Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 10, 1870, Image 3

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- zg,ritz.l
Scpr Aim , a vaigable
Louse sad . lot for isle
gir The Elkehei ~.110 4 0 1 ,,,,,h,
woomt bueisees destroyed by last week.
o r Dr. E. A. , f3sArr has oommene
.N.l the practice or reeditine • •-•
l ei; H. P. A 1!? & C 0.11104 - par=
cb.,ed theTowanas 04 iFFmrsura !um at
se—We shall publish Ea the next
is sue of the Emma the remarltst of
. Co AIIBENUS au the Local Option BM, rude
in the House of !Sit month.'
it The trnoteee of the
toy Inebriate Asehtm offer • reward of WOO
for the aoreeheneloa and omrietion of the I+ar•
ty o r parries who met fire to the Asylum on Fri.
day night' .S : ; .
mit.. H. Emus k Co. have just re
f-ired and an now opening lb large andwe l ea
assortment of clothe and trimodnee.i
okitl,men Who Prize One Roods . and perfect ,
Ootlll Five them a cat,
:dr B. A. PrrrEs k Co. have re
ronced for • kw dais (to.-hare their flint% re.
r .,
*lp4l t. to the east stmeof Ifitserresoew block.
orriwied by R. Ji.. WuLlii for s coal office.
whore their old customers will, find them mute
la mot upon them with pleasure.
Va.. FRANCE & LANthz . a's Conatella
t,,n Troupe hare been perfermhsr at Ilizactnes
Hall for the omit week. The actors are old to
, nporinr to Haien generally found with such
tronnos.. Miss terms and Mn.a GAMIN. All
I N particularly applauded. They expect tore.
main ,everal dent longer. 1.
Cam- The ladies of the Congrega
tional Church of Leraysville trill hold a Festival
on the eveninn of March 16th, 14 J. P. CAJAL%
( , •r the benefit of said Church.- Tableaux.
tunic, refreshments he. roll be the order of
th,• cr. niul . A cordial invitation is extended
in kr.
vs,— The Bill of Fare of the Lk
,. Ball, worked in gold and colors, has
t - on laid on onr table. It bears exidence of
tb taateful handiwork of cur former foreman.
r. H. At.t.ra. now in the johns:ma of the Bain-
Font , Itimon-rrit. It is an excellent specimen of
Norihfra Tier Gazette,
ter" We ]rave received a commit
,:i..stwo from a prominent citizen of this place,
with reference to the unlawful retailing of liquor
by clealerti and saloon keepers. The writer, al
.ugh ntA a member of any temperance ergs
i)romises to assist in the prokention
• ttifendt:rs against the laws. We will publish
them communication next week, and hope it may
Iron., others to action in this matter.
ma. J. 0. Fsosr desires to have it
tirrally understood that. his large stock of
l'innitare is to he Saki at pries lower than any
cstahlishmint in Bradford county can
in order to male room for new goods.
Early in the reason he will commence the man
tuic, of all kmas of cabinet furniture. Give
SW About a year since, Messrs.
KINNEY established themselves in
h.. y business in Parrott's Block, and
• raid another store "couldn't be made
Eat :" but judging from appearances, we Tens
ita.. !IA araPrtion that they are having a fine
than of iuttruniige. They are industrious ruing
1.1,.n• doing their own work, saving the expense
f elerk hire, which enables them to sell gocids
at a very close margin' Theirmanner of doing
I.ugie,aa appearta to please their customers, as
e man bais of them once he never leaves
School Board have made an advance
tam. ni”ut by increasing the 'salaries of their
tit y teachers. They were obliged to do it be
they were "daily !Doing teachers. The
47 • zly., justly, and it is just as true iu 8rad
.1.,r.1 ennuiy and elsewhere
!, ellec tnal services aro alerayamoreitiiggaid
i i , ,ittited than labor of the muscles; but here
hemte, educated womes "wearing them
,ut" phvaicalls as well as overtaxing
•h(ln , Plves inteilectnaliv, for the money. that”iy find them the necessaries of life.
Timr.—The Troy Graded School
111.1 glV.` an exhibition at LoNo's Ball on Fri
,,ay evening. March 18, c , msisting of recitations,
original and selected, and Toad and instrnmen
-151 inuNic. Mrs. 0.11 DAvisos will preside at
the piano, and CHARLEY E. GLADDING will
rect in the quartettes and choruses. Miss llosz
vonc, of Lock Haven, well known as a pian
ist and composer, will take part in the exercises.
Prizes tall be awarded to the students for in.
p..! i. , rity in elocution. The proceeds of the en -I
1, nail:MIA will be used to purchase an organ
• the st 11001. Admission 25 cents.' This wil
t:: bout doubt one of the pleasantest enter
isinments-ever given in Troy.
—Prof. CHAS. E. GLADDEN° is to conduct a
Convention in Troy, commencing on
the 22d inst.
At a regular meeting of Frank-
Coatpauy, No.l, held at the Edging
R.u.e, Saturday evening, March 5, 1870, the
ottt4o were elected for the ensuing
F.4 - ,man—lxa 11. HMPHREY:
F:r,t Assistant-4i M. BROWN.
S.A•uuti . 1 1..sistant —J. C. LINO.
cretary --JEFF. S. CART.
Treasurer-01.ot. F. TAYLOR.
PipcM.lll—W3l. H. PEPPAND.
Mt. Foreman, upon taking his Place as chair
mkt of the meeting, delivered a timely and sp
rrrtru.te address, dellnina' the proposed course
.fdtstlpline and action, which was mot with
the unatumous approval of the Company. Chief
Lacn. er, Miaiouu., and Assistant
t.l„_f,W. C. Bookar, wery called upon and each
, etpoL,led to bilef though able remarks. Al.
thrce rousing cheers and a huge "tiger,"
me, tine adjourned to meet again on Satyr-
II Inst.. at 7 p.m. S. S. C.
PEnsoNAL —We learn that Wm.
err, of this place, has been tendered,
han accept.xl the position of General Ship-
Ag.nt for the Blessbnrg coal mines. .His
ht . r.dquarters sal be at Watkins, N.Y. While
, erc gra:tiled that Mr. 13rrrrr has secured a
ncratit e reiqteni,-we regret to lose hum is a
-.N. I : 4 l , :sor.tio, who has been engaged in
th,- .I...thn g business here for the past two
lies bold out his establishment to C.
scawAsz. Mr. K. comes well recommended as
business min, and will enlarge - the basi
n•ss. Mr. Boomtown°, we believe, intends to,ie a course of studies in New York prepay
.tvr, to engaging in some profession. He CU..
re, with him the good wishes of all who have
mad, his acquaintance.
W. T. Davits, Esq., succeeds Judge MOD
in the tirm of Mr.acilt h MOSTACIIC. : 117
cars actuation to business Mr. D., although
In'., a young practitioner, has secured an ex
tensive practice. It is a high and merited corn
-I.lna..nt, that be has been selected to take the
t. , lac, of Mr. Moscow; liannsii, of this place, is about to
to Lawrenceville, Tioga county, where
'h.• till opku a harness shop. Success to him.
W e notice that Judge itEactahas occupied
Chair during the discussion of the appro.
praticu bill in Committee of the Whole, in the
Lone of Representatives.
-W.. had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Naz
i ry, of the General Purchasing House et H. B.
Nsurr 1 Co., Philadelphia, last week. Mr. N.
s a s here ..n business connected with tus house.
rer.ols' wanting any article which cannot be
feand,tn this market, can send thdr order to
tlus house and have it piomptly attended to.
her particulars with regard to the' manner of
doing business, call at the Eapreas dace.
-J. IL Cot .nra returned from a WasterniziP
few Is3s since, quite ill. He is improving.
—We regret to debit that our old townsman.
Jut'- Woonaurr, is sick at Battle Creek,
where he now resides.
Tiiil EL , TELT, is in t,sii.
ewe 40111111441 . the
saw-pgra lobo Mood alma
OVEMIt_ 1 0 1 410“1141104/
Climot to as oxpodotood attar. Ng - I
a* 4loolot Ida of otrialoioothig pow. :-
at r airrenewite, ffift a llirlr truga , Lrk . b r i rftl e - lavo
not bees Waal vita scopystlior-ontionisod
it to boa ,Irstiat
seispeiworthsto:or.o.T. i xt. saampotic
Reg Itegialkiletaftevihigteb ”f_lllo l ,
Jend, Wanday, Wart* 14; To - Tneidizr.
Muth 111;:ilinnreetan, Wedsteity,
ROOM Thursday, March 17; • Illiyeniburg.
Karth Flieltblielk Win*. Mirth
19 ; API, 1 0 1 4friAFe% 11 .; YleAaMlo
is be the evening.
