Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 10, 1870, Image 2

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    . .
In P SIhMI - likinailL
t°. " iI4 " IL
—The ropeie seveOpeight mos
•• • -
-r-Arkinsai is in want of school- .
teat:bets and bladatoilthi. - rr.
--IKaPle sugar was =Ai/ad week
at asttlthwftgb,
'Lira& religions revi* is in
prowessai Peoria,llltools. •
--Lne goor . of N_Vit!ilOgtim, are
IogIon.• ,
.----Siir*Ogri it; $65,000
- • .
—275 new iln,ys were prOneed
in Paris daring 1860.
Newark, F. J., is agitated over
the question of a park.
—Gardening bag been commenced
around Raleigh, N. C.
—Georgia planters are in need' of
Lands to work their lands. •
--Contain Hall is about to make
another voyage to the Arctic regions. -
—Mhe members of the Bat of New
York propose to organimeanissodetton.
—Gottschalk left three tukpub
libLe4 opera%
—There are thirty-one daily pa
prrs publiihed iu Pilig.
—An effort is being made to close
up the St. lonia theitres on Sunday.
—ln New York. city . 391 Sunday
schools are reported, with 117,450 scholars.
—West Virginia has ad State
deb. She hag always been under numbllean
-cOorea immigration _Aid
Association" him been organized at Little Bock,
—The custom officers of New
Orleans have 3,200,000 pwauds of sugar coati*
—A colored joint stock company
has bought a faint near Auguita, Ga.
—Queen Victoria is fifty years of
use; Empress Eugenie is forty-thrcc.
—The citizens of Macon, lifistimri,
heti s v grand wolf hunt on the fifth.
—The British iron-clad, Monarch,
m 11l vist Boston and New York.
—The tonnage of American vessels
engaged in the whale fishery is gradually de
—An Oho law student who-num
ceseibay attempted to tiro on, 13 a wOk has
lgone crazy.
--Brussels is advocated by • the
merebanta of Berlin cc a favorable place for an.
u mural international exhibition.
—Chicago pays about $8,000,000
per annum or general and municipal pur
—The majority of oil wells lately
bored in Canada are said to hare proved
Saugerties,• N. Y., hao s novel
_lawsuit for aempes rendered in procuring s
=Th© British matron is indignant
because the British baby is to be charged full
fare in cabs.
—One hundred and ninety-two per
*oils were lolled in the ■tteeta of London last
year by horses and vehicle?.
—A Hartford life insurance com
pany hips granted policies to two men -whose
hearts ire on their tight side.
--A Mormon ,elder at Salt bite
Las a family graveyard in which rests in peace
one hundreil ind forty-eight of his children.
—The rumor that the California
Railroad has been sold out to the Cen
tral Pfrcific Company is authoritatively denied.
—The government sales of 8,000,
WO acres of - Texas lands, disposed of for unpaid
taus, brought into the treasury only 16000. -
—The New Jersey Legislature is
atter Erie, and threatens to take away all its
chartered privileges in that State.
—A luau was arrested iu Troy, N.
V., the other day for making sarcastic remarks
nixmt the police to one of the force.
—A Troy paper speaks of "A luau
with ono eye named Robert Welch," but does
not tell what Ida other eye was named.
Cuban lady, Dona Louisa Fer
nandez, haibeen condemned to death at Es
bats Santo, for concealing rebel chiefs in her
owie. •
—G. B. Phillips obtained a verdict
of OX . ),000 against the Illinois Centralßailroad,
for injuries sustained by-the explosion of a lo
--The English' suit about Mr.
Peabody's land icsaid to bean amicable one, to
Five -s* sure bile to the acres intended for char
itable purposes.
—A South Asurican correspondent
writing from Rio Janeiro; says that while the
harbor is swarming with vessels, the American
flag is invisible:
--Do those who pervist -mbeat
iug time" with their feet during musical tier
furtuances intend to convince their neighbors
they have =WC in their soles?
—The late hours of society are
attracting considerable attention in various
quarters. and efforts will likely be made upon a
large scale to reform them.
—ln consequence of renewed pre
cautions of the Jews in Russia, a great infra: of
those people ir.t3 this country is anthipated.
—The. entire receipts of hogs in
Cincinnati during the season, to date, are
=PO, which is slightly above the receipts of
list year.
Swedish tiittlers in one , county
in Minnesota hue sent 0000 to Sweden during
the past year to aid Mends and relatires Mem
!grating to this country.
—ln 186 Q the census placed the
total number of negroes in Kentucky at 23X
-167; in 1869 the State Auditor reports only 140,-
435 in the State.
Belgians think it disloyal to
have their sovereign's head , on their postage
stamps, to be soiled and defaced. The Mims
ter of Public Works is to be substituted.
—Millions of feet of logs are lying
ill the forests of Maine and New Hampshire,
alVtiting the fall of sufficient snow for hauling
them to mark 4.
—There are • now twenty-five log
ging camps on the north branch of the Penob
scot river, .4n Maine, giving accommodations
and employment to 450 men.
—Some - Connecticut burglars, after
packing up all the plate and jewelry' in a house
the other night, despoiled the daughter of the
household of her hair, which was long and
• --The people of Cairo„lll** are
.letermined to hare factories. They offer land
lots free of cost, and other encouragements, to
I.3rtleis locating there_ for manufacturing pur-
—Professor Johnson. of. Yale Col
lege, having recently examinedf sixteen differ
ent kinds of fepilizers, some of rrhich are sold
es high as f•Gi a ton, finds-that a very large
proportion of them err worthless.
—A railroad is be constructed
Stem Mount Holly, N. J., to Whitintes station,
on We Raritan and Delaware bay road, which
frill reduce the time between Gamden and Long
Branch to two and half hours.
