Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 23, 1869, Image 1
TIMM 'sir IPI7IIIWATIOIC' Tan DEADICoIa RCM= pablbibed wary IrlonwalY lilotair4 by • W. AVM= and E. J. Cursor, si Two Dollars per Emus. la advance. ADVEIITISIMENTB,, exceedbas Pmeen Linea are i everted at sax caoszs per tens or Aran nsertion. and 11 1 . - E MINTS per line for subsequent wantons. Special Notices inserted before Marriages and Deaths, will be charged rimmoi cram per lime for each inflation. All Resolution of Assodinions communicatlons of limited . or individual interest.' and notices of Marriages and Deaths, exceeding five. lines, are charged TEN Mal per line. 1 rear. 6 Mos. 3 Mos. Ore Column $1 00 $6 O ' $6O Ralf " CO •35 •25 15 10 , 7 one S qua re 3.• Edon' Caution. Lost and Found. and other adver tisements, not exceeding Ten lines, three weeks. or ess, A l l 50 Administrator's and Executor's Notices, 2 00 Auditor's 'Notices 2 50 losiness Cards, live (per year)...........5 00 Merchants and others, advertising their business, will be charged $25 per year. They will be entitled to column, confined exclusively to their business. with privilege of quarterly changes. sa- Advertising in all cases exclusive of subserip• lion to the paper. • JOB PROTECO of every kind, in Plain andFanci . &ors. done with ndatitcas and dispatch. SandhiMk Plants. Cards, Pamphlets, Itlitheada. Statements, to, of every Variety and style, printed at the shortest notice. The UEPOIITEIC Office is well supplied with VONVet Presses, a good assortment of DOW type, and c,:rythlng in the Printing line can be ;he most artistic manner and at the tweet rates. TERMS MPARIAITLY BUSINESS CARDS. I EWIS REFEBEIRST, Fashionable i. 4 Tailor. Rooms over Aspinwall's Store. Towan da Pa. oct.s. 69. - - • p FOWLER & CO: REAL ES 1_ II: • SAIL DEAIX63, NO. WO WaillillgtOrl Street, op. Opera House, Chicago. EL Real Estate pur .:lla.,c3 and sold. Investments made and moneyloan. FOWLER. April 21. 1882. 8. LEM. B. HOLLETT, MONROETON, 1./• Pa.. agent for the Hubbard Mower, Empire ])rill. Ithaca Wheel Rake, and Broadcast Bower for now in. Plaster and all trinds of Grain. Bond for dr rul,,rs to B. B. Hou.rrr, Idenroeton. Bradford Co., - dune 2t. p A TENTS! J. N. DEXTER, Solicitor of Pa/rot.., 73 BROAD STREL•T. WAVERLY. N. Y. Prepares drawings. specifications and all papers N utted in making and properly conducting Appli .atr,ns for Parros-rs in the Ifurrno Srsins and Fon , v.!: I'ot7NTRIER. CLIAIIGES Li lINSVcCF.BBFCL IMEVMMiEMI BLACKS.IIITITLNG ! having cromplated my now brick atop. near my silence on Main-street, lam now prepared to do .0:17 in all Ito branches. Particular attention paid Mill Irons sad edge tools. Having spent many rears in thin community. in this businegs. I trust ,ill be a sulficent guarantee of my receiving a liber ,o amount of the public patronage. HENIIY ESSEN - WINE. Towslida, Nov. 9, ISCO.—tf \[YERSBURG MILLS! The subscribers, having purchased of Mr. Barnes i - i. interest in the Myersburg Mills. will carry on the hii.iness of Milling, and guarantee all work done by teem to be of the very best quality. Vi"heat, Rye and Buckwheat Flour, ; and Feed. con -mildly on hand and for sale at the lowest cash price. Myersburg, Sept. 24.'68. MYER k. FROST. PRICE LIST-CASCADE MILLS Beet quality Winter Wheat-Flour "f cart.. .$4. 50(65 00 Ih•st quality Eye Flour l cal 3 50 corn Meal and Rye and Corn Feed 2 25 A fair margin allowed to dealers. Custom grinding usually done at once. as the ca. picity of the mill la sufficient for - a large amount of work. B. rianAm. eamptorn, July 12, 1819 RAYSVILLE mILLs ! The subscriber. hating purchased the Laßayeville MIAs. and refitted the same in good order, is now do good work, and to give general antis- M. J. FRUTCHEY. Lenaysiille, Sept 22, 1869.—1 y m- I 0 ,1, LING! "Ii subscribers having purchased the Grist 31111 Isar the month of Towanda Creek. generally called tide's Mill, have thoroughly repaired the same. and now ready to do All kinds of Custom grinding nh dispatch, They will deliver Flour, Feed. Meal. • inhani Flour, or anything else In their line in any po r f the ustomers will find an Order Rook at the Meat Martin of Kellum k 3fulloek. All orders left in said will be promptly attended tn. n inquiries in regard to Grinding. or other bus!- , •- the Mill. entered in said book. will be answer- BORTON. 5. 1 4. 1. 18,9. -^_m• DYEING ESTABLISH trs .V . EAV ?JEST. I iiithscriber takes this tristbod of Informing the 41 Towanda and vicinity that he has - opened .:N; Establishment in Col. MEANS . new build. ,•.! O. 16t MAIN STREET ~,to Oen. Paths:est. and that he Is note pre puret to du all or in his line. such as CLEANING a, I coLGRING lathes' and gentlemen's garments. •-!••t‘e• Be., in the neatest manner and on the most •- -sxl.le terms. Give me a call and examine my • • HENRY REDDING. *e.S. ISOft. IVADFORD COUNTY Hr. L S.STATE Ak;17.1.-C,Y II i',. 11.• KEAN, TIF:11, ESTATE AnENT Farins, Propertos, city and Town t- fir silo. Pam., having property for kale will find it to their ivantags by leaving a description of the gains, with l.'-ii, of sale at this .wericy, ae parties are constantly for farina U B. IdeliEAl4. Real Dante Agent • 'lnca Towanda, l'a. lan. 29. 181. r FITE UNDERSIGNED HAVE -I , ened a Banking House in TOWU!)411, under the .;-G. P. MASON A co. y are prepared to draw Bills of Exchange. and ;;Ilactions in New York. Philadelphia. and all of the United States. ac also England. Ger wr I France. To loan money, receive deposit,: N . ; do a general Banking business. 1 Ita.on was one of the late Finn of Laporte. ; . of Towanda. Pa.. and bin knowledge of ;; .s.i. wen of Bradford and adjoining counties • ',xi in the banking business fur about s., v; a make this house a desirable one thmngh . • oak' collections. 0. F. MASON, (h-t 1. ISfIG. A. G. MASON. I'TENTION THIS WAY! & CO =9 I. f., tb' spring Lraar, the largobt a !11 , AND I'LATFOIL3I • mn 1 m tlu. past of the cuunt7, which they at a.: most roammablo prices, and warrant that d o ubt net but call and examine. t mutheteut `V:W FALL LC.: WINTER GOODS 111:%'. E. .1. PIERCE, I frt , ll: NeW Y4,rk with a tirntctae•s =I iinportcil efyles of NNI_ra,RIBBONS. &c. Ac • .111 reepscifully invite the ladies of Towan t g 11.• her a call before purchasing ilducba neat and fashionable style • ri t••tere. r over M. E. Rosen : . ••ip.•-ito Powell's, Towanda, Pa. 30, P.• Ce. • ! F I 11' 31! . )01,...,j.vh I,OIV I'll Ic Es! =I HOLLUN m Groceries and Provimori,, Drws li,•rostmc (Ti!. Lamps. Clumue3s, i Pamta. Varmsb. Yankm No aml. Snuff. Para Wima awl OS the leoet quality, for medullas] purptses Ito. els eol,l at the eery lowest prices. Pre• • ~, t rpouried at all hours of the • • •,, (,;:e ns a call. TI:ACY s HULLOS 4trntt '24. 1859-Iy. PAss.kGE Fit())1 OR TO it t I.II, AND (i/1 F.N(4LANI). 