fratifoUltpovitt.. LOCAL AND . GENERAL. • Its. As the Rector, Rev. Ws. Me al-trans, was absent, there was no unites the Episcopal church nn Sunday last. 'or Maj. W. H. IL GiagE Tepre.. p e tted the 6th Reserves fromthis omintrio the Convention :dark Raven last week: 186 To-day (Tlmrsatiy) being Ai eension rely, serrieei:urill be held In , the,Eids mpil church et 101 delock, am, spa 15 p.m. fey CIMISICOE PIERCE, son of the !Me Sarum( Pnater, Esq., died of eansmnp. non at his mother's residence in Welisbnrongb, on 'Margo . Is t. - gm. Rev. C. W. Bsraverr delivered au able and scesible address to "Young La ,hes," at 0 Church on Sunday evening last. The same, subject still be. discussed on nest Sunday evening. ser Merchints, grocers sad others selling the so-called " krizo Candies," aro un der the ruling of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, liable to pay a special tax of MO, as proprietors of " (lift Enterprises." • l ogy We are pleased to notice that C.en. 31.5. B. Maras, of New York, has been appointed Justice of the Supremo Court of Utah. (am 2.IcEEAN pus many relatives in this county. During the campaign of 1868 he made several effective speeches in this county. A NEW FEATulaz >n hisumuiCE.—We notice that Messrs. CUSP & are now irsning fire insurance policies which cover all dontoge by lightning to buildings and contents and live stock on the farm. This is a good thing for farmers, and they will do well to call at their office when in town. Busixtss CARDS.—Business men, wl„.n in want of Easiness cards, should have thernprinted at the Rzeonmit office. We have the latest style of typo and guarantee our work to be egnal to that of any other establishment Our prices are as low as the lowest; but we will not du work at Less titan cost in order to get punting. An evening's entertainment will be given at Mnactia's Hall by the ladies, for the benefit of the .Episcopal church, on Wednesday, June 8, 1870, when will ho present ed for the first time in Towanda, Mn. Jarley's renowned Wax Worlii, together with a series of tableaux, parlor cbaiades, vocal and instrutnen tal music, XT. z NEWELL LEONARD, Esq., of south Creek, Late graduate of the DM Depart ment of Ann Arbor University, went nest on 'Tuesday to make his home in St. Louis, 'Rich., ebere ho begins the practice of law 'under favorable circumstances. We commend him to 'like people of that place as a young man of un *nal energy and integrity.—N.T. Gazette. Lin-ta Hose Company; No. 3, have fitted up their room in elegant style. beautiful brussels carpet has been placed on the lima.. A fine library table and several tete-a tetes and easy chairs hive also been provided for the use of the menibers. The vvalls have 1., en decorated with beautiful cluomes and ple4egraphs. F. AV. 8n0w?..:, apothecary, has iu connection with his superfine 61004 of drug, clwinicall., etc., a large hit of prime cigars and tobacco, to which ho respectfully asks the it tooa, of all " weedists." Re believes, on in , uoo, that satisiactioll will be the result both C . to ,taatity and prices. Those who do not nse tobacco arc alike invited to call on him. Cat! The numerous friends and pa of Dr. WanxEn, will be glad to learn that he Itats this village again for one day only, Fri day. Juns 10, stopping as usual at the Ward 11.,n.0. Dr. Visaxmi's conrso of Physiological tens in this village, as well as his sobse y :cut made his inane and ropnta ii ri familiar to our readers that we need 01. y to r.imr n mco the time of his visit, M., DAVIS & KEENEIt, our popular 11 ,,, mytt, are the perm% to 'dish yon up" ~m ething really nice in the b 0.4 and shoe line f hey not only employ the most skilled work = testi, bat nse the very best of stock in the cos t, deportment. A Urge: variety of ready mud, truth, for ladies, gentlemen and children, Ida on hand. Repairing neatly and cheaply Visit Them at the sign of the "Big Mititt street. Gam' The following are the officers of Towanda Section, Cadets of Temperance : TV.A., EziNEIT Fll4.)sr ; V.A., Wmpre...l.l) T.. CHAS. HUNTLI2V; .TORS P.ENNITACT.E.II N., EDW. C01V1.1..s ; KISOSIICItT ; G. Httny D.lNtra. Wti.eucK ; W. Up,“ WILITICAN ; A.W.; Ewsrst Dr.ctiEtt. Potrims.—t.). A.,teic. TYu. Joky, Oro. A I)m..s, S. W. At.rozw, 3liss Herne 4r 4 ••'' We have just received from celebrated establishment of J. B. LIPP'S ( iT: A ( pladadelplata, a large assortment of t o e;opt'S cards and paper,•and are now pre pared to furnish priuSed envelopes of a supe -1;or quality at only itrifle more than they would c o.t a t retail without printing. We respectful ly t the - attention of binduess men to our eimerua of printink, feeling assured that we am please the most fastidione both in lltyle and rrit Grlon TENTPLAIII.—CHAS. HVTCHIN^ 1.:D.0.W.C.T. of Elevation LodgO; N 0.770, (1.7'., Barclay, installed tha following on Saturday night, May 7, for tho Kea tr•nn : • W 74. JoIINSTON, JR., W.C.T. ; JANE PILTLLIPS, W. V-T. ; LzsrEn KELDER, W.S. ; Wm. Joan.- To:v. NR.,F.S.; EDWARD WHEATLEY, W.T. ; JOLLY DAVIN, Chap. ; JOHN IdAHONEY, W.M. ; MARY WHEATLEY, D.3i. ; FRANCIS WHEATLEY, G. ; JA. I'oll HELNEE, S.; W. H. Bmosrm, A.S. ;-,lsAmmt, Joto,s-roN, B.S. ; JAHE BICCIEff,' L.S. 11E9— At Caoss's Boob: Store can be obtained "Every Saturday," "Hearth and Home," " Vt'acerley , Magazine," " Harper's Weekly' and " Itaiar," "Chimney Corner,' • • Jolly Joker," " New York Ledger," "Saturday Night," "Saturday Journal," "Fireside Com panion," and tdl .the other late leading daily and weekly papers, June magazines and new Also school and miscellaneous n•all paper, cto. C PArrEssoN & KLWET, Grocers, 5n doing a live bnsiness. The secret of their d. ing so is. that when once a person calls, he ~ 1 she is so favorably impressed with their nnuiesy that another call is the inevitable ro ma. tientleniatily treatment is a medicament all like to receive at the hands of others; therefore, is it not heat when pnrchasing food r , the sustenance of the corporeal fabric, tore , ~t ve gratin a little of the "milk of human kind ims." at the same time?—Gen. PArroN and J. J. o:tirrirli.4 .started on Monday last across the nnfry to the western part of Maryland. They ipOk after a large tract of land which t. , ,.. f w e there, and will be gene several weeks, s. the elude distance will' be traveled with 1.1 ellll conveyance, ANt ti. LviooN, of Troy, has ten appointed ak;, ,, nt for a Southern Land Company. T. 51 1 1 crit.Et of New Era tudge, I. 1). tf ~r.. ciettret District Deputy for this MI inay be of interest to inkr readers to learn that, previoni to . .. ,I j , tirixrnf•nt, the Legislature passed an act re tlS4lq 11, th( organization of the State, .4 , 11 - 31111 in tax. The bill provided 38 folk/38: • "Each au l crery person not now, or who .1,19 i rot hyrealter become a meMber of some Lill:tau orgauizatton, shall pay to the collector ~f r the city, countr i borough, or town %Well be Ash mottle, the auto of fifty auunaliv, the payment of whiCh sum eolupt lion from liability to perform mili tnx:. selliee except Muhl ()Merit to prevent or nomnion, tr to suppress insurrection, tn matt, or riot; the proceeds to be denoted to ,tnintne colautter military organizations." re. We cat Ske,itk r SUM: atfartherainli Oben in want or lotiont corpookraocluttMitklb the saTon!al,gui or atm Etroutifai be tonna lit i Wink As Mn B. bait no superior, end ii anAgliSkriblo. th9rautibgeing barium ,M4lOll an to this contrattrdty. Pernisks who Owe Mit with their patronage trill be -Innwrably dealt with. - " And the cry is stall they °Omar The wisdom of keeping a larmasemit. twat of Wady , giocerieS, and-,eelling Akan at reasonable) Woes is Stradigly - essiellafted:•it the popular tetablialmtent of llfothant Whatever grounds- of •complisAit may 'exist among business men- gentratiVon account of dull times, does not apply to them. Their store at all times resembles a busy 'hive of in telngeni and thrifty people attracted, by the large assortment of goods, and the fair and -honorable way ofdenthig. BARN BirRNED nt WIALusiNCi.