E .fi4dfott:l - 140 , m . ., LOCAL AND GENERAL. I'AIMIGTLAR Norlaz. , -•We call the; attention of Silrertisers to . our new s chmute or paces, to lie found on first page. Tho. , e olio desire to disocintime or Alive 1114 ,4,ertistnoents sunst giro notice. Seatsare nrt being placed in 11 r.r.i -' HAIL , I 3t„. M. L. MAiNARD is .about to ~,„„ a Grover) . Store in Rome. le,. See -announcement of Dr „•,,,..s appointments in another column. The name of "Seeley'!}" post lloniv township, has been changed to • l'ark's tn.dic." - DEWED; has purchased doelling formerly owned by E. 3. rensomy. u• a• the depot. N!, and examine A. 31. WELLES ' choice Fruit Trees, he., in lot nev i, opi ”,ite Dr. Prarr's reladenet. LOAN WANTED.—Tweuty-tive buu ;.• three thOrteand duly wanted for three nr, Enquire at this office. A new time table will go into e; N.Y. R.U. next week, Ichen ill probably stop at the new depot. -..........--..-.- T‘EING THE CENSUS.—U. S. Marshal 3i, has divided this county into seven and sill appoint seven deputies to take We - are informed that the net Of the O.: that• Fait', held in this Owe :.(1„ Tas, , usted to about two thottsaud We hope to see a large turn ,It th•• mpeting T&ulleti fur next Wednesday the Bradford County Histurictl 807 Ll:r,\Ve publish on the first page ~! intereining sketch of the 310- M 1,511.11, in this 'county, from the pen of 1). ( fuer t5"4.. The Towanda Brass Baud was J: ; _ami..a ell Tiii,zday evening. We hope Un :r rfforts to hold the ofganization may bo , ls 4 .-,4111 tEir An industrious, frugal and ~! 1 ia1,d,.1 farmer wanted to work a farm. No I,,ca apply. (it:o. P. CAsn, Towanda zit J. H. C.UtEY publishes a card column, informing 'the people that • till engaged in the, tailoring business. e3111 . t be beat at giving fits. Messrs. J. M. WARD awl A. E. ha% e' been awarded a contract for f“artecu miles of the I.:+wrenceline k R...iroad, and will commence the work at jrL , r 1;y referring to his card, it will • I SMITH has opeuel a Dental u. t h.::i•!,1 adjoining Wit. WATKINS' law S. lien , highly recommended, I idi,t and good citizen. t•-• ; '• Wt. are continually adding to tiir doin g Job Work, and flatter ~.;ha! we can execute anything in the -f I , u:utile:. from a neat calling card to a , 1 ,•„ , • ',ter, in as good style and at as Icily ••• - i•rinting Quire in the country. 1 • TF.3lll.Aliti.—Luzenie county Templars' lodges. Sus . notity has thirty-four lodges. : i: • ;liirty-eight. Bradford has twenty '• : , ;1,• ••. WaYnerunnty has twenty-three • :.: I P.J..• four. • r , -r, 'lin. farmers-and horsemen of roil be ph oeil to learn that Major ,; • eoosented t allow his Humbletonian • , on main daring the present sea . In:digt , ( ~ s iiity" is too wcll known to , WI 11.410 \Vat. - 3.lC(iL'aulu:r preach :•l:l -.11.w the colored people at tile A.M. ;,,, ..11:iunday aftcruuun last. It would •1 pl.tit for thy' different nilaisters in arrangement for holding service ..*.ery Sabbath afternoon. Tile officers of the Grand Di _ &O.IIS of Tumperaute, arrived here on ,ky evennig, and attended the Tegnlar of Towanda 'f Le regular -et . hunt of the (fraud DiViFlOll eon- IV,dttemlay morning. PATTEnsoN cc; KINNEY still o.lf , ' fa‘votito (tracers in .T' ands. • ea 4:lig trade is the highest en .. eall littotred upon them. The .:I,llYoe are not slow to find out the best o tuy t Spwing by hap.d afkr using s-n nig Machine, is.'very dull work. Every • has a Singer Sewing Machine acknow . fact. If von are troubled to select • nowy. just try the Improved Singer, tied it easy then to decide. 111 , FA- 31r. SII.Ati FANCIIER was instant 1. the Linn or G. W. Marx Ann, near • I .ciarry, 'en the 12th inst., by the fall- • I.lnl , of a tree. He, with two others, chopping in fho woodland a nu, it broke a laige limb frori anoth ., . ahalc 'upon him. He cias aged 7.1 y( —Yam/. Journal. LET T HAVE PEACE.—It may easi :. ' , eared by kind words, good deeds, and to others as you would have them do ‘ , . , i : and be funikhing your, wife 'with one •riegunt Improved Howe Sewing Ma t Ag•-tiey at Coot,t.No, Itussr.u. & Co.'s • AN .119' ',MEN EIt. — MARSELLA A. gtql 12 scholar in the M. hool --12 Ts committed to memory ~.t, c s in Ow N.- Testament. Truly, a • commendition End reward.— 01111111 ',•ranton Reptiblicoil learns a:. atler April :21, the l'"liee Gazette, • la 1. f .v. •es and ,Cpeoling Times • fr , qn Fiat' on the following rail :, )I-rri , I)ela‘yare - , lwekawan :din- Jersey, and Laikawanna t• g, and branches. /.4/1.• u..11.....ted ho the young Ivo. !:_.: tn. irt, fse,ll and joyous in every It lus x,ry deservedly obtained a . i,...thtti.tt a n d has Leconte a necessity in 3IILLEn publish ittil :IA it, t•ubseription ' , rice is but ing of the Northemtern .; ..• • th, P.E. niurdi was held, ill ;.. ',sing. to the obstrueti , ni to tle kW, all the nunisters were ifin opening sermon CraS preach- Ding by Lev. E. A. AVArt .,F3l,titro,-, The next meeting of the n ....Ili 1, held in thiA place in June PowELL, Esq., has been , •le‘amtger of 1110Si:hinder Land Cora . Mr. I.'. is a sterna tie business Mimi, and ”11,t,dly manage the affairs of the corn •la a manner as to make it a ming . Mr. L. Mrams, of this place, has ;q 1 , ~uteri ~. upermtetelent. He has had a the lumber business, and - mi., Mr. l'owy.m. a valuable assistant. , „ . ItaliMi !rWi-!11 . 1. 1 1139 1 , ,L#Mrre7 moved from lids place to sucasseus cup, NAI, whine*, will engage in business. enterprising - n= 7 Just the kind to Wild up town. • —Lieut. J. M. CALM', UAL, was in towel last week. ire has just been ordered to PO --Rev. F. W. Baort.nrr occuplokthe pulpit of the Episcopal church on Friday evening last, —W. T. DAVIES nupests the pnson who tit* his pocket-book,•containing a snail amount of money and several notes, to return the **ri ot best, as they are of no value to any one but 103. The attention of our readers is respectfully and most earnestly called to the second page of this paper. gaze at, it long and tenderly with tows in your eyes. The ricochet ing of a destroying Melt over the camp of the enemy is wonthwhil and fearful to look upon. The Constitution: which yesterday -stood up on all fours, to-day lies dawn like a sick rat, and has no more 'virtue in it. "No semper Mcgin mess." "If you have tears prepare to shed them now." =IIIIIF. W. Bnows, druggist, TAT- Tores• Block, has just received a - very large as sortment of superior Paints sod- Oils, which, in conmiction with his heavy and well-selected stock of fresh and Pure drugs and medicines, ho is'aelling at the lowest cash prices: - Pre. scriptions carefully prepared at all hours of the day and night by an experienced pharmacen tist. Mir At an eleclion . .of officiara for Cateptown Lodge, 1.0. of G.T., held on Mon day evening last, the 'following persons were elected : DON0110E; W.V.T.—Mas Seey—Gr.o. Arwoop ; F.l3.—Wttalirr Caw ;. T. —E. Camp ; 31.-3. C. F CLLEII I.G.—Mies Et, uorr 8.=31. Emma! ; Chap.—Rev. D. Coox; L.D.