i r 64o l_ I take this' 43prrttniity to comma= ideate to you ew 'thoughts on agri culture. - ' Theresre some things that I do not like to see, around farm bu il dings. Onoithing it a few bundles of hay awaiting the hay press. It looks,to me as though the next summer crops would be a little lighter than the last, and . that the farmer will have to labor harder to produce three-fourths of a bushel of corn thin he would to pre dace one bushel the last season. And as the farmer will find this true in his corn crop, ho will certainly find it no less true with all , of 'his crops. Every hill of corn that the farmer plants and fails to give it the news: sary amount of nourishment with some kind of manure he so a far fails to reap the benefit of labor. My opinion is, that no farmer can carry ou _farming, successfully and sell - his hay; or the principal Fart of it. There may be a few exceptions, where --he ran purchase manure at a reasonable rite. I consider the manure troll the most importer:. the farmer can pro 'Lice. Give tie plenty of barn manure and I will no quarrel with • any man as to the best way of application, al though lam firmly of the opinion that surface drcmcing is ranch the best: My method is to plow in;the fall, as late as I can, sward land,, and spread ou What manure I hive, and through the winter haul on What Inuthe from my neat cattle and horses, and spread on the mow, calculating by spring to have the whole piece covered.' Then when the top of the ground is dry enough I am ready to put on the cul tivator, and get my ground ready for grain and grass seed. I never have failed to get a good crop of grain in' this way, and a fine catch of grass. A piece of ground manured in this way will dry and be ready for the seed from a 'week to ten days sooner than it will without the manure spread on. In this method of seeding on -the sod we can get over our fields mnch faster than we can with the old rotation of crops—first potatoes, then corn, then wheat or other grain, and consequent ly two applications of manure before seeding to grass. Farmers have found by experience that they cannot afford o - raise corn for one dollar per bushel by labor, but they can afford to raise hay and feed to stock at the prices f hey have been getting, The kind of stock that is best to keep for profit can best be determined by each farmer for himself. I believe every farmer that keeps sheep should raise one or more colts to follow the sheep in winter to eat What the sheep leave. I mean by folloWing the sheep, that there 'thoula be two yards, and the sheep and colts changed from one to the other at every feed.--Ifaine Fortner. Horse Palling on the Halter. Some horses have a habit of pulling back on the halter and breaking it or oudangering their necks. It is a very had habit:and generally lessens the alno of any horse. It is a vice, how ever, that can be cured. There are several ways to do this, and we will give some of them. Those of our friends who have trietl l them say they are effective. Take a strong rope, long enough to double ; then put on the tail the same o' a cruper.; now cross it over the luck, and pass each end of the rope i hrough the bit ; then fasten to a post or any other firm substance. Now come up in front of the horse with any object that will cause him to go back. As he settles back on the rope the tail, and he will rash forward to get away from the hurt. It is the same when he pulls on the head halter - , --it hurts the head and he will pull the harder to get away from the hurt. Two Or three times pulling by the tail will effect a positive cure. Afiother cure is to-take a strap with .1 two-inch ring ; buckle it around the Ankle of either of the hind legs ; then use a long halter ; run it through the hitching ring in front ; then back to the hind leg ; tie it in' the ring ; now go in front of the horse—let him Pull back if he will. As he settles back it will pull the font out from under him. 1 ,% His mind is direct° to his foot, and he will start forwar to ease his foot. Try him again. Eve .• time he pulls his foot is drawn forwal4, and in a short time he sees no fun in it and he is cured. PACTS IN AontcryrrnE.—All perma nent improvements of land look to lime for its basis. Periodical application of ashes tend to keep up the integrity of the soils. All gram crops should be harvested bcTorc it is perfectly ripe. To manure 'or lime wet laud is to throw manure, lime and labor away. Clover, as well as grasses intended for hay, shotild be mowed when in bloom. Shallow . plotting operates to im poverish the soil, while it decreases in production. Punctuality in ent.rag, , mucut is us necessary to the agricultUralest as it is tt) a merchant. Deep ploughing greatly improves the productive power of every variety of soil that is not wet. Sub`Soiling sound land, that is not wet, is eminently conductive to an increase production. lhiays provide an equivalent for the substance carried off the land to t he products threon. The chopping or grinding of grain t o be fed to stock, operates as a saving .f at least 25 per cent. tie&lThe collection and application of manure should go on continually, for the grasses and cereals and all kinds of cultivated plants make an annual draft on the soil for the ingre aients - which enable them to build up their stems, foliage and seeds No liquid or solid manure suited for en riching the soil, should be allowed t o go_ to loss about • the homestead: !