Zdifor.: The County
Calritetkie ed1.0.0.T.* to beheld-.bus an
the 16th but. A large attendencei is expected.
The members of ibis ord.: ss *Orneriest.
eontinaingibeir Mon lit Woe at tempersuce.
Onr public sehooliware suer so faU as du
i:lW the CartkWhlch, is ; sus , Th e 0 4
actionNieute b to be Xemorid br the Brit of
Aped). tossegitently them will be 'mare free
school tutU the new hone is tomidated.
I understand that Capt. SR L Namur was
urenUy caphire' d b 7 a Inns widow and hu
not been released.`
Dr. E. A. SZAW bas just taken ids residenee
in our clangs. Judgker from the hurrying to
and fro of Dm Damon ntsl Nona.. there is
business enough for the trio.
Mardi 4.1870. • -
• Sumer Wouns.—That part of our
speech which comes from our sires far bacli in
the days of yore is made op, in lime part, of
those short Medd which we can speak with one
milse of the breath and one stroke of the tongue.
Theatremo of time, through a long tract of
rears and from lands not our own, has brought
down to us a vast drift of new and strange
terms, poor as they are hnig; and by which we
lose in strength more than we gain in sound,
Bqt the good old stock of wads is not lost.
They shine out here and there from the heap,
in bright Debits, like stars when a fsg dims the
sir, or the face of the sky is dark with clouds.
It will pay us for our toil to name out these
games, and string them on the chain of our
thoughts, which will then shine with a new
light; and though the tongue may lose. in
mand r il will bean the more , fit-lo- speak -all
that the deep soul can feel. And it will pay
every housekeeper Unite as well to buy grocer
ies st McCans & MMh who always keep a fall
apply of goods suitable for family use.
ADDITIpNAL LAW,. '7oV:it—l ° , •D.
*lngo*, Esq.. of this plaCe, has been appoint
ed by Gov. (Izmir additional Law Judge for this
district, in pursuance of an act recently passed
by the Legislature. Mr. M.'s appointment was
asked for by nearly all the members of the bar
in the county, and gives tuaiverial satisfaCtion
to the people.
Mr. MORROW read law in U. Maxima's office,
and was admitted to the bar in September,
1858. .His clear and vigorous legalmind, added
to animal industry and persevenance, soon
Gained for him a lucrative practice. In 1861,
when G. H. WATKINS entered the army, be was
chosen by Judge Wilson as a law partner, and
subsequently, on Mr. Wumar's being appointed
Judge of the Court of CltiMS, entered into co.
partnership with Hon. U. 'Mzacra.
Although still a young man, Judge Idonnow
hat had an experience in the courts which_well
fits him for the new and honorable position to
which he has been appointed, and we doubt nut
he will become as eminent as magistrate as he
has been popular and successful as an advocate
and counsellor.
, ORWELL. —Mr. Editor: Atuong the
numerous correspondents from the different
tmenships; in your paper from week to week,
we find none from Orwell. Why is this? Can
it be that none of the people feel en interest in
having their township rep,rcsented in the Br.-
marts ? This state of things most be reme
died. Orwell, with its wealth and enterprise,
.111 of too much importance in the iffairsof Brad
ford county, to be longer orerlooke.i.
Orwell,' as you must know, Mr. Editor, is one
of the original townships of our county. It was
laid out in 1810, at the'first organization of the
county, then called Ontario, but changed in
An to Bradford, when it was fully oiganized
for judicial purposes. The town was once of
larger extent than it is at present, and includ
ed a part of the present townships of Borne;
Warren, Windham, and Pike. Among its first
settlers were Def lEL MICHELL, iota. BARNE2I,
. DAV.L.671.1. S. WOODRUT7 and T. Panituz,
whuae descendants still inhabit that goodly
town, and many of them now lire on tho home
steads where their fathers dwelt. lore they
.began to battle with the difficulties incident- 4 V)
a new country. But they were men not easily
disheartened. Their stalwart arms felled the
mighty forest, let in theglorions sunshine upon
those bills and valleys ; and after having seen
prosperity attend; them and their sons and
daughters growing up around them, they kayo
passed away to the silent land. Bet though
gone from among the living, their memory re
mains. Yea. they are living still in noble deeds,
and in principles of honor, industry and sobrie
, ty which characterize their descendants.
Orwell is in many respects a model township.
It has not, so far as I know, a single grog-sh.p
within its borders. There are some hard cus
tomers in its population, of eunrse—some, per
haps, who suck the black jug or bottle behind
the door, but such is the , moral sense of the
people, that no man can do this and be called
respectable or even decent.
They are, moreover, a religions people; no
religion, of course, to spare, lint thiiy are doing
what they can to .. teach the rising generation
their (Icahn' to their Maker. and L; their fellow
They have three or four church buildings in
the township, occupied by different denomina
tions, where tho preaching of the Gospel is reg
ular') maintained. The result of this moral
and religions training, which the people hive
enjoyed, may be seen and felt when election
day comes round. Out of some 270 votes poll
ed at that time, all but 23, or thereabouts, are
on the aide of freedom and the rights of man.
Success to Old Oratell and bor noble sons and
daughters! May their memory be cherished
and their example be imitated by generations
yet to come!
Orwell Hill—as its name indicates—is, I had
almost said, their seaport, or port of entry.
It is, at any rate, their general place of busi
ness, and of public resort. Here may be seen
the Metropolitan Hardware and Variety Store
of SAUT Buenos, situated on Main street,
where almost anything may be Lad, ,in that
line, from a crowbar down to a cambric needle.
If you do not see what you want, gentlemen,
don't be afraid to ask for it. Surer is quite a
genius in his wa,t, and if the article wanted is
nut on hand, Banff er his obliging clerks will
hunt the full moon, and the stars besides, but
that the thing called for shall be forthcoming.
So please call on Spiny—he will deal fairly by
you. Whether you see him mounted on his
three-logged stool behind his ' desk, or waiting
on a customer who calls for a penny's worth of
thread, the same bland smile is on \ his faie, and
his tongue is as smooth and oily assil fried in
butter or soaked over night in • I,ut of oiL
Saxes is a "cracker,"
Just across the street from BRONSON'S may be
found the grocery and dry-goods store ofsco
sots & Ftuseti. This store, though not met
ropolitan in its pretensions, is yet well stocked
with almost everything needed for the country
trade. The gentlemanly proprietors will do the
fair thing by all who call upon them, whether
mar, woman or child. No Mum, DO pretension,
no rheddy will find place in the dealings of CO
BURN b. Famous If not so bland and , smiling
es "Saw" over the way, they are equally es
honest and reliable in their dealings. • .
Mr. runt= is son of our Associate Judge,
Hen. Zs:Baur Fazunt, of that town—one of
nature's noblemen, "an honest man." The ju
dicial ermine has been in,thie cue worthily be
stowed. All honor to such sterling meal His
sons are following in his footstep!, and imitat
ing his example. Mr. Comet, too, Is Of good
descent ; his ancestors were from the land of
steady habits many years ago, and they brought
their principles of indistry and Integrity with
them into the wilderness.
"Jima " has not forgotten the lesson his
father taught him.. The only thing against
him is, he is an old Bach—he is doing nothing
for his country.
"Time on his two unequal
Keeps crawling round the old clock's face ;
Though none can see him shift his pegs,
Each is forever changing place,--''
end 1 will atop. Ton may hear from in. again.
Jos Dam.
-111 r TheW4 04 11 416 11 TelegniPh
opsosCas. idiom la Mame&
' the L Titossoux,
airW•ail indebtiCio McQa a
suz** ..peagishish vs *sma
inearm nest thootpich# tem the :tines
1 1 / : t•-•
_Sr Simimea HOW% tiro oUwe''
bump innud by lasoimakaamtiii, resiider
trcrlitOre bt-Montkve, OD SUM ly UMW
Ipb di. 11% fin*** kw qat
SS,OM whlch lie pay Jounme 001.
. •
Oar 3L DirCuArux - great 7
expkwer and iliscaterergtas been engag
ed by_the T. 31.01. of this Va*, to ;Whir two
lectures here on Tuesday afternoon sod Anon
lug, "larch SO. Mons. Dv CRENLIN reputation
s public lecturer draws crowded houses, and
we think the Association Lave done nobly In.
engaging him. ,Tink subject of his .lectures t ior
.one Which can lie made not imlyinterestiig
instructive to all ' . classes.- .rho •lecture - the
afternoon will give people from the country an
'opportunity of tistening to an acootint • of , this
man's wendmila.dlineryesies MAfrica.