--ahlr ing the severe thunder storm on Thnnulay eve n tog,l9th Mat s - the barn of Ramie Foam, of Wyslusing,"wa* struck by lightning !mil burned with all its contents, consisting of seven tons of hay, twenty busheli of wheat,* quantity of oats and buckwheat and fanning utensils. 80 rapid wore the names; that nothing could. be aimed from the barn. The hardest thing was the burning of two nice calves that could not begot out. • Tbis falls pretty harden Mr. Futaxn, as there istus no inahrance. The barn . Was ahnoist, new, with a la'rge shed Just completed. Fortunate ly, Mr. rumen was away with his horses and 'wagon, or they would have been lost. ' In less than thirty minutes the place was thr . unged with neighbors and sympathizing friends, who did sU they could to same the prop erty. Mr Cum* D. Aim; while at work in Lsczr's planing mill at Wyalusing, on the 12th instant, was accidentally struck by piece of plank thrown by a circular saw, and so injured that he died on the morning of the lith in the 211 year of his age. Ho was a, young man much respeCted for his temperate - and in dinstriona habits, upright, character, and kind and obliging disposition. The Lodge LO. of O.T. of Terry, - town, of wtdAt be was a- member, and who performed the last rites the living can for the dead, passed the following minute: Wnwazas. It bath pleased Almighty (lad to remove by death our brother, Grants D. &L -een; therefore we would record our testimony of respect for his memory and appreciation of his character. In his sudden death we have lost a kind and courteous friend, a faithful mem ber, a cheerful companion and a true brother; whose pleasant ways and upright conduct en deared Win to our hearts and won for him our respect. In him we have losta good member, the community a good citizen and his hunk an affectionate member. Resolved, That iCcopy of this mintite be sent to his family and published in the Szporrrys. • Resolved, That we wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. NV- Next Sunday, May 29th, aE 11 o'clock, a.m., the eloquent Missionary Father, Very Rev. Wm. Manton, C. SS. IL, aided by a few of his brother Itedempterists, will °pea, a mission in the church of 88. Peter It Paul, at this place, Bev...P. Team, pastor, and.continhe dirring the entire week. This auspicious occa sion will prove a most delightful one to those who are anxious to hear the glad tidings of the gospel. We have had the happiness of listen ing to this gifted sou of the great St. Ittsnoa sus Lroont deliver an impromptu address in the' city of Philadelphia, and we confidently assert that lie is one of the most accomplished pulpit orators in America. 3 ! Admission at all times during the exercises Will be free. But as the church is considerably in debt, as indeed we could hardly suppose SO costly an edifice to be otherwise, an opportuni ty will be afforded each ono to contribute some thing for its payment. "If thou have much, give abundantly : if thou have a little, take care even so to bestow willingly a little.— l'obios, , Wk. Dr. BuLtocx, of Smithfield, is writing a series of articles on the early set tlement of this .county. In the last one he makes the following reference to one of the earliest citizens of this place: It is probable that but very few of our in habitants remember the above named Arzuox so C. S7I!AItT, who left ,the county about 1817 ; and whose tragic fate may, it is thought, with propriety here receive a passing uottce. He wes a'gentletuan of fair abilities as a lawyer, and of quite a social and jovial disposition or tarn of tniud. Ile went: front hero to the State of . Illinois, and Welt attained a degree of prominence at the law, that excited the envy of some of the members leas gifted or capable than himself. The custom or practice of tho vicinity, at the time yiermittteil duettwg ; in pursuance of which he, and ono of his cum-_ pcititors at the bar, of the name of Itlmmut, agreed to get up a sham quarrel .and a sham duel, all in sport as understood between them selves, but to appear to others to be in earnest. It was done accordingly ; awl they repaired to "the field of honor," armed with rates and with their attendants for the combat. ?fuse had contrived to have a bullet put in his rifle before tiring ; and, at the first shot, Sroant fell never to rise again. He lived long enough to tell the whole arrangements, which placed Ilit.t.en in the position and with the stigma of being worse than a coward, besides being guilty of murder. Ile was arrested, tried:and convicted : and ex piated his crimaiipon the gallows, the 'execra- Wet of the whole •community resting upon him. I bat e been informed that the practice of duel ing, front that time, was there considered dis bo»orable, and wholly ceased. ==2:111 SuNnAy Smoot. sTrrurr.—A Sun day School Institute of Troy District of the M. E. Church was held at Canton, commencing Tuesday, May lUtli, and closing on Wednesday ev.ming. During the session of the Institute addresses were delivered as follows: "Itelation of the S.S. to Um Church," by Rev. F. S. MlA vcn, of Ulster ; "The Work of the 8.8,"by hev. C. L. F. Rowe, of Leona : "5.8. Literature,' by Rev. W. D. Tarpon, of Mansfield; "8. S. Literature," by Rev. 0. 8, Titaxsr, , of Monroe and Bev. C. W. 11E,xxErr, of Towanda ; "Tho best method of gathering children into the 8. 8.," by Rev. O. I. GIBBON, of Wellslxtro. The opening address was delivered by brother B. 8. Dux?, of Canton, elm extended a hearty welcome to the association to the hones and hospatalaties of Canton. Wsduesday morning was mainly occupied by class recitations, illustrative of the method of S.S. teaching, viz : First, a Palestine class con ducted by Bev. .1. D. lir.nus, and second, by a Bible class recitation on Matt, 5, 17: 20, con ducted by Rev..C. W. BltaxErr. Wednesday afternoon "Rev. C. L. F. Mown gave a blackboard exercise founded on Dan. 12,9. This was followed by a lengthy discussion On " Our lesson system and the • use of the Gate chistu,'. in five minute speeches. 4 lOn Wednesdareveiting Rev. C. .11morrr idelivered an admirable lecture entitled "Obser tvations in Bible Lands." After which the rti stitute adjourned. J. J. Trirrox. Secrctery sir At a meeting of Wyalwsing Lodge, 1.0. of G.T., held Slay 3. 1670, the, fol lowing officers were inotalleil by Lodge Deputy S. F. Aciumr, of Springhill : F. SCLZEU, W.C.T.; 21.tua E. arALEouu, W. See'y; E. litatruttzv, Chap. ; .. G. F. Jo::Ea, F. Ree'y ; N. J. GAVDOIID, Trans. ; FATETTE ACE LET, .Ifar.;• WIC ; C. IL Lamy, O.G. ; IL. J. ITALLOCC, A. See). ; LIDA WILLIAMS, 1. Mar ; MiSS T. CADDIED, 1111. S. ; L. GAT L 0111), L. 1.1.8. F. H. SrAx.ronu, P.W.C.T., WaS elected [lodge Deputy and Representative to Grand Lodge. —The tellwaing offtees were installed, May 13, 1870, in Chase Degree Temple; No. 23, LO. 0.T., by District Deputy DAVID.CRAFI : F. H. SreuNmp, Deg. Templar ; JGLIA GAY LORD, Vice; G. F. .To:lr.s, See'y ; E. Huzmuirr, Chap. ; Many E &LAUDED, F. Sec'y ; N.J. 01.1 - - 11)1111, Treas..; C. H. LAMY, Mar.; Apure Fal. max, I.G. ; A. B. PORIEIt, O.G. ; TILLIE BILES, A. Mae.; GEO. STUR.DEVANT, A. Sec'y; JE.YELL: Ltwv, L.H.S. ; FANYIE C. .LINES, NEW BADoE or• G.A.ll.