•;oapstids, wood ashes, soot, charcoal; sawdust, etc., may be applied to the roil with much benefit to the crops. Leached wood ashes are very useful for top dressing grass landoleepening the color of the plants and increasing t heir productiveness, so much. as to doable the acreable yield of hay whenever they are applied in sufficient I nantities.—Prairie Fanner. How To 11LIEF. CI9I.AFTmo - W4x.— Take gook, clean beeswax, one-third; resin, two-thiFds ; melt together ; boil me hour, then pour it into cold water. When cold enough work it with the hands until yon think it well mixed. If wit soft enough to spread easy add little more wax. N. B.—Bud your peaches into - plum sprouts: . In bud iiing take the double buds . ; Graft (mr grapes into wild grape roots ; yuil ;will hare grapes 'the next year N.. ithout fail. One is worth A dozen (if those you. get out of the nurseriot. I hal : Owl - them to grow ten and half 'feet. lone: the. first tear.--air, ERIE _ RAILWAY. use faux tams too miu:s wanton OMR lUMMILIWIT. PLOW. Olf OOAO . IIIII, 3010 RAD 00.10 E-DOUBLE TRACK CLEVELAND. TOLEDO. nrrnorr:tmcar. MILWAUKEE. ET. PAUL, EMMA; - And all pcdnts West indNorthicest; Issionsus, ostsox. viasics. - - DAYTON, CINCINNATI. INDIANAPOLIS, • Loulinrrus, sr. LOMB. • - Mud all palatal South and Southwed.• •, _ . air AND nososico Cams vir Towson lisnioos ausas so Itocossnot. Bcsrauv Dos sier, Cins.LiXo AND COMSAT!. • 7 On and after Monday. licurberlii;Dele. train' nal learn Weserly M about th e - Wowing hours, viz - 4:53 arn.. NIGHT EMBUS fidondsra excepted) for Rochester. Buffalo. Dunkirk. Clersland and .ClO- einnati, cointeciltui with the Lake Shore. lif i Ulut Routhem: and Grand Trunk Railways at co, Dunkirk luidCisvetand for the West; almost Cleer• land with the C. C. C. k. Ina., Extresy for Indian apolis; and at Cincinnati with the Louisville Short Line Railway, and the Ohio ft Miniaxippi Ilalbray for the South and Southwest . : also with connect ing lines at principal istatkin on min line. 8:28 Lino-411.M TEAM Sundays excepted. for . . Buffalo and Dunkirk. 4:09 p.m.—ELMS& ACCOMMODATION. Sundays excepted. 6:17 p. ll,' DAY =PRESS. Sundays excepted. far, Rochester, Buffalo, Dunkirk. Cleveland. Cincinna ti and the South. Stops at principal stations mid connecting points on ineJn line. , New and Improieu Drawing Room Coachesaocom piny Oda hunt from New York tti Buffalo. and Sleeping Coaches are attached at Hornellseille, run . ulna Goo' to Cleaveland and Galion withoutcnsuge. 10:33 p.m.—i•EX.. MAIL, Sundays excepted. for Bur ' tido. Dunkirk and Cleveland,connecting with trains for the West. A Sleeping ,Coach is attached to this train conning through is Bugalo. -7:25 a.m.—WAY GET. Sundays excepted. 3730 p.m.—EMIG NT TRAM, daily for the West. sM r G EAST. • 5:56 aan2—(:LWINNATI MIMS. Mondays ex- cepted, connecting It Jersey City with afternoon and evening trains of Now Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washaigton; mia Yt New York with steamers and afternoon Express trains for New England Cities- Also stops at prin cipal stations and connecting points on mainline. Sloeping Coaches accompany , this train to New York 8:38 a.m.—SINGHAMTON ACCOMMODATION, Sundays excepted. - 12:53 p.m.—DAY ESPlialS, Sunday'sexcepted, con necting at Middletown for CAlontille, and at Jer sey City with midnight express train of New Jer- sey Railroad for Philadelphia. New and improved Drawing-Boom Coaches accone. pony this train from Buffalo to New York. I:40 p.m.—ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. daily, eon netting at Owego for Ithaca. 6:38 p.m.—N.Y. MAIL. Sundays excepted. 9:09 p.m.—IJGHTNENIG IMPRESS, daily. counsel ing at Paterson for Newark : at Jersey City with Morning Express Train of New Jersey Railroad for Baltimore and Washington ; and at New York with Morning Express train for Berton and New England cities. Also stops at all principal, stations and con necting points on main line. Bleeping Coaches accompany this train through to New York. 5:20 p.m.—WAY FREIGHT. Bundays excepted. BAGGAGE CHECKED THBCUGH. gal_ A mixed and complete ..Pocket The Table" of passenger Trains on the Erie Railway and cow meting lines, has recently been published, and can be.proatred oh application to the Ticket Agent_ of the Company. L. B. RUCHE R. WAX. R. BARR, Seal Supt. Bong Pass'r Ag't. i. s: N.Y. CANAL k, R.R. CO. AIIII.CNGE3MT OF ; PASSENGEII Tn.uss, Corumencing, Sept. 13, 1869. 1 Ift./.1.%6 GOINO 2:081/1 WILL Leave Towanda at 7:00 a.m., 4:00 and 6:30 p.m. Returning. leave Waverly at 0:40 a.m., and 12:45 7:03 p.m. I=l Leave Towanda 9•30 .trrhf Tunkhanuock • ...11:33 Pittston 1:15 p.m Wilkes-Barre 1:43 .4 .• Mauch Chunk 4:20 4. Allentown 5:45 44 ' • Bethlehem 6:00 .. • • Eaton 6:30 ' • • Philadelphia 8:25 4 New York •25 Dine at Pittston. If I..eave New Yoti. _ .• Philadelphia • 7:45 •• Eamton 10:00 .. •• Bethlehem _10:30 •' •• Allentown 10:45 •• •• Munch Chuuk 12:00 m. White Haven ..., 1:32 p.m Wilkes-Barre 2:30 .Pittottat. 3:10 •• 'Tunthannork 4:21 •• Arrive Towanda 0:38 " Dine at White Haven. Pas.,eugem for Harrisburg and Pittsburg will change can at AllentSwn, have time for !supper and take the Through Fast Express, with Bleeping care attached, at it:to same evening. JOHN P. COX, Superintendent. Books and Statonery. DLUITES FOR 1870 PIPER ENVELOPES NEW-YORK PAPERS SCHOOL BOOKS INE, Music, STATIONRY AND PicTrEvi BLANK BOOli'S YANKEE NOTIONS Towanda, Nov. 19, IBGa Jow . elry. JULES HUGUENIN. JEft'F.LhER (f- VI: R 5.311 TH, I= .111ERCITR . :, NEII - BLOCK . run-ADA, r. 4 Ui.. ja,f r..grr4 front \,•a York a TICW aagisrtinent of fine .old LADIES' WATCHES AMERICAN WATCHES SWISS WATCHES, of all Seseription.. .klao a acrectail assortawmt of GOLD CHAINS, FINE GOLD JEWELRY, DIM CLOCKS OF ALL STYLES nom THE CHEAP TST TO THE BEST. i GOLD. SILVER AND STEEL SPECTACLES AND ETEGLASSES to St all ow" of Impaired tight. NEW PATENT ACCOMODATING SPECTACLES. By this patent I am enabled to exchange Glasses at any time without extra charge. Call and Bee. CLOCKS, WATCHES AN'D JEWELRY REPAIRED AND WMUSAICTI,2% Towanda, Dee. 16. 