Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 10, 1870, Image 3

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    ..4. 1
,c,77.; - , I . • •
JgrdOrt" Aloft
f :_ i. ..,
~ .
~* Barnnni'sagen~i~comiug:
seirCieir4iny . reader - 4 ,the'Rzron ,
hr n give LIB the name et King Dann's mother?
hatintereating letter from Ste-
Nviatilki Vila appear neat week. 1.,
p®- miss Gewsix.has rented the .
Storo recently ()couple' by CLoa,my &&m um.
ear Watch for the coming man -
Abe great P. T. BAnwmaagent.
Is. Capt. Itivivu.LE andE„,E. Btri ,
Fritrros• have just retuned from an cstenilet)
trip through the Went
as.. Miss DA BAres, of 04trego, has
twin appointed *gut for the N.Y. Mutual Lire
Insurance Cesinta*T. • •
likt secret of success is only
tt. l c 4olowi of P. T. Ilasarx. " Ilia agent will
4:d. {W in a few days. -
• fe- The Festival at the Presbyte
rian Church will he continued this (Thursday)
cam. Fifteen inches of snow fell at
tliis place on Tu'esday last. Indicationa at pres
..ot arc. however, that it will not remain long.
tigt... JOEL T. MoAFFEE, of Spring
idd ternshni, has taken out a license as an
lje6. HARDING & Guaira have -re
move:l their Photograph Gallery to their Booms
in SoLowas'a new building.
• ; Stir The next Episcopal Mite Sci-
L•ty will be held at the reaidenco of X. e. EIB.
r Maj. HALE cut on his farm 1 - st
,itturaer, and has sold.during the present win
r, three hundred tons allay.
tom, A fine opportunity is offered
f .r the purchase of s. good farm, nicely located
LitchtiEld township. See advertisement.
Vir . HARDING & GUSTIN have te
m:wed their Photograph Gallery to their Rooms
in SoLouoN's new building.
S*l:l.. Just as we go to press, we are
informed that the 'Waverly Steam Flouring Mills
were destroyed by tirn on- Tuesday night.
SubsCribers at and near Le
uli,.svale, can renew their subscriptionsby call
ing on G. W. BUNN, Esq.
sta- The train due here at 9:30
fr,,ni Waverly is reported off the tracknear that
place, so that we are compelled to go, to press
rAithout our usual Wednesday morning news.
ItEa,. A competent blacksmith and
wagon-maker will learn of a chance for engag
ing in business at a good point, by consulting
our advertising columns to-day.
DONATION.—The friends of Rev. A.
SPERM" will . malte him a donation exit at the
Tonn Hall, in Orwell, on Tuesday evening the
15th inst. A general invitation is extended.
The Owego Gazette says :
, •,while two little girls, the daughter and grand
a:welder of Join Loris, aged nine and seven
}care, were playing upon the ice on the brick
yard of JOHN L. TAILOIZ, last Sabbath morning,
they broke through 9tl the yomigelst of the
I •
v,4 %Vat; drowned.
kV' Father TOYER deseives the
gratitude of all the suffered by our latetire, as
well as the warmest thanks + nd lively aureola
ten of our citizens, for his untiring zeal andin
terest manifested and his unceasing efforts and
L.'C'ner, .11 s aid extmuled on the morning of the
tin . Jrsrrru.
Every one visiting Towanda
. xpressus surprise that a Furniture Store °Mho
magnitude of J. 0. Fuowt's can be sustained.
The Tiestioit is eamly solved. By pricing his
.;!'s , ls, you will discoier that he retailis goods
at Moires ithotit as low as ordinary dealers buy
t •
is Everybody admires the style
which Ciamo s the popular bookseller, does
Ho receiv e s all new publications as
as they appear in the snarl4t, and his
pra..•s are so low that no one ever thinks of letiv
.o.: establishmentwitliout purchasing 80=-
11,1:I.-. We cat - amend our readers as a
at man in 11 - 04 line,
t.S. Having lately greatly increas
ed oar facilities; for doing all kinds of Job Print
ing, We reel Italy warranted in saying that we.
have now une of the best job °flicks in North
.ern Peungylvania ; and having a corps of first
elasa workmen, we have no hesitancy in prom
li.-ing to execute all kinds of printing in a man
ner to please the most fastidious, and at prices
pot 'cork can be procured anywhere.
We learn fliatKELLum
of tim Centrrd Meat Market, have just
--- Tchased ftvtn 3fessrs. J. & BEIILLALEY, of
\Val ren. towiodop, a lot of-fat four-year-uhf
probably !he best in the county. The
D. nre extensive fanners and stink
i.:}_ r.), and rattle fed by them always cdm
in.,4l.l a good price in the market. , Our-people
,ii , ;ill,l all avail themselves of an oppurtvnity of
:ling of this beef.
it.4altly informed that this very excellent
atitman, now revidir.g in Philadelphia, but
, rittorly a citizen of our comity, and generally
tt, it her as a skillful teacher of vocal and
ittsttutneutal tousle, has recently done the bon-
Ll of taking to himself a wife. On
of January he linked his earthly les
un of a Mips LOUISA Bst,nwni, of West-
I. N.I. Happiness and long life to them!
While Miss Mix, of this place,
her toil, t a hew evenings since, she
e• lentaliy upset a kerosene lamp, spilling the
•il the cafpet, which took fire, and the
would undoubtedly have been destroyed
kit h,r the remarkable presence of mind of
M.- M., who. instead of throwing open the
and calling for help, set to work and put
~ut herself. A gentleman passing the
!, , 11-e at the time saw the blaze and gavo the
Jar:o to 'Jir. 311,z,'who ran up to his daughter's.
All,ere he found her nearly exhausted by
;'), ''‘ltac,rdittarY' efforts put forth to extinguish
Z=z7 - At a regular meeting of Rock
521), 1.0. of 0.T., Feb. 5,187 I), the
111:; officers were instilled : W.C.T., 31.1- - r Bocxwmt,;
1 .1 LA., 311'S. LITCIAIDA Br,cxwera.; W.V.T., Mrs.
IA 1 , l Litum!s; W.S., Wx. L. Wu.r.Lins ; W.
; W.T., Miss SARAH . STILEI3; W.M.,
•ii • llL.tcliliTLL ; \V.D.3t., Miss Rocs,
W.C., S.. 11. STIL.r.s ; W.1.G., Dig.os
CLAT - rox 31,4. 1 v - rooxiciti. ;
A Goon Dsuairrea.—There are oth
er ministers of love more conspicticSas than shei
Lac none in which a gentler, lovelier spirit
and none to which the heart's warm re
.pr.!s more joyfully respond. She is the steady
Itnit of her father's house. Her ideal is indis
,.Autly connected with that of his fireside. She
:. he; morning sunlight and evsmng star. The
gra,,, vivacity and teushrness of Ler an; have
place :u the 'nighty sway which she holds
his sptrit. ,She is th . pride and ornament
of his hospitality; and the gentle nurse in his
Ai.;:tasof this vigorous Company advertise in'
issue for an agent to represent them in
I. centny and vicinity. This company
i-gud lat-year over Mae thousand policies,
and I:. one of the most liberal to the country.
It ha- t1..1.1e a tine business in this State, and
111 :: P , rson taking the agency will And the com
d..tuy r.eil and favorably known. In 1661 the
issued 8,64.1 pnlicics. A55 , ,,b4. 4413 -
1. 1.,7,1, 1 -(; 6 9.900. Total policies issue - a, 20,.•
8 7; Movars. NV!IsTEU Chest."
:Arett, Philadelphia, are the Ovneral Ageits
r-r 1.
Ina) riewbediahig.
nee Row. Wzgniiikr
hooliitriy,„ Pa.," will deliver a teniPeriikeleetire
at the livyaltdng Academy, No*, mie; Feb.
14, 1870, . Free to all
GaArivipz-- 7 ElderUniug . P. STazi..
TEn wit hold a protractid ineetingistOrostille,-
eounneming en Batellii
and continue the eanto FridaYsTeldflilAbe
11th of Nisch, when iiinarterly IneeVniti -0111
be held on the 12th and 13th of March.
IiIICY Broke lecture •on
"Woman Suffrage," in the Court -Mouse, next
Monday evening, lith tnat. She is one of that"
oldest advocate: 0111 m "ale, and a..rtual, of
great moral and iniellectual aerth; w hat.
over ono may 'think of the Cable rho advocates,
Aro hopeall.maygo and hear hei. • • -
Of ono thing the public may be assured--aim
is deeply , In earnest and fully *enteral% her
subject. Ada:deafen, 85 cents.-
lisitsaca.-4fr; Editor t - If you wish
to have a good, sochdde timp.jusi take a trip
some of these days to Herrick, Para more hospi
-table and cordial people is hard to Red. The
people of this' enterprising kniiadtip are 'awake
to the education. - The question is of
ten asked, Why do so many of the Herrick folks
make so much effort to educate their sons and
One mother there onee insinmated that Hon..
Oco. Lawnow biresponaibloinduentially for can
sulerable of it. Ho has been known frequently,
and cren on public occasions, to advocate" with
great earnestness the wisdom of such efforts
and sacrifices..- •
The Viesleyana have erected and 'completed
a neat and commodious chnrcleat Herriekville,
at a cost of aboitt 52„600. A more was first made
.to hifild a Union Uluireb. open to all denomina—
tions of christians, and for lectures, =Weal
conventions—in abort, for. everything tending
to the elevation of the moralqiud religious 'sen
timent of the people. • • .
'Accordingly, application was mado to Hen.
GtiO.NL.I.NIXIN to write such a subscription pa
per and bead it with his name, which he did
with $3OO.
There was 63 much opposition on the part of
a certain class who preferred a denominational
church, that a new subscription paper was writ,
ten and presented to Mr. I t for his signature
again. He took - it and ninte" . ssli: the
church was ready for-dedication, Mr. GE°. C:
krwooD placed a bell in the steeple weighing
828 pounds, costing $B9O, at his own expense.
It will be recollected that he presented the East
Herrick M.E. Church with a bell weighing 525
pounds, at a cost of ISO,• within a year past.
PELLSONAL.—W. C. WEBB, a, native
of this county and brother of our Representa-
J.w. H. WEBB, is a member of the Kansas
Legislature, and was a prominent candidate for
the speakerahip of that body.
—W. H. WATKINS, Esq., who recently remov
ed from this place to Topeka, Hernias, has now
gone a little farther' west, and put out his
"shingle - at Fort Scott.
—Rev. S. A. Camvr, of East Smithfield, occu
pied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church on
Sunday last.
—Hiss Ai:NA S.ommutoic, daughter of Hon.
GEO. 13ANDER5ON, of Scranton, is spending& few
weeks with her friends in this place.