1.7 J LINK M na 1.1 4-: 1, 4 I:l4 , n'ti •• Pla,k SL.LF Luis Li, tonal: woek. • L: u e of Pkkots froin or 1.44 London, tit - , , 444 a month. , "•••4 44 4 - i* o, Ea.nawl. 14:,',an I an-1 goo:laud pay. 11V:1:!:•;11; A: Onion, 4: . or I ; F. CO.. Ilinkent, Tdsvaritla. Pa. MEI s E 'At t Ll ;11 - RIGHT r • I"” , r.swll. Ittllit built t the best " 1 I ..1111 th, of ,”1!! qwn,,s to NEW V_.F.TEX W.ll Lit witta:L. a!' Ile. el-m•olts of a firet-elaso mutter. • ;:. ,;(;.;•Loia. ttrelibill the grcat,st mount of rower for ; n romom: cinder backwater L 111111. f . t to power e,reut diminution of 1 r.• ; ~.t,0,t,0n to mill framea or midi . '"lozn, anger low bead, and made of d Th•-se wh-els will be forflishoi ;;;,o; ,;:,.• of atic other first-class ~ to 11..rforth all that th laz held: for OttNli in of the • h,a-L =I 0 ,, •;11 ii- , ' of' t'[.. uudc I. Toy:and-1. . , eau seen In 'opetiltiou at - 1.1-rton 2. Welly ' Mill. Tov..aCtia t.vp. The 44 Iron a- now t11:141C. II -4 '4.- II EMI INI & Publieherai. VOLUME XXX. PROFESSIONAL WUXI. P. WILLISTON, •- ATTOENEY AT LAW, TOWANDA. South side of Mercury New Block, np stairs. Dec. 1, '69-3re W IL THOMPSON, ATTORNEY • AT Law, Towanda, Pa. Office with C. Bogart, Esq., No. 5, Brick Bow. All business en trusted to Ms cue win be promptly attended to. July 1, 1864. HENRY FEET, ATTORNEY AT Pa inna97. '66. VDNVARD OVERTON, Ja., AT TOW= AT LAW, Towanda, Pa. Office formerly occupied bTtbe lota J. C. Adams. mesh I. 'W. GEORGE D. MONTANYE, AT TOMMY AT Ltir. Offloo , -oanior of Maio and Pine Bireeta, apposite Pongee Drag Store. W A. PECK, ATTORNEY AT • Law. Towanda. Pa. Office over the Ba kery. south of the Ward House, and opposite the Court House. *. EMT 3, 18. VH. CABNOCHAN, AT.TOR • au es Lew (District Attorney for Brad. ford County), Troy, Pa. Collections made and prompt ly remitted. feb 11, '69—tf. JJOHN N. CALIFF, ATTORNEY AT Law, Towanda, Pa Particular attention giv en to Orphans' Court business. Conveyancing and Collections. sir Office at the Register' and Recor der's Oleo, south of the Court Rouse. Dec. 1, 1864. BEND. M. PECK, ATTORNEY LT Law, Towanda, Pa. All business entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention. Moe In the Mee lately occupied by Meiwur & Morrow, south of Ward 11.7 ass. UP stairs. 11{ERCM Sr. MORROW, •ATTOR NETh AT Lsm. Towanda. Pa. The undersigned having aeeoelated themselves together in the practice of Law. of r their professional services to the public.. TIMBRES MERL - ITR. P. D. MORROW. 'arch 9. 1885. TORN W. MIX, ATTORNEY AT eIP LAW, Towanda, Bradford Co., Pa. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT. Particular attention paid to Collections and Orphans' Court business. Office—Mercur'a Now Block, north aide Public Square. ' apr. 1, '69. HB. 31 cREA N, ATTORNEY • AND CODNNELLOU AT Towanda, Ps. Par ticular attention paid to brininess in the Orphans' Court. July 20, 'GO. WT. DAVIES, ATTORNEY AT • Ltw. Towanda, Pa. Office with Wm. Wat kins. Esq. Particular attention paid to Orphans' Court business and settlement of decedents' estates. mr B. KELLY, DENTIST. OF • fire over Wickham & Black's, Towanda, Pa. Particular attentionle called to Acciarcx as a base for Artificial Teeth. Having used this material for the past four years. I can confidently recommend it as being far superior to Rubber. Please call and ex amine specimens. g Chloroform administered when desired. may 20.'68. DR. H. WESTON, DENTLIT.- Office in Patton's Block. over Gore's Drug and Chemical Store. Jan 1. '68. 91 B. JOHNSON, PHYSICIAN • AND SUILOP:ON, Towanda. Pa. Office with W. B. Kelly. over Wickham S Black. Residence at the Means House. aprl6. '6B. DR. H. A. BARTLETT, Physician and Surgeon, Sugar Run. Bradford County. Pa. Office at residence formerly occupied by Dr. Ely. ang.lo, DR. STEVENS, over Bnowris (late Gen.e.s) Drug Store. Patton's Block. in (dame lately occupied be Dr. Madill and Dr.Weaton. 11-59. LU. BEACH, M. D., -Physician . and 'A'srueon. Towanda, Pa. Particular atten tion paid to all Chronic Diseases, and Diseases of Females. Office at his residence: on State at.. two doors east of Dr. Pratt.. nov.llo. DOCTOR Q. LEWIS, A GRADIJ ate of the College of -Pqsielaus and Surgeons," New York city. Class 1843-4. gtvesimr_lnalve attention to the practice of his profession. Office and residence on the eastern slope of Orwell Hill,,,adjuining Henry Howe's. Jan 14. 'Q. 0. W. WELLS. TB. CAMP, INSL'RA;NCE • AGENT. —oflive formerly oc . (ippied by 31ercur k. Morrow, one door Fmth of Ward flume. July 22, 1849. HAIR WORK OF ALL KINDS, .rich as SWITCHES. CURLS, BRAIDS. FRU ETTS, &c., made in the best manner and latest style, at the Ward House Barber Shop. Termsyeasonahle. Towanda. Dee. 1, 1561. FRANCIS E POST, PAINTER„ Towanda, Pa.. with tan years experience , is con! fident be can give the best satisfaction in Painting, Graining, Staining. Glazing, Papering, &c. Particular attentloa paid to jobbing in the aountry. april9, TORN DITNFEE, BLACKSMITH,. 310NitOETON, PA., pays particular attention to ironing Buggies, Wagons, Sleighs, ke. Tire setaud repairing done on short notice. Work and charges guaranteed satisfactory. 12,15,0. 0H -YES! OH YES!-AUCTION! All calla promptly attended to and satisfaction guarautavd. Call or attire., A. It. Mon, Monroeton, Bradford county. Pa. 0ct.26,61. K. VAI_IGHAN, ARCHITECT J• AND BUILDIIII. All kinds of Architectural De signs furnished. Ornamental work in Stone, Iron and Wood.. Office on Main Street, over the Poet-of tic, Attention given to Rural Architecture, such as laying out of grounds, Am., ka apr. '67-1y A W. AYRES' MARBLE SHOP, 11l • You will bud Granite Monuments, both Quincy and t'oncord. Marble and Slate Mantles. and Coal Grater to fit. A large assortment constantly on hand, cheap as the cheapest. Aug. 10, 1868--ly. A WANT SUPPLTED ! The subscriber begs leave to Luforin the citizens of Towanda, that he Is now prepared to FILE SAWS, SHARPEN AND REPAIR SCISSORS, and do other Jobs in that line, on abort notice. JOSEPH MARSHALL. Orders may be left at the store of Marshall Bros. IV Co. • dec.l-3w, W. STEVENS, COUNTY SUB \J • VF.TOR. Camptown. Bradford Co.,Tha - fid to his many employers for pist patronage, would rcapectfully inform the citizens of Bradford! County that.he is prepared to do any work in his tine of bust ness•that may be entrusted to him. Those having disputed lines would do well to have their property accurately surveyed before allowing themselves to feel aggrieved by their neighbors. - All work warrant ed correct, so far as the nature of the case will per mit. All unpatented lands attended to. as soon as warrants are obtained. 0. STEMIS. reb. 24, 180-Iy. N. KINNEY & CO AAi - ERIC:IN HOTEL, CORNER of Bridge and Water Streets. Towanda. Pa. Pd. B. CALALN.S. Proprietor. assisted by L. T. noun, formerly of ^ Royee House." Burlington, Pa. Feb. 24. 