—J. P. LEE. Mir Mr. CRITTENDM had his trav eling bag stolen front a Northern Central car in. Elmira last Saturday evening. The bag was full of testaments, hymn-books, and othermat. ter for use in two new Sunday-schools, which ha was going to organize on the following Sabbath. Mr. C. says he assisted in starting the two schools with no other books except a piece of a bible and two hymn-hooks. A religions lecturer' that ho found there teaches the doctrine that " men can be saved through the spirit of &dead Indian." Another bag of testaments will go• over to that neighborhood in a few days. Or The Wyoming Conference of the M.E. Church, recently in session at Wilkes- Barre, made the following appointments for Wyalusing District ; D. C. Ohustead, P.E. ; Trinkhannock, S. F. Brown ; Wyalusing, G. M. Chamberlain : Her rick, P. B. Tower; Rome, Wm. Shelp ; Orwell, Silas Barnes ; Windham, Alfred Brigham.; Le. Baysville, S. E. Walworth ; Montmse, King El well; Brooklyn, Philip Holbrook; Springville, J. S. Lewis ; Nicholson, J. B. Sumner ; Factory vine; E. IL High ;. Meshoppon, Luther Peck ; Skiniter'i Eddy ; E. W. Breckenridge; Mehoop auy, J. H. Weston; Auburn, Gco. Greenfield; rairetale, S. Elwell; Harford and South Gibson, A. C. So rry; Gibson, Geo. Forsyth ; Newton, 11. S.se; Northmoreland, A. J. Arnold; Rush, supplied by P. J. Gates. NAMES.—At thin day -there is experienced considerable difficulty in discov ering the signification of the names which the abarigines gave to the streams and localities in our country. This difficulty arises from sever al sources : One is that the signification is of ten arbitrary, audds very seldom an exact trans lation of, tbe term; another is, that as most of this county was at different times occupied by different tribes speaking different languages, a name signifyin; one thing in one language, was by a very slight change in the original name, made to signify ie , very different thing in anoth er language ; andl'a third difficulty grows out of the fact that in the transfer of a word from one language to another, the original meaning is often lost and a very different one applied-;.and another difficulty still, that two names are some times given to the same object. Ilzeimwm.fita is justly considered very good authority in mat ters pertaining to the language of the Dela- Wares ; but even here, owing probably in a great measure to the want of a liberal education, ho fell into serious mistakes. Having recently had au opportunity of examining his originalmanu script list of Indian names, I have copied a few of theniNarhich may be of interest, preserving the sPelling as I find it : Awandeo or Tciwandee, Tawnudinuk -At the burial place. Tioga, Tiaoga (Iroquois) --The gate, a place to enter in. Wisaukin, Wigachginni—Place of grapes. Wypaseening, Wapaeheinnink--The place of white etnnes (a corruption of the word meaning silver). Appolaceon, Aolugaean---Frain wheueo the messenger retutneil. Meshoppen, ltlasehapi-- Glass bhatls; so call ed from a districtition of glass beads having l),ern made among them. \Yyalusing, Machwibillusiug---At the dwelling place of the hoary veteran (Delaware). Mudd- Wildlnsing—The beautiful hunting grounds (Ir oquois, Zetsbergcr). The word Sono/Immo:, about which sonic of your correspondents have been atluggerheads, does not occur in the list, and was in all proba bility an Iroquois word, judging from the simi larity of its ending with other uamesof streams Tfluch arc indisputably Iroquois. C. Now .t.sito THEN.—As I was standing before the "Ward House," at Towanda, a few days since, beholding the ponderous mail-bags being delivered from the depot to be opened and their contents distributed in that beautiful post-office, fitted up with ao much taste for the convenience of the citizens of Towanda and vi cinity, my mind very naturally reverted back to the early years of our history, when the facili , tills of mail communication were so limited and lIG ' WS in general so very difficult to be obtained. As late as the year 1815, the only Mail run ning through Bradford county was carried by a man named fRTED, with a tae-horse convey ance, once a week from Wilkes-Barre , to Tioga Point (now Athens). A- post-office kept by Euas Varmint, for the accommodathin of the citizens of Frenchtown, on the opposite side of the river, Wyalnsing, Wysox, Sheshognin and Athens, were the only post-offices on the route in this county. The first postmaster appointed west of the river was Musses Razz, ,whci had. settled near the mouth of Towanda creek and' built the first mills in that vicinity, called HALEII , Mills. Be was a man of considerable business and obtained the appointment more particular ly-for hisiwn convenience, Sending and receiv ing manyiletters and papers. Ho received his mail weekly from the Wysox postsaffiee, kept by DAVID RIDGWAY, afterward by J. M. Prou.yr. After Meansville began to improve a little, he appointed, E. B. Gar.oortv his assistant, who lived on the bank of the river near where ED WARD OvEaros now resides,. that4t might bet ter accommodate the citizens of the town. I In In 1814, Wm. Illzass was appointed postmaster at Meansville (now Towanda), while Mr. Bazt still remained postmaster of Towanda township. BEMIS lIIIIOWAT was appointed deputy under 31EANs, and did the business of the office .for several years. The mail was brought once a week by a boy or girl in a basket or. satchel from the Wysox office, to accommodate Meana tille and the country around, The first mail route west otthe river' as established in 1816, running from Towanda to Burlington, Troy and Canoe Place—from thence to Columbia, Spring field, Smithfield to Athens ; then down flui riv er to Ulster and Towanda once a week on horse back: At the same time another route was es tabdsited from Towanda through Wysoz, Or -711, Windham, Warren, Pike and Bush to3hin trt,e. This route was also performed once a e...k ou horseback. The manner in which the " Ilrratfard Gad fly was first supplied to subscribers in general,-was by neighbors coming to town and getting the papers from the publication office and sending them around as best they could. A private post route was established by the editor up the .T.:wanna creek as far as Szstrx Caoror's, and once a week a man or boy filled its saddle-bags with papers (and any letters going in that di rection) and distributed them to subscriber! living on the road, and those living back, their papers and letters were left with their neigh bors. DAVID RIIXIWAII, then ten years old, was the first'post-boy up and down the creek; af terward at was carried by Jon Buss, Jar., and later by a Mr. rumens. 3lr.atonr. Frabklin, April 22, 1870. • lva. m. 4, are pripning to erect six inapt bows on *WWI_ lostAlaktrels7 4 1.1K 4 .1 111 . soar -Us Abe contract. .;1 1 01r Thu& IF; .Virnacor,'for 'many meg cithei at.BWgbary, this county, died. wirj , inshbily u •Zhoirs7cin , Bandli7 mesh* the 17111 hist. Kr; W. with his family was laiardinkal the Baihban4louse, and on Us morning Olds death arose as usual land ors. instructions about bit brealdlusi. • A Short time eta; he was found a corpse is his room. ie. By, referring to the* aini auottier cohunn, it wfil be seen _that E. Ova; .73., and N. C. Ems= hire formed a co partnership ht the law timbers. Mr.lltenzum. via( 1 law and was admitted td the bar or this county some twenty years mil, and altlumgh he, weer opened an halt had quite an extensive practice.. The new &gamin do alargel bind. nom, as they have ' si ' large lapiatn::. tam, and arc both men of ability, integrity and • pai: The North Branch Foundry arid Machine Shop, we are glad to know, to do ing a thriving buduess. The new proprietors have made some extensive improvements, ind are now prepared to Flo all kinis. of work on the shortest notice. Mr. J. W.Mmixs,joilormem her of the firm, : has, Charge of the establish ment, and we cheerfully recommend him as an obliging and enterprising business man. Pee-. pie entrusting work to thorn can rely upPil hav ing it finished at the timo specified. There are people all over the country, who, like Thatwngu, are* waiting for aoreething to turn up." The surest way tore. alize your especEationa is to take hold yourself and turn up something. If you are an the wrong side of any question, don't wait for the question to turn; if you have been voting the wrong ticket all "3 - our life, stop now; and if you have been buying your Groceries at any other establishment than MOCAILt & Mu's, don't do so any more, but go straight to this celebrated establishment and confess your fault by order ing a large bill of goods. - CLEANING. PAnrr.