El T 4" go!' OmpSlatem. Scare a day passes that we do not got testimony as to the embalms ment resulting to farmers who depend upon a single crop for revenuaq A Wisconsin correspondent and agent writes : "It is .very difficult obtain ing subicribers on acccrant -of -the . times. - - When farmers are. _selling wheat at 76 cents a bushel, -which they say cost $1 a bushel - to raise, they generally say, would Me the paper, but I cannot take it this year." Another farmer in lowa writes "I staked my success the past season upon a single crop, and I am as flat as a flounder. lam in debt for my land, and had prices for the last crop of wheat. been as good as last year .1 would have cleared of myindebted ness_and more too. NOw I cannot meet my Payments, and wilds my creditors have the milk of &mirk. .kindness in their hearts, and; long stiffering patience, I shall lose .all I own.. I assure you it looks blue to me." We quote from these two, among scores of similar letters, to shOw the effect of the single crop system, when the crop, or the price of it, fails. -On the other handeanother lowa corres ondentti writes one of the editors of the Rural, a private letter, which con tqine the following : "You remember you said in One'of your letters a year ago, ` Now my dear boy, don't go into wheat all over. Don't you see that your lowa farmers are wheat crazy? Bay your &Ur the coining year, plant more corn and potatoes, sow oath and barley, buy allithelogs you can keep and feed them well; and you will win, and your wheat. neighbors will lose.' , Do you remember writing me that? You did, and for a wonder, I followed your advice, and to-day I ankat4east a thousand dollars richer, for it. I am as easy, financially, as a flowing river. There are hundreds of poor wheat fellows who are not, though I owe you one for my serenity." The editor who *rote the priiate letter (had forgotten it) bas(xd his advice upon a rule he had early learn ed was a wise one—that is, to aban don the extended cultivation of a crop which every body is going to cultivate. Every atm day's labor, dollar, and acre of land employed in the produc tion of wheat, or any other ono crop, above the usual average, enhances the value in market of other crops from which this labor, land, and money, is talien ; so that'if ten men iu the neighborhood sow an extra area, ho will be wise to double the area he plants in other crops instead of doing as his neighbors do.—Rural Nein Yorkcl/. We do, as we often have 'done, ful ly indorse the foregoing views of our contemporary. Oar readers Lwow that We have often showed up the fallacy so dilligently propagated in " this Commonwealth, and officially so, " of the "one crop " system—rather than a diversity. In some special cases, as on land suited to growing th,o finest quality of tobacco leaf, strawberries, etc., this one crop sys tem may do, but they are exceptions to the rule to be practised. The adage, " Send not all your eggs to market in one basket," inculcates sound doctrine respecting the one crop system.— . Boston Cultivator. Onlirulry—Making Bread. It is not every one that knows how to make good bread, but almost every housekeeper can wet up flour and bake it, but by no means does it fol low, that she knows - how to make bread ; she can no doubt; make some thing in the shape of bread. This, however, may not be the right sort of management, because too much de pends in every family, in regard to health and economy, upon the proper manufacture of this most important article of food. We may safely assert that two-thirds of the bread baked in this country cannot be pronounced good. This should not be the case, inasmuch •as bread-making is a plain, simple process, and can well be per formed by any lady housekeeper, with care and proper attention. But wo must' premise that she must have good yeast and flour, otherwise good bread cannot be- made. The first great requisite is yeast, to make which take one gallon of water and in it put six large potatoes, and two hands full of hops enclosed in a bag ; boil till the potatoes are done, then rub and press the whole through a colander into'n veSsel t containing one teacup full of molassee, one of sugar, and one 'of salt ; stir all-together and boil five or ten minutes, then let it cool till milk-warm, after_which, put in a pint of yeast made in this same way and pour in . ft jug and shake it well, ruid stand in a warm place a day or two till it ferinents; then cork the jug tight and keep it in a cool place for use. This yeast will keep good two months if well made, and is precur sory to making good bread. Now for the benefit of those who do not know how to make good bread we give the following recipe, which is a plain and simple process, and requires bat one vessel, and consequently lit tle trouble. -Take an earthen vessel, larger at the top, than at the bottom, in which put one pint of milk-warm ' water, one and a half pounds of flour, and half a pint yeast, mix them well together,, and set in a warm place, until it rises and falls again,' which will belii from three to five hours. Then put two largo spoonfulls of salt into two quarts of water, and mix it Well: With the above rising, then put in nine pounds of flour, and knead the dough well; and set-it by, Jill it becomes light, then make into loaves, and bake from an hour to an hour and a half, or until no dough adheres to the broom corn probe. ' Bread Kunst not be put into the oven when it is too hot, prcrust will be form ed, and prevent "its rising. -The health of every, family depends mach on', the bread , Used,- and ! the ;greatest care should be taken to Inive r it -eiveeVand of &kJ quality; andlt diould *deer be put on the table; till. twenty-four Lours after it irk baked if health, and economy are consulted.