fitEld• IMO {For thotlimill=l.l Norway Osta. Messas. Eerroas . or THE Biunroan Reeoarza . - - -.DeneSirsi,Theie has been much pnblis• hed..about the se , ealled " Norway Oats," and . they: have be come the leading tepid' of :cOnrersa tion among prominent brine= talkie 'section: No*, as I grew some of this grain last season, and many are anx ions to know. whether they are a aim specimen; and an imp.improvement,hought it Inv duty to give the farm ers of Brodie - 41, through - your paper, my, experience and opinion of the said oats. Early last. spring L Pur eliased of D. W. Ramell, accredit ed agent; one -bushel. Had a field which had grown potatoes the pre ceding year, with no manure, plowed in spring for oats, three days pre= vious to sowing. Measured off one acre for Norways, one-half of which wa / s . . steep side-hill and poor land. Dre:v, and spread 'evenly 'on poor places, - eight loads of green horse ma nure. Sowed broadcast, same time, , Norwais, Black Club, and common white oats, side by 'side. Gave. each the usual amount of harrowing. - Nothing more done to Norways until harvested. Sowed plaster on other vats at •tha rate of .one bushel per ,tare. Result of Norway, fifty-nine bushels measured from machine,. or seventy-three bushels and three.pecks 1:v weight, which is more than double the yield of my other oats } - 'I Welch ed the growth of the three different `rinds of oats, and took di:eintereded : persons, at different_ times, with me, - to examine them, and there was such a marked contrast in the width of leaf, size and color of straw, number of stalks growing from one kernel, and general length of head, that none doubted but what they were a new specimen and a great improvement. All who examined them while grow ,- ing were pleased with the result, and requested me to save seed for them: I have sold_ and promised twenty bushels of my crop, at ss,oo,per bush el, to individuals who saw them grow ing, and have thirty bushel's more for sale at the same price. Now I don't wish to delude my brother farmers in the sale, of' this grain by over-rating it, for I don't • expect to make a fortune from it ; lltit I do candidly think it an improve ment, and also that I can grow one hundred bushels per acre from one bushel of this .seed. Am fully im pressed with the idea that there is variety of opts in this section that ran be made to compete with the gen ,4iee Ramsdell Norway, on the same land, with'hike treatment and culture. Ope thing I would say to farmers, who have grown Norways : If you had to • make close examinations to ,liscriminate between your ?4Torways :ind other oats while growin g, I think - havn't the kind of.Norways which : I ham.. Allowing that they have •rovi n a - failure in amine instances, i here is one' thing worthy of note • :‘ Ilia speaks well for them, that is not applicable to humbugs. Their flet, greater productiveness than oth er oats grown side by side, has in ureased their reputation . remarkably. . S. A: thyme. 11IIE ELL, Feb . 2, 1870. Summary of the Benefits of Draining Tile draining acts in various ways. In a wet time it allows the surplus water to pass off, and air to pelle t rate the soil—thus raising the tern t,erature of the lower strata, and tintulating the growth of roots. It 'hastens the decomposition of r)( its and other organic matter. it accelerates the disintegration of the minerals of the soil. It improves its mechanical texture+. It tends to prevent grasses running oat. :It renders soils earlier in the It greatly lessens then throwing .out of gran in winter. It nllows us to work sooner niter rains. < It keeps off the effects of cold A•eiLther in the fall—thus extending the growing season. _ It. hastens the decay of vegetable • tailtt ter. It admits fresh quantities of water from rains, Which - are always more or less imbued with the fertilizing gases of the ,atmosphere, to be de= posited among the absorbent parts of soil, and gii'en up to the demands of plants. Warm air, containing moisture in the form of :vapor, having a chance to circulate through a cooler strata of soil, necessarily deposits its moist , llre. The throwing outof roots in wintet is prevented, because there is no water to freeze and expand. Use of Lime in .Agrioniture. The action of limo is two-fold: first physical, and second, chemical. As a mechanical agent it opens stiff clays, rendering them friable, mei- , low, and more easily worked; chem ically, it acts upon the venetable :natter of the soil and sets free those of valuable substances which, with mu the action of this a g ent, must have remained inert and seless. It also enters directly into.the composi t ion of. plants, and in many varieties forms a large. proportion of the weight of their inorganic constitn (las. It neutralizes certain . acids which are often present in soils, ren ae ino. them useful for vegetation instead of being positively in)urioue, ‘viiich they are in their original state. "le existence of water in the soil, wever,affects the of action lime very .asiderably. If the land is wet and andrained, lime will not . exert the , alae influence which it would do in the case of thoroughly drained land. A greater quantity of limp is neces sary to produce a given effect -and thus the neglect of thorough drain age entails a considerable greater ex bndititre in liming, thtui would have een necessary, if the land Was either naturally or artificially dry.