-11To know our readers—especially among the thank us for this information in regard to cleaning paint. It is from the "House, Farm and Gar den" department of theSpringlield Republican. The writer says : " In cleaning paint which has been •Andshed there is nothing better than weak tea. All the tea leaves from several drawinge should be saved, and boiled over early in the morning of the paint cleansing. If boiled in an old tut pail or pan. the tea can be easily strained off for use. }Vet's flannel in it and wipe off the oak-grained paint and you will be surprised at its brightness. No soap is need ed ; no milk ; the tea is the most capital deter gent over invented. Wipe the . paint dry with a soft cloth;; you will find that very little elbow grease is needed. 'White varnish paint is cleansed as readily with'it as the grained. For unvarnished white paint, no always use whiting instead of soap ; it takes off all impurities and leaves an added whiteness. For washing win dows we again have recourse to spent tea leaves, and reboil a quantity of them. First the var nished sashes are wiped off with the weak tea, and the glass is thoroughly washed, using old newspapers instead of cloths for the rubbing, as they leave no marks of lint. Windows thus washed look bright and eleA, and if our read ers once try this prOcess of cleaning them, they will never use water." ATI/ENS.—We liaye waited a long time for "Pis" to make his promised bow and retire from the editorial staff of the RtrowrEn; but the task seems too much for his sanative heart. Doubtless ho has concluded to spare himself the pangs of a formal separation, and silently wrapping Lis mantle around him "re tire to his couch of pleasant dreams." Well, goad-bye, CHARLIE!. such ties are hard to (WV.: er ; and as vre . lay Your ashes low we will sur round your resting-place and chant lnclu•lryno sis Oculi " May your tomb be ever bleat, And sweet be your repose! And may each chum above your dust Step lightly as ho goes." Onr "city dads" held in election at DAY'S Ho tel Saturday; for the purpose of getting an ex pression of the esters in relation to raising a tax for the purpose of erecting suitableembank; merits to protect our borough from water. Tho' vote was 101 for and 6 against the tax; so the sufferers begin to breathe free in tho hope that their woes are 'about ended in this direction, and that, every time this Chemung chooses to get en a '`‘ tear" they will not be obliged to an chor household furniture to trees to keep them front floating off. • t . Saturday night we had another alarm of fire. Bells rang, men, boys and childivri in dishabille ran and shouted, but alas! the fire nag out of town, and all came silently back with the con sciousness that ahoy had been fooled. The-fire proved to be Mr. S. H. Boatmen barns near Factoryville, and he lost sevet i al cattje, all his bay and grain, and some fanning utensils. lie wan insured, but will loso $1,500 above all insu rance. A chill of tioLonos Ml.man, aged About four years, was run over by KmNes express, Mon day, and seriously injured, but it is thought ho will recover. - The Convocation of Episcopal Church last week passed nil very pleasantly. Mr. WALIII NEE, of Montrose, preached an excellent sermon Wednesday evening. The Ithaca papers arc tickling their stiles over a good joko on one of our prominent rail road officials that was made an unwilling senti nel on the pinnacle of his own observatory with only the scanty uniform of his night clothing a few nights ago. For their information we will say that the victim, like the "young Napo leon" of the Potomac army, now keeps a well guarded line of "retreat," and will not be Mo ly to be caught napping again. . Wtuccvsos, a blacksmith in thisplace, died Tuesday morning. The jury appointed to find FRANCIS TYLER in capable of attending to his business affairs suc ceeded last Monday, the defense not making any appearance. If you choose to print this "maiden effort," I wilt try to send you an item now and then, hoping in a small way to fill the place left va cant by your former correspondent. MARRIED VANLUVAIiLEE--CIIANDALL—, At the 'par sonage, Monroeton, April 23, 118'70, by Rec. Hillock Armstrong, Mr. Williamll..Vanln vardeo of Wilmot, to Miss Ellen M. Crandall, - of Teriy.' LYON—BOWMAN.—At the Eagle Hotel, Mon roeton, April 24, 1870, by Her. Hillock Arm strong, Mr. Locke L. Lyon, of Franklindalc, to Miss Sarah E. Bowman, of Monroeton. HINES—PHILLIPS.--At Windham Centre, Pa., ' April 1, 1870, by Her. Wm. C. Peek, Mr. Jas. E. Hines and Miss Ann C. Phillips, both of Orwell, Pa. MLNARD--14TONE.—At the residence 14 the bride's father in Leßoy, Pa.,,on the loth inst., by Elder Alexander Greenlaw, Mr. C. 8. Ali : card to Miss Edith Stpne, all of Leßoy. WHIPPLE—MORSE.— , Feb. 22, 1870, by Rey. , It. Lake, Mr. Judson A. Whipple and Miss Helen A. Morse, all of Leßoy. • KELLY—HAMMOND.Z . , By the same, April 14, 1870, Mr. Chauncey A. Kelly and Miss Lydia 8. Hammond, of Leßoy, I's. MAYNARD—BROWN.L—In Dingliatuton, N.Y., April 20, 1870, by Bel. Dr. Paddock, Mr. 8. C. Maynard to Miss Henrietta Brown, all of Ilitighamton. ' Now safely and irrevocably lucked vp, may their forms long preserve the freshness and , beauty of newly-worked sheds and vever be knocked into pi: (BLimenn 'a typo.) DIED. ROYCE. —At Murray, Clark county, lowa, Apr. 6. 12:70, Mrs. Martha, wife of. Andrew Bocce, fortuerlyof Leßoy, Bradford Co., Et. SPECIAL NOTICES. De. TAyLuit & Gouu, 31erclatut Tai lors. . ORANGE COUNTY.--,-Fv.u. BLooD HAMBLEMNIAN THOITVG STALLION.—This sea son of 1870 will remain at Kingsbury 'it. Solo mon's Stable, in Towrinds; : on the saute terms as last season, with one exception, to wit : Ser vice of two mares belonging to one person, $lOO to insure. JAMES Them, Care of Kingsbury it-Solomon. Towanda, April 28, 1870-2 m. . • ' EARLY ROSE PotAio.-4210 to Welles and buy a good stock for 'seed of this valuable potato. It. is smooth, of good size, very'productire, and ottino.eating quality from time of limning all through fall, winter into spring. April 28, 1870. , erium • "llblih m M n s e h edy O jmeni cibtktek between L a a dN Ve as residanges'ool4l2",......lll"o and pee Ids Dr.. haws new chn eiwr-ror oak itikOtteratimiW"Win Mentes ew N •ii-14...1bs ;:dpitill4ol:4l`,, south4 111 :::•1! - -- -A- prinelleii it Wei/ litet:St;„ • 'fAxforrzoi.atflosing gale on' Yridtif siitorday, April 29 and 20. at Hontet's TY; ei,Dry-Goodi, Groceries, Crockery, .Farm- Intl*** Boots and Shoes, Hardware, lists wriflOsPa, Hosiery, Gloves and Mittens, Shin-, , itlesirintaves - and , Heading, Anthracite Coal, ''Household Furniture, ono 5- and Marc, .ono Bum', one Cow, wit single Harness, . pair.. .Ilob Bidets, and thousands of unenumersial talkies. , Buss cussuutaisru. . • 11‘ , 11:Moz, Auctioneer - = 1 . . r Omen ,Peaa - by tho ' • ritutit,. at Co rellA lt,yees. "Maraltt," Gates:HousEs.