Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 27, 1870, Image 3

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    andfoni grporitt.
*L. Some of t,he farmers tierce
bolds were ploughing last week.
ow . The Presbytery. of Susquehan
na is in seardon st Mosroston.
Stir Call at the Elwell House and
bet , Plum's Carpet-Rag Looper.
WY" The M.E. Church in this place
,f itl be re•aedidated on the 12th of February.
Hiram will deliver
his farewell discourse as pastor of the Presby
terian church, on Sunday evening next.
Jo-MajorEms is about to take
diargc of the " Waverly House," Waverly, NS.
The Major is a popular hotel-keeper.
le, The ladies of the M.E. Church
announce a Ivry inciting bill of fare at the
Church Parlors this (Wednesday) evening.
go - The Episcopal
.31ite -§ociety
will meet on Monday evening next, at the resi
dence of CoL J. F. MEatta.
A fair held iti Sheshequin on
wcanesday evioaiug of last week, for- the pur
pose of raising funds to repair the church, net
' fed the handsoine sum of $l5O.
IbTNATION VISIT. —The frientis of
MN. a CuArt will mf him a Donation Visit on
tho afternoon anti eveilir.g of Febrility 10,1870,
at the Wyalusing Acidenty. All are invited.
A DONATION.—The friends of Rev.
S. J. Ilss and family are resyeetfully asked to
make them donations. Wednesday p.m. and
es euilig, Feb. 2, at the Baptist Parsonage.
te... The affecting and thrilling
dcigua, "Ten Nights, In a • Bar-mom," will be
plap,l at Leßsynvine for two nights, commenc
ing 11.inany evening, Jab. 31, 1970. ;
ti) -- Prof. thus. WurrNmy, of Bing-
Ihonton, an eloentioniFt of no mean reputation,
M. kn.( made an engagement with a New York
manager for three hundred dollars per evening.
r 0,.. We have published several ar
tich, in reference to the Monroeton Sunday
sio,d, and think that enough has• been said
upon the subject. We therefore decline toprint
anything more in regard to the cuntroreray.
Is.. C. F. CROSS desires us to con
tradict au impression that has gone abroad, to
the effect that he is about to close out his busi
11,Fh. He says, however, that he will continue
to dispose of his immense stock of miscellane
ous books, statiOnery, ikc., at greatly reduced
Josh C.utan. has sold his
Foundry and Machine Shop to Cid. J. P.M.Eass
it Sox for $10;400. Mt: Cammati has beim en
gaged in business Lure fur more than thirty
years, and has always enjoyed the reputation
of being an upright; honest man.
ie. We direct particular attention
of our readers to the advertisement of H. M.
lmnut k co., Iteal Estate Agents, Philadelphia.
Mr. D. is a native of Bradford eounty, And has
malty acquaintances here. We cheerfully -corn
him to the confidence of aIL
re.,. It is really astonishing to see
we_ eau "rattle off" cards and bill
11.1oli ell our new press. Drop in and sou it,
sad iry,cu have any work to be done, by the
now you take a good look through the Heron
olliee, your job will be ready fur you to etir-
P. It gives us pleasure to au
ni..o nee that a Tomperauce Hotel has been open
in this place. It is something which has
!sag been needed, and we hope it may receive
a aziliennis patronage, and that the proprietor
s deem it necessary at the next term 91'
tj• have a license.
NoricE.—Mr. and Mrs. Aims-rims°,
.4 31011rot.b.n, desire publicly to express their
thankfulness and gratitude hi their Inenda.for
many substantial proofs of kintlncss,
manifested in the donation on the 20th inst.
Thc le t receipts wire nearly one hundred anti
silty dollars.
mc... The Good Templars •of La
porte, Sullivan county, otter a reward of dye
&this for such information as will lead to the
con; iction of any person fur violation of the li
quor laws in that borough or township. U the
present lax N restricting the sale of liquors in
this Commonwealth were Mdureed, but few
giro shops would be-left open.
44j- A train of cars, carrying six
/. r,, huHdrethous of coal, passed this place on
Saturday night. If business increases as rapid
ly for the next year as it has during the past
few months_ on the Pa. .4. N.Y. R.R., better la-
OM,. for trans-Nhipoing freight will have to be
poo idea by the Erie Company at Waverly, nr a
new outlet found.
Subscribers and post-masters
ue d n , ,t return coptes.of the REPOUTEII, as we
shall not send the paper more than ono or two
afti , r the expiration of the time paid for,
Laen, ;f the subscription is not renewed, it *ill
1..• diseontinued in all eases. If we violates , this
nil. ne shall not ask the person receiving the
roptr to pay. unless he chooses to do so.
FAY" The post-office at Waverly is
h.l n u vrd to new and commodious guar
!, s. The new office will contain about nine
Luinhvil buses, three hundred of which will be
hirieshed with locks. We congratulate Mr.
Pm. :As, and his assistant, Mr. KINNEY, on
th, .1- escape from the Inconvenient and cramp
,.l r they .have occupiedlor so many years.
A-4Y- The express train coming north
tle• Pa. .t N.Y. 11.11. a few days since, came
a dog which seemed determined not to
grt oat of the way, but was making desperate
Ntri,ks to keepaltead of the steam horse. When
the trait, came upon him, the engineer • expect
, a to see the lifeless form of his degship thrown
from the track, but was somewhat surprised on
arriving at the ncat station to find him giro and
' , ell. securely pt , xebed upon the cow-catcher.
T. 'Eumoss has just return
from y,,ek city Is - $a a large aasurtment
gorals Li the Lne of hi trade, consisting of
articles of every style and quality fan
plug and tine cut tobacco, together
111111 a large lot of Havana and other cigar to
of which he intends to make some new
and :ine brands of cigars. lie intends to do his
beat" to suit the taste of all who smoke
eith e r th.• cigar or pipe. Give him a call and
, ipport home manufactures. Right opposite
th coart-yrl Gate on Main Street.
limicLAy.—A man named DPSNIS
I' ll.l-111AN was killed iu the mince Friday after
tl.9n by a fall of elate.
While the Fall Creek Coal Company's powder
house was being lined on Thursday last, Man
na Hitt.aay, a boy 12 years of age, managed to
till loth of his pockets with powder =perceived
by tie workmen. Itt shooting off his fireworks,
%GUN'S pocket magazine was ignited, and be
"as horribly burned frotnhiskneestohissheul
der,. li e has since died. Boys, take yarning
DO - ED. GrrrEs (colored), aextosi
ut the Presbyterian church, got himself into
trouble on Saturday last in trying to imitate the
Baud -writing of air. \Vic:Ream, treasurer of the
tr . church. It appears that GETTES rcceivetk from
Sir. W. a cheek for $5O in fall for services, and
ED, thinking it a good opporiudity to make a
mi.... tilled up another check for the 82E130
ativnint and signed Mr: Wientax'a name to it.
The cheeks mere both drawn on Holmes Bank
It here the gennine one was 'resented and paid.
The forged ono war: taken to Ilsacere Buda
.nhere it was cashed. Tha furry vas not dia:
eoserea until attenuant, when GEITEB MIS al ,
rested, and attet a hearing, in default of ball
was lodged in jail. Hp, however, refunded, the
tut: . dollars.
;t 0 tilft4
dePartalelkliik'b"° 4l : thal'fliii.l/4rasiki—
as bildr*Obistialo *tit h ege , ,k i i h tf bon
vadat - Welmield see othinti hittatiling
good example of the Doctor.
tg Th e proposition of raw
Dm to organize a new, dainty - nut of parts at
Bradford, toga and Lromillig, is littool*OP•
poem' in Mega nevi] u this "unix. some of
the moat srabatantial catkins. of ;Colton, . the
immx*4 . o o unti !eat of -rrAO-bete.o.ouOtl:•-.(1r14-
couuteam . mettle achome. - .,.... 4
Ilan Mr.:o. W. VINCENT; for - niaiy
years a resident of filuesbeqnin, has been ap
pointed Superintendent of the Towanda Agri
cultural Works. Mi. V. is an experienced me
chanic, and a thorough-going business man.
The Ostablishment employanone bit gixtd work
merk'and is timing oat some Srat-olass work.'
Persons in want of anything in the lino of silt
gone or buggies, shonld call and examine :the
stock. Mr. Fixer= will take pleasure in ex
hibiting work.
The beat evidence in the world.
that honorable . dealing, and Judicious advertiS•
lug are sure to build up a good business, is the
het that notwithstanding therdull tithed of the
past few weeks, MCCABE & Mix's trade has kept
up, and their sale's have - been nearly as good as
during any serum of the year. It is no vaun
ting thing to see their store crowded at all hours
of the day, and their customers arc among the
reading, intelligent, and prompt paying class
orcommur.ity. We can give our readers no
better nth-jai , than to visit their Store when in
THEATRICAL.—The agent of:the cele
brated Tow:vsesn FAMILY, Stae Dramatic and
Operatic Monne, has billed - them for an. ap.
peOranee in this place on Moliday, Tuesday and
Wednesday evenings of neat week. Ilascun's
now i hall being not yet completed, macaws
Half has been secured, which wall be made eom
fortable with chair seats and well lighted. • The
carpenters are now
making necessary
preparations, and good and appropriate scenery
will be placed upon the stage. The press spc Alf.
highly of them wherever thoy2 have appeared,
and we believe all lovers of the drama will be
pleased with their entertainment. We bare in
our possession complimentary notices of their
merits, which want of space cempelsus to omit.
ilee;• The Binghamton Democrat, of
the 20th, learns that a "Mrs. Swim, living on
Washington street, committed suicide by tak
ing arsenic Friday lest. She died yesterday af
ternoon. It seems that her husband hail been
sick some time. and Mrs. Swim wort out by
care and anxiety had retired leaving-a friendup
to watch Mr. SMITH, and that she aivoke from
a feverish rest and dream, in which she thought
her husband was dead, and that working on her
mind she arose and getting some arsenic which
was used to kill rats, took a dose, and 'when
found shortly after was in convulsions and froth
ing at the mouth ; aid was secured and every
thing done that could be, but shn . died yester
day in great agony."