. —The Union Pacific Railroad. Co' in
pole contemplate the construction of Ave hun
drea miles of now-sheds this summer, for
which. purpose five millions of feet of . lumber
still bc.repaired. There is an abundance at
- timber on the line of the road.
—One of- the numerous members
of the Bonorte family, after baring misucces
rally importuned the present Emperor for some
farm, said, in allot, "You at any rate have
nothing of your great uncle about you." I beg
your pardon, was the rejoinder, "I have all his
—TheAigging of the Suez Canal
wee mere child's play to ithat.nill hare to be
done on the Darren MRII. In the latter ease,
instead of level sands and niarabee, a hoet . ot
savage hula mast be hived, and the
vi survey will be en seLfevetnent carmen of
omtaape and ability. .
prefesilienal burglar in the
. mate% J., Mats prison, oconsirocied a
lasdrhie is Ms sell isbicb *Wads oonsidetsbis
attention by its wren , is bap sad coup
;laud pkco of , ;mord of word
cud rim, bar( oboe* rnoiloos, sad
bo ob by b b ra Wet amdisted in wire type.
Paris Mizz
p 0. 0 40,4 411404 4 a5h4s i s . Ur trl
.ux xvidiaakrits tam of pis //, Thos Wow,
lion taus 16 Us MOP 41, wbb al
rape mots 4rorr; br torkettarb air it
1Ar(4 , 6( 6.49 / Art u trord
• JU4Adski4.4 , A 4
jA4 tguipiwo.
=Nod Strider.
B. 0. GOODIIKS. 8. W. 114.1tolti'
Towsoa, Thursday, Feb ifick_
Georgia ha* wheelgtintp. *0 Pie
of Pate!! by -1111308 e the email
aniendinenbi to the Constitu'tion' of
the United States proposed since it
joined the rebelliqn. The Senate and
House met on the. to.
.aajaarameat, at 12 o'clock. A- oUm
nitifiCation from the Go:rector was
prOmptly milt in, accompanied hy . a
letter from Gen. Terry, in which he
announced' that he considered the
tyro houses properly organized for
the purpose of assenting to and cm:
plying with. the' conditions imposed
by Congress for the restoration of the
State to its original relations to ihe
Union. The 41:manor's message set
forth the political status . of the State
and its relation to the general Gov
ernment, recommended the adoption
of the fourteenth amendment, with
the "fundamental conditions" requir
.ed by the act of June 25, 1868, and
the adoption of the fifteenth amend
ment. The fourteenth amendment
was ratified in the House—yeas, 71:
nays, L The fundamental conditions
were adopted—yeas, 71; nays, none;,
the Democrats generally declining to
vote. The fifteenth amendmedt was
ratified—yeas, 65; nays, 29. In
the Senate the fourteenth amend
ment and fundamental conditions
required by the act of June 25,
1868, were adopted--yeas, 25; nays,
10. The fifteenth amendment was
ratified -as, 55; nays, 9.
This completes the number of
States reciired for its ratification,
and we presume the President will
issue his proclamation, in accordance
with the same, in 'a short time. -
A FEMALE Cams Hamm Eupora
-Ea.—The agricultural editor and ca
ne market reporter of the N. - Y ?Imes
is Miss Mmr Monakzz, a lady of Irish
birth, and about thirty-sir years of
age. Her father was- an Irish coun
try gentleman, and she in her girl
hood was noted for tier admirable
equestrianism, being among the most
daring riders at the chace. She went
to Italy a lei° years ago, and was
commissioned by King Victor Em
manuel to purchase him some choice
horses in Ireland, which, she did so
much to his satisfaction that he made
her a valuable present. She came to
this country last June, since which
she has-been engaged on the Times
in the capacity above stated. It
seems an odd occupatiOn for a wom
an, yet she is said to purspe it with
entire satisfaction to her employers.
portant bill has been iptroduced into
the Assembly of Pennsylvania. It
prohibits the carrying of pistols
whether loaded or unloaded, unless a
certificate from the mayor of a city,
or from a justice of the peace is ob
tained. The law further requires all
persons obtaining such permits to
register their names, their business,
and to specify the motive in carrying
such pistol, and that if any injury
shall result to a person by the use of
a pistol, the presumption of law and
fact shall be that the person using
such pistol, and causing thereby bod
ily injury, maliciously intended to kill
the person so injured, unless he can
prove to the satisfaction of the jury
that he used said pistol in the nec
essary protection of his person.
THE Nzw Dzmocaacsr.—A new par
ty was organized in New York on
Wednesday last, under the name of
New qDemocracy." The founders
base the party on the fundamental
principle of requiring the reference to
the pepple of all laws passed by their
legislative representatives, as is done
in several of the Swise cantons. A
shrewd bid is made in the platform
for the 'votes of the women. The
new Democrats favor the running of
all the railroads and telegraphs by
the Government, and the employ
ment of everybody who vents work,
by the national and local authorities.
IS. .They have a prohibitory liquor
law in Blairsville, Pa., paged by the
Legislature two or three winters ago,
and approved by a direct vote of the
people.' The law has been strictly
enforced until recently, when several
parties engaged in the n hotel and sa
loon business, concluded they would
-defy it openly. For this they were
indicted and tried at the December
term oflthe Indiana t aunty court,
The matter of course, creating great
excitement. All who • were indicted
were convicted and fined $1,400
in the aggregate, and fite of
them, including one woman, were
sent to jail for fifty days each.
Lmsoirrotts has again suf
fered death in the interior of Africa.
He was burned to death as a• wisard
by a savage chieftain, at least so says
the dispatch which has its foundation
in'a' report from the captain of a
British warressel stationed on the
African wait. After so many false
reports with reference.