—Practiott/ Farmer. • r"• ' Dr. Rotes vitae a apking soap, to exclude tho'borer (as stated in the Prairie Farmum) is ".te bring soft soap to the beiling,p4t, to render It liquid, and Ishilii . the soap is hot; to apply it Witleri'iriiteftal -brush to ,the trunbt .of . thrrirees; from the ground utea lugitm the attack . of the borer is 143 . be af-Hineaumdedr— the application to be made about this first of June. ; Weilt4iire for years tried a aimilarreinsilyi which much 1- none, ths,st,frAlts of thitnrerabtit did not, y ,them. ..„ We have four it` neeettarY to go coT 14 ! ) "VtratriAln4:04T rant any young borers, itithl ths-pOint Of the Imife.. CosrPETE notym micms iylm *l3 ravaz abound thy reach. -•-_.- -., ~~ ~.DOMETIC.'.!::::: LOOK. - imm 43ZW4 - N-9 - -*AVIcINA't THE " DOMESTIC " is a Shuttle Sewing Machine, which has been used for the last five years in the West, and is noW introduced for the first time in this section. It ran; faster than most; easier and more quietly than any, doing the s lightest as •well as the heaviest work done on any Sowing ideell'ne ALL ABE INVITED TO CALL ASV BEE IT. Plain INCReVnes - - $65. Half Case -- - $7O All Mnebines havo Blako's Patent Table. Agente wanted In unoccupied territory. Address. BLS= k CO.. acranton. Pa. . For ode by TAYLOR k GORE'. May 12. 1870.—1 y EASE AND COMFORT. THE BT.P4SniG or PERFECT SIGHT. There hCnothing so valuable as perfect sight, and perfect sight UM only bo obtained by using PERFECT SPECTAC The difficulty of procuring which is known. MESSRS. L&ZAZUS & MOIIED3, OCCULISTS AND OPT (CANS, HAIITFORD, CONNECTICUT, MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES, Have, after years! of experience, experiment. said and the erection of costly machinery, been enabled to produce that GRAND DEIMDERtiTHM, PERFECT SPECTACLES! Which have been sold with unlimited isitisfaction to the -treaters in the Western States during the put fifteen 3 - ears. Those Celebrated Perfected Spectacles never tire the eye, and last many years withpul change Messrs. LAZAIIIIS & M 0611113 have appointed • JULES HUGUENIN, dealer in Watches and Jew elry, as their sole agent for Towanda, Penn'a. and vicinity. April 14, 1870. NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. The subscribers would respectfully inform their many friends that they hare opened a BOOT AND SHOE STORE! At No. 148 Main-st., Towanda, Pa. • They have jast received a fine assortment of LADIES' AND GENTS' SHOES Conslisting 'of LADIES GAITERS, Of all grade& Ladles GOAT AND TX.THER SHOES, MESSES MW CHILDRMIB SHOEB Of every variety, which will be sold cheap far cash. Clive them a call and satiety yourselves that they are selling cheaper than the cheapest We would call es/Tv-dal attention to our CUSTOM DtPARTMENTI We make to order everything in the line, of LADIES' .A.V.11 GENTLEMER'E WEAR. Being mechanics of many year practical experience.. we feel confidentAhat we can give entire satisfaction. We employ none but drat-class mechanics, and hate eeonred the servicem of the veteran boot-maker of Bradford county. MB. J. W . WILCOX, who cordial ly invites a mil from his former patroaa. We guarrantee perfect its, and all work Warranted. Repairing neatly and promptly done. Remember the place, No. WI Main-at., • few doom below the Means House, Towands, Pa Look out for the sign of the Big Boot apL27.lo.—if . DAVIS & KEENER. CALL AND EXAMINE THE NEW rams OF SPRING 3131,LINERY GOODS - ! AT MISS GRIFFIN'S STORE. Where you cannot fail being pleased with the GREAT YARIERE OF BONNETS. HATS, ETC. Prices to nit all cut' borers. Do not forget the phea,lifo. 2, south Front WERCEIPS NEW MACE, TOWANDA, PA. - April 6,1876-3 m . RETORTER JOB PRINTING OFFICE. Haring madly 'added greatly to our facilities, we are rtew prepared to do all Unit of ,T'OB PBIiITING LOWER PRICES BETTER STX,LE Than an natablialnr.tnat in CO ( 4 14 tikEill Dikiki4ll. din CALL AT THE REPORTER OFFICE p ia Dm, o K.) LI g S BNT FREE! •_ . • If. 0122:IM 110 N k SEED CATALOGUE AND °VIDE TO THE ' • FLOWEB;WD VEGETABLE 94PEN. FOR /BM ranbract. Int Ma sow and valu volt. free of 7, SO ch}ems Warm immdlabV X. able . manger& Barrio Mock, Bochestor, N. T. Oct. 21, 1262.--ton. 1 Mart440141 3, 1= , t • The adseirbars still continue to keep contently on hand a toll and complete assortment of eras gdg pertaining to their business, consisting mato. BF - Fr,VORX,FRINH AND SALT 8170A11 CUBED EA.MB. ~CiTox ) .137x11 - • Luck PEAL. Po SAMMIE. - LABI!, BL BOLOGNA; • DRIED BUZ • , TALLOW. to.. to Also. 7 4' FRESH FROM THE LASE& OTKIZW4I BEGELVXD aim M!7F17 4 ' ,0 , . . • ‹. - , Parties *lslam Oyobiro large , 'Or mon ~. ltailloltod ohort , ot.. stand Comm. Yozwer. ltontooto. irdlo i o old, , 3011 /,' done Seatth of Dr. PIO/AL 04 Clroo•Winadd. A . - ..xx#1 7 1!"4103.99Li r.b;.344711.if . VISH , PCIRII,:HAMSTrimito IMPILI L * ATOM i All AIMS 4R D . • Pottiaceu : at wholesale and Wall. at - Kr, I titles. C.11:1Wrell R. • PM Exit -_&.