Weir We would again call the at
tention of our readers to the very generous offer
which we make them, in giyisag them the Amer-,
icon Neck Jurtrita! free for one year, in cornice
tiou with the REPOnTEM r.y complying with the
terms, which are subscribing (or renewing) at
once, and paying ono year in adrance. Quite
a largo number have done se already-, and the
time is limited. 1), not delay, for you sin unly
asked to do what is for your interest—to pay in
advance for the likrollTEM, and receive one of
the best Agricultural Journals that is now pub
lished fur one year, from January, 1870. Let
not that o'4l '• thief," procrastination, pilfer from
you this golden opportunity.
TIFUL 31A0AZINF- February . mania.: of Ik
sitorescs Mohfidy presents an extraordinary ar
ray of literary novelties, useful items of infor
fustian, and beautiful Illustrations, which al
most bewilder us with their profusion. Among
the genis in the February number of this mod
el Monthly is ticna.t.zit's "Song of the Bell,"
illustrated with seven tine and very character
istic engravings; also the fourth plate in the
series of Comes " Voyage of Life," very finely
engraved, with much useful and seasonable In
formation on Fashions; also JENNY . JUNE . S
splendid "Talks with Women," end numerous
other interesting and useful topic. But He moat
refer the reader to tho boot itself, as no mere
mention will do justice to this model Magazine.
Yearly, f 3,00, with a splendid engraving as a
premium to each subscriber. Address DEROIt-
E.SiS MONTHLY, 838 Broadway, New York.
dent Duicuonm has brought his family to this
place. and taken rooms at the Ward House. We
hope Hr. D. may continue be n citizen of
—Judge MEnccia and wife have gone to Now
Havcn, Conn., in consequence of the illnesS of
their son:Hon:lm, who is time at tending school.
Mattiinv, son of WM. UaiLLOIIT, of
this place, who has been coati:led to his coons
in Now Haven for many weeks past with that
terrible disease, typhoid reser, is, we are glad
to learn, recovering, and will sa 11 be able to be
-31 r. and airs. A:sr:NW:A.I. have arrived at
Aiken, S.C.
--We regret to learn that Mrs. VA;comE, wife
of G. 11. VA:CDTRE, of liluter,•died on Monday
last after u brief Mucus.
-S. NOIITON llocswsu., formerly of Troy,
this county, is General Agent of the Guardian
Life Insurance Company, fur Itliotle Island, with
lmad.plarters at Pioridenee.
ther has been so warm here, rentinding ns more
of Spring than of bitter Winter. that a great
many who, no doubt, would have taken a "tide
on the rail" and removed farther south in more
sunny quarters, and where the land" flows with
milk and honey," have tarried herel.' until cold
weather shall come in real earnest, making
them think of the necessity of taking "up their
beds and getting."
It would be a good thing if we ewe to get a
jail here, for the "free" lodging of the street
loafers and "bummers" who infest onr corners,
defiling the air with their blasphemons and ob
scene talk. It is a disgrace to our town, and
the sooner our citizens make 3.lll , JVCinthe mat
ter the better.
The Trby Union Graded ticlmol is in a !lour-
ishing condition, and has over two hundred
scholars. Under the efficient management of
Prof. H. Hrrrox, and hts able assistants,
the school will soon bo the best, if it is nut al
ready, of any in the county.
Faxxx TRYON, Professor of Practical Business
IPenmanship, has opened an evening writing
school in this itlacro to the:school bulling, where
he intends giving lessons to all those who wish
to acquire a thorough business hand-writing.
He has now about sixty or seventy scholars. He
opened a school at Canton Friday evening last,
and intends opening on« at Sylvania. We wish
him success.
A little girl of seven years 'n es recently sentk
to one of our grocery stores after same articles
of proyj.ions, and was told to tell the one that
waited on her that her pa would pay for them
the next dsy. After receiting.the articles, she
said, Pa will owe you to-morrow 1"
Our merchants are doing a tbrivingbusiness,
and Troy hardly looks like her former self. It
has greatly improved since the tire.
Jan. 24, 1870
TUSCABORA.—On Tuesday warning
of this week, Mrs. BELA CooswELL died very
suddenly. She was buried in the new cemetery
narear of the Baptist chnrch: Tho very largo
aremblage of neighbors'and friends at the fu
neral, bespoke the esteem in which the depart
ed was held in the community. This melan
choly event has spread a gloom over a large
circle of friendi and relatives.
Our sleighing took Fivoch Irate sumo time
ago, awl has .orgotten to return. Notwith
standing which, we hear the jingling 9f Ldles on
moonlit evenings. ,‘
We think Tuscarora is still ahead on the "pig."
D. 11. Boo°, Ea ~ killed a porker last week, just
seven months old, which weighed 912} pounds.
Der. S. F. Bnows willlectnre on Temperance,
eve of Feb. 7, at the Spring Dill N.B. Chinch.
We say, "Preach the. gospel of temperance,"
,and the whole gospel. Bring the whole moral
poiver of the land to bear against this glint
wrom- . . 7 lntemperanee. ' ALPHA Dm.
Jan. 21, 1870.
it9 (l 4. 4( ogeill 4 a:l:l l ‘k
rise noun slopping at the Mark= .House fur
ibo4ttirweeh past, fell, tiMettni of imam.
perawge. Re knee s wife arid several children
!kr tuoutu,lint °Witte loss or a husband aid
fitthek but that attertaht portion of the finnan
itunaylts so &prated that they will take the
Ski of ainatan tieing by ilea* out poison for
the-sake of adz - "Trader's iuust:be seeconn
inodated, so we mat havo Iliaises to saliva
beesnee they will bawd 1" Conscience : &When'
• A donation for later thrisuma!, of Alba,
!Was held, is this place' at a. Bizianci* oti
Tiredraisday night Ink The proceed, amount
ed triabont one hundred dollars. '
Cius. LiSTOS and Minim
their ladies, started on their wedding tour to
Niagara Falls an the 10th inst:, at 8 p.m.
Nepalivin'si icy bosom is being used as a ska
ting rink. The young and middle4ged are en
joying the skating season with' , wrinderfrd glee.
Perhaps Mr. Tammuz would be glad tolindi
that we luirOenjojed the privileges of a Amu ,
Ishing Union Bturdapachool in our borough for .
the hist 20 years. - Seetarhinichools - may make.
' sectarians; but why not teach Christianity:lrd
dispel bigotry and party spirit? •
8o far as the comity division is concerned, all
prefer/ new comity in preference to a half
shire,'Allich is dimmed a litunbu,g and far from
desirable, and abmit eqtdva.'ent to nonsensical
mast*. Rennie is rot alone in *king for a
new county, as some of onineighbOrs seem to
represent ; for aro,' our progressive and wide•
awake citizens, and many others, wish to have
one, and are happy to know that if oar friends
in other piris s ef Bradford were in a like sittia
lion, their wishes would coincide with ours.
dim. 21, 1870. • Nan*.
. ,
Aruma.—Last Wednesday, our
townsman, F. A. Atm:, Esq., while attempting
to jump on the cars in motion at.WeUshurg, N.
Y., was thrown across the traeleandhls foot run
over and holly mangled. Dr. Brrrint ainpritat
ed ono of the crushed toes Saturday, and • it is
hoped that his foot may be saved, but there
are 'minus fears that it may not.
Thursday eveaing about 9 o'clock, - p.m., the
dwelling of Mrs. C. WILKINSON was destroyed
by lire. The family were all away at the time,
and.the tire so far advanced bolero discovery
that hardly-anything was saved; This dwelling
was only about ten feet from CAB:mei' Bakery,
and it was only by the most determined efforts
that this, together with some of our finest resi
dences and property to the amount of $20,000,
Was saved: The people did nobly, and showed
that with thorough organization and harmony
of action, even a 'dipper, bucket and pick-ax
company can do wonders. The goods were ro
moved from stores and the Bakery, and losses
in smashing and stcaliuga are considerable.
Mrs. WILKINSON lost house and furniture, abe ut
V. 50; insured for nearly the amount. Wmuriar
CanNEU, of the Bakery, loss $l5O ;. no insurance.
11, A. Kivr, less s7si insured. •
The persons who do such a flue business:steal
ing are detected and known, and-if they are to
make a business of it, they will be advertised by
name to the &rid.
Aipetition has been sent in to our "borough
dads," for a borough appropriation to luty
equipments fcr a book and ladder company.:
Mr. CHARLES HILTON, late of the Horseheads
Jou:fat, was here last week making arrange
ments to_pnblish a paper here. Our business
men me satisfactory-encouragement, and .he
expects sawn to commence operations. Mr.
ilwroti is a man of the right stamp, and has al
ways succeeded in this business ; and we arc
confident that he will give us a good lice paper,
which will be well Unstained. •
The central Express office was entered by
binglars Monday night, and the two safes open
ed 'and robbed of contents; loss only alxwit
MIA). Mr. PAGE lead . Jost received a now safe
from the; Company that day, and the sharpers
probably had an eye on it from Philadelphia.
They blew this open with. powder, and the old
one was unlocked with a key. They had &horse .
and wagon, and were heard to go toward To
wanda. All expretul packages were opened and
valuiible contents taken.
Parties ire here negotiating for theinirchasc
of the Steam Flouring Mill, Which will boon be
in operation again. ' tirr.
WARBEN.--31.E. EDITOIt : One of
your correspondents from Rome some time since
expressed the wish that we Might have.remilar
or weekly correspondence in the REPORTED trim
the different townships round abitut.
This, no doubt, would be interesting if we bad
anything to write about. But Me trouble with
us in this northeastern corner of Bradford is,
that news is scarce. We have, to be sure, some .
things interesting, but tt is 100 much the same
thing over again, like a woman sweeping httae
and washing dishes from one week to another.