&mend Of our - citizens have heard M. Dv
Crtaxtxv, end pronounce him one of triest
entertaining and at the same time'instructive
public sites)* extant. '
Rev. J; S. SizwAirr vira's install
ed pastor of the Presbyterian church of this
place on •Tuesday evening last. The instilla
tion SC/1310tk was preached by Bev. D. Cur;
from the text "But we preach Christ crucified,
unto the Jews a stumbling block, and-unto the
Greeks fOolishness ; but unto them which are
tailed both and Greeks, Christ the power
of God and the wisdom of
The charge to the minister was, delivered by
Bev. C. C. Cones Rev. J. A. Item= made
some very appropriate remarks with reference
to the duties of the congregation.
A reception will be held* the lecture room
of the church this (Wednesday) evening, when
the whole congregation will have an opportu
nity of mooting their new pastor, who seems to
hare created a very favorable impression by his
sermons on Sunday last.
. SM. We are pleased to see that the .
,people of Towaida and vicinity appreciate en
terprise, for the "Red, White and Bine" Tea
Store, of Baettlieu. k RIDOZWAY on - Bridge
;street, has only been in operation about eight
`mouths and they have a very large . trade al
ready; so much so that they have been forced
to enlarge their store and employ morn help,
for therets a continual rush. There is DO bet
ty proof thin this that the people, ere satisfied
with their style of doing business,
We congratulate them on their success and
would advise all that have not tried them to go
at once and see for themselves.
They keep all Made or groceries and provis
ions, end sell them cheap-for cash.
IMML. Somrits iintxtr, Editor of the
Houston (Texas) Times, died at his. residence,
in Houston, on the 14th of February. , Mr. KM
NET was born in Sheshequin, Pa., March 8,1823.
Ho was brought up a farmer, bad but limited
means of education,was a thorough and.nomtrate
investigator of all subjects coming before him,
choosing rather to reach truth by his own rea
son and investigation than taking it from the
dictum of others. Some 20 years ago he Went
South for his health, which had for years been
tending to consumption, settled at Corpus
Christi, Texas, and commenced publishing the
Nences Valley, which he coutrolod ' till about
the commencement of the late Rebellion.
He was a sharp, pungent, end vigorous writ
er, admirably calculated to manage a daily .po
litical jounial. lie was ardent in his attach
mints,. generous and forgiving to a 'fault, and
deeply imbued with that sense of honor so char
acteristic of the Southern people. lie leaves a
widow, two children, and a largo circle of other
relatives and friends to mourn his death.
PA - HANGINGS. —An exchange
says: When an amateur attempts this. kind of
domestic d2coration,. it is desirable that he I
should attend to the following instructions,
otherwise the work, when finished, will be blem
ished and stained:. First, pumice.stone the wall
to remove all irregularities of surface, then'
wash over with size, about one pint of glue to
a gallon of water, and when dry the wall is
ready t 3 receive the paper. The paste should
be well boiled and then passed through a hair
sieve to extract the lumps, a fruitful oonrce of
stains. if the walls are inclined to show damp,
add a little corrosive sublimate to the paste to
prevent mildew forming on the surface of the
paper. The most important matter is to allow
the paper to remain pasted-for about ten min
utes before hanging, in order that it may be
well stretched before being placed on rho• wall.
Stout paper hangings, such as the "flocks,"
etc., require a longer time. If you buy your
paper of Coosa, and these directions are attend
ed to, the thinnest papers . will bang without a
crease, or the objectionable water stains which
characterize bad workmanship.
Arevis.—A large assemblage gath
ered at Mansion House Hall Friday evening, on
the occasion of the "soldier boys'" festival, tin
der the directiun of the Grand Army of the Re
public. The receipts were f 225, which, after
paying expenses, will leave a sufficient sum to
lit up the hall and free tho society from debt..
It is a gratification to observe with what inter
est and earnestness our citizens and ladies as
sisted on this occasion, and to all who thus as
sisted and contributed the "boys" return their
most sincere acknowledgments.
At a regular meeting of 'the Post, Saturday
evening, March 5,.a resolution was adopted
naming the encampment "Perkins Post, No.
202," in honor of Captain Arouirres 8. Palmas,
of the 50th New York Engineers. Capt. Pgret
anal was killed at the battle of Fredericksburg,
Va., Dec. 13, 1862. In the. blinding, storm of
abut and shell, he with ilia men were engaged
laying the bridges for our army to pass over
the Rappahannock, and he fell at his post•like
the Roman legionary at the gate of Pompeii,
almost the first sacrifice in that battle. He
sleeps is our churchyard, but a noble record is
graven inAnch comrade's heart, of dangers and,
privations shared in our country's cause.
'...qrhe fallen how sacred! Their names ,cannot
.• perish ;
Engraven are they on each patriot's heart
Their memory untarnished each comrade shall
, cherish,
Their fame and their glory shall never depart."
MTh. REBECCA McGronox was buried here 1
last week Monday. he, with her luieband, 11.
T. MCGEOROE, were mong our old settlers who '
came to this pia& a , ut the year 1826. She
was 73 years old at the time of her death, and
will be mourned by many friends.
Mrs. HANNAU McArrau died in Litchfield
March let, aged 77 years. She has been togreat
sufferer for a long time, and for Three years has
been totally deprived of sight ; but ill all these
afflictions was cheerful and hoping for the hap
pier existence beyond the grave.
Mr. • Mum TOZER and family started from
here on their way South last Monday. .
There seems to be a great controversy among 1
oar little sister towns of Elmira, Waverly and
Ithaca, in regard to the precise terminus of the
northern end of the Lehigh Valley Railroad.
We are too extremely modest to put in our plea
for this bone of contention, but presume when
the three roads centering hero, and eonnecting
with this "great northern coal route," shall be
completed, that the question will be settled to
wnnebodys satisfaction.
\ There is to be a "Sociable," for the benefit of
the Universalist society, at the Athens &change
Friday evening of this week.
- ThOiarnesi shop of B. S. Sireaxsiv was en
tered by burglars Monday night, and a quanti
ty of harness and leather taken. They entered
with a false l key, and after getting the "traps,"
marched of; leaving the key in 'the door and
shop open.
Next week we are to have two papers started
here—the "Athens Gleaner," .by C. T. licarom,
and the " Athens Gazette," by Came = HINTON
—so there will be no farther need of your cor
respondent scribbling. We hope to be able to
summon ..becoming dignity and - make to the
dear public our lowest bow. Ntr
CHANS—GREKNI.—In Wyaos, Horeb 2, by Her.
H. J. Crane, William P. Crana and Mu... Eliza
Green, both of Athena.
KNOX—DINOCIL—At the real& nee of the
• bride, Laceyville, Pa., March 8, 1870, by Bev.
D. D. Oro. F. W. Knox, Attorney.aWan,
Coudersport, Pa., and lira. Amde li.Umeek,
daughter of Gen. a Wakeman.
311Li.Elt—CARPENTER.--At lionroeton, Feb.
96,.1870, by Rev. Hillock Armstrong, Hr.
Emanuel Hiller to 3lias Catharino M. Car
. .penter. both of nonrooton.
' imi&mgrlnk-
-Peocaied was born ju WWII= <knotty, Cobb
1314141144:47. 1781..,
ot- 18 0 1 . bkapouv zmitk ro
3 .usuurs, 1 4! , io the present kornehip f of
Warm, •ifin'oiit - nntirokin - iiideinesi, , `
sad with their outfit,. conabding of
.rlea area
luel bunt nestin. ,Stit :Unit foci -roof and
Lombok houghs for kbed, in which they lived
daring t4ilituMuerlo4 l 4:Abot ed' aM timed nidiet . Vet liidlirith - iihnatL'the'
nearest grindstone being eight mike distant,
which distance they had to walkirbenerer their
axes needed grinding. • •
• In att .. 4 ll ° tit,X-414°11°0 to cOonoetteut to
spend we winter. In the •ispring of 1862 they
started with their parents and the rest of , the
:family for theii new posseisliniewlth lierso arid 1 1 1
ez teams. When therreached the North JUT !:
.er, they f ound the lee had melted' away tem ,
the'shores, so that . theywere compelled tobnild
temporary liridges to get as and cdf;_and after
days and weeks of toil and struggle over moun
tains and uubridged streams, theydnaltyland
ed inDieirwilderuess home. t = - ,
Vith theesception - Of inie - year;decesuied hid
lived in Warren or tho adjoining townships ever
miner, until his son, - Di. -. Caritinv; 'removed him
to, Athens About . two_ years abuse, where !he
cOfild'aistelinier bim minbiteito hisantsits
during his declining years. •
Ho retained his memory remarkably to the
last, and took great pleainre in recotudlig the
hardships and adv4tnres of the. - Old pioneers.
He related many incidents connected with the
early histciry of that portion of our county,
which doubtless may be, new and perhaps in
tereating to most of the present generation.
