Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 24, 1870, Image 4
II =2=l==M r 30 0 11 1414•11 - Those' who:. wish- a wicoaindul,- . a profitifide archird shOuld,fieviti ri,g/it; and have the entire landlor the Atr cha,rd-deepli Plowed 'and . subsOfied,. then, enriched, - and twabi ploWed 111111 replowed until the soil is all inade fine, and rich I then mark out tlae. - pladet; for the trees, and when ready *plant see that they - are carefully summed, root and branch, that every broken or bruised - root or branch blcarefully cut off clean with a sharp knife. Never manige trees andldints with liveninanixre, AlwaYs let it be old and well rotted, Ind . then carefully mixed, and not too much it near the roots ; better on the surfac©, and then covered with gypsum, which will retain the ammonia and moisture of it at the same time. • The planter of trees should always remember, too, that , the !top and branches of the tree should always be much less than the }pots ; for, if the roots, when they takehOld, have too great space to feed with their sap, the sap rttru3 slow, and often , emnot feed the branches, and deal r d the tree is the result. , Whereas, if the branches . 'rind top are small, the roots grow vig orously and ; strong, and then the roots will aeon make top enough, ,and re store a better top than any cut off when planted. One of the greatest errors of tree- Flutters is to leave too much top on the , trees for the roots to sustain ; and the -new-planted trees start slowly, :iud_often fail from having too many month too feed. Planters of trees, if they will read more of the nature id a fruit-tree, its circulation of 'sap, root, and branch, we should see great ,•r success in tree-planting."--Califor ,),O Farmer. A New Method of Grafting Mx. S. Hutchinson, of New Hamp shire, is said to have invented a new method of grafting for which he has received a patent. We have no doubt as to tho , patent being a good thing, and as the gentleman is so well pro tected, there will certainly be no harm in giving his secret. to the reeders of Hearth Home : In many of our books on horticult :are, the ',method of inkling layers is given, and when a branch is situated high upon a tree that it cannot be brought down to the earth, : then the arth is eartied up to the branch. Supposing we wish to make a branch of an apple 'tree produce roots from :ley particular part, we have Only to -tirround it with soil, moss, or some -hailer substance, and keep it moist until roots are produced, just the -time as though it was near enough to the earth to bend it down and ~ o ver with soil. In making layers of , ome kinds of tree-s, it is best to scar ify or cut through the bark before en closing it with soil. Now, Mr. Hutch. , inson proposes not to. wait for the production of root - s, but to in , eft them iuto the branch, and in doing this the branch is scarified, and if the grafts do not unite, new roots will be . very likely to be:emitted from the wounds. tow, we hope; for the sake of the patent, that: our inventor, will not confine his experiments to trees like. the apple, pear, willow, and other kinds that emit roots very readily' from layers, but give the public some examples of grafting upon the hicko ry, butternut, and black-walnut. 11 it works well on these trees, then we N% ill be ready to , say that his new nie.thod of grafting is of some value. Puiifying Cistern-Water It is frequently the case that cis tern-water becomes offensive, arid unfit for use, which_ in its, purer state is the sweetest and wholesontest of all water. To destroy this offensive ttess, lime has been recommended, a large lump or two, but this must harden the water; charcoal. is ,fre quently used with good effect ; but then Which is most efficient, as a cor respondent in Rhode Island assures us, is to let the supplying spout run to I rh e bottom ry . the cistern. The fresh water being heavier than the old, forces the latter to the surface and is , thus consumed befOre it becomes of-; fensive, and so on at each rain. This looks like being a remedy for what has been so much complained of, anti will be an answer to many inquires 'mule of us on the subject. But there :Ire certain conditions that should be observed by all having a cistern, the' tirst of which is that it should be thoroughly cleaned twice a year, and the second that the conductors on-the roof should be served in- the same way.—Gerptantowu Telegraph. Wm no Eoes . Spou..—We find- tin= ing the shell a thin skin, which, when kept in a healthy condition by the albumen of the egg, is impervious to air ; but if the en remains toe long in one position, the yolk being heav ier than the albumen, gradually sinks through it, and conies in contact with the skiu—and having none of the ittalities requisite for keeping the skin lubricated and healthy; the skin soon becomes dry and peivious . to air, which penetrates :through it .to the yolk, causing the mass to rot. There the true plan •is to keep the yolk iu its central position. By doing this, the egg can be preserved for a long time.—Ezehange. How To MARE StantoLL4 LAST. Brown says that twenty-five years ago he dipped shingles in a large ket tle of lime wash, to which the salt hid been added and the whole kept boil ; A few shingles were dipped -iu all over oue at. a time, long enough to soak them well, 'and then thrown aside to dry. •In a short time all the shingles were thus prepared.' Al though what are tented "sap shin gles," they . have lasted twenty-five . vears, and max do so for years to come. Severtil experiments of a sim ilar character have been made since, with very successful results. Se7P An "accurate farmer " has given the Country -Gentleman his ex perience in feedin&cut feed and meal to his honts. He n cuts oat straw to the length of an inch, and mixes with' this corn meal and bran in equal quantities,- and so feeds that each horse has a bushel of the straw, and three quarts of the meal and bran, t vice a day. One hundred pounds of this mixture of sore meal and bran he finds will keep a working horse in good condition. He is satisfied this ..osts less than two-thirds tiro cost of keeping a horse on uncut dry hay and whole grain. 