18139—tf WARD HOUSE, TOWANDA, PA MEM 11 lERICAN HOTEL, EAST Sarrrnrnmn, Pe. The subscriber having leased this house. lately occupied by A. C. Bentley. and thoroughly repaired and refitted 'it, is now ready to accommodate the travelling pnbliti. Every endeavor wID be 12111a0 to satisfy thoao who may favor him with a call. A. G. REYNOLDS. = L"' ~ LL HOUSE, TOWANDA, E Ps. JOHN C. WILSON Daring leased this House, is now ready to accommo date the travelling public. No pains nor expense will be spared to give satisfaction to those who may give him a call. JW• North side of the public square. east of Mer cur's new block. p NUM E R IE D CREEK 110- x TEL PETER I.4IIIMESSER, purchased and thoroughly refitted : Oda old and well-known stand. formerly kept by Sheriff Grif fis, at the mouth Of Paunmerneld, Creek, is ready to give good accommodations and satiafactory treatment to all who may favor bhn with a csIL Dec. 23, ISM3—tf. ATEANS ROUSE, TOWANDA, 1 , .....bnti,AN a: Home:, Proprietors. This popular Hotel having been thoroughly fitted and re paired, and furnished throughout with new and ele gant Furniture, will be open for the reception of gn,ts. on MAY 1. ISII9. Neither erpens• nor pains has been spared In rendering this House a model hotel in all its arrangements. A superior quality Old Burton Ale, for invalids, just received. April 28, 1869. r PROY HOUSE.—V. M.. LONG has A. the pleasure of informing hia Mende and the public. that hta Ilex and conuziodiotte Brick Hotel le now completed and open for the skaynnodation of strangen; and travellyre. The business will be con ducted by V. 431. LONG I& SON, who by strict atten bon to the comforts of the guests, hope to receive a liberal share of public patronage. The subscriber tenders hia sincere thanks to the traveling public for the uniform liberal patronage heretofore received by the Troy Howe, and takes Pleasure in being able to state that he is now better prepared to mate them comfortable and. happy than ever. V. 3f. LONG. Troy. Pa., Dee. I.—tt • • 1 July 16, 68. I= =EI Hotels. On Hain Street. near the Court House. C. T. SMITE, Proprietor. MBE= IS Put* fadtp. atILISTLISTIDE. BY A. W. BZLiAW They say to-night is Christmas Eve, and,ligh as I could reach, I've hung my stockings on' the wall, and left. a • kiss on each. . I left a kiss on each for Him who'll fill my stock ings quite : He never came before, but O, I'm sure He will to-night. • . And to-morrowll bo the day our blessed Christ . was boil], Who came on earth to pity me, whom many others scorn. And why it they trent 1111 . 6 so indeed I cannot tell, C • • But : while tow Him next to you, then all seems • wise end-well. I long have looked for Christmas, Mother— waited all the year ; f a And ver , strange it is indeed to feel its dawn so nr; But to-morrow'll be the day I so have prayed to see, And I long to sleep and wake, and find what it will bring to me. • The snow is iu the street, and through the win dow all the day watched the little children pass they seem ' ed so glad and gay I t And gaily did they talk about the. gifts they , would receiVe ;- 0, all the world is glad, to-night, for this is Christmas Ere! And, Mother, on the cold, cold floor I've put my little shoe— The other's• torn across the toe, and things might there slip through; I've sot my little shoe, Mother, and it for you shall be, For I know that He'll remember you while He remembers me So lay me in my bed, 'Mother, and hear my prayers aright. He never came before, but 0, I'm sure Ho will to-night. _ lIIDNiGIiT ?dotLer, is it the morning set? Idreamed that it was here; + I thought the sun shone through the pane, so blessed-and so clear. I dreamed my. little stockings film) were full as they could hold. But it's hardly morning yet, 'Mother --it is so dark and cold. I dreamed the bells rang from the church where the happy People go, And they rang good-will to all men in a latc h-nage that I know. I thonght 1 took from off the wall, my little stockings there, And on the floor I emptied them—such sights 1"; there never Were I A. doll was in there, meant for me, Just like those little girls Who always turn away from nte ; and 0, it had arch curls! Lkissed it on its painted cheek ; my own are not so sweet, Though jteople used to stop to pat and praise them in the street. . And, Mother, there were many that . things would have pleased you too; For_He who bad remembered me had not for gotten you. But I only dreamed 't was morning, and yet 'tie far away, Though well I know that Ho will come before the earbolay. So I will put my dream aside, though I know my dream was true, And sleep, and dream my dream 'again, and rise at morn with you. CHRISTMAS MORN ulght have I waked with weeping till the bells are ringing wild, All night have I waked with my sorrow, and lain in my tears, like a child. For over against the wall as empty as they can tw, Thu limp little steeltings hang, and my he is tweaking in me! Your vision nail also as the world, 0 diqling dreamer and dear: • And how can I bear'pau to wake, and find no thrisnuati hest? Better you and I were asleep in the slumber whence none may start. And 0, thine empty stockings! I could fill them out of my heart! NP Christmas for you or for me, thirling; your kisses were all in vain; I have given your kisses back to you over And over again; I have folded you to my breast with a moaning no ono hears; Your heart is happy in dreams, though your hair is damp with my tears. ' . lam out of heart and hope lam almost out of my mind; The world iseruel and cold, and only Christ is kind : And much must be borne and forborne ; but the heaviesthurden or all That ever bath lain on my life are those little light thuiga op the wall. Hush, Bells, you'll waken my dreamer: 0 dial; dren so full of cheer! Be a little leesglad going by ; there bath been no Christmas here. , Go tenderly over the stones, 0 light feet trip ping a. bane The slighted thing sleeps in my. artus—she'll waken tofisoon, too soon! / —Our Young Folks. bailsman)). (For the REIMITEII.) CAMPTOWN. • Ma.. ..Enrron.: The Camptonians have one of the most capacious and beautiful halls in Eastern Bradford. Its size is 20x40 feet; besides ante rooms, &c., and has a splendid car pet and bearitifufty papered and well lighted. ,Altogether,,it reminds one more of a parlor than of a hall. The lodges ,are in a prosperous condition ; weekly additions are con stantly being made to their already large lists 'of members. - Withl such members as Rev. P. R. Tower and lady, Rev. D. Cook and lady, H. B. Ingham, Esq., MrS. A. Fuller. Mrs. Homer Camp, Mrs. Beaumont, Mr. E. S. Fuller and lady, Mr. C. Avery, and others• we' might mention, 'the Good Teruplars in Camptown and vi cinity are becoming a power. I noticed the head of the M. ii-,- dist minister Tower-ing niriv. ,some of the citizens of les., streets. , The a /ice lireacher---one who aims t 9 give each hearer his portion in duel sea son. Our old friend, the Presbyterian minister, is also a lire-1y man, and his wife has, the reputation of e eing an excellent Cook. He sere out I=M=M rtions than many .who have moreTeell for, their seirvieea. Vehicles move with ease and quiet= Mess;' notwithfitandiN alhmap and a Stone is often seen m the streetsof . this truly village. 