Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 10, 1870, Image 1

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. g - 1g 1. W. WORD
cuity° l6
ADVZlOneninth lON ete
inserted at came* Disler firifisal* tepg
special Notices. giaorteg
realm. min be emitted surnnar - rnththlsrthistli
eueL insertion. AU Ems: "Aiseithtth4i
C o mmtadestians of linditedAr tedivideith iatithask
sad notices of Damtoges and Deaths. momeding the
hues, are charged vas min pee Una. - •••• .
- 1 rear. ' 4 Mae. $ 'Has:
one column ,$1 CO ' $4O
flidf 40 - LS ss
square 10: .
ptroy, Canyon, Lost and Doan& and other adver
tisements. not cascading Ten Uses. three meths.
•. or less $ll 00
Etwator.Notioeit, I 00
Auditor's Notieeri....• 2 BO
Dumas cords, ilve lines. (Per Peer) .. 500
Merchants aid others. admistaing their intsinson,
•,ll be charged $25 per year. They will be entitled
column. conflneo exclusively to their business.
s,MprivileSa of quarterly amen&
rx Advertising in ail eases eichnitre of sulmortp
two to the paper.
Joh rti.MTDIG of every kind, in Plain and Fancy ,
done with neatness anddl IbindbWs,
Blanks, Cards. Pamphlets, BMWs. ts,
of ,very 'midi' and sib. printed at the shorten
n,tor. The Woman Odire is well supplied 'nth,
rover Preases. a good assortment or new type, and
evorythingin the Printing line can be esteemed
the most artistic maimer and' at the lowest exam
RHEBEIN, Fashionable
Tailor. Booms Oyer Aspinwall's Ste Te. Towmo•
ii Pa oct.6, BY.
• TVIZ DEALLIK, NO. TO Wallington Wad, op..
~0,t4 Opera Hauer. Chicago. M. lied Man pun.
and sold. Invcdments made and money loan.
pril 21. 1860. B. LIND.
J. Bs_ scent, for the Hubbard Master. Empire
Pnu, Ithaca Wbra rude, and Broadcast Sower for
riaiiter.sud all binds of Gridn. Send for dr-
B. B. Ilimi.rrr. Monroeten. Bradford Co..
T June 24.419—1 y.
- -
p MT E N Ts!
.1. . DEXTER, SOlicitor of Patents,
Prepsers drawings. specifications and alrpapera
~,i . ered in nuking and properly conducting Apt)ll.,
,tons for PttEnTs in the BESTED STATES mud FOE
; i..N CouN-rums. CRAILOES rt cssnocusaint.
I. • ouIArSEE ,
Sort. 16. lera-tf
Having completed my new ..brick shop. near my
el.; long on Main-street. I am now prepared to do
-,,•rk in all its branches. Particular attention paid
Irons and edge tools. Having spent many
in this* community. In this butting, I trend
he a eufticent guarantee of my receiving a Lbw.
of the public patronage.
T..mok4a. Nov. S, 1869,-tf
73 mihseribers are now doing Imaineea iu their
of the BEST QUALITY at the MT1:118317110
lit Ryc, and Buckwheat Flour, and Feed con
on hand for bale at market rates.
Al. a large quantity of GROUND PLASTER of
rsprzior quality from the old Yana= BEDS.
MyPralmre, Dec. 20,'G9. MIER k FROST.
quality Winter Wheat Flour cwt.. $4 50@5 00
quality Rye Flour ? cwt. • 950
•orn Heal and Rye and Corn Feed ' 2 23
A. fair margin allowed to dealers.
• oustom grinding nanally done at ouce, as the ea
- ; ,,,ity of the mill le sufficient for a large amount of
11. B. maim.
camptown. July 12. 1859.
The anbacriber. having purchased the Laßaysvilla
Thilm, and refitted the Faroe iu good order, is now
rn.pared to do good work, and to give general eats.
L•i:a, S.pL 22. 1869.-1 y
1f I'LL ING!
gubscribera having purchaxed the Grist Mill
1:•., the of Towanda Creek, generally called
Mill. have thoroughly repaired the same. and
on* really to do all kind], of Custom grinding
du , patcli, They will deliver Flour, Feed, Meal.
~,ham Flour. or anything else in their line In any
of the village.
• costorarrn 'rill find an - Order Book at the Meat
Mntrt nt Kellum k Bullock. All orders left in Bald
will be promptly attended to.
1..y-ilt9uiri,a in regard to Grinding. or other bust
ei‘ the Mill. entered in Gatti book, rill be answer-
S-1,14.. 1,1769.-2 m•
nebncnbor taken thin method of informing the
poop`, of TotrnnilL audwieinity that be has opened
tng Establishment in CoLltzatta' new build-
NO. Ic4AnT smzer.
..rte Gen. Patton's). and that he is now -pre.
lrel to do all work in hie line. such aa CLEANING
I 1.011 I N ,; ladles' and gentlemen's garment.
kr., in the nentext manner and on the most
terinc atve me a call and examine my
It. 161)9.
1 - misble Farms, Mill Properties, City and Town
1. for sale.
Port hating property for sale will find it to their
antage by leaving a dearription of the same, with
c :es of sale at this agency, 66 parties are constantly
..piirlug for farms, AC. 11. 13. 3IcK.F-Vii.
Iteal Estate Agent.
tike oter Mason's Batik, Towanda, Pa.
1t67. -
Bunking' Hon., in Towanda, underthe
•.r ere impart d to draw Ititla of Exchange. and
0. • in %OW York. Philadelphia. and all
t...11,, , f the United litat,s. as also England. Ger
_'j' v- ant France. To loan money, rncelve deposits.
,I‘. a ',..ut•ral flanking business.
F. was one of the late firm of Laporte.
On., of Towanda. Pa., and him knowledge of
::•• tolmo:•••••• men of Bradford and adjoining countlem
an I 'my v.; been !II the tanking Mutineer for about
,o a, make thin house a desirable one through
• :S o • ulaio• rnllrrtionm. O. F. MASON,,
ia. Oct. I. 1(1.10. A. O. MASON.
anenattee to tbo cltizene to T0,,,41
, , , 41 an.l e-noty that they have opened s 'bop for
Inan , dacture of
'bop Harris' Merchant Tailor Shop. Griffith
Moe:. on Bridge street. Towanda, Pa..
; ,r: al shave of public patronage drained.
.. , orando. Jon. 1 . 1, la : u.-4dtapl
MRS. ,E. .1. PIERCE,
from Now Yor k with a tirst•clawi
1. of
~ .rl,,tiug of the latest imports!, st7les of
U.% rs. BONNETS. RIBBONS, &c. kr
tftilly invite the ladles of .Towsn
..l t., givt, her a call before purchasing
work. done in neat and fashionable style
t nat.. e. n-a-lt.,ono+ over 31. E. Rosen
: • ' , 1., 1.1.001te Towanda, I.a.
t.•,t r .: :91 14,69.
V 1, F 31! •
.vEiraordisAND LOW PRICES!
in Groceries and Provisions, limp
1 liet-o,ne Oil. Lamps. Chimneys.
' I 'Ye Paints. OUR. Varnish. Tauten No.
. - -
• Cigars awl . Snuff. Pure Wines and
L. 13,,Nt quality. for medicinal purposes
."*. 3 - tio..ta .401 d at the very lowest prices. Pre
volut,outided at all hours of the
As I tal.:l4t. Ulte Um a call.