_to the
traveler, most people have become a
little .cautious about accepting for
truth What, has thus far turned out to
be a fabrication. We have strong
hopes that the Doctor will again "get
out of the wihlernesanquite =harmed.
liirSenitor Beemisw hal read in
places bill to repeal the law passed
at the last session of the Leigisdature,
requiring. Railroad companies to fence
their rays. We do nert belie' re it
can pass the-HOW, at least so fares
it relates to this comity, but it will
be well enough, for the., interested
in the matter to make their wishes
linmen. • Petition* mity- be swat- to
tithe/ Ur, Weiss or Mr, CIILMIONMAIL
learned theology Ivnietaeght *pew
notecieeose. As a num of the age
and of progress I protest against the
doctrines of the hsuits, which cot
those of the Church of Jens Christ.
-TheChnrelk slaadd -uot r ,canauCput.
science on the,index.",_ These words ) ,
the, conTespcnidfmt. sip, will give , in,
idea of the - struggle opening and dai
ly expanding in the:cOuncil,' , ao to
which the malcontent. Ilishops, per;
ticularly those of. Germany. aud - the
United States. are at each meeting
giving more and more
latest from Rome is to the following
Roza, Jan. 28, 1870.--EkoriO im
portant news hag trap:spiral iiirefer
eitce to the business before the :gcu
menical,toimcil. A schedule coin
mtmicated to the Council propome
that the Council shall declare that
the Pope, by virtuo of his office as
the Elected of the Church, is the ab
solute head of an 'lnfallible Church;
infallible as Chief Prfest and • Poten
tate, euperior to and independent of
all Modesties' Conneila. The ached
okamliniis the divine` right Of all
'Princes, and recognizes their royalty
comes by the grace' of God, '
The theory of universal suffrage as
a political dogma is reprobated,. azia,
the manatee of the Church will 'be
opposed to it min conflict arith the
true theory of the headship of the
Church and the Pfintifical infallibili
ty. The temporal power of the Pope
as the Prince of the Roman States
and an independent sovereign is rec
ognized and= defined.
No discussion will be allowed np
.4)n the report of the Commission
charged with presenting and remod
eling the schedule. The members of
h the Counc il will merely vote "placif,"
I or "non placit," without debate.
28..Salnave,the President of Hayti,
was captured , by the revolutionists
and brought to Port-an-Prince on the
the 15th of January, where, after a
brief' trial before the revolutionary
tribunal, he was pronounced guilty
of high ,treason, devastation, AM, and
sentenced to be shot, which sentence
was promptly carried into execution.
He had been the President for about
three years, luiting been the successor
of Getfard, whose rule was also forci
bly overthrown. &brume was a man
of great courage, and about 48 yearal
of age. _ , He met hie a hero,—
Hayti has been undergoing numerous
revolutions and overthrow of rulers
since its independence at . the begin
ning of the century, 'but seems to be
steadily advancing towards enlight
ened liberal institutions. But they
haven't much of Greeley's unbounded
charity, and accounting treason a
great crime they shoot the man they
deem guilty of it, a punishment which
is not visited on such criminals in the
tnited States.
liiir The Domocrats of-,the Legis
lature are coining to the support of
_Lowry manfully, and if they
have-a bargain with Lowry, they are
performing their part filithrully. They
have enabled Lowry to make fino
progress with his new cOunty,of Pe
troliS, in which he is said to hive
heavy personal ' interests. Lowry,
however, if reports are correct, be
gins to despair of carrying out his
raid on the treasury, this winter, in
the interest of his pet canal and--
himself and his "buddies." He is
said to be very much displeased with
the press, for exposing his pleasant
little designs on the treasury, and to
have come to the conclusion that the
necessary legislation must be post
poned until next winter. The Dem
ocrats, of course, from habit and 11/1-
tare, are ready to go with him wher
ever there is a scent of plunder. He
is now in the right crowd.
Bel'Letters . from "Wheatland,"
near Lancaster, Pennsylvania; where
Mrs. Harriet Lane Johnson, niece of
ex-President Buchanan,. is now so
journing, state that his Royal High
ness Prince Arthur will visit that
lady within a few days, and that fit
ting arrangements are making for his .
reception.. Whe n Miss Lane Was at
the head of her uncle's establishment,
while he was American Minister in
London, the Prince was not much
more than a baby. This was in 1854-
'55, and part of '56, but she was well
esteemed by Victoria, who has, - no
doubt, commissioned her son to pay
the niece of ex-President Buchanan
a friendly visit. The portnit of Al
bert Edward, Prince of Wales, pre
sented to Mr. B. by the heir apparent,
is now the property of Mrs. Lane
Johnson, and will doubtless be pres
ent at the Wheatland honors to his
Mailmen Err Eff TBa Lamsurrax.
—The Legislature having finally de
termined not to have their proceed
pigs published as heretofore, and
there being no law providing for the
printing of reports, then is no 'Vast
ing and folding•" to be done. Thus
the people are relieved from a heavy
burden. The transition frOm extntv
aganee to economy seems to be a lit
tle awkward and -unnatural for the
Legislature, but we here the effort
mil be persisted in =firth°
ined land" shall he reaclui, and the
people can rejoice over a cyan that
shall put extravagance and- plander
out of fashion: - \
ssahe =nem WI which passed
the Semite ou Wirlnstslay, by a vote
of thirtj-nine to twenty-thre% author
ises the issue Of $45,000,000 addition
al notes to the national *as, under
regulations defining the distribution
of this saps and theuoiditionsUnikir
which ate to be told.: alai au
%mime the issue at :0411 motet- and
*Watts* the "[timid* eisetilatiOn of
the Statists.