—Cam emit's Chemidry of Agriculture. e. A premium of $6O offered by the Massachusetts Horticultural So ciety for the best , seedling pear; has been awarded to the 'variety known as the Clapp's Favorite, after a tr.aj of fire years. . .rfa'. The castor oil manufactured in . Gonzales, Texas, find shipped-out of the State, is already establishing OA company abroad. . Mir In exporting living plants. the Japanese wrap the roots in .a mixture of earth and carrots ground to gether. se. Always loosen the chock-rein before giving 'water to a borse.— Eren if the pail is hell so high that the rein is not ;drawn tight, the_pp sition is an unnatural one in which to drink. ~.. ~ ~, ~. E BIE It M ) two MELEE vviria • ' ` `ett imam wrraorr oaa ILLIUMMIZII7. cauxan or. ochiaddc. ' BROAD OttAOE—DOUBLE TEAM' • CILEVELABDi TOLEDO. DETROIT: MEMO% MCNAMEE& sr. PAUL. ONAJP4 • - : • And all points West And NosencfnEl - , nAsouna. cauxot. viaccup pc °arras. CINCIMATL And ail points South ad Southwest. . . Nsw AND igraanw COACIDIS Aux ittni WWI= limo= CIIAM4I3 , 10 ROCRIPUICIN Bunaw, Dra in". (01.1171.0 M AND CUICIMUTI. , thi end after 3loaday. litor'ber 15, 8869. trains will leer• Warmly at gbirut the tollowirwr boars, iia GOISG• WEST. 453 atm, NIGHT EXPRESI3 Olonilsgsearaideditar Rochester. Buffalo, *Dunkirk. CleMan.d and Chi china% connecting with the Lake Shore. Michigan Southern, and Grand Trunk Ramp at Buffalo, Dunkirk and (llengand for the West; also at !Okay ....bad with the C. C. C. & Inn. halrway for Indian; • spoils; and at Cincinnati with the Louisville ghort Line Railway, and the Ohio k hallway for the South and Southwest ; also with Maned . tug lines at principal stations on main Übe. • 3:13 a.m.—NIGHT IMPRESS, daily. for Rochester, Buffalo. Dunkirk, Cleveland and Cincinnati. mak ing direct connection with trains of the Grand Trunk and Lake Shore Railways at Buffalo, Dun. kirk and Cleveland for all points West. and at Cin cinnati with the Ohio and Mlasitudppi and Louis ville Short Line Railways for the Southend South west ; also with all connecting trains at principal stations on main line. OM a.m.—MAIL TRAni. Sundays excepted. for Buffalo and Durddric. 4:09 p.m.—ELMIRA ACCOMMODATION, Sundays excented. g:/ , /I,' DAY EIPIIEV. Sundays excepted. for Rochester. Bulialb, Dunkirk. Cleveland, Cincinnati -11 and the South. Stops at principal stations and . • connecting points on main line. .. New and improves Drawing Room Cosebe• acCom this train from New Yk to ftMilo and Sltinny ing eep Coaches lire attached at or Honachsvi/le, run ning then' to Cleaveland and Galion without change. 10:93 p.m.—EX. MAIL, Sundays excepted. for Bur . falo. Dunkirk and Cleveland. connecting with trains far the West. A Sleeping Coach is attached to this train running through to Buffalo. r . :23 a.m.—WAY FREIGHT. Sundays exeepted. 3:30 p.m .—EMIGRANT TRAIN. daily fat the West. GOING EAST. 2:20 a.m.—NIGHT EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, connecting at, New York with afternoon trains and Warners for Boston and New England cities. Sleeping Coaches accompany this train ftwmltaffa. • lo to New York. 3:38 a.m.—CDICINNATI EXPRESS, Mondays ex cepted. connecting tt Jersey City wifh afternoon and evening trains of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia. Baltimore. and Wasbnigton: and at New York with steamers and afternoon Express trains for New England Cities. Also stops at prin. cipal stations and connecting points on maid line. Sleeping Coaches accompany thistraln to Newyork 9:38 a.m.—BINGEIAMTON ACCOMMODATION. Sundays excepted. 1243 p.m.—DAY EXPRESS, Sundaysexcepted. con necting at Middletown for Unionville, and at ler sey City with midnight express train of New Jer sey Railroad for Philadelphia. • paw and improved Drawing-Room Coaches accom ny this train from Buffalo to New York -12:45 p.m.—ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, daily, con ' necting at Owego for Ithaca. 638 p.m.—N.Y. MAIL. Sundays excepted. 9dle p.m.—LIGHTNING EXPRESS, daily, connect ing at Paterson for Newark ; at Jesse with orning Express Train of New Jersey City for M Baltimere and Washington and at New York-with Morning =press train for Boston and New England cities. Also stops at all principal stations and con necting points on main line. Sleeping Coaches accompany this train through to New York. 5:0I p.m.—WAY 'FREIGHT. Sundays excepted. BAGGAGE CHECKED =BMW! lON. A revised and complete ...Pocket Time Table" of Passenger Trains on the Erie Railway and con= necting lines. has recently been published, and can be procured on application to Rae Ticket Agent 'of the Company. L. D. ktUCKER, Gen'l Snpt S N.Y. CANAL ik R.R. CO.- ARRANOI.%IM-VT OF PASSENOp TlLkniS, Leave Towanda at 7:00 a.m.. 4:00 and 6:321 p.m. Rebutting. leave Waverly at 4:40 a.m.. and 12:43 7:03 p.m. Leave Towanda 10.30 :a.m. Arrive Troallumnock 11:53 •" •• Pittston 1:15 p.m Wilkes-Barre 1:45 •• " linnet/ Chunk. 4:20 " Allentown 5:45 •• •• Bethlehem 6:00 •' " Easton 0:30... " Philadelphia 8:33 New York. 0:35 • Dine at Pittston. Lease New Nark Phihidelphia.. •• Easton. .... Bethlehem.... Allentown ... Manch Chunk White Eleven . Bllkesdlarre.. Pittston- Tunkhannock Arrive Towanda.. Passengers for Harrisburg and .Pittsburg will change cars at Allentown. have time for supper and take the Through Fast Express, with sleeping cars attached, at 8:10 mune evening. 301L'i P. COX. Bupertntendeqt. DIARIES FOR 1870 PAPER it ENVELOPES 14 NEW-YORK PAPERS SCHOOL BOOKS Pow, Music, STATIONaI Aav Flamm BLANK BOORS YANKEE NOTIONS Toyamala, Nov. 19.1868. THE NEW AND ISEPROVED FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, Were awarded the }lre! Prthe et the Paris Expolitlon leo, over 89 other Martdnee. Also, the following State Fairs of 1853 hays award ed this Machine the Scat preurldin New York, Ohio. Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Hew Hampshire, Teimont. 