Fa-. Jane 24. ltra_ly.
k.iumil'S old . 61Back Star Line " of LIT
:— 0. P 4.1 I . tA. 11141113.2 evorT wock
- I.lno of.ra,keta troy or to London,
•,: a In•lnth.
•" tt. Eu,ianl, Ireland and Scotland pay.
r PArt , da, app :y t. Walams & Onion,
G. F. 11AS0N S CO.. Bankers,
Towanda, Pa.
• Towanda. Pa.: Mills built
" .; En..uut.a and Boilers set in k the best
I would c3Il t4e atioubou of mill ouldcra to
di! fii• eiersents of a first-class mottee,
'':' , 1•:•••ty • •ce ,, n , ,n14 . .ti0n. acceesibility,great strength
• •••:•rt. the gmatzist amount of power for
repalred. running under backwater
trim-et t , , power except diminution of
nsya,r:-.14 Alteration In mill frames or addl.
L . ' , I , ll,Lne, ran under low heed. and made of
These wheels will be furnished
• the cost Of any other first-class
ant warranted to perfinut an that
for 1.140tu. Three wheels will be made. - for
vth or without cas , s, on short notice, of the
••t 17^ri
1 4 3- , .klari": 1 I re...ft o:enquire of the under.
o. Y. PECK. Towanda. Pa.
ran be seen in operation at
1 1 , 11.,n it Weller 'Mill. Towanda tirP• Tha
■ are sLou7 composettof Iron ea Dow made.
. 1 4.1' 11. lEs9—if.
•_ ~P~
~• e.t
A-Ls*Coit — ac, CLi AVISC.)IV
TAXES - '4111)
Law. Towanda. Pa. Ana 27. It
TOUT At LAW, Towed; 11. Mem farnesty
etsmaded by the late T. C. Adam. marsh 1. le.
N 4-11 WA= AT Law. 011ica—oonaar at Main sad
Phu Streets, orixetterPcsier's Drug than.
e-Law. Tomada.Mos Inenthe
heti, south of the _ Ward - House. sad' opposite The
Court House.uov Ift.
South dde of Nereus New Block. up stairs.
Dec. 1. '69--3a•
•E AT LAW.. Toinutdi, Pa. Mee with W. C.
Bogart. wq., No. Brick Raw. AU hominess
trustedsted to, h curs will promptly attended to. en.
July 1. 11369.
v v • wr AT Law (District Attorney for Bed
ford ConatY).Voyaa. Collectinakitnadetaad
ly remitted. febls.'
AT LAW. Towanda Pa Perthashir salerdicnt
inbans" Court business. Conveyancing and
der's make. boath O
eH a and Ewer
Dec. 1. 1864. • '
AT LAT. Towanda, Ps. All baldness entrusted
to his cam will receive prompt attention. Mos in
the office lately occupied bydlarcur fr. Horrawisoulh
of Ward House. up stairs: July liA;lti;
vim AT Law, Towanda. - Pa. The undersigned
baring associated Themselve, together in the practice
of Law. offer their professional services to the public,
March 9, 1885.
LAW, Towanda, Bradford Co., Pa.
Particular attention paid to Collections and Orphans'
Court business. Office—lfercur's New Block, north
aide Public Square.. 11Pr• IN%
ticular attention paid to business In Ito Orphans'
Court._ July 20, 'CAL
• Law, Towanda, Pa. Office with Wm. Wit.
kin', Eaq. Particular attention leild to Otpbarts'
Court business and settlement of decedents' estates.
• Ice over Wickham k Black's. Towanda, Pa.
Particular attention is called to Amin:aux as si base
for Artifidal Teeth. Saving used this material for
the past four years. I can confidently recommend it
as being far superior to Rubber. Please call and ex
amine specimens. xi- Chloroform &drub:dinned
when drilled. tfillY 20. •68. •
•Office in Patton's Block, over Gore's Drng and
Chemical Stare. jan 1.'63
. AND 1317SAZON, Towanda, Pa. Office With W.
11 Kelly, over Wickham it Black. Residence at the
Mcans House. anr 'GS.
Dll. H. A. BARTLETT, Physician
and Surgeon. Sugar Run, Dtsdford County, Pa.
02103 at residence formerly occupied by Dr. Ely.
R. STEVENS, over BROWNS (late
1 Gongs) Drug Store, Patton's Block,.inoillces
latOt occupied bs Dr. Madill and Dr.Weaton. 'll-59.
L.A. BEACH, -M. D., Physician
..4 mid Sturm. Towanda.Pa. artimilar atten:
Lion paid to all Chronic Diseases, and Diseases of
Females. Office at We residence; on State at.. two
doors east of Dr. Pratte. - n0r.11.69.
ate of the College of -Physknins and Burgeons."
New York city, Claes 1843-4. gives exclusive attention
to the practice of his profession. Office and residence
on the eastern elope of Orwell Hill, adjoining Henry
Howe's. , Jan 14. 'G8.
H. W. WLI.L.S.
• Aorm.—Oftfce formerly mounted by Morcur
& Morrow, ono door tooth of Ward Ronne.
July 22, 1869.
ETES, /he., made in the beet manner and latest style,
at the Ward House Barber Shop. Terme reasonable.
Towanda, Dec. 1, 1569.
1 . Towanda, Pa.. with ten years experience, la con
fident ho can give Um best satisfaction in Panting,
Graining, Staining. Glazing, Papering, Ac.
MONBOETON, PA., pays particular attention to
Ironing Buggies. Wagons, Sleighs, kc. Tire set and
repairing done on short uotce. Work and charges
guaranteed satisfactory. 12,15,69.
A. R. AIOr.. Lice:act/ Auctioneer
All calls promptly attended to and natlafaction
gnarautoed. Call or address, A. B. for, 31onrocton,
Bradlord county. Pa. oeL2a, GIP.
The subaeriber bepileaVe to inform the citizens of
Towanda, that be la now prepared to FILE SAWS,
Jobs in that line, on abort notice.
t lent may be left at the store of bluebell Bret;
1: Co. dec.l-3w
• vzvon. Caruptown, Bradt ,rd Co., Pa. Thank-
MI to his many employers for lost patronage, would
respectfully inform the citizens of Bradford County
that he is prepared to do any work in his line of busi
ness that lug be entrusted to him. Those having
disputed lines would do well to have their property
accurately surveyed before allowing themselves to
feel aggrieved by their neighbors. All work warrant
edcorrect. so far as the nature of the awe will per
mit. All unpatented lands attended to as soon as
warrants are obtained. 0. W. bit t
Feb. 24. 186.3—1 y.
AAL. of Bridge and Water Streets, Towanda. Pa. 31.
B. CALRTSS. Proprietor. mudded by L. T. BOTZE,
formerly of !lope Howie," Bnelington. Pa. •
Feb. 24. 11169—tf
On Main Street. near the Courthouse.
C. T. SMITH, 'Proprietor
. .
Oct. 8, 1868
ii SMITIMILII. PA. The subscriber having leased
Ws house. lately occupied by A. C. Bentley. and
thoroughly repaired and refitted it, is now ready to
accommodate the travelling public. Every endeavor
will be made to satisig.those who may favor bim with
a call. A. G. REYNOLDS.
