Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 17, 1870, Image 2
11 U Newrfruar •—T?iirt; Wpiltor ;I,rdhu4 . vi . el:4, of Berks county is, kittood: - • .7:--.Ctbs'sbiniumfiwttmglAbldheth= . —.Chicago him: opened-a German blitz schooL• z ,: • • —Wine-growing is onamsge4 in -;-San Francisco' hornelesh is -dy ing &pneumonia. ' • —The Denver currency is half Chinese coin. —The snow is thirtj inches deep in Wisconsin. — . President Ginnt's father is just fewrity-six years old.l -- 7 Sleighing in the New Yotk Cen tral Park has been lively. 1 --Beecher's sermons have been pUblished in German at Berlin. —Aggassiz Rims to Florida with the c tlimey to fish for spocimeria. ' --fames Gordon Bennett Sr., is • said t bo engaged un his autobiography. —The Boston omnibuses have come down to inners. ' • —3leasels closed the schools in ' Yates rowdy, N. Y. —Raphael Semmes retires from lecturing, a failure in that line. —Three hundred and fifty Ameri can families arc in Broadest. . •. —The New JerseyLifisfatgre pro poses taxing dogs $2 s hes —Cincinnati is to have 'a jubilee next June, in imitation of Boston. —The photographs of Victor Noir Lannot be exposed for Iwo in Paris. —The police, who should not give thieves quarter, go halves with them. : = —Ripe strawberries, fOur inches in ei:tumferenee, are now plentiful in Texas. lot of government land in 'isuss sold the other clay at thirteen acres for a rent. —The New York French "Rea nepoblicans" are lo baye a banquet on the 23d.. —ln Cuba several Spanish gen erals are trying to get on the other side of Jordan. • —Washington's birthday will be celebrated in fine idyl° by the Americans in, Paris. • —Through dread of the workhouse • Loudon pauper hanged himself. the -ether - —Anituportzutt discovery of iron we has bt. , .en made within two miles of Lehigh ton, Carbon County. —A. musical entertainment was g iven to the prisoners of the Massachusetts State Prbiou.' • —Boston, usually ahead in musi cal matters, has the first hand organ to play ••Shoo Fly." .--Toledo last year manufactured ,282,645 ponds and, Cincinnati 2,657,965 pounds of tobacco. —A perfumery establishment is to he erected un--Orange lake, ,Florida, Where orange groves armed. —The New Jersey Northern Rail road Cornpaig is bald to hare purchased all the dis , arded•Erte cars. —Pierre Bonaparte, it is said, was condenuled to death in tome in 1831, but his crime is nut stated. —Smile of the California papers assert that the Chinese who come to this eonntry are evaly concealed to Christianity. —The State pollee force of 3101Rqq.- chnsetta has been minded froni 150 to 63 men. —A dispatch from San Francisco on Saturday, states that a porfect stagnation exists in ail departments of business in that —The National Hotel at St. Jo y:Th. was distroyed Orel on Saturday. Loss $19,000. —Patrick Barns; a brakeman on the Boston and Albany railroad, was instantly killed on Saturday near Chatham-village. peace Conference, to settle the differences between Spain and the South Amer van Republics, is shortly to be fold in aah ington.';, --Vtla c , ,, for the National Capitol, manufactured entirely of California. silk lems been completed int:lan Franeisoo, and will anon lee forwarded lo Washington. —Saturday the weather through ont Europe was intensely cold. 'At ;Paris the thermometer indicated thirty degr*s below the freezing point. —A man named Waller, the jun ior partner of the firm of Wilber h Co., at New Orleans, absconded on Saturday with 1100,000. —After the 15th of April next, American silver, by order of the government, will pass current in Camda at twenty per cent. loss than its nominal value. • —The Chicago Common - Council c mintit4e in (litre of the -water supply rec ommend the extension of the lake tunnel tour or five miles. —Napoleon's exclusion of Papal coin front the French dominions is not con- Kid-red by the rope s very specious movement. —The Venice Era Paolo Sarpi Mak% that Pope Pius IX was once a 'Free Ma son, having joined the coder at Philadelphia when he was a Papal nuncio to this country. —A valuable copper wine has been recolitiv discovered in Union county, New Jer sey. the rein is some eight the( across, and is perpendicular. —The long English whiskers of an Indiana engineer of 'a mill caught. in * shaft revolving 600 times a minute, making a clean shave for his fact. and a close shave fur his Ere. —The failure of Halstead, Stiles .' Co., imp:triers of woolen goods, in Now York, was announced on Hsturday. Their liabilities are reported at $320,000 and their meta at $2.80,001 —The assassin of _lsaac G-reen .olath, at Havana on the 6th instant, has been arrested, and /8 to ha - tried by a court martial at om*. He belongs to one of the battalions of oloopots. - — . Ron. William Hay, of, Saratoga, dropped dead's be was entering a church hist Stunk:: evenin g in that city. . He was about eighty years of ago. and well-known in former ears as a leading member of the bar. --The MorinctuTLwidature is the first to give the sight of anlfrage to wonico. A. law to this effect has just passed both branches of the Logislatureatel the Ckrancil,stxt received the signature of acting Governor Mann. —ln Wisconsin prices of all kinds of lumber have become firmer, and the demand iA good, both for shipment and the retail trade. Muniments from Cahkoeb average about twenty eir4oadi.