—Capt. S. Fox, of Owego, is In town, to at
tend the wedding-of his grand daughter, which
comes off this morning.
--Judge JOHN A Mak:lieu), of North Caro
tins, is iu town. We learn that he intends tak
ing his departure to-day, and that he will proba
bly be accompanied by ono of our most inter
esting and accomplished young ladies. While
we regret to lose the young holy from our midst,
we cannot but commend the "Judge" on his
fortunate selection of a "help-meet."
—Hon. EDWARD litanies, formerly President
Judge of this Judicial District, is still living at
his pleasant tuanxion on the bank of the Sus
quehanna at Athens, and though in his eighty
second year, ho is erect as ever, and loves to
converse witlifold acquaintances. A correspon
dent of the Montrose litpublicam who has re
cuntly called upon the venerable Es-Judge, says
of him : "Enjoying the fruits of early care and
industr.‘: - , he takes little interest in the contest s .
of the day for wealth or fur honor, but in the
besom of his surviving family, and in the society
of books and pai.ers, he is a geed,. specimen of
vigorous old age. His health is better than it
formerly was, and though he was the weakest
of a large family of children, he has outlived
theacall—thanks to Ids calm aud equable tem
perament, and the good prolidence of God."
—En. Ruin, for several years past conductor
on the passenger and freight train between this
place and Barclay, has been placed in charge,
of a coal train between Barclay and .Wiiverly.l,
We hope to see him some day have of an ex
press train.
--,Judge Lost, of the Troy House," Troy,
paSd•us a visit en Tuesday. He wan looking an
hale luta hearty an ever. We hope he may lung
dispense the hospitality cr one or the best ho
tels in the country.
—The circumstances of the case are as follovra:
For some time back this fort has been occupied
by a man of the name of 11cCotta•ELL and his
Lindy. The man used to go up and down the
valley and over the hills, makhig considerable
noise and sonic threats, such as if the inhabi
tants would not complywith his warnings they
would surely suffer in the and. At last it was
determined by a squad of solihers.(those that
had seen some hard fighting down South) that
they mould storm the fort, if the occupants
would not surrender without. .ISo they called a
!Council and agreed on the night, also the place
,to meet. At the-appointed time and place they
sU met, and started for the fort in good order,
and with ample means to take it. The company
numbered about twenty-two. Aftor they had
traveled about two miles they came in sight,
and when opposite they halted, and one of the
company, acting as captain, went to the door
and knocked. The lady owned the doer to
answer the call, when the captain asked for MC
CONNELL. She answered that ha was in, and
called him. He was in another part of the fort.
Ho came forth in his shirt-sleeves, as he was
hard at work preparing and loading his gim—
es it preyed to he so according to the signs when
the fort surrendered.*
When he appeared, the captain twk him by
the shoulder and asked him to surrender. Ho
answered that he did not know about that ; be
had been through the war himself ; baton what
condition? "Unconditional
_surrender," was
the reply; "and if you don't do it, I will call
my men and they will take you by force. Conic
and see my means!" When he came and saw
fire teams loaded, he surrendered, opened the
gate, and said, "Let me help these ladies out
Now, friend AINORD, it would do you good
(although your cellar is fatly to :seethe weapons
that they had, not to destroy life but sustain it.
'They were in bags, baskets, pails o ke., and when
the men hatrseenred their teams, they all went
in and spent an hour or two as agreeably as
they had spent in many a year, when the ladies
interrupted them (you .know that they are a
kind of necessary evil, bless their •hearts!) for
they wanted to setibe table, which they did to
the full satisfaction of all that were then•. Af
ter another pleasant hour or so, the company
started for their respective homes, leaving the
occupant in full possession of the fort with lib
ertyto travel Wherever he pleased, only come
oftener to oniineighborhood and make all the
noise that was needed to preach the glad tid
ingi of the gospel to the fallen race.
The company left behind them grain, such as
oats and buckwheat for the horse, potatoes and
pork for the family, besides a good quantity of
eatables already prepared for. the table.
Now, readers of the IlOontan, go thou and
dolikewise. lon have Men in your neighbor
hoods that need looking alter. Gs (if you don't
know it already) and see if there is alky grain
for the horse in the granary, potatoes. in the
caller, pork in the - barrel, anything to eat in
the pantry. If not, how do-yon think the man
of God can tell the story of the Cross from the
pulpit, when lie knows that there is nothing at
home for his family ito eat? We say again, go
and do your partlit the wotk. Sustain the heart
of yo,ur minister by dividing with him from youl•
abundance, and let luin feel at home among
Mr. McCoNsum. is now doing good work by
holding protracted meetings at BAIIIte School
house, and the prospect is 'good. Many have
conic forth professing faith In Christ. May God
bless his efforts! is the prayer of
*The Bibb and bymn-hooli were open In the room
where tv was.
.:4 . : . ;;P..:•,., ; :' , :„ 7 . , ?=f-.:;'4'1:..;,.. : ..'-' E - ... , ? ,- ;.•=:..: , ;::, ,,- . ,, ,..-,, 0,4-f,,,,.---;r,,.,-
• 1" ' '7 ..
1 (rand'_ Honie':''_:•:Ent.fitahi ,-
;10intyrin be gle. aJo th eatandip . iato thin*
ai arming; Feb. fb, faktie
thisIED,tIRIM eiturch. The eithAlainment will
toloali*jiith the — grand.lairy„play, entitled
ntideretts; or Malan Illippei," foamed . I*
.stariiiiirio* of iiblisuir,; Musk by Pole*
orchestra. Admisoice 25 Otis; childm wi
der ig years, 10 cent. ardet of Cain-
. 4
TROT.—The" friends of e M.
fir Troy,' paid dinistifm-2thdt:it
Thum* evening last, and presented him - Ult . !'
two hundred end fifty dolling ingreenbackssm)
• new suit of dothemOur . Troilidends under
stand the *Mame Of giving- • ---
Tam. listiLiWooirs, Wholumbsenquite
ill for some time past, occupied the pulpit of
the Baptist church . againon Sundsy,last.
' —Lonals ball hs couipkted, 4 ,
afar Read! D. aaaa's-Coltuan.•
sei. We took -al. O, peep" into
kmining, and there
illscoverod ithercincone of the goods. that plea.
sant-looldniintithinnin nrn - contiittialbearrying
from this .well-Initini:establialimmit are kept.
-There turn end to their itoelt sugain,l4:,
rapt, molasies, butter, pork, &c; '`' They buy
their gnats in large quiuttdica mid - of reliable
houses, so that they are able to sell 'first-Class
goods at very low rates.• •
. . ,
DEDICATION.---The ne7 M.E.Cbureh
at Centremorisland, Wyoming county, Ps., trill
be dedicated for dhine' aorshlp,sni Thursday,
Feb. 17, 1870. Rev. D. C. Ournzari, P.E. of
the District, will conduct the Klikken morning
and evening. &nisi! to imminence at ten_ o' 7
clock in the morMil and at seven in the even.'
lig. , Pastors and pooldo from other charges
are cordially invited to attend, and a special
vitatlon to former pastors. Come, brethren, to
this least. A. J. Ansotre,, Pastor.
ter Read Dr. CLAIM'S Cirenliir.
SmatriAn.—ln excavating near the
new depot, a 'vein of water was struck several
feet below the surface, and pipe driven into
the bank for ttto stream to 'run thinfigh: The
water has since been used for drinking Fo
veae' by the Workmen engaged in that vicinity.
A low days since, one of the men went there to
get a pail of water, and was astonished on tak
ing up the pail after it had been filled, to find a
littleifisb, about one inch in length, which had
evidently palmed through the pipe. As the
place adibre the water comes out is some dis
tance from Sugar Creek, the question of where
the "minnow" came from will remain a mys
Him. 10di
De.. Read Dr. CLARE'S Column.
ier Mr. M. C. MERCUR has just
given another.evidence of his enterprising spir
it in the erection of a large atid commodious
blacksmith shop, in connection .with his Agri
cultural Works. The building is provided with
all the modern improvements, and is of Suffi
cient capacity to accommodate a large force of
We are 'pleased to learn that the I " Agncultu
ral Works" are in a Outdating condition, and
that the work turned out there will bear com
p:Moon with that from anyestaidishnient!n the
country. ME, the Superintendent, is
well known as • first-class workman, and Mr.
Hinerxxv, foreman, has no Superior as • me
chaniel we therefore have no heeitancym say
ing that the wagons and sleighs built at the
"Towanda Agricultural Works" are ne piss ni
tro. j Persons in want of anything in the lino of
sleighs, cutters, buggies, hacks, or lumber , wa
gons, should call and examine their stock bc
fore purchasing elsewhere.
liar. Read Dr. CLAnx's Ciictdar
thavros.-411i% Editor: Several ac
cidents have - occurred in this vicinity since our
last, viz : A scaffold tell, precipitating three
workmen to the ground, eeverely injuiing one,
Aim:siva OwEn. -
On Thursday last, Mr. &Imo= Was, struck,
while whrking near a circular saw, by a piece
of bosh), which broke two of his ribs and other
wise; njured
J. 5. GNP= made a narrow escape MO night
last week, as ho was preparing to retire. His
pistol accidentally discharged, but luckily ho
received only a flesh wound, .and that in the
kift ham/
Soirie thieving adventurer entored• S. Sur•
ma' hoot and , shoe atom bat Saturday night,
and took therefrom &bunt $6O worth of blots
and atom.
The donation for Eder WAVICIS Raa, 4. coin
pl:te success both in pleasantness and green
backs, the . cash receipts being $127,35 Few
are more deserving.
The Amateurs did a fair thing for themselris
and hearers bn the 28th tilt.
The following are a part of the pincers elect
for Canton Lodge, LO.G.T. : W.C.T., H. B.
PARSONS: W.V.T., Mrs. Warn; Soey, GEOSOB
• The Methodist and Disciple revivals still con
tinue, and many are " calling 'on the name of
the LoicL"
'There appears to be much interest both for
and against the proposed new county.
Feb. 4, 1870. - Naar.
MM. Read Dr. CLARK'S Column
Roux.- -Ma. ALVIMID : I have been
considerably surprised to find that some of our
neighboring good folks suppose that they were
'classed am the "rural heathens " spoken of
in the last co unication. Brother M—
thinks that I meant him and his family ;--a cer
tain reverend sister not far off, supposes that
sheis ono of the heathens. What a pm:cater
ens ideal. I really meant that larger class of
Herne') who in religions matters "care for none
of these things." Here are a couple of exam
ples of that class; Last Tuesday, Ist, a man
from the Allis Hollow neighborhood, while rid
ing by Mr. O. P. Torso's, shot and billed a val
uable watch-dog-4 quiet, well-behaved &nine
citizen—belonging to Mr. Youxo. We can as
sign no other motives for the , deed than from
wantonness, or. he influence of medicinal tibia
ky- -
Another caae tip the Albany Branch: About
. • .
a year ago, more or !cal, it certain Eua x
sold his wife to another man for the laififleon
sideration of SIO, 'Squire making out the
necessary legal() papers:- This is a fact, and
1-tytn give Damns if required.
p Molly other cases of heathenism could be
cited, but those must =taw for the present. -
•±Tho Way of Life" it thesubject of the con
cert nest Sunday evening (18th) at the Presby
terian church.
