News- From- ail' Nations. Texas is cidlec . the Bonne State. —Trollops expecte; to visit Ameri- —Minnesota reporis a scarcity of raaroad laborers. Strawberry festivals aro in , full lAtat in Baltimore. • • —Buffalo has tho largpst tonnage of ani port on !lie lakes. di eusin is ess a int; godper_ districts --Potato bugs continue lively is Illinois. ' —The number of cattle' owned in Earopo- is 95,700,000. —Local taxes in England and Wales amount t 04100,000,000. —A. mine of emery has been dis covered at White Cloud, Kama& —There are two hundred and fifty steamers travelling the . Danube. —A college for the education of colored ministers is building in St. Louis. —An International Prhibition will he held abliaples nest September. lowa Pear Contention will meet at Monnt Plpisant on the 18th of June.. —The mason will erect a some temple at Terre Haute, Ltd. - —Tha•Lisatno of potato bugs in Michigan ii Logi= —An amateur poetical magazine is to afflict Loudon. —A Russian railroad to Sebasta pool-will be commenced this .year. • —The day boats have commenced their regular trips on the Hudson. --Chic* boasts the third heaviest dry gool firm in the United Ste* —Sunday beer resorts at Nashville, Term., are called horticultural gardens. —Ten new buildings for arsenal purposes rill be put up on Rock Island. —The Bothschilds are said to have lately . lost enormous sums of money. —North Bridgewater, Mass., is ex perimenting on three-wheal&l wagons. —Thu new Synod of New Jeisey is appointed to meet at Elizabeth, June 21. —Seven American lady sculptors are at Rome. —The Democratic editors of thi. State meet at Altoona, Jarta I. • —A convent is to be built at La Crosse, by the Franciscan order. • , —A convention of colored ministers la to assemble in St. Louis this week. —Prospect Park, Brooklyn, is said to be competing with the New fort Central Park. —A cotton gin has been invented which dispenses with hand Labor in picking cot ton from the bales. —lt is stated that an ap'pen' I is to he made for funds to repair and-recto 'Mount Vernon. • • —The Czar has founded a . spital at Constantinople for sick Russian 1 ors and pilgrims to Jerusalem. —A suitable monument 3 to be erected over the remains of the late Bishop Cobbs, of Alabama.. --Corley county, Kansas, Which had not a white family tw - o years ago, has now a population of 2000. • —The Second Annual Premium Tobacco Fair of Southern Illinois is to be held at Cairo on the 2d of June. —Nearly all the corn iilanted in Peoria county, Illitiois,has rotted nu the ground, and is being replanted. —The Sunday school teachers of Indiana Rill meet in convention at Evansville on the 7th, and oth of June. —There are in Columbia county Wisconsin, the /kolociyil sacs, 10,487 horses 0.20,000 head of cattle and 5.1,217 sheep. =An ordinance prohibiting Sun dal. dances was passed by the Common Connui of 'Milwaukee by a rote or 11 to 6. —Az Irish woman who hid mar rid n Chinaman was before a St. Louis conr recently for trouncing her Asiatic spouse. • —ln Indiana r :Decoration Day, aril int he celebrated until the 30th of July, whet the farmers will havo finished their harvest. —Bloomington, Illinois, has a largo fernale suffrage association, embrAcing in its membership several officers of the University. —Tho first Greek church in is Xaon to he opened in Now York by the I:usw:an government. —Several orchards in the vicinity of Bedford, Lawrence county, have been almost ruined by the caterpillars. —St. Paul's cathedral, London, ap clrs to hero danger from the burrowing op erations of the Metropolitan District Rarilway. —Pennsylvania capitalists propose erecting extensive Car faMories at Duluth, to supply the new roads of northern Minnesotit. —Bolivia and Peru have lately been having a diplomatic quarrel, but Bolivia has finally apologized, _and the two republics are got friends again. '—A secret order, with ritual, signs and grips, called this Ettrtliquake, has ongtna tA in Tipton, Indiana. Its object and purpose are unknown. • —During the coming swum' er Miss Ransom, of Cleveland, is to paint portraits of Governor' Hamilton and General Cox for the Capitol at Columbus. —Joseph Salter's residence, in .lersoyrille, Illinois, WEIR struck by lightning last neck . Ilia wits was knocked insensible, but no other serious injury was done. —"ls that marble?" Said a gentle maii pointing to a bust of Kentucky's Brea statesonan,'rooently iu a New York store. "No that's Clay," replied the dealer. -7Decoration Day wai observed on the SOth of May instant at Washington . as else nhere. The egmmittee hare appealed to the ladies Waslaineton and others for flowers. —Leington, Ky., gets the New York papers the next day after publication, by a sudden arrangement with tho express com panies. —Advices from the west coast of Africa report that a party of missionaries hare been captured by the Ashuntemi and taken into the inttnior. —A Hollander is negotiating for 50,000 acres of land in the southern part of Martin county, Minnesota, for a colony of his countrymen. --Denver, Colorado, was built on the banks of an extinct creek. The creek has now becomes constant stream, needing to be crossed by .bridges. . . —New De lama is in Wisconsin. In New Denmark last week there was a bear weighing 114 potwels, but as he hawsinee been kill ed and ent up he exists there no longer. Tr —Fruit logs in the South till be glad to bear there seems to be no doubt but what therebe an average fruit crop this soar throughout Cherokee, Georgie and Alaba ma. - . —ln the stomach of an alligator recently &mod on the Combithee river was found a large li,qhtwood knot, a whole bottle, and the neck and - bottom of another, and a bunch of hair. --An Imperial commission has re ported that the monitor Onondaga, which the Freneh.governutent from the United Statt*, - la the moat tire craft for (*ask de fence in the whole navy of France. - . • —A fearful fatal accident last week t (*a Mr. T. D. Parker, mayor, and a promi nent citizen of Vsneehnrg, Kentucky, trim was literally cooked alive by falling into a large tank <,f blot); heated by steam, for feeding bogs. . • —The sentence of death pissed up tili the English convict Rutterford, who was resplte4 on acconnt-of the malformation of his welt, has been commuted to penal servitude t‘ir life —Tile Andaman Islands, in the L i z: - ~f Er .Rai l - ar o to oatvi :4 be sinking'. i...,.. : tr , ()to ~,-. o,lieht up thm, lest they will ._ !,--: te:isL. 'IrcS7 ,, ,INA they lire lOrs'iyears, that Vet' By referring to our Washing .:,, ti..e. t.:l , r,A er.e. , .;esbvi for the di_sam,a r 'e• ton news it will Le seeu that - Judge • •....r :4.... :• , --;.:•?..-1, 4: f.,...e.,. st. , , vratt.t. 3frscur has procured the passage of - -- Ti..t...111.1‘ mannfactnres tA Pater- • • -• .....„ Is _ j c. ",, /,,,,,,ki.,1;,,,,, m 0 ., u t, ,t,, „j„ . „ a lull whieli will prove a great c0n •:..,"L:•,."•!.'" .<,,,, 4 . 1 P 4 ; 0 ) 1 ' 4 . 1114 4r45 itt ; tal Tenitaxi i to flow:. of our people who •• , •t;4 ti...5.:,..Z.' V , ;...;1: 44. ,.T. 4 4. 60-. ;4, 4 ; ~.di •} 44 , ve • Us . tgint Itleil in ii-1 1 ; 11, ft •Courts• It '-.1 eale- , 4;-14.444, tel.. , s- - , it - - 1 10 / 5 440‘ 04-1 ail sluts fromt this and • -It 0. A* taltifhtion tqf 0 -.