'Wisconsin. and Indiana. At the County Fairs of Madison. Onondaga, Oswe go, Wayne, Orleans, Tompkins. Seneca. Monroe, Her kimer, Schuyler. Livingston. and a host of Misers. Report of the Committee on Sewing Machines, at the State Fair held in Rochester, fall of INS : "Your Committee have examined the different Sewing Ma chines, to which' their attention was called, and would recommend as the best Family Machine for all work, Eiu Hawes •nngg Machine, and for ithe following reasons : Ist lidty of construction. 2d—Reg tdaritzr of tension on both upper and Bram threads. 3d—Ease of management ith—Oreat range of work upon all materials. sth—The perfect attachments to the Machine for felling, he=thg. tacking, brit/dint quilting, binding and cording. and the ease with whic they are applied. 6th—The durability of the Ma chine, It being made of hardened steel: and adjusted in its bearings. We recommend a medal." New style Hemmer. Braider. Tacker, thither. Cord er. Embroiderer, Binder. Fear and Improved Tuck Marker. It will use any and every kind of thread. from the finest to the coarsest, with a much smaller needle than other machines. Be sere and examine one be thre you purchase. Pricorrom s6oto $2OO, and every eiachine, warranted. The rest value of our Manatee. Miring Machines for Won. Boot, Shoe. Manus* and ' Carriage 'Maker*, is too well known to require 'com ment. Don't fill t 0 call and see them. SHEPARD lc TERNECE. General Agents,' 20 Lake Street, Elmira. N.Y. For male by CODDHCII, meant k CO., General Amnia. Towanda. Ps GREEN HOUSES, I have received a large and full assixtmeut of METALLED, or the Dried Flowers of Everlasting. of a most beautiful variety of colon. I am now prepared to furnish. for puttee, weddings, or funer al occsaions, on short notice. Wreatha. - Crossee. Anchors, hand end basket Baguets.. Also the sane with naturatflowem. I have also a few imported Wreaths or Crowns, formed of Immortal:es. Ne. I. nine inches in diameter. - - El SO Ito. 2. ten •• " - - - 200 All orders will receive prompt attention. and prices reasonable. Itev. 15. 1069. HARRY UM PREPARE FOR WINTER DE PAPERING YOUR ROOMS I FO MINED OY MY MG OLD NEW SPAYERS ANY . . • Ban money bJ Milian your 01 paper . " and 'buying soma of that botating . . lle jmet mamba down Ws enure atoeleadd Is prepindto sea Wall Paper .of every desariptioa. ZS *di dosigoar , it hip, Met biota offered tok thb =RIM Wan?. dee.2.111.58. Safl~o~de. WM. It. DARR. Gael Pass'r Afft Commencing Sept. 13,180 =I TuLC uomu Fount WILL r'""7l'7l 6:35 a.m. 7:45 10:00-" 10:30 " 10:45 12:00 in. 1:32 p.m. 2:50 " 3:10 " . 4:21 8:38 Dine at What Ham. Book( . aad statceery% Sewing Machines. ELIAS HOWE F T .7 11 5 1 7M. TOWANDA. PENN MORE! WALL PAPER, OP P. S. CALILLIS. y i:~ =iTl9fißilt±. itgL- i lOptkiiip,O , EBY 41...:" PSOVIt3ION HOUSE . . . • - or, _ • "•:-• M. I 3 NA= Omer. The teul e ' i gP ed .:!T e(m g a P x Y the sttaees 'which lui,s ficut ed their new enterprise, desire to make . .aoknOwledgraent for the. Cep , liberld , . paircame they have . received; by iv. ing their customers the advantage of their years' experience, together with the benefit of their greatiy tuereised facilities for,dO'indrlntsinefia They keep constantly on hand a very large and complete .assortment of everytlibig":in- their line andar6. daily receiving such ntiditionn to their stock as the wants of their trade p?r• Tures. They have now in store, Outpir, , , Sy7 Molasses, cOffee, Rice, Tobacco,' Fish, Salt, Cheese, Fruits, Cracker% Candy, Matches, 'Droops, Wrapping Paper and Twine, Flour Sacks, Seeds, and a great variety of other gads; which have been recently bought, at he lowest point • in the inarket,:and are offered at wholesale, at rates , to correspqnd. They desire to call especial atten tion to their large stock of Fine Teas, Which they are selling at New Tiirk Jobbing prices,—guaranteeing the quality in all eases. Have also on lumd a good assort ment of Flour, Pork, and Kerosene OiL They still continue to have• the ben efit of a resident Partner in New York, who is constantly in the mar ket, and prepared to turn to otir ad vantage any favorable changes in the price of goods FOX. STEVE 8. MESCIM 4 CO May 12, 1848. pATTF,RSON & 'KIDNEY, (Snaxssors to TitOm.ts J. Jinizs) Donbas in GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Fames; WO. 3, 'PATTON'S BLOCK. TOWANDA, PENN'A. Itsting purchased the entire stock at GROCERIES PROV7sio:rB. of T. J. JONES, and having added largely theretoby recent purahases, they take pleasure in announcing to the public that they are prepared to sell anything and everything in the OROCRRY .11SPI PROVISION LLSI3, Huch as SUGARS,. • TEAS. COFFEES, • SYRUPS, FISH, FLOUR, FEw, CORN 107.4 WOODEN AD WILLOW WARE, STONE WARE, .tc., 4Sr.c. .11a cheap as the cheapest. We pueeentee perfect tate iefactloii to all who may favor oa with a all— CASH PAID FOR 001INTIIT'PRODItE, J. PA=SON March 10. 180—tf. pEOLE'§ GROCERY AND I PROVISION STORE. 1 r•T r I A new mid complete stock of GROCERIES AND PRO'hSIONS, Which till be sold at the latrest pralaible prices. CODFISH, MACKEREL HERIOG, PORK, lIIITTON, FRUIT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, MODERN STONE WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, FLOUR, FFED, 11V, A T 4 , GRAM Ming on your riodneo, which we pay cub for DAIRYMEN, A constant supply of Ashton tlal4 all sized Churns, Butter Firkins, Tubs, kc. Flew call and Wok thiouet our stocks and .ll do our best to please youiW. A. ItOCEWII* : To rank, April 'A ISM , _ TIRE MOST CONVENIENT place in tarn to get a GOOD .10 -EL II Is at the EATING HOUSE, o doors south of the "istloaal Bank. ,G. JILYOBD hating purcharoltb* Wore wet known estatillahment, to now prepay to tr ai t von aA who :turf favor him with a . He also keep' a full apply of Fy‘fTLY- GMCEPJES, Aid 4 it? I,!l•l4:eciut - ,igiebco. • ,FRVITS' Or ALI tikuusiat c. B. PATCH% . riTILDARM ; • iIiASWNO •;?