Rome Lodge, No. 469, is hi a highly flourish
ing condition—so much so, that it becomes nec
essary to tit up a new bail for their use: ;The
following officers have been elected for. the en
suing quarter : Mira ; W.V.T.,
CooLnavon ; W.C., Rev. 8. ELWELL ;
JOHN MORAY ; W.F.8.. B. 0. Wuxor ;
EtaAYocao; W.M., E. CAW ; LG., Naxer Nue
tzar; 0.0., M. 'Swam. The lodge will bold
public meeting Tuesday eve, Bth, in the Bap
tist church. Address by Rev. H. Etwrst, read-.
ing of essay, paper, .le.
Rev. Mr. Etwair.'s donation, afew weeks ago,
amountefl to something over SUS; - se you see
that his friends ate not all dead yet. -
The young men of the `,` Brame Library Asao.
elation" propose to , donate $lOO to the sellout
directors, if said sehbal directors will fit !ip2s
hall for public meetings, library , purposes, &c.
A most commendable action on their part. We
trust that these young - men wM set up - a high
standard ut eicellance, both out t 4 the Ou'actctr
of their future public entertainments ; - and the
quality of their library seleetion!. Success - to
Some time ago, Prof. Buis and wife gave a
concert for the purpose of an organ*
for the Presbyterian clairch. The nutter has
been further helped on by d eerier of .oyster
suppers. The net procee4 are now sciniewbat
over $lOO.
'here ought to be a railroad through the
Wysox valley—not the political chimera of Tao-,
von P., but an actual, working railroad; and
we will tell you why and wherefore. Them is a
probability that we are to hate a coal 'mine ;in
our neighborhood., The overlying sandatene•
and slate have been brought to light at 'Centro
Valley. The experienced soperintendingrainer
is sanguine as to the exlstmice• of oral there'
The' work of-boring will be resumed to spring.-
oosi Wl* _ ono=
illatekfifgool44l6 all ;10140 •
Itiosiiitlit brow, rAbe' s agstrele 44 ( •
:norm "OmumartMlimillle Pit
110 6 141 0 1 0 1 4; 1 04, '
bliket OnlY 1
wisest , '...,_Awl)* .•;-,
blok l iel - f 3 P 4 9 1 , 1 . 1 r: A
1 • ;:! , 1 '
• • - "
A.TEsm-rchkr, Mg
up an4 t:l4l*
biaci jos 10P aisigwat dada* .
pw Dee ,ad ifter.
I.4t.tAtlon have oar* litsink
dent uble and • unumlyna
io mull. to
Driedll4, erTrifaili...uiric
kir. M. T. Run hn poinnienced his new eke*
which Will be oompleted by April Ist, tad bat !
Lair.itiihnii '4iiiiittittoblii,,oorlroMMAist4 -
zizioir Comm, giej hang , -opt"thefrildnglo
to the Pub& 4 4 MOW 4/ • Sigiiillarterto
bat in abort time will offer. extra baigains
with a new store, now thin, and new goods. Mr.
Pxon is the'right land of a io:lhead tininess
niantiaid we are glad to know that be is not
disheartened by his late iniskettnie or , Arty aiid
burglus, and with his new association we are
lurk that theArist.trill have,even a. mote Pical ,
pelvis success than before. .' ,
:iA pairing cell; ain>abbuF 47,:eclock 'Murk^
day morning dreppcd a burning !park on the
riiilreid bridge here which soon kindled initse
timbers. - sr.: W. W. Wmaissox, the night
sinning is distance of half a mile, inediseded In
keeping the ibunewilmo the 'idea ofihe bridge
by carrying anowin Ida hat till othcr assistance
11T1X64 he 'fibs ll*Piti4lolllllaoA7*
tiplll96 wviiiiiiiiilVlNFrieit, but;the itruotare
net nuttesially - daniagibir 'ilia it not
been for the prompt micetionalaUldr.Wiman•
NM the bridge , must bare keess totally dci.
Our discharged Soldiers :and Arailciti44 the
army orgailized ..tost Xe. 204 Graml.Anedr of
the Republic, id this pace Tutsdity ovW4i•
Feb. ht. Thoiy - organize With ty: ASV*
members; but its 'lumbers will rapidly. Increase,
till all oar " boys in blue," Will soon be baided
_fraternal union lhosi Witi:r3sive 'striggled to-
gather for our country's good.
4kr.swirr AiieusiEed quite suddeitlylast week
and was buried Friday afternoon. • r
It. HMON will be :hero -to look afteethe
interests of his praposed paper Ithiusd4.l4
this week. Ile has satisfactory encourageiiiiint
in regard to 1116. advertising, ind if suctimatl•
in canvassing for subscribers will commence
operations at once. •
•ctod is snob mere bar -Wm girt+
names of victims next time. • • NIP.
18. Reid Dr. Craiuea Circular.
BEEMAN—TITUS.—At the house of J. M.
Broaftwn, WyaluEbe si nn.g, Feb. 2, 1870. by Rev. D.
Cr, Dr. N. Beeman, of Pike, to lifts;
Susan Titus, of itiprhig Hill.
HAYNAILD.—At the reaidebee of her brother
in-lsw, A. J. Whitney, in Harrisburg, Jima,
lb/O, of consumption, Ellen A. Idaynanl, aged
29 years.
Thimisno akakist . loss or dain . -
age by Fire in the most reliable Companies.
,Policies written, and kissesusted at this
Agency. Joan W. Mix, Agent.
Towanda, Pa.
Office, north side rublictquare.
Feb, 3,1870-2 w.
• Loer—On Saturday kat, between
lifonianyes' corner and the readdenee of Mrs.
Adams, a black oil cloth Traveling Bag, con
s quantity of butts clothing. Thotind
e i r du &receive a liberal reward on leaving it at
thm office. Feb. 10, 1870-IP.
Dom` Rend Dr. emus's Column.
ConitEcTioN.-In the biographical
sketch of Dr. Clark, in circular, read " twenty
years" instead of thirty, as tho Doctor has been
engaged in medical study and practice since the
age of twenty; and he iS now barely forty years
of age. r •
ants.—The subscriber offers for Sala Ids vain.-
bhi farm. lying in.Litchileld township; ICO acres
snider. good stink of improvement, tile balance
h4avilv timbered with tisk ,and pl. • Within
live,m A. iles of the Pa. X. Y. It. IL an six miles
from the N. Y. Sr. EL It. It. Cob enient to
school, (lurch, store, Am Far . particulars in.
quire of the subscriber on the premises.
A. J. I.syrox.
Lktchileld, Feb. 7, 18i70-tr!
Enrrcia—Sir: As • pin Are
aware, we have been doing a Merchant Tailor
ing business in Towanda for' four month; and
did not advertise for two reasons. First, we
had more business than we could attend to
•with the amount of assistance we had, (but
now we 'have enlarged our establishment and
added to our force to. meet the . demand).
BeCondly, we thought the beat advertisement
was Clothing made by us and worn by our cus
tomers, but being every day told by some one
that be did not know until to-day there was
such a firm, we concluded that fur the benefit
of those wo are still unknown to, of calling your
press to aid us in inforining them who we are
where we are, and what wo are doing. On;
name is H. Maws k Co.,' we do burinenvin
No. 4 Griffiths and Fattens block, Bridge street.
We keep for sale a large stocker Cloths. Cask
meres, and Wettings • (and. trimmbigd to make
them up with) both foreign and domestic. We
manufacture clothing for men 'and boys war
to order Andy, in any And every style-desired
by our patrons, and at living rates. We keep
ourselves posted in "the styles," and are pre
pared, if yen wish it, to give' you the ultra of
fashions. For further'phrticulars east 77u.
'Merchant Tailoring Store." No. 4 Griffiths and
Fattens Bloyk, Bridge Streo,_Towanda,
Feb. 1, 1870., Hums & Co.
. • •
Los.r.Between the Ward Howie
and M. C. Moron's ,residence, a gentleman's
Fur Collar. 'File finder will be rewarded by
leaving it with the owner, W.H.I &VON_
Feb. 8, 1870.- Towanda. •
MattoTon's Iturrs-DAY Parry.—
The public are invited to attend a . Duly at the
Rummertield Creek Hotel, on Tuesday evening,
February 22, 1870. Good music will be in at
tendance. Bill, $2,50. Ps= Lastnageaes,
Feb. 9,1870-3 e. Prop.r.
Fort Sara on Rm. - T.—A house and
lot; corner Fourth and •Mirabeth streets; also
for rent, a house containing 12 roomson Second
street ; also two building lots for sale,. corner
Second and Poplar streets. Enquire of
Thal Co., Pa.—Tho socend halfycar(2l weeks)
will COMMeI4OO Monday, Jan. 81,18'70. .
The third term (14 weeks)" *id commence
Monday, March 21, 1870.
The expenses for half year (2( weeks) hielud
ing board, tuition, room -rent, hie), oil, washing
and book-rent, is 833 less 00 cents, or 8100 per
week State appropriation. . The expenses for
third term (14 - weeks) Including same, is $6O
less 50 cents,or 81 00 per week State appropria
tion. - • . _
Day a:relents aro eliarged ElOgi term (14
weeks) only for tuition and use o books.
- Board can be obtained in private farnilina at
13,50 to $4 OO , per week.
For catalognea, or any further inforniaticm,
address Cneatze R Vasans, -
Jan. 13, ;870. Principal.
Stir Read Dr: CLARK'S Circular
- air We guarantee satiefeetiofi in
all the work wo do. We. cut, make, and trim
clothing for 'men and boys wear.
Et Hanna 10 Co,
• - 4 Bridge Street. Towands,Ptc,
"A Business Ethication wino of advantage to
An-my man, Irritator= his !ohne occupationmay
The Wyoming Commercial College, esWilisl
cd in18611,-and connected with Wyoming Semi•
nary, offers a thorou& and coinpkte - alum of
instruction for these •dsthftg contmercial oda-
Its loCatiOn in the beantibil end . hisbnie:
ley of Wyoming, with its canal, thnße limit - of
rsdro . ads,xnd immense coarandedbar business
operations, afford rare 0 1Parlardtiali far young
men desiring sittuitions.
Our graduates are filling positions of trust all
over the country.- Young men have attended
this Institution
ft= this
neaota, and nearly every State in the - Union.
