Vradfoid f_ittporter: --- - L0(.7.41 , AND GENERAL. Ega.. GEo. V. Alihat, whose place of ,a,ofq.s was recently (destroyed by tire, may ar the preßent fount!! at the store of COWZLL l- Acec wbTC he has }3tablished an office. wg,„ Snow fell io the depth of ,srly two feet in this rlcinity on Tuesdaynight nd Wednesday last, in consequence of which • < our genti: , 11111111;; r, J. A. T110311.60N, for his Untiring eiTorts ire be half of the passengers on' Lis tram, or to 'the hands on his tram for their pet sevuring toil, in the midst of hunger and storm, to help lie uu our way. Itea,ching C 304044, we Ws-rt. surprised to find the 10d,...,1-room well filled with interested and earliest temperance men and women, who were tii,eu,sing resolutions ..n the subject 'of total .abstinence. Canton is the banner town in our 4counts , .., having two good lodges of Good Tem ! t plirs, which togetln r inunbur about 3041 10411- there were not delegates for a quorum prt'sent until our arrival, no business was taliSliclvti esecpt the discupsmns above refs rred to. In our party were the r,presenta s from Wyalusing.Terryt m it, Martha Wash ington, and Athens, and also Orilla Lectiver, Itrother M. litu,slt - s. The session, ..1 the eon %within tirmgli necessarily sliort, yet were de( p ly intervsting, nod were indicative of the grow ing power or our organization and of the deep ' ening interest felt in tb' cause of temperance. I cannot. close this communication without I nit iithm'ng the gt lier &t es entertainment which the lodges of Canton gave the delegates. They had tondo eltetisive preparations fur a goo(' time, and the sit was great a disappoint- 111111( It: Cll , lll :11 11, .rll ,l convention adjourn ,l to meet ni Rome the fourth Wednesday in Jane. By the way, Mi. Ittoisirs re,innits work in the county on the 23,1 inst. lie has Ow reputation of going one of the best lecturers in the State. and all who feel the least interest in the cause should avail themsely , a of the oliportanity 1., hear hint, and I nduce all V.lll l lll tier can to do lilt wise. The storm prevented his meeting bolll , ` of his ap pointments In the middle district, but the re mainiug part of that district will lie ezinvased early in April. Then if th , people of Towianda ' feel sufficient interest m the matter to make arrangements for a meeting, we nill.try to give them an oppirtindly of hearing him. \i\, Romg.—Ed dor if Ibporhi.: In ex amituog ymr last issm , find thab " l:Ate.al" in givin,..; his "historic nen s" of the Sunday scle.ol in the Presbytelian cliitrli, made it few ne , a,,kes that I, will try to correit \ %,, A, that school was organized in - 1.0, he says: .. It is the oldest one in the place. an till 150 the only one," "Hail I known of his innition to wt its on that s ubject. I would have een pleased to have" informed him that there llas been a Sunday-school in this plaee more f'hinb 40 years. "it will be remembered' . that where the, present borough ist now locate I,,kvas 'for med!. in 040 school districts, kremn as the Up.. per and Lower districts. The Baptists held meetings in the lower, and the Metleslisia In the upper school-house. - . ' In 1027, Deacon STEPHEN CHINMEH (Baptist) organized a Sunday-school in the low.er school house, and was its superintendent for a num ber of successive years. Hence, it will be seen that it was nineteen years before our Presbyte rian brethren organized the school in their church. "Ystalx . also states: "In IFSCA a sep arate Sunday-school was started by the Metho dists. My informant believes that :lonN A. Meows was the first superintendent." As " Y.k. note proposed only to give "historic items" of the Sunday-school in the Presbyreian church, he could not have intended that as "historic," for it is far from being in accordance with ex isting facts. . On the 18th day of May, 18.35, the Bothodists organized a Sanday-school in the upper school house, and kept it in working order until they moved their meetings to the Baptist church. Who the superintendent was, I have not the 'means at hand to tell ; but am quite certain it was not done A. MOODS'. The first church edi fice in the place was erected by the Baptists some two or three years previous to the build ing of the Presbyterian church ; sad, through , the kindness of the Baptist brethren, the Meth odists were permitted to worship in their church, and mated with them in sustaining Sabbath schools on the true " noien basis.' The Meth odist church was dedicated in February, 1850, and in May following a Sunday-school was or ganized, E. A. Rtnowar, superintendent. Since that time it has been kept up (winter months excepted) with the exception of two years, when the- Methodists again united with the Baptista. In 18.57 and 1858, under the superintendency of D. CIIAFFIEE, we had a very large and interest ing school, and have' been prosperous ever since, with only a short vacation during the winter months. • I hope I will not be "understood to infer that such errors were intentional. Such infer ences usually spring from vulgar local Jealous ies." When we takh into consideration that "Tatum" has resided but a• few months with us, we can easily ovelook hit blunders in giving his "historic items," but his "informant" is not excusable. If" Yarom" intends to pursue his "historic reserches " I would "advise" him to proeuro a more reliable "informant.' J. A. M. }t BRIGHT SIDE. The March number of this popular children's paper, just received, presents an unusual variety of con tents. There are over twenty different articles, all original, and some of quite superior merit. Its success has been very remarkable, 25,000 circulation being already secured; • the rib. Ushers say ,they intend to mate it 100,000 by the time it ii one year old, which will be nett July. Mei:Offer to send the four number* for. March, April, May and June, free to all who subscribe before July first. Terms, Mr Cents - a year. Specimen copy free. Joust B. Awry & Co., Publishers, Chicago, Illinois. ' 1186;Colut. • convenes it 'boy" Monday nest, in the It & eh . !!!,.'Messrs. Sam', BRAUND & Co batniliiii to do $ Nice thing and when to do it; Al it IS tmlawfal to eat meat during Lent, those gentlemen took compassion on to and seat to big shad the other day. If snch events are ,keociar often, we shall not find fault it Lent ',last the whale year. it I 3lpuerra it Co. have pm-- chaaed the right to fell a very metal invention, canal a patent Milking Stag, fitrainar, &c., which on autunination we can really MOM mend to the public., It is ark= of very high ly wherever it has been in use daring i the'paat year. 16. Mons. Du Citauxtr's lecture, nt uratctmen Rail on Tuesday evening, was large ly attended and well received by most of his hearers. His reran* in the main were inter 'eating and instnictivCs, but his lecture could be vastly improved by omitting a good deal of the nonsense which be indulges in during Its de- • • Brumes Band added very much to the plea sure of the occasion, by discoursing excellent Mr= - ice - A flourishing Division of Sons of Temperance has beln organized' t Burling ton, and the following officers elected for the present term : W.P.