- &Br and the local retail trade is better th ' aii laid month. ` l 7 - -The Pennsylvania Reserve•Asso tiatioti will bold their - animal meeting at Lock Haven on the 15th of May. -=ln? the Erie' Cdurt of Common Pleas lavt week, befbre Judge T ince nt. the Jury gave a verdict in favor of Hovey against the Atlautivf & (treat Wostoru railway of 19,0 M for Injuries • Alexander S. McClure, it iirre p„,,rtecl, is about starting a daily paper in Phila delphia. convention of iron masters as held at Colombta last WCltik. They mom raendod an increased duty of one dollar per ton on pi . g Iron, and - three dollars per ton on bar iron, rads. Wier pli4es, etc. ' • --The Pennsylvania Pesee - Society hu issued an address to the 'members of the Mste urging, them to abandon "strikes." —The tinatee' a . of the Philadelphia (Jas Works hire Just reduced the prices to $l3O per thossastd feet. - —Twenty-seven tbOtusaad railroad lanterns viers made and sold ty .one firm. at Eneheater, N. N., 412 the last tourntanths. - - -The small pox has appeared' it Bethlehem and Ws or eight persons are saes , hag from this terrible disease. - J0hri.,..,F.--Hartranft was elected delegate at large at Pittsburg last week to represent the Pennsylsania Depaittneat of the si.A.l4 to the Nsikatal Eaeampmeat.• _ . --Twenty - 'iannliea • have ut9red , from Stockton. the scene of the late ntine.catastrciphe to Iluistost,.fearitel ot.their lenses sinking. It is said that a general es- - oda' is preparing. - Soren bodies are still bur ied in file debris of the" matey ' tribe and hineep.s. Waited *gain. EDITORS E. 0. GOODRICH Towanda, Mushy, Feb. 17, 1870. VOUSD AT MOT. Under this capti2E - tthe Newark Courier, always on to alert to min isterixrthe lelietotthe-reatlawran eyes .4%oinPlOling !,-Xleukawiwn,? „sp marks : Since the adoption of .the Fifteenth Amendment has become an aotioinPlished tieu f andthe " degraded niggirmisheequal thehallot,bor of his pale ,facekligeth-, er, we have been castin g about .for some hallowed ground whereon the feet of our inconsolable': Denlocpitip friends might press . the riacredectil in peace ;- some twilled .stmospiters, tainted by odoriferous ezhehanis .from the bodies , of the - iiesannienti Of Ham, which mightbe,regelimi out fear of poison ;. so me • aC1 4 11141 society of kindred spirits, , , whose serene meditations 'should- be - inter rupted by no poseibility,canikalt Shade 4 of _deceasedand whose inatutinal.hiaveragaa-might: quailed. unmixed ' with the , bitter draught of ," nigger equality.." . We have supplicated . to , the "winged Winds," end our inquiry intend been in vain. Al last we are tempted to exclaim—Eurekal' "In the bright setting of the western sun the auriferens regions Ot Montane •Where the gentle "child of of natur" talus his daily recreation and teccimpany ing scalp-=where all day long may be heard the pleasant sound of the pistol and the bewie knife 7 -.where the cheer fad howls of the lonely.cayote fill Alto night with music, as they chant s re quiem Over the graves of murderers I tiling by vigilance committees--there, there, in the rennet land, is the home of your anti-amendment Democrat, and there may herest secure from the phantom of Afrierk rampant, America couchant, and Democracy pendant. In proof of this we need barely. men tion the Lact.that the Legislature: of that. Territory has passed a bill over the Governor's veto; providing that none but Missourians and those who served three years in the rebel army shall be eligible to office in Montana by election or appointment. Now, the negro mean enough to live under such a government has not been , dis coverid, and we advise the hear-bow ed-down Democracy to emigrate forthwith. Let them enter and pos sess the laud ; and from the hospita ble Democratic clime, and that in tensely Democratic atmosphere, let us fervently hope they will never re turn to trouble anybody adore. • A NEw Crry m Psosescr.—Mr. A. T. Stewart, the New York Merchant Prince, has' added a thousand acres to his original purchase of 7,000 acres of land in the town of Hepnistead, on Long Island, which he is having sur veyed and laid out for a future city. The largest part of the improvement will be between the village of Hemp stead and Minueoja and west of the hitter place for a distance of four miles. This section is being laid out in ave nues of eighty feet wide and about eleven hundred feet apart. Each lot is y) contain about au acre and a half of ground, on which are to be built houses setting seventy-five feet back from the avenues. Trees have been planted 'in large numbers, and the roads and avenues are being graded and graveled. A double track railway is to be built, to connect with the Long Island railroad, .the route for which is now being , surveyed. One house to cost $9,000 has already been commenced, and many others will soon be built. ' The 'location is de scribed as being delightful, and -it is expected that .a few years hence Mr. Stewart's at present ideal city will be a visible reality. aorThe Itocirsvonr revolution was, it seems, but the affair of 8 day or two. Fortunately but little blood was shed, for which the government deserves credit,. It is not ,too much to say that a successful revolution , in - Paris is now an impossibility, unless the troops affiliate with the 'people, and that is not likely to occur at any time, unless 'the people are more unanimous than atpresent in desiring a change, and are led by men' of a very different stamp of ,eliaracter to Henri Rochefort, who may do . .very well as a journalist to support a -rev olutionary movement, but is entirely too' impilsive and violent to lead it. This embryo revolution - ended, there will be little further trouble in Paris for sumo limo. Mixtoo.—All doubt in ?removed the fate of Mexico. The tuiforinnitie country, is doomed tonnother bloody civil* war, and even the *friends of Janter adniit that the catastrophe cannot_be averted. SiateS are now in open insurie.ctlon,- and Central Government is powerless.