Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 24, 1870, Image 1
iquurs PUULWATIOII. Tilt Fatoronn Bitrunrra putashed every Vhursday !droning by EL 15".. Anson , awl ..I.,neoN , at Taco Dollars per annum in advaissi. \DCtIiTIS 112 \ T8 meatuses rinses Lima ars in•erted St t (CI hoe ow trot ts.rttion, and isn cans pei line for subseqiint IrasettklllL Svccial Nutlet* inierted beam Ihrristes and will be (target /TM= utuits per line for owl' insertion. All Resolutions of Associations: c,,nlinunications of limited or. individual interest u0t....-s of Marriages and Deaths. exoeedttut die arc c bargeaThlt COM poi UM. " I year. 0 Moe: 3 Mos ...$1 00 ' • Sau to 15 10 1g C.ntion, Lost and Fnund. and other adter t .enteote, o u t eseeediug Feu lines, three reeks. ~rSi SO k•tlonligtrut,,r'N and timeoutor's Nutie.s, 2 OD ‘,l.;.tor's Sits-+n 3 SO Cards, five those. (Per )-eati• •.. . ... 600 rchants and others; advertising their business, „ ater,ted 625 Per year. They will be entitled c olumn. cc:Mined exclusively to their busincip :,,tn pro ilvge of quartarly changes. Ads entiong in all eases exclitedve of subserip. Ow LA 'l.lMu 0, Square • t to the paprr. PRINTING of er e kind. in Plain and Finer done uith neatritaa and dispatah. Card.. Pamphlets. Ilinbeads.Sitatetainta,/te. . • variety and style. printed. at the shortest The I:trent - Ka °Bice to well supplied with ~r Prt.sw.,s. a good assortment of new type. - and in the Printing Lino can be executed in n0, ,, t artistic, manner and at the lowest rates. INVARIAMY C.ISH. BUSINESS C , • . • lEms MIEBEIN , Fa. h ra::,r. 'lloolllei o%er ABylimall's Store. TOW-311- . l'l. 0ct.5.69. 1) FOWLER S. CO.. REAL ES- Ea .1 ET) rim 'S o . 74.7WasSitulnu StrePt., opt t.. (tf,",r3 11,01 s, Chicaza. 111. Itril Ft tr Ittm made and rnonfr Inant R. FOWLED. s. LIND. Min= - 1 B. ii()LLETT, 110N1101,"2()N, 1. la mreTlt for the-Hubbard ?tower. ISupirp lt , m , Rake. and Itroatica , t Sower few - /111 kin•i• .1f Gra IL Send ler cir• 1 Bradford CO.. :tune '24 WA-Iy. 1) 1T EN TS! fils I.LnAD SMEET, VIVERLY. N, Y dran',nr:S linperri (7, 111:1k111:: and Prr","l3 . CMl<lneting 1110- • t. 1.• 1. - s-Trtn sTAry, and Fon , N. Cll2.l:niE% 1 Arror:::cr's FEL TO PAT ESTIL PATI2CT - let:O-tf BLACKSMITHING 11 • .'d I,V mlr brick nowt. nit - ,•+t MA'n-trowt 1 tin flow pti-pare4 • ltn all it. Airan, lies. Pari,ular attigitYin Tanta II tram. awl tatge tavila. Having spent many ro mil iv. in tire biitt'ne.sti. I tnist e-,..rant, of my receiving a ~ : t of tile 111, — SItY ES.SECWI.NE. - a. --tf ' l l 31ILLS ! 1 , 11n•11 , • , . in their 111:iT •QuAt.rr: I4nt. 7,0 r.: r. 1,1,1 Fved con t!, , •11,11.1 nt ma APT ' 1,:to ty -f 11':1 /rNI) q , :nllty fr. m tbe tld YAT'r,ll ..itt , rr, MYE/2 k rne.ST. p LIST-CASCADE MILLS t' ts ;vitt 17,41:t74.. 4,4 51.4 i 7. on ty 5f5 •• '4l and ltvi. ang . 11,1 F. t` t 2 2; A r a'.lwal•nt I i t ., •,1111111i.1 Itsoll , lv done at 011ee: as VI, ra vte ty mill it., .1011vit-r.t for a tal-r, atn..litit of • 11. IN4:11%.11. MILLS ! IJ E HAYS - VILLE e. I I.• r tu2 p. 1 ., 1ia,,,1 the 1.41..ct•v,i1e ) n•ntt.• I . Cowl tp now I t t. , %* . M. .1. TIM...Tt'III.I. 54.14. f. L ! 1... r • 1,.L.• -• .1 ti, - )! 11 1:•.• t nuclilr rt•pairo•l 61 F 2111- and l• u r'.o 'VIM 11 1 11.4-11: r,rllllllr4f. •I `1 v.• 11 " 1. ~.1• • 'O, I :0 11. rx anyt:i:L;7 else al line :a an ? t.. 1 t. 11,1 Zia I ),..ltr th, 'at 01 Et . iinr. k Mullnet. AU orders left to said • L. kll prnrant'y attended t.,. 71 , tnfornes in is•Lni-d to (in:plain or other bnry th, nt,Psl . TIORTO7 , . t. I. 1,19.-4711• DYEING ESTABLISH- \l7 mEN r •!!/....,11.-,11,r takes thi. metlotiot Infemning the rowhtrla suit rwinttc tllgt has opened n Edabloilim,tt in Col. npv.• I= Geri. P-..tion'sL and t' be ix n..r: !>re tc, 4.1 All vieek in hie lire birch as i_LLANING la‘lteli and crutietilen:a •arntc ata • • 111 lirnteet manner ar.ri to the 0100 r. ran and 1,110 , 1, TILT 111:":1:1" ItELLYIN , q. 2.3 .kDFoRD COUNTY REIL ESTATE AGENCY I 7.Idi.EXN, REAL ESTATE i!•EST t Tt,"ll pr..lo;rty ttn• u - 11!. find it td thrtr . th.• $.3111 , •11 1 .1 at YPT.t.y, fl * cr,ddapt y 11. 11 't KEAN. 1,1 d.• '.!3 !•;;17 1.11; 1:N131:1:SIG NFA e HAVE pent d I:I/Ai Tit• H. • i:1 T ~ • (•. r. !SW , : to o t, ar t . P •• IL ES of aryl Y. -k s!') t • I v_., ..J En tiuttol. ttrrt • a. Fra:tkv. 1• jf,e.t• ti ,t- • t• • 1:.! 11111!IIEEMEE =I 11A 1'..• Z• • lA, 11 , P. , ?...• 11.ta- , cl , --aral.' , on, 01. ,, n:4 ta. )lA' A. .1 M INIM =EMI m FAEMERS AND \ lIRLEDLL., : • •• .4.11, `,11 . 1tI( - SToleK 14 I 1. , 1J MIL.1211:Ilg 321 1.1.. re I :outs, c.auun r , • ot pt s l ,ll , ,r it I no :It utn.! 3,1 .cut putt 111,4 NrSl 1. 711.a11a1. r-eut:pcka pr..a for H MtnteLL •r•s• •• 1' .:110 :11.'annal -• •• • '.faunal, nut 'p0..1 to onWat cy t litptrai o...tittv-rnrutw filly El I • « I'. 1:01 - ER k CO.. Cr,.. VEV; FALL & WINTER GooDs .1I1:8. E. .1. PIERCF. =I = of EERIE • \ . 1. 1 B I. ‘.t.- of TV, an• etiil bet", purchaxtUg. fa,ll,.nable Ntyle o.•• M E Pa. • •.. ' ../-1; =I E-Ny I•' I R M i • 1 1 . I, Ho 1)N AN!) LOW PPIiES! Machu;. 1 , ra--ed O..UP 1i0th5...4 Ic now road)' lu ioca.Vlllnv,. date tLe travethhag pudicNo paiuszur expense will --......- TRACY & HOLLON. . .1.- spared to gin matielartion to those who may give lum a mil. 1^,: , ,N1,1 , 1.,,..r.:'.e... c:. kr....1A.0u,.„ Ir uns kyr North eadt 01 the public Naive. cast of Mei n, i. , ue ~. E. rcy.:l2,. 0.1. 1....arnp,. Cil , noa , yo, rug r Uri., block. , -1 , , , - bilifl. Paints. oils Varnish. Yankee No- --- - 1.d0.,,,, I.:4 , fir, and Sntiff PI i III. ,:tree a,,tl D C'AI'AIERFIELD CREEK HO , •.r th,.1,...4 quattc. for inedielnal paw.* ii.. 1... TEL I ..irt id r , ,!. ~•!.! at Cr., %1.:7 krt•firt pelvis. yr, EFTEIt LANDILEX,SEIL '•, ,-ftiey 4. -,- opounded at all boors orth .e i,.. t,,-;ht. 1...1 u., a Call_ '- , FI3 , inf.: plitennsed and thoroughly refdtr.d this ni 1 TB is y k Ifill,LON. and well-known stand formerly kept by Sheriff Grit. '+'i• .- .. ton,. 1 a.. Joni- '24. l‘i.ti-1•.: is fn. at the mouth of Butumerfield Creek. to ready tol k ( t i{ 1 - ...A1.' ['A:SSA( Gl' F 110.31 OR TO to Ell who may favor him with a 1-.nll. , ' l arc. fn. 181A---tf. IREL-AND OH ENGLAND. % I EAN s, HOUSE, TO WAN D..-t, ' 0 t. , ..- 1101:.,F , •TFAx.atp., rr.ou rin - /t) Al Pa_ JonDLI. it IfoRTON, proprwtim. nig cli - iEN•tira, on urr2 / 1• 0 0,_ popular Rotel hating been thoroughly titled and' re , ....,, s ,:.nod. "LI - 8..a,k tit,- Litia - of Liv- !...aired. aird furpishod throughout with new and eh:- „, P.vii.eti. sm.liii...:yv• -c ‘‘ ,- et.- . 1 ;,a us Friru:txtiv.poill be upen for the reception of .... ,-,..i ~,..t .....i L-ne of Packet, trv‘iii or . to London. guest's. on tiarge.tear. liar 1. 1869. leather expense -• . ; ~,,.• a ni , nl2:L • nor pains tr.... , Wen &pared In rendering this Ilona* -,, r, i , ..... ti E 14.,-..Li 1 lei-len.l and Seottand liay. a model hotel iii all its arrang,rinrlAS. A superior ... ,d. se .1:.1. rivil,„Ely old Burton Ale, for itecalids. just.reerired. . . , t' , - r po - , ,, da•-. zie.,ly t i Williams 14: (itivni, April 29. - 1169- ' - ..-. 7 .--.. G. F. M.'s-iON k CO.. Lanier,. E'rrE • RA.NCE HOTEL '.