Our tuition for tbd.regtdar Business Course's
from fifteen to twenty dollars less than at other
Commercial Colleges, and yd adcantages here
Wehi every respell unsurpassed. .
We offer all the aid extended by any Comme
dal inti the cousitrylo graduates in ch.:
Mining situaons. -1
Students of t/H3Collegit have the Wyss
tages of the Seminary in regard to library, lit
erary soaletiesAi _ - -
Tuition for the regular Business boning', $45.
Telegraphing in ,connection, therewith, 810,W.
Telegraphing mono, $25,00. dtationery for 11111
Business Course, $15,00. Board per week, H.
Sendfor Catalogue ' and specimens of-T
nunuthip. - L./intim*
Fria. WOmbigilownineittislerelege'
Sept. 22, ISM. - Singsten„Ta.
tando,i - sodieweakimmt - 7 - 0 - 14 - 7
;sl ! _viewoonal ik ,„:"ol 4 Stove and
ISOM let* aMst utast oast,
AP1P4 0 00 4. F•71 144 1P - ioll - lho• ire
~d tit -defence anollin
big *eV 'ildealrydanittkm; is due to coal
dialers in other partgof Bradford, whose bad
ness is injured by those priedr.o
i S. M. Wutiza.
PlAttitiai \ lS 4 lll)4flitligiSti
It fibrils * Viam *Mtge to WI the Wirth*
dear to articleualreal merit, . In this
eo neetkin. we Mbisemopittronswhotire "bout
It ir e tt4 l I MO " iI AtN/q
diOefore buying Olscwhere, as triune,'
mid by W.l). & Co. • are really, the only Ind-.
class in everyresupptho, Dockat Brothers,
thunstlin. and Cbvirs' dPianos
buena, been - before' the for twenty
yoarsimilmoru., rip tot
PEAVI clam are known to be as igesr
as it is possible to . maim them, and. are‘graing,
tho most entire initisfactbnito al ot° havensed
them. Oar priors are low, and will soil Mathis
Mak OK Milifflt-Ornans from Mega SW,
40011/13.: ,-:Shiag,Masiss4lllol,
Instruction Books for' nano., Organs, Mel o.
dams, and rioting, always en- band: To those
whOtonlillike instratientolkorit other. A
not mentioned abrivir;liti *-
rand you shall have them on short notiee.
lksit,jadiestAllgenMemel, that Wow,
PYM , n , r*P o 4olo o 9.t an oter‘itriftw
tyyeaMin t e'above business." esntrat
siring done, Minuted. - , -
, DtroFca.
is t.
kitheit. st
094 h
coati hope Othitoiners.will not be offended
liadberodrietly-to the -nde—".aisktait4 the
order.". :Sind in your Order early, .so that. 4
necessary I can have two or three days in
.14011 I tli t i rt.
leelr.l,- 870. • •
38 6 ,0 kinds, A of §pices. -ROI*
curhugg,Atraii*, - 1 tve noti ,
inne_storiAidge istz %Nomads.
• - c • -„Viiiiimuz & litoozwAr.
ea. YonAngleve , moneyfimetrprit
thing in on st the Bed, Mato iiid
store. Try it, and satisfy yourselves.
"Sept. 8, 1869. StuusllALL & RIDGEWAY.
. Fos flus.—J. _R. COOLBAVGH, of
Wilkesellarre,. Pa., offers for sale the valuable
Estate formerly. belonging to Baloman,
Whitcomb, 'dee'd, *Mated at BeOttsville; Wyo:
wing cotmty, Pa., containing about 450 acres,
about 73 imp ad, balance good soil, well Bin
bered, good watet . wrcri ,Thefann is on
the river, good bucs, °retail): never fail
' ink running water at . the door. Beautifully
situateo. convenient for business— worth 420,-
000; will be sold for $12,000. Terms easy. Bare
gain for any one. , Dec: 3,1869,`
At the Red, White aid Blue
Store you will ,nnd 'cliwitis, Nuts,
Dried and Canned Fruits, Tobacco, .133., whole
sale and retail, cheaper than - the cheapest.
Sept. 9,11369. BIIAMILILL k 111DUWAY.
S® " T by the pound, caddy, or
.at the "fl e d, White Anil ligne7_Btore,
lkidge Street; Tcitintul.% ,
Jan. 6,1670. 136.txuat.t, h Rteozwey.
j Tobacco by the pound Or pail.
Bed, White and Blue Store diseotud to dealers.
Jan. 8,1870. BRANHAM ditroozwar.
TEAS, Tess.—A new line of Teas at
the Red, White and Blue Bh6re,'lll4dge`Bhreet;
Towanda, Pa. Ibutania4 it RuaFear.
- FLOM', Rolm—Abe celebrated
°screw' Flour, wholesale and retail, cheaper
than the cheapest; at the Red,' White and Rluo
store, leidge Street, Towanda. Pal troc • . • .•
Jan. 8, wstm. , .At 1870. .Bwa •
. .
Build up the churches! Don't
let the minister, earn his Money twice over—
JllOO by - preach ug 'and again by beggingfor his
just dues. Yon ran create an immense revenue
for the benefit of the cliurchft, and save money
for yourself, by trading at the Red, Mite and
Bine Store. T hey give one pm• cent, of all their,
sales.this year to the churches, each...l=4onm
to choose the denomination they lie.
Red, White and Blue Store • 'Bridge Street,
Towanda, Pa. Jan. S 2, 1870.
1166 The 'Oahe are e4utieliea
sgaind negotiating fora note given
_by F.
Welieit for 11,000, and endorsed by C. W. Clapp;
dated Oct. 1, 1860,- payable xis months -after
date. F. T; rat+E.
Athens, Jan. 23,1870. • - • ,
eir The next ten i on - of s the B r ada ford County Teacher's Association is to be held
at Mourcreton on the 11th and 12th of February,
the exercises commencing on Friday at halfintst
ten *loot:. a.m. A.' I'. LILLET, Sec y.
„ . . . .
• ” EIALUTATOSY, JANtiMrir 1,1870.
Como, friends and neighbors, ono and all, kind attention we would call—
To the NEW STOCK we're just receiving,
With tall confidenee_believing - - •
That we can sell yen Goods as low
As any east of Buffalo:
We'Ve bought their goods, and moan to pay;
And not break down and run away!
Our stock of goods is new and seat, .
And our assortment quite complele. ."
We've Coffee, Ssz, Samar and ,
Lard, Butter, and Hamburg.Choese—
Rico; Nutmegs, sins and Dried !knit,- •
Which we believe are Euro to omit ;
And Crocks for Butter, great and small,
To meet the minds of one and all.
We also keep for those who wish,
Corned Beef and Pork, and nice Salt Fish,
And Oil for tempi, also lamp nicks—
Browns, Brushes, Baskets, and Mcipsticks,
Berries and Apples,. Peaches, Paint
Willow, Wooden and Earthen wares,
Tornips,Dnionarand Potatoes, ,
:Cabbage, Beets, and big Tomatoes.: _
Wo also hero a good supply
Of fresh Corn Meal,Duckwheat lull ,Ityo, 4
And'Floim from every mill arciund - -•
As good, we think, as can be found.
And Taut, with which to raise your bread—
The best that eau be found, 'Ss said.
With'Syrups pure ind sell maned; 4
In qustititY trio:lit-the mind. •
So leave your ordii c : : areall or large,
And we'll deliver ea of charge -
But should we hero `attempt „ -
The HALT of what ne.have to sell, • '
Both time am space alike would fail us,
And every passer-hr ironld hail us , -
To know if we coula tell them more
About this new Prinision Stahl • '
The rush of trade would be so great,
From early dawn till evening late,
That strangers passing by this way. •
-Would think 'twas general &sluing day! .
thereforo . elose this hasty scrawl,
By simply saying: Pisan TO CALL,
And see otrr.Goods and learn our price,
And we'll convince Non in a trice,
That you ran buy Gonda as low _
As can be-bought •• Towanda. ,
Or any place—for .ADY PAY! -
Patton'. Block, No. 2 Main Street.
• • .r • ••
New Limtbmtients.
F OE -SALE AT . A :BAR G AIN.- A new dwelling bottle. alltaldo for email hold:
ly. Size of lot 76 z 100 feet. Inquiet, of the editor
of this paper in WY. BARR= apron *gent.
. The A.: =wed se seu entire iamb. Or Bed
Clothing. Pkttue Frame% 1 tr.. • al , Cali: alga hi.
large stack of Furniture. et greatly kedlired=.
Fob. 2. le7o. - • .AimsO. s
DLSSOLUTION.--rThe partiketiliip
hotetel'ore existing between ihe-tindersigned,
in the Mule badness, is Ms day dissolved, by 'lgo
teal conient.: The badness ww, .be conthitsid ad
Chamberlain's store bY William Dittrieh.
Feb. 8. 18t0.
All micros indebted to 8... N. note
or amount am 'repeated
_to el* immediate 1 1 /7-
ment or costs will be positively made.
Feb. 1. 1870. It. N. ASRINWALL,
WANTED, - BY TEE . - •
, - •.
- • OF IiiEWACIRE, -
and vlelultp. A - liberal arrangement will be made
with ergehtleamm ad =eulng tbepamaaw. getalldmo
'time. Calker
Wl3ilThlt A - JEWELL. idanwem.-
febll.2w 425 ebeetant Street, Philada,
HFr 13, .T.E R
airi4rei saucioi;
'Commences on ItONDdlt.l l 2:lBl7th:i. 1870.
Terms : English Mancha: $6 $0 to $0 00. 4.00.
pa ges extra. .Er.tra toeL. Dedactkak
made for abloom of •one chargq .four f th or
teidr:t whoa Mimed
by Wawa
. Ammar: 241.-aar, _
providoss %cumin's). Ela rift%
Mir C. a.
AIL VW. Mains* Matt ChmowPiekkireit
autollami ilatatog l Ilsodkal Iblibut. saa
is l=as
IX/WELt k mut
" I
Tigl=9l2= MgaggiSA;'
1 41 13 ** - pme..e. MAL;
Tr inY aw l
alt ttluoted gentlemanof mga 'Mending it' tioseo,
Mob*. entltbeLle..eimpeasilkieece- Or Wl**
vie wham be Imp, meek may makera lm eeiplibab ,
mamas ha tom b% yeoeV leakll AO
"Ilea MA AMMO' AndleffietikdAusx
PRAVIP 1 / 4 4
hejaideigroaipleanairalirbOiriniii tisi;
al 4.,vtark,
Pit., I Imo rkientic the ; Doctor for a number of
and cut snort cturertnily way. that I regard
bras a gentleman of strict int 44.:34,11 0f
order. and of riertplesaing Mamma
tirsodifina.`d:`i. Eudititon4-- -
Commonwesithat, Pistuuttlands. .41( yre
sentatines, listtistrarg. Ps.: ,
- .
