Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 09, 1869, Image 1
OP -PI7IILIONItIO Inc inaninsta , '"ltsnaidiafti ifilsei teary rbolida7 itorigpg, by ti" If. Atvatuila E.J. 471 ." - S rif .:" T n l M l "Ef .t..'' 3 l' . "• - I *,4•' . r, ApvlitalsEMENTS. ezciiedias Fifteen Mee sip ,nserted aim cams per line,ter nest inseetion, sad rive criers per line fit subsequent Inssenents. , special Notices, Inserted before Marriages and Deaths, will be domed rxMxull, Cola Per,4o2olr, -sat Insertion. r All nesolutions' ei .Aistdatiteuri C o mmunications 'of limited or !ratans! Intesesk and =aims of Marriages and Deaths, exceeding die linos. are charged TES crxrs per Una. 1 Tear.- -6 Nee., .2 Iliss. , Ine Column - 01 00' • $6O- :. SA Half - 60 35 25 One Square. 15 10 T„tg_ fistriy„ Caution, Lost and Penna. and other When not excealtreSTen ems. three weeks, or less. $1 50 ttlintnistridoes and Executor'illotices. 2 00 mulitor's N0ti055........ 5 50 Business Cards. Ave lines, (per year). ... ....... 5 00 Merchants and ethers, advertising their business, will be elsrged $25 per year. They will be entitled to ~ i' ooltrom, conilined exclusively to their business, with privilege of quarterly change'. gdeertlaiag in all CaPeB exclusive of subacrip ton to the paper• roil PRINTING of every Plain and Fancy dono with neatness and dispatch. HandbMs. Plonks. Cards. Pamphlets, Pitheads, Fkatemexttaiki. ~f every variety and style. printed at the shortest The Ithrotrrxi Wtice is well supplied with Pressca,4 good assortment of new typo, and e voltlaing in the Printing line can he Executed in t•le moat artistic manner and at the lotleest rates. VES3I9 CASH. . =Ma CAMS. I BWIS BREMEN, Fashionable I/ Tailor. agoras OM' Aspinwall's Store, TO1111.11.: a Psi. , oet.s, se. iFOIMER & CP., REAL ES .• TATX Dr..a.raz. No. 70 'Washington Street, op , ,to Operslionae. Chicago. M. Beal Estate pur s:‘,...l and stga. I nvestments roads and ß. tnoneylosn- FOWLER. 8. LIND. •P'i l 21 . "49 - p B. HOLLEIT,4ONIIOETON; i I a Imo. ar,ent for the Hubbard Mower. Umpire Ithaca Wheel Stake. sad Broadcast Sower far flirter and all kinds of Grain. Send for cif lO B. B. Mou.nrr, Moprocton. Bradford Co., Jane 14, p ITEN TS! DESTF.B., Hof iritor t?t. ISI )AT) STIII;ET. WAVEILLY. N. r-ap cm drewinge, rpeeMestiona and all papers • making via properly conducting Applt .e..A for PATDSTS in the UNITED STATE.. and FOB. e CorNTIDEN. No CHARGER IN TINSVCCEINFEL e. , csie r i ATronNEI * *ELE TO MT UNTIL Parver -• ~,,67-tf _ _ I/LACKS-MITRING ! 1 1:::ing 'Jllll,lE:tea my new brick shop. near my •misses on. Alain-street. I am now prepared to do Li all its brandies. Particular attention paid 1 , 11.11 i n -rug mail edge tools. Having spent many in thin community. in this business. I trust 10 a saitllcent guarank‘e of my receiving a 'flier :.e.niint of the public patronage. lIENRY ESSENWINE. Towalla. Nov. 3. IsC3.—tf rt.11ZSBIIII( MILLS! 11 , 17 , 11:1S. , 1 14 Mr. BarlleS • , :t the My-nib:nit uUI v3l - r' on the -• oi Milling. and auarantre utl wink done by ••ni at the wry teat quality. ltye ant ltinikuhrat Fiour, and Fed. eon- • ...a liana and for sale at the cash price. Ntyanstrarg, Septll.'6H. IFV1:11...1: FROST. . F, L . 'IST -CA.SCADE MILLS . quality Wint, Wlunt Flour "f. cwt.. Sa 50c43 00 .t .inslity Rye flour it cwt. 3 50 • M.. 4 tuft nrc and Corn reed 2 25 :ttr Insight allowed to dealers. zrtuffing usually done at ones. as the ere of the mill is sufficient for a large amount of 11. 11. INOIIAM. n:.imcu. Sul:: 12, ISO. 11.1YSVILLE .MILLS ! 11 4 )" , 1 gu , , , •e•NT. Lavine pnrclim•ed L • r• hWtd the s ,:one in goo.] oral,. is no. . t gt.o.ltlort toll to pho: groirrni Asti, M. J. FIii:T(:IIEY. ~~j~l. -.'. 1F,1.J-1~ I, I N G haying porgiumed the (ir!s.t MIU - u•••eill of Tonanda Creek. generally caned • • '• M. have thoroughly repaired the Fantle. and - • r••ady to do all k ode of Clinton) grinding • II: Th. y will deliver 'flour. 'Ped. Meal. •o, flour. or anything else in their line in any r ['tire r1.114,7e. • will Mel an Order Rook at the Meat • . I , ' Kflint: rt • AM orders lett in sahl " lv urom;.tly attended to. a regard toilriieliti4. oe hther linet elit ttr l Gt 53,1 hook. will be alo-we, t(lllTerS, 144.-31 n• DYEINt EST NBLISH M ' t _7 C. t, a ubacribar taw this runthod rot intilrmtng.tlie • • - •: shd risinity that he has opened ii.tchh•hment m rol. MEANS . flea build- N , ./. Ilk MAIN STREET and that ha In now pre ' to l all work in his line. such as CLEANING , IEING ladies' and gentlemen's garments. .• in the neatest manner and on the most a.:. , • tern... Give ma a rail and examine my HENRY ItIiDDLNG. tskv.i. 41)1'011.1) COUNTY REAL AGENCY, REAL ESTATE ACIENT 3Lll Pr. portiun, City - and Town pr.,v , rty for saleorlll find it to their isvin.z a description of the earue. with at t!y d .a_!,.th-y. as paitties are constantly I, 11. D. Mr . REA.N. Peal Estato .Igent. • o'r 'rank Towanda. Pa. =ME NDERSICI NED H VE n.•d a Ranking , lions. in Twianila, under the Cl. F. MASON A: CO. rrigl: . . .r , . pr,pyred to how Eiiitionge. an iwk t.:4.11/. in New York. Philadelphia. and a ne al.n Ger loan money, n•celve dopositm ILAnking :71 was one of the late tirra of Laprte. . Towanda. Pa.. and Ins knowie,l..:l, of •ti of Bradford and adjoining rountieS in the banking Inisitiess for about . z< ViN house adtairalde one through e. dh•..tions. G. F. ?fto4ll:ki. t. 1 ”:••.6. A. G. SON. N'I'IUN THIS IVAI t'(' WA.VERLY, N. If tt • I= '/. l pa:l 111 o.,llutry. Which they nrieex. end warrant ‘•: l nt.l/1,11:t nee:l lint call arid examine. I' lo 6n:b. - cut 1:1..NN EY & 00. F 1.1. s: WINTER GOODS ti!!;` , '. E. :I. PIERCE 1,1 from New York with a fir.t-class VILINERI" GOODS La,; lawet ituported 14 . 7 . 1 es of I; ON NETS, 111 0N S, kc. kc respoetfully invite the Wigs of Tovran gia here call before pnrchasiag neat and fashionable style Yr.t , re. if - Er-Room. over 11. N. Rosen• Powell's, Towanda. Pa. V" I It XI! Y.'s .I.v I) Orli' IrES! I=l :Z \CY N 110I.LON n sr; .:.0 ;Out 11 - oviai. Urea '( ail. Lamps. Clatuneys, (his. Varnish, Vaillee No• - I and Snuff. Pure Wines mid •a P.d. ,idality. for medicinal pnrimsee aolit at the tory loyeet price.. Pre. ininimilladed It all hour. of the 11. a call. iitat,-3t. 18G9 -4y :A 1' PASSAGE FROM OR TO I'llll,.\.ND Olt ENGLAND, Co o' 6TEAU,IIII'4S TUOY 011 TO .. . 4..1.4; qk!:,.c., old •• lit, e• tit , L , ...1a " of Lie- P.l.ferts, c.- 1 •• - every iroak. .....,.,....r.:„..1 Liik of l'aelc.efe from or 40 London, - ,,i :A . ,. :•• . It ell I.tancee t...., Ett;:',24.1•1. Iretral and firotiand•rey• Ar • ••a t.:,,,n1V.1.i. fnrt' iliSl^:Sli^A , 3tl7 . JLt Willituu. L• Onion; I • f.4 - Itr.7, New Yok. n.• - IL- F. lIASi Bantam.' ' • • - Towanda, Pa. =EMI S. PECK, mmriwnietrr • !NI. 11.Aranasz. Towanda. I'&. ][ills - in'tilt 4 '. 1 7;1. avx.l 1.1.,iaer...a act le the beet • • I w :;.;'lc P.l the att..nthr2 of mill Ovra*rst4 , • vq;l . l - ::K 4.TE11 WITIEZL. IIZZI et ph) aheerNilty,grent htrength •• developtcz the grC...ateort ahmust powe.rror - 'mutat:lz ntider ,barloratt, ' , t p. owe: except disnintltion 1 , 11 6.110 let,rxt.ien in mai frame". or addl. I , .ht ‘441 71C h11:70:- Iri,v bead. awl =sac of I whit-AK will br farnialtrel' t ua 0 Vte ecrat.of triF rater tirat-tlaP.3 ••'; , 1 p,rf.,:-.31 all that 1 • " ' 111 h" Taa , h"" for .