------ -- - •-, - -,;:i: nrl , ; ' '4141.0/4.T.7. - ::::: - !.:i= • ':,: - .'l- - , +l- . .,;; , :y 1110A110#41Or'Vill _ 11. • Akt '..:ll,3C-4111,1 ~.'. , : - ...!:- . .;:a .. .f„0 z",.:iiiic;;;. 4.2'„„1,;._,_ A-24111111 MM:a 03 ML 66 ' - BEE ME • 4141 T.M 1 V 1 - ,, " 11 = 1.- ' ,-, "Irr° 71 : 11416411143 ZO I - LOISSULLS. ST. LOUN. i• Asd.a.Polats IWO ad SgS,MI4, Nsir . Mime ids auk simosalt aussa TO BOONDITTS. BDTDAZO. DUN' TIM CLIVOILIND AND CONTILDATI. On and after Mondayit= 11, 1870. trains will leave Wan* at about the following tonna via s . OWNS WYSE. 44 MONT I NEIGIR a li alL= m extedgefr i. Rochester, Butlido.- end . tinsmith anmeethig lath the lake Shoe, Southern, and Grind Tarok nr= f utt Dunkirk and Cleveland for the West; also st Claim land with the C. C. C. k Ind. Raihray for Indant spoils; d Cincinnati With thelardsvMs Wort Line Ralarty en , fad the Ohlo k l for the South and Southwest ; also with iliisehnippl e Sal ca = tug Sum at principalstation on main line. 449 14326-128/Eldant. toe Roche ster. Buffalo. Dunkirk, sadOinclunati, task ing direct connection with traits of Stead. Taint and lake Shore Ilallwafts DOEII O . Doulrllkuand Cleveland, for all i %Vint,' and Onoltaidi with the Ohio k sad Lesillallisu 's, ataa RDA Line Railways for the and Southwest with all culminating than at Pftftekilkl 4 8410411 maln line. • &El TRAIN. licisdett; l6 r Bum° and Dunkirk. 5:55 p.m.—ELMIRA ACCOMMODATION.. IparlaNs p er . 6:18 = p. EL, DAY EICETIESS. Sandesexce= n r io t Rochester, DOW% Drin/drk, ti and the South. Stops rut piadirsuid connecting points on main New and Improved Drawing Roma Coda , acarlft; pany this fraM trbm New York to Buttaln, and fficeping Coaches are attached at Nornellrritle, ran sing then' to Omaha' slid Gallon without clump. 5:16 p.m .-151. WAIL. Sundays excepted, for Rd fon', Dunititt and lakirelind, connecting with trains for the West. A Sleeping Coach is attached to this train running through to Indlido. • _ 7:00 a.m.—WAY MIGHT. Sundays excepted 4:10 p.m.—EMIGRANT TRAIN, dally f fotVliest. GOING EMT. 140 ex mpted con. nocting at New YOrk with' afternoon Osiris ina steamers for Barton mid Now England cities. Sleeping Coachessocomptuy this train toll. Y. 5:50 a.m.—CINCINNATI =PRESS. Mondays ex• cepted, connecting 'Mersey City with afternoon and evening tnnua of New Jersey Railroad fix Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington; and at New York with steamers and afternoon Express trains tar New England Cities.- Also steps at prin. • cipal stations and connecting points on mainline. Bleeptng Catches accompany &labile toNewYealt 12:85 p.m.—DAY EcesEss . SundiernemPlA 18 /' meeting at Jersey City vita midnight xPte train o 5 New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia. Also Mops at principle, stations and connewtbst Aldine on mein une. , New and improved Drawing:gown Cosebesicecto parry this train from Buffalo to New York. 3:35 p.m.—ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, daily for Susquehanna. 8:88 a.m.—ELEIRA MAIL. Sundays excepted. 9:75 p.m., NEW YORE MAlL,,ltandays excepted. 9:05 p.m.—LIGHTNING 'EXPRESS, daily, connect ing at Paterson for Newark; at Jersey City with Morning Exprest Train of Now Jersey Balboa for Baltimore and Washington ; and Id New York with Morning =press train for Boston and New England cities. Also stops at all principal stations and con necting points on main line, Sleeping Coaches accompany this train through to New York. 3:45 p.m.—WAY FREIGHT, Sundays excepted. BAGGAGE CHECKED TURMOIL Tcreands, Ps: A. A.. lusint.ll. Athens. Pa, Wyabudng. A revised and complete "Poc.ket'Tline Tabk" of Passenger Trains on the • Erie Railway and cep. netting lines, has recently been published, and can be procnra on application to- the Ticket Agent of the Company. L. D. BUCKER, Gen'l Rapt pA. d, N.Y. CANAL .& 11. R. CO. GOING SOCZIL GOMUI NIAILIM. • A.M. P.M. P.M. ar'vo P.M. P.M. A.M. ...6.35--3,05-6.49 .... 8,05-1,18--8,10 7.15-3,58-7.35 " 5,1543,25-740 ...ankbannock,9.23-6,17-n.m " 3.07-16,10-A-it Pittston 10,35-7,30 " 2.00.-8,55 Wilkeallarre,lo.ss-7,55 " 1,15-8,30 White Havett.l2,3s "P. M. " 11.58 A.W. Mauch Chunk,l,3o " 10,55 .. A11ent0wn,....2,33 - " 9,49... ....... .. 8ethehein,....2,50 " 9,35 Easton ..... .. ,3.17 ao .9,05 . Phil's (arr)....5,05 10've7,35.... Newiork(arr.) 6,05 " 100... .. ; P.M. Down Train dines at White Haven. tip Trains dines at Pittston. Passengers to and froth New York and Philedel. phla without change of ears. Down train connects at Allentown with Through Past Express for Harrisburg. Pittsburg and the west. Lem IV= T GLORIOUS NEWS! AT tEr GREAT AMERICAN TEA STORE 4DII, :1 1 : 1 1 4 'MIMICS of VIII OXV7M LWAT 71/31:11.2. to satiety the people that this is the place to aave money. PRICES LOW AR THE GREAT AMERICAN TEL Fresh Ground Coffee received daily! rom New York. or ground to order. Also whole Coffee. green and routed, all stiles, whole and ground . Spices, Dried Fruits, Ao., at equally low Ptitcla The subscriber hogs leave to return his thanks !or the very liberal patronage extended to him while in the Grocery business in this place, and solicits a trial in his new enterprise, The =inns will be conducted strictly on tho *. AND , 4 , --4 . 