So with us : the sun rises in the east and sets in
the west—the waters of the creek flow onward
to the sea; and they have always done so since
the early settlement of the township. So says
the "oldest inhabitant" thereof.
In the absence of more important news, I pro
poke to give some of the characteristics of our
lre are composed of several different nation
alities. We have among us "the honest Welsh;
man," the brace Englishman, the impetuous,
quick-witted Irishman, and last, but not least,
we have the "guessing, whittling, calculating
Yankee from. away down East."
Most of oar people, however, are Now Eng
landers and their descendants. '
The Yaukee came to Warren lanyyeara ago.
All around was thou a wilderness. The
rude cabinof the red man was built by the side
of our streams, while over these hills he chased
the hying ganie, and on every side the
fox dog lii hole unscared."
New all is changed. The Yankee has swag
ed and whittled and calculated, till the wilder
ness has -been turned into fruitful fields and
smiling meadows.
Our foreign-born poptilaticin has caught the
Yankee spirit. They, too, begin to guess, to
whittle and to calculate, and the English and
the Welsh in particular, stand up nobly and de
rrni limn!, in defence of our republican institu
We glory in the name of Americans. " Ameri
ca! proud, happy America!" as PIRLLIPSi the
Irish orator, once eloquently exclaimed, " the
lightnings of heaven yielded to yinir philoso
phy, the temptations of royalty could not se
duce your patriotism."
Of Ani.rica, New England may be regarded
the embodirient of all that is grand alit noble
in our republican institutions. Land of the pil
grims! home of the bravo and free! wliat hal
lowed associations cluster around it—what un
told blesainga to humanity bare followed the
landing or the precious frpight of the MaWfote
cr, on that bleak December morning so many
years ago! I would rather by New England
burn, descended from the pilgrim fathers, than
to be able to tnie..?, my pedigree thrMigh a
longiand uninterrupted line of haughty nobles
or besotted kings.
New England! dear Now-England!
My birthplace proud and free,
A traitor's curse be on my head
When I am thee!
How nobly the people of New England stood
up far freedom and humanity daring the elave
holders' rebellion. No wonder the rebels hated
The people of Warren, then, may be supposed
to be the friends of liberty and humanity, and
such they truly are. Somenigger-haters among
us, of course, who by way of variety raise their
heads and scowl and grin occasionally; but the
great majority of Us believe in equal rights. to
all. Is it any wonder, then, that when election
day comes around, there is .a republimin ma-.
jority in the tornship?
Another trait of character of the people of
Yount, Ac-,
our township is their love of order, deeencyand
good morals. Four clergymen or ministers, of
differcut denominations, are asuttaincd wholly
or in part among as, and four or five Sabbath
schools are kept Oen moat of the year, so .that
ati may have a •cha
nce to learn their .duty to
their Maker and their fellow-men.
• Some are Vile and wicket hi every communi
ty, in spite of all and every means to make Them
.wise and good ; bat we aro making progress
the right direction, and we hope the only ram
shop in town will soon be compelled, by force of.
public opinieg, to close up its affairs. '
- Why du riot some of the lecturers of tcm*-!,
sues in your- place make us - a. visit? They .
would be welt i cceived and their lecture appre
ciated. • - '
The last thing I shall-speak of, in connection
with the people of Warren, is their love df thrift,
their habits of industry. Most of the farms are
cleared up , good buildings have been erected,
and our farmers are making money—not only
have enough to lice on, but something ,
Hence it is a noticeable fact, that
r cery
sales" sire attvettieedln the Pi*.
• ""=„7" . c . f.;
uo 146 601 1.***
4in let
tit ED. •
the'reir•inEttr u 4g,
bridee &dim Thumb Deed 11..11011kby. di„
C; W. Bennett, 3h..•• Wm. Third sad
Mu Eliza N.
VINCENT--CALTIN.--At the !lapel-hum floi.
`1.01; Wastriv,^„N.4, - Tuestlayi an.ll. 1871 e, by
stu lter..T 13. &inroad; Mr. J. TAD:IY Vhwell'
Miss Lams I. CaliQ both of SfuithdoW, Ps.
raNDON-SUBON:--Jan.ll.l, by Oro Bev. 13. P.
• thitc4Charlos W. Isaulop. to . Miss ,E41111.J.
limn, all of Canton. • • .
VANETTES-11ILL.:- At OM hotue lOhn
Chandler, in Sheshequin, Jan. 17, 1870, by
• Davidson, - Mr. Ahnum - Valtriien to
v Hiss Ethellnda botliof - Whadhsin, Pa;
81101iE4--BEMAN.--At• tho house Of Covell
Shores, in Wysos, Jan. 19, 1870, by Bey. W.
(*mitt, Mr. liaitiman,Shares, of Sbesho
,ipthi, to k 'Mary, E. Boman, of Wysox.
KELLY-1 - OWELL.—At the M.E. Church, on
Taosday morning, fan. 2111. 14 Ll Bens
nett, D. W. B. Kelley and Annn.L. Powell, ad
of Towanda. - • ,
VAN DYKE—BLOOM.--At the' residence- of
.Elsha Bloom, Esq., otEsst Cantcm, - Jan. 1.5,
1870 by Bee. J. J. Tarltn, 3fr. Meylert M.
Vasko to 'Has Emma A. Bloom, 'both of
East Canton, Pa.
ROCKWtX)D.At Canton, on the 19th instant,
Ur. C. A. ltockwood, Fredonia, N.Y.
L00311&—On the 16th inst., Miles Loomis, of
Canton. • .
.:Yon 84F. OR RENT.-
laud Piano. :Doglike at
Jan. 27, 1870 7 41 W. Dirrawlt h Co.'s.
VS.; The public are
against negotiating for a . note given by C. F.
Welles for 61,000, and endorsed by C. - W. Clapp,
dated Oct. 1, 1869, payable di months tatter
date. F. T. rA9E.
Athena, Jan. 23, 1879.
var . J. W.- PAYSOI4 has sold his
bouts) and lot in the village of o,zvell to Mrs.
Elects Hutchinson: , Said Payson will be found
fur.a few months (except when away on busi
ness) at his dairy farm, two miles south of the
village, which is for sale in .wl.ole or, in two
farms, as desired. Jan. 27,1.876-Iw*.
FEU, Electrician, begs leave to anuormce •to the
citizens of Towanda and vicinity, that he has
taken rooms at thii Elwell House, Towanda.,
where ho will treat the diseased for a limited
time by the invisable agent, Electricity. He
cures Tanalysis, Deafness, Rhenmatiem, Dia
betes, Consumption, Catarrh, Dyspepsia—in
fact, all chronic diseases, female wrakness,- spi
nal affections, &c.
This is to certify that I have boat afflicted
with chrenio diarrlomt for seven years, contract
ed while in the army; have hied all medicines
I could think of and obtained no- relief, hO
thought I would try one more to be sure. I
have taken tire treatments of Dr. J. L. Winner,
and I feel entirely cured. I would recommend
-it to all my brothers.- A. SavEnoacit.
This is to certify that I was paralyzed in my
left side and arm by being struck in my eye. I
tried all medical skill and found no relief. I
took seventeen eleetro-magnetic treatments of
Dr. J. L. Winner, and eta now able to earn a
Watsontown, Pa.
se - Build up the churches! Don't
1. t the minisn r, earn - his -- money twice over—
oneo by preach ng and again by begging for his
just dries: - You (mu create animmenserevenue
for the benefit of the churches, and savemoney
for yourself, by trading at the lied, White and
Itlnc Stow. limy give one per cenCorall their
sales this rear to the churches, each customer
to.chisise the denomination they like.
Red, White and Blue Store, Bridge Street,
Tow.dula, Pa. . :Tan. 12, u7O.
STOcKHOLDEIi . B MEETING.--4110 1111-
ultl meeting of the stockholders of the Towan
da 'lancing Company, called for the purpose. of
bolding an election of officers of the Company
and the transaction of other business, will ho
held at the office of M. C. MERCER, Esq.. in To
wanda, at 2 tiellck, p.m., on Tuesday, Fvb. 1,
11170. Josmu POW ELL, SOc . y.
Jan. Alnin.
fOir The next session of the Brad
ford Comity Teacher's Asgociation is to be bold
at Monrooton on the llthandl2th of February,
the exercises commencing on Friday at half-ast
ten &clod ; a.m. -I. T. Lamm, Seers.
Fon &Mk. on 13ENT.—A house and
lot, corner Fourth and Elizabeth streets ; also
for rent, a house containing 12 rooms an Second
street ;• also two building lots for stde, corner
Second and Poplar streets. Enipnre of
Jan. 20, 1870. I. S. Posy.
Tioiut Co., seennalialf year (21 weeks)
will commence 31.onday, inn. 31, 1:470.
' The third term (14 weeks) svi I commence.
MOrslcy. March 21, 1870.
The expenses fur half year (21 weeks) Wein&
Mg board, tuition, room-rent, fuel, oil, washing
and look-rent, is $92 less 50 cents, or $lOO per
week iatate appropriation. The expenses for
third term (14 weeks) including same, is 460
less 50 cents,or $1 00 per week Mtate appropria.
Day students are charged slo'per term (14
weeks) only for tuition and use of test books.
Board can be obtained in private families at
$.3,50 to $l,OO per week.
For catalogues, or any further information,
address CHAULES H. VrartlLL,
. Jan. 13, 1870. Principal.
- - .
r bar The Spring Term of thei Wa
xerly Institute will open on Tuesday, tlio'lBth
ofJaunar7.. All departments complete.
. 4 . hoard
obtained m the village at reasonable rates. For
further partienlaru, address The Principal,
A. J. Lake,
Waverly, Tioga Co., N.Y.
Pu•so von SALE.—To save expense
and rink of morning, I will sell a new Chieketing
Piano(style No. 4, (price #560) for X 52,0. Must be
taken within two weeks.- Itec. Wx.
Jan. k 1 .870. -
SALUTAToItr, JANUARY 1, 11370.
