Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 17, 1870, Image 1

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    irgEM tor MM W5 1 = 0 ., <
Tor. BaiD p , Ittrarras lartildrOU'aireig
TauralAY" 3 61141 2 VlL v ltiAllealli ).
ei ,proa, at Teo DrAllar per etyma. ta admire.
ADVINTBNKIM inesediminlmailnin ere
related at =II MTh verbs.- or fret armhole. and
Flea cam par Use ler sithts
. 112666162111/22. , -
sparlrl Notices luaarted: ,2larre*ii*
D e mi., ern he changed iruirraar mire see Unger
each insertion. AU Iteaolulkure eaf 'Autoehterna ;
compromaratlona of limited oe Indirtand tubmist.
and notices of Marines and Desidue, nananginigivi
hum are charged TZ7 CMS per Ben'-
- 1 rev. 6 Sea 6am
One Column gl 00 $6O imp
INC " 1111 26
Ana Wore - " • - 10 '
Lamy, Cautioe, Lost and band. and other atter
figments, opt exceeding Tan lima. guys rradar
or leas. 21 SO
Administrator's and Eurarterea Notion. ,2 ag
uditor's Notices. se
Business Cards. Ave lined. Ara yeart....,„„„ is is
lierctouda and others. advertileng that tararnsee t
& we n Ars per year..- They will tra eadlied
T hrum, coodned exclusively to thidepasingaii.
e dh prirtkva of quarterly donee. •
s arlAArertirlog 111 all earl exelludre of aulmertp.
tlon l ito the payer. . „
adD PRINTEVii or mem land. in Plaki and Tao: sy
. .
...ors, done with nester= And digitate-1u "Balitinia.
Vanko, Cards. Pamplileta,lllllheeds, lianneateette, ta
. r evvry variety sad style. printed et the shortest
uotice. The Raronrze Ware .1s nel/ impplied trah'
Power Peewee. a good essortinealet neureype. A i d
~erything in the Printing line can be AcupoOolis
tbf moot artistic manner ad at the lowest at..
1J EWIS RHEBEIN, Fashionable
Tailor. ROOMS over AlpinWeire Skink Total.
oet.s. M.
FOWTYR & CO. REAL'R• TATE DEALS 26. D. 70 WmLaudon Street op.
op e ra House, ChksHO. 111. Bed TAMP
e w,-.1 and sad. Investment' made end mosey Men.
R. roams,
& WM.
0.1121, 1140.
: re., anent fur the Hubbard Mower: Emilio"
Ithaca Wheel Bake. and Broadcast Boner for
Planter and all kinds of.Orain. Bend for dr.
to B. B. HOLLETT. MODXOetall. Bradford Co„.
I's June
J. N. DErfEa, Solicitor of Patents,
p rl ene drawing!, eperilitetions anti an papers
r . l inied niskinglind properly continetitiii
for Parsers in the Tierrinn STATES 'and Pa*.
jo“, Conn - mire. No mum= to trttereicearnit.
..n No AtTonNEra NI:ITO PLY Inn= PASS=
sept 16, 1669-ti -
having completed my new brick shop, near my
r—ldi:ne. , on 'MainAdreet. I am now prepared to do
•rk .0 all it. branches. Particular attention paid
411111 Irons and edge tools. Hiving spent many
SR in thin community. this business. I trust
.ti I a sufncent guarantee of my receiving a Ilbe2-
. usonnt of the public mitermare.
Tawakda, NOT. 3. lA69.—tf
Th, enbacriberta are now doing bnainees in theie.
the BEST QUALITY at the 3ltzsanuad
Stu IF.
AA beat, Rye, and Buckwheat Flour, and Teed cog
-tamiy on hand for male at market rates.
a large quantity of GROUND PLASTER of
.amour quality from the old TACO= Slam
Myerrburg, Dec. 20,'69. MYER k TROBT.
quality Winder Wheat Flour it cwt.. $4 DOW OD
quality Rye Flour cwt. 3 54
l uxe Ideal and Bre and Corn Feed. - _ _
A fair margin allowed to dealers.
Custom minding usually done at once, initlie ca. of Um mill is saftitient for a large amount of
iasuptcnra. July 12, 1114119
The ,nbacriber, having purr.haaeit the Lonayawals
Mtll4, and refitted the game in good order. Is now
r.pare,l to'do good work, and to giro general saris.
fa. t,on. M. J. FRUTCHEY.
Leltapasille, Sept. 22. 1869.-1 p
setwrtbers having purchased the Orist kiN
ar th, month of Towanda Creek. •generally called
have thoroughly remind the same. and
unw ready to do all kinds of Custom grinding
dlfpsteh. They will deliver Flour. Feed. Meal.
~,.,Lazo Flour. or anything also is their line in any
of the village.
.:.t•uners will find an Order Book at the Meat
Market of Kellum k Mulloek. All orders leftin saki
will be promptly attended to.
- Any inquiries in regard to Grinding. or other haul
th, Mill. entered in said book, will bossurwer-
i i. t'. ISORTON.
Mpt. 1. 149.-2. in.
T .uhscrit,er take. this method of Inform:tinge:le
p Tmvanda and vicinity that be has opened
1 , 3 - pia4l Eatablishment in, Vol. lidr..twa' new build-
Gs)). Patton's). and that he is acne pre
to do all work in hie Ilne. stick ea 111.1eakinf6
°LORING ladles' and gentlemen's garments.
I in the neatest manner and on the most
t,....,..)1(ge terms. Give me a call and examine my
Sept 23. ISGO.
it. B. 11 , REAN, REAL Estvrr. AGENT
Fanna, Mill Properties, City and Town
•r ,:al,•.
Parties having property for rale will find it to their
image by leaving a description of the same. with
t• of sale et thin agency, as parties are constantly
• , fur farms. kc. H. B.
Beal Estate Agent.
aiim over Mason's Bank, Towanda, Pi.
.tits. 29, 1867.
I °}toned • Banking HOll.O in Towanda. under the
; of G. F. MASON k.. CO.
r.wy are prepared to draw Bills of Exchange. wad
.11ectionv in New York. Philadelphia, and all
y. of the United 'States. as also England. Ger
a% 1 France. To loan money, receive deposits,
ci., a general Raglans( businrga.
r al4. , on was onirof the late flrna of Laporte.
, of Towanda. Pa.. and hi. knowledge of
t•te..nes+ men of Bradford and adjoining counties
m levee in the banking buainesa for about
r.• • n make this house a desirable one through
It it , wake collections.
t. 1, 1845.
4, CaniPinwn, Brads - id Co.. Pa. Thank
ful to his many employers for tole . would
mpectftdly inform the citizens of if County
that he is prepared to do an wart In his line of bull
pens that may be entr to him. Those having
disputed lines would do well to bare their property
accurately surveyed before allowing theruselves to
feel aggrieved by their neighbors. All wait warrant.
ed correct, so far &stelae nature of the cane-.will per.
mit. All unpatented lands attended to as soon as
• warrante are obtened. - ' 0. W. STEVENS.
Mannuls Sent post paid to onead. reb. 24.1869-Iy.
I: 011,1 \ oltun.•+ of the AMERICAS S'T'OCK JOUR;
I. n.r 1862 containing 324 , large double column
• :,t pan] for El AO
o.llllleB 0/ the American Stock Journal for
-ntaining 36t pages, sent post paid f0r5160
1, I , ltrymnn's MM1P.16.1. sent) post paid for 25 eta
Th..ll , .r.emau'a manual. .. 25
1!,, li.,rse Breeder's Manual, "
11, l'oldtr) Breeder's Manual ~
A,nt, n muted. to whom liberal inducements will
N. P. 110Y1:11, k CO.. PulbUshers, ,
nn Psrkesburg, Chester Co., Pa.
311:. E. J. PIERCE,
r• turut••i from New• York with a ftrst-thISS
c-us.-tutg of tht , latert imported at) lcs of
c. would re.pecttully invite the ladles or Totten•
•h au 1 I .lcinity In give her a call before purchasing
ort done in neat and fashionable style
,bort notice. afeltooms over M. E. Rosen•
1 , more, oppo4ite Powell's, Towanda, Pa.
, itt.ulb, :19 1R69.
