- 11. " Mutt' I :Know- of Filial*. BY BOMBE BILEILNY. • Will Farming:pay t . . . I c o m mence :MY ess9ys with this question, because, when I urg,e the superior advantages of a rural life; I am often met by,the objection that Faring don't pay. That, if true, is a serious matter. - Let us consider : I do not understand it to be urged that the farmer who owns a large fer - ,. tile estate, well-fenced; well-stocked, with good store of effective imple ments, cannot liVeby farming. What is meat is, that lie wholhas little but two brown "hands to v'depend upon cannot make money, 'or _ can make very little be feming.i I think those who iirge the point have a - ery inadequab; conception of the dif ficulty encountered by every poor young man in securing a good start in life, no. matter in what, pur suit. I came to ,New York whe n not quite of age, with a good constitu tion,a fair common-school educatitM, good health, good habits, and a fair trade (that of printer.) I think my outfit for a campaign against adverse fortune was decidedly better than the average; yet ten 'lona 6 years elapsed before it was settled that . I could re main here and make a ny. decided headway. 3lentime, I drank nn liq uors, used no tobacco, attended no balls et other expensive entertain ments, worked hard and long when ever I could find work to do, lost less than a month altogether by sickness, and did very little in the Way of help ing others. I judge- that quite as many did worse than I as did better; and that of the young lawyers and doctors who. try to establish them selves in their professions, quite as many earn less as earn more than their hoard during the first ten pars of their struggle. John Jacob Astor, near the close of a long. dilig,ant, prosperous career, wherein he amassed a large fortune, is said to have remarked that, if he w.2te to begin life again, and had to choose between making his., first ?thou ;and dollar:4 with nothing to'start on, or with that thqusand making all he bad ;lethally accumulated, he ‘7Olllll deem the latter the easier task. Depend on it, young men, it is and . must be hard to work and earn your first thousand dollars. The burglar, the forger, the blackleg. (Whether he play with cards, with dice, or with stocks), may seem to have a quick and easy way of making a thousand dollars : hn,t whoever Makes that sum honestly, with nothing but own (=pacifies and energies as capital, does a very good five-years Y - ork,and may deem himself fortunate if he fin ishesit so socin. I hare known men do better, even at- farming. I recollect. one who, with no capital but a good wife and fonr or five hundred dollars, bought (near Boston) a farm of two hundred main ly rou;h acres for $2,500 and paid for, it out of its products within the next five yi!ant, during which he had near ly doubled its value. I lost sight of him then ; but I have no doubt that. if he lived fifteen years longer, and had no very bad luck, Ins 'MIS worth, as the net result of twenty years' ef fort, at least $lOO,OOO. But this man would rise at 4 &chick of a Winter morning, harness his span of horses and hitch them to his large market wagon, (loaded over night), and drive ten miles -into Boston, unload. awl loa 1 back again, be- home at pretty le - eakfa.t-tiini., and, hastily swal lowing his meal, be fresh as a daisy for ty's work, in which he would 1:?ad his hired men, keeping them clear of the least danger of falling asleep. Such men arc rare, but they still exist, proving scarcely anything impossible to anllindomitalle. wi mid not advise any to work so nunicreifully ; 1 seek only to enforce the truth that great achievein Cllts are within the reach .of whoever will pay their price. , Au energetic farmer bought, :some t;•. - enty-five year:: ago, a large grazing farm in Northern Vermont, consisting of some 150 acres, and costing him about $3,000. He had a small stock of cattle, which was all his land would carry ; but lie resolved to increase that•stock by at least ten per cent. per annum, and to so improve his lanq by cultivation, fertilizing, clover,- &C . ., that it would amply carry that increase. 'Fifteen years later, he sold out farm and stock, for $45,000 and migrated to the West. I did not .I.erstand that he was a specially hard :worker, but only a good manager,. who kept his eyes wide open, let nothing go to waste, and steadily de voted his energies and means to the improvement of his stock and his farm. ,one day over the farm . of I the late Prof. 3lapes, he showed me a field of rather less than 'ten 'acres, burl said : "1 bottlzht that held for $2,400 a year ago last September. There was then alight crop of corn on it, which the seller reserved an& took away.— under.drained the -field that Fall, plowed and sub soiled it, fertilized it liberally and planted it with cabbage; and when these nurtured, I sold them for enough to pay:for land, labor,ana f'ertilizers altogether." • The field whs now worth far more than when he bought it, and he had cleared 'it within fifteen months froM the date of its7purchase. I consider that a good operation. Another year, the crop might have been poor, or might have sold much . lower, so as hardly to pay for the laboricbut there arc risks in other pursuits its well as in farming. .1 fruit-farmer on the Hudson above Newburg, showed me, three years since, a • field ,of eight or ten acres. Wliich he had nicely set with (Irapes,i in rows ten feet apart, with be:ls of Strawberries between the rows. from which he assured me that Id.; sales . exceeded $7OO per annum. I prc:!stune his outlay for labor, inclu ding picking, was less than $3OO per annum; lint it cost something to make this (Held what it then was. Say that he had :pent Sl,OOO per acre in ender-draining, enriching and tilling this field, to bring it to this condition, including the cost of his plants, and still there must have been a clear profit here of at least $3OO per-acre. 1 might multiply illustrations; but let the foregoing suffice. I readily " that shiftless fanning don't —that poor cropS don't pay—that, it ;:s: - 7e4rd vridik to make money by vrit%9*..al. wont eapital—that 11..,5t, :144, 4rotith. imects, blast the ftwits Lopem, after :he tlittst Alk-serst and buovltit;,;jl,l4l. •4: Iv4al, plueril!losti.Totiirjt?ll,, :QV* , gf-/Yitiiii9 ;0 11 4:4 u - so NEED op 111300 OEI)IEriPAPERR - ANY i , lit'OhipL , Ol •AP U 1 4 1, 441.044 4 *1 Vt raw. and :forp 41iAeut, - ilmootiv,l , s i kt , .196,7 LT se MU 70 , 43 , 04.memr4 b uyips ,49611;•=4,1* -:1 At* Adwataak • , ,y , :•:+4.1„, iP45 . = Or T. Z. cdidirlik. . . ,_ • -.L.:.; .