--. t v e 1i,.1. ,k,4 4 1, 4 4,.4.0.,,,p444 , 44,500k0..m e a ,t4 t f i S e f 4 f ll 4 MAKI' : I ,eo 91/4,--$ l 'W laikli lavre to. 1 . " , _' 41 . 1, ‘'.4*44 4-mts ii ts, trio ixf ii ) ihe 11, ft' (ottrt; Ain .„0 , ...4-4:"/: ; ILk .I , liti, visa “ 4114, 44.14144 0014:4 4 , !AI • Of, 12444- 001:414 14 tea.f.S(444. Ilk a s-ttg , A44.e] 7* 1 1 4ikti - 4 , r4 r .il.4o , ol o ift Juikt. fhil of : t.:... i. 4 )1.4. Ltittt,o9l4,4. .AtiraithZ•Y, 44:a 1044640.4 -. Was i . 'e rof6',7': e. ,.. ." i A '. A t 4 M , .. ~ . . i ;`Y.+, r +.ry"; `'^~'. '_"s]l~:?~i4^'~~i:RA:At.~•ii!".9:tiisin' Vol Ward fiporter. EDITORS. E. 0. GOODRICH. . 8. W. ALTOSO. Towanda, Thursday, Imo 9, 1870. .PROSPECTS OF THE unturnticAli PARTY. The- Philadelphia Press says the signs of the times were. never more favorable for the success of the • Re publican party than now. More than a year of President GRANT ' S Adminis tration has expired, and its policy has, been fully unfolded to the coun try. Its honesty, its economy, its steady diminution of the debt, com mend it to the favor of all the people. The firmness with which the reins of Government have been held indicates a vig,ornnsurpasscd by any previous Administration. The President's plainly-indicated purpose to' faithful ly obey and execute the laws is sure to save the country any renewal of the unhappy scenes which transpired under the rule of the arrogank and lawless Ala - DREW &mow. Prophesies of a breach between President Gseicr 'and Congress, made by Democrats,‘ with whom the wish was father to the thought, have Signallv failed. The cordial relations which existed at the beginning between the execu tive and legislatiVe branches of our Republican Administration •have grown constantly stronger, and now our-opponents have no hope of prof iting by anything like 'a rupture in the dominant party. Republican members of Congress who soon go before the people for a re-election have uow no issue to join with the President, as they had with JOHNSON when the pestilent pol icy of the latter was on trial at the polls. Whatever influence is used by the Administration in the coming election will be brought to bear in favor of the Republican candidates; and this must give them a great' ad vantage. Ir- The Republican party also gained incalculably by the fifteenth amend ment, which has added vastly to its strength. It has given the party so many accessions as to make hitherto Democratic States, like Indiana, Con necticut and California, reliably Re publican. • The bill to enforce the fifteenth amendment, if finally adopted as agreed iLpon by the conference 'com mittee, will take the State. of New York out of the hands of the corrupt Democracy, 'since it attaches the se verest penalties to the crime of " re " peating;" and makes the criminal amenable to the United States courts. If such a law shall be enforced it will cut down the apparent majority with which the city of New York has over ridden the country, and will place the Empire State once more where she rightfully belongs—in the Re line. Congress will adjourn on the 15th of July, in ample time to participate in the coming campaign, but riot too soon, we trust, to pass important measures of useful .legislation de manded by the country, which will promote the popularity of the party. The standing of Republican members of Congress with their constituents will depend much on what they shall do within the few remaining weeks of the preient session. The " eyes" of the people are on them, and they will make up their minds as to limy they shall cote at the coming election more from what their Representa tives do before the 15th of July than from the stump speeches they shall make after that time. The immediate future of our party is; most auspicious. With the pres tige of an unbroken series of victo ies, with the reinforcements furnish ed by the fifteenth amendment, with, the popularity procured by unexcep tionable and Congression al records, the success of the party has " assurance doubly sure." M 5,.. The next November election ,will be the most important held since the fall of IE6B. A new house of Rep, resentatives must then be chosen and besides, one United Senator from each of the following States: Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Delaware, 'West Virginia, Virginia, North Caro lina, South Carolina, Alabama, Lou siana, Mississippi, Kentucky, Arkan sas, Michigan, Minnesota, and Ne braska. Many of the present Repre sentatives were elected by suci small majwities that there can be no cer tainty as to the politics of their suc cessors. Seventy-eight received ma jorities ranging from forty-one—giv en to Reading, of Pennsylvania—to twenty-five hundred. Nino Demo crats and fifteen Repulilicaus hold their seats by less than six hundred majority. udgment has been given in New York against a railroad in a case of interest to all travelers on yearly tickets. A traveler purchased a ticket that entitled him 'to a hun dred rides. Re paid,- therefore, for one hundred rides; but when he had taken fifty rides he lost his ticket, which Was the oily evidence he had of having paid his may. The rail road company tried •to take advan tage of his loss by' compelling. him to pay again. and he sued for so ranch money as would pay for the fifty rides yet due, and the railroad company had to come'down. _ ~. eassasoliii- 4 rhe - trnit4 Mites Son* is impr•Osed to boom posed of. Or.) hind MOW geintle men, wh ose, iliac 4MS A i zmemw mally s , the •, Lower Hollee..: HOW or • " intarra.* lowing remarks, made the Otheidtit;, during the conaideration of theikik propriation Bill 41 motion wasmade to insert an amendment for $1.00,000 in aid of an expedition to the North Pole in the interests of science. Mr. Saulsbury (Dem., DeL) offer ed art ,ame ent that the expedition will be vs/ a. vie* to diseo said Pole, measuring its`length circumference, and, if practicable, bringing it to this country. F. • Mr. Drake (Rep., Mo.) outputted to add-the words "-to be mead as a liberty pole" Other humororii re- . marks were made, Mr. Sawyer in quiring whether, the object of the ex pedition was to find the place where the parallels of latitude met. Mr. Cole . (Rep., CaL) explained the great value • and importance of the prlect to the fishing interests. Mr. Patterson (Rep., N. H.) hoped the Pole would bring some fish with it. _ It might yet prove a' good fish ing pole. Mr. Saulsbury said that at all \events it would be good for knocking persimmons. The atuendment was finally ctir riecL Yeas, 28; nays, 25. ie. The removal of the capital, a subject which has been buzzing in the heads 'of a number of western politicians and Congressmen, receiv ed a squelcher I \ ll4 week from which it will not recover for some time. In the Senate the question to appropri ate $500,000 for the \improvement of the Capital grounds Came up and the Capital movers showed \ their strength which was so ridiculouslismall that we are not likely to hear \ anythirig more on the subject. Harlan, Boss and Yates were the special ehani pions for the removal project, arid on that ground strongly opposed of pending any more money o the'lra provement and adornmen t of the present grounds. Nearly every oth er Senator