Feb. 1. 1& -4m•
JIL:1 PA. •
Having leased this House, is now ready to acoommo•
date the travelling puLltc. Nopains nor expense will
be spared to give satisfaction to those who may give
him a call.
NOrth side of the public square. east of Hor
ror's new bock.
Haring purchasrd and thoroughly refitted this old
and well-known stand. formerly kept by Shesill Grif
fis, at the month of Hummer}lekt (yuck. Is ready to
give good accommodations and satisfactory treatment
to all who may favor him with a ail.
Dec. 2t. 1868—tf.
popalar Hotel having been thoroughly ,„(i.a. and re:
paired. and furnished throughout with new aid ele
gant Furuiture, will be open for the reception of
guests, on Scrtutiat. MAY .1. 1869. Neither expense
nor pains has been spared in rendering this Rouse
a model hotel in all its arrangeminta. A aupetior
quality Old Button Ale, for invalid*, Just received.
April 28, 1869.. .
ted on the north-weld corner of Main and Mai
heti' streets, oppasiteTtryant's Carriage Factory.
The undersigned having recently refitted his well-
Icemen boarding-boner with. good accommodations,
would resimettolly inform the public that he is
now repared to receive gnosis and boarders upon
the most liberal tem&
Jurymen and others attending court wID espeei.
ally find it to their advantage to patronize the Tem.
peranee Hotel. & 31. BROWN, Propr.
Towanda, Jan. 12. 1870,—.2m • -
TROY HOUSE.—V. Loo has
the pleasure of informing his friends and the
public, that his new and commodious Bring Hotel is
now completed and open for the accomodation of
strangers and travellers. The business will be con.
ducted by V. 8.1. LONG k BON, who by strict atten.
Lion to the comforts of the guests, hope to receive a
liberal share of public patenting". • '
The subscriber tenders his sincere Minks to the
traveling public for the uniform liberal patronage
heretofore received be the Troy:M=oe: ana tabs
pleasure in being able to state that be is now better
prepared to make them comfortable and hapiliy . thsa
ever. - • 7 ;11. -• r 1 1,511111 4 :1Aaro.
le., Het.
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rak k h r tn,3,1 9,5
fshuddei With tne sense
Of what a; light the world would icue_ ,;
;# 1 ,! 1 .* 1 .4 1 m YL I P*OO IO IO,9S'e . :
The' leaves fad on fold,
swathe up the odors: of the rose, •
Less sweetness hold. •
Her heart is mine scone,
The music t4its rhyt
Throbsthiongli my own.
Dear is ray looe,so_d§ak,- •• • ;:
If I but heac.her name,
My eyes with Lean of rapture swim
My cheek is flame.
Spare her, immortals, spare; •
Till our days are done;
Your heaven Is ftd/ an gel forms,
Mine holds but one. , •
BY REV. T. imaire WEAVER.
The hope of 'joy beyond the grave
has always invited God's people heav
enward. The fear of hell and its woes
has'inspired many to seek a more de
sirable home, and to look upward for
comfort and consolation. God in
His Word appeals to .these two ele
ments of 0.. r nature, hope and fear.
He seeks to *fun* hope into, the soul
by desciiiing a world Of Onteld.rap
tures, of unde _eying beauty, and of
eternal glory. He seeks to warn by
describing • a world of anguish, of
pain, and.of eternal woe, the prison
house of God, where deathless 'souls
are detained forever ; the headquar
ters of the arch-fiend of night ; the
certain dwelling-place of all Who bar
ter away that immortal part of them
and sell thenisehis for naught: This
God invites by holding out a reward,
and persuades by declaring a penal
ty. If the Gospel held out an incen
tive merely without revealing the ter
rors of the Lord, it would have but
a week convicting power. It .is .the
irrevocability and the severity of the
law that_ makes, men tremble, 0,
that men were as interested in their
own salvation as heaven and 'angels_
are to save them ! Heaven by its
joys invites, angels shout when a wan
derer returns, Jesus waits to wel
come, and the Father loves. to for
give. Every man is interested. in
anything which lights up his path
way beyond the tomb: Age chills
and palsies the strongest frame, sick
ness completes the work of destrilc
.tion, and we lay, down to die. Per
haps there is ndquestion which takes
a firmer hold upon us than this :
What shall we be in the future world?
If lie are to live, what will be the na
ture of that life? In order to throw
Some light, upon this question, let us
consider heaven as a place. I believe
the Bible authorizes mo to say that
heaven is somewhere, and that it ie
something when I get there.
Analogy seems to anger that heft,-
en is a place, and is situated smite
where. There have beenfin all ages
special hicalities, which liiive been re
garded as the peculiar dwelling-place
of God. A church consecrated to
the service of Christ is a sacred spot,
because it is a place where He delights
to meet His people. God has often
manifested Himself locally unto men.
When He appeared unto Adam at the
fall in the Garden, it was a local man
ifestation. When He appeared to
3loses at the burning bush,He talk
ed with him, and locally manifested
Himself there... Why, then, cannot
Hereanifest Himstllf locally. in heav
en ?
The Bible speaks expressly of heav
en at a place. The Savior said, " I
go to prepare a place for you." He
did not eo to prepare a vacuum of
space. that was already prepared ;
but He went to fit up and locate a
place, having foundations in space.
He aid not go to prepare something
that cannot be seen, a mere empty
heaven of air, but to prepare a place
where we Can dwell forever. The Bi
ble speaks of principalities and pow
ers in heavenly places.—Eph. 3:10.
Not, powers somewhere and nowhere
after all, but powers in places, point
ing clearly to a local heaven. The
plural, places, seems to indicate that
there are different apartments in this
local heaven. I have often express.:
ed the opinion, that we have too much
Spirit mixed up with our theology
-beyond the grave. Everything is
spirit,. but I want to be somebody in
heaven. With one when I get there,
I want to be able to take my latitude
and longitude. All the figurative
representations of this land go to es
tablish the positron that heaven is a
place. Paradise was a place ; it was
located ; it had bounds and position.
This is used as a figure of the eternal
abode of the _saints. Why, then, has
not the heavenly Paradise boundaries
and position ? Unless this bo true,
I cannot discover any propriety in
the figure. Unless there is some an
alogy between the earthly and the
heavenly Paradise, upon what ground
is the comparison 'made ? In He
brews, 11:16, we have this passage :
" But now they desired better;Coun
try, that is, an heavenly ;* wherefore .
God is not ashamed to be called their
God.; for he hath prepared for them,
a city." This passage speaks of heav e
en as a country. ' country ha s
, bounds, position, arida center..Heav-,
en is a better country ; unless, then;
it has bounds, position, and a center;
upon what 'principle is the figure '
used? . The only difference sspeolded,
between the earthly and the
ly Canaan, is, that the heavenly is a
more delightsome Icannot
believe that God uses something to
figure nothing. A country is'. some
thing of which we Can have a C0116131) 1
tion. and it must be that heaven is it
country of which We.can have some
feeble conceptions at least. An an
gel once took John to a high moun-,
twin, and showed him the heitienly
Jerusalem. ~The city.was waljed;and
wa's entered 'by 'twelve &lei' - The
walls had twelve foundations. The
angel had with hint amessuritig rod ; ,
and took the dimensions of the city
Its shapi and the height of the milli
are given. The first foundation mina
7Per; the seannd satthirOheibird
-di . -
4 ,7 7
„ o' nNi :41 r ;rsiis.;4ls:=e?: = ;"'". Trpsa 'per .-"nmun Ult AdiVazietv.
