif wasted by ouch:liriolotifi i uro, 414 ,OARBET Kentucky , winkjai better than. a rebel in his uttar ttees. In the How there lira set , - •eral'aenibeia who' the ' gift o "gab,", and ther,e're. , PPKtwal)Y, " arisooo , 4" , Th, e roollor eheeld re ' member that the ;inert Whose • nami3.l figure sti much debates. - and: wh Th*e, set:ersP° 3l6 ?° to empty seg for home consumption; are: not, legislatom, They delay, or, even °tot atnict legislatiom •The awk of Con. gress is done by the silentemen, whoiie labors are: COii! Oljtteest Who 49 m 48.611 01 ui sent., ready to vote intelligently, wha only speak as occasion , requires, - and not for " buncombe." ". T hese '' re the men whose- services to 'the cow; • deserve commendation. In this con nection it is pleasant to State tha Judge IdEncun has a high position an able, efficient working member He is regarded here as one of the most effective and influential in o State delegation. He is one of the ablest members of the Judici , • Committee, and his report's , from that Committee upon bills assign . to him involving important legs questions, establish his soundnes as a lawyer. His experience in legit lation gives hiniipower, and his abil ity enables him to use it. Should ho be returned to the next Congress, ho will stand a fair chance for the chair manship of one of the most impor tant Committees of the House—the Judiciary. , . -Had I time and space,' would give some idea of the unparalleled impudence of the ex-rebels of the South ins the trumping up and pre sentation of, claims. Kentucky has icthally - proposed to present a bill against the government of claims for damages done her turnpikes and other roads by our armies in march ing over them in pursuit of Beaoo, MORGAN and other rebels. The nottirions Jews MITCIIKLL has instituted suit in the 11. $. Court to recover damages for the destruction of his press, which was intensely rebel. In any other country, and under any other government, this miserable sneak would consider him self-lucky in having saved his worth less neck from the well earned, and richly deserved halter. These claims only bide the time for the Democrat ic party to attain control, 'when they will all be pushed with vigor,. and probably paid. CONDE. Ifir - Among the jeux ti; esprit to which the (Ecumenical Council has given rise in Rome, is the following new Pater Nosier handed about among the Americans. Even the Pope, who enjoys a joke . thoroughly, it is said, might forgive the man who ; uses the license of ink •against him so blasphemously yet deitrously: "Our Father who art is the Vatican: "Infallible be thy name: Thy Tem " poral Sovereignty come: Thy will "be done in Europe and America as "itis in Ireland. Give wi this day " our tithes and titles, and forgive us "our tresspasses as we give plenary "indulgence to those who pay peni " tently us: And lead us pot into " (Ecumenical Councils, but deliver "us from thinking: for thino , is the "crozier, the key, and- the tiara. "Rome without end. Amen." air The excitemet - on the Spanish question continues, and the general . opinion is, that if LEOPOLD is , chosen by the Cortes, war will be the result. 'The Cortes adjourned to October, but has been reconvened, to meet 'on the 20th inst., and we shall know,' in a few days, what,will be its decision. Under the resolution requiring a majority of all the members, whether present or absent, it will take one hundred and seventy votes to elect a king. The Cortes is divided into so many cliques, it is not absolutely cer tain that number - will be, able to agree upon LEOPOLD, especially with a war in prospect as the result., cs.. The Turkish government maintains a system of primary public schools, the instruction being almost gratuitous. Ninety-five per cent. of the children are said to attend these schools and acquire, there some knowledge of orthograiphy, arithme ticriending, writing, and the princi ples of morality and religion. Except in Constantinople itself, where public academies have also been instituted, there are few opportunities for study" ing the higher branches of learning. Those who aspire to more compre hensive education have the option of employing private tutors orentering the colleges controlled by the church, Where the course extends over twenty years or more. • Mi. The New York .appointmenbi lave finally been settled by the , almost unanimous confirmation. of 3ftsrur for Collector; Onnn'nu, as naval officer, and Mr. 