took eccasion to put him self against the removal project, tho' a number opposed the appropriation on economical grounds. The propo sition to make the apprOpriation was carried by a vete of 42 yeas to 10 nays. Thus ended the scheme to move the CapitaL ea.. The total number of National Banks exceeds eighteen hundred. From a published statement fourteen of these banks have failed to pay their depositors, and . fifty-four have surrendered their vharters and retir ed their circulation. The National Banking system was adopted in 1863 and has been in operation seven years. During this time there has not been a failure involving the lobs of a single dollar to the bill holder: The people of the United States have been blessed with a uniform curren cy, equally available in all parts of the country. In every respect the national bank notes are superior to the old State issue, with their depre ciations, inequalities and discount& The ponderous counterfeit and bank note detectors are now entirely dis pensed with, and sane man having in recollection the 'inconveniences and losses consequent on the State Bank system would desire a return to it. WESTON, rrtz WALK .—Weston, the celebrated pedestrian, successfully accomplished the feat of walking one hundred miles in' twenty-two hours on Wednesday in New York. He walked for a wager of $1,500, and made his last mile in eleven minutes and thirty-five seconds. An immenSe crowd of people collected at the rink to see the close of the feat, and he wag cheered lustily when he won. He alleged that he had been offered $5,500 to lose the bet, but be refused the bribe. Strange, it may seem that he chose to be so honest, when some of his other walks are remem bered. ENCOURAGING. -It is gratifying to know that the public debt is being paid at the rate of half a million dol lars per day. This is a wonderful exhibition of the recuperative powers of this government after emerging from a great civil, war and is no less astonishing to our own people than to foreign rations. Our increase in all the material elements of wealth is unlimited and each year shows devel opment of resources truly astound ing. The English and Irish para doxically .persist in abandoning those countries where they enjoy the inest imable privilege buying where they can buy cheapest' and selling where they can sell dearest; and crowding to, this tariff-ridden country in ever inerasin,g minibus. -21,000 emigrants left the one port. of Liverpool for this country during last-month The.existence of gold in Cali fornia was discovered by Sir Francis Drake in 1579; but no notice seems to have been• taken of his report. The accidental' finding of golden sands on the American river, by Marshall and Bennett in 1848, first awakened gen eral interest in the' new' El parade), and inaugurated pMctically the bpi ness of mining gold on the PaCifie coast. . Dom' Mc Wa son-in-law of Gen. Camtios, has -been appointed and confirmed ‘ll;in'etex to Ttirkey: Mr. MaYston, has been an native and useful member • of ' , tho .. Republican, party, flier since its orainization, and his appointnlent giTa uaiveisal satisfaction. may; The phbliq debt ,state Mint for May shows a decrease during thi month of $12,501,962..1z What :do ottr . Deraomtjf) repudiators' think: of thstl is di - s:gt the _rigid economy which the Postmaster General - has - every; where 'ordered le be practised by. subordinates, and, levsking, many expenses - and- needless—txmtraeta made ,by --Lis. Predecessor-. ; r•rt 1 The chiefs, wartisra ma headmen of Red Cloud's bband of Sioux, who had been selectedto cowl to this city, 'in accordance •szt arrangement made.;about thrM months ago, arrived in tbe early train this 'morning, httigned and weary with their long trip from the unseti tied regions of the;West to Auk 1.444 tiOnal Capital :They wereardmin* nied by Generalaohn E. Smith, Unit ed States, Army; G. 43, Bandies, St. Louis; 001. W. G. Tullock, of Ft Laramie, and John Riebar4,. who ,is a man of intelligenee, and possessing considerable influence in ,the _ Sioux nation. „ . The blowing prominent Indianq compose the delegatiii: Red- Cloud, Red Dog, Brave Beat' „Little Bear;. Yellow Bear, Setting Bear, Bear Skin Black Hawk, Low ..Wolf,; Sword, Afraid, The one that runs throeg t h, Red Fly, Rock Bear, He Via)! lav ing Bear and Red , , In addition to , these the folloWing squaws accompany the- delegation; White Crow, Rattler; - Thunder tikini Sans Arc, Woman and the W, 0 44 Looker. , . Red Cloud and baud are very ..dig= nified in their demeanor.... T , are Arrayed in therOugh Indian costume; and the squaws are beemningly. tired in short dresses made of red blankets ornamented with beads. end feathers. They do not . seem as much wearied as the men. . ' NEW ',7IIDICIAL C;I=TS The bill to change the Judicial Circuits which passed the Senate con stitutes the various circuits as fel; lows: - . , 'First—Maine, - New Hampshire,' Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Is land and Connecticut. Second--New York. • Third—Now Jersey, Pennsy . lyania, Delaware, Maryland and Virgania. Fourth_wasno.siripi, Lousiana, Texas and Arkansas. Fifth—North Carolina, Sonth Car olina, Georgia Florida, Alabama and Tennessee. . , Sixth—Ohio,ifichigan i Kentucky and West Virginia . . Indiana . and Wisconsin. . . . Eighth—Mi nesota; Tow p , Npbratk kit,' Zulus and Missortii.l: ": • Ninth--California, Oregon and . Nevada. ,1 The Supreme Court,Julices, ex cept the Justice;''are regedred to reside in their respective circuits, and the Chief Justice is to be known as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the 'United States. Judge Mercur has prepared a bill to enable the Government to collect the $4,000,000 due from the Southern railroads for rolliig stock sold them at the close of the war. Mr. Merear, from the Judiciary Committee, reported a bill annexing certain counties to the jurisdiction of tho Western Judicial - district of Penn sylvania. Passed. WESTERN JUDICIAL DI STRICT PENNSTLTA- Mr. Mercur, by unanimous consent reported from the Committee on. the Judiciary a bill - 01 R. No. 2108) re latiting to certain counties , of the western judicial district of Pennsyl vania; which was read a first and second time. Mr. Mum. I ask to have the bill put on its passage at the present time. The bill was read. It provides, in its first section, that all process in all actions and prosecutions, and all ju-. dicial proceolings at law .or in, equi ty, which shall hereafter &hie, and in which the defendent or defend ants shall reside in any of the follow ing amities of the western district of Pennsylvania, namely, 'Wyoming, Union, Northumberland, Montour, Columbia, Sullivan, Bradford, Tioga, Lycoming, Snyder, Centre, Clearfield Clinton Camercin, Susquehanna; and Potter, shall be issued from and re turnable to the courts of said district to be holden at Willianniport• and, together with all suits, prosecutions, or businessheretofore begun, pend ing and undetermined, arising ,from any of the said counties, shall be heard or tried there only; midis with the consent of parties the court shall difect the same to be heard or tried at the Courts to be lolden at Pitts burg or Erie, in said district -second