—TlMl season I offer. the finest issortment of IflOwers ever found out= side the city, embracing Fuchsias, Geraniums, Heliotropes, Verbenas, Hoses, ornamental fo• liagixl plants, fie., which I offer at prices within reach of all lovers ot the beantifuL Also yoga._ table pints in their keason, and all the Wier sorts of drape Vines. - - All kinds of Garden- and 'Flower Seed" from the most reliable seedsmen, for sale at McCabe A Mix's Store, Menu's Block. Catalogues sent application. free iders from unknown correspondents, Wiwi accompanied with the money or satisfactory re ference; VIM be sent by express C.O.D. No ctuate for boxes or packing. Booniits and Wreaths made Monier.- Haan Mix. Towanda, April 28, - 1070. • • EVE116103"18.-7—it. 31. .Welles hits nice ones for sale.- See his btoCk opposite Dr. Pratt's. • April 28,1870. - EAIILY ROSE POTATO.—A. MUM gof the Garnet Chili: An productiveness and earli ness it takestrist rank among, the early varie ties, and is the most popular potato now,lmown. Never before has any other variety become so widely and popularly known in so short a time. It meets with unqualified praisli everywhere. Price, Ist size,so cents peck; $1,58 bushel ; f 4 per barrel. Second sizo Potatoes, SO eta pock; $1 per bushel ; $2,25 per barrel, A barrel con tains 165 lbs. or 2/ bushels. Also—Emmy Mon AIM POTATOIN. A now and valuable Early Potato.- Said by most of those who have grown it, TO RE EAR- L= THAN THE EARLY - HOSE, HEALTHY AND STRONG OF IIEOVITII, OP LARGE YIELD,FREE PRO3I ROT, AND THE FINEST COORIN•0 QUALITY. It is a hybrid of the Peach Blow and Buck Eye, large, white, smooth.and handsome. Send for circu lar. Price IS per peck; 17 per bushel ; 115 per barrel. No charge for delivering at cars. Towanda, April 12—St. B. 11. WELLES. x 0... No eicnse for going dirty Seven bars of soap Tor 25 cents, at the Bed White and Bine store on Bridge street• March 10,1870. . *lei. Dr. Clark's business constant ly increases. During last wedk more patients were placed under treatment than any previous week during his visit to this pinnty. Last Sat urday at tho "Ward House,".the Doctor dis pensed medicines to a constant throng of pa tients. The success attending his treatment, in the great majority of hii patients, is such as makes his services much sought by the afflict ed; and as his visit is becoming ]netted, lids are eagerly availing themselves of his medi cines and advice. Remember his appointments,' or meet him at the " Ward- House" every Sat urday, or call during the five dave which winds up his visit in this county at this time, from May 23 to 27, inclusive. 105 - Second-hand Sewing Machines for sale at a bargain birMickhanrit Black. • Also, Machine Needles, Oil, Thread, Silks, &c., - • April 28, 1870 NEW D viaCHAN't TAILOMG ESTAII, usuarmrr.—Messrs. Taylor & Gore have open ed, in connection with their - Clothing Store, a Tailoring Department ; and having secured the services of a "tirst-clasS cutter" and competent workmen, they are now prepared to make up work in the best style and latest fashions to'Or der. Having just received a new and fresh stock of cloths, they-are prepared to offer bet ter inducements than ever before offered in To wanda. The public Will find it to their advan tage to give us a call before bUying elsewhere.. Remember we warrant our work and guarantee good fits. Repairing done on short notice. March 12,1870. Los r.—On Wednesday, April Or, between Powell It- Co's. Store and Northern Lib erties, a Golll. S: Jet Breast Pin. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving the same at McCabe A: Mix's Store. - gm. The Historical Committee of the Bradford County Medical Society respect fully invite all who are interested in the history of the county to meet at Morales Hall, in To wanda, on Wednesday, May 1, 1870, at 1 o'clock p.ni., to take measures for organizing a Histori cal Society. Hon. C. L. Ward and other promi nent citizens have promised to be present and address the meeting. Tile committee will meet at the office of Dr. 3lison, at 11 o'clock, a.m., of the name diy. Davin enarr. April 1.1, 1870—St. ' eV-THE LAST CALL!! All persons indebted to nip, - either by note or account, will hare' cost to psi' if not settled by the 20th of this month. 8. N. ASPENIVALL: mg. Miss E. Brandt announces that aho will open her establishment for Milli• nery and Dross Making on - Sti!lmlay, April 2, at No. 1 Merear's Block, ontranco ono dour east of Eternal's Bank. A careful study of the•details of her business, united to considerable experience, encourages Miss Brandt to hope that those who confide in her shill and taste will be ftilly-salistled. She respectfully solicits a sharOof the patron age of the ladies of Towanda and Mar. 31, 1870—tf. Vir A House to let on Main street. Possession given immediately. Enquire .of Dr. E. H. Mason on the premises, or of W. C. Bo gart, Esq. MarSi W' " Towanda " by Ah-wa-ga Chief, lie by Itysdyk's Ilanibletenian ; Ah-wa r ga's Dam, bell Drino; Dell Brine, by Benton*. tier; "Towanda'a" Dam, Vermont Black Hawk, Grandam , Messenger, with black points, very dark bay; over I:1i hands; coming three; no.colt more promising in all respects. "Towanda's" fee, $lOO to insure, payable or made satisfactory at the time of service, and limited to fifteen mares. .Henson from the first of April to the first of November. Mares not proven in foal may be retnnied the following season without charge. Those from a distance will be accom modated with the beat of care on liberal terms, at the risk of their owners at our new stables. ilx & IllotrrAttra. Towanda, Pa., March 23, 1370. NOTICE.—The Bradford County Medical Society will meet at Dr. Mason's office, in Towanda, on Wednesday, May 4, 1870„it 11 o'clock, a.m. H. M. Moony, M.D.„ E. P. Aitev, M.D., Sec'y. TO NVIIOM fl MAY CONCERN.—I here by caution all persons against buying a Note given bv mo to Henry Styer for the sum of for ty-five aollara and interest, duo ono year from gate, and dated April Bth - or 911*, 1870, awl shall not pay said note unless compelled by law, as I have received no value for the same. Joan 310:1TOOMER.Y. Spring Hill, Pa., April 20, 1870-Iw. SMIRK, J. ND— Crackers manufactured daily Gua for sale wholesale and retail, at the Bakery, tint door north of Ward House. March 30,1870. D. W. Scorr & Co. ,„ FOIL S4LE.--J. R. UOULHAUGH, of .Wilkes-Barre, Pa., offers et title the valuable Beal &tate formerly belonging to Saloman Whiteomb, deed, situated at Scottsville, Wye ining_couutY,Ta., containing about Cal acres, about 75 iroprOved, balance good soil, well tim bered, good water power, &e. The farm -is 911 the river, good buildings, orchard, never fail ing running water at the door. Beautifully situated, convenient for business—worth $20,. 000; will be sold for $12;000. Ternis easy. Bar gain for any one. Dec. 2, 1869. Ate' We guarantee satisfaction in all the Work we do. We cat, make, and trim clothing fur men and buys wear. H. HAMM at CO, . 