At that time the townships of Orwell, -War
ren, Windham and Pike wore called, nuclei the
old Connecticut title, respectively, Graham ,
Shirtelle, Watertewn and Lookorc bid not hav
ing sufficient inhabitants in either to transah
business er hold an election, they were consoli
dated anitcalled Orwell. He served as consta
ble in the now township when the courts were
held at Wilkes-Barre, and used to walk there
throngh the wilderness to attend to the duties.
pertaining to his office. During one of those
journeys he became lost, and night overtaking
him and-wdd beasts all around, be almost be
gan to despair, when ho came upon a herd, of
cattle lying down for the night. Driving them
.up and following their tracks at length brought
him to an inhabited cabin; where he spent the
remainder of the night.
He was temperate in all his habits, using nei
ther alcoholic drinks nor tobacco. He never
made any protection of religion, but was per
fectly conversant' with the whole Bible, and died
Satisfied himself with his God,
Could we but readzo how much wo owe to the
old pioneer, before whose sturdy hands and
stout heart the forests and' wild beasts disap
peared, and by whom almost insuperable bar
riers weie surmounted to establish schools and
churches which were to bless the generations
yet to come, in& by whose unceasing toil the
hills and valleys of our beautiful country have
been made to yieldtheir abundant harvests of
all the comforts and luxuries of life for our en
joyment, I think we should not jostle him aside
when wemeet him with his snowy locks and
tottering Step, nor grudgingly contributo tolds
wants or happiness, but stop and ask ourselves,
'ls not he my benefactor? Have not his toil
and enlist and privations shed countless bless
ings on my head, for Which I owe him, at least,
a debt of gratitude? Is it not a duty I owe to
him, to myself and my God, to guard him in
his helpless flays, to smooth his pillow on the
bed of death, and as a fast sad duty, finally to
close his eyes in that sleep that knows no wak
ing? C.
OS. TAYLOR & GORE, 'Merchant Tai
fors. - •
C -
TOWANDA, Pa., Mar. 2, lbio.
To (I.e Agenis of Marcip's Safes :
Bins,Believing, - as 'we do,. that the Safes
made by the American Stetuti Fire-proof saw
Company, and for which we are the local agents,
are superior to any other in resisting fire---and
believing that certain representatioree reported
to have been made by volt to parties recently
purehmung Marrin's gates, concerning the
Meant Safe, were either wilfully or iourantl.)
false—aid wishing to demonstrate practically
to the business men of this vicinity the superior
tire-proof qualitietkof our Safe, we hereby offer
you the following challenge:
We will put the Safe now in ow Store against
one of equal size of Mr. Marvin's make (fire
proof), raid Safes to be of the ordinary make
ss to thickness of walls, material, Ac. the Mar
vin Sate to be furnished by you, and both Safes
to be placed in the open air and a fire of dry be made around them and continued
for the space of eight hours. The party whose
Safe shall fail to preserve its contents through
the fire, shall pay the whole expense of the
burning, including cost of Safes, trafittportation,
wood, , 1 / 4 4!. ; the burning to take plaeo in the
town of Towanda, Bradford county, Pa., and
under the superintendence of a committee of
five (5) disinterested gentlemen, two'(2) of said
committee to be selected by you and two .by
ourselves, the fifth by the four already chosen,
and their decisiomshall determine the relative
merits of the two Safes.
This challsngo shall be open for your accept
ance or rejection for the space or too (10) days.
Hoping. to hear of your immediate acceptance,
we remain. Respectfully yours,
Local Agents.
M. Our readers will have noticed
Dr. Clark's letters offintrodnetion from the most
piominent men in the State. Also read care
fully his circular, and observe the large expe
rience the Doctor has had in treating diseases.
The Doctor has placed a large number under
treatment in and around Towanda, as well as
more remote pads of the county.
Wore we authorized. to publistk the names of
patients in our midst, who have been benefited
by Dr. Clark's treatment, persons Would be silk
prised at the effects of remedies flitter his ad
ministration.. These remarkable cures, in cases
who had suffered - for years, make the Doctor's
services much sought by invalids,,` On last Sat
urday, tho office, parlor and halls of the-Ward
HOUSO were thronged by patients seeking his
treatment, and scores were compelled to s leeve
without containing the Doctor, on .accorint of
the large number in waiting. Dot as the Doc
tor remains with us for a long tithe, .all will be
afforded an opportunity to °Maui treatment
from him. No case is published, except by spe
cial permit from patients thenisq4s.
March 10, 1570.
26- All kinds of grciceries and pro
visions, fish, &c, at the lied,' White and Blue
~ store, Bridge street, cheaper than the cheapest.
starch 10, 1870.
NO-Wooden ware , nt tbe Red,
%Shiite and Blue litorr, Bridge If trcet.
March 10, 1870.
Kr' Good soaps for 4 cents per
bar at the P.etl, White and Blue store. L'relge
March 10, 1870
SoLraEns Bousrr.—Bv a recent
opinion of the Attorney General of the United
States, soldiers enlisting under act of July 4,
1864, are allowed the unpaid instalments of
bounty, if they were diseharged by ~e xpiration
of service." All such can obtain their bounty
by applying to EL B. Melivix, Attorney-at-
Law, office over Mason & Co.'s Banking House,
Towanda, Pa. ' March 10,1970.
Beaman or Tow.t.Nna, That the Borough Onn
uance passed June. 19th, 1869, relating to he
erection of buildings be amended and extended
so that it shall include the following limits,
wherein no building may be erected except in
pursuance with terms of said ordinance: On
the West side of Main street East to within 75
Viet of the East side of Second street, from
Washington to Maple street. On the East aide
of Main street East to the river. From Wash
ington to State street. A. DIVES, Burgess : _
Attest—G. D. Morrabitr, Secretary.
_ Feb. 10, 1870. ;, .
Mr The stated meeting of the
Bradford County Convention, LO. of G.T., will
be held at Canton on Wednesday, March 18.
1870, commencing at 10 o'clock, - a.m. : One of
the Grand Lodgcr lochirers will be present.
Feb. 24, 1870. DAVID CRAFT, W.C.T.
ituutr.ux Cvnz.—At the office of the - Ward
House can be seen a Necrosed Rib, taken from
Miss Phebo Rogers, of Cherry Flats, Tioga Co.,
Pa. This diseased rib had caused a running
sore and the meet profuse discharge for four
teen years, and was considered by our most
eminent physicians *hermitic ease.
On Jan. 2,11170,:nr. Clark removed the dis
eased rib, and the, patient is rapidly regaining
her lost health, which had been completely
deatreyod during that lang_pariokbesides sow
- sting an amount of palm Which beggars dMetip•
Such an operation and successful treatment
stamps Dr. Clark as a man of more than ordi
nary professional ability. : . •
Towanda church will bo Racially welcomed.
; 'I 1, , litp.llh2cartitist94
Xir.Arc Exhibition given
In the White Church to Woo; may evening.
Miu4,lB, 1870.. Proceedelhuthebenelt olthe
'OB ,;-.'l4tdio.teidottllrctettii.--s r:,t;
7482 4 1 . 3 , /11.70=4tti.
• .
ies.. No eicueO for itOiOg -dirty.
&unbars of soap ler 25 cants, at the Red
le. Yon can save money on every.
thing in ear limit the Red, White and Blue
Store. Trric and;salary reareolves.
Sept. 9, ISM a " ' ' Bnitorattle'Btnartrxr.
Ton SALt - Cooutivon - Of
Wilkes-Barre, offers ci Sari 'the vabisiblei
Ilea Estate form erly belonging to Soloman.
Nilitonttkdoo'd. situated , at Scottsville, Wyo
trithicountY; isbciut 450. acres;
about 75 improved, balance good soil. well tim
bered, good water power, &c. The farm ie on
the river, good bulldinini, orchard, never fail
ing running
. water at 'the 'door. Eleautihilly
situated. convenient fur business=worth $20,-
000 ; will be sold ter
. 02,0p0. Tenn. easy. Ear •
gain for any ' - ' = Deo.- 2,1859.
Stir . We guarantee satisfaction in
all the work wo do. We cut, make, and trim's
clothing ferimen and 4nla wear.
4 Bridge Street. Towanda, Pa.
: lirromma COMfEIICIAL COLLE6E.—
"A Business Educatipn will be of advantage to
every man, whatever his return occupation may
Tholifiryoming Commercial College, establish
cd in 1863, and connected with Wyoming-Semi
nary, offers a thorough and complete course of
instruction for those desiringa commercial edu-
Its location in the beautiful and historic Tal
ley of Wyoming, with its canal,; three lines of
railroads, and immense coal and other business
operations, afford rare Opportunities for young'
men desiring situations.