section proposes to transfer .to the eastern district of Pennsylva nia the county of Liu.erne, now at tached to the weiterndistrict of said State, .to forma part' theiiiiid east, ern district for judicial 'pnrposee, in the same mianner and with the same effect as belongs to the - eastern 'counties of said district. .It furthei provides that, all judicial pr*esses, both at laW and in equity; - issued in said county, shall be , served, return ed, and proceeded with as in the oth er counties of said district; provided that nothing in this section - shall 'ef fect snits 'and proceedings now pend ing in the western district of Penn sylvania; and provided further that nothing in this act shallaffei:t - any proceeding in regard to the taking of the pending census. • 3fr. Holman. I beg to inquire of the gentleman from Pennsylvania, whether this bill makes any provis ion with reference to the clerks and officers of the court? . Mr. /fermi'. There .i alreaily court established there; and the. bill merely 'provides that the . bnsinesS from several counties most centiga_ male it shall be there ,deterinine& Mr. Holnian, does not provide for another clerk or inarehal Mr. Merear.aides • 'nil.' raw judges, clerks, 111a11110S or Other offi- Mr. Holman: Then I have no ob jection to the bill. Mr. Schofield.' :1" :rime to emend by striking Onithewoivi!' Came Ton.". Mr. geretir. I haffi objeation• to . that amendment. • , The tunendnient a4reed,to. The' bi ll , as. ime,fided, was 'then erdortd to M. 61 % 1 '90 1 0 read '; third time.' i' l o 6 lllg tieeord'hieir. Mr. - Merettr - ukiired to 're . iiimAider . , bill •iriiii4tami:: Aptj abOtioiattuir the tO le tOliii d i r, l 4 6 4 l " ll - 6 0./Wr: thidattif wits,4*, the Orosi- Post itioreascwl - several aay tor sheet I vow, a am- t mi')ilgss the genersl,o3d7they pc,hiduie Otte.:-/nkabitante. - 1 2., Families munhereil :tie or v i s it a tia. -.. rite'itiMe of irierytiekbenitheee laee of abode on the let da,y, 'tine 1870,' was in thii Age gitlistbirth-day. - 4mimaii one yeargiveimonthei.ilma, 3-12 v 5. likoc=afideti,leinales...' - I . Ciilor;alVhite , black, intilittto; Chinese, Indians. ' ll ' ' tlPrOgssion, oceepation, , ,or tra4 of eachvinidn;male orimwde. 8. 'Voluble! real'eitolc " 11 19: Valie ef.p4sonelesfide.-t , ' • 10. Place of 4 llirth, naming! . :the 86ite Thritory' of United , States; or the country if of foteign birth. :t . Father of fereign birth: r " • 'l2: MOtherof foreign birth; 13. If born the year; state. month: Ci" 14.: If married within the" year, 15 Atte#4344'-stboi4. with i '=the 16. coat tea; i ; 'l7. Cannot wrtte. „ , r; • ,18. Whether deaf and' dumb,, iniane, or idiotic. ; nale.citiiiiniof United States of 21 years of iiieund upward. 20. Male . Btiienii 4 - Tutted States of-21 years and.upwards, whp§q right to .yotAi, is denied or abridk4l oa oth er.grotinds- than rebellion . other crime. Schedule.•Ttm)--- , Mortalily,Report. 1. Number of the, family - as gicen in the second eolnmnof schedule 1. ' 2. Name of ,every. person who died during. the. poi: ending ,Tune 1;1870,, whose' plaeo of abode at the: time' . of death was in•thii family ,`' 3: Age_ last :birthday.i If *under, one year; giro, months inirtiotions, as 3-12. 4. Sex--lilah3B, fenialesi- • • 5. C9lor—lVllite,' black; ' mulatto, Chines°, Indian. • • 1: .. 6. Married or .xiidovroi 7: Phu* of birth; 'naming the State ovillerritoiy olthe United States; 'oi.• the country, if of for*n - hirth. 7 ; 8. Father•of foreign'hirth: 9. Mother of foreign birth.. 10. Tho month in which :the per sOn. died. . • 11. Profession, Ocenpation or trade 12. Disease or cause of death. • Sclieduk 7hree—Proditeeidri of A:Oij 1. Wiiine - of,o;wrier,igent;pr nimi a,,,,er of . 2. TinttrOVed acre's of land.. 3. Unimproved acres `of land. .„ 4. Ctish value of farm:.. s.';Value • 'Of farming implonients and machinery. • 6. Horses on haMI: June 'l, 1876. 7. Mules and aieefi on - hand lone fs. Werking.'"oien ' - do do. , 9. Well COWS do. , do. 10. ,Citheriatile • d01..' do. 11. Sheep 'dit. do..', 12. Swine d0.,d0 13 'The Vane of Stck. 14. The ,value of all tered during ,the ±dar. 15 to 46 require the amonnt,..Of produde raised during the , y ear end ing Jime 1, 1870; the following" arti n clog being enumerated:. Virlieat,. rye, Indian corn, oats, rice,', hi' bushels; tobacco, in pounds;"ginned.' cotton; in bales of 4011 pounds, each; wool; in pounds; beans, peas, buckwheat,,bax ley, Irish potatoes, . sweet: potatoes; in :bushels; value of orchard pre : ducts, wine, in gallonsi value of pro duce of market garden; poundi of butter, pounds of cheese, tons (4114', bushels of clover 'seed', other grass, siedS, in' bushels, hops, poundio; temp, deiv-rotte 'and other rotted; thia, in pounds; maple .. sugar,: in pounds; eane'sngur, in hogiheads of, 1,000 pounds'each; molasses, in, gal lons; honev and, hecsiva.t, in potuids; value of home made nianufactures. 1.. Names, of corporation, company or individual produciug AO value of $5OO annually. • f 2. Name of business, manufacture or_product. • 3. Capital (real and personal) ih vested in the business. " 4. Kind of • power, steam, water, wind, horse or hand. = • b. If steam or water 'numberYcif horse power. • ' • 6. Name or description -Ann chines. ; 7. Number of machines. • 8. Average number of hands `ern ploYed.,:t Males above sixteen' years. 9i, .lemalep alxiye fifteen years, - AO. Children and youth; • 11.._Totid amount ipaidt in.. wages during the year. -,• , 12.: Number of ,1 months? in aetire operation, reducing part time to-full -- 18. i llsterials (including mill app. plies.anitfuel). .14. Quantities. 15. Values(omitting , , fr , 6161_ ao f a 16. Production (including all job bing and repairing). Kinds. 17. Qualities.,_ 18. Values (oirittint , fractions of a • SchaNle INali=-B(ideri. Etatistiet: The information Wider 'ibis heitict, which' is to be derived 'from doentrienb, iepits, znabb- - 'script record, of colleges 'arid public iistitntiOns; is staid; is': fa:, lows:' ' - • Aggregate , and - of .real iarsonal Ostate. - - Aggiio.ote 'sabots:rt. o f is* itaseis 7 . 'etT, 'SW ~* , • Ptiblic Schobbi4--10tinbeiOfsp011egt" Vii;' ac ileynies , iiettoiqs; ['Utter_ stela:As; - ichooPliona&' 'Ationitt' of monayty; tax lot; sclitolif:bat iear: Amount raiie'd Otlier*y s il 'that by tax bat Yearj'..Autotititt rec eived !iota' public funds for schools last isat.":, Libiaries4;B6eist 0 1 44: icademiess'POlic schools ; • S unday libr aries, - and - 'ttifintoei' lof 'vol- PtheFfin:ifieLk, it*64los rtV en3' -;:410w . ofteb blishc " Ail number xot - thOF iesgective Orc410;-' ' 'Seasori,.:itzta ikti: to the . , .4r en t of . the clop . ' - , I~ai~iber `of irtibAlpapief6inY p 4. ", kct o 'the Y: ;eo'en(l,leV, the 4et' 8 - 70:1 ' l ' l. Ihimbei - of crim' irinicied 4:4 eriiiieTdtariAf - thO Ye Itrie 1.';1870. , to r(iitilkiia-per *l:with; - dot -of UM === culture Wieaule Four—lndustrial. r :r;it ..i fertile fleas anii - gartlens ,switeriN oven iii r oif arid.