• • t kt, ME 4:r 5 r i i rr t p,. tht. tm,10:•-% PECK. Towanda, Pa. ' T.1?..50 c.ito ix, emu in opetatiou at, I Wells' hill, Towanda. tsp.. .2"4434 cjnipo4oLl of Iron ax tkoo• ===:i= 1- , - 1 -sr .•t i:tl;l'4'" 1rr;21.: ,rt• ALVOItII> Ar.,.107-4 41U04;(11%;', VOLUME XXX. ISOFESSIONAL 0,016. . . r P.' NvniuseroN, L ATTORNEY AT LAW, TOWARD . South side of Mercers New 111446 up stein. Dec. 1, '69--.30x• THOHPBON, ATTORNEY . . ar Law, Towanda. Pa. Moo with f9l. Dakar', • Esq., Ito. 5 Iklek Row. All bulbuls mt. lartstod - to ram will 1a promptly attended to. Slily 1, 1869. HENRYPEET, ATTORNEY AT .1.1. Law. Towanda. P. NW 21,4 a VDWAND OVERTONi , dz., AT ;scam AT Law. Towanda. Pl..Oma comedy occupied byjimi Z., C. , =rah 1, 16.- GEORGE D. MONtililE, .AT rm.VI=MT Law- Ofiko—ainor ot Mita sad e ms .. ogootti Pallor% DAS MGM TA. PECK, ATTORNEY AT . Law. Towanda. Pa. . Olfice twto the V. kery. south of. the was Me" axer opposite tie Court Home* too MOM W H. CARNOCHA.I4, , A.TTOZ, • NTT AT LAWadrlot Altar:ow tor lira& ford Vmtrty),'Ttcy, ootionstoado sad prompt ty remitted. ' fob 11,19-4 t. JOHN N.- CA:TIFF, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Towanda. 1%. Ns limbo afaantion leT• SD to Orphans' Court hosiduree. Conmancinit and Collections. kir Office at the Reigtirtrw sod Bacot , der's Oboe. south 4 the Court Sour. Deo. 1. 1864. 110tENJ. 11. PECK, ATTORNEY -1-J Kr LAW. Towanda, Pa. All Mathieu entwined to hie care will receive prompt attention.. Otter to the office lately owupted-by Mawt narrow. eolith of Ward House. up stdra. MRCUR Sc MORROW, ATTOR— NITS it UM. Towanda. PR Thettudersigned baling associated themselves together in thapreetice of Law. offer their Torg:dessicsaal services to the public. lILTSSM 3TERCUR. P. D. MORROW. March 9. 1165. . TORN W. MIX, ATTORNEY. AT Law. Towanda. Bradford Co., Pa. - GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT. Particular intent:on paid todoticetionaand Orphans* Court bunnies,. Ofilco—lifercur's Raw Block, north aide Public Squat. W. 1. '6% • B. McKEAN,, ATTORNEY H AND CarliniLoa at. Lasr.Tosranda.ll. Par ticular attention paid to business in tho Orphans' Court. aP , . 4 / 13 . ' _ _ WT. DAVLT,S, ATTORNEY AT • Law, Towanda. Pa. Office with Wm. Wat kins. 11. N. Particular attention paid to Cttphans' Court bualneaa and settlement of nta' estates. - T v. B. KELLY, DENTIST. PF • fice over Wickham & Black's. Toisan Particular attention is called to ALVIC as I base for Artificial 'Tenth. Having used Oda miter* for the pant four yearn. I can cordideidly recomniictid it an being far superior to Rubber. Please call and ex amine specimens. la - Chloroform administorsd when desired. may 20, IS. DR. H. 1% ESTON, Otliceln Paitun's Block. mar Gore's Drue and Chemical Store. Jan 1, 18. B. JOHNSON, PHYSICT,IN T. .VID 81.Tuazoar. Towanda. Pa. Moo sib W. 11 . Kelly, over Wickham Black. Bealillace the Means Kong, ap,r16.401. I_./K. A- ft-U:l.llE7r, Physician and Surgeon, Sagas Bun. Bradford County. Pa. Office at residence formerly occsigad by Dr. Sly. 1111. STEVENS, over BROWNS (late Goems) Drug Store; Patton's Block, in ettices lately occupies' bs Dr. Madill end Dr. Weston. 11$11. TT V. BEACH, M. D., Physician • and Surgeon. Towanda. Pa. Particular laden.. tion paid to ap Chronic Diarasea. and Diaeataia' oC Female.. Mae at hi. realdatice on state at,, two . doors cust,uf Ur. Pratt. n0r.11.151L nOCTOIt O. LEWIS, A GRAI)II ate of t 1 . ttcpllegu of ..Phyucleins and Stergeow," New fort city. Chas 18134, Ores exelueive attention to the peactiee ontle profession. Wino anti rewlilimew H on Ow th o e 's. ,lastgru keope of Orwell Hill. acljolulng Henry jail 14, 110. H. W. WELLS. TB '. CAM , NC E, • Aomm.--Ofact forme:fit recopied by Manor morrow. one door south of Ward Muss. July 22. 1869. FRANCIS E. POST, PAINTER, , nom.* Pa., with Cm yearn expellent*. is cos. Went he can sire the bast sat:sfaction in Painting. Graining, Staining. Giulia:. Papering. Ito. Vt. Parlieular attention paid to Jobb ing in the sountry. 1.119,'6g. OH YES ! OH YES!-AUCTION ! MOB, Monied Auctioneer. ' All •ralla promptly aftandad to and mittathottos goamutml. Call or , Illidllllo. A.. LILO; Montostol‘ Bradford couuty. Pa. 0(146A9. T K. NAIIGILIN, ARCHITECT . AND BIYLLDEIL AU kinds of Architschval D. sigma furrealisd. , Ornamental trait in Stone, Iron and Mood. Mil on Main Street. over as Post-of. Ace. Attention given to Enrol Archnocture, such as laying out of grounds, tn.. es. spr. 1. 'l7-ly A W. AYRES' MARBLE SHOP, You will tiud Granite Monuments. both Quincy and Conenni. Marble and Sate Mantles, and Coal Grater to fit A cargo amsortment constantly on band, cheap ua the che.lsegt. W. STEVENS, COUNTY SUR 4, ch - ron,t Camptown. Bradford Co., Pa. Thank ftil to Ma many employers for past e. would respectful* inform the citizens of jteadfotd County that he is prepared to doany work lu Wehrle of bnal ness that may be -entrunted to him. Those haling disputed fines would do well to hare their property surepyeel before Allowing themselves to feel agrievetl by th, , ,r neighbors. All work warrant ed correct, pm far as the nature of the rase will per mit. All unpatonted lands attended to as soon as warrants are obtained. 0. W, sTErzii reb. 21. 186e—ly. - A .I:ERICAN HOTEL, CORNER of Bridge and Water Streets. Towanda, Pa M. 13. CALKINS. Propr!, tor, aar.lated by L. 7'. Born, furmorly of .• Itoyae House," Borlington7Pa. Feb. 24, 1862—tf largest Are WARD HOUSE, TOWANDA, PA Oct. 8, 1866. AMERICAN HOTEL, EAST Rairrusarm. Pe. The subscriber hating looted this benne, lately occupied by A.; C. Bentley. and tb°rou g hly repaired and refitted It. la no t e ready to .amumthodate - the traveling public 'Every endeavor will be made to aatleythom wbo maytirror him with a cal. A. G. REYNOLDS. Feb. 1, 188 `m' ELWELL HOUSE, TOWANDA, PA. Haring leaned this House, to now ready to accoramo• date the travelling public. No rains nor expense arfli beapared to give satisfaction to those who may give hide a call North aide of the public swum esd of lawi cur's new block.. RIIIIIERFIELD cRFFic TEL. • PETERLAN-Dluxisu. Having- onichaaed and evirotighly refitted this old and vrett.known stand. formerly kept by Engulf Orly 118: at the month of lhantmeriSald Creek. ta ready to give good accommodatimutimd satletaelory treatment to all who may favor it M with • call. i. , D. W 1--tf. • MTA.NS HOUS,E, TOWANDA, PA.. JOSIDAX k Hoama. Proprielors.., This ppinlat 'MO baNing been thorol fated mad re. hrd, and frirniabed throughout with bee and else gent Furniture. riil be open Air the reception of guests, ou'itticarddr,M4T 1. 180, Vetting expense nor pains has been spired in rendering Ws HMS a model hotel in all -its - arrangements. I superior cant, Old Dorian Ala, for invalids, just received. April 48.