—Situa ,i 1 ci'., Totraii.ta. l'a T i e d ant he north.west corner of Main and Ll' izi• ( ~.1 S. P Et' K . MILLWRIGHT 1, tli :tr etc oppos:te Itryant's Carriage Factory. The underaigacd having recently rvfitt id his well ' ' • •••• Mn, kii.i..l . T,....-anda_ 1...i_ al is built 1 - hown with good accommodatioua, -- 'io - e-i E.......„-.1.--, ant It -i-i in toe beet ~,011,1 re rpectlay inform the public that be is . ' • ~.- • I c...C. I.• dl 1 , ,, att..L.t.on of tr.ill out, , t... iv... teepared to mre:Ve•gutAs and hoarders upon IL. nu.,l I,beral term,. , N Ely' ViIETEX fi - ATEIi WaELT. Jo -tam-a nut others attending court willempeci- , ',..- a it.: all th• element., of a flrst-elan. miller. ally Mot nt, their advantage to petcontrie the I tl. M. BROWS, Propr. 1 , i , ~, - ,,p• ....,, gr,at..-1 'AM: - .r.t gr pos,:r t,,r T - "ei"" 1 . J.n • / .2 . 2h7°.-34:1 ' .- . ~...) .. ei.r..-.1 ruumna Oil ler liaelmater 3, :rm- to to power ca...eitt dithittut.ou in r ilaoY HOUSE—V. 3L Loo bits , • . ~ ~ t -.4 0,1 in mat frames 'or addl.. A' the pl.kmire 01 informing his fri.•nds and the • ”. 1 '• ~ ',. 'd re's u's ler low he'ld. and made of 1 ?Mile. that him new shin commodious Stick Hotel Is ' " 1 ' , ! , ..ty- These wheels will be furnished - 1 nine completed and open for the alecotoodation of-' ~ , ,••.. : • !..i lei - e.., - ....,t or any other firetchies sliangt-ni and travellers. The tittarness sill he vas- • ',..'• -, i -. ''.. ,- ,--.-.,i It, T.,:forta an this ducted by T.. d. Loliro - k f4olt. vikotyoriciatteo. - - •I ••••• I • ~. T,-•,.,,,,...:. erg be made for Yon to the comforts of Use gnosis, hope to reticle. 0 • -.. • , , •• , 1...., n , ..,... o, ,lisni u,dlra, of the lit.-ral slum , of public patronage. , •-• - : r , , i.: :t , a• %, I The subikey:ber Outten/de sincere Ito fiisl • - • t .a, -- it- -. ,-...1 , 11:, of ti,. wale:- . t-aveling IMMO: for the uniform libel's' patronage' I ` l 1.. s. I }Ali T4 - maida l's- . Iworlofore the Teo" Roue. 'mud take. I - ~ , • • . a.l too onn In pnr-at.Ola at ',IA*. maltrr to freifw able to slatOtbal" he is now bitten .. , .. II •min a w o ts , Ilia Towanda tap. The 1 pr'epare' d to male i themostalbilidale and. happY thin* * •-t , ": 40 1.1Y composed of Lroln as uoirinaAle. . ever. • - 'V- //e-LONG. . 1 •n .-" Ei'il"? it • • Trier. ra . Lam . . 1--tf .k 4 :114,1N:WETUN, MEE Ala VCIFt I) & A. UtitoN, PliatiOshezate VOLUME X XX. •: • :F=l JAMES WOOD. AirroRNET COLIMILLOA AT LAV. Tomtit. A. TT ENRY PEET, ATTORNEY AT 1. 1 Law. Towanda. Ps. June 27. .'M 17 4 1 1/WARD OVERTON, Ju., AT .L4 Tow= AT LACt. Tem.* Pa Mice forme"' orappied by the late J. C. Adams. rsareb I. VA. atORGE D. 31ONTANYE, AT VI TOMMY AT LAW Mee—comer or main me Ptne Strsets, opposite Parties Drug Store. NV A. PECK, Airromm- AT • Law. Towanda, Pa. Odlce over the Ha -tory. south of the Haul House. and oppoaite the mutt Rouse. nos S. V.S. T P. 'WILLISTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. TOWANDA. S. Addl. of Mercurs Yea Dlutk. up stair* Dec. 1. '63-3mo INT H. THOMPSON, ATTORNEY • AT Ltw. Toaranfli. Pa. Office with W. C. Itetart. F q.. 'SO. 5 Stick Low. All Mailmen ca. LniFtm G. 10 care will be promptly attended to. EMEEM T H. CARNOCRAN, ATTOR • NET .1 Lox IDlxtri4 Attcirnty for Brad. comATI. Troy. Ps- Collertions-muleand prompt. v nr2ll feb 15. I:9—t t. JOHN N. C.ALIF'F, ATTORNEY Towanda- ra. rarti, , nhe attention t. Cr-phan.' lmg:netts Conveyancing and,ttous. Ofttee at the Iter„ister and Itkx..or .le,-, of the Court Horse- De; I. 1564.. TIENJ. M. PECK. ATTORNEY P AT L.Aw. 11. - m - auda, P. All buginess entrusted t reeehe pen:opt attent:nn. oinee in e!lire lately nreapb-rl by Nlerrar k Mbrrete.-eouth "f Ward Ilan., np sture.. ; July 15. r EROUR &. MORROW, ATTOR- T l sty,. LT LAIC. TOlrUldi: PA. The underclitned as.nciat.l !hems...lces tocePlirr to theprartire ed taw r.jT.a rnferaina9l services to the public. ULYSSES Mutt:Tu. P. D. MORROW. Marcll 9. 11,49.5. JOHN W. MIX., ATTORNEY AT Lim Inn-ands. Bradford CA.. Pa. INSIfLANCE AGENT_ Particular latent: cm plll C a -amt.:ons and orphana* er.nrt Ottler—Mtrirar's Nil" Block. north sub. Public Sciiisre , . apr. 1. 'O. B. McKEA N, ATTORNEY • . AND 0.01. - NSZI.L.II AT LAW. TOL/ILTILIL Ina Par. hetnat atteuton paid to balances in the Orphans' equrt. July 20. 'GG. W T. DAVIES, ATTORNEY .AT • Lois. Towanda. Pa. Office with Wat kins. Esq. Part:rear attrition paid to Orphans' collet business and settlement or decedents' estatos. AT B. KELLY, DENTIST! OF . • bee ores Wirkb,ani & Black's. Towanda. Part antlar attention is called to ALtictst - tpas a base for k , nticial Teeth. Bating used thin niaterisl for the oast four years. I ran confidently seen namtnd it s. bung far superior to Rubber. Please call and es .urn. Kpecinicat. erir Chloroform scludnistesed s Len desired. may 110. 'GS. TIE. H.- WESTON, DENTIST.- Ofnet. :n Panon's Block. over Gore's Drug and miral Store. ' jan I. 'O. B. JOHNSON, PHYSICIAN • ANT, SCP,EO2 , Tv-a - anda. Pa. Office with W. 1: Kelly der Wlekhara k lilrck. Regidenct , at the M,,,,na am 16'6.1. nit. H. A. 13ARTLETT, Ki en,/ .• Bun lira.llcrtl Count:, Pa. tit3ve at fr,-atetly ortruptrtl by Dr. ung.lo 1r614.t1 TIM STEVENS. over 13nowNs (lute GOM:il Drug Store. Patton'. Block. in ofh-ces u.'. aped 1)r. 3i&dill and Dr-Wagon. 11-SD. V. BEACH, M. D.. Phy - Ri( r •ian L• (mg Towatela Pa, PartieuLar shone Loa to ail Cl..rotoc lia,easer, and Dina.e. of F, ~ ,,.e a. °Moe at his reiddeu, on State pt., twb tact of Dr: . Pratt.. tt0r.11.69. H. W. Wr.,Ll,s.. 110(70il O. LEWIS, A 'GRADE -1.7 ate oi air Collea of •Pilyticiana and Surgeons. - Tort nay. clam OVCAS exclusive attention to tin prrA of ]ho profession. Office and reaidenea on exidcrn nype 0rr.,11 Hill. adjoining Henry ,jr-la 14. G. 9 - 1 ii CAMP, INSURANCE • AriErf.-4gEue foruierly occupied be lTereur r; or, one Kumla of Weed Ju!y '2"2. • FT AIR WORK OF ALE. KINDS. barb SwircuEs. cura". EPJZ- E; TS. kr.. wade 11.1 the beta mantle, maul letert lo the Wa 11.1rIt,C !Sather sbop. T. ranii r e .,nybt e . r vtaa. I,c, I, 1,.;g:9. rit kNeIS E. POST, PA.INTER, - • and, Pa.. with- ti n yeare exinirivnow. IP con- IA h ctn lIIVc tho wt witt.w.factiwin in Painting. Staining. kn. 1 , n...1-art...War astir:men pa:ti to jolt ing in the ' apt at.. JOHN 1)1:NIEE, /ILA TH. Nius LOETON jA.. pa) parprular atteutigan L.:. Tire 8.13 d • t not:, w,rk ral4l elasge..a for . t 4.15.69. 7 Y1::-;! OH YES! et l'iNIII!EMIIIIM1111!!!!!11111 U .1;cly 4..1,1,i..1 Fat,Luvtion R. NI. ..A. 2G. i; Pa. IVANT SUPPLIED I 1. • ...: 10..! 1,17. IS; I= th.l , naa preprr...l 'AWF. 'LI Pl7.'s AND I:EPA II: SLINSUI:k. me <l. • t.ti,,r (lint niLt.,:t JOSLYII 11:611 ALL Lt. I. !I a.l Murmhali \V. STEVENS, CI, ,''ITT SUR zd Co., Pa. flank :id Ilia many eitipl , •yera fur I -st patroaata. Uould r. fo gully infikrto 42ir r:ttrzna Bradford he tr pr..pared to du arty cork 111,111,11116 , of trutd4 as o.t may be eutrurl,d to lute. Thu. Lariat! d.pot•U purr' h tt r r 4h, pr o perty aecuratcly Eunryed before allowiti: themaeltra to tee! atii,ir3viell by their ileii2hbora. All work warraut ed rnrrilit. SD tar as t!. nature of the can %ill per m t All utipateuted lands attended to an soon aa warratitattre obtaiute. 0. W. ErrEvrni. ra.b. '24 1,40-Iy. 4 1 . MERICAN HOTEL, CORNER bridge and Water Strarta. 