'When At-wood we wish to , Call attention, we examine the Cascade MAI, though with no intention . of - getting a Grab Hewitt down.. This would re quirb. altogether too Wiley a strata gem ,and the idea must not be Nourserd fora moment. No engine was heard, but Cars were visible in Camptowri, and are quite sure there was a Cole-man near. Also noticed , the . Templars *ere liberal Sharers of Mittens 1 , The citizens appear peacable and would not Hammer-Lee, although Lee hammers himself in the " First National; and , would not Rock-S-fel low for a Goodell (deal). Wad? - All nations have looked upWard in their gaze, to a place •of future de light, which they have- called heapen. The savage in the forest has looked across the river of death, and fancied that he could see the smoke of a wig wam, and an abundance of game which he would be allowed to cap ture. The Pagan has imagined heaven somewhere beyond Ole vail, but his conceptions of its joys are vague. Tim Mohammedan expects to roam in Elysian fields, and to be enraptured with immortal choruses forever. All false religions have in spired their votaries with the prom ise of a heaven after death. The heaven for which I am looking and longing, is a scriptural heaven. It is the great metropoli where God re sides ; it is the city where angels 'dwell ; it is the mansion which Jesus has prepared.. My heaver is some where beyond those shining stars, it is above these cloud-topped hills. Heaven will be a land of immortal rettmous Isaiah looked for_ a heaven ,where he could grasp - the hands of loved ones, when he said; " The ansomed •of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion, with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads." Blessed be God! we shall meet agairi; meet, where the faded flowers shall lift their heads and blossom, never More to die ; where that purer Eden shall be robed in green, never to become sear by the autumn of time ; we shall meet where the morning beams are never lost be hind the western sky, but forever flicker upon the hill-tops of the bkst. We shall meet where the sacred bands of affection are never broken. •We shall meet where the father can greet his children ; where the mother can press her offspring to her bosom ; where brother can shake hands with sister; where households renew their relations; and where family groups gather upon the banks of the rive of life. 0, how often does the angel of death take away our little tiny house birds, just as they begin to throw their soft tendrils around our necks, and to make music at the paternal board, and the drifting snow ,hides them from view wider the cold damp grOund By the bedside is an empty crib, th© playthings are catttred about the room, and altogether they form a little castle, deserted and lone ly: Their little being was jorus, the broken circle of their fleeting life was a garlard of sweetest flowerets. But they have faded; the • casket has been laid away in the tomb, and the soul is now an angel-in - the sl4. 0, it is `sad to lay our little ones beneath earth's green coverlets, and yet how many infant souls every day are drift ing from our hearthstones Upon that unknown sea which stretches away beyond the visible. The shore is lined with mothers, crying in angnikh after he babies which have drifted from their arms upon the waters.'-' But we are cheered to remember that ire shall meet them, that we shall take them in our arms, that we shall kiss them and know them in heaven. 0, holy it inspires our hopes in the future, to remember that every lost fondling of earth is an angel in the skies! It is joyous to think, that though these flowers are banished from the earthly Paradise, yet they . shall bloom fra grant and beautiful in the heavenly Paradise forever. Let us visit Green wood, and imagine-that it is summer. It is made pleasant and attractive by everything that art can do. We see written upon a little tombstone "Our Allie !" upon another, " Our lost Mionie !" upon another, " Our de parted Carrie 1" then we remember that all the "Minnies " and " Allies " have gone skyward, and we are com forted. What mockery would it be to plant flowers over the graves of our lost, unless we expected that they would live again! What mockery is it to weep for them, unless:we expect to meet them and to love them be- Jond.the river I But when we think of the reunion above, where, we shall wish all the lost of -earth that love ; God, "good morning!" we are hope, ful and glad. When we can no lon ger take our fondlings upon the knee, to think of the lullaby of heaven dries all our tears and inspires us with ear nest longings for that happy shore. 0, may we all meet where we can sit beneath the rainbow hues of an gelic arcades, and the arbors of heav en, where the land-breezes play, where the woodbine clambers, and the lilacs entwine abOut the golden lattice Let us live for heaven, for immortali ty and the first resurrection. ;Taus' NOT TO APPEXIIANCE.—In Dres den there is an iron, egg, the history of which is something like..this : A, young prince sent an iron egg to a young lady to whom he was betroth ed. She received it in her hands. In her indignation that he should send her such a gift, she cast it to the earth. When it touched the ground, a spring, cunningly hidden in the -egg, opened, and a silver yolk rolled out. She touched a spring in the velk and a golden chicken was found; -be touched a spring in the chicken and a brown was found within ; she touched a spring in ; the crown; and in itla - diamond wedding ring was found. . p the There is a moral to this story, and that is, it will not do to trust to out ward " appeartmees.7 - TOWVIDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA.,_ DECEMBER 23, !BM (For the REPOIIMI6) RE-UNION IN -HEAVEN. BY REV. T..LESLEE WEAVER. - 'itzonalizes oi pzmutuertas 11011 42nr QUARTFIL (Fer the Booms.) NIB UNION 8 DAT-80}100P. .The writer of a letter froni,Mon reeton, in the liirronna of last week, says: "My experience has been 'that Union lihmilirechoola are' such in name only.' nese are party inter ests which will always &rimy a Un ion Sundoy-school." hare spent i six years n this_ very business of ex gatuzing lJnicon Sunday-id :teas, and my experience is that they , are not: "only in name" what, we_uive made them, but they are each in verydeed; that they are not "destroyed," but hie and produce precious fruitto the glory of God "The result" of diyi sion in Monrootim may be " glorious" The letter claims that it is; do not know; but isolated cases, on either aide, furnish no argument speak of no particuliti case, but, of the gen eral rule. What are the facts? First.l can give_the names of more than forty Union Sanday-schools that I have assisted in planting in Brad ford county, all of which have been successful. ,Second. I can give the names of over a hundred such schools; in an other State, that have succeeded' as Union schools, and therefrom have lie come Christienrchurches. • Third. I could fill a column of . the Rtrontma with facts like these. What does, this letter-writer mean by " party interests "?' If he means a little ipfinitesimal sectarian spirit. which savors more I another spirit than that of Jesus and his disciples, he is not far from . the truth. That spirit will "altrays destroy. Union Sunday-school," wherever it' has the power to !ha. so. Of c9tn.65 