-- , • ; - I • t, • 17; Wen :7viimioel4. - PA. It - • 6 Eli I ES.' =ohs ba" tlfst I co! aef aSulrvt #gareivaa an bv.piaetiwi decilitre: •I at"' oiler t o Pia MS, COMES,' SUGARt3, 'EITAitCII, mupwrus, emote. ke. AKRON kunnt,,fm4nAid Ik ee P ee k etanti r oa 11! * 1 4.0 1 =11 0 / 1 41 4 . 1. art ktnai of ?xsa Woidd can tb• attention a the public to.our Can't Bs U:,O tlviatßF J'""°~llChibßMl dry New Mae all aid szi . 4 ..ti;et of • • Large madam& of YAM= NOTUNIS. TO/UIT 824111 ; wiiitia.T the idemialibprie•iol Pannetti, *TO 111 II nal I . )efare selling elierlisen. An persons indebted to the late firm min &An and make Immediate payment Towanda, Mara. 12. 1867. IR GROCERIES, Feed and Wrtd, Wo would call 'pedal atienp:ol to me dock of FLOUR, SUGAR, TEA & COFFEE, TspiOat.l7 Ho nd atmseil Oa li. Mkley asearon Taylori. tap, and T Pearl Daisy miny. 's, 's. ord's Family Maps. Pleimsars, Tab:maga . .. and Royal Baking Powder. "Burnett'," Stan. dud Pair/eta. Heeker's Farina. 'Hops: - Cox's Gelatine. - • The Gem" Fruit Baker's Chocolato, Cocoa and Drama. Titres " Cream. Lemon and Rates' ends Crackers. • Grant's " Wafer, Mdk. Pastan; Egg and Butter McCABE ISIX RECEIVING NEW GROCERIES • - • . "I) AILY! fiplendhl Aserirtment! Wholesale and Retail! Fresh andline quality of °mandates embalm:m.lbl PRICES_ RANGE JAW _ FOR Tire imumr . "NATIONAL FIRE WORKS ! • Wholeiale . ad ' Country Merchants will do well Waal. Pompeian . shall be, •!with the namable," satiefectosp. _ bAL.T.i AND SEE us: CASH PAID - Witt COUNTRY' PI/ODHCH. Goods shown with &aware: We shall pay strict attention to an pats of one trades a wIior.F.SALE AND RETAIL. Accept oar thanks forpast favors. • Tcrwsnds,Zune 14,10&1. L OOK MERE! MOLASSES- KEROSENE, It S. In"NEY HAII, 2;?; • :4' 'l~~= Sinn manna birgii4Ockst,t,' STOCK OF TOBACCO, WOODEN :WARE. ' COUNTRY PRODUCE C. R PATCH. C. B. PATCH. 11:011a....igAt,f/.110.110.151104.,.3, 1 4t1 - 1 Tower, PA., Dealers In AD Made of PROVISIONS, WOOD, WILLOW and STONE WARE Which we WARRANT to give Wittig:Lon In gmu4rr,AsD Pmwx CASH pazd for desirable Coitnlry Produce G. L. KCB. FLONO & . 4 4 4 ;TOiralida, June 23.1111 EL COWELL & MYER, At the old stand .of liaaaatatz k Cows's, are nos receiving a large and well selected stock of Which they offer to ash buyers at tirtoes that defy ?mitaaim Otab add tor all lints Farmers' froths*. moran.isso—tr. Tea and Cade. G L °RIOTS. NEWS TEAS. GIVEN AWAY GREAT AMERICAN TEA STORE Omens and Overehirts. Linen and Pape Collars, Linen. Oesimers,and Flannel Shhia. Reck Ties, Sus. 010Vell. CAMS, Leather Bags, Spring Style =I W AI and Straw Rats. An Orst-class. Remem ber that goodltionds are damper at a- Olt _ price than pear goo& at any price. Oth and examine my goods beksubuying. One door south of Aspinwall's Bard ware Store.. I AMERICAN FLAG! Tolratida;NoviS. 180 . it• W.-/CDZIL 'No. 1 Clairma ac Emig:ors Nsw Bum. BRIDGE ,UMMUIV, PJL At the idgn of the And the Milll'i :1 4 ki *VI 11:3 Samples of Tees once !WU mum% tv gad*, the people that this is the place to wee =my. - PRICES LOW AS THE GREAT AMERICAN TR& COMPANY OP NEW YORE. . Pratt' Ground Cogife reoetnii danyfrataNtiti r Tatit. ca.: to order. Also 'whole OM% griveaamd all styles, Thole and ground epees, Mod halts. to., at aqoalli low prima. The subscriber beg, hene tangos his thanks for the Teri liberal pet:renege Intended to kW , slats fa the Grocery badness In this piece. 'and solicits a trill In his new entenniaa . veill be (=ducted ft:kerma the CASH SYSTEM 1 So y • ou as limit° egy extra pricis to nuke dp !or the Imes of a cred: Witness. . . If YOU awl rpm them' to , ley< for , s trig ett.onece snit pq tot 111'1'444,3= yeti will be worthy to Ina en der the . • " . /L3MM=CILIG Into tbe Ameriian Tin Store! •And b your Goo& the* Har Rannanber -Red. White and mos Store. unrßiost,litidpdneet.' My 1.19 W. BLUIDIALL kIUIPOZWAV kaNreslialocgßag' AND wade.. aS selasisaaltaamt rate. al , • U 69. a 8 PANES. jytIED PETITS -OP KINDS NocARN &Pm , 7e, • '~=:; ~_ - „ -- - - •;-'4, ,--,.-.7- ic-e4.-!Pit-;t::,--c..t, 2,. -4-1' 1-;4l' 4 '-' :- '' ' l '; ' '' 1 i:.'•.:,2--.. ::. :. ,!!. 1-71>V:.:. , ;.,fic.i ;• 011'':'•'1 C.•-f 3; '-:,t411C., ' ,1 i4l.' :'-411,X-'6.-'%4t; • ..2,-ttu -_,....,,,..i0A---, ........,,,. ..y't .7," ;.,,.. ...4 ',-: I 1; '•:, 1144,13 TA P 'fit' ;;! ".• :11 , :421" ; GENTS . F.1341118M1NEYA3440 ! - EISE 711 MS Militia a taildosaltb O'Mara:a - lie, Raiifalty; Pla 13141 /Mg in " M . 1417°40 VP/ 'Woo nil* Moor oint oidobliodmoot. WO It' Ist., *ado ottootitit to UAW. iltoo" ood • • =EN ciffuth.ENs' CLOT m 4 Aid shines tun • gbo4 umwtixmd. Qom':_ arthlig AND r ames eau to "too *atm •• C} Berit-Stac — kOf path.-00._?-0i-i)-8:: Kept witids Cowsandjacilt;ild irovelit 112 tin at ttatlrard Name amt.* Ttairs4o._ 1111114.1"1 alem2a Nllta i r i VAN —43 3thritElM iake 11 la arosd•st. waver,, 2r.Y. I . 'etr. 1/10 C147)41NG "currmGt MI U Jve want to bu 7 and Wiuter Cl 4 -OTHniq, aad at natant of LOW PRICES ? FLOUR, ROSENBMIG & WOlYn3, at the Clathing Regu'stoic 133 Main St., Patton's Bkxk. Towanda, Nov. 17;1869.