To snots it mig coutoni: • -
111grtihin hag attli:thef
6stror, - Dr.-B. aut. [War pkahre hating la his
.belliat thin Iss In sit tua= 2l4 ,lonaliminit! a Ml°
!add qualitietV Snead .eat w.
totes. and of high protessionsi shading. I, there.
grokhesttiturssolaghtst c hien to, sn aialioi abaft
th may solvate : ' Tows. ice.:
)": : • inTOIPM/Or•
• •, . (From Ha. A. A. Ptirlait4.l i" • -
oOannotoreaftb ofPonnoylmots,,, &Mite C,Mosbor•
Ilarrbano 7a,•D, 1 . ; , .:", .
- •
• Mow, tie M latroduMlo.4oarfarorablo ormokkm-
MlMithe IMmtr;itelt - Clarit: Ma &Mimosa and a
Ordefaa of eminen c e, „mow way p. each
tottitted to yomemaddlondo•ono moppet,' •
- . • . Yours truly,
. ; - • "
I tyroraff.A. F 3l.3. s Ft.i,- ; .
• J . -•- . W . iyneaborg. Pa.
Vorp it oat Arbeciii: • , • .• -
tO'Our itertaaiW
segue .tßttalee with Dr.- B. , C 1 a% sad to one,
finarraine ate** of Igur its mnigernan talent:4
odueiatlon, of much prefoulonal experieriee
'end true =COIL Wiliby =Wm 1044nd perm
mane° he has won mar- 'reputation as a
gentleman and -a phyaletan which • entitle him to
• rreiwant. of Waynesburg College. R.
• -
firoM J. autau.j
iiiirrhktparg:Va.i .
. Deer 'filn-1 have nothing to 'send you and othee
Mends % aliowlhat I have not forgotten the hind
news of the past, and so concludedito dropyons
We Moro abolished thellecord..rerased • to print the
(lore Message , and are depriving ourselves e
et in the way of &instants to send to osty
oanatanetbr. -This Legislature will go the extreme
way of WA esn d uty, • • -
I am duad tri'd6 'm that *Mends
atoll have nothing to regret far their vezy generous
=itber me to -Skikda, law*. Taylor. Es.
Herman and other friends, and explain In/ renal
for not noticing them in the way of thitourrnb.
I would be glad to lour from you.
. 'your friend.
• .f. S. Minh*.
• " .
. limn Hon. Dr, Colter.]
'lb wham ft may concern: •
I hereby certify that I Bice been acquainted' with
Chirt. lt. D . for the bet twelve or fifteen years.
and can truly's/7 that be sustains • bigh chsrecter
in his lireprenderi. and further certify that Dr. Clerk
sustain* an excellent,,motal and unriiht character:
• &Ml= maxim Id. D.
Dr. Clark could present general letters of intro
ductimt from a majority of the prominent gentlemen
mid citizens of western lennsylrazda.. profesalonal
or otbeterbmo. but space forbids. -
The'inomineittpobbetneW Bradfordeocuity ant
either pomposity or by reputstiOn. apptaloted with
tho above named bona a gentlemen. .
All..consultation and F.Y OI I inations
of l ' atiezta inadi3l i' ree of Cbaige.
Dr. Clark examines and iikplaina your disease
without asking any opteetlons.: If hi understands
lour name Yoirkiwkw it, and cannot be deceived. It
ho cannot tell your 'Mamie and how you feel without
whin quostlozus, be does not considerhllnaelf coin.
petentlo treat your case. 3hts Is the criterion to go
by. mad patienbr should =Ube Winded With any
Other. This la the only direct and positive evidence
Ow ability as a Aicientlilc- physician, and by this
standard I am willing to be judged.
Dr. Clark treats no awes unless consetenclonaly of
the opinion that It can Ito. cured or .permanently,
Dr. Clark treats no aim unless be can describe the
disease and its symptoms without interrogating his
- lir. Clark Will trait no &male libeabinnicas he
an explain its character to the complete and perfect
athafaction of the patlenteasmlned. And. the Dr.
build hers newt positively state, that be desires no
patient to take treatments bona him, unless they are
to and completely gabbed With his constdtations
and examinations, which are made free from charge.
Dr. .Clark bases his ,practico sown. the incontro•
rertaila law of 'Nature. First—That every cause,
Ws an effect. fiecond—Tbat diseases are anises
producing effects or symptoms, and that every die.
owe , has its ownPectiliar *abets sr symptoms, which
if properly or thoroughly qudirstood by the exam.
fag Physician, can be .steady pointed out to the
complete satisfactionsof the patient examined.
Dr. Carle* method •of illagnating or explaining
diseases and theMaymptoma is only the process of
re/waning tram. anases. to, effect, and, hastwea ac.
alsogulled byilwr
an ough literary and medbalculture; and
by almost =limited praence in a
'of disease to which th e human system is lia bly ble. form
liy this proceas of reasoning the Doctor has 14-
Taal a reputation and encores In b eating diseases
- OE is Mathis quite a number convenient
appointments foe the bonen of Wads who cannot
.00 a long diatanco to commit Wm.. ilnd
this att... ppportnnity rarely canned. and one they
should not fail to take advantage of.
The Dr. ftwidshea all the nualkints, instruments
and apparatusneceawry for Abe auccessful' treat.
went of wry cue. .
AralL AND MAY, 1870.
Eric. Pa., Meld House, January 8,9, 10, 11.
Plttabnrg, Pa.. Morcluuda Mote/ Jan. 12, la, 14. 15
Scenery HIM Pa. Medical talcs:Jan 18, 17,1 N 19, 20
Altoona, Pa., P. H. Hotel, Jan. 21, 22, M,
Harrieballt,Pe., 11. S. Hotel, Jan. 91.25, 26.27.
wellsborp, Pa,ilVellsboro Hotel, Feb. 1. 2.3, 6.
Illossburg, Pa., Exchange Hotel, Feb. 8.
Mansfield, Pa.. Mansfield Hotel, Feb. 9..
Maga Bore.: Pa.. Harlett'a Hotel, Fab.l 9 .
Elmira, N. Y., Ilathbfin Etowah Feb. 11.
1)r. Clark has taken parlors at the Ward. MOM
Towanda, Fa.. and will be..lherc on Monday,'Facs.
day. Wednesday. Thursday. .Friday and Saturday,
February 14, 1-6,- , 16.--17../a.and-19.- 1.70 - and also
every Saturday durbig hia trip in Bradford county.
taster, Feb. • 21
Milan, • Tuesday, 2J
Athens, Ex. Hotel, Wednesday, '
Waverly, Xmar'n.',Thursday, , , _
Barclay. • Friday, :2$
Towanda. Saturday, ' 26
Burlington, , Monda " •
West Burlington, Tueaday, y. '
March 28
East Troy, Wedneaday,
Troy, Troy House, Thursday,
; Satauday,
Standing Stone. Monday,
lbuxunerdeld Ch*, Tuesday.
wyeiusing, Wednesday.
Browntown, -Thrusday,
Monroeton, Friday.
Borne. Monday,
Waren emits; • ' Wednesday,
West Warren. Thursday,.
Orwell. Friday,
Towanda, Saturday. •
theter.', = ; moudo.,
Eistangthnea. Tuesday.
Bentley Creek. Wednesday.
Gdlett's Station, Thursday,
Mosiercille. Friday,
Towanda. Saturday,
Franklindale, Monday,
Weet Franklin,' -
L e ßoy. Wendiseaday, 44
East Canton, ` Ilmrsday,
Canton, 4.Ceritral." Friday. •
Herrrcivn e,. Tuesday.
Stevensville. Wednesday.
41Prialt Hdl. . Thanstan
Xs/Wm% - FM- 1 M
Towanda, .... fisturday,-
• Monday,
11 1 :=, • .Tuesday,
Smithfield, Wednesday,
~, a toorodon. . 7101 1 / I thy.,-
New Albany. Tamar,- • •
Hew Era. Waxiest*.
Terryttsrtt. ...ThundaYl
Towanda. Saturday.
Itheshequin, Monday,.
Soatn Iltebileld; -" -*Tomb*:
Litchfield, - Wednesday.
Tloga Va/ley, Thursday..
Athena. Ex. Hotel, Friday,
Towanda, = Saturday.`
- • Sicarroabin % =Mcirday; ;
Granath* Centre: Tuesday
Orsmille Summit. NedneedaY.
. Alba. - - Thursday, .
Troy, Troy House, 'Friday.
Towanda,' fistrirday,
Lather's 1111 Th. Monday.
Loom. !Tuesday.-
Cobtmbba X Wednesday,
lnsflnvllls., ~ - ThnradaY., . • "
'Fowandoso.: HidardaY. "
- Wane. Monday. - "
- Tuesday. - - 11;
Ibasselbritkr ( Wednessitigr; ' • ' le,
- Madinat earinrira.Thexadas 4 - , '" l9
North Soma Friday. So'
Urinals. Ostardmr. Monday. Tnea&y. Wednesday.
..;240Folgr. nod. Yelp, y. Shp 21. 3425. , 21,16,,r.
Feb, - •
r; , ,
. .
- s ' ot 3 4
i s • -= -7 "
• X JAXII.Unr,I k , rrna ism_
OS TVS PCWAO3-0116"1134""U/01
34 ise • -- . •
. . . .
• - •
''' • ''' ' .S2lOO
Harlikprftwictr;.P ,; Str
0710 40
bigunC. .
Moot arsil4400100: • al°
Carmel Conacdsgaiell7.7. * • "* " . " 4; °D
- '' • • _OO DO
. _.
•Distele6 M404rez.......i -,..,.; - ....:.- 260 90
Tod 455 IVO .
: -, 266 la
tt0459 ronp.4 ' ".. ro. r , , -
-Trniniesuers .. .
• Ou 02 A
jsaurattee on Pub 54130415,94 , , 216 25
- .19441047154451.1ti0ns • ' -..- - • - : - : 08161
1my,e4m453#410:144‘ 5 n5 Gb 3 o - •••• . .•
~ , i ~ • isi• is 1
f•Nneoßocia aid. Gls .... ......4 .....-. 479.16.
P44409er1 micipport in. County JAIL. .. ... 4.:. 1265 - 19
. ..
ACCOUNP ioBB tke emonlabiredors of comfy Taziostketteitti of l7-."0211 ad for libe low 1869 asulPlllioss
._ . .
.. . I, .
' - I:efessidit dad Steorgie: - Newel qf Colisciots. -, i reel eftened Reairist twis'ai Per.Carthm.
-. . .
•••••••••:..—. l -............. ~..'........7.... -:......- —.. ...........