—Tho Grand, Army of the Republic has issued a now badge to be worn byanembers - thronghout the differ ent States. TiteA , badges ore made of bronze metal manufactured from cannon taken by the tinion soldiers in the war. On one side is the design of the figure of Liberty, on one side of which is a Union soldier clasping hands with a Sailor, denoting mutual pledges to protect the . orphans of comrades. On the reverse tide, of each corps badge is represented a keystone, united with its neighbors, and, massed around the central embleili of nation. On the front of the medal is a wide border fur the name of the person wearing it, pith the regiment and tym pany to which he was attached doting the war. Fru:marls AvgimagiHrhi Ttuviday ;1#, 1 4, EMU now C lO /4 10 7, 0f Mt .;_ =VIM a 4 1 4ta! P an t e7 al MO th at.- — had charlenitA isgicist train, Welt arrlindtere about U tWiletsChi brats No./W this plloe. and gio wince of dotertake4 .Strions , PoWitions - bad thiddYtiri , wilt:We:hi groie, but ;the onhroiable state Of the weather precluded outdoor adorient; consequently, after pro. wonting a tine appearance in pars& through our principal streets, headed by the Wave* bass bud 'he dtsetwirsed &hokum matteithep Were escorted to the am *" beim; th e 'griesti gning - to the hotels. In the afternoon cra'a Hsh was thrown open; and few hours were Tossed in dancing to the , witiide - of Km sea amadrille lurid and totiokig pleasant as quiintanoce. Too won came the time for theirreturni Onarautroat .Pittston, Mbelf of Eel& Hose, in a few, felic4ous ,renwits, hospitali ty their Binders thanks (or the generous hospitali ty extended * Girard them, on this Meld/rat visit, and exprxraed their inxiouti desire to reciPta trate with all their heart when opportardty retir ed. , Its. H. Cominro, of Lin-ta, No. p, feeling ly and pertinently responded. " _ • In the meantime, the carriage of the Pittston company had been beautifully decorated with evergreens and flowers by Ho. 3, and' on their starting for the train, was drawn by them td the depot und placed oriboard.. —Among the guests we were glad to . greet Mr. Farrater, editor of the Gazette. • • Many bright-eyed ladies accompanied the gal lant firemen, and by their trinning manner ad ded crowning glory to what we trust will bo a long-rememberedvsecasion... - —We would here parenthe tically ' remark that the Lin-ta boys are • somewhat noted for the lavish winner in which They bestow.the talities anti courtesies of life to their visiting friends. Rout:.—Mß. .11.1,VORD : The beanti nillipring is really present. "Light apeara of emerald glitter from the ground, - And 'repent flowers with helms of bloom are found." •Jiast the Ileum for poetical rhapsodies, but the inevitable pre-occupations of dailyesistence are apt to repress the "dicing of Tbongh we may not find the necessary lei sure for poetry, we may find a spare moment for a pleasant fact or two about tho temperance Canso. Nome Lodge, No. 469, has installed the fol lowing officers for the present quarter ; 0. W. Youxo ; W.V.T., AntzrrA Crux- FEE ; W.S., O.F. VOITKiI U. D. Cass; W.T., Mums Claw= ; B. G. WIL.VOT N1T.11., E. °Aar; W.D.31., ADA CANNAN P. L extrusrazz 11.1 UL, ELLA Yourto ; Cum& YOUNG; LG., E. P. Siumr ; Eia BEAM The Lodge is in atioluiihing condition, with a convenient halt to meet in. This Mill has been painted, papered, whitewashed, &c. it has platforms, pillars, etc., for the officers ; the floor will be carpeted, pictures for the walls are already bespoken ; questions for debate are agi tated, and in . various ways the Lodge shows signs of vigorous vitality. We have. not been troubled with pledge violations for the past six months, and our meetings are fully attended. Blany of these improvements canbejnstly at tributed to the persistent energy and enthu siasm of our late W.C.T., 4 1 1.LICANDED EMT, heartily seconded, of course, by the officers and members. The Lodge has shown its apprecia tion of his labors by electing him W.C.T. for the past two quarters, and still further compli mented him by electing him L.D. for the com ing year, honors well deseived. The Lodge leas now a good set of officers. The County Convention meets here me the 22d of June. G.W.C.T. GUMS has conditionally ac cepted au invition to be present on the occa sion. • The Good Towbars bid fair to he a power for good in our midst. Toe funeral of Mrs. Plums, the wife of Wm. Pangs, look place on the Sabbath (15th) at tho M. E. Church. An imprimis/co sermon was preached by the Iter. War.. Sums before a crowd ed house. • YAROX. S9IITHWESTERN - BRADTORD. Mr. l'rintcr : As our first efforts are beforo 113 in type, "it is with pleasure I drop these low lines to you to let you know—." Know ye that my forte is tying - up local news for all the readers of the Iterourr.a who stay in Gramille. Canton, Leßoy, Alba, or on Burnett's 'Ridge, except these addicted to jealousy, fault-finding or know it all, as such people have btisiness . enough to do at the meetings of organized bodi l es, and es pecially in communities, to keep up a healthy action. Spice of these -kinds are necessalry, but should be labeled, as they always are in our parts, or provided with bells as other animals were in olden times. A progressive age 't We think so, fur White Sunday has taken tune by the forelock at least a week earlier than usual, and Strange as it auty seem these May days are reihoving „sawdust fi mu some of those cold,pieces taken from the bosom of Lake liepahnin tiering the snows tif the past winter. Confirmed invalids are eon: valesecnt, in many cases, as pill'earriers are less plenty since the last session of our law creators. The Connecticut boys Made wooden nutmegs and Sold them to their Southern brethren, and were counted as smart ; so ono of the friends of. "FOOO, the Bachelor," prepared a nut at the last session of the Bradford County Convention, LO.G.T.. as follows : "As Men ,and women ate equally interested in all that portainsto society, they should have the Santo rights and privileges. whether moral, religious, or educational." As a reward for his labors, the people of York and Adams counties, in Convention, took it up, ind after tine examination pro riounced it good, thus striking• a bright light for POOO, although tho Bradford Convention ' smothered it on the table. and Canton, Eureka, Leßoy and dranvillo Centel. Lodges, fail to recommend woman suffrage, 'he fifteenth amendment made about twelve voters, and the proposed sixteenth wouldmake five or six more, in usual times ; but if we should chance to have a bachelor as candidate, the widen votes would be cast "like all forty." ess it ought to. pass. The proprietor of the Scotia Tannery is doing a thriving business at Granville Center, and pays a revenue tax on 885,000. Now if this Is the way people have to bo taxed in order to tan hides, we should not do it only in extraordinary cases; but thisi does not appear to be the mind of Avast Isms, for we understand, through one of his kinsmen, that be is making preparations to iodate a tannery near Loctra'S Mills - in Can ton township. If we lived there, and he did not crowd us, there'd be no objections on our psrt. But we don't, so as it is we - are not willing to stand it. Wo have eight thriving villagis now, any one of which might do for a county scat if properly arranged. There is a society in Canton that was organ ized a few years since fur the purpose of edit eating the people to - oppose the use of poison as a beverage. We learn that.the otlleers for the present quarter are as follows: W.C.T., DAvrn Fxar.ows Mrs. WurrE; W. 8., 'MAIER j W.T., CHARLES 13111PILSS; VOL:MT SSALDINO;• W.A.S., Rosin WAIGHT; W- C., T. B. Wismar: W.M., VINCENT DEIIRAR ; W. A.M., MAZY Kama . ; P.W.C.T., Mr. - Prissexii. Ilanmsos.Worr is .Ay.C.T. of Lu7toy 4odge; and DANIEL Lis of Granville Center. A bank is to be opened at Canton next week. We are looking for rather muggy times about State representative. We propose to take the field fbr the best man as soon es be conies. around and does tho fair thing. Last Thursday night our position was storm ed by successive showers of hail, rain, lightning and ttrulder. The floods descended and des troyed TABOR'S mill-dam and made a raft of one of the railroad bridges, near Was 11:ansi's, just a rOW ndnutes before the evening, espreas was to pass, but fortunately game 'one tagged the train in time to savou'catastrophe. Light ning struck twice near Mr.