•:- ',.h.ror tuartt , ;.lotuli./I:cf.4o e anvi t . ~ ,, r •:.,-• . - 0.14•441.142,401% AL!i 4.3.44* mock 444 iii : 1.. - I,L , }: i ei..bun.bAl:la,elti?" .. `" 4:1 71;•- • .1. ,.." .. - 91 PVT • " . .....-. . ~t-s~±,r PCTM I EII E RIE 1300 murs rime - • 800 unix aTracurt OSE lELICAG9I3Mt. CIUSOIC 01 ODACOSS, BROAD GOALIE-voirtax Tubs: 11433 A D. TOLEDO. DETROIT. MILWAUKEE. ST. PAUL. 010 ,1 4. •• And ail points West nut *art/most— • istitsinswau.tononutinti' DATTON. MCEDIATZ. VIDIANAPOIMI. • • LOUISVIL[.E. ST. 1.01715, Ailaunpoots south - aid sauthwt: IN= AND ntrnerrtp Couuspi,,Xt aU4 ..nacitnnt wrrnorr MUNOZ TO -BOLIIEBTI34 . Thapp3i Dux- CLErgyasu Ama azcrs . zpal., • and atter2fonday, timeber 15; tralitalwlll: leave Waverly it about the !aortas boura, Ha t . GOING WEST. 4:53 a.m., NIGHT EXPRESS Mondays errerMOO far: . Itochestar;Ruirsio; Dunkirk. Cleveland and On ' ch/Pati. connecting with the Lake Shore, Michigan'. Southern, and Grand Think Railways' at Buffalo, "Dunkirk andrieveland for the West; alsoatCleav land with the C. C. C. k Dm. Rahway Rd. Indian. avails; and at Cincinnati with the lowthwrille Mart Line Railway, and the Ohio is Mlaalaalvnl Railway . for theSonth and Southwest ; also withvomurt ing lines at principal statical on main line: 5:15 a.m.—WIGHT EXPRESS, daily, for Rochester, Thinldrk, Cleveland and Chicinnati. mak; tug' direct caanectiow with trains of the 'Grand 'unk and Lake Sin= Railways at -Buffalo, Dun kirk and Cleveland forill points West, and at Cin cinnati With the Ohio pad Miasbudppl and Louts villa Short Line Railways for the South and South west ; also will' all' connecting Indus at principal station* on main line. 8:23 a.m.-11A1L - TRAM' Sandiiya• excepted. for Buffalo and Dunkirk.. 1:09 p.m.—EL3IOOIA ACCOIIIIODA.TION. - ButidaYs excepted. 6:17 p. 111,' DAY P:SPBESS. Sundays, excepted. for Rochester, Buffalo, Dunkirk, tievalluid, Cineinua ti and the South. Stops at prineitail stations and connecting points on main line: • - • New and Improve(' Drawing Hoban Coaches accom pany this ,traln from New York to, Buffalo, and Sleeping Coachea are attached at Bornellrvillo, run ning there to Cleaveland and Gallonlrithout change. p.m.—EL MAIL. Sundays excepted, for Bnf falo, Dunkirk and Cleveland. conneceng with tnini for the Wed. A Sleeping qosels is ate ed to this tram running through to Duthie. • a.m.--WAN-FUEIGHT. BandsTA•esoepted. • 3:S!) p.m.—EMIGRANT TEAM, daily for tAo West. GOING EAST 210 a.m.—NIGHT EXPRESS, Sundays incepted, connecting at New York withalternoon trains and steamers for Boston and New 'England cities. Sleeping Coaches sccompany this train from Buffa lo t• New York. 5:58 a:m.—CIICHINATI ESPRM, Mondays ex ranted: rennertflag at Jersey City' will afternoon and evening trains of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washnigton; and at New York with steamers and afternoon Express trains for New England Cities. Also stops at prin. cipal stations and connecting points on main line. Weeping Coaches accompany this train to New York 9:33 a.m.—BECOGIAMTON ACCOMMODATION, Sundays excepted. 12:53 p.m.—DAY EXPRESS, Sundayaexcepted, con necting at Aliddletown for Unionville, and at Jet cry City with mhinight express train of Now Jer sey Itailroa.l for Philadelphia. New and improved Drawing-Room Coaches accom pany this train from Bnflaloto New York. 12:45 p.m.—ACCOMMODATION TRAM, daily. con 2:teeing at Owego for Ithaca. 6 :Ski p.m.—N.Y. MAIL. Sundays excepted. 9:03 p.m.—LIGHTNING EXPRESS. daily. connect- Aug at Paterepn for Newark : at Jersey City with Morning Express Train of New Jersey Railroad for Baltimore anal Washington .; and at New York with Morning Express train for Boston and Ngw England , ellen. Also stops at all principal stations and con necting points on main line. Sleeping Coaches accompany this train through to New 'fork. 1:05 p.m.—WAY FREIGHT. Sundays excepted. BAGGAGE CHECKED THRCUGH. 1%.. A revised and complete Pocket Time Table" of Paasenger Trains on the• Erie Ilailway and con necting dues. hail recently been published, and can be procured on appilmt:on to to Ticket Agcut at the Company. _ . L. D. RUCKER. Gen'l Sy,lit pA. .c: N.Y. CANAL A.: R.R. CO. AItraNGMMCT OF PASSFSGEIt TRAMS t'oeltueuetutz Sept. 13, 180 =I L.Cnve Towanda at 7:00 a.m., 4:00 and p.m. itenuming. leave Waverly at 11:40 am.. and 12:45 7:03 p.m. =I Leave Towauda... ...... Arrive Turikhannock. Pitiaton -• diatieh Chunk. •• Allentowia •. •• Luton •• Philadelphia.. Nev• York Line at Pittston. IMEME Leave Neer York Philadelphia Ea the Bethlehem Allentown Mauch Chunk White Raven Wilket..llnrre Plttkon •• Tunkhannock Arrire Towanda' Dine at White Haven. Passengers for Harrisburg and. Pittsburg s will elunioe care at Allentown. base time for su pper and t.th, the Through Fast Express. wit' siesping caps attwbeil. at 8140 same evening. Books and Statonery. D IARIES FOR 1870 PAPER 'ENVELOPES NEW-YORK PAPERS SCHOOL BOOKS P&Nsz, INK, MUSIC, STATIONIIT AND P/CT7RES BLANK BOOKS YANKEE NOTIONS Towanda, 'Nov. 19, 1868 Selmg Machines. THE NEW AND lILPROVED ELIAS HOWE FAMILY SEIVING MACHINES, Were snarled the First Prize st the Parts Exposition 1147, over 82 other Machines. Also, the following State Fairs of INS haw award ed this Machine the first premium : • New York. Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Verfnant, Wisconsin, and Indiana: At the County Fairs of Madison, Onondaga. Oswe go, Wayne, Orleans. Tompkins, Seneca. Monroe, Her. timer, Schuyler, Livingston, end a host of others. Report of the Coimnittee. on Sowing Machines. at the State Fair held in Rochester. fall of 1868: "Your Committee have examined the diffsrent Sewing Ma. chine*. to which their attention was called, and would recommend as the best Family Machine for all work, Elias Hovre's Sewing Machine, and for the following rtieons Ist—Simplicity of construction. 23—Rog vitality of tendon on both upper and lower threads. 3d—Ease of management, ith—Oreat range of work arm en materials. Bth—The perfect attachments to the Machine for felling. Manning. tucking. braiding. quilting. binding and cording, and the ease with which they are applied. 6th—The durability of the:Ma chine. it being nut& of hardened steel. and adjusted in its bearings. We recommend a medal." Ifew style Hemmer, Weider, Tacker. Wier. Card er. Ihnbroldmer, Binder. Feller and Improved Turk Marker. It will use any and ocery kind of thread. from the finest to the coarsest, with a mach anudler needle thin other machines. Be sure and examine one be fore yore purchase. Price from $6O fo $2OO. and every machine warranted. The real 1-alno of our Ilannfao. taring Ifs('bites for Taßors. Boot, Shoe.narness and Carriage Maims. la too well known to require cont. ment. Don't fail to call and eec them. SHEPAND k TERNETIL General kgenta. 40 Lake Street. Elmira. N.Y. For sale CODDOG, RUSSELL lc CO.. General Aunts. Towanda. Ps Miscellaneous. GREEN HOUSES, I have received a large and full assortment of 1.11- MORTALLES, cr the Dried Flowers of Everlastaig. of a most beautiful. variety of colors. I am now prepared to furnish. for Mattes. weddings. or Amor al occavions, on short notim, Wreaths, Crossett, Anchors, hand and basket Baguets. Also the mane with natural flowers. I have also • few Imported Wreaths or Crowns. farmed of Immortalles. 'No. I. nine Inches in diameter, - • 21 Da 140. 9. ten •• All orders will receive prompt attention, and prices reasonable. Nev. If, 1569. BARRE NIX. PREPARE FOR -WINTER • lIT PAPS EM YOUR paws ! Chaithe imut htithials. : PROVISION. HOUSE r•• t IP; S. 14r. ni itaxit esam.' • The undeisiglied; ericOura ad tile success which has thus lakAtte:Tal-: ed their new* entairise, deairetoms lie wledgmeiit 'patronage °IV ! 11 kr''P•eiv9' 1, 1.10' ing Alen. customers the edyantage of their years' experience, together with 'the benefit ` of their - great* , iucrea's ed facilities for doing business. They - eep ~e.onstanUy on bond - n T!rylarrii 441 complete assortme nt of everything in their 1in0:3, , atatire dailyi:;63iving such additions to Aar stock as the wants of their trade re- vures. They have now in store, Sugar,--Sy= rap, Molassei, Coffee, Rice, Tobacco, Fish, Salk Cheese, Fruits, Cricket% Candy, illatckee, Broome, Wrapping Papei and Twine, Flour Sacks, Seeds, and a 'great 'variety of Other goods, which have been recently bongld, the invest point in the market, and are offered at - 31 - holesale, at rates to comvond. They desire to call especial atten tion to their tarp stock of Fine, eas, which they nre ceiling at New York jobbing ..price3,—gtuiranteeing the quality in all cases.. , • Have also on hand a 'good assort ment of Floor, Pork, and Kerosene Oil. They still continue to have the ben efit of a resident Partner in New VM. It. EAtt.P., Gen't Pallier Ag't York, who is constantly in the mar ket, and prepared to turn to our ad vantage any favorable changes in the price of goods. FOX, STEVENS, 31ERCUR & CO May 12, 1868. pATTERSON & KINNEY, .0.30 a-m. 11:53 •• 1:15 p.m. 1:13 •• 4.20 .• 5:45 •• 6:00 •• C:3O •• 8:25 •• 0:25 • • Desk= in GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, NO. 2, PATTON'S BLOCIK,. TOWANDA, PENN'A 6:55 a.in 7:15 .. 10:00 . 10:00 . 10:45 .12:00 in. . 1:32 p.m 2:50 Ilavtag puck:wed the entiro stock of GROCERIES a PROVISIONS, FEE of T. J. JONES, and having added largely . thereto by recent purchases, they take ideaaure in announcing to the 'albite that they aro-prepared to moll anything and everything in the - • JOHN P. COX. Superintendeul. SUGARS, TEAS, FISH, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, As cheap as the cheapest. We guarantee perfect eat latactlon to all who may favor ns with a call. UMI=M March 10. 1861—tf. PEOPLE'S 14rm!.r.1,111711=r"`11 GROCERT'ES AND PROVISIONS, Width will be sold at tl•e lowest pcssiblo pines. FRUIT OF ALL 'DESCRIPTIONS, FLOUR, FEED, 317. A T., (TRAIN, Eriug an your product... Which we pey Cua A constant supply of Aabton Balt, all sized (Mums, Butter Firkins. Tuba, ko Please call and look through our stock. and - we will do our best to pletsalon. W. A. ROCKWELL. Towanda, April 23, WO. THE 319 ST, CO.NVENIENT place - in town to get a ' TOWANDA.DENN C3-001;$ MMA.I.I . G. B. ALITORD havArtit srprel th e alms well. known establishment. ls now peenareilta tr.n.t axon ' all who may favor him with a oat. lie also keeps a full supply of ltbleh be Is peepare_d te ebwp.. -•• . , Tieleads„ Merlo.llllo., VANNED FRIUTS.OF ALL Var i- - -Vara. , t 4ilY 4 l° 4:"" (Successors to Tooaus J. Joss..) Mantra, &c., GROCERY \D PROVISION LINE, Sa' as COFFERS, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, PLOuit, FEED, _ . , CORN MEAL, KEROSENE, STONE WARE, CASH PAID FOR COM:TRY PRODUCE. Ei3=i2 GROCERY A...n0 mongers STORE. A new and complete stock of CODFISH, MACKEREL, HERRING, PORK, nuirrds, HAM, MODERN STONE WARE, YANKEE - NOTIONS, DAIRYMEN, Is It the EATING HOUSE, Tso - doors sOnth of .tiatlmal Bank. t FAY GROCERIES, ii I al II timwmvu*oliw. I P - : -1#41171 0 gl - e.stowt-.44—„issux--trg-, - - ' - 1110 " 1411 0*/MX4W 4 X4 1'4.14;44; 7 4,1Q42-V.1..:474 ax , 44.•••3 , •"4 ' • ! ;'° ,ootPitswkagAlko,fallot4imad4o; ll * 4:04, 1 4W4101100.1f0ckpi,.