;Armenia ..•.. ' • ..., ' J. D. 8eecher......,;.• ..... 166$ .. 20 63 '. •so Gei ......... .. .. . . ...•...
aimungton - 1 - 3(nl - .."- --A; r Wheat.. - ' .''. r "'"' ••• ~; . 16 , 63 .14MI- 1 18 .Z..... .:. . .
Leßoy • Carpenter Hc: " iai1in 4 61.......!: :- . 110'97' 110 97 ..... . ... .'.... :.-.. ......
Terry ‘t, ' '-' '' ' Jonathan Terry...4' . •.s. .. ~- . ...-.. .: 76 68 - i 77-68 - ...
Troy liiirMigh -''' ' ' Charles P. !kyles-. ...... . . ....., 43 44 . - 49 44 ' ' ' • ' • ' '
Tasman' ' , C. H. Newman ' 4 '.;, .. •• 161.34 . 120 00 ' • --..-- U. u
Armenia" ''- '''' - ' Ammon Smith... - ' tom . 168 18 ,-. 135 67 '. . *2l -9 40
Athena Township • A. Weller '•t , • •.• • • 2171 011 2044 75 21 72 .107 - -51 .',....N.
'Alton B fr an - Mrk -, Charles T. Hull • ' 'l* ' - 656 52 .4119 27 .4. 66 itt 59 . - ..7..i.-
Aaryhurt . •' - t Isaac Ennio ' ' ' ' 1...; ' 669 21 - 626 25 - 10 01 - .82 WI- -
'Albany . - ' ' Alexander English .. . ..... ...1...... 435 62 ' 396 1111 la 21 :21 IV
AnalSortmet '''' '' - - '. D.J. Hanley . • •' . , ' 127 94 .. 120 30 129 3 31-
Barclay .1 • ^ John Weegot.- . . ... ,'. ... , . - .1 , ../... SO 00 ' 889 181 8 021, 46-80
BerlingtOn,Tornu d dp.., ...... P. P. Bartm.... . . ... ....... ... ;•• :.'•. ..'. 613 90 • 405 - 34 470 •31 86 .....r.
KurNll lo l l l l oWough ' - K. &Everitt •-• • • '- • 163 19 .154 12 133 6 12 :;....
Harlington West -J. A. Compton .. ~ .. ....• .653 19 . 521 31 338 27 50 ......:.
Canton Township
~'' Edward Cole ' • ' ' '1173 50 1100 93 515 WI 42 - '
-Canton Borough ' 1' I, 17. Griffin • • - 303 63 - 370.14- 681 19 48 .
Columbia- .. • - L 51. Morgan - .:. .... 1300 14 1916 121 .9 40 54 63 10 ea
Pnakild '-. , . ' " • nelson Gilbert.. ~..., ... : ... --. 44486 416 57 - 639 21 92 -
Granville • .. •-' ' David Bayles -.- , 284 61 . 743 73 1 : . 111 '39 15 ......
Iterrisk, ,, C. S. 5tewarr........ - .: y:.: . • .".• 531/ 75 ''- 519 33. • 40 6 27 34 .......
L L eßoy
• ' .....: C.E.' Andrus .. -. ...... *.: .. .. .... 635 70 - '621 73 -170 ' 32 27 ......
J. P. Munn -- ... .. ... ... • 509 23 760 79 840 40 04 ....:.-
/41131311 , 1110 - ' - ' ' ' ' S. N. Benham - - 1 , .. .. .; .. •• • • 162 00 • 153 77 13 ' 810 ....-..
Monroe Township' W. A. Ke110gg....... ,-•- • . - 719 es - 676 - 07 - 723 vs 63 -
Magna p9r,055it........i. , John Doughert y - ' 168 01 ..138 33 ' '1 35 •'8 33
Orwell - - L•'- Q. 1. Chubbnck .... 930 63 • 886 56 529 ...66 -,55
Overton.... • , ' • Henry Sherman, jr - 2 02 48 . 149 00 _l3 31 95130 66
Pike - ~( -• ',/ 'O. H. Crandall, ' ,-...'. •••
• 1199 Vs 1135 30 433 :32 75
. 1 ' Charles C. Thompson .... •: .. • . •••• 932 08 - 884 'lB - - 5C146 63
Rome Townarep SA. W. Tailor ' 721 76 ocasi - 981 35 601....'.:
Koine /161 1 / 4 211 • - •.- • - Zest Crandall ' ' • • lO6 14 -97 98 5 - 16
limithileld... -- . " W. R. Forrest - • .; • • 1417 26 1363 47
.. 308 70 71 -
SPINS?* - R. H.Gleason . - . 1207 07 1111 10 391 .60 '651'.••• • •
Stnath Creek ... .. W. H. Moom .519 51 490 r 8 22 - .23 82'
...;„ 11. P. Smith -
-, '136 15 123 04 53 • 678 - -
fihewhespdr• .. '• - • - Joseph B. Horton ..... ....,' • ' • - 1261 27 1194 71 5 .73. 11 1
Standing Stone Jacob,Eibuideton....-..... .... I • •.. -*3 49 399 73 1 20' 91 - 56 ....,.
Terry.,,, . ... . ......1 " Charles Thompson ... .... .... • -,.. '432 76= 411 21 • 116 20 591- - :'.
Toirmada Township .... ".....'.. W. W. Bowman.. i • • ' : ... . .5.23 59, 525 68 •6 21 2767
Tbwanda Borough A. H. Kingsbury .-: .... ..• - • :345 GO' 2364 77 .66 43 124 . 46 .1.... -
-Towanda Nor th ;... - - Goma 11. - UMW- ':- ~. ...... ....„ • . 424 23 ' 40,1 56 :1 53 21 14
Troy Township - " Hiram Itackwell - ;1..•• 1272 56 '1504 45 47463 77 -
Troy Baronet.- , • Jamewidant5............., ...••=.; - 7 6 6 35 645 00 '' ' 121 65
Taismavrs " • .:;...: -.. Joseph H. Atkins 1; - ... 662 38 = 426 93 245 33 001.
Meter ' Hilton Holcomb.... •r, 7311 97 657 92 237 36 681 ' '
W6iren ' Abram Whiliker - ' - IL low/ 21 1035 73 ' 54 46 -
Windham • ' Andrew Hand • i , . gm. 77 7337 gy •4 33 43 77•,
Wyelnaltrg . A. - C. Stevens- - "...;..:. 1307 611 1121 39 1 -, 22 02 61 28!.. - .
. 959 89 1 - 906 64 653 47:2 1 .
Welke lesseEdisall • ' ; ...• 813 291 800 46 - 3 40 ..42 13 1 :..
Mime* - •- .. G. H. Hotrowl,... • ' .... . ... ' -
- -- 1 nesu.siiievie
.' • i .520 37 615. 27 dB!
13 38 - ••,. .... -
~ - .
DR. .riLitni,ss rreniterer, in iteiivitent taithihe Cottitty - ofßradforif for 4:11. 184
• .. - By sinonnt renal:l4d unite:oo for /850 ' •
TO amount due upon duplicates . of um and '-I - . - mad prelim' yowl; , ll - • 564
previous year $ 766 73 By -amount evoneratxl to Collectors , 843 85
To amount of duplicates . for 1869 36093 06 (.. ~ • percenla - ge ".' .. • 1747 41
“- .. .. Itesssessments 77 37 i 1 • ..• • Orden redeemed. 21629 66
.• ..Incidental retsticals.. 462.50 *. ** ' 2 per ft. commission on race 492 41
•in Tressurq.lantuu7 1. 1869.... 131744 1 *. • 1 t. -.... ... _ on 834672 76 , 346 73
•! - - paid .
State Treasurer 6405 20
........ .... $38722 69 ‘. .... -. to Treasury ?snuary 1. 1870... 42
92 16
• . '''
Total:.. , :
. . .. . • . • .''
J. • ' .
' DR. . , Coun4Orders its accituti wildthe eau aim of Rrafrnyifor'A. D. 1853. .
To amount of Orders boned iffli 1889 ' . $2403 . 088 13y seri of Orders redeemed in 18e8 82480 16
!, .. .. " ontslanding Jan. 1.119 537 ' "•• " outstanding, Jan.l, 1170.. 337
, .. . . . .
. . , .
- .
. .
We; the undersigned Commissioners of said County. do hereby certify that the 'bow is a true Ind
correct statement of the receives and' expenditures of said County from the gat day of January to the
thirty-first day of December (tnelnalve) A. D. INS. ' : _
Witness our hinds and seal of Ogles at Towanda, this 22
ad day of Jannary. teni. • '.
' • J. A: DOODY..I ' .
4:ZRA 1A30M1.8, Corundsalonem.
J. 'E. HnIDS.
Attest—E. It.' COOLBAV9H; Clerk
WIRE CLOTHES LTSE&—Warranted not to
rust. wear. tare. corrode or Injure the finest fabrics. Is always d ready far use.. The weather dors
not in the yaffect it. It will last for 20 to AO
years. and costs but three orals per foot. lam now
prepared to put theatre and guarantee satisfaction
or no pay. If not called upon at your houses, ad
dress or call at Marshall Brothers. Hardware store.
C. L. DUTCHER, Agent.
Feb." 3. 1670
p,RE3111131 CHESTER
. . •
Pura blood short horn. Durham, Devon, dltlerney:
and 'Apeshire calves Herne; lionthdown and Cots.;
mold cheep. Cashman, goats, Imported Suffolai
Essex. Berkshire and Sefton pigs, and, all choice
breeds of poultry . for MM. Bond for circulars and
prima. Address N. P. scrims
janl9,3m Parliestram, Cheater Co.; Pa.
of ATHENS. .
Rooms oyes Post OfAco—lin. Hoyt 's old stood.
Athens. DM. 20. 1869. Agent...
W,HERE TO GET Tat: 31 I: • •
_ ,tio to ME lIIDETHIS I
His . - •
• I
- SUGARS, • •
- TEAS, • • • •
Cannot be
SYRUPS, ke.l!
trzaelkd ' • 1 '
yer a vary choice acticte of
For GOOSING zrraacra. •..
SOAPS; of all kinds,
And in fact every thing In the Grocery line. E,,
• .
You out always Ands choice article of
• ; F O L
"Y•'• tio Er ,• . 1
FEED. . . .
- • SHAN,
` MEAL , i •
J. MEE_ ,IDETH ' II • r'
.Dec. '69.—tf Towanda.Pa.
_a: •
- 137 . m.Ars srntxr, TOWANDA, PA:
.i The eubscriberrespectfully winos:mesa to the:pub
lic in general that he has ou hand a large and well
selected stock of . •
• OIL, , VARhISIUM - '
kc.. he.
All the popular Patent Medicines of the day. •
411 I
Tor Medical pi:titmice-only
Fancy and• Toilet articles. . .