— Memooatzur'srm the old Bronx farm, once passing through his barn doing slight damage. The storm was me. very, sml we hear of considerable damage done to crops, roads, &c. ;=From your fr:7o. P.S.-• , -One day last week, RICHARD Bose, of Granville, was thrown from a young horse and severely injured. Ile could not stick to the horse, though he bad three piko-poles and has served several years inUncleasteseavab7. Ile is doing well. Last Saturday afternoon a severe thundern shower passed over Southwestern Bradford, des troying fences, fruit treta, timber, &c. During the shower lightning 6 tillek SAmvuz. Brous' barn, near EsseCantort, and burned it, with ail its contents, 'which consisted til a valuable cow, lumber wagon, a - quantity of wheat and oats. ,bealdes. ot . oUser pre*. 117 .t.-Illeti:k r •lßFTllnee... IdltdPeelo" ?, ; Lantos' tikh 4ld VeslM metes. - • Nths' - 1:6111112110.—Ittalti of our - reilkielte*Oiesuibl;itie Sled* 'store room 4. F fipenedi it . Ito: -*tree' Vtifigellitiant'lk",4l4l.o propose, tor the hqueht of th o .o-Yhe hue not done so, to note whit these tentlithip are ;ROW' to me e t lust king fete is ILis pirt of . the country for au eselitahely" whokeale house, when" eountry merchants 'could par these stocks of goods without the erperute,or trouble attending a trip to New: York, the Mesars.Ytiutter ham established at &eider/to number i ithelende boom tor Ithe' nali otdry goods of all Abu* Wage rediesta, and while goods, of !which they earn a yen large end van tied steak. About the time theypeopneedopen ing the store .Ley secured a very large audible lite* of ikiikeilfrom New York, which had been in hotness Lie than a year, and which had issters at the timer fail ure goods valued at about *elven-eight thou eternality'. This stuck the Veins: Titian bought. in one lot, and, In that way,.th order to close ip the Concern,' were enabled to buy it at about one-halt its video, and consequently to - sell it at very low rates. „ This stock was mac the foundation of their wholesale brudnesd, and having largely increas ed it, and pat lo; in addillon, e tad , line of do mestics and dly goods, tl4,y have a . very flue As a priiof the conyenienees and low prices which they offer are appreciated, we may men tion that since their openhi,g, ten daysago, they hare cold about two thousand &liars wortlr of goods per clty.. This, for the chtutueniernenS of a new business, is indeed a gratifying suc cess.. • :We should add that, ads does not conflict with the retail trade onr other merchants, being designed more particularly to supply dealers in other places. . One incident which was mentioned to us shows the effect of the .spatent of the 'ileum Hammier, of selling many goods at very low rates. A merchant from Bt. Louie,- who had boon in New York pnrehasing goods, hearing of the hew house., shipped iu Binghamton, and finding that ho could ao much better horo than in New York, purchased very largo 'bill of goods. , This enterprise , is the legitimate remit of the rapid growth of the city, sad we are mach pleased to record its successthus far. It could be in the hands of no better men than the Messrs. &mars; whose Welk:treed reputation as staunch and honorable business men, is a guarantee that this new bumph of their trade will be condtieted with such tact, ability and fair dealing as cannot fail to make it perma nently and notedly successful,,whieh we hearti ly wish may beso.—itingliontton Repubticaii. kir ?lir. Joss Awais, of this place, caught a monster eel in the lake on Pond 11111, ou Wednesday morning, measuring 3 feet 7 inches in length, 11 inches in circumference, and weighing 84 lbs. sir S.: T. DECKER, furniture dealer, has just received a large and fine lot of chil dren's carriages, which he offers for sale at low rates. Furniture of every description can ho purchased at his place at prices within the reach of nit. Mr. D. may be said to be a' bone factor of mankind, in that ho is disposed to shire his profits with his customers. Call on him and E 042 it this be not true. ge)... We take great pleasure in re cainnonding our brethren of the press, and tsxik and stationery dealers throughout the country, to giro J. B. tarmscorr & Ca., 715-17 Market street, Philadelphia, a call when in want of stock They keep a larger assortment and sell at lower prices than any establishment in the United States. No ono who once buys from them will go elsewhere. stir The durability and fit of lid gtovei depend alined entirely .npOn the way they are put on the first time. A glove should be large enough Without 'being too Joie.: If one will only take time to put on a glove, it will tit much better not to use a stretcher, but to make all of the espassion by the hand. How many misshapen hands we see hi fine kid gloves I Hands whose symmetry is sli destroyed—hands 'so bound tip as to be of the same size across the knuckles as at the irrist—hands so stiff that not only all graceful motion is lost, but it is impos siblu for theta to be closed without splitting the back of the gloves. A straight, stiff hand, beit. encased in ever so elegant a kid, is not a beau tiful object. ser There will be no service in the Baptist churelfOn Sunday next. The • omission is rendered necessary on account or repairs now in program. ter Tlie Bradford Baptist Asso ciation aill meet in this place on Tuesday, June Sir The Palace Refrigerator, sold, by MAYSLIALT, Buontrus, 'is the beat Wing of the kind we have ever aeon. They are selling hot cals42.s. Cali and esantine. Iva. The golden pag,lo 'captured in Shenhequin laid week, has been purchased by 13nAnsto S Co„ and placed in a cage on the public square. 1e... J. H; Bizows, of Elmira, has opened an Art Gallery in Moron's awl:, %Oleic he has on exhibition and fOr sale a fine lot of clam:nos, oil paintings, picture frame', etc. MARRIED.. • VOSDURG--CA3IP.—At the M.E. Parsonage in Tuuklianneck, Wyoming county, May 18,1870, by Bev. B. F. Drown, Mr. C. J. Vosbnrg, of Camptown, and Miss E. L. Camp, of Detrick, Bradford county. LINLEY—FOSTER.—At the residence of the bride's father, on the 18th inst., by the Bev. "L. T. Stewart, David Linley, of Pittston, to Miss Helen Foster, of - North Towanda. WIIALON—THORNTON.—At Ulster, May 21, 1870, by Geo. W. Nichols; Esq., Mr. Jeremiah Whalon and Hiss Dora Thoniton, both of Ulster. . ANDIIX--SHELP.—At Fairdale, Fa. 3lay 7, 1870, by Rev. Wm. iihelp, Mr. J. N, Andre, of Waverly, - .N.Y., to Pas Annie C. Ntnalp, eldest daughter of the officiating clergyman. COLEXIAN.