• -of - •
~ t , • ; ris- , : 16 % , -.; - &-t
.7", - - . •
„ . . . .
, .• -,--.” •,..„,-.,,,,...„„t4,,•
_ i:. ..•..t0 A1 0 t „,.. 13
chalcedony. th*Ffourth ject, the
• fifthlukrdelq*; the liAtila ,a4ktho„
seventkilitrayilsithiligahleti i
tOthl - Ango=
monk the, >. Hl.*** --the
tiPaftkiatielkik-:; ReFlq . )oo, - hain - n
minnte arid clear demi otheimr.,
en. Ifolisilakii:14114111:1440W
eral referenoeillgur 001,e*Idukephrj . ,.
itualtlear'iliamicoutesee Of a corn
parief*•'-upol fittogrigst •• -'IV4S
prefer thistaieavenis 16-pkice,
having Old ' 41 4**49 15 : -
is notnareasle to , suppose , that
those Wholiiviibeen
heseeirorent - to a place:to/doh \Leith
foodationi, nidaee velure they en
stop end know .that'thepiad.errived
homa.4 Enocgiuid Ehjah, and - - the
titur denbthilur a Urge Brun,
ber who rose - at She- cnuiifiriOn • are
there:With their bodieii.'"This tow
pang represents human' nature.: m-•
mortal in the Who doubt* but
that - they - are living in a Om, *local
home? Not that they are confined
to certain limits inarandering through,
the streets of thesity, but • that the
city itself is-n ;bebitation.. I desire,
with a departed,saint, to have some
anchorage in heaven._ • "Not to be a
mythieid something frosting • off in
space, with a vacuum all about me,"
but a bodily Something, knowing my
whereabouta--inowing myself and
my friends. All beings but God are
finite, arid a finite 'being calls for as
local hOme, a hinise, a mansion where
it cari dwell.' Our Savior taught this
doctrine when he Jii4d, "We - shall
come from the ,east . and from the
west, from the north- and from the
south, and shall sit doer -with Abra
ham and . Isaac in the kingdom • of
God." . They are to come from local
points in space, and they are to to
a local point in space ; that is, where
Abraham and Isaac;have gone. They
are to sit down - togethei and if they
sit near each other, they 44 converse
together, and if they converse with
each other they will be itiesiciated,tki-'
gether, and if they, are 'associated to
gether they will love each- other for
ever. Nothing could more clearly
figure,a local gathering, a 'mild heav-
The inquiry might tuise,Where is
this local heaven ? Without desiring
tonzeculate we aziewer, ;Not upon the
Christ has promised when he
manes to take us with himself. He
is not to come and dwell with us, but
we are to go and dwell with him.
The foundations of heaven are not to
be relayed. The city is all prepared
and furnished. 'Are they to pull up
the [dukes; tear down the walls, des
troy the gates, and bring heaven down
to our earth and refit it for the occu
pation ot the saints? • The dimen
sions of *yen, as given by the Bev- ;
clator, do • not correspond with the
size of our earth. Our globe is round
and the New Jerusalem lies four
square Christ tells us to lay up our
treasures in heaven, .and not upon
the earth. ,There is, then, a heaven,
and we shall enter it to enjoy th ose
treasures which are there deposited:
While Abraham . was sojourning in
the land of promise, dwelling in ta
bernacles, he was looking for anoth
er city which bath .foundations, and
which was builded by the Architect
Of the skies. He did not , expect to
inherit the promised land forever,
but regarded it as ,typicel of a better
country and a happier home. This
earth is to be destroyed and a new
one formed, which will interfere with
the calculations of those who expect
to enjoy the farms which they are
here laboring to cultivate and im
Peter says, " By the resurrection of
Jesus Christ from the dead, we are
begotten to an inheritance incorrupti
ble, undefiled, and that fadeth not
away, reserved in 'heaven for us."
There is, then, a heaven now, all fit
ted up, and held in reservation for
those who are crowned victors through
the blood of the Lamb. Paul says in
Colossians, 1:3, "That we have a hope
which is laid up in heaven." Again
in Hebrews, 10:34, "In heaven we
have a better and more enduring sub
stance." These passages establish
the position of a heaven now in readi
ness, and that it is a place. If there
is substance there it must be a place,
for substance must have position. No
or.e doubts but that the angels live
in heaven. Christians have the prom-,
ise of being like the angels after the
resurrection The plain meaning of
this is that we ere to enjoy the same
heaven, and be associated with them.
If we are with them, we must dwell
in heaven where they are.
Isaiah gives the righteous the prom
ise of dwelling on high. This must beyond the 'Stan" , skies, and
not upon this trembling world. Chris
tians are represented as having citi
zenship in heaven. " For our conver
sation is in heaven, from whence we
look also for the Savior, the Lord Je
sus Christ."—Ph il. 3:20. The word
conversation is polituma in the Greek,
and means enfranchisement. •
Paul had visited the third heaven,
but he did not know whether be Was
in or out of the body while there, and
in writing td, the Phillipians he as
sures them'of citizenship there.
At the judgment the good are to
be caught up above the world,, and
are there to be forever with the Lord.
How, then, are- they to . become citi
zens of the earth ? St: Stephen, when
dying, had a, view of the panorama of
hekven. He did not look downward
to the earth; nor about him to see it,
but . the Bible says ho looked' up.,
-Steadfastly gazing- upward he saw
Josue Standing at the- right hand . . of-
God. 0, let us rejoice that .there is
a -heaven all garnished, beautified,
and ready` = to be nempied by the
salute!' If -we should nadertakeAf to
loade heaven; -we should Much Pre
fer locating it upon some of you shiri 7
tag stars - rather-than upon this mirky
earth, Astronomy tells us of ,Worlds
inconceivably more glorious_ and ex
tensive tlum talk OWL We Are"
-that if the Sun were placed in the
Xprik ' n Positickn,#would. fAteod,.he
rad the orbit :of the moon, and yet
our sun eno, ll- *comPf}risOm with
some-that glittefin the' skies.
We are told that our sun revel:ma
Around /W31) 1 40 12 thePie*delOkii d
we revolve around.the inm ;. th'w3 .
luiVe a - stellar system of worlds, er.c.h
tivOlvihe airduidite Coinion - etalti#,
The spalogy of - the Mu'verse Use-Ilea
pis that the.samelaaramtends*c4-
t 4 ", "
- - - -
jig: Di'Dielt obseirree; "we
attheoladeintalitke throne'offindt"
Thin ooneeption otheaven siverack
,iliore Askvatinit mud. tworthyd of AA.
chan.the idea that oat' !lona ii,te be
hutidt,eteionoti to biteOttiollieit4O-
Ster'Of operaihniAlLiktugh*
itengty,;:6l Ikt e :
Heaven es & Thine-without ,doubt
Utz teeteOld buds erenater;
"ally the idea ot anythln
an al; fl heiven, citise . cir the
connexion et matter with sim-' l 3fate. l
ter is not ewentiallY impiite.:: The
shiilinggeld, the silvercimitthe.AP.
mclid , madh t he doetgine et a 'Mit
tens' hiniven. All `singes will be
perfect in heaven, rind in orderiliat
thq , serve us there moat be beautiful
Mghts to look nponi. inanortallar.
inony to hear, and.won through all
the senate. -0, what ,it ~ be
with an immortal , eye to peer into th
distance and behold the extended
landscape =elm:siding 'out to ' vie*!