Smips °revery description,
Therniermetenr, •
Bathing, Borgeoni, and Common Sponges,
Bah' Brushes_ • .
Tooth Brushes.
Dri aging Combs,
Pocket and Pine Combs,
- Toilet Poynter,
Par Baum
Tooth Powders.
and Tooth Baps.
And cithrosattcles beloging - to the Drug trade too.
numerous :o mention. baring the Agemy at the
To purchasers of goal. 'in their line.
Physicians priusr4lptiosui and busily receipts cow
=by persons thoroughly competent W - at
the day oenight.
Tbankhd for the past liberal J patronige,,. I re
spectfully solicit continuance of .the same, pledg
ing myself that no effort shall be spired to wake
any establialusent second to none in this section.
- br. T.l". Men may he cuisalted 'at this stomas
heretofore. • • • *T. W. bIIXOWN.
Jan. 13; bra ' ' •
1 , 2
ondettrapoidleftearnolles Unit all book recounts
must be .titled before the !but day of Feb. nest; of
they will be left foe collection. Also that my biud
nese will be conducted imdertbs Actu name of Wm.
Wan k Co. titer Janusz Arat.lB73.
ou draught at COWELL k NEER'S.
~,tatikplrAT:' AS -01 1- t5.114 - .'
' :
New lialiertbments.
I As mut-
Joan wannwrs
. 888 :11 • •
~ , ••.. • -• •
Primmer's support ItißistarstPrititreilkery 11, - , 970.117
tflosreseing PrMaims ta1,.“,.. - ..., :•! :.. 364 00
Public Pilatlus-, ‘. ~.. , Sea SO
'Prothonotary and Clot of Sessloos • • - '559 76
Repairs - 00 Publiollandhigif - t 625 Et
ReEree as pitithet 41169 - •'." ' . 7 . - F,llOOO
1/0r Eating ma& Iftesi BeralM•kilalthini • •
imn j ig
,' . C o llofirEasaa 414,01 .1941,,i.. ..259 61
state LiMatla Met - ' - • 235 25
etherll9,,for Jurors ' ' " ' ' - ~ 101 etr•
BCI4OOI and ' tax itpcmassted hods .--= 161.116
Teacha's Institutes as per Art of ame. - ;... • . 179 46
Wildest Certlficates ' • -
.. 215
Witham B: Dodge,late CeamdsaMmir Erie 0 4
o:oszrah •L 11 00 /79, dourer' -
...:::: . - eso so
• - - - .“, 3i 3 . . r . ~3 ... .... • 410 00 John a Mods • ''- ~ - ~ '
- 52 00
Mi• B. C°s4, l . llo o; o42 refe ol6l.ol a 4oo emt. 1190 00
..... _
. . . $34011 46
283 70
288 78
lurrert oei
. SUM 03
New Advertisementt
From 100 to 130 bnabein grown to thu acre.—
Weighs from le to 43 'pounds to the bushel. This
emit, has been grown on every variety, of soil. and in
every state of the rule.% with the most perfect sue.
' The gprasiipp is ,very large. pltmip and handsome. has
a remarkable thin husk. ani ripens miler than the
common varieties.
:The straw Is bright. clear, 'stout and not liable to
lodge, imperfect- lyelear: °e rust, andgroiris from 4 to
3 feet high f
We have both the White and Black Norway, both
I the same price andequany productive.
We aill send one quart- of the. above oats to any
address postpaid for; • .- • 51 00
Two quart. pert - paid.' - 2 00 -
One peck stilt by exprrea o - .. freh,bt. 3 00
Half bushl. 20 pounds. 6 Ott
i One bushel, 40 pounds, ' 10 CO
• OAOTION.-ms*.. Wt. wish it distinctly understood
that Mats not alight oats, weighing 28 to 32 lba.
raised in :Sew England; and sold nailer the name of
NOruan• but imported seed, every- bushel guaran
teed to weigh 10 lb, or the money refunded. . .
Samples of both kinds sent free fora three gent
stamp. Also circulars and testlmonals. Address an
t orders to . N. P. BOYER it CO.,
I • janl2,3na • • Parkesburg, Chester Co., J.
STOCK Burammzs.
Bound Vannes of thoAMMICAN STOCK JOUR.
'NAL, for 11160 containing 324 large double column
pages, sent postafe paid for IL 60 I
Bound joiumes of the American Stock Journal for •
1960, containity 385 pages, sent post paid forkl 50
The Dairyman . " Manual, sent) Pod paid for 25 eta
The Horseman's Manual. •• •
Tho Horse Breeder's Manual. .•
The Poultry Breeder's Manual 23
I The whCie thi3 . 21.1 6 / 1 111116 lad poet paid to one - ad
dress for l3l 00 -
Agents wanted, ti) whom liberal- btducentents will
be offered. Address
IC. P. BOYER 3: CO., Publishers,
Parkestntrg, Chester Co., Pa.
- We bare on baud the Latest and beet aelection of
• Fancy Poultry to ;be fonnd In the country. Eggs
carefully boxed and shipped to any part of the coun
try: Fur Circulars and prima, address. •.
N. P. BOYER ,ar CO.,
janla,nur - Parkeabarg„ Cheater C.0.,-Pa.
1111..0f the ..First NATIO:La& of Towanda,
Pa., at close of Unablees; Jan. 22. 1670
' - 1tE.801311028. • r •
Jeans grid iliecuunts • 6157,630 26
Overdrafts .. 2,234 27
U.B. Bonds to secure Mrculad= ' 134.000 00
U.S. Bonds to secure. deposits 56,000 00
L 7.8. Bonds and secuities on hand.— • • mob ao
Duo from redeeming and reserve agents.. 46,407 24
Dro from other Banks... :., ..... - 24,560 93
Duo from other),banls and bankers 2.217 55
Banking Souse:... 6.000 00
' '
rtirnitare'and Ittturei 2,000 00
Taxesexpenses 158 38
pila - 2,179 11
Cash Items Oncludirtg stimpa) • 043 36
Remittances. - • 1,946 30
stns of other National Banks 6.128 OD
Bata of State Banks '
~ 12,112 25
FractionatCruirency Dario /o”,g -nickel)... 1,036 46
Specie. Hs:—Coln - - . - 2,923 16
Legal tender notes " - ' 15.497 00
. • J . . $462,934, 14
. .
-'. I • turn:Junes. .
Capital ilicock paid in " — 1112.4.000 . 00
Surplus fund..... ~ ... . .... : ..... .. ..... 40,000 00
Discount ' . .
i . , 0
Excluume , 2 - -
Profit said Ica* • 1,1434 41
National Bank Circulation outstanding..." 111,130 00
State Bank Clomlathm outstanding......
Individual 'Deposita, • 162.6444
U.S. Deposits - ..
Deposits of U. S. Disbursing Officers....' 21,112 24
Dee to National Banks - ..... .1.11041
Dtte to other banks and bankers
Notes and Bill re-discounted .
Bills Payable.,
Dividends unpaid . - • 003 'Go
• ,
s I Es . = ,
County of Bradford. j .
I. N. N. BIiTTS, Jr., Cashier of the liirst National
Bank of Towanda; do solemnly spear that the above
statement is true, to the best of rol limoldedge aM
belief. N. N. BEIII3, Jr., Cashier.
Subscribed sad - sworn to before me, this 28111 day
of January, 1870. • W. 0. GORDON.
• - ,
est .1 .. .- -
•+ - Noy Pulkr.c.
- '
CAprm. • ' -$125,000. :rpm) • • 40;000.
This Rank °psi ISICUBUAL FACILMES for the
transition ore •
. .
nrr:Eunir PAID OX . Dool3lTft ACCORDING TO
&acad. Dais ate TO rag Couxcnox or NOTTS
.4(l* to an; *OM to any PUT 44 the
rp t e i r d eilit ati tiMner li4 Euro kl:T r Or illi.
drafts for e tbst purpose,.
• P.ISSAGE riciirs •
To or from the old country, by beat steamer or"
1310111 es. always en hand. - - ,
Zooms futocost prim sr naarcED nom
BOWS Prim y.sid for Miff asedr. Gadded SUrer.
. warn. ' , tamed. arrisai.•
Towanda, :nue 111, 1187. " Ceßakz
233 42
I -.--
1439 07
334 34
p 8722 69
$23626 03
Joemptt POWELL.
C. &.lirssztz, •
- DinCUM
COP ; S.
I 1 nat.
.111 sou - dams Dee. 211, M. 116 lir Anus la •
Court of Quota , Assime,mott Doom Pitto.
tor 1 4samitylnini/W8W1„4140
-I,Vthr 7. :- • •
•- - •
Aroioula, ;temp. • ialiest
Clardow e adii_ vw.s. A. 01011:
CUse.on. ~iv Ott' Um, Jobs.
sow Asitiew W: • 106 1 511
Tarkt. &Wk .
tau; evOrwel
erm-tri l i Mr r .-inwego
PomerW. L. P. W .2.rogr —
Tuseerork i dt- %Pim .
i tgo 24- 2.1 1 14.140Www* Waves.
J.lfaciroe Ina4b4P.- VW& 'Won;
wdwrtandoolvanierokceisynktx4: - •
• maardwi
Mbar* Tire.. nem Ifuudeber Ilbauf, Med
. Barclay, Wur.dialivay;J; it Tielat;111211111 ,
146, T1T. Roo* Janda UM*
Boro. tobw sown. X; - lipaurrer"=_
too Dora: - .l.C.Dairtn: yDaboalip. Jalimat;
Braziklia, David dadvniob:ol=2/kutua
Mond. /nada Strodbenir 'Una
ybui,,Wriu Mrhl MiAte. a‘rraVr :f4li4.4lldas.
bury, Joba I... Webb. - had Law TIT,
Darwbr 1 Darr" Itaubaci larara.
. andeteld.. -Water . PIM* Joan. Da
Phelps Jr.; MUM.
Mori Stares letkolisa:
Stow Byron. fitovesa; Thew" Jabs Clapper;
TowandaTim, T. D. - TablipTowagibt Micirtio, Geo S.
Mills; Vista: Hoary Mks: Wraidmilis lamb
Cid_bia. Lorne Jab
D ribiga, Abacird Trillovrir
Diy,"Saanrel ouglass: Inaba:2,lmM Mobutu.
Jame Obeldedi Welki,Jabos B, Dradol. .
mums won WM.