—W. A. LANE; W.A.. -CHARLS 'Czar} , ; B.S. Aumwr IS ItEAT ; /LAS.— Miss CELIA Loso ; P.S.—lsaac P. Swan; Treas.—Wu. T. MEAv ; Chap.—Mrs. S. J. Swzmirv; Con.—N. WINSTON ; A.C.—Mies REBECCA BIILNET ; LB.— Tiunrts Surru ; CLUE. The Division was christened "Trinmph," - and we hope it may indeed prove a triumph over in temperance and wrong, of every kind. Idr. PRATT, of Philadelphia, Was present and assist ed in the organization. tier The 31;Ei Church was re-ded icated on the IGth inst. Notwithstanding the very inclement stiite t of the weather, the atten dance was very good. The morning sermon was preached by Dr. JESSE T.PLca, one of the ablest ministers in the church. Prelim's fo dedicating the edifice, a subscription amounting to about thirty-five hundred dollars tvas tuade. In the evening a further collection of live hun dred dollars was taken up. The amount col lected, we learn is suftienrnt to pay ott' the debt created in repairing the building. Nt`Nt week we will endeavor to give a full des , eriphon of the improvements made. Thursday evening will be the grand opening night of the New York Colossal Gift Entertainment. This company has achic7- ed a grand success wherever they have appear both in regard to their entertainments and the fair. impart:al manner in which they die tribute their gifts. The lady patrons will bear ! VOSBURCiI-.ln Towanda, Feb. 26, ndul the fact, that one purchasing a ticket lamll., son of Stephen rosburg, aged 12 on th afternoon of the opening day will receive ;;:It. on Saturday afte:rnoon they give a mati- , The ebristian's trust and 11 , ,pe. cheert , l little nee for the little folks, wiien every child will re- , WILLIE in his affliction. - .ceive a gift. We lope our c;tizens will improve. of the opportunity now presenbld to them of alt- I A. J. and Mary Shores, at Bhashequin, March zo-s,tog a first-class entertainment, which will b, 1870, aged 8 years, 7 months and 17 days. conslst of wundi,rful experiments firmagie;sing mg. musle, and protean plays. Every farmer and horseman in the county now agree that the Hamblotonian stork is superior b, all other breeds of horses, ! taut only for speed but for durability and gene ral use. It is therefore a matter of great im portance to all interested in raising horses, that this stock should be perpetuated in this coun try. Mix k MONTANTE advertise in another col umn their full-blooded Hambletonian colt, "To wanda," and wo cheerfully call the attention of. the farmers of this county who wish to improve their stock to this animal. Ile is altogether the tinest specimen of a horse ever exhibited in this county. and is said by good judges to surpass any colt of his age in the United States. lie is a dark hay, nearly It; hands high, and has all BOUNTIES. —Soldiers who enlisted the good points of his uncle, the cebebtA i ted bvl ,, ven May . awl ? 2, . 1451 . wete.,dh' - DEXTI.II, now owned by Poseur Ilosnr.u. Al- !alters.rvrng (Va e :tiV am now ;o r " S il l; s though less than three years old, he is well bounty. • broken,•and is as gentle as a lamb. Mr. Mix It" now prepared to collect these bounties. Jolts W. Mix, deserves the thanks of every lover of a good Towanda, Pa., horse fur introducing au animal of such liter- upi, Mercer's Now Mock, horth side Public it. Next week we shall publish a history or the :ignore. ' Mar. '24, Ib7o-2w old Ilamblettmisn. WAVERLY INSTITUTE.—The annual OUR. FATHERS—WHERE ARE 'NET ? e xamination of this institution takes : place on --It is only mill . and then that an individual. as : i .. ‘ h , u , r l. ,, l ; s ' l , a Zi",`„" t t / , 'll ,„, d ,"Ln r i- c t i l, ( l 2l. 25' Public in the notice of the death of Mr. Om vett Con- Sunimer term. consisting of 13 wiKks, openq in t:, late of Warred township, Bradford eennty, April 5,1870. All departments of the school Pa.; is impressed with a desire to communicate c‘mplete. I,artmulars address the Princi. pal, AA. LAN°, A.M. to the public some of the ine'dents tie early Mardi 17, 187it-3w history.of a man like Mr. COWAN. Indeed, whoever the writer may have been, he has truly confeVred a lasting obligation on the relative -8 and friends of Mr. COMITN, and a great favor to those who air interested in the early history of those eastern townships, Of which little is known. Permit me, although a stranger to the wri ter, to express my thanks, and . to say to him that his notice, although brief, was read with Interest, and carefully transcribed into my man eiscript, for future publication. It is, indeed, a debt of gratitude that wo owe to the pioneers of this county. that we make an effort to collect, as far as possible, the early his tot- of the trials and hardships they were call ed to pass through, and have by their industry and connemy procured a competence Which they have left for us to enjoy. Perillit the to notice here, a poetised commu nication, which is still expected, front Prof. A. A. KELNE.I, of Tuscarora township, giving the early history of that township—space for which `iti left in my writings. Onsnut or . \ gramine Centre, March 19,18711, ena STENViSVILLE.—Once more Will We pen a few only for bur IltronvEn. Now, dear titevcnsvilli"Diftrirrytu." has his cares and labor to pert° OS well as others, and there are many intieh n 41. , competent to the task. We have set the exa Tie, and supposed some tnfinential member of s defy would follow it— for "imitation is the si serest 9at tet fear they are depending whally upon " Dontrr- ETL.' We will give others tlie,„ privilege after this week. We have a few errors o correct in .mr)inst. Meetings were held tn the Presbyterisakehnich only. 11EPOBTEU failed to speak of ourir;fn shop, which is doing a good business--e OH by J. I. STEVENS, who also holds the office of constable. His wife merits the praise of do ing considerable for the temp.%t„ nee society. We might say she was the "foun&r " Iff our (mood Templar lodge. We have a " portable steam saw-mill" in our vicinity, which we fear will consume all the Um ber, so there will be nothing but naked hills to gaze out upon—almost an unbroken scene if there were no green trees. 80, oh! spare ns a .few, if only for variety's sake. Mr. D. A. Ross has gone to the city to re plenish his,stock of dry-goods, groceries, Yan kee notionii, &c.