1=1:01 eras rou Tun TOOTRAME. accordingto the London Laied, t•an be eared by the following _prepa ration of carbonic add: To one drachm .4 collodium, add two. drachms of calvert's mrbonie acid. A gelatinous mass is precipitated., a atuaß piiation of which, insetted- in thic amity , : (A the achingtoo: th.%rt.-riled), gives rPliat Ern:Fir:RAILWAY. - MS MILES WITHOUT- 1 clusasoirauij4 *kali titrAGE=Dotriaxliti4ft s • I isaticastin "ma CLEVELAND, MILANO, DETROIT, cRICA.OO. - KIMMINS, ET. PAUL. QUAILS, • Jnd Alba West - ind Noilhireet. =lanZza. GALION. sartaxa,.. ' DAYTON, CINCINNATI, INDIANArLL9. , • LOMAT= ST. LOMA • , Aal idlpolnli:NandisOil &gam*. rxR A. 105 UMW= COACH= Ali INITOOCT CRAM= TO Boartnza, Burrach Dov aim qramcc-op Awn . . • On and after Mandl,. lgaeber 15,1869, tram' will lens Weietty at _sheet the feliowlag hears, : 4:fft amt.. NIGHT S:IIPRESS Gifondays eterpted) for Boebettar. Dwaldrk,'Clamiand mut CM Masud. - connecting with the Lae Shore, Michigan Southern, and Grand Trunk Beltways at Buffalo. Dunkirk and Moreland for theXest; also at Clear. Mud with the C. C. C. k Due Beltway for Indfah-, spats; Earl Cincinnati with the Louhrtille Short Lim Railwwayay and the Ohio t 'Midway f Go Boadh and Southwest.; slat/ . with connect. lag linos et principal stations on male l ge,..- iI:I6.a.M.—NIGOT EXPRESS, Wady. for Rochester. Dunkirk. Clerelatul and Cincinnati. mak ing direct connection with trains of , the Grand Trunk and Lake Shore Railways at Buffalo, Dun- kirk sad Cleve and for,all paints West. and at alumni with the Obis arid lillanissippt and 'Louis vine Short Thu asilsiri for the Southend South.' weit : 'Lewitt! allponipettnii trains at principal_ *talons on main line. ; 3HAIN, Bundays err Opted. for Belo sad Dual*. . • . 4:09 pin.—Mt ACCOMMODATION', Sundays excepted. 41:17pt DAT EXPRESS; Sundays excepted. for Rochester. Diffalo, Druddrk. Cleselaa Cineintin. Hand thithezth.. Eitops at ptinclpal letattansand consoling ponds on authalnie. New and. tmprosea Drawing Room Coaches 'mom tront Few' York to Buffalo, and tlleepingCasehes tin attache; at Rornettantlle. run tans then' to ClosTeland slut Galion without engage. 10:83 p.m.—Zl. MAIL. Buda' excepted. for Ref - Ikto. Dunkirk and Cleveland, ixemecting with trains - for the West. A Sleeping Coach i/3 attached to this train rauttlug through to Buffalo. 7:33 a.m.—WAY FREIGHT, Broada:ya excnded. 3:36p.m.—HISIGRANT TRAIN. d.Cy for tholVest. 2:20' a.m.—NIGHT EXPRESS, Rundayw excepted, connecting at It ew,tork with afternoon trains and steamers for Roden and New England cities.. M;S=MIMMiI 5:813 a.m.--CINCINNATI EXPRESS. Idondays ex raided. connecting at Jersey City with afternoon and evening trains of New' Jersey Railroao for Philadelphia. Baltimore, and liVashnigton; atm at New York with steamers and afternoon Express trains for New England Citle.. Also stops at prat `cipal stations and connecting points on main line. Sleeping Coaehea accompany this train to New York 2 t:3B a.m.—BLSGRAMTON .A 'COMMODATION, Hondays excepted. LIM p.m.—DAY EXPRESS. StindaysoxcephDd, con -necking at Middletown for Unionville, and.-at Jer sey City with midnightexpress train of New Jer sey Railroad for Philadelphia. New and improved Drawing-Room Coaches accom pany this train from Buffalo to New York. 1248 p.m.—ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, daily. con necting at Owego for Ithaca. 11:30 p.m.—N.Y. MAIL. Sundays excepted. 0:09 p.m.—LIGHTNING EXPRESS, daily, entint , tt- INT at Paterson for Newark ; at Jersey City with Morning Express Train of New Jersey Railroad for Baltimore and Washington... and at New York with Morning =press train for Rolston and New Euglaud cities. Also stops at all principal luscious and con necting points ou main tine, Sleeping Coaches accompany this train through to New York. 5:03 p.m.—WAY FREIGHT. Sundays excepted. BAGGAGE CHECKEB THEM:GIL II" A rerimed and completo Pocket Time Table" of Peasemter Trains on the Ilrie Railway and con necting lines, has recently been published, ant can be, procured on appllcatipn to the Ticket Agent. of the Company. L. I). FUCKER, Gen? Snpt pA. & N.Y. CANAL Sr.. R.R. ARRANGEMENT or PASSENGER TRAINS, Cnnur.i:ucing Scpt. 13, 15311. Leave TUMID& at 7:00 a.m., 4:00 and 0.58 p.m. Returning, leave Waverly at 13:40 a.nt , and 1.?:43 7:13.5 p.m. Leavi , Towanda ', Arrive Tauthannock 11:6.1 tt '• Pithdon 1;15 p.m t' Wilkes-Barn. 1:45 . Mauch Chunk 4 :20 Allentown 5:45 • Bethlehem ...... .. .... 6:00 • • I:cotton 6:30 4. Philadelphia 8:25 New Vork 0:25 " • Dine at Pittston. ;„ Leave New York 6.55 n..u. " Philadelphia- .- • 7:45 •• •• 10:0:, " " Bethlehem • ' ..'.10:30 " " . Allentown ' 10:45 - " Matteh Chunk ' 12:00 m. " White Haven 1:31 span - Wilkes-Barre2:oo ••. " . Pittston • 3:10 " Ttmkbannock . 4:21' " Arrive T0...