VEW FI R M . 1
r 310NPMETON, PA. ,
r 171tACY & HOLLON,
I livaleri La Groceries amt PTOVIAIOIIB, Drugs
, ! Keroa..ue Oil. 1.311:1PS. Chimney.,
Stuff.. Paint.. Oil'. Vaznieh. Timken Ito.
etgars and Einar. Pura Wines and
' , 4* die beat quality, for medicinal porposes
All Goodp .old at the very lowed prices. Pro
,-7.c..n...-avtully compounded at an hones of the
:0 111:414 UP a Ca.
1 L . arf , .4 ,, u! Pt . Jitur 24. 1549-Iy.
• 1, or:O , k timon's old '• Mark Stir Liu*" of, LIT
,I Vielets, railing every week.
• • , lior.tall Line of Packets from or to LoOdon.
twtt, • month.
4 M Englan& Ireland and Scotland pay
r••o amm,l.
e I triter particulars. apply t 0 Williams k dulcet.
!. • L'.votway, licw York. or
0. F. MASON k CO.. Iltoker4
Towanda. Pa.
kAI • "ill lerfiNlNT. TOIMIIIII. Pa. mine built
ao I rtp.vml. Enginea and Boilers set in the best
maatter. I would call the attention of milt °amen to
'''"'barn:: all the elements of a firsterlaas Maier.
< 4- res.:ruction. acomuribilitr.great strength
aevenying the greatest sineant of v.:mortar
r ~asily repaired. mining under backwater
•41, d , Thrueet W purer except diminution of
n‘purmi uo aiteralion in mill frames or
2. t., 9t131,, wal rue under low head, and made of
tl,airoi comedy. These wheels will be furnished
•-,‘ than onekall the east of any other thostalass
• nurito_ au4 warrautod to perform all that
'l.:m-1 for them. These wheels 'will be made for
w,th or wahcot ou short notice, of the
. F ''! 111 fartentans &tires, Oren Inter of the under
' G. S. PECK. Towanda. Pa.
whoe:s mu be ea% In operation at
4t Flortan k MU, Towanda twp. The
orle are
1 Pier -if. wkolly composed of Iron aa now made.
YOLUMEAXX.- ., , , -- - '.';. - i "A
CocrinstsoaAr Ls%
Lor..Toileinb.ths% <7 t, 7 04 2701,1111':
TIMM AT L/1114110Mliall, A 01101 • •
0 =144 WO. 11.11. /../1///,`. • 1. IL
•ZOIXIT AT Liar. Otkw-oormir of Nola and
Sloe Ellreeti‘oPPodis Pciebre Dragoon.
Law. Towanda. Pa. Ojos ono the ..Ba•
tory. t
Boum south o f the Ward Home. and opposite the
JLJ WILLIBTON;1:1' 1 =I i . 3
• •
South - d , j4.llforeasulifprlDNtales.
Dec. I. •
• AT Lair. Towasda, Ps. °Moe with.% C.
Iketart req.. No. 0 Meletracer. All badness co.
traded tons mire will be promptly Mirada to.
July 1.180.
' LT (Distirld Ationiii far Bird.
lard Catmtzr).Trirs,l%. Cceactbassailideand i mpt.
ty ran:IMO& Ibb 1.11, •
AT Law. Towanda, Pa. Psatleabz attention giv
en to Orpbans*.Coutt badness. Onneyandee and
Collections. Sir Moe 4 4 the Roeder and 'llPcoe"
does dike. south of the Court Rouse: ,
Dec. 1.1864.
Low. Towanda...}lnAn bagman entensted
to Ids cam will reeds* attention.' - Ones in
the Mee Weir aceupled by Item? & Narrow. son*
of Ward Rouse, np stairs. July Id, es
M% AT LAW, Tawaaltaala Ttautadolhgaod
haring iagrolatte thatoielrea together in thiptectoe
of Law, offer their professional services to the public.
March 9.1865. " '
- LAW. Towanda: anworn ,* •
Particular attentionseld to Collecticaurondemhsniri
Court business. Otlice—Mercurs New Block, north
side Public Square. sPr.
A-ND COMMLIOII AT LAW, rowan4a,Ps. Par,
titular attention paid to Intudatioa lOW Orphan!'
Court. /111710.16.
• L&w. Towanda. Pa. Office with Wm. Wate
tins. Esq. Particular attention paid to Orphans'
Court business and settlement of edenta* estates.
• Ace over Wickham Towiisda:Pa.
Particular attention,is 4 to dummy's as a blue
for Artificial Teeth. Having. need this millwrial for
the past four years. I canioaandently recommend it
as being far Superior to Rubber. Please call and ex
amine specimens. W Chkonsform administered
when desired. mar* V&
~. 9 SS
015 as in Patton's Block mei Gas's Drag aid
Chemical Store. lan I, %IL
• AND tilosamox. Towesida. Pa. Ofßee with W.
B. Kelly, over Wickham & Black. Besideßoo at. the
Means House. aprig. li&
DR H. A. BA.RTLETT, s Aysicitzn
aid Surma, Sugar Bun. Dradfard County. Pa.
Office at residence formerly occupied by Dr.. Ely.
4, over BROWNS (late
1-7 Goan) Drag Store, Patton'. Block, in °Sera
lately occupied be Dr. Madill and Dr.Weatoa.. 11-69.
U. BEACH, I/ Php - tician
and Surgeon. Towanda. Pa. Particular atten.
holt paid to all Chronic ,Diseases. and Disease* of
Females. Offlo at his tesideacifi on . Stale st.. two
doors cast of Dr. Pratte. 505.11,69.
11. W. WELLS.
1100T011 , O. LEWIS, A GRA.DII-
ate of the College of w fistiderilNeotta,"
New York city. Class 1843-4,4lves exclueles attention
to the practice of his profession. Office and residence
on the eastern shve of Orwell Hill. adjoining Henry
Howe's. Sara& 'EL'
• AGEWL —Office formerly oecuplod by Ys car
& Morrow. one door south of Ward House.
July 22, 1869. -
ETTeI, ke., made in the best runner andinnott le,
at the Ward Home Barber Shop. Terms
Towanda, Dec. 1, 1849.
Towanda. Pa: with ten year. experience. is con.
lident he can gice ;the boat eatistactian
(mining. Staining, Glazing. Papering. ke, -
'lvry Particular attention paid to Jobbing In the
country. aW 9. '6&
MOICROEPON, PA.. pays pirticular attention to
ironing Buggies. Wagons, Sleighs, kc. Tife set and
repairing done on short notice. Work and charges
guaranteed satisfactory. 111,15,119.
A. IL MOE, Licensed Auctioneer
All calla promptly attended to and aaßafaction
guaranteed. Call or addresi, A. R. Ifbc, Monroeton,
Bradford county, PS. 0ct.26, 69.
The subscriber beg* leave to itiform the eitizenanf
Towanda, that be is now. prepared to FILE SAWS.
Jobs in that line, on abort notice.
Order' may be lett at the store of Harebell Rem.
& ro. la' dee.l-31r
1 . 1 of Bridge and .Water Wart& Towanda. Pa. X.
B. CALEDIS. Proprietor; ti
'andad by L. T. EMI;
formerly of " Weis," Burlington. Pa.
Feb. 24.1 e -
On Main Street, near the Court Haase.
C. T. SIITTE, Proprietor
(kJ. e. 1866. -
'PA. The eibscrlber having leased
this louse, lately occupied 10 A. C. trolley. mid
thoronghly repaired and refitted it. la oWir ready to
accommodate the travelling public. Ever* endeavor
will be nude to alley those wh A. o may
El2ll Amor
10LDS. him with
a calL _ G.
Feb. 1, 1111611—C1i!'
Having leased OM House, to flow ready 4 seecaamo.
date the traTelliniupulAte. Napalms horemanue wig
be spared to glee so!tisfactlon to those who may Mee
him a call.
Jar North ablelif the public square. Mot of Mee.
cur's new block.: -
Ilitibwpitrehkeild old
and well-koowti stand. formerly kept by Sheriff Ord-
Rs. at the mouth of Rummerkeld Creek. le ready to
Ore goal aminegoilitiOoned sittelepnytrestment
to all who way favor bthimith • =IL - -
Dec. U. IR66—tf.
/11. PA.. .Toanan & Howes!, Proprietors. Thla
popular Hotel haring been thoroughly tined and ire
palrod. - and furnished throughout with new and ele
gant Furniture, will be open for the reception of
gureta, on S&i7Tam►i. NAY 1. Ilen. liallber memo
nor pains haebeen spired in rendering this Houma
a modellhotel-in all-ita arrangements. A =perks.
quality Old Buitou Ale, for irrralldA, Just rsodred.