'lTiu.noriss Asristant TrowArer. -:t when services ado bin of the to the endear ne who whose tinkles, tiler _the followhiraltinal patighiphtr-Alki tainedia his .amtatious-vIORS by a laite'zaiiiititi - pt the %° , 14 # l 4 t ' rit(Wile .a ntliin to o *ism' o e .mmon- .11;rolWrer respectable it ma be ikkintdt m ni , '' t anta* Iln l It is 'to this iiiinOtiviiiir In elieitkinims aTatlisheintor i ii y 0.4 11 xfst al: miiiibrititaidikiinfidetidiminy.' ' i sons as to the truth throb 'the 7 m ' ;ditint ofloinvidi fAdlifilkl Nffilintdjournalikithie Twin etitlidl. , you would nok 'wilfully do ; isk ivreto eis 4spa el& yoni 'col{{ .t.. .. to the, present comninnidationf In tiiii f*tra,iiividino*iothin i t e rn of alb io ' - . eeelif We a l it f t jrou,qo %Ain* . :iiinciti.,:a .". .:Itifi Cid,* pipers: e:; ; : .:- : afttpm/ the seer* pr . ssir :: ye' not ...imsNilami ' the - IMRSeedUngiid thSea l anatirhic ali'prolidaell to hi:, jpubliituid 11441 'attic lii•aitens;3l . 4 -tinders tiiiot* lbw; ;to irhich'ilid:iiiiifibileit,:dom of 'iclOthfitT_plionogrsphiS:viiters fiiialliiii"sith the Liifinfongo,ll4is been constantly.with tlieUssetublite 'him 'ail' itipping, 'And: lOW remain iherewith;"NMtiliits disSiAntiOn.' MI :newsparerth, thsrefOiS - (O'c l 4 .as 'those . fsrhOd the Gentian pa 4 pers) hrh..the Mere airatirtdal'ldetiti of 'Sortie 'errteriniSirik tepOrteri)Oilxt r.isccessm9y Is. obliged, to dish ' Somithqg to i3hdir That 'he for on hand ; but t 6 wlnniii‘opiniiisitiei7 yttle`sig.; nificance or 'credence can ; Tasty be aftribnted. ' • '-' ' ' • In the second .,„ if, the data given'tiris co rrect, it would be of no consequence. .The Pope, as the Aria ax of Christ on earth ;— whose prede cessor, St. Peter, of illustrious mem ory was dilly com Missioned by our Lord and Saviour, •tesus Christ, to gether with his canonical successors,' presids over the deliberations of this Council by virtue of his Divine appointment. The greatest latitude of debate is allowed to all the mem bers 'of that body, according to the statements of distinguished prelates who obtained leave of absence to re cently return to the United States for different causes; and therefore when you say "we imagine the Pope will pay very little attention to the views of the minority," permit me as an American Catholic layman to sug gest, that your imagination is too vivid, and-does injustice to the pre siding,eflicer of the greatest eclesi astical assemblage, • which probably the world has ever seen. We - Amer icans.can know , nothing but justice andlibeity . tO the, fullest extent—in sisting on liberty to transact our na tional affairs as we think best, and, giving the same liberty to this Coun cil of the Catholic Church as any other deliberative body, assembled at Rome or elsewhere. The passage of the "Infallibility Dogma," will be swiftly defining a belief already and ever entertained by this denomination, i. e., that " the Church cannot err in what she teach es,"—therefore, the Pope of Roine, (the Head of the Church on earth) speaking ex cathedra, cannot err, or substantially, that he possesses in/di- This fact plainly and intelli gibly stated, is easy enough of com prehension, but the - trouble with Protestants is, that they confound the infallibility of the Pope in the sense as above given, with his mortal impeccability, which, is quite another, and a different thing. - In the dimmssion of this subject, different views will - naturally be, en tertained of it, as would reasonaby be the case in a large body of 700 or. 800 men, assembled from every quar ter of the habitable globe. Our Pro testant community in the United States, are as a general thing mark ed by a spirit of intelligence, but on matters appejtaining to the Ecumen ical Council they have of course been led astray by doubtful_ journalistic extracts, such as- those you publish, and which have had the effect of causing even yourselves " to imagine" a state of things, instigated by the tone of the vicious paragraphs in question. In a spirit of common Protestant fairness and equity, let a proper statement be disseminated on this subject amongst the good people of Towanda and vicinity, until the official report shall give us full and reliable particulars, as to everything connected with " The Infallibility Dogma." PUELADLI.PRIEUIIB. THE NtA.R FEELTNG RtrIISIDTNO-SECURITIES LONDON July 11-5 r...L—The feel ing is much