—...nds 6:n •• Dine at Vitale Haven. raaaenktera foh RAITISEIIN nut lattabarg will nbasnre care at Allentown, have time tor attyper and take the Throulth Faat with clearing cm, attached, at 11:kil aline evening. Book?, and Statonery. Duatifs„*R 1870 PAPER c ENVELOPES NEW-YORK PAPERS i • SCHOOL BOOKS : 1 1 ) &xs, Str onoNuY AND; Plerrit ! P 7, 6.4 BLANK BOOKS . YANKEE NOTIONS. - MS. THE NEW AND IMPROVED FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, Were titrarde.l the Find Prize at the Paris Expobillort 1967, over fel other Machtues. Also. the following State Fairs of ISES hare award= this Machine the brat premium : New Tort Ohio, Pennsylvania, MaSga,husats, Neer Hampshire, Vermont, Wisconsin,-and Indiana. At the County Fairs of Madison. Onondaga. Oswe go. Wayne, Orleant, Tompkins. Seneca. Monroe, Ile:. kimer. Schuyler, Livingston. and a host of others. • Report of the Committee on - Sewing Machines, at the State Fair held In Rochester, fall of ISGA : Tour Committee hare exr.mined the different Sewing Ma chines, to which their attention was called, and would recommend as the best Family Machine (or all work. Elias Howe's Sewing Machine, and for the following Moons : let—Simplicity of construction. Warily of tension on both upper and lower thread. ad—Ease of management. 4th--Oreat range of work upon all materials. sth—The perfect attachments to the Machine for felling, hemming, tucking, braiding, quilting. binding and cording. and the ease with which they are applied. 6th—The durability of the ate. chine. it being made of hardened steel, and adjusted In its bearings. We recommend a medal." Sew style Hemmer. 'kinder. Tucker. Qullter. Gard a. EmbroickTer, Binder. Feller and Briprored Fuel; Marker. It will use an.y and every kind of thn ead. from the finest to the coarsest, with a much mailer needle than other machines. Si snare and examine one be fore you purchase. Price from panto $2OO and every Machine warranted. The real value of our Manufae tming Machines for Tailors. Boot. Shoe. Gamete and Otrelne Makers. la too well known to rinuire com ment. Don't fail tp call and see them. • SHEPARD & TERNEUR. General Agents. SO Lake Street. Elmira, N.Y. For Ws by CIODDMI.IttraISELL k Co.. Genre Mamba. Towanda. Pa GREEN ROUSES I have A - welted a large and fall assortment of 131. 11ORTALL1%, or th - O-Dried Flowers of Everlastinit,, of a moat beautiful variety of- colors. I am sow prepared to furnish, for parties, weddings, or funes al. ambitions,: on short nodes. Wreathe, en:SUL Anchors. hied sad haste Bonnet,. Also the suns wit/instant ilowers.• bate also a, few imported Wreaths or Crowns. funned of ibunertalles. . • No. 1. nine metes in diameter. • . 10 No. 2„ ten - 2 no . All orders will yeeeite pronpt attention. warners . reaeonible.- Nev. l6. 1e69. F. IiEPABE FOR P zsY rApEsiso Tors soolts.•:' , , so a - Erxi or 1N151'9 OLD NEWSPAPLItS i&V Sava moony by jadLag 1 - iatr 61.1 pajK•rn and bnylng Some at that beandlpal: 111 14:1iAtint OF. F... 4. 4.: . #.1.1[641. --- - - taw4Aio'iihnet64.4l•l-14iin:e: i ten 10 Ma. WU 1100 et' enseritennipticl4- *boa inwr tirn n... Wikul lePT.llnin nila.4o•W GOZiO EAST Wll. 11. Gett'l rasn'r =I = LITTC =SI:F, .10111: I'. CO'. enperintendeuL Sewing Machines. ELIAS HOWE Wiseellanems. TOWANDA, PENN. II ARAI' CEEB v t ! ► J "F F'F Orke .I , IIOVISIOtt 11011E;E 4 -zOlit Ila Mmv-ii:rassr, .r., , ,4,,,w0r..4f.kiik0., The undersignei,!,. enconr . aged by the snceess which has' hus far attend- ed their' enter rise; desireto make ealmo*agment for the - very libetal patronage they hiVe reeeivekby giv in g their .. 6.u*ii4gikt,he a4 . 371)4 , ,it0ge of ,their years' experience, together with the benefit of their greatly increased facilities for doiiiirbttsiniks: Ther• keep toiiiittaitli,on very largo and complete 11e-4°i-intent of everything in ,Their - line, ,E9:4 aro daily receiving such additions to their stock es the wants' of their trade ro- puns They havo:riow in store, Sugir, Sy nip, Molasses, Coffee, Rice, Tobacco, Fish, Salt, , Cheese, Fruits, Crackers, Candy, Matches, Brooms, Wrapping Paper and Twine, Flour . Sacks, Seeds, and a great variety of other goods, which have been recently bought at the lowest point in the Market, and are offered. at wholesale, at rates to correspond. They desire to call especial atten- tion •to their large stock of Fine Tees, which they are selling at New York Jobbing ricesl,—guaranteeing the quality in all cases Have ah:o on hand a good assort ment of Flour, Pork, and Het;semi 1.1,i•y still continue to have the hen- efit of it resident . Partner in New York, who is constantly in the mar- ket, and prepared to turn to par ad vantage any hivorable changes in the pico of goods • 1 FOX. STEVEni. lIERCCP &CO May i 2, 1868. p4TTERSON & KINNEY, 0-1:00O4OiOtti to TilO3lAl. .1. .1t)%1:to Deal, ri+ in GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Ffivrrs, &c., PITTOYS BLOCK, TOWAND.V PENN'A Raving purctuu:ed tbo entire gni* of GROCERIES At ' PROVISIONS u: T. and baring added largely theretoby recant purchases, they take pleasure in announcing to the public that they arn prepared to ftell anything and eferything in the 6,2-' (:Locrny FROViSION LINE bneir.3. SUGARS, TEAS, COFTEES, FISH, FLU UR OM FIIED, COHN MEAL, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, STONE WARE, &c.,, As cheap as the eheapeA. We guarantee perfect sat isfaction to all xvlio may fr.vor with a CASH PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. 