—In like, Aprill6, 1870, Win. North Coleman, aged 19 years, 11 months, 21 days. The deceased was removed from a pleasant tome, and many loving friends, in a youth that would otherwise hare soon verged into a noble manhood. By his death, the family circle to. which he belonged lieu lost an affectionate, oho dictt son and brother, and society is despoiled 1 of one who gave promise of mein/nose and de cided Morel worth. Om - young friend posaess- 1 ed excellent and manly habits ; he was resPeet ful in his demeanor, strong in his attachments, and found a place in his sympathies and regards for the interests and cares of others. It was the writer's privilege to know him as a pftpH, and can testify to his uniform kindness tn his fellow supers, and to his careful regard to the requirements of his teacher. His traits ass. pu pil were piticnt studiousness, a conscientious effort to understand and master every branch be undertook, thoroughness in all his st thee, and -clearnes s in explanation. He was we t ad vanced in the ordinary branches of 'mint tint, and acceptable as a teacher. Hail it pleased God to spare him, we fee that he would have mailii a worthy, estimabl ' and intelligent citizen ;•for in such dualities h'gave the fairest promise. In his death, motet.), and especially lds friends, have experienced a reat loss.' C xi.. /1111 OLD.—In Orwell, May li, 1870, Mrs. Lydia, wife of Seneca Arnold, aged 27 y ea r k 7 d a y s . Memory, like green leaves of myrtle, Ever fresh And green shall be ; One friendship like a circle, Lepgthening to eternity DIML JOSHUA ARUM, Vrrx. KEDGIII. --Very fate and stocky rhinta forieile at low price,. They make beautiful evergreen hedges. In Towanda and immediate vicinity, I will sot and warrant hedges. Now is -41 good time to sot the plants. I. Si. Wr.u.m. EMILY Bose POT.kTOI:s.--For sale Amp. I hare a few barrels of Early Bose left, whir.b. I will sell at the following Ow prices. First this , ets barrel:- Second class ? 20 cis peek; GO eta bitsh el; *LSO pBr barrel. Towauda, May 18th ===l D-Ih'D. ES! F )I..WeraE~ . -14PlItoM7": r . 100,r1W4lytr!.s;_. j... ----- of thifLta urns ,•,,,,, , -,.-'-'''',.."-, 34006 wv" and G. ' licnng" ' Q. Er. 25, /Br*, ' , 4810. .o rl d ,„,„44,,,, 4„.„............... f"- mONT 1826. Staple andlawcy ,Drv, Goods, wbolerale - arld 'retail &dos in amend #to rcbsndtee . dour tag oat, greatly - below met of newatfaetere, tied: entire 'tea or Hardware,. Iron. Agrient• hesitate:meat; Itipes, Baker,- Seyilles, ro , altwoletet MOW 'Ware, ‘'azr. nab . of , LoolPs thaws sad hualwane Ititr.(Jivh" Oirl'arties, picnics, festivals, and grannsuevadorith Ye Oren; Fos SAULIT4.. .Cooz.onort, of Wilkes-Barre, Pa.„ offers. cr asle the valuable Beat Estate formerly belongunr to Soloman Whlkxonb c doeit,.attruited at. firottaville, reinirconoty, Pa., Ormtalrdneaboal 460 acres; about 7b balance good 8011, well Jim bend, wsler_pewer, ice. The farm is on the 13 ;go od buildings. orchard, never fatt ing running water =althe _door. Beantlftdly situated, convenient for besinens—worth •420,- 000; will be sold far $12,000. Terms easy. Bar. gain far aay one;- ' - • - Doe. 2,1569. sari Vire guarantee all the work ire do. We eat;' matte; led trim clothing for men and boys wear. H. HAILRM d CO, 4 Bridgelitreet.-Towands, , Th e Cascade determined to compebi with westeiu flour:- Now sop at re tail, !tour from the choice winter wheat. of our own soil, at the bare cost of the wheat and its manufacture Into dear. No profits to middle men or third hands. No charge for handling o a r use of money. For cash only. March 1m "Towanda" by AL-tea- ga Chief, ho by Evadyk's ilambletontan ; Ah-ws ga's Dam, DellDrino; Dell Brine, by DeUfonn ddr; " Towanda's" Dam, Vermont Black Hawk, arandam Messenger, with black points,-very dark bay; over hands; coming three; no colt more promising in all respects. "Towanda's" fee, $lOO to insure, payable or made satisfactory at the time of service,' and limited to fifteen mares. Season from the tint of April to the first of November. Mares not proven in foal may bo returned the following season without charge. Those from a distance will be accom modated with the beat of care on liberal leans, at the risk of their owners at our now dabled. • - Dm k 31orrasvm Towanda,'March 25, 1870. Ns. Crackers man' ufaetnred daily and fur sale wholesale and rebid, at the Bakery, first door north of Ward Rouse. March 30,1670. D. W. SCOTT & CO. ORANGE COUNTY.—FueI, BLOOD tiIOTTUTO FITALLIONIST RYKDIVEI 11.t.111:13LETONIAN —This season of 1870 will remain at Kings bury .4 Solomon's Stable, in Towanda, on the same terms as last season;. with ono exception, to wit : Service of two mares helooging to one person, 1100 to insure. JANES Mots, . - Caro of Kingsbury& Solomon. Towanda, April 28 1870-41 n. mg,. 20,000 Arbor Vita Hedge Plante for sale, 1 foot to 20 inches lOgh, at ;4 per 100, $OO per 1,000. •= DaD. lona, -Orwell, Pa. FARM FOR IMLE_IN LITCKFLELD TOWN- Min.—The subscriber offers for sale his valua ble farm. lying in Litchfield township,l6o acres ander goba suite of improvement, the balance heavily timbered with oak and pine. Within five miles of the Pa. it N. Y. R, 11. and six miles from the N. Y. k E. R. R. Convenient to school, church, store, & c. For particulars in quire of the subscriber on the premises. 1.. J. 'ASTON. Litchfield, Feb. 7, 187114P' THE LAST CALL!! All persons indebted to me, either by note or seconnt, will have cost to pay if not settled by the 20th of this month. H. N. ASPENRALL. NO. 1 AtERCITit'S BLOCK.—GLOVES Ar f 1,50 —Lsen BRAWLS—LATERT negro:ie.—Miss BRANDT informs her patrons that she has first received' from Europe a Supply of Jonntis Gloves, which she can offer at $1,50 at retail. Also Shawls and Barbee in Lama and Chow Laos. Hiss BRANDT calls especial attention to her fashion plates and patterns. She rcgtdarly_re ceices the Berlin " Bazar" (Use original uf Har per's), as well as the Paris " Muititeur des Modes." A fine stock of the latest Hats and Bonnets always on hand. May 4, 1870—tf. Fog SALE.—Foqr prime caws, two yearlings, one km and pip, ono set. harness. J. W. linant, Slieshequin tw.p. May 5, L 879 it*ir Second-hand Sewing Maebines fur sale at a bargain by Wickbam t black. Also, ,Xfachino Needles, Oil, Thread, Silks, &e., &C. April A'lB7o—tf. NEW ItERCIIANT TAlwnuio ESTAII- - Ltsameat.—ltesKrs. Taylor& Gore have open ed, in connection with their Clothing Store, a Tailoring Department ; and having secured the service?' of a "first-chum cutter" and competent workmen, they are now prepared to make up work in the best style and latest fashions to or der. Having jest received n new and fresh stock of cletlecthey are prepared to offer bet ter Inducements than ever beforo offered in To wanda. The public will find it to their advan tage to give us a call before buying elsewhere. Remeinbor we warrant onr work and gnarantee good Sts. Bewailing done ou tiller! notice. March 12, 1870. Ve... Miss E. Brandt announces that she will open her establishment for JIi11i• nory and Mesa Elating On Saturday, April 2, at No. 1 lleroufa Block, entrance ono door east of Mercur's Bank. A careful study of the details of her business, united to considerable experience, . encourakes Mies Brandt to hope that those who confide in her skill and taste will he fully satisfied. • She respectfully solicits a share of the pa fro:L ege of the ladies of Towanda and vicinity. Mar. 31, 1870—tf. -w. Drrrinou'a Music Store, east of. Afereur's Bank, tint door, where ,yon will find Pianos, blelodeons, Organs, Viohns, Guitars, Banjos, Strings, Accordoons, Clarinets, Plates, Sheet Music, tustrnetion Books for all Instruments, /Ingle Books and all kinds of tCu aicallferchandise. _ ' April 14.,"70. PECOMVANIA STATE SUNDAY-SCHOOL Cos=Yrum.