4 Bridgo Street. Towanda, Pa. TOWANDA NURSEUL—For sale a gen era line of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, shrubs, 'sines and plants. Such as Apple, Pear, Plum, Peach and - Chem, trees. Norway Spruces,Bal sam Firs, Arbor Vitaes Ilaples,'Horse Chest; nuts, etc., etc. small ' Pratt • Plants, such as Currantlaspberries, Illacliberrics, Gooseber ries and Strawberries. Hedge Plants, such as Arbor Vitiao, Osage Orange and Honey Locust plants. Send for Circular: It. M. WELLF-4. Towanda, Pat April 13,1870. • • NOTIL'IL—As tho .Grand Division will bolt' a liession is this place on the 27th inst., it is desired that every member of the Di vision of Bons of Temperance in this place shall be present at the regular meeting on Tuesday evening next. CONOVER'• 41S gaOLOSSAL- Ag1 . A111.6 IIoOTK. —A new and valuable vuriety. It now stands unrivalled in point of size, product/ye ness and quality. .It. is destined to take the place of Ur other known varieties. My plants, were raised from seed _obtained directly from . Mr. Conover, and grown singly in drills, in rich soil, with good culture. and are splendid roots. Send for descriptive circular. Price 50 cts. per doz. V 3. per 1110. • • It. 31. Wsu.zs. ToWanda, Pa., April 12, 3R.. sei. The Ca,seade Mills deteniiined to compete with - western flour. Now'sAi at re tail, ffour from the choice winter :wheat .or our own soil, at the bare cost of the wheat and its manufacture into flour. No prcifita middle men or third hands. No charge ,for Pandling or use of money. For cash only. March 23-4 in I= =,'•• 71.:'••' -,, : -,--",' W' Serie in i ction Atli a ][rash - mod; Alooroili _will sot nook cftwetgairi lisdkur~* Adoordeoss, lifitekilbselinudis, • Books Lir ndli lasimmba s tie Ak)c. 5u4.11 kier Nap iiiit - .PAK 1011.81,14,111. `naltz.:-Tbe adoenThee alarm' eile-ldivelea= lbes‘bilettlidiebdalioneb* WSW* under tect-binit,•me tedenee hes* tintiewed -with oak and pine. Within Ave m3leeuntie A. a N. Y. R. IL. and six maw drain- the N. &E. 11. Ft. Convenient to school,- ohne* store,-de. For pertionlare in quire et theiingw— ou the premises: Feb. 7, 1870-tto, , C a M. Observe the price lid of ess.t caiump* - pit7irtmerNdieolmiessuper . . - - AtioTlON' tiaLE ply FRIIrr Tuns,. &C., to . takitplaft on Tuesday. May 11, at 10 a.m., at IL IL Welles' Mimeo on,Towurla Pubb - ipao 4 _41 4 e Chnilar,:-,Pear,- - Peach and other nut trees, ornamen tal trees, he, ito. It will be a good opportunity to - lay:what - you want. Also at same time and'place, 2 tw6yeareld home colts; one stall-fed fat beef ow, and one TIM trees. ho., will be readj ln'eMeried.loti for immediate delivery. The umnitcredit given. Now lavertisinate. D R. C L'A R K'S BRADFORD COUNTY APROINTAIXNXII., . - • Dr. Clark has taken 'priors at the Ward Rouse, .Towanda, Pn.. and wilt be there so Mandhay; Tor day. Wodnuidaff. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. February M. 15. 10, 17. 18 and 19. 1670. and also every Saturday during his trip in. Bradlord count,. Canton... Contra." FridaY. April / Centreville. ' 'Thursday, 14 Oreutt Creek, • • 0 Towanda; „. Monroeton, Monday, New Albany, . Tuesday, - N ew Era. Wednesday, " "Tarrytown, • Thnrslay. • asYium: Friday. • Towanda, Saturibiy. Shealuxinin. •. Monday. - Soutn Litehileld,. Tuesday. - Wednesday. Tioga Val Thursday. Athena. E L- Hotel .. Friday. Towanda, Saturday, Monroeton, Monday, • Omani.) Centre, Tuesday Granville Summit, Wednesday, •• Alba,.. - Thursday, Troy, Troy Rouse. Friday, Towanda, . Saturday.. - 'Luther's Mills, Monday. Leona. Tuesday, Columbia X Roads, Wednesday, AustinvMe, Thursday, lAvinindl Corners, ', Friday, Towanda, Saturday Rome, • Mon , day, . Potterville. - Tuesday. Wednesday, Windham Centre, Thursday, -- North Rome, Friday, •• Towanda, Satu r day. Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. May 21, 23. 24. 23, 20. 27. ri b. !1. 1870. . 1870: SPRING. ' 1870. VAN VELSOII & MANNERS, "MERCHANT TAILoRA, G 8 Broad Street, WAVERLY, TIOGA CO., l+f.Y. Near the Nepal. WE &WE A C MEE EEO* NEW TUB. CITY SATISFACTION GUARRANTEED Always hare on land a large stock of CLOTIS AND CASSIMERES HATS 'AND - CAI'S, • - GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS fl Will he et the Ward Rouse ever* Thursday, with samples of Goode, and prepared to take mese GEO. b. VAN VELSOR, April 20, 7870 noirr. N. Ark.NMIMII. P o L R, CO. LINEN DEPARTMENT. Swing tokeit advantage of tho recent Teri con alderablo reduction la the prices of all LINEN GOODS 13y making 1 LARGE PURCHASES, Are enabled to over the BEST MANUFACTURES! From 20 to 30 per cent under former prices Particular attention is called to our assortment of DINNER - NAPKINS EEM TAB - LE CLOTHS, In single anfrdouble Damasks PILLOW LINEN MEI LLNEN SHEETINOS Also an eloontatock of every description of WHITE GOODS Y EQUALLY CHEAP. REPORTER JOB PRINTING OFFICE. Haring recently added greatly to ourjacllitiea, wo are now preprzed to do eat kinckvir • JOB PRINTING AT i LOWER PII J IUES _ D BETTER ST'YL.L Thai auy catublialuncui NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA e kl.l. AT THE REPOHTER OFFICE BM EXAMINE SPECIMENS. ~~ ~r r , - Sj,rAtiaRZ.34PAN 12.11 FAT EXCn3l`.-4. Ell ToWANDAO :; , ,5T0RF333; 1 " , ..0N 1 :: ,- -' , .Y. 'I I .A.M.LOR - CO, rumr,,,x,5...g..-, , ,s..rop,K , _`_ NEW, SPRING , GOODS JUST RECEIVED'. 20. LOW PRICES 30 wT - 2 4 ELEGANT DRESS GOODS, RICH JAPANESE SILKS, FINE BLACK SILKS, IRISH AND'FRFSCH POPLINS; 1!=i1 LOWEST • PRICES SELLING SELLING CHEAP. sf - LT4ING SO CHEAP T Ii I.E V E S WILL BE S II A 31/E D • \ TO E AL. • We sell the . celebrated \ We sell the popular " HORSE SHOE ALPACA," I 1 We sell the Sill: Finished THE PUREST SHAWLS OF BLACK, MOST DURABLE FABRICS THEY ARE ACKNOWLEDGED ALPACAS EVER ,lALPOIRTED. =EMI 4 0.A.RE.Mr1,99'1 A .R B S, VAZI 11 HATS AND CAPS, LATEST STYLES LOOK: AT EXAMINE THE QUALITY COMPARE In WHERE YOU CAN , „ a. w. rArLoa, Towanda, Pa. U. Ili iiraminfo; r. r. norrium, April 31,1870 - New York. ~.t~: _~ - ,-:; • MOE EX=3 _ or LOW''' . PRICES. - LOW PRICEEL AT TEE CHEAP THAT CM3 " BUFFALO. ALPACA; "BEAVER BIOHAIR.'i: ♦ND THE' TO BE THE PEST OIL CLOTHS, Ea MATTINGS SHAWLS, I ALL OF THE OUR STOCK: OF .OUR GOODS. O'UR PRICES, siN 1) BUY GOOFS BUY THEM CHEAP. TAYLOIt ==!= it'k6zUt ME II .f , i':1'1 , 4A . .-'gi n .-: - :; i - i.l=',i, ; ',:',.. - --,, 1'..=-1-`,.-,:_E., ~.,.~~ We itikt - i idmiure in announcing tho'arrii -id: of our very - EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT SPUN(/. STYLES SPRING STYLES. SPRING STYLES SPRING STYLES BOOTS and . SHOE BOOTS and SHOES , . BOOTS and SHOES - BOOTS and SHOES . • COMPRLSIiiG - . COMPRISiNG COMPRIANG QED NEWEST .and BEST NEWEST... and BEST 'NEWEST • and BEST NEWEST and BEST GOODS GOODS. - GOODS • - • GOODS: ; • The market adonis, ',elected with care by ciperi °need Mon in the trade. 11 - We have all the heat and und-popohn• tuannfeet toren, gouda mined to-the want& of LADIES, MISSES •CHILDREN, IVltha full hue of the.....elebriled JAMES - 31. BURT'S GOODS 13211 MEN AND -BOIS • s own 31nunfactilry is in full Waal and no are Prepared to make to order any kind of work. Amur ing thespnbllc that we shall take more pains than erer to please, them.. and invite an examination Of our stook. V • , • March X, 1 / 3 70. tutortims. p o-w &:C 0. fall eepee.talethution to their SPLENDID - STOCK -C_A_R,PMTS JUST OPENED - . .111, NEW, • ANp AT T. 41; REDUCra) PRRES ETOLIBII pIIVEMELS. ENO LISII,TAPESTMES, THAFX-PLY, EXTRA' SVPEIt, 'SUPER. ' LtiGISALSE WOOL DUTCH, Tegetheg with t 1 GREATEST VARETY MATS, RUGS; 3I.ATTINGS, &C.