ti. tidied lijies at thib
astrietaaftlie trolled Stales. by virtu otthilleid"
Nis dim** al Mb. tl• visaed mad
idieriets oat kits the itipalsitmal et aisistusto
Ida Om: ullouvAAMlArrahle the 44 741 01 4 14 1 rt
W4 l l Ike PlccAa. *it eihks4oo l oll
)711ify j ' die Oaalli Or details ow
boiled to thireielnie • • -
14 " 110 0 101 % 4000/041tiallidialk. e: _paoeeie
'toes: A WNW min,bll.lko Soi, WAS
ta• idawesone. vitas mould: bp* :tima 61=6 ,
ee ewes*. 'Vitali* gria'l,, 4 sarsikahr
tielsaa~rtehts*ititledtie*it Otaallf morel;
00.101.1 L 116 lollik perol4ll . lo wow item we
4411.vit. - 3 • 4 1 . 'C 3
The_ hmetzMwouNirwiliNSllkwtheithellor
its pm sorig,pw boilikla of he .
aiN*Pfrilit% rltle4g ; '
.bit *Er.
the; Haw.' The Mr* at thithtetehithik Atigtheth
told thigietilath see iamb* "Mat WOWS
'aribusni.sisisioditioa et On MEMOS prhoesk3
gel feerweeldtheraillate tha thethhth
*lox" *or Olk 4e° l4 #ff, "In l 4 l o l
coriphithig 4the P ° l atela .r at
=bog* mid With faihilie o pen totem to
the malty *bete ritibitiett 1 ; that
eater molt a hailhe eity open Iraqi bath &sad
•thealige wet them. tithe WO pelaate tie mot
eat tetta.The Agekadtatal 1 4.0 11 . 111
at4 146 0 ,4r a tar Poll14,1"1444/1_
IS Uset_
ode et the awns of the thipeet,tha Fed Of
piloting sat Wall* to with ea 'death; hi'
theft The cod et the liatrepord leek hi stated ft .,‘
MI Mita pl iMPY.
The lodide* Comelier. men
htll meshes the Mt provitheeetthe hiatietadon
CoeswN.dbb ilb. •e4k,s lag Ca =
the t th pe Muth. at* th e dial* of 11.
1110iAlt impaling thingiiiiPtisititimisitiotalits
oticadin toe /stemma togn*coalber*esasted.
hie Isameid the Math, ma gat so doubt pees del •
thuds! • - - - • - ;
bileenitioe toss ramble source: rhYs tt* the'
Cossainee of Wey. ead Neese will mge aterowaile
"P", upon the I"T as 4 l°ll' abillo 36 t. 4 "age
Mum* to repeal so:ma of the Memel rewrote
law es provides ilottbe ensplotawat of spiel or to
formers iatbe internal revesne service. aims:
; The time of both , Hauser of the
Legislators seems totOalimiiitMitire;
ly. occupied. with private. busineis.
The Philadelphia Police iim;::whiai
had ',previously passed - the Senate,
came up in the Rouse on third read = 7
ing an - PridaY, last, .and was passed
by a party vote—all the democrats
.voting against it; Some of .the
'visions of the are objectionable to .
Itepibliesits. Many of the
can dailies of Philadelphiasare calling
upon the irlovernor to veto it.:
Mr. Bowirsx has introduced a bill
urging Congress to accede belliger
ent rights:to thaCubanii. - Mr. Joint
sox, of CraWford county, one le ex
tend the charter of the. Erie Canal
CoMpany, as follows -
Beflenacted, 'fbat the 'charter of the Erie
Canal Company is hereby extended, from the
terminus oftheir canal, at th e mouth of Beaver
river, to littabm, with power to ernwirnei &n
-ether canal on either bant of the Ohio rim,
and construct locks, dams sod 'chutes .on, said
river, and maintain slack-Water -notation on
the Ohio, and such portions of the hany
and Monongahela rivers as maybe necessary to.
form navigation within the limits, of Pittsburg,
of not exceeding eight feet lower utlet lock of
the- Monongahela navigation; Provided. that
thelocks shall not exceed three hundred and
ftyfeet in length and seventy-Ave feet in width.
That no tolls shall be charged on boats not us
ing the locks ; that amounts for which - mort-
MtVahtligued on_the espie n ti e n; a i i rreased
Per cent
House bill appropriating $B,OOO for
the completion of - the history of the
Pennsylvania yolunteers; passed on
NEW EPIDENIC.—The city of N. Y.
is not a little excited, just now over
anew and• frightful epidemic which
made its appearance there early in
December last. Like typhus, it is a
famine fever, occurring in times of
great distress, and attacking. first,
Members of the lower class of com
munity. It ordinarily begins with a
chill, which is followed by the =nal
phenomena of fever. These phew:ire=
ens continue to increase until after
three or four, or sometimes six days,
at the expirafton of which copious
perspiration terminate '
_the , attack.
The patient then remkina free of fev
er, though often feebleand ailing, tar
atemit the fourteenth day, when saw
ona: intervenes,- ; followed by
phenomena_ similar, to those of the
first attack. , Sometime, a second re
lapse occurs about tthe twenty-first
.day, and cases are recorded in which
three and even four relapses ha*
been observed; Thonik the ump,-
tome, while the fever is on, are vio
lent, the pulse.very frequent, and the
temperature high, the iliseese is at
tended rith Comparatively little dan
ger--the mortality commonly not ex
ceeding four or five per cent . Re
lapsing fever spreads by contagion,
and the higher classes of society are.
notsectm When it
. biecomes r i p epi
demlc. When it assumes the , epi
demic form the mortality is much
greater than the per cent. stated
above, often reaching fifty or sixty
per, cent. of the' number attacked.
This seems to be the- case in New
York city; and, =hie smallpox, there
are no preventives known. The sad
den appearance of the &cage has giv
en the physicians no tinisC to post
themselves on its chiracter, and they
are likely asihe masses tobe attack
ed by it. Seventy-az new cases
were reported to the Health Officers
in New.Yorkk one day last week, and
5 • in great-consternation.