this is not religion; but it is history. I believe in .church or denomina tional Sunday-schools wherever there is a church, a pastor, and member ship strong anpumerotu3 enough to n sustain such hool. I labor and pray for this blessed consummation in the case of all the• Union or Mission schools with which I have to do. • - I can mention scores of communi ties, well known in this county, which are beyond the reach of any preacher or church of Christ. The Union Sun- - day-school is about all that can care for the souls of the thousands living in these, places. Will ye "destroy that Union ? Then, inasmuch as ye do it unto one of the least of these, ye do it unto Christ. The thrust which this writer aims at a sister Church, concerning the dcctrine of election, is, according Ito Shakspeare, "Thu most uukipdest cut of alt." The bones of Calvin will hereafter suffer no further disturbance. , Requiescat in pace. I engage in no controversy, as such, on any of these topics. If any per son-is still in doubt as to the facts, he may call upon me, in person, for more of them. R. CRITTENDEN, Miasionary, Am. S.S. Union, for Nor. Penn TOWANDA, Dee. 13, ISG9 • . '.GOVERNOR OMB . AT ST. PETERS BURG. The (Jour/ Journal at St. Petersburg gives the following account of the re ception accorded to our distinguished representative, INDIUM; G. CURTIN, by the Emperor, October 27 : " We have already announced that on Wednesday lagt,.Monsieur Curtin, Envoy .Estraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States of America, was received by the Emperor at Winter Palace, and had the honor of presenting to his majesty his credentials. "On this occasicn Monsieur Curtin spoke as follows: "I have the honor to present to your Imperial Majesty the letter of the President of the United States accreditinu me as Envoy INtraordi nary and P Minister Plenipotentiary near the Court of your Majesty. In fulfilling this duty I am charged - by the President to eipress to your Majesty how gratified he is to see continue the relations of peace and friendship Which have so long united the Government of the United States to the Government of your Majesty— and his most earnest hope that these relations may not prolonged, but become more firm and cordial, as both countries shall realize the prog ress which their continental .position• anilrfheir vast material resources so certainly promise them in the near future. In behalf of the Government and people of my country I am happy, in the opportunity to offer the renew ed expression of their admiration'and respect for yotir Majesty, as well as their hope and earnest wishes for the uninterrupted prosperity of a reign illustrated by wisdom, firmness and justice." " To this his Majesty, the Emperor, responded in the most gracious terms, expressing his desire also for the con tinuance of friendly relations between the two countries—'thanking the rep iesentative of the United States for the kind words addressed ,to him personally, and specially . balling at tention to the progressive develop ment of the two countries and the resemblanc,e subsiking between them in this respect." ELI:GA.ISCE MAN NOT mAKeA HOME.— I never saw a garment too fine for man or maid; then was never a chair too good for a cobbler or cooper or king to sit in, never a house too fine to shelter the human head. 'These elements about us, the gorgeous sky, the imperial sun, are ,not too' good for the human race. Elegance tits, TORO. Bnt do we not value these tools of housekeeping, a little more than they are worth, and sometimes mortgage a home for the sake of the mahogany we would bring into it? I had rather eat my dinner off the head of a barrel, or dress after the fashion of John the Baptist in the wilderness, or sit on a rock all my life, than con sume all myself before I got to a home, and take so much pains with the Outside that• the inside -was as hollinv as an empty nut. Beauty is a great thing, but beauty of garments horse and furniture, is a very tawdry ornament compared with domestic love. All the elegance in the world ,will not make a home, and I would give more for a spoonful .01 real hearty love than for a whole l ship- MEM +f r: - _ MI load of funiiture wnd- all the gor geousness that all , the upholsterers of the world could, gather ttkgether. Theadore-Parker. MY NEIGHBOBS. . tireams Varies ail shspe%, and mica all est An - es. " Flia.sczo i --. M A convalescent state, after a &Mi ens illness that lad ' rendered me wholly incapable of mental exertion, I sat in my arm-chair by the fire, while' on the table? near me lay a val. tune of Eugene Sue's Wandering dew; and another containing a portion of the history of the renowned Pante gruel, I had been dreamily turning over the leaves of both, and had been much impressed by ti cliapter in the one last named, that described how Alcofribas (as:Rabelais called self) ascended the giant's outstretch= ed tongue,- and thus entering his' month, - discovered therein n new :world, the inhabitants of which had •the vaguest notions of everything that passed beyond their own-sphere. "Is not every one in London,"' I asked myself, "much in the condition of th man who planted cabbages with- in the precincts of Pantagruel's aws, and only had the faintest knowledge that there was another worldillumm- ed by a . ann and moon ? have lived at least six years in this house, and what do I know of Miss Thugleigh, who lives next door, and of whose ugly name I should never have heard, had not a letter, directed to her, been brought to me accidentally by the postman? She has never left home at anytime when•l have been look ing out of the window; she is never in her garden, which, by the way, is in a most neglected state. Inm ly reminded of her existence -by an occasional noise. lii London and its suburbs, save by some rare accident, is not every one in pretty nearly the same position as I am with - respect to Miss Thugleigh? 'I know rather more of the man who is her next- door neighbor on the other side, and whose name seems to be Bubbles- worth, for the artist that comes to shave me tells me that he has his hair curled every morning, evidently in tending to hold up a good example before my_ eyes. , , But knowledge I:ke this is the very reverse of exhaust- MN Mei pursuit of thistoolish train of thought had caused me to rise from my chair, and I was staring vacantly into the glass on my mantel-piece, :when my attention waS suddenly ar- rested by a remarkable phenomenon The movements of the reflected fig Are did not correspond to my own If I stirred it remained still, or mov ed in a different wanner. The.eyes alone, which were fixed en mine, obeyed the ordinary 'laws of relies-. Lion. Presently, my own arms being folded, the figure extended one of its hands. I-extended a hand .toci, and the fig,ure, slightly inclining forward, grasped it firmly. Instinctively I en deavored to extricate myself, but so far was I from succeeding, that I felt myself pulled towards the glass. The figure, then, was a reality, and a very muscular reality too, forl Could not resist