1= March 10, Irioa—er. pEOPLES GROCERY AM'- rITPVItiION BTORE, P•vt'l LIMO It AND lIAIN 41RYETI, A new awl complete stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Which v.dll.e sold st tho lowelt pcsail.le priers. ('ODFISH, MACKEREL Q,,HERRLIG, PORK, MUTTON, HAM, FRUIT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, MODERN STONE WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, FLOUR, FEED, MEAL, GEALN, ,Fze prlng on your protlnce, wh!cliCwr pay cash for DAIRYMEN A coustkut nupply ut Anikton Salt, au sized ChtFAL Butter retina. Tube; kr: Please call and look through our sta•:. and we will do our best to please you. W. A. ROCKWELL. Towanda, April 28, 1869. GOLp : STIU CPMIN:G.D9W,N ASS Mart MING , 6ROCERY 'PROVISION LINE, aro now bolus otrirtal at r. C 0 WELL ' - WY -3-R at prices that cannot Da to satisfy all that they are dc termined not to be undersold by any . one. They batu enlarged their Store by' building so that they now have room for the fresh'aupplles that are daily received by Wein. They have coanectod with their atom a Ilarket where they nowleep tired► mots to sell by the quarter or piece, and a full sappy of Ora cedes and Provlsicnis, to which they would call the attention of all gash-buyers. Ataxic saderamalse ear Goods ana Priefill before Purchasing" and• EMMY yourselves. We guanntoe all goods to glee entire gatisfaction. Ve are thankful to our customers for their past liberal retraisage and solicit a coatiaaaaos of the same. COWELL k MYER. Ike. 90, 1860. C r UNIID FRUITS OF ALL 3 alsv-211csi i- • z ~t ,t• Woo-lon Witrt sit cenrEtt, k 3ITE'WP. ~~;~ fir' THE tinojniSONED, HAVING , `iP4 - Niumigammostaterea or • • . • •t. tio oar to the tea ot Bradford County mind eiciar ; 1 ly, a Urge and Ira aelosited Mock of "1411 9P urch1110 igr ; C al k* 4)1 4 5 °1344ei1 l that I an sell at as low figures u can to Maimed tliewbere. Inm offeirla theisAillik splendid stock TEAS, ) COEVKL.4, §PGARSi. szacn, sALERxrps, SPICES, kr. _ AKRON FLOUR, GRAHAM DO. . WYE DO., DUCILW2I4TDO.. .1. 2 lift, constantly on 'hand, POSH; HAYS, LAUD, and- all kinds of FISH. Would dal the lineation of the public to our Pali Be Beit i In finality or prior. Jesse oalOreeCelebratedLann dry. New York Chetnicsl sod Brain ileap Pleme call mid examine our Mock of Largo armartanokt of YANKEE ICOTIONS, TOILET SQAPS, kc., ke. I will pay the hightatt cash prWe foe, gi re ne a call before selling eletewbare CLOTHING- .CLOTHING CLOTHING.! • tr yen woof to buy good pall and Winter ' . CLOTHING, • and at unheard • LOW PRICES ? . . • , . • - Gerd olive to ROSENBURG & WOLFF'S, at the Clotting Regulator. • . 133 Main Pritlon's Block. Towanda, Nor. It. 1869.—ti FLOUR: UGAR, rEA th COFFEE, IF. • 9 All inwbons ittilebted to tha late tlrm will plea.X., and make immediate paymeitt T-owatula, March, 12, 1867 MI COWNEE NIALN AND BRIDGP STREETS. Deal em ID all GROCERIES, Feed amt Ural, WOOD, WILLOW and STONE Vie groakroill opeciul attevaqn to our stock or Whicb itrAyt &Oa to give nsatiniactiottin CASH p pd fur deeireLli, Cfpitniry Protium ' M. J. L//\N. .• G. (FEELER. Tapioca. Vrrulacelli. L Marcaronl. Sag% Pearl Barley and Haminy. Oakley's, Tnylor's,and Ford's Family tloapa, Holman's. Tidnuidge, ' and Royal Baking Powder. Burnett's Stan dard Extract.. a Meeker's ' Farina. Hops. Coestitelatine. The Gem " Fruit Jar. , Baker's Chocolate. Cocoa 1111:14 Broma. •• Titus" Cream. Lemon 'and Extra Soda Crackers. Grant Wafer, Milk. Boston, Fax and Button. Crackers. • Towanda, June 2 gr..0.w0 k KEELER.* 3, Rap. r. MCCABE 47 MIX .* RECEIVING NEW GROCERIES DAILY Splondid PoWort meat! Whof e aak and Itetad: Fresh and rue q uality of utroceries as can bebeu g lzt PRICES RANGE * LOW FOR • * , THE MARKETI All kinds of - NATIONAL FIRE WORKS! Wholesale and Retail. Couutry Merelututa will do well tocall. Our prima shall be. .• with the rouionahle," satisfactory: ('ALL AND SEE (ASH PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. • liefki• aIOWLI,Rith pleasure. We shall pay atria attention to all parte of our trade. WHOLFSALE AND RETAIL. Aompt our thanks for pad Goon. Towanda. June 14. 160. SYRUPS, MOLASSES KEROSENE, W. S. KINNEY LOOK HERE! CO WELL_ & MYER, At the old stand of BR/MULL it Cowytt, aro now receiving a large and well selected stack of Which they offer to ash buyers at - prices that defy competition. Cash paid for all kinds Farmers' Produce. April 21. 1169—tf. G LORIOUS NEWS! GREAT AMPRICA . N TEA STORE RED, WHITE AND BLUE STORE Samples of Teas ozv &WAIT mialax. 'to sand, the people that this is the piece to save money. PRICES LOW A 8 THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA Fresh Ground Coffee received daily froatgenr York. or ground to order. Mao whole Coffee. green and routed, afl styles, whole and ground Spkea. Dried Yrutta, he., at equally low prima. The subscriber begs leis° to return his titer*, roe the m liberal patronage extended to him while in the !Grocery business in thbi plaze, and solicits a trial in his new enterpriso. The business will be condected strictly on the So yoUsrill not have to pay eitza prices to mate up for the losses of a credit business. .... If you can't spare th e money to pay fora pound, buy an minds and pay for It. Be Independent—then you wilt be worthy to walk under the s - • And buy your Goode cheap. 10 liomemb,. l . th e Red, White awl Btue Store. new Blovh, Bridge Street, July 1,1869. BRAMILULL - RIDGEWAY. - - - - ALL KINDS GROCERIES AND Prortaittaa, at wholesale awl retell. at May 18. leB9. C. B. PATCWIL ME DRIED FRUITS' OF ALL .KINDS IfetlßE kviN. Fa i/ r A PA.M, OROOERIE , i% nate in 'Audi kris , stock of STOCK OF I TOBACCO, •,, ; WOOMN WARY,. COUNTRY PRODUCE C. B, -PATCH C. It. PATCH AND TOWANDA. P 1101ISIOAW, "VT ! grAL/IT .I.VD PRICL GIIOCERIES Ahl) PROIISIONR. Tea and Mee. TEAS GIVEN AWAY CfNiMI NO. 1 6RITITTII k PATTON'S NEW BLOM. BRIDGE STREET, TOWANDA, At the sign of AMERICAN PLAGI Atli the COMPANY OF NEW YORK CASH SYSTEM ! ASIEBICAti mui =EI .linertran Tea Nom v.,1 4a, Mal M _ • "0 , 43-i - •- fil#l• - • , ' , l•= • 1 • _ ' • 7, . 74. .; 1 7 °1 1 . 1 Melignififilt 400#1, 1.• - 44- . 