- Let us reinember. ‘f That it, -doth nct
appear what we sista bp, but we know
that when he, Edon appear, ,we shall
be like* ; for we shall see hint as
(For the Ibtecorpre.)
` Bit r9o4a THE BACHELOR.
The mere fact that I did not' say
anything last , week, must not be con
*Anted to indicate that I. hadn't . any
thing to , say—far ,from it. I
.. some
times think that I say too-nnich. It
is often a trixitful source of cOngiattt
latkon to me that now as I =lapsing
into a state of dotage, there is one
situation in which I am placed axes
iontdly where circumstances render it
impossible for one to commis the im
propriety of saying too mach,'—l
mean when I get into , the .soeiety of
some females-410y don't give nen,a
chance ,to sin in that direction.,
I don't know but I omit • to beg
pardon for hot manifesting myself in
some shape last week. But I got a'
letter from a person styling herself
mine "truly and affectionately," which
I felt solemnly impressed that I must
answer. It was from a girl that bad
given me' the, mitten twenty-seven
years ago, when, if the facts of tbe
case were known, •I really wanted
to go home with, her from _.a corn
haking. She wrote principally to
inqiiire after the health of my moth
er, (whom she never saw, and kiiiiv
it). •This feiriale is like myseif now,
none the worse for a c -pious diurnal
application of Ayer's Hair Vigor and
such like conservators of youth. She
incidentally mentioned' that since I
had become an "author" I perhaps
would have little time to spare in pri
• correspondence. Now ,so far
frdm that being the case I satisfied
her that she should nothave'an equiv
ocal idea of my eentiments for that
one time at least, I wound up by
telling her that my mother looked
just as she did when she knew her,
and as for myself, age brought its in
crease of wisdom, and my connection
with the press had worked a radical
change in my aspirations since that
corn husking. It iikquite likely that
I shall now have a season of repose.
As I promised that my next should
be "something else," I shall take
Christmas and New Year's for mypies
ent artic le, with perhaps some hints
as too her days.
The nsation experienced at the
mention of these holidays, is most pe
culiar. Visions of smoking turkeys
rise before my mind's eye; Santa
Claus with his back load of toys, his
nuts and candies—oh 1 too bright to
lastl In fact the substance don't .
last long, why should the shadow?
Christmas is pfobably the most sa
cred of all the holidays, though there
are two classes of men that don't sus
pend business—livery men and rum
selleri;. They think with the rest of
mankind that it is a very "good" day.
Men always fast if they have any
fasting to do, on the day before.
The • physical ffect is most apparent.
Men are generally very hungry on
Christmas. They , are very thirsty
the day after. They set it apart and
sanctify it by having the biggest
drunk of the whole year. People get
married on that day, though there
are some that can't wait. Christmas
is the slowest day to come I ever saw,
-and the alnianacs say that it is not
likely to come more than once during
the entire year. Small folks regard
the day with peculiar interest. ' If
they contemplate breaking the heads
off their dolls or the rimers off their
sleighs at all, they appoint a day just
before Christmas for the operation. •
Some sleigh-ride, some slate, some
settle up with their creditors, but all
these. amusements • iespecially the
last) are to me as vanity and vexa
tion of spirit•.
Give me the day set apart as it has
been and-sanctified by the usages of
centuries—give me this day. in • the
midst of cider, doughnuts, and roast
turkey ! Mily be lam prejudged in
favor of this branch of domestic felie
ity; if I am it is a judgment founded
upon knowledge, and what can be
,more righteous ? -
"Let Christmas come, it can't too soon—
I'll meet it like a min I ,
•But give me three days notice,
Then beat me if you can." .
In some places it is very fashiona
ble to raise what is called a Christ
mas tree. I am very fend of them.
Girls usually aboundin their vicini
ty. I suppose they go there like
most other people to "get miniethiee
—and-they generally, do if it is Only .
bean. It would be more comforta
ble, if they werild have Christmas
the summer for SOMA girls; judging
from their dress, they wouldn't be
disappobited, „at a .little,:; summer .
weilther.' I ciOn't Profess to be . way
judge of the`qaality of female , dress.'
II only know when they don't; lame
enongn of it. ' ,
Christmas trees are very prOlific.
They don't have to be planted
I never got many Presents I S.7Wf ad
thein, but I have seenthode that had.
Ahnost everybody has a dear, prec
ious, charmhig daughter or eon that
is suffering .for., a.. present., Such
children don't,receive much for a few
mouths _before , Christmas. ,
.cry i f they have t o go.
bareooted-for a few days:"'. If' they
have no covering for - the cranium
11 4 1 7 Mine 110 V 1 Mt14040tedeldly s
I • 7110- 10 0419 P*44: *VA' :mot 'tie
on,a Alni*
seen a gold matchgiTeri -to the mum
person three times in succession. ,
nerenioiellien:Mitik of n
:Let limn ' eat
nidere4 fat *WU* ( 11
.1 11 / 13 11 uP Usat.of famtlie,tibaind,,theic
Pnlegur they bam.beenalteredin soma
wariolhatthey won't'-be - known.
if atiiirtion,can'tbn, - .. Mlything
is iliE*6l44:td.bOttoltt.-79u
hire a set prenents Of
for a trifle, present tlutra to,some, of
your own folk% anti talwthem back
the nei - t morning. r
more blessed &illid - nitder
such circumst a nces. :
It might be well . to , 66firk Were
q gz farther, that Christunie:giftti
seldeur wander oft and-get ont-
New it is 1313: called' because it
is five thoniangs•eare old; .:'lt - rierer
maim before ,Christinan, I Viet
always before. 'the j
And, yet Josh Billings or some other
astronomer' has' 'that the
fourth "iif July Will this year come
first. will bear watching.
Year* is n siery good day,- OR which
to resolve to do better.. If a man
makes a good etruntremive, half the
work of rtiformititiri is nccomplisl e 3.
It is , said the . Bevilfattens on pod
resolutions;.but they fi rst Must be
broken up eilhey don't gii; down" at
all. Some peotibicheier makers-res
olutiei iill--theY:eay they conldnl
"stick tuit" if they-did. - There. Way
be other rms.(); doirig the thirx; but
I have always noticed that trying al
ways preeeded - "sticking." I' made
a resolve - once on a time in my juve
nile innocence that I would ascertain
on ':a cold winter moping- if there
was any frost in a_„lamp-post by „ap
plying my tongue.: 1 Have only, to
say that I Etuck telt ' • .*
New Year's hue a tendeney to make
a inan kel old... Zany one will take
the pains:to figure on it he ,will find
that he is r twelve Months older tinui
he was, when New Year's' trimbled
him befen
They have a custom in most p'aces
of making New Year's, ‘scalbr." It is
a very pleasant time to make calls.
One seldom fails to get treated:
dozen "calls" of that kind make a.
demijohn of spirits wonderfully .and
fearfully less. It is said that gener
al Grant, has banished it from ,his
board. I htive 'seen Colonels and
Captains who eould . benish a large
quantity of it.. -
New Year's, like Christians, a
day which turkeys seldoin survive.