-4 F. P• c• Pine are the Garments road, for fall. pure In the splendid roams of the popular One Price Newest and allotted. rich and rare; 'Elegant Clothing for men and bon' wear. . Pall in. gentleelea. fail in W. After the clothes at the popoLr One Price niece, Look end scull find no elothes at 111 Mere Like the sp raid Clothing at the popular One Price Clothing in rum all masted down LoWeithal aarrhore else in town . ; • Overcoat", both fur begs and soon. T , cone and you'll COMO "gala Mini 6 g. ter the people pugh - Into our doors with a berry rush; 'Sobby end ski are the garments all. • Great is the Root et the popul a r One piyx *km - VONTIICUAL BECEPITOBII : , INCIMIMG anocxmoiajowriaimi! mar% AND Toarmrct.orinito; GLOVES AND MITTEN& FINE DRESS -SHIRTS, my stoat is complete, Ems? lot marked in phis Aguas. and no deviation, ill treated " Evil hindtgmatafted tam oat as tepresested.' • kiok ato mgoals sad Woes. asse Mims el and .ttoes. • •-• . • , , w suonzisj so ammo 1 SO 143111SEIG ! 111 tlao popolarbso Price fitOro of ALEx. sotorioN, • 1 ' _ , 123 Kaki Mind. , Opposite Coddlatg. Unwell t Cos. Towanda. Nov. 22. 1809. - • ' The histiost crab pH" paid for Wool, Wider, NEW ! AND , SUMMER It. W. E DD Y, Would announce to this cilium of Towanda, ant the public generally, that he has in store end daily re ceiving new and , FRESH GOODS, In his line. suitable to the. wants ottbe people. which he will sell foe Currency at farmer GOLD PRICES! Oona Wing ea anal of good, endl and reliable made 121° Shoddy of m 7 kind) towd4lag of BIUSINV3B . SUITS, caitts ; VESTS Ems, DRESS COATS, PANTS & VESTS, THE TEMPLE OF 'Ey;RION itrw non az NEW GOODS! . _ An entire new *eh of Cleating. bought as cheep se before the war. to be soli with • " - - - The mderd would respeoffeny the citizens of Toenil sod vicinity that be Is !Mr reedy to offer them Ctothitig, such as ' • , FINE BEAVER OVERCOATS, Finn Dazas Asa 13manes-Stais, Parldlithel iisiftistllwierwilkiNtribi et very low byname. will be sold with vwy" smart yea the. I Intend te _DLL i4ertmastat issde to elite place. sad to order*, On the coanderwe or puclui. sere. sa deal wit wbe of z _ . •• - ;•-••- ' HONFSLT AND INTEGltirtr . . Awl all good' vGI tis,sanalited4Or vissilhey .represesdiedio gale siggonsmi.eadocevisce lea pausal!. Doe'S biW tie p.m Temple at Hawm.sonthed.oi asidiensizes 87eett ": - It. ;MOBS. Tirniaill. • - • RICE Malt CH1X:4143 ITIEM illoi7 rIATIT4ARS IN USE . , - • • IfirZATIS 411acir.- MITE .4)E M:, FRUIT , JABS,,. : A. tidbits*. viiiidelge sad retarl. idyl: 31011 BE t mit CIAMI:ENG Go atonce to UOSIFItY. 21E01-WEL% EATS AND CAPS, coops! 'CL OTH-I-Nth; an grades, an Wool. Pi'MVI!!F I TII o rMMI SMALL. PROFTTSI F..:. :i , ___________ MEM Also the sass saw Ars. WM! - - . . ." * HMeri , ..fIbOTEMPS4O4.: 0" ,4,t0p : 44-'„0:01i 4itoter ~::',." '''. ;.—:,', -, , t5" , -- - , ,,,,,-. , ...t-,, : ,: , ':- 1 :-- ( 41:I1:2414 , ','' 7,.;, ! : •''',' l ' t.'4 , v: I rt. 4 :"..:** - '•_ :. ' i t 4 l 1. • , -,,, ..., .*lO l- 1 11 ,0_,Me. , 1 : FALL AND i', - . ,, - :- t - -- ,' 4, , -i•t f i t iv ilif f l. ,,2l-•-.,, ,, ,1 ., t . , - 71 - 577 ~. ,e, • ~7= 1.1 11 71"vit, iows-fpo4thesitio . aikin:attitoiEpoeirai- war r egui' v•rd°o4,ll4l-4..) •''''t - ''' Z ` ,:••, - .1.,..L , : ,- . :, -, 14,..t - -,,' , J, - ;z. , 1.J, , ;044 r !',0,,' .. ?..'. • 4 fT.II Ai "Wr1A 1 44, 1 , 1 0 , 1 05 0: - .40 1 1 0 .'-';' _F , i V ENGLII3II DEAVEBB,MONik ~ ',„e v ,, , ,,:t ~ ~,,i' :, • , _q .f :r. 1 - , - 7:' .. 1 --, .ta ' _ ; lEEE EIMUZ=E Nern'tei ' Youthato 670th, 19`," EENe2M BE taus. at ,4 11KN713 I GIANISiuse 3HE.-AtM'''& - ' - 'o.iii:' S'- '..,,,::F1mi ..,!..).P_g0.1,.„-',:•,,„.:;., ItAKDlMn=ncb!).'itts ',Simi aline INAut ; • ' • . ,cL , orils , „riestuFao,2sll,l4llllNGS, 110.4 ; .Al 2 °odds wattothil as call and es= atittestem stock before . .11eittestiber the Awe N Itahtettert. ane do et Chembortin's Jeerehy Store. • 'must' Tams , • :sum c. oohs. 3 b.Pn4 1,16 . Dec. 1869 . . ' • ..Tobacoom4 GEORGE V. ltiER; Ilaviag.purehesed the TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE, One door 'oath of the Rait- National Bank, is now Riling everything in his line. wholesale and retail 'He keeps constantly on hank, a iomplete atOra of CHOICE u'OIGAIIS, • ' llp .1 6 G: TOBACCO Pal up ite all ifylcs.' The *at qualities of BItOWK. BLACK.-: AND SCOTCH META, The meet ciieimud brands of FANCY SMOKING TOBACCO, Itivreat variety rugs. TOILICCA;IBOXES and. PQUCEI, eras en ze And all goods usually kept in g llrst•dass 0,10-AR STOBEI Dealers wind° to oil ana exami ne 1#81:: #l4 well selected dock."' vrafTauas. Apra 29, ISM =lll JULES H 1 LENIN, JEWELLER. Duo aooe mirth of itptetl WAY NEW BLOCK,' row,Evim; PA • :illusion received from Nest York a new assortment 'anus Odd :LADS' WATCHES, , AMERICAN WATCHES SWISS WA fC'HES, of all description. Also a selected assortment. of GOLD _CHAINS, ME GOLD J, :E1 W CLOCKS OF- ALL STILES 'WU TUE CHEAP- En TO TUE BEST. GOLD, SILVER AND STEEL SPECTACLES AND C7;431:4‘1315ES to ft all csios of Impaired sight: NEW PATENT 4 - CCOMOD n ATING SPECTACLES. By this patent I am en4 bled e to exchange Masses at any time without extra barge. Cali and see. , CLOCKS, WATCHKK AND JEWELRY IMPAIRED Jattl wAinumn. Towanda, Dee, le. 1136 Moolinen:. NEW HARDWARE. AND STOVE STOIIX AND TIN 8110? AT wyeurantos R. F. SULZER, . 8.. Just received a hal supply of COAL AND WOOD COOKING STOVES. ORAL AND WOOD WIDMIDG nova, IMSTAireD OVUI, BASE BEMBEEI3,&e.. HORSE SHOES, NAIL BODE, scissz snoz num, nosatltuta, co;tx loarr).4 e tc.AppL All alum of MAU and Howe • • REPAIRING AND J9IIDING OF ALL KINDS of the roost appeared styles, dace at shat notta. All hinds of Cutlery. Belmont. Balms. Carpenters, Bleat:with'. and Wagon Makers' Tools. Glass, Mottle. Swope, /se. thre we - a call. I win sal as cheap as the cheapest. •. Wialtudng, Nov. 3. - B. F. SULZER. - TOWANDA MEAT MA RITET orsrith, cf. Ams, Eachin t4e*eassoa:-.. Ttie eabectlbere will keep coeetintl7 on hand* tell stock of (hammy Flan AIID CLOW it w. . ho sad ratan where an ince' era be plied st reseoaside zeta. Alga skid stack of Meats cenalitteg - 4 8EE?1.438/18, atrium ~ i our: WIT . , 116LOGRA:"TALLOW. LAB% ke. Market Arst ann ion& etWard Xcrinada. f.. 01721.0 ram =UIUM IL V'EXErE, BON k CO.'S B'4 - .E. , .i:)T i ,::0-4,1:A:.x,.6_,,q,:ti.:i AND pn1)E.2 . 