it. Whitl ,, r was Igoing? It was soon evident that there was no glass at all, but an aperture in the wall surrounded by a gilt frame, be hind which was a room precisely cor responding to my own. • The position was alarming. • On—on I was pulled, and fOr a few seconds found myself enveloped in. dakness. I seemed conscious of nothing but vacuity, when suddenly the arilSp ceased, and I was once • More in the light; seated at a table, opposite to a venerable old lady, whose white hair, neatly parted from the middle of the forehead, was sur mounted by the most respectable of caps. She wasabsorbed in the peru sal of a large book, which lay open before her. Not .knowing how I should be received, I refrained from interrupting her studies, and took a leisurly survey of the room. In shape it was a prism. The ceil ing and floor were equilateral trian gles, and the walls were consequently' three in number. The table too, was triangular, so were the seats of the' chairs, each of which had three legs, and a huge bird-cage containing a vulture, was in keeping with the fur niture: Door, window or fire-place, there was none; the only admission to fresh air being . afforded by a trian gular ventilator, immediately under the ceiling. On the few shelves, which broke the monotony of the walls, were - placed some old booki, two or three bottles, and , several knives or daggers -of Oriental fashion. But the most singular'object was a hide ous. Indian idol, like those that rep resent the horrible wife of Siva, which stood in a corner, and before which was a prismatic stone, smelly simi lar in its proportions to the room. "Well, George," said the old lady, pruldeitly raising her eyes from the book, and looking at me full in the face, "so you have condescended to visit me at last:" Though my name is not George, I felt that I was the person addressed, so I began politely to deny the con descension. paoh-hoo ! never mind eotupti - melts. You are here, and that is the great matter. I see you are, rather astonished; but then its very . snug,. and q uite good enough fOr a simple b o dy like me." "Unique in Its structure, at .any rate," I said, endeavoring to -admire. "If am rather curious to low 'how one enters it." "Indeed, I wonder at that, ~when 7ou yourself found your way so read ily," she replied, with a slight laugh. I felt uneasy, for I did not care to describe My passage through the glass, but thy-old lady did not seem anxious for an explanation, since she immediately added, ,"It would not do to have a room too easy of access, when things of this sort are flying about." With these words, she opened a drawer in her table and took out a printed handbill with the formidable heading, "One Hundred Pounds Re ward." This she placed in my hands, and I learned from its contents that a butcher-boy bad been missed by his employers, under circumstances that led to the suspicion of murder, and that the reward was offered for EMI - \ - , . ;-;.- - 4 .. • I Oia - „ the apprehension of the supposed mt.; swum -./ • - "Luckily, he did not live in the neighbor food. But on the whole it is better not to venture beyond beg gars and tickee-fo-leave men." "Venture what?" I enquired.. "Immolation-t'.' Was the reply, ‘,4imn io .—..—"- I faltered. "Then it is your opinion that the unhappy boy was really murdered!" "Really immolt*d? Of course I do. It would be very absurd if I thought other Wise, when I perform ed the sacrifice with my own hands." • "Attrocious wretch !—" I began. - "Hoity-toity 1" interposed the- old lady. • "Don't let ns lose our- tem pers !" And really when looked at her calm face, felt. that wrath was im possible. She Was -some harmless' lunatic, who, owned to crimes she had never committed. "I bore thei boy no ill-will;" she proceed&l, "he was as welllbehaved a lad as one would wish to see. I Would gladly have given the prefer ence to a mischievous little vadabond who rings my bell regularly every Satureay afternoon, in celebration, .1 suppose, of his half-holiday: but - the butcher-boy came handy, add when one can't have what one wants, One must take what one cad get." - "But why mar—that is, immolate anybody ?' I inquired, intending to . -humor Le delusion. "That I can easily explain," shere-i 'plied: "You' have doubtless heard that there is in India a secret sect of devotees, who term t i hemSelves Thugs." • r "I have read of that detestable fra ternity in the Wandering Jew of Eu gene Sue," I responded.. "Your strong expression, at which I take no offence, shims that- you are not unacquainted .with our princi ples. lam a.Thug, and veil the tact by assuming t he name of Thugleigh." It struck me that a thicker veil Might.. have been afforded by the name of Smith'or Brown,. but. I did not interrupt. "I therefore, on principle," she proceeded, "offer at least once a month a human sacrifice. to the God dess Bowanee, whose effigy you see in that corner." "I would rather not have known this circumstance," said I. "Indeed' as your society is, as you say, secret, itleems to me you break your rules by making me your Confident"- . "Not at all," she remarked, smil: ing. "I am convinced that my secret will not go any further." "You have a high Opinion of m y discretion," I rejoined, endeavoring to look flattered. "I have no opinion -whatever on the subject," she calmly remarked. "For all I know to the contrary, you may be the veriest chatter-box in the uni verse. 'But of this I am sure, that dead men tell no tales, and I have selected ybu for the next victim. Now don't be alarmed. If you 'do not like it, you shall not suffer any pain." (While talking thus She advanced towards a 'shelf.) It : Would, indeed > , be more regular to strangle you with a white scartor to slay you with. one of these knives; but as-you area vic tim of a superior order, I can afford to dispense with extreme formalities, and allow you to swallow the con tents of the little vial I now placb in your hands.", " Poison ?" i I inquired,,with horror, " Yes," she answered, "and of so efficaciouS a kind 'that it will extin guish life in a moment, Without the . slightest fain or inconvenience. When you have expired,, your body will be conveyed through this aper ture; through which many --eh, how many !