Newt thin fiUjaitim 16 _ . . . —44ngral rarraiiitia.ll/:1414... , . , ; -The pries di ' . 0 . 11 . '' i!lik;biiii3o. Morning • oar loiiitdreiiibigi t'oqtlis—ranch. • wa n it7C—t Lopez, the Paragis' Lysol ,is • — A Pralluul t° ja:o 3 atia. h,clFlo , . —The foundry for nalftaPif is located in the ea 4 . . Indian hes thirty-seven towns rimed Jackooft. —The cadetship 'market is quoted kat now very AdL . „•-• —Wall street to}tare another female broken'!►rth. ' —People • are now crossing Lake Champlain on the tee: • S; C., is to manufacture Iu own los this sawn. —Washington, complains Of scar:- c'.y of coed house minute. —The book trade of Mew mrl.rantit to $9000,010 • per. —Early reAligies have made their ppwnnu la Alto; Mauls. —North Brookfield, ilaft. has a t:•sby born-with oily ooti win - —Oldstockings. are the favorite 1 'sag and pocket-boolcs in Canada. ' —A. paper in Canada very solemn :, asks, " What does shoo fly mewls —They are to hate what.they call trligious plays" at the Prague Theatre.' • --Dickens is to give readings in Paris, now that his nay naval is Aida's& —Bitimark is reduced to! economy ualacky apseslatiaasia stocks. ' ' —A Methodist church has been in Uinta* on*, lowa, is Slava days. —A great German bank: is to be established at Berlin. with 112000,090 capital —Opera glasses can now be seen i u , ome of the hshionable Sew York churches. —Free' lunches are going out of t.t,L•ion =tong the New 'fork saloon keepers. —The grasshopper that was seen n the fields two w...-ckt ago, is now stiff in the —The price of a night's lodging at The Cleveland Bethel is tea cents. --So far from being in a dying •utc, Senator Orisnes is said to Be improving in twaltla. —" Write me as one who loves his rellow teen," u the estutibil said to themi u eep- —The leaders of the 'Church in Italy were came the chistsupporters of the stage. —Washington is reported fall of ,Lby agents plying their vocation.-' --Calumny is the homage which .+gniatisni has CM' paid to eoudlencs. -Richmond has a society Of color -a women called "The Danghtora of Enoch." -,--Fast young man, count the cost cigars, mu, riot and min. litop and think! . —Thackeray calls all journalists • h , '....orporation of the' goose quill.' —A German savant has succeeded malting wine from the tea plant. —Somebody wants to know whet h. r s windlass can Le considered an airy nymph? --The Boston Post thinks it very nipitel eat in man to promise Lea doctor *legacy. =The Emperor Coubtantine untr .l-red hlp wire by pluzignig her in a boiling bath Livingston's last death is doubt, d. He is used to buityg Weil by sews papet► - -Hon. W. H. Seward is again ~itiging aro:Jul the circle" LI& this eortstry. —Philadelphiuke cannot agree atrio to locate their new public buildings. --A whiskey man, on trial for de rra ug th e Gov'tmust, in Philadelphia, plead uirmnity. --Tho ocean hteanier, City of Boa . =lsaias. Fault it. yotertaia•d that she —Buller of Tennessee, will proba bly. be forced to resign. for selling a •tahip. ----A. strong effort is being made to 4.!.ittace thu pn,sittit Haperinteadent of the can• %rte. —Gold and United States bonds ii,ar the Immo premium. This is pretty sear payments. --The Delaware & Hudson canal ,umpany have leased the Albany dc Suiquehast . • Pe railroad. - —The stutlemts of Bellevue lioapi ,al. New lost, amkept quiet by the preemies .r —The i'eported discovery of silver iuit>*7 l s saythipg,of before ogenat It Kr cousin osiiWiiiiii.l4le4 turimTiiti of the knife. Will cat '-tong or short-slid . feedwwithOutlionlitif:' and eea or lesid tor a circni - keeo . :-"f:"'"•) _- - - uSin ''' Wit 1;100 -' 'E .