--everything that can be de sired in a c 'wary store ; and it is satisfactory to knowlon are dealing with au honest, vpriol dealer, who has an established price and sel dom, if ever, varies for the sake of baiting ens tomets. De' will have his millinery and mantua shop open by or before the first of May. J. Q. I:voitaat keeps everything on hand that a cabinet shop consists of; also ready-made coffins, and the hearse to carry them in, at rea sonable charges. E. J. EAsrminuooKs is prospering finely, and success seems to attend every effort ea far the public is concerned. . Dr. BILUNDAGS has been holding a series of physiological lectures in our church. Bather amusing as well as instructive. We cannot fail to speak of the influence these lectures have upon the thoughtful and contemplative mind. We solemnly regret to lekru that a young man in our vicinity, who, to allappearance,Vma lisnest and intelligent, WAS placed under lock and key a short time since for horse theft. "Honesty is . indeed tho best pOlicy." Ah I young man, beware: take warning from this. Your."sins will find you out." , BENNETT—BRIGRA3I.--At tho home of the brides parents, in Sheshequin, March 11, 1880, y Rev. W. R. Gavit, Mr. Emmen. Bennett, of Andover, N.Y.. and Rim glare E. Brigham of the former palter. PABSONS—LOVELAND.—In Litehfleld.Marcb 80, 1870, by Rev. D. Paramus, Idr:Hezektah Parsons to 'lies Emma Loveland, both of Litehdekl, Pa. WRITE--MILL—At the M.E. parsonage, in Athens. March 21, 1870, by Rev. D. Forgo tten', Mr. Salina White, of Athens, Pa., to , Miss Malvin* Mill, or Alpine, N.Y. BAIPNAN.--141111411.00Vio.onlIondsysvon hA raw& 11111 11: 18Thl iplif t riZa P i e r ithi ' mut, moll orb tar, of E. B. format, of udi Puce, NO 37 XefFs , 3. ma. GO= TO IfisigrC-abar earthly renrins of Use. Amman ConweLta; yftte of Vol. 8. V. SEIM; were this day followed totite grave by the inau bets of the sorrowing family and a large num ber of the Mends of the deceased. Mrs 8. was born in Towanda, Pa., and lived to the age of 87 years, 8 months. In her death, the commu nityhas ;oat inactive and valued member; the church with Which she was assordated, a comic tent and energetic co-laborer; her neighbors a generous, systematic and faithful Mend ; and her family an affectionate wife, and self-wield- Acing and devoted mother. ' i Modest and una s suming in manner, she nev er sought a conspicuous place in public, but was always foremost in every geed, word and work. With largo-headed earnestness, she could feel for others' woes, and gaire with liber al hand. The needy never •applied in: vain, when she, from her own Mere, or by appeals to her friends, could supply their wants. Ny the poor, her memorywill be cherished as s gener ous benefactor. She was indeed a good mother, in the broad est sense of the term, watching over and caring f o r her children as only a fond mother can. No amount of labor and patient endurance was spared to promote their welfare. Their trou bles. were her troubles, and their pleasures were her pleasures. She was a true Spartan wife. When the war of the rebellion broko out, and the question was discussed in the family circle, she, with true heroism said to her husband, "Yes, it is right you should go, I will take care of the children."' Many of the comrades of her husband canal-, test the fact that her bands were not idle, in collecting and sending those little home delica cies, so gratefully recetrod and discussed around the camp-tires, on the "tented field," In the hosPital where she went to find her husband among :the wounded, she was con stantly at the bedside of suffering, with plea sant words, to cheer and encourage, and active hands to minister to the needy. She seemed an angel of mercy in those wards of suffering and death. This, together with the cares of ; five small children, proved more than tier natu rally delicate constitution was able to Lear, and her health failed. Do . : • MARRIED Mom the Zetheitthismist, During her late novae Ulm ns, which com menced lant fall, bbe buffered patiently and without a murmur, and Mille (Am:tautly de clining; getting weaker and Weak er in her hold upon things of thin life, but stronger and firm er in the profaned faith of ha Sailor. Calmly and peacefully ber,spirit floated away, to that brighter and better world where there are,no sorrow; or partings. where all is peace, joy and gladness, and where .a eountless host are, and ever will be, singing songs of praiao and gratitude to ibu goodness of Him who do eth all things well. S. 31. G. SPECIAL NOTICES. TAThon &GORE, Me t relnuit Tai lors. AVANTED.—A good, first-class Wa gon-linker. Apply to or address E. O. Knonna, March 17, 1870-le. Towanda, Pa. FOR SALE On RENT.—Two houses corner Second and Elizabeth streets. Apply to March 24, 1870-3 t. Pamir SEFAMCII. taiir Rooms to rent. Enquire at C 0.14 Store, Towanda, Pa. March 2.1, 1870—tf. " Towanda," by - wtt - Chief, ho by Thrsdyk's Hambletonian ; Ah-wa wa's Dam, MI - Brine; Bell Brim), by lk•llfoun der; " Towanda's" Dam, Vermont; Black Hawk, Grandam Messenger, with black points very dark; over vg hands; coming three; no colt more promising in all respects. "Towanda's" ft.*, $lOO to insure, payable or made satisfactory at the time of service. and limited to fifteen mares. Season from the first of April to the first of November. , Mares not proven in foal may be retmoed the following season without charge. Those from a distance will bo accom modated with the best or are on liberal terms, at the risk of their owneis at, onr'now stables. Mia & MONTANYL. T.,wanda, Pa., March 25,1370. litft)"• account of snow drifts, Dr. Clark was unable to meet Ins patients at West Warren, Warren centre and Orwell. At nearly every appointnwnt Dr. Clark has been unable to attend to all who wished treatmebt from him. The patients liking his remedies are most certainly doing very finely, and many cases considered almost hopeless are rapidly recovering. - It is not to be expected that Dr. Clark can care every disease presented to him for examination, bra every call will be treated to the fullest extent of . the Doctor's ability when reasonable hopes of recovery can be en tertained. March 23,'7'). IM. He'll:. B. B. Strang, of . Tioga county, and Speaker of the House of Represeu tativt•is, with two other citizens of Westfield, Pa., gintrantLeal to Dr. Clark a very liberal fee if he would cure W. F. Smith, a young man of that village laboring under the i%rst form of epilepsy. Young Smith's first letter to Dr. Clark dated March 8, 1870, says: "I have not had any fits since I saw you iu Zioga, being eight weeks to-morrow, and it is the longest time between them that has °cermet! in ten years. Enclosed find currency as required " (for medicine). (This young roan has taken but one coarse of Dr. Clark's medicines. We have read the let :ter from young Smith, handed to us I.)v Dr. Clark's agent, and know the above to, be as stated.