- OIL CLOTHS Two - fourths, three - fourths, four - fonrtlts. five fourths, stx-fourths awl 00A-fourths of DIFFERENT QUALITIES EASE A.NaD COMFORT. THE BLEMING OF PERFECT SIGHT. There is - not:dug acoralualde imperfect sight, and perfect eight can only' be obtained by wring PERFECT SPECTACLES.! , The difficulty of procuring which to well known. MESSRS. LazAatriv k MORRIS', • c OCCULISTS AND . OPT /CANS, • ~HARTFORD. CONNECTICUT, ' 31ANUFACTOREjiti OP THE . err VIBRATED PERFECTED . SPECTACLES, Have. after years 'of evftleice, experiment, and and the erection of costly tuachisem been enabled to produce that GRAND DESIDERATUM, PERFECT PECTACLES! Which hate been sold with ruditulted t 'sadsfaction to the wearers in the Meateruiltatca dining the put fifteen years. - Those Celebrated Perfected Spectacle* never tiro the eye, and last'many years intbout change! TAZABUS k'. MORRIS bare appointed 'JULES HUGUENELS. dealer in Watches sad Jeff ' dry, as their sole agent for Penn's, and ' - Aprill4, 11170. THE FARMERS' CLUB . hWEET CORN IS TIIF. BEST OP ALL: • . . • -.. . . It is early... my prod u ctive. - cars sligiud Ida and shape. and remain in boding state for, a long time. Tbe doer is itneurpaared, being very 'acrobat. rich andcriTry it and we: geed ter ea/e Wee quart or st C. B. PATCH'S. tOirandii, Pa. April 1 1 . • _ AND , SHOE STORE. ' The subieribere would respectfully inform their gutsy fiienditthettbey bete opened • - Akx•T AND SHOE STORE ! At so. t!e Main-d., Towards. Ps.. They have pit received aline asscirtmesd of . .ADZE'S'. AND GENTS' SHOES ConLtlug o! ADIES GAITERS, Air a im am uieues - 'GOAT AND LEATHER SHOE% MIMES AND CHILMLVD3 snow 'Of everi variety. which will be said chitin for mgt. Olvethem a call and , unify yoluvelvarthst tlit7 are selling cheaper than the cheapest. -We would call easnecialattention to oar DEPARtMEATI We Mike to order everything in the line; of - • • LADIES' .I.lt'll .G.fiNTLEMZX'S ;MAR. . _ licdng mechanics -of many year practical ex we feel confident, eaten, can give entire on. We employ none but frurt.claes mechanics, and have secured the services of the, veteran boottnaken of linidford comity. KR. J. W. WILCOX; Istickegrdtal• ty invites a call from his fanner patrona. . Ire yarmulke perfect p. and eat work. Waruented. Repairing neatly maul prompUy done. - , 'ltemember the place, No: In Naln.st., a few doers below the Means Home, 'Towanda, Pa. Look out for the sly of the Big Boot.- • apt. 21 .1 0 .—tr DAVIS tc ICEENN. ME IMEI V'OUICE BANKRUPTCY.-:- TIIIB 13 TO GIVE NOTICE: That on the 20th A ar 4111. A.D 1870, a Warrant in Bankruptcy wag bunted against the estate of JOHN HILLWat, of the borough of Troy, in the county of linidfard and State 'of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged Bankrupt, on his own petition ; that the payment of ant debts awl delivery of any property belonging to such Bankrttpt to him orfor fib use: and the tom* fer of any property by him are- forbidden by law; theta meeting of the Creditors of the said Bankrupt tp prore their debts; and to choose one or more as. 'iligneen, of Ma - estate. will be, heldnt a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the race of E:OVEB TON. Jr., Towanda. Pa., before E. Overton, Ze.,Esq.. Register, on the 3rd day of June, A.D. 1870. at ten o'clock, a. to, ' A. MiItDOCE, 17. 8. Marshal, as Messenger. Bambara 011 ice, Pittsburg. April 234870-4 o THE SICK.-Da JACKSON'S'.I. • NEW APPOPSTMENTE: • Dr. Jackson vrill be, at Exchange Hold, Athens, April 30th and May lit. - . • Tteonda, Means House,. Monday. May 2nd.- Waverly. N.Y.. Central Howse. Tuesday. May Owego,M.Y., Park House, Wednesday, May {U'. Elunry.. llathbun Ilouse;Tbureday, May Stb. Dr..ismisou. having .had his books,, records, in ennui:lent, and everything pertaining to Lisboa:ince/6 fiT6LIN from his room in the Hotel at Binghamton on the evening of April .14. especially requests all his numerous patients to meet him again as per eV' poisitments above. :Many of his, patients hare not received their medicines, and be is unable to send theni.ea the records of their cases, as well as names and directions, are lost. Dr. Jackson hopei that all who have not reerived their Medicines, will not fail to meet bins it these visits, as ibis will enable him to fulfill his imgagements, and . they Will then get their medicines. N.. ft—Please recollect the Wm, and 11aer, - , day find date, tuvthese appointments will be punctually kept. Also, he would say to all persons who failed to see htm.at his last visits, to 'do PO now. Coirietlatiopp - It MA LE•FOLSOM SEWING MA . I Prim 140;00..4E. . The time has come when a/most eaery family an afford a Sewing Machine.' In aelectink one, thereat important points to be conaldered are : firat..to get a enbalantial. well-made machine , ane comp osed of ae few parts as trample; that it may not need con stant adjusting. One that is nolaeless and easy to, operate. is 'also desirable , Finally, to 'get one as described at a snail expense. . The FQLSOM FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, em braces these important points. It in constructed on the principle of combining the greatest strength, with the least friction, and the smallest ainount of machinery consittant with the proper exeentionuf the work producing a machine 'plofectly'siomple, easily alanoyed, cincoble, and not li able to get out of repair. It makes a strong andperfectly elastic seam.which will not rip or reset 11,2irear, and cannot be broken by straching, washing or ironing ; neither can if be pulled or worked apart; even when the stitches are repeatedly cut or broken, and yet it can be ripped when necessary without tedious waste of time, or Injury to the finest goody; ' , It will sew with case and rapidity !eery wrist!, of cotton, woolin, linen and silk poeds, from the finest to the coarsest, and of any required thickness : using any kind of good thread. • ' The Machine is fitted with a Patent Non4torersilde A ttachmoil, which renders it impossible to run it in the wrong direction. This will commend itself to oil, especially to beginners. For Stitching, Hemming, Felling, Binding, Cord ing, Braiding, &eating. Erobthicicring. Tucking, 'Quitting and Gathecing,t hes/. Machines have no. su perior. Evrey Efachine fully warrautecl - fir one For tv.rius, addrers S. li.orn.TOS:. No. 700 Chi>. nut &tied. PIALNIeIpIda, Fa.; .ole 'agent. April 27, 1870—in FASHIONABLE TAILORING ! informs hit friends and rte public nen eralyithat be Lae just returned from New York with all the' improvements in the art. of Cutting, and is prepared to make as Oa& work u can be produced' elsewbure. 1 receive the monthly report of Fashions from Cute of the finest Practical Cutters on Broad way, and an making the , Tailoring buslacsa a spec iality-. Puntinality strietlY observed. Dour tin Aort tat,tier ‘ and plaluty intrked for w.nuen to makt.. Alto Cat to 3.nasore. which proJnoes a perfect fittarg satitt. please give too a call, T0ic43111.1. April 23;1.870.