--The annual Convention, for the year 1870, will be held at Harrisburg, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Juno 14; 15 and 16. George 11. - Stuart„Esq., is expected to preside.. - .Each Sunday-school in the State is invited to send two or more delegates. , Pastors of church es, Superintendents of Sunday-schools, and prominent Snhday-school workers from all parts of the State Are invited to attend and partici pate. . - Our Sun school brethren from other States are also cordially welcomed. It is requested that the names of those who expect to attend shall he sent to Rev. Thos. IL Robinson, or John Is. Sayford, Secretary, on or before the first day of ;rano, as it wits. as xr.CESBII7II" for those who Would avail. themselves of a redac tion of fare on the railroads, to procure excur sion tickets before leaving their homes for liar ' risburg. The committee of arrangements will secure orders for tickets for all who notify them in time to do so and forward them. Placer ntentertainraent will be provided for all who give doe notice of their corning. T. 11. ROIIINSON, Clem. J. U. SAvrpr.o, Sec'y. ISS..Observe the price lid of Cas cade Mills. Beet winter wheat flour $3 23 per eat. March 23-4 m GnmEN HOUSE:S.—This season I offer the finest assortment ofylowers ever found out side the city, embracing Fuchsias, Geraniums, Heliotropes, Verbenas, Hoses, oritainental fo liaged plants, ,te::; which I offer st prices within reach of all lovers of the beautiful. Also vege table Vents in their season, And all the better sorts of Grape Vines. All kinds of Garden and Flower Seeds from the most reliable seedanen, for sale at McCabe Fe Mix's Store, Honour's Block. Catalogues sent free on application. Orders from unknown correspondents, unless accompanied with the money or satisfactoryre ference, will be sent by express .0.0. D, No charge for boxes or packing. Boquets and Wreaths made to order. HAMMY MIL Towanda, April 28, 1870. Ma Moron—Sir : As you - arc aware, we have been doing a Itterehant Tailor ing business in Towanda fur fiiur months, and did not rolvcrlien for two reagens. First, we bad more business than we eMild attend to with the mama of assistance wo had, (but now we have enlarged our. establishment and added to our force to meet the demand). secondly, we thought the best advertisement was Clothing made by us and worn by our cus tomers, but being every day told by some one that he did not know until to-day . there was such a firm, we concluded that for the benefit of those we are still unknown to, of calling your press to aid us is informing them who wo are, where we are, and what we are doing. Our name is K. Emus k Cc., we do bnaniess In No. 4 Griffiths and Fattens block, Bridge street. We.keep for sale a largo stock of Cloths, Caul mores, and Vestings (and trimmings to make them tip with) both foreign and domestic. We manufacture clothing for men and boys wear , to order only, in any and every style desired by our patrons, rind at living rates. We keep ourselves posted in "the styles," and aro pre pared, if you wish it, to give you the ultra of fashions. For further particulars call at " The Merchant Tailoring Store," No. 4 Griffiths and Fattens Block, Bridge Street, Towanda, Pa. Feb. 1, 1870. If. Minus It Co. , • , =.IIII‘744SOIVONINAtk,t' HMI mime= Das. vitt% crortlittle lektiktitbla _ lad no mem to mew te altk• l ' 1.. w betrailleedlifte aa table' arboceabasta eV be meow rewards& - • _ ... - 1 • • ,I• • e. ter14111:: TILICILEX-2 - : - : mom' --c '-i.' • ' ~:. : - :Diodiation. rii: - , 48 - 1 Vieth* of an owlet isentsVont at the Orplonsie_ 00thot lillessithisl wo..ZithibriWiladtan of th esis A., Zahn E.„ T. and J. Hoden minor children of liameas Hartre. Id* et ARNO' thwaship. deceased. wthexposed siddisaile an the wremises. on THURSDAY, _JURE DOM, um, at 1 e cloct p. ark, am Murat aWarrnedtwo e dof thethisilaide mild= er se Adows, to wits Beginning are=dones on the oath tred Ladled trans Tow, to the:Helmick turns istke,'slons the west lids of 0; Y. Paso& tht: north .114 porches th an traamood 1$ the northwestwor. nor staid Parsonelot - sod tit the winent threat Instd Young. thence along said lounge warrant thrirweet IPS pedcldto is cornet Of lot ooaterrated to Andrew Wic. thence by WicktdseVe cut line south 140 perches to the Inaba road demand, thence alone said toed rest *3 perches to the place of begin "rianZieuthrtsintheaboatideows, snore at Ida, about ite=wit h Ruud - dwallise hope and orchard TZBICS-4sO to, be pith .on the propwly being akar& do's. 000 on the 'contsthation of ads, and " the %base, with interest. In one year from th e *sr ofsths coulthastkus of 4abrby the Cored. '1 • • ORO. r. HORTON, Orunthan. M E R'lt! - - • MSS IL KINGSLEY, Nu opts returned IrOra Sew York wait fine var iety ot . lIONNIMIL Th. 60., for the Summer trap, which en *dared to her ear touters and the public on the mostresacatable Wow,. Simone repaired sad trimmed on short notice. She has alao a One selection of Bair and Piney Goods, such as Lace and Linen Collars, Cads, Hand. kerchiefs. Comets, ke. Shatrattes nest door to Fos. Stevens, Nome k Co's, upatatra. Towanda; May 34; '7O. .LI TE M W ROUTE TO PHILADEL- lA. NORTH -PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 'Shortest andinastdirectllue to Philadelphia. Dal- Uncut, Washington. and thoßouth. Passengers" by this , route take Peintsylvardi k Nowlrork Ratleteid train, pealing Towanda at Ida AIM., tusks dose connection at Bethlehem with Ex." press train or North Penult Railroad, and wive In Philadelphia at 11:96 P. K. in time to take night trains either for the South or Wert - City plunger earcare at the Depot on arrival of D balm to copes paateogete to. the various Depot* tad to all parts of the dty. . . Leave North Penn% Nailmod Depot, corner Herb and American street/1. Philadelphia at MS A. M.. arriving at Towanda 6:14 P., 11„ nutio evening. Thanes Baggage Ruprero collects and delivers tug• gage. omca No. 106 South pm *reek Philadelphia. iItIMCI9T ACCOMODATION/. Preightrocatred at Prong and Noble alreeta. Phila delphia. and forwarded br Daily Put Freight train to . Towanda, and ta points in Sneetehafins valley with quick &vit.*. ELLIS CLAD= Oen. eat. N. P. 11. 8.. Front and Willow Sta. UV 18,4870. Philadelphia. NEW CARRIAGE - FACTORY ! Maine, between Main and Second, Streets . , back of G. F. Mason k Cu.'s Bank, TOWANDA,: PENN'A inauty STULEN, (formerly of the firm of Bryant k Stolen) informs his friends and former patrons, that be ti imilt a Ii EN BRICK Vial/JADE V.467011'4 where ho will constantly keep on hand a full wwort went of FAMILY CARRIAGES, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, PLATFORM IVAGONS, TBOTT/NO SULEYS, AND SKELETONS, ILsde of the beat material and finished in the beat city style. His tong experience in city Carriage *notaries gives him a decided advantage over others in the .I'inixh, Style an 4. Durel;ility of his Wzgoox. .1114te aslo ti en INSPECTION OP ,HIS WORK Previous to purehistrig elsewhere ALL IVORK WARRANTED .TO 0/ rE PEAFECT SATISPAcTIOA Thankful Orr the liberal patronage formerly ex. tended and trmalftilly aek a conUaaaace of the CM2 REPAIRING. PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO at reduced prices Towanda. May 24. 1870.—tt BAKERY AND DINING ROOM! First block north of Ward House, BREAD, PIES, CAKE, AND" CRACKERS, baked daily and sold at wholesale and retail. In our DRillid BOOM we will accommodate the public with either •luuob or a good arolal at all times of the,day and evening. , OYSTERS AND WE CREAN ou haul during Liteir /MOO Also a flue sasortmant of Groceries., Confectionery, Fruits, Nuts, &c. Towanda, may 10, D. W. &COTT & CO. powELL tt, co Would call tapecial atteutkot to their large anti vari ed stock of SPRING AND SUMMER DREISS GOODS, Cemprfaing a fell assortment of BLACK AND COLORED SILKS (Another large invoice Of those ELEAvY GEO Gum SILKS, at $1 50 and $115.) i RICH PLAIN.' i 3 ,21111%, AND enzoicra JAPANESE SILKS & POPLINS, aukcit- AND coLonEti FRENCH AND IRISH POPLINS, Abu, a full assortnicut of BYZAI3TINES, TAMARTINES, GRESAMINES, FrAMENTINLS, CAM MARE= kc. Also a choke variety of POPULAR GOODS, GRI4ALDIS, TR.I OM, MELANGE AND GRANITE lIITTERES, At popular prime ROMAN AND LAVELLA. CLOTHS In great variety at 23 cts...peryo4l The featuru of IL° reason. A hill etwk ut PRINTED I.A.U'NB, JACONIITS AND ORGANDIES, And a larger stock or I.LATIC STHIPE AND CHINTZ PERCALES AND CAMBRICS KEY STUN): STORE. May It 1970. THE BEST SYRUPS, IN TOWN orl draught at COWIML k MEWL WE EM MY STULES Now OPEi Cousistiug of • TV* . CO* ' G imir NxaTm:mv, • T ~.