April -
TfPFlialiCE HOTEL!--Sitaa
_a_ OM on theettorthAirst corner of Main and Pad.
both streets, opposite Bryant's Curtis& Faetory. .
The undersigned hiring recently rallttell his well
itiown bonding-honk with good
would respectfully , keen* the .that -be k
now p•epored to recehre gnats boardtn upon
the most liberal terms. -
Jurymen and others attends court
ally dud It to their advantage to patronise the hem-,
peranro Hotel. S. 21:131tOWS, ProPr-
Towanda, Jan: 12. 1870.-2 m
TROY. HOUSE.V. M. liino has
al the pleasant of informing hie Mende sad the
public, that his new and ootranodions Srk2 HMO is
now completed and open for the eccontedatke of
strangers and'travellers. 1 loudness will be eon.
A fo W of l
gue 7 sts; ll b to o r to d ' receitviees•
liberal share of public patronage.
imbeeriber teatimes Ids slams tibisis- So the
traveling public for the untfoim Mend pigmies:o
heretofore received by the Teary, Hpase,,,and takes
p to ah
**r* lkotiMo m in d tkoir bettor
ieporett mate - 11mM r happy
ever. - T. IL LW-
Troy, Pa., Dee. I.—tf
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'~ 3:' + '~ 'SC
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;01 i' , < l l . IIAF Ir i..1/zir.pfe iii;;l--9ft=;
• • - - • rfc+4,3:ro.l J.,•.1.....12;41:4,104,1
bUilikerat ir ' 14,411*-4/-*444 ' 1141,14 '.0.1'1 10 1W1RM Pitt
- - • • "- irs U 3404-1 1, -• , • - •
• • ,•
. eltda othi.
• .
- cr4.- •
• , .
LANA . one: - •
Totiswings the as and memo
• T4O o ff t t i a ! i t i tettY ll4 " l q
Hick • "!'‘
And cities eltinter rpemi *elem.
Adorn Abe vale and eiprim the hill,
Rout labor,lights,bithineakdrel
:And plumes with ant* the forgesid
Whose trunk is mimed with lightning !Mrs,.
And there =Oda the fisg of stars; -
• : .4eitenttipe with ibbmp Of elanie i. i4.l
And ribs of brass and jo:nts of steel, -
From isbor's *alio fingers came; . 1,,
. With robbing valve and whirling wheel .- •••
. •
Here stukhrowned Mil with shiningakeele
Linim lake to lake with silver ties,
Strung thick'with - pedtge! °Made ' ~, • ,
And temples towering to the skies..
/1103 F Rorket i 49 srtrgi4 Ft"
And . tenui`the Mink iihives of toil,
ats4rbeek9 l !ig**! down ,
Indastriops handson ind
ounnuniadtb. •
. _ <
- hION THE limns.
Ants, iB7L .i
week since we left home, .4 I ; can
hardly realize that we have traveled
so many Miles ! Wepassed , - tbroagh
Maryland; North Wohna,
Georgia, and South Carolina, and so
easily that we all feel as fresh, or
more so: than if we inutiiit been
traveling. I wrote from Richmond
and.l will tell you what we saw abr.
Wrest after leaving_ths We met a
Mr. and Mrs. Ogden New York,
and a gentleman arid e and 'siker
from Baltimore, and several gentle
men:fro& Wier States in thoilitith,
a dozen in all, and we occupied one
car by ourselvel. . We Wham:lnd
at five &dock Thursday, aridiraieled
all night, all ofthim, sleeping- nicely
but one besides myself. We kept sen
try until 4 o'cic i ock, when we chaired
cars, and I slept for an hour,
at Balahury , ,ns otia lljor • breekfast.
There matron tha t
us to Brown's - ,/lotel,,aome distance
from the depot, ivhere we had an ex
cellent breakfast served up in primi
tive style- 7 1v histefireldsce,with the
stairs goineup in the rani; edd so
ancient I could not eat : for looking
around. We passed the 'Untgi ceme
tery, where our poor . boys lie that
died in the Salsbury prison. It was
neatly fenced, and every grave mark
ed with a small board, giving name,
Ac. The country between that- and
Augusta shows the traces of war, with
marked evidences of Shama& march
to the sea. He made them feel the
effects of war, so that i'doubtiffhey
ever recover from it. 'Every planta
tion, house, and cotton-house, was
destroyed by fire, the talrehimneys
still standing, sometimes four; she ing that the houses were Very large.
The negro quarters were not disturb
ed. The beautiful city of Columbia
seemed to suffer most of all. The
capitcd.was a-most wagnilicuntatruc--
tare, portly ciitipleted;
dollars having been expended on it,
arid it required three more to com
plete-it ; but the burning of :the city
—the cotton burning, lighted in the
work-shop—destroyed all the mate
rial and ruined the building. The
city is being built up very slowly;—
the most forlorn looEngpewle and
nenToes seem to rule. W called up
oue.Governor Scott, a General in Sher
man's army, from Ohio. He was very
polite teruagave us alltlkeiriforma
tion necessary. His clerk was very
communicative, also, while we were
waiting for the guests to leave, before
we could see the Governor._ 7Heiold
us of the manner in which they treat-.,
ed the. blacks. They would try„and
convict a neg,ro, for years of Impris
onment, for stealing a pormd of ba
con ; and one he was just signing. a'
pardon for, that waa Imprisoned for
a year and a-half for taking a plow
share that they proved was his own ;
and they vented -their spite an the
poor negro, as the ,Northern people
.were too inde dent.„ We never
heard otie cohi - tia4eli 'of
secession, When we would ask any
question, they' answered' na politely
and made no comments. They told
us the circurastanciai of- the burning
of Columbia ; some had one version,
and Governor Scott had another ; 1 110
that it is difficult, to tell which was
corrects 1 1 6clutimit lieesitiful place
we saw was the home Of Mrs. Pres.;
ton, mother-in-law-of General Wade
Hampton. The grounds were beau.;
tiful, the sarsliberytrinuned-npinell
aorta of,dcarps, and the osage orange
hedge's - were splendid. We remained
at Columbia over night, until Bator
tfav afternoon,. and then went as far
as "Auguata, arriving there et
_ten in
the evettmg. - We reniiinedneerSab
bath, went to Presbyterian church in
the morninguinautiful church set
back in a lot of about four acres, all
- filled with trees, and ip rgenteel
oongregation.„ ,Thc "rpm Ins ex'
(Akira, by Di. Wilson . ' lithe even.
ing we went to the colored church—
P%tw., 4.,
three diseourses, and it was so tionir
cal, to see them •14 their original way
—some old agiae — With her turban
put on to tastil and
_their heads
awayingl .14 1 6iaord and
groaning. 4 11 .0,44374ki1e11revni
somewhere—a most singular one—
" Mourners , rise up!" The first speak
er was old andlaaheaded, and was
very earnest-- 7 presching a great deal
itboaCde ?hoiese
"Young men, you dud whii and laugbi,
you as bags o3 _ 46 ) Joao goer Mlit iu 4 " bo otte
tsfpray. Ikaketbnesdey
off--dey gets oa'de beds linden/Beim& .
But Tpu Inuit ca.! .e.-1 , :V7?
I 'Meyer saw more eiwn
thoUght he would pound the desk all
to p ieces , trying-to get up an interest
in "lie people." We enjoyed the.
meeting very 04 ,144Ilet
ter for them to preach to their own
A.uguata Was ay nee.
man, and it seems to be in a rea
rm:re iondiliont'- - -Eseiythhitolsvdry
reasonable that marked, but it liee
so low that the air 03 Wry oppressive.
We-baok 'off -all , oura sawn). AO
.*:Oala; l 44.itigteit. l 474 4 lt4gke,
thsrniniefer standing al 48:41egtael.
We left for,Antea aftwo as !
carriage waiting; -and - l " went_ to
. 14.11001m0k. haditent *to
at it
but did not.look.fc.w,naon that train.
Mr. and: Mrs On intended going
to reseida,billi:-. -4114.1sxqde
meseeonny y stelt the heat waste op
MaNsn (0,04-114 017
e MGM a warm. -wekozna 'from
mr. Nye's fun*. Their - house ie
7n , 140*Wili4ana-thegrk afa
of nftleardmg..** -
thermomatert Demi-am 'gime' 111V14
Aligaita, but so -pp ,We bid'
thunder. showiiithisi g 4 Sit !
seemed quite hie" home to see . situ'
Anfl Ws!