—En.] March 2i'7o: 166 The Summer Term of the o ell Graded School will commence on Tues day, ril 12tli illss M. / 1 1,. Pratt, a graduate of the mire Female College, has been engaged to take large of the higher department, and Miss F. C. lillm, of Mt. Holyoke Female Semi nary, has n employed to take the primary department. In addition to the common branches, cla will be formed in Higher Mathematics, Na ral Philosophy., Physiology; ac. Pupils not rest 'ng in the district will be charged a- tuition fe of from $4 00 to $5 00, according to studies pn7 1 41. Judging from the well-carned repntatio and the past emi nent success of these t eat ers, the directors feel that they can recommend this school to those who desire to • avail themselves of the privileges of ono of the best schools in the country at a low rate of tuition. Board can be obtained at reasonable rates. Mareb\73-w4 log.. The Cascade 'Mills determ ed to compete with western flour. Now sell at • tail, flour from the choice winter wheat o our own soil, at the bare cost of the wheat and its manufacture into flour. No profits to middle men or third hands. No charge for handling or use of money. For cash only. March 23-4 m VITYOIIIOO 40031:111131telaL COLLEGE.— "A Susumu Education will bo of advantage to every man, whatever his future occupation may be.;—/gSvekey. The Wyoming Commercial College, establish ed in 1863, and connected with Wyoming Semi nary, offers a there and complete course of instruction for those n dedring is ecanneacial oda. cation. Its location in the beautiful and historic Val• ley of Wyoming, with its canal, three lines -of railroads, and immense coal and other business operations, afford rare opportunities for young, men desiring situations. • Our graduates are tilling positions of trust all over the country. Young men have attended this Instittition from Wadsdppi, Kansas, Min nesota, and nearly every State in the Union. . Onr tuition for the rev* Business Course is from fifteen to twenty dollars less than at other Commercial Colleges, and yid adeanfogai here are in every respect tilistr at,,_„ We offer all the aides by any Commer-.' cial College in the country to natal In ob taining situations. ' Students of the College Lave- all the advan tages ofsocieh the .m Seminary i n regard to library, de. lit- Tuition for the regular Business Course, Ml 5. Telegraphing in connection therewith, $lO,OO. Telegraphing alone, *25,00. dtationery for full Business °aurae, *15,00. Board per week U. /hind for Catalogue and specimen. of , ens taa*lp. Mdrea L. L. Krstao Prin. Wyoming Commercial C 5ept.13,1869. • • i KilliPkiesrotr -‘1 0 4414 " / 61-4 - aide Mil*. B . eet vist2e • i vrbeir . it flow 12 25 pe cwt. • . • • . Muth 2S-tm Soil) silicitnair' `.—'llicier l ' We re,L meat opinion of the Attorney Geserid of the UMW Stales t eoldkus Witting under act of .7017 4,11864. their &whines must read " dis tle char ged them Aby reasoe o W f expiration of of service," to enti* OO° It teellaihid ths reoeitt=ll the Unitedßtatiiii e Come In the' HoiMer Liu&J bounty ease, pro in substance that volun teers under the call o UM arc entitled to boun ty if honmvibly disc ged for disability,. or any cause whatever, before their term of enlistment expired, applies also to soldiers who enlisted prior to the Issuing of said call and servedin the war of the rebellion. All those interested and having claims, apply to H. B. BRAWN, Attor ney-at-Law, office over Mason A Co.'s 'tanking House, Towanda, Pa. . Mar. 24, 1870. NEW TAukanni' EsTA Manarmr.—Messrs:Taylor & Clore have open ed, in connection with their Clothing Store, a Tailoring Dep artment ; and having secured the services of a 1. first-class cutter" audcompetent workmen, they are now prepared to mate up work in the best style and latest &Alone to or der. Having Just received a now and fresh dock of cloths, they aro prepared to offer bet ter inducements than ever before offered in To wands. TIM public will find it to their advan tage to give.= a call before buying elsewhere; Remember we warrant our work and guarantee good fits. "Repairing done on short notice. March 12,1870. - • Iler The stated meeting of the Bradford County Convention, LO. of G.T., bo held tit ' , Canton on Wednesday, ?larch 16. 1870, commencing at 10 o'clock, a.m. One of the Grand Lodge lecturers will be present. Fob. 24,1870. DAVID Cum W.C.T. tel. All kinds of groceries and pro visions, fish, &e, at the Bed, Whito and Ina store, Bridge street, cheaper than the ehetpest. March 10,180. ` PIANOS, ORGANS AND MELODEONS.-- always,gives ua pleasure to call the attention of our readers to articles of real merit. in this co nection, we advise our patrons-Rho aro about to purchase a Piano, Organ-or Melodeon, it, call at Wm. Drrritice's Musk, Store, at Towin da, before buying elsewhere, as the instruments sold by W. D. aro really the only first class in every respect. The Decker -Brothers, - flatlet & Camden, and Conrad Myers' Pianos have now been before the publi c . for twenty years and more. The Pelaubet & Co. and Slut 'linger Organs and Melodeons for sixteen years. All of them are known to be as near perfection au it is possible to make them, and are giving the most entire satisfaction to all who hennaed them. Our prices arc low, and will sell Pianos I from $250 to $1,500; Organs from $BO to $1,000; Melodeons from $75 to $:100. Sheet 3lusic, and Instruction Books for Pianos, Organs, Melo deons, and Violins, always en band. To those I who would Like instruments from other makers not mentioned above, we say, give us your or ders and yon shall have them on short notice. Recollect, ladies and gentlemen, that Professor W. Brrtincu bias bad experience for over twen ty years in the above business. Tuning and re pairing done, if wanted. Erir Niss ADDLE PAssuonu will open a SclCbt 641601 in the room lately occu pied by 3OBS OSBORNE, Mareh 7, IM7O. Terms ;5 to i 7, according to studs ,s puratted. ar3 • crxtuoinations of teach ers will be held iot follows: Lerayarille, Mon; day April 11th, at Public School Howie: Towan da, 'Tuesday April 12th, at Public Silio' House; Troy, ThursdaY April 14th, at Public SC/10 0 1 HMISC; Tairanda, Saturday May 28th, School Honiat Teachers will plcaao brin pen, ink. lead pencil, foolscap and reader. Ex orcises will commence promptly at 9 A. M. A. A. KEEN U, March 17, 70. County Superientendcat. • ter, No excuse for goin g r , dirty. Seven bars of soap fur 23 cents, at the Itud, White and Blne store on Bridge Preet• March 10, 1870. M„. YOU can save money on every thing in our line at the lied, White and Ulna Store. "Try it, and satkry yonrselTen. Sept. 9, 1999. BRAWHALI. N. RIDGEWAY. FOB SALE.