Come, friends anti neighbors, one and all,
Your kind attention we would : call—
To the NEW STOCK vc're just receiving,
With tellconfidence believing
Tnat we can sell yon Goods as low
As any east of Buffalo! ,
We've bought their goods, and mean,
And not break dawn and run away!
Our stock argon& is new and neat, .
And our assortutent,qpito complete.
We've Coffee, Spicea. Sugarand Teas--
Better, E,ggs, and Hamburg Cheese
Rice, Nutmegs, Raisins and Dried Fruit,
Which we believe are sure to suit ;
And Crocks for Butter, great and small.
To meet the minds of one and all.
Me also keep for those who wish,
Corned Bed and Pork, and trice Salt Fish,
And Oil for lamps, also lamp wicks— '
Brooms, Brushes, Baskets, and Mepsticks,
Berries and Apples, Poaches; Pears, . ' 1.
Willow, Wowlen and Earthen wares, - ..
Turnips, Onions and Potatdes,
Cabbage, Beets,.and big Tomatoes. .
We also waves good supply.
Of fresh Corn Meal, BuelrwheatUnd Rye; l'
And Fleur from every mill around
As good, we think, as can be found.
And boast,
which, to raise your bread—
The best that can be found. 'tis said.
With Syrups pure and well refined,
In quantity to suit the mind.
So leave your orders, small or large,
And wolf deliver free of charge.
lint should we here attempt to tell,
The HALF of what we have to s e ll,
Both.timo ann space alike would fail us,
And every passer-bv would hail us,
To know if we coultl tell thein more
About this nor: Provision Store!!
The rush of trade would be so great,
From early dawn till evening late,
That strangers reusing by this way, •
Would think 'twas general training day 1
We'll therefore close this hasty scrawl,
Dy simply Saying: PLEASE To CALL,
And see-our Goods and leans our price,
And we'll convince von in a trice,
That yen can bay Clouds as low ~.,
As can be bought in Towanda, A.
Or anyplace—for READY PAY,Ik Or
Patton's 8104, No. 31fidu 'Street
Jan. 13, 1870-Im. . 4 , , ..,,
•—• , -- ,,, ,5 , , e , --- , ..'
wii i i d
"A Business Education wi I tago to
every m e an, whateker Ida f ace tiou may
be."—Freidley. I' , ; 1 ,
The Wyoming Commercial College, establish
ell in 1863, and connected with Wyommg Semi
irory, offers a thorbugh and' omplete course of
instruction for those desiring A
a commercial edu
-Its location in the beautiful and historic 'Val
ley of Wyoming, with its canal, throe lines of
railroads, and immense coal and other !rosiness
operations, aiturd rare miportunities for young
men desiring situations. ' •
Our graduates are fillinz positions of trait all
over the crow ry. Toting men have attended
-this Institution from Ittisiissipid, Saunas, Min
nesota, and nearly every State in the Union.
Onr tuition for the regular Business Course is
from fifteen to twenty dollars less than at other
Commercial Colleges, and. yet advantages hire
are in ecsry raped unsurpassed."
We offer all the aid extended by any Crommer:-
cial College - in-the country to graduates in ob
taining situations.
Students of the Wiese have all the advan
tages of the Seminary in regard to library, lit
wary societies, &e. •
Tuition fur the regailar Bltrineas .Course, 821.
Telegraphing in connection therewith, 810,00.
Telegraphing alone. 825,00. 'Stationery for full
Business Conroe. 815,00. Board per week, 84.
Send - for r eatalogue and speciment of Pen
zmunihip. Address L: &aim% -
Commercial College,
Sept. 186th • - plitypiton, Pa..
imi ti thawoitticotatitiL-==-
it "bop " oaft'ttialn tatcutioa
. Drernson 00. 1 0 , fikee ini l mmento
41/4 lease betabagldloMillentille the
amid byW:D.A . ,tka; -raft The only trat.
thus to evert twspeet, ' e re &oilmen,
BailetCosesloll;nrid-Cetgad. Pianos
haysitlett bola !Owe *ll:twenty
lease, add
nkgrer Organs' sod Melodeons [ pear am
All of them are known to)* as action
as it Is passiblo to make them, and are gene*
;the =Oat enlist satishunlon tool' who have used
them. Our pricee'sre low, and will sell Views
froin $220 to $1,500 Organs from IRO to 61,000;
.Ifelodeons from $75 to Wet Masks. and
Instriethat Books for-Pianok i llins, Kola.
..41orms, and Violins, 'alms)* T Uolle
who would like instruments froneother
not mentionod iderre, - Ins say, give: ts, :or.
'dory: and you shall have them on abo r t • notioe.
Itecolleet, tales and gentlemen ,. that Prafeerr
W. Omuta' has' bad caw:km.oler over twee
1y years in the above business. Toning andre..
pairing done, if wanted. -
Thoso who have waited so long for the, ode-
brated !'llriefnuisken Polka:: may Lave it now
at one Stare for 62 cents '
pereop:,... Itis a good
gem of mode, besides having a' collection of
42 foreign postage stamps printed on the out W. Damen & Co.,
13. .All 'of 'Elpieeii Raisins
'entrants citron - &e. At the lted, White
Blue More Bridge et. Towanda..
- Mamas, & TUDazwAv..
lioxican save. money on every.
thing in our line at tho iced, - While - and - Blue
!Sore. Try it, and satisfy youruelres.
Sept. 9, 1891 811.13111A.LL t. iIIDUESTAL •
Fos SALE.-1. R. Ooomattos, of
Wilkes-Barre, Pa., offers for sale the illuable
Zeal Estate formerly belonging to &lonian'
Whitcomb, decd, _situated at. Scottsville, Wyo.
sidlig county, I'a.; containing about 4.50 acres,
about 75 improved, balance good soil, well tim
bered, good water power, &c. The farm ts ,op
the river, good Orchard, never fail
ing running water at the door. liesutifally
situated, convenient for 'business—worth 620,-
000; will bo sold for $12,000. Terms easy. Bar
gain for any. one. Dec. 2,`1869. -
--One second
At' Red, White abd - Blue
Store you will find Crackers, Candies, Nuts,
Dried and Canned Fruits, Tobacco, he., whole
sale and retail, cheaper than the cheapest.
Sept. 8, 1861 l3n.tanyuz, & RIDGWAY.
Der T by the pound, caddy, cr
chest, at the "Red, White and Blue" Stare,
Bridge Street, Towanda, Pa.
Jan. 0, 1870. BrielliALL
• ite. Koffee by the ponOci or sack,
green, roasted , Cr ground, at the "Red , White
and Blue Store," Bridge Street, Votramda, Pa.
Jan. 6, 1870. Burnu.s? k, RIDGEWAY.
see Tobacco by the pond or paiL
Bed, White and Blue Store discount to dealers.
Jan. 6, 1870. BLIAIIIIIII at. ItUioEW.tT.
Teas, TRA.S.—A new line of Teas at
the Bed, White and Bine Mote, bridge Mtreet,
FLOUh, Fr OITIi.-Tht3 celebrated
Oswego Flour, wholesale and retail, cheaper
than the cheapest, at the Red, White and line
Store, Bridge Street, Towanda.
Jan. 6, 1870. BBANIIALLJZIikhDriEwAT.
The largest,und 11104 completeAs-
sortnicut of goods iu this line ever
offered in Towanda is now being re-
ceiveil at
We call epeeist 'attention to our
stock of
nearly comprising all kinds of
All the latest and most popular
styles of
in Goat, Fiench and Glove Kid,
At all times' .eustomersuill find
our assortment of goods, unrivaled
in this market anil the prices at the
lowest figures
We offer in our
an In - timidly attractive stock of
We call the attention of Horse-
men to our immense variety of
Canine and Team HarneskA
This department is directly over
onr Shoe Store, and will at all times
be fully stoclted with all goods be-
Longing to the Harness trade. Any-
thing in • the line will be made on
short notice and ekperieu ceti firm
class workinen
Oct. 1.3, 1869
baked dally and sold at whoumak• and retail. lie use
the beat materials and our work is always neatly
done. Dealers art - invited to examine our wholesale
prices. PARTIES. PIC NUM,. ke: supplied at ros
sorlidae rates on - short notice. In our
we offer superior Inducements to all who want 'either
a lunch ore good meal. Ladies can step in and
quietly enjoy a cup of Tea, undisturbed by noise or
rowdyient. Meals at all hours of the day evertng.
OYSTERS on hand diving their season an d served
out try_the dish or amid In quantities toirait. Of
CONFECTIONERY we keep an assortment equal to
any iwthis part of the State, and sell at wholesale
o: retail ' '
- Abia primal assattitint sf OROCERSEEL Prices
ss lawns the lowest.
Towanda. Oct. 211,
at cowELL k MEWS.
TIE BEST Un colzek "TO
IttssiN ,
and CanantEN's Shoes;
Sorge, Calf or Buff.
Saddles, Bridles, Blatikets,
1 •
Wliips and Robes
Fhnt block north of Ward Sono,
D. W. sccrrrk co
"4. ,
'..1 1 00001,48111111111140a:6
18701 ,- -; Map
MEOW OA: ntgg i I • tniC67 43 l
T.- , •
Codding, Rip*if& -Octs.
Wie invite intention`' Emil-Cliff
National Feed oi*iior to
anything dui kind - bei'nin offered:
_cOulitnicted ; that-, each rem-
Intion.of the crank gives five.of the
knife; Will cut king or flan, and
feeds nrithout trouble.: Call and see
sendlor a circular. We also keep
-' - -
Continue to sell the
After having sold and tested these
maehlnee for the past year, they feel
justified in claiming for them a
degree of perfection which i 8 not
excelled if even equaled by in . ij other
known machine. Mr. J. I'. Culver
will put up these timelines for a
reasonable ilia at any point where
parties wish to pnrehaw'.
fr 4
O rai - • qn
EA • 174
• .!.1 . k. c)
g 4 • r.-- -d
CZ 1 - 4
1.- • IPA • i rtj
r . " 2 E• 4 IT .