0 THE FLOWER AND MiABIX OMMI,VOItIBIIL - Musbo ua 4oauary. awry um: Cat =new sagl valble work, tfte of charge. should IL 1:11EME 8011 C wager ILVVVorie. webegiter ~ N. Y. 0.. Oct» 11. 11100.--4un 1 .'~.- _ .- BE .", I ' . pr" . '-''''''' 2 •' - '.. - ~,i • - , i ~1 1. ..,,,, t,'• 43 4 , ,; " ~ '. ',' ''.•, 4 , ..''' - 1 ;t g , , e t, ,Rte .s-t -' ' ' 1. , r 4 - ri •e; .77,.:, , ,„: 1 V w:1, --._ t -,., ~„ r . 5 4 1 , ~.,„,..4 ,51 J. 1 ,, ''' „1 . I.'cr .... ' r.„ , Er , igi, ~ • , . ,i -: 1 • '_rs.f% ‘, - , iv , _,....,„.. t..,,.,ft„,., AR HALL_BROTHERS &. CO. WWI ta. oat the lateution at taii :vita° :so eat iptckek at .naDWARP. :;. amuusd=rat.c, eaacA>stsia'~s` =hors: :' , 'Mem; e aseeetweeter. • ' . , Putty' Venable*. and.Patuf: • 01811 - binds, which : WM be sob* t r. be.l4r4,l4,Citeb prb:e. ,Abp3; a flue lexertteit4,os:, EMI ••• - EEL! , OsAltik A t , 41 4 3 ' • • • Cd " e a Ar ia a P 4 P itteAll O t t M O lb.- P I Lamps repaired and clianitoill fainnfalf and•riddfo Reroneste. , Pasticular attention paid toWe - nuannaminng of 13 !"" 1 ' • mend rainniras *7li:in= To.. We Lase on bandiallaio article of:. 6LA84,.. - 8111f/V,Jitli, WNi, improved radfloaling - ,ILF2llll7lClifi fiEnliWG CILIfFi • "Ridable one of tho neat cans need: -Jana 20. 1M& G6'll'Cl S. N.• BRONSON'S , FOR HUBBARD Atp WING MAPHIXES, d . None hettei, and pads ter the same, au inmortsed announcement. SASH, DOORS AND-BLINDS , • No betbw Today can be found, end at Floes attain. • STOVES, - IRON AND .lIARDWARE, As low as the Ude af the market, to., ke, at METROPOLITAI,i•HARDWARE, STORE, , . Orwell, Pa. June 24. 126:1—jy1 ' LOOK • HERE! ' There ti Ow on eildbitiou . stthe Mammoth Furniture Store, B - 7.7 N I.'''. TT. P., To be found is Northern Pennsylvania, which is be ing mold at GREATLY ENDUCED PRICES! " stock consists in part of Parlor, Lib . Din ing-room and Chamber seta. Parlor,. Library; akin. Dining and. *lice Piedra , Chaim „Itodaleada Bureaus. Washstands, Saha, Lounges; Teta•a-tetes. MA-Nob. Cradles. - 'Le. • line of 11 sttrasses mad • liedilusg.•Pier. Manna and :Common "Stemma peat and Bustle Prunes and Brackets, &c.. In, .the:: .Furniture:;:Lisle 1 Which must be leen to be virreciated, and:tick tvil . Than the eautequa4tit tit goods canhe puralissed else!. when. - • - Thankful to the Wine for their pastMxual patron- age, and determined-40 writ sh continuance of the seine by offering inducements not to be found else where; .I Invite them td eisll -and enteniteeany goods Ind prime before purchasing alsewhere,lio'cliarge for showing goods, and I -. • IYILL -. /V0 7 7 " - ilk - -UNDERSOLD! COUNTRY RYtT Vint supplied oatmeal at the Sw eet Market prices. - I Illsolztp •Itand:a largo assortment of ready. Made Codlns, from the most common to the Rosewood. Also Blend Robes, Crepes, kc.,sid tam the solo agent lultredlord county tor *Thaler 4. liWir 5E1446 OAT, BELOW . COST.! ••.• . . • • A wonderful opportunity - all whO whit to • 1 7 . 1 ,ritCHASg u ItisTrITRE CHEAP • • tf. T. It.e."KEll. ; • . . wilt from this data sell all Lie grals t eouslalbagot PARLOR MINING .• CHAIRS BEDSTEADS, ! . MIRRORS, , • &C. &C., BELOW.C.OS7'! SFr The store a • present ocimpled bir me is for rent or sato. It is one o 1 the best business stands in Towanda. Towanda. July 21. 1889. FL T. DECHEIt.. An Dew BRAN. BE # ' # • \ I : litit ,. 4. r ..• ,• •_ ' . 144.7 1 . Y 1 Farnitafe. - IN TOWANDA. PL. the largeit find beet stock of L GOY E ,•P:RI C S ! ire'r&uoinmx&i. - c&sEs, cams, &e. A good HEARSE adwoys in readirke as uteri Ll:qui:ed. Toiraada, thic..•l9;lBdB. ' JAMP..B O. FROST. FIIR/IRE WAR -BOOMS JAS MAKI/030N announces tothepubile that he still continues to manufacture and Amp eu hand • large assortment of CABINET YUBNITURS. Bureina, Tables, 13editeade Stands, Chairs. to.; of every description, which are made of the beat mete. !tat and in the most workmanlike manner.' I Invite the Inspection of the public to my wodk, which shall not be aurpowedM durabilitiatunyabop in thecountry. and my prices will be foetid to be 'air low Bailie times will admit - " ; • . Readganwle Catlin, constantly on hand or =Mato order. A good Hearse will be furnished when desired. Aug. 16. 11363. Xiscellaneorti ROOK-BINDiIIY.-THE PUB . - lie Is napectllo7 infofinal that the Book-Bin , where ßuilding. will be done 110011..%.81Y1D1N . 01 In all its Carious branches. tea terms as reasonable :le ••the times" will allow. Tho Bindery will be ender 11. C. wItITAILEB, erperieiced Binder, and altwork will be promaptiy done in a style and wanner which canna be excelled. Music. Magatitiea, NewapaOld Decant. c., bound in away variety of style. attentoa will be paid to the Ballag and Binding xa' • . BLINK 1100&A. To any dealred patent. 'Mob in ,quality a d aura. bility will be warranted. All work will be ready restates,' when promise& The patronage 01. the public s=ated, ma per fect Landsat= guarantee& • 'AURA 2. 18MC—tf. IDICIKEItY .. .41s1D pEtkilEG'Roo3ll . . . _ Phut tiloCk north of Wand Honer; BREAD PIES, CAKE,:Sc.; s. baked daily and sold at wtuumaleandreinil. - We nee the beat materUda and oar work - is always neatly done.. Dealers are, invited to examine our wholesale prices. PARTIES. 