Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 30, 1870, Image 2

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    News . Fr9344l,lTatgAs.:,!
Pswego : znx.l4l", 1
fifteen cats:,
—Peaches arebapbt*rdinfiloridal
this Sear. ,: . • -.: 7, I
•---Boston makes if,eqo,ooo worth
of pianos a year. ; • r •••
—A century pkretis is fall bloom
at Giaaaat laiadata aa • • i• - :•
—Canada has: Test hadfler . first
oottiredlarldial. ••• I
1--1 1 / 2 1031idittilti - 440 : T6er t atOrtit
butler Thin era.:
—Fireworta are prolaatod at
rortAge, Virniin•
--- 1 11"nao :I";tsimpton has , beate'a Ida
sword into an fill,TOstian plowshare. -
—Hong-as-kee, Of China, proposes
lestming in tho, south on Coolie labor.
—Bostori boasts of-a Clime' of bells
one hundred and twenty-six ,each odd.
—The Masaachasetts temperance
meg are trying to forma a new pasty. r.
—Banicpr, Maine, is slipping im
mense quantities oddpotatoes to Dustup.
—The 'territorial °lionization of
the Indian territory nifl be milled Douglass.
. . •
- ---A 'Western paper announces.
lirtlis loftier the 'Lead of ' epring-chicitens."
Cltraiette Cashman will return
to America - next August..
—Mr. Spurgeon is about- fort,y-six
'earn eLI, Ile, prearlicd 4,000 sermons before
he WAS twenty-onc.
—The Priuce.of Wales is about to
plireliaso Pollenforo Park, in the north - of Ire
land. '
,--Tke Richmond Enquirer prom
is,A a g-a:ml wheat, tobacco nal oat crop to
ginia, • ,
—Tho laing . quosticrn of the va
rious eiticei: "fire d works or Do , fireworks cm tho
Foitith." • -
Hampshire talks of inereas-
In?, the small salaries of its Supreme Court
- --A ieilibuy post is to be establish
ed on the Ametteanuntlry of the Winnipeg
—Tho oldest son of the Viceroy of
1:4-ypt is about to makes tour in Western Eu 7
-St: john,
_n B. claims one of the
tallest horses in the world, • standing nineteen
bands high.
—A.Nein of lead ore, reported to
be rich, has been discovered at New Enterprise,
IteMord county.
-The Viceroy of Egypt expects to
realize ten millions of dollars by the sale of Land
along the Suez canal. •!1
Pittsburg fashionable wedding
was enlivened by a groomsman and bridesmaid
being married too.
—Montgomery (Alabama) has is
sued $lOO,OOO of eight per cent. bonds to pay for
a citrhall and market bonze.
=The Hannibal' and St. Joseph
Ilailrorul sold last vear 52,G1G acres of land, and
Las got on Muni 15,000 acres.
—Many of the Dakota Indians are
taking homesteads and settling themselves
down to live the life of eivilizatioa.
—A number of colored persons
who emigrated farthfir south are mturning to
)14 r ,irttuna.
—Bath, Me:, thinking it has en
dured the empty name long onJngb, is now
'clamoring for free baths.
--One of Dickens sons is in literatnie,
one in Adstralia, one in the Britimh navy, and a
fourth at a university.
—A Danish ship lying in Boston
harbor, hasa large windmill on board, which is
applied to working the pumps.
—The Democrats will'have a ma
j,,rits of thirtmi in tlio Oregon legislature on
•—Governor Claflin has vetoed. the
Hartford and ErT?aid bill which recently pass
ed the 31ai:saclinsetts
—The House. territorial committee
have decided to report a bill for the admission
of New Mcsiciens a state, to be galled Lincoln.
—John Miller, of Harrisburg, while
promenading a Chicago avenue on Sunday
night, was knocked down and robbed of .S2OO.
of the ten dollar greenbacks
recently stolen from the Treasury ut Washing
ton has turned up at a store in Portland, Me.
—Surgeon C. H. Alden, U. S. A.
has Is . 2cit reliered.from duty, on'. account of ill
health, and ordered to proceed to Philadelphia
mid await orders.
—ln infuriated ex rushed through
nip ”.t:cets of Cincinnati, hat /Sunday ? killing a
ehikl and upsetting, toesing, and iiortug pc,
—Geo. Tongue wits stabbed to
death dt Clei eland, Ohio, the other day by an
asettssin ho mistook him for another man
against whom het harbored a grudge.
—A bill for the relief of the surVir
or, of the Oneida, lost in _tho Yokohama bay,
proviat, , that twelve months or s. , s pay he
gral:tt d.
—Tho total mortality int all the
110.pitals in Paris hat year was 13,167, and for
the pem ni
bayear 18,052, being almost exactly
the bloc. •
—Tho Boston and Albany Rail
road's great cast Boston elevator has been corn
ph, fol. It is ten stories-high, and has capacity
tio- 400,000 bushels'.
—One of the plays of the season in
Paris iN called "I'Americatnes," and represents
the'erooked coin-se of lore between a Yankee
aiel.a trench marquis
—The Secretary -of War has order=
tics the lieutenants of artillery regiments to sem•c
iu turn with 013 light batteries of their regi
ments, go rot to diftcise instruction, ete.
—liorac4 Greeley is a man of let
tem Daring as Absence of two weeks oTor
ImmirecOetters were roceirot for him at
the .71-14urre office.,
—A , Savinnfth man to save his life
had iveently to Imock hie anaitant off' a steam
er into the rive, He then jumped in and roa
med him.
--The following sentence of only
thirty-four letters contains all the 'often' in the
alphabet: "John quickly, extemporized five
tow bags.*
. —The Mayer of Portland gave Or
ders to the police to hare the barber shops in
that city. closed on the Sabbath. A barber has
appealed, and it trill be made a teat CB5O.
—On the second day of July nest
the most important election held in Illinois for
'forty years will take place. The people are then
to accept or reject the new constitution.
—The Methodists, of Cold Spring,
New York, on the Hudson, hare recently erect
ed a new church edifice which they dedicated
the "Grant Methodist Epacopal Church.
-- 2 While'eicavating the cellar for a
new church, In lowa, a ralnabl vein of iron ore
w a s struck, when the trustees concluded to put
lap with their old =Thug-how a while longer.
—An lowa paper says a - wedding
took place•iii the Harrison County Poor House,
a few days a,go, a gay old pauper
.of sixty-eight
Istunmers marrying a lively lady pauper of fifty
!blushhig years.
—Notable men are passing away
very rapidly. The necrology of the past two
months present a list of names famous for years.
On both sides of the Atiantio this 'remarkable
mortality has been developed. .
o Orleans revels in the enjoy
mot of rosy-ch ocked grapes,
sunny pear', liquid watermelon* . blifek themes,
red Flatus, softligg, eaily, apples, and contd..
opes, for they aro plentiful.
—Chief, Justice Chase left ash
iußtonrectlitl.l for Upper 3.lississippi, and will
osit Lake repm for a few weeks.. Ile will their
'tart for the Northem lakes, not spend the re
inder of the . :hat
nitc,i, 1115 r Fine oritill with intense Ind
ill thr 1i 1 , and the ban, which but bc•rn car
-6,1 r.ic ypard, droppod, mgt The wklier at
r,no, experienoll great rclifl, savl in now rapid
:y r4.-myerirg.