-- Juarez haX made ready for his depart ure forr - Pirope,. laving Wiped fortune in bullion there: : may indepd expept, a reign ral4ar ol ii., in that emhapploolintv, which. Awns to us, in' never likely to be quiet til the strong AtiglolAtleticti irin rules it HARIIIMXIIELL—Gow:GOBY having vetoed themetropiditan e Representatiii;Hoilieflpitik has introduced siother Police Bill which hopes he will meet the views of thO Exectitkfk : '; A bill hu4beatt - ',,repcirbidAil the House initheriatiig'husband-usid . arife to testify in divorce cases: - 'Mimi mui to Prevent . Pol!gb4g out Pt*l Ca: One of the main , points Partioo;:lo!iiii*nkey. i 4lll ' l4l ` 7 ' 4 thole) reCeier"'tale Numb* with I interest, by,pcseesiding withinnix yam- rrll7rln`" 6 l' 7 l7r7l7l - 1 S. W. ALT .• Cl* We are not anilleientlf. skilled 'in II- outtertopromummiresser...... s _ I.Appli . tbajnerits of the bill—bs it certainly seems plausibks, and may, if adopted by Congress, meet all the expectations of its originator, which --at-imouldsems.toloerthatrianolsatheigo44lsfirmalesrflo9l 'of epaudiilg the cluTertv without incre x asing 'Waal nU be a latge!eduction of interest ; that •the ,srui would sdapt iteikAo,tba, to* of bkuitiqiel.ion '42 t * 4l6 ** i iiNl in o l : l2/4 .*.**4 40 1 i.t*F e tould-lio in°o4l/443Mi as them '4*iild'** continnedlind standing iiidneement to invest in bonds wheneest thapref its the "tee_blieete d- , tel e i* ee ., lied 4 be /dee thin the i d te req they 'crania earn *bomb. The following iithe bill 'S • pe it enacted byihe nateanif Muse of Reptesentatives if the Mated Safes of America in Congreet asserntied. i 4-7 1 That the /Jeeretext . of tit ! • Ifrea l be, aid i he s here y,lnitboritied en directed'W issue on the *edit of.the United States Such innonnt i ser be =Omary to eaiiy out the lir° ens of this act, not ctiim' one hundred I dollari of 'United States notes not bearing interest ; pajable to the bearer at the t o of ' the miitea States, eta of such ; denomina= tiops as be may demi evaient, net less Ohm five dollars each; and 'such notes herein authorized shall be 're ceivable inpayment of taxes, internal duties, excises, ,debbi, and dehiands of every kind due to the trnita States, except.duties on imycirbi, Atia which notes shall have indorsed thereon that they are receivable in payment as abOve stated, Wand that they are convertible, at their face 'hike st the option of the holder, into the bonded interest-bearing loan of the United States, at the market value thereof, when presented in sums not less than one,,thousand dollars or any 'multiple of one thousand, at the office'of the Treasurer of the United State. Sec. 2. And be it further' enacted, That any holder of any of the bonded loan ce the United States shall be en titled, on primentation of any such bend or bonds, at the office, of Abe treasurer of the United States in Washimiton, or at the office of the assistant treasurer in New York, in any, sum not less , than one thousand dollars or any multipleof one thous= and, to exchange the same at their market value, which shall be deter mined if necessary by the Secretary of the Treamny, and to receive 'there for from such treasurer or assistant treasurer, who is hereby required to deliver to such holder, a like amount at'their face value, to the notes au- I thorized by the first section of this act, and which bonds shall not be re issued, but shall_be held subject to I such disposition as other bonds of the United States redeemed or paid. SEC.. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Treasurer of the United States, in , Washington, or the assist ant treasurer in New 'York, shall, and , he is hereby required, on demand, at the Mime of the Treamrer of "the 'I United States, in Washington, or at the-office of the assistant treasurer in New York, by any holder of the notes authorized by the first sectioh of this act, when presented in sums not less than one; thousand dollars, - or, any multiple of one thousand, to , redeem and exchange , the same, and to deliv- I er to such holder an equivalent amount in one or more bonds of the interest-bearing loan of the United States now authorized, or which may ha hereafter authorized by law, at the market value thereof, to be determin ed, when necessary, as aforesaid ; and the Secretary of the Treasury shall determine what bonds of the author ized loari of the United_fitatea shall be thusexchanged. Szc. 4. And be itfurther enacted, de., That the Treasurer of the United' States, in Washington, and the waist ant treasurer in New York shall, from time to time, -exchange the notes herein authorised for bonds, or bonds for,notes, as the same shall be from time to time respectively demanded under the provisions of this act, until , otherwise vided by law, ; and any fractional • creme between the value of bonds and notes shall be paid in lawful money.. And the Secretary of the Tremeny shall - cause to be kept a separate account of the notes and bonds from time to time issued and exchanged under- the proviziona ; of this act, and shall make monthly : ports thereof, which shall be publish ed with:the monthly statement of the , 'the Arctic explorer, PnblPse% i t 13 9Pnw• t° 44° a new three jams' eipedition, or one Longer; if ireeetisary, to the regions. of the -N441,;/14.- two.vessel,- each O a n d manned by twelia persons, and ex presses. a determination to live- ipon raw =eat and tram oil for the length ef,time Orient. He 48' . 