qiiieter both here and at Paris, and the question is fast gaining ground that the question between Prussia and France will be settled without. resorting to extreme meas ures. Securities of all kin& have advanc ed several per cent. since morning, and'tendency is still upward. Amer ican 'sixty-twos which were 86i at pne o'clock have just closedpt 88k, and other funds have advanced propor tionately. A much better feeling prevails at the Paris Bourse. At two o'clock Rentes were sixty-nine francs forty centimes. Dispatches from various European capitals this morning announce the excitement generally increasing,,par ticularly in moneyed circles, and all sorts of securities declined heavily. The Telegraph says the war panic might die out only that; men blown to be in the Emperor's bonfidence are selling heavily. It is still possible to look on calmly at the future. Minis ters must seek to impress France with the' extraxagances of its pretensions and susceptibilities in the absence of real danger. Eventual war •is only too probable,' yet such jealousies have passed with out collisions, as in 1840 and 1858. The balance of power is undeserving a thought; The real issue is the possession of the left bank of the Rhine, and the contest would last until "one or the other became exhansted. Civilization has everything to foose in such a struggle. France is clearly in the wrong. Pritisin denies _the responsibility France ascribes to her. France re fuses to accept the disclaimer. How .can France• object tto 'any arrange ment Spain r considers within - her 'own, 'competenc,e2. The neutral powers must act, in ritually united and firmly.. to :prevent a collision. The same Viper derdoreS damage inflicted on French credit try, long continued ,-exeitsmint. osellie . arficie,:withe ENGLAND. ADVANCING by some el men; in and faith .._..Three.workmen were known to be Ma, Mid five were taken - to Belle tnellippiWitan insensible condi -TlRrWakitniatriled the I - sa . 4. 111 0 1.1;17' I .° ~' :- witillfibei* B ' I -every .I:veilsble wealKsid The MeTkineedtivrolverspwithwhidinea ly all of thenalreitatmsdit , :,:q r- ~ ,I 'The wounded Orangenieu.sfere ken from l 2 . l . Off" and tharefore it is lingiossibl ig neuertairl their numberi , but , so no Orangemen were-I:ilk& -: .__-.. : i ..-,1114).. maids us4ll stones irmiith i irnidements , with wkrich,;they,r been walking. The Orangemen de = fended then selveswith theirni Thomas Grady .Was. shot m, th Iles4:ltnil instant y . killed, ari Was )414 1 , +Brady, ~ -a boy .1 foUrtecur pita ;dam 44:410ther,r1with another , man; whmo 0 9mis' , unkrunta; , Four 4440.rapPatriek Rnn,lThOrnasoldur -Thy,..mss_: Adams , Viand -,: Bata* •Zmitb, were:-fatally injured; ftud.4 ylarge number of'. others • ~ s etiottidi ,worwiled.: •,, , , ,-.•.- .: rl.; ~ A large force of policemen were summoned to the spot who siumeedi ed, by the various use of .elubs, in itgdiplg the riot; . • ' :,.. •-F i . 1 Snbeegnegtly the' cars , conveying the °Pagel/ken batn town: were at l 4404 sad several.p ne wounde4 and Ma emu badlY • ~Thomas .Kane waa. e tnet theeen; 'Wei Park by the Orimgemen and .fiti tally stabbed. Ibeaffairereated the wildest confusion in the .tieighbor hood of its occurrence. ' Capt. Ifelme states that the worki, Men were the • assailants, and :after two or three hundred of them had stormed the Bank and driven three thousand Orangerne,n out, the fight ing was • carried on in. a scattered manner, all over the country. During these skirmishes some hun dreds were wounded and several killed,' but the full particulars are not yet ascertained. ; .1 tar Ma. Eorroa: Our advices from the Eastern States are to the effect that ,an extensive manufacturer of shoes having had his business brok en up by the unwarrantable combi nations of his workmen. to extort higher wages, his imported front Calfornia, from seventy to :eighty Chinamen,Avho have gone., to work with alacrity, and have thus suppli ed the void created by the cupidity of his former workmen. We Under stand that wither capitalists are )mak ing arrangements to do the same; and thus, in a short time, - the prob lem belonging to . the relation of cap ital arid labor will receive its solu tion. In ten years Asia will send its more laborers than Europe—they will build onr - railroads,.dig our ca nals, work our farms; and their wives and daughters will keep our kitch ens. Let Patrick and Bridget be on their good behavior. ' John China man is trusty and faithful. ANOTHER FEARETIL NOTE OF WARN . nia.