• ray 4 : 7 ::-`; Which' hare pa:s*mA Or pub, atplfret ambient. ,thal 2 eau ea at as /ow Armes& Can IlePliedllid M=M!Mff= r-vz ES HES ;'sv'oLll , num, ausants, SPICES. kc Esiii afililtediih*,ilaqt: - ' 4' Asßox IitrOXIMPAT . I tarp ecendatffly nntand.PORILHAFMLARP!I,4a all 41 0 18H.' ate attention of the p uttle t o o ur et°433° STOCK OF TOBACCO, In malty or price: 'hese Onkleresteb3bnitoilLann. dr7. Now I'm* tlnenninl anilfronn Soap. ' , new eel and examine our itock of "WOODEN' WADE. liuteassortinput of TA-lEEE NOTION% TOILET 804.Pxte.1.. Pe/ the Weed eith ! Irk° thr COUNTRY PRODUCT. Farmers, irlyit its a. CLOTHING I' : CLOTHING I_ I • CLOTHING ! -• it yntt want to buy gOcid Fall and Winter . 0 iD G •. t • sna K witicard of ; • LOW PRICES? Go at once to ROSENBURG WOLFF(tS, , at tho Clothing Ergulator, 133 Main S?; Pallon's Block. • • Towanda, 'Nov. 17, 180.-4 , . FLOUR, SUGAR, TEA (f: COFFEE, F. 71 ••" All persona lade , - and make Mimedfate Towanda. Manch, I OM AND . CONNER .14.11N 1 AND'natoor sruirrs. ,VOICANDA; PA.; Dealers in all lands of GROCERIiS, Feed and Meal, WOOD, WILLO,Wand -- RTONE - WARE. I Wo would toll occelal attention to our otorii of . L Which ern WARRANT to give satinfactioz Su Qt:ALITY AND MICE CASH rcadlor desirat le Country M. d. taxa. G. L. KEELER. Tapioca, Vgmecelli, Msemtroni, Rev.. Pearl Barley and Haminy. Oakley'', Taylor's, and Ford's Family Soaps. /Tolman's. Talmadge;. and /loyal Baking Powder. Burnett's " Stan dud Extracts. • Timken' Farina. Hope. - Cox's Geishas. The Gem" Fruit Jar. Baker's Chocolate, Cocoa and Brome. "Titus " Cream, Lemon and Extra Soda Crackers. ..Grant's 't Wafer, Milk, Boston, Egg and Butter Crackers:- LONG k REELEIL2 Tawinds. June M, 1860. • MCCABE MIX RECEIVING NEW GROCERIES DAILY! Splendid Assortment! Whotesalc and Ili-tail! Fresh and fine iiruslity of Groceries wean behoved PRICES RANGE LOW FOR THE MARKET ! AU knits of • NATIONAL FIRE WORKS ! Wholesale.and •• Country Merchants villdo.well tomtit. Our prices shall be, •• with the reasonable," satisfactory. • . CALL AND SEE ITSI CASH PAID FOR COVET= PRODUCE.. Goods shown with pleasure. We shall pay Strict attention to all parts of our trade. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Accept our thanks for past Divers. Towends, June 14.1880. L OOK, HERE! COWELL & :MYER, At the old stand of Bnaxxatz. k CCTWELL, are now receiving a large and well selected stock of GMM?:MB AND PROVISIONS, IThicla they offer to cash buyers at prices that defy competition. Cash paid for all kinds Farmers• Produce. April 21, 11169—tf. - Tea and Coffee. GLORIOUS YEWS! TEAS GIVEN AWAY AT TIIE GREAT AMERICAN TEA STORE No. 1 Gnarrm k PATrox's Nay Diocir., BRIDGE STREET, TOWANDA, PA., At the sign of the - AMERICAN FLAG! And the • RED, WHITE AND BLUE STORE Samples of Taal OfV):8 ♦WAY 1111EMLY, to satisfy the people that this is. the piece to save money. PRICES TAW AS 'TEE GREAT AMERICAN TEA: corny OF NEW 701 LE. Fresh Grrnind Ooffeciroceired daily fronateerTork. or ground to order. Atao whole Coffee. men and 'roasted. all styles, whole and ground Spices, Dried Fruits, d:c., at equally low prices. The enbscriber begs bare to return his thanki for the very liberal patrousge extended to him while in the Grocery business in this piece, and respectfully solicits a trial in his new enterprise., The businese will be conducted stilly etithe • . CASH SYSTEM! So you will not bate to pis orb* pliant to make up fac the lowa of a credit Imnineaa. If you can't apace the moray to pay for- pcou4 buy an ounce and pay for It. Ile indepondent—then you will be.worthy to walltnugler the Into the Ainericad Tea Store! Aud buy your Goods chap. Kir Ilomeittber , the Red. White sad mu* Gine, new Mask. Itridsd Street. July 1. I.M. BGAIMALL k BIGGEWAL ALL KINDS GROCERIES .AND Provisions. at wholesale sad vetskat May 18.1 8 69. O. & rAlvErs. D R lED -FRUITS - . Nectissious: Y _ I before selling elsewhere C. B. PATCH to the labs tirmwillpbßieocall yment C. B. PATCH. 18C?. - K. PRPVISIONS, FLOUR, l!M Prorltict AMERICAN FLAG - 17?0:•: 1 KEIV -C riat'0101 1 4 11 114 1 : 1 ' . )4 A I- ' 4 ' :-,.- j 1 •s`?" . 1 VZ: • • "A' 113 4 4 4 ;°,,- , -, , ~* I#4 -1* l'l Mf a 1 t i ls, , , „,,-, . , , q ' t ." ,4 "-• is TP ., 4iirrn.7 , 5" 41 •14k . z. , 14 , •rr 0 -` 7 ",kt , t 4 1 ~•,•rp 1 4, - 4-.401- -AI ~ ;.*-1 9t . i r - .1•', ,, itcl . lt'- 3.4 i 1 -.....,AR iIJ: I . ' i !.. r ;t1 a ',." 4 ,4 1'4 . .... lArrM"b"l 4 l-I' 4 l 4.; -' 6f' , 'fi•i4 . l . 41f1. ,- • 4.N..4 - •• = 4 - ';:•`, 4t, i. , ' ' , 11.ii. ,- Ari r • , J". 7. ' - '•'' -4 " -- ' ,,, G: %. , :0•'• •4;:' ,' •ell i--A•‘;.• , ' ',. ' ' 4- 44 71 47 14 44Nr 1 4 : 4169 . 1 --:•".' ,r. ', t . ••••• , 1 1 , X , 3 - ,,d , ri , t 1" .i.tutil 1 16 511• 4 14 , f` ' ''.. -"•''''' -..i '''',..' 4= -.,- -.. t. .1 , :t%t;. ""..5 "ix..l"; ,- rti, 3 ~•-• • •••• -, fr. 14.3 04:dt: - `,.: - ...cri ‘..3: 4.13t0.. 1, T-i • - p. ; ..•,. •, 1(0'8 •-.±-,- r -iff.f. -031,:u. i" ,',.."' : ' - '''-' "- , .--. • ,: .t ., , , ' , 0•T •T , -",* ~ , A •;' 41 ,, ,';`,.1 :11-.4 -: 1,•• •,4 - ••••A' -•,. • , ,7:.• .-e. k".t.....7 c',:t gt.. , ?- - ,vi.4•••••• ,,,, =,l; , 'O, - 0: . z.;:,:,4:•;? 7i . ...,,,-.: • ziotal *.;..+4•„•3 Is-s. 1 :; 1 1.5?gl ' •-• I , - .'l,' f••{,-pd •,. .:' , ..:4:.-. ~ , r 4 - h.: 44 1 •d•.4t -- '11. , , - * GENTS' . slim' tomit:llkivrei • ,r 1 A. 1.! WAYIEBLY;'- TMA,,C0.1,14131' . , vi t kaip iitaehlottable Cutter !mai New' Yosig-i' • ! end take all the eatis ghteg you* goo, BE litir make atom:cnrirestiblialunent. ,- Mo *to p r ri &air attention to ItOtthol, Baro!.tinit . lEEE :CHILDfIENS- :CLOTIILVG - And',elwa t i . have a'Ocal asaartheat. cLopiS A7YD cmMIEM; • t i iou t 6' 0 ,00 ie* ii*; : d Beit Stqek and, Cups septitbhir.o.o.. calla - mod took, and prove fer 7g3 • tra.-Will be at the Waal House every Thursday, with munplea of Goole. atut prepared to take roes. VAN WLSOIt kIiLVINIXIII. 