041:44 invouni bujelairaoxi,C6Agremi for an appropriation omassist him in idaproject.,, Beyond making himself "Sotorbrusan4 foetelririg an ambitiOn th4leade, him is that direction s `.w know of na benefit that, is - to accrue to any one by these, repeated knock: ings at the Imam doors at ths north. Whether or not there - iS an open Po lar Sea, is simply a matter of onriosi ty-,,and the 'fait of its . ,existence or . l i° 3 l"°:ivOiad * 41 4 1 4 1- .i4g, WOO 1 4 11 7 - be l 4lQ l ,7Or Nit; Mastic& of ; the geographer: The NortlOVegt: passage, mat °myth'-of the ineleitairigator I 'es-en if it oil* must, Sq,e,*° At; 4, -044 #/d auger tbet for. esnimereistlorAmy other purpose, :it .limild6be - of no vahti. it4tilatli4 . #l ll dito l o°44•• pegs with wgat 14.04ata sittl4f sl 4o can be transported to the Week-sad thong of-the Weetar t= to VW` Bast, *- t* Y•! !"llrao4 o. ;4 4 *ii y 'idtb the eefeel***ll-i*es7,oloted -tigS iltieltelY4 l 4 l i‘frOl tic= Por aharg o time, areasiteethe reelafidia aidirfitotWeeiairpadithiit t ieP44: 112.111 '4oo3ifini:4- 4i-Ku4 EMS IMal - . , Ihr the-Trutaes and &verblteadaat gr.f, the State Aseneto l l9. l o4:we !e that oi Ist, - 1869, die ber of pitie*lii ted cluring.#o Yeer4-2i:nieless .10$1 booths, 109AiEllitiONVAkiiing t 4 61. 4 150 ; 6 18 63 18 06 1 4e1ek 85 hi 1/144 ; ', 0 1 0 140 :4' 4 1) r : 40 : 14 ; 4.10 ; g4wri i 41 0.445 - 0 . 4 - - The augiber. • the Sea. 0 4 .41*! 1 , 1 4.; N t*i: nPuib ii,4 0 0 1 *.—P 312 04 . 1*,, tifellthout is ,itoe of the rat wee" 568, - sod , the- daily aver a ge was 896 : 1 x-a :i•ir:::>.- Tlo • eir commul kturinuidted, muni eithkdollais and verptreightisizeti ($91. 488 78) !lad thit ezimd4ereS 111 0 1 :€1* 11 140 . 1**9' - iiici**/ fifty. 44* 49 110 0 Sweeten' I,eents.(slll,Bs4l 17a; hair. )elatitai in the: treanry of serial 4 5 •11#6 -_acat t = one cents 019 . , 60 ,- • f, ~,,,, twiieve thatt,an apF9r 'dation , of-terenty-thoniand dollars for the support of 'the Hospital , will be sufficient 'to enable - them to meet 011 0 1 i 3 4432a* o f the c 03141,16, pi:111:1)111:111.,ITO • , weeSaufhtiTalß. l 6..,OO° of the coldest yg, hnowil forn9Ferid years. In this, eitY•ana Ana vieintt, the iii tensity of the. old. w!is, AutfietentlY meshed; but, upon ,the vast plaiiis to the northwantof U O 9 w. here the winds have free scope, the eStreme . ehange in the atmosphere , was lemfoli, and its .effect most disastrots• t Front ROlnwt Cunningham„ special pendent of the TON* (if*, whq arrived, .the city Petards)" , we haFe the particulars 9 ne.q.eraltntal-eastuil. ties consequent upon the terrible rig ors of that renwUble day. At Fort Abercombiothe spirit ther: moulder, in the ,marked fray-five degresiolow um). ,Thro'- out the day high, wind prevailed, rendering exposure upon the open prairi9 , endtatible.t9 human. existence, and in a number, of cases fattd"to life. , Pdward ,PoWers, s sol dier ,neesitly discharged. - Iraqi the Twentieth - tgnited .States Intently, had : stetted to go front Twin Lake* to l'ort. Ahercombie, company with a man named ; Junes _Downey. When the ,two had arrived ; within twonailes of. the Fort,. Powers, una ble to go , further, laid down in the snow,-telling his companion to go on to the Fort tor. help. Downey suc ceeded in reaching a house, where he fell down iuselgade, hie, hinin being partially ; frozdn, as the physicians thought. It wits not until, bis recov ery, after abont two, hours,, that he gave information concerning Powers, when several Men immediately•stad ia...4l his relief. Oa arriving*, the spot in the roud where Powers had laid down he es found 'dead, .and his body:the next-morning was , mov ed to Pt. Aborcombie. , , A. party of discharged . soldiers be ing on their way from Fort Totten, eoncituled to camp on the evening of the 15th, when Corporal Blake; of ConipaorlT, of, the Tenth Infantry, and private Wieder, of. the same reg iment„ and left the parr ty to go ahead:to ,the next. After , traveling thirty-four miles, and at about dusk, *yield down exhaust ed in the roe& • Their ..coinpanion owls on in search of amistance too' mileefurilier,,to a point where, the roads forked, and where an elk's head .and horns, hakbeen elevated as n sign Post.. , ,llncertiiin which - read to follow,. the more then .61f-frozen traveler beit a circular .path in the snow About the , sigid . post,.ni whiCh he walked and °ran until morning ; onlikeeping himself from freeguig by the most ;energetic and persever ing exertions. After the awful night had passed and , ha.was able to follow the right course to the house for his nnfortenate comrades,their careerhad *do 'sed..They were,fonnd . in theinoW where guiY had, ,laid , dein. Bide , by "144 lint boleti , stiff. The. survivor iras fearbillY,frozen sbOut lus hands and feet. The mail carrier for Fort. Ransom, which between Fort. Abercomubie and Fort Wadswortk had started for . .4 1 .)erm'il# 6 `,93 ) Sa ri tY4r l .4g. ,o(ith 4 0 $' fFOlof , a l b! snrugi without the, mtut, assarch *M I 14404„ttn(1,11e T artw :found dead, in, !a snow bank,,acitiiiil;, miles from ,a ny Several of biolgorolo4B wq,°,Pidc°4 ll l 6l .i diffOo s of !Po* giv ing ris e to, the , sup ! :cup that the hdoloarifOrs:ohor,..r4iiirtion the his,dowt, , had "thougitt to .I,facilitate loconotion : by' divest - ang "hinnielf „Of the.heaviei, portion of i clothing, arid.that,: chilled and ealuinsted; he had finally ikiiindurid aid sink amen on the snow drift which ^olive& his *limey's end:, Mr. Ciunntighaniiss unable to give us the , name of this Pletitn..7 7 •Tite 8., ?A n t Prom < As* li:Kuviee— The Nei Yo rk ice * Were/ who*CUS* l 4/7; sources -Of .sapply 'UM failed.thno far this. win: ter, are anshinsly casting abmat to see *here the - next 'o4immeria stock is to come from, and are apprehen* ive that they wilHiave to resort to °made for the iridispinsi 6 lo' 4 **, line: -'l3eOnts'inivelle# sent:Mit' hy the (MonttilacerbM i *lt} eitu3t 'canditiotrpf all .nom min York Ifei 4 .whidi' Oaii be Anita ri3course Vi'Britisli'fAkm3rtea inky be aiiiided:' Elhotdd tiMpreserit hold weather 'the . prablein inatdd - *By solved.