—The following from an exchange needs no comment : "The last kerosene explosien in Cincinnati was-ghastly. The woman thought to quicken the fire at which she was cooking her husband's sup per by pouring oil on it from her can. An explosion followed, covering her with the fiery fluid, and she ran down stairs enveloped in flames. At the curbstone she sank on her knees, screaming for help, with the flames flaring high above her head. A large crowd of men and boys collected but did not succeed in extinguishing the 'fire until the poor woman's clothes were burned entirely off and the flesh stripped from her hands as she wrung them in her ag,ofiy. She lived , fours hours. 129,.. The frost gratifying evidence of the soundness of , Itepubli&in 'sen timent-throughout the State is the fact, that so far not a single bolter from the caucus nomination for State Treasurer last session has been • re nominated for the Legislature. Where these recusants have not vol untarily retired they have been set aside by the people. Only last week Mr. George K. Anderson who engin eered the bolt, and it is alleged fur nished the money to purchase the bolters, was largely beaten—being a candidate for Senator—in the county of Crawford.—Scnnerset Herald. NOT TAXABLE.-It will interest many of our substantial readers to know that Judge Warren' J. Woodward, it ' is stated,has recently made a decision that all mortgages and judgments are free of State tax. The county commissioners of Berks county had the impression that mortgages and judgments given as purchase money for real estate or for the improvement of the same, were free of tax,and that mortgages and judgments given for money lent for other purposes were taxable.. In an amicable snit to test the quest.ion, Judge Woodward, ren dered the above decision in the case. .119,.. The enemies of General etit- ERON have been considerably exercis ed over his absence when the final vote was taken on the repeal of the. income tax. A proper examination has, ,however, proven that Senator CAMERON, who *as for ithe repeal: Of the 'tax, was paired with Senator SenAoci, who favored its retention. The result would have been Tho same if both Senators had voted. Thom who make the greatest noise about the repeal of thii odious tax, as they term it, pay the least of it: ser The investigation at Washing ton of charges made against Gen, FlaNv4un, has resulted in his complete 'exculpation. The whole affair seems to have had its origin in a church quarrel, and Fernando Wood was fooled into making a long string of charges which have been entirely On sustained. This sits at rest a great scandul,_ and one that h4had a large mn in the Publi° press. . Sorit said that largo numbers of red men are agittin on the war path. . • -• • -• relates , The Prince his retr— which found disorder. rOCOMMI the or' with COW eir nnttoaaL'ty- _. laments Bin' =Witt, is the AlightimifillarshibanratlUM cut* who was , formerly iu wealthy circumstances, but on his meeting with a reverse of fortune the children were obliged to earn their own living, appeared 'it •;• s e. She '• thle made to hpr, and on er enteringupon ho i dutieliithit &Um foga& herreo well educated, that he-at last made her, asi offer itpiatriiiie; l ,l!We' 1 0 1 :4 L * 4 take Placela &Jew the bridegro9* f‘ills! l 44 of Prussia's , PezWatoliiiit/aYolid4 his princelxiank and assume-the tle of. Count do Boor ; so that the marriage shill 'not `lie - a 'metallic ono. . ; Mir Eton. ion 8. reoriN of bury, has 4eenreqiopinated tor Con ; gress in. the Itio;thumberlaud _die; 166. Gold closed 'on Tuesday last Illt to 111-f: - TllETUBLlCL a z i t i subseribei 1 being aware at the Zoltan& of 4 Sell& Shop: la ritoW rowed to' a emeriti iob. bing busing/gal 'or ersaything that , wir ! tains to WATCHIIiASING,amiI .12i071.411133, lag bad several years eaperignee in the business he feels confident thatiii can' lOW enthroaatisfaction: (live him a call. AU work warranted. ' • • 7 .G. A. 110.11 TON: W Ccichaitz fr, Black!, atom, maau-st Towanda; I.l.;lane 21; 1870;—:43 • ' LE RAIMI A TZ , The uniiviutipted; with 9n Accomplished assistant, will open the Fall Tarsuld this Instillition. on MOH. DAY, AUGUST 22nd, 1870, which will continue 12 weeks, (including institute). Nrieflort will be spar. ed to render the school plemainteiad profitable'; and to cantle every Edda* studied to be thoroughly-com prehended as far as pursued. It is de-al/able that pupils—as far as conveMent—enter the school at the opening otitis term. Board ten be obtained near by at rtmannAble rates; aloe }rooms for those wishing to board themselies. Tuition from $3 00 to 36 00, Higher Mathematics, Main, Greek, French, etc.; Leßayevrile, July 13, 16707-6 w Principal. O RPHANS" COURT = :A.LE.