It takes a turkey belonging to a very
long lived stock to go..through it in
good health. The _principal amuse
ment of New Yeai's as - of Christmas
is eating. It is generally chissed
among the "innocent • amusements."
Washington's birth day is so call
ed because it makes one more holi
day than there would 'otherwise' be.
It is now. generally conceded even
by the most vile traducers of our be
loved country that it is a son of
Our country is of a gcs:al
It Lies a proapect of great longevity..
The Washington family are pretty,
long lived—some of them almost to a
fault. What , Washington's views
were on any subject it is impossible
to determine. He was a very wise
man. He is always quoted as good
and finding authority on both, 'sides
of any question. I. would certainly
like to hear what his opinion was of
the Caidiff Giant and female stiffrage.
As a boy it is said that `the organ of
destnictiveness was developed in an
-unusual degrees. lam told that •he
handled an ax with
- great effect, and
often "laid it it, the root of the tree."
I never heard Workit
muck down• timber. I don't think
his tastes ran in that direction., Like
'most penple.when accused of a. thing
of which the evidence was - very con
clusive, he owned up in order_to save
costs It'was very wise in the little
fellow not to stand the old ' man a
brush on that eherry tree matter. • -
When I was an employee . I never
forgot this holiday. Since I've set
up for myself and have men' of my
own, my memory is more treacher
ous. But with all the disadvantages
attendingit,l say long may it wave
o'er the land of the—&c.,
As for St. Patrick's day, 'it is 'too
well known to need a desciiiitinii.
Every school-boy is familiar with the
historic fact that at one time toads
and snakes became so pestiferous
in Ireland that one St 'Patrick took
it upon himself to clean out the whole
nest of them: It is Said that they
are a - very 13Cal i Cer article in that coun
try how.. That was certainly a very
fine thing at the time, but since Ire
land, has moved in with us' I don't
see, the use of making such a hum be
cause there' 'ain't any "varments"
I around the old cabin. , •
Of the other days I forbear to
speak at this time, simply because I
haven't anything to say. If you have,
say it yonrselL
- And now I am about to Close my
- seires of the Holidays. I don'tknow
that I shall evercomebefore the pub
lic again. - -I am getting advanced in
life. Business is pressiiiigim all sides.
Yon may think because I am a bach
elor-that L shall always remain one,
but I Mkt to . warn you right here,
(if yon have fallen into that error)
that-if I know myself, and if: things
work JlB Lanticips,te;:und if a.,pertain
individual is as certain! as ordinary
Individuals are in like circumstances,
it need not astonish anybody to hear
that as early letist as the fait moon
in Auguskthere will be no such 'in
dividual as yau.24 qw,Pichelor.
As theruare many enquiries with
regard my Whereuivuts,. I will
`Mute thatin - the' eourse of' ; a few
weeks i to:allay the curiosity and .ap
.prehensionk of my friencls give
YOU a briel4etch•of my 14 0- 7. in ,fact
an autehirgraiihy. - '
• "
l'Aumear.—The best' ildea to-tom
a.yonng man are, to,talk little, to hear much,
to reflect Mono open what sits passed in cotn
psny, to distrust Oneltolto (Onions. and Ta l , 4 ! )
others that deserve it.--Mr'w. rein*: ,
Tattur,—We must not' always speak
all that we kitairthat were'idly; but
rasa says should howled Ite, thigh", .othensise
kis kats,Tery. All s man can get by lying and
dbseitittlEng hocsluon-110e , be- beefed
when be spoils the tratb.--ifontaigtee. • .
„,, '',”
, -Weetheßseeirrsici
St - with e premise that al
bidied' Was articleS
have - toratight- iur to .the:conchisionf
that: the,; If natural;, law." , *V- 91
44440re* in 3 the, .living system,
*Sizi,Prohibition"--" total abstinence"
" I +:tiii - ,dl that ti the Stabile"-should
itiliririlLthi natural ; Asliaturti
'qua neier. compromise, -true science
ttinskatways correspond tia.the =tar
rat laci the truths of •pliyeiol
ogy,o;lyriti, a solution id;thq,
A/Olat used (via medicine?'
'atlll4 l "oniV!"; says T. .Cuyler,
that alcoholic 'ignore axe
in 'Ailen3oooB,l poisonous.. Their
/1114talli t that, wing , „iiiisky; and .
Arc 7nblic,:bentiftja, i which ought 'to
'; _tinder tht l AnActicp. of
600vincw the, people
thhi notice:Curl estimate of
Witti the 'consent :
aid of" the - Aliomai; propose
place: before,. -readers, some facts
Oeetiewcfn seem!.
dep possible Without
occupying space iilluteqii*9lit.htli
we iweeeed the# to assert, and t ap
reasons &O ho assertion, that . co - 7
` 1 !el ;,(A) roWds dige,tiem, (2
ranges the . respiratory . functions, (3)
lowvi the, animal heat, (4) and'. by
thelatis ofYital action.its use is
life-shortening' piocess,,
Firs!. Does alcohol prititiote lige:B,-
41On? ' ,
liktiiiteikstoination of this . part 44
cnir subject, We deem .it unnecessary
to say anything of alcohol', as food ;
for it' s settled beyondcontroversy
that alcohol' is in, no)ysy , used in the
vital domain, but le passed through.
the system eild'ejecied alcohol. - But
to itse the langtiage of a worthylfientL
ber of the " MedieskSoiiie of jtria
ford gyttnty, it is absorb ed, or , ".goes
into the ,circulation and prepares the,
tissues' for' the reception of nutritive
matter," 'thus" promoting digestion:
What light does science throw. upon
this question ? - Any one—all—who
know anything on. this; subject, are
aware that alcohol, instead of dissolv
inglOod, -is one of the Most powerful
Agents used in' preventing its disso
By. way of experimentOet any per
son fill two vials with gastric juice
Ott which all food is dissolved in the
stomach of the alum_ al),.place asmall
piece of meat in each' vial, pour a
small quantity of alcoliolinto one and
none in the.gther '
heat both to the,
temperature of the blood in the liv
ing :withal. The meat in - he vial
where there-is no alcohol will speedi
ly Aissolve, while that into •which the
alcohol WWI introduced will remain
unchanged. Here is, evidence that
alcohol prevents the process of diges
tion. If it be claimed that the-chem
ical e,ffect of a mixture of alcohill with
the food and gastric juice in the sto
mach is different from that in the
vial, it will remain with the advocates
for its, use to point oat the difference.
The careful and logical reasoner will
face the facts actually before him, and
in this matter of "aid• to digestion "
he will be compelled to believe " me
dicinal " drinking is a delusion.
We ask , the reader to remember
that we are here"taking but one step
in the argument," and that, thejlect
of alcohol in the stomach on the disso
lutton of the food. In a future article
we shall recall ,this fact to -demon
strate that alcohol lessens the life
processes from its introduction into
the stomach, to its - final expidsion
from the system. •
It may be well at this point to cor
rect the error that mistakes " absorp
tion " for "assimilation." Food is
"tmitnilated," Undergoes msfornm-
tion, as microscopic examination de
monitxates that organic matter exists.
as cells, while inorganic matter. may
be measured by lines and angles.
Substances not dissoliable in the sto;
mach, though absorbed into the' cir
ciliation, cannot be;' assimilated," be
cause not transformable, into cell.
structure. Of such substances alco
hol. is an example„,
In, our next we will point out the
errofbf the doctrine that alcohol is
"respiratory food."