- 'patches of They have books giv -44-follmantiliubutrOctkug- - branobsit these t'liillotoired tiliiiii*osifiegeri **lo*****lfFWA ctovmw_owix taawoLteu ..ittfrpr* . !44*al:Tlter'i '4i - 1040 ,k Innniier iednieratini' Ofir.zoceitil ' 5-01 ithir&V Tl 6 tigh thig*Wo - bffi Excellency: takes Oot:tiidon! tiit;gito friendly hoist to o.ifliisme -of Ambrose W. ThoiriPooxilo establish gigantic yards tcrhipilibititon car The spiritydlathys,.Convend .at the &tutu? niet4:2 l , ccfpnbil _ hav e . wearied, as have : thit m ankind, overithe clis' edision - Ofth'e 'dogLea of debnio':Was''con pinded onpnen pn,. •.-•: ,point,l "f: in good season we shall learn thnize- MIN 'DVIG4ZIN . E LITEXUTFREiI The Galaxy for &One of matter, freshness of style; vigor and form. coinpares • favorably with 'any fotmor number:: We know of Ito magazine among tho monthlies that weld invite all classes and degrees of retidersto iif.; . 1:141114 of its get; and liopo to foruish something WO the taste ,of °seta:lie the Galaxy. This tray net, be etidsl*e that its standard of litpritry . nterit is the highest, but if true, it is elide* Breat adaptability. dharl3 .B ,Beade ftirillabik 4 ehaPfers 42 and 13 of 'hie intensely drasttati 3 O . *4,:f PutTpkrieftlii His Plaee:";",yra- Angellas." a•poonibillitegaret:Preaton; "TObacen. phsgoituitt Tobacalphlglam:",by•Jolm O. Drat*, it attililiturnitett against the Ilse 'of tobacco: jug tinllboarthy Contributes " Asherican klett'and En, stir:lnnen; exeolleiit in style Allli:showini itipct taste and discrimination. As much cannot be said of hie • aitielei ou Minmonii few months ego, iielroutis: en to write up Amerloanyentert and EngllshWlnien. In a subsequent nraber: • 1 Those articles are followed by "Keeping the Bastv,• 'I:I4."IVMSKiry; "Teit'Yeitis in •Itome," '" internal, Economy of the Papal Iteleslietleal Sond*Viv• II;" Two .Womott" by Rebovoa. Itapth?3 Davis;' "Ad Astra," by 4: D.Ganac "itenater Killeen and. Edwin M. Stanton," by J. S. Block; • • Hostages," by H. II.; " Earlylneidents of this • Rebelllcat," la chap: tee from Mr. Thurlow Weed's AtitoblOgrphy. by Thnriow Weed; "The " wood," by Philip Quilibett.tiLiterature and 'Ali," " Memoranda," by Mark Twain; "liebubc,".by the Editor. =I , • . Putnam's for citate givos.thO leg table of contents, an eiCellenebilrotliterary fare !tell wofth d„own ...Beam TttalLiprobo," .Cnt.,John lily; !tpirdf:ol. the Forth.:' Prot!' A. Chadbourne: "The Tale of a Comet," .(concluded), rol . !asd *Veneer) !•.The Optlook of our English Lit. I.oa,Pre7 Prof. T. xucoprin.."A. Woman's Ilight," Mrs. L. C. Ames; ...Fulfilment," Mary R. UltAor; "Shall see have a mato Ileadablo Bible I." J.B. M tn/ger; Domestio Romance:" "On Titus ;" "Qua ker Quirks," rs.. - ti . Barrcori l ..Thit 'Exhibition if. .thc Academy." Engeno Benson; '•Dinner , ye, flumes . sjui 111,411 4 " ..L0ui5a Palnt.c.cOmßh; .I , PioporOonal Repreacntatioo," David 11, Field; "The Coining of Dawn,' Edlbirialltotent..Litentturs at• Homo," It. B. fikiddarit; “Litenktnithclepen and AftAroad," Carlton T. Lewis. • „ .r , • r . r .!_,.: - ,',.x.* -4a40i1t9 UN" STATES INTFBNAL -nEtENTlt..:—Notieci .1a hereby. gisionthat the Annual List of &Aso-Taxan for 1870.1as : been trans mitted to me by the Atoicssor, and 'the "if AMC has be coma dtta - and paYablo. .1 An reagens aneUed in the Ccunty of itradford.'Wlit make PaYlitent at my olltaa iti the borough' of Towanda, on or before day July. 1870. Notice is also given that all persona who neglect or refuze to pay the duties and lava assess ed upon thCm within thotims specified, will become liable to pay tho...peaudtieri impoffed by Jaw in addi. tion. . 6. D. MONTANTE, "Towanda; Cellar Pith Dist: pa. , A.ITT1014::-7-1V.h erea l s ray ) - vife. LUCY b leter4 bed and bbaid Irithont Jae aquae or t°clam; a - 'hereby . dictition-all persons - *shod r ir lwring or #roustiug Iter My_ account,. on l wall tity dobtm'of 'brr Oontrigrtitig." F-.:Albarky;,Juno ' . - JACOB BEVIL. ARIB AL DA.-:-This. celebrated Trott* Staub:l'l'lrd' to. found; at the Ward How Stable/Kawatals. --OARJIIA.LDI.was - aired by ohnOLtrin, ' , lgloo' Oland. arid he by Hill's Bliek War*. - dare 0144erspy, bet dam Tread well's Old Jersey Abdnllah, . Tema, $l2. - Janet:ld.' • ' - G. IT. ARMSTROG. . . . coimrbie'r .2.3„, ship heretofore eibitft; between the subscrib ers, under the OM tune a Wan) a DiTen In the Coal business is this day dlssolrod by rputual con sent. All perronainclebtrd to theilato firm ard requcatcd to call at the ollao o; Ward S: Idoutan,ye, (ayacceasora to Ward h. I)viularal'Eettio 'The 'Barrio tamicillistidy. -..- • J-11. WARD. Towanda; Jainc ALEX. toIVEN. VOTICE Commissioners 'of ..LN Buda tap will receive Riled 'Proposals for blinding of a WA GON ItO4D forni the foot of piano on 11.11...8., to Latneka, Saturday, Amen; 1870. between wand il,o'cleick,a-nt., 4 the Bonen of DAL IleCniney, at the foot of plane. to the Jolliest and mpg responsible bidder. *chording •to ApecilicatiOns and plans taade known on def. 01 . Termts Payable Io twp. orders. Commiaaleiterwreserve the right to reject anzr hide they ftsinkiiet desirable. and if the accepted Wilder does not give satisfactory ae. tiatity; It will be allotted to the neat beat bidder. D 11'0 VEY. • .Ifr.. D. SVHOOI4OV.I.M, • Barclay. ding 2.10-Its. I. U. BLIGHT.IIom'r& MILINERY!,;:' ~•2048E.J. IMIGSLEY, , Has alpin setorhed- tram:Hew York with due var hi,tY Pt ME :•; vs: - for the Summer trade, which :nry,ofrOet. I td her,ene tconers and the pnbilo on the ttickdreasonshle tering. &comets repaired and irtnuncd an aborknotice. • - :pa .has also a. flue selection of Hair and Fanoy Cicada: 'such is Lack') and 'Linen Collin% enfti.lland kerchief's, Corsets, &e. ; • ! , . • • ...., Entrance nest ! door to Fos: - & C 0 .04 of) stairs: •• , ' To ranch; flay N. 'TO.' -General -rim; Life, • 0, and AcciAladal ini_aranapAgent.--700Tapat J. . BroWn'agetel.• Wyalustogi Pi • •jnn2.10413n VSTRATED L .OV — STQL - FiN. l -60N JL.II sunctily. Ithp , Bth: laiga Maete treittinindiand hog with,* Tory Halo while on bis breast, 'and an arm tornimetd' "Nig, Any information sa to !di , lirtratiabotits will bo litiondly roinutod. "-'. C. W. THA,OKER, Corlingtop. " may 23 2t , LAyET A Ltst • ;• ,P 0 . - A rkit P., ;_ llritilSfutthcr , prtoca at yard, aro '••• " fitEt • '••• • lie. 1 • Pt i leaNitt ' • ; • • ; :Any. LetwoOrdiii at my Coal Oftlet,, No. 3;• Ider, ears Now Mock. South aide. _ ilir,tordert nitatin an calla bo actoittliattled by' -. • - CAUTION.—The public ire hereby buixe c ti t tr i = ha tvi bc rAr r j r " th tlt,4l against me for him wate r nee, liwor Ana atter this JUIN • - ' Z A LEE 4 211415. O. 1t! , t.I4LEBRATED gnu Rig: 1, - I , 4 M r .n n 'r,!;"; , ,.`cC. b:P4rws• 111211tOtri$1:1'.DIIIING 1100311 i "l . .!!.bliNicno:l2l"of, 10411cmpreiri • .A.ND , CRACIiERS , baketl,dany {tad add at situAcipi ... aifietail. ItiNg l :l ls ol4 4 tiltrarli 4 oT e s ."l ' 14 411 at all t t e ill i g ' iltittW.lllo3,ttatke.. , ,...:_;_. • •,;,,, OTsr>g&zq=dND'tC'S'CliLl is on Linfl dt4.l; their aesaoa, 4; 1 4;ti.gitrtieCtit4;GOtlifcttou • '7l -o .loTattl; , er7 ' TMranda. may 10, '7O. _ll. W. RCOrDlt CO. ISM f 1 . C OP PErOi' 'f itki ' t'WlU - AIt; I 'FISH - . it;s4 uliilesekr and tetta • , . • • Au'aisti,4,.gixi-..- CIEFSEEW VHITE.,}IO). - ; kW 14, "to=ga .1" . 7 -77 4- t u g le tira• - , DR D FRift mss* - • ... fa • • cm= 081 E Metal -; • 13 * 10 00 Fitch ai giitner - ' ii lb 55 • J Canull • 'l4 -700 Blood h_ - 1.4. • 7:00 Alba Boro-4/ Manic, h Boa 14 .7 .00 L rAndrns . . 