Cmszes Tauxestna—The London
'Standard, of the Bth instant, says that
the Chinese Submarine Telegraph
Company have determined 4 1 lose no
time in constructing that part of their
work lying between Shanghai and
Hong Kong. They have been stimu
lated to action by feat that if they
delay longer the Americiut
_line will
anticipate them: He gays an account
of the doings and.lintentions
. of' the
corporation having its headquarters
here some time The Standard
says that . telegraphic _ operatins
were sent out by it,and that the
scheme was postponed "only> by the
*gamy Of busiiess at, hoors. 'lt adds
that the facilities for einniunitimtion
betinsen San Francisco and China,
,a Gabbs between the southern
'colony and the, northern Mittleinent,.
and, that it can be advantageously :
worked indapendentlj of the line to
Europe 41/ 12 thilitTnloke i!!attqued.
by the (=rant British, imitroventint
Of an American idea, it certainly. de.-
inonstrates the soundness of the be=
lief ou which the idea was predicated.
15s4Amy, in connection-Oth the prize._
The fernier:lllmA Midis
's ties Mink
.1 1 * 104 ,1 1 4 ft
,io t onialm honk f 0 thslintlatAX9Wl
liiiii;jvung, blend indestholie,iv)At
theWiMetiiiiSlMAOnld he c i#l,4lo.O .
04 1 *..V.44*4
red4:',144*t9,4004500 - o*,
*Lim at home and to *fithatoer.
thetas '4Wfi,iteigipplier toward
thee: .cleinetita Minglidp i mA
Morii; as Primv who manages the .41i7
'Thi44. 1 0 , 1 6 ** 1 40 ,4 ** ,1 04;
iPiPiSa::isaY#'t44.lo4l:o*, FA.*
Olutely thrown, and. this report l
is as old srlds candidature.; zr-tek, l
is • • ' 7 "
!#W. Ledger Alnianec
'"lB7 o, issued by. WI o * (4 . .7( , ,d
gawp- for: gratuitiins.,#ariknoion‘
ornong his , subscOcmcontrinamore
vahtable interesting
8 4diatiPswo r t:' 0 0 44 * *' 1
that 'We live - ever seen: We are /
much obliged to_thepublislier for the
copy sent us, and no doubt sneh, Will'.
be the feelb 3 B4..i7gr •=804.740is
fortmtAe - inough - to rem - yeon& Mr. tuniounceithat" hereifter the
"Public Ledger Almanac" will be is
sued yearly.which will be gratifying
news to his 0000 Subscribers. If
enterprise and merit, Controls the in
crease of his subscription list; 100,000
copies will be nCoClllU . fninish each
Subscriber with an ahmuum for 1871.
THE Wrirmn os REOORD.-:•
It appears from records of the weath
ex for Peet rePi; that the wa m *ea'
ther of this winter was. exceeded.,in
January, 1790, when the average or
medium teinpereture was 44 degrees.
This is the mßdest month of January
on: record. ;Fogs prevailed Iraq
,much in the teeming, but-a hot sun
soon dispersal - them, and the mercu
ry often ran tip to 70 in - the shade at
nudday. Boys were often seen swim
ming in the Delaware and Schuylkill
I rivers. There were frequent showers
as in April, some of which were ac
companied by thunder and'lightning.
iM,The i Senate . Postal Committee
having agreed to, report favorably to
the - passage of the bill to establish
the Mediterranean and - Oriental
Steamship Company, there is every
reason to believe' it will pass. both.
Houses of the Legislature 'without
unnecessary delay. The bill gives up
subsidy,. and by . its provisions the
company is to cOry •the mails . at the
ocean rates of postage.:: This , is a
movement we can but commend, and
I ono which, we feel, every 'person in
terested in the commercial prosperity
of this country will assist in further
GaTtoz M. , Wuurrox died, at his late
residence, in Philadelphia, on Satur
day, after a protracted illness. • Mr.
Wwarrox was one of the most emi
nent members of the PhWelphia
bay, and a most , upright and estima
ble citizen. A wide circle of, relatives,
connections and friends sincerely
mourn his death. His health had
for several 'years' been percepaly de
clining, so that his death was Lot un
expected. Still, its occurrence is pro
foundly regretted
lii..Ex4udge Wu Sraoso, Phi'a
delphia, and JOSEPH P. Baanr.zr, of
Newark, N. were nominated on
Monday, by the President, for Jus
tices of the Supreme Court of 'the
Unite . d States. .
- Uremia:Nero& ——The 'Post
master-General reports that in the
month of January there was sentfrom
the Washington post .iffum over 237.-
000 franked letters, at, a-east of ahout
$15,000, and-150 tons; of printed mat
ter, at a cost of $38,000. -
The Senate • judiciary . Committee
hold aspecial: meeting on -Monday,i
to consider a bill for the admission of
Mississippi, and will' probably act
.upon it so that'• the question can be
disposed of by the Senate before ad
pinning on Monday night. - •
The President. to-day issued a proc
lamation of the- ratification - of the
treaty between the United States and
China, and giving the full text of the
THE Emu6ricar, Corucm.—Roam,
ed here, has a 'remarkable art& en
titled, "Les Minnie; Politiqtres et le
Concile." After referring " to' the
menaces against the 'Ecumenical
Council establishing decrees 4,3lltTary
to modern ideas, it Bays tho bishops
despise the menaces. If the govern
ments make laws at variance with the
decrees of the Conn 4 I tb.e slabjects
will; othe held to observe them, and
to exact`obedienceto anieh laws would
be odions tyrarmy „
If the` govern
ments separate Cinreli from State,
they meat eapeet terrible revolutions
to crretthrow them. Prance alone
has been trite to the Concordat; and
the Church will bear this in mind.-
•-•• sir The- New York . : Legislature
proposes to hand;over Vie Hemming
of liquor deUlere to the Justices
the peace. In view of the welllouiwii
venality of New York city justices it
world have been as well for the Nira ,
York'Xiegilditure to lime( th**"edict
ffiltee:lvl"o:ilioiliVoit.ille St*
at, once. The-.sptutu "Forma
the: traf c.