-1869.. I= WAVERLY., INSTITUTE. The Forty-eighth Term of this Institute opine Aloud lath, 1849. under the charge of A..J. Lab, It is one of the beat LITEBAIMINWITMITIOXs of tits co/darn secedible from all pots, signs eltnated at , WAVERLY. Tzeok co.. N.Y. , - - The departments complete., The o cleasloal" - embrsces;all those studio required for Moleskin to our bed /Colieges. m thorough drill In Al* Modern Liinguago. The i4lish Copree comprehends both the coo: men branches tan ht in ,Eleinenterp.dchools,,,,and., many ofihilitglier branches usually pnrauod in the ' Colleges. In the CommerMal Course the instruction is es thorough and coraidelii nein our most encase. fu: Commercial Colleges. - Instruction upon the Piano and *Mon by the old. method ; Whim by" Robbins' New Rtherlcan klethod.":: by Which pupils am amulet, sirtiortedge bf nrusieln one-third the time which it Idtberto requite& • ' The rates of tuition are very modosteßoard ob tained at rewiatoble prices ; dotted uninberef psi , pile can be accommodated In, the families of the. In, st Ceders. - Rowe Can be progated In Which SitntlentiO , can beard themselves and loon the. expenses onc-'. halt . . - - Nocuol cid. as nepal, organized at the beOtwing or the FAR Tenn. In which tomb - of the .first= cants will receive foo hots-net/outer tourken For pa/ARM= address the Principal :at NS. Infogmadouldrelegtecie to Room and * Boarl cap alsci be Mdained st. Waldo t Tracy's/Wog Stomy -t. 1. NFATON KINNEY. licsidnitotßeard IsrErtachiecc 4 July 15; 180,4 of v. iirnßc h •4 no.rttei, MIN=MM - 1 tTe.:i'xl.:3,.. f“1 I.'.lr..;.iiii---...:7.: ,i 1:.; ' - S,L3fIIA. NS Aug. 10, 1868-Iy. Hotels. on Main Street. near the Court House. C. T. JOIIN C. I'iVELSOIIt Mil z•;,r • • t 1;, Wlr IBEE 1',11.1' :-..;. "Pl.,;',•:::!..1 - i - th -1:. iskto s• - • 'l+ ; ".• ' The 'inns finedinitAbitwitten With t *is of Elver *MI; `: ' The free& green — ' foliej*, ,is fringed with &pane ambito; And far above, ba r ter the tornoit The showering lark-notee breati And the 'grit efteet,dy doida eireYwher&-;'. • iiiweetruy , 44, freaked , ; • ',! Aeon ireete - atealili:Ver tie dewylmd , Elvin Its inane in the ihteireytalith s, And leiitters irletitune cin c erelffuind• Brent is the'breath id' thy:month ;• ' And the' tramiloni loughs, al. they away, ; • • ' mmv►nrona Emetic maks; = - Ana bright oath° brooklet the imnbeamti Sweet m lady, *wake!. . =, . =- - The Arm that 14 hi : ha - dint* ripaSe -Throngh-the long, tone hours ell night, Now laughs ip-the bistro that annifenthrows,." And ripples in rosy light; • "- • - And the hills that loomed like shadowy ghosts ' A clearer outline 'take ; And the white sails glimmer along the costs-- Dear my lads, awake I • . The violet lifts ite eye of trine • To the hooding blue above; ' And the reties, bathed in a drench of dew, lire breathing of boallty and love ; And the WY stoops its tiel'ut to kiiia Its shadoSs Within the late ; • • 01 never was morning to lovely*, CAC— Dear my la ly, awake! Awakit! for a music is flooding the air, - And melting Wong the deep; When liatureis all awake and to fair, .• 0! why should my lady - deep? A passionate sigh begins to start • From the depth of each thicket and brake—. A sigh that ends echo within my heart -01 sweet ,my lady, awake! Awake! and come where. tlr: zephyr mores In T ipples across the grass ; • Awake! and come tei the lake that lures To tuirr ar your farm as you past Aud..cuoac, 0 COMB to the heart that pines • - And languthitta for your sake— And,bright-cYea shall blind each dei , drep that ahinee— Dear oty lady, aw.,kol iecellowns. (For !be Hs►nrusn ItzPorrrat.l • ETIQUETTE ; A Serial for the Young of, both 13exes. ST TOGO. THE BICIIEVE, Well, lay dear fellow; I - will begin right where I left off, so that there won't be any gap in your education; for'it would lie a pity to ha've occa skin' to use first- that very etiquette which you would be thus deprived of: I care not what may be the opinions of other writers, I think it no slight affair, no easy task, to be , a perfect gentleman. Perfection consists in "a notltiplicitly of accomplishments.— Drinkdeep of the wells' of literature. To be critically conversant with, Ned Buntline and Midshipman' Easy,' to 'have the• whole vocabulary of slang phrases on- yoUrtongne's end, to eat and• smoke tobacco genteelly, to have concise and at the frame time" corn- prehensive views of matrimony, 'I say to do and to be all this, even, is scarce- to be accomplished inthis part of the nineteenth centtrry. We know a great deal, therefore flinch is required of its Just take a retrospective glance foie moment into the log cabins of our grandsires. Bea,in what igno rant simplicity they sat in darkness, taking their :whisky " straight: and manufacturing tobacc o - quids out of the raw material. Now we salt in the unfathomable mysteries a the chemist, the scientific dram-mixer, to take the measure of human endu ranee, and prepare with India cockle and arsenic aceordingly, and if our good grandparents were to come among ns, they would hardly know whether they. were eating • tobacco, dried herring, or lobelia. It is well. I only mention it to prove it, not to condemn. Men like to die young' now-a-days: I don't know but they are better prepared than they used 'to be..'They endea vor to hasten the happy day wheit they can lie down to pleasant dreams in thelarms of delirium tremens. It will'be a happy death. I know of a good many who are preparing to try it on. The, world is one vast news-room and book-bindery. 'What excuse have you for being ignorant ? - And yet it requires some little taste to select properly. If you are at - school; you ought to be regular in your habits. The forenoon might , to be devoted to leavy breakfast ' and light reading, such as "Red Knife, the Revenger," or some such criet ing, and - at the same time instructive matter; -the fternoon to epistolary Correspondence with' -your female friends, and the •evening to French. The reason why. I would recommend French is not it is of any more practical- value than Kickapoo; but from this, that at the rate of pres ent female education,• in two more generations you can'tfind a young dy. that can speak English. Ifni* you ever thoug,lll of that r ixty dear friend? lam glad tbat'my kit has been =cast on earth while yet some of :them can understand:English, for that is ;ay best hold. ' -The. art of conversation` consists properly srt- offending -.your inferiors' and. disgusyrig your :superiors' ~ t rn every occasion: • . i Pick up the discussion of religious belief every time you can leateb two persons of different denomination" to gather, and-of polities,-too, Whin. you .I are in the presenceof yourvangnish- ed 2 enotnies And-if ibelatliersofi all your friends. present 'werti.hanged for high% treason, conversation:' ow rthat subject will be intemstinebeeimse they will all beret home` 'on- it,-and . doub diScass it :with; .soroe fueling and understandinL • WhewM you ake a call, %forget to take your cane, cigar (or e.layilipe); and if you babe a terrier- pup,i take him along toe. Anyounglady of sense woni, lily herself in. turtling 4:14 of doors if you didn't It does uty,ott: LC) a!young mono= the b rett with li4clothesbm' a :bottle-of Jockey Club Ant his person as perfurnery cloud of werke round' his head and three Paps at his .heels.* It looks like, business. ' `Lim , . intensely :ford of-.ambition: ! Do :your_best, If yeti are ona , salsryof I , wl _ 0Ct:1,~~.a,4,,,..tJ ilr T to [ 4~ MIMIZI ICE MOE MBE tx4 ME MEI MUM ---TowANDA, BRAD " ' FORD .COUIIII 'Pl.' MEI ~ .