-BY virtue of an order lamed out of the Orphans' .Court OS - Brodlord =lntr. the wadersignea adminis trator of the estate of PHILIP A HALL, deceswed, at public sale. on the minima in 'Tuscarora on =II=AY. AIM= 4,1870, at,l o'clock p. rn., the followlw described lot, piepor pareeel 'of land, situate in Timmins, bounded and described aa fol lows : Beginning at the south-east corner of a lot surveyed for Thos. Hall, north to the south-west cor ner it s lot sold so Wm. Hall, thence along, the east line of said Hall to the count/ line gar enough by running is line due shed to Reuben Mattisou's east line, making one hundred acrer—siz percent. allow , • 2l8:113113—$100 to be paid on the property being struck down, 000 at confirmation of sale, and. the balance within one year from confirmation. Pay ment of balance to be secured by good and sufficient lien upon the premises. July 12.1870, A A lIDITOR'S S. N. As -p6sserstirr.Z. B. Pmaili rt Co.-N0.703 fisp.T.'62. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford Co. The undersigned having been appointed Auditor by said Court to distribute money in Sheriff's hands raised frcim sale 'of defendant's real estate, will at tend to Um dutietof said lapped/daunt:et his office. in the Borough of Towanda, on Tursaty, the :6th day of AUGUST, 1170, at 2 o'clock. p. m.. at which time and pleas an liming claims , on said money are requested topresent the sane or be de. timid from 'coming in for a share of laid money. BENZ. M. P.PCK. - Auditor. July 12„ 1870411 plan CLASS FARMING .MA CPEINENTI or ALL =DA corm= TO mama. HARDEE'S AND WHEELEA'St CELEDRATED Horse•Poiversr& Threshing Machines ; ,FACELSIOR 'RAY TEDDERS ; Moses TWO WHEELED .MOWER! WELLINGTON'S ROOT CUTTERS; LEVER HORSE POWERS 4.ND THRESHERS ; PORTABLE : SAW 3CLLLS; CLOVER ROLLERS STEEL PLOWS.4G. LC. In fact a kind; of Superior Fairxrdng Machinery furnished at manufacturer's prices. Send far De. scriptive and Priced Circulars. Correspondence promptly sttendad 01116 e Inilerrur's new block, sonth side. B. M. WELLES. , • . - Towanda, Pa., July 12. 187th - TRPOPTANT TO ALL ~ WHO 1 'VALUE THEIR SIMIT I The sight of the aged aestmted, the treat strengthen . ' ed and the perfect pre erred. ' PHILADELPDIA OPTICAL INSTITUTE, CONCAVE CONVEX, CRYSTAL LE.NSES, LONDON MOSED AND TRTED GLAS.I FOE WZAN 011 M-4 _ The Concave Cortilex Crystal Spectai Ice, made by the above institute are now a long time before the public, and the rapid and increased demand for tbem combined with the universal acknowledgment of their clearneea to 4iSioll and ease to the eye, Plume plainly that they are saperior to any other glasses In the market. The majority of Spectacle'. (mostly imported) and no matter how fine the frames, contain but a poor and worthless article of glasses, (generally cast or - pressed() they are made to be sold only, without any calculation respecting benefit to the eye, and therefore the great complaint of poor and weak sight. 'Thogeand4 are using glasses now which tire. and fatigue the eye, where the ohjeCte get dim after short'asage. or require an Intel:m.4ly strong light and therefore destroying the sight, which, were they properly sailed, would he preserved," life time. The advantages claimed for the Concave Convex Crysbil Glasses are the following : • The Lenses arc ground ot the beat material, pure and hard, and made only for optical purposes, they are therefore not liable to get scratched or dim. They confer a brillianey and distinctness of vision not found in any other glass. They can be used equally well by day or candle light without tiring or fatiguing the eyes. They are ground. mathematically true In the con. cave convex mirror, 'according to the philesophY of nature, and shape of cornea of the eye, therefore assisting natureionly Instead of forcing it. That the louse* are centerlid correct Into the finance. They can be Mica longer than any other glasses . without changing to a higher power. The Mimes are made strong and durable by expe rienced worknien and warranted to give satisfaction. CiLLILBEIILLN, Insderin Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware, Towan da Pa., has the sole Agency for these glasses in Bradford county. No Pedlers employed. July 12, 11370-tt SDIGENG SCHOOL 1 Will Oren • Singing School, for the inetniction of chthiren from 7 to 17 years of age, in the Presbyter ian Church, on Thursday, July- 7, 1070. The term will confect of twenty lessons, of one hour each. &rims to commence MS o'clock, S. m. Towanda, June 28, 1870. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that application will be made at the-nest meet tug of the Legislature of Pennsylvania for the incor poration of a Savings Bank, bo known as -the Athens Savings Bank, to have a capital of fifty thous. and dellara.With authorittto Merano the same to any amount not exceeding three hundred thousand The'objects of raldbank are to receive monry on dipeosit mid to illscotmt :notes, :bills, dm, and to exercise general banking pylvilegee, to be located in the borough' of Athena. minty of Bradford, with authority to 'establish branches at said county. junel6,lo-ein I'ARM FOR SALE IN PIKE.- The undersigned offers his farm for sale, situa ted on the State road, two miles from Stevensville, and three miles from Leltaravtlle. eontlinieg au sbout 85 acres,. over 70 acres improved and the rico well timbered. A house; two bartri, a Rood orchard, and peach, pear, plumb, and cherry trees to &bun deuce, thereon. For further particidari_limiloy to ' WALITLL_, Juno 28. 1870-4t* p O.WE LL & CO. Call attention to their Urge start, just n•mis 01, an now open, of CLOTHS, cessruvaEs, LINENS. • COTTONADES, &C.; for MEN AND BOYS WRAP. Tho'igeortment being ecrniplci In orris , way. • •‘• 'KEYSTONE STORM. TorLadiaarto 18,1870. TICE. LABGEST AS -4 tiodattaas of,Pires for sale at March II; VP. W.- A. ItockwymiT. , (WELL & BIPICAEE SELL fnA TEkifiticheap: - • ," .ciOn i6n. to bi n New Aiivelonts (O. E. PICKETT. Azlraiwistrator Igßßrs UNRIVALLED For the manufacturing of tho ISSUED ETES liU2B /LAT= KEENF. I =iMililaia==l PHYSICIANS. New York. Augtukt 15th. 1808. 'low r ki cal altrilog krltpll4llo 1171):&14f11bCtIII. Ttio l einni. "il k neat win - Aro lIIMITI, LONG'LE'AF, (I . 11131413, Arao ataari a urge - . 1 . - !::: ii - ,-;1-id,..) - 1: f • ,; • • r?.."fZ.,...1er 017,71,1:,-V1,71., Mobs orratraamm l f-itnehtt, tsrappg. Inn zatti; •,•;.T4rowwwiz'n7 dialdacOsqutmitkirphifs tropolgutoOkaw Yea MU & niter ilicid, 444 smial proissetkal of splsif. It Is more past • . aLb thais , bovr in rise. •.; ! • as prepared by Druggiata. a dark - color. It is a platAitlertatiitii.Ltragrance . Retina et 4 AV . = distmyri this (Its satire principle). 4 9 13 Ai l i tiar kPi d P it 9 2,° 4 10° C o c4 014 ' Mixteilithe • • taginftnik The Melia in infpnvicailen, .Prederaii the smallest. quantity at tie 4e.r Ingredlettie o T Ee a449d,10 prevent terreentagen;,itp. lnnio'itto not toi4'ennetaie as =dein Pharrnsooptra, nor Ls it's syrnpand theeetiore eah be used tb emers ritar'ef64 . c:r orintln& itiattoiexlet., you. lusio tkie 6c,rwlytigo o thelnpliedients end the mode of prePaistion: ME Mph* that you will .talioi II with a trial, and - that. upon inspection it Ell meet with your appro.. Witto feeling of confldesee, . 1 ani,Re.ii.iespectfalli: 11. T. 11422.180LD. Chemist and prugest ot 16 years rxperfence. From the largest manufacturing , Chemists in the W0r13.1 aerinalated with Mr. U. T. Hein*ol; he ocenple&the Drug Store opposite ray reeltlertee,inS Wait emecenetul in' conducting the buidne;.e where others bad not been equally eo before him. Ilinve been favorably Impretzeil-wltlilila charart;T atal en terprize." WILLIAM WEIGIITIdAN Firm of Powers k Weiglitman, Manufactrairig Chvirdsts,.Nineth and Bromi FILL.IIDOLD'eI FLUID Err0..4.7 Bucric, for.weak neie'arising from indiecretion. The exhauste4 paw ere of iiatnre which ire areompanied 'by so 'Many alarming sytuptosits, amocg which dienomition to Exertion. Losx of MemorT, Watertli nes*, floror of .Discrose, or Forebodingis of Evil ; it fact, trnivereatl.amitude, Prostratlcn, and !nobility to enterinto the enjoyments of society. The constitution, Once affeacll with Omani,: Weakness, requires the Ma of medicine to etrenath an and Invigorate the system, whteh HELVDOLD'S EXTRACT BrellG InTariably does. " It no treat - ment le Embmltted renstuaiption . or inoanity en • Mee. linuirtom's FLCID EmAcr oeßrcar, iII of tendons peculiar to Fernales, is unequalled by any oilier preparation, 45... in Chloroals, or Retention, !Wilfulness, or' Sett ' tirrns State:oi t6o trtarus, and all complaints incident to the set, ur. the decline or change a life lificrarsoLD'a FLUID EXTBACT Brent, azila rit94 o wri Tim. 