Z :I ...tI • , -_ U 2 -
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' l d
Zti .'
;a4 • 4 1 ..e 4 : ,
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a 4 •
..; 4 -
. 44 . 4 g 4 • ,
En , • '
En ‘2
1 - '1
gr ,(D
• •
o o a 4
Coddlig, Rosie!! & Co.
4 -
. • .
SREattirk; A T Vfi;-43$ .virtakoi
ig ortgaiCtliapi, - ,lssaiitiat rode.
otCoannaa SIMa of Bradlord .ma, and to ma di.
aeolodortU laragoasdi la imatio si Mart
Mama; la lie byroad* at Nowmada,:anTllßllNDAY;
kitednalt. the fol
lowing dsoadhstiohaloeiargareal o iled altusisin
,Cilataa towaship,,wadt6744llWoamt Beg)*
Ing lathe maltreat at the bridge near
the school , No. 7 4 , and saucing up
meek IDA* taidge la treat, of the boom tos. -
, . br W. Lecke, thence - 11P the VW
11n, Way to land of Patrick Grecs. thence west
gong Lads of mid Green to. lends, of 8.8. Wrenn,
north along said Vermilion's lauds. to
C . pnblie high** leading to Beech Flats, thence
slang the centre of sail) highway to the pisce of be:
atlnninv &WS of lend more ortiss,
tliiiiltilonecd, with Caatablng a
. named house, framed barn.
bone barn. and few frail trcesitereon.
SOY-One other. '.plece of land situate In 'said
townsbig, bounded, as follows Beginning in the
mat line of lands of. Wm. 11. _Locke. a rods and
links fromlis north-east corner, thence north 60
degrees mitt 20 perches to a post, thence south -40
degrees east IA Pe-Idles to • post. thence smith it
degrees-west 32 perches to a post, thence 53% degas
vest XIX, perches to s beech titurep.• thence meth
dig east 11 V Perches to • . hemlock: 'thence
north SON; deers 44 perches to a point in the
north line of said Locker lot, thence ninth i n
the east line of said Lock's Jot to the place of be.
ginning. Contsluing 10 acres of land more or Ices,
all improved and no buildings. " • •
ALSO--One other lot of inod, situate in said
O wn.
and bad as follows : Beginning at • post tha
south-west corner of a lot of land surveyed to lin t.
Imam thence north 12% deg's east 160 rods to
sport In the east line of said warrant, thence , tip the:
north branch of Mill Creek the severe' courses
thereof 93 rods to the northarcid corner of the John
and Joseph Perry lot, thence south. 1911 deir• west
131 rods to the south tine of said warrant, thence.
north 92 deg's weld 130 rods to plow of beginning:
Contalng 27 acre* of land more orient, no Improve.
manta. - ; '
• Seized - and ..taken into exiinitlon at Alto suit of
Ephraim Came vx. d. B. Denmank.•
la hereby givetOibat there has been tiled and
settled in the office of the 11Rigida 411 •• Wire, in and
for the county of Bradford.. ks:outdo of sdndandra
tion upon the follbsing estate. viz:
Final accounts of 8. R, rter and Raster Catlin
executor, of Wm. Smyth, late of Orancilie,.
Final scooting of O. W. Brink, executor. of John
Ford. of Pike, deed. -
Flual aetunnt of Albert T. Wheat, adto'r of Ira C:
Newman, late of Warren, leed.. •
Pinal 'CCM= of Richard Cud:locker n Edam
licEtiany. executor, of Michael Trainer, laa of Al=
bony. deed. •
Final account of Bradford Beecher; executor of
Aubury Beecher, late of Pike, decd.
Partial account of James A. Rogera and -David
Palmer, executors of R. R. Belpre. late of Banton,
deceased. .
- - . ..
. Final account of 8. W. P. Boyd.."l. , ;uard" lan of Alice
Y. Brown. Mow Muhtenberg.
ALSO—The appratsenzent of .proparty set off by
Executors or Administrators to widows or children,
of the followitur decedents : . .
'tstate of Henry Montgomery. 1 . . .
; .... o Alvina Blakeslee.
" Ben.b. J. Hoagland. _
.. " Samuel Fiftwater. - .
And the same ujll be presented to the Orplaims'
Court of Bradford County. on - Thuraday,the 10th dry
February, 1870, at 2 o'clock p. Tu., for continuation
and allowance. C. E. GLARDEVI.
'Jan. 18, 1870.. Register.
at February BerWous. 1870.
Jereivai Dlartruan,
Caleb E. C0e........
Daniel Kellogg
V. 11. it D. A. Lout!.
Peter lAndmermr..
Allen 3leEoan
E. W. Neal
W. N. Richards
H. TrAttle
•A. D. Vanghu
Porter D. Wilcox....
L. D. l'Ortest
N. J. Atolrows ic Co
B. W. Aidru
H. W. Noble
?Anions k Newnan
.r...ixtem Homo*-
George W. Om
Piilllp Seebicls: .
Tram. 1870. .
Geo Mambas - 3 , vs. John G.-Gentinigs
A B Smith vs. Wm It Storrs et.a1.... ... ... trenraxs.
Anikroas Vat:deeper! vs. Nelson Vanderpool ...repl..
Conlbaugh 1t... Webb vs. Canfield J Lai - ..ey ...... .. '‘...nse
Fall Creek C Co. VP J 31 Smith trespass
Caroline Hull vs. F D and Mary F. - Hall ...... ...ease.
Geo A Lent vs. peo HI 'Prines. - ...- se. fa.
. :
• 831.11 e 'TS. 11.1.111 C i "
Henry Miller vs. RattaoM Fanner set. la.
James Williams jr Vs. Jus S Elliott ltd. fa.'
_ same same —.ease
Thor Lamoretta vs. C 11 Ames et-al trespass
Augustus Lewis vs. 0 W Jackson trespass
John Crowley vs. JasMothirty •.
J A Record vs. Samuel Walbridge . ejectment.
Jacob. McNeal va..lirrael Smith troves
Kent Brothers vs. 1 , 1:Ballard debt:
Fleming fc Jones vs. Jos Wooden case
B 8 Bussed! A: Co vs. J-S Andrews debt
. ~ ..
V S Dobbins vl4 Troy township trespaxs
Franklin Murray v.r.l E. Wright att. ex.
Sam' Shores vs. Delos Vargusan appeal
Chas. M. Hall vs. Pa. a: N.Y.C. & It.R.Co..Damages.
John McQueen va-Wm Elsbree ' set fa
Jacob Passage Vs Jas R Martin's satyrs MSC.
Geo. Rogers vs. A. 11. geward. rt. al. ...... ... appeaL
Eli CAR; vs. Erastua Lovett appeal.'
_. ...- . . _ . .
Joint Sterling va. Pa k N Y Ciotti k B R Co dainages
A 11 Derrah va. F Li Person tzaspass.
Hugh Dougherty va. Jos Dougherty att.ex.
Lyman Dlaekman et,al. Te.Sallivan k Erie Itlt..dern:
Emily A: Robbins TN. Geo. W. Arnout issue-
Henry Strope vs. Milton Bailey trespass..
'Washington Township vs Smithfield Twp....Appoat
N C Harris vs. Wm Mills debt,
doluvticattlon vs 0 H P Disbrow Replevin
John Brennan vs. Pa & N Y. Canal and R.R.Co-dant.
.Wm. F; Cole vs Israel Smith. Case
. Angelo X. Damson, vi et. a 'Ejectment
Ann Young atc. vs. Rickard Mcßail • eject
Waverly Natiourl Bank as Francis McFall
H. W. Patrick vs Daniel McDuffee's ..Case
Subpoenas for 21 week returnable Monday, Feb..
14, at 10 a.m., and for ad weea, Monday. Feb. 21, at
10, W. A. THOLth. rectliy.
TN BANK.RUPTCY.—in the...matter
of ELI P. ROCKWELL, Baal:rapt
To.Witott rr ILLY CONCLUN : The. undersigned
hereby gives notice of his appointment as 'Assignee
of ELI P. ROCKWELL, -of the Borough Alba. in
the county of Bradford, Ind State of Pennsylvania,
within said District. *lto has been adjudged'a Bank.
rapt upon his than petition by the District Conti of
said District.
Dated Caxton Pa., the 19th darof January. 'lB7O
H. WILLAMS. Aaignee.
..C.X.Notice hi hereby_ given that all T.ersons indebt;
ed to the estate of 110RATIO4. LADD,late of Albany
dec'ed, must malto immediate payment,
and all persona having claims against said., estate,
moat mien' them duly authenticated for settlement
Jan. 1870. - Administrator, .
Now Adveitisements.
dual, I-vet:heti from a late Importers' Sale, a few
lutlw. very latt•st colorings &nil dealgu,,,
at Very low prices.
Doe: 9, 190.rowax a iv.
WIRE CLOTHES LniEB.—Warranted not 'to
rust nor injure the tined Mbrics.
One great advantage gained by the use of this Wire
is, that your line is always ready and never has to be
.taken down. The weather does not in the least ef
fect it. It will last from- 20 to 50 years, and coati
but little more than a con:mien rope line. lan now
prepared to put up this 11n6, and'anarunteo satisfac
tion. O. L.XIITCHER., Agent,
Jan. 8. 1870. Towanda.
'ooms over Past 011ice-LMrs. Iloyes old stand.
Athens, Dec. NI, D3Cd. Agent.
We offer foi - sale severil hundred good - FARMS
and PLANTA NOSS Oa., and the Carolinas
well located and - healthy, some with good improve.