13 • 10 00 Albany-120x t Hosted ••-• • 13 - 00 •gDgleThe l ) . • : 10 00 • - :14.9q I I "700 lit-Path • 7 00 Asylum—ll Moods_• • 13 • 10 Oa Buribiliton Born"ipoi. cinir? „ , . , 14 . - 700 - voi Spencer 13 10 OD . 1. TractacCol4 700' • ' 13 10 00 Burlington West—E4 g Loomis 13 10 00 Barolay—lrtilleekliltuainoroCoal Co 13 10 ea, piota k. , . 5 60 00' -CaritOn m'Trl&ots,C*l.4/3llktri-':l4 1 • 700 - . B k Dart - . ' 11" . 15 00 ••, ' . ll , FITots7 sou 700 • - Hameni-Futihi , : .14 .•00 2 , :ehlti • , : ' - • Coluell4rWhltnitin • , 14.- pi.- 00 Dodittbi - , - 7 00 :111Kornut . '.* 21 " 700 J 11 & ithopktris 14 700 Ctainner • : -. 13 ":.1000 Burke, Thomas &Co 10, •20 00 • NV 8 Nowinau • - :7 00 - • Denmark k Xenia , . 11 7 00 , Kontw ' 14 . . 700 Newman -•-• 13 ' 10 00 . B J Hickok - 10 ; 20 00 Celtunbla—Briab Ferguson 14 • ' 7 • Haven & Watkins • ; . '2OOO . J Malls at Co 14 • 700' IV Bnollaker k.Co . , 11 10 00 NeClolhin e Adams • •14 700 Franklin—McKee jk"Warner 13 ,10 00 • 0 Taylor 8: Son 14 OyalytBllo—l k /o Tayl or • 11, llTO3Unray k Snip 14 lienie.l4-08ddlngo k Anderson _ 14 - • C 4 Stowsot, - .14 -Litclißeld:-43U Layton* 13 D Alteeves : • • • .14 1.407—_)/ Ei 'Learn lc • .13. Mato 8; _Salley 14 • • ' U litltOkvinb • ' 14 LiMaystalo-800- 7 -D Q Dailey 4. llro 13 L L Bosworth 14 Baldwin Sz Waclanan . 12 • ,O Z 1.1411a1t 14 • WurDavi 'BB. Son ' 14 . J F Bosworth 8: Son , ' 13 /108149484-403,4n0nn 14 J Vesir 44 . Goo Johnson 11 Monroe Twis—J J Cowell - ll • , Irvine it Summers • • 13 Xotree Nero—Rockwell &linitlil4 , 14' . D7Bireet .. 13 •- . 8 ) 1 7 Alden • - 14 014681—Geoes Brotheri - . 14 8 N Benileou., 10 .• *lento & Coburn - • 13 'Shoemaker, Overton—iinchimer. trotheis', 'Pike -.lollguirpt Co Fike-4 Bntrowa & Edna E rEasterbrookis J•Q thshain • • • Reale L Maynard J Whitaker Ja•tion L LAt!Xd., • 7 s: • ' - Geo IgichOlan l3 1114gebary—F7anklikrEnglert. - • 14' J C Itobinson ' 1$,:" Ennis &Co la .A H Vooarbli 14 Sylvania Borci•—•Petermoneo •• . 14 South Crock—P L yepptigill 14 • J'E Uttir •• ' • • : •1 • 13 41g#thfleld--4 H Webb -• • 12 I 0 B Riggs 13 Tracy fi Co ' 12 §raingfield-41.114ekoesa - • - 14 . . • " : N fif 'Watson 14 SllesiliesqLvin-11 Gore"' • 14 •Kaill#Y R'77alldns 13 • • Stan dlneStono-4tuites Espy . 14 - E Bash • , • 12 • /LW C 8 T aylor -. 14, Terry—C 8 Strong 14 W & 33 Horton 12 Troy Boin—C Grohs.. V • NV B•Oivrln &Co ' • '••-- . • • • 11,1" Redlagion • • •• 18 ' • & Ponminy • • ' ' 12 liedingtoi4 3Luivc/1& Becloud 4 •• 0 P Ballard • , 14 . J H Brant . 14 . Dowey4; - .14 lAPurco.. • ." • • it' • a Mr nape ' • 13 • Newbury & Peck -• • - '• 8 „Newman* Parsons - 14 li Dliong .4 Co • 12 • Mitchell, Herrick &Co , 12 Davison to McCabe - • 11 Elena& Gray . .11 ' 14 Baker ts leurorman .• • If • E Oliver 14 TowsnanDovo—HeCabe &7ifti - •' - 5 • J ittquenln. 14 ' • ' "Porter k Kirby ' 14 '‘ ••,. , - -Marshall Brothers • P J Calkins • 14 3, 0. ' 2.1 Roscntbdil 12 klibni Guist' . • • 14 . • • Wick/mai & BlaCk A Solomon. , - 10 • Taylor &Co 3 Aspinwall' k Baldwin • • Powell & Co' • • 2 Edward Schwarz 14 • 5.1%1 Warner' • • 14 1' W Browli 13 C P..groms - •12 Pattnrson & Eluncy, m ,T; • Bramhall & Rhicevray 9 .11 IV Eddy - . - • 11 • • -•lllLeiria&Son ' II - 11.11aiiis &Co' • • 1 2 NV A Rockwell• • 10 , II Lewis' . 14 Cowell & Myer; - 11 • ' • 8 T Meeker 18 1 , • H Jacobs. . 13 r Menus & Phinnoy 14 . Peter 11411nrrow . 14. • ” Herideth & Co. • A Record 13 Davis Zr Reimer ' 14 • ,T Wolff ' • 19 • Coddinfb•itnissell &Co 3. -' C B Patch! - • . 7 . Humphrey-Biel/tem • . . • • IV A Chastaburlain , .- • Taylor-Si Ooro • 13 A •pettes & • 12" . • la NV Scott, &Co 12 'Woodford & Clark ' • ' it ED:1111001 , • • 14' alonhanyes 10 • • -• HO Porter,Son & Cki •13 • - - Pos..Steventi.' Mucus' Zr Co 12 •14 Ulster—A Waitklus •. • • -• 13 . aritutklye 14, - • ' •P D atrick floo r 14, d . 3 . 1 J Smith' ~ • •'• " • 13 -• • • 'Charles Elsbrea • 14 Chilre 14 WeUs—J 0 Randall • - • • 14 • • 'a TAl'ePio , l'a F' I. -13: WihOt-1 Stowell • • 1 1 4 , Wyocki7X,A:Crazie • , 4 IVlTtglitin-=lrril'il Mitten " 14 *arren—KinneyAht il ' • 14 rOokiper'':. • • " • 14 • friV, 4 Talnutdge •.;• . / 14 ~J Aldo , • Wyalnsing—D D Chaffee . .14 lialthrty . & • LinidOn • • 'll • "" • fever). & Beaumont 13 A • 'AckleyAlOyl &111ochei' 13 • f• - • .It rilothick A: Co ' 'l3" Sulzer . • , 14 11 8 Ackley &Brother ' 12 • Keeler & Vaughn it Allot and clsoodlladlon of persons onizogoil In the sole of patant !nadletwo.„zioistruzus, &c,ln Alto Ow*, of ,protlfard. for the . ,year 1870: , . • lithensflosso D Bab*, - • • • • ; 4 - • a 00 . 'D A Perkins , 4 .5 00 Allnuay,S.Oßlerigero - ' ,4. ~ • 5 04P •Dutllnirban Borta-41Trney is'CO - . . 800 • Canton Boro—Colwell & Whitens/a OW Columbia-4 A MjIL &Co 4 5. 00 Dranstllo24.4D Tikytor. -; 4'' ' - . i. a to' Lidlor=-• BB Tears 14 Ce • • •-• 4 'A 00 Laltaysvillo.4 P-Maworth k Dan 5 tsi Monroe Doro—SW Alden • 4 •5 00 . Tracy Holl Br othe r s • . • 555 Orerton—Pleichlraer 4 OD A'roy ..130ro-4 Roatillidtce 4, 5 5 00 Newnan & Parsoas • •• 4- . 500 Toirands - Porter—Porter - &-Elihj •• • • 4j ••• a 00 ! • Browi/ • _ 10,00 IX et ort&r..SOn'ai Co • •. - ea •IS'yalttaing.Lllnety.& Landau - • .-• C' .•a 00 ' ....i•K mt^ r46";): 4 l4l/In . • . 4 „ 500 • As ; • A 300 • • its[ dudilleisried •iicieis - In the':nntity of EtilditT44. l Pelear. • • irrorisor , • , 2 3 00 - Towanda' mro--11.4derr' , 0 '23 on Tovsnctit ritP, , .- - ,HenryJoiaea -"7 '9 00 A •list- of persons engaged in running • billiard tables and bowling alleys in the county of Dinilforil, forth year 1070:,, • • •• - Troy.lioro—liorgan t3Volfo o tables. dOOO - Zbibres it•Ylmag• ,••• • * 4 • :40 00 •Towantbi,lioto. 7 Altit•ll . B swAtb • ~.*! , , fQ 00 . . . , A,lttA of : bankent and- broker" Iti.;•1110 tx , t4try Bradfonl, for the mr1571:4 . : . • •.- Troy Earn—Pomeroy Brotlieri 9 -23 00 Towanda ifirro-,-421`dpier: k 130 . 0 • 23 fIG _ - _ t, HOVE.. - Mercantile Appraiser for tho County of Bradford, do hereby certify that the fore going ts stoned list of the &miasma's andel.. iificattoM for the Yeaf 1870; and that an appealwill be bel4 - 4 the , Treasurer's - .alb* at Towanda; on BATUMI - dr; thirllth dI of June. Irtkfor the pur pose ofheartim such - as fool , themselves agierlercd by reason of said appralamtietit. . _ . • • • 11. !LOWELL, irirron,ltay. 16,, 1870: Mercaatile.Ailiralser. _WANTEti N y ivo man, in eaCh.c...v in the States. to Waved and tab ardent by aanrple. tor Tr . ROY EE. and SPICES, To suitable men we will "give a vakwrot 3900 to $l.OOO a rear,. above travel ing and other expense's, and a yeasowsblo conuolia- Igtt on wiles. ThiMediate , aitalcatlt*lmisiolikiitegrfrogiploVei Warties.• -Betiioneea tetehangtal.'.'•Applr ON or ad; ' swam lb X --"Clietedlllllb," ~2Lry, 1870441 BBll3oway,NewYarii: Tiusavenoist . Sotioe islecieby Akan that Um, co-partamblp aslatiair between pa isadaralgned. tba mama& bailor , sae Ws. : apr . ed.l3xma . tualcanaeut. la wnt taat..- • - '..trf;riick; 3fiy12,1370.=-31 1 !!= * ALA Sinner, .1111thell 13. , 13 113' 13 •-'l4 14 14 14 • 14 14 :'i`t;~s:i=,y` . r - "esl`a'~'?`'' ~~~~:~ ~~'='r';i~~.::.'~'' - ~~ c. W?`r : :r':i:~i`~, ~:'i:f:.'C~; :':i.'