—J. R. CoousAron, of Willies-Barre, Pa., offers cr sale the valuable Beal Ratan) formerly belonging to Saloman Whitcomb, deed, situated at neottsville, Wyo ming county, Pa., containing about 450 acres, about 75 improved, balance good coil, well tim bered, good waterpower, Ne. The farm is on the river, grind bnildmes, orehard, never fail ing running water at the dtior. Beantibilly wrnated, convenient for buginess—worth 820;- GN); will be sold for Terms easy. Bar gain for any one.. Dec. 2, 1889. Var . We guarantee satisfaction in all the work we do. We cut, make, and trim clothing for men and boys wear. H. Haunts &Co, 4 Bridge Street, Towanda, Pa. FARM FOR RALE Tti LITCHFIELD TON- Slll.P.—The subscriber offers for sale his valits hie farm, lying In Litchfield township, 160 acres under good sttite of "improvement, the balance heavily timbered with oak. and pine. Within ,the miles of the Pa. A: N. Y. It. IL toed six miles Irmo the N. Y. A: E. B. O , IIVO/iellt t 4, school. church, store, - t For. particulars in , quire of the sukiscrdier on the premises. I. A. J. Lamm Litchfield, Feb. 7, 1870-tf. New Advertisements. D .CLARK'S BRADFORD COUNTY APPOINTMENTS Dr. Clark has taken parlors at the Ward House. Towanda, Pa.. and will be there on Monday, Tues day, Wednesday. Thursday. Friday and Saturday. February 14. f 5 . 16. 17. 1$ and 19. 11:70, and also every Saturday during tits trip in Bradford county. Ulster, Monday. Feb. Milan, • Tuesday, - - Athens, Ex. Hotel, Wednesday, Waverly, ldiner'n. Thursday, . Barclay. Friday, Towanda, Saturday, Burlington. Mondiiy, West Burlington, Tuesday, East Troy. Wednesday, Troy. Troy Holum, Thursday - , Sylvania, Fridsy, Towanda, Saturday, Standing Stem. Monday, licimmertield Cr'k, Tuesday. Wyalusing, Wednesday, Brescutown, Thursday, Monroeton, - Friday, Towanda, Saturday, Borne. Monday. Lettoyville, Tuesday. Waren Centre, • Wednesday, West Warren, ' Thursday, Orwell, Friday. -, , Towanda, , Saturday; Ulster. Monday. t. East Smithfield, Tuesday, ,Bentley Creek, Wednesday. Gillett's Station. Thursday, . Mosiervillo. Friday, Towanda. Saturday. Franklindale. Monday, West Franklin. Tuesday, Leßoy, • , Wendnesday. East Canton, Thursday, Cantos, -Central," Friday, Towanda. ~. Saturday. Myersburg, Monday, Herrin villa. Tuesday, • Stevensville, Wednesday, Spring Rill, ' Thursday. Camptown, Friday. Tonda, • _ wa . t3aturday; Ihirlington; Monday, Springfield, • Tuesday, Smithfield, Wednesday. Centreville. • Thursday, Greutt Creek. Friday. Towanda, Saturday. Monroeton, Monday, New Albany, Tuesday, New Era, Wednesday, Terrytown, Thursday, Asylum, • Ftiday. Towanda, Saturday, Sheshequin, Monday, Sento Litchfield, Tuesday. .seed. Wednesday, Tioga Talley. Thursday, Athena, Es. Hotel, Friday. Towanda, Saturday, Monroston. - Monday, • Granville Centre, Tuesday Granville Summit, Wednesday. Alba, Thursday. Trey, Troy House, Friday,. Toslmds, Saturday, Luther's Mills, Monday. Leone, Tuesday, Columbia X Roads, Wednesday, Austinsillo," Thursday. Aspinwall Corners, Friday, Towanda, Saturday. • Rome, - Monday. Potterville; . Tuesday. . • \- \ Russelham Ce lville, Wednesday,. " is Windntre, Thursday. , " 19 North Fteme, Friday. 29 owsnda, Saturdar, Monday, Tuesday. WediteSday, ,T Thursday. and Friday. May 21,25, SI, 25, 26, 27. IMP. 1. 1575. • VAIIT IN.---WHEREAS MY N.../ Wife Annielif a.co hss left her bed and board without lest cause provieation. I hereby forbid all persons harboring r trusting her on my account as I will pay no debts of\ her contracting after this date, G. W. DITTATOCK. Asg,lum, March 1.2.15 7 0-or*. TOWANDA - COAL 4- ANTHRACITE AND arrinaso COAL& The undersigned, having leased the OthiYard and Dock at the old 4. Barclay Basin." *adjust ththpleted s large Coal-house sad Once upon the premthes. are now prepared to furnish the Minna of Towanda and vicinity siththedUrereutkludsandathes ottheabirre. named coals upon the most reasonable tams in quantity desired. Prices at the Yard until farther notice : Sma Urge ll Egg 4 60 tilt SO SO I Stove 4 10 • Chestnut 4 no' "Barclay ,'E 4 p ' .. or Mines • G On O . 4 Pine or Bladionith The;following additional charges will. be node for delivering Coal within the borough Uaolti : Per Trhi...so costa ; liOrtra for saying in, 60 cents. UdtTon'..96 • w 4. w gr.T0n...23 " •• 4. hi Or4l.ll;Par be left at the Ts* comer 41E411. read end Bltstbelh Streets, or at SG O. Puna% Wag Stare. .3L.Ordessiansi In an ewes be aemorasaled with Ilaregeb. - • - Wale. 1,111111111: Yee as: Nei. 1, 11114—.1 • pow to CO Invite their friends and customers to favor them with l their presence on the occasion of their PENING DAY, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1870 They ithso tto.ttil ihetuselves of this Opportunity to expritss their thanks for the very many expressions of W. Dirriticei kindness and sympathy tendered to em in consequence of the interrup- tiou to their business by tire. Assur- ing iheir former enstoineis that with OM NEW STORE, Which will be found much more commodious than their former one eunabling them to keep a larger and MEE CO•MPLEI than before, with prices adjusted to the new bafis, witll a STOCK ENTIRELY NEW El= FRESHLY BOUGHT With the advantages of a resident April partner in New York City to furnish all Neiv Goods' as they appear in , • the market It will be their aim to furnish a 33 2122 2 3 ANY BEFORE OFFERED And on a lower scale of prices than has been made for many years. ? Which will he E STOCK STOCK SUPERIOR THIS MARKET, , BOOTS AN.D..,SHOESI The himsA and most complete u sortment of goods in this line ever offered iri Towanda is now being re- ceived at HUMPHREY BROTHERS, Ws call special attention to our stock of HENS' AND - BOYS' FALL AND WINTER WEAR, nearly comprising all kinds of FINE AND HEAVY WORK FOR FARMERS, MECHANICS, "AND MINERS. All the latest and most popular styles of LADIES', i. m gsFs', and CIIIIMREN'S Shoes, in Goat, French and - Glove Kid Serge, Calf or Buff. At all tina.4 customers will find Uur assorbniqd Of goods; um:iv:110 in this market and the prices at the lowest, figures We offer in our TRUNK DEPARTMENT au twasually attractive stuckof SARATOG A & FRENCH THU N KS; TRAVELINO HARNESS AND SADDLERY We call the attention of HOIEe men to our immense variety of Carriage and Team Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Blankets, Whips and Robes IMI This department is directly over our Shoe Store,•and will at all times be fully stocked with all goods be- longing to the Harness trade thing in the line will be made-on shortnotice and by experienced first < clas6 worlanen. 18-69 11 4 1 pItTY YEA•RS F Testily 1 10 the fair delling and public appreciation of the hew 0 ON'TA.I\T - ZES, CORNEA OF MAIN ST. AND PVBLIC SQVARE, TOW,ANDA, PA _ .4 __ . Full stud. IA 6t4p;.