• manta and es* land—which we will sell eery cheap;
and on easy terms, The prices range from Five- to
Fifteen dollars per acre,and once ran will mote than .
pay forth.) cost of the property. I We will refer pur
chasers to parties here who lime bought of us with,
„in the past few months, and are offered an advance'
of over fifty per cent. FLU particulars furnished on
'application. We are new, organizing a colony of
Pennsylvanians VS go south next spring. A good
opportunity for all good citizens. A protV:ctiitg'
party will visit the south the last of January—all
who wish can go at reduced rates of tare by applying
to us, Over 65,000 acres of first-class Pine, Oak, Ce
dar and Cypres Umber on navigation at froni $1 60
to f 5 00 per acre: ' Terms easy and all titicerguaratt
teedperfect. 11. 'MALCOM DWYER k CO., •
- I/calm - ha Real Restate, 711 Walnut street,
Jan. 19,1870 . Philadelphia.
CAFTTAL '• $125,000
grams run> 40,000
This Butt offers faitsivit YACIUTIES tot the
truisicean of &
Parties wishing to FEND MOT to any part of the
United States, England. Ireland. Scotland, or the Prin.
cipal cities and towns of Europa, can here procure
drafts for that purpose.
To or from the old country, by best steamer or mil
ing lines, always on bud. " - . . _
. -
rian.xta nsot*civEil YY =MU CLD 11.07.9
!Read Pric paid far u.s.pmes, Gold and Shier,
E. H. EMITH. Preddent. ' N. N. 8E1714. Ja.,
Towanda, June 44.1889. • ' Cashier.
proviiteraiituallesis apt at
lbw • • _ IL PAT9II'B.
:,„ , .-,-- ,
a. p.- las rumr, Sheriff.
...... Stuuree Itu;o.
South Creek.
Troi Boro.
Ship!lug Stout..
Tow-arida Dore.
Hurliugteu !tom.
Tvoratida Bona.
.......... ...Cantoa Boro.
Tolr b a o nda u Bono.Bono..Towanda Bore.
. ;Munroe Roro.
W. A. TIP pro.Towanda
. Troy Dm
. .T.ruratole Boro.
,sandry' wilt/ ies* 41 out of the COneCtif
- mon Pleas of Bradford! COnnty, and to zee directed,
Will be exposed to public, sale, at the Court Ranee , hi
'the borough of Towanda; on TWOWSDAY.
.A 87.8.1810. at I:o'clock p.m.. thelbilowitgraeactila
traUdingirand lot reground of IL T. Carrier. eau.
tmetmeand E. 7. Itoz, owoe lawn:: Daflding 30122
feet, with an Lon the south tilde 15:10' wet. All of
which is two alert** high, of woad: end a hatement
'Of stoup, tre., and in located on the eolith ride ,of
wan sweeL.and located on slot saute in Towanda
baronet. bounded as follows, to wit /*duping on_
the east Ede of itain /tined, at ibe southwest comer
of a lot contra, ted to: Andrew Shiner, by Thomas
• Ell ot. deed., thence seethe* aloe said Vain at.
100 feet to a auener, thence audannfflyou aline Pse•
Well to the south line of •eald Shiner's lot about 150
feet to a Caner, to tiontbasatoornes eta id Shiner's
lot, thence - welded" Slang line. of sold- Shiner's lot
about 150 feet to placenfbeginnlng: the same lot, of
land conveyedlo l'ir . .ll,oyerton by E. T.. Elliot and
Oliro Elliot b" disidbeariag dita Ans. It, 1857.
Seizral and taken into evecutiotiat the suit Co d-'
ding & Russel van XT. Carrier; contractor, and 7.,
Pox, owuer, ' '
• . Al,BO-The fallowing 114,.tdeen or parcel of lend.
situate in Herrick township, bounded as follows, viz:
On the north by lands of I..A.Tark sad Ames Rob-
Mean and the public highway;.. south by
son and - weat by L A. Park. . :Conbtinin2 one aura of
land more or Ices. all izaprored withs framed dwelt.
tug house, board :stable and a few fruit trees theme.
lned and taken Into cremation at the snit of Cod
ding telinzaell'e nee re...lferrielferaele..
ALSO,-The following lot, . piece or parcel of land,
situate In Oranville township, hounded as follows :
On tbo north hYland of Wm. Smith. east by Charles
Taylor. Bout/thy L. P, Styles; Cbaa. Taylor sad Ws
ry Crandall and west by - George Salford. . Contain
ing 55 acres of land more or less, about IT WIWI hlit ,
proved, with a framed barn, en old log house and a
few. fruit trees therain.
i 3 eizedsndtakehinteereenion it the snit ofle
Harris' use vs. Newell Stab.
ALSO-The following kit piles er parcel 'of land.
situate In Romeherough, bounded as: follows, viz
On tbe'north by land of Wm. Strom: east, south and
wept by laud of Joihna Tought• * Containing 11 aces'
Of land more or loss. all improved, with a steam and
water grist and saw mill comb/net' with the meals.
cry and firtame attached "awl belonging, a Olunad
house and barn'thereon.
• Seized and taken into execution at the snit of P.
E. TIME& me vs. E. 11. Powell k
ALSO—One other lot, piece or Parini of land CM'
ate keTturlington borough. bounded as follows: On
the-north by land of 31re.. D. - 11. Swayze'', east by
Jab* Simkins, south by ilesektah Peek. and west by
the Berwick turnpike. ' Containing 3' of an acre of
land, more or less , with • honed hou se, blacksmith
ahoy, and few fruit trees thereon,
ALSO—One other lot of hand /naafe in said bora'.
"bounded as follows: • Emil: by lend of Dr. E. Ever.
site, east by the Berwick trompike, south by land of
Mason Long, ind weat by Merryman. containing
N of en acre of land More or lam with a framed
house, firmed barn and a few fruit trete thereon,
' Seized and taken into execution at the suit of
Samuel Williams vs. A. T. Wheat.
Also • seized and token Into executkinat the colt of
Samuel Williams vs...t. T. When:
AlSO—The following lot. Wee or parcel of lan:
situate in townebip. bounded:La follows':
On the north by land of Perry Case, on the east by
31. 8. Dibble, south by dames Iteeley. west by A. T.
Seward. Containing about 27 acres of land more or
Iv:, about 20 acres improved, with a log house,
framed stable, and few knit trees thereon.
Seized and taken into ereention at the snit of F.S.
Elliotttea vs . Luther and Jae. D. Gates.-
The following lot, pieta or parcel of land. l i
situate in llama top. And bore', bounded as follows:
North by land of Wm: Strope, cast, sonth.and wed
by land or Joshua Vaught. Conta!ning 11' urea of
land, mere or less, all improved, with a steam and
water grist'and saw mill combined. together with the
Machinery and • ilrtitres attached and. belonging
thereto, a framed home and frame! -barn thereon.
Seized: and taken into exesntion et the suit of Os.
scan Pease v.. E. B. Powell, W. H. Sgpber and IL A.
ALSO—The'following lot, piece or parcel of land.
Situate in Orwell towtiship. bounded as follows, viz:
°tithe north by lands of Wesley Itobint on. on the
met and south by laud of Isom: Lyon, and west by
Mad tif Allen Prowl'. Containing 15 acres of land.
more or loot, no itisprovernetts.
' Wired and taken into execution dt the suit of H.S.
AWN no, Mervin Mcraele tad Latina, Meraele.
Af.SO—The following lot. piece oiparei , l of laud, ,
abate in Roue township, bounded as folloits. viz ; 1
both by land of John Forbes and Wm.bull emit by
Cornellne - Vatorice,eouth by 0.11. Mine', and west by
'Stephen Coutaluing 50 ¢¢¢Gres of lend more
or leer, about 40 zereit. improve 1,, with a. -framed
house. framed barn. corn .1t,•11 , 1^, r<l few frit:Uri-ea
thergan. .•
seme i l and taken into exec:Mon t the , cult of L. 1.,.
Moody vs: Timothy and Sila.i W. !Lucy.
Alao at the suit of L. L. Moody vs. S. W. Hinny.
• ALSO—The following Mt, rivet: or pareel of lend:
situate in Granville and Franklin bornshuir, bound
ease follows: Nurilfand,west by lands of B. Cran
dall, east by the pi;blid highway loading from - West
Franklin to Granville Centre. And south by lards of
Hiram Cadtvell. ClMtaining o.i acres of land more
lr,!eos, all amprored, with a fintnod home framed
barn and ti few hint trees thereon.
Seized dud taken into ekes:tit:on at roc t:oil of Wm.
'Brame vtl. A. L. Moore.
ALSO- , ..The following lot, piece or
. Niree! of land,
situate tronmaudi town:dlr., Low:Lard so
liorth.hydautl of Wm. Welch. oast by land of Silt,
Shiner, south by amid of S. Cole, and went by laud
.of John 31annyX. Containing 15 arms of land more
or less, nu improvement,.
Seized and taketi into execution at the cult of John
lfolmea vs. Thomas Northrtip,
.ALSO-71:it following let, piece or parcel of laud,
situate in Went Ihiriltigton tiorp, bounded to follown:
- , 'North by the piddle highrmy leading from Andrew
'3l: Swains to Granville, cast by lands of Isaac Swam
and Geo. Darner. moth by lauds of sa:d Darrow and
Myron IbilimCd red weld by lands of Jasper Leach:
Containfug 1:10 ars, of land more or :Moat bu
improved, wit a large framed ba aud abed aaLh
cd, fraiied Mime and feu fr ui t
4-...15t thereo ft n.
ALSO—Another 'piece of laud in -said township,
, bounded As follow', : by Sugar Creek, east
anti south by Imola of lease swain, and rent by An
thony Bach or the abort, Llex.cril),l lot. Coutumirig
I!' sennt of laud too:,, or Lou. all improved, with a
trained hmee,l4l4' nerd,_ sh.ngtmand planing machine
attaclied, wan.r DriVdegi! and two null human there
ALSO—One other lot. piece or parcel of land. •,:t
nate In acid township), bounded as follows:- (In tlis
north by Sugar Creek. east by' binds of D. Lane,
ae~uth Ire therublic highway - cud west by lands of
Iloticit Swam. Contannint 15 aeros of laud more or
leas, all ituprin,ed, and no buildings.