E.. 0. GOODRICH. R. W.
Towanda, Thursday, June 80,
. • .
mar There will be no papOrlsira •
from this office next week.
Ttli• - s Argus recently printed sis
iiitaineediticiai L 1 cafe% Via
Danville lidelligencw,. denouncing
Judge, ?Llascr,lor voting against the
repeal of the Income. Tax,. We ar e
gratified iit; being thus able to p ut
both these Demoeratic journals on
the reftord, na favoring the repeal of
this tax, as we paredict that in the
coming canvass, should Congress re
fuse to continue the Income Tax,
we shall have both, of them charging
the Republican party with legislating
for the benefit of the rich, by remov
ing the tax on incomes I
The. Senate recently, by a 'very de
cided vote negatived the proposition
to continuo the Income. Tax, and
there seems to be a prospect that the
measure will fiil in both houses, and
consequently the law will expire by
limitation. ..The- question. does not
seem to assume a partizan aspect in
Congr, ess, as some of .the ablest
speeches, for and against its continu
ance have been Made by Republicans
—both the Senators from this State
opposing it. The views of members
v : cording to the sentiment of
tl a people of their respective districts
the commercial and heavy mann
acturing and mining sections being
opposed, whilst the agricultural die-
I tricts favor the continuance.
We hare already expressed our
opinion in favor of the continuance
of -the Income_ Tax, and we believe
Judge MEE= correctly represents
the feelings and wishes of his con
stituents by his votes. The tax is
galled " odious and inquisitorial."
Any tax is " odious," and if fully
collected, must be in a measure " in
quisitoriaL" But the burdens of tax
ation_ should fall as , lightly as possi
ble.npon the people,; and who more
able to bear them than he whose in
come is largely in excess of his needs.
The industry of the country should be
relieved as far as possible, from all
onerous burdens, while wealth and
luxury should be made to contribute
as largely as is fair s and just, out of its
superabundance to sustain the insti
tutions under whose benificent oper
ations they have been enabled to se
cumulate. In doing this we would
carefully avoid all " class" legislation.
We would not legislate as against the
rich—but we would also consider
that wealth, and largo and extended
business relations are always able to
take care of and protect themselves.
The straggling mechanic and the
hard-working farmer, should not be
crushed beneath a load of taxation—
whilst the Wealthy capitalists, whose
means are invested in bonds or secn-
rities, can pay his fair share of taxes,
without inconvenience. The correct
and equitable principle upon which
all taxation should be based, is to
make it fall as lightly as possible
upon those who have to pay it.
That;the Income Tux is imperfect-
ly collected—that its payment is
evaded by dishonest men, in making
falsC retnnis,.is no argument against
its propriety. Such an objection
might be made against the continu
ance of any system of taxation. It
would apply with equal force to all
the varied relations of life, where as
sessments or taxation become neces-
said—to religious societies and to
political organizations. So long as
men are mercenary, •avaricions, and
dishonest, they will endeavor to es
cape bearing their share of the ex
penses'and burdens incident to gov
ernment or association. And such
men are to be found everywhere. We
know that in this community, there
are men who return honestly their
incomes, while others", with ten times
as large yearly gains commit false
swearing to save the payment of a
few dollars. This is no argument
against the justice , of the law, brit
only proves the melancholy depravi
ty of human nature, which crops out
whenever a dollar is in the balance.
The inquisitorial character of the
law is unquestionably repugnant to
the independent character of the
American people. We don't like to
have anybody prying into our pri-_
rate affairs. ~To such a ridiculous
extent does this feeling prevail, that
the census takers often encounter in
dividuals who resent as impertinent
the asking of questions necessary to
obtain the statistics of the nation !
Large corporations and heavy opera
tors are unwilling to give publicity
to their enormous profits or perhaps
tolhe lack of gains. All these objec
tions apply with equal force to any
.system of taxation, which at' best is
unpopular and at times, perhaps, op
pressive. But the requirements of
the government demand that a cer
, tain amount of money shall be paid
into the treasury yearly to be applied
towards current expenses; and the
reduction of the national debt. How
to raise the largo sum necessary is a
delicate question, requiring much ex
perience and' sound judgment. If
Republicans differ with us, as to the
propriety and justice of the Income
Tax we shall not denounce them, be
cause we believe the members of
Congress are anxiously endeavoring
to fix this question of taiation upon
an equitable and just basis. •
HEAVY Lt au Brit.—The North
umberland county Gazelle Baia Messrs.
Bilhayer, Nogel 4; Co o of Lewisburg,
have received a hill for final* for, the
Sunbury. - and Lewistown - railroad
bridge at Selirtilgrove; =mulling
to $15,918: • , _ ;
Tux ucoiz TAx.
in. Gold closed on Tuesday last
L i , to
October election. Those
far#iika full vote at that time. Be
low we give the net extending the
Alt ear to extend the time so se to avow the
Hasty or Brediord to VOie nal th. PrOdliCal ar
so ad entitled 0 As set to
kir the eseetiets
les holm* lbelbiby
poor fter the, count H. ridled .O,4=LIC,
Amt. Ho enema Apt laisdritind
• throrrosi, belt dot the 0~ ebb;
tors HOS Hasty be WHOM sbrbetaby'sotharbk
*a old oll*Horect %ISM et es rut asset okc't
ttos Sor or &phut the 'arenas at A rimoti Door.
house mare the Portstila of 111 =" 4
es, coo sbasispkebibt hundred HA 'Onkfrat
Med An set to prolidelor tbs oration ota home
for the smit= sad support at the pint tir 114
W adi a
Ilsonos 2.,
1113 gem Ittaietei' isfirste 1).
/frlitehohr.Z.P.lltellrd; Gimp lbobsa. ISItHog
B. sterena, Ihtel .Wlllisto Bowan. ItHertr i
itedtost. perdd , Oso* S. laensum,
John F. Oreeehlre: Ida awe ; /144h:s
bud sad DHOW*.ll.otsHn. sled be weds ere
hereby sulbeelsed slid Histred to set H anumbe.
toms nudes tau prortikHers the erit to which
this Is soPpieromit.
Tux wow irroair.
We published a week or two since a
tale' of horror which has gone , the
rounds of the pro* giving the par-
deniers of thadeath of three circus
musicians, who by en accident to , the
car on which they rode , were ttun
bled into a cage of lions and daicitir;
ed by them. the , follovAng which
sounds very much llite the Chicago
Post, but which we clip from another
paper, discredits the story, which
seems tohave been entirely unfound
ed, and pixrely
" What shall we believe ? Hero
-we published in good faith a few
days since a thrilling story of three
musical blowers belonging to a circus
tumbling into a cage of lions and be
ing incontinently converted , inter
fresh meat for a lionine supper—or
breakfast, we forget which. Now
perverse and unbelieving showmen
say there isn't a 'word of truth in the
shocking story. The lions treated
the musicians with distinguished
consideration, and politely escorted '
them to the door of the cage without
taking even a single juicy steak from
them. The musicians didn't tumble
into the den of lions at all, but went
on blowing their horns with melodi
ous composure. The lions were not
at all hungry; and couldn't digest the
musicians if they had swallowed
them. There weren't any lions at
tached to the circus. There wasn't
any circus. The musicians tumbled
into a den of liars—not lions."
k :4 :Oa w Altr) :4k) :4;71,114
The nomination of Mr. Ackerman
for the Attorney-Generalship means
the recognition of Georgia as a State
in the Union, in spite of the persist
ent efforts of factions in and out of
Congress to befog her true condition
and postpone the day of her deliver
once. It means the. recognition of
the best Union men of Georgia, those
longest identified with the fortunes
of the State, who most heartily ac
cepted the results of the war, and
have most honestly 'and faithfully en
deavored to repair t its breaches: It
means the recognition of Twelve
Millions of our; Countesmen. They
went in, or were swept in, to a war
which left them defeated and deso
late; they have, after frank and man
ly submission, been too long treated
'as if they were to be °forever exclud
ed from trust, were to be taught that
they really were to remain without a
Country;—they are at last shown in
. the most signal way that the Govern
ment they sought to overthrow is
magnanimous enough to forgive and
strong enough to trust, wherever it
finds the forgiveness accepted or the
trust deserved.