66 .ar,47 l L• WaTinii• N.Y, • Yoh 20;186 , i. . . , •, „. Fine aro the Garments made for Fall. — "Stem. In the splendid rooms I.f the popular one poop Newest and eher!reet, rid' and rare. - Elegant Clothing for men and boys' Wear. Fall in, gentlemen, fall in all, Alter the clothes at popular Ono Price Store, Lnok and you'll ffnA no clothes at 'Store, Like the epleudlil Clothing at the popular One Price Clothing in sessott.allrntrked down Lower thin anywhere else in town ; 'Overcook, botlifOr &Ts: and men. ' 7.7.. theta onto ant you'll come again. Hurry along, for the people push. Into our doors with a liturry rush, • .Nohby and nice are the garments all, Great is the Stock at the popular. Oils Price Store, CONTINUAL DECEPTION ! INCEEASP4G MiTIIGMASSI I 13121OCKrliGLY Low PRICE/3! IN UTZ, DOTS, txl YOUTILS.C7.OIIIrSa, C.NDEENVIA.U. IMMEE GLOVES AND MITTENS. NLcK-wEii FINE DRESS . SHIRTS, lIAAIS AND CAPS my hock is complete. Every lot marked tu plain ileums, and no deviation. all treated alike. Every garment guaranteed to turn opt as represented. Call and look at Ourgoods and prima. 13.390 mon ey and time. YU futoDDT ! IICL•IN/:: macrscrso nt the eaptair One nice Store of • z ALEX I .: 3 4O= i 3I . OL. t. OPPnalte Codking, Resell tc Co'F. Towanda, Nov. 22, 1869. • tar The ltlgheet caab price, 'paid for Wool, Ilidea, and Pelts. NEW SPRING AND BUI,J3IER GOOl/81 R. W. ED D Y, Would announce to the citizens of Towanda; and the pnbllc generally, that he has in stole and daily re• ceivin,g new and FRESH GOODS, In his line, suitable to the wants of the people, which be will sell for Currency It former GOLD PRICES! Cent:!sting annsnal of gocid, well and reliable made CLOTHING, (No Shoddy of any Nina) consisting of BUSINESS SU-LTS„ all grades, COATS, VESTS A . IID WANTS, all Wool DRESS COATS, PANTS & VESTS, Linen Coate. Dusters and Pants. Overalls and Overskirts; Linen and Paper Collars, Linen, Cassimere, and Hamel Shirts, Neck Ties. Sus ponders. Gloves. Canes, Leather • Bags, Spring Style Silk, Scift and Btraw lists.. All: erst.cissa. Remem ber that good Goods aro cheaper at a fair price than poor goods at any price. Call and Clitlllille my goods before buying. One door south of Aspinwall's 'lard: mire, Store. Towanda, Nov.IS, 1869. THF f "EFAIPLE OF. FASHION NEW STOILE AND NEW GOODS! An entire new et cio of clothing, 'bought as cheap as berate the war, to bo sold with SMALL `lllo.vriS ! The nude would rearieeffully annonuce to the citizens of Towanda and vicinity that he is now ready to offer them Clothing, stitch as • FLNE BEAVER OVERCOATS, CTIINMJSUAI3, PILOTS. Alno t to FINESIT•DIS 13rsbams Suns, HATS AND APR. Partiiihing Geode. ke.. and that titeae goods, bought iit very-low figural. will tpe ca:d with very mall pl. Ilta: I intend en ectstolbth perandFnt et& In *We rbtee, and in order to gain the confidence of !sem will-deal on a baals . . . HONESTY 11ti`1) • IiggGRITY f And ill muds- will be warranted for what they pre represented to be." Cams end ermine. lutdomeince yourself.. Don't forget the place; Temple-of Fashion., opposite the Means House, south end of Beidieman•a Towanda, Oct. 17.1R(7. A NICE STOCK 'Ol7 CTIROMO,S .1 - 16 and ENTraAlva at • • MOTS. P TWAT 171114'1: JABSDIANE Noun,* aims. rrJEIL GEW FitinT tTAM; T H E ~ a! Awes ha %Idletesitof t'sWL =NE= 11 " "smiNG' ' I :. 71V-4310 - _ "'. • ; VATitiAbgr:Vi r niTR I LOTHWO • - - - "". 31 4 4 ** 4 90# 1411 . 9 f9P 140 . 44 : 1 Fe1F ie.. * : 144446-141'" fW - . c ;';'.o 6 r.f!iiittieleywF Seigfactr . ' F'" ' 4g: - -0 i.i,•t , , , r , .; - :'.. t;,,:4,41:,-:,.:.,1 pt iron strikin • c.- ' •• ENGLL9.I3.I3EAVE.RB 10111rONS --•‘`t • , ..-• thuds% casros BEAyzaa,:_ :,,,:,,....... z.:., .„. • ~,-..,:;. .. ,,- ,-...:T;ti1 . - , ..,--r). MEM Ca*aii4 B o 841:11i" Wah tlie=nrari."'" Mese'ir• - ' Yoitifiii,: • rk. - 01 Rays' • - r 7. ovapoge r redln Towanda. of GENT'S FURNISHING 04 )DS; INZB nostenz "(mom and MITTENS,: - ' - ii...41±6-: . ':Vic.:. - 1 - 'c?.. i trr N,AIII) . I'ATIM ceitwu.‘- CIIFFEI.I4IIHPENDEfa 11ANDKE8CEII8PN. /cc. otrt:. - -Also Wile stock 'uf r CLOIRS 11:37711C3, rozmulkoa, - &c: , s _ • All Goodsentrrinted as resented. Cali and eri• amine our stock before . p g. Remember the place 96 Maki strert, o ne door north ot Chanilperl92's Jewelry More. MUM VALOR. • • •.. MD. 41..001411, Towanda. Dec. 2, /80. Tobacco rai Cigars. GEORGE V. AIYER, =vino parchised the TOBACCO . AND :CIGAR STORE, . • I e Quo south of the rnsi-. Nation it Bank; is now nyerythinii 14 his line, #holeialo and nztall • - Fte kacPa constantly on hanti a comp' to stork of ....—..O—H 1.0. E„.. ai.G. A, S, FINN CUT. PLUG, AND BUOKLNO TOBACCO, Put up In all styles. The best qttalittes et BROWN. MACK. AND SCOTCH SAUFFEI; The wait cc bn ted bran de of FANCY SMOKING TOBACCO, TOBACCO BOXES and POUCHES, Aud an good,. usually key!. in althrt-cl,e t, CI - GAR STORE! Dealers will do well to call and examine 'Ma large and well selected stock. Towanda. April 29. 1869. JULES iIUGUE*EK, JEWELLER d; ,SILVERSMITH MERCUR'S NEW BLOCK; TOWANDA, PA Has Jusgt received from New York a new assortmen of due Gold LADIES' WATCHES, AMERICAN' WATCHES -otall descriptions. Also a selected orsortnaent of GOLD CHAINS, FLNE GOLD J' El VT g L 8., "Y" , CLOCKS OF ALL STIUMf3 nost THE CHEAP GOLD. SILVER AND STEEL. SPECTACLIZ AND EYEGLASSES to At all caste of Impaired teight. NEW PATENT ReCOMODATING ISTECTI4CLEB. Ry this patent I am enabled to .irMhiume °lanes at any time without extra charge. Call and see. CLOCICH, WATCHER AND JEWELRY REPAIRED AND WAZILL.RTED. • Towanda. Doe. 16, 1869 NEW HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE AND TIN SHOP AT WTALERMO I R. F. SULZER, ljaajek received a full supply of COAL AND WOOD COOKING STOVES, COAL AND croon IMAM° nous, ELITATID mesa BASE DURNERS,ke. HORSE 3110Fli, HAIL RODS, nous anOE MON. isorese 1t1112.4, cons SeIPE6, Apple Pcarerii, ke. AIL sizes f Italia and Ruse Trimming Goode. - REPA JRING AND JOBBING OF ALL KINDS of the most approved styles. done atslOirt notice. Ail kinds of Cutlery, BMssora, nature, Carpenters` Blacksmiths. and Wagon /hikers' Tools: . (Ow, Shovels, Scoops, kc, Glue we a call, Ittlasell as cheap u the cheapest. ' Noe.S,,.