1869 ~s GREEN HOUSES, I have received a large and full assortment of In. NIOWTAT. , Fu or the Dried Mowers of Everlasting, of a most beautiful variety of colors. lam now prepared to furnish, for parties, weddings. or Ihner- Al ocxaslorul, on short notice, Wreaths, Crosses. inrhors, hand and basket Boonets. Also the gams with natural !towers. I have- also a few imported Wreaths or Crowns, formed of Inimortallix tie. I. nine !naps In diameter. . . El 00 No. 2. ten - - • 200 All orders will rec,:ve proapt attontion, and prices reasonable. :ger. 13. 180. !WIRT T3REPARE FOR WINTER BY PAPERZO FOUR BOOMSI NO NEF;D DV USINO OLD 'NEWSPAPERNANY MOUE! • Kart , rriargli. off sii4ilng your old piper,. and buying nomba WALL PAtir i n Or r. J. CALlttNif nit lila "II maittad down ht, entire stoet awl Is progatoda. iW WAD Paps, of stray 4ssaas, NM= gra $ las war lose clod WOW 4.0.1,1149. • GroarhsiAttitfriVas. Nin WHQIESA LR G ROOER. F. S. itz. cxx . 'The 'by . the success which haa thushiruttelul ed their new enterprise; desire to make acknowledgment for the veviilxrrld patronage they.4ve received, by giv ing their customers the advantte of their years' experience, together with the benefit of their greatly increased facilities for doing business. - They. keep constantly,- on hand - ,.a very large and complete assortment of everything their,line, and are daily receiving such additions to their stock as the wante of their trade re- quires They have now in store, Sugar, Sy rup, Molassei, Coffee, Rice, Tobacco,' Fish, Salt, Cheetie, Fruits, Crackers, Candy, *Matches, prooms, ,Wrappine Paper and Twine, Flour Stick'is, Seeds,: and a great variety of other goods, which have been recently bought at , the lowest point in the market, and are offered at wholesale, at rates to correspond. They desire to call especial atten tion to their large god: of Vine Teas, which they are selling at New York Jobbing prices,--gunranteeing The quality in all canes Have also on hand a good assort 'ineut of Flour, Pork, and Kerosene They still continue to have the ben efit of ai resident Partner in New York, ivho is constantly in the mar ket, and prepared biturn to our ad vantageany favorable changes in the price of goods FOX. STEVENS. MERCIIR & CO 3itty 12, 1868. PATTERSON & KINN:EY, tiROCERIES AICD PROVISIONS, NO. 2, PATTON'S BLOCK, TOWANDA, ..PENN'A pnrchahed the entire stock of 01 T. J. JONES, and bating added largely thereto by recent purchases, they take pleasure in announcing to the public that they are prepared to sell anything and everything in the • 1 I SUGARS, TEAS, FISH, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, As cheap as the cheapest We guarantee perfect sat isfaction to all who may favor na with a call. . . LASH PAID FOB COUNTIIk PRODUCE. J. s. parrEssox Mare/110, 180—tf. PEOPLE'S I=l GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, ‘VhirL will lie snl4l al the !meta ponitible FRUIT OF ALL DESCEIPTIONS, MODERN STONE WARE, FLOUR, PERI), MEAL, GRAIN, &c,, Bring, on pony produce, wilkh we pay cash (or A constant supply'ol Ashton Salt, all sir . LA Chinni, Butter Virldras. Tubs. ke. Please call and look through our stork, and we will do one best to please, son. W. A. ROCKWELL. Towanda, April SA, 1869. GOLD STILL COMING DOWN ! TOWANDA. P GROCERY & PROVISION LINE, - are now being offere4 at ' , ' CO WELL .k MEYER'S at prices that cannot fall to eatiefy all that they are determined not to bo undersold by any- one. They bare enlarged their Store by building so that they now have room for the hesh supplies that are daily received by them. They hare connected with their store a Market where .they. now keep fresh meats to MU by the quarter or piece, mid a Ibll supply orates iories and Profirdems. to which they would call the attention of all cash buyers. Come and examine enr Goods and Prices , ;before weeltaxing . and sathd'y yourselves. WO guarantee. all 'goods to give entire eatisfactien. Sti a are thankful to sur customers for their past liberal patronage and solicit a continuance of the same. COWTXL Se MYER. Doe. 20, DiCi. CANNED FRUITS OF ALL lakinas of C. B. PATOIS. A LARZI.,ABB"nuftiNZEig PROYIBION -.~:'. 119 ILUS TOWAI!Di. PA: (SUCCCHSOTIS to THOILA!I J. JuNr.l,) E=!! Isnicm,* &c., GROCERIES Q PROVISIONS, GROCERY AND rnownslux rm. Snell as COFFEES, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, FLOUR, FEED, - CORN MEAL, KEROSENE, STONE WARE, &c., &c R'. R. XMINET. IiIIOCERY AND PROVISION TORE A new and complete stock of CODFISH, MACKEREL, HERRING, PORK; MUTTON, HAM, YANKEE NOTIONS, DAIRYMEN, ANTI EVZIVI SIMS 0 IN THE EVE , tit* 0" -77- 7317 - 1 , 8 . 6 . ll ,Plitalts Mimi to tee to ti , s• diesilibril emakr wadi 'Wyk to. at kris lad well askOsipitock or ck.n.o - ,0,E.4-I)r,sy i . Width I have warred for OM. 