-' ME im - iiir:),r4tßa.. 13: : : • 10 00 8 80 00 13 10 00 ..P1v4443 1 4: 1 .P.1 1 .7'4 'Omsk partit 'afar! Low mi (mom; neat • am . AIiD JUMP= BEEPIEg. , are•• - • Mons on in nano. Jun' iper bj " a finti • • 7 . b.ibikv l 4 l ded#PWAl ls6l , ll , ll O l Ilid!li!edleta• ed from dlimilper iletries; rror7 liitte**siti used. •• f.: . ; -. • - aid a sauqproputtaa oi a- - .; * So* hit! i a b 1a .. 4 4 14 1,Y1 21 7,0 , r . • ME locliu, U PreVored by ~ PnAids; li,ot I dm color. It is a plant that emits Its fragrance ; thir - • : !! 7 , action of a funs dlatroyin this (Nam:flan pttsciplit), liaTiag a darkand &Weil= dmxicUnL ta Mo. color of `ltigmdlesits: in my 'rains tatettordeths .; the anthtleet .quentthr of the other. ipgrAkTtip#re a4dol, to prueent teneentafylt: up- on tonpodlon. it } : in be tonna La to bo & Tincture. an made In Itarmaarperi, nor' is It a syrup --sad therefore be.used*csulea mrbctre . , l 4 . !'er.' o ,l' b2.ltiv snatipneit#. thiit t - yet; luivnthei knowlilee of ,the arid the zuode of invi noßing hit you will favor it wilt& i trial, and Om* irpoa iosiection i 1 ill meet CU! ymut 7'oo 700 12 GO 700 7 00 10 00 700 ,7b 00 2WOO 10 00 balm, With* feoliiig of ixodblenoo. Cliertk 4t ated . lsnizfer " : t of 16 yeiri erperietice. 10 00 10 00 10 00 12 GO 7 041 f 7 01.11 9 WI 7 00 7UI 7 OU 1010 [Franilie .largest :manufacturing Chenlistig' in the 10 00 Do ID 00 10 00 7 00 T 00 7 00 10 00 12 GO 1 00 10 00 12 50 7 oo ...rail acquainted with Bin U. T. Uehattiold; he Occupied the Drug Store - opposite ruyieeidenceasid was gruaxwerful in - eoneltwitok the busineia where others bail not, been equally PO before btra. I kave been favored: inthyeieed with hie character and en terPriZe. " WlLLlAMsymoirritAx, Finn .4.l*e : rii< Weightnian;Mapnbetaring Chenainis,lThieth and Brown r,crioErrtfarr Irciro, for wait, nose prising from kellecretion. The eoansted pow- era" of Nature which are artoanied by 'AM many alesintag rymptoute, among *bleb be found, In Opt:onion to Exertion, Lora of Manors, Wakefal, NOT.* of Disease, or Forebodings of Evil ;:in Act.trrilyersal Lissltade, PiOstration, and, Inability to enter Into tho Onjoyments of eodety The. ioustltution, !once arccted with °nude Wasknefa, requites the aid of medicinal° dreimth. sII andiasigoridelite system, idgeh EILTILIiCT mart invariably dOc If no treat snout io . oubmitioil to, o:n4:option or 'moonily en- I= n1501110LIA11n1:1TD ErnAer or Broil?: In ar- fectitme Peculiar to - Fe:odes, is . vitequallett by.any preparation. a is Cliloroolo, or Re tontion, . • raPafehigia. os Scldtrtie State of the Liana, and all complaints incident to the rex, or the d ecUno or change of life. Ilmittiou:Va- num Em4i7 Brceo AICD mom? ;lose !* extormhmt" from . . the system, dleesets uteleg 11 . t:e1L2 Itabtte_t/.Abticipa- tiOn; a Utile oxpensi;, little or no change In diet, no .thcolti•oidezice or expoimr4; complete l y en orseding those u?phissant and &marrow nireii, prvidva and Mi*enry, na aft these !!Liaesaeta graapo*ra num Ernurt Bverto W all dthcaseiof Weae cmiwii.i,whetilei 'apish or female. from whatever (*one ciiginattng, and msiterof how big atandli!g. It is i)i'ciLicant in taste ;3(loTeb;,';, - ii . iirtie . ab;;;:iiiietifinarciiA-rigi- ening than any of WO - preparations of Dark or Iron. Th.:44 suffering frOsaliridikti4o . agEi . oi. delicate conitittthonn, poairo the remedy* once. 'IV reader ark be aware that, however alight may be:tba altaik ottito thirst diataiawiiii eertala to spot the toiry - httlth and mental powers. AU the above - diseeies require the alit Of s Din. retie. - =WW2 EITEACT.DUCLIU. the AJOR Yomig anibletmatan Mahlon. Major Irwin. will Rand at the Livery stable of Km:ninon! k &anima, in Towanda, the ensuing season, at $3O to inmre. for a limited number. rEDICIREZ—Major Irwin by MM. liyadok Ilambletonlan. Darn by Tem Thumb by Sely Mack Hawk, by Long Island Black Sold by . . . , Hawk. - DruggitOß .everYwhere. DisitZ,4l.2.s 1 April 21 870.—tt KINGSBCET S O LO MO N. great Diuretic. 'per bottle, or 6 I;Oitleafror 66,60. • Delivercd aildrevik *ftlibn.ifyrnitome in aU poinmEmica. Uonr..' . Addreirs 8.4.11EL11 . 116LD, :Drug *rid Chsmi cal Intiphonso. 554 troadwar, N. Y , • . •Nom: Aut - ot•tunce.i=m;riceiziri. IP s&')ca.ii3 mTix3 "tsi Wirelicmse; and Aped, ~...; 11- 4 ., :)-;•J ;' 1. .... v. lfiy 11;-1,870.,-=.1y , .S.l4:lceekc 13tb; iseti. • : 4 .. • . , ! am. very resrectinilp • • • /r.-r• zunisoui. World.] Novs.smas 4.1831 . ME IRE ME U. BEIXBOLD ==M ty. ......., ' :A;N-411. :1•' - • RK Ets • :-.. --- -VIIOV/WgPIICIId.. • •-• sotd Amoy Illfoltood?y, by AT. B. ipkyc H ,oet to chingeo, 08i/7' • *Est,, IP btu,* ' •. . : ..... :..•.II yo IV. b.* .'. . ; " ...... ... • •!;' ..., .... - 41 t% 6,6,,1p • . • ;-.::. t . . , Ito O : OWN 1k biP it • : - . . re MM mill? .1" .... • .. I Co- . 'Butter VDUs) p d; do -1,b11.111,21 .. : . -.. .. :.; .. .... 24 4 - " 2.5. WiaelVibtllb .......... i *" .... . ...... 1 MOM * burd . . 7 1 19 e. 0) gam II SO, • . . - fik• 2: OtOohli book . ''.• .: . - • • .. ,so / . Armin or Giiax . .- - jiiii;t4o . lb. ; Cori 54 By odltm.; Oda $211)4.; nada ill lbs.; Dati w b n i 1 48 Ow; Bcoosll2 lbs; Dna 201b6.:_ekow , lleol m; lbs. lboothy SW di tbo. ; l b,. sm.., toted Apples 31 lbo:'. Ploolleed SO lb,. : • .• . 1 11 PGE 4 LT8 ,OF' Until farther Deane the 1144 4 Ws (Ace win *tare 44 &part as totters: . . 'A Northern 14411 71 rriv 11 e. . . ... T11 0 17 3 y • • •-• ..... 5 :15 r. ........ a. tay , • .. , ... 1.20X1 ....... 1,00 r. Can 5 . 0( POE. ........ ltd maw". •• ...nal ....... lAN) ea:eLelteyrriLle . 0 1101 a: ....... it. • . 0- ... .412:20 ..... Labia entree every Moodily. Wedneed smd • 14=i 600, r. PL, eat depute at 7:00 a. on , listurday. Liberty Ccierema l = attires every Tuesday, Th om dryea4 Els lL ittrisy at 0:00 a.m. 'Deports name day 4900 A • AU imailsflose 0 Atomics birwrou pstg. tre. gad la sera mad mat dem 4.5 mem iripreofear. .11. W. ALVORD, ULLA t ! . HAY 'TEDDER ! . - • This Is the only Teddlew t the Market thatwill zipt, clog in long' wet gam. 11 ht of draught,. durably made. and s weri adapted to Eleven gratiud Erring used oits the past.sessow,f sty, without f r of etintradtetion, , that they will loyal lead 1 ,,, t cent ! On Investrniut. on Oar weft rpgatined fi rm , . The subscriber has oneind two horse Teddies Pc saio at inennes ripen Also ipso We gale of Wheeler. Witch f.c Co.a celebrated Mesh. Intl Machines, which are eo.well and faxatably that no. word of cotra cad add to their repotau s. Baring bad 18 years experience In the Tbzetloi. ; bualnces flatters himself that he can trice entire sat, lefaction Vetting, uP. matinee. 111 eat!. 1 - tuanprnniptly attendlid to. E. L ALLIB, • :';juneViO-Its Booth MX Bradford Co., Ps. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE •c outainlng ,Pjfi acres. situate Wyse: tn... Eradfced county. Pa.- 140 unit improved. g 6,4 buildinfmand fruit trees. Enquire of J. W. POOLE on the prembieo. Armin; Stine 1;1870.--1m* QWEET POTATO PIiAA - S --- „ Li EDI - PLANT% all kiMi of early end late Cab. b aste plants now ready and in fine condition to am . . Jtinel,lo.-tf HARRY MIX. DEMOCRAT WAGON, (second Limit, nioriy lifted up, and for Web, isine;,lo.