1413 03 01, •, WM: R. BARB. Goal Pour . er Ag't p.. t i [AA i Do; ca 11;1.1: Ci oodtj :.10 411.1"1A Commencing May 16, 1870 JOEY P. COX. Superintendent. Tea and Coffee. TEAS GIVEN AWAY :ICI. 1 GUM= k PATTON'iI NEW 13LOcC, BPSIXIE STREET, T9WANDA, PA., At the alga of the AiIERICAN FLAG 1 Mid the COMPANY or NEW PORK te,V:J : 4131.1 4 DM 4 So yon will aot have to pay estra priees to make op for tho losses of a erodlt bOsisess. • you ain't spare the money to pay for i pound, buy an ounce and pay for it. 'Be independent—then you will bo worthy to talk under the AbIEILWAR prdko Into the American Tea itsore 1 And buy your Goods cheap. /Kir Romember the Red, White sundae Store. now Moak, Bridge Street. July 1, ' DR.lurGAirr, & RIDGEWAY. Escollaneoni. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF T.OWAA3II. CArrrAL. SURPLUS Finn; This Bank offers IThil?litlAt FACILIttgI tor 'Aka transaction of a GENERAL BANNING ikqfpws. INTERGMT AID ON DEPOSITS ACCORDING TO .teItEEILMT. Spv:ut. CAsic mat ' ze Tice 8;nalc 4 44iaris 011 Qum& t t of tha to an .--- ~ W u t e i‘ wh ybbig ! on pat aabaillrip" vaitedStigp.E °Bl " taw bkal'iwOr4* • I Ci.drattlP:ll- for TICKE?3 To or from tho old country, *Dist Amino* oe 4 0 . 12 P 5 ,... 1 - 1 /W1 42 hand' FAxam rano= ciisi is simuriam U.S Bond., Gold and sati-4 IL U. SMITH. - Preddeat. 162 1 :, T.011m 2 44. Jane2l. l 49.. . . _ _ cutler. THE OTTortME.D4II4O4:PREI „I: • A IgEW AItTICLE of MINITIM.' • • i 001iVIDHENT TO,l'3t ONE. • • INDHi_ Pt‘ . 713133 LEl l OE r f , I•/7.1 INVALIDS • AND crauretu. offensive odors of the tilieltfloont and meet). At mce and orneatestal. It to more suiertd Alis For r ate by mitt Fire/tXreviiW (1 • golorfak. „,„.Rtorg• Peke 13.00. • meta, A1 9 :4 lbw 20. , a it: %MOM v„ Z. c , • , .‘ , • ~..„.,,,,, :-••• , 'l - .-4fi,47,.?4.4: ', .. 1. ,i...• , iti—Tel:, , e:, -.11, -- . 1- - -',. ~ 1 ~--•1 1 7 . ;6 1 ; ' 1• .f "7 ; T4: L ., , ‘.1, E ,: : i : 4 ' .. 7 :. • / v 1 ',.'.',-'',. T ; ,-,--,7,Y•,4-,.1.0-.•1: •1v::.- „-._. -..,;,r I.at*.*Wi imi*.:-,....7:.:n..-:--.,1 • ;1 :','.•', iSOb . ill . 7"'. - /k t oisii - ulalT/__ . / i :..,141,- --. -.3 it , crolts IbidtAbimtilPeClodWeiNtOtt 'thati milieu 0 afflifierinisaa lbpptoo lll4 ,eiantbans. Ina, offisetttliostbUisiipleadidioook .1% '" TEAS; COFFEES;BUGABS; i!EIUdK3I4 . IIW;LMI4-1!4M126.-esi "S'~sirmaa mil" bf • MOW - FLOM , GRARAIt . 'DM F r3 " 56 : ; 0 3/61 1 I P T D C 4 neap animal' on 1034101134 alll4WaX6a an kinds of 11)311., Pub1i43"1re.113,837,11.42, STOOK OP TORLOOO, i zt or i a ‘ u , •*,,..oguwid*ht*,ituu* 1 ~ is M. Seq YaetCMemioKgißleolf~ ioryi Ikon aid sod esiditio mistook of WOODEN - VAI& Large lisattufardrAiliZr ;Ndrtoifkil*li SOAPS, t e., kr! "I 11111**fba higl4,ll rice COUNTRY PRODUCE. • P—i. givens i aa9 before idling thieving. tad ea to Um lob Opririllpkameol, sad mike faureediato, pigment. liatob,l2, ' " - GROCERY rnovlsloN STORM. McIOAB.E & MIX. • FAMILY GROCERIES PW0TISI01(8, WZBODOW NSW BLOOD. TOWANDA. PA. We do not deem It necessary to enumerate all We dtkenent articles we keep. Intewsportneent ALWAXS COMPLETE: FIRST (ALBS GOODS. Cub pall for Pumas Produce.. , JAS MoCABE; HARRY MIL Minh 1,1870 • PEOPLE'S . EINOCEBY AND AIiDTIRION 1101:1TH VOINEII HEW* AND Kai Raub. GROCERIES AND. PROVISIONS, Mich yin be sold at the low,eit, possible prises CODFISH, ‘`,F.TeJctDlO54l FRUIT OF ALL DESOMPTIONS, MODERN Sth)NE ETAIIR:FEED, MEAT, OB,LIN*. Bring on par produce. oda i I pay ant for. &constant supply of Ashton Sall, all sized Chinllk Batter Mins. Tabs, &O. • - Please ea and look tbroogb our stock. and trowel do our best to plow you.. 34:90‘11;LL Towanda. April 28; 469. LOOS ' 481.. •"- • ' COWELL if, MYE.R, At the old Mad of Ibudenou. k ikrokrAlire disiw receiving a large and INN delecteetattelt of • anocKarcs AND PROVIIIO2II3 I I Which they otter to auk tiqt Cash paid fpr all kinds Farmers' Produce. April 21.-1869--W , . $125,000. 40,000. JITLEB IttfOMMN, • - JEWELLER smirmiartzsi .C)'s : rMERCUB•B NSW BLOCK. rowsirDA, P 4. Hia jest received from lion► Yorke new usealreed of nee Gold , p) sk:ykytio Cs): el 7,SWISELWITCH33; oit ad descriptions. Ai* wiecitsl ,Insortnisnt bf OHM* t i plEool 0; 2/011L 21112 MAP -41,11.151.PF.114:78T1ii1d'1L oce.e.'enssem am en:mem *, ETFALANtin to !Walt aegis of Impaired s ; NSW PASENT4CCOMODATING &mom . • epealoile t. without pan thaege. Cinasilne. CL OMB, IMI:1113114311141CMITY4IPAINZEI, Ala visiturrsa. t, Towsubi. Dos. 14 ItiN 11/A.OXEREI4 COMM BLUE Ili ' 1144 avail ia=4 lB° AaMrs Smoked Wawa. ' LCSIO k U:l22lVis R=M =MIMI ME C. /1 PAMI. We sal tOthlng tad A new and complete stock of :sain:wcel PORK, MUTTON, HAM, MINI EE NOTIONS, T AIIt'YMEN, 11E123111 MEM One door north of ..~..~, . .~`~ ..~ is I N If?) ii.l; AISEBICAN WATCHZ3 all new. , 1,:i74 - Yi , i-It 7 ''''ltaldile . '; . :. - 0 4 : 6: V . 060 1 1WW1 Minnligilet, th , 1 4 * -;44.tft4t . 4. , ti;,--'l 4 tr 1 ,1A 1 (4-A*10:4 461 .140,.. - 1 , . 4 0,*4-iirg.o. s :e;VAt litP t: " 444 - - - 1*: 3 1 4 Gl.2lTffil `,:3 I , .... ... MEM ••• •". i r iff l 4 1 '•• , 1 1 1% - P4 • 4,1 ‘r•-' `..t- - t;I.CZT- , ; 5 :IfIli . ItUlt IMMO, T9WAII*44-,44.0 B7IE2=MM === b a jlalrhei timi rt •-•B 71 , i'Lownima GENTS FURNISMEc GOODS, %.• • • - • BEADY. _ = 'Which 11 will sell at he Teri 10 of , . . 1,.c . . ...?