, .
-The te4,614 Calistitu*nial
.'PguireptioU ikaa.03144: eCanatitu.
banal: Amendment - granting .:Vai
sal Suffrage. •
Wail —7 .... 11 r 1 " 11 4
tea ;lASI 1 II
Wymesk fisaia-Mbiattello. soma. _
ass aims Ilea Mos IL,fClever r oc
ralbrAlime= ivoma ns .
varit iiimeturvim
.2 Amid dik-, Gams ,akerdiad
1 34! Meta - Mit mad- !nada.
Infllianittataa tensta.
la(05411, mit dank astrlia. Wide
Inf WNW camr,r ll .4lt
adiltalrit opal aid madadlinnat:
Mei likar .-110111 1' 041 THOM Mo. I
%WWI stlMN6ll4olo4.olnedLnd
Imitator, asa at us loatbms Wane low&
4ittnilief &IV etli-AimiWalieritAlt ) p llse
m r odio ndis Va t ie f or- h IT am a P ligs r
voreirumn - tar
_piataida di ia atan.
laits den sad aairllndf asorof itieta lit abet
ri s f a tt= „ 27l= l. ts
Suismal Older .oaaab littak:uad,dttardNe.
laradart SW& Idttigt a#IIIMI.I4 IL god
,1100110 014 -"Pdtliat "oldies. imbieli
lem SU Awe Is be sem. las lobar he Jolt.
M e jit Plard
i Zt i kill p ir
4/awift als - WAL. le
Tan' =AO for Match; t
idadafenhaPikv , tellt•alealttaam 'oat% weft
0410. foesid*llbiank 04kb Win aisoamak
.-kasiltkas Asir at Itat'a4 thudbanaad. 'l3lle
godonus,. astribith LI, alai* Ildeadmea Nowt
ekNdogiritti 111,..0k sod lige
tiXe• - farcar duo. tee nthda
nkL-taP Wali s arnat. SEP A _ lags
Jour, at apt db.. tad itlitntat. lar
Weateta,' dant wader*. Mate. {Mate. In
Inatil ic rt ~Oa- (dataff 114 114(4 1Mb
. ,
Glamr - 1
Thiiabserniii faitestablished a new Cod
Yazd in 0111/11111i CI theibricanido 011eienitittannt
6113 1421 93;' 13 4 grief° W . /11 5 110 81 50 7 PS, •
'at Tin tares
4 - Pismo sr i l iszo. • • -
Baid Eat or,No.
nom: or Nos. $ mil mixed ' • 514-
ebeebrol: of No. 5, x '
Peek ' • i• • 3 35 _ •
The following additkami dorsal win be made for
delivering Coal within the Doroasti smite
Mu... 50 do.' 'ISM' albs eta,'
Q r. ~
.25 114 .45 • 45;
crteave" Orders tenni oig Oboe. ixaa.lfer'
ear:nNeclllode.nizt door to. G. U. llroodb half
'ear° Mem sanak in an dues, be accompanied be
Towanda. 7e..146. T. ; -
T:v7 ,
A antic of akvir crop l yses. amaklikkg of
- . E'.4.S • -
Jost imbed obieliss cad by me pakok. oadd7 on
eibeskTerynimop. and vanantad to give sailatio.
lids MIMI bonsai. Chassid see.
Also tun vomit** pjS . , •
. - MEAL, AC. ; ..,
Which Ire Wadi atprices to =it the them
Feb. 2, 187u-2m LONG 'C
- -
cc - t:4
-tz , ~ 0" a 4 •
. ~ : 4 4
r„ g
, - .
. cz I
/ .;;
w i
. g 1 ta •
• X IS 'X
On gi
n•' E . Ai g:
t ,
lei .
, •;a1 .4
1 4 1 . 1
P. *.l
r 4
IQ: $ WO sctia 11.0 :1-1-111:1
The very beat iv:Lilt:ties Of
Bum, Balm, & &arca
A 'grad toe* of the mad pope.
lir brands at.. ,
PI P E t
of alatteg ereti desalpects hcm
OMEN' Mizasciutru !
commox CLAY
Perheluseellention' Ovalle gap.
pines the yenta of doles lost
Tovenes. DK. k leek
slam sad wasp mots. et •
Mara 10, is*. Wo &
4.m.saTinuf‘iii • •,, man lam
Nolo. 0. R. PATCIIII •
JJ - ' , • . votes waft.
A Ware,* ' aar0.11:11K
ioo►asif,„omisskiaalma, ,
- ••• ' aL4 •
; ' 71cCIXX-h
Matt : : 4. •
Prepars —.. itim.ikt• t O. IA PATCH'S.
may 20.
M 7
110 0T 8 'Ahlt 1 1
r "'
• -
• . ;
The Largest and most_oomplete'ssi•
Ermt of in dAi; nine ever
oftersiiciniouts' is now being so.
oeiva at
--11Pe; -
stock o f •
1; 4 1 . ;BOYS'
qti: - •
nearl'dompn!ung all Ciaita
All the latest land 'meet Istpulas
stylea of
r g. :;; ; ; ,- ! ; z- r t
in 'Goat, • aiid Kid,
At an times customers will find
our, oss?rtment of
,goods,, unrivaloo
inil44l iwir,!.34 , and the prices 4:the
lowa* (glutei.
We offer in cror
an ninnnially attnlctive 'skwic 61
!imam" &c.
We call the- attention of Horse;
men ib Our immense variety of
Carriage Ind Team Harness,
Saddles, Bridles, Blankets,
'This dep a rtment is directly over
• • •
our Shoe Store, and will at all times
-• I '
be hilly stocked . with all goods be
longing to the,Harness trade.. Any-,
thing. n gia:Une will be made on
taunt notice and by 'experienced first.