•GS, It. W. EDDY An ezperienoed Binder. and all work win ha lumpily done la a style and manner which mullet be excelled. nista. libutazines, Newspalpers.Old Books. &c., bound every variety of style. Particular attouttak will lie T OWANDA MEAT • MARKET I Pahl to the Bulb .g and Binding r • OrSTERS, TIM AND CL.I.IIS, The subscribers will. 'keep constantly on bands fctl stock of Onmos; Pl4l mm Cums, •INEW -TAILOR SHOP. at wholesale and retail where all parties can be sop , ; 4 - 1 • plied at reasonable rates. Alssia fu ll stock of Mesta ; - ' .AllOB PWEPACER/t consisting of ~. -; • : • " : ' 1 ~,,..• - • ,hues- Tise uMI-Nrs:gue.l having built alarm! and cennuo ,. . ,hues Mill in the' Borough of Towanda, and filled. it BEEP, 'PREMIIIIITTON,' TAMIL Shr ... gAGE. , , . 9pcbcd a shop In the room back of the Rooms of With the m0 . ,4 modern and unproved machinery, for . , ' ' thelkning 3fen's Christian AssociMion, second show, t'+-,,n0.n0ta...t . ..rze of likApeliElar,.• BOLOGNA, TALLOW, LARD; kn .. .. over Eddy's C l ot hi ng Store. where he la now /w9i" ,4 . - "r 'Market first corner south ef Ward hones. Mainst' • .to do el. ki nds IV ''' * sy Awn Busts, .. .. .. „ . ~-• ' . 'Towanda. Pa. . TAILORDIN, `,. - I Are prepare. : .1111 orders, tria-ther Vargo or small. • eepdiom-sm i - SHAW. IRIANND kCO • j •' • • • - .. -- • alum Vat shortestuutice. Vio•have also a large vs- In the best and moat fashionable manner. An cs• r.ety of MOVIDINGS, of the lateed style and I,attmi. ' I patience of many years, a determination to keep up . which we - cau furn:shmuch elleAPer than they can be - • with the fashions of the times; and is desire Vs:plain workod by habst. . _ • - .: -, . . . .., his customers, he believes will 'enable him to give sat- - - S rtAwnin. - • ... .—i, Tt<%iGUl7dlcii, .. . . . - • .- . • -:' -.-- - •" .. 'h. `. air Crating done on. short notice end reasonable , - GRoormo .. • - terms 8E ED C - A-T AL 0 421:-..,•U -E —' - Towanda' Oet. 17, 18G7. - . • - . JAND SCllthiL i LIB ! - LIME! I LIMP. ! !.! -.- 1 J - . ~- P4WING, And. all Work perMitang to Joiner, wilt be done to snit old rastomera. ' The undersigned hereby. announce, to the public persons building. and not P more than twelve 1 that he keeps constantly on band at his KILN _ ... hi . t. BROWEITOWN. Pa.. a MI on of. fresh burn." . interest to buy of us. or bring their lumber sinner° to fourteen miles distant , will dud it largely for their . 1 NEW YORK LIME, which he will Gallas cheap at it it wetted by our l umbe r, 'Bring your . grist of -- - . GARDEN, POE lida.. - :.. .. ' . :rem be bought* any -point along the Erna& • Flooring..or other lumber, and while your tram is •. , ralln) BROWN . • j . feeding, have It ground out and take it 'home wah MEOW he.tmerary..- . Every knee - cd Airwave - Wish- At ic itt , you._ - . Inglidenew mad Tralueble rer.liriedt.therge.edrotild .... *admit immediately IL O'KEEFE. , SON it O 9„, in. ' and CODFISH; BL U E v iti, - win •pay 'CAM fop rim: AND wEnr.ocx Firth. Useidriser Titrat''Cieroesi'Piekied and Lt3XBER delismed st our Wither pant . Com e It Ewers Wok. Keeheiferal. Y. - - ; Alleroted Reneges, croaked Kaillnit. add Dried Beet tyke us, or it Sod Oetet . COMe• Write." .. '•= 11. 21, ign.44lral I . , i . , , LONE & KEELKBIIi. . I Towanda, Feb.; 1861. L. B.IIODG,ER.S . fe CO.vv S E.N T E! IL OTEEFE, SON./t C 0,13 PLOWER AND VEGETABLE . s. z ill great variety P 1 P il 8 , MATCH SAFES Jewelry. Ouo door north or SWISS , WA. ICKES; all new. EST TO TUE BEST Miscellaneous. R. F. MI:TL=It. Each in their season AND DtrfpE TO THE wan ?Ts. 11.-;4:0 !,,,:tti 1401Rati1.17.-1 •.L.--;_knl ,-, 1 .4 ..17. c - , e : " ..4, -* 4 .43 -1., - i 4, 4''' • , !." " ' ''.i. ,I. :.,ti , :.z. , :: '.1. 1 ,1 '4 4 , 45•4t•-•Fi VA ! 't ';N r ' '; eo •4 -01 , , , : , , , ,*,; g..; - ,11. - .."JF: .. i, ,'. - ' 74 ' ; 1 >., 5 ..! .„...i;..-41., :.1 ,4, - - 2- , ; , . tyr , I . . ._. g",.„. - - " , •.; - -i ..1 i.!i t dit , .. , P.t sr...;fitf 412 . 1._.X. . , • ' et ,- . ,1;...110 -,--..,,.....: ) t'-. ' 1.4 ' ' , td •' ' ~...t .- , . i :., •-• , ..:'1 4 -?.:,.. 1. , -1.. , ?, T. i.,. : ■ t; 1,31 i • -,t, ..1.. 7 E ,04 +az • ' •". ~,- ' ''. „ ...i ;At'',le . , . 'MA:4i :11 11. . :''''.,! '1: P.' ,... •1 41.1 , ...r! ' ~ .=. o ° -, 71 4- ' -ow: - : , ,i - r. ::' s *l - :::- :- tl .:* i g., i t r• • ,'.... ~'": , ......,,, MIRE. . wrap to an tuo attentfolis 400Xlia,1 .14.4!nuara siteuntifts. L . l4 and CABRENTEDIEP:TOOLB. Also, a firm+ Wind : air Olua,Saab,.Painb. filla, • ~ Point Tastddits. and Paint' _. and Varniab Druabea Of all kinds, "Mach trill be 'moll 'for - tba lark , ed Ca; b price. Alto; a dna assortment of _ •t - KEROSENE LAMPS.I Of every style, anerpattar4inanß the pn' • . Lampareintred andabstiged from'Oß and riviid to Kerosene. Particular attention 11_14 to the manufacturing of all kinds of ' • 'Jonanfo rampivr ATIWIDIZI? TO. We have on hand a fine article* / I GLASS PittrlT _JARS, Within*ived cod e grid - iixtatErien . sEALma &yeah! Which is ono of the best cans used. ' Jiine r. 184. 1 •. -. • GO' TO' S. N. BRONSON'S FOR - • HUBBARD iIOWING None batter. and parts for tbe sante, au important outouutetnen2. , SMH, DOORS--AND BLINDS•I , - No betterinality can be found, and at prima attain . . ab:e. Tons of xi i• • 1 STOVES, IRO* AND 'HARDWARE;' • Au I¢n. as as Re, tide pf the market, tu n Etc., at r 'METROPOLITAN R.