-4W ACARD:-J. P. KINNER,. THE Fashionable Boot-Mater, formerly of Scranton Pa., and lately •at Woodford -k Cheri New York Store, world inform , his many friends and the public generaly, tkat be has not left town, bnt can always be found at the New Boot and Shoe Store of DAVIS k KEENER, NO. 145-Main street. a few doors smith of The Means House. Towanda. . thee him a call. apr.21,10.-2.t .l. P. KEENER. - ppR .SALE-LA FARM OF FIFTY Acres, within. the Borough' liinits, suitable for village tots. Inquire of Charles Mercur, at the °Eke of the Fait Creek Bituminous Company, Tow. • Feb..2B ; 1870-tf • OR SALE AT: A BARGAIN::-- 1 A nor.ihsellinif holm, - suitable for a man tomb. ly, Size of lot 76 100 feet. Inquire, of the editor of this paper ro P. E.i.BABBER. express agent. TWO SMALL FARMS FOR SALE.—One containing 63 acres. 30 improved. a:fmated within 80 rode of Burlington borough. The other on Ilollon Hill; containing' 20 acres. well Int. .profed. Inquire of C. M. Manville or E. W. Hale. April 6, 1870. ME FO3l. FOIL .SALE.-IS ted in Monroe toiriabili. Bradford county. Pa. joining L. Eockwell; one.balf mild fro% Monroe borough, on the main road to E. W. Sale's, contain. .ingEs urea, 13 improved, with a good house and barn and some fruit thereon; the property of Jacob Magill. deceaspd. FOr further informaWn inquire on the premiSes. „‘ March :0-3m. • EIJIA MAGILL. era. VEDIXI, UEMPS. VALUABLE FARM. FOR SALE.- The undersigned executor of Lorenzo Collins, deceased, offers for sale decedents farm, situated in Wjahtsing township, ono . mile and a quarter from the depot, on the Susquehanna river, containing SO acres, all improved, and to a good state of cultiva tion, well watered and good fences, nuts good stone quarry. AC large variety of fruit trees, two good framed houses, two barns andother necessary out buildings thereon: For further particulars apply on the premises or to DAVID BROWN. Browntown, liar. 25,'70-40, Executor. DESIRABLE 'PROPERTY FOR SALE CHEAP.—Owing to Li-health the under signed offers for • sale cheap -1i - good House, Barn. Wagon and Blacksmith chop, with 'about I.t; acres of land. Two good wells, a . elated', and plenty of good fruit trees thereon. This property la located in Sheshequin.township. Bradford county, Pp., on on the river road, and near a good school and church. Possession given- immediately. For fur ther particulars inquire of the proprietor, 0. W. Vincent, at Towinda Agricultural Works, or Wm. - Snyder;tnieshegal: n, Pa. O. W. VINCMNT.' Feb. 8, 1870,0 . • •s• FARS.I • FOR • SALE.-A. GOOD Stock Farm, Raub, in Sliddlebnry township. Tioga minty, Pa., on Crooked Creek, about 43; miles from the village of Tiogn. And on Moline of the proposed railroad to Wellaboro, known as the Clark. Cole farm, ceasing 300 acres. To be sold all together or in' parts. Three , tenant hones, three barns: besides the Mansion house, which is one of the beet in the tcortiship, with plenty of good fruit en the premises. Terms easy. For particulars in quire on the premises. or of J. B. Potter, of _Wal born, or D. L. Aiken. Tieg3. ' March 23-wg AVALIUM:4E' DAIRY FARM von au.r.—The sUbscribers Offer for sale their lino Dairy Farm, situated two nines east of Green. Wood, McHenry Co., Illinois. - Said farm ccrutaina three hundred and twenty acres choice land, discrib ed as follows : 160 acres choke timbered. 100 acres meadow; and CO acres under the plow. Good dwel. 4 11 w-house and outbuildings, large rattle barn 36x60„ and good horse ix* - The finest lining springs in .the country, running through a comalodions spring house. Is capable of keeping 73 cows, and is only 134 miles front Abbott'sCheeso Factory. Terms one half rash. balance la cup payments at 6 per cent. in -terrst. lieferencesol. M. Orrould. /1. 8. McHenry. Grognirood, 31cl/fruity Co., 1/3„ or F. 8. Ayer, Shesho. gain. • F. S. ATER, I. 3.7:13" 8, linitl.;-tf. t li S. ATE& 4 TIC O E.—BY MUTUAL I -agrecrneut;thir firm of Magee & Fuller la dis solved this day. The tanning department will .be carried on bereafterby G. Woe, and t Iliarnesa .hop by ll: 8. Fuller." Thankful for peat patronage, we would respectfully solicit * centinnatiOn of the l ill2lC, and perfect satisfaction will be guaranteed. • • GRIFFIN MAGEE, • -• • E. 8. MILLER. .11r Lninptmen, March 24.-1870-w3 fI,.REENIVOOD.COTTAGE.-Thiii ILA well-known house. kaiing recently ham refit ted and supplied with new furniture, will be found • pleasant retreat for pleasure seekers. Beard by the -week or month on ramonable terms. , E. W. NFI - I,:Proi,'r. Greenwood. April 1670.—tf ' SHTOX SALT - PUT UP IN large . or small quittittes at M _ay '2O. C. B. PATCW6. T RY OUR TEAS . AND 00Els4 its* ! E. P. ROCKWELL. Agent of Bradford co, C.SIaY t 7 -7 T G GJEZir'S smpT rATTERNS JAMES U.. CAREY Beal Estate for Sale. .. •! . id0cr. , 1 ... ( 1t ..i..., , :,... .. z .,.. . . ir .18T OF JURORS DRAWN FOR 41 A- MAY COURT.CfROLCIRM 1110101aitY, ILIT . 2..1870; . - .. ' GLIM MKS.. =W Allow Idea 10,1=Allowe lawaiii. • Deana V Put; Wknatei hop . . lam top:, Prowls It VII Otatoi 110dilet• ton top. Yew Willem Maw ' AlletWOßlti- . :': Leßoy top. Deal Fitzwater; IA Aim up . t Kinane Alm, Jeleadaii • IIII: , ' • =Mesh Low% Ws A !Wks 1114 . -, ~ top, Wahlo Opoor. Name Rs Moab; Voy top. Sao II Ihwa;' Vint lifirow: "'- Won Andrew, Waiter IRAN* Wows w fed w i vU4n hu e il t Wok, 4 , L a ibt'• - " - - - . -; miaow ilose dm,' _ f . ' Atheill& a oerabais Bennett: Aibeiry Raw mak Woos:, tilopease; : llostastaitAlop,./wwwe -- itnatott: Cotumbts_ tiro. Jao J trimieldimibla Leßoy otootieri Clealoo top, Mee iwww. Fame - ,apalaistb Ream Vadlood; MOM friwllfoi kw , , • wage: Greaville top. Herm -I•odoora, =west tea tamp: iterridk I A Wit. Ina RIR% - Let( Wale Tay- • • ,tort Monroe tem. Petra* latallee;- Oman vripy r .-, Edward ftervey; Ormil hip. It a Itildnus. ORM MU*. hoods Dmode• Jos topaaolitiofielpti. - Itleia., Daniel Rallivi t ia; Remade op, Gnill , Iten gb osar ry chimney Renew: ikon cav e rj els , way vegoeu• . W It lea Illtrasts. liarit ationCoate, Geo LetUrare; Ten, beware** N -Agerish Blind, B L Teem Troy to o, Iteleeof At: • . awn Towanda twp. R IF Rale; Vidor twp. Ream Shaw; Wm: top. Ample Toga; Wideman. Clerk HoUenbsoa, Z I War; Wilmot, Zas Notia; Ina& - - Ma, a ROsonek. . - rearm rernmo-szoorn W. Athens tip, Almonan ple al; - Mau top, /scab lohnotben Whip; Albany tip. Wakes Corson; Ihnitentan tip. - P florns; Oaten top: Myron Team; Oaks boro. X BDieenotir; (Mem. Ms, Benjamin Benson; Orenvine tip, L nos Smith; Leßoy tip, A a Orlinieldi . - Joshes Turks; Oewef. 0 II Dylan; Nome ,top. erptor Tortes; Ilbestegals, Zarb' 011tstt. Jamb' Roen: Soutli amt., Tata retold; Weft Mir. X h. Dam; . Durfee. T or Saes. Mit Oar ' don, Tridertek Ziegler NflreW. DlM* Xrefiro: Troy biro. W Deno: Por.ir: tom jams Bryant, T Th ai Remo Ta , ,114 & Ortillthm - Torrand x sZT,W Mort losesremi. Terry, J HoMnett; Miter. nos Aeolis Win& ham, I litcds; Wells. Mks Ilirpoid; Wryis i tAlles nom; Warren, Na th an Tome. Jr; D Stalford. A DMINISTRATORS NOTICE.-•• A • :Notice fa hereby Mien tint ell 1611ebt ed-to the estate of AMIN X. Me of Ramo.. deed- as Toootatta to mote psment, and all persons boring dears glint anti , elate must presentthe same entlesettetid for settlement Ap . • OMMIEW ril -9:4 ." Adslabstar. AA DMINISTRATORTV Nodes is basil, rived to •11 indebted to the. estate of A. J. BABCOCK. We of Windham. denies- ed, tout make bointeliste inmost, end eft persons having eleinis wens* lead esteie tend pe seta them duly auttantlosted for mettientent. 311LIS8 MICE. • April 21. 