'ad Cid coidlibst that; am witallra low flgureinirlso l!or pmehaM alsewhete, rnowoft'totbepoLpo spiondlaittich TEAS, COFFEES SUGARS, nasal, saulurvs. mums. kc. :. Uwe ailland • large dark of AKRON- FLOUR, GRAHAM DO: RYE DO., DOCI DO: I keep constantly on band. POSH. RAM. LARD . and NI Wade of FISH. wand call the tateution of the public to our Caul Be Beet STOCK OF TOBACCO, In quality or price. Jesse Oakley'sCelebnitedLurik dry, Weti York Chemical and Brown Soap Pkass cal.l and mandie our stock of WOODEN WARE Large affisortment- of YANILit•ICOTIONR, TOUZF SOAPS, /cc., tr. I will pay the highest eashprics, for - COUNTRY PRODUC.R., Farcpera. give tta a call bcfore se/kag elaewbcrc C. B. PATCH. All pergolas hulebtat to the late Arm will please yell mat make Inmanlisle payment C. B. PATCH. Towanda, Ilare 13, 12, 1267. GROCERY AND PROVISION S ri! 0 P.,: . • , McCABE 4 - , MIX.; - Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FAMILY GROCERIE-S AND MERCER'S NEW BLOCK: TOWANDA: PA. We do not doom it msmtutary to entunerate all ths diferent articles we keep. Our assortment La ALWAYS COMPLETE. we cell nothing but FIRST CLASS GOODS. ; Cash paid for Partners Produce. JAMES MeCAME. March 1, 1870. HAMMY MIX. L. K. AND CORNER, MAIN. AND BRIDGE firßEtTa TOWANDA. PA.. Des Jens in all kindiuf GROCERIES ; PROrIStONS, FLOUR, Feed a!ul Meal, WOOD, WILLOW and ifiTONE WARE We would call !pedal attention to our block of FLOUR, SUGAR, l'Edek COFFEE; Whia we %%BRANT to give sallidaetion to QUALM' AND' nucx. CASH paid for desirable Country Produce. • M. J. Loxo. ' G. L. KEEIXII t Tapioca, Vermacelli, Maccaronl. Sago, Pearl Barley and Hominy. ' Oakley's, Taylor's, and Ford's 'Family Soaps. Holman's. Talmadge, and Royal Baking Powder. "Burnett's " Stan dard-Extracts. Rocker's Farina. Hops. Cox's Gelatine. " The Gem " Fruit Jar. Baker's Chocolate, Cocoa and Broths. .• Titus " Cream, Lemon and Extra Soda Crackers. • Grant a " Wafer, Milk. Boston, Egg and Butter Crackers. p.oxo k litalLll.lll Towanda, Jim. 23, lien. McCAI3E k MIX RECEIVING NEW GROCERIES DAISY! Splendid Aimortnient: Wboleule and Retail! Fresh and fine quality of Grocerlea se 'can be boupbt. PRICES RANGE LOW FOR • THE MARKET ! . All Muds of NATIONAL FIRE WORKS ! Wholesale and Retail. Country IllerebUts will do well to l eall. Ourprieee shall be, "with the reasonable," satiefaetory. CALL AND SPY. US. CASE PAW FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Goods shown with pleasure. Wi shill pay strict attention to all parts of our trade. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ' Accept our thaUlta for past &son. Towanda, June 14, 1869. LOOK HERE! C9WELL, if; MYER, At the old stand of flaannatn k Comas, are now receiving a large and well selected stock of - GRoCktilmAWD paovigroxs: * - Which they offer to malt buyers at prices that defy competition. Cub weld for all Had' Farmers' Produce.' April 21. 1964—tf. BAKERY AND. DDiDIG,ROOM! First block north of Ward Hoare BREAD, PIES, CARE, &C., boked dally.atul mid at wbotesaleandretid. We use the best materials and our work is always neatly done. Dealers are thrilled to examine our wholesale pipes. PARTIES. PIC DIM. ke. supplied at no. mumble rates on abort notice. In our DLIDIG ROOMS • . we oiler superior inducements toall who want either a lunch or • geed meal. 'Ladles can' step in and quietly enjoy a cap of Tea, _undisturbed by noise or rowdyism. Meal, at all bouts of the day or evening. OVISIT.RB on band daring their season and sewed oat by the .dish or sold in quantities - to ma Of CONFECT/OMM we keep an assortment awl is any in lids part of the State , and ad/ at wholealla ratatt. • Mao a papal asaartmeal a GROCISEZEIi. Prices as kivt as to lona , Toimaft, Get. 31, - D. W. 1110dfrik CO. il•.-,1, : ! -. 4. ' ';' . i. - k' ; ' ' 'i .. :4 '; i '- ' - ' , '' : iikaig .e.: Leos MER ; • - . . /13,.P - 33 213 - . • GEM, FITEREiIUNG.,,CiCIODSI - • IVANTELy, tocii _ • Wo bac a TOolikomblo Cotter tiouilfLovi To* oity. sod fate sittho obi fa Mimi youoisood iIG w. nate a our bits eviablialtimat. • Ire grill par tkular attest*** to,Toottur, Bois% and CIHLIMENS''.GLOTHING dad abriys boss good assoitazeak CLOTHS AND CAISMIUMI, From is max to $3,011 per yard (all wool). Best Steele of !late and 01 Jill Kept witting 20 ndlea. Come and look, and prate fur 13. Will be et the Weed Noun eie*y tharsdeT. aitb simples of Goods, end preptrM Co 'take mea sures. VAN W.1.10..11 , it zunnms. - arced.et.,, Wavetiy,N.Y. Feb. 20, ISM • DEVLIN R COMPANY; CLOTHIERS! BROADWAY. NEW YORE The sibrantaiges ua coo= as the result of a long. estahllsheal and 'au business. enables ns to offer! inducements that make thu announcement worthy of ATTENTION , Importing our Foreign goods direct, controlling many leading styles of Anted= fabrics, employing tho beat artistic talent . the pr . odnetion of our goods, and ... constant progress ' our motto, we claim to lead the market in READY-MADE CIATIEING; Of which we keep foul linen of all grade'', for and Bop. Io CUs-Tom - WORK GENTS FURNISHING GOODS Our stark is constantly large and seareualde. are the mule manufacturers of the AUERICAY YOKE ; SHIRT, Mitch we Hung,' both ready-made and to order PRICES UNIFORMLY LOW Gentlemen iimithi4 Xcw York arc requested . to call and have their measures recorded upon our books. System of Self-Measnrement and other. informs Lion promptly furnished when &aired. Broadway corner of Grand Sircet, and Broadway corner of Warren Street. Addresi Box 2236, New York post-office. March 23 , 2nt DE%LIN k W. F . F. c. Fine are the Garments made for Fall. . Wars. In the splendid roams of the , popular One Price Newest and choicest, rich and rare. Elegant Clothing for men and boys' Wear. Fan In, gentlemen. fall in an.. After the clothes at the popular One Price glum, Look and yin ell lind,no slottics at all intar * o. Like the splendid Clothing at the popular Oue Fries Clothing in season. nil marked down Lower than anywhere elan In town ; Overcoats, both for boss and men. Try them ones and youll come again. Hurry along, or the people push Into our doors with a heavy rash. Nobby and nice are the garments all. Great lit the Stock at the popular One Pr!ce covirsun RECEPTION INC/IMSHIG ENTHUSIASM ! SHOCKINGLY lOW PRICES ! SILN. COTS. &VD TOCTUS CLOTHING. CNDLIEHttAIL .110SIERY GLOVES AND MITTENS. NECK-WEAR FINE DRESS SHIRTS, RATS AND my stock to complete. 