'Mau will radically cztarm.uatc from tho system, diseases Arising from habits of ,llesipa- tion, a Mae cipenee, IlttloOf no • change In Ihet,-no iDCOIIITETIIOIICO 0? 04 , 013111"; completely Briperding those unpleasant and dangerous remodics, Copalva and Mercury, In all these Oleesem • lleo lizialnotn'a Fir= Exrcacr Bccuv in all diseases of these organs, whether existing In malo or female, from - whatever ranee originating, and no nutter of how long standing. • It is pleasant Letiaste, and odor, ninunediata" in action, and znoiextmngth ening than any.ot the pr4paratioug of Dait.or Iron Those mirroring from brolen•down or thlicate constitutions, procure the remedy at once. The reader meet be aware that, however slight may. bo the attack of tho above diseasOa, it ix certain to affect the bodily bealth and mental veers-. All the above diseases require the all of ft Diu, retie. ITriAntOLD'S ki.'altACT .1;t1C1IU in the great Diuretic. • SOl,l by Dr9ggials . :evLrywhere.. l'itter: it tS per bottle, or G bottles foi Delivered to addreFB. Deacritv) EYlniktoinii In all cuumatauica Hong Ida:ea/3p. T. 11111.3ID0LD, • Drug and etwird. .cal 5kid:4 2 ,11994e. 594 Lroadray. N. NONE ARE Gm - unct mums DONE Cr IN stecl-engrived fao:rimile of iny Meta- cal Wareiti. and oll;iled Wy . l9, = 4 - .New, At 49 1 . 43mett,1. . ~....;„...:,..;._............:.._____-----_____.,...... T O ITA. ND A MABlitts, —WirOLEXILt pracm. - Corm-WI totar-rif.duesday. by toMi C. B. FAVII natfroc t. rhos day. , , . _ NVlcat. it x' nye. 11% bath - Buckwfulat, 'la tm ai Coro. litbuall• • • • (Yale, Beans, Jr,. . Butter (robe) lb., dolt. t4alry, It dor roUtiats, - 0 bush . : ....... Flour, y 1 barrel Sara IA ... ........... •• • Onions. VI tusi; ............. ... • Wziorrss or OnalX . .—N7l4cat . 64.l.b'. C'•,rn l,, BYe CO lbs.; Oats 32 list • Daley IC lbs.; 4.8 lbs.; Boma 62 lbs.; Bran 20 lba.; lbs. ; Timothy Deed 44 lbs. ; bried Perclu4 Dried Apples 22 Das.. Flax Seed GO lbs. ' • AERAIs 7 GtILENTS, TIIE TOWANDA PO4ITrOYFIEE. arriv Onf urther notice the Staila at 11.11 , d depart as talons : rorre'rt. lit:wilten. Mail 715 a. .. s. i . ..... . pouthern ..... P. .. ...... 7:15 4. Troy ...... 12:1,0 ........ 1:O4 e Fenton 5•Ct P. X ....... .. •--. P. ,s pualmre- 11:00 a. ...... Isqloyaville 11:00 a. .. r. y: Barclay ••• • 12:40 Eaton =Lila arrives every Mondry, w e d - nod . ) : ma y a t sop and Tuesday.:Y. Thuraday, and datardaydepartsat 7tO x. Liberty Cornora mail aertyra every Taeseik.,; :r " ,‘. day and at 9:ooa.x.BatordnY at 8 : 0 G' A•X. D elartl inn. di, Sir* Ali saes Elate 29 'ninnies leArclie rue< 1.1,. portant and U. mail! north end :nun% ai, - • ALVoicb, • 1 - 3111ORTANT TO ..FARMERs • THE MEADOW ICING 3loVar, /Is now offered to the farmers of Lfutf,,, a r as the cheapest, most elmple , and pra,urio,', ettinntfor molding meg or'epriel Ami n , also stronger, more databl , .., awl •• than ally ot.Lt.r mower now marl,. It is composed wholly of v.rone - ht Iron, raw • athisted.....excpptthrt Lever, whinietc,,, toe nt nedrioke. It tuts no naelees bows has au elde-draugld. no: Fingor Is hinges of-Joints. lute 17k op , r..!; , .u, ed by therlefei I) any. required Ittlynt.. on ; porp:plienlar. The Knife to alr. eye % .y , t pitman, and will run iu any PZ,KtI64 t4.t. IltE • Dar. This novel invention, u.of upon only, Za d j,, F , the only rr shy lleziLle Faqir L u , 1 . 0 avoid frier..n s`r of the cut, +.o wlitel . oault and oh the llnger • etwtAyiry,—Thi• alritrow :dorm; rx. anteed to be carat:. enttiror. Si: a , r,-}rerf manner, from tell to twelve ef rre , a 1 r The murhaser will be allowed to cam L, Lif upon trial. If trot.' anfean,e it , notice. mnet be siren to tbe Artnt, end prover Qs allowed lan/ to put It in onki.: If it a-ain worktala.zi and LIUL,7 r frnpled, or another machine riven in It, ti • option of the•pureliatter. tile marlin - to will es I•ruterio n ef For further al - 41 - 413 to, Or •MASLEI. A 41.. Car.ou, or D.. 1. CP.A:S.3:I:::. June 23, I wic.o..-3t. FOP F OR SA A: LLE.-ftrgi! • Lot on S,TATII STI:RET; TOWANDA, Lot i. 4,1 by fi::,):.