'PIC TICS, Ate. supplied styes. seeable rates on notice. Di our • - we offer superior tuducrunents to all who want either a lunch or a good meal. Ladies eau step in and. quietly enjoy a cup of Tea, trodisturbed by noise or. imwdyhort. • Mollsat ail hours of the day or everiag. OYSTERS on band during their season and served "out by the dish or sold In quantities to salt. Of CONFECTIONERY we keep an aseortment equal to soy in thla ' part the State, and sell at wholesale, or mall; _ Also a general isitorknent of CI ~ ../INIERIES. Prices =low as this lowest., Towanda. fieL 26. 19. ME !lia/ME . Mini!!! ThiCondersignol hereby atutottmes to the publis. Ihat he _keeps Mutating:, on baud at hiS KILN in BROWNTOWN Pm., tr full supply of fresh burned Mt YORK L IME, which he will sett as eheap ma' it orate bbught atany poled along the Cared._ - : ' 1859.4 L. - DAVID vaatrs.- —.a..~.}—.--- -$ -, '. l ' k ',', - • """ i R iL-falt b -: *.41 64 5'V0R11 91014 ~,,,:, ,;-.:,::-, AT TO .-- ' • ~.. - '6 00" ' tiLfli . ./141T0 ' In ( 0/1E; ' i'.. , • - -- ,, ".!:';.."• , '"Ti.' ' '-'- - '' ' ME Ournselltititled BReet4 Toirada; ' -40 $M Caimatirioldoitto his 104; • tat sad onsplete asiortniiht, •Ithtfbig used is = aft itatiltsen vs , ; ; :satast amberiss Maly =Oda( the Atts tor 1 tot Aingtialit ensiled with poruimel. Awl ‘213.1.°1=7141, iSW.A 4 W,b4#11110,0, - MEDlmarso f CumitcAlm; vMMelpi34. BENZINE -AND TURPE NTINE, - - ihit :M AY - s . 4 ! re -' • ittn'M - , REROBENE OR : C°_ ll " 014 =Er • Alcohol andlnindne Midi, • 81LLDF8,_719144, CII4FNEII3, Spann, Lar4. Wi1411441.A4,7°°t', ME TANNER'S - AND MACHINE OILS, "wet eaAtoileE tetlefes ilittitis4atirly. • SPON0121; Suitt*, S&P?, :0:6138, • liatz,D7l4, POCKET BOOKS, P.OItT MON.AIS, ' — tte.ttit RiZtl . lll, SKIN %OD HAIR PREFAItATIONK, mu.. WI1( Arm :LIQUORS, Ttiziicco, SNurv; Pjrz s,. . Barden, Field and ;Plower Seeds, Trusses. &IP. porters, Mavens:ohm. Elhoulder Brame, Breast Pumps, Teething Rings. ' , Nursing Bottles, . Nipples. Nipple Shells and Shields, Syringes, Ned Pans, Self-Sealing Fruit Jim, Thee- • " • mountera, Flavoring Extracts, Stone ',Rum, Glass ware, Bottles, JUL, Corks. Bath Brkk, and Stove Bladiing. - Slak Tackle, Am munition, Sc., Botanic, Brio:tic and Etcrostepath ir Medicines, and all the popular Patent •. - • 31 ED I C .1 - An articles warranted as reprosanhodi Paramus at a distance on receive their oedema Lbratne or mall, which will rewire prompt and cazwlul attention. Medical advice given grataktonalp at the other:, charging only.for medicin : Aar Thankful far paid.liberal paironinhe.*Ould tea. "tinily announce to his Lriecib and the pubile—thst no pains shall be spared to satiety, atidnaeritthecurs. tinuation of their confidence asid patronage. • zirOpen Sundays for prescriptions trans 9' to'lo a.m., and 12m, to I. and 5 to p.m. . - Jan. 1,1869—yr, H. C. PORTER, M.D. • a. BEAT.BA'R ' GAINS IN " BOOTS az SHOES BOOT , AND SHOE STORE The underalened sic recieving a large and well se 'acted anlck of - • • • BOOTS 4 1 - ND SHOES SU3IIIES AND FALL TRADE, Mali vce o&r.low for CAech. Opustoting of GENT AND CHILDREN'S WE2‘X. SEWED AND' PEGGED BOOTS R.EPAIPING ATEATLT Do-NE stri BEADY VUEN PROXIMH Thiaktal re: rat taTors; solldt a COntiUUSZICe of tbs same. . - sisnao. isounicua: Grum= n ;minx Towanda. Apell R 1889.- - TOWANDA Agirtictrthuri-41, 'ILSTFACTIIRES Ht IS, SPOKES, HEAVY AND LIGHT WAGONS, • GESTRIL "Wori) WOOD TIIIINTNG IN i. 4, 71.4..8nANc1i0 SCUOLL 13AWING, I•LINING, ETC., ETC. HUBS, SPOKES: BENT STUFF, LARGE STOCK FROST WHIM( TO SELECT RECOND GROWTH HICEOU &ND OAK, lAOHT AND HEAVY WAGON'S ON HAND.. We have the Broad a;naNarrow Gtutge 8i..,00n & co., BUM continue to mannhicturo their celebrated • HORSE POWERS 8;' CLEANERS; and will sell a better.. machine, for less money than can be had elsewhere in thi world. We' claini for our machines that they wiif do as much, or more, than any caner. and aro niSro durably built Wo personally superintend our wort and see that It ls well down. We will send - of our suachluey un. arillur!Lob.' CONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS,-' Oat if rico Worse THRESHER SEPI'RATorzs. FANNING BILLS, CU.* . L.A.B •YD MUM WS 29114 DAV AND GRIST MIL lri:ork done to order Olio us a calliisfaro purchasing elsiailere 'A "00 •austmayuct t'sx7T,TAr "00 I:lo9'l.ff. Aug: 4.1669. NEIL. PLANIGF MILL . . The tirukralened Itaring . MOlt a large and. commo-. 'dloue Mill in the Bmough of Towanda, and filed it moat moderii anti uzirkused machircry, for the manufacture of . ~ . . . . I *WINDOW SISII .I"ND BLINDS.= Ara pripsred to Gil orders: whether , largo or. upon the shortest notice,. . We' tiara also n'larne cs riety.of SIOULDD:6B, of the - latest ityie-ard Pattern. which we can furnish mn. b dies r than they c;npe worked by band. • . • 1.141.111ita, • ' . . TONGUthIG. ortoovlNG. 1 • . • • • • - SAAVEC O. -And all other *irk pettainingto; nary. wAtbe, done to snit our customers: ' •, • • rerions Mudding . sand not livlue morn than twelve to fourteen mllea disbud. will dud It lary for their tutera4 to buy of us,- or bring their lumber and have it - *Toted by , machine-TY. • Bring your grist of Flooring. or other lumber, and while your team la feeding, bate it ground out and take It home . : • w.scurr Y CD - per• . • -- - We wnl pap-CAUL for A'a"D• LUMBER &limed at our 14mber.yard.; Ccatte and Opus, or if pact caul calae.lalt& - Towanda. Tel Inf. • VODOERS L CO, Tworit 'two, -!. MEI For Medicinal nek Boots and, Shoos. At THE !Sidi and of Wird Howse. -- Su:Lablo tur,tho LADIES, lassts, MADE TO 011 PEE -- ZUlufacWdes. WORKS. 