Amin et g oalowthelawavittil tea
upeuthrougtiltht ittitaii)k I
Teen ir Neaaner•
It has rained ail night,and is rain
ing still. melt '4O. with ir
riage rind took‘the ireitleMen to
the mill.' We expect to gritcitheilirm
th4 ,-aftP7 l °°, l4 ' rbtni
n bi
iimireint -i r t.
hornet. Yon need not-feel lit &Ilium
iorteebciut me, fOr lam ; very wcdt , --
perm felt better, 'ThriermemY Waa
riot hard,. ali we took our tiine torAti
the trains running . sloir filet t"we
could see the country without stop-
Ting off, and we never Meal.
Theyhelp.eacli - other rr_great &el
in this hind. We saw five men gath
ering wood to put on one' old
They had a male teirrieitlahefiliW
est harness, the callari,oCirtraw and
rags and the liges of.ropes, and there
would Without threeermsful of wood
to the lOid, pro thOr seemed so satis
arithei• were doing business. I
We saw a hundred Imhof srich
ivied goitig irito - Caltuirtia; With all
sorts of cattle dressed win fantastic
rigs ; and - mie - hid come ten or
twat% rmleei they4o abetrksX
fio for - their 10ad..,,•
'lire domestic Of house
keeping does not seem to have beer'
discovered here yet:,... The hitcher', is
as far bowl the raa.frk° barn ,
aed , the Seri-rimm ask‘frar:ru'llaptiier
direetieri;,- , and- if Amy l 'need more
roam, therdiMist buililian 'addition
to the house; but erect ;ri cottage off
in another direction and live in them
alrat once, ranning . from one to' the
other with keys in band—as every
thing is kq't, safely, under lock and
key. Per ha ps if they would putmore
confidence intheir colored help, it
would be better ; but I suppose it
will be another generation that will
try this experiment, the old habits
are so strong.
Tarason Molianco.
It seems like summer here, every
thing is sohrightand fresh. We rode
out in the country yesterday, and at
evening accepted an intitation" to a
"Candy Pall" ,
at the Willie of a South
ern lady Who wati a sufferer' in _the
great'fire at Charleston, and moved
here to keep a boarding-house for her
support ' • and she has a most charm
ing way otentertaining - her boarders
by doing everything that will keep up
their spirits, as they are nearlyall in
valids. There are nearly five- hun
dred in the place, and on a bright day
yonmay see them walking; or taking
some recreation, trying to get new
life from this health-giving atmos
phere. They have a club they call .
the_"Skeleton. , Club." Very sugges
tive, as some of them looked quite
siArituelle: But we bad no part in
the "Ppll," for the candy warn all
made, and brought in such a, nice
way. One lady played- a March on
the piano. and the door opened, and
in marched the hostess, holding a
lamp' high over her head, and. ai*
dies and gentlemen followed, each
with a platter of candy- taffy; *co
late, cream, and.. pulled' , cand_yand
they passed it around with the hap
pleat compliments: • We left titi ten,
having spent a very happy evening.
-We shall isy *Many pleasant-wad
lectione for our dear children, If we
atibed'.to gets safelY, r With
kisses for my darlings,
Your loving mother,'
• &H. A.
, , _
do Acbiresto deliCereil Wore ke Rifritish-Liegree
L O. qf O. F. qf W alusing Lodge Pec.ll,
/808, ByAzuftwe
Many will tell us that the *nude
mind is not capable of recei*lgiFst
high degree of cultivation of which
that Oftlik other sex is capable( Bit
what justice is there in sui itlisettion
lgie this? - Mantare'deniedthopriv. :
liege of. eletthWtheir,leentel-Pewr
era, hnd - then' !untold that ither do
notpossess, them.
While our young men ire 'stewed
for - ffpnn is bone wherithey cao
hardly avoid making some inibrovel
ment, their sisters perhaps axolitual•
ted for a few months where they are
receivetheiraimmtion. Thhicon•
sister of I%ut,little except that /which
will polish the external appenium,
-dn.thcoyeilediPheete 'the ; , tifech
but reaches not the heart. They are
led to believe that it. is not for them
to (live into the depths oflmowledge
:pacteeeNt...eut tlKA4kelt hirstfgiest
Ther.,*;-Vt VW°
lookinto timitown 'nevi
the *AU*
tloa-thcktilie:domint, :Angie-seem
intellectual worth are not ffightlynp;•
aPhiei thit Itet lrettkeeehi4-
~: Saimaa eiitliat bidkinlutirauot
gth - tifniind:anNoietttlosiequire
anolidtnaiteliniicat education .Bat .
biivu we that je
plea of feint •,', ir
tuaihtlkiteeltivaturg - •
OW liar& olione - with 'brighter d
1 6 -nrgrilight tlakigif!*.iiittA`l lo os
OtenlatiollM.-+ •
_ . .
e tal
e em.
c reff.w etial o
iitragikindietna mill it into.4otkni.
We luttcoill , i .701' 0 3 ;f,illet
tutttninirthem forth.,
lit writing . lions and inlays
;ice eoe~ life:
ate' iihiaiwe could rin;trylaj
amain& It things into mike -that
inat - thitibirs of_ the...itonl, which
I .;dyeilitfebatamition-obstli bejera
iiiMtgtheanithe. qWoo..**9
minuend kale it forth tn_the
, e
rGiavi %
44 1Prigli
, e t•vyl , re - i- 4 .14
I•l;l3,rilTh tittes,W,Wia dfli"
t nit z knOnniriplipennlASPOWenA
lignitAwatimff4tmosnotiPff Pt 44
-.Sy tkitata .fliallts l 9
hiffk - Olitiotr ar l e =444;
By ailoastiot Atilt
exantion,thftixt votbegßillitt.MlQVl
stoat* VOIMS O 4 4 /4 11 .40,
amanicithtn,,thallidd v ial haitge,AP
fekti - laKiftile6in4
e r; 44a.w
Ow.havo ' here
Men b a S. , ..bnn o n. „ . 4 1 1 1 T
. inkni ng e dAnzi•fgYiNfiAnt49 l o4 ,- ,; :4 4 4
IMEMAIMP Rir i e**
4 7-:
1 . 1 0W:Wt.1 1 4.
non• l i tnitk 1 41 4 0 47-1
Qnr . 411 M 4M ictIk ali T . " : 4FP-R i g e f k 1 0
eitiem4 l !9Fld2 •to 401 fiFfrkeven'*
dittemenkpcsaihln ioitbanultivaticrn
of Abc, 4 l Powers xhirl* .gi en
;., e
-: 3t,
lifOrn,th4R - t44 1 . He h .I*# (Mu
ass d.irect ow*aioat ital 3 o,rallPea
theB o -tale*te w ipe find s in". our
possession. and ez - elii;:
th„ wilich4l *l4,
are not, placed, and shut
out boa/ • 4 111 , the *lies-.f ,tare,
nor depri ved litirfmiliteinofirae
Withourainickfiates.'y But iiierui r
atat4 ivtth"llo l4 taw him7'4 l ' lll '4 l +hr ie
iney.hatuitalski,tij which the fact; of Ma
tire kit!eintified and madeldeasing:
IVOirnulintifirldidn4With tlitisti c oivf
e*l:in.4o4 sciences which have
_spread over
' the
• learn the important facts of
tnnioniy; the , questions of: P e olba.'
and: the of. Ve 'snin
also study , and iOnderttfand; the laws
of Physiology,. be Ale hi' :emit' the
number, and tellth erusea of,the bones
and ninnies :in - the- Uinta iyiteni,
learn how foodis.digeittnt hoW.:_the
chyle is forina`blood circulates, &c.,
neglecting theightif relations and
more • important - responsibilities
Of home ditties in culti*Mingwhateig
or is: , excellent in /lumen: (zinnia,
whatever is generous in affection, be
nevolent in Ilispositiion, and ennob
ling in Virtue. ,
There, - 'connected , .with =every
scene of our .observation , ';soniething
which may afford lessons of T instruo-.
tion, some ,new train of , thmight
which is` caleulated to expand arid
elevate" he inn& - As' s we look- over
,the diversified - face - Of the 'earth, -the
hills, - mountains ' ` and- valleys, the
oceans, sets, lakes`and iivers,-we dee
an assemblage of objects whiclicould
be mide by no other hand than that
of the omnio&egr*ood
tete istsl ,.10 powerin the , ar
rangement l et 'dui Uniiiise' for" our
" derivi*fitable
tioafrimi 'everything theaye beholds,
from every "occurrence in olininim life.