'Towanda. Pa. M. ALEINS. Proprietor. aiaiateti by L. T. Lulea. loriorriy L.! Royale Mvape. - - Lbniii.igton. Pa. =I WARD HOUSE, TOWANDA, PA lIMM=I On Maly .31 - 1 , -(.t. Lear (to. ( 'Jure 11912.4, =I 11 )1 F.IIIC A N HOTEL. EAST S:ornrrei..b, Ps. The subecribur hat , nag imbed this hone:. Letcty occupied by L.C. Lcut,y, and thoronghly repiire'd and rtf-tt.,,1 :t. is no. ready to ~ 212 m °ant,: tbe travelling Eve.ry .1441 Cr x.:11 be W aat..sty throe syno may him kith 2 ~1 11.* A. G. ItErNOLDe. ••.t. i , 18413--Coo. ELWELL HOUSE, TOW"ANDA; ''' '''' '-.•-• '-' • -''-'' ''-';'-'''•--' ' •'' '"' '-• :-.--• • ' ''''• - - ‘''' '''''''' - ' --- ''• '''-'-' ' '•••-'-' . ''k- ,-- ::., • - •"' ''-' -. . ,::-...- - .-:",. ---':-..•-•-..-' •.-'...! .. 4 - 1 ""' ::•-- • -:'• • • '::' :---,'..;-'' - •:-4..-- - .- --,i - .. - ;r , •-• -:;•;,." - -- t...4f , '''-.-;;;-, ;.• , ..:4,;",:;,4`4 4- •.7:.' - ‘;,.";4'-',;: ? - - - .. 44i .-- -?:•• - - , ric - - .:ii'..:b.';•-•- - 5 - i-iB;. - sq•-•- ,- - - - -, 4 , . , -; - •?;;;.?„;., - .,- ,--.;›,:;::.•:.: - - , , ,,•..,"--,;...., , ,,...--;,:„,.., - .,--,J.......,-, -, ,ts - - .;-„,..--.-. ,--...,,-s-„,:, , , , - . ;,-•••• '< - ::;a .- • - . - - - --...--:,Z:-.-,-. -- - 1 i5. - Evtitt,,,r4sl;l&-" , Atia: '':'' V: . • '..1 1 '.'4 , 0:***140 - 440V:*:01 . 7 .4 i - kti• - •::144:-*4 :: ''. - :tii's:.'11*. ir:k44i-likkin'''l 7 - - "-' , ''' '. • ; I - 04404 * ** - I *** - '' ; • • •••;;. -4 :0. 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'' ' - • . i ~....,..'.. ..,;.. , ' '''' ' i'i r . n ':, , 11:CTION ! Eotels. 7 f•MITH.-Pr.lnirtur JOILN c. WILSON t i g tnal tedr2* TO Eu.l. Have you forgotten the verdant fields Where the lights and - shadows play,.' • And the purplehoe of the distant hills , • Lying westward far away—: Mow the joyful sound of the church-bells mine O'er the:Orrice of the thyraylurf? • Have you forgotten the sunny road , • 'All bathed in the dreamy light, That shone on those autumn. afternoons When the days wvie calm and bright ; When the golden beauty of summer's glow Was fading from earth and sky, • • And the year grew old with a sad, sad mac, Law a saint prepared to die? Have you forgotten Ole shaded pored • • Before our cottage door, And the balmy days of early youth— Those days that return no more? Then the rustling leaves of the lemist trees Were hushed by the moonbeams' spell, As WV lingered to whisper Home su - eet, sweet - words That I have remembered well. Have you forgotten? I still believe • You think of that pleasant past; And your heart turns back to those quiet scenes Scar changed since you saw' them last. 0, come to- the home of •:t our early youth— . To the hes. is that are faithful and true; . Letyour glad young 'nib° dispel the gloom Of the_hearts that-arc waiting for you. &stetbuttons. ' (For the Rtavierut.] WOMAN'S BIGHTS. - - BT F_0043, THE BACHI2.OII. I [Fogg. the Bachelor, who ha always favored the fair se; right or wrong, attendee. Woman's tights meeting and is converted anew by Lucy Stone.] Heaven knows, as well as they know it in sundry other places, that I have always ,becn favorably disposed to that branch of the human family most familiarly 'known as the. female varie ty of the fair sex. If I Was ever zea lous on the subject, I film noic fero-, cious. I have probably done more in times past--,-certainly see red more--for ttio -man than any other erenttire of the genus homo ; and now I feel aki- if J. could stake My reputation ? a s a con firmed bachelor, my life, and if nbc essary my sacred honor on the eess of the suffrage question. ••hhorild you ask me whence this fervor— Whence this tire upon the altar ; should you ask me whence these changes From my iarkutss unto daylight.; should you ask me why my visage Looks at happy as a sunflitwer, And my.sses reloct a glory That seem borrowed from soeuoi, I i.hould answer, I should t(-11 roc. That thatl.a tat- i,ith Liwy." Lucy Stone and. I are now Last friends for life. j am more than ever confirmed in the belief that in the fe male sex lies the salvation of our be loved America. 'The veil of the fu ture rolls away like a scroll, and I be hold in prospective the delectable hills, the paradise valleys and the heavenly groves of our future land. •I see myself presiding over a con vention of femiles. I see myself spending my time, previous and sub sequent to every , - election, going from house_ to house up and down the earth; basking in the sunshine of the smiles of my. neighbors' wives. Shall I ever forget the day upon which I visited -Lucv's lecture ? No, never, never, never • Lucr and 'I are about the same age. I think we look some alike. Lucy's persuasive power is vast. I little thOught, two weeks since, that the course of my life would turn so soon. I am going to spend the little rem nant of my days as a lecturer on wo luau's rightb I have doubt ww that they have sonic rights that I then little dream ed of. Woman is a down-trodden race. She is without influence or po sition. I knew before, that she was the most worthy Specimen of earth's inhabitants, but I supposed men ap preciated her merits. But. how sad the mistake She lies in the midst of mankind as spirits in torment, and yet how uncomplaining ! She is long suffering but not vindictive, down trodden but not despondent, crumbed but not entirely exterminated. There is just a few of her left (Heaven be praised!). But let ithe immortal tongue of Lucy tell its own tale of woe. " The colustitution and declaration of rights declares that the just pow-• ers of government are derived from the consent of the governed." • .Are not women governed ? •Don't 'the law put its merciless hand on us and prohibit us from -volunteering to fight for our country as a drafted man? Don't it compel us to rock the cradle while the nien—the tyran nical profligate tualcs—are shoveling dirt on the hjghway? Don't it pro hibit us, 'under severe penalties, from wearing the same attire which it al lows to mule s , and for which we are as well fitted by nature as they, and far better by inclination? We have aspirations as proud and lofty as any 'race of people under heaven ; shall these be stifled We hare exalted hopes of being treasures of our own legislatures— shall these be crushed Shall we submit to having one set of laWs for us and another for theinAdeelil Our property is taxed in all things like theirs, and (as I said before) shall we be denied the privilege of working out our own road-tax? Our hus bands hare a right to pay all debts . contraeted by no for necessaries, but no such right,is extended to us The law inflicts a divorce .for his "cruel and, inhuman treatment," sending, us Willing exiles to other lands, but when 'our cruel and inhu man treatment troubles him, the law allows him to stick by us closer- than a brother ! • Why, women og Amerimil look up on.the stmtute-bookaof our country. Lay aside the gew-gaws of _life—ha? bier and "dish-cloths—and go into the study of the laws. They. are Monu ments of the blackinjimliaa: of "mai/. Happily, most men art notes ,bad as the law ; least, -we have never so considered theni.„(Criei of ."That's so!" from all females present.) • dies and gentlemen; if there, is any laW-that I don't knOw,l Oeit4u . Iy - - don't know IL: I,lMre _b e en an the: study of , the law shies I. first com menced, and if My Inadth don't fan zuel life is stared, I meau to eon' , iitoe in it. E. afighame.)Look - Istitheblatnglish eoMmos la* See IowAsi)A.;'',,IRADFOIit:COUNTY,,,F.k.;'FEBRUiItV24'.,;I . B74).'