HON. Atm A. WELLS, Special
Commissioner of Revenue, says offi
cially that "the unproductives are
the chief makers of laws and institu
tions for the protection of labor and
ingenuity, and shape their devices so
cunningly, and work them so clever
ly, that they grow rich faster than the
producers." Among these cunning
unproductives must be numbered
such men as George Washington,
who signed the first tariff act, "for
the encouragement and protection of
manufactures." A majority of the
first Congress of the United States
are in the same category. The cun
ning unproductives boast such. allies
as Benjamin Fmuldin, who, in • writ
ing to rtni q phre y Marshall April 22,
1781, proposed "to encourage our
young manufacturers in preference
to foreign ones imported among as
from distant" countries." Alexander
Hamilton,' Thomas Jefferson, James
Madison, - Andrew Jackson, and other
American statesmen must also be
numbered with the cunning unpro
ductives of Mr. - Wells, for they were
the urgent advocates of "laws for the
_protection of labor and ingenuity"
Placing these men upon one side,
and Mr. Wells upon the other, there
is such a contrast as cannot 4 be con
sidered favorable to him. If they
were non-producers, what has he
produced? Nothing which is esteem
ed by his - own countrymen. The
praise of the New York correspond
ent of thei,ondon limes : and the ap
proval of the Cobden Club do not
elevate our Special Cocomissiciner to
such a niche of fame that he can look
do*n upon the great statesmen who
gave form and character to our re-'
pnblidan institutions.
260-The new shops of the Penn
sylvauia, railroad, Bow in course of
construction at Altoona, it is - stated
cover an area of twenty acres, - and
comprise an iron Machine shop, a,!
planing emill, a blaclunaithshop;
inet work shop,' and three7(tuari4,
round brick building, for the repair
of freight cars,. eighty 'of which, en&
be rebvalt at the sane time. "file
capacity of like .new 860 IsOfir
pnes that of the tad,- and the btul4-
jugs can bc enlarged wlien required.
These improvenienti . werU cotninene
ed last summer, Und'‘viri/1 be. complet
ed in the spring of
AugsburgAtllgeimineZeilung awn,
'mates the truth as nearly as any
we shalt get before it official
ly Preeltdgeted;VihitiPai*iittle.,
!moiling-Quit _the_oppoiliiikm.,4l,
bindthemselves te .vote_ against
WhilitY g,p.Aeefielent_ :to
that clog, andthatee4ar Akan he,
ingireakened idnee the Council Otioini
ed t he : Or l , ri t,!° / "*. '?M
Oritelith the eerreeiae4e 3l P l o 6 i f`
"In it .4.3 ,Gennans
m l / 2 'o Alight.Ateerhatee, 29 French.
Emu, - X"o.Be- and - 13,
are enumms, _ The large inal I
of bishopo boil the United %des in
which aonfdeajce is placed is remark.;
able. When they came Wilma 01-!
+oat all of them were inclined to
heir,: ler: the, new ; &Sat. lint:here
eyehave been gradually open'ed.., 'lle contomptwur And, deaptot-i
ic, treatinent to which ; the bishops
have . been exposed, the sight a. Qui
fawning flattery. of thoee who ~call
theves successors of the apostlei
and the pitiable !sophistry . employed
to.. turn, and twist little historical
facts, as for example those with ref-i
erenre to Honerms, have all filled
the republicans with loathing and
disgust, and obliged them to take the
other side. The principal strength
of the Papal party Consists of :,the' ,
150 bishops from the kingdom of
aly, the 148 from the, Papal States;
and the 120 titular bishops, for the
most part , crested by the present
Popo, who hate no cure, of souls and
represent nobody but.themselves, or
ratherlim who raised them from tho
dust, and set. mitres upon their
A correspondent of the .Leipsic
Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung estimates
the number who will vote against
the dogma at from 150 to 160, and
says, "It is considered impossible
" that the Pope should venture to
"promulgate the dogma in a public
" sitting in the face of, so largo a mi
" nority, among whom Cardinals and
" Bishops of the most civilized Oath
"olio ccrantries are to be found."
Sustained in his ambitions views by
a large majority of the Council, the
Pope, we imagine, will pay very-little
attention to the views of the minority,
however respectable it may be in
point of numbers and character.
The Democracy of the Buckeye
State seem, like their brethren else
where, to be troubled. with a little
discord in the ranks. The kite State
Convention, as a measure of policy,
evaded the repudiation question, al
though it is well known that two
thirds- of the delegates secretly favor
ed the doctrine, and .that . quite as
large a proportion of the party open
ly advocate it. On this and 'other
qnestions which the Convention
,dirank from touching, the local De
iniocracy are declaring their opin
ions boldly in their county conven
tions. The " unterrified " of Mercer
county held a county convention on
the 11th instant, at which they liter
ally kicked to'pieces the State plat
form, and constructed ono for them
selves of entirely different planks.
How the Matter will be reconciled,
or whether it can be reconciled at
all, remains to be seen. The Mercer
county Democrats take their stand
on these two emphatic and unambig
uous resolutions:
- 1. That the so-called war debt is a
fraud and a swindle, and was created
under false pretenses and in- viola
tion of the Constitution; we are,
therefore, uncompromisingy infayor
Of REPIIDISTMG the whole of (he bonded
war debt of the United States.
2. That we are unalterably oppos
ed to negro citizenship and negro
suffrage; that the fifteenth amend
ment to the Constitution of the Unit
ed States was forced upon the people
by trickery and fraud, and against
their well known wishes, and is there
fore illegal, void and of no 'binding
force whatever.
LEOISLATTIE. —The citiXeris of Virst'n
ia have been for some months exer
cised over the fate of the bill in the
their Legislature concerning votes
upon shares in corporations. Thai
our readers may understand its ob
ject, we , will state that it is to give to
each share of stock in all corporations
for internal improvements a vote,
while heretofore the law has been
that the first ten shares daunt' ten
votes, while . all above ten are subject
ed to a scaloof one vote to every four
shares, the fractions being thrown olt
For instance, the State of Virginia
'his 17,490 shares in the Orange and
Alexandria railroad, and only voted
4,380. Now, muter this bill, she will
vote 17,490. This will, in a great
measure, give to_Vitinia the control
of her internal liaprovements..