-.'.. ii.. ;: ''' - - ..1 .. - , - 1 - .'., , A..:.)- t:f.s, -,::1 ..: ;',;-:.:-. , tifpba *OfLI* CHAFFEE'S? FANNING mn,Ls, a4c: dot•D*(xl-:_', :,iti*U - '.. - I, ; '-40: • -Cmtintie to 1411 e• ti;IASIIOWE/EitWING After having Sold and tested these m - achines for the past year, they feel : - justified -in elahning for them - a •• . , • degree / of perfection' ki; not excelled if even equaled by any other known machine. Mr. J.' P; Culver will put these inachinea for a reasonableliial at any • point Where parties wish to purchase. - . . a . • - 6 Q 0 44 1 • , 0 0 . : 0 1 g . 2 , 4 fo 2. g A. .... cs -0 c , aa - . LEATHER PACKING, BELTING, MILL, CIRCULAR, AND C.R4”S-CIIT 'SAWS.'. ENGLISH FILES ALWAYS ON HAND. _ . . . .. • m ..;,..." . ril i?i • cn A. H. G ' E-i P . z. . o- -.. 1- U €4 4o -.4 ~ : d. . X m r . E. 4...4 - P 4 - • • .4 g fra t-, 1 .-; 0 Z •-•- z -: - 14 z 1 • . ~ .41 , 11 , ' Q C LAMPS, LANTERNS, REVOLVERS, GUNS, RIFT F s , . & OAR:MIDGES : :4 . . • te ~) E., t. . 0 as At ,4 r g , CI3 ,IN 14 A . r 4 E 4 s • Ei 0 :4 :1 • 41 • ti -a , ' '', -4 • .41 a o • 0 r ' O. ,•-i tZ g ' l t 0 -e :4 EiMI SPOKES, HUB?, FELLOES,. rO z • - 01 . . • . P 4 CARP)3MWM TCK)LS, LTHE, TmnmL, Jan. 3 , 'Ha &modi II& !WM; Russell & Cos. BEM =EMI= ---w1 MACHINE! C' AND (M.TTER Wrurf. ! ir .4113111"1#4011EXT. CNNlastly iliEltuispi eit nay. ji-etivzi. , s44 l / 4 -k: " 4 1.6,41-..'4,-, ..:. - -....- .. Mew4s PMtIPSESE AND SALT ).;F,4.,,t 1,/ pm," tlrau t , ..: . MIIIIAGfor •-,, -- = LAU, '''... .33 -1 iet 3a- •. Millar - '? - MO- 'THE URFA . %., ~, , , 01163121 ILECTIVED ihtiLT 1111 (mitt Daitir be .ftripmfard ea a Iwo or • m oa nbort Rota, et, - stand, Crarrs.. *wpm .31opyouds El a k door nor th or Dr. !triers. • • '` COM" 2211.1111. IttLIXIL Tea. Nvu.ora. I •• Zeb. 24, 187041 , - GROCERY"' ANI 'PROVISIO‘i ,:8 ..r..0'1'2. la. .\•,i- . in.:gm:de end Roan Leder" in M FAMIL-Y GROCERIES MEE P.R o 1.8 .o S, 11121,Cru. S NEW IILOGIC. 'RWANDA. I,A We do not deem' ueeeaugwy to etralateste diluent artielf.e we keep. • Onr awsortownwe ALWAYS COMPLETE. We sea Whiz( but FIRS &. CLA_SS:GOODS. Cull paid 4a. Parma:as produce March 1, MO THE OTTOMAN MECHAM:BRE! A tit* ABT/CLE. OF FCENFI nth CONVhNIENT TO EVERY ONE `DIDISPENSII3LE FOR INVALIDS AND CHILDREN Avoiding the unidahtitnees and aupyreeona iG offensive odors of the Inch foam and Nomer,-. at cnaoto metal and ornamental. It ai mere w e f t ) than any article of Purnitare of the same coo_ Per sale b 7 all principal . Furniture Dealer'. Price $3.00. f,bl7 T - T A large block of nett crop Ztte. e4o.4sztly • YOUNG HYSON,. OLD RISON: IMPERIAL. • . . • GUNPOWDER, OOLONG, -JAPAN AND ENGLISH BREAK FAST TEAS s ! . Juil reeeived which we are? try : ll4!. pormd, caddy at cleat, ves7 crimp, and warranted to gtv. elifwfw. lion. • .Tbis moans afe.*iese.