Our graduates are filling positions of trust all
over the country. - Young men have attended
this Institution from Mississippi, Kansas, Min
nesota, and nearly every State in the Union. "
Our tuition for the regular Business Course is
from fifteen to twenty dollars less than at other
Commercial Colleges, and yet advantages here
are in every reaped unsurpassed.
We offer all the aid extended by any Commer
cial College in the country to graduates in ob
taining situations.
Students of the College have all the advan
tages of the Seminary in regard to library, lit
erary societies, &c. e"
Tuition fur the re Business Course, 523.
Telegraphing in c ection therewith, $lO,OO.
Telegraphing alone, 25,00. dtutionery for full
Business Course, $15,00. Board per week. H.
Send for Catalogue and specimens of Pei
manship. ' Address 1.. L. SPIIAOLT,
Prin. Wyoming Commercial College,
Sept. 23, 1669. 'Kingston, Pa.
T/00A Co., PA.—The second half year (21 weeks)
will commence 31ondity, Jan. 31, 1870.
The third term (14 weeks) wi,l C01111111:11Ce
Monday, March 21, 1870.
The expenses for half year (2rwcelis) iclud
ing board, tuition, room-rent. fuel, oil, washing
and book-rent, is 192 163 . 50 cents, or $lOO per
week State appropriation. The expensea' for
IMO term (14 weeks) including same, is $3O
less( 50 cents,or $1 00 per week State approprite
Day students are charged $lO per term (14
ireeks) only for tuition anii use of text hooks.
Board Can be obtained in private families at
$3,50 to $4,00 per week.
For catalogues, or any farther information,
address CIIAIILCS 11. VEniULL,
Jan. IS, 1870. • ' Principal.
TEIS.—A new line of Tea 6 at
the Bed, White and Blue Store, Bridge Street,
Towauda, Ps. BfruatuA.u. S Binetp,rly.
FLoch, Am:E.—The celebrated
Oswego Fleur, wholesale and retail, cheaper
than thecheapest, at the Red, White and blue
Store, Bridge Street, Towanda. Pa. '
Jau. 6, Ivo. BRAMIIALL
3ln. EDITOR—Sir: As you are
aware, we have been doing a 31erclutut Tailor
ing business in Towanda for four months, and
did not advertise for two iyiasons. First, we
had more business than we could atteud to
with the amount of assiskance we had. (but
now no have enlarged our establishment and
added to our force to meet the demand).
Secondly, wo thought the best advertisement
was Clothing made by us and warn by our cus
tomers, but being every day told by some one
that lie did not know mitt) to-day there was
such a tire, we concluded that for the benefit
of those we are still unknown to, of calling your
press to aid us in informing then' who we are,
where we are. and what we are doing. Our
name is II: ihntits Ai Co., we do buAmesa in
No. 4 Grittitlis and Fattons block, Dridgiis street.
We keep for sale a hiTge stock of Cloths, Cassi
meres, and Vestings (and trimmings to make
them up with) both foreign and domestic. •We
manufacture clothing for men and boys wear
to order only, in any - and ovary style desired
by our patrons, and at living rates. We keep
ourselves posted in "the styles," and are pro
pared, if you wish it, to give you thu ultra of
fashions. For further particulars call at " The
Merchant Tailoring Store," No. 4 Griffiths and
Pattona Block, Budge Street, Towanda, Pa.
Feb. 1, 1870. H. HABILIS a Co.
SIIIP.—The subscriber offers for salo his valua
hie farm, lying in Litchfield township, 160 scree
under - good stfito of improvement, the balance
heavily timbered with oak and pine. Within
five miles of the Pa. & N. Y. It. B. and six miles
from the N. Y. .t E. IL B. Convenient to
school, church, store, &c. For particulars in-,
quire of the subscriber on the premises..
A.. 1. LA:lirON.
Litchfield, Feb. 7, 1870-tt6
Res T by the poubd, eaddy. or
chest, at the "Red. White- and Blue' Store,
Bridge Street, Tonanda, Pa.
Jan: 6, 1870. BILCIIHALL Mika.-way.
tare Tobacco by the pound or pail.
ted, White and Blue Store discount to dealers.
ion 6ALL: OR R ENT.—A house and
hit, corner Fourth and Elisabeth streets; also
for runt, a house containing 12 coons on Second
street • also two building lots for sale, corner
Second and Poplar streets. Enquire of
Jan. 20, 1370. I. S. POST.
It 'always gives us pleasure to t'alrtheiittention
of our readers to articles ofreal merit. In this
co nection, we advise our patrons who are about
to purchase a Piano, Organ or Melodeon, to call
at Wx. Drrrurcn's Music Store, at Towan
da. before buying elsewhere, as the instruments
sold by W. D. are really the only first
class in every respect. The Decker Brothers,
Mallet & Coniston, and Conrad Myers' Pianos
have now been before -the public for twenty
Years and more. The Pelaubet & Co. - and Sha
ninger Organs and Melodeons for sixteen years.
All of them are known to be as near perfection
ad it is possible to make them, and are giving
the most entire satisfaction to all who haven sed
them. Our prices are low, and will sell Pianos
from $290 to $1,500 ; Organs from SSO to $1,000;
Melodeons from $75 to $3OO. Sheet Magic, and
Instruction Books for Pianos, , Organs, Melo
deons, and Violins, always en hand. To those
who would like instruments from other makers
not mentioned above, we say, give us your or
ders and you shall have them on short notice.
Recollect, ladies and gentlemen, that Professor
W. Drrntion has had experience for over twen
ty years in the above business. Tuning and re
pairing done, if wanted.
W. Urrrnicn.
iter Build up the churches! Dan t'
let the minister, earn his money twice over—
once by preach ng and again by begging for his
just does. You can create an immense revenue
for the benefit of the churches, and save money
for yourself, by trading at the Bed. White 'Ana
Blue Store. They give One per cent..of all their
sales this year to the churches, each customer
to choose the denomination they like. •••
Red, White and Blue Store, Bridge Street,
Yottanda, Ps. • Jan, 12, .1870.
29 The public are cautioned
against negotiating for a note given by C. F.
Welles for $l,OOO, and endorsed by p w . Clapp,
dated Oct. 1, 1809, payable six months, alter
date. F. T. Pant.
Athena, Jan. 23, 18;10. •
amitcuit's NEW TALI.,
At 3 and 7 o'clock. P.
Under the auspicies of the Young Men's Christian
Association. Much 10,
Dire r XrAnk.gnl 4 . /1 ,
EaklltAllllll, i
Or. Cliik hes tugs _ . ama);
Wednsadar. reeerelld -11)00aday.
14. anit,mot, OM
1 1417 ,
,7„ f=ll7- e
d. • •
Maine 7. •
;:` Athens. El. HOW. -
Waertr. Mmals. - 25'
BMW% TOdlirm " • ,
=0%1" C`d
- 12Dtulsy, 28
West Burlington. Tuesday, ` Mirth 1
DM Troy, • Wednesday, 2
Tratilkey 21mrsday; 'se
Sylvania. w. - • Friday, e.. .
Tormsa, . - ishirdaY;- `
Skantling'Stone. Monday,
Entomierfiehl Cr% Tuesday,
Wyalusing. . Wednesday,
• Browntown, Thursday.
Vonrooton, Falk!. ••
Torrid*, , Safurlar,
e. Tuesday.
.Waren Centre, a Wednesday.
West Warren, • Thursday,
Orw S an day. Towa. . Saturday,
Ulster, - 'Monday,
East Smithfield, Tuesday,
Bentley Creek.- Wednesday.'
Station.' , llmrsday, •
- Mosiersillo, Friday,
Towanda. , lieturday, _
Frankliudale. V .- Monday,
West Franklin, Tuesday.
Laney, - , • . Wenthiesday
East Canton, Thursday,
Csattcel. !Ventral." Friday. •
Towanda. 7 Saturday,
Myersburg, Monday,
Steverunille, Wednesday,
Spring UM. Thursday,
Camptowu, Friday.
Burlington, • Monday s
Springfield, • Tuesday.
Smithfield, Wednesday,
Centreville, Thursday,
Orcntt Creek,
Monroeton. Monday,
:New Albany. , Tuesday.
bw Era, - _Wednesday,
-Tarrytown. Thursday,
. Asylum, Friday. ,
- Towanda.' ` Saturday.
Sheshequin. Monday,
South Utah:Uhl. Tuesday.
Litchfield, • Wednesday.
TiClic3 Valley. Thursday,
Athens. Ea. Hotel; • Friday.
Towanda, Saturday,
Monroeton, Monday.
Granville Centre, Tueiday
Granville Summit, Wednesday,
Alba, Thursday,
Till. Tray Manse. -Friday,
• Towanda, Saturday,
_Luther's Mill., Monday.