• and 1,,p-} DILI: GOODS. lAn elegant aseortutent of WALL AND WINDOTV PAPERS Npeeil L pie of GILT WALL PAPEII CROCKERY . AND GLASS WARE, iv all styles--own importation Full lino of GROCERIES. SHELF AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, , • • 1 CABPETS, OIL CLOTH ANTI MATTING& An exbra stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMEI?ES, READY-MADE CLOTHING BOOTS AND SHOES ; All kiodi of LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS. HATS, CAPS, AND UMBRELLAS, Thnilni;"Yalises and Traveling Bags. ons AND PAINTS, yynallb Enarsnteed. and Priam below the general w et.. ,10st reaelve.d; 100 dozen PATENT "GEM" FRUIT JAB, Ail glass, self seam, at anaaulattaret's rico In lbw siikatt as Goods In ententund mist, en. minded Ws side at Nen Teat dty• public an rr i rainl!kt an . and lonnins 1141 VOR SALE=-A FARM OF FTFTI "Actesolittda the Bortniiiti usdta. saitabge for minor lota. Inquire of Chain Xerear., at the Gem of the 11/1 Crock Bltatobgat Company; Ver ona% Pa • • M. 29,.. 1,10-tif 'POE SALE AT A' BARGAIN.— .a. noordwidllog bows, oultsblo for a ossall bud tY. Woe of lot 7C z 100 feet. lovalro of the editor of ads piper ro t E. BABB= torus mat. . F OR SA L OFFER FOR Sale my residence aitneted on the coiner of •Elizabeth and Second streets. It is ones of the most &arable altuatkma in town. If not sold soon it will be for rent. Persons denting information as to, tams, to.. will pleuenall the at the Towanda Cad Company's °See. March It VIARIN FOB SALE.-IsSITUA A• tad in Monroe tinrmaittp, Bradford county. .11. a. boining L. Rockwell. aerobia, mile tram Monroe orough, on the main road to E. W. Male's, contain ing 15 acres. 13 improred;with s good home and barn and some fruit thereon; the property-a Jacob Magill. deceased. For farther information Logan on the premises. 'Much 10-3 m, EWA MAOTLL. VOR SAL E.-I OFFER . FOR F Sale my residence situated' on the corner of Second and Elisabeth streets. ft 4 one of the most desirable situations In town. Wiles sold soon it will be for rent. Persons desiring information as to terms. ,kc., will pleese call on me at the Coal Office of Messrs. Ward , k Diven. March 8-w3 HOUSE: AND LOT FOR SALE.--, The imberriber will sell her raddenes, situa ted on the comer of Lochst avenue uses Cherry atrert. Lot 601150. Two 'dory [nuns house. ans raining seven well-arranged rooms. Patera and well Memo. Buildings no* and in good repair. For term inquire at W. A. Peek's law office, or, at the robsetlber. on the premises: March 3. 1870. - Mild. E. L. WO9DRIIPT. VARMS -FOR - SALE.-AN PROVED Farm containing 100 acrea, about SO acres improved.- with good framed house and barn. ALSO—A farm of 90 acres, partly improved. no buildings; with a large quantity of yellow pine Vim box growing upon It. ALSQ—One of 100 acres or more, I trrlmproved. with white oak and other Umber growing upon It. All are within four miles of Towanda and offered for sale on easy terms. • OEO. P. CASH. Teiwanda, Marsh 1-w4 DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE CEIFAP.—Owing totll.health the under- signed offers for sale cheap a good limas, Barn. Wagon and Blacksinith chop, with about IN gazes of laud. Two good wale, a cistern. and plenty of good fruit trees thereon. This. property is located in Shesheeptin township, Bradford county, Pa.. on ou the river road, and" near a good school and' ~hnreh. Frowesainn given immediately. Fur 'fur ther particulars 'inquire of the proprietor, G. W. Vincent. at Towanda Agricultural Works. or Wm. Snyderolih.hequiu, - Pa. " G. W. vnicErr. Feb. 8, 1870-11 11BARE CHANCE -A 'Lim with ; crop ready to Lai-Vest to pay for it. A re served.tiztiber lot on the place, mills -bandy.lss screw. - Barn 30148 with basement. noose 18128. I Outbuildings. two orchards (formerly two farina). ITitle good. Situate in South Owego. itevim miles from Owego. Textile easy. If not sold anon will be ' rented to a ),arty that' wilt market the wood and lumber. Western property taken In part pay. For wile:dart. whlres • H. B. GIFFARD, Feb. 2, 1870. Wheaton. 111. , VARM FOR SALE-A: GOOD , x. • 'Stock Farm. aituaie in 'Middlebury township. Tioga cmunty. Pa.. on Crooked Creek. about 4t • lodes from the s Wage of Tioga, and on the line of the propoaed railroad tc; Wellmboro, &nown as the Clark Cute fano. Counting 300 acres. 'To be sold all together or - in parts. Three tenant houien. three I barns, h. sides the Mani-ton house, which is one of . the En-st in the township, With plenty of good fruit on the premises. TermiOcasy. For particulars in .'plire on the promises. or of J. B. Potter, of Neils . bort,. or D. T.. Aiken, Tioga. March 2i.Pvvik . P I - LIAM'S AND HOUSES AR. THE -IL - . rEorLI: I ! We offer for sale severrl hundred' Wood FAJIMS and PLANTATIONS in Va., Da., end the .Camlinas well located and healthy, some with good improve ineuts and extra land—which we will, ref/ es's:Tr/cap. and on easy terms, 'Phi , Prices range frma Five to I Fifteen dollars per acremnd once rap will more than Pay for tho cost of the property. We will refer pur :closers; to parties here who have bought of its with in the past few months, and are offered au advance of over fifty per emit. Pull partiodnis furnished on application. We are now iiiganizinit n colony of , Pennsylvanians to go south next spring. A good • I opportunity for all good citizens. A pro.ipecting party will visit the south the lit of January—a/1 why; risk can go at reduced rates of fare by applying t to us, Over-65,000 acres of first-class Pine. Oak. Ce- I dnr and ('}phis timber on navigation at from 1 to to ..?..i 00 per acre. Terms Patty and all titles mural'. teed perfivt. ' If. M.ILCOM DWYER d; CO., Dealers in Real Ecstate,lll Walnut street, Jan. 12, 18:0, Philadelphia. t I'LI.TABLF DAIRY - FARM .L 1_ roe saLs.—The subscribers offer foraale their fine Dairy Farm, situated , Pep miles east of Green. wood, Nfelleuil• Co., Ipinuti. Said farm contains three hundred and twenty acres choice land, describ ed as follows : 100 acres choice tunlieilst, 100 'acres meadow, and 00 mires under the plow. Good dwel ling-house mid outbuildings- large atilt, barn :16x00. and good horse barn. The finest dieing springs In the country. running through a citnimodious.spring tionsc. Is capable of keeping 75 'caws. and is only 1 , , miles from Abbott's elicesenLiory. Terms one hail cash.imlance in easy payments at 0 jar cent. in terest.' Rferences.--11. Gerould, It- S. McHenry. 'Greenwood. 