The thought of toffisinal otdthre is
animating and • holieftd, • and nerves
the Soul for life's stern' duties; fits -it
for the conflicts of life, mid enables
it to write "Atbtinnient" in its diaz7,
and • "Vidtory''' on its- banner: bit•
us arinise and exert ourselves',dz nk .
of the pierrian spring, and •mity lour
minds be invigoratedby the refresh
ing dretight.' 'We advocate tie= idea
of continued imprOvement, of self tut
-tnre, Moral and religious, that sball
never end while this life•remaini.
Tlimigh We may mit et iu oar
Ccsmtry, - omen our= views' at' the
ballot-boi;.we:May'espreis them in
otherwars W#ean think
nobly, literally,nrid-ainiestly, • upon
the= great- problems 'the ' social
'world. 'Act iti'every day' fife; at home
and abroad,' in 'the hafls indnitry,
and 'the 'domestic circle; and thus' be
gin in spirit te choose the joyviltiksi's
great hereafter." • -
- .
AND = 413100 e TEMP.
...?T,Aits:--0i all :he referme_uiti,eh,ere
apttlftOlie instituted 'venttirit to
affirm teniperrOinoveineit
• need 'not; mast'not,
..Ylettita ." claims
,to any. _ It -jai nnvestitutatdr , the
great, imperative neeCiit
promising gran der results to society; .
to- our country and to fitininity, than
any other one measure disinterested
of temperance is °tl# l #4t To*
iciliagiiitotici iite Amiga is 110!
tiety - 4:oCtedatikent4a*::biag . (4t;
itienyiprir . redbii Okxlmo4metraid
JirlitiUttii# l 4 6 o . oo.eificCini44.*
its simkana methods-of-its
accomplishment s itg`` are being
;7agedV . swords uf, tratkand - ,ba,yo
'netiOteon*ietitlf loth -
Merit 'grandeur
fteht i . e Cast arrest nhabited. gam;
and , it s . finaltrtuinidi wilkdieenthin4
. I
life dear; - thin imart,'Of ,-. 4eyerY
thongistinf Minded man' iniViircin
of thelanktoecausejnitglineamenta
vister-.V o Wlre,n4 ll. inititiee
*ntl . appeari pcfotlikthon thergrrit
*MiliFrOeitY ;: suer
TAkit 0401#1ex;ii l ant n*S. 01.tig4
T.A_ • iniglo4 l2 :loPe:. a
the'ooo - 404*
l'!. l •M‘ o4 :4isliA , Mil c irr ir
:!! 4 00:: , YttkIWP04!1, 1 ';11 1 #4,
.of the crime* s a ndWiest's:l.4
&=" 10 /a.A' al .. . "314 4 -4. 4 ;and
tOte . tiltik.iieMety liieSenfp
VranderaktmumaV' in 'whom
deal :demo
gpOHL; . l ,l *l4B:Wilik s.***
= Z - TiOtaiiiig-04407.4tai1t
' Most4'attrodetM -*Vitt t'reaV.
gineertn oouductor hurling at' its
beleidi. , hfiricirtaiAlonuau beiuga
,A 4 2. l ! . =°l ll 4.= ili ;'
Idikk l eabliAtelfit ~o~bin " be~usz . n►.tlie
? esrree
s*:* : , ,
ItlireeWperet,i . to . evnniesw:noatt.
4 0 b ent .,-
tort* the choicest finite:*
aimell4tud bag 114 - -tad- - tad f n va n ' c e.•-
4. - . "J. - ' • -
rirv,lkrk t_lkkriT4 ,
.ittglUM 1870i-ji
- • ' •
.461 % 44116k1Mit ininliadlO t i /di
'ffbet -‘14t4.111.4kLA 0 M1,L4-.40 1 111 4 1) 1 #41 .1......t._
a r othifid , th ==
attest the stkiii and ruin ofithis
aultsbin - AlomiAlttbniubow.
Voiolent diAtillie
• fth4 r .worlill44l — . se - egitted pods
-nature's. interpre*u. k 4-4410re
g l e i ! • =l4l -4P18 = 4
.thkr4~tiiihr . .777!
istid: Ike
bulliank ;at At wig&
pe. 15 0 , 4#10,
tilt trwatilif*lekmdelatine:
bristle* *mid; limetAufgaust
r."l"; 4l .entrwiFP I. l fOitAtitif4
turning' to S humhler
could we be permitted toenter' the
witness thciangitishot thetimemern
mother OVoPthe:blißlitrz44l her
hounis, and 44, f -- 1 " ..14*Ia?lAW141
Of the . irife, 'And See' WWI Ws* - honied
brutality the' litlielta' fit* 'inipelit
the entreaties* ofkohively; 'innocent
childrenonmsdkoentrmit: a social
picture, which,, seems to me, , would
*lost thiegt4ogitteitrterVlßOtii,"
sea trittitieordii!:eiti'ttitli:
reforeV*fireliihe greitanniof
Tem - phi*lhicrinzideit&cit '
of the human ilea." When . re look
thus about' eternised!' diitininied;
the ' . intellectaid faculties' poisoned:
eonsciiii:edesdenedi 'amide?
graded ; and such a ram inflicted on
the . lOW as only einitnrieli- 4 perha*
can repair , boar igelnecount To*
tpo.iitoicotlS 'the' tOleratibli - 07;'Eke
pittietitate)t . sia
this Mint kitianthfUt -~"••• • ' 7'2
This is &it":4es)' ' 4 014e 'id
dans the ile/heirt•Of phillit ;
One airui' e'itnikipular, - `hot-n- , ' ,
ranted i fi ntaitt the s fisbiOnable:' Win=
rentitanditiee OftlnY'dei:'''l'hejt
many 'even •Whci enpSkt :rer..V . Oft
WOrldWhy;•Cinniteitanciiir moderate
drinking are the: dead weightirbf
temperaficeri Merin. - Fiske •
theieh*ittility• - ehhiee . es,
they 1)4 benorti'leniikoirt of the fob.
et* Whose fir Moth in UM
But iiitehhlf of man
unitortaldetithic in the:n*o;of er
eiy interest deir toithe bursts heart;
i call upon them eooperate in bak 7
isbing intemperance fronvour.midet,
end 'thus - ransom .society`, from' the
most abominable and 'eel
move from ita
gieatest.obstacle. Sot* Mi.* , die' ,
penee*iththe l iolit:ii* , !"irhieh
are tie* ohfoott it itinethe
time When by iisiderring-the lective
foinehisei on'wininin 'it' shall **aid
her a - eoninlete . eiril idlituii"iuid
rate her - tram' the vassalage Which
our boasted ancestors have fie off
taxies consigned , her; " lint 'as* value
the sold of.aufif and - foster the faith "
of its iiiinktritaw, &hi*, 'Anna
' not put off thelempininieleinnie"•lt
the Saired,eetut. - fit
Worthy to be thanipioned . Wiliii best
intellects and highest 'tif - the
country.' - The conservation of talent
and virtue end veneration for the sa
credness . :rogio;
- of midi of want' end
wretchedness of An - poorer
'and' the regeneration''• itieleV;
await: lb;4nd'' ta
these 40410'4 linitierithiSi - whn,S;
luetratinglbe Christine of
-their order; Plant patiently and
lt ride the falleninebriate; and' ii%O.
hiring a Mot betiire eelf=deniiili
deiatedneeeittipii#4le, 'tige
idiot& *SAO egameit &el - 40W
ofiLing. Aleblail,' mine'bti'' itivOled '
the' highest-= 'heed ' • '
brightest pahni of Nict -'"' •
rifordp; . a Meth&
''pznakyeeht;'..tifthe , crpwriingi ""t
of the 181r*OelebrittiOir;m thhe skefeh•
- ea by an Amerienn
."-lEngerde;-of whom:nil - Men L
: -sherpi
extravagantly, seems but fitic.wo4
man, with` liOnithit '4eary
al:10# heti e#eot he* 4 0irifina
Witinipabsed grace mOitiiate
Refeliks:are i gllPM
thatit'ari ampresin r Mit t ehe sitait4 t
ibiehli,bfriciitieftur tier t ife i
tilieeidiiiitieeddbizi -
Silt yet' do net' dettiitettroinifei
Ucieks!' :Oa itemth
toper ail ltOr V** I . oiiif*:titicaisr
lane: .- The hi' Or Straight
ail . she*** 'w!ltd,i'llt
his* !Pre!