—`have passed before." With this she touched a spring, whereupon the idol sunk behind the : stone, and exhibited a hideous face, painted on .. the wall, with a wide Mouth opening on darkness. _ • Horror gave place to iudigation. " This i!4 all very well, madame," said I; "but if you are a . lunatic,l am: not bound on that account to swal low poison, and to ,be put out of bight like gi posted letter." • "Resistance is useless," she said, drawing forth a revolver and point ing it full-in any' face. "This might hurt you, whereas the vial causes no Suffering. whatever. You had better choose the latter." . • had never ~realized till' that mo ment the feelings of Fair Hansa- mond. : " And when," she proceeded, "the goddess grows impatient, the jaws of her, provider are more extended." This was the • fact, and I was in spired with a sudden resolution. One road of escape was not Obious, and, in a lit of desperation, I leaped into the open month, head foremost, like a harlequin. • Again a few .momenta of darkness, during which I heard a shriek of female rage, and when this had pas sed, I found myself in a , neat little study, looking at a slim gentleman, trimly dressed, and especially remar kable for the perfect arrangement of hair. He seemed to be rather star- tled. "Well, James," he said, "you need not have taken me unawares like this. I did not so much-as hear you knock." My name is not - James ; but re joiced as I was to find myself in a room where the image of Bowanee was not part of the furniture, I did not.deemlt expedient to correct the error. Indeed, I was beginning• to stammer out an apology, when he fortunately prevented me by saying, quickly: "No matter—no matter. lam on ly too •happy to show you the sue cedßiful result of my, little experi ments." I expressed, in turn; my happiness at the proposed instruction. He pro ceeded thus: " The greatest diseovvies in prac tical science often, as you are aware, have a comparatively childish begin:. ning. The steam engine itself was, in its earliest form, a toy; and it was by meats of a boy's kite that Frank lin drew the electric spark from the clouds. I ltve devoted myself to bubbles. You smile." I had done nothing of the sort. "I do not refer to Those hollow commercial:-enter prises which are.sti b lmatized by that ?name, but to bona fide bubbles, such as urchins are in the habit of blow-: EOM = . . i .r'''' - A-et: ' i.... . : 4 t :..,;:- 4'7.. ...i ' )l ' i : ol.4 4'; ' " : .11 0 -4 3) : 1.H.i.i. ~ 4 ::•!') . r $2 per A.nniiiir& A.dvance,. ing from all ordinary tobacbopipe -Just watch' me now." - 8o saying, hoditiped the bowl: of an. ordinary pipe into a. =all basin of fluid, and, with , evident exertion, blew a fair, round bubble, which, when detached, rested upon' the ta ble.: "Just touch that," he said. I did so: the bubble did not bunt, but was as firm as if it had been made of glas "Now s. you see t,he nature of my in vention," he continued, smiling with evident satisfaction. "I add to the saponaceous fluid, vulgarly termed soap-and-water, an ingredient the na ture of which I shall not reveal, and which has the•effect of rendering the bubble permanent 'Yon• may dash that bubble against the ground, or strike it with the hammer—still it will not break. All you have to avoid is 41 contact with fire. • Observe I" lighted'a lucifer match, and ap 7 plied it to the bubble, which, with a report like that of a small cannon, exploded so instantly, that he, was thrown to the ground as if stricken by a thunderbolt. Howeveryhe rose smiling, and rubbing the part that had been most inconvenienced bithe fall, quietly said: • "- - "There . is no occasion to repeat'the . . experiment ?" "Decidedly not," was my remark. "There is , one' point, however, on which I am curious. .I .cannot But& eiently admire the singularity of your discovery, but sin at a loss to per- ceive its.use." "Oh, that I can ,easily was the reply. " Not only have I die covered the inf, , redient which hardens the saponaceous 11Wd, but I have iu- Vented a method 'Of blowing which enables me - to enclose whatever ob- cct I please within the precincts o a bubble. Look here'.-" He opened a cabinet, and showed use a eolleetion of htuuiniug-birds, butterflies, statuettes, and other 0117 jects that are commonly put under glass cases, each enclosed in: a har- ilened bubble. I acknowled4hat the invention was admirable. "Yes," he said, -" I think it is; and it will soon go forth to the world as Bubblesworth's patent. But I have not come to that yet. Jtist sit for a. few minutes in that chair, while I prepare to astonish you with an ap plication of my principle." I complied with his request, and he slipped behind the chair. Pres._ `iently I *as a*are that there was something like .a medium between the and the surrounding objects, and, throwing my head back, perceived Ifitiat, Mr. Bubblesworth bad actually enclosed me in an enormous trans parent sphere, streaked with brilliant colors, which resisted my touch as though it had been •of iron. I was manifestly a prisoner, but the spheri- cal wall of my prison gradually re. ceded till it was beyond thereach b: my outstretched hands. •Soon the gay prismatic colors that' played in streams around me began to assume definite shapes; some of -which ap parently were distant from•ine sever al miles, while otheis were in my im mediate vicinity. I was standing near a neat white washed cottage; in froat of which, seated by a table, on which stood a foaming jug, was, a jolly old gentle- Man, of the conventional type, which we. often find repeated in engravings of the last century as- the :embodi ment of rural felicity in advanced years: To sit alone smoking _and drinking all - through-a whole summer evening, with a fat fate that smiled benignantly upon. nothing, was long the summit of human bliss in the .eyes of many well-Meaning artists who wished' to contrast the innocent pleasures of the country with the riot and dissipation of 'the town. ." This is an uncommonly pretty country, sir," I observed to the ideal farmer. " Yes, sir, it is," he replied, "though it is so far froin the station; and per .haps for that very reason. Ah, there was no railroads when I was a boy!"- . " You came here young?" I asked. " Came here ? I was born here, in this Very house, and this very da'" is my eightieth - birthday." • I instinctively- glanced upwards to wards-thaskv, as if to catch the face 'of Mr. Bubblesworth, to whom I would willingly have referred the doubts that' arose in my mind. But nothing was above me - save the pure azure. I could address no ono but the old gentleman hiniself. . "My question may appear very 1g... itorant, sir," I said, "hut what corm yis this?" - • " This," he answered, "is Soap shire, on the borders of Bubblesex." I discovered at once the etymologi cal.origin of . these strange names ; hut still I scarcely dUrst trust my Cara " have heard," I said, "of Shrolisire and Midalesex." - " Have yen?" interrupted the old gentleman; " that's more than I have. May be you have traveled in foreign parts: HoWever, this is Soar4ire, and if yotf Cross the river. -- yotf see yonder, you'll find yourself-in Thug hamptonshire." Soapshire—BubbleseX4Thughamp tonshire—odd names I Not only was I still somehow in the old world, but there was a slight connecting linkhe tween me and my immediate neigh bors. • • .• "Did you, ever go to Any chtn-Ch in Thughainptonahiref" I ikked. "Not very often; brit I have done such a was the reply.- "Ha! and in the course of his ser mon, did the minister make any men film of—of Bowance?" ' No; I can't say as ho did—least ways, whilel.was - awake. But I tell you - what. In the churchyard of Thugton, which is the chief market town, there is a little hill or mound like, which they call Bony Barrow ; and the story goes that a'great many butcher-Vo3rs are' buried there who were sacrificed by the Druids, as they - call - them, in the days of the ancient Britons." . "Ha!" I exclaimed, with intense interest. • very curious thing that barrow. Some merrwho were digging there some twenty years ago founds stone figure of a woman with a lot of hands, and you may see it now in Thugtou Museum.' But it, is getting dusk. • I think I May us said up my fire balloon." "-FireAialloon?". '''.. r'Yeitriny,"lptatlgrandatntr''''wha :oes..ta,tjeatrattnaal44.o.24lB.