ChM worianen.
Oct: 13 1869.
Toofify to ebo far dealing aid public appreciation of
: ' the fins o
WI stock of Staple and Year
lout GP in a.
- TO
/9 31'
Serge, Cid or Buff.
Whips and Robes.
M.ONTLAILN -1 213:1S,
lO elegent asacidatent or 1
41eci/ L pie of ,
Ilat all styktannt importation,
run Una of
puss AIW runs.
cum= ou. mars AND xtrrizos.
0 act iyal, , , 1.% v)pktair,o4 :11;R
, imstaa• et tun= um s e es mantes,
Ra B ;CAPlik AIM is: ; •
Trisilm Vases and Trove Bag&
OEM MID PUNT& wily coraafted. 'ad pieta
Odor tbe ("erg mast.
and rlialited. 200 4011011
iiitholl. Oldf isilbw, allimmideFtaneg prices.
«rpm e
am .d iraz an sraraz ' ses ' sea,
°V.V. tom g0tb.44.16.0.
, • '
i lug Russell & Cos.
. •
. 1 K1.•%- 1 4:i 4 u*D-to ,4n e .
Anything of the kind before offeied.
- •
It ti so oonstracite4 - that
suld' kw*
or Odd tors ohmuligri W e also kaOP,
;' , 'l , ` , ::'. - -" . .:3 '- titlif, 3 : .:.''t :'i , "!.,!E' ,., ' , .; , %.,..:i
- 1 1Wit'OlitiAi3uMIM;
CHAFV4E_'§,* . gt_KT:M4S,
r4l.l4zatca limps 46.
; : • • i; ,y 1 3' 1- •
-(i!i4i . ii , ' , '-ii6 . 4 . ii.' *'. CO
Continue to:iell-the
-After . 4ving sold And. tested these
milebitieelcrr year; "they: fee
nstified in claiming for them
degree of perfection which • is ,no
excelled if even equaled by any other
known machine, J., P. Culver
will pnt np these machines for a
reasonable any \ point where
parties wish to, ?urcha>se.•
r h -
- , •. 2
a 5 '' • - _ a . \ b
E w A
- 1 . i • pl
„ ...
.N, 6.
.A. - 4
. , • g li
A .
40 to c) 0 -
121 •
CZ ' ' SC •
E 4 .
• Z
1 1 Pd ; 4 1
. re , 4
, _ m cc &,
. 1 P 4 '1- ..4 4 :1
0 • ,
= 0 g * ' . . I 1
fr 4. '
ZY.4 • . '
N t 0 .
U 2 Q =
= -
- 0
w H m•'' ei
. -
i .
- r-i
0 ri'
, g
-I E• 4 o .
1.1 .
? , 1
, g ......„
... 1 04 .
- -‘l' ..4 '
i F.; •
O, w-I
0 '
t h
• . a
0 . z I
iii , r4 =.4
, .
uIatENT, maws DrAt. An P 1 TEE
Towan(U, Jan. 25, 1870 ' • -
t==M=' , ( l o
~ ~ ~! .. _ }
. . . .
, •-;,±
TOWANDi : etteit:Yeißti
1414 5 4 P-4 1 A4- 1 0 J AMMOP I -04D1.' •
Thetuideretpedt, beditioneet the CealCamt end
Dick et the 04 "Beretartieela," and Juat conne e t e d
• Wee CoeHmilit Oliesepoo tee
errperatoPerateb 0,111148 mm of =sae
ibmgekrenowsaadstze• ottheW
a ft .
weneYeasli epos the most reseemettee teems la say
querstrelideed.. , Prime se tbe Teed treel turtlei
LAMP EU! • • it so
4 h,
Cheoto at y
............ . ...... 4 13
...needig •
..... 4
Ears Mon
40 44
stattoitil charges ton be r 0.4
&Meeting Coal within-Ole horono threte
;Per Toil—SO tech. Extra for carry:paln . zo
T0n...25 " " " " “
- W Orders ro4lic k.ft af the Tied. ro;ner M n.a.
rota and-Elizabeth Streets. or MAL. C. Porter.. b rag
, gs.:Orderi must In illestretM tom . pthied wi t h
the casb. ," TIMM k DIVES".
Tcorthdo. Not •
• XleW, assorianentoi
D z.
-bur :Igen is new and we sre otierinv it to the put,
lie at pekes that deft competition. Any one la auk
ibarek can and with us Me latest impeee'nb a a.
and moat desirable sties. Our Cook :Mew. , 0,,.•
acknowledged kr4"2.
La n and the public, In general to-to euterkwa tak
ing and cooking qualitim, to anythin now o f n a „,
lat. We bare
Caermersa's Tons,
. • /80/0 NAM." t" - i
. . •
enutmur Tramcar. Cramer. he. ire:
man flea aati We are prepared to oraviere , Le
that-we can aell as chap, na a little cheaper. t6e
'any ether plicc bathe county. -
Canton, Jan. 12, lnin.
44. ILY FaTr-toRDINA Mt - ('ITER.
The Leading.
FRNE Prifi q . % 1: IAA)?
Aletaideia biome JOVIt3/11.,—A dus
monthly. Lonlaining 92 large &sable eoluran
devoted to Farming 119 d Murk Watches:: coot ism_
regular departments for ilia Practical Fatale!. Lars.
Min, Stock Breeder, Woof Growers. and Psaiy•
Keeper. ke., ke., tee.. Wastrated with nirmemas f
-Fmgrsvings 04 bound iU frandadineiy tinted
Farmers will find ifi this [notably a very
Aid In all the detairtmcnte of leartgine and
Breeding. It Las Vetsrimay Deparunent an4er
the charge of ono of the ablest Prof/ sscrs is in.
United States. who answers throne& it+ toratAL.
free of dasve, all questions relaVne to fve9...Dasitt
or Diseased Wirees, Cattie, 81.etp, swine P Wt.