This bill has. been , brought up in
the House of Representatives at Rich
mond, and a vote falcon, as follows :
59 for it 35 iimbust it. It is to bo
hoped that it:will be eipuißy emcees.;
fat in the Senate, for if it is passed
and should become a law John
W. Garrett wi l'ose his dotainifion
of Virginia rnilwaya
sfir The following notice has been
sent to 'all bankers and brokers on
this continent:
teitett States . notes, sories of ..1860.
Two thousand 'notes; of ten dollars
et4,./i'dm Na.'E 3 ,530;001, to .NO. l
n3,532 - ,000i; both ".;inoltu3iTo,, l wera
Attcileii kora - the.' Ziplairy. ;No ! $lO
notes, of aloindierluqheithin
%OOP 41,Lyd been rlika24-
loOkOnt . for noted;,.the:Shge #1;.,14",
'aria x bettii4itoli:q7pev
':adii;thronih, 'Ads() .instraidenfidify.
the thief may be deteetetl.,Hold iiar.kl
ties r rpen!- f ip g ,_tilo:.ool44o63, (if
1 t o'_' and; in
i i kV! 4B6'a tj * i V ie 20 4144, 1 P 111-a ta 4
i. IP+sui , E..„,
r.'IO.IF4.TIL'Or fi.
/110 . 11.i1L
more of
to ibis
ath rgykd
than have a dbistoia in tia pirty, he
srmal.dfavor. ~ ,
-114112411.- 1
several elaW/MI - ra f w*--1 3 1 - ,,A 1 0
DenicOrsta'aliela*,:tW M , 4 0 4 4 44
I teriasid alitiracteilif Oaf:: . ~ :Thd
1 ,1644C . .,' After aoruddei r shlei` :-.: ... : I
(thi; Dawes
.iiidOtidit' lisle' - .. 1 : , . 1, 1 ,
iillalhildli' si=tr I The':l4#/t,
I paised, is ea- • • :' I , r: Yt -1 ir 1
An Aor relitingin the State Of Geor4 1
- Be d'gnactlx4 (60,4 - Thst the .tiestel
174 Giviliiilifiibleealagentidilltha
vie:S*Boodb* 'lliotic. end . i
teentli \audlifteilitli amend tern-
del to the s ...tiliedf the, ,',Cf,ii.i
ed SigetailtiOn . -- la gel 4
eithirta 1.01 , -:, ' ; -.:. ' L td SIM
Obi* It fe here '-• '' - 'thei r : el,
State Of alined hi S
trititto . ,
imitation in the : ... Otte ili-i
- tea States; ' Bat a . ..„ - la t,14 ict
contained ' shall 'tie' ionitnierid
deprixe the people of flegnia Of ilis,
right to ad (abetted for naelnfoldriof,
the General Assembly of aa4d, SW
ail innividedfoi,in thd'Con.Wtution
of said - State. ' "' - ' • •
*Semis 2. And be'it - ftirtker enSel
'ed,' Mutt so mieh of thenefantitted
,f Ali 'set making s.oFedPeietiene..,„_ for
tieripporref tne arroifele enetveF ,
ending Jane 80, 8C8,) and l'Or Mem
.rePosee," approved Meech. 2 c 11 364 4
as prohibits the orenization, arming
Or calling into service of the militia
forces in the States of GeoNia,,Mise
isidppih. Texas, and Puipam le and
' the same is herebY," ' ~-
.The Senate to-den a rote at 84
r r .
to 28, struck from the x bill all- the
sections relating, to' the income tai, •
thus aboliehing. that tax entirely.
The Committee on Finance was not ' this, and their . p lans
prepared for • r a
were so much derM' iged, with regard
to the reduction of thetaxes, that
1 they asked tolave the further con
sideration of the bill postponed until
, next Monday, so as to me them an 1
1- opportimity toadjust the other fea
tures of the hill ton:met this Change.
They had Made : a l l their calcubitious
of reducing the taxes on dm, basis of
retaining the tax on all incomes of
1 over two thousand, dollars. The an
nouncement of the abolition' of ' the
tax was received with much satisfac
tion in the House, and it is believed.
that body will concur with the Seva i
ate. It is stated
-that Senator • Sher
man intends to move to strike out all
that part of the bill,' relating to the
tarifiron the ground that there is no
' thing satiatactory in , the tariff bill
proposed by the House.: The 'min?-
' &Rion is to allovt.the traiff to remain
ail it is fOr another year,
Democratic Members of Congress
have appointed a committee and is
sued an address advising , their-polit
ical Mends in - the several States to
be particular in the selection of their
candidates for Congress. Those .of
the South to be such that if elected
they can take the required oath.
Importance is also given to 'the fact
that one-third of the United States
Senators are to be elected by the
1 Legislatures', soon to be elected,.
Therefore, they call npon Deihl:rends
to adopt suitable measures to secure
the election of the largest possible
number of merebers thereof in view
of this fact ' ..
The story presented in the Wash
ington despatches in the 'New York
Tribune of to-day,,yelative the resig
nation of Secretary Fish and the. re
call of Minister Motley, is a Fire fab
rication,' and the President authoriz
es its denial. So far as the President
is advised, Mr. Fish hullo intention
either of resigning- from; the State
Department or of accepting the mis
sion to England,dor has the Presi
dent any idea of recalling Mr. Mot
The Senate held a brief executive
session this afternoon, and agreedto
take up the San Domingo 'treaty' t o
executive session on Monday at one
o'clock. It is stated by members' of
the select committee that _ conducted
the Hatch - Babcock investi gation'that
the result of, Wail' ',Akin.. strength
en the treaty than do anything to in
jure its prospects. Senator Nye will
make a report to the Senate too-mor
row concerning, this . ' investigation.
The majority report exonerates Gen
eral 'Babcock.. ' • '
The new Attorney General, 'itrx.
Ackerman, has arritedhere, but will
not qualify for:a few 'weeks in order
toallow Judge Hoar to finish up
some business, matters connected
with his -office.. To-day • Attorney
General Ackernitin was on the 'floor
of the Senate, and was introduced to
many. Senatiore: He hastlignilled his
intention , to ae,cept,,the,eppointment.
• Hon. Jelin A.' Bingham, chairman
of the JudiCii r Comniittro, which
has been in tang the eircura
!dames 'corm with. the' assault of
Pat Woods upon Congrosimad Per
ter,iof Virgam, submitted a tert
to the Rouse, yesterday, showingthat
' the 'assault -sae, pre meditated, and
that it was made by' Woods' .on ac
count of Mr. Pinter being a Itepub
'lieut. Appended to the report was
a resolutied .Wtxods
be' ' directing that
imprisionesi fir three months in the
'District jail, *hick rilll be 'taldni r - np
next Thursday. , ' ' ' -
. The 'Demooratie . "members.; of the
'committee have , bnuriitted 'a ` ; min;•
brit) , report re., 0 0 *ding that their .
Mend Pat be discharged from caste»
1:1y. : ' -
itir The_ chicago Republican apt
rec4ates t he: President's , indepen.
dence in the selection at: his. licers.
He picks' hie lien, says lie. ./I'entbi r k..
can; as l he did 'soldiers, - for their
fitness, iigneaty, and integrity of puT
pose. it iris bad, habit; .no - donht,
and gives much Personal
abnee t but the penle seem to stand
it pretty i well. In, fact, they rather
enjoy,it. •
FaAliE4o Paavzsa.-Thir 'tailed
Statee Senate bite; after tivo iliorOte
co4si_der l 4o_,_
_ 11, 2 defeated , #0'.149*
bill abolishleg the franking pritilege 4
by a ,ajority.ottivo lirge mum ,
ber'<if - Pb 2 *s*ere dP .