•:-T„ , 60* .3 .40 1 0:**/*** l iic warn emirs. ba oo sad 9wardi." • ';--• ••• •woomm immtkociakso twat slid ME =ES VERY V)", ruchimingebeiihattr. - .. TROUBLE TO MOW GOOD& gictirireacy _CALL, Alfl Osi; dam east of Pim! &Oink Minh 80; Oft ATVO , Xt, o r ? R. 7„ Are now opothig their new ilt . °lttg OnAtite CIAMB AZr D OASSIKERES, cioisldding as an the latnai " styonnOtionablo CALTIM-S, SHIBTING6, id, &C. Which they are prepared to mabsupin anY -style to 'wdt their canto:Dem on short notice. Also n splendid new . otock of BEADY-MADE CILOTHING, Wbkh they are selling cheaper than enc. 8;c1 OAPS, w7s FURNISHING GOODS, oew and halloo of all tbo Alwyn on band and in vein ninktr. sts - watzsi agro-vrorxr ernes or • 1 - • ' NECK TIES, BOWS, &C. Also the Row Patent W , INDO*''.U . tBIi'ELLA AG or any of.our Goods will be sold as CH ti.i ivp-i:itii As any In the 'market Call and look through our stock Towanda, April 21. IWO. liultRAHI HURRAH! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES OP READY MADE CLOTHING, M. E.- ROSENFIEMS, (Opp:mite Powell & cos.) ion of now. eating to the radio a !ergo lied *Wee stock . , SPRING AND SUMNER GOODS, ZINEN fa..O9DS, And all the late tVlegot: 81)000 Ed Simmer war, FOB MEN AND: BOYS. Which will be sold 28 per mat. less thin Ammer pri voice of oes at M. Z. 4 2010211MDER Also slogs In. MEI ITNDERS — BIM'S DBANMAS • .• „ • hitenit to 'ix list wit- did. otkiiisks !all :Stook; • Now 'it - your - dote tO•_ Mal and-'merinos rotirif offers •Greslt•3lllo,l' ; fit VlS•lbsi : . • V., - ; ' GENTS YUIUMGMIE 90018. : • •• 't 1••" i'•••t ' ANA beterertiuMudogatinlinpr .:•;•• •••••-• • • ,z•:,• ..j TOWSZtaltalklAtkiiiia • T7l-11 ji. _ gPISPATICUPPOT: :4: IN :A ', A!: '`ZI is 'l', l- ::-i• villip7ll,llll6llirt eta - :: - , ,,,•a te,3' ti 1 - ; • .." - ; ~ ..--r,'-tr, i,it.: . 1 : •.t 1110 , ',-, (' .1. - ,c. , ..!:•4 . _ i _ - % niffitii hette.reattardekther=M4-. Glri' ."11. 011040.4 i .$, ~,$ Tjj Ot • EEPRINd AlThiliintakft . 0 ...•:_= 'wow t . 04,.10.0 renobased foe anti. at rza and will haired le emit buyers diem rata, l ey! betted agered in Towed& 'slitid ihtyatockcer ~ s twrieW ,), •F ~ $, I,s.,ss) -m,..1- ~ .....4. • I aiir. iiarie'ANil I,otharthelaiNlX(l6 , '•"•;1, ~,, '. ,c,,, , i , ll- , tiA ,l,f'/1 .., , I Ic. z i 7asacni,aramiodnadataitanaitenelia,•! ~.., -,' ',, •- • . ' ~:.$' ; , T T - .. , 'I ••T ..• 'i 11. IC T.t. 1 , slims mils codle,ademadnerne, - • • •• • , -1 , 1-, , c1 Itt hi ^ .X/7(1.1 .. Co{tk igate:felit4 and irldte Linen Deolt.slll,f also Omega tarlier ,-,.rf t 0 :-,1 --,'• GEN •, T'g FURN ... ENG l'6 :- 0t•0•;: - ~Da ,I.L -• t;..! ...10 fn. i-ut,,. '• -. 'stilt; ens. tunizidtpi, liedit l'Pek " eins:a ant link' licnzans, , 1 ; -•:,-. $ :ri , ,Ii ~l' _...-.? /.., at thaisteat alike end liehola. Itanitstbee the hi fhteeneehli A....4A *AI othat inh th Peli If" ad 1 0 * 120 " W.V/46 30 Ana al istret r o Velaj n e: 1 .77 . 7 7 T'l 1 • 11 I bcre ,!: r • -j 4it , I v ion ai 1 f-- . : aft. tarodiaclltddlimaices Blank . ;7$ aroma paid tale'llbSteiad Fiether,onf , ,n. 7- 1 1111 MEE adririlatiMlXOMlXTo 4 . 1 2 1 • `—. ' 7 l 1 , •:" . .11311;?MatT Aritll4 Pri,, , *• , t , :s r . I GROOM VA; ar-ROVARMLY.AINA, ••;:i% LIG - 1J ae now boarsares at t i .;:' 911 - 91N:14 tfts ,, , wl Wlllrispotikiiitillie impplis so= ";11.111' " Noy sat ises; bah web to son by tbs or SPA. We& 1 1= 40 00 41 W 1.4 elk , emi r*. =rig rigs /WM - =tab% 0 11 4_,..: rxwasei. ; Vert:Wide* an gob 441 = 0 7.4z, =BMX li Wiliol7 2!i red sees tgonshilmia at tbuswow • . Ammemirymnoi, Dits4ll6 1111116:1_ . • - , MR" .~~~f~ . ~ max:-,.= : .oprte • • ••• tie!, • .;* fii4;440 , 41 -, 7• . o4o.4WOrfjPo' 411' rt . ; . • 116 - 1 0 1 , 1**4,4* - o.:fr 4 1 ** 1 70 :: ... 4 (W.Y.Y . t2021 : ,kik , 41 - . 4 1.21 1 .:i ., 0 IT:4 , 44 :ci [ 447.1 , 1 a. 4:.1 .-- .7 , : 46" , - )t0w.c.11. , /{ BroadOr, .6.•.-9211 , . - .-- 2 WAVERLY 4100-1.4 A, 11. Y: • ;-.1.v_14) Tr 7 , " tir : 14W 1.1 If 1113 M ME ."; - , 4 114 1 P i; a r4" ?le!: ~ SAVEIatrAMIOI.I.GUAIIR/MTEJEI) . F. • "- :i.:1:;=:1 ~`alwayaliaritaa I:1%W Ell rgogt =I Z. Ora' ::11116dli alkiret Cmuditlng at RICE 14: CIMIES ANDVASSIXEMW -; vATS • e. 4 ;.V:12,. -, ,0 .-- ‘::41•? . ;:=i1Tr, 77't , • • , , • , • VXLSOBtO ;v'l ~ i ';::i~'•: ~' Fi OIMS Watt . mot** ot iut r k . . 004 S c ° ' / n es: BPOTTtf• S c ratN4' l 'AND . 'S , •-• , •j, J . r: ~1,0010D81,-,! -113-.1) Y . • y• 1, .•: Weal ianoWSto the elitism et :Toiettda,rand the public) generldly. Wet he hes In More 4iri3 64 rn pelting tieweed • F S'll 4300.. D i d, In Ms ini.naiinide fo the ;teats 'Of the peePieewideb he will cell toe Outrebety at' Moir • ' • ' • ‘GOLD-PRICEt3I Cooslotiag : A nnuli! good. well sad nibble cowls L 0 THIN G akkaloddY of 10 kind) oonsusing of BUSINESS. SUITS, COATS, VESTS AND PANTS, all Wool. DRESS COATS, PANTS & VESTS, Limn Ooata, Duster, and Pantas . Overalloveistarti. - itiien anti Tana Conan, Unsa,Vasihnest, and FhinneL tildes, Neck Mee, Ns. reat a n ttri C tr i l a titrre Dag°. ae EV6llBSkr a le b, berituit geed Goods are cheaper at Wee than poor goods at any prim OalUnd ening= any goads before baking., No. 8 ration b. Grinlibollock.priain Tonna. Juno 8,18114 , -• , ~. B.4..EDDr, Man . BI -14:)°14 CO., BO as6wriur tWasitiiibt.ll6 the& 4i/titivate( , 4 0 :xcET:poNnutg:ei . doioxfs, sruimillAi batter Ole leaamonertbsus PM be badeissiwisiril worlds We ago& Ae! , slur iiiialituss CASA/Loy will, do t as much. or 'Um, than anyother. and era, cam durably. WU. We porsowiDy superintend am work Nid sea ,that Si is well down. We will send • _ DISCUPTITE CATALOGUES,. . of our roacldues, on OPPUC SI / 0 / 6 ONE AND TWO HOW PON 6 F ERS, One f Two Norse TXaaS7IBR d SRAILAITORS, THRUM cad•CLICIRBRA FASI47:iNG Af IL L I S, crsorz..",Airi Duo uw wus, sew AND own xuaa wad, done to molar. , Give us a call Wore pirclutaiiiiialsawbars. `vo craoamm - op-i Q o'o rl Au g . 