~. }S: .".) .t.. 'l. firer Inindind' dear AterAotheis thairloor,o44*, or somebody think - 10u door.' roVertYieiiliorfloiietitet* 'creak. Doiet 'ebinthit clieninkikt w o#Efng ent:wna.' Three 111Vare _enough ; then' Mote than Uri that!' tor land irtjtt yon birie enticed before Eftoal!kt.'"Stive a Renhy . for • thei iuiai ei , If '.yias Rhona save inn* be Veit the eakoon'keeper'and-li radii "Don't be `afraid-to tak•:) a edeWipies., very different *inn being i'dibiluird. -I brie . Wen goOd vibiteke soeiateliiees,l3tat kw*. but' few tirttokatvii.' • " Unil IRE El MEI Thbreare t Ortly islew` oflhetiV to knew l' itey longMims& on earth tO' get acquainted:: AlinOst city-ono 'dui get 'prorneted frond the one position to the other. Buttress men like sociidglimemi:` ;`Bahre_virtmld prefer that Wier .people ti should talccitheiti, than theirs ' pily-thera tike.enlyleir such men. A man 'dr' that can't ink social glass isn't fit `for the lociety'ef any sena& oung lady. =lt makes him eloquen t: Re may ' talk some things thai are' better adapted to the bar-room, but then-he isn'eto hiatus' for that, it , hi the social grate that is 'to 'blame:" If 1 you 'are "in litinor," cf.eonrie you are excusable.' ' If I were going , to do _a mean trick Or say a mean' thing, I Would get "in liquor" first. It don't cost much to get "in :liquor;' but it sometimes`costs is great deal to- get out. Tobacco and 'fancy drinks - are the component parts of L gentleman. It is a' very beautiful adriniture. A man - after holies been 'brought up in it is hard toirean. There are a 'Many Constituent parts to a pedect.gentlernan, but if all ac complishments were to be stricken from civillzed life but' two, L would say in tones of thunder, " take' from me my garments, my money, my rep.. utation, my morality, my all, but give me, 'in prosperity and adversity, my pipe andhowl." cmost humbly beg pardon; my at lectionate and attentive friend, for so long feeding you on the busks of my subject. I shall now begin to throw Atom. T hays been giving you shucks. I am now about to fling in the ker nel. I have kept you wandering, as it were, on the margin of some •am brosial and aromatic garden, now I shall fling open the gate and invite you to wade in. In facr; t to be brief and. unambigu ous, I shall now take you to the ely elan 'fields of matrimony, where the sweet strains of gentle discord rise like an incense around the hymenial altar forever. • I fondly hope that you do not go Unprepared. Younow know how to dress, to walk, to talk, to work, an& td-Rot -to -work, and what more. shall Yo. can burn tobacco and eat it,' too, if -Yen please; you know how to Spit, and shear,:; you: know how a cigar ora clay pipe (I prefer to see the clay pipe) adorns the' unadorned beauty of the person,' and choice lit erature the *Aurally barren mind. Should I hesitate, thewin saying that you are ready te,receive instructions, on that' subject which • has occupied 1 thetninds.of the best men of any age or of any clime ? Young man, , ant I assuming too nmeh When I take it for granted that-at some Period of your life you will want a wife.? Assuming this, as I becomes me, then, to give you the 'keys that unlock tbagates to that mysterious realm. In theory . this seems on easy 'teak, though in practice, a celibacy of two score years attests how herculean it iv. As I have `said before, I think it is for want of proper information on the ,subject that I am yet single.,. handed, forbad I received the light' of the. experiences of the past as' is your privilege, it is certain (so far as certainties may be said to exist in the region of metaphysics and intangible agencies) that I should now be en gaged in the delectable employment of what is called" domestic felicity," i.e., settling milliners' bills, and dis charging servant girls for no other crime than beauty mad - amiability! Pardon me for thus reverting to myself,, and remember that is a kind of remorse that gnaws at my vitals and forces me into this seemingly ego tistical state. Remember that it is not what has bept that disturbs .the - serenity of .myi declining years. It is "what might hate been." Bat enough' of this ; .1 must to my task. It is not incumbent on me to enter into an argument to prove the utility of wives. I ' • , As-,fm. back , through .the. shadowy arches of the centurinsas Homer and Confucius, their utility is; conceded, and they were particularly. disposed in their favor, though. J. think. Conk'cins meant to be understood quali fiedly when he said- that her boson: was the "resting-place of secrets." Let us reagenit to easy! and .certain Xever marg.& woman, that :knows bow-to do anytlaig,'. much 'less that ever does anything. • A.wile, ought took:now, as -near , to fkg possible. Thecless she kiows the more she will • think you IMOW (Verily CO 7 .I r et therware sante things she ought to. nOisagatia• • -' • _ She ought, to .unaterstind every lati-! 8! a PeAcept.' hex own.l: ~ , , :Shia_ ought, tolnow Ihr neighbor's busine;w, ;mid where, her, -is after nine o'clock. • =2 .14;f Y , ,,3 1 f:1:7r1 , 17;*4) i ...,.,:rO - 1 , : - SJ ,;;;;:-.;-...k,4:-",,-;,,. SEEM bile ought tit, know euongki about arithmetic: to figure house-rent {and. dry - Vodg bill& -1 ; ,:f , ~ 4 0i,a8 . for -we." wontil sooner see tbs world gyp back into chaos than to see any of mi friends monswowas that knows, how to work.. I 4?n't think *Ones* wade to wnik;lnlS giria - Can:finthat. But, there' is One rule that:xi:Oat not be, forgotten , for; Qn , tll~t 1;04E4 tlia law ikuiV‘LteProfits: .r r - - :. IS is- just' esuirtn nuM7 'a rich girt an: a ppor rms. It may: creme nlittleAongber tOliee with gienn Jou, kcan „outlive have seen a, s tin4e - very impertinon to eolith.* into the-habitiloryour intended.':'Let things take -their,-courier-f Yon kill learst':herl `Afay4..:` she .mill handle.the_cuirling tong; iuore dm; tnnisly,thasOlii:mefidle. it. , . • . .;1. 4 A; ; + . 4 4 , - .1. • - '4l - • ; . 4 *-iiiiaLtileiziarrimEntatirros 1:1:0 Mi Mimed lox :114ciateeie4o03411i.ehould totieti.thercouirts 'Ap* get* d&OrcelOroila; ten ,t? , fifteen inh ' li t' ol o4o igal 4o 4 o l a7S l i al t rOltO 1 ,P;1111 1r 11 111Lt .f4r# 1 4 `00 01 4 Btit l P4 l 7 ‘::; r : So tiglifi*n4 l .*:!4Ko tei Boo* what lai,e 004440 OW". Wily, *W*63.: fidcpPlui Pulp/ &Avery Oenci sea foll,flie - 9491* pfk, *WOCK /11 P ' tee th from: the 5 0!.. e, me* mule: c.tiuyiebeeked th**the ithishind qf • m4rimon ;Respect& WO have eatelittlhe 88E20, 41e,:*e : havb - sieliod ,4?; linewiediv thieugh ettp,w,i Wire 14* the'ilame,, ' O O O 9O, 4 ,i,delPaci dOwn the, fewitied - ide"nio aW a i from the state Of mithileet . Who shall be first: o fl'in'g • - Di, ket it acquire` such velocity that' to, hope will be to tope oiget,Tit hope?. Yes, hilindik! f both sexes, these are tehder ties; It is mita than that shall never meet)nora. Treasure these, pioierbilind cepti up layout...heart of .fiestits, and your sneeess life shaWbo Youisuf fieient revierd. ; ' • ' As tar ink if the lightWhieli I have thrown odt on the coasts of life warn ono benighted ~bark oft the breakers otarrot, I 'am a . .thensand tittles teplicl. 