'dined to vote.
1014 destiliaiffirlya 0004arritit
11(!tailin,g, on, Sundiiplast; by which
NtiTtrty.bilani* to Reaping 1t R.
'PP:; 't° qf ;Ifiuld*ed
gioi4Fia dOitFtPica•
_„ , .
1865, cost $lBO,OOO, and noting
but the bare walla now remain.
•• : • - of thiai WalleWlll have
en as the intense heat
the, stone into :lime.
-Tbieload not-be 1101/~04,11111111i1
it t*i i n Wif i l d P) l o /t111 T#:
11: 442 /01 M".E! !:M l' ,,t 3) olP
t. oota,o.'epalie, of
'too by la* " awl . tbit. - b1404
ctuiethateri: I'l4 *the
third eltoti that the eomninihaa
Theinreooo ll o4 4 6 9: 54 a 44 0
0440 1 4 : 0 902; ', 441C 11 ::be*Pa
it wile the runift*eptines*ecim
hages.',•"The cOinp4i ; ilfituder
'44; irM ' • idooopa, to
riAiroct thel,w43ol:': '
''; 8111100Lik , : -- z-T,
VOSitiW'Oretiiirog a CwitWWWl With
'Thimasaeffeisaq,coandity Behi,o6ls
ana#the',l•ooool, trut , `- rui*d
at the anniiereary . Aft' b ',day.
Mr: WelWrotelrou} , field m
140 'bilat,latoot bne .4 tit
-Mat . '0f.tb9,67. Itleads
our in the filth of truth and
sagoility, ind'inaktis them good men
and,*nithhd eitiinna. As, . a School
Of reVons inskrwati9n it is of inesti
kiiMe ;ni,a civil institution, it
'4B *Week and has .done, more .to
prefferra iltr, liberties then 'grave
statearien and,artried soldiers: , ,
* * -
"Many years ago spenta Sabbath
with Thomas Jefferson at ' his resi
dence. in. Virginia. It was in the ,
month of J a ne, and the weather was
c ` ll ' ll -tiz. " Jeffereciti observed that iglu,
day schools presented the only legiti,
mate means under the Constitution,
of avoiding the: rock on which the
French Beiniblic was wrecked.
‘Barkersaid he, 'never tittered a
more important truth than when he
exclaimed that ," a religious education
is the cheap defence of ' nations."
Bailee has done more for our coun
try than the present generation will
aekiniviedge. I have always said
and will always say that_the atndious
perusal of the sacred volume will
make better citizens, .better fatheis
and better husbands.' * *
"D. WEssrsu." '
. ,
_, 1 ,
Y176. , --414ix years from the ap
proaching fourth of July, the -time
will have arrived for a grand nation
al. indebration 4 event which that
diiconimem It will be' the
one hnidredth y -of that, anniver
sary, sod the public mind is already
looking forward to its arrival with a
good deal of anxiety. , _
The citizens of Philadelphia claim
the right to have the celebration take
place in that city, and we do not see
that that claim can beifairly resisted.
It was there that the Declaration .of
Independence was published to the
world, and surely that; fact is suffi
,eient to designate that city as the
spot Where the celebration should
take place. ,
It is proposed to have an Interna
tional ]position oltheindustaies of
all nations at that time, and the idea
seems en excellent one 4. It will re
qUire a good deal of time and labor
to make the necessary preparations;
and the Philadelphians are already
at work. The Committee on Manu
facture and Foreign Affairs ,have jest
visited Philadelphia to ascertain the
feeling of the people on the subject,
and the facilities likely to be pro
vided for the eiposition, They were
warmly, welcomed, and every indica
tion given , necessary to • convince
them of the poprdarity of the propo
sitidii, and the obvious propriety of
selecting Philadelphia as the place.,
/fir Hon. T, B. Counsrr, the Fe-
publinur nominee for. the Governor=
ship of Delaware, in his letter accept
ing the nomination, reflects severely
on the Usual manner of conducting
polit i cal campaigns, and has a word
to say on the use of money to influ
ence votes.. ge says: •
" Allow me to say a word in regard
to the use of money during the cam
paign; thou,gh in doing so I may lay
myself liable to the loss of a few
votes in certain quarters. Yet, if
there is not in the religious and mor
al portion of the opposite party a
sufficient amount of interest in the
purity of the ballot-box to make up
'my lee% let me suffer the COMM.
quence; it will be no more than I
have done before.
"Bribery at the polls has grown
to an alarming extent in this State.
It is a disgrace to any community
claiming either Christianity or mor
ality'' It ought to be abated, or re
publican government will, soon be
tinning the - things that were. I hope
that' no - money, from any source
Whatever; will be used for .-bnying
votes, in the coming campaign. Iso
detest 'and abhor the whole thing
that I would sooner be defeated than
so elected."
, 11 fr PasMnirtrr Giorr'sAmmusrat
the,Republican State Con
ventions held since the inauguration
bi Preeidento turr have indorsed his
adni*,ratiion, the , best possible evi-
Aencotliat the country approies his
policy. And why should it: . nei ?
.since the tole aim of his adminititra
tion`ikto adininister the laws faithi•
fatly, to reduce ' the'Publie l debt, less
en the burthen ot,tttaation, Maintain
the national honor, infuse,confidence
into the public mind, prornotegenei
tdpiciperfty, and restore the era ''of
ilooale,eling• 'lmbraus *
cenducten upon wise, liberal and
tricot& ptinciphis, -cannot fail to meet
with s general andgenerinutreiponSe
•"* 411 4 6 9P1e , '
• e,tarl of blstindon — , Secie;
tug ottatste for, Foreign• : .Affairs ,
!lied at lialf-Pad' °Woolf this
motidrie. I:;den. , sd4-
*Asti m for tile past feit'sdays l :frOia
etteek a the diarrhea.
thaVA 1316107
thing a few yr
tins Ind no
were sold like
now .that a fe%
in idnanelneum
gum at .eeve,.
they print long editofials, expressing
their horror, under, the . haw, "nle
:tar see ikiftaFteti that a con
vaition of the Eforiiiial Choi& in
Winona* lusa adopted the following
"E'rery comniusdattiot this church married
outside of przr=u vi =Wed by
other thin's: bVititildserch, ithag
stand pro/tido
hunicated;/ Y TI 9Y 9P / 40 1 1 -
ilf BhMild
at once
inletwr of
IS. it has been deckled that :",The
Mystery, : of
~,gdisin. ,Drat 49
Theekeray's 14 Den*--Dtmsl" shall
forever renildnyndb*ecl. Chaip.
lean, the pnblisher': of DiekSn's
works, hag sent a idatenient -to the
ner 3 Psliiilit*t 074 one - helf of
pickeni last diary was written: ) It
will Ix , published, ps aa, it rag
written, and no one -will be allowed
. .
TO THE Ba:stater
.A. being aware of the great need In Towanda of
Repair Ahoy, la nay prepared to do a Aineral , job
.bing bulimia of aver7tV g ib 2 4-Per"
tame to WATCHIIIMING and trialt G. 'wr
ing bad' several several are experience in the beallnesa be
feels confident thatbe can gtre roVre.sallabcalon.
Give him a call. Alt work warranted.