3lcllenry Co., Ill.; or F. S. Ayer.Rhesh, quiu. F. S. ATHR. May S. 1805—tf. 11. S. AVER. Anv- New Advertisements. p Elf lIT :NI. C S T R 4. Whilt PIGS. r Pure blood short horn. Durham. Pernii„gililerney and .kyreshire calves Mmthdowu and.Gotire 0 old cheep, Cashmere goats, Imported sutrox: herikiddre and Sefton pigs, and all etnnee breeds of poultry for sale. Send for circulars and prices. Address S. P. BOYER k CO.. • janlib3to Parkesbarg. Chester CO., Pa. M TILM3E EGOS OF PURE BRED Fat CT We Bate nt hand the largest and best s.dection of Fancy Poultry to be found iu the coiintry. Eggs carefully boxed and shipped to*any part of tlis coun try. For Circulars and prices, address . • N. P. BOYER & CO., . , jantii.:tin Parkesburg. CReater CO., Pa. NEW HARDWARE STORE ! 111; OPENINe. IN CAVION a lICNV and votopleto aiohOrtshent of II A.P DV7 - A. V., E. Onr , stock Is new and we are offering it to the pub. he at prices that defy competition. Any onel2l want rif Stores can tint' with us the latest improvements and knoot desirable styles, Our Cook Stove, the -A:UREIC:S.7'i IMPROVED. is aoknowledged by deal era and the public nn general, to Le superior in bak ing awl cooking qualities, to anythin,t n'.* in mar ket. We have c'Auggyrim's Tout,. NAIL,'. 11 , 1R.E SLIORA - AND Lames, Las - rmise. Itcurvi, Ilotrww Wass. STAUPLI) TINWARE, CUTLERY. /cc. tau. Give us a call. We are prepared to convittoo yol2 that we can sell as cheap, and a little cheaper, this any otter place in the county. PIERCE & TRIPP. 11, TIM?. 'I3EO. Canton. Jan. 12.1870 F BROWN, .r 37 MAIN STREET, TOWANDA, PA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 2jl2;TiC+G-IST • The subscriber respectfully announces to the pub lic in general that he has on band a large and well Felected stock.of a • • DRUGS, - • MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PADITB, OIL,• VARNISHES WINDOW GLASS, DYE STUFFS kc., ke: • All the popular Patent Medicines of the day. PURE WINE AND LIQUORS pLASS AND NAILS. For Afedical pnrposen only .P E U iERY. 1 Fancy and Toilet articles. Soaps of every description, Thermomelers, Bathing. Surgeons, end. Common Sponges, Hair Brusbes,.. Tooth Brushes. Du smith{ Combs, Pocket and Fine Combs, Powder. • 4 1, Tooth Powders, • h Tooth Washes, and Tooth Soaps. And other articles he:longing to the Dreg trade too numerond :o mention: Haying the Agency of the GREAT U. 'S. NBA COMPANY, To purchnocto of goods in Mote " line Physicians prescriptions and family receipts com pounded by persons thoroughly competent, al, all _holm of thir day.or bight, • Thankful for the past liberal patronage. Ire. spectrally salted a continuance of the same. pledg ing myself that no effort shall be spared to make my estaldishment seamdto rums In this section. Dr. T. F. Madill may be consulted at this store as heretofore., F. W. BROWN. Jan. el, T EXT CELEBRATED SELF ' in Flour. at - C. B. PATCH'S. May 98. FISH. -- SHAD, 1 lii.ACKARE/AL, Harting. Cocoas, nalabat, Codfish. Acc.. at Match 4, '70." W. A. ItOCIWELL'B. OAKES AND CRACKERS.-GBE dna Bend. Scotch nanny. Orange, Raison, Lem .on and Ginger Cakes, Washington Itintbka sad Coffee Btaccut. and *MU& of Crackers at limb 4, 'lO. , W. A. ROCKWELL'S, MACKEREL, TROUT, WHITE risb, CoaAM ma Benin. west 4 Ins._ IL N. SCOTT. WM. scarr. pouLTRY FOR RATCIIFM I itICOFFpit OREkR'INDUCFMENTS ORPHANS -BY virtue of an order howl not tif llMOrpihnuf . Court of Bradford county. Se edaldlaHtprrpia of Catharine. Wry A. and MO Trabler. minor eb Urgex es po ofse Tram. Me of Maim dord. at - pate° ads as an pramirm ea LITUIDAY, ILUt. Albany ca sMelOplgy allinad losing amerfbed itrzcam u, methy=lands * r a t n Mahe -Shod& eon* by Gems Itinot mod resod, *lra Randall Mid Joba IfelLamen. OP ofes, more we Mac about 20 aeon Magle_lol. and km ftso tome lbsancm, ; 7111•11. lobo pald on the Droned, being stria* dorm VlOO conlinuation and the rerdase In two sonsal install• Montle: with Intersotflan frror and Brat pannent to be; made one yew from ernifiinsofkon, AXIS 017111121 M, lreb. 21, 1070. LIST OF itAllltS OF PERSONS drawn to be Trevene AWNS ill delllll. mon Plea. and Quarter ges&ea, to bs to tie Borough of Troy. ce WCOADAY, KAI= 111. Athol. tairfp, Wm 0 Therstes; Mesas Dam. W Clapp, 7 T yap; tem. 11111fdieger; BurilVou Westarodmidr 0 to DWI* AII4IIIW Stanton; Contoo Meg... Chat sew • Jaime letobum; Golumbla. Joke pled Latthoar; Gemens. liebaft Poem; Itiddiele. SHYciWoWi Monroe tap.. P L Bederall. Griggs; OrweU. W I Payees; Plke tap.. 0 W Pet. Waiteroseph Pierre. Beether: iddetarrp. r Pierre. /Mao Serf. a 1 Hubbard; Bodthdeid. DWI= Cilllpba, X grade: Towanda Borough. W W leambalL 311 Palm. W D Gore, Alexander Din% 0 V NM, Ira Was; Troy Bore, C t Opener; Troy tap., Mee: • Towanda erm, B B Beriall; lIIMer. Mei Hatemebr Wltol. OW= Allan; Warm. Bathe* lleenimear. J. P. VAN MICH! Emir. VXteIITOIt'S 14 sauce t bare* sires araresses blgob‘ ed to th e mate ed. JAMB Q. We el IWO. deld,deeessed, me mgametel Se make illialltmWe raif meats, sad all paw liaise dear WWI mid estate mat prmatel_ them deli_ __estbradeMedtoe eeftlemeat. 7111711CLEII TRACY. WM= Eseateota•- rte: zi. itrais ORPHANS' COURT SALE.---BY .irtue of warder lamed intt d the On alase Court of Bradford 00., the nadendgmed..stbalatas. tor of the state of Dram Can:Oen decamed. wt expose at public sale cm the prmises.WILDNESDAT. APRIL 20. uno. at I o'clock pun., the foDeatag 4- ectbed lot. piece or parcel atsamba is Utdi fidd township. bounded as fell to eft: On De north by lands of Wife= end Jaen& It. Brown. east by Wm. Canybell. south by A. T. D. Teed, and on the west by & B. Canon and A. J. Layton. containing about 03 acres of land. mews or lees. Terms 050 - on the property being stracirdosm and the balance en confirmation of said the Court. W IL March 33, In% (IRPAANS' COURT SAIS.-BY 8._,/ Virtue of an order Issued out of the Orphans' Court of Bradford county, the undersigned admizair of Henry Keyser. deceased. sill expose pa pnblie sale on the premises. en WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20. 1870, at 1 ti clock, p.m., the followind described lot, piece or parcel of land, situate in Athens township. Bradford county, bounded and described as follows: On the north by lands of J. DJ Reyser.,eflat%/ends iu posnessisn of Royal Yangorder. month J. J. Thompson, and on the west by the Ittiognshanna river, said laud being a strip on the mouth side of what is known am the Keyser place. about 35 rods in width, containing about 75 aeres of buld, -- more or lose. TEsl3ll4—.onotourth of the purchase money to be paid on the property being atrnek down, ono-fourth on confirmation of the sale by the Court, and the balance in one year from - conflnitanos with Intereat from confirmation. RETSFJt WALKER, Mang!, 2.1. 1870. • Administrators TRIAL LIST, MARCH TERM, 1870, AT Tito Daman Iron Co. vs.. Dant k Fitch Lase Francin Sherman vs. V. M. Long appeal IL Whitman vs. H. F. kJ. F,Munsly.......arpkal Armenia Township vs. J. P. Burnham _rasa B. J. Hovland vs. J. C. Warburton.... A. C. Moore vs. Ersatus Kiff et. a 1 ..... W. S. Dobbins va. Troy Tosmahle,.... 