Yours, for Temperance reform,
[For the RzpoirrEa.]
*lt) ;bizilLo4l
It is now about seventy years since
the first settlement's were made in
most of the. township's in this county.,
During this time, for many years, the'
progress of improvement . was neces
sarily slow, in consequence of the
condition of the roads, the market's,
and the want of a surplus. At thist
time, the families of the settlers were
not only young, but generally large,
consuming nearly all theproducts of
their labor during the year for food
and clothing, and• other expenses.
During the fast twenty years, the
attention of the settlers was, for the
:most part, given to the - clearing of
the. lomat, and making small pay
metib3 , , their • farms, by selling
things at low prices. , •
'Atha does not remember the large
majority of log he•qaes in 1820, and
only here and there a framed house
to be seen, and the log grist-mills, as
a general thing, fil l most of-the town
• To the credit of the first settlers,
let it be-'remembered, schools were
early established,.ns soon as a suffi
cient number of families had settled
to Maintain a school ;. and here let it
be noticed that the .liresent attain
ments are not in kee ping -with pres
ent leaxn. ing; and that our best busi
nes& men for the last fifty years were
educated in those schools - • •
• ,With .all the inconvenience of the
old log school-houses; which remain
ed until abont 1830 , the country, re-'
veived advantagei that . will Icing' be
renumbered from a class of self-m Ade
teachers. • _ - • ! .
By a'-reference to the first, "Cen
sus" (1820), the monition was on
ly 11,554, but in 1830 it had increas
ed to 19,746, and, in 1840 to 32;767.
It is not myintention;at this time,
to attempt todescrilie,the. many iin
provements that have been made,hut
tb notice the pren in this county, and
tololloW up the leading papers as
they have appeared in the Demi:oast-
Wet d'Reptiblican Channels...
.-; About *si time of theorganizetion
of this pfauniv (181.2), the lint WV'S.
paper i vraa published by Barr, Bidg.
f i i .
~ :•:7 m,; .',..
way, , _ thn, "
,Br 7
• -
2410," and - einunof ` t h i s `day ean'well
reirreinbeethatliftlf "sheet; "rind'' 'how
esEgerli - it; was nought' for to learn the
new* ol,thelhen " Canada , War." ,
018 - continued a number of jearn,'
end 'wit" iiieceeded'alinntlB22 by Alio
Braford Settfri, ns iAibliehed As.
which also :eontirmed a
number of yerirs,al4.4l eubirg
ed. - Net. Tillie WaB - the ,"Ban-,
ner and DeinOer4.4" itiblieliediret 1 2y
Hamlet torn, E sq.; end;:then
:14.• Fuller, , Esq., - with iteficie columns
n11340,,the ", Porter" _VMS publish
ed, by E: S., GinOdrieh, rith, its "
six cohunris; turd was changed toits
present . " RxeourEn," and ssed - in
to the hair& of E. • Esq.,
and recently enlarged to, its 'Bruit
superior eize, with ,its nine columns
on a page and length in - fall -propor-
The 4111iilliTy is hem Made, Has the
Rarcerrstrprogreased in improvement
sufficient to.admit articles on moral
subjects calling in question the' cus
toms, follies and etees of tho times,
notivithstanding its long established
"motto, "./tigarriteAsk of denunciation
g uy quailei4 i • OBSERVER.
, 12111e f 5 ' 174 4 cENTiIt, Jan- 3.1e70.
The variety in the kinds of
found in different localities, suggests
the inviries us to whether , it is for
tuitous, or whether there is any gen:-
eral law by Which it governed ; what
thel, law, and heir , the effect pro
duced? In a universe governed - by
law there must be some system to the
coal formations. Thelacts observed
.y-every one add to the,general stock
of knowledge, and may assist in solv
ing interesting, problems in. regard to
those importantlegions.
One of the most obvious phenome
na in regard to our Pennsylvania an-.
thracite coal fields is that the hardest
coal is found in the east ends of the
first and second coal fields; contrast-
ing. very strongly with, the soft, free
burning semi-anthracite of their west
end& The line of gradations in soft
ness might, at first glance, appear to
be from east to west, andia so stated
by Rogers and, others, perhaps on ac
count oithese.two fields lying nearly
in -that direction. But a little observ-
Ittion will show us that, in fact, the
course of this progression is from the
southeast towards the northwest. A
lineotossing the course at right an
gles, and thus corresponding nearly
with the general course of, the Aden-,
tic coast, would..represent the breast,i
as it were, ofthe wave of change.—
Upon a geologicallaap, the sett. theast
northivest course would first 'strike
the stony anthracite fields of Rhode
Island and Manachusetts,, in _which
under a high temperature and intense
pressure, all volatile matter has been
expelled, all vegetable impressions
'obliterated, and the color of some of
the - beds changed to a steel blue.
• The next eoal field, as we move the
line north-westward, is the old Lehigh
Navigation Company's mines near
Mauch Chunk, then the • Hazelton
&aver Meadow, and other upper Le
high basins, before referred to,- pror
diming the hardeit anthracite, which
is of peculiar value for foundry pur
poses, in melting. pig iron. A little
farther northAvestward comes - the
Pottsville coal, nf a medium hardness;
and here slag by our rule, we are in.
the line of the Great Northern, or
Wyoming and'Lackawanna coal field.
This third coal field hell in nearly a
northeast and southwest course, and
accordin ,, to the theory proposed, it
should pLdnce.throughout its entire
_length from the entire seams, a near-
Iy,uniform quality of coal, asxagards
its hardness. This is found to be
the case.. If there is inky observable
difference, that produced by the Del
aware and Hudson Coal-C,ompanyin
the north horn of this crescent-shaped
field, should be a little the hardest,
'And that: from- the Nanticoke and
Shickshinny the' softest. ' 'That pro
duced' in, the central part of. the
field at Scranton and Wilkesbarre
should,in obedience to our theory,
be of the same general character as
that frOM the same seams of the Ma
hony and of the widest portion of the
Schuylkill basins. As we move our
line tarther. northwestward, - w
.e 'also
notice that-it first passes the extrem
ity of the aoilthem fork of R the first
coal field, then that of the eorth.fork,
while the line has not much passed
Shamoldn in the second field, leaving
Tre.vorton end of that field if our rule
is a correct one, the softest of all the
anthracite coal in three regions—as
it is known to be. , It is thus describ
ed, in the State , Gelogical Repert ;
" Passing , the meridian of the Shamo
-kin Gap; the coal acquires a sensible
quantity of inflammable gas, carburet
ed hydiragen, characteristic of the
bitrinnnous and semi-bituminous class
of coals, and the prOportion . of 'this
ingredient seems rapidly to increase
as 'we draw near to the extremity of
the basin.. It semis to- exist in the
coal in the gaseous form, or , if a pot
tion is in a condition ofliquid bitu
men, it is in quantity trio minute to
cause the • coal to. soften and form
-coke. The coal is therefore to be re- -
gi , irded as an antradte , but of modified
properties." . -•
It might have - been noticed in' pas.-
I sing that the diameter of the coal
prodficed it the two prongs at the
east end of the Schyylkill basins forms
no exception to-.'the supposed rule,
being a little harder than the Shamo
kin; and softer.than the Pottsville.-=
Passing northwest over an internie
diate space in which no coal ilifound,
we next meet with the detached semi
anthracite coal field-on Birch Creek,
Sullivan county, Pa., Which possesses
the character which its situation re-
quires,. having the fracture and gen
eral. appearance of semi-bituminous
coal, but burmug 4a all respects like
anthracite of a softy , free-burning .