9.1869. W CARRLIGE FACTORY On Pine, between !dein' and Second: Street', Melt T.liteson'k Co.'. Beck: ' ' TO'AMDA, =MEM =UM= , . . taßint 81,4,104,(formery of tho flan of 1;1*n kinalen)inflinneVs friends in 3 Joni:kir patron!' thst he bin boat ' ' •"- 6thultios rrier • 'ico Bind" 1/1211132111111 Fklatir'entßlAGES, .oi)k4lmiAY7.444tis. fsiTlollll WAGONS, TlkriTtlle • StrIXIM.- ANICII 111132=07113,, glide of led boa atfoibl• liindflinlottestla beit rAt vtriw.-.10,4: kelt Aagoolealoo• alty - Carefoce illotoriesiffeakitil• &Okla adnotsge over tqters. .131141:11.• • •.• ••,: t• •:. . ":1.! :8100„affit rabilityl en 114-, R 1010 1 ,WWM. ita WO le, ; • , • INSPECNION OP WO* ~• of . .. prTlOlll to purchaatng elsewhere. Az4,4 Intaclwaesuarnukro errs rzazialr 1.,.1.1.3 . < • 1 Ati't ., . ..; ;:of ?,!•.,Zt ;33,3 3 7 : ' - : PIAUI; _ . .thtiL2 ll . 4ll 4.s49ttatrA ,eg t. .11ntded and reopooann7 oak n enntnknA?&lni,-,4:9 16 tame. iT W A I 2t i l S . ! : h r/ 1 : 17Y- , T E IT I) ; 770 .ilifo *treated ‘, *a 24 1470.,41-;,. .1,, Ng7r., riv,tattiq sa 7t) 1 i Untaltionaithadbi o bnattlarrit an d oonnno. Atom in-tta • at 1b s, and abut it *Maki twit in in "proved machinery; tor ' TAMDOi. Mtn Altri•irmtre. AroterSandlo.llll•anteramhalkor err cult, Wa havealio a istiL2 n il i t a lt a M OM a lm Mtba Watt and l vaannopaatalianiatansiliatioport 4• , . ulsovo,OYfl9 IL_ •,AND StM,OOl, • • ethsr ekes.: •!,f e7 l lo4, t e 1 4 ' 110 With ale' 11110011 . 044.11.14111 , ' rat nna it)matisfor flair ltif t asai n4 V%rfit thairlambit Whore AC aortal *nor anaidnow Betas soar at gai" F or other itpriso bizabar . , r eal ost radio tas par t,xiso niana ilui la eutifT.um "1 oantstea at oar Ittiabar pad:, Crat 3 = ' WWI IttNalin't adiaainftata: . x• • • •- - • , 1 WI! .14 1 % 1.4e00W 4.- JP- VIOURAIL •••;....i . t; , ,r; . T... - 4. • , 4*. as •Pf 21 55 111 . 11:1 . 11 , 11. . 1 A; FAIWKIAT ;4(X)D,Eki •, r .1. • 1 n, ..fi tA: 111 - BoOTEktanommitizr:NDlNcis A A:g TC" FP ni:4I . I FYI N I . ilectUtUlbs St. - ammo oiftrailelei ??1641111,111111110 •, - -ttcat r.t , 4 :,.11041alliMULCUR HE BF.STniutrif=2lE EWEN ti f i11:40.,41::'611144 : 4Wr:..;6:Jit 1(418.4 4, willt I t t" . i nr7,4l lfj . 4r , L7:z6 - g.wi'f:ißrig'-';t7iet': : *4 . - 3: ?:3 ilt it i t , ii v i - t . io I * * *l o t t i.' =. i t .• 17 , ""ititria64.p44-• . • .I fe,„prA moss at 3scwme•eVir-A txt opm.:l-rib ; inieoou':iiitipaireip leedvlasib 4 '7'l X t eltXlElWit ; GOODS . 11 ' • Our Pants'. 0114. to. are of . tho Not 041 E, gia *Ube sold Torypir. . an 4aso. : spats ft:the - -, - 110.1;lai- :013M041t.'1317:A3CELitt,', .-f- (BANBOIIIIIPATEXT). '-•"" ml °4-04 4 *474.41 0 4 SitoPado• • Also IAI B K 8 S:: BCALEB j S~HA{~STICOH~E ~ POWDEB~ LO:,' =I :•; attrOUS , B&W , BONE g II,P; H E,R~: PHO~PE:A T E. TINNIT.A4kM63II d ui-~,iJa(VLA7. is !ell hrt/a- AMA -asinefttared oat at me Wet We ameba prtiparei'to•do icobliftig of all kinds. . • We seethe rnity agent" tor the Mel:grated new EMPIRE : COOKING STOVE, tad give egusfaccou., Xarch 2 ti SASH, DOORS AND t I); PdoeaN, HTIBBARJ Mime better; and Opts lo saacnincepae4. No better quality an be found, ind st sibs Tons of , • IRON AND , HARDWARE, As low as Mal& of the marieace., km, nt PtirraoroirrAx HAIIDWAitE STOW, Juno 26, 1869—jy1 1 - 0011:HERE! Mantmo'a FuiniturO Store . • The lamed end beef stack at • : :1717.1t X 1 1 1 ' tr . no. M ,ToiAii'cn;64 ii1;112 le to- My stack consists to 4art of Parlor, Library, Mi. ing-room and Member sets. Parlor. Unary. Eaten. aloe, Dining and OltiovTabies. Chaim Bedsteads. Bureaus, • Wasluitands, Botta, Limoges, Tcto•a•tetes. WlO-Bata, Cradles, Cribs. he. A full line of Mattresses and Bedding, Pier, Mantel and Coniunon MOral 9.0 Rustic Frames and Brackets, kc.. et, es.&Ttkiss . , In, the Furniture Line 1 Wirt& mutt be teen to be ippreciatect and which wtf be ecobtat . • Than - the game qua3tty Of goods can be purchased else. where. Thanidtd to tint Diablo far their gantliheral patron- NM end determined to merit a continuance of the mune by offering indunaments not to be found, else. yrtiers, I 'Write to tall extratne ray Reeds and prime before perchiuting elsewhere: NO - charge for stowing goods. end / , • • WILL HOT RE UNDERSOLD! CO l Wirar DEAPERS fuligilled at usual at the low est market prim. I mho keep on hind - a large aheortutent of Beady Made Maw, from. the Anuott emu= to the Sneak Roseirciod. Alao Burial BOWS craPar, lte-randilat the foloagent in Bradford county ferStwier FlllO =ALIO smut masa, emu= to. Prwanda.:Dec.l4.lBllB-,, t -. SAMESt...IMOST.' S. , "-sons mammas atittitiketa to tile inbiletbst hils Walkway= to zotrotteaturePnt beep on burl A 2 . 1 §1 0,10 . 03 At Ar' -47 I , - ..oa r tralutirkrag a , , Intreans, ItMetestre, Standit,Chert ltd.." of every beerription, width are made Of tha 'bed 21111tPa• ride, and in the moat wozYmanlibe mmmer.