'Every lot marked; n plain Agues, and no tie% all treated ' alike. Every garment guaranteed to turn oat as represented. ey and time. Call and look at our goods and Talmo. , H ce mon. NO Jaloppy 1 NO RVMBVG 1 No RINTEATNG at the popular One trice Store of ALEX. SOLOMON. • 123 Yalu street. OPPMIie fo . wauda, Neu °adding. Rumen k Co'a. % 2% 2882. air Theltighest sash price paid or Wool, Hides., and Pelts. lIVRRAH! HURRAH! GREAT ItEDURTION PIIICLS OF READY MADE CLOTHING, 3L E. RASENFIELD'S, Moroi& Powell k Cm) I miaow offering to the public a large and *airs stock of WINTER . GOODS, CA3u4itlng of BEAVER; CHINCHILLA, ,And DOESKIN ovmoo.e.irs FOR ME AND BOYS :MIUUt Which crill be ield 23 per cent. less than former prleea at M. E. BOSENFIELDB. - Also a large In: yoke of UNDERSHIRTS Ant DRAIMRS !Intend to liminess than coat. to nuke room for Spring Stock.' Now is_ your *toe 10 bn a - Snit cheap. can and CMIIIIICID yoanelf that X. E EO NENYTELD egrets Great Thtriothsa to the line a Clothing and . ' I GENTS FURNISHING . GOODS. ~_ . . Call before purehasing elsewhere. • * 2 Towanda. Jan. 43.1810: A • NICE' STOCK' : OF CEIROMOS and Engraving. ea - • FROt3r& HE BESt 1 1 111317 LUIS IN trSE T - ,',2Ecour. GEM FRUIT am; aug Ttu um> vlsetessle aud 1 . Iftellir - ' •vten--1.•••, .1-st CIAMOM, I;:ficaallfM, Oviiirtlet*-- Aftepp , :-, I,sl4llialli d r-'lt 4{4,Pi.F .aIiMR,L I IO,OM t ,I, hocialanp Waiter- " 4 " ‘.; - LT:_ AND MAYTHMG tibia / 11 . 012 1 life* ri r o ll . o 4 "*.#141.2111* = iea Neuwlrt bN" , , Mi4cels`&4uibillof = COTE 3 B!=EM mutat ImAms, ME TONS ITXIO3I.II;;MVOIITayEgg; ' 4 :2., Ca6o4iiti*;: . iii..i.iiii4r,"l:4:ll With the krpst, stock of Men'it, ,Yot;the, sit Boys? Clothng, A fell lino GENT'S FIIBNISHING GOODS, maw; :OLOyEA aid UlTrriS.. 11.82 T'S. , LINEN ANL! PAP7M,COLLAIIB, MITS. 6IISP . ENDE4. 11.11.4 KERCHIEFS, ke. kc. Also . large stock of - CLOTHS', vonsus, TteLILVI:II7B,4c. AB Roods wOrranted as re=i i ited. Call and es, amine ear stock before pure H. Remember the place 96 Main idrert. one doorn of Chamberlin'. J.:mein Store. MUM ThTLOII. ' illiap. C. 005 g. Towanda, Der.... 2, 186 ft: THE TEMPLE OF. FASHION ! NEW STONE AND NEW UOODS An entire new elect of Clothing, bought es cheep as before the war, to be sold with SMALL PROFITS ! Tito undersigned would respectfully announce to the citizens of Towanda and vidulty that he Jo now ready to Mier them Clothing, such an • FINE BEAVER OVERCOATS, FlNlitir DRESS BustNEss Suns, Furnishing Goods, kc.. and that thesegooils, bought at eery low figuresi will be sold with very small pro. eta. I intend to establish a permanent trade in 'his place. dea l er to gain the confidence of ruaift. sere; will on a buts of HONESTY AND INTEGRITY! And all geode will be warranted for what they are represeqed to be. Come and examine, and convince yourself. • -Don't forget the place. Temple of Faahkok, opposite the Menu; H H. oure,aonth end of Betleman & 'a Block. LWOW Towanda. Oct. 17. 1867. NEW„, SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS: :R. W. E Would announce to the citizens of Towanda. and the public generally, that he has 16 store and daily re ceiving new and • -FRESH GOODS, ' In his line. suitable to the.wants of the people, which he will sell for enmity at fertner GOLD PRICE'S! Consiiiirg as usual of good, well and reliable mule • CLOTHING, • _ (so Shoddy of any kind) consisting of BUSINESS SUITE, • all grades, • COATS, VESTS . AND PASTS, all Wool, DRESS COATS, PANTS & VESTS, Linen Costa, Dusters and PAWN. • Overall" and Overehirts, Linen and Paper, Collars, Linen,Caul:nen, and Flannel Shirts, Neck Ties, tins. ponders. gloves, Canes. Leather Bags, Spring Style Silk, Soft and Straw Hats. A 1 flrat-elasa. Rai:tient her that good Goodie are cheaper at a fair price than poor goods at any price. Call and examine my goods before buying. One door south of Aspinwall's Hard ware Stare. Towanda, Novak 1860; It. EDDY. GLORIOUS NEWS! TEAS GIVEN AWAY 'GREAT A MERWAN TEA STORE No. 1 GRIFFITH & PArrozes NEW 13cocx BRIDGE STREET. TOR'AIIDA, PA., RED, WHITE AND BLUE STORE Satilyiell Or Tres GIVENAWAY rat:ELY, to eattaly the ptkople that tble is the place to ISBAC money. PRICK LOW AS THE * GREAT AMERICAN TEA Freal Droned Coffee received daily from Now Fork, Or ground to order. Also' whole Coffee, green and roasted. all etch% whole and ground npicex, Dried Fruits, no., at equally low prices. The anbamiber begs leave to return We thanks for the very libend patronage extended to him while. in the Grocery Waltzes in this place, and re solicits a trial In his new enterprise. The hulas wilt be conducted strictly ou the ' So you wilt not bare to pay esti% pikes to make up for the losses of a credit business. • If you can't spare de money to pay for a pound, yworthy to buy trill an ounce and pay walk under for it. Be itbo ndepeiiiknt—thon en be • - American 7 . 