1 "", 4 *,'.4 1 -4 - , 7 *XPL';,O4 P - 1 3 i GENTS' EURNIEILENG - GOODS Wistriuk, TA. ( A), . . have a raaliaiaibliCattaataaultaar eal. sad take attibeatak 10 glthig Tag goo" , , MEE ' We snake at inie own eatablialnuenta' tar &lair attention to Tontine. Ho'e', nal - - CHILDRENS! CLOTIArO Ana alwikyolun'eli atm! Is Knt:&nt: Limns AND, cAssnnuuts; From 36 touts to $3.00 per 111 wool)• Best : Stock Hate and Caps kept wilhla 20 Wks. Come atm] to*, acei prove foe Will be at the - Ward House efert Thursday. with samples of Goads, tad prepamd o take ens aura VAN W..1.80R MANN - Mk • 60 Broad-Bt., Waverly, Feb: 20,1648. K. Fise are the Oarmunta made' fur ran, ;Stara, In the Splendid rooms of the popular Oae Price Newest and wholtest, rich and rare, Elegant Clothing toe men and boys' wear.. Yell In, geutienica, fall in all, Alter the'clothea at the popular Ouelprice Spiv, .Look and you'll 4144 110 fllothei at all Inert, Like the aiazulld Clothing at the popular One Prise clothing in !onion, all Marled down Lower than anywhere else In torn Overcoats, Loth for boys awl men, Try themcMsc and you'll come soils Hurry along, for the people push Into our doors . with a berez rash, Nobby and doe are the garments all, Great is the Stodsai the popular One Price More, CONTINUAL RECEPTION I MCREASUiki EKTLIVSIV3SI: SUOCKTN. OLT LOW YitteLi ! igtSr bur... A') TOCTUS , CIAYiIitNU, I:ICOI:I3,WEAV Oy ES AND 31 I T,T ENS. FINE. DRESS SHIRTS, in; stock la eumplete.' Every lot tuarked in 'plain figures, aind no deviation, all treated alike. Evers &lament guaranteed to turn out u represented. Call and look at our code and prima. Bare motl ey and time. co Nliolner ! No 111.7.1111't: ! No r L r7410N , . ! at the pepulAr Our Trice Store La ALEX. SOLOMON, 123 Main street nppaHlte Cadding, Muse!' k Co's Towands. , :Sur. 22, 1869. , sir The highest sash price paid for Wool, Hides, and Pelts. NEW SPRING AND SUMIER c,OODs! .• • R. 1 , 1 7 EDr D Y Would announce to the citizens of Towanda, and tke public generally, that be has in store and daily re ceiving new and FRESH GOODS, In his hue. ;tillable to trot wants of the-people, which ho will sell for Currency at former GOLD PRICES! Coneisfing as usual of good, well and reliable made CLOTHING, Slioday of any kind) consisr of BUSINESS SUITS, all grade% COATS, VESTS AND PANTS, all Wool,. • DRESS COATS, PANTS & VESTS, • Linen Cents, Dusters and Pants. 7 - Overalls and (WOMAN, Linea and Paper Collars, Wien, Cassimere, and F4nnel/11MM, Neck Tres, Sus. pendent, Gloves, Canes, Leather Bags, Spring Style Silk, Soft and Straw Hats. ,411 - 11ret.elass. Bement.. bar that good Goods are cheaper at • this pdos than mar goods at any price. Hand examine my goods before buying. One door month of Aspinwalra liar& ware Storm Towanda, Novig, 1&19. B. W. MDT. THE TEMPLE OF FASHION ! NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS, is enttre new stork of Clothing, bought so cheap as nefore the war. to be 'obi with SMALL PROFITS ! The undersigned wouldrespectfully announce to the citizens of 'Towanda And vicinity that. he is now ready to offer them Clothing:such as . FINE , BEAVER OVERCOATS, auxclrmLis.. FINEST Dlitifi BM:MSS EiriTS; Punishing deeds, /se., tad that dissegoods,lbought at eery lotaUtses, will be split with very small p ro . Ina.i haWdth eatribilaka permanent trade In i bis place, and tO oteetio gain the conridatice , at prlcha• sera, trill deal op buts of - - HONESTY AND INTEGRITY And all geode will be wazranted for what they are rePworoted Came and annum and matinee yourself. Don't forget the phto, Tempts of Faabloo, impolite the Mesas Home, south cad of flelolexam's Block. ' , . / 1 . , I. , MX ) PIL Towanda. 0ct.,17.11et A la m STbCK OP CEMOICOS A and.Engravinip at racerv. , i 88 „ McCABIL 11EIM orr aL. as., wtre:l4 , 4•lle 7 aud raw:, • AftIIAPE k. MTN MMS=Ml#!ira MI ..0 1 ' '. '•:,.;;;..'i: HOBrEMT NEt:S.WEAr, RA7I3 A,1 4 .71) CAPA Ai9o tbn iursi!cri APS. • ' P . j . V•f4e-; t <5. 4 A t17.7. 7 .7477 . !7; fahrirbilie *WC •'• " "tr.' •', •',.'?; ... , i.::, ,720: . ..r..- 1 :,,;.: .-::,.. 7:1.j , lil - 4f,...., e`.1..'..,1. :,.• ''., PATib i ANI) VIENWC LIMI RLTIG, al; - ifeitkainklai:Amr glodE ea** 1 , .Ix 4 •:: 017 MM 41 001. 4 1 1 1er"T. # O -!: i 4 1 &1 1 5 4 1 ' ENOpISIVBEAVERS,Ntki, • IMO" CLATOR BWERS. :Czm cuzu4a SzEis, a : the largest dock 05 Yotdhs', Nd •ClOihrty, evcr idriraa in iNmntdi• seta lino BM GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, lionair, GLOVER and MITTENS, lELIVI I S ' oft alk..1 12 8 . 1 um* . .taiio;' Air*, COLL&Bs. • Cern. SUSPENDER% 1111X1)14:11C1112ini, ter. ne. Also a large Block ut ,.- 1 ..- . ei3OTIIB,, I'EST/X6fr.. Tki l if.ll/NGd. &C. • r , _.• .._ . .._ nerllooda narranted ter represented. Call and ex aminer reen aeaok befeee,puredming. - Remember Ma Jewelry 961fald street, ode dem' nort,fr of Chanxberthei Jewelry Storer. prl nowt *arum- " . , rata. 0., coat, - : !towards. Dm. 2. IMO:, i URRAH! HURRAH! • • OREA lIEDVOTION IS PHlekti .0y 1 .• )I \.:\ • READY MADE VIAHiSG, AT M. • ROSENITEI. (Opposite Powell & COS.) I am now offering to the publie a large did ahitico stock of ..... • . WINTER GOODS, Consivtfitz of BEAVER; CHLNCHILLA, Aiid DOESKIN 07MOO.A21'S FOR MEN AND . BOYS WEAR, Wh!eh CU be sold 23 per cent. Ice than former prima at M. E. ROMTIELDFI. Mao a large in . ;voice of UNDEWHIRTS DRAWERS I intend to sell kals than cost. 1., make root' for Spring Stuck. Now is your time to buy a Suit cheap. Call }tad convince yourself that M. E. MO HINFIELD offers Great t flargains In the line of Clothing and 4 . GENTS FURNIaIfING GOolls. all br - 'font gnir4udig elsewhere. M. E. RORENYIELD Towanda, Jan. 25. 1870 Tobacco and Cigars. ORGE T. 3117E11, yariug vurehmeed =I TOBACCO AND CIGAR STO,RE, one thwe worth of the Find National Bank. is peer everything in his line, wholesale and retail keeps conetantly . ! -, 11 tamp a claupleta'rteelc of emolc; - A CIGARS, ME 'CUT, .1"1,01, ANO SMOKINO TOBACCO, Put up to all etylee. The beet qual.tiee vt _ZPOWN. BLACK. AND SCOTCH 81 4 :1 F.Fti. The wort celebFet.d bmatlP FANCY S3I()ECiG TOI3ACCQ, great varitty P TPEt• TOBACCO BOXES awl POUCHES, MLTCH bll .s linfl all goodsAsually kept in a fhat-clioa UIGAJI STORE! Dealers will do wall to till awl examine Us largo and wall aslacied stook. Towanda, April 29. 