.:.:'i,-;.i .---•. . , • • hos' , weVereitented: a s catilei' We could not vote, We treate d: fight:'' 'lf we eoiniiiitted a' felony - in' `the' pies-, ence of our husband, the law would give lain all the )iciuor and bang him . for it! (Cried of "Good !"'trot r' the old maids - through - - the audience.) But I have no heart:to, .dwell 'mister on .the oppressions of our race. Let the dead past bury its ..dead.. We live for 'the future.. Let Os 'arouse ourselves and act like men; (Cries of "We will! we . will!" from the strong-minded.) . Let _us throw off this yoke of tyranny, and assert our inalienable rights. • Shall we be wil lingly 'down-trmiden forever? Isn't our tongue sharper than a two-edgeß sword, and looser than the clapper in an old. cow-bell? , (Groans of an guiSh from the male part of the house, and cries of "Yes, too - true! too true!") Now, my friends, there is one pow er, one right, to which we may and must resort to secure us in our lives, our persons and our property. A ; i right whi(ffi in my opin ion inheres in all men, whether women or. children. ,I mean the right of suffrage._ What 1-rights have you, tyrants, usurpers that you are, to withhold it? While you were fighting for our country, didn't we draw your wages and in vest them ,as fast as they came ?i Didn't we save most of you the trou ble of collecting anyback pay ? (Long drawn sighs from the soldiers in all parts of the house, and cries of "Yes! yes !") Why don't you, then, give us the right of suffrage . ? Do you say it. is because we havn't killed anybody? (Swooning in different parts of the 1 audience, and cries of "No !..oh no !") ' Do you say it- would contaminate us, when Many of its have to endure your society every hour - in the d y, and some of us very late into the evening? Do you say that it would detract- from !our efficiency as wives and mothers? What folly! In all 1 probability there would be so many of 'the male sex calling to electioneer I us, that we would be more domestic:, I in-oar habits of tiecrAT.xity. -It would cultivate that social congeniality be -1 tween the sexes that is the charm of i society. The tiger and the calf would I drink froni the same bowl.. The ' lion and lamb would lie down to gether." In fact, the millenium of social and political - existence would be at hand. "Let us have peace !" It• is for your interest that you do its justice. the time may come when in the depths of your anguish you will cry out to us for help, but unless you now favor our rights, in that day you will be banished like serpents_ from our firesides, from the rostrUm and the ballot. box itself. Your garments will then flutter in the wind likeqbe tat tered sails of a whaler, with many button-h Oles, but with few,huttons. Your stockings shall seek 'for .new heels and toes, - .but find them no' Your steak shall grow cold and no smoke rise from your - coffee forever. '• lie wow to-doy,'tisuind.As to defer!" (Groans and sobs from all paits Of the house, amid which, leaning on the arm of Lucy for support, I left that assetnbb a wiser man.) [For the Iteroarar..l LETTER FROM BEW ORLEANS. Nra Ont.r.aas, January 31;1870. Dian Btornea Join.: Yon 'have, presume, worried at home a conei enable ; but.eir'eurastances bare be such that it was next thing to iinpo• Bible for me to write.. I suppcnie.y • are somewhat astonished at .he heat ng,of this-letter, New Orleans; ai in fact, 1 am myself ; for I itev dreamed of being as far south tia this. Well, I suppose yon would like a sort of history of my journey, and it must be a sort of one, too • for give yon the minute particUlar;3w6uld occupy .more time than 'I have to spare just now. We lett Omaha De cember 9th with 25 wagons, 140 nudes, about 50 men and 12 saddle ponies, one of which • was consigned to myself,,and the others, were rode by the different officers df the train and one or two gentlemen who were Merely passengers along Ito see the cotinlry. , • You knew nothing about the way these trains get -along, so I will tell you. .We started out mornings be fore daylight and had no dinner, but Camped at four.o'cleck in the after-, noon, cooked 'our meals, fed' our :teams, - and sat around the fire until dark, and then "to bee—which means roll yonmelf up in your blan kets and find a "soft place" on the ground. Ope night in Kansas, a short distance from Platt•City; I woke 1 up in the -night to find at' least six inches of snow on top of me, At the commencement of the trip I could not sleep at all, but fatigue soon brought me to it, and since then I can sleep as comfortable as in a bed. Our route lay through lowa to com mence with, and we passed through • some splendid towns all along our route. Next? came Missouri. In that we passed through St. Joseph (about 25,000 inhabitants) and Kan4as City (about 42,006). Next came Kansas. There we passed' through a great many interesting pints connected with, the-war,nudthrougli the prin cipal outposts of the State,•Fort Lin coln,-Fort Gibson, Fort -Scott, Fort Morgan, and many others too nu merous to mention. There. was many 'a place,in Kansas that we would tray eL2s, miles 'without seeing a habita tion of, any kind, and sometimes even 50 miles. -At Fort Scott my Christ mas was spent, and 1 - wondered many a tithe what 'you were all doing. „ I was nursing my frozen ears, nose and feet. The weather 'waif terrible: cold, and on the _prairied in some places the env* was two feet deep. At Baster Springs w received a military escort of one eompany of cavalry, to accompany us through the Indian territory ; for although the Indians are supposed to be peacable in - that country, it is not safe for any part) . - to•go thrmigh the heart of their country unarmed. The Indian Ter ritory is the most beautiful country I have ever seen, and I have seen a good deal. There we saw game in abundance, 130fd0,, deer elk, and wolves, any summit Uf them. It was ncothing but; venison the way through. The Indians raise some nice: sweet potatoes;4o, We p,ssed the Chickasaws, Kickapoes; Ohero- • upastrium or UNTINCRATION noirar: bees, Choctaws; Creekk'and a small branch of the :Apaches; whieltlmns fip from -Tem.