*f„ART, STORE, • Owen, lea. June 24, 18627'—' jyl Z:mntme. HERE! There is now on exiittntion St the Mantmoth Furniture Store, LEI TOWAN/ii, The largestandbest ett;ek'of FURNITURE! T.; be brand in North= Peanaylvania, which la be ing sold at GRE,STLY REDb*CRD PRICES! My stock consists In part of Parlor. Library. Din ing•rooni and Chamber sets. Parlor, Library, Eaten slots Dining and Oast Tables. Chairs, Bedsteads Bureau'', Washstands, Sofas, Lounges, Tetsa-tetes, What-iota, Cradles, Cribs, ht., Sc. t full line of Mattrasses and Bedding, Pier, Mantel and Common Mirrors, Oval and Bustle Frames and Brackets, Se., &c. In fact, eserything La .the Furniture Line Wilich must, ba teen lobe appreciate I, awl which will be gold at L(/'WER PRICES! Than the same quality of goods tan' purchased else. where. . . Thankful ts, Cie plant: for their past liberal patron age, and determined to merit a 'continuance of the Yams by offering inducements not is be found else where, I incite them io call and ("mounts my goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. No charge for showing goods, and I WILL XOT BE - --UXDERSOLD! oDurany DE.U,111.3 supplied as usual' at thelow. est market prices. I also keep on hand a large assortment of Ready Made Coffins, from the most common to the finest Rosr.wood. Also Burial Robes, ernpag. kc.,aadSam the twit, agent in Bradford county for Bhuler .k Fisk's 3izrAtlc lIRRLAL CAfia;, C.VSKETS, &C. A t ood REA USE always Lu readlue,s.3 whop required Towanda Des. 10, 188. SELLING OUT . BELOW COST A wonaertul opliortaalty all trhotrigli to PURCHAS - E FURNITURE CHEAP S. T. DECKER will from this date sell all his reeds connoting of PARLOR SETS, 1,1-VING ROW! CHAIR,% BEDSTEADS," - • 31111RORS; BBL 0 W COS T! - Arno storow _present occupied by tno is„ - tor rent or sale. It is one of the beet business stands in Towanda., Towanda, Judy 21, 1862. FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS mArassox announces to the publiathat be still oontinuea to manufacture and keep on band a large assortment of, CABINET FURNITURE Bureaus, Tables, BeasteidS, Stands, Clinks, kci., of every.deseription, which are made of the best mate dais, and In the most workinanlike 'manner. I invite the inspection, of the public to my work. which aball not be surpassed in durability at any shop in the country. and my prices will be found to be an low u the times will admit. Ready-made Coffins constantly on hand or tuade to order. A good Ream win be furniabcxlwhen desired. Aug. 16.1865. Miscollancons 800K -BINDERY.-THE PUB -A-. lie Is resivrettlly Informed tbat Abe dory has bun removed Wills Argi - i Budding,third story, where will be - dons BOOK-BINDING! , , "In all ita various brandies, on torm3 as reasonable iui -the timer" will allow. 'the Bindery will bo nudiv the charge of ' -, U. C. WIITTAXER, MANS. iBOOM. To any desired pattern, which to quality and dura bility will be warranted. 4 All work will be ready for delivery when promised. Tbergrotlrof theebil is solicited, and' per fect si td., Towanda. Annust 9. 1864—tf. - . . ' - - t ruokuct i a li chwi 4 k=Ta. - • • • • - OLD akekl DRUe STORE; pre 1i I • 2 EIS ~: aorser it in 'Ala Zoo Bfirecia.:lcm,tW;), aka :rearattjaidid likely taiga stack, a fat =al ballaplete . wasottateut,racatatitutlag as extenaine vs ' ft lwiagaoaatatthiaa owl Ada Ow. pa s, awfully selected with to the t , vita public,: WWII 'at - =7 28 1 11011 /..aappliad -with trash ,parclatsoi, awl on the most reaaoaahlatarms at Iploisallaar . Betel, consisting of Duticts,'. Minsulmlf, 4:tr 0 -BENZINE, ANP TURPENTINE, pAL4I., i•siatin; vrArri:wAnt. And 'II Elude aqu.d.... .. KEROSENE,9II.-COIL 014' MEM Alcohol. aral Ifurning Pitilds; suatme, IWKS, pacemys, ISPorwreOleviii* , nAtiFoot TANNER'S AND MACHINE orris,: fancy Ufa Toilet - Artielea In 41 thelr Tic#4, - . :,....112(49E01160gX8,0*118, Pomades, gstrroyea, Perfumery, PW.K.EffiO OA'S, PORsT MONAIS, Pocket Knives, ' TOOTH, SKIN AND P=PMUTION.Y. mug wrsm AND uquom, Fcir 3iedICIII 1 uaC. TOBACCC;; SZWIT, Pots Axii Cleatts, Barden, Field and Plower Seals, Trusties. Sup. porters. Baspensuries. Bliontder Brame'. : Breast . . • rumps. Teeth* thugs. Nursing Bottles: Nipples. Nipple Shells and Sldeldi, SyriuGes, Sod pans, Selt•Scaling Fruit Jars. Thar.- `. Intunetera, Flavoring titracts, Mono . jugs,aidass Ware. Bottievr, tisads,Cork4 Bath Brick, and Store Slacking. Fish Tack.ht Am munition. tre.,.Botsidtt Eclectic and lloutorpath ir Medicines, end all the popular Patent. . . All article* warranted as reimaseuted. Persona at • distance can receive' their orders by stage or' mall, which will receive prompt and emend attention. Medical advice given gratuitmaty at-'the oftkv, charging only for medicine. ' " . aysy-Thanlard for put liberal patronageorould tea pectftilly announce to his friends and the publle, that uo pains shall be spared to satisfy. and merit the tinuatiOn of their confider:tie and pationay,e: Open Sundays for preecriptionc from 9 - to 10 a.m., and tO 1. and 5 to r; p.m. dan. 1, 1551—yr. • H. C. PORTER, G REAT : BA.RGAINS 'IN mocpaiB.& SHOES - NEW EQOT AND SHOE 'STORE, The utderidgned are sieving s largei and well se lected stock et . EOOTS. KD SHOES StIIMES • AND FALL TRAS), Which wt uff,rltitr fin Cash. Consisting of - GENTS, AND CHILDREN S WEAR. SEW ED AND. PEGGED BOOTS REP.:11111NO .NE:177,1' DONE, Thankful for pit farora, I,oll.rit a confoluance of tie same wooprentn. GL1.731:22 )t. Towanda, , April 5. 180. . TOWANDA J.t3IF-S 0. FROST HEAVY D LIGHT .WAGONS, WOOD TURNDIG Di TALI; ITS BRANCHES. SCROLL SAWING, PLANI - NO, ETC., ETC. HUBS, SMICES & BENT STUFF, WC., aRGE: - STOCK 4110:t1 vatlcli TO SELECT _ The above aro froth the beat SECOND GEOWTII HICKORY AND OAK S. • T. DECKER TIGHT AND HEAVY WAGONS ON l!. ..7,a) We have tile Broad and Narrow Gunge BLOOID dr , QO., Still continue to manufacture their celebrated HORSE POWERS S.; CLEANERS, and. trill sell a bottle tolchine, for, less money than can be had &anthem in the world. We claim for our machines that tlwy will do as mach.