.#, 1 7Thii lit ;ill
f 3 eilieillloverr a ilr* .)s lhe . 4 3 iO 3 **
-ethibifiirthe -dew
hildflesikdiSiii not' n
d efitiebuitt= 3t *rag•**Fit
forehead,' theg‘hassi;
eyes and the -coarse -month, which
evokes a pitielidislikel, Waller? obi
•*cins al kit Sighrof
• : Mist" the
pita Landlhilitiriotot iindtda4
.tions .Of haviornt: Arms -she
WagePlrtooo.- AuT-4,9. 1 , 3 . 1 4t4Pu5T0
than a deceit man
-1 hie
_ r l A
L , Taßzo.,brothere totiat wt o rarkit I
Ve.Ofleribb4utze,Y.!olfe. 4 * ex:imPO i
*lf* 4 1 014: 111111 Pg3 1 51
11_04W.:11 sikoP: , , 1 5:4 101 4089. - .Pne, , Pf
!,/be LathiiiiilitOr4 : 4,9?shiiit“ ll 4,. l ,
iiihi.);* . thS,LiiioMl 1 4 1 444
4441` 41416. 4. 1 4 kftlnfkii4 . 'he
:ithcitPairtif 4 1 ;4/ . 9;:otiNcit j. 1 ; i
noon 4 0 tlier*oth,VA04,?-n 4,3 0
iiiidiiiiii4i:4 l 4lF,-.9lothal lite*
'ikifte*i_a' berba:`, l :4,-*
01r ,e 3 444,0 1 4 1 4"':iiliairlii4
ji . - i*: l o 4 ti ** r i iiiii -aOG
. *if* 4 1 4,i 8 0 1 : # Ouis i nk , 4
l 0
g E L - - 43 43,1 , 14emrk: . 0971 1,
- 0 A1 1 _ 1 .: -4 6 .U 8 *PW9-40 1 : ea
siF, sali74 6 ld 6 li rtta*
hiiu 10 61 litlin*aiA 6l,l kkirl*
4"1P4 1 .k#1,4 44 * w 40?9 111 4400g7*.;At
rr. -, ~..- ~ a .1 14 , 411 ce ... •
.., Ar r.„u k .
.!) . TN A rfarrl
ftsiiimi 1 , ; ,. 1 - • ' likairifD
, , keB - • . f el: -
ig'Willey. si z i :A At ell_ a d
noPeu Pm namt:
• -
tv II i.e. -
1 billr • 4 ,re,a ~ - •
- V .?
• .IWS
- 4 - -
vi , 41 4 703 fj 4 - .11 21 a- 9oila7s;ipzs;
a- . I
-4411.00,* visvii4oo4-4:baili bliss-%
taziniiiight.,rti*.lolBolo* lbw
dx .
•ifikw4i2tol ;:..,•4,',.. '! ' ' AltiliTt .
boi t .4 7 , ip - - . lti r i - laao
e l ial l r 7...
iroupoLlThigh;::Wie pSOWoChitioer
L g r : •.,
r 4 *lijkil'O' Ch#
41 6eu
..':. a : rapeTossa -- Af i Ai
efluid 'W,Ciiiti:iiiiii;SieonWea%
fi r
kW oillaz.Ntas.4alb - E.44 thee' a ti.ifilta'
'ira . she haste .to be rich,"'sait.
ktPt."..r.f9l#o9t- many, I *V'
.FlLV ev CrL , . ll ..ii o 4 1 ' .le , 11 qint;-$. B -:.
/„W.i: . 1 4 - ilK,4l:yeat
;,.. ~..- 4 30A,R*24,
alialiti *,.,!,,fg, .„, :. / 1 1 04 ! .,r,.!
,74 41 0,!..‘ . .'rp4 sk, we. wife - I 'l
430 ?
P.* .400 0 Or 4 0 K,. .***
0 4,,tariV: . , Aiiiieliisl ll oiC,.theY
iriif* 4 MT/#-0 401°4 11 ;i0
141114'444cant CAlloliei'• Ir9ii!f:' 044
t __„,_40 1 ,.. ~Hidt°*_
_.#44,*1-00 . 64 131 0 1 A
°T;ff ni c "7" - --Voir.:**: - 0100
647**: .* :' . C-Prlr*l',O„4
Ari,t9r-i - mli;, -,- ,,,;:::::12„ - i-:, : i - ,=,,,::;i - _.i. - :....
li e rti 4B ' l4ll2 f'7 - , )I ° -1(. 4 4,11.:#
r ..ji 1111,..Pc.7.. :-; ~ .I
i i i,
..-'- - Y-Fi- , ..., 7°l4#, ~'ve st =`
- 7 ' .47; t1 1 1 '4 11 . T i -iii: i.,a'ai
11,44041:coliosatagliev....„ ~..,:
;11 1 ., a . - # 01 : 4 strni"Vpnannfluvi:ii§sr , ,
4 :4, '' - iiiii 3l : - ,7 ,-- -- -
::- y !-, '
I,'. . 004 3' , 7 9.1 . F494, ! child 3.
i,_ CtTreliji*:4r-ik:**te*:ll.-'lVl*
OP.k rq i f * *7 , l '5 l .., ' 1
, ' .•::::'.• ' :4 ••.. - ',- . --1 . •
r ed the .1a44.3 . #4t - tilii.fa't
mulrs..hiiii*Viii;fitin,aiiit 4Stlied
~..** *l4 - the iiiria,:hei'a;46o4l4
4 4 14 , 040Aiktii.:4 - A. - Joy , .
' 3 leiga: l o . 9o#4o l ! . .,a
'4ailt i ac4iti'd'ageil SOW
.„... '':. ~.-:
.. j .".1301r1444404 iiiitaidgia; farmer
14 1 a4ii('-00301 - Aiiliatiket:l l l44lho
hitehewpiiii:aelit 4)04 . 4i - 6614 .. .v 7 •
i-:•*- 1 0 - 44!0 Yiji*O.4itot4 -- sy - 4.
etiv.opt ; 00:.. i +n
_J .. ' lay:, a . kivelj . ..,:**;axliskre,ilj" .
4:04, ilirtiii:thi*;*K . .,'„ ; .., .:,.:. ' .
• ,r4P4.iii li r4 4,)*(AFraliil 4 i': :1 31 9
Aol'.jit4i tAi'sleigivoiditiirbs3o44o4 .
o*, : 4 3:04 4 - 011‘ to` De' oeeii:: •' • -' :
:'ln tumnng.iii4ltin?.Viiiiinn'aii4 -
the 404f04 gitfifriii4aoVnd-thi444 -
lig:at aiiik:iikeatiOila Of kaiiiiriaeaiid
piaasafe.,..ka the babe:stkiv . the sweet,
Odle:AO -1414..., bent liiye4it, lti 'ea&
4 6 1 i 4914.441 .Orikne 4 na smiling,
Streteheil,qatlia littleßanda to her:
The liiiiit.'.ol,the ; beiiiiiiiiit moth 4
,yeariiect towar ds it; and taking it • 'ali
is")*,arisa'ahi3 pressed it bindlf to
hei7 . lxispia: 'Suet then' tier 'hitsbiiid
fatpe . it:44l from hit' fraitletii - Seafeli.
L''"liieelsieL .
.it'S:iin iiiriaiitioAr 40 1 ,
exelai'aiid; Akirepaditthe ate* 0- hia
behts - .. - filtat I' iron't.:Eittbrait.lo' it
I'll lakelf*Si:tcitiiii town fajta' the
first ibiat in the idainiiiii:7 :- • :: 7 • "-:
'I nt bear the idea of its
1104;'3701ike,7- said his 'wife.:: , ."Nast
'Eke whit ii - icSreat'bitelt - 'ii !"' '.' ' -- . •
I' don't•tiesinit What it looks hike
r atitriltabieti," returned Join4iiitdlly;
&nig' best to 'steal his • heart
iiitAntillie in Which
i lls MO *W.=atier,
'for rough
is Wan the ' ftinneei he 'had ' ' :a
nitureii if bite could only Windt
- ;.the authorities will
litt4ii' take 'came of - it We'eatet.
1 . 4 iiiiitvitot Indio .131011thil
. dU,
nen, thimitn3'.inuifuld breadlor.'