-, -'. ';,:-.•:' 2 --- :). -.. 1',...:x.m..1A itik,A.;-.7, AT TUE go Rai] OP . .0, / 2 4 3 i - i;NBE .STOQK El NEW SPRING - GOODS Ain RECEP7ED LOW PRICES. LOW PRICES. LOW PRICES. ~, ELEGANT DRESS GOODS, RICH JAPANESE SUSS, FINE BLACK SILKS, IRISH AND FRENCH POLING, AT 'MITE L M LING SEF4,ING CHRAP SELLING THAT T H I E V ES WILL BE ; ASHA MjEID STE XL . We sell the celebrated " BUF.l4 l 4i.tiO ALl'4Cii." We sell the popular "HORSE SHOE ALPACA.' We sell the Silk Finish 4; ",BEAVER 11,04AIR:'; TILE PUREST . , SHAWLS OF BLACK, AND THE MOST DLTRIBLE TABRICS. THEY ARE ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE BEST ALPACAS EVER DIPORTED, .A.R, TS , OIL CLOTHS, EEO BATTINGS A 11: A. .B S, PANIERS, HATS AND • CAI'S, 1M211311 LATEST STYLES AT EXAMINE THE QUALITY OF OUR GOOD '. COMPARE " . . OUR . ' 01, 1 , / L- -; ' ' PRICES, I I I .AN ) BUY GOOES WIIERt YOU C N . - I :ITY - THEM. . I CHEAP: TAYIJOif. 8,6,C0., - .1.1 . nnon, .. . Towanda, Pa. 11. apatantro, _ • P: WYMAN, , Apa.. 21, 1 8 70. 1 New York. - . - • NEW I3oar AND SHOE - STOP; - Thenntoneribino reopectfony inform timli finin7 Wends that =bare oproFd • • „tfXor . SHOZ.,!STOBE , . limy have ituit reatbred n j One rad:ma of LADIES'. AND GiENTEr _SHOES! Consuttig or ... LA!D:LEff -GAITERS, Of ali Voice. ' Ladiee • 00AT AND "LEATHER SHOES, o. AND criimatets Es Of every variety, whirl will be 6014 obtap far cash. 013. • them a 01 U lad witilf.l Youraelves WM.: are idling cheaper than the ebeepeat. • We trotil4 ealt ea:pedal attention to our . • CUSTOM DEPARTMENT IS'e mace to order everithillB in the %the* of LAMB' AND OENTLEMENV TISEAR. ,' ., Being mechanics of many 4-ear nractiad a:perlenee, we feel confident. that i =ve entire Ile:Z:1 none but mechanics, and have the soniees:lWl the . 'Mena bootmaker of Bnitiforttimunty. Illt. I. W. 1911401. who.cot!dial ty invites $ all from hie fanner patrons, , - We eareantee perfed 'lts, ftind aU *sorb Warranted. Repairing neatlytusdpecamtke done. - ' 'I , Al be, bee the 3ieaue roe, .11=fatazt., e few doo Loot oat rs the' of the Big Boob- .; ' sig. .1d.,.-if ' T ,OU.R, ISANY l i tumn?s. • . We take- pleasure hi announcing the arrival of oitr very EXTENSIVE ASSORTAIENT SPRING STYLES SPRDIG STYLES SPRING STYLES SPRING STYLES CHEAP: CHEAP NEWEST . • .. and BEST NEWEST and BEST NEWEST • • and ,BEST. NEWEST. . • and BEST • GOODS • GOODS 1 3 , GOODS GOODS The inatlpt atlonli, rebottled with - carc tiy eared. • enced Lunn in the trade. We have all tbo best and most porular maim*: t titers goods - stated to the stunts of LADIES ; MISSES 4: CHILDREN, JAMES BURT'S GOODS Our oalt Manufeeittry is in hill blast and ci-Ct are prepared to make to order any kind of work. Amen:, nig the publio that we shall take inure pains than ever to please them, and invite an examination of iwif stock. tar h 80, 1870. 11131LPHREY 11110 TITERS. b A. 'PETTES A: CO., aro now yet . eivimg a fa DI CY: - 00C2DS, . . : 31ILLIN-1111- / X (FOODS, • A-ND 'NOTIONS, sat'' us, Just lion flit in New York at' the Y. , . s.Kegullt low prices, amt they OUR STOCK AS - CHEAP . AS THE CHEAPEST.' Call and :;ce•tlicni . on Mai the Coli# Apr 4 20, 1870.-11 T UE F A RMERS' stVE.EI' CORN IS TEE BEST - OF ALL. ft ii'earty, very productive, cars elegant size and shape, and remain in boiling state for a long thee. The dour is unsurpassed. being very succulent. rich and creator. Try it and see. Seed fee sale by the quart or pint. at 0. B. PATCH'S, Towanda, ra. April - CAM PAID FOR AIDES AND ULT . ,/ ai CO WELL & 3111131 Auto. itB Ksin4t., Tomskla; Pi. ~. DAVIS k TLFZNER BOOTS find SHOES BOOTS and SHOES BOOK and SHOES BOOTS and SHOES COMPRISING CO3 :PRISING , COMPRISING COMPRISING EMI With a tag line of the celebrated FOR M E N AND BOYS arc ihite:tmiued to sell PYW.OI)A, • ♦ kPL AADMINIEthri CE,-- Notice Is beteby Ors thatall palm twilebled to the estate of Mama BAUM* ista gß l • twp., doomed. sow noptewhof Womb wwwwwwww ya settlement meet. Arad an penal' busing eistme a amid es . tste must be,preseut !be suesitul for April 27, Ire. ADIELNISTIUTOBO4II. = laNoties hereby at.ea taw any' ed to tae 'estate of JANE .=,• To wanda, dec'ed, Mot ==argait and all persons Urfa iklll e4 m iata ti mut peanut them doki , sinalmostioalail Wll4lllSen'w Pril 27,1870 VVIICE.— Whereak gly Jleiff JANE tuef tel. toy bedand batird erttUat :last 'cum or provocation, Mir Sr to aothlf all parsons ant to harbor or torn has on tp7 socoont 1 4 11 4.6 tor ao debts of bereordnicliag after Dais dais. •3 • T.' 1911BATLY. - •4' . pc: Jas. o . A g es* Elktatsl, iterei 30, 11170.--30-6.19:7111. • • A UDITOR'S — .NOTICE.-44. the .C 3.. smiler ofidearate offt;se. Passion, dictated.' In the Orphan'a Court of Tt appd nedteed undersigned having been ated A Bald Court to noirshal amid Nu by r, thgb , ‘ Mite money in the binds of the Adnindirtratar and to dispose of the erceptions to his account. willat tend to the duties 01 said sppotaterett, at the cake. of Overton te nitres, in the lloconith of Towanda. on 1111 DAY, tholith day or JULY. MO, at 2 o'clock, p.m., at which time ,and phew aik basing claims on said money are to present the same or bo deterred then corning to share of Bald money. . • E. OTERTON. Jr., May 24. 1110-41 Auditor. EJf- _ XECUTOR'S NO.TICE.- .....4 Notice is hereby &ea the/ alt' todebt• ed to the estate of ifl. L MOW, We al baloy, - deceased, are req sated to make launediste pal. meats. and mU . herring 4:Malt socatnist said estate met present them . duke luglwatklited far settlement. 3013115 E. • UMW Z Apr Executors. 0- Amt 27, .410 I RPHANS'. COURT! SALE.-BY virtue of an order Muted oet of the Orpheus' Ctmrt of Bradford comets. the undembnled Vern of Dorsey WOW. &mu Iro6lll and Lauri 31 ill, minor children of JACOB MoGILLJate of Monroe rp. win sell at pablio eale:ou the peemtees Weald town ship, on F - BIDAT, JUNE 8. 10. et 20'4:Map. um., the following fitsceibed lot, piano or.parcel of bind, alt. nate In Monroe townahlP, bottnasd mut Ulan: lie ginning at the Towanda Cmskadjoining aced of Rockwell on the south, thence south 78 deg. east 24 perches to the road, thence along maid road north 14 dog. out 1,11 perches, thencii south 78 deg. - east 76', .perches to a pine stub. thence north 12 deg west 36% pe adjoining lands Mugu - to a stake. thence north 78 deg. went 64 perches adjoining Iktul of J. 13. Smith to Towanda Creek. thence along said 'creek south 42 deg. vest 4811 perches to the place of Containing 17 acres of land, more or lug, with a framed house, trained barn muf a few fruit trees thereon. - • TERMS.