'ilIE BACHELOR. • ' (Par the lysoirtzu.] TiI4NIO9iPiTEIG. On the 16th of November, the brothers and sisters 'of the Jesse Stu devant ' met at their "Old Iforuestend on North Flat, opposite Laceyville, Wyoming county; to hold their Thanksgiving. • 9' Seven brother and two sisters, of the aggregine sae of '5lO yearir, to{ av erage of nearly' S - years each, with 30 children and nine grandchildren now compose the family. The rem inisce'nces of their youth were not de void of interest. As pioneers in a wilderness, and by loss of slather early threwn upon their own resources' for help, a reci tal of their privations and hardships seemed almost incredible to the chil dren, and marielous indeed to the grandchildren. Luzern, county then included Bradford, Susquehanna and Wyom= ing counties,- and the river was the' highway Irian ," Northern Bradford ,(then buzerne) to •Wilkes-Barre, the countysest: Aireuewal of such re collections should not fail to imprese the favored of - " to-day ". ;with tl4 cost - and worth of • our • government, and the duty , of cultivating, a love for our country and those • institutions which have enabled us to advance to comparative comfort, so short a time. The. Thanliagiving dinner was followed Uy p song adapted to the'oc .casiori, and Dr. Cogswell gave the fol-. lowing hrptu r s, si f ie f ra, Children and Fiiends On this clay set apart by our State and. National executive ,as a day of Thanksgiving,, as a family, we ,are privileged of meeting together here. To the carelesi observer, our Meet, int and greeting at. the "Old Home stead" may . be considered of little importance---yet the Aggregate of our lives is made up of • parts, „which if examined separately might seem un important, but when properliadjusC ed and 'their relations considered, give form to our characters. Must people overlook the minor, incidents. of, their own lives; until they learn hew these little things have shaped 'their career'. The railroad switch is but a point, though it determines the course the train . shall take ; so our meeting here, though may set in, l motion influences that. shall reach to those who come , after us. -WC:feel our responsibility, and' are fearful. in describing incidents which go to make up the life orchar aeter of thiise with , whom we asso ciate,' where 'we find ,much, were it stated in detail, that is potent for good or evil, lest we should careless ly perform our undertaking. Ours is ne , ordinary Meeting. The Past has, its representatives .hare in the persons Of these fathers and moth ers,. and though we , see . much all around that reminds us of , the rapid flight of, time, their presence, so ripe in years, Assures U r .; that \ _ "Yuiio has bid his hand \ Upolieach heart gently,'not canting it, • Bat ass haryeilsys his open palm', 17pou his , harp, to vary its vibrations.c' la.this 'union'? of, hearth, by,,thi's Family Gathering, let us` realise \ no common union. The voices of 'these fithersiMid - motheri of three scam yearn, as echoes of the "Past,",greet their, children as th e representatives of the. Present, and the grandehildien as the dawn,of :the fast. approaching Future:, TO-clitjc . therefore, at our Old liiiiiiestft4_ with, thanksgiving we celebrate the Union - of the Peaty Present,' 'and Fu ture, Union- in the iepiesen, tatiVecluoxicteisof Pode4taXhildre 11, and Grandelnidreri. " Such however short tint Pr esent, is eeParibly, - ;."cOnnecte4 ' with the ( and Ffittnre, ; to laird' it ,e105444= Abe ; Our brief _associations. with Abe past, we find much to in- , spire oar. hearts With trotittidi kith*, AlithorOr all Good for His kindli' benefits and care. ; The privations of' our youth have been Succeeded by compaiiitiieednifiirf,' and . the' Wood land of chireni4reineitibriiii* , ,inka as we with ''lndiatts bealt of limy; hai 'been traitiferin4 into fertile • e' hkie witnessed` . ouf;constry palling n -Oriel 'triale . Of'Youth icniard national MaiihnOil,lii f ite *ion from the body politic theta& cancer that threatened its , lifeTwith hopeful prospect 'of Multiplied ihmioverieein the arts and ' saienceritavellighistni&ont borderk The -railroad, the telegraph,-thei sriotw ins machine; the sewing machine, aid , - - nornbertese otherilabcaving Ana , Chines: have been added fhthita 4 kot ,iliprOventente oni4iinteinl In lorance.: A lirop)rtien, - he labor- halo' been', ailiedi!have!thelniaiwtarminrattidn' :ranitiidied.4 l The State *iais,; ~ai~~.~s-i~:tY~:~:,t~g . N:ll l .n.r, . -. . ; ji,l-yt2,i; ~..' IT El lEdMin :9'; 1869., th 4, sclaiol-hOusei,k;, iha,;poor, „the hiolitilogoiKd th books,b 0 0 - :rinjii4 Our 7Ootk are now oho* se plenty as the leavea . of autumn. . -Wus poe . 4eciltion.. .shichat cued, and an intellige nt footriondootialf tho =IV= Of. needs. - The Whit his brought sun-; *Via: Pkedilitwei'inil - owed mule griete u A4 PUP , and cottage. Of thosi.osq . a; who,,rtpresent .tn• ftiont, PIAUI* blends with Past, it: ‘ may be ask lid---what are,our'dame and aims? Our answer is:, We,' need a holier arlillion, a killer Ideal; to., nerve _,us . us _n heroic should;or r isNe: deera huae;riches, 'Persoiial happineii, sha dowsi of which human aped is the sub: stansmp aild.caUnt no privation or toil too 'severe, if thereby we could:extend the empire. of :human happiness ,and "..Oura is called lte ° of hiegin ADDRESS: k ,;~ _ =~> -: .. EMS =ME MEM ffd Futareois rovesenteti these grandehßiiren, should be reck oned an'age of hilManity. Oh, the work before us serving man; in . promotiug his welhuaand elevation, there are, fields of labor wide as the world; and noble as: the human mind can comprehend. , Therefore, before we - separate, let us resolve as'a family, bound by ties, to a common brotherhood, to "Go forth.l Be brave, loyal, and success ful. r Striv . a" to light freak "beacon-diva" littered to Truth, and may their lames extend the world around, until -the nations of the eafth shall join in the contest for. Knowledge, Truth, dun= Lice,. Love.': OUBIOUBAND BE A UTIFULT (.113T01113. `When the lliniloo priest is about to baptize an infant, he utters the fol lowing beautiful sentiment: "Little babe, thou enterest the • world weep ing, while all around you smile: Contrive so to live, that you may de part in smiles, while all around you weep." The ancient Egyptians, at their general festivals and parties of pleas ure, always had a coffin placed on the table, at meals,containing a mummy or a skeleton of painted wood, which Herodotus tells us was presented to each of the guests, with_this admoni tion: "Look upon this and enjoy yourself, for' such will you become when divested of your mortal garb." This custom is frequently alluded to by Horace-and Catalina, and Petron ins tali' us that at the celebrated ban quet of Trimalcion a silver, skeleton was placed hu the table to awaken in the minds of the. guests the re membrance of death and of • deceased friends. •, In Carazau, a province to the north-easfof Tartary, the inhabitants have a custom, says Dr. Heylon, when a stranger of, handsome shape and fine features comes into, their houses, of killing him lathe. night notout of desiro.of spoil, or to eat his body, but that the soul of euelt a comely. person might *intent among them. Among