- We had ino serious troulde. %%Vibe stealing of , some , of our Mules. They will steal anything they can lay'their ban& an. I ean not now-explain much at :I expect to acme day When I see you. We =maid a number of rivers of note, which you can see by examin-- uktout route on aurap. We arrived nt jeffereon two weeks ago last Ail , day, making us 97 days on the trip (900 miles). Jefferson is a little town of 7,000 inhabitants, and ;the worst rebel hole you ever heard of. Green backs are of no account here at all ; gold and silveer is the only current money in Texas. It is not recon structed yet, you know. Well, we went to camp in the pine woods, 22 _Miles from Jefferson, on the line of the preposed Memphis d. El Paso R.R. ; and there I staid in the company's store (a tent - 20130, filled with groceries, boots. shoes, and in fact everything railroaders need) until last 'Wednesday, whdn I- came to Jefferson, found the boats were running opposition and only charged $B,OO fare to New Orleans, 800 miles from there, and so made up my mind to come with Mr. Farrell to visit the city. (Mr. Farrell is the head con tractor.) • • Jefferson is on a bayou. From thence we run 'on to Cado Lake, across that to Soda Lake, and ;then strike Red River, down which Ive run to the mouth and strike the Mississippi, and run direct to New Orleans. I may stay here some time ; I don't latow yet. Mr. Farrell is willing I should, and is using his..inllueuce to procure me a situation here, , and he may succeed ; if not, I shall go back. New Orleans_ is a fine city, muchnicer buildings than in Chicago, and agreat deal more business here now than there, as this is the cotton and sugar season. The weather is very hot here now, and trees and grass are green as in May in Pennsylvania. There are orange, fig and banana ' ties all over the city, hanging full of frail: I only wish you could be here to-day —you would think it was July. I am , sitting here with duck breeches and vest on now. If things go to suit me, I may be up home in the heat of the summer. There is considerable small pox here t but I am not alarmed. OUR YOUNG FOLKS. Foreigners tell us that we have uo children in Atrierica—that the lit tle precocities regarded by fond pa rents as children - are minature men and women! They are about I,right, too. The quick development of Man hood under the influence of our go ahead institutions may well surprise strangers - , who require twenty-one ,ears of . maturing vegetation to emerge-from the chryshlis state of awkward prudency, and Ahake off the 'preatice-like submissiveness in which they have been educated. Our nation -was a giant in its infancy, and a new term must be invented to describe what it will be in its , mature age : there is nothing in language, at pres. int, to express that vast reality. ( rising generation partake of this gi chaineteristie of their country : t : hurry through their puling and sing period, and spring up at a boi into pertectly-fulished. . Immune smart as steel-traps—is knowing, cunning; as full of pluck and devi _ as 'thoroughbred four-year t old . l c Teething', ineasloi and.the other: t ty annoyances otchilithacid,nug t to be dispensed with in the ease of .k., er lean offspring : theyreidly lavel not time - to be bothered with such kivo tons vexations—they tea so ridicti lmis under the contemptible inflic tions!, Prince Albert, 'when lately suffering with the chiclieu-pock, could not have made a more absurd appear ancethan does one of our old-fash ioned juveniles—who .is a thorough luau of the world in his fifth year--- when interrupted in, his impatient progress by the same childish visita tion., . To disgress one moment. I there in nature a more venerable-looking thing than a very young infant? Its solemn appearance always awakes in hts a kind: of awe, and, among the un T fathomed mySteries of feminine nature we regard that inordinate desire for kissing and lavishing endearments on. the grave-featured stranger, especial ly among " engaged " young ladies when in the company of unmarried gentlemen. Wit would as soon think of kissing our grandfather, or any other "grave and reverend seigneur." Their is such an ant quoted air about the little caricature of, man—for it only begins to look young after eight or nine months' practice of juvenility. Its wouderons gravity was no donut the origin of the doctrine of the_met empsychoSis, and a person of proper ly-constituted mind naturally revolts at the idea of treating with childish levity a solenin being, which may be, in fact, a resuscitated patriarch, pr perhaps Julius Caesar " come again; like Monsieur Tonsou, or at the !mit a shorn. Capuchin of the 'middle ages, doomed once more lo walk the earth. But to resume. Our youth have no time or inclination to linger amid the puerilities of childhood—they learn to talk, they rush through their education, and pay their parents for their board like true independent cit izens as they are, while the .children of Europe are slobbering with paia fores and wheezing with whooping cough. It is said that Minerva sprung 'full-armed from the head of Jove, her father: That was doing things rath er rapidly, and Jove was " some,' we allow ; but we will back Columbia against him. We believe that, in case of emergency, the "Spartan Moth ers-". of this republic (mold produce a full-blown equipped and ready for the field. Let Jove and all Olympus , beat that if they can! Parents ought to rejoice at the quick development of their progeny e capacities. We all ought to congrat ulate ourselves as, patriots on the promising prospect of oir future de fenders. When we -see youths of fourteen who have completed their education—who are able to- shift for theamelve.---who 4:aa ." nines; chew tobac«), anit4hiidi tierce cocktails' —we 14tel tiist the &owl try is safe. The 1- lit is,' the bele, i ~ - _ ~r~ ._. F: ,- going ahead of th e old *gals. The latter were horn twenty . o e, thirty yearti toc s soou—they keep: p ace with the impetuous - 1444g5. o the day, and If they do not clear thetrack pretty soon, they will be lifted off or run over, It was but. yeaterday that .0. gallant : .boy, four feet lin stature, ' iMperionsly elbowed us out ,of his Way as We were malting 'at the win dow, of the post-office: We Were lost ;ilk admiration,' though our connte inane° possibly expresqed Borne is tonishtuent at the, exploit ; for, after depositing his letters, he _rooked up at us defiantly; and then,'squirting a mouthfutof tobaccoinice upon ,the ground, said—" Why don't ~you., be be smarter, then, you d—d old fogy?" We know well that his father glories in and encourages that boy's " smart ness.", • 'Mirk them at the Custam-house and - at the banks : 'they will cheat a dozen men out of " their turns," and get through their business While an overgiown fellow is staring at theis adroitness. There is none . like a bright lad to bring a pert bank-teller to his senses, and a teller, who knoWe. his business will rather offend . his tallest customer than stand ill with one of these terrible infants. ti'e once saw a revengeful urchin, o, being sent to deposit $2,000. by his employer, choSe the busiest part of the day, and; advancing it $lOO . at a time, compelled the furious - teller to make twenty.entlies. The merchants know the value of the fast lads, and prefer them for bank and custom house 'business c 'and it must be said to their credit, that the dashing boys employed down town are no less holi est than smart. They make, too, the best collectors in the city. Give us a pert boy for hurrying np a slow debt or ! The unhappy man will never, know peace until that "small account"" is settled. His subterfuges are 'all vain —his plea of poverty is a farcical notionhis indignation is worse than useless, for it i recoils upon his oWii. head by awaking the just and amaz ingly coot impudence of that imper turbable 'youth. The wretch must pay—there is no escape for him. .At last he groans and pays, and his per secutor walks away 'whistling in tri umph. • t: • As we said before, if the young folks maintain their - presOt rate Of . progression, the old people must make way for them. Place aux en fans ! It was well enough in old times for the fathers of the republic to decree that a. man should arrive at, mature age before being eligible - for senator or president ; .but the time is. rapidly approaching when that law must be annulled. Oe lives now: as much in a month as they then did in a year ; so that the Ocomplishecl youths' of the present : generation ought to have a chance now. If sec ond childhood has filled , one of those stations"without serious detriment to the affairs of the state, why should not premature Manhood fill it with brilliant success? lEM It would be.a disgrace to the. girls if they were behind their brothers in advancement. They keep equal pace, if they do not outstrip them in pre maturity ; and how their , delighted mammas rejoice to hear them at twelve years of age begin to talk of "beaux "--to 'sec . : them at fourteen perfectly free from' any silly-bashful ness, and practicing coquettish arts with all the ease of adepts! - From that time forth their dreams are of husbands. t They permit each one of ehOiCe icollection of " beaux " to treat them to theatres, concerts, and fashionable .saloons,*and ingeniously kiugh at theta - behind their backs. They confine the old people to the_ Vasentent, 'while they Teceite their tOre . .favored company in the draw ing-room. Thersoon give- their fa= tilers to tualerstaud that the chief nay of old folks is to supply them with dress, and their mothers are quickly Wight that they eau be tolerated on ly on condition 4:attending to their daughters , domestic comforts. Some 4 times they get husbands—whom may Heaven pity!—soinetintes they do not ; in which sad ease Way devote all the energies of their minds to gos sip, slander, dress, and, not unfre quently, the woman's rights qurstion --when may Heaven pity Them ur nd ley ur- A BEAUTIFUL CONSPAIUSON,—Rev,T Dewitt Talmage, now of Brooklyn, closed a sermon as follows:—"Seated at a country fireside, the other dip', I saw the !fire kindled, blaze, and go out; and I gathered up from the hearth enough for my reflections. Our mortal life is just like the fire on that hearth. We put on the fresh faggots, and the flame bursts through; and up, and out ; gay of - sparkle, gay of flash, gay of-crackle—emblems of boyhood: Then the fire reddens in-. to con s. _ The heat is fiercei, and the stirred, the more it red dens. With sweep of flame it cleais its way till all the hearth glows with intenSity—emblem of full manhood. Then comes the whiteness in the coals. The flickering shaddows have died along the walls. The faggots drop algal. * The household hover over the expiring embers. -The last breath of smoke has been lost up the chimney. Fire is out: Shovel up the white remains. Ashes !" VOICE, or GRACE. .—lt is beflUtifU and marvelous to . observe how vari oils are the voices of free graCe: t: r -"I am thirsty," says one. _ "Come to the wa te rs," she cries. • "I ant hungry," says another: "Then eat ye that which is good,' she guys, "and let jour soul deligh itself to fatness." "But I am poor, and - have nothing .to buy with." • "Conte buy wine and - wilk•without money and without price." "Wit are weary," sigh the laborers in the sun-beitteti fields." `"Corno unto me," breathes ber an swer, like a breeze front the waters, "and I will give You rest." ;least thy buraens on the Lord, and he will sustain thee," she whis pers to. thupilgrim ready to faint on Lis bighwty. ; • . . ‘tehotirthe fountain," she (lies to the guilty; "the fountain opened for sin -and Uncleanliness.' - IsAmxitY; draws% tiß by a single kftelgftrtuttitTel i ttM !r4n- must . . =I 1 , =ES OE ME siOw4Lnuts.': ar'rn~br~ox .Chlt iblaKll4lll 9f4l,lllrilirr . ost of the.elosd-fokis of hei gartuerits shaken, Oreistho eersigsalus brown and bore, Over the harvest prsakeiv, , Aileat, and soft, awl 'km,: . Deseindi" the MOW. ) 5a E en Is our cleudy fauciee tike ddenlpstiapo tri &ono disiniexprerslon, vat se the troubled bear! doth make • . ,Iu the white countenance confession, The troubled sky reveubt . , • - • - - The grief It feel'. This is the poem of the air, - - Slowly in silent syllables recorded ; This is-the secret of despair, ,Lung in its cloudy bosom hoarded, New whispered and reveald To wood and fleld.. • TIASI3Y. Mr. Nasky in Despondent Frame of Afind- The Mem bers of Use Kentucky Legtelaterro refup to ttesd by Principle. Louisville. frrich to Sn the-Stait Its 1 Ktintucky,) V, 1910.. • . I don't_ know that.reely there's any, more yoose in livin on this earth. The Fifteenth Amendment is JONA id, and a nigger Senator will take tln seat in the Senit wunst okkepied by that martyr Jefferaun Davis. It's about time` for me to go hentz—lheV no desire to remaue stay long enuff to ecoisoom the- con tents fly a red-headed in the back rootaltv iny blessid gcosery \o9-York, into Mint, ez yit, put no water, - btit probably I will.' I think I shel go tome, shut myself up in that back-room, drink that pertie tiler barrel dry, an fall dead across it. Like Sardinapilus, niy kingdoin bein gone, illy, funeral pile shel be my throne. I came onto Kintucky to aid by my eininsil the Dimokritcy uv that State in the present crisis. The nig-1 ger Revel hez a seat in the Senate of the United States, and uv course, no white Kentucky Dimocrat can so de grade hisself ez to set in that body beside I expected uv course that. ~Garrit Davis, 'and McCreerY wood immejeily resine, end ez. no na tive born Kentucky Dimoerat wood take the place, and ez Kentucky coodn't afford to be representid by a Ablishnist, it occurred - do me that possibly there mite be chance _.for me. lam a northern Demicrat by'i birth, and 'Northern Demierats have} alb= done sich work. for the Sorither ners, ez the Southerners cOuntid too dirty for them. Tto unly thing wick coact stand in the way - 111112 the fact ' that I left .Kentucky a year ago, 'and am' now a citizen of Noo York. But wat nv-that ? I kin swear that am a citizen uv Kentucky—l hey bin in Noo York politiks einitf to be able to swear to anything. At all events I went on to'nv old StateOTAgot together a caucus uvt the Demokratic members uv the Leg islacher to consider the thing. • • ' The Chairman uv the caucus re markt. that the sign of the tithes indi catid trubble. Kentucky, if that nig ger wuz. admitted to the Seiiif, Waz virchuly disfranchised, for uv coarse Davis and McCreery cduld not re main in their seats beside him. No Kentucky gentleman wo,isk disgrace his. proud State by .practiOy, takin to his bnzzem a male member of an in ferior race—nv acknolledgin his equality, and workin quietly with him. Never: :-ooner than see tliis he wood be willin to see the States further South inaugerate another ,Itruggle fer =I Lucky, troo to the Union, ez befoul!, wood preserve a strict and dignified nootrality, sellin horses and proven der impartially to bbth armies. He hoped the gentlemen wood express their views freely. A gentleman from the eastern part uv the State offered the following preamble and resolution: , . Whereas, the tuit -of Yuouitid States is about to admit to a seat in that body, a'n4,rger; and, Whereas, No Kintucky Dintierat wood degrade hisself by sittin beside: a nigger; therefor 6 Resolved,-That Ron. Garrit Davis lie instructed to resine to-wnnst. The : resolooshens .plissed to-wan tit without n rlissentin voice, and were tient by telegraph to the Senators at Washington, after - w.ieh I begged per mislipi to offer it remark. I sad thet tiv course ni!, Kentbekinn cood be found to take them pliee4 made va-„ the two eminent men who wuz about to lee the Senit, but nevertheless Kentucky couch:et afford tv go anrepresentid, Is there a nor- . thern _man Ur Kintricky principles who wilt rush to tile front atthis eri sis ?