—SIOo to be peld pet_the property' bang shuck down . one-third of the irlanre on confirm:L* 7 Um of the side and the Whom its two etp66 pay ments. the Bret in a and the other to 6 months after ecrermatlon ornate, stawhole to bear Interest trans the day - of sale. - .gym )1c011.16 Nay 7,1870. GuariLlsa. kHEßlties SALE—By 'virtue of sundry .writs issued out of the Court of Coln. mon Pleats of - Bradford - County, and to me directed alit be exposed to public Begat the Cowl Elam, in the hone of Towanda, on SATRDAY. JIINEILIII7O. at I pan. the following described boildlngstunii lot of ground situated In Eferrick township, and bounded se %dews. :.On the north aide of the State road. said on the west 'Silent a road from State Took tail. ed saddle road: adjoining lands - on the .math and went of A. It.,Brown. . One lonjkling le a oneord.w. Pall story fta*l. and plank dwelling balsa having 22 feet frontagelon said State rood, and .80 feet deep. or frontage on said Middle road, and another Sae in a one-and-a-half story trained ham, 210 i feet square. Seised and taken Intoezecution idea =lief Eph raim Platt vs. John Champion owner. and. A. $. Ste, vent, contractor. ALSO—The following let, piece or 1 of land situate in Burlington towrodrip id on instil by land - otAmos Bennett, out land of Lawrence Kendall, Geo. C. 13121 and Justice Morley, south by lands of Geo. C. Rill and L. T. Royce, and west by land of Nelson Burlingame, Prit Beardalee and Philo Befiesire. Containing 7/1 serer ofland more or less, aliont 110 saes Improved with four Ranted houses; one framed atoroltouu and one framed barn and apple orchard thereon. Seized and taken into ' - erecaticrn at the suit of H. W. Wheelock 're. Geo. C..A and H. IL • ' ALSO—The following lot, pAce or Pored of find eitnate in Troy borough, bounded "on the north by public highway leading from Troy to Rut Trey, east by lands of litrain Rockwell , south and west by land of 3. W. Paine. Containing ti of an sere of land. mare or less with a framed dwelling house thereon. , Seized anitalteu into eaecniton at the salt oh Dart.' sou .t diceche rs. Chas. D. Nichols. Moo, at the suit of P. Piluee net; vs. SIIIIKTVI 11. Nicholo. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of lard, situate. in Blanding Stone township, bonded north by John Been. John Ruff and Jacob Sehonnover. east by John Swackhainmer and Peter Koterre'-aouth by Jefferoon Roof, ;west by C. Schoonover and Jacob Ilaulietoo . C tattling 113 acre* of land mote or less. ut rit acres improved, a framed h0u0.... a log , hotter., a framed barn, and a few fruit trees-thereon. 51.}.1.411 aLl'i takett into execution it the chit Of 11. J 'Madill cm. Jatitea. Jar, and Edward 'ratlike. Alfio—One other lot, Wire or parCel of lend, hit. into ice :Zyleants borough. bounded on the nottia by land of Thorns* McCallum,eitett by land of Henry Smith. south by the public highiday leading from trey toffeltsboro, . and on the west by the publiv highwatling tram Sylrazda to Anidinrllle. Con taining one acre of land. more or lees, with a framed tfotel, framed bartoind a tea fruit frees moron. Seized and taken - In execution at the suit of Pom eroy nee Tn.% Ifollenheck. - ALSO—The following lot, pleas or parcel of land, situate In Albany township, bounded as follows, Beginning at a post the corner of lands contracted to -lames and Robert notch, thence south 58n deg. east 167 poribes to it corner, thence 'moth d 2 deg. west 30 perohes to a hemlock, thence north 884 dew. west 431210 perches to a corner, thence south 31 1 ,, deg , . weal to a corner of land 'contracted to Chutes chilsort. thence north 46' deg. west 136 perches to a corner, thence by line ran'br 11. 71. kfc3rett to th+ place of beginning. Containing 72 acres of land more or less, about 15 acres hnprored, with a log house and a few fruit tree thereon. Betted akd taken Into execatiois-at o:insult-of D.W. liamhbergPr . •s.James Vantlide. ALSG—The fallowing lot, place or parcel of Land. situate in Stoltbteld bmnaltip: bonnaed north 'and. weal by land of Cf. W. Campbell. on the month by the road leading from Endtbilelil to SpringlieLd. and on the ea et. by the Berwick Merman, Containing one acto of land morn or lest. 'with a teamed. barn tat few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One other lot; Dim) or parcel of land, sit uate in skid toirtuddp, bounded north by the road leading teem Smithfield to Springfield, east by tbs Berwick turnpike, and. on the smith and West by land of Israel Philips. Containing shout one acre of land more or less, with s framed blacksmith's shop, and a few fruit teen Warren. .! • - Seized and taken into execution at the suit of lnp. Dubert re, Jesse Onstin. . • J. P. VA..."f FLEET; Sheriff's Oftle, Towanda, May 0, '70.: Sheriff. Real Estate for Sale. WOR SALE-LA FARM OF FIFTY Ayres, orithin the Borough t., ennoble for 1 , 1 1 / 4 10 W.V. Inquire of Charles 41Iercur. of the °Mee of the Full Creek ThirrinineusWarupony, Tow. . ands. Po. ob. 2e. matt TWO SMALL FARMS • ' rot?. SALE..—Ono containing SS sets,. SO im ug proved. situated within 60 rods of 1:W11038V:in boroh. Tbo other on nollonlicontaining 20 WM. Ren proved. Inquire of C. or - E-41 . . April 6, IS7O. A_R3l 'k"011' SALE.-IS SlTUA tedd in Memoe toitzuthlp. Bradford minty. Pa. joining L. Rockwell, one-bill mile from - Mogen. borough. on the main rmd to E. W. Male's. contain acres. 13 improved, with a good house and ham and some fruit thereont the property of Jacob Magill, demised. For further information lagnire on the premises. March '.O-3m* PZIZA ILLOILL. DDESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR aarenzAnring to in-health the under signed offers for' sale cheap a good House. Barn. Wagon and Blacksmith "Mop, with *boxing acres of land. Two good wells, a dstern, land `plenty of good fruit trees! thereon 12de propertr la located birs, e in SEM/equal township. Bradt *panty. Pa., on on,tlio river road. and near • ' school and sbnieb. Possession given fmni . For far ther particulars Inquire of UM tar. G. W. Vincent, at Towanda ligricul _Mork°. or Wvi. BuyderilTheabequin, Pa. .'. GcW. VINMIT. Feb. B, 187041 of `3, 4- VALUABLE DAIRY FARM 1 - 3.. you Eul.l.—The subscribers offer for sale their flue Dairy Farim situated two ram emit of Green, wood. McHenry Co., Illinois- flaid farm contains three hundred and twenty ;met choice Lad. &sail. ed as follows .4 160 acres elicits thrthered.loo licres meadow. and GO acres under the plow. Good dwel ling-bootie and outtneldings, large cattle barn Me°. and good horse barn. The finest - living springs in the comAry. running through a commodious prtng bowie. Is capable of keeping '75 ram i and s only 1. 1 .4 miles from Abbott's CluameYsetory. Terms one. half csab. balance lnpayments at 6 per cent. M. Wired. lleferencee- -easy It. X. Genni/d. It. 11.11cReurr, Greenwood, Ile/leery Co., 131., or Y 8. Arr. ffinsabe , - _ Y.B. • !Say 1505-47. . It. 8. TOWAXDA. - COAL YARD, ANTIMACITE est! nrrusizsous COALS The emdcridgned, haying leased the Coal Tana and Bock at the old Barclay Bann," and just completed a lance Coal-lantse and Ofilce upon the are now prepared to furnish the citizens 'of mends and skinny with theditrerentldndsandelses of the entre named sixth. upon the moat resemble hams in any quantity desired. Price •at the Tart until further notice : Largo Egg , Small Egg. Cbestrint " Barclay " r:nnip Ran of Nine 5..... ...... Fine or }Uselot The following additional charges will be made for delivering Coal within the Worm& Waifs: Der T0n...50 cents. rain for carrying in, SO-coats. slf T0u..3.1 •• 40 O. 00 of Qr. Ton . " 23 ...- Cr Orders map ba lett at Uls Tani, corner of Rail road and Elizabotb Streets, or st U. C. Porter's Drug Ettore nig. Orders must ly sll case` be accompanied with tlis cash. 1 - 'WARD /IL ••Towanda. soy. 1, IS6o—tf. • 1011 31; *MIMS' JAI, • - NEW- COAL YARD. • • IiE'ST ALVIHI?-4CITE COALS at alt 1111 tattler notice : 1 , 112q11 AT 7.1165, Biagi Ea; or No. 2 $4 . • Stove: or Nos. :14W 4. Chestnut; or No. 5.. $1 2.5 d'r Leave Orders starry Cad Office. No. 3. Wier. earl New Block. south ~ids. Orders met in alt rato be geeompaujea by the cash L Towanda, 31arch 12.10.. R. X. WELLES. COMM&R ARE SELL: tag TEA, 111 9* W ...1454 1 ... 4 52 . . 4 50 ~..-4 23 ... 4M ... II 511 ....a OS EMI MHO