- orraore, than any other.. a:l,d aro-more durably We personally superintend one work and see iltat .well down. WO ill send of our machie . .l. On arpfleatlon. ONt AND TWO HORSE POWERS ; Ont. Two I:Wm TIIRESMER SEPERATORS. FANNING mtLLs, SAIT . AND CdtTST A ITILL work done tt6arder Give ImA call befciO purchilistuis elsewhere Ara cm imayna ‘sNzallax •0 . 0 ?S' 0..0 0 1 1 Er Aug. 9, 1A69. N E W .m . 4i:4l:p.rriorrt rP!r e, 01 !•!k viill,42l'llm4 Boots and Shoos, MEM South cud of Ward Howe P4ltable Tor do LADLES, MADE TO ORDER AND lI,EADY`InIEif ruo3u4ED Ma,nufactories. AGRICTiLitTRIL GEM TO II'ILV A, . PEYN'A 11ANTIPACITELi NIT A, SPOKI:S. lß\'T STL ITS OE.NEIZAL WOOD To Dealers ra i( I=2l tn,.lnu. PICKS . maae and cit:esped M. C. liEncun, President Towanda, July 2.1868 DISCRIPTIVE r CITALO',II7E3 TIIVESIiER and CL.K.1.VE.123, cracttAn AND DlttG s:or. snu.s PLANING AtILI triiilcE eOYares r. wrommo hitfURANCANT, Btanz, \ Copilot and Sigp/iw, - $270,000. NOITIVAXIMICAS CMOAST. , Hanford, nu, OTT ram litsexaxic Counxr. AusisyMrt Unritha4 Coacv.urr, review riug ism-moms Coxr►xs, Du r, • • BM:CI:WIELD Eri •xa }Later borcAmcct. e4 j .; Bprisgpid. Lalle r neu Firic Irscriti'v.Cor, NNW TORNLYL lxxvsunt Comkiwr, Ands, 113 rwori o. • roudr , fl .i t t cn attd Knivitdittited s.nd nib it Ting) OFFICE. INErt fn filetblock beiosr Ward 11.4n.e, up 41.1 4 r, T. - 13.eAMP, Agebt Jar . 50870. •PIRE, LIFE, AND ACCIDENT %L IV'!ITIIJ-:CP ` ,CAPITAL ILEPTLEAMED. MEI% I:I"If..VTEI..*..'ir..MILL:IO2V DOLLAR.: C. S. RUSSELL, Agesit • For thtf9l:lncinvtamed 11.1ktte 01IIAILD Yner. Itszuxisbcsrt-uccz ' Philartelphia. • • -;Capital and surplus aver' HOUr.../1101t1l.r.XCE Ic:O.UPANT. - New Fork. Capital and aiOpiva over iNKCILI.NCE CO. ov 6 .liGurti Capital arulearplux over $1,700,0, 31.?...m..trrmir • !Nl:rm.:ace:. l'oxTavy: I . _Vrie rcrk. I • Capital ind Inman% uver ENT.1 . 1 . 41,7- Ixarutscr. CoI:PA:CV. , ilcdriphirs. Capital and aurplua,ovcr .13.71.1 f I Anent: IxseRANCE Neve f' k. Cap:t3.! and surplus over PuT.x.sar issvcAn% CdarrANY. I/afJford. C.ww. Cap:4l aatl unridus o'te , - 4. i mo MUTUAL ;11 , 11 L'OCCILtiCCE: COMPANY. I - • AV/1/.1 Fa. k. Capital andslypltte Truvris.zr,' Issmucez CoIIPA%Y Hartford. Caws. Capita awl.arphis over if Ricks taken on all kinds of Pr,Tort nal as by any other reliable Calrstranics, 11 , -i," Policies Issued a.c...3 Losses. if an?. e1y4.1.,1 at this Agency, thereby paving the L-orttar as te-i-t, of golag rift:where fur settcrnerL tr . )... (Vice at the Hardware Stare of 0 - dtltnz, sell & Co. C. S. Ill'hsELL Toomuda,.Fcb. 7. NATIONAL LIVE IN:itIIINCE CA' 2 CA7rrtt., $l,OO ).090—r uv , ax rru. Chartered Congrehm. lsrA CLARECCE 11. CLAItK. Prorldvut JAY COOKE. Cbairmas Finance and Ez. ts%, ItENEY L. COOKE. Vice Ircaiacmt EMERSON W. PETT.- Secretary and A,t::ary_ The nava:it...l;ms of Via Surniiii: Life 1. It Is a NaticrnalComi,any, i tl7, ;' , .;41 , . 2. It Las a Paid. trl eXpital of One ....I 3. It ..aera lbw rates of prim:inns 4. It furnial;ea larger insuratn: than 1:•r 1 .tr iirmies. for the name money'; 5. It la definite and certain ; C. There 1,3 no posaibility of agents. or ralsuntleratanth T. The policies are pain- ..tc„n•.. MISSES, ranee for so much toor.ey ; A. All policies sup nomforfritim; ; - • 9. The itolicies are exclopt from E. n•. CLAEE d: CO., tzttl,rs. B. R. 11U5gi1.7.1... ]fain.• N. C. ELSBIZI.T. & 31pY.C. re- Agents for Towantle and ti. is Yj Jan. 9. 1569. CON'NE.CTICUT MUTUAL LLIT, INSKIIANCI: COMPANY. or.H.AnTnqq). cos:: NUM:Fair:4l *IRT: TITAN ,' , 9.1 . 0,1 11.:311 ASSET6 r (JIILIe I. 1.11 . 1.1 $2.5 .h.ol VC. Stirp:ii - A over j 7.001 OVO. CI;I:111:NT FROM 4U Tp 76 PLR et.:T Total Ciaime 1;.1. Death paid P,l..te, nor: s,Z.irm; I'..:D D z , r, ;01 wri Pl - 11 EL I - .111'1'1'..1 COMP.! Al AU it, rurpill4 is equitably divi,ll,Pau,a; ti r ley lvd.ilcrs in AN N IL DIVID F.NDS, may be applicd in reduction of may bo aii.Litimulated at tat tar tho thu . Atoo:red. or may be recer:e.l by thou is Cai.ll. roli.ies aro grazited after taro ,r Mtn years' Pyiniurag is :ITV been rud. tba! leaet.:.ar! making ILL POLICIES 40X-PWITI7 IV' It itmues Policies upon 111 DI2I.IILE PLANS uF lYst RAN t. ALni has atliittol iu its workitlgm several SI'ECIA L FEATURE.s OIIIGLNAL TIIIS' COMPANY AND 01.111' ED EY NO Ui lIEE. 11. It. M.•till .N..t Towanda. Pa., July 22. Itttl9—O BRADFORD COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE AciENC); JOILI W. MLX. ,I9ent; TOWANI.A. 1 ' run THE rou.i*lN.l ULU:ULF. 0,111.:,..y.:1' PIICC?:TS FLUE MEI HOME INST.:IIANCE CoMr...NV. Net, Lama, EEO 1: I t lA` IA FIDE IMESIM Noirra AmtmicAN rmc MEI IL&novEr, EMS Poile,les veritka an.11,4,s 1111.t..1 it • Far T 2 prop,rty rielo taten at 10-xe‘t air Ottice In Merenr's New 251,*•Y. ~a a!" ne &inure. Ton anla. P.a. ..1(.11IN W. )lIN 1:1&19. THE EQUITABLE LIFE AS:4I . RANGE SOCILTY'S r•T .1;13,:fo: k CASH CAPITAL ::-.3.fito.ocil. I"..r.r!ylucenne over s2,etio.i.k,o.so , h. 3TONTANIT r Towanda. July 21. THE LI:COMM. - 6 i':ILFIIU L FIEF. Isirrance Agcney for Bradford 0.11, en Mutual Caul plan. In suet mer P , ty-seven ware: _MONTANYE ,'. V. Ala , Truranati. July 25. IAO: _ _ - 'NNING AND ILA 1Z ESS M T taiderrlgned have Om , eopartnerohip. to be Itowia Et^ firm lot MM , } - k FOULER. for tho purlo.. of earning :Sr A 1.,. Imsdnees. flamer,. making and npairma der; and a work warranted. fe , d , MlttEr. rad tor hitt,. tllllFl'l i. 11.6.111. Carliptqwn. Jan. 29. 1 V.A. • r1.0":213, FEED AND MEA 1 Pohl etzezti.. at' (t)WELL a 31111r:s. _ . A LAAIGI:I ASSORTMENT Woialot Ware at. - COW ELL 1111:Irs • ROYAL BAKING 'POWDERS r.t COWELL k MYER" , TRUITS OF ALL. KINDs -1. COWELL k MYEB POFFEK TEA, StUAR, FISH• wlaolcaale and 'alai!. Jitly 1. McC,1111: a v7l. THAT CELEBRATED SELF RI. lug Flour. at c. 1 rxrcirs may 20. .HORSFORD'S BREA P::Priparatlon,at C. B. PATCH'S. 3E4 20. CONCENTRATED LYE AND Potash, nt C.. B. PATCH'S. etas 2.0... • Hartford, IThanl LOAfalf,r, 1.. EMOMEM MEI General Agetts liartford. I I • • - 7 4.,:.•37, Nr.r. Purl.- I IM=ll ,-.;.L ENS No, r.rk. I 1 r • CATITAL n.