- 1 miiy"be 4fitioad by.:uMy thatireimine can alsayi-bi had 'to their aniiiietnrainf "Of"Tieett iMeisti:of t,`;rThti grist caeHnfignia'=of a inn( tinting' Carne =Watt of the ileseii iii 9n Nair OriemM' 'vault ha'll2s,Y gold. This would Keparei 9oi btitt two* .tank of sofOcial 6 7%. itif*lwhuuni 'Than - Ike irniihtbe,:o4 . ,.'...!tims: The brcury-iota& firerreer . !J o 9 l mpsts***Viatyl*Cilitici ithiiprepare it in Nair Orhanii give *PA !" thec°llS'"4lle9lt, at SW . ' ' ".'7l Wg tiie Unfitness Of hisooitdition;be itrthittiiiklatitiltithiiiiiiietifit to oletwdoconaissi:ol-Ithom4 41 . 3 .1 11 * ex". e itt ° 412 unike,ribeastiktnel visitit - to c - i i any tti titgeitteltuttlierAtkotitternitdont itta other whoti*Anippoim Via,Oti • )- ielktl49lolWrinibtin .l****bi**6Bl4lthlik he se `- tip tit'effaisi in t6fis itentthi inrifiettirried hin - riatittilatid. , ; tHa=tiitiint j>bis';eutiein bad 'been iniitTindttilitLtniti ; lnitnetr-MIWIL Mittel; erittlitieteOnh4 'heti Oirleakin to this littinittir entnekeiel• While 400init*: The:Hitter deriedited-theOenter tatt Otitis money" Ile* bank - ntl Stattoo, endiOtti portiOn'Of ithe Winder pritolitteedn - hintse hißreineteithere irisibitition Wilathereround hitifliiiiididlirilerid heti I fftliiP,M lo 4 thieboiintrf:' ', a ineitattre frinstiated the 'destgri.• He; tocirthe Inothei tellietifted and was pteparinglo'eome"Ont -for the *nbetilkettoretieWagi4 Viten, strings iri rii d theothl er Were l istittulted iritheieottii Wu* and 'ithey died within three days. He had left ii=will which'begriesthed hit's - retie:Ay to his ettrisin and'. hie mother coin lOintlY, brit the &nth Of the • tnother eft,Mre. Nrihey sole'heiresi. 'The murder; which is itill'ntlef gotng4efiti atio'' at' p,' was iditonded in myeteifirdil the' death of a s German Wonritit . at the Wairrs Islandlfosnitid, in N t ew Terk; whit, upon,her death-bedmade a ethi fesidon; : acknowledging herself t 6 liavetteeiatitteiestiory tOlhorintraer, and - 01 , 44**h 'an Seeinint:ef it`ris led'to the arreet of erii"igrante up on"their arrival at Caso Garden not loa since. Mr. and Mis. suw, wtio, *hue in tins' country, , were residents of ' ark, Where they'weie supported" by Nu i s daily labor; Dave gone Intel to GermanY to settle.. up the estitte, when, it'is their intention ,to' to this wintry and settle inNewnik. --LNetoierk (N. Register. _ Acrun4a Tns Rio= Dineeno;;.- 7 The Board of Trustees of the Agrieul- Wal ColletT 'Of Pennsylvania at their last ,meeting, On_the 11th day of lan nary, 1870, passed ii "relk!intion in . which, not only the farmer, :but: all who need food :and raiment are inter ested: "We therefere give a copy of the ;preamble and resolution's. Wivus, In Matt cd: the frequent , , , and increasing impositions upon the farmer's community, ,by, the sale of worthless artificial fertilizers awl the exceeding importance of aidingin the introduction And use of the very best arti4es, bY a!lbielk4 l 43 t 9 t4e- test of acttud esperiment,-. the , Agriimltural Qollege of Peal* lyar4 has,. at, the instance of the Pennsylvania State griculturalA3964tY, undertaken ap plicationsnf said tests upon the three several experiMental farms connectol .with that institution. . Axe WHEREAS, Intim langumze of the Professor of Agrict4ture :," There is no, reliable and' certain test of the value of any fertilizer except the use of it and no•other on the same identi cal-plot. through a series of crops.",— Therefore, Resolved, - That" the ,Prefessor of 4- riculture be and is hereby authorized and ; directed to, have one or more Pluto upon each of t h e,. first lien; of plots, commencing •at 27,127, 221, 327, and 427, "respectively devoted to every fertilizer .presentod by the Man ufacturers thereof. Provided, howevr, er, that in order , to secure -the benefit of this test, •the.. manufacturer must" 'Present fertilizers of his, own maim lecture to the salve of not less than fiftyrtive &liars at his ordinary selling prices,, md transmit the same, at the cost of the college in'such quantities as the Professor of Agriculture- shall direct by rail to the- , Superintendent upouthe reSpeativefanna • •, • --Sold listate for Sale. . valuable Wat e r 'Power. with aboO 'and bonne. with 3: acre of laintstor used for general Naelptanitldng scrooges. Loottion good.- Power la permanent and free from damage, IT high water. ' A-go odhome lomtitm for maim. fartarin gunroom. 'Alma and of an acre of land, with bariVaMl frail.. Tams made easr. Per further paritealara inantro of tho. subscriber 'on Ma prennoww. or GEO. T._MUM Ignig. • fibnderwi '- ' •-• • - ' , Deadfall .q.r; Pa. TIESLIU,BLE"..PROPERTY POR .A.FBALECRUP.IitaiIo ill•Braith alte aigood-olforo foe_sap : Ofseap a vod, BoolavEauf. - Medi aadidiebnatOrahop, orft I% scrag .af lalaa..obrogiod WOW traSitara; and :aasidTof goo trees daereoa., rproparat fa ,located to Ithealavdo towtaddak,' Bradford county. - ra.. 4:111 tha.tiver road. , arid Baer a good .aoboal sod church. Posaai ten; Immofttely: .For ther,partleulars of the ropr.' 0: w. ;Wand. 'la, .1" deral Worts. Or Wm. 9 7. 44 1 9 a14, 4 Pa. c. 9. W:VPIcENT. WIABE . Aarni with to' Pit ` tor it: 'A re serndltaaber lot: an: two. Nam Ltattla haft In awes. Itseh nattll,..teith .buenteat. li onse outtnounis, two' otaims (rammer two 'hewn. Uhl Ilte4.:Jittaatt. tat2gwalk.,Oinnect; wren talks from Owego.. Sernta may. It not sold .ban will!, Tented to wpm*, -that' will. World the Wood and !anthem .