1.12- &bre .Fi And .bur /our Geo& \titelP. - 113-Homenike Hat Wrhlteend Blue Store, newilleek.Bridgeittreet. Jul, II Mk BRAMIIALL k lIEDGEWAY. T - T - 11":' A large dock of new trop Tea., eonaiating of YOUNG. HYSON, .-OLD 'HYSON, • . . IMPERIAL. GUNPOWDER, • ,OOLONG, JAPAN AND ENGLISH, BREAKFAST T E./LS Jost received which we offer by the pound. caddy OW eheat,,very cheap,' and warranted :W. give aatiaine. lion. . . . . Thin means Gusinco. Call and me - ... . : ' . • LONG A: HEELER. .. Also I full assortment ; SUGARS, COFFEES, SPICES. DRIED& CANNED • FRUITS, CRACKERS; Which ice will/Pell aircitt; to snit the Uwe 11171,14Itt—'' • tom! & KELE& D Rr fa FRUIT OF ALL HINDS GRIXIERIES - ANDi litartstotts, it i 1 ole ili Tlretail: it 11Le7 111, 11611. C. B.I.ATCNS. - ~~ eTesiotraed CHOICHILLAS, PILOTS Allw Um lUTIS AND APB, Tea and Coffee. .1.1 . Tar. r , At the sign of the • •AMEIiICANI FLAG! And the COMPANY OF NEW ton CASH SYSTEM !' ?.3.tEßl=i LAO Into the • ' 11 1 41il) TrA R 1 041 t ILEROU Iot.E.WOIII LI) .0X ir . ; • TOT4IIIDA, Par. " „ tiMk 10cm.'* , -bur zi4l poi %, ii,x)_* A Ri r, • - • .. • TO te -on biniod TIP S ;'''. bi stioc ui a rs aPaTIPs HOUSE rIIIOiShiS,G ,GOODS, • / / •4 1 .Pas* -4 ./FrrYt - :AND •IMATIIZE Our Paints, Oils, are of the _best *malty anti will be sokt ear, low. We ena also" egrets fur the AMERICAN UFA nr SAFE, (SANISOB)VB PATENT) The only reliable Ilia Proof Sate made. Uao SCALB§, SCHAOHTICOKE POWDER . CO., BAUGH% SAW .BONE SIIPHER, PHOSPHATE Oue dock of TINWARE Le very loge and manucictorect out be the best • material:• We are also Prepared to do Jobbing of au kinds We an: the only avail for the celebrated new EMPIRE COOKING .STOVE, Tho beet cooking *taro in use. and orery store warranted to giro oatiafaction. March G° TO S. N. 'BRONSON'S FOR HUBBARD None better, sod parts for Ike ,AIM., an important announcement. SASH, - DOORS AND BLINDS! No better quality can be found, and at prima attain. able. TOlllO of STOVES, IRON AND HARDWARE, - As low as the tide of the market, oce-, &e., at • METROPOLITAN HARDWARE STORE, 0:we.11,- Pa. I .June 24, 180-17/ NEw HARDWARE AND STOVE !MODE AND TM 8110I' AT WYALCSLKG ! 11. F.. SULZER, Ilasjust:receivid a full supply of —. COAL AND WOOD COOIMIG STONEIL COAL AND WuOD• ILEATINO STOVE!, ELEVATED OTEEP, B ASE BEILICEEIB.Ix. 110 ESE SHOES, NAIL RODS, IiOUSE 1410 E 11110N r HORSE :wiz, CORN sznicrs, Apple Powers. &c. MI sizes of Nails and tfonse Trimming Goods. • REPAIRLiG JABIIiNG OF _ILL liINDS of the most approved styles, done at short notice. All kinds of.Cntlery. &LOOM Nilson. Carpenters. Blacksmiths, and Wagon !fakers• Tools. Glass. Shovels. &cops, &e. Glee me a call, I will Sell so cheap as the cheapest. Wyslusing, Nov. 3, 'GP. • B. F. SULZEII. Parniture. LOOK HERE! There is now nu exhibition at the . I - Mammoth . Furn i ture . Store, rN TOWANDA, r), The largest and best stock 01 FTTRNITUREI To be found in Xoriliern Pennsylvania, wbieli is be ing sold at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! kly stock consist* in part of Parlor. Library, Diu• lug-room and Chamber sets. Parlor, Library. Ester'. Won, Dining and Office Tables. Chaim Bedsteads, 'humus, Washstands, Sofas,. Lounge% Teb , a-tetes, Wlutt-Note, Cradles. Cribs. Sc. _ A full Una of Mattraases and Bedding, Pier. Mantel and Common Mirrors, Oval and Bushel Fruited and, Brackets, .te. In fact, eNerything In the Furniture Line Which must Le seen to Ise appreciated, and whieL 8911 Le sold at LOWER - PRICES! Than the came quality of goods can be purchased ese where. Thankful to the public for their past liberal mrtin age, and determined to merit_ a continuance o f the same by offering inducements not 'to be found else where, I invite them to call and kw:limb:a my goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. No charge for showing goods,. and I - WILL NOT BE L7NOBSOLD! I • r COUNTRY DEALERS supplied as usual at the low est market prises I also keep on hand 'a large assortment of Ready Made Collina:from the meet common to the finest Rosewood. Also Burial Robes, Crapes, hc.,and lam the sole agent In Bradford count; for Shnler BETALIe BVRIAL CANES, CABKETS, kC good HEARSE alwayalii readiness when riquired Teneasitla. Dec. 10. MEL JAIIII3 O.' FROST FURNITURE WARE -ROOMS JAMES MAKEISON announces to the public that he stql continues to manntactner and keep on, hand a tarot assortment of _ • CABINET FUBNITUBE , ' Bureaus. Tables, Bedsteads, Stands, 611iirs, Se., of every description, which aro made of the beet mate• rials, and in the most 'workmanlike manner. I invite the inspection of the pnbli to my Work, which shall not be surpassed in durab ility at any shop hi the country. and my prices nill be found to be as low as the tithes will admit. Beady-made Caffinsconstantly on hand or made to order. A good Hearse will be tarnished when desired. Aug. 15, 1863. Miscellaneous. BOOB—BINDERY—THE • PUB .Iu., bee rupectniny infor to med that e Boot-Bin dery bu n removed the Building story, where win be done Argue , third BOOK:. III&DING! In all its canons branches, au terms sarwaonitbleaa the times" sill anew, The Ihngery will be under the charge of N. ei WIIITAXIII An experienced Binder, and all work trill be promptly done is Male and manner which cannot be excelled. Mille, Magazines, Newspapers,Old Books. A.e., bound in every variety of Mee. Particular attention will be paid to the Biding and Blinding of /100103, 4 • • To any desired pattern , which la Aunty and dura bility will be warranted. All work will be ready for delivery when prouilied. - The feet Benefacti patron on age of the public la solicited. and per. guaranteed. Towanda. August 2. 