Leona. Tuesday,
Columbia Z Roads, Wednesday,
Austinville, Thursday,
Aspinwall Corners, Friday,
Towanda, Saturday,
Rome. Monday,
Pottervlll,.. Tuesday.
Windham Centre, Thursday,
North Remo, - Friday.
Towanda, Saturday. Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday,
Thursday, and Friday, May 21, 23, 7t. 25, 28, 27.
Feb. 1. 187 e. .
Is the place to buy all acids of
I-1 A. - 12, D "V'T A R, is
For rash. We have ou baud and are rewiviug a
large Block of
Our Paiiita. OJs, &c.. arc of thy befit quality and
will be Fuld very low. Wry ere alit° air..rits-for the
The wily reliable Fire Pre , 4 Safe made. Abe)
la *I * h. IVA /FAO =AI al
b '1 pry 9arw•e and mainllacture out '1 the beht
We are also prepartd to do Jobbing of all kind!.
We are the only agents for the celthratzd new
The In.,t r yoking st.we to and ev.ry Ans.
N‘arcont.,ll...) give natiglaction. .14r....11 10 • '7O.
We purpose issuing, about the middle of Mardi, au
independent family newspaper, healing the above
title. Tim GLEAsen will be a saveu columnjourintl
and furnished at the rate of $l-50 per year, ltrvtuia
"My in advance. At the same rata for any other pe
riod—s. 2 0 0 for sixteen months. $lOO for eight
months, 75 cents Art eta months. cents for font
months, 25 cents for two months, Single copies 5
Advertisements at the average rates.
We will seek to exclude all swindling
matter and make our paper tit for and wel
come to every fireside.
In giving the news of the day.eve will CtideaVor to
sneer clear of mere partizan polities—giving. how
ever, impartial accounts of the platforms and nomi
nations of both parties, and the results of elections
—thus avoiding the personalities and useless alter
cations It• common.
A specialty will be to gather local news, and also
historical sketches of fliin and adjolninglowns and
As 'Bradford eaunty has but three papers in a
population of nearly MOO. while Susquehanna and
Lycoming, with less population, have four to aim, it
is believed there is ample room for a good GILTANER
in the northern and central parts of old :Bradford
Entrance to the printing office , betwcen the post
office and Exchange lintol. tli T. HESTON.
March 10-1 w Athens. Iliadford Co.. Pa.'
Moslull Bros. & Co. is thi's day dissolved by
mutual consent. The business will be continued,
and all accounts will be settled by Marshall Bros.
All persons Indebted to •the late Item will call and
settle immediately, as all accounts must be settled
to date. IL T. MARSHALL.
Towanda. March I. '7O. W. R. MARSHALL.
_A-. having been appointed Judge, the Arra of
Mercur k Miirrow la dissolved. W.l'. Davies, EM..
has taken the place of Mr. Morrow, and the busi
ness will be carried on In the firm name of 3fercur
te Davies. They will close up the busines of lifer.
March, I. 1870.
Killer acd Life Oil. am the Great Family
Specifics that find a welcome in every home as a
Sovereign Remedy for more of the common Ills of
life than any other medicine in the market... Sold
by de dere in medicine generally. Manufactured
by C. T. GIFFORD. Chicago, IR., and 143 Main et.,
HORNELLSVILLF., N. Y. March 10,-'7O-3*
1 , ,J -and Orwell Clover 13eed, and Ohio Timothy
Sqerl for aala at
March 4. '7O. W. A. ROCKWELL'S.
Cayuga Ground Plater at Bridge Hills, Mon
roeton. Pa., for which all kinds of Grain will be
taken in exchange.
March 10. W. A. ROCKWELL
Pine Apples. Pears, Plums, Tomatoes. Rasp
berries, Strawberries, Whortlberrite, Corn, Peas
and ail varieties of Jellies. •
March 4. 'TO. ROCKWELL.
Bening. ascots, ILllabat, Criflah. kc.. at
March 4. 'TO. OCKWELL'S.
elan Bend. Scot-•h Honey, Onnee, Raison. Lem.
on and Ginger Cakes. Washington Jumbles and
Coffee !smut. and all kinds of Crackers at
March I, 'lO. W. A. noczwEws.
sortment of Pipes for kale at
March 4, '7O. W. A. ROCKWELL'S.
A - 1 1 COST!
The undersigned will sell bls entire stock of Bed
Clothing, Picture Frames, kc., at cost; also his
large stock of Furniture, at greatly reduced prices.
Feb. 2. MC JAMES 0. FROST.
heretofore existing between the sm
in the Music business. is this day dissolved by mu
tual consent. The business will be continued et
Chamberlain's store by William Mech.
Feb. 8. 1870.
All persons Indebted to S. N. Aspinwall by note
or account sea .requested toy snake immediate pay.
ment or costa will be podtlllll7 made.
Feb. 1, 1870. 8. N. AIIIII7WALL.
Provisions *at whokrale mod lam, it
KW 20. Q. B. PaTOlll.
covrru, k
. 04:1 0 404,11144-4glioli
.Y, ,
~1-1:11z!A t - -
"fl i f
' c rfteliirliuid m oat complete ea ,
scirtni "'"' ent of goods in:-tbb; line ever
afrereil in Towanda, is now being 0.,t
We Oil await attention to our
stock of
i ',. ,fg,NEt' i . 41ill. *: BOYS'
nearly einniniainiall :kinds of"!
All the latest and most popular
styles of
- la.tigEs;.
in Goat, French and :Glove Kid;
At all times, cuatonieis will find
our assortment of goods, unrivaled.
in . this Market and thetriees at the
lowest figures.
We offer iu ottr
an nuttatuill:sr,. ; attractive stock of
We call the attention of Horse-
men to our immense - variety of
Carriage and Team Harness,
Saddles, Bridle:c-Blaukets,
This deptirtuieni is 'directly over
our Shoe Store, and Mill at all times
be fully stacked with all gooils be-
longing to the Harness trade
thing iv the line will be made on
aLgrt nutice and by experienced first
c lass workmen. "
Oct. 13, 1869.
Testity to tlio,tuir dtallug awl public appreentitm of
th" firm o
MON7 I I'..,4‘.NYMS,
coRNEr. Of NLIIN ..IND PUBLIC f5,41*.i1tP.,
Full stock of 6 - lapis sod leauty
Au elegiuit ast.orttneut of
i/ L,ie of
Full ltue of
Au extra stock of • •
Trunks, Valises and Traveling Bags.
OILS AND PAINTS. quality guaranteed. and prices
below the mmeral market.
To purchnsant of goods In their line.
Physicians prescriptions and family recelpta ct4toz
rounded by persona - thoroughly comptlent , at all
PATENT "GE3I" FRUIT JAR; I ' mrs° , f .. the
deY'ee night.
;net received, 10 &sou
Ail glass, self sealimc, at manufacturer's prices
In line...a stock of Goods in extent and variety un
equaled this side of New York city. -The public are
IVinvited to call aadevualncsogOjkadces.
, 1 I • IftrETLIiIEL •
and CHILDREN'S Shois,
Serge, Calf or Buff.
Wbips 'mid Robes
Li CI st)les—orn trupurtatkna,
Red Siete' feriae.
al Acres, within the Borough ltmftt, 'ball* , for
=tote. Inquire of Charles Mercur. at tbii
Of as Yon Crook Bituminous Compsny. Tar.
OW, • , • Yeb. 28. 1870-tt
..}kal - SALE - AT .t A. rBA.ROADI
know dwelling bonseondtable fors forsmall WS&
IN Bids of lot 7$ 100 feet,.' Inquire of the editor
V' this paper re F. E. HARMS express neat:
cottage and hail acre of ground, for less than
coat.. Five to ten =tante. yolk frau Monroe bora'
A very plesaant attnetton. Anlyon thoprondera for
all neeeraartindmuition.
• . ." - • - JOBB' BIGENBOTAY -•
febMw3* - - Monroe, Bradford co.. Pe.
The nnderstonedeffera for sale it very deals;
able house _and lot,' situate on Mani street, near
Latest - avenue. Fur particulars Inquire al the
Book Illrterg, ,e frour Main. street, Tow.
feblew4 11. C. ISIITCAEFAI.
.1. House and Lot. ono annaro - from the-Court
House. Bite of Lot 4111 by 2200 alas of k man 21 by
2134 and 1400 Litchi:at and wood lonia 10,1cdn'on.,
Also a bran on back end of lot.' For telr - pgitlcUlano
tannin at the c.sapcsdng room of the .Rworrata
Ogee. feblttt.
tell 1,13 Monroe township. Bradford comfy, Pa.