% Wotan grogettetalew - 111 Fee etitetkolanaddees s. a 9 : 11W1x.1. Mk; , .111kaatern, FARMS H 0111303 FORME We offer ler sielstii , lirri >itindied `good /WWI and PLAMTAIMPAM in 014 iii; and do Carolines well located and healthy, nom with good invrovei. WasteteMid antgalated«arbliti *OM OM wardiasp. and on airy Was" • • The prices mos hone Fifteen &Uri per aers;and twee rAtwill VOIMI than poyiler the toga of tote pelperty, Mitwilitdre par- • dams to patMowe hero who bate bought ot , = in the past ibw InontluNissid are oared an of ovarlinnsir coati particeitandarniebettoa is.. lhidicat.".,_Watro pow; phoitiking colony :d te go OMB 'nett *tag.- 'A' good - 7.0pp1i7070 all lota atbleni plateltig party, wfil visit the -south the Of estuary vellirotate Von goatlegoosa at at hong applytng nen& fahao arm of driAotneaSine. Oak. Ca and - Cypras thnber on navigation"at &Dui la 50 to $5 2 01 0 4 arm Ten= easy and all titles gingsa• teed IL MALCOM Dealers tit Mad testate, tit irshant amt. '. ,disatdallltio Viiittriort *Mai id the tietie, the mfriblii reit mate al 0 40MEa t. declONdreill bead* a ~t"ppWia euethan on Me imeMme, oa ZIMUIDAY. YABCIi 10,111711 IbMilem iefromakiteny oa'the bsek&al thi ensguehmum Mtn, And on the 111.111/ mid leading 'from Ibminds - to Atheas.fri Imbessilommidp, mad angslis, no am* lid* stmet,9o mree pada good frogegremed. ,Thore 'on lfri4tpdamytifr toed tempeditenng bowie, ag o odoesbantsatirtlise fruit *eft The bon Is eviheade otm sad M men alegg. ed leekiimft ibir 'oleo: >ra p S ion verpoiriC , Tenns vale rjartibtew • "PP*" m= r ,n, 3*,25. , . A N. VABLE.ADAW' PA AM stwiusa.—, antonibaliagriim 110siniirrProtitaillistedliniiiidirtireft Ova& . 0 044WatifiltNOM Aid (=Ws ihreilkosidredusm tweertfr acne =galie& desist& 4dl4l:6llmtev litifereltdmikeeltribuiNLlO! metal -11101 IC S Vlthei nli tahilik i"GI VIII== 1 00 1 11 , 11•01 10 1 4. 4... 1 11. 07 1411", em I 1k .. _4l= jwar A VII I % . 1. 11114011wismamiss. Es. - 40111ditiast ,lihrautirpa t Fifßirs7lo9o6.,-DulhlitArt.Bbiab* • '4 . • ,1P sM/ 610-417 * i eatIMIG 1 - 41 — tasuis - eitilitaar.—llimatlO m.: toner a ale es sae.soare as lbs.;lbmßeelkolisat be.. Itatiattlbs.B Deas.lMs447llalareasd lba i bad 44 lbs4Ddel 114•Orm. soknoN a IDdstAppift Itii:IFIL1140111111116: ;1 -- J.,fit.i:,"l sr. ;:jr, • . 'lA t ,•:',.." ..e9*YENIAN'4'IIa> , EVEiIar , on. 1,1-1; rh, 7rit star "3-04 ..,-141.1.30c .114 'IiTraI'SDISPENSIBLE.FORN 73{2; i ;Ott ! :1141HILIMEIM. 1 ' wk ., l 4,11. Mairsiel Mak Zoosisat winery. At my useful ant .emainente: U *an Vagid Dab say able istrisralutre ot UM lame ant ids ..117 on>priftipsir roadams,Dakeii .3.00. • • • Dbl:l6mt W.KIEJAEIir - , 1' 1 ."0 .-111 4 LEW,131) , 111:.:Y Altp I , ll' ' • Tea hakrurratthil Zt st]ioaiaafistoeah , t l,O l ti t BEST "INITBAICTEpOO.Att t pp. father wilco : n,*1 111 ":=W ) •ti 0,741. 2... ,. ormizlles. 3 awl 4 . ; Wild. . ;4 42( 1 1 P 61. 1 .... f !.••••/•••• ;•• 6 60 . " The t Oinalle4o7 &Mid* Cloatutt/tita the Butocittlballi t Pat tt0n...35 60110 Oh, Writ dm aiming in... 110 eta., _ o .45 as 4 4 N. ~e sa •: cure IrtniTylock; De Odlera: °Y ro. • 0r°4r2.1 Fruit Met. i be a s r l3r 4f r . I al". ißalkfane. P 4, ,e4 011 9 3 a1. 03,33 ,Towitt4ro,p4„ 11: 1111:13X8. TT. : • ...A•tergs - tshik of wirer*? Teas; coealathig off yomol'airsoN; , • • • OLD MESON, ' • " - • GUNPOWDER, " • , ' ' • - " JAPAN '¢lD A. 1,1 .4. 3: • 4 1 1, V4 - •. - A: 4 S - Jai* reeelusi whici'oirA T powia. ismi cheat, very cheap . snit 'aratrinited: to 'eve 'satisfac tion. This Teases !wisest. Ceti iridice. • • • •• • • wigs , * Knits. Alto ti 11111 lotOttment of " • i ' SUGARS; GOFFEES;' SPICES:DRIEIDA - CANNRG - I'RUITS,VRAUREREkr ' Ttorit; FEED,- • • •• - :IsrEAL,'&e.; y• WliicL anitvlll len stptior's to Nutt thOttineig. Mak Z 1870-2ut -LONG ik KEELER. - ' . c 4, - Z A ~, Ey • ' • 1:4 - X CO • , A • x. 1-f ks • • • TRY.OIII3 aIILIEBIiATED urllo`g. ‘,ariocou CMVING TOBACCO. FINE CIIT 4ni Ohl iU niter. The very beet qualities of BLAos, BROWN, & Scoicu r.-)ft,..imat..-k.41 kit icalitrfety o! the !nod popn. .T11,1'7.: •:.--.. 1. - :-:,7Li - : • _ rANCY • SMON.DTG TOBACCO. s %: Y:~. ~l ti • • • - E 6,1:.::• ausesst awtdesorie*Erl, -• J fr • .G.E,--:1!4*,04t111 COMMON' 'CLAY.' ••••• EN= • tilted& pm Ito tap. Wigs the Teats el dealers. this alkd (tante, `WitOtESALE iTICES; Dec. 3. al op. • .; •-. -. yam yoR • sAiLik.rittuit,4l• • 2.7 Amami tomato; aridhrd ea; 'else bow Seadaira 4: pd LIU *Wa d. mei. avow thirty:llva improtelk utal goesinuenv iadziona ovelardilievecie. Via msWed eat piseimillyfillixe. ated. For lave: WmleW L .tultdt! k aa Pil I aid Levi Obi* peistimee -4 -4 -4 , - 1 ' • .f , AL MrNTION CREDITORS. , --The • issolicit Uri di book motifs oubit bkielUedbilbilribo kit day ofTebautiVar Olibmibmi.:: Mier thatoszebn* awl .b• cowirdid swan Qs Ann item of lllo- wan' t 00, At* ladiry est; MIL - JO= muumuu. . SYRIA'S -TO • . at onnttliimelts- , -ROYAL 114MIG - TOWDEBI3 , 4 h . Colatiqs. ;FRuirt , , mps vyAit, „ - irIPATEE,_''TE4I3O3I4 VlSA rstia '54 1 1074 , 04i: 0,11 vlicc4lM 4,1111. THAT fitLigifitiTEDlNELP inf o ropr. at . ikliti"11111, fIONCKNTRATEDZIaIm AND /1.,F419F0: i, 4 . A , IIIABGEOASEMITMENT;qO? _.porcesuowirtic-frfroowita& •,n) POVE I ' 4441414 M 1 , doWilie Ir BOOTS A _ . • , ' . The largest ana • -.4, sortment of goods in this line ever offered in , ~ , . Ea We call special attention to our stock 0f.14 (Lso 'llSt MEW • BOYS'. , ES FALL " - AND FAIL ' VONTER , - WEA.B O , :.,..,...-...-:.,.,.. ~,,. 2r,•;;; ...r. ~....., ;.:,,, . J # 2,3 4 . 4i . j0hi v......i ii 0 i 1 i ,-„, ; ,. n....J.,.. i t ,..., .Ot t f ,, , ,trt f , ........