1.. Pratt vs. H. N. Williams.. . ; ... ?Alvin Seward vd. A. Colboru IC C. Moore vs. John Cammina. Spruutfield Unmet'lp ca. J. 3. Philips • (11.14 John 'Wardwell as. Vim S. Doblaixua ease O. D. Perry vs. Jackson Horton appeal Parnona &" Carnochan vs. Alonzo Longs adm' a appeal A: C. MOore • a. John Cummins .. debt. Henry 31ill&Va.11itharalel fludtb's exr's. debt Julia Axtell et. al. vs. C. T. Merry et: al...ejectment 0. P. Ballard ejectment W. It. Poster re. W. A. Porte" ejectment F. H. Perron vs. Lyon & .Loeb. . • appeal Subpeonaa returnable on Monday. Harsh 23. MHO, at 10 o'clock. a. tn. • W, A,l - 2101103, Prat. DMINISTRATOR'S . NOTICE.- Nettie - is herebj given to all persons indebted to the estate of LIMEY ViAlifaat We of Hari& fif•Ceal.43ll, roust make immediate payment. and all mersons having elatins against said estate taut pre sr et them duly authenticated for settlement. HUGH PARK, Administrator. Feb. IG. I/370 A D3IINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Notice Is hereby given that all persons indebt ed to the estate qt-0111112E5 ROCIEWELL late of \ Canton, clea'd., are regneated to make inttnediqa payment, and all persorus having claims against said eatate utsnit prkaeut the tame dilly authenticated fve atttlrtnent.N. SMITH. Feb. 157 . 0' Atbahlanktf. PROCLAMATION. -WHEREAS, Hon. PARRIS B. STREETER. Provident Judd. of the 12th Judicial District. consisting bf the coun ties of Bradford and Susquehanna. mad Roam. Z=ac tnr and J. W, V.toßriut, , Aasociate Jadess. in and for said contleY of Bradford. hale Word 112.1r precept boating datefttb ltth day of Peb'y, 11070. to to al., directed for holding • Court of , fieneral Quartet Session of the , Peace. Coln. /..13 Pleas and Orphans Court. at Troy for the . County of Bradford. on Monday. March 2 1 1 1870, to continue tins week. 'Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coronere. and-Justices of the Peace, of the County of Bradford. that they be them and there in their proper person. at 10 o'clock to the forenoon ontaid day, with re. ante. inquisitions and other remembrances, to de those things which to their once appertains to be done; and those who are bound by recoginsanos or otherwise to prosecute against the piaioners who are or may be in the jail of said county, or who shall be bound to appalr at the said d'art are ti be then and' there to prosecute against them u shall be just. Juront are requested to be punctual in their Atka dance. agreeably to their notice. Dated at Towanda. the 234 day of Feb'y. in the - year iof our Lord. one thousand eight hundred end seventy. and of the Independence of the Visited states, the ninety-third. . J. P. FLEW.. APPLICATION FOR THE BEN EPTT OF TILE ENSOLVMST LAWS. To my creditors. take notice. that I Edward J. Maim have applied to the comet of common pleas of Bradford county for the benefit of the insolvent laws of this CommouWalth, and that the court have flied the , Grit-Monday of May nest_for' a Waring of myself and my creditors; '- March 2i, 1870. EDWARD J. lculorw. APPLICATION DI DIVORCE.- TO John Granger—No. 434 Dec. term, 1860. You are hereby_notined that Elizabeth Granger, your Fife, by her mat Wend Darius Bennett, kaa ed to the court of common pleas of Bradford county. for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and Um said court has appointed Monday. the 2d of May. Mu, for hearing the said Elizabeth ' in tbe%prem• lees, at which time and place you can -attend if you think proper. = APPLICATION IN DIVORCE.- To 'Daniel Frazer.efo. 205 -Dec- term, Dip.— Yon are hereby . notified that Jane Frazer, your wife.by her next friend, D. Wells, Applied to the court of Common pleas of Bradford for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and the said court hal appointed Monday, the 24 of May, Nth. for bearing the mid Jane Framer In the prem. • toes, at which time and place you can attend if yon think proper. J. DEBBY VAN FLEET, March 16-tt Sheriff. APPLICATION IN . DIVORCE.— To Lucinda Pretichly. —.We. 692 Dec.term,l669. You are hereby notified that Lucinda Exenchly,your wife, by hex next !dead. J. W. Rarrey, has applied to the court of common pleas of Brad, ford county, for a divorce from the bonds of Naha snoop:it/id theadd court has appointed Monday. the 2d day May. MO. for heading: t he said Ludas , in the premises . at which time 'ad piaci you con at tend if you think proper. J. PELGRY TA fixer. .Bberift Marcb 16-4 t t A PPLIOATIh,N IN DIVORCE.- Xl-Tu Barn Chrispell.-ISo. 428 Mc tterm. =lron arc hereby nothlled that Philitus L. 11, your husband has applied to the court of common pleas of Bradford county. for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony. and the said cant has appointed Monday, the 2d day of May. 1820. for hearing said.Philitna in the premises, at, which time, and place you can attend if you think .1. PUNY yAR PLEET, March IE-4t. A PPLICATION IN DIVORCE- Tonay Walken—No. 280 Dec. ecru'. '2369. lino are hereby notified that Elijah "Walker, your husband. boa applied to the court of common pkaa of Bradford county, for a divorce from the hoods of matrimony, and the odd court has appointed Mon day, the 24 day of May, 1870. for hnuft saki Zillah in the 'meadows. at which time and pboe you an attend if you think mope. J. DEBBY VAN TM% Sheriff Mischl6.;4t Ifbcollansota DISSOLUTION. THE FIRM OF Matadi Bros. k Co. is Oda day dissolved -by mutual consent The badness wilt' be continued. and all accounts will be settled by Marshall Bros. All persons indebted to the lste Orna will WI mad settle to immediately, as all accounts mud be gelded date. Z. T. WARBWAXL. Towanda, Birch 1. ID. W. L KANSKALIA. DISSOLMION.-P.D.NORROW .the Arm Mercer Morrow 11=1; VC: Davie*. Ta ll Lae taken the place of Mn Id mow. sad time host. nets will be copied on la the flan Milne of Mem k Davies. They will slave apthe boobies of Ma , ear & Morrow.. ; • MYSEEB XERC7I. P. D.10:4121P. R. T. DATILEIL Marcb:l, 1810. opxoS.-01110, WF:ST BRANCH and Orwell Clover Bowl. and Ohio Timothy Seed for sate at March 4, '7O. P LASTER. - 800 TONS BEST uga Growl& Plater at May MD. Zoo. torten. Pa.. for Which' all kinds at Orsinirill tat taken in 'aschangt Match W.A. ItOCKTELL. A.NED FAIIIT-PEACHES , G Pine APPloo,Peors. Elmo. Tamskos. beaks. Stromberries. Wbortlbortioo. Coen, roe and al varieties of Mika.. • Mach 41, W. A. =OM= pia:PEEL—THE LARGEEM AS .ate of Pipes for . si st • Igarch 4, 'TO. W. A. 111XZWICIVS. ALL HINDS, GROCERIES AND isions .s$ irbdeSdssea il& ab Ms? Pt . I. PATCH'S. .reptena trespass • -••PPea ". • •lIPPeoI ...appeal J. PERRY VAN FLEET. 41Yeriff. MI W. A. IU)Mn:LL•&