1,869. tmby. JULES HIIGIJMIM, JEWELLER & b'ILVERSHITI4 Ode dour north of .veßcers F6 rr 131.9 CA", TOIrAND:I. Rao knit rts•ired trow:Nor York. ■ * i 11.450rimant of. Wag Gold Lxmor'mwrcamf; ,AMERICAN WATCHES SWISS WATCHES, of all timelptiono.. Mso s.el.dsd smortment of ' GOLD CHAINS, FINE GOLD - tr . 3W 3111 1-1 I?, , all neW. cuvais or ILL My* MAI • THE MAP- Egr To TRE BEST , - t;OLD, iIILitEIeA24D Sink faiTAC,II63 AND EYE:GLOM to At ill dim Of hapilm,l-41,00. NAV PAIANT A,Gt•ONODA7IIV9 SPEC -Win. ley Mb patent I tan enabled to caching& abuses at any time vitt:lent extra charge. tali and me. - WATcHE:A - JEWELRY AIoSAIRED Aisti wainixxxv. Tteraiiibi.Dee. Id. 1889 D wp),,1317 9 F-ALII I CIND . S eIDWM4 IYRR Art SELL *TEA Afre:twr. .914-"I'014.-': o_ ll AO* - ' * •. ;-.! ... 7 '' . l '.. - -#4l. ..• . . 7 , 1, * '...; " I 7 1..S . : 7 •.;•:7•14 " , ; :. * I . 7. ic -.7 • .'. ' ..: _, ~,,,-%.,..,?!.., ...,:: i *- A -.--:: :,,.P4,l,:.:'lC6:4lll;rit'lrA6l.o: ,I 1: ~ • . 0 - ' , '.',-;- :=Z• :, ~.: t .14,:it..i."., .;.`-:':11;. 1 ,''';-( : 7_ , . ' ~ -. 1 -- . ... 1.. - , '...r.i.i. 4 1 #. • tre-4 i.k. -_-$ .:. ei,"' , '-' ‘; 'J I 4 ',7i,i;*;sii , - ,,, 0 - ;',.. , 1-1: - '-f•; ., •-• • ' :,: 11 kW - i ''' • . .'' ' •.4 --4 , - w,..,..,,,, ,tr,.,. , ti --- r , , 1 ,•.--....',:. cl2- - ,-_ - ; .-:- __,''.- 11- - .... '.'.,.. - '....7.-..!,:',..g , .. - j •.....*::...;,,,. to :, ~% . .,,iii.:7l ,• - ..,- :, - ..::• r..4 1 ,:. . . .m• = ',,,,it.,.,. 0... --.-:•!7- . 8 • - MAIi t SHATIL BRO'fRERS CO. • . . , . Ivisii to call the atiention of the »ablta to their •Utetcic of • - HARDWARE. ' • • • • YARXINO LIKPLERENTS; . BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS. and CARPENTERS' TOOM. Alwyn large assortment iitt Window Gleam; Bask Paint". Otle, N Putty. Tannsties;'and Paint • • Ind.Varnialtßrnabes Of al:Chinas, which will be sold , for the lowest each price. Also, a fine aceortment of KEROSENE LAMPS, • Of seer; style and pattern to suit the publtn. Kerose Lamps rePaterAt and ellangeiffrom Oil and Hurd to ne. Particular attention pal& to the manufeetttring of all kinds of ' TIN WARE. it/IMM PNOMPTLT AM:YDIM TO. We Wiesen hand a flue article of GLASS FRUIT J AILS. •• With improved leit-sealtng earls:and lIERNEMICAL BEALPtift CANS Which to outs of the hest cons used. Juno 20. 1805. GO 10 S.. N. BRONSON'S FOR 11 Pi 11,1111) 3/O,JILV(I2I.ACHINES, BE • None better, a:Opt:ln I,•r sane, aa Important Eu4noulcem,nt. SASIfI DOORS AND BLINDS bcd4 quality can be font 0. at prices attain able. Tons of S E 5., IRON AND, • HARDWARE:, Ati low as thr tide el ti marker, tie., de., at 11ETMPOLITAN MORE, June 24. IM—jyt NEW HARDWIRE AND'STOVE STA?.:T. AM) TI SUOP AT WYALUSING Tt . I'. SU L 2 Has jest received•t fall supply of COAL AND WOOD COOELNCI STOVES, COAL AND WOOD REAMG ATOVEI., ELEVATED EM MY; EASE Bruxints,&e. HOItSE SIIOLS, NAIL ItOI.S 11011 SE rit ON, uor.sic Naas, COHN KNlvvi, Apple Nara., Lc. 111 alioa of Naila and 11.0uac. Trimming Gaods. REP-WRING _VD or ALL KINDS of the moot approve 4 styles, - aue at short notice. Ail hide of Cutlery, rScissors, llaisora.Carpeulers,' ilLackaraitha. aha Wagon Makers' Tools. Wm., Shovels, tkrtopeote. Give me a call, I will sell a. cheap as the cheapest. ,"Wyaluahm, Nov. 3. !1;9. Farnita~e. T 00K -1117,RE!' Tiunv uow Ott eattlb.t:ou at tlit Mitntmoth S(Ore IN TOWANDA, PA The largest mad beat ...twit ut FITT N I T It To be forma In Nortlx:ru Prnit.ylvsais. which tu , Inq ,44 at " GREATLY RCDCCED PRICES My sloe& consir f ts iu part 0" Parlor, Library, Mu. ing-room and Chamber sets, i'arl.•r. Library, Exten sion, Dinited au4 015 co Tablos. Chairs, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Wasihstatide, Sofas, Lounges, Tete-a-tetes, What-tioN, Cradles, Cribs, &c., kc. A frill line of. Niattrall;WS andriled4ngs Pier, Manta and Comtunu Shore, thal and Rustic Trauma yud ltractrt.„tc., Lc. In fact, eser3,ihirg In the :fivrniture Line I tuned be f‘ , ..1/ t4lO. Appr,iut,d, 4.11.1 be eoll at L P I C - 1; S Mau the dIUSe quz&lit). or goods pure'] :S Thankful t the public 'for their past liberal Kirov - - ago, and determined to merit a coutlnuanco df the' mum by offering Inducement. not to be found else where. I invite them to• call and examine my good. and prime . before purcluming cher:here. charge for snowing, goods. and L WILL NOT RE UNDERSOLD! COUNTRY DEALERS supplied as nauat at the lore, eel market p seen. I also keep- on baud s lame salmi - twat of Ready Made Cot:tine. from the meet common to the nmeat Rosewood. Mao Burial Robes. Crapes. &c.,andlara the sole agent in Bradford county for Shuler & Piek'r MET.U.IC III'ELII. CASES, CASKETI;. A good ktfUltS.E ethraym resdisi , ma when requiceil Towanda, Doe- t 1848. dASIES 0. FROST FURNITUR,E,AVARE-ROOMS JAMES DISKECtiON announces In the public that he still continues to manufacture awl keep - on hand a large asa:rtment of • OAIVINET FURNITIIR2; Bureaus, Tables, Bedsteads, Stands, Chairs. kc.. of every description. which arc made of the hest mate rialk and in the moat workmanlike manner. I-tnelte the inopection of the public to my work, syliich shall not be eurpaneodtu durability at any chop in the country, and'my prices nill be found to be as lory as the times will admit. _heady-made Con fa constantly on liana or =dote _„ 'order. AgcsAlllcarsa y ill be furnished whendeshest. 16. Miscellaneous. BOOKi;BINDERt.