-•t• /1•. r.,•• 1; a lar, ;11 story frPme. c6ntaoli.4., • ~• u• ta . very All c:69tiewly .I. tlarough;alt tli:a riol.or.r. :::I• flou , r Pr:vat. , 1:(•••, , 1,.,.. pr.rtliralarq Apr 1.:1411:mlaf. 112 , , j T. KLELEIZ. Pox •,: VALU ABLE FA I.'•l , Ffil - t - S LE ectr.taiian q 1C ,;7.uat•• Bradford county. Pa. /49 s buildtrlg4 at troll tr,s t-t 014 ele. pram:deem velar Myers,ory:, )Vyno • x, Sow, 21. • cEET POTATO PLANTS. (TT, W ERV PLANTS. all 1:111•: , •a: a:2.1 !ro • baVe Plant:a n•Ar ma,ly • - • jnncl,'7o._tr riEMOCRAT ar: , l _ jaDeL'7l).- _M. o.‘ `P.I. OTICE.—Thi s / i's to notif-.- ttll - that my Larlo r Sh,m . ttp . Subbatilr. 1 LE:: A l n-ll n, 1,370. .•—. - Nov=Ann 4, 1851 r • IVARTUVEIL. Prh .1 0 9a!,) plyn.• t..KU. r. t•• 0.. , K• • !At, 1.-j!1! rett:. el by t,ns . r r.".T • rrinl.;,,, - pTIN :Ell OT ICE. -- T: . LIIVr., uthler mtm.. It PoitTi-j; , CO,. r::11,-at ry e,a awl t....1.11..:11- thy Drag Lao -:L at the old plaf.c r+ , :ncr a I ?1a.% • lo.r. vri! rtrq ntt•••11:,!. 2, 150. TOIVANT) COAT, TAPD PITtIITI:O , 7S CO.:LS 71t. 3, habit,; t.:te Coil V. .1:- Etv 1,11-:11... now preri , o , l to Pira, , h tto citron , F.; r rtrit2l9" the al- C.. 1, - r. .•• fl -•;74 noYft'e Larg, Small I.IG ...... • • • • •• •- Lult.l, Ply`..notia Plt.t.tua.N.l3 '• 1T1::t - FILe, r. , a! r,•tt.!.:u ;I. Prr :", ,, ,x -, :•ts. Extra (..,...31 - -•yto,z .n. :0 c 17•11E:T0ti..35. •• 4r.T.•:x.. 1:5 •:. •• I,' I`f rt :Fe eprn , : ,, ( r•JaP. arta 1. - !izat , , , tll at 11 C. r'; Ur: Store. tn.rtr‘l4.r. tra.•Xia 311 c 14... !•,•' 1,-, ""•• , Pftm- , 4 i• • W.11:11 'fwvan•la, .I, 1, 1F;0—t!. etzn.l at t::0 ruity I,•e. to Saturti sy m.. - •u:,;:• :.1,1 a:..6 , .•4.~ , .c farm of-1,. S. forevr:on. •TEL y-c. Ihn ir 17110 , 13 40 • , 1 . 1131,11!.! Ilf.l • :UMW:W:IC, / ., .StUrtr:11:.1 . 11“; lance at .i.1...1*r racatli. altaedylbuts aaJ- tier I'r.] i.,•n tiav celebrated trottibg otallion o. M. by ea,in , M. Clay. la by Ily :try Clay: E. by At i. .la.'lia•n. hi. by Y0ur.4...11.,haw. 1011. ssaa Ditrywk. vrand ]ba. la, April 21. 1.7.1.—tf V:AV ITOCTF:I.'i) J.... . `:U::Tii i'i..iN'','i.l tihortt , st and meat direct i ilto to I'll4!.ttltil,!mt, tirrt,rP. trirt.t!. , •. , r! • Pas•••••ncia• by this routo !Cow York Ita train. ,•♦ A.M., mate dor% cone:foal,: at Itothh ncto •..t'. profs train of North 1 , .. , • khiladelphbi at Anti P. M.. in th•-• to t a.. trains clines for the Slx.t yik. A‘c - st. City passenger oars are. at t 1)••not • 11 trains to convey ras,na• ,to t.., v,.• 1•• • uti to all parts of the city. T.ea . re Nort't'a :v.. • t,'• r. •r. •.°N an,l Ault:l:can strccto. 1.l.:1• I ,;•1 at 7 7. • art . :a - lira at Toara- .15: P. • 7.ll.l..N.U . S.trsaVif tigo Exprf•-ra , , •:. :•• ••- • gap., ruaira N•i. 10,5 :toot!, .1 - :1111. 1....7. ...... • • Fill:.1/1 :IT • ";. • Freiat rc,ctved a.t Front and N!.`!:.• : delnltia. and for.varArd I.r d ,101%.,watola, and a!, I , ,,ints 4, A wait gnick tlispatql: t 1.11. Gen. Apt. N. P. r... Fr !nt 7,4 re 15. tr;,!). • ;; -011E1T EXCITEMENT IN . rivsian;! • p.tvER ;; FY , ' Oh. yes! r,l t ,• V, .• it ne..l- • ' lala•r r..iltn-i•d • • .lE.n. • Cimoili , g only :72 p :•••. t 2 la: day. tio r nly :e 2p• ••ty all kind , ••nly lay 1 otty cants . 1., '• .1. • lora 541cent,t to SI taw • ••• 1 : Tin'and D.A.. d r.,its •••• • • lug for 12.! Fir yard I ...Id .•:•• Y .ett;tarrn7i with at• 1 Z..:•• • -; sot. Rttl, mavlin; froni Id to al •,••: r.. • • • handrcd. Towanda. dint is:. 1•71. s MESI 1:V1N, Won!d rttipactrit!ly t :•• .torts and ailnalnteinva that 47151 r, ..'•••••a• :E.- Vccit of a fir:A.43o. al-el:tont d: :.r.': TQrk, and will l.e naalikil to t ..ka.:tEd; a;• ' her time pten try•ro tb..11 •••' ,31• : • aWI td , nty. curriNG an! Dual, and po.fcct 1111111111.-r un•••11,...t • • Ifo.mteo/0 r K::I•y' Block, Towanda. • - . T A I OII, SA/lE.- 1 ;U 1 , IA) EN( i SIIT: -.11-. aWk.. tars sAL.A)Y :...c:1 U'.',.;.;• I“ 0. -. of 'l.l L'' Cl'il. J4:ne 22. 1i. , 70.----:t ' ' At va:,,, , , I ..,4 ••• - . 13A KEIt Y AND .15i NOW,' }ir.L tax): r.•:1-111. , vilAt n ., • E 1) ,1' 1 . 1.: u). I; !.. - .?..-:ld:aly and r.. 1.1 12.1 our DlN:lid 1:00.113 with c•-: a Ir. al +, ti:e dad :14 •r!,-,11 AtA. , 3 fin- ac.olz.l2l.ler (i.• r. .t. FrultA, Town.mia, D. sk•ort • A SITTON SALT PUT Cl' 1 Istgeoe,rinall tillint,to4 nty . . . (JANET)I'I;L,IT.-7.'L. l t' llLti rino •. lAwricr, :41.1-aa lWltiettlp ro:rt, .3u.1 41erri. Vti 'SW; T. utiarroLM " 4 C , It. 111 Cry 4 ., 2/ it, ELSESI W-V.; y, =I DI:. If. C'. P I: AND CEACREE:, orsrixs p•R MEI A BEE