Joining L. Bockwell, one-half mile trons. Monroe
borough, on the main road to E. W. Uslelp. contain.
tug 15 acres. 13 improved, with a - good house and
barn and some fruit thereon; the voperty of Jacob
Magill, deceased. Per further -InformatLin k.uvitre
On the premises.
March 0-3 ml ELIZA 31AdLL.
OR S A L 0147tRitOR
Sate zny residence situated on die corner of
Second and Elizabeth streets. It is one of the moat
desirable situations in town. If not sold soon It
will be ler rent. Persons desiring inforntation aa to
terms, die:, will please call on Me at the tloal'Ofilco
of Messrs. Ward b. plverr. .
March 8-w3 • WW SCOTT. '
The subissiber will sal her residence; situ
ted on the corner or Locust avenue and Cherry
street. Let 130:150. Two. story frame house. con
taining seven well-arrangiir rooms. Cistern And
well therm. BnildlOgs now and in good repair.
Forlnnis inquire at. W. A. 'Peel's law office, ur of
thi subscriber. on the . premises.
March 3. 1870. MM. X. L. WOODRUFF.
ARM FOR SALE.—Situatedl.Albany township, Bradford co., Pa., ono mile
front o..Keudall'a grist-milk and tits Saint-an &
Eric Railroad. containing about fifty. acres,-about
thlrty.tive intproved, with good buildings and a good
orchard thereon. Well watered and pleasantly situ
ated. ,For further information inquire of Joseph
and Vet! Albio.- on pretulacs. •
FOR SALE.—A 'valuable Water
Ppwee, with Atop and house. with !; acre Of
laud, how used for general biacksmithing purposes..
Location good. Power is permanent and free from
damage by 111 h water: d. good location. for manu
facturing purposes. Alsort house and of an acre.
of laud. with barn and, frttit. Terms made easy.
Tor furtlior particularslnquire of rho subscriber
on the premises. personallyeir by letter.
CEO. T. GRANGLIt, Mycraburg.
Itradford County. Pa.
ft LA-4 it
PROVED rarrn contaiuink 100 acres. about BO
acme improved. v.ith good framed house and barn.
ALSO— of 00 acres,--partly Unproved. no
buildings. wi:lta large_ qumility of yellow pine tim
ber growing upon it. -_
ALSO—One of 100 acne or more, urimproved.
with white-oak and other timber grow lug upon it.
' -AU are within four miles of Towanda and offered
for tale on easy terms. Ui O. P. CASH. .
Towanda; ]larch 1-4,1 .
SILE CHEAP.—Owing to ill , health the 'tinder
signed offers for sale cheap a Fold Hons.:. Barn:
Wagon and Blacksmith shop,• with about-1 acres
of laud. Two good wells, a cistern. and' plenty of
good frail. trees thereon: This property la. located
in Sheshegnin township. Bradford county, ra., on
on the river road,' and . mar. a good - school and
church. Possession given immediately. For fur.
thet particulars inquire of the proprietoe, G. W.
Vineent r at Towanda Agricultural Works, 'or Wm.
Ignyder,niheshequiu, Pl. • , G. W. VINCENT.
8. It O-tf
A RARE CHANCE —A . flinti with
a crop ready to barstat to pay for it. re.
served Wilber lot on eau! place,. loins bundk. 155
a , rss. Ito:n notis with katasincut. Iluyw 18::G_
Outbuildings, two orcharda Ifiargerly twu
Title gmsl. bit:lain in Eouth Owsgo. seven miles
from Owego. , Terms rosy. not suld soon will be
yarded to a party that will ntarlist hit, wood and
birtils.r. Western propsrty talten in part ray. I'm
pat bailors addrsa If. It. GIFFXRD. •
Ft 1.170. Wltsaloa, 111.
We eff.,x for seven I Lunar. d- good F. 1.19/...
and / 3 4.1117.1 TIONS VS.. Pa.. and the Candi:mar
well located and healthy, some v. , 411 good improve.
melds and extra land—uldeli we will r:ii eery eArap
and 03 ra-qY',Onn , ' , . In prta, range from Five 1 5 .
Fifteen 'lona* per aere,and once rop wilt more that
pay for Om c tof the property. We will refer pur
chasers-to partier here who have bought of uwwith .
in the past few mouths, and aro offered an advanct.
ef over fifty per cent. / alt parfliadars furuiahed on
appllUaticat. We 'aro , now organizilag . a uOlottl 0'
Perinsylvaulans to go south next spring. A goo , '
opportunity for all good citizens. A prospectlat
psrty will visit the youth the last of January—al:
who wish can go at,reducad rates of fare-by applying
to as. Over 65.000 acres of first-class Piao Oat:, Ce
dar and Cyprus timber on navigation at from $1 50
to it 00 per acre. Terms easy and all titles guaran
teed perfect. H. MALCOM . DWYER ok Co..
• Dealers in Leal Eestat,,7ll Walnut street,
• J4O. 12. 1870,. Philadelphia.
FARM FOR "SALE. --By agree
1' ment- of the helm the valuable real eetate
AMOS G. CORNEBY, deeeabed; will be sold at public
auction on the.premlses, en THURSDAY. ILARCH
10. 1870. Said farm as SeAutifully aituat...d, and lies
on Gre - banks ut the Susquehanna' rt‘er. and on no
maim road leading from Towanda to Athena, in
Athena township. and contains 130 acres. with
about 1u acres under good improvement. There is
the preinisoi two good frame dwelling houses
barn,. shed.; also a good Orehard and other fruit
trees. The farm la a valuable one, and is well adapt
ed fur farming and dairy purposes. Terms will be
mule known on d.ey of sale. Good and sufficient title
gifen. For further parthatlers address
• C. PAGE. Adru'r., nr
, - P.l l l. FLOOD. Milan,-Pa
jill. 2•i. 1 8104 w •
e on sat.r.—The imliscribera oder for sale their
lino -Dairy Farm, situat,d two miles cast of Green.
wood. lfellenry Co.,' Illinois. Said farm contains
threnbundred and twenty acres choice land. describ...
&I as fellows : 160 acres cholco timbered, 100 acres
meadow.'and GO acres under the plow. Good- dwel
llngrhonFe and outbuildings, large cattle barn altf,O.
and good horse barn. The finest living spring!" in
(Le country, running through a commodious spring.
Louse. Is capable of keeping 73 rows, and is only
1., miles from Abbott's Cheese Factory. Terms one.
half cash. balance in easy payments at 6 per cent. in
terest. References. -11. Cicrsuld. It. 8. McHenry,
Greenwood, McHenry Co.. IIL. or F. It. Ayer, Rhesho.
May 8. 1848—tf.
Nem Advertizemer.ts.
Puro blood abort' horn. Durham. NA:L Alderney
rantamsbire calves Memo. Southdovtu and Cots.
wold tberp, Cashmere eoste. Imported Entrain.
Essex. Berkshire. and Sefton pigs, and all. choke
breeditof.poultry fur sale.' Send for eircuhirs and
prices. .-Addreba N. P. BOYEE & C 0...
janl9.S,nt , Parkesbarg. Chester Co.. Pa.
POI.7j..TRY FOR kurcirmo.
We have on hand the largest and beat selection of
Fancy Poultry to be found in the Country. Eggs
carefully boxed and shipped to any part of the coun
try. For Circulars and prices. address
S. P. BOYER ic
janlB.3in Parhesburg. Chester Co.. Pa.
' The sUbseriber respectfully announces to the pub•
Le in general that he has on hand a large - and well
selected etock -
tc...te. .
" 1
All t 1 ropulta. Patent Meiliclnes`of tlie day.
rot notion! purpoteg only.
Fancy and Toilet articles. .
'Soaps of every description,
. Bathing, Surgeons. and Compton ktpottges,
; • Bair Brushes, .
Tooth Brushes,
Drt luting Combs,
' Pocket and Fine Coadst„
Toilet Powder . , •
.- Puff Boxes, •
Tooth Powders,
- . Tooth Washes,
- and Tooth rw a pi.
And otherniticles bcjongiug to the Drug trade too
numerous :o ruention. Having the Agency of the
Thankful. for the. past liberal patronage, I re
spectfully aolicit a continuance of the same, pledg
ing:myself that no effort shall be spared to make
mp eatablishment second to none in this section.
• Dr."T. F. Madill tray be consulted at this store as
heretofore.. F. W. BROWN.
Jan. 31, 1870.
lug Ilmr, at C. B. PATCH'S.
MPy 20.
etttee es ceder honed Oat at IheColtese
Omit of Besillota oestiV. the eseliseedios
of Cothatiow. A.Aeett Wes Miser. miser
atilldreareleite, kb et .4iso%
will expose et peNk as hi ow oe
atTozna. arm $O, "lib $ o'idedijk. is, the *V
lowing described lot, =Tr el Y
Albany Sollemts Os the
nostb by , =l/rsada Coyle. Met by
0 011 1 south br al iNicliw . Meer 'inol wale, Xebec
Rhoda sad lo Meleneas, *Mese.