-THE PUB is reveetfally informed that the Book.llM dery has been removed to the Argus Railing, third, story, where will be dime BOO'S- IN D G.! In all Us venous Inauche.: mk term. an roma...Min sui the times " will , The Dindery will he under Ike charge of . • U. C. WHIT. 11 An experienced Binder. and aA work will be pro= done in a style mad manner srldeb cannot bee Music, Magazines, Newspapers. Old Bucks, .tc., bound in every variety of style. itarticutar attention will be paid to the Ruling and Binding of 'BL.MIC 11007. K, To any desirtel pattern. which in quality aca dura bility wifl be warrante.l. All week will be reedy for delivery when piouilsed, The patronage of the public le sulkited, and pet feet satisfaction guaranteed. Towanda, August 2. llifitt—tf.. • • SENT FREE! - • O'ErVrE, SON k CO.'S , • SEED CAT• A. LOGUE AND OVIDE'TO THE FLOWER- AND, VEGETABLE • tiAEDEN, FOR 1270. • ; • Pnblishen in January. , Every lover of flowers wish ing Me newend valuable work. free of charge, should address Immetlistely .Al.. O'KEEFE: SON tr. CO., Ell wanger k Barry's Block. Ilochader, N. Y. Oct. 21, 1169.—tjnn I ' BARMY AND DINING ROOM! A:int block north of Ward Houa e , BRES.t),ES' . trARV baked daily and sold at wholesale and retsil. We use thetest materials and our 'work is always neatly 'demo.; Dealers are invited to eramitie our wholesale prices . PARTIES. PIC NICE, do. supplied at rea sonabl rates on short nothm. Riot& . - • Dniniek ROODS , • we olfer. superior , induoementstnall who want either shush era gord =Cal. Ladies can* step In and quietly enjoy aeup of Tea, • tuidisturboll by noise sr rowdyism. Meals at all hours of the day or erasing. °INTERS on hand during their seas= and seared out by the dish or , sold In quantities, to suit. Of CONFECTIOIsiERY we keep an assorhaseut oanatte aiy in this part Of tlme State, ant. mien . at, wholmeale arse:tag. • . . . „ . , Also a general assortment IV fiItOO.I3ILEV psiOna u lqw ttrilliwoon T , t7ran4a. 011. lA, 'sa: D. W. tietiTT k CO.' Z•=:!.*--4*rg• : . • ,•••*; Teal cixsonTrat• . . . . 3 'OLE.' • CASH DRUG STORE • • • • wrgUstrarturir 21112411r.GLAILL \ • - CtiEAet • , Sign and phie'ilipseb;Towszids, • ; added largf4„to task al6ck, a Salida Cogged peortwebt,leertwhitlng_an• exteastte ra i=adagsainaiartkdea load In the 'Arta for csietalty. p aele riblie,dixt with regard theraaao :whiett.will Ere. eappßall Uri-Trash ptarerissaa; Sod 011 tha pwsi rrafaaahjatergas at Wholeaaloor MEDiaIINES, emixtesta, tatillic Ogle, VA=IMU, BENZINE AND: TURPENTINEi fuss. rAna, Tanstsp, .141=r... i lium • KEROSENE OR .COIL 014 Alcohol atilt Itortilog "'. Laws, emirs, *as. amucl x 55, • sperm, Lard, whale, Seat* Foot. TANNER'S AND MACHINE OILS, raacy and Toilet Aritples la au their verigii. SpONCIES, Suomi, SOAPS, c.omai, Pomades, Ustr-Dyes. Perfumery, POCKET II KS, PORT NONA IA Yockkt - Nniveil,Nuors, • TOUTS, MIN AND DUD PIIEPARAILONS. PURE 'WINES lA:ND LIQUORS, TOR O, SNUFF, ITPES AND OIGAIIS, Barden, 1d and Flower Seeds, Trusses: Sup. torten, tinspensortei,'Shoulder Braces, Bresst • .PumpTesthinir Dings, Naming Bottles, Nipples, Nipple Malls pad frolelds. Syringes, • 'Bed Pans*, Self-Sealing Fruit Jars, Titer =winters, Flavining Estrada, Stone • Juss, Wass Ware. 'Bottles; Via/s,forks, Bath • Brick, and Stove Blacklatt;Flah ackle, Am munition, Ac., Botanic. Eclecti c an llommrsth-' ' Jr iedidnes, and all the popular ratted E D • I•C INES. AR articles warranted as represented. Peraoris at a distance can receive their orders by stage or mail, which will remiva prompt and careful attention. 3ledirAl advice given grataitottAly at the oClce. charging only for medicine. ~, LW' Thankful for past liberal patronage; would tro pe:AP:l4 announce to his friends and the publio„ that nwpains shall be spared to satisfy, and merit theton timuition of their contidence and patronage. Xis-Opetr.Suudaye tor prescriptiont. from 5 /0 10 a.m., and 12 tn. to 1. and 3 to it p.m. Jan. 1. 1163—yr. U. C. PORTER, 31-D. GREAT BARGAINS IN 330011"9 \'E it BOUT AND SINE: SAME, Orwell, Pa The on4ersigiasl are to :giving a largo an well ac led:A stock of BOOTS ND SHOES S.I:3I3LES A D Fi.LL • TIRADE, Which we ouvr tow 5 i Cie!, Cousintieg GENTS, L.F.SVLZER AND CHIT,DitEN'S • WEAR SERED PEGVED • jfOOTS -REPAIRIiVG NEATLY DONE t AND READY UtHEI PRoMMED tuankful for FLO. favors. . 11:COn4alilanCe of tilt incN 5.011.7 EL. q. , 1 OBU . Tov,, .tral 5, 1:40 TOIVANDA TOIVA.VDA; PL.NA 'A., MANUFACTURES Lillis, SPOKLS HEAVY AND LIGHT WACiONS, iiENraar. .0:1.);',11 . WORN, WOOD ' TI:RIihNti :ILL ITS hCROLL SAttlNt;, Kg AXING. ETC.. f.AI 1101 S, SPOKE. & RENT ,STUFF, L.tUG! Frzoit T.t SILECT SECOND OROWTH HICKORY AND OAK LIGHT AND, lIHAVY AVAGONs ON 11.6 D We have the Broad and Narrow Gu%o , vz,7,1 ,311L1,' !ICES nu t& and drebacd. C. ITEREMIt. Prraiderd. Towanda. July . 9, 18&. BLOOD Mill contitmwtO manufactnre their celebrated HORSE POWERS 4 CLEANERS, and will rill a better machine, far less money than !can be had elsewhere in the world.' We claim for par machines that they de as 'tuna. or more, than any other, and arc mor, durably built. We personally atiperintendem: work and; sec thet it in well down. D'e will send • ! ' tnscrarrivt: of our zuschtnra. on aPliWiltimu• ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, One y/IREVIER d` SEPERATORs, TM:I:SHER an/ CLE.A.VER.v, NSiNG MILL VECCULAII 431) Ditto SAW ." SAW AND man "JILL cork done to order. Give us a call before purthasinolacwhere. Yd "Cea ciuthiaVug. • • o •o• xa o e g - Aug. 180. , • NEW -PTJANING The imderWgrted hiving built a large and comae. dioug Mill in Mu Borough ad Tovnuada, and itUcd,it with the moat Modem and unproved machine: 7f. fur the manufacture Of ' • WINDOW B.tilft 'AND BLINDS. Are prepared to - 1111 orders. whether. large er upon the shortest notice. Wo hate also a larAc la riety of MOULDINGS. of the latest style and pattern. which we can foruislieuich ehtsper than they =the . worked by hand. • - • . TONCiUKJSG. - • . • ,attoovnio, , • • AND scitool, , And Al other work v 41444414 Ji4innT, nill!'m done to mit liar custonturn. . _ . . - • Perilous bwildlng. and nut living more than twelve to focirteen nillewawpint.ewin and it largely torlbeir li n tan4 to tiny or na. or bring their lumber and have It' worked by our machinery: Drin,T your grist or Floating.. or other lumber. itut while yourteam to tacking., haat Nground oat and take it 'home with y tips raritt•pa* tun for PINE AND ligkiLOCE LUMBER dell% oroda imr lumber lord. Como- and 0r...0 or, oh: Urn Oml cans. write. • • • . . Tilseau4a. Feb.. I.u. L. P. ittspn'Elf 4 ; kC _ O. As34 . 