the superstitions of the Senses. Indians was one remarkable fur its singular beauty: When a maiden died, Alley imprisoned, a young bird until it first began to try Ate power of sons, and then, loading it with messages and caresses, they loosed its bonds over her grave in the belief that it would not fold its wings nor closk: its eyes until it had flown to the spirit land and delivered its precious burden to the loved and lost. . • There is a curious tradition, both of St. Patrick .in Ireland, sad of St.. Columbia in lona, that when they at tempted to found churches they were impeded by an evil spirit, who threw down the walls' as fast as they were built, until a hutuan victim was sac rificed and buried under the founda tion, which being date, they stood fO3ll. It is to be feared that there is too much truth in this story. Not, of course, that. such a thing- was= done by either a Christian, Patrick or Co lumbia, but, by the Druids, from whom the story was lathered upon the former. Under each' of the twelve pillars of one of the Druidical circular temples in- lona, a human body .was found to have been buried. ANINTEnonse 11 ?cieattr , —The Pail Mall, Gazette relates that' at Rains gitte,'on the 12th of September, the wind,- already high, became more like tropical hurricane than an ordinary storm, and according to the custom observed there in ' bad Weather, the Ave Maria ,Stella Was sung at Dena diction by the' Catholic choir in the monastery for all . who might be in danger at sea. At _the ,sailie time that the voices of the monks in choir ascended to heaven, the voices of two priests and foniteen nuns were being \raised in: Prayer from the midst of the angry waves, in imminent deli ' of being vet* . helined ,ges,',° t4° .vlO - of the storm. The ' fervent pray er areas from Lange 'Dutch bark, a I few days out of Itotterdate,,laderi with merchandise, and:bound for theis-, lant . l of Java , with twentY-fiiePeom gers on , board, smog whom were , threereligieuse of tb# Society Of Je sus, sus, four and ten ' Slaters of 'Mercy. For f0tY•4414 10 ,°?... 211 " . /01111101111i' dia \ they remain i s prayer, without foo4, **AY:Cahn aid re- signs , in ilaiiger \Of' momentary des: truCtion. The captain had l ost reckon ing;. they were driving helplessly he fore the wig, and When, after the long night 'had passed, e, dawn AR :owed and they thought to have found themielves' o ff the coast of France, th eyfiicOveredthemselves to he 'close thic: tloddaik, Sands, with the'White CESkOf RlLlU 6 gateiliato 'via& in the &alai& 'dreil_yards. ake,iA another ship, in :danger like:therasetires, Wait seek to strike orik 'sand bank and disappetul their &in hirwever; cleared tile -sandifik'sitfety, le*. hoins aft ter was broughc-without the , lose of 'a ainglehte; -int,b , . , ltaiusgiste harbor, whereithe shipiireeked pilgrimsWerei ihibly*tertained at triontisieri; and the same •Voiees thathad =raised " in sup: 1 4Aieujion under 6 eh 'dlifereut eircum ideates andithlractini to esek other; rnow 4oiried hi grigeful unison . in 1011mA - wig the , i f Te Nunn t t in 'Sall* r'" BEE Effil ME EMI=Ei MEE =I Olt; the obi hien& &mike trust, gioßlit*Otfkraeo eet the newest, „ Wlwn We • -• After eIL teveihEet is *beat Or the ainlY !ide'le ova AI Wise the reaching Ot Wet - IWe ithescileifisiteseblug litho its lod;e aivd *tun' and rid, r4l' the wiairy fed Mi. bed INEMEI What Thera sic 14v.deep is Ufe's chalice Afleralli Must the shadows then mans us / Atulihe suubeams ne'er come to us? While our last pass by the daisies Httall our imam Wet' oxilmt his Praiirt? them is smite joy,, wino reut, , - F9r thu "ari , ";# 9 141 bCgt • ' lr'isr bolter, Shszi Am old or. cvest, Is the ►oviug Friend the truest, Afterall prei alas and storbiello sees us, FiOdi the danger too lie frees us; . And amid our faithlesss - Naming Reeils a watehfuluesstuswerviug, And Ho shows ns pesrect rest, ' For jhe liesty-abut the best JOHN BROWN ANNIVERSARY. Thursday, Dee.% was the tenth au. niversaiy of the execution of Old John .Brown, and the • Philadelphia Bulletin uteri to 'it in a very sensible article, which we reproduce: it is over ten years since old John Brown of Ossawataraie, with a follow ing of twenty-one men, whites and blacks, made his mad attempt to ex 'cite insurrection in the United States and creates go% errauent for the abo lition of slavery. On the night of October 16, 1859, be seized Harper's Ferry. On the following night, a force of one-hundred 'United States marines, with two pievis of artillery, commanded by CoL Robert E. Lee-- afterward General-in-chief of the rebel army—compelled him to sur- 1 reader, all, bleeding and hacked with bayonets. On the 81st of October, 1859, Brown was convicted of treat, on, conspiracy, and murder' and on the 2d of,December following he was hanged at Charlestown, Va., amid a pompous show of Virginia militia called out by the redoubtable Gov. Henry £ Wise. Thursday last was the tenth anniversary of the death of the brave, misguided old martyr : . Nothing was gained by Virginia or the South, or the cause 'of human slavery by the hedging of John Brown. It was one of the many mistakes that the Southern politic; ions made, in their efforts to resist. the march of civilization. Brown might. have been punished by impris onment, or he might have been mag nanammudy pardoned, and, in either case, public opinion would have been influenced favorably towards the South. But Virginia and the whole . South were thrown into such a panic by 'the crazy undertaking of Brown and his little party, that nothing would satisfy them but his blood. The petty affair, which could have been put down by a squad of experi enced policemen, was magnified and even glorified by the consternation it created, and by the tragic termina tion that was given it by the melo dramatic politicians of Virginia. The little tragi-comedy of Harper's Ferry and Charleston was made the prelude or prologue of the tremendnowi_ po litical and military. tragedy of the Southern Rebellion.. The conor..m name, Joha Brown, became exalted as if it were the name of a saint as well as of a hero. Through' four long years of civil strife it was. a watch-word and a. • rallying cry for the t ()idlers of the American illepub lie. In public meetings, in parades, in - bivouacs, and in advances toy bloody battler, the idea tharflie soul of John Brown was " marching on,' 1 while hia body was " mouldering in I the ground," was a real source of imipirszon, especially • with the com- i men soldiers. The history of that strange chant of the• Union troops ought to be ; written,-' if there is any one that knows it.: The quaint Old negro melody, with its refrain; of. "Glory Hallehijahrie familiar enough. But bow, or when, or by whoui it was applied to the- fate bf I ! Yohn Brown, and made into a hymn - that was the real battle hymn of the Re public, in its years of terrible trial, is not known, and probably never will be known. Still, everyone feels that in some providential though inde scribable way, John: Brown, who was'hung in - Virginia in 1859, was an actor in all Ore scenes of civil strife, between 1860 and 1865, and that his soul was marching on and guiding the nation to the