Thus every Subscriber Ins a florae and Onitil).n.
or free.
We are now Prepared to over the AIIMIICAN *MCI
'.IO . BIIAL MI &fret gO for one year, to all roe Mim a.
ben (or renewals) to March first, who shall Ikabsrnbe
Immediately and pay MEI. advance. This to stare Or,
portunity which the intelligent people of our
will no doubt duly appreciate. nand in your m t.
acriptiona for the Rarourva
Sims Jura:van free for one }ear.
are now being offered at
al. .
prices UM cannot fall to satiary all that they are
determined not to be undersold by any one. They
have enlated their ittoro by building ro that they
now hat evroom fur the froth Supplies that are fitly
received by them. They haie eosnected ter
stare a Market whiere they now keep 1r...l mem to
sell by the quarter or piece. and A full many!) 4! (if',
° eeriea and l revisions , to winch they would ,all the
attention of all cash buyers. Come and CMllllibr ' , 97
Goods and jirla a. i s ,fore purcha,ll.z ,e...... smt,ty
yourselves. 4 iC e glisZ•enter all gooda to glee sane..
malefaction. 'lts aro tb a ukt ul to sorra:v.ll4,n e
their pad liberal' norcoaage and POI irlt a ront:an.a„.
of the acme. . COWELL E MEL.
Dec. 20..1,864.
I .
CON P. CT I Ell !
How , can any reraira- manoracture Ciinf,tnurry
and sell it at 15 cents - a punnil, slum" st wont.,
16 cents at the ltennery: (unless it it terrilly
Yloci can any dearer retail snob a =I, e•imiliirrl tt
blicuatoniera and hay, a con, :. , w r
How eau Lily COLII4IIII/er Circ. 't t pureiur pr.rr
Confectionery at tweLty.9% r. 11,1 thirty - , tts per
pound Isbell a pure article ennuct tx Itizr.inp•ter.,l
less than thirty td forty cents per wow!, ,- , JrA-otir.g
of casts:a bode, bona almonds, sod ••icn c:liedo of
Within a few days we lime been IrEerfdraair ,
buds. etc., for fifteen cects per putud. krld CLOCV
late Creams at twenty cents. an.l the I,:.nt EL.lnnt•
leaned that they were initile.ret-ta pry ~ . nt.
Terra Alba; and It 14 fact thiq
Confectionery are made and emld it thi. country
every year. and the consumers are the only prrwas
injured by it.
i f
C.- Now, or tAeleneoll of li.e..r , el. 1-ie a . ! : ire art/7v
of run ectioaery. we win trarranf ...,y nrt,l, o t f obt
04an" ,lure Strut'/ Pure ,r,i , i ire. fr , .. tr•ry .oir, f-
Went deleteritau t t , h,!1!..
Store formerly °copied b .1 , .0..,th tawalan..3lalo Alert.
Towanda. October 21, 1842.
We !lave eztel:ded our 11Le's o=o . 'lol r.,W37.e.:7
N.r, and arc now prcparrd to ceive and C.twaai
inciucy and mercLatilisc; ant collect Er..4s, intz.
checks, kc., with dePjtch itnd at low rates
We mat c.lreful t xperk , nred ne,,Ag.r•
Plmugh between Phladelrbk: and awl Ws
verly duly, except Stlaup;, rin:•l Line va.l
Diorcipt delive7
tn... SPECIAL LUTES-w - a 1 Le-irowel reznlar
pere of Butter an 4 Eggs, awl pagn;:,iilar cftentio3
giveu their prompt rtry 111 so!
JOHN SMILIt. Jz. !rilz
ED 3V. E. Aebt. Suj t
Oeuerd - Orace•-320 t'h^stsut St..
Sept. 23. 1863
Shortest and most direct lin., to l'hea.! , :lphia.
Ramie. Waal&*ton. and the Sontii.
Passengers by this ronte take PCII!1,1V11111 k
New York Railroad train. passing , Towai.,la tt
.4.U.. make close connection at 13..t111 , 1!. w;il, fr
press train of. North Penn'a Rki!road. an.l /rr.rt
Philadelphia at 8125 P. M.. in time I.
trains either for the Fkmth Kist
eitS Passinger cars nre at t 5, p
all trains to convey passengers to ti.r oanoaaPopt.
and to all parts ot the city. '
Leave North reim'a liailroad P. 1 ..t. r
and American etre* ta. ct
arriving at Towanda 6:3s 1 , , If .. s
Mann'. Baggage Eapnate collect,. awl tirintr. Lu
nagr. 05c No. 105 booth Fifth t. th laddl.l..a
FREIGHT ACCOUlloovri ,, :,,
'Freight received at Front and rt. rt • fic flria
delnbil, and forwarded br Dady I tFn 141. t mr.r.
to Towandif, and AI rointa in SUN le , , :ra
arab quick dimpatadt. ELLIS CL
Oen. Agt. N. P. It. It.. Front and Wir••NY
Jan. 17. 1870.
HURRAH! 1-1 1 U1 . tRAN I
M. E. ROSF.NFLtiLip:
I am now offning to the filbEe a ta.-re and jbkr.i<
stock of
Cow :ding Of
- And DoE.:sii.l:4;
Which will be sold 25 0..13 for,rr
prices id M. E. 1108ENFIELL . s. .51,0 s lar ,
. ,
'intend to 84.1.1 leas titian c.i.f. 14 r.,:.1.^ roor.) fcr
Spring Stock. - Now fa your Cue to 1,11,, 3 . 4 . 1%!
chest MII and - convinze youircir'tii.t li-E. 1 . 0-
D odor* (treat Bargaio3 to thy Nur cf
Clothing and
Call Ixtfare parchasinir elsowbeir- - • - _
Tovranda, Jan. ?.5, 187 n.