- Twenty gentlemen sprung to theii feet. The ono that got the eye of the Chairman remarkt thet Kintucky shbod alluz be representid by Ken- tuckians. D4vim and MeCreery clear ly ought not to stay. } They should resine ez a protest agin this outrage,..but of Kintuckiaus cood be found who wood accept the places they shoed be found. Taken em et they wood, ez a necessity, there wooil r u't be' the stigma attached that there wood be to the present incumbents of tliey shood remane, and possibly s:ch :might be found. . • The Chairman doubted whether here!was a Eintuekian who hedeo - ittle respect for hiiiself. .Ef a Ken tucki'u was selected, it shood be from the Membership of . .the Lel , ,istaelrer. Ho felt it wuz the Booty uv mine - tu uv em to sacritise theirselyes on the altarmy their 'State. - . It wood be a bitter degradation for. amin filled with the memories uv the - past, to choke-down 'lateral pride, and take a seat by a 'lige'', brit some one must do it. •Ho wood sejest that the mem bers proeeed with, system in this matter. Let uS. - dasiguate,_by ballot, our wishes. Let Us vote for a mail to•fill the place to be node vacatthy. G. Davis, and let the member 'TM' whom this dooty.devoltes, accept the sacrifice in the troo Keuthck Gentlemen, prepare y our ballots far a successor to llaiis, and get ready to shed a friendly teer oier the fate uv the man upon whom the degrade shun taus. This - wuz agreed to each member remarking thet no matter who wtlz chosen, there win no law to compel hint tai-be elecktiti and set •beside a nigger- • The members each votid; ttie vutea were cowl makt:and olh , tiormir I Each member bed p resisely nt-setit.; 02per : ,Xfinuni in .Adirinice. I= ME and the loasenia uv the hand wrthn On the tickets mule it painful' certan Wet each teeraher bed Totid for -his agf I 'Fa lay- hopes waz bustid, I eoodn't help eingin out that a wore self-uacrifonn body us men I never Then eommenst the most fearful iicpiabble Fever wittiest. Gentlemen got by . the- ears, and• pistols wilk drawd, but jest ez thev wnz gittin reddy for a second ballOt, a dispatch nz reseied from Davis and McCrea statin thet while. they appreshii tid the degradashim 1.0 their sitooa shun; and felt it keenly, nevertheless, ez Kentucky must be represented in . 1 the senit they 'rather thought they woottn't resine at all! Ef they Icnode their own;hearts• they thotthey'd hold on to their .seats.' They Might na l well be sacritised'as cnybody. • The gentlemen mostly renmrkt ez this epissle wuz read to em; and disperst,without the formal ity:iv( Fin adjournment.. - lieven't.ez mach faith in Dimok 'racy ez I yoOst to hez. I sposed filet when that nigger wuz finally admit ted, thet every Dimocrat in the Sena wood resine; but wet do I find? Not one hez done it, and whole. Legisia chers uv Demekrats are to take seats beside him ! I. wood like: - to • Mat, kin We expeet, when men are so recreant to their manhood ? any wonder thet I am tired ur life? I shel go home. to Noo Yoik, towunst. , . PrrioLst-w V. Nisnr, - Mich wuz Postmaster.- STRUGGLES - AND IRIUMPHSi • • or, Forty Years . FRecollections of P.T. Barnum. Written . ki:y Himself. Illastratc d : 784 pp. • Hartford i Conn., 3..8. I.lmr Co., It is not every book which finds its way to our tables that '"pays - fvr reading; Inlt "Sur GuLl_ AND Tla- VSIPUS" is a work , of intense- interest, both as to the facts and experiences it recites, and in its racy style of nar ration. In Ids wonderful career Bar num has hardly done a better thing for the - world,than ill givii ° , it, in this book, the salient points_ of a public life of fOrtY active years, such as but have ever experienced, or rather, such us no !hail bat the "Great Showman" ever did experience Front beginning to end the book abounds in matters of in,at,* - nction and amnse - - ment to the reader. Good humor, and pointed, vigilant stories, , edly told and illustrating human na ture in its various moods, are renniriz ble features of the work. We cannot think of teperson in the! community who, -would not road (if indeed he can read at all,) this work of Barnum's with delighted interest. It is fitted to the cheerful fireside : gathering of the family, the Eeeludeil chambers of the, old batchelor, or of .the - deranre old maid; for , the poor, man and thefieh; the 'serious contem plator-of humanity; or the jolly ob 'server of his race ;. for tho - se lack ing courage to face a "frowning world'," and for him who rejoices in well-earned victories; in .short, for loan, woman or child, whatever walk in, life either maybe pursuing., Bar num has in his book lifted the veil from many a matter of curiosity and wonder to the public in his noted ca reer, and pointed every page of the work with something in some way useful and practiCal for its readers to know' We shilll be greatly mistaken if -'43-ructtot.E4 SND Ttatistrni!' does not prove the book of the season, and we picture. to .ourseirves the tens of thous ands over the land who will suou be laughing over its humorous pages, . and thanking -.Barnum heartily for this crowning enterprise of his life.. Nowhere, perhaps. can belt:mud eom prised'iu the covers of ono book more varied and itS.-herchc matters of gen eral interest tOn. reading public than in these' 8t.4. well printed pages. adorned with' their thirty-three a eellent engravings. We, append- tVrtieW . from the work:— . The trip, like most of & passages which I have made across the Atlan tic, was an exceedingly pleasant one. These freqtrent`voyages were to Inc 'the rests,. therelitgs-from almost un remitting industry, anxiety and- care, and I always managed to lave More - or less fun on-board ship erory time Crossed- the ocean. During - the present -trip, for amusement and to pass away - the time, the passengers ,got up , a number of -mock trials which afforded a vast deal of fun. A judge Was'aelecteol, - jurymen drawn, :prisoners arraigned, counsel employ ed, and all the forrualitid of a court established. I have the vanity to think that - if nay good fortune had di .reeted me to that - profession l should have made: avery fair lawyer, for I have always had a great fondnesti,for depute and especially. for : the cross exinuination of witnesses; unless that witheaa was P. T. Barnum in exam ination "under supplementary pro ceedings at the instance of some no shaver, who had bought a clock note -at a discount of thirty-six per cent. In this Mock court, I was unanimous- ly chosen as prosecuting attorney, and ns the court was established ex- preisly to convict, I had no difficulty iu carryiurthljury and securing the punishment of the prisoner. A small line was generally imposed, and the fiind thus collected was given to .a poor sailor tiny who had fallen frost! the mast and hrokeu his leg. After several