triumph it achieved over the rebellion and slav ery. Robert E. Lee, who captured him, and Henry A. Wise, who hung him,-must have had visions of the old man in many of the scenes through Which they partied in the four years of bloody rebellion. - - As I typical, representative abol itionist, john Brous of Ossawatamie was very much in advance of most of those Who avowed themselves aboli tionists when such avowal was con sidered either fanatical or =treason able' He was willing to risk Iris' life for the cause; and.when that life-was dinuwided, lie gaveit up' With a mangy ly dignity that was worthy a nartyr in the holiest causer :lithe hadilie f el and been liberatedi`thei abolition of slavery would' probabV - not ' have been accomplished as soon as it Was. The first act of rebellion': 'reknit the authorityof the Union took place a little more than a year after his death. The chain of .events from Harper's Ferry and Charlestown to Appomat tox is a well-connected' one, and all future hilitorywill inelude the name of john Brown in its accounts of the. great revolution by. which African slavery in America - Was abolished. The small 'affair' at Haver'srerry 7;la little spark, but it. kindled a L fire which swept " a ll over ihe Southern State& ~ - ' ': '- ," ' \ , . 4 ....ese.4 'V• es Wtrat—lt isstated that, iikThiladadpids, the aunts velocity of the wind•4W it Of, satire Iry Aatenae tote abent eliven in lions; at: Toronto its average relileiti' fa ltitnnrinea; and at sea Ma estimated , Zvi foThring appears! in ik, 'daily , T aper: k` Wanted, Girlsfo; Cooking." ; Basewe a cannibal among us? , , . . ',..:0 ;.. '..-- i,, . - , •-•, . I . - - -. ' • . : ''". - 17'f4i OXit pep Annumr in -A.iiTstinice: SHALL z pun TO uaE T 0131000? DY tpafl!,lr SISUC, ApOrrapondent solicitaticr candid opuui~TToo ` n, through Ths/44,i've 8 / 436 '. #7, the use Cof ,Tebacco, • - We, shall give it won*. _'We and not diBpoa .to -take - 011 the Tobacco .question,' a lt hwe enter;' fain' very positive eonvictiaus : o the mischiefs which attend its-,nae.' is Usual in all •disteuistiens, two en treines are deVeloPedin- the"' contri . ersy respi)* tobacio. regardshe u se of tobacco as ail etil, an evil.only,,iimi that Continually ; it holds - that there is no such .thing as moderation in: evil Laisithit the Lust use of the weed is pernicious, imPar ing the health and ahortsming the life. On • e other hand; - .the advocates; of smo , and chewing take the . bull • - by the- , orne, and _undertake ,to de ' inotntrate from the latest'grounds of piqoiology,.thit tobacco is en skide whose use in. due , moderation, econ• - omizes the nervous force, .repaiii cerebral wastes, and prolongs life—r, We shall not take. part. in - the con troversy. Theta are several grounds on which we would diastole& young - men who have not formed the habit Menll After AIL After sll, After all. of . aping tobacco from ever learning to Imo it. • • • I. It is not necessary 'to health or to comfort. No one - has la natural craving -ter it. On thabcontrary, it is utterly repugnant to a natural appe tite. It offends the senses and every , vital organ. Meir are obliged to train themselves into iteuse. The stomacti, the heart, and the brain - e 'retest against it, and Subinit, at 1. , only as they would to any other ii edicinal agent." That - it may become, after long 11.4 e, ItereqSary to comfort, and - even to the health, is saying of it only what• ma : lie said of opium, of strych aline, and of arsenic, all of which are [ employed for the very sank: purpose that tobacco is, !,viz to produce ex citement.' But the need is secondary, artificial, and acquired. No man in health carealto use tobacco because lie [ needs it.. The habit begins in puerile imitation. It is an apish trick. Boys revolt against boyhood, and think they are meu when old enough to copy the faiths of .an im perfect manhood. They are very apt to, crawl into manhood through the dirty door-of vice. It may be said that, though there is no natural craving for any particu lar drug, like tobacco, yet in a highly artificial state of society men crave stimulants, and that tobacco, alcohol, &c., if used with rigid moderation, adapt themselves as artificial supplies to an artificial want. . That wen living raider the highly exeitin , * n conditions of modern society [need certain stimulants, we are not disposed to deny„, But in Selecting - One should avoid those [which are pe culiarly liable to abuse, and employ those which experience has shown to be safe. • Tea , and coffee are useful etimifiants. They - are not degenera ting. Whatever, use tobacco and "wine are . alleged to' have in repairing nervous wastes, tea and coffee will serve in like manner, without the 'temptations to excess which go with these more violent drugs. ' '2. The habit of using tobacco leads men to vulgarity., I do ;not by any means say that every user of tobacco is vulgar, or that every one who be takes himself to it will, of necessity, become vulgar. But, as a matter of fact; users of tobacco grow indifferent to the feelings of others, and habitu- ... ally keep before the eyes of their companions disgustful things; which true refinement would hide, or sup press. Even brute animals, moved by ' mere instinct, learn' to hide the excre tions of the body. The much abused pig prefers cleanliness. Give hiin pure water a clean bed, and he will keep * himself clean... Brit, whatever rare and polite ex beptions there maybe, it is undeniable , that the users of tobacco become in different to others' feelings, and shock the tastes of men with scarcely the consciousness of., offending, The chewer squirts his.saliva as if he were a liquid artillery man. The smoker carries in his hair, his raiment, and in his breath the fetid odor of tobacco. To some the fresh sineke of good tit. bacco is not' disagreeable. But the residual smell which lingers in the pipe, on the clothes, or on the person, is disgustful to every one. " If one will use tobacco, he should, at least thereafter carefully parp and purify himself. But I have observed - that ' persons who in all other-things have gentlemanly instincts, in the use of tobacco seem to lose delicacy and generosity. I,see a great degree of selfishness, and of indifference to others' comfort and 'feelings,. in the use of this article. Ido not say that tobacco brutifies men's feelings. But I have noticed that users of tobacco., are, as a class, less careful of offend-' I ing the tastes of others than are their fellows Of the same rank in life who do not. use it. , • 3[ Tobacco has, upon some consti tutions, amost deleterious effect, even when used. moderately. No one can beforehand tell whether he w . be its 1 4, victim. That it acts upon Y as an insidious nerve , poison, le. • to dyspepsia, to headaches, to +.arious derangements of the nervous system, :seems beyond a doubt. Thousands of persons, after long suffering * " have I found themselves, restored to health 1 by simply discoutinninethe use of tobacco. That, in such- cases, there is an-Ufflnity - between drinking and smoking, can hardly be doubted:— Thaton some cases, it leads to in temperance, seems Clear, . . . ift. y-should,one incur the remotest { danger, by learning to use a disagree= I [ - able"narcotic agent that ".a healthy man has no sort of need oft . 