„ Mina's the Luspeetbin 'of the prildt• 'to my wOrk, which OW nothelarysosattindaratelltystany ahep' Um country, ant my Prima 'AP bacm 3 4l l Raba ltnr aa' the tnnes wN admit• • Iff2=gg= f; i , t , BOOK-BINDERY. I. -THE . lio is roopeettony infornood that th. Book-lins. *JO hoe been removed to the ArgOs'pteldizeD . th ini Mori, where will be done . - Is gaits metes inimebies. en terms astessonable as r.glia times" WI/ allow. The Birdety rill be order the charge et .• , • itn.everierwed liincler, and al/ work vfilba' done in a 'tea and manner affticlicaunotb= manKldagadnes, Nounipapora.ol4 Modes, kc., bound in evrorrarietr of etyle. Particular attention will fIA psidlo tho Bulimg and Vintiin4 of . 121 i i 1100/f& • c;i7ii *Aim* dna. baltririn iramatedi. . U , • - A welt minims roll for doliiregy:mboo. princitsed. Thij it =aimo l the radio Li soltd4el t and gir t Towanda. Mout 1268-rit, • - • - ; .' -.0,',9: ( 1T.,r - ,tc . or : :cf..x.,,'fizt,'.4..-T, : ?'• UT ; *ABM - How "can any person ' nuinntietins tienfeetlenery, andaeft ti at lb ,oentii oppand.lrtire sow Is worth le cords at the Bednety. 0 1 4 1 01 a 4 ; 4 terribly adsl. HOW pm any dealer fetid snob a die eampoond • ,te big mamas and base a conscience void of atm& Ifcriresit erg .conanmer expect to purchase pure. Oesdeetionary as twestipilso end thirty - Oen* por , wand whows pure aril* =sot be manufactured yeas than Harty to tarty tents pet pound. anemia buds,' burntarid such c tu4 =t 3 goods? Within a few 4231 We lute been I;ffered made buds, ete„ for fifteen coats per _pound. and Chow; late awns titettfeents. abdAtieraganilieladrief. hedged that theyweft adulterated-ten per amt. with Terra • - avid Is ' tact that = tans et tide at Oildery' ant nabs OA said: in: this country and - Hie COWIIIIIMII aro the only persona Tier rho ',atilt! of those who wig a Fore article ertignerp, we sitt-setrysiit nap article Voir secia atm Beefed= aiattree tram . crop drat deldaroto to Uldro• Stile tinier* imilgrd btl!bzi Carsillizqtaba Mtn"; " Cietober 21. IM. - 4, pis wax or..aEtßatos ti_A! _MN Ep ., FRUITS' CriP ALB V . 11 1,11 ; ji Alta% FLARGFE , 'ASSORTMENT OF .g.itATKtn.Wake4 ..“,;,0014;4.k tfilP ' • 'IiADA3M3V ..av batmen: lit Ma tbr tale itt ;1110016 4!1I1<. 7 , W. A.llNWlllates. leik OYA 11 NG PbIPDE§ at COWELIO 3 MIENS. VIE I -.lc- 1 o 4 A.TX:'II:IWOR AT , -.l. , cowsuisongss. g • lINOMYS a C, .re Pmaration, at ". INEENE MEE= OE Mil TO BRONSON'S = FOR DWINOMAG'HINES, ,ilto lmas; n Important STOVES, Orwell, Pa. Parnittue. There is now on exhibition at the ZN TONVN.'IDA, OM,CATI ! I' REDUCED LCITER P - B LC ES ; 241collaneous. INDUNGI 0, Q - H. C. WHITAKER. 1 • T t 1 [ 114 10. ENENSESME EVER staltedkanlic 7;*4' - 'iOxi4l*** , :; , *:;* , • FD DIWG: :MR& ~... - .ormsWpAPhisigovi ibrui", litaitakesittr tapliata =Wit alig =lVd l 4 " tsizir ; ynthinittio=r l WWI at Or tz • . "'" • : rslo t• l, - 1 11, Wg t 1 A 11231 # 440 ' Y' W-1 1 * . 4 . 1 040 ,114 •-; • KEZTPigi 4 t l W I rUßM irtfir h ' Mat tam -Tounsw. • mit& aids . starter/. - - • . . ~2rE4astel rairoar - ,o t ri,; Audiois i dihnaminad4., ern% i?" , / r e* - • ithg.44.14, mAcfteig 044 • motrAndutis.. - imide. in their'l4sietre Rom% sistirsixt, Daus caltoo,, rct"6l;lidt"Dfik rcinmes SOCKET BOOAT,POIttMONAIS, Pocket lotecc. SWIM Took;e m axD aAut inamorata GM rust mot Arm woo" Tottecoi Sit*'Pip - z - a AWD Opus,. a. d , Mail an ' . 11krats $..a .: Trains. Sup porters, Suspensories, Shoulder Braces, Breiud , Teething 11innr, Inalimy= Bottles: ?V. abaft end Shlds, I" Pans, Self-Sealing Mi ie t ars,..C • mometers, Illwseettar. istanotsc lituffir , luga GL.. Ware, Battles, This, Corke,Sath.,. , `Brick, andlibrre.Mackin& Fish Tackle, Am ; monition, Ss., Botanic, Me— -We and lis=seh - le Medkilnea, and all the yowler • 74 E .D - 1 - 0 I-N E ; • . Sllartkki werzintai as iegreiiented. Persons at distance tan receive their orders by siege or mail. which wW receive prompt amid Mists* mite:Aka, Waal advice glvez gratni =tetaaly_ at Sus affica; amens only for medicine. pa. Thankful for past libend pattianatre, amnia us: pectfully announce to his friends and thepublic; that no name shall be spared to satisfy, and merit the con- Situation of their confidence and patronage. ssr Open Sundays for prescriptioni from 0 to 10 man., and 19 In= to I..and 5 to=6 pan. Jan. 1,4800--yr. • . IL C. PORTER, SON k Colk V. W. BROWN, . 13? NAZI STIIEET. TOWANDA, PA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IDIZITQCI-ISr2: • . Ttio subscriber respootfoilly announces totha pub lic in general that he - hus ow hand a large and wen irlected 'lack of DRUGS, CI ' , • . AINT MEDICINES, ."‘ LESUCLU3, • . TS, \ • - OIL, VAININEIEN WINDOW GLASS, DYE STUFFS , I Ac., kd LU the popular Patent Atodicines of the day. sttstn- PURE • WINE AND LIQUORS For Medical purposes only. . . PERFT.TWERY. - .. Palmy and Toilet Midc.les. „ • ' Soaps of every desetiptlon, : •-, • - 'Thermometers, ' , ". • - Dathing, Surgeons, and Common Sponges, • r Brushes, : ' - Tooth 'Brushes .- briseing C ombs, _ , Pocket aToil nd Pow Pine Combs,, .. • . et er, ' Pelf Bones, , Tooth Powders, . ~,_ • Tooth Wishes; • *AM Other =Wee belonging to' the Draa:trode too nuiderous :o mention. Yvdngthe Ageticy sf thec, GREAT . 