- Call and OOP. LUNA, k 'KEELEY. Also • ran assortment cif - SUGARS, COFFEES, SPVIP-S. DRIED & CANNED FRUITS, CRACKERS. FLOUR, FEED, MEAL. &C., Whicli at. win sell at prices to suit the tarp.. Fob. 3, 1871E-2to LONG it FEELER. CONSU3IERS OF • ' CONFECTIONERY! LET LS . -REASON TOGETHER: Hew ran an person manufaiture Confet.6enery. and mall it at 15 cents a paled, when au t ,mr to wrrin 16 cents - at the Seinen% (unkers It I. terntdy adul terated)? How ran any Healey ri ail such a zile uorg.pourd his cnatomera and ban) a coneclence void of ntent,d' . . How can any consumer expect to purchase purr Cenfectionery at twenty.flve and thirty cente per pound when a pure article cannot be manufactured leas than thirty to forty cent. per pound, eonsihung of MAW, buds. burnA althonde. and each class of goods? Within a few days we have been offend ciaana buds. etc., for fifteen • cents per pound, and Cliocc. - late Creases at twenty cents. and the ascent 'anew. ledged that they were adulterated ten per cent, with Teri* Alba ; and It is fact that tons of this chief, Confectionery are mad& and old In this country every year. and the consumers are the only parsons. Injured by it: 2.r010 i .A/Ske betwfa of those stk. wi th a Purr artier of Coo loamy, we will warrant nay artick oar num allure Strictly Pare and free - hum etcrY jolino• client deleterious to health. A. HART. Store formerly worded by John Oarman,Maln Strad Towanda, October 21. 1869. CENTRAL EXPRESS, We navr i eibinded our RUCS through vx . CVai r N.Y.. and are nprepared to renegre and Ye and money and ateiratallse, nal collect notes, dralts. checks, kc., with despatch and at low rates. Wo, run car nlaud expertinoed toemengors throstql betweende.rphlit sod :":evr York and Ws -•erlJ daily, eV. Sundays. tneurhag quirk exn...lzl prompt drlivery *3—SPECIAL ILtrEs naLl be allowc.dr..rular peril of Butter sod Egg•, and pari:rular attention given tkeirProoept drh rrry Philadelpbis and N'oe York. • EDis'. E. TARE, Aslit.,Supi General Office —320 Cticstunt St. PhiladelyCla, Sept. 23, 1339 ROUTE TO PHILADEL NORTH PENNSYLVANIA LAII.ImAp. shortest end moil direct Eno to thitedelpnie, 913110219. Washington. and the *nth. Passengers by thni , •route take Pointytrams •New York Itailrowl train. passing Towanda rd 9 5,6 make dose conbection aktlethielniu FA' Pions train of North Penn4P.Padmull, and ernvern Philadelphia at 813 P. M.. in time to tale tort' timing either for the South or West. / Citrpueoniter ors are at the Depot On arrival et all trains to money. r to. the vapon. Den" stidto al/ parts of aritrzinx..), Leirie North Penn's Railroad Deped. comer Duke and Atherbaz sheets. Philadelphia. et SAX) A. 31- &Minn at .Tcnizzida 6:311 P. If.. um^ evening* Bagepwirspeess_ collects and ill:liven. We' Ma. cacs Ne. 103 Bon* nth sheet. Ptulad . elphia m:uw: acoointoroarznxe. Freight received at Prontand Noble stretti, P6:1.. &dais. and forwarded br Daily Fast Freight trwins to Towanda. and all points In' Sni mbannal with quick dlsigadah. ' ELLIS CEA EKE. item AA. N. P. P. L Front and Willow Rea. Jan. 17.1!70. • PulladOphia. TOWANpA 3LEAT. MARKET . ? brkrwa. ;fISII A:VD CLAMS. L Lich in their season. The subserfberi wilt keep constantly on Land s fall stock of • OYSTERS, Fisu .0i1) CI JJl)i at whoksale and retail where all parties am be enp. plied at - reasonable Atm also s full stock of Masts Consisting of - BEEF, PORK MUTTON, LAMM 911.14A6E. MEADCHEESE. BOLOON.‘. TALLOW. LAE% hc - - Market first Caller 60110111 f. Ward jioaso. Hain-at. Towanda. Pa. • av91.69-3m 1111AVND & CO A. - PULL STOCK OF WOODEN iramat C. B. PATCH'S. .* Way 20. MACKEREL, TROUT, WHITE Fish. Codfish m.l Herring. reCABE :RUTTER TUBS AND FIREPA ifor, ready lit of April. t Feb. 24. • McCABE & NTT ME JA3IIII X.c.till. HAUNT Mli. 12=3 81111.1 E. Je.. Supt