1870. PROCLAMATION.—WHEREAS, Hon. PARRIS fk. STllllMB„Preedebtaft Judge of the 12th Judicial Diateitt, ooa of tie man tles of Bradford Mid Susquehanna, and Ham Wire- Los Fauna and J. N. VANDtica,..Lesodate J in and for said enmity of Bradford, bale Wet= - tome directed gofhe shdding $ A C i o . Dermal Qtiarter &salon of the Pews, Cos. - men Flew and Orphans Court, at Towanda for tie County of Bradford. on Monday. May 2, MO, to continue two weeks. I:Mine is therefore hereby given to the Comers, and Justices of be Peace. of the County of Bradford, - that they be then and there In their peeper prom at to o'clock in the forenoon of raid day, . with re cord°, inquisitions and other remembrances; to be those things winc to their alba apparlehts to oar otherwise and those who are bound by or otherwise to prosecute against the pel who are or may be in the jail ofkaid it u yi or who Men be boond to appear at the said ara to be then and there to prosecute analog them as *ball be Nat. - Jurors are requested to be punctual In their attan. dance, agreeably to their notice. Dated at Towanda, the 6th day. of Arifl.' In the year of our Lord. one thousandslap hundred-snit severity, and of the Independence of the Vatted States, the ninety-third. J. P. vAirsurer. skiff XECU T OR'S -N - O.T.T.CE. Nat., hi hereby even that all mums indebt ed te the estate of JARED PICELPItIate of Smdthlleld. deeessed,ere nested to nuts immediate payment, and all persoMi elahne sedum* sui4 estate must :- present them duly nothentkated for settlement. HARRY ruatcF.,. Eleastor. April. G,18711 rpRIAL LIST FOR MAY TERM, i: isto. , . . H. B. Togliatti rs. Waney Nordin:l4i . Debt. A. B. Smith ra. Writ. B. Stoma, et al ..., ...Trespaa. E. W. Smith ra. Wm. Elwell ' ' Imo . James Foster's admlniorgi a vs. J. P. Bohan.. App.. H. &R.&R.13. Horton ra. James Fogter's adm'rs .1 Camino Hall re.'T. D. & Mary E. Ha 11.... _....Case. Smith Lent re. (leo. W. Prince Ida Fa. do do . • Henry Miller xi. Hanson Tanner • . " . John Crowley va James McCarty et. - al.....Trcapiis. Jahn E. Goodrich vs. C. T: Smith Care. Jacob McNeal vs. Israel Smith' Troyer. U.S Bissell & Co. VI. J. S. Andrews Debt,- Wm. S. Hill vs. Clariala A..Wilkinion .., .-. • John Carmali vs 11. H. Hill-ail Franklin Murray vs. J. K. Wright . " Samuel ghores,vs. Delos Vargasoo ' E. M. Ilan vs Pa. k N: Y. Canal k H.' IL Co.Damastra John McQueen vs. Wni...Elsbree gel. fa. Jacob Passage vs. James R. Martin's adm'no.,.Case. H. H. Drown vs. ff,, IL Allen John Sterling vs. l'a k N. T. Canal k li. R. Co..T4s. Renton Morley vs. Mortimer Tosbnrg ' - Debt. S. N. Aspinvrad vs. L. H. Tears Emily A. Bobbins vs. Gm W. Antont.... . .* . . Oordon Fellows & Washington twp. vs. ginithkeld twp. .Appeal. Henry Strope vs. Wilton Bailey Trespass. John Scanlon vs. 0. IL P. Disbrow - Replevin. John Brennan vs. Pa. & H. T. C. ,k B. U. CO...Dam. Wm. F. Cole vs. 'lsrael Smith. ' Case. Jacob Tome vs .Ernel Smith ' Union N. b'nkLewistig vi 8. N. Aspinwall &Co,.Case Angelo W. l'areoco vs. IL Compton v 5..., ...Eject. Patrick Kimsey-vs. Manson Elsbrso et Or: . ..Appeal: Morris Bun Coal Co. re Bartley Cool Co: ..,.Debt. Sullpeonas - retarnshle on Monday, May 9, IVO, at .10. a.m. W. A. Tamar!. Prothoootary. 'REGISTER'S NOTICES.—Notice JLIJ in hereby girls. that there bait been glad and settled futile office , . of. the TRegliter. if Wdla, In ant for the county of btradford, aocounta administra tion upon the following estate, iris: Mud account at I. A. Pierce, executor. of Amy Rockwell, late of Trny. declaimed. Final acct of Wm. M'Worrati and litztlia . F. GM more. executors ct Wm.. RlELlmate, late of Mato. dec'd. EMEMMGEN;ZI Final acct of 0. E. Marti, adminart of Phillip Hall, late of Tuscarora. dead. • • Final Reel of Get). nods. guardian of Manna Johnson. Partial wet of Geo. Finch, goardia of Sarah L. Johnson (now Smith). Partial ace't of Sarah Johson.- guardian of tea,. - E. Johnson. Partial acct of Sarah Johnson, guardian of OrdellS L. Johnson. Final acc't of Lase Marsh, adudner of It. J. Pick cring..late hf Orwell, deed. . - Final acc't of Edgar Barnes and Jacob Barnes, ex ecutors of Wyatt Barnes, late of Windham. Seen.. Partial wet of Win. S. Pierce. one pf the, execn• tors of Abirsm Pierce, late of SmitUd4. don't Final acct of Dennison Johnson. frugal= of Mary E. and Carrie A. Bailey. Final anal of Geo. D. llontanye, adner of Wel. lington H. Tyler. dee'd. Final acct of E. B. Powell, guardian, of Girlie J.. Spencer. Find acct of B. W. Ifollenbeek and Mazy itersas. executors of 'Darla 0. items, late of Eruilairtou. deed. Final acct pf Peter Mono, Wu:. B. Bradford and Joint Bixby, executors of John Blzby, bleat Byiva nia. deed. Fluid acc't of qr. P. Park and Maria Rinyon ad mr's of Edwin 'AI Hinyou.lite of Athens, dec'd. _... -RALSG—The appraisentent of property set off by executors or adroinhitrators to widows or children of the following decedents, viz: Estate Of Horatio J. Ladd. - " Orator ItecklreTi. , .. Jas. id... Bowman, - - -. . "Phillip B. Hall, _ . - Et B. Dkldason. . , " ' Weil. M. Watts, . the anon Cooper. ' And the anon will be presented ..te the thpbswe' Court of Bradford County, on Thursday, the ate day, of May, lain, at 2 o'clock p. zn.. for casfrnastion and allowance. C. E. BLABBING. April 18,1570. ' APPLICATION FOR THE BEN EFIT _OF THE INSOLVENT LAWS.—To my creditors. dire notice, that I Edward J. Mallory have applied to . the court of comma 'pleas of Bradford county fur the benefit of the Ombra laws of thin Commonwealth. and that .the mut have &tad the first Monday of May next for -a Wising of myself and my creditors. March.24.,late. EDWARD.T. MALLOW. • • A D3IINISTRA'i'CIRS NOTICE = NOW* IS hereby emit that alt_Penems iisdeldsd to the estate of Hasher Baum* late of lAttlistd. twp., deceased. are requested to make Inunedlale pap went, and all persons bating dolma aapdost ssid tate mnet be present the tame dal salbentkated for settlement. . - YORE.. 2 April 21', 10:0 AIMINISTRATORS . NOTICE.-- liotice is hereby given that all indebt ed to the estate of JANE. A. BRO EE, hte of T*- wands. dec'ed. most make lininediats pmnaent e and all persona haring claims artailbt said estate, must present them duly stdhestiestedibr settiontent 0: D. BABILIiTT. • Administrator. April V. 1811) T OTlCE.—Whereas, my idte dins tuui left my bedand bawd aiithent Just anise or provocation. Militia to notify all,penans not to harbor or trust her on, my account sa T TT pay no debts of her contracting after this date. . T. ME LILT. Per Jon Orange, Agent. ‘- }Mdand, March 30. 1879.-3ell-asp.S& VXECUTOR'S NOTICE. 14 Notice to hereby given that all panompialeht ed to the estate of S. L. 111004 late of Laney, deceased, ate requested to make bonsedista menu, and ail memos hallos dal= acid estate most meant them duly anther= for settlement. • ft DOM= MIMI MOIL Zweeton. April 27, 1870 CALL AND EXAMINE ' Tilt NEW STYLES 01 • SPRING 3111 T AVERY GOODS !.` AT lILSB GIMETTICS MBE. • • Where you cannot hat being pleued with the GMAT VAIIIEBY or ETC: - Pekes to suit an customers. Do not forget ths place, No. South trout • • MERCITIVS WV MM S. TOWAND.I. likt. April(l.l37o-Ssu TRESS - MAKING, -PATTERN cu ALSO AND MING in e 8 habineable mask% on "short notice. ROOKS in Women Wet ADAD44... over Patine k ichrbritimgr o . XllB. 11. f t Ton:nada. Pa., April 13, 1810. EEC! 0. W. )(CAME; WM:MOM