11. S. ISA COMPANY, GIMAT INDUCEMENTS To retrelmeers of goal., in their. line. ,Physiclarus proscriptionc end mieipta com pounded by persona thoranultly competent, at all boon of the day or night • • • - Thankful for the put liberal patronage, I re. speetfully solicit s continuance of the same, pleas- , tog myself that no effort shall be oared to make mp eandlllalunent second to none in this section. • Dr. T. F. Madill may ,1),; consulted at this store u heretofore. ' • F. it BIIOWN. Zan. 81. 1870. GREAT BARGAINS IN BOOTS az Si:3oNa :taw Boor AND tam arms, Extath end et 71ratil licetee Tha i unisisignalar;reelevings lava laid "Oar B 0 o• rs., AIND ,8:11' 0 B ,SIMMES:„AND MAIM •.': • rl Which we, °tar law fbe Guth,. . Oondelbg (Of GENTS'," SEWED' ..aD' PEGGED BOOTS • matwro mum. • - .REPAIBING NEATLY .ONE AND READY ma= PROMISED naiad"' far put "mire, we , solidi." continuance at - the ammo; . , =I vootrroaro. Tinrandite April 11, 180: 1111 M .• ' 4 .. B . ... PETTEE3 '.&.- CO., -ere now receiving a full line of MILLIRERT , NUkIONSi' stet tkO!ight• in ,New, York at the ' p'rc4ent knerdms and they , , ;,' aredet*iliicid to 84 i..: =I 4.onttor As Tim' drEAtEsTe ISE . CaXi and see:titom on Main et., op- posit the CoUrt House, BY; ' 1 - 4 % ; I AX oryra ii Boots and Shoei. I= LAL TT NESSE : S, WEAR. Guam It. can. 118111 DAY GOOD% GOODS, IZMIR] MII MEE :... t. , t. MIME= TOIV=)A, p*, zifsmuAveß AVENCY, • _ • • - 'Tifitia ' ardip;al bring =law tato a ea.psn. moil* lattiba Proillatthai a ate : Igamarcz , Btriane k Ft*-LIFEAND ACCIDam „alai BOUM the «,O gas, elan, • wilt• Pk* stelicieetto sod Penomet Ptorpg4. if in Ando; and el si low obis ea etto be dose It 7 say ts.. astswoo to the toxiettr. wooto a * , laaly of Names to Übe bathe it* Outittte than Polkite coveting at tense dive e, LIU117101fUl• Itedgeopiklreesalimperts end lie f 4/Pethl ; _ " Uri titITIBASCE melted la Dee off th• *tit ele4 elitaVisk oompukhes hurinfai. sght d tb, alCquorrithkreatea. - - . . . WIMaXil Wow= COWAN% - . Wilkopent. As. C=IIEE 11M1 As/setts - cm ins Litman=COKIPCIT, if l4lo o/. COWL f MS • .I.II4IIANCS COMPANY. KOWA 1 1 1x.Tos Tnie 1i5tam5(04.7 04. .) CaplW. . F .. ««.. .... j2pp.oot /nate . Iqzi.opmr,k llmang Is& Co.; • r Ami l tte : 741prixa/k . .14; AWL, SIN". NNIr Saes LITS /INDIA= CONTIWW, I • • WOO rirk.l • Office Aid block mouth of Wird Ho.w emu) Floor. tilr.Yoesar.fllbetonadatttcrnsA na tram fl a.m. Sp, 11 2 , .:ls.'ciatt, • s. ingoorr.• Towands. Ps.. May 2. 1870,--ly NATIpIiAL LIFE. ISSUBANCR , cek.-or Cisa cATITAI.; SI.OOO,OOO—PAZD re 144 1 - b 7!. 11 4. • ctanrcez cum tresi4ent ; tty ocoon, Oakum% ?tunes sad Ti. TIMMY D. 000113, llba Reddest; • =MS& PEIM &teeter/ma A4nE7. The advantages of the Vatic:nal Lair Insataace Co are : 1. It is tiliallonalCanapairy, chartered by Cessaese; 2. It a Psi& up capital of One llilllon Dam ; - 3. It offers low rates of priminsie ; A. llfurnlsbes larger insursnce Ass ether Owi. parAmfor the same money ; 11.-It is definite and =OM ; IL There fa on possibility of inisreproasatation by - agents. or misunderstanding by poliry-hoidens; 1. The pallcieware plats contracts, so truct4lncir ranee for so much money ; 8. All policies are non forfeit* ; 9. Th;. policies are exempt from attachment E .. W. ctans is 00., Batkern. Genera Agents. It 8. RUSSELL. Var. Ker N. C. 4.813r . tEP. A i; G.SIABON, igenta for Towanda and vicinity Jan. 9, 180. CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE ttiEttatANCE COMPANY. OF HARTFORD, co 's Nolmam more TIIAN 0,000 31zwerns. ASSZTB Mum 1, 1869) pres $15.000,030. Surplus over $7,000.000. culenzyr prvmmip no3f ao TO 70 pia CDT. Vital Claims by Dose old to date, over $6.000,M Tor►i tutizzabs PAW TO DAM OM, $6 MM. PLTELY MUTUAL C_OMPANY. All SA surplus is ssiuitsbly divided among tin Pot. ley holders hi ANNUAL DIVIDENDS, IWilla mai bs applied In redaction of. Premiums, 01 mil bs asminiulateil at interest for the tamed Me Assured. Or may bs reeeired by them in Cash. Pald•up Policies aro granted stet twoor more years' Premiums beta been paid; eon practically ranting ALL Tome= KOti•FOBFGTISO It issues Polities upon ail DESIRABLE Pi.dars or 'l:mune:cc!, And Ass adopted la its workings setersi . SPECIAL FEATURES! . ORIGINAL was COMPANY AID QflU ED BY EEO OTHER: Towszuts. PL. July 22, iB6 —U rounaery and Machine Shop. FOIiNDERY & MACHINE SHOP. Me undersigned hiving perbola the Toewhy And /*bias Shop lately owned by John gown. ,taftet4rebta=4l% nd p e work GEAR,INGs, dritatmnt BAw KILLS, Ir. DRILL s, • Auminktruss at . :111.ILi IRONS ItADE TO 011812. EgGETES REPAIRED, And all wee& Vravisiitetyto give satistritlom SHINGLE 31ACHINES • Of the latest indanoet improved kinds nonalsetneed and kept cons*ntly on hand. toady for use. PLOUGHS, siDD,Dm. I3G AND WOODEN . BEAMS • Of all kinds. CULTIVATORS, CORN PLOUGHS PLOUGH POINTS Of all Wake. arid the latest tenmeentents kept ' etinatantly on hand. t CHURN POWERS, LSIIGFe. A2ID SNAIL SIZE STOVE OA!STINGS ' =LAW GUM, SLED AND SLEIGH SHOES! TAHOE UIO3 KETTIZA And all kinds of cuttings furnished to order. Nivea sO.lBlO. , J. 7. latEANk h SON. .13419ka and Stationg numbs FOR 1870 PAPER .& ENVELOPES MStr-101tE. rArEns 111 SCHOOL BOOKS PEIST,IIII4 M o, SrinouT MO . rl6ll' • BLANK BOOK vaIIKEE xcenoxs. Tateads, se.. IS. VOL 'MOM, FEED AND . MEAL J. sold amp, 0011 ILL s VMS ....,.*4•Ao e s2llGai .1321 X 6M CAXP t mat B. B. Me 12121, Agest LTD ll=l