Seized and taken into execut_•on attlis salt ot W.
T. Dales vs. Anthony Beach. •
• .
ALSO—The folio - .inn; lot.. Meec or parcel 01 laud,
a:tuate iu Townotbi township, bounded as -follows:
North bylaw] of Joha• Manny% ami Wm. Welch,
oast by laud of F. M. Bowery, south by the 13erWick
turnpike Icaitng from Monrocton to Burlington and
wino by land of John Witman. Containing 103
acres 01 land noire or Lena, about Sc acres improved.
with a framed houSe, framed barn. and a few fruit
trues thereon.
Seized and taken luto execution at the. suit of H.
W. Noble's use vs. Michael, John and Matt Manny%
and J. W. Wl=
- ALSO—The . followint: lot, piece or pan:el - of land.
situate in Wysox towosh!p. boccrled as tollcm - s vu:
North. southand west by-lands of E. A. 'oolbatinh,
and on the eatt by lauds I,t J. M. Med. •ontaiunyl
one acreof land more or less , all imp:" IA with a
trained house thereon:
Seized mind taken into execution at the snit of
W. Noble's use ref. Francis Johnson.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land,
situate iu SprinOiclel township, - Innituded as follows i
- North by the public Highway Ending from Springfield
to Burlington, east by a public road and south and
west by land of S. E. Dickerson. Conteoulug one
acre of laud more or less, all improved, with a fram
ed hoisse, and few font tress thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the-snit of Li
-sander llaromonirs - nw sr.. Caroline Itticacr and Jen
erniah Reeser._
SlieriffN OAlce, Towanda. Jan. 9, lb:v. Eiticriff
Fong dravin Dm 23.18G0. to be inrorx In a
Conti of quarter .Scs,t:Ona and Common Pleas. tc.
for the county of Bradford, tor.,menciug on Monday
Feb: 7. 1V73.
Armenie,Henry D. Covert; Athens Twp.
_Da Id
Gardner:. Barclay; Win. DitehMtru.Stephen.A.Alleu;
Canton, Twin Pelegllarkctt ; Frankl;n, barmy John
son; Gratudle, Andrew M. Fitch; Litchfield Joshua
nuke: Omen, Ared Matt; Pike, John Ilarriug
ton ; Ilidgebury, Daniel It. Burnham, Delmar Mar
tin: SY/Tania; Prim Peek Jr.; Troy Twp. Burton
Pomeroy. I,: P. Williams; Troy Born, 0. P. Adams;
Tuscarora. David Learned; Terry. lienry Mason.
John E. Dolge; Miter, Edward Lockwood; Warren,
J. Mourne Pendleton; Windham. John B. Russell:
frauds Wariier, George Wilson. ,
. _
Arwttia. John J. Green; Albany, Thom V. Brown.
Wm. - Kenyon; Asylum, Wm. Ada; Canton Tap: B.
Garrison, Thus S. Manley; Canton Bore. George
Ketelnun: Columbia, Joel R. Watkins; Franklin,
Ahira Gay: Granville, Oscar Saxton, Allan Wocalen,
Theodore Pratt:. Herrick, Charles Platt; Litchfield,
John Campbell:. o , erton, Wm. Fatii•ett; Orwell,
Elias Dimmoek; Pike, Geo. White; Rome Tap.
Joshua Kilmer; Howe Born, Orson Rickey ; Ridge.
bury,J.Wahompson; Shealiecinin.Wilder B.Chatifee,
Lewis .Horton; Smithfield. Daniel Carpenter, Geo.
T. Beach; Springfield; Joht,, hi. Cooley. Benj. Me,
Affect' Troy Boro. Asa G. Landon; Troy Twp. Joel
Calkins: Towanda tp.,Samuel Dimmodk. Lorenzo D.
Bowman, Towanda Bore, S.T. Aipinwall;, Ulster. A.
B. Smith, Simeon C. Hovey; Wysoz, Bertran E.
Whitney, George Gard: Warren. Hubert B. Backer,
Benj. Dendletom Hiram . Taylor; Wilmot, Daniel
- Vaughn:. Wiahasing, Jackson Leek.-
1 - 11.rEns rest 2,wiz[.
. ,
Athens Twp, Abram Hone cker; Albany. Albert
Wall; Barclay, Wm. Conway, J. W. Taylor; IMAMS*
ton Tap. Hosea Stone, Jeremiah Travis, Burlington
Boro, johrg P. Rice. Robert E Spencer• Can
ton Item J.P.Dewitt; Canton Twp. Orville Janson:
Franklin, David Anderson:Ongoing, Marcus Ayes;
Herrick... Francis Struthers; Litchfield. Amos Pren
tice, 'Wm. :Melville: Pike, Wee. Agnew Jr.: IBdge ,
bury, John L..ebb, Jam d Hammond; Home Pwp.
Darwin. Barn es.e Reuben Russell.. John Strops;
Smithfield, Walter plerce. Isaac, Brown. *undue
Phelps Jr.; Shesbequin, Joseph U. Backer. Daniel
Mier:. Springfield,. Martin Harkness; Standing.
Stone, Byron -Stevens; Tuscarora. John Clapper;
Towandsawp,- T. B. Patch :,Towanda North, Oeo B.
Mille; Miter; Henry Disson;.Wysloging, Loomis B.
Camp, Isaac Jennings. Almotfil Fuller; Wilmot.John
B. Ely, Samuel Douglass; Windham, David Nichole,
James Olmsted; -Wells, James B. Brasted.
Armenia, Jacob T. Demondi Albany, Herrin Van.
loon, Gee. sterigere; Wm. Hewitt; Asylum, Francis
Cole; Alba Boro; Charles Sterling; - Athena Twp, Ira
Elabree, John S. 'Williston; Barclay. Charles Moore:
Burlington Twp. - Wm. Shiner; Canton =Bann'
Owen. Andrew Watts, Orrin Brown; Fre Man
ford -Stevens:. Herrick,
.Dayton C. Barnes; Monroe
Twp, Henry -Crammer; Orerton, James Holyneux;
litidgebnry, George O'Leary; Standing Stone. Rich
ey! J entail*, Whitfield Tianess; Springfield. Wm.
Dark; Towanda Boro. am.Laporte, P. W. Cowell
C. D. Paaeage, Rm-th, Ezra- Rutty; Terry: Ir. T.
Horton, Troy„Twp. Mllton 0. Loomis. Thomas Met.
ritt;Troy Bdco, Robert F.Redington; Ulster. John T.
Howie; Warren, Edward F. Tripp, Wm. P. Arnold;
Welles Wm. Brown,Henry Freuch,Alfred Hamm-end;
Wyse'. 'G. W. Green, C E. Passmore; Windham
Orsemna Carpenter, Platt'R. Vandyke. '
lion. FARRIS B. STBEEctat, President Judge
of the 12th Judicial District. consisting of the corm-
tica of Bradfort sal Susquehanna, and Hons. Lena
Low Furore and J. W. itaxlman, Associate Judges,
in and for raid counts of Bradford,have issued their
precept bearing date the Bth day of January, 1870, to
to me directed for holdings Court of Oyer and Tar.
ruiner; General Quarter Session of the ,Peace. Com
mon Pion and Orphans Court, at Towanda, for the
County of Bradford, on Monday. the 7111 day of Yeti.
centher next, to continue three weeks.
• Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coroners,
sad JOstlees of the Prue, of the County of Bradford,
that they he then and there In their proper person,
at 10 o'clock to the forenoon of said day, with ve..
corls,,lnquialtions and. other remeathrrancee. to do
I those things which to their office appertains to be
done; ,sail those who are bound by recogranance or
-otherwise to prosecute against the priaioners who
are or may be in the Jail of said county,-or who shall
be boond to appear at the said court are to be then
and there to proseente.agalust thorn at shall be Inst.
Jurors are requested to bo 'punctual .1a their Mica
donee, agreeably to their. notice. I -
Dated itt Towanda. the Bth day of January. In the
year of our Lord. one thousand sight hundred and
. seventy. and .of :the Independence of the United
States, the ninety-third.
, • ' J. P. TAN FLEET, Staff.
opt 01
To Moo JIN.—
us Re booby &Mktg tbot:lllMllkgalarar
wife, by her obit frivol Stopho
ett to the Eotesorewismiorryleoliff
for *divorce from the bootie at inettlpinw t Old la;
"id 6141* ' bas sPfxdfdoct the .711 4 of
ary.-1870, for beralairthop aid Alibied* ts ObitF.
ism at which ham taufplace rig tbtnk proper.: .104, &Wei jell
A4V Torris,Tubscir..—ro-Inatlini=,
Yon 'ard &nub, - nottbod Th at
loarsifi e by bur. fultutlistitl, Li bas sepbrill
to ;to cowl of cosmos' Peso od &WO* ,mob.
foe •• divorattmasibe Donator miticirism' au& Ow
acid court WA krougied Meedst the ith 417.0( lab. :
lira foi.besting the agoi roa Ctuispiasts tde minim
at whkb time and Vice . can AIWA tr:rffirtlttilt
Worm , .• . - , . PIPIT valic EE
; - ~ , ,
..- . -
To oliaioey mio.4.:—No.2ll3lleptesuber:Wena.
laila.—lon are hidoW notteed that Tanks Ihrodoe
year wife, by bar twit Mend, J. IL Bedinh. 1.14
applied lo the court; of - eminent pleas of Dead;
ford connfp. for $ divorce from -the Smile eifinatel,
many, and the aid at has appended Neen=
7th day / Feb:nary, 1870. for bear* the mid
in the premlara at which time and plaid yea con it. think proper.
J. Mill"! VANniXT. •
To dophertrul lierater.--No. sot sop. tem. la.