'alfla2liatts of Bp:M*4, For 310*bial iamo, Boots and Shoes. lEEE Soa!tii tad et Ward House Suitubler.Tur .no LIMES, MISSES; MADE TO ORDER ci-tEr irlanufactorin AGIZICULTUitAL OEM HEST IYealers iM CZ= Me above are from the beet , =Biz AND' PFE INSURAIiet r tomtit, TOWANDA, WYCMdINM L'OMIRAN6E COMPANY, WILIIA. - BERME, PA. Papiti.traTi .5M ; - 270m00... Ni.)Dlll AUCISMIX bKILANZI: COSIVAVT; liargrall, ( ' Sr• Cm nit Isaysuacc ALltilfr Crtr lsausuiscs. Ccamai . f r4i..7ta F,Slia../.3IIViCASCV. COMA 24", . • snixiwu - so EuLr AND MAZINCI/MyILiSCL c(O., 1 Sprit.Vet ( 1, 11,,, LISCASTY.II FIRE 1101.7Y.A.NC): ' , Nig Tvui LItE I:44,I'RAM*I; tOlttrANY. • poLiciz. witteu and I.4.Ana.h (AI tadvd fain at 111/3 Irk EWE. . Office ID firetbleck below Ward House up T. B. QM BM 1 -4 111 E LiFF --- ANDACCIDENTA L INSURANCE. CA/TIAL RUSSELL, Agent . For the fullowiap•oftwed !Wiz* Compu,. , 4 • Guar.!) rtuz a 3.lA.ut.:+r. lx , rn.v.scs, iirdic,irtphlo: 4 capital and ourplu: ...... k RANCti CO3/I•ANT p rc,• Cffpihtl r-tid,,mrplus n r :........ .. /X.CILANCII Co. ur Nouns "otrvn • , ilaoelph,rt. I Capital and frurplun er !'1.3.::; f AT: NI. tr 1 • I atul nu9,l!it. ortr ENTLIII•LIPE V C , rl/ ANI • aid harriut; over ABCTIC iSbCrANZ . r. CG:111 MEE Cri,:tal and ON, 1.13N11.iNV.. ' IforlArd, CaDitu! tr.,l oqu-I.:u 9 ...... . `.L L!IE enl:ll,'N ,1' s 3, .r;, ~ Cap:l4l at:trot:piths TII/VaLEI:n . i'ChrEiN,V r, • Ilarff. - d. Capital and gurplu., u;t..r Xluz foAen on a:1 ki.oit dTZt• ao . to; aoy other reliable Cotopaho Jae - Poliet9S if.llCd and Ageticy, thereby ...vial the troui, 1124,1 fr I' golug ehatitallere for setttinaPht. 69,0thre at the Ilartlwart. Sloe~ roll.r.a. acll di Co. t Fell. 7. - STATIONAL LI.I'E INSUI:ANT CO. OF /IVA Cod r c i;y Collgr,ts: 1; • EIAILENCE * }{. JAY COOKE. Clrairman a d Es/i5 IffNRY D. COOKE. Vb-!• EMERIioN" IP. YKET. I.e a.lco:_itag• t or ti.... :•:... ri: - C ' ', . . • . • S. Iris a NoCelia} eurnpauf I loci., .I', ; A It L. o paid up cap:tal lot Om 'ALL., i - iil It t , a...r0 low i•iii•-M Zi . p•IpP.IIIL•• 41 it iurni , h. g . 3r.f 7 1 , :,!.:1, 1 pptiieediOr [La . . it:lc 1:1 , J1.• -. 4,21 It O 4 tieduit.lo . u.l c.-rtaui .: AI 71..r.i.e ialno ioN , :bil:.t ...i 1:1,1,1,•-• ar..11, it .., 4 . ag , ..arti. Or Lulartfrkit. rP.L.L.illi.; IV : ::s.• .•.- :..:. • ..,• II l A/ •Till • VA/ itg Ur6;,,i/lan.l ,IIajtrICIA: • I ~, ..,•-• - 1 rI,I i • r, r,10: , toiol Iritqlt-7" ; Sli . .‘ll pt - It its arealina.Torf...tin, . _ ii The •1•; , ,li1i:•4 21'7.' ..I.•;:ias. , troci .....,,,, a. g, ~.. _ F.:, W. CLARK 11,...11/171. i.• r-41 1,1. I+. S. liC.:11!. N. iliSiihr-k A 4.. AI A4etal Inr T., , r+tdLia t MEM CONNEVTICUI' All - TI - ';1I. L!FI ~.r•• 1 ISSETS I. 1,11 t) M CI 1:1:t - NT DIVIDEND rltt tu TU 11.) iLR k fIT T. 1 ,11 I' . r t•! , ' kk . or= Tt• gryr.l3,, rlf:TI: II 'f.:1).111..I.V)" A!i I ANNUAL' .JAiIDENDS V 6 Lc!: 1 ,•:t1,134:4:41 I,: L 4, of I'o f, 4.1,10vd, 0: ma:. 1.• CO.lO 1'5%: l :ud-u , l d.: , n., e.. :: rayt~.l a.t. n... Lea ESNS ILL Pol.; = rt....1,--. DEALI:AL:IIf , 4r: ' histAtANci. Aul i a. , adopteiriu,itb sk•ver=l SPEO2.Ib FEATURES oituusAL wail TUN CoMPANY AND OM.E - UTHEE.. U. B. IicKEAN. Ag Tov. - antla, Pa.. :h&j TI. BRADFORD: COUNT): FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY JOIE , : W. AILS, ‘ll,l, Tu." ‘2,7, IIME19!=ll'illI1121 E= flu rtfta 11. 4 MISE INSUILISC I: COMPANY. - !lurq-i, DEE 13=ME EE! Ne.C_ I UM NUETII ANERICAN FIKE Nev. i BEE I= fork. I EIZIE! Policit,. written and Lodges aJjoatra at tlni )• Farra property rieks tikep at the lowt,t /Fir Office in Meteor's New Block. north Pr.l - Square. Towanda. Pa. • j.)11:i April I. IMO: • • • WY' VQC.Fi'ABLE LIFE ASSI: P.ANCE SOCIETY'S .Igenc, fur Ands-rd CASH CAPITAL :i;3,000.iloo. Income ON er Tovrauda. July 25 . 1867' rPHE LYCOMLNG 311:T1.7..;11 11 iE Lnrance Agency 3cr Bradford Count). ("ANTAL f3.407.(0). . . Mutual Civaplan. In encr,setufoperatioa.str ty•aeien years SIONTANSE B't'; Taws:NlL Jnly 23. 1867. rp.vsliso .1.3.:D HARNESS 3f tan.—Ttio undersigned ha, .; au, d 4 co-partnerabfp, to be kuewn as the firm of MAld.r. fItILLE.U. for the purpote of carry.Tig tistuvea: Ilameas ufaMn;. cud repaint; .der. and all wort; warranted. Cash paid for hide , 6111I!'1\ StAGEr.. • Frea.lß S. }Tun: Canwtown. Jan. IMP. _ _ 1101ROF. HOUSFORD'S 1311EAD _L Preparatiou. at c. B. 1.11 - 0 11 May O. LIME! LIME: : LI3IE! ! ' The nuder.lotect hereto announces to the } al , l, that be keepa conatatitli,on hand at ha KU.' in IIItOWITTOIV2f..I . a., a full aupply of fr, .ti kura,.t 'NEW FORK he will sell ,beap a• I can be bought at any point along the Canal. 1009--tf. DAVID IiDOWN. A ITLL ASSORT3I'ENT .4 CANN la, vutrm, at, . garch - 10. 113,39: LONG k .KOMFIrs. A FINE ASSORTMENT-OF' TOI Ltrt soul,. at ACIiEREL, 4.;(' )DFISH,A3LUE LTJL nab. Maekinatr Trout, OacorsPieklad and Smoked Salmon, Bata:tett Halibut. and itrk , l tk-rt. at _ "Itta k NEELEIOI. :CM"STRATED LIE An) jvtd►3, el (•• P. I'ATCI.II ~~ ~ L 11 trartford 1 •rql ~rF =I El =ME lEEE MEI I=I4MMII *l. $ 1 IMJ . V I=SESI