1866—tf. SENT FEEE! sox 1 ews , SEED; CATALOG.UE AND DUIDE TO THE FLOWER 4ND ,YEOET4I3Lt, (EMDEN. , FOB 18 9. _ Published in January. Every lover of Bowers wish. ing this new and valuable walk, free of charge. should widens. immediately M. O.IOEEFE: SON .t winger k Burrs Mock. Itochester. X. Y. Oct 21: laGg.—tjun 1 Fro THE LADIES AND CHILD OF ATHENS. XEW RILLINERr AND.:DRESS AND CLOAK .- itAgfIVG P.a7l.4a r iw_au Tar.,l4=7 triu.p,you v lsat i e. Rooms over Post 00103,-3141 , . Holryis OW stand.. MEW. MIRY A. WAGENEB. Anieni. Der; 20,1900. • Agent. ASHTON SALT, -PVT UP IN Ele °man " lab " : e. I;:tiCalr& Di4F1440: , • ILIEWEtii, -- -40 ; v. .1#.7,5* DRUG STORE, - '''. .. *, . XaMILTICID TIMM WA" • ' •,' '.... iiiiiiii ilis6 aid Pisa libee66. liiaaakra:: - . iiaiimpiaii==ialr i .4944 a rasi.ai.i. ONO* se , 6616616 _Ts.. Isll7, adinliag away asll6kt me bl d iaic* WI meta statordeal corstolly, Arta mild *as rude ot Ur. pu wide& Inu be opppllitt *la *IA snuebelek ass 4 204 isibit igest o rmpags6 low 6$ W005 6813 6P , '' DEVi* , :RIEDIOII4II, Ctunamus, . A l m 4 o". 14 10 ;Vtg!. .BENESE-AND: • :4 aigurH sviaii,imuno4l-*.ii**Ass. dad a Itiddir et ICEROSEYE 6R-car.4 - atr„ meakows.mbenud. films: sum moss, itaucusTs. sperm, um. whigft XPith Fmk TANNER'S AND MALT= 01:45 ilutcy gad Toilet Artieles lit ill tbete saielr, moms, samis. souls. mime. Hafraiin. PliffilMerT• POCKET ROOKS, PORT MON.41;11, Pocket Kaivea.,nasora. 'roam BKI3.AND icua FEEpatmipss, • ' prim wnus • Par. Medicinal woo, TOBACCO, SNUFF,-PIPES I.ND CIOAB4, Garden, Yield and Flower Seeds,. Tram s% Sup. portent, .Suape . naotiett,- . l3houlAer praoett, lire Mat, Pumps, Teething Rings, lit ring Itottlen, NiPidey. Nipple Shelia and Skink% Syringe., Ben !elm tley-Setilrig Fruit Jata,Thet- monetary, Flaw:win/ Extracts, Stone • Jugs, Glass Ware: Bottles, Fiala, Mika, Balk: Brick, aol Stove Blacking, Fish Tackle, Am munition, ike.:Botinle. Fcleetievind Soincepatli • lc Mt-stickle", and all the popular Patent MEDICINES All articles warranted se represented. Persona at • distance can receive their orders by stage or, mall, receive prompt arid careful . attention. Medical advice given gratuitously at the office,. charging only for medicine. ire Maniltil for peat Gbaral patronage, would res pectfully announce to his friends end the public, that ne pains shall be aparal to satisfy, and Merit the con tinuation of theli coutilowe and patronage. Jar Open Sundays for prescriptions from 0 to. 10 a.m., and 1.2 in. to 1. and u to 6 p.m. Jan. 1, 1062—yr, S. C. POUTER. M.D. Booth and Shoos. G a REAT BARGAINS IN BOOTS ar SHOES NEW BcfrE4T. ND 18UO6 STORE . . Sou end of Route t , The undereigned are reeiming a large and well se lected stock et ROOTS .4 J) SHOES StIMAIES AND FALL - TRADE; Which we offer iow for c#Ab; tA•nidetini? 01 GENVL AND CHILDREN .S WEAR: SEll ED. AX!) PEGGED BOOTS PEPAMING XEATLY DONE AND R1... - SDY HTHIS.PItOSINED Thankful fcx past tram., h, ;olidt a c.ntimunce of 1/14 SWIM s'Axcra. WOODFORD. • 411.11ERT ;Si El -tax Towanda, April 5, POO. Idazufactoties. TOWANDA AGRICULTURAL I- • TOWAND:I,. MANUFACTURES lIVILS, SPOKES HEAVY AND LIGHT WAGONS, fak.M.ILAL WOOD WORK, WOOD TURN/NO IN ALL as BRANCME • WROLL SAV;INO, ric:, ETC HUBS, .SPOKE.~ ,r 7 EE-VT'STUFF, LARGE .TOOK 14031 wuten TO SELECT The abovo am from Ihe 644 sEcoND oltownfiti&Korir I,:n wiz I.IOHT 'AND I . IF.AVY RAGOSF OS BAND We have the Broad and Narrow Gt!Age *Lb . MILL PICKS . nada and 'droned. BLOOD & C 0.., Still continue tonniutulacnire their celebrated HORSE POWERS &,CLEAERS,. and will sell a better machine, far less money than can be had elsewhem In the World. We claini for 'oar. machines that they will do as much, or more, than any other, and 'are more durably built • WO personally superintend eur work and iseo that Itia well dowit.l We A alll send • ' . • DoiclLYTn'E CATALOGUES. of enrruschlnos, on amilkntlou. ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, One d' TIM SEPER.4I7ORB,. THRESiIEn Mg.' ATHA', PANNING.-41.LL.8; cincruit .txu,Dyso SAW MLl2c WV , AND own MILL ecork done to order Oho na a eAtlbefora pumhoaing riiewhere `•oa. aapaavuu `sxralax -.~ ~,.~ op ctooaa I) Aug. 2, 1569 NEW. PLANING• 211:1LI. The ruidereig. ned haring built a laige and , conuno, dloos ltfill in the Borough of Towanda. anti Ord It with the most niodereara Improve zr machinery, for the uninufaatare of . • . • WESTDOW 11%;811 . .VS'D BUBB'S. ; Are prepared to 1111nrders..whetber large or mina upon the aticateit notice. We have ',thou 'a large va riety of MOULDINGS, or the latest style and pattern, which wo can furnish much cheaper than they canbe worked by hand. • • . . PLA.tinki, • . • ' . '• • TOW6l:lthiti. ' • '-' . . " ' • ' GROWING. - ' - '- • - . • . . , . ANL) beliool..• - - ~ - • . %AWING: . And all ot h er work pt.. rtaining to Joineiy, will be done to wilt our ma - towers. • - Perseus bundling. and not living more than twelve tii - teurteen tulles distant. will find it largely . fur their Interest to buy of na, or bring their lumber 'adhere it worked by our suachhicay, Bring your grist of Flooring. or other lumber; and while Year team la feeding. have it ground' out and take it his= with' jog We will pay CASH for vst• HEMLOCK MEM dithered at our lumber yard..