„• ~%- i rliq ;5.4.1. iq ; -., gitigkv.,:itillitirliANTi'r ,WOBJE7 . • -0 r 1 741 41M !I in Go Serge, CaTor' Batt 15 - 4.14.1.:4itii =.l 7f i Atall times en.stomeni. will find our 'suisottingint of pods, ` unrivaled ti ~tS • - in this market and the prices at the lowest figures:. )Ire offer in Oft PAUNK XitPAIIMM, MI =I ,au tuiuiluilly attractive stiwk - of SAR - 4 . TOO . A ;ok FRENCH TRUNKS, ME 7, '7's.vintx,No POs.',urricitutti;&9, NESS AND 840)DiJMt We' i'XAl:ltile 7 iittention •of Horse- ME Men b:liimuw variety of find Team Hairless, ::: 9 0 ( Ye l 'iPridlea;Ph4 11( des NVilifog 'tin(lltotieft. OM - 341 1 .0.*43 , ,` over siioOtdre, Wid is:in,strau times be • ertooked •'•with ell • knigint; tathe Harness trafle. Any thi4 iii the line :wiliTi;e'' ilitie ilizi..' 8110 4 12 94 00 and by expenenew 48: dimki v;ol*el►. Oct. 13, 1t169. B 1 ,1 1 : Y Y E A R:l3-- MOH,: *.the *Wog and putopc ineeelattot of the era • . MOIsTI I .4fTYMS . , FORM O:yLiN SIM AND POLIC Tn i l " x 4 t.141° and Fa", AICD do elliont sasottment:cf WALL, AND' WINDOW PAPERS ! Sk,;.'.tli ) e':gf,,,. ' .','•.,',' `';`GILT• WALL . ;TAPER =MI bIiOdORY Aki puss WAS, 111.11 M ISE E.l ~lia,~ 'ii,,, ~ Y'F v MEI ; , :p.1:....,, --- ..„1,:;-, 1., : •, } ? 31 ! 1 :4 1 MR 1, ,J k.•:, t . '. - ) . i ‘ . .1 ' frii 07 11 4) 0..F1411LE 8 .. : - ' •-. .:4 ~ ..-L !.- , ' ". l':: 'li't:• - , ' ::;-:-?, ii. SEELY! Ani.utetsav atzurvAnz. , • - ' pworom xitia "~ lEEE - '' ' ;r;..-, 1 J''^ ;misorifelodg - ;„ 417011 L+. Y4fth I3tOTHIENG: 162111 MEM • 1 -, :.! , BOOT1E1 ;AIM ..SHONS-; ; - - • . !,lUMCAPS,;.MD -IMIU3IZW3, I To* Vallsea - and Traveling Saga. 4 -1, • - PA ems AI . D llNSliiqualt i aaa tefra ME %If; :17:i • 7'l; , . ',... t':::. sy ..'"S'ait tied:cid. vie dessitY', „X4PF,C 4 7,;:17 _17.44-111 frfq . " ; :;•i• 110•11f,1-0-3.2."0 as ti lowa soak et awas utaztaitank - nrisifis. S u rel-tbisi side of New, Tack city. Tne ;antic. Ate • itrtietionellindenendseg. Allier- • ISM ;I.‘ • aminr ti f.- ~ ..~:~. .:, U~ «x. o*anda is no BE THEESI ISZEZM 'cc-latest isnar' blest , popakir . ;. • I ME m t i5 15 .,•4„..,- IBM IdidVansannes - Shoes, 14 *I r 0 1 '.'. 111 4 10c1, mac .TOWAXDA., 41 0 9_1113 in 'll/R4les—own innton, I FRIES , cO 27 A g2BSWEIIe4 1 '~_.lli ~.=ik77 la r a, MEE= MEI= i , e r t" =I MENEM kibthiltaiten.l l :da , WARE, IRON, "STOW! lIIM El f' 'S' t ~; ~. ~.=<` ; ding, ,4ussell & Cos. We invite . attention to Anvil&ls a 7'• : iiersarnor I enythtn g•of the kind befoze offered. It is so consbrull tutiaa - ot - iro •- knife win en long or snort % an rr . ,(14 I • - feeds without . trouble.: Call - and see • 17, 1 1'.1.41.: ( Y1 i orsend fin a eiretdat ' s. , We c&o lamp ‘''',.:.4.3 - 7(10:;:',X,:t1k4. (- : -, 'z.. ..? !i - ' . : 77: :MN CORN SRELLERW; Ar?."' =I =ill - LT NENSUO R NISI{ BL LEs CHAFFEE~ PANNING.IKIW, &C. 'tit t .i. q s:- ,-: .. b0P1.N.02,.-titEilta *, .', l :,' , l;,, , o . , tinuelo:Hell the ;; El. rA S H 0 W.E 1 1 7 IN Ai •- M A C4gi E! Aber havingadd and tested these muchbiee for the past" yeir; they 'feel justified in for em a justified : th degtei of perfection' which is no eicelleil if pien - txittilea- byany other known machine. Mr. J. P; Calver will. , pit. np these machines for a ratumable-trial•• at any. point where jades Wißlrto pmfisse zn. . - g LEATHER: PACEDIG, EELTDIG MILL, CIRCULAR, AND CROSS-CUT SAWS . . EINOLDHI FILES ALWAYS ON HAND • Fl 4 C.) • • , .0 • IN TRADE 1 . -I4 1 • - 0 1 • a, 4; z , 5 .. ---4 -,... • ;04 -4 e v 2 .34 -- !, 1 0 frl A i 4 4 0 v. ! • 1 *. 4 . . '".• .....-- 0 - LANTERNS; _ REVOLVERS, GUNS, ; RIFLES, • & CARTRIDGES • .• • • • • 5 • • ...,. - •, •g: • • • . . . . •ti SPOKES, HUBS, FELLOES, AND -curnts it-„ ,- •.• . MO MI T.TWP., I,2*E:7r, ispaz?. Dun; AND • PLASTER. Cothl tog ~ Russell's* Co. towanoi. ion. 23, IVO MIN 1870 evt . the ME s, , 1111 isitiswww, m T OWANDA COAL YAW) . . . . . . -Aarniamws upprrainseve com a . The tituiere WM iewt. 'fßabeefs* keseil the Coetirese am Leek he the ries Ba iff llb4" 1 1,11jus ink led . a wag omaiamie mil Office own! pre ttuim am, to the eithees of To am te• with the ditiereet kinds mod sties otthe sun,. =mid coda opon Um most rraecroshla terms in sor Wean". itemised- . Pekes et the Yard u iart4i. notice - - it to Smell Egg • Storm ............. Barclay!' Lump . : ........... ........ Bun ........ ......... ' rine or ...... ........ 3 SD ........... 3 re ...Tim following additional thaeXe wilt b e , • delivering Coal within the bN-0.2,3h " Halfper cuts. ?Nero for carrying in, u T0n..36 ." - " oar Orders may tw leftit t e YaZd, ,wArr of goad and Elizabeth Streets. of at if : C. D r ."l l ' J " Si g,„ "°. 04era Mut in all tateebe umenpare,4 the cub. WARA t LIB, Towanda. ICor. 1, 180-I.f. ---- - NEW HARDWAM STORE! WP ARE JIIBT OPENP.T9 IN CANTON -. a new and complete siaaartusent of - ill A. ' Rd W A z bar row and vt - t, to th A po , 'kat pdass that defy cvnitpetttiun.. Auy oft , of Stoves can And with us the latest iniptoT u Z and moat detdrable..ol7lvi• . Our Cott Mot:, AMERICAN IMPROVED, is aelruovredg,4 era and tie -publie In- genand, to be superior ill ty. lug end euebat quiithee, to anything- nov c trot ket, We have • - Cairmyrra's „ Tanta. laoa,YAMS. !feast Snore AND Nana, LAMM , Buis, Hou.cs STAXPESI TIIIVALA CCTLEET, tr. _V,. • . Gi ve n o a c i a We are prepared to mama Ito that weenn sell as ellesP.. +Ltd a little•eheapir, Jay other plate In the county. . .„ Canton,' Jan. 12, 1870 ASPLENDID' CHANCE, • . AN IMTBAORDINART 011,11, , DON'T DELAY, SEND AT °Tu. The ILeiding AGRICULTURAL J(►t u OF TUE COrNTRY, FREE FOR ONE Y Ait • Tug Angarcin ,-Srocx Jornvat.—h froeeo tmosably,contahaing 32 large double column devoted toi Farming and Stock regular departments for the Practical Fanccr.o--' man. Stock Breeder. Woes Chimer*, AIM Keeper, kc..