0. A. miaow,
Wickham & Black's More, Mataat.
„Towanda, Pa.; June 21, 1870.-6 t
Win opens Singing School.. for We Instruction. of
children from 74 3 1: m cirs of age In the Presbyter:
Ysa Church.on . 1. 1870. The term
win consist of twenty enons, of one hour each.
Sesdons to commence, at 9 o'clock, a. at. .
Towanda:Jane 98.1870.
• -
-LI that applicatiOnwill be made et the teat meet!
tug Of the Legialatureef Pennsylvanii for thalami ,
poratiou of a Savings Bank. to - be known as the
Athens Savings Bank, tohnrea capital of fifty thaw.
and della:smith authority to increase the same teeny
amount not exceeding three hundred thousand
t The objects of said bank are to receive moue;
on dpeosit and to discount notes, bills, kw.. end to
exercise general banking privileges. to be located in
the borough of Athena, county of Bradford, with
authority to establish breaches at Allier places in
said county. ilmelo.lo-6m
C The Undersigned-offers his farm for ale, situa
ted on the State road, two miles from Sleveruiville.
and three tulles from Leltaywrille, centair=
85 acres , over . 70 acres Improved and the
well timbered. A homey two barn, a good orchard.
and peach, pear, plumb, .and cherry trees in abun-
dance, thereon. 'For further particulars apply to
I. mums..
Stevensville, Pa.
June 28,1870--4t+
DISSOLUTION.—The partnership
heretofore existing under the firm name of
& IVISALVER. tends day dissolved by mu
fti! consult. All persons indebted are requested to
make immediate payment to WEER .Bncrs., true.
t4..WlCC..k..WarrlFterl and all hills Ida be
settled by mem. P. 33. WA.II.IIIXES.
• . STU= hicitEE..
Frtnklindule;px.amtu 71, 4870.40
PER E01..4.• -
Oh. ietil oh. pee l inalr.ea'me laugh friknoir that
labor la reduced one-half.
Graining only $2 per day. Pocelkn finishing only.
$2 perdu. Glazing only $2 per diy. Painting of
all kinds.only $2 per day. Blinds painted green at
only 73 cenLs to sLper pair. Blinds common col.
lore 50 tento to $ 1 per pair, and all materials tarnish
ed. Tin and Decked roofs painted with patent roof
ing for 12% cents per yard. I will also furnish my
customers with ;mad and Zino of the best quality at
cost, thus saving from 10 to 23 per cent. on every
hundred. ' F. E. POST.
Towanda. AuraelB, 1670.-tf No. 32 Second-at.
RS:: 11, E, atiRVEsT,
Would respectfully announce to hs; rinmerinis pat
vans and loanainteneve that she has secured Rio ser
vices of a firskelassi assistant dressmaker froM New
York. and will be moot all demands upon
her time wltlt even more Manlier usual promptness
awl fidelity. CUTTING and FITTEsiG done in a
'neat and perfect manner on short notice. =
Rooms over Port , v t. Itirlers Drug store, Mercnr's
mock. Towanda• . - Irene .'7O.
able for c S!LOON and DWELLING. Inquire
11. B. DAMP.
.Wyalusing, Pa.
;lane 22, 1670.-4 V
TILSSOLUTION.—The copartner
ship...i., heretofore existingbetecetsthe subscrib.
efs, Unger the Arm wee of- Ward k Diren in the
=business' is thle day .dlaselred by 'mutual eau
1• . .
alliersena Indebted to the late firm are requested
to eall gibe Oise ol.Ward & Montanye, (nutessore
to Ward k Dine) and kettle the same immediately.
al.Mt. DIVES.
Towanda, Jane 8,'70.
cip attention Inv stork, just rteeiveil,
and now open, of
• • for • ,
Tiro assortment being complete in every way.
ToWantia, Juno 15, 1870..
60,000 NOW IN i3SE.
8,000 SOLD IN 1869.
Ris a coniple,te Mincer.• 11 is a Limy
j)lete Revd: The Rest Combined
The ZEST Two-Wheerlifin l ver Made.
NO BIDE nnAuentr
It Lee new and nimble feataatvil. Ton shonkt Mria
It by all means. It is well-male and Waled. Piti43
reagloiallo• I ' • I
An inducement offered to the first primnasert
any win" in Ifraittoki cotinty. Send for Circular,
_ '• inmszo, ;
'swamis, Pa., Jane 16. 1870. - Agent.
. d• • ,- • • -- "7" . ' 4
Nntit farther notice prima at yard, era
s 3 00
$6 00
littaton Nut $34t75
- 50
Leave.Ordera at inzr Coal srteek No. 3, Ilat
,:ctuaNew-Ilkml4. south pada. -
*1 Orders must In all ease ba accomixinled 101
Towanda; Juno 1,"10. . . - It.. M. WELL:
BA KE R Y ' OD )DIi k TP 44S Wi 311
Prat block Myth 9t : 16 * 1 6 4 4 ;
11.1 t EA D PI E S;. C A ,
• "
baked daily azeirrold'atidlotesibViud
• • ‘i.
, In our DIIIINB DOOMS ucwilf accommodate the
fpubltd With'eltlatit lamb ors getal mild at all times
ADA day andrTonidg. :
O 1 2') id fivait
au Irani ddriiig theLr '
;l a t . Drot'orlos,Cputooticmorr.
r; XorrluA6li IP. #7O. D. W. scan t co.'.
!few Tort. tpliustl*l, lace.
• wandisaises*swillirszonrit
131 1 "-MVIID. •06,-
mit parts ,o ntrasu. won Luz cunt.
07 A
view. Am.
p'. err, - ' if. ;''r"!
* lr 3111/11"1/A6M.Ple04 1 4,g 0 X 21 1 4 nniggn• S
b. 44 :!!”.11 1 ,3VPT 11 1 ,0 4944 1
from inityee Denise:
• • '
Iladak own preportimot gene. more put.
able than shy ncr,",l2,2ute.
as DAD M - L
I)iINAPUI. api - s dirk-
0614.1 t s • pLsl *lt emit. 1111 1 . tnee ;;the
action of ythidige).
didn CU°
" Mar t
aigriVaitagotinon des fig the
,014004Wg Li& • Tbe Sitio zetio;
• • ; tine sisigkot qnsititr of ub other
abi.!4? . be & noetare.
u tos&i m PbsisseisKia. Doi Is It imp. am
therilore can be
,raorr 71!ero foyer or lofis.
Fiiima edit. Sti this, ycni hove the kneeled ite et
UM . lnividkrati dud the mode of iiinnutton.
Hoping that you trUl toot It with a trial. and
.that 'rpm Iturim,a la will.wet witt! our appro.
-With a feeling of confidence.