Armada. 'Ueobit. Demand; AThrOP. HirtAr a b.
loan. Ooa. dresigaro.Woa. Hawlitt
Cole; Alba nom Charter =Tam hs
Elam. John S. WHEihm; Chador Moors:
B O 4OIOOM EwP. Wm. Okla, m Cantos_ Ettp, Dallas
Cam. Andrew ilratte; Orrin Browspirrwatils. Xis.
ford dienwm; ,Ikarfek , Diatom .C. artlaras Moans
Tarp, Homy Crammer; Overlook Ammo Notrwreum
OrZ DlearY; allashaeltasa„
ant Jonalops, Meld , Ira=zursaidaz i
Dint . W.
C. D. Passage. do. Mora NOW Term W. V
Horton, Tiny Tw Milton O Loomis. Thrum liter.
rittatoy Dom Robert r. ; Mai 'Y.
Haw*: Warren. Edward P. • m. P. Amid:
Walks Wm. Brown.Haary . gam ;
Wool. 0. W. Green. C. B. Penman; •Whaßnis
Omenma Carpenter, Platt C. Tandem. • -
TRIAL !AST Fog . 111138IIAltY
Geo Duaenbory vs. John O. (kennings staL,..debt.
A /I Smith vs. Wm B Stotts dal interims-
Audio** Vanderpool vs. Nelson Vaodarpost—repl.
Coonnolllt k Webb vs. Caullehla Loy . .. . .mse
Fan Creek CCo TS J.lll Smith tcospeas
Caroline Hall vs: F D and Mary N. . ... ow.
oco'A Lent vs. Geo 31 Prhice....", • act A.
AMMO • vai MOO
BEM' Miller vs: Bensons. Farmer.. . .set ts.
James Williams Irv& Jos 8 Elliott etaL sd. ts.
That Lamorent va. C H Ames eta &spews
Angitittls Levis vs. 6 W Jackson etal.....•.trespiss
John Crowley vs. Jan McCarty GUI
J A Record- vs. Samuel .....ejectment
Jacob McNeal va. larael Smith tearer
Sent Brothers vs. F L
Mathis k :Ones vs. Jos Wooden
B 8 Busaell k Co TM. J 8 Andrews debt
)Vm g Hill vs. Clare's* A Wilkinson debt.
W 8 Dahlia - va Troy iL,6$4 , •.,tr n ,
Franklin man n . va• w ex.
Sa' ffhoreivs. Delos V appea l Cha s. M. Hall vs. Pa. & ;ark 1211.Co—Detnages.
John McQueen vs Win Elsbnie art
JacoltPassage vs Jaa 8 Mastin's
Geo-laogers vs. X. H. reward, et. al. ......
Hi Cue vs. Erastns Lovett
:011210torllm; vs. Pa & N T Canal St B I Cis datiseiges
A H berrah va. P 0 Proems etal trimpass.
Hugh Dougherty vs. Jos Dougheally:-. 4.... attars.
Lyman Blackmail stet mealtime liEste sB—dam.
Emily A. Bobbin', TM. Cleo. W. kneed-. . tune
Henry strive vs. Wilton Halley . _ .. „trespess.
Waahington 'Township Its Satitklatil
N C Hurls vs. RaiG - 6•14.
John Snakes vs ORP Disbrow. ...:
John Brennan vu. Pa k It Y
Cole vs Israel Smith, ' - Cave
Angelo M. Damon. vl et:el ' Ejectment
Ann Young ke. vs. Richard . .... ejoet
Waverly National Bank vs Francis Heidi...
H. W. Patrick vs Daniel—
* . Atom
Subpeonaa for 2d week Monday, Feb
at 10 mu.. and for ad wookillandsy. Eat 21. at
10. &m•, W. A. Horstaa. ProWy.
Is lierutry given that Indebt
ed to the estate of HORATIO J. LAD Meat Albany
tap.. dewed, meat male Inunediate — payment.
and sUlantoas having dogma spannet mid estate.
must present them duty authenticated for settlement
Jan. 18. 1870. .Adminlapretor.
AII DITOR'S NOTICE. ./ rph eis
Braces ism es .; : ti f#a Brows end C. Pt Drees.
Co. 4 5G. December lad& Is the Court of
Common Pleas of county:
undemeiguedom uditor._ lapponatied by meld
Court to distribute funds a libertili !Medi siting
from' Sherirs sale of defendant's red estate, will at
tend to the donee of said appointment. et hat oboe
in the borough of Toinende; TICIDAr, the attli
day of n 201111.711.1871. et 2 O'cimell pa. In, K which
time and place all_ persons bathe on said
monej are rap:tired to present the mine ar be debar.
red froth cosonagna said heed.
JAM 11/70. • Auditor. -
notice is hereby 'then that an persans Indebt
ed to the estate of 01•1111g1 DAMS deed, late .
Orwell tettinship; ate regarded to make immeill•
ate payment. and all persona krone anms attalnat
said estatimnst present them dab anthennosked for
settlement. DIIVIULLA. DAWES
. .
-Jan. •
.2:dtkte he hereby shed that all moots Weld
ed to the estate of CLARK JN O3 . et Mon
roe, deceased. aid requested to soaks =modiste m
utest', and all persona. hada( agatast said
estate tunst prreeni them duly sted for
settlement. C. A. COlll3lOlOB.
1. D. cuinusas.
lan.:.- Ez ec utors.
..a-d Notice is 'hereby given that all permats indebt
ed to -the caste of NXIBT. coons, hia• °Marra.
decoed. aro requested to maks Ismandials payment
and all persona having elalmeayinst andartate mue
prawn! them daly antheatimand.far settleseent.
itt P
Jan. 12, 14'0.*
virtua'at an enter Lotted out af the Orphans'
Cana of Bradfoid co.. the iteadassalgned. adnelalao.
for of the estate of James acamptait.theaseed.
expose at public sale on the • preasimat 121038 DAY.
MARCH 10. MO, at 3 o'clock p.m.. the Ildloadug
scribed lot. piece or Tamed at bat& situate la Lich
field township, bounded as Mows; to wit: On the
north by lands of .21elean I[c and Joseph 11.
Brown, east by Win. Campbell. south by A. T. D.
Teed. and on the west by IL B. Oarrair and A. J.
Layton; containing about 92 acne. 24=400 down
the ask and the balance on coahrandkut °Cede.
Feb. 8, 1870,
Wig Zstate for Sale:
FOR • SALE.—A: valnablt Water
Power. with • slop sad home. with y'. _ ere of
laud. now used for general tariek gieposes.
Location good. Power Is permanent awl free from
damage by high water. A. good loeslion for mann.
factoring purposes. Also a house and fi of an SCIV
of land, with barn and fruit. Terms mode easy.
For further port he. hentire of the subscriber
on the premises. personally or by letter.
GEO. T. ORANGE/4 Weinberg.
„ febB-4wo Brademi constr. Pa.
=T ye CliEAl! 4
.--Xreing tol , ll.lthattli th e under.
forl nith deep, about 1% acreZ
Wagon e rrth tai eels d
of land. Two good well., • 1341111 6 and plenty or
good trait trees thezion. This property le bated
in Etheaheonintheraft. Braltard. olthate. Pa. , on
on the river rood. and net a achootand
church. Proaenion &eft . For 1 ur
particulars rof th e •
' .G. V
. Vincent g , a a* e Tow = = orb, or Wm.
8n t tuin,l'a. .G. B. viNcn-r.
A RARE. CHANCE.—A farm with
11a crop reedy to harvest to pay foe it. A te
emed timber. lot on the place; softie handy. 153
serer. Barn 30:18 with • basement. House 111:26.
OutbstUdings two orchards (fennerly two hems).
Title good. Situate in South Owego, seven mile.
from Owego. Terms easy. If not sold soon will be
rented to a party that. will market the wood and
lumber. Western property taken in zeApa ii i .i, 'For
iparliculara addres 'IL B.
Feb. 3.11170. tn.
We offer for eats severzi luindred good PTRMS
and PLANT/7105T In Ye., Gs.. and the Carolinas
well located and healthy, soma with good Improve. -
mints and exits land—which we will call way deep.
and on easy terms. The prices nage iron Flee to
Fifteen dollen per acmand 001}0 rec will wars than
pay for t he h coat of the poverty. We will refer pur
chasers parties here who liaveibooght of- ns with
in the past few and are offeasd ad
of over Afty per cent. montba,
JAM yarticrieni furnanish edvance
application. We are now orgindaing s colony of
Pennsylyardans to go math nest spring. A good
opportunity for all good cabinet. A
party will visit the *oath rage last ofa
who wish can go at reduced Oboe Win`
to us. Ozer 53.000 acres of dest-dasn ask Ce
der and Cyprus timber on norigation et frees $1 50
to $5 00 par nay. Terms wry and ad Mee guaran
teed perfect. • H. *ALCM DWI= &PI
Inge» In - Weal Zonate, 111 Whine* street.
Jan. 12. 1870. Phlbeielphis.
TpA.Rm/ FOR S A tr• -By
meat of the Wes. the mind& rad =of
A HOS O. CORNEST. deceased. Mahe add Omit&
anetkin on the premiere, en THURSDAY. MARCH
10,1870. Saldfarat is beantandly Mamba, and lies
on the banks of the Sniamehanne_rtver, end on the
main road leading from Towanda to Albans. in
Athens .township. and contains ISO lens, with
;about 00 acres under good improaanaret. Time
:on the premises two good , frame &name Looses.
barn, diode; ahm • good orehard and ether fruit
trees. The Watts svabsable one, and la Well adapt
led tor liming and data rannoma. Terms will - be
`made known on eta of ask. Good end eulbrient title
Wen. Par farther particulars address .
• O. C. PAGE. Adner., or
' P. W. YLOOD,llflan. Pa.
Milan, Jan. AS, 18704w' .
Fon .sta.—The sabserthers was lir sl their
Farm, situated two nab. slat otea•
wood the . Me Dairy llernl Goa. bid bra contains
three hundred and twenty emu choice brad. discrlb
ed as follows : 160 acres etudes Gobsted. 100 scree
meadow. and OKI sass under tie plow. Good duel
ling-lichee and outbuildings. bags cattle barn Kiss.
and good bonetats. The iblest e = ei sprlngs in
comalay, ruining through a "wia
home. P, cspehle - oreePing row% Ind in
I an il ine from abbotgeGhseaslreeles7. Thrall caw
NU cash. balance in essacperweena ate per cent. la.
tercet. tegarences—H. oecosha, L Kamm
Greenmod. bluiPsory Co.. IL. or P. Ayer. Mahe.
gain. P.S.
- Mg& 136%—tr. _. B. LAMM
FARM FOR - SALE.—Situated iu
AThsny township. Broiford ca. Ps., otm mile
from o. Xendad'e Oda= Mid Iho thdliren k
Erie mood, coolslnins shard dip Germ *boot
thktrfise Improved. with tool boggling and it good
orchard thereon. • Well waisted sod piemsaattr situ
. ted. For farther ink:medal hinnies of Joseph
and Lod Alblro, - on Ponntses. •