-2.c., Am.. Illustrated 'oath nuentroesi ut - Engravings and bound In handudoely Harmers will dud in this monthly a vet,- cgc,.., aid In all the departments' of Farmice tad beak -Breeding. It has a Veterlnary hepartuirstater the charge of one of the ablest Protewni, tt , Muted States. alio ZIISICern through Ile ketch:. free of charge. all questons relatan , to Seri, Ic.'lceC or Dbr.aed Horses. Cattle, Sheep, Sent or 1, tft Thus every Subscriber has a Iloree and Cattle at free. We are now prepared to otter the Au Enzcta an), ZOLIMAL az a/rec . gift - for one year, to alb e Um (or renewals) to March tint, whd inurediatety and pay s2(n advance, ~ portunity which the ir.tellinent people eters no doubt duly appreciate.. Hand In yr,u, acriptiona for the lizeozerati at t , nct art THE &rota JOURNAL free for one ye-mi.. GOLD STILL COMING Dows •ND EVEST GROCERY if PROFISIO_V LLVE. streauiv being offered at C 0 W LL &;:11YER at prices that cannot fail to satl.ry all that 1147 et determined not to be undersold by any one rt, i bare enlarged their Store by building so u e rt now time room for the fresh supplies that ire received by them. They hare eor,met, dote a Market where they Dow keep fresh triers: sell by the gustier or piece, sod a All aeries and rrovialone, to which rnsy would etid the attention of all cash buyer,. tome and ext/unt e Goods and Prick-a, before purehasom ,riot, ~,t, yourselves. We guarentee all goods to taw tuts asthafaction. We era Manila] to cur e.ret•ir..rsn r their past liberal patronage and to;hs,t c connate& of the mute. coWELI. k 3111.1. ' Dee. 20, 1800, • _ _ CONSMIERS OF . _ CONFECTIONERY! EMI LET US REASON TWA7,THER: How C 2ll any rem in tnanufaeture on,f,t awry. and sail 11 at 15 cents 4 pound, when eut,tre.,e,ef, 16 mita at the 'Settnety. naldtas It it t , :r.tly a4t.- tengeda How can any i t tglCr retail en•-L a :At his caltetnent and have a eon.: e nee loaf of ta,.-o, Now can any consumer expe:t to ',met,. purr Cenfectioncry twenty-fi:e awl atrty ;e7 pound, when a pure article cannot br r...autu.atu: less than thirty to forty cents per pound, etnn,sts/ of cassia buds, Lurid. 'almsnde. and eu.± goods Within a few dAya irk! I.l.lite Len ,ife: - ,,e.,,...: buds, et..., for fifteen amts per pozina. &:“...,".... late Creanis at. twenty cents. and the ant is , leilged that they were adultert.d' ten por ~:4, - ::... ;Terra Alba ; and it is fart that ton, of t!ne,Lez , etinfeetioerivare ;.a.sde autt 0011 m 0, c . ..0ril erverryear, and the consumers are the -duly 1 , ;:!., , , injuredhy it. _ Nate. or Me !Kipp of Mt re elo • mis', a Pure,a,i, e. of COP esliourrif, we will fe. 7r, • :r lr . j e r•te. , ef ~ Mara art Maure Strictly I 7ire awl Pre 401,1 rvery I.:, Jient deldcriouxita health, A. 111.P.T. Store formerly ixnpit.,l by Johnt arloutt.)bulirr , ‘: Towand2. October 21, lYG:). CENTRAL EXPRESS Wu nave extended our Hues through to tWil,•:!' N.V., and are now prepared to receive and turvel money mid inerclAndize, and. collect note e, cluv:los, with de:env:tell and at low raft:4. Wo run: careful. eud esperirnord nu.sreil;:cr, through between Philadelphia acd New Yo rl: aadN;.- verly dally, erupt Sundays, ink - Wing juc tllo prompt delivery. irk, SPECIAL RATES will le: allowed ri-gn!ar •°..1- pera ofEntb:r and Eggs, and paitien!ar atest,i given their proa;il deanery ira 4-1;/ Perk. i JOHN 5.1.11L11. um. E. P.lllK,.t?ct. Supt. Getkeeel OPACt —:t2o ellertErnt Sept. t!'.., MO, • NEW 'ROUTE TO - I'ITILIDEL KID.. • • NORTH PENNSY "Als lA . RAILI:O.P. Shortent and moat drect line to Philadelphia, Bi tinaorc, WashttigtOn:limd the South: Peseengora by thl route take Pensayintra t New York • Railroad train. passing Totsroli,at 9 make dope connection et Itethlehtis Inth Er press train of. North Penn'a Itntinml, sal aern• Philadelphia , at 8:25 P. 31.. in time to tak^' n~Fti, trains either Tor the South or Wct.t. Citypaaacnaosenot are at the Der.t eqtrnni ill trains to convey passengers lo the VALTIII4 and to all parts of the city. ESEIM! LeaseliNn:thPentVa ,•,rn , i Yelv and Atuericau streets, at iti. L krriving at Towanda 6:30 P. 31.. .au. Mann Biggsge Fawrse coilecio aol dehro , gage, 0150+ No. 105 Sdath Fifth f t_Fhdri.7 = 1 ifttlilOßT ACCOMMOD kil•Wrn ' Freight received at Front and N.,bir pt, P& delphia. and forwarded br Daily Faq Fre.gns to Towanda. and - all point* to Nu! , i netratnra with quick dirpateh. ELLIS CI. ;BRE , Gen. Ant. N. P. R. R.. Front and Irmo.- st.. Jan. 17.18711. 4. - Pcilatir!Pt TOWANDA 'MEAT 31.111KET : - QrSFERS I FISH .1:01) CL.LW. , Each in their ecason The oubtaiber■ will keg, cunowney furl stock of OysTEns, .Fpitt Am; Cuvs; at wholesale and istull where parteN plied n* reasonable rates. Mao a full toti 1 11- s" cans:sting of BEEP, PORK MUTTON, L.t3IRS, S.II READCBEESE. BOLOGNA, TALLOW. LOW. k • . . Market first cornii iouthoi Ward 11"4,... 114.n.g. Towanda. Pa._. 5ep21.6.34ni . Br..kro 13rE LIME ! ! I . I JIT! ! The nutleralou4 hereby anuounc,s to t that he keeps constantly on hllll.l at hi/ Kit-% tIICOIVNTOWN, a full .Papply frr biznor NEW . YORK LIME, v.bich he sill ilesr 3 • can be , bought at any upint along the Cala ] . . Miry I . 111169-4 t. DAVID BRIAO. - i•• A FULL AS SORT 31 ENT 01'"' 11 DRIED Ina CANNED YUCITI., at Match 10, 1869. • LO.NO k SE.ELEIrn FINE ASSORTMENT OF TO LET MIME, at Mc:CABE k..i1170. A SHTON . SALT PUT UP 15 1. large or small quart:tee at May 29. - - - - FU STOCK 'OF WOODES LWire. at c. B. YAMS. May 20,. 1 -- - . _ -- MACKEREL, TROUT. WRITE Fiat. Codtlelt and fferring• * . • McCABE f: 315 - - RUTTER TUBS AND - FIRED;ti itew, ready lat of April ; Iteb. McCABE ZS. -P... ROF. HORSFORIYS BIIEAD Preparation. at " C. B. PATCH -0 . Hay 20. • -- •- - --------- - Af AeKEREL, CODFISH, BLUE .IV_L Flab. Maelcinair Trrut. 'Ciaroes Piellel al a"ked Salmon , Smoked Halibut. ani pried Beef. at WHO k HEELERS plEnCe . 1 / 4 TRIP?. IL Tun C. li.