--- . asitnie one as a pies- .. 'ent for m 7 eightietie birthday. - You -, iitist.know:tbet liras born , at. eight.' ollockinf . lbe.ererting, as it - vats the boy' h.ney that liakog i d iirtArfit - up Arr o seuy atthst Eine; thatheinight be feminded of the old 'man at a dis- . tentit.:,.: , ltis a aingalar thing that - of man who.was born at, eight o'clock shotdd live to' be. eighty_ . " <- . ,'' - Imight have told him that,inas ranch-at I had enanadered.PanY litingit much more ainFdar„,this last marvel waseornewhat uu3l!tdOre; - .but." • as the effect of the lueifer match when applied - to the stirface:af the• bubble was Preseritio inyr . miiid, 'I did not care to-dispute 'about ,trillete! 'T -• 1 "I think that fire-lialloon riVit be. I dangerous," I remarked. • "Nat at all-;---notet all;' replied the old gentleman; . "and if it "does not - set alight a haystack: or so, I I don't -1 mind on an occasion. Me this. I may not live to see any other birthday." • "That I"think - exceedingly groba,-;...• ble," I remarked it - you . persist iti sending up this balloon." -..,.. . - ‘Why s - what has that—to do' with it? "Yon don't "appose-. I shall set the sky on fire!"- (That "was the very thing I did suppose.), " I have heard of folks setting the river. Seinaht on fire, but as for the sky- : --bo I ho! he!" I shall not describe - the -prepara tions made for the ascent of -the ire-' balloox- 'The old gentleman unfold ed %lighted the tow in thelittlebas- ket Abet hying from it as a car, and, as it slowly arose, watched it with . . delight and admiration. Up—up— it went; and down—down—went my` heart.- In the distance it appeared little more than 'a spark. Bang! Cottage—old man=•-trees—ali were gone. . = ME El NITMBER 31 I was bitting in my artu-chair the fire, and a coal -which had just popped out of the grate la:) , smoking on the-hearth. " , BOARD - tr.:SIT/IMO W1A87118.. the Pittsburg Gazette, edit4by member ofthe \Boartl, says "The Board of Public Charities,: the appointment of which by . the Governor was authorized by an act cof the last State Legislature, is oharg, ed with most importdrd, duties. -The amelioration of the condition of pris oners confined in jails and penitenti aries, the comfort of persons ..placed in public hospitals and the sanitary and moral iauenees brought:to' bear on those incarcerated in houses of refuge, will be subjects with which the - Board will have to deal. The Governor has exercised great caution and prudence iu constructing the Board. Every member of ithas-beenl in one way or another identified with State charities, each ,nretuber is fully cognizant of the importance of , the, responsibihty he assumes in accepting' a place in the commission. Out of the act creatinff thia Board we look for the most salutary effects or results "The appointments, personal ad miration and esteem set aside, have been made with extraordinary care and judgement on the part - of the Governor. 'The Board - faithfully and fairly represents. the philanthropic connnttnities of 'the State. 'lt will organize on Friday nett. We do not, know who will be Chairman. { - 4-. L. Harrison, Esq., of Philadelphia, will take the place of John Welsh, Esq., Dr. Worthington - will decline as a member and. be elected Secretary and Agent, at a salary of $3,000 per annum. which is by no-means large when the duties, and yesponsibilities 'of the 'lace are considered:" HOW °MODALS COOK. Some French soldiers lately taken prisoners by cannibals in the South Sea Islands, and one of them was lolled and eaten. • His comrades de scribe the . process. The Kanaks first decapitate their victim ; a matter of no small difficulty - considering the bluntness of their hatchets. Ten or fifteen bloWs are necessary. The body is then hun,g•up to a tree by the feet, and the blood allowed to run out for an hour. Meanwhile a hole a, yard and a half deep, a yard wide is , dug, in the ground. The hole is lined with stones, and in the midst of them. a great fire is lit. When the wood ie. burned down a little and glows with heat, it is cckvered over 'with more stones. • The mania then cleaned out r and divided into pieces about a- foot long, the hinds and feet being thrown away as worthless. The pieces of the man are placed on the leaves of a large.rose tree peculiar to the tropics. The meat is surrounded- with cocoa nuts, bananas, and some other plants noted for their delicate flavor.. The whole is then tied together firmly ; the fire is removed - from - the pit ; the meat is placed in- among the hot stones, and thus, carefully covered, is left to cook for an hour. Women do not-partake of the warrior's feast.— Men alone are permitted to enjoy so great-an honor and so rare a delicnivy, .which is another striking , instance of the tyranny of the male sex, and de mands the appearance of some South Sea Stanton or Anthony to Oahu equal rights for the woman. - WHEREAEOUTS OF THE Lr.Anrais or THE LAZE G. S.'A. - --Jefferson Davis is announced as having gone into busi ness at Memphis, Tenn.; John C. Breckenridge is practicing law at Lexington, Sy.; James IL Mason is on his farm at icrinehester, Va.; John Slidell is with his son-in-law, the great banker, Erlanger, near Paris ;- Judah P. Benjamin is in full practice at the London bar ; Pierre , Soule, 'at last accounts, was 4 hopeless invalid; R. - M. V. Hunter is _atthis home •in Virginia ; Robert Toombs is "practic jing law with success in Gebrgia ; his 'colleague, Iverson, is a miperons Wood merchant at Macon, Ga.; A. H. Stephens is sinking gradually at, his home in Georgia ; General Robert E. Lee is asf-the head of the Military 11:Istituto deLexington, Va.; Beams= gard is-President of krailrod at New Orleans ; Mosby is practicing law in Virginia ; Com. Buchanan Was at the head of an agriciiltural school in Maryland ; Raphael Semmes is at Mobile ; Bankhead Magruder is lec turing on Charlotta and Maxim , ' n ; ex-Governor Vance is practicing law in North Carolina, and refuses to aak or the pardon ; A. G. Brown, Edward Barksdale and, Wiley P. Harris are npportin Judge Dent for Governor 'lof Mississippi ; James Orr is a. State Judge iu SoutliCarolina ; Robert W. Johnson and Albert Pike have open= ect an office- in Washington, D. C. : ex-Senator Yule° and Mallory are al ,teruately in Florida and New York -ex-Senator Wigfall; of Texas is in Buie, George N. Sanders in .I,,ondon and Beverly Tucker in Canada, Henry A. Wise; Thomas S. Bocook, J. A. Seddon, H. A. rilmundeon uul Charles James Faulkner are still in Virginia. rur. Pl!iladelphie =CA Two women are necessary to miike the life of a man complete the V:011MI he loco. aud the a °man mho )(wee him.