701VANDI, PENN'II., - LENT SUJFI, To pcalors in We Bier a The above art - from the best *S .:MILL PICKS m* and dreslied. IL. C. 311:11CUR, President. Ton4nt.4, Jtai 2,1868 D=ULM - TVE CATALOGUES TBRESIIER and t'LLiNEILS, LIFE iNtatritAki • Irr i t i M a y • , WTOMMO P iritIiLUICEOUPArI, %Mu*. Bad'PA; ""' CaP#4- x5270,000. . . ilkneurMarFcat Imariusce coup y. - , ~•;.-, • . iWord...Coss. this. rutzlsrsvii.alat Onetimy, ♦t.naiif cat itutrei Vizis laukcaLscr. C( 1111 x, . . Elyspanzu?.Eces Astir Sikatne•lasmsixes Co., eprfPlafteld. Matt.- 1.4.341 . 0nia rum Ipscij z co., • • - NEyr Yu= Lnr - F,..lisicrukircz £OYI•xy. Audi, $13,00%000 POLIO= written and UMW adirtaind and rein I. Once Instrakbtock belivw Waid Masuis, op stain. C T. B. CAMP. ARIL tat . 5, MO En,TIFEaD VCIDEti TAL .• . ',.CAPITAL SEPEZIEEKTED, OT IM Bfiri,NTREN .11144.105 r.. DOLLARS . . . . . , ' C. S. RUSSELL, Agent ' For the foßwingoarned Relict* Csaapixia :': Outazip Flax • !Lama Issraascs Co., I - Pkilosidpkia. I 1 • ciptud and surOus over • • 1t550,060 Bo xr. suzuccs cosay.u. - :ye. York. } Capital and inarphis over • Irsraisce Co. or NORM . AVAMC*. Phi* . eipAia. Critgirl and itirplus over - 111,7C0.04 I:cacmucce CoutAn% New lark. j • " Cap:tal and ELF':lna over - f 500,1,11.1 - EXTI:AritiNE NEVILANCI COXPASti. ... i . - Philadelpga. i Capind and surphwe pier $350,a ,x Au - 7'cm_ Isicuasc F.. pomway, • New reek. j ' Capital and surplus over TCTNA-51 Issousser., Lterfford, Ckmir. 1 ' Capital and 'surplus over - $704.06 31crvis. Lint luantescr, COMPANY, Earl.. J. g, Capital and stirplas titer Tnavnuatee Is - artuocci. COMPANY, Hartford, Cond. I Capital and surplus over * Max taken on ali kiaife of J'esperty, 14 as lu s rani as by any other. reliable Companies. /Wei - Policies Weed and Losses. It any, adjusted at MB Agency. thereby saving the trouble and espetoe of going elsewhere for settlement. Office at the Hardware Store of Codding. sell d: Co. C. S. RUSSELL . Towanda. Feb.-7, 1856—tf. NATIONAL LIFE - LCSURANCE CO. OF U.5..1 CASII CAP/TAL. $1.000,0W-P.5.111 TS. =ILL- Cbartgred by Congtens, 196 K: CLAILMiCE CURE. President ; JAY iXKIKE. Chairman Finance and Et. Cnni SYSSY D. COOKE, Vice President ; EMERSON NV. PELT, Secretary and Actuary. The eilimutages of the National Lae laanrancr Co are: I. It is a Itatimil Company, clattered by Corirma ; • 2. It has a paid up capital of One Million Dell as ; 3. It 10* rates of premiums ; 4.- It fArnishis larger insurance than other Con panies, for the same money ; 5. It is deffulto and certain ; A. There Is no possihility of misrepresentation by agents,:nr misunderstanding by policy-holders; 7. The polices are ptsincontracts. so much mrl.4. ranee fur so much money ; 8. AU - policies are non-forfeiting P. pepolicaes are exempt front attachment. E. W. CLARK k CO.. Banters, Phliadelrbia General Agents.. B. ,S. RUSSELL, Xer.n.ves. 'N. C. ELEBREE'd) A.. 0.12.0;05; irj„..Agents for Tcontrala atrltrviebillT Jan. 9, 1869: CONNECTICUT . .31U7VA1., INSL:BA!..TCE . • OF lIABTFORDI CONT.' ' Numsnrixo meat vr_v 50,000 - ASSETS (June 1, 184./) over 125.000,tY10. Surplus over 11.000,000. CIEEMENT DIVIDEND ntoal 40 TO 70 CENT. Total Claims by Death paid to date, over 16,000.000 tOT.II. DITRE.Nos PAID TO DATE, OTTX 26.000,006. AI-it:RELY -1.11.7 CAL i;fOJIPANI. 1111 ite surplus h equitibly divided, swell; the Po:- icy holders in ANNUAL DIVID E NDS, • Ich may be applied fn rede.ettou of Premtmcs, dr . may be accumulated at Intereet for the beneflt of the Aeon:m..l. or may be remivcd by them to ash. Paitt-try POUCie.I aro grinte:l otter two sir Iron. years' Prenattna have bean paid, thus tali! =I ALL POLICIES' "NO.\--FORFEITINt; It issues Pelicks upon all DESIRABLE PLANS or I:cm:luso; Andlrni adopted in its nnliclngs several „ SPECIAL FEATURES! 01:101NAL WITH MS COMPANY A.ND _ 13) BY NO OTWER- McKEAN, Agett_ Towanda. Fa.. July 22. IStlJ—t! BRADFORD' COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY JOILI W. XIX. Agent, TowAitiA, Y.,.. TOE SUE TELLOOTTO EYE +••'LE CCOSTENIEIi Hartford. Coin PLR% nzFire Askwts...., 11011 E Ishra.uicx COMPANY. Nria Haven, Coin. ..$l.C'22 971 1r,..1 ME Gr.ratest• I=l tons AMERICAN FIRE, 1 • no rork. j ' . 1L713 843 17 ItEE! 11A:tovan. Assets.. Policing' written and Lams adjusted at this AreacT• Fain property riska taken Ot the lowni.t. rates. SW -Orrice in Mircur's New Block. north lido pot._ lic &inane. Towanda, Pa. JOHN W. MIX- April I. 1869. - THr4, EQUITABLE LIFE ASSU RANCE SOCIETY'S Agency for Bmifoid Co.. CASH CAPITAL. $3;000,000 Warty intorno over 22;000.000 ca b. lIONTANIM & WAND l'utra.nda,.Jaly 25,.18 6 7. THE LYCOMEcG MUTUAL FIBE J_ Isuriorre Agency for Bruliord County, C.U , 1TAL,13,4ct0,000 Mutual Cash plan. In stacmsatni operation oAir tor en , tl-seven years. , • MM.:TAN - YE k WARR Towanda, Jul 23. 1567 ANNEVa AND HARNESS 31A K -130..-.Tbennderalgnedd barn thfis day tonne , ' • eo.partnerabip, to be knowii a 6 the fair: of MAGEE & ruizEn. for *be prirpoie'ofrarrylng on the above %amine's. names.' making and.rrp.tiring done to or der, and all work warranted. C onh paid for hide& t'GRIFFIN 7.IAGFY.. MOAB 8. Frulft. • Camptown. Jan. TA. 1868.. F - LOUR, FEED' AND MEAL sold chczpot COWI3I, k 3IYEIVS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP 11 Wooden Ware COWELL* MYERT. ROYAL BAKING POWDERS at coIvELL k MYERS. RUITS .OF ALL KINDS A COWELL k 31TERS. COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR', FISH, hr.., wholesale and retail... • ly I . 111:C3BI: it • NIS. THAT CEIYBRATED SELF 111 S - lug Flow, at • C. B. Laths. 'May 29. • pRCF. HORSFORD'S BREAD Preparation, at • C. IL PITCHII: aY 2 0 % , _ . ri TENTEATPD LYE AND %.)14timsb, as c. u. rtuFs. Mar 24. /laryord, C 61.6 Albany. Xew York, f 3,-rA,Vd3 $750;10 . 18,1:000,0ou EOM $4,467p5 ',New York. re SI.ON,M) 1.4.) New $650,e42 211