- rieti, being even softer than the She
mokin. '
• The sierni-bitruninoturcold field of
Blossbrug and Barclay; in. Northern
Pennsylvania, the next in order, and
that of Broad Top . , inthe southern
pirt of the State, and the Cumberhind
cotdregionin Weitern Ifaiyland, as
Well as the intermediate (Mee of Sumer .
Subs and Phillipsinug, Par - all ''VZO.
ducc coal of the same general desmipt.
''' .r
'where ion the esat silk of the Me
ghalky east field fl'eld southirest from Cairo
berltind,„ 31L:1,,,evim down to auiti.;•
ncioga _
l i`dihNdoomi," MitsetbajA
th9tigh the smith= extension . Mal
representli moracentrat p a st - of tlnit
great field. - • • ' •
'The insau'taa chime - ter , of thaw
semi-bituminoits fields - does' not'
snit rut to.flx their iiorierml:'aridtiOnit
it seems to extend into the sontheilst
tern edge of this main bOdy of the: Al
legheny field, tleareneson, and be
comes more , bituminous towards
JOhnitOwn. • The great Apiiidchissi
coal fiehl,:in Pennsylvania , is divided
into six inn:tore:coal basins; nutting
in a northeast and southarest
Eieli Of these , n arrow
mi g ht, lie' ' to prodiii, flia"
same, general charsetera tof cod,
which would differ from :each other
as we go northwest; This,' however,
can only be proved by the resin of •
practical mining, - which hasnot been
sufficiently ext.aurive on • the same
seam ,of coal to verify this.rule. The
Mining done in the north, on the line '
of the Philedelphia and Erie road, is
on the lower seams of thYr lower coal
measures, :Fhile that in the southwest
of Pennsylvania is on the Pittsburgh
seam of the Upper and measures.-
But as we approach the northwest
corner of this coal region, we- find
farmer Hine distinct kinds of coaL—
The'firsi is the cannel coal along the ;
Alleghany,•ltiver, - which, befoYe the
discovery pf-the oil wells, was eaten- -
lively useff for the manufacture of
kerosene by distillation. The cannel
coal of Breekinridge county lientnoly,
in the southern part of the great 1111-
nois coal field, is of a similar charac
ter ; and was among" the first . that
was used for the same purpose. It is -
situated in a ,southwest direction
from, and prObably is in the same
- original coal basin.
In the southwestern part of the
Allegheny coal region law the ;state
line at Youngstown, Ohio, and about
Sharpsharg, on the Pennsylvania side,
is found another peculiar and very
valuable laminated splint coal; known
in the region as " block coal," Way. ",
esteemed for its smelting iron in the -
Mahoning valley. It also commands
a large market at and from the porta
of Erie and Cleveland, as a grate and
steam coal iii the West. The Big
Muddy coal mined at Carbozidale,llL,
and brought out to Grand Tower, on
the Mississippi River, below St, Louis,
and that of Chester,are a qUality very
similar to the celebrated Ormsby and
Brier Hill coal above described, and
lie nearly in a sonthirestem di
rection from the Youngstown, and
Sharpsburg region. The Big Muddy
coal is also used. with success -in
smelting iron. All of these are from
the lowest seam in the series. .
A good quality of coal is said to
occur at Brasil, between TerreHaute
and indienapolis, on• the east edge of
the_Thinois coal field, which has been
successfully used in blast-fmwaces in
Chicago. This may represent anoth
er grade - of-coal in the Alleghany field,
which is - mined and used in the same
way near Mlussilon ' Ohio.
Moving.our parallel farther north
westward, we come to • zone of infe
rior coal, mined at Jackson,
gan, and at Belleville, Illinois, St.
Louis being supplied from ths latter.
Also, farther northwest, - we have that
produced along the northern part, of
the Illinois coal field, at Wilnungton
and La Salle, and southwest from
them is Bevier, in Misioini, Ave miles
west of Macon, on The Hannibal and
St. Joseph railroad. They are equal
ly sulphurous, and contain so large a
percentage of hygrometric moisture
as to fix them In the same chuis be
yond question.
The Nova Scotia and . New Bruns
wick coal regions are in the same coal
parallel with some parts of the Alle
ghanY regions, producing bituminous
coal of the same quality. The sup
posed meridian line, when traced for
long distances, like all nature's lines,
_probably assumes a curving form,
conformable to the great flexures of
the Continent.
It might be tedious to give further
details, 'and-the foregoing are suffi
cient to prove, at the lead, a very re
markable series of coincidences. Oth
ers may have observed thepecoliarity
referred to as to these zones of coal,
but the writer has never seen • ' it no
ticed, and he will thank any one who
will giv - t\l, him any additional facts re- -
lating to this Subject. To ascertain
and verify' the rule is most important ;
the cause may be a matter of - opinion.
But it will readily be seen that if re
peated Observations should establish
a law governing the formation of this
same general description of coal along
certain known lines It might be of
the, utmost importance in enabling
us to judge, in some measure, of the
character of the coal to be found in
undeveloped re gions. The writer
niay hereafter give his theory as to
the origin.of the phenomenon describ
ed.--,Enginecring and Mining Journal.
Worthy of esteem that knows what is and
honest and dares do it4-that is master' to his
own pastdons, and sconts to be a slave to anth
er's. Bnch a ono, is the lowest Pores% tea for
better man, and merits' more respect than
those gay ago who owe all their greatness
and reputation to their rentals andrevennen,-
A urn". girl was very fond of
preaching-to her lions. Her mother heard her
one day reproving one of there for being ae
nicked. '1:/b, you naughty, sinful child, she
said, shaking the waxen lim bs, "you'll go to the
ll of
ust brimstone, and, yon won't- barn: ap—
pa j sizzle."
Isnny.—A little wrong done to
another is is a great Injury done to ourselves. The
severest pnruslunutt of an in*, is the eon
smelliness of having done it; and neaten angers
more thanhe tbkt fi turned over to the pain of -
Prix tiro Scotia:—He that hathpity
on another mates sorrow shall bo from it
self;_snd he that delighteth in and seontellspbe
of another shall one time or Other
into 1. W. Rakish.
. Dowur.-The best doivr4 to ad
vance the' marriage of a young lady by when
she has in ber ommteance mildness ; m her
speech wisdom ; in her behavior modesty ; and
in her life virtue:,
Fiars.—Weigh not s much what
men 'my as what they prove, remembering that -
truth Is simide and naked , a nd needs not law- •
tire to apparel her comellness.-Bydney. • -
READLNO.—it. le_ manifest that all
government of action is to-beg ott e n -
edge; and knowledge is best by 'many
knowledges,yhich is reading.—Sis. &
Paoluars..- . —lt would be more oblig
ing to say plainly we cannot do what is &i&a,, -
than to amuse people with blse words, which
'often puts them upon else measures. • •
Cow.-'A contented mind
and a good conscience will make happy in
all conditions.—
• ."Ile knows not hour to feasedeidares to die.'
There Cannot
Tas,e.cazar.— be a
greater treachery than finite reiseseenfidence
end then deceit* . .
. „