Iva, Ten. reapecOally. ,
• mi.:mm=6.
t . tb!mthtt mud Draggled of 1 years experience
Err*. the lard matiticturipg Chemist" In the
I am acquainted with hir..H. T. , Hthabold; he
occupied the Drug Store opposite rut residence. and
wets eneeersral In exitubictiing the lmeinees where
otttershisl not boon equally so before him. I have
been favorably impreasedwjkhis character and en
Firm at Powets A Welibtmars, MannActuripg
Chembp. Ninth and Brawn
HELYnorm's 71.ctry. Errnaer SUCI11:1, for wells
: liess,flrfaing from indiscretion. The exhausted pow-
cm of Natnro mid& are accompanied by an =ay
'damning nyinvionnt, antoni wttfeh willbe found, In
disposition to Exeition. Loss of Memory, Wakeful.
nesa,ftof . Disease, or For,eluidings of Evll ; in
fad. Universal Lassitude,. Prostration, and insttility
to enterinto the ofijoynients of 18!)cioty,
The constitution, once niTccied with-Orwla
Weskners, requireti the tad of median* to ttrengtlt
an 24,1 invigorate the srystem, **lt LIELSTDOLDI3
lIXTRAQT SUOMI invariably -does. If tic , treat
went is submitteit to, Coruniamtion or inanity en,
Ilmmotm's non) Ern?.Acr 0? Bram, In af.
feetiorm peculiar to Females. is unequalled by any
Whet preparsiti)ti; as in Cblorosts, or ,netention.
Painfulness, or Sahirrns Sid" of tlie team, and all
complaints incident to . .tbe cer, or the decline or
elmulge of Me
norm; Bon Won will radically eaten:nit:my from
the sistem, diseases arising from - habits of dlssipa-t
Lion, • little oxpenee, little: or no cbango in det, no
theoncentenco or giro/met; completely enpeseeding
those unpleasant and daemons rome(Hee, Copaiva
andliercnrr, theie diNcrzes
Use Humor 5.% From ErraseT rIICIIII In all
diseases of the*ormine, whether existing In male or
female. from whatever canoe originating, and no
matter of how long standing. It is pleasant in taste
and od or, .dramedlato" in action, and more at
erring than any of the preparation of Dark or Iron
.• 3 •
Thom suffering' from braeo•dinn or . delicate
constitutions. procuro the remedy at °rice
The reader meat be aware that. bewererldighi
mg lie Akio attack of the ibirce Alseasea, It la certain
to Whet the bodily health and powers
• .
All the One tllleiiites refill.e the old of
retie. anunours EXTRACT BIICIIII is the
69at Dintrett9.
Sold by Driggide r,overirwhere. Pnlcs-41.23
per bottle, ore lig:Atka for E 6,30.. Delirero4 to any
address. Describe Symptoms in alreormanica-
Addiess*T; IXIMAtBOLI), Dior, ana Chord-
ad Wberrhiluse. 5915*o:dim'. N.Y
- _
Steel,engrayeti wr!ipilor, t h lac•niiullc of nip Chem!
cillatarclipuse, and signed
t . •
nay 19.• y
/ " . Nrlo!liewift'imAt.
,W,A.:N trf - A' . . ItBE T
num= ?Amyx
in l
COrrected ever/ 77 ranrodkr
.B. PATen. 4= dmiral daily. •
nye, ti bulb • • •/ .....
landiabeid. bap , • .... ...
0014,11 innhi••••••.• .. ..... •
Beans, SI• bona • • • ••
.0714 Y7O
•-• do IdanYi ni 1b
mg i Ll dot .
, s butt
• 7to 4. op
Mom trßdali •
1 o)
• - atafinarra car Otanr•—Wbeat GM. ; COM Wpm..
Bye SS lba.; Osta Iter.; Barley Wlba.; saehu,
ad Bra.; Beano da lbw.; Bran no lbs.; Clover &deo i
;. geed 44 lbs. ; Dried Parasol 83
/Mod Apple.. Maw Mr geed 60 no.;
M e* add &vD :wart m tta Maws elee the Nada at Ws Mee inn
' ' • Arra*.
Northers Yett,... ........ 7:15 i. r...... .. .D:l5 t. W.
&mum •4 . " ' Jai P. N. ........ 7:ii c x
Trot . ....,.....im00 u. ...... I :DO
Canton - . .... ; .......... t. at. .. .. ..... 110 p. It
Dnatiare .... 1 ' 11d10 a. re. ... ... • Ite
... • ) 4 4
Leilayeadaa ... : - 11070 a. a. ....... 12110 a.
Sudsy .. ; ..... 22 dio IL ........, ; 00 4.
Eaton meal arrives every Monday, Wedziw ay im
ir=arikoo&Parte et 700 A. M. 0,
. Ttarrado7, sad detardar.
Liberty Corners mil arrives every Madl, Thy n ,.
. day sad latardry at Q 9 4.a. 0 Departs name 112:
• at
sarau • maili dese MT aafearee &Amp, fia t if 6.
snort • and fie red& sera aad mat caw te af...
pnrami. - • 11. W. ALVOID. P.M.
. .
Is now offered to the farrows of Bradford mato7,
as the rheillanit. host shaPhse and practicable e e .
chine for
s movg Irma re siirtng tray'. Mule it 1,
also tronger in
; more durable, cud of
thanmade.. , spy 'Other mower now
It is composed Ideally of ht teen, raw
and steeluept the Ines. , totem ei
nockyoke. It big no useless bolas tat below., j ,
his no iddeetranght The linger Bar is anthem
hinges of joints. When in operation, tt can be rib ,
od by m e keeee to, any i' . 4 lzilled belga , men to
..pupe ndlcular. The
',Pitman, and will run In any position, of the atm,
DM This novel invention. used up hot la maw..„
'only, makes the only really ffertibla Fhipir Bar rt
invented. To saved friction and to regulate the
height of the cut, an adjustable wbbel le placed at
each end of the Finger Bar. • jj • ,
iItAILANTIC.—The 'Yzancrw lirso Ifirtnia ta goo.
mitred to be capable of mating, in a vorktualtir
manner, from ten to twelve acres of gram per dif.
The purchaser will be allowed to um It one halt d al
upon trial. If from any cause it fails to work
notice =Wet be given to the Agent, andproper time
allowed hire to mi it in order. If it again itda to
work well; it wi4 be taken beck and the Mat" h .
funded, or another machine given in lea place, et its
option of the pinctimer: Continued pomession ra
'the machine will be deemed as eridence of Denbo.
ion. Pot further partimdare apply to, or addrem,
J. 8. MANLEY, age., cum., pr,
or B. A.:CIZANSIER, Monroetot, pa,
June 21t, 1870.—'-dt•
This Is the only Tedder In the =slog that an
notelog in long wet grass. It ta of light draneht•
durably made, anebwell adapted to uneven grceed.
Having used ono the past season, 1 say;', withal:dins
of contrailiction, that they will pay at least 50 yr
cent. on investment, on any well mutated fm - ro.
The subscriber ltas ore and tr..° horse Tedder kr
sale at manufacturer's prices. Also agent for tb.:
sale of Wheeler. Meleck A: Co.'s celcbrateeTbre.L.
Mg Machines, which are so well favorably keexe
that no word of ours can add to their rep:three.
Raving had 18 years experience In the Threshiee
business Hatters himself that he can give entirs's.n.
Isfaction in setting up machines. All ardersl.7,
mall promptly attended to. Ej 1. A 1.1.18,
jm.e2.'7o—lta Routh Hill, Bradford Ca., re
JOR SALE.—A Large House aL,I
Lot is th by 220 feet. Thu is a lane tm-
Atary frbanc. containing eleven rooms, tone of th,
very 'lug, - All way u&svly palms-d and
throughout Shia spring. la !notable for a Wants,:
Haase or , PtiVato East:lance. Trrius ,••
particitlars apply au the pr , -niipea, or a3t12,57.