-tf ' MoCA.BE k MX. FARISIERS ARE pEMAN,DING IILEPROVEZ) ; Especially At the pretient time when the pries of la bor in high and produce low. The CLIPPER MOWER AND REAPER with its extraordinary Moldavia of dranghtits ability of the faker- to cat bleb or low velem' Mopping the.teant, Its patent draught applied at it. centre of residence by which the bar is drawn in stead of being pushed as In other front cuttingms chines, and all able deaught Positively avoided, it, marked superiority over all other machines LA Ai tonal ind work/mu:whip, steel being substituted to wrought Iron, wrought iron and mailable for cam, great ease with which it Is managed, audits, appearane the bead of lintels. machinery, such as Lute:limit fanners are - beginning to demand.. - There are so many distinctive features 'peculiar to this machine that every fanner contra. plating buying shoal examine one of these bete, purchasing.. We like especially to hive them compared wgb ...other macbinee:that have been considered tr-t -. class: Le,vi B•itiodloug. of Caledonia, N. 'Y., has riled OW. sines 1865, cutting from one to two hundred and Ar ty acres each year, and has not expended to ex 0,1 two dollars In repairs, and 'tins was for worn out knife sections. Hon. J. Q. Adams, Quinn. Mass. amps : could notifford, nil opinion: to use any other machine than the Clipper." • H. C. 'Wilcox. of.Whiteenrocal, Mich" says of the Clipper • I cut ten screm .ix hours end my team was not:blown bj any means.-; I know whereof I speak in regard to these ma chines. having used one on my farm last season, and I was so highly pleased with it, I accepted the agency for - eastern Bradford and parts of Buscpett haun and Wyoming Co's. Mr. B. H. David Will lose his attention to the business, atid call on as many farmersvanting-machines as lin can reach. Orders sent to din by mall sill be promptly • attended t.. Circulars sent if deaired. • rumen wanting Butlanl'a hay Tedder wh tot attpplied. at minHinfacturera prices. .I.zriwrus. Sprfrigilill. Pa.. April 20..1870.-2m NOTICE.—This is to notify my CDS . tomers that nay Barber Shop will hert.aftpr, he closed On the Sabbath day. - „D. F. FLETCHER, April 20, 1870: Ward Home - Shop. _____ THE FOLSOM SEWING MA cinNE! sir Price. $40,00. - falt The time has come when 'tweet every family ran afford a Sontag Machine. inspelectins one, the most important points to be considered are : ant, to get a substantial, well-made machine, one composts of as few pats se portable, that it may not nerd con stant adjusting. One that is noiseleas and easy to operate, is a1.:41. desirable. Finally, to get one as described •t • small expense. The FOLSOM FAMILY fa. SO MACHINE, em- braces these important pants.' It is constructed on the principle of combining the greatest strength • with the least friction, and the smallest amount of machinery consistent with the proper execution of the work ; producing a machine perfediy simple, easily managed, durable, and not li able to get onto! repair. It makes a strong mid perfectly elastic wam.whien will not rip or rory/ by wear, and cannot be broken by stretching, swelling or ironing ; neither can it be pulled pr worked apart, even when the stitches are •relleatcdly Cut or broken, and yet. it can be ripped when necessery'without tedious waste of time; or injury to the finest goods. It will sew with ease and rapidity .iessy rarirrysf f fon, woolen, linen and silk goods, from the flnestio the coarsest, and of any required thickness. using any kind of good thread. The,Machine is fitted with a Patent „Von-Resersible Attachment, which renders A Impossible to run it in the wrong direition. This will commend itself all, especially to beginners. For Stitching, Hemming, Felling, Binding. Cord ing, Braiding, Seaming, Embroidming, Tucking. Quilting and Gathering, these Machines have. no. so. perior. - Every Machine fully warranted for eon year. For terms, zuldrraa A. S. IL MILTON, No. 700 Chest nut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.. POIC agent. E. P. BOCK - WELL. Agent of Bradford Co.- April 27, Is7o-2nl - 101ARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—The undersigned hiving asaociated themselves. gelher under the name of DR. H. C. PORTER, IiON CO., will carry on and continue the Drug buaineta at the old place, corner of Main and Pine sta. As heretofore. Dr. Porter will give to the Moline. , his personal care and attention. DR. H. C. PORTER, DUDLEY H. =IWO% HENRY C. PORTER. TOWANDA COAL YARD. • • May 2, 1670 ANTHRACITE AND lIITIINLNOUS CO.&LS. The eurdereigned, having leased the Coal Yard and Dock at the old Barclay Diudn." 'adjust completed a large Coal-house and DOW upon the premises, are DOW prepared to ftunish the citizens of Towanda and vicinity witltthedifirtrentkinde and sizes of the above; named wall upon the most reasonable terms in nay quantity desired. Prices at the Yard until (aster notice Stove. Lugo SB-... Small Egg..., Lump, • Plimoth Nut. Pittston Nut "Barclay" Lamb f 00 Itntiot ffilnca 3 30 " Fino, orDlartsmtlh.. 3 00 The following additloasl charges will bmade ior delivering Coal within-the borough Ibnita:: Per T0n...60 cents. Extra for carrying 111.10 erntr. Half T0n..33 " 23 Qr.T0n...25. •. •• " " ler Orders - may. be left at the Yard. rorn•r Cal!, toad and Elizabeth Street', or at IL C. Porter's Dry Store. - Orders must In MI awn be aremnpan:eft with Mi. sash. WARD is SIONTANTE.. Tosmtta. June 1. 970—U. .horse well-bred Stock stand at the Livery Stable of Km;s - k FlotomOil, Towanda, Pa„, from Monday awn to Saturday telvM*l7, and at Sheshequin. Pa;: - at the offarm L. a Ethfrobvu7. duringMstnrday and Mon• day forenoon. TERMS-430. • Money doe as taro as the mate Is known to bo wt b teal. Any r oi, lowing uu u irred. and parting with her fore , the time off will be held- accordable for the , insurance. - Pasture furnished for Mare* from a ' la ' tamest Ha per month. All accidents and escapes at the owners risk. Psnloar.r.—Patchen was sired by the celebrated trotting stallion Cleo. M. Patshen. be by 0111/1112A M. Clay. be by Henry Clay, he by Andres , Jackson, leo by 'Young flasbaw, fro. Tha dam' of Patchett, was Moronic, grand dint Mesio-nror. P. TOWanda. Alga Z.. -IKo.—tr JEW Y ROUTE TO PIDIADEL PHIL ItTli PENNsYLTANIA. /he - mien and Most direct line to Philadelphia , Del timbre, Wishington, and the South. Passengers. by this route take Pennsylesida k New 17ork Railroad train, pigging Teecanda at 7:15 make close connection at .Dethlehcm With Er. press train of North Penn'a ItaUrpad. and arri" i n Philadelphia at &03 P. X, in titac to take night trains either for the gouth or West. passenger ears ere at the Depot on antis! of n train s to convey leuisengers to the rations Depots nd to all parts of the city. tirtrztaitu. LeavelTO , rth Penn's Batlroad Depot. corner Detti and, American etregte. Philadelphia. at WS A. arriving at Towanda 5:15 T. WV, evening. aittdo's Biagio Express collects sod delivers bag gage. oak* No. 10513otith /Mk street INEICIEM ACCONZOpiTtO3I2._ Freight receiredat Front and *obis streets, Phil. &-Iratia. and foritardal br Dalbr Put Freight train to Tcnranda. and all paints in fluarehanna Taney with qtdeltdiapatob. - MIAS CLARKS. Gon• Airt.N: P. R. R., Front and Willow Mb. r n. Philadelphia. $5 00 5 04 5 00 5 , 0 4.7 S 4 50