So- Yoe are hereby nodded Sat Martha Meeker.
yaw wife. by her next Mead D. C. limbed, AM ap
plied hi the end of camas= pieta el Bradhad as..
for a divorce from the beads of =shimmy. and the
add wed bas appidated Wedgy fee Ili day or
Febreary,.liad. fat hearse ig ;Id Xertha to Ow
premises. et ebb* doe and idea yea eatawed
XI. To aor H. Lewis:.-1(6. 106, May term. 18011.—
Yon are hereby availed that Lola 11. Paris; Yon'
wife, by hot hest friend JOU Lb Hakes, - has applied
to the court of common pins of Bradford county,
fora dtvorce.from the bonds, of tastsitusny. and the
said court has appointed Monday. the Intley of
February, 1870. for hearing the-said Lola 3E., fa the
premisesod which time and place you can sand If
you think proper. '• • • . .
Notiee is hetet - given that all persona indebted
to tbo estate of Mammal Yitaniter. • Isla of Canton
tarp., deceased, are: tanueztat So mats innsediata
payment, and all persona baring skims against maid
eatato must prevent them duly authenticate, tar settle
tnent. C. STOCKWELL,
Jan. L3s7o.*
Notice in hereby given to all pel7olll WM:4M
to the estate of EDDY wrssLow , itt. of Wilmot.
deemed; most make immediate payment. and all
persona haring claims against mad estate mast Re
sent then duty. authenticated for settlement.
Jan. 5, 1870.* Administrator.
Nottm LI beech/4;11'ot data persona Indebted
to the estate of Jouiteos ROGIMII. tato of neattelpiln,
NIL. deceased. ant requested to snake immediate pay
ment. and all'persona baring clrims against mid ea
tate moot be prevent the same dal! authenticated for
withmerit. BETSEY J. ittMitilit.
WARM roGnits.
AAtem eistektar.
c Jan. S. ISM*
/toilet, in hereby even that an persons indebt
ed to the estate of WM. M. WATTS, /ate of Tawas- 1
da borough, der'd.. are requreted t make immediate
psyment.. and all persons haring 6t acid
estate must present the *arca dab' authenticated tee
settlement. - MARY E. WATTS.
Jan. S. 1870. - Administiutenr.
Noths is hereby given that all iersozo_larktiv
ed to theeestate EDWIN T. ISTIOWER.I ate of Wu
V.A. Navy. dec'd.; orevegnested to wake tratnedtate
payment. and all ?names having dolma Ilcatnat aaid
-estste.tuust preveutitha tame duly authatticated for
settlement. ' 0. D. BABII.IffT.-
Jan. C. 1469. Adrialatitstur.-
Meneille and X. W. Mak• w. W. W.
and Sawn Long.—No. NS May Tenn, /M. In ths
Court oe Common Pleas of Bradford county.
The underigliett an Auditor appo:nted by sand
Court to distribute monoya in the Lauda of the ifhertll
arising from Sheriff's sal. of defendants personal
Pro Porty, will attend to the duties of said appoLut.
meta at his ofnea fa the Borough of Towards et'
FRIDAY the •lath day of .lA3 VARY. ink At 2 ,*
clock p. nt., m t which tine mud plans all perouns bar
ing clothes to said' money Ara reunited to present Um
tome or be debarred from coming in upon said hued.
Jan. ft, 1860.-1 t
it:CDTOR'S NOTCE-411'thei matter
Lewis U. Flick Wrier etiM of P.
11. Fuck. cited, late of tiracifoid county. • Py.ha
rat. Giuirth'un. In tho °Than,' Court of Bradford
eon nty.
alo undireigued an Auditor appointed by oda
court to dtkribute fun& eridug from Mabee of add
minor ehildo ml ortate, will attend to the duties of
said appoint:lll2.d at bum :ofttea la the bortatat of
Towanna. on FRIDAY, the - teat day at JANUAR:Y. - .
le7o. at 2. y. la.. at which taw and pleas
all pernons basing claims to maid lend ara mattatf
ed. to yroftent the wee or be dobarred twat cocas'
upon said fund. - W. A. YECK.
Jan. 6,1870.—10 w.
AA UDITOR'S =liearclt . ile j )
it (Ica es. John and H. P. —No. 111.
tiept, term. 1819. In the Court
Bradford county. •
The or.dersigned an auditor..wpointed by redd
Court to distribute hinds In BbAnW a' hands
from liberid's sale of defendant's real estate. alto[
2 3
tend to the dettes - of raid appointment. at Ids owes
iu the liereuirla of Towanda, on NBID4Y. the Mk:
day of JANCART, lea, at 2 o'clock P. la.. at silk%
tune and place all persons hating claims. on wd4
money are reviled to present the alum or be debar
red from comma on esidtaad.
Jan. O. 1370
virtue of an order Mimed out of the Orptaais'
Court of Bradford c 0.., the .
.. ' admit:Us
tor of the estate of Averse deceased. viii
expose it publio sale on the pretrilses.WZDNIEDAY,
FEI3. 2d. WO, at 2 o'clock p. &Ohs following de.
rwred lot. piece or paniel of land. minute In Par
shlf"f, arnahlif, boa:aided on the wost and north by land
eyed by the silk Al lit Blakeslee In bar bkids•
Thomas E. Brown, and by him contracted to Mar
v' Poet, an the east by land by Seth Bilelmake. and
on e south by lands of auras filigree and- lands
forme v owned by James reatherbee. Contatzdng
thirty. aof laid more or lets. ,
FBI —52.3 to be paid on the property being
Thomas E.
I one-half of the balance In six menthe,
and be n one year wlthinteted.
E. P. SKEEL: . ,
Jan. G, 1870
X../ virtue of an order issued outof the Orphans'
Court of Bradford county, the undendsrsed execs
tem of the clUate of BENJ. J. HOAGLAND,. deami
ed. will expose at public sale on -the pmulsee, ma
SATURDAp. JAN. 29. 1970. at 2 o'clockp,m4 tholot.
lowing ductibed piece or parcel of land, situ*
in Leßoy township. bounded u follows: lleignsfall
at a post on- the hank of Towanda Creek, Sews
Fonda 167 perches on bus of P. P. Tillitson to B.
Wilcox's corner. thence west 34 N; perches to stake.
thence north 167 parches to Towanda Creek. WOOS
down said Creek 31 , ; perches to place of begin-Use.
Containg- 31 acres more or least aent2PlOo fatty.
Ten acres more or less.
• SL811;-.111 that contract interest Ina pp i, ecce or par
t:cl of land situate in Lenoylvmaship atoresald, and
bounded Its follows: Beginning at the scath•west
corner of the Cranater Mow Schrader) lot:thence by
his north line month 872; deg.llo 540 perches *Me
west corner of lot No. 38, thence by the west line of
said Jot north 2 deg. east 130 340 perches, thence
north 874 deg.. weld 100 perches to the north-osid
corner of k 4. No. 4, thence by the east aide at the
same: north, 87X dei. weft 3 340 perches to the /Masi
of C. L. Ward's Led. thence by the same math 2
deg- west 43430 perches to the . pLpe of
b i
Containing 81 -- ecres and 120 ell Wag k egb ra
39 on the map of lots surveyed Z. F. Walker. end
part of warrant No. IS. in the =ins of 8. GAM.
containing 150 scree.
TEini9.—sso tc be paid on day of safe. $ on
continuation of sale and the balance to one and taw
•yearattbcreatter, with interest from Ociefiruddion of
ESTRAY.—Came into the ineloeure
of the tuleraigno/, Otk or about the 20th of
Dec. last, ono Sow Pig, whore it bad a Utterer pigs
four int:Lumber. The ay= la requested to =ow
forward, prose property. pay pay abuses. and taii•
them away. P. J. CZOWLLI.
Barclay, Jan.. 3. WM
-7.1-Iproposols will be received at the house of Joseph
Conklin In Wywor, on Thursday the 37th of January,
1870. until 3 o'clock P. 31., for the building and com
pleting a Bridge ammo Wise:Crock. near the hauler .
of P.. A. Coolbangh in mid Tni. - iiipecitis for
the same may be men at the Cammiesionerl
ati4 at the house of Joseph Conklin far ten'dayi pre
ylobe co said letting. -
Com'rb' Office, Jag.:.. LS
der and ObedioA Gore Ezecolont it, l* Mote of
\oncy Surffr, dereascd'd. In Cie Orpbans' Conti of
Bradford county.
The undersigned an Auditor appointed by saki
Court to distribute moneys in the hands of the Es•
ecntora of said decedent. will attend to the dn.
ties of his appointment at hits office in the borondi
of Towanda, on TUESDAY ihe lath day of 112i0A1114
Pro, at 1 o'clock. p. in.,.whin'e ail person!, Itselnu
claims 'grand said fond moat present Cam ar else
be l debarred tbkrefrosn.-
. w. 'Mimeo%
* 13. - Auditor.
Notiee is hereby given that all persons indebt-1
ed to the estate ~ot OPHIER DAWN • dee'd. late
Orwell township. me requested to anake.ingnedl.
ate payment, and all persons having dams against
said estate gnat present them dnlyamthentleated for
settlement. DaVSILLA DAWES
Jan. 18: 70-*
AprLeah= tor chit* . of Owner of the lilt
Wesleyan Church and Society of Towanda.
Notice is thereby green that the above A en
has severally presented to •fbe- Court of
Pleas of Bradford County. their =Seim of •
thin asking for • change •of Owner. AIM * 0
said Courthaving ermined the same, and finding
them correct, will deerett that Abe, change be made
AS p rayed for. on )lance , rebroary 7, 1570. at
O'clock p.m.. 'unless mute be shown to the contrary.
• W.' A. TIIONAB. Mitonotary.
Protbonotary's Mee. Jam 5.1570.-fit
'l4 Notice is hereby trlcen that all persons Indebt
ed to. the estate _of HOST. COOPER.. late of Warren.
deceased. are regraded to make immediate p nt
and all persons hintugelaintsapind saki dhte mug
intsciat them duly authenticated far settlement.
Jan. 1•2.185 O.•
‘4RELTS at CCM= & NM I%
J. A. MOOS!.
Esma Looms.
.1, 11, Harts,