of these - trials bad been held, a dozoi ur. more of the. passengerS;secretlY put . their beads together and resolved to place the "showman" on trial - for his life. An intlictrucnt. covering twenty pages was drawn up bpieverallegel gentle nis;u among the- passengers, charging him with, being the Prince of hum bugs, and linunieratingu dozen spec, ial counts, containing charges of the most 'absurd and ridiculous tiop...Wituesses were .then brought together, and_ privately instructed what to say and do. ; Two or :three days were devoted to arranging this mighty prOseention: ..When every ' thing ivAaleady, I. was arrested, and • the formidable indictinent read to me. "saw at a glance that time and' tal ent had-been • brought into - reitnisi;' . tion, and - : that: .my. trial , was •to be mum elaborate than any that., that , 1144 14 04 44. atiVod tot 10144 u to _prep* foi dpfertse, which -*is imiiitiSA. iteits NUMBER 40, Auld ~/ 21 & * 11. were , for fiaaWkan She where th e fe d look - down, su}daeatmtd hear all thattran attired. Cariosity - wai oat tipteii,, for itoras evident that this was to; be a and langfiabla:: teat. - At the end of half an hoar thellidge was On the bet*, theliltOattiken , their lefties; the witisilwear were ready; the eminsel, for that , Labseeti tion, four in number, With pens,' ink atul palier ut profeaieni. were - - dested and everything seemed ready. I was brought t in- by a sperm - tameable, • - the indictment read ands was asked to plead_ guilty,-or not guilty I rose; and in a most solemn_ nianner stated - that I. could not emisamtionaly plead - gufitv or not gusity;: that.l had in fact committed many of , the acts 'charged in the indictment, lint these acts„l was ready to shai were not but'oi the coning, worthy of .praise. ' My plea was received and the first witness allied. • He testified to hiving visited the prisoner's ,Muserun and - being humbugged by the Fejee - Mermaid; the nurse of Washington; and by other curiosities, natural and an-nat ural; The questions and answers having been all arranged in advance, everything worked smoothly.. Act ing as my own wunsel,lcrosis-esim ineil the witness by simply asking whether he saw any thing else in the Museum besides what he had men tioned. - "Oh ! vex, I saw thousands of oth "Were they curious?" / "Certainly marry of them . . very as tonishing." ; • "Did yon witness a dramatic • rep resentation in the Museum?" "Yes bir, a very'good'one.7 "What did you pay for. all this?" 4•Twenty-tive cents." - "That will do, sir; you to Step down." .The second, third and fourth wit ness was called, and the axaminatiou was similar to the foregotng.. Anoth er witness then appesred to testify in regard to another count fir the in dictment, He stated that for sever al weeks he wv he was the guest of the prisoner aniii country residence, Iranistan, and he gave a most amus ing description of the carious schisaes and contrivances which were there originated. for the purpose' of being earned out at some future day in the Museum. - . . . "How, did you live there!" asked one „of tile counsel for the 44 .proseenticin. i i - "tier: well, indeed, the day t iine,". A as the refily; "plenty of the best to" -at and drink, except liquors. In.bcd, owever, .it was impossible to sleep I rose the -first night; struck a light, and on examination found' myself covered with 'myriads of little bugs,. so small as to be ilMost in:perceptible. By using my -micro scope I discovered them to be infan tile bed-bugs. After the first night I was obliged to sleep in Ile coach house in order to escape this annoy- T O O oo f tiese this elici ' , ranch : wink. The first question: t u i the trOßS examinatioxi l'as tlii - - Art-you a naturalist, sir ?•' The witness hesitated. In all , the drilling that had taken place-before the trial, neither the counsel nor the witnesses had thought of what ques tion-, might eoine, up in the cross ex , aniination, and now, not seeing the - drift cif the question, the witness seemed a little bewildered, and" the counsel for the prosecution Janke.' puizled. The. question was repeated with some emphasis. • - -No sir 1" replied the witness, his, itating, "I ani not a -naturalist." - Then, sir, nut being a naturalist. dare ion affirm that ?those micros copie insects were not 'humbugs in stead of bedbugs - -(here - the prison -er was interrupted by a universal shout of laughter, in which the sol emn:Judge himself joined)` and if they wc•re himbugs, I suppose that even - the learned counsel opposed to ree„Will not cittint that they were out of place ?" • . "They may have betir replied the witness. " That will do, sir—you may go," said I ; and at the same tinie turning to the array of counsel, I remarked, with 4 smile, "You had better have a naturalist for . your next witness, gentlemen." " Don't be alarmed, sir, we hme trot rind-we will. now introduce him," replied the counsel. The next `witness testified that he was a planter from Georgia, that some years since the prisoner visited his plantation with a show, and that. wh.le _there he discovered 'an old worthless donkey belonging to the vlantio, and .bought him for the dol lars--Lthe next year, the Witness visit ed Irtinistan, the country seat of the prisoiPer,.and, while_ walking about the grin.mds, his old donkey, reeog firing/ his former master, brayed ; whereupon," continued the witness, " I walked up to the animal and found that two men were engaged in stick ing wocdupon him, and this animal was afterwards exhibited by the pri -stoner the woolly horse." . The _whole court—siiectators, 'land even the "prisoner" himgelf, Were convulsed .with laughter at the gravi ty with whiCh the - planter gave, his very ludicrous testimony: ' "What evidence 'mit) you," I en quired, " that this was the same don key'which you sold to. mer " The fact that the animal recog nized me, as was evident . from -hi, lAmyieg as soon as he saw - e. " Are you a naturalist, sir ?"' "Yes,. inn," replied the planter,. ith firm emphasis, as much as to say; you' can't -catch ,as .• you 'did the other witness. ( " Oh ! you are n naturalist, are you? Then, Sir,-.1 ask you, as n naturalist, do yeu not know it to' be a fact in natural history that one jackass al- Ways brays es soon 'as be sees anoth er?'.' • ‘, This question wits reteivo - with shouts of laughter, in . the midst of kyliieh the nonplussed witness backed Out of court, rid all the egorts of special' constables, - and evenfthe high , -;heriff himself, - .were .. unavalling in getting hint :again on thel:iwitr.em stand.- This trial lusted two days, to the great delight of all on board. After my snceess with - the'" naturalist not oue-hidf of the witnesses,.: would 4p pear against me. In my final. ergo-. Ment I sifted the testireony, analyzed its bearings,ruftled tliolemvistcoun scl, chi concerted the witnesses, flat tered-the judge'and:juq; and when the judge had delive..kis . charge, the jnry acquitted me 'without . leav ing tileir seats. The .jude reftived the verdict, and, then announced that he shouhl tine the ittatniiiiiit, for the mistake he Made, as 10.41nr•eause;_of the donkey's hrayingokntl,be should alsO fine the eei'etel.- witueseee.. who, through. fear of-the markt*, 404 re• fused to testifv. - •