,- Mrs: warmth? . lip tinkered as; her
thOitildirreverted to the 'little- gime
in the churchyard: Alt,Anher •rt
I WAS one too few! ,
*;:," Dearcilohn"- she VhdinglY,
it wen's as though: " . had nog
thitibibn‘take the place of our own
little.Walieothom - Se -has taken to ,
•Vrimeasilf I Let r me =keep It-:will
not fail to kfing &bleating, you 11110
oxuatenanee se
hued as be lookedinto those -teaiful
Well; Welldblary,'-1 he,aaid =iti a
softened vines; arll think' about it.
If we do;yertr:tmditlie 'children will
have to go -Withbut many
things ; ' for these *reload tides -rar e
likely to'beliarder. , -.430 *glad bet:
4r - waigh.the . mattarirall,blors
idra. Williams did so ;And the ra
snit was that her "New Year's Gift"
became afistarunited Stone Farm
/40340/ He grtiv mew,
Hoi►ie boy, tirig 'aven'arottraV the
farineetyrftged nattmk: &Winking
in the heart of: -his:adopted , mother
•tba place ~ c 4 her,lost darling,. loved
and chinielied Irr wikeeitiel tender
nem: Sierifkei did SIM mairei
inanytaliinse haunt did she 'spend,
in arder that her litidnad inight not
feel the -O VMM 4 41,
fiX! beay4Y-. Athkweal grow
hirlitice bitit and , tle
tit affection - ILO for
iylieffifidl. l •Vharesrvattotldnii
about hint-Mutt nouldginthe -
estelew to his wattage. 7.,
.bit of litit,PiPer,pizmed*
`On wldaii Were Ansa'
Written' bYwoman;.lll6` gnuo:4
buttnseayinna-, - - '
b i! ' iN:iThtt*- 4 _23il_ 881.'s
ttl!mgAmitrinioropi,• l oobigo*"
„Esramm. -Williams:. wade; mum •au;
12ifiet the ,uei t
learned trritt iiith `au irifarit;
buip4i. by - ii'seisaktittifiein
ittypflrikliit4 ueeliimustlitt , 4be4filt I
like tavegal,thist she WWI verrbeink;
-441-40,P11P an,. ad, 1104/kePtt Act
ss an 1 : 0 9 1 4 s1 41 0 44:4 tikl.tmtx-B0 t41 0 7W
denlyy theycam
'"ilt'uffiitttelLW . tivr*dui the tithe
Vitt Mit4=Willlnut
lieges giftiMet , ut taksemothes pep
ii4t444ll4l:kitelielx,gt: *re. Fla
house.. . Thu4oiliit ewfll taw
to fwtb zotti
out - child luftioui÷4bl . l4lkb Una
1 kR ,r9444.1 0, 01 4 1 / 4 0?".*
*ePrig 'in
' ”
Ifitiittninak -,.34iiikifthe eh*
Ibtricharhss ibtalalcurisi
.RookomolltitapthtsPfkkicitt. , .... .
4tiqPkis B 4D , - 1411, - ' ' '
«Mt but,4
Iffidetbitillimit rained trot&
~~~3r; . _r.}~
- .
A l ai; Pie thirlist tiled
be sndhia4ife were to remain
in,thn;‘)l4 bomegwobst bimi'been
in"biC_ genenitions,
snit ;w 7u ecj " to his heart_ by , so
Onthei u iO r
Ins* tlini irate le goitheyhirdly knew'
whithetilt liktrue; many of %weld
inlitkve 7 rjoint • goodu,sndai r lud
Wred,hini a Jet - twenty hone.; jut
- Ake Pion& ielf-reli
int Mtn*/ nebept , Charity from nriy;
-"What eon-; l• Where' can
{{a__,, f a ea, ha thnnakt
tr i d
r sad;
'syto'int 'bilMgalleiliaiteleviitorsakere
isWi•Neither will Heeverforsakeeny
who truskinlliMZ •
I Rutthe fatherei,thoplinstan
resig na hi t ioree n n
e the that madm* heist
kat *of feienand '
theft-what -You*Ne shwa ya
sakk , erifeblleitetortek: y,
',land you e!:,*, what twe've come.
FOrany-144in't think the"„Xieird
tronblesself flinch Abut' us,lny
v i l yr. :14 ; • •.; - : •
`Mrs, Willismainight have said that:
Wed boughthis misfortnna- upon;
hillkie/OUt ahawhiel y fcdrb o g*. ; hit ,
then inuinitlieisnmd of - signal; ; V
ant 'nteP,nint there' - burst int&
reiinin fie; istuidylid:Of about ten, ,
his eyes brighti -and bis &take glow.
intim* the keen, fnaty l air. ..
,” It's bitter . cold, I tell yoir' he
exclaimed, timing his cap; boy lash;
Upon the kitchen settee, and step;
p*.o up to *fire; • "Not but what
rre been maim as toast, - all but- my
wit and fingers," he,,added, blowing :
urnthe litter as he spoke.•
"'Here is Something for you, meth
er," fiesaid,' seating liill on a stool
ather feet; and tossing into; her lap
a shining piece of, old. ; • •
Whyi Arthurwhere did you get
r ata?'
"The strange gen em doan wn - at
thi=taverngsvoi it - to me, mother. 114;
asked me . into Ids room, andgavern4
anzaanyAinto, sunk:Wiliam as, I coulcl
inikbnaidee! •
`"l'wcinder wlso p'f is?" she said;
Musingly: . ' -
;." can yon,' exclaimed her
husband, his eyes dashing angrily.
"Ifeis the owner of Red StorieFarm
henie! He, min who *bid
egitinieme On the few articles I Want
ed to reierrox' The curse of the home
less rests upaildm I" '
Nay, f lOui," interposed phis
gently ;_`_`perhaps he did not know I
how thein."
• " Yes he did ; Parson Woods step
ped uii and told Finn: - *Ent he only
smiledAindrsaid • he - wanted to buy
everything just as it stood." -
• "Nell,”- -•• . said the ; boy, azing
thoug,hthilli into, the Ore, "I g met
help pitying him; he looked so sin:-
rowful: •He asked lots of questions
about you, mother; and all the rest
of E 5 ,; and kept upanddoim
the room wrniging his bands and
as if he was in great trou-
“ a new coat - with
Arthur;"anid• 'Mrs.' Williams, as
she =mated' anew. the, gold. "lon
need one :badly enough,” she a dded,
glancing, with a. sigh, at his ' well-
"You shall do nothing of the sort.,
mother,"-said- the generous-hearted
boy. "Yo shall bny yourself and
Sissy a nice warm shawl."
Before Mrs. 'Williams could reply
there-wean quiet knock at the . door.
Farmer:Wilhams Opened it. It arse
only a boy r whabrought A small par
cel for Mrs. ,Williams.
Another Nevillear's` gift, I 'lsar
pose," die said; bitkirlY, for he was m
a bitter Mood:. Mrs:' Williams glanc. :
ltd reproachfully at her husband.
"God grant.that:it may bring . us
US mach , cOtafert,"Y she said, laying
et' hind faidly upon' the , head that
Was reistingagiunst°,her-knee. •
Ail She opened ilbe uttered an
[ exclamation of surprise.. It was a
deed of Red Storie-Forrilhouse. made
out, in her MUD% Ou.the inside wraP"
per were these Words : ``nasmnch
as ye di4 it unto the _ least of these,
ye did it`nito me." •
There were 'grateful and happy
hearts beneath the, roof of the old
homestead that night. Themghwith
Up, Wdliame Joy there . was min
gled an hammy fee** She was wed
assured that was ni some way con
ifeeted tremtded
with apprehension lest some one
shotdd appear -who had a stronger
.elaim:to - hint. This feux wag diasi=
pided the next morning , hyletter
diarcatie bier by :the.. first mad:
It contained' 41.- • fair' $5,000; to
gether:l,db these*rvlt : •
• - 4 'Thin boy *I sit ,, Welinnodilladved tem
Pars. 1 11 0 :, 101 WOW kntatirly ekinishedsinee,
wanner betaken front you. The 'mother;
lotted tprolinquirdslttebabs, dearer lobe* then
Gfe is now is heaven. Thefither,Srhosobsse
b'fbrsook tdinfdliti andlaw be' had sworn to
cherish, is unworthy of swssered a trod. In
the 8— Bank ymt will find the Iton of $20,000
deposited in the naiatkof.sour adopted son, of
which he is to cowls . into possession whenlegal•
- tr 4064 and ibefluttlterdwhicit is to be ap,
misdated to . his awe..t and education 4juing
1 1 • i rtithitirsibtgultir , letter there was
neither dide.cor There
Were. varionsfficejectarce. in Fowl to
the_strs4sr,4o hid .be*i(ni the
. 140 - seine 44 , 0 t, and - :fro - in whom it
'Waietidentithitlettei came, as 'Welt.
sathninedrege received the night be
.1414 1 when irthvir recalled to mind
.the look• ofina4,. reniomefal : tender
isesswith irldah hire,
he felt tfest - it been ` his
Anther. -144,11e:often asid,nre be leek
ed into:the face Of his adopted moth l
,er r that he. wanted dearer friends
than those he had' already. _ for
Williams, among all the:
ings that surrininded her, .there was
..119iono almrerjeyglum her heart
tra ri i6 , 9l , KA,g
Of- ' 1 !c: if
thanp,dthiam r .
tale likthb idinkst , Ot bolte,
lbratint. 104 toto'etandtf. -
elb " nsl Y sotioosbasln ! / 5 1 4 i3 fth r Y
uppidompon one Aloolings viihirimmtbir
lislisitor 'Mot human - annesiencl, `but - of
AltkitiliPkgnieW; -
' vocOutwork of an maoi~ ; cLstiiotee ii
toolinparthwhisbito mat .