Wee eelei elvi bot
ey s .pins bemuse
and low twee them.. $ to be
yak% on the Way *ea doom $llllO on
erwermation 'ad the residue la two insed Wee
mote with theme froth eeedlrmatlew, mid sat
Payment to be mode ow yew teem
drawn to b. Trauma liras to &Court X Cons. . ;
.on Pleas and Quarter laistora, to be bdd b the
Borough 0 6 = ou
p„ XOND4f. MANCH 111:1870: -
Alberts, Wed 0 Thandosi Athens Dorn..
C WOlsern. ,
Tr ;s Ontns., taw. X X Kaapp;
Burlington West, aded* reaad.o Serums
andrew Manton; Cordon twp.. Cads brows. Jams
. Ketchum coluxobta. John_ Yates(
Itaddla. Ms
phenl.attftner; Oransille , Rabat Axes; Litcbtlekl -
J Xelltuney; Mom* tem.. J• Dodoes& J
Briggs; W P Instras; Pike tem.; 0 W Pal.?
Joseph Plane. larbart Desdrae; litidgberry.
Walter Massa: Dipetnallsid. baba Dawes, 0 D
Hubbard; Smithfield. tillnia Camobsal. Ji Asnold:
Towanda W WZlnsatraL R X Paeds,.W
If Om. Alsswda Wens, 0 V Sl:in
T toy &no, C- Ammer: Troy .D X ales:
!Towanda tap.; B Bulks- It; Max. llokornb:
WJuou. Dayton dthnt; Tama. Masa weinnan. Jr.
• - XI:TAMILS= nate
1.4 Notice Is bffebyglveakthAll ep aditht
ed to the edits of AMMO. i ua emttb.
nalli,deeesa*, ere eapasetut torethe taathediath pay- •!
meets, sad all persona Whig dame eigataibt aid
estate 'meet present film gals eatheatteete4 fa.
settkmeat. maim TRACY.
1870. AT MOT:
Dim= Iron Co. vs. Dint k Ylteh. mwe
Pramis Sherman va. V. IL
H. H. Whitman at FL P. ilc i rt: Illandy......appealappeal
Armenia Township Ti. J. P. Songuao , came
B. J. Hoagland as. J. C. Warbarfoo: replevin
A. C. Homo vs. Samaras Lest. al set. la
W. S. Dobbins mi. Troy Townahl i p trespass
T. L. Pratt mi. H. N. Wrnisais appeal
Alvin Reward vs. A-Coll:lam West
A. C. MOULT Ti. JohnCummins APPeal
. .. " . ..
Bprinollehl Township !a. J. L. Philips case
John Wardwell es. Wit. 8. D0b1an5.....,.......ca5s
O. D. Perry se. Jackson Horton....* .:' appeal
Parsons it Cartmehan vs. Alonzo m's &dues appear;
A. C. Moors vs. John Centualna.... . de
Henry Miller vs; Maths:Mel Smith's Szes. • debt
Julia Aztell tt'itl. TS. C. 'T.::Merry ei al...ejectment
• . ,O. P. Ballard ' ejectment
W. R,Fmrter vs. W. A. Porter • ejectment
P.-11. Person vs..Lyou do Lesill f &FP's'
Subpoenas returnable on Monday" March 28, 1820.
at 10 o'clock. a. m. = - W. A. TMOMAH : Prot.
* Naito ii hereby given to ill pawns bisisbteal
to the estate of JAMTh WILLEM Seta of Bernick.
deceased, mud make tinmestlate -payment, and di
persons having claims asaLust said estate dust pros
asent them duly authenticated for settlement.
• 11C0_ ,11 1P.1131f.
F 8.
B. S. Alek.
Ystr. 21.1870
Peb. 21. 11170.
Fcb. IG,
hereby giventbaell'perseits lateteht.
ed to the estate .ot ORRATER ROCKWELL We et
Canton. doled.. are requested to maks ,Isamediats
payment, and al persons having deism spits* add
estate must present the sante duly authenticated P.m
settlement K. 11.1113711. •
Hun. FARRIS B. STREETER. President Judge
of the lab Judicial District. consisting of this coca
ties of Bradford and fittaqueltanna. rai boas, Zagr -
coy Taninne and J. IP. Vasitsirc. Aziaccial* Indigos.
in and for said county of Bradford. hays lamed their
pricept Kering data tho 18th day of reb'y. NM to
to mo directed for holding ir Court ci
Genet* 'Quarter Session of the Prate, Com
mon Pleay and Orphans Court, at Troy for the
County of Bradford, on Mondry, March 1 Ib7P. to
couhnue,ono week. -
is therefore hereby .given to the Causer.,
and Justices of the Peace, oithe County of Ikeedford.
that they be the a and there in their proper pergola.
at IS o'clock in the forenoon of said. day, with r.-
corda, haquisitions and other remembrances, to de
thaw things which to their of6ce appertaies to be •
done; and those who are blued by recognisance or
otherwise to prosecute against, timipitaimme la th s
are or may be in the jail of said county. or.who elan
be bound to appear at the mid court am to be thse•
and there, to prosecute against them as shall be jest.
furors are requested to be punctwal in their alien.
Wire, agreeably to their notice.
Dated at Towanda. the 234 day of Yeb'y, in the
year of our Lord. one then:mail eight hundred and
seventy, and of the Independence of the United
State:. the nint.ty•thlid.
J. P. VAN' PLFJELShorif.
• -
• The undereigued, having leased the Coal Teed gni
uock at the old Barclay Ilarsin:' and Met completed
a large Coal-house and-OlEcenpon the premises, avt
WAS' prepared to furnish the citizens of Towanda and
Ocuuty with the diftere.nt Idndisad efash lithe al:woe--
waned coals upon the most reasonable terms In any
ptautty desired. Prices at the Yard uutif further
notice :
Large Egg
mall Egg.
oharrlar .. Lump ,
hue of Mines—
.' Fine or Blasting*.
The following additional charges will be - made f“r
'deliver:mg Coal within the borough limelts. :
Per T0n...5D cent.. Sibs for earning in, 50 mots.
Half Ton —33 •• 23 .
Qr. T0n...35 .. 23
Wit Orderp may be left at the Yard. saner of Bea
rded and Elizabeth Btreeta, or at U. C.AVorter's Drag
*n Omura meat in An cases be accompanied with
the cub. WARD k
Towanda. Nor. 1. 1869—tt.
a new and complete assortment of
• • r
Our stock is new and we see offering it to the
lic at prices that defy competition. Any one in want
of Stoves can find with - us the latest thiprovenienis
and most desirable styles. Our Cook Store. the
AMERICAN IM ROVED. is acknowledged by deal
ers and-the publie in general. to be superior in bat•
ing egd cooking qualities,to anything now in mar
bet. We have
cthrms - rzk's TOOLS.
Month Snou as Sena.
Lamm Larvae;
• • Buns.Hetiow WAIL",
S2•3srLo Tsmv_taz, CLOT. &c. &C. .
Give ns a call. We am prepared to etandsee TC
that we can sell as cheap. and a little elm:spec Um
any othck place in the county.
Canton. Jan. 12. ,IP7O
SUGARS, • • •
CULIIO be ext.tqlea
Far a ccry choice article St - •
soArv. of all lauds.
: - •
Ana iu fact cvery GA N; is the Grolixio.
You can always And a choice article of
At the GROCER Y AND ragiagEox /Yom. of
J. ifiatmenr.
Dec. 20.19.—U
PArmiecs :oar , au. Tine Linn ern*s ins aux.
Booms over Pest Ofiloe—Xis. Hoyt% old stand.
IRA =AT A. :111410EtER.
Athens: Dee. 30.. - AVM.
_ _ _
d Ft'XD
This Dank often =FOAL YACILITLES for lb*
trsusartiosi ot a •
Smear Casa off= To Tam Cou.r.crioa or Nona;
in) Car.cas. -
Miles wishing to LIND earsic to WY part ut the
Visited States, I:Wm% Irehuld. Scotland. or the Wu.
sips! cities sad toTits of Dims, can here messy
drafts Ivr that purpose. .
T? or (TOW the old country : bj best steamer or 62i I
lug lines, always an band.
flight-1g Price paid for C.B &ads, Gold Old Saxer
E. H. SMITH. P 1104109. 1. F. Errnik
Tmren3►, 'hint 24,15411. .
$4 60
. 460
. 4 60
. 494
. 400
. 350
. 3 AO
• /IL lam.
uo to scratunTax