4.. There is -an argument ofperson-, 1 al liberty and of persona Fixity that has always 'seemed to us should be. l'sufficient with a generous and bona.- ' able nature. The habit of using to bacco once formed, is welkiighinvit' t cible Now, no man of self-respoct, not already 'entatql‘cl, should „amuse , to go into bondage, to lxicome &slave to matter Of enjoyment. There is, also, a moon of personal, - cleanliness. No man who habitualtly uses tobacco but Offensive. to delicate ,safes." It is a matter of proper ride for One to be (vivacious that Ins . persen is - pare, his. skin 'sound, his Mouth clean, his f- ii . cool. . ~ .. ~^~,.,:e : ~^—~alW^'xv!aV+s!"d:..y'a.2•rr.: :~.519R r.`~~,R.;s •s~..v - i:~ -^ EMI - -' , "NUMBER -29. '144 : 144 4 an& ;I,lLatte Pi At • wear itithy cad, bow ninth leas should he be militia toesa lay riser Now and - glen s - tobacco May, by ' peat earklbide the ef f ntik my, his mom: -Mut in • far the greeter number of bmbinces, erten among well-bred people, one eau at ones seem susdl; bath, the signs-- and effects of thepolsotie weed. We hardly hope to influence any one on whom the habit hi fixed. We do hope to dissuade am m . young men fawn form i n g a habit which v utterly unnecessary to health aria comfort, which in most instances is unwhole seine, which sacrifices personal chitin linens,- addicts one intiroilly tols sensuous appetite, and which changes delicacy and kindness to a selfish in difference tel the comfort and wave- • mesea of all who are brought in con tact withns. _ eoovavica Spurgeon says: Nobody-is morn lib an honest Man than a thorough 'MI6; linetryon see p Man with a I - greet 'deal of relleondu*yed in his slooptartiiknr, you uuw&pmd upon itbsa,~eepa s very snail ,stock of it *Alin. Do not chooie yourlfriend by his loob; handsome feet often 1 path mu' Don't be fond of compliments; remember, "thanhatou pussy,d thank yon piny," kill the eat.• •. %believe iti thkimaa who talks 1 7 20 di sunn ing Cate are very seldom mousers. - fly no means put yourself in mete tparson'e power; if you put jam' thumb _between two - grinders, they are":l:m apt to ;bite. nothing Without seeing* sign nothing wilhout reading it, an 4 make sure that it means no more pen' it says. 'Don't go to law • unless Jou have nothing to lose; hiwyeeto braises are built , on tool's heads. In any bu siness, never wade into watett where you cannotsee thebottom. • Put no dependenie upon the bible CAf , a bag; and count money after your own kin. free the Beck open befme jou btry it; for be who trades in the darkileus to be. cheated. Keep clear of the man who does not value his. min' charac ter.. Beware of every luau 'who 'swears; he who would blat4khems his . Maker would make no bones of lying or stealing. Beware of no man more than nonfat; we carry our worst en emies with us. When a new opinion. of a doctrine comes before you, do not bite • ;II von know whether it is bread or and do not be sure that -he gingerbread is good becausc of the gilt on it. Never shout hallo! till you are quite out of the woods; and never cry fried fishAill they are caught in the net. There is alwayb time enough to boast—wait-1i little longer. Don't thiow away dirty wat er till you have got clean; ikeep on scraping the roads till You can get better work; for the poorest , pay is better than being out of emplment, Always give up the road to buN•and madmen, and neverlght with a coal heaver or contend witho base char eater, for they will be slue to blacken ' you. GEN. MERMAN OW .T$M FIF TEENTH AYEIDMEJT STTRAOT OF A SPEECH AT CMMII!MTI. 111 s .- friends, rao not wish -it said that . I left no - ipression of opinion in Ohio in regard '-to the Fifteenth Amendment. b elieve in it, I be- here iurgisino the black man of all the States a right to vote. .1. MAMA understaild the earnest desire on the part of some men to: depriye the black man of franchise. • I believe that a negro is a man with a soul as white' as yonrs or mins. 1 , I behemoths& God made him and Christ died /whim. I don't believe the crown of thorns that. pierced the broW of the Weenier drew out from his . saintly forehesd is crimson tide for the salvation of the white inan, and the nails that smote his hands and. pierced 'Pabst, drew from thence a darker Ade for the redemption of the black man. As near as I can I would look' on all the . world as God looks on it. The black • Men of America, have earned the right to vote. They were our comrades on many a battle-fiebt--fand when the conflict grew fierce and hot, when our lines were decimated- and we were looking ankiotudy_for help, we never asked the color of theignad- or divi , siun that swept by or over us .with levelled bayonets, and ~cheers that shook the earth.' What difference did it make to ur whethetthe cheers of victory that came out of the battle cloud sprung from the throats of men whose skins were white and fair, or welled up from bosoms duskyis the nighty Vhit cared we irhether the blood that . was reddening , the • field around us flowed from the veins and . arteries. of men boasting n long line of Saxon ancestry, or ,gashed from the stricken heart of Men whose blood had -"own fiery beneath the sultry suns of ? We straggled for victory and shouted for loy as the brawy slaves - of the Sentb, with teeth firmly clenched And dusky bosoms heaving with a sense' of manhood, , swept by and went crushing through the lines and over the ramparts of rebellion! My friends, se fir as .I am concerned, I'll never hiok, at the color of a man's face, wW: ' stands pointing with his battered ba y onet to ' Malin , ' deeds of citizenship, written r, upon the 'scroll of 'oral in the bleed of his race and peoide: . My political creed is simple, and can be stated briefly. The man who isgoodenottsfsta, - efais - my danger on the toattle-field, as Milling to die there, I/ - need be,, as myself, is good enough to stand up beside me and; A Timm who had a load on "fetch- 4 ! ed up " suddenly against the, side of a house in. Eighth street, which had been newly painted.. Sh " self by a vigorous effort, he took a glimpse at his shoulder, another at the house, a third at hie halide, laud 4 claimed: .; ex " Well, that is a fiery Careless (risk in ' whOirv er 'night for painted t that house to leaie it denoting ou ' people to run again' st" ell • The following is told of ,Professor Adams, of Amherst: A student was called to 'describe the peculiar. char acteristics of the shark Ete was • a fluent speaker, and answered et some length. - "Incorrect!" said the Pro fessor. • Unwilling to 'a4mowleclge h ix ignorance, the student tried agam. - Isgurrect." " Well, to till the truth, Professor,. , don't know anything about.. it." I Oarrect." _ ' 84xv., the jokier and po l t,LWae once talon p, trip nn a, steamer, when be Pal in Tt,Ah a. lively young lady; to whom Fe made Inmaell very !kW/PA blc: Of course he made alk.unkr,Br 0.41 upon &MS.* 4o said at partirig: 6Ood-bye, Sun: • fee.-_Hoon be kartirff the: "1,11, - nalsti," eat( • ci ,m):Egerate punster; Isms not, a rimartman already - you maybe 'luxe; , 2 :f"r geitinf ; you." EMI