- Come and bee ns. grit pm awl cow. nano. ; - Telma% rob.. 11161. L. 11.110 DOERS t CO. AT TIAL Saltable -LADLF,/.SI MISSES, 3TAPE TO 0100.11 Uulttri BENT STCFF, Tn - Dealerg in Wif citr,a- a 3t, C. 311:RCUR, President. Toinuida4nly 2, .1668. IXPE ItisußAiicz - 10WANDA.'RA. WYONINO 136VIIANeiCOXPA2CY,Lgr4. Capital and SurPrim, - - - $270,000. Soils Aratt.6 .Ixwmusca Owl . rm. tirartfari. Coaa Qtr Ins linnuact Cosatimr, Asapri Crrr litscauces Coxrpir, PIM TO fr "'LIS /114:kAlicz COXPAXT, firsatorazo Er= 'sank MA?tosjbIICIATCZ poitsfadd, if ea. Liscisn' iipst inrimgcs Naw Yon* Lint instrumm Coorrexr. ' ;Aar*, 112,000,4 ft , Powszcirritten awl theliZa a4jubted. wad rAI D TIM •Mtr. thus a flisfrbloct - Mow WI? llouse. up duiri. T. B. CAMP. mat itt.5,1870 VIRE, LIFE, AND ACCIDENTAL INSCIANCL CAPITAL sirrancrszsap, onz BEkENTEE.V MILLION- DOLLARS - •C. S. RUSSELL, Agent For (Le follatriss Reliable Compank i Gnu= Fins' 4 Yaws boIiDUNCE C 44, 11(lacklpina. Capital and surplus crew • . Hoxe Ist.I.II.ITTE ColreAT. ' I tom Pak. Capital and attrplus crier • Co.jws,ttuocce . tit Nolan AMEILICh l' Ilkitadetphia. Capital and atirplus out . . - , I 7...ikir.,4 "d:ixitt - t - rAN I....iwnaxcE C0511.A.,11, I ?.V! . ..p Iprk. 1 Capitaland aurplaa oi - er.1....1 .. '.. : ... . EtricaPaina Itisrilayra C. , iiPa?ri, i Phiitatelp,:a., l Capital and sitrpina-oyer #3:1•,44 '... Aucric !Nat•l'_tNc 1: Comrn.ale. Capital and atuplue cAcr • 4 1 . L114.1,31 bt•IST.A.NCLC-COIIPANY. 4 Ilartford, aud surplus over t f7ul.uss • biomes. Luz b6lli .ex Co.)f I,INY. Nee, fort. Capital and nurplue Over last - a/No: CourANy, llaWard. Conk. Capital awl surpltui myf Itist4 hetyn on all kindr e cirroperly, at as low rat, as by any other reliable Companies. xj - Polinits leaned and Lasses, If any. adjzidA at this Agrney. thereby sating the trouble and e nen, of going elsewhere for settlement. at the Hardwari. Store el Coddlng, Re, *sell ht. Co. - ^ r. H. ItUt.'•ELL Twain:ads. Feb. 7. 113641—t1., NATIpNA,L LIFE INStIfANI:I,-' co. or• u.s.A. C,UKt►[., 1,000.000-rw, z rt.u. .cbarierea by Cous&•s, 174,1. CLAIMiCE H. CLARE,yucti..t.ut JAI' COOKE. Clialrium:i Einal.c. and E.A. iva HENRY D. COOKE, Vice Presld , •:.t ; MS - ER.4ON W. pErr, Secivtary at 4 unary The advantage+ of the National I Ifritler Is a Yr - ational Colupsuy. chartered Ly comm..; 2. It has a paid en, capital .o( Oue 31tI1ion UYliar : It offers low• rates of premium• 4. It fundshee larger insnraure than AI:, Con, panics. for the same Looney ; 5. It is definite and certain ; G. There is no poskibiLi) ef agents, or mitaanderatandingbipeiiry.liolebz;, 7. The Poliales Ira plain contra:ie. eo tau.lltais. ranee for aolinneh.prrary : " 8. 411 policies are non-forfeiting The policies art CUITItt from E. IV. CLARK & CO.. Itardaer, lieutTal 111:15 . 81:1.L. , 312-uigr,r S. C. I.:LSBI6Ed: A. G. MA:,( t...2 .. 1,..1.genta fur Toaardn and virligt3 Jan. 9, 1869. CONNECTICUT 3IUTUAL LIYI /3:StRANCP, COMPANY. ifijNN 0141: ASSETii (June 1. 1,?.0) OTle HurpLas uvcr i4.000.ar,r). cuiturst DIVIDED FROXI .10 . TO 70 PER t11).1 Total Claims by Death rata to date, oscr TOTAL DI:MENDS PAM OVER I'LTELIJII.III7.-IL CO.III'.ISI - Ail its siliplus is squil - mlly 4tivid.rd nnott.tlie Pet ie3 holders iu DI UDEN. D.:3 Whieb taaY be applied to rvduclion of Preal!tar.:,, •rr may be jiet;tirattlated at Illtere,t for the beu^st of 1 AosureJ, or may be recelviql by them in Crab. d-up Puiieieo aregraLt,,l atter t,:o . er tu:n year l'renthuns have paid. than pra,v.sall! naakin,..; ,ILL IYIL IC LE.s - . y 4 P.N"- FOR It upou all DESIRABLE PLANS 1,1 INsuruNcE, And has adopted So its workings several ' FEATUBES OIsIGINAI. WITH THIS COSIPANY ANT OFFEY. En BY NO OTHER. • H. IS. McKEAN; .16ent. T0%111441, Ya.. July. 22. Itititt—tf BR . ADFORD, COUNTY FIRE INSURWE M4ENCY JOHN W. 311X,Igent, tOWANDA. PA FOE TUE rULLUITINA 'flit-TALLY. ~,M rt7, : r ” Ilariford. Cvom. ruams tiny 107.21 IioNE eour.ver, - Xt. et. lend. tit:, I MEI G !in:AMA Ent Ncio lEIME NORTH AIIZIMAN FLUE Sec rwa. S77AJ lIMI i_Not - Lr. Yea) ruek.. ) Aos4te. Follett.* written and Losses adjusts.] at this Farm property. risks taken at .the lowest rates. WWllos In Marcus's New Block. north side Pui• lie Square, Towanda, JOHN Ir. MIX. April 1. 11962. . TPHE EOIIITABLE LIFE ‘ ASSI:- BANCE diOCIETY'S ..1.,g0u.7 for 8na,..n1 CASH CAPlri''Al; $3,000.00n ineoppe over 82.000,0004.2.12. 11037TANTE. k IYABP. Towenda, July 23, 1867. - - THE LYC6Milier. MUTUAL FIIIE Isusuace A....T.1;1E750? Bradford County. •CAPITAL :1400,CA10. Mutual Cash plan. In enco-s,:lul optration r ty-arren years. - MON - TANE . & WARD. Towanda. July 25, 1847. • TANNING AND HARNESSMAK _ tso.r,Tho undersigned have this darform•l a co-partnership, to be known as the Um of 31AliF.F. & FUJI rtt. for the pttmose of carrying on the shoe , business. Harness making and repairing dane fuer. der, and aU work warranted. Casts paid for hider. GRIFFIN MAGEE. F.DO.%R S. FULLER. Cazoptown. Jan: PRCF. • ITORSFORD'S BREAD Preparation, at • ' • C. D. PATCI.II , . Mar 20. L n.IE! LIIIE ! ! 1,1311; ! -me untlenticked.hetchy announces to the rum,. That he keeps constantly on Lana at hi. KILN in 4tnow - yrouN. Pa.. a full .upply of Rash lcurnol sNEW YORK LIME. which he will sell as cheap es it can bt - t bought at any point along the Canal. May 1. ltUlti--tf. DAVID DROWN. A FUJ„JJ ASSORTMENT OF DNI an.l eiNNED imm. at March 10. It4p. LONG 1 KEELER'S. A.ASSORTMENT OF TOT- LET orisrg?; at 'UoVABE K MIS'S. fACKEREL, CODFISH; BLUE Ihrkinaw Trout. ,Clocors, Picklvdl ant , &sio!..ed ,13.1:m0n. Smoked lictibut. 'and DFEELEIV I ried Beet &t ' • , 7 411T0 C e!ONCENTILITED LYE AND ./Potash. at C. D. PATCH'S• 313! 211 Hartf. n t co.x Areduy, s r. ' V C II, York Lanearter, iv nsonto OEM MEI i .rOviv EMEI MEE= HEM v. K. 111)... :4 ttlao,6e/