Ev 4 ILFP., Ika 433. Taranda;Pa. ;uti, 22-2
Ncrrexors 4.1854
• If 1. 196 acren, aqualo in Wricx tvp.,
Bra4t.fortl county. Pa. 110 sercal itormyed.
buildinrs and fruit treex. Entrirc oil. W. POVIS,
on the ptrittiv , , war Myereourg.
Wysox, June 21, 1370._:.1n0t
El PLANTS. all kinfils of early and late C•it
bage Planta now ready and in fine c=lon to vt.
JL/ ham% nicely fitted up, and for wile by
jannl,`To, MrC.A.BE k )LU.
NO TlCE.—This is to notify my
<dmers that iiiv tame Scup rill-he,r.•afbrbe
clo.ed on the llabbath day, B. F. FLF.TCHF.I4
April 213, 1870. Wird Throe. h.. r .
A. CHINE! Price, l'4 9 •0 0 .•13
The time use come then almost every family• c.u•
afford a Sewirg In selecting one, the meo
important point,: to be (!onehlercd are firet, to me
a eub.tatitial, wen-made machine, me, comp . Oeed
as few parts as poßsiNe, that-it may not
atant arljnslang.
One that lo noieAs and ra.,3- to I Irrate. is clan
dee:in:We. Final. to L!et on-• no ~,,e r ibed at
tonsil expense.
braces these important paints. '
It is constructed on the principle of rembirunc the
greatest strength - with the letet frkton. :O/ th.
smaltelt amount of machinery cousi,eaUt sib the
propel . ecret:tion of the work producing a ra.LIL6 ,
P'rftetty simP, cosily manng.d, to rat ! !,, and tot h
abit, to get out of roped',
It Maker, a-strong and p••rf , ..t!y nam.whi,h
will not rip ore rcrd Icy iret,r, and cannot ire taa.k, n
by Ftretalng. %emitting or ; m ither ran it 1.•
pal:M4:lr worked apart. even 111 ! Ftl the Ptit,hrs are
rapcatediy cart or broken, rod yrt It ran be nry,l
when neces.iat7 without tP,ilions rapt, of time, • r
injury to the
It Will PCW with ease and raiaditY rr•ra r*rie l y l
tre.ilen, linen and /ilk rode, from thr fint:ot
the coarsrst, and of any required tideirnota,
any am.l of good thread.
The Machine is fitted with a Ittfrist 2too-Re—erhti ,
.1 fladnrof, which renders it ituDossible in rila it In
the wrong direction. Thin will commend it :elf to
all. rnpeciaiiy to beginners.
For Stitolting, Ilenurang, Felitug. Dimling Cord.
ing. Braiding. Beaming. Embroitlering..Ttictinit
Quilting and iothering, theee Machines have nt,
',crier. Every Machine fully warranted for one
For tvrio.i. alirt.F. A. S. 11‘Mt LTON, No. 700 Cla.•
: - jtrt•c-t, Philadelpla, Pa., Agent. . _
Agri 27, 1,370-2 m
101) AR T—NER:".; NOTICE.—The
raider the name: of DR. 11. C. PORTER. tit-.)N
A: CO., rvt:lcarriy on and i•ordinne the Drug bnoiner.4"
at rile rad place, corner of Main and Pine ste.
berctoforc, Dr. Porh•r wi❑ give to the. leasitiria
lii.r,rnal care :red att.•nCot:.
ANTHILICTIE AND ramriNot:isito.its
The undersigned, haring leased the Cqal Tard ofi
Doe:: at the old - Parclay Caen," and jOt compf,t..l
a large Coaldwnse and tAllce nymn the nrcnum.s, are
now prepared to turn; eh the eat/ens ut:f i uranda au'
aleitutp with the different ktmls and size " the abow:
nsinsd coals upon the Coot rkisonahle OTIL'I , in an?
quantity &Am& Prices at the lard nun] farther,
notice : ' re ,
w. .
ShWe ~
Large Pgg
grwitl Egg ' , - -
Lunip ..
Pirnoth tin*
Pittston nit
" , -.l.lnta9ay " Lump
w • Itun of Mine»
rine, or Illael,,,
The following a ditional char...,,3 sell 1,, m , (.1
delivrring Coal wi hid the beron,,h Intuit :
rer Ten... 50 cent .• Extra for carrying in, :le o'ni
liall Ton. .3I " w ~ ••• - 23 "
_ _
Qr. T0n...25 ..
ifir Orders may be left at the Yard, comer et
road and Elizabeth Streeta, or at If: C. Porter's Drn:
.Orders must to ail cases firt accompanied cab
the cash. LAIRD k
Towanda, June 1. 1470.—tf.
PATCHEN.—Tbis v.-ell:bred Stock
Horse will stand at the Livery,Stable of ltrse.:
Emit S Sowates, Towanda. Pa., irota Menday nCOI ,
to sAturclay morning; and at Shesb'opiln. Ps. at tits
farm of L. S. Klr.gibury. during Saturday eel Moe
day forenoon. TEUIES-430. Demo , dos as seen
as the mare isimown to bo with feeL Am' per , "
having a
insured. and parting with ha
'the time of feeling, Will be bold acenntable Air '
Insurance. P2.811/IC furnished for mare/ horns do.
lance at ES per month. All accidents and
the owners risk. ' Purdoncz—Patehen was grei ,
the celebrated trotting stallion Geo. 3L Pstshen,
by Casains H. Clay, be by Henry Clay, be by Amin's
Jackson, he by Young Dashes., kr. The doe ei
Patches, was Dnrock, grand dam It o / 1,1 4""..
Towanda, April 21, lA7o.—tl
• Shortest and most direct line to Plida.lelphis, Bal
t:More, Washington. and the South.
Ploaengera hy this route take PennaTirani 3
New York Railroad train, parsing Towanda at 7.15
A.M., make clone rounerton at Bethlehem with la'
press tratti - of Mirth rehla'a P.silroad, and &mire in
Philadelphia at 11:05 P. M.. In thee to takl• night
trains either for the South or West.
City are, at the Depot on ar 7 ival
-11 trains to convey passengers to the rarloulDepota
ud to all parti of the city. .
Leave:NM/I renn'a Ilailroad ronwr
aNt Al:boric= street; Philadelphia, at 7.13
-arriving at Towanda 5:15 M.. Kann , •evr , ""'
,Mann'a Fsprt.... , collect* and IldaTers 1,31-
; gaga, own No. 103 Sonth'ilfth etreet, Phlla.l:ll:bis.
. . .
Fmightr Front mud Noble atrect.. 11.0 a.
delphia, and forwarded br Daily Feat Freight train
to Towanda, and all 'points in Sniquebatina vane,'
with gulch dirpatah. • ELLIS CLAENE.-
, Gen. Agt. N. P. R. a., Pront and Pillow Sta.
31 . aY 16. 1870.
-Li woo? smal giactlllea a
May 20, K C. EL PATCH'S.
Pine, ,Appl44, P airs. Plums, Toni3too% RaAl.
Striwbertiro. Whoitlberstes, Corn,
autl till varieties of Jellies,
March 4.'40.
Fish, b..lllth awl Wrring.
MrCABE k mix. r
IL T. :111.131110LD. ,
'''''' $i 20 ff, 3 A
1 t 4
114 27
...tgeut of Briaford Co.
4,5 t
. 1