I illi ti r. l4 ) ° , l°a , :trlr thisli t. M a "-
.1.4 . 30120Mpui in-AXlB mon g:agind - .lll= -the,
fair sweet Wait of la Um, *an
ew opiendbrOluzlior emondon. .
• , -,"'s•
MMER 39.
t 2 , I " "
I tanit*et
4 Many knOr that 4 ts
• =
tea . 16' croviiirid
proaidwity is a grave which
killthist 'remain* of listmiciii '
Ind famhuiting isonnue, the
Mae aorrowsimirdimisaktheripm
thousands? No date cit
bldiediOg.ol4untly c apotip,4SWof
death, appear on stanatiaCoar%
Or,* imp ,of c.l4.olllfiripie,
`whose tragic ateiy, once: Hie ilieshol
of tifery circle , ie , probablx i urdsnown
th the greater number Of young raid.
era'. The roost. beautiful girl m
clihned—stio4ttlact t , 7
ed the atterition.of a yoimgollosr; a
*Unbar - of 'Cam cif 'Engliaure'idilest
andproudest failulies,vii),:viitli big'
regiment intergit the' city: hirlmif the
British occupied New Yolli;:idfai the
battle of -Long , lsland.' : Oiarliette,
then only seventeen, was vieitied and' the' dashing :young officer.
He deserted her '
- and' thav--tho old
stertr-elui*ionaftet died lot wino
ken heart ..A little daughter which
she left tenclerly cared for,, and
prober age was Aiken to. Eug-,
land„and a fortune hundred
'thoiniiind dollars settled Upon- her by .
-the ‘i ,c if , her 'father's family, the
late of Derby, #iidfatlierof the
;Torment Stathey. Ske; . like a _
lovingdaughter and trielantniui, re
turned to New York, and erected tho
' momunent that ncivr marks the-Moth
ices grave. •The inscription upon it _
was engraved on .`a- aolid...bdilet of
.brasa, one inch thick, heavilY plated.
- with laser, and thus it- read: •-I"bia- -
end to the memory of Charkitte Stan
k% aged nineteen years.", ;
This'filiail 4ntyperformed, she re--
turned, to Brigland and lived' a life of
unobtrusive piety' and usefulness.
The plate placed upon the stone that
marks the grave waa supposed to be_
of 'solid silver, and tempted the en- .
putty of certain vandals, who, with
hammer_ and 1 chiiela; suaieeded in
prying it from - the slab. They were,
'never detected.' , Many years after
ward, some,gixid Bamailtim • caussd
the name of Charlotte Temple to bo
cut underneath the excavation. There .
it may be seen within a few feet of
Broadway, by, any one who 7wilj taboo'
the trouble to lookoverthe iron railink.
The la s t time we glanced at the slab - %
now alinist embedded in theground,
we - saw several . ' sparroini taking a
bath in the water which- had collect
ed in the excavation from which the
villains retabied the plate; and other
little songsters were singing a requi;
um over her grave—near , which we
were gratified to observe a forget-Me
not, doubtless planted there by. some
kind heart . - ,who in childhood had
'wept over the sad and romantic sto
ry of the blue-eyed' girl.
To the uninstructed inind,the fall of
ands , is very a common-place affair.
To the thoughtless schoolboy, making
up a handful7of it into a bell, -with
which to surprise - his friend passing
ou the other side of the-way ; to. the
laboring manplodding 'his. way
through' it 'with difficulty ; to the
farmer, who looks upon i as ' com
fortable covering " for ground,
duringa portion of the ead season
of the year, it is a whi ' substance
and nothing more. Bat h the view
ot modern science, under the micros
cope, snow is one of the most beauti
ful things in nature i eaeh .particle
when magnified showing a surTrunng
regularity offi but, varyurg ac
cording kw Abe ,iree of cOld-by which
the snow has been produced. In the
Book of Job, " the treararreit of the
snow " are spoken of, and after one
has seen the particles in this way, - he
is fully , disposed to allow . the justice
of the expimmon. - - -
Capt. 4'Lm.mby„ the Arctic navigw ,
tor, was the first to observe the forms
of snow particles, , and for a time, it
was supposed they . assumed these
remarkable figures in the" polar re
gions alone. It was, however; ascer
tained by Una. Glaishatil secretary
of the British ?Meteorological Society,
that in the beginingoflBss, - the same
and even . more complicated- figures
were presented in,England ,
In consistence , a snow particle is
flaky, but in figure with_ few except-.
ions, is ; that of X star -,of six points
forming angles of 60 degrees. Some- "
times the figure is composed Merely
of six Rpiculee meeting m this regular
way: It :very frequently Irtppms.. that
these spicular arms are feathered with
other smaller- spiel:dm, all meeting
their stem at anairgie of 60 -degrees,
or loaded with hix4onsl.prierns,. all
of.w.hich have the same angles. It is
in obtdience to a law governing the
crYitrdlintion of water, that this an- .
gle of 60 degrees everywhoe prevails
in the figures of snow: particles,; with
alight excoptione- it may be observ
a that there is a tendrefFy to one
style any imbeds* time
of a'imOvifall, - iii obedience to' Some
'condition. Of the atmosphere: BriC
while there is &unity in the govern- -
inglaw, the results are of infinite
variety no tiro particlesprobably ever
beingpiticliady. shim -. ..;,vexy cern
plicatal_form will.even go Unto& a
series of minor, as it melts'
on.the object r of the 'observer ;
. _ .
wrung from more oompheated to
,the less, till ;it: ends perhaps as :Odor
of six paints,". just before- hecoming
water.- - , .‘ _ , ,
Tan 8 on
Postitinut epitomisesthe Slimy of Geore Peabody's love se
authentiCally told - by a writer" in the
Providence • Journal: "." More _than
thirty-years egos Previ4hinee ichool
.o4 a rare beauty, and good himily,
feiind her &at lovein a youth of a
'neighboring city -They wertengag
ed but he Idled -in business, weld
net sifford Marry iond released her
from her engagement, she' going to
E , with her ftiends. There she
suet ' then, co:Opera
tively . man, but
one who nuking: his
mark, and whose' Weal lea begin.'
ninglo pour' iri oil every = side. He;
becimeenamored of her beauty and;
grace, and finally made -to' her mi .-
offer of marriage. After, some hesi-i
*ion she ieccpted* her ire; suitor'
and returtusito Juiterfia his asandea
wife. Here she met her former lover,
.the old - OW4m. Miscued, . and she`
began to pine away in an appropriate'
manner. 4kt,length she to Ld all to
.Mr. Paahody,und, he, With that man
liiiissi which clumeterised his every
action, gave her up, and,ih'due time,
iho was married acid ' settled.' This
is the one romans in the life of the
great Plulinthiophil The lady; was
‘lo. ll iwidOw sot many.years after,
but it is notlmown whether Hr. Pea
body ever met her again."
silerida lady Of Our actotuntance
nyi law 10i50440 wadi detan sm not to
be able to arise tram 'ono bibk sad sit down to
any nexabse: seenesnolyorith se kamennappe
tito nun sin began! -
lais tars for onerip
•toaqg siii Wa.Partiogion, as the aellierkt
int'a sausksy near the dor,-
Wil i nV Ids little brother looks like htia, . to
be ears."