Winter Clare dilate, Chives and Lambs. EDITOZB COUNTS! amrunuit—This Using the season when young animals are injured bt neglect so that no after etre can remove the effect, it may not be amiss to •say a little on weaning and the treatment of the weaubngs, • As the lambs have long been separat ed from the ewes, and calves ought to have been born early enough to tare forgotten *IX I will commence with colts, more esy,?ciidly as they very particularly receive ill-treatinent on the approach of winter. ' • Every _colt should be brought to eat oats and bran before it is walled, ao that when the mare is taken from it the food will not be new, and by judicious choice of other food there need be no loss of oonklition whatever. is altogether wrong to shut the colts up in titne ; they should run out all day when' the weather is mild and be fed out of dootitfor e . v ery one who has been a imeoeseftd stoat raiser is aware how ranch better food is relished in the opeft air. The hay, the oats and bran. ad the earrots should be given in ch . . quigitities as will be eaten at on which can be soon found out, andlf, while weer. taining the greatest amount • which can begiven to be chaired Op, ally be left, it Mould bo immediately remov ed and a less quantity fed next time. When the weather becomes too t>evere to feed outside with the emote on account of it will be wall still to give hay, unless • , and then even it can be done if there is spacious open shedding, and the colts will al ways have an appetite by being treat . - ed in thii natural manner, for -it is entirely unnaturatfor them to be shut up all the time. No change of food is requisite if the bran is sweet and unadulterated, and as to quantity there is no limit so that they can eat it up dean from the reek and man.. ger, for of course the more the colts eat the faster they grow, the fatter they are, and the better they pay for the food ; it wouldbe about as wise to expect an old woman tcikeit a pair of stockings after robbing her of hal l her worsted, as to expect colts to come out fat in spring on short allowance - of food. When carrots are not grown, the best substitute is boiled flax seed, and this is one of the best•descriptions of feed tharcan be given. Flax seed, boiled in water sufficient to make a jelly, is a - wonderfully good nourish ing food, and it appears extraordina ry that it is not used much more extensively in this country, because the climate is adapted for the growth of flax, and for cattle feeding long on dry food it is a fine equivalent for young grass and veal healthy in its effect Let those who ph:age, Gaol: old dead stems going by the name of hay, mouldy wane -atalk9, xe., cut into chaff; bat with )u§ any watling mix this flax-seed iciFy with hay cut into chaff, and, if tho 'hay was_ made from grass in blossom instead of in seed, no stock of a. - ly age but. will thrive to a degree far buya....l- what they would with any food without the aid of this jelly. I should feed colts with oats twice per day dry—say just before having the dar-seed and chaff—because if oats are eaten with any moist mix ture they are not ground up by the teeth, and this is en objestion to all sloppy food; for in addition to the imperfect mastication, there is the saliva lacking in the digestion. An eatinghay or other dry food which is of good quality, do better than if it is wet, because the saliva is natural and the absence of it is not, the chewing is natural and the "bolt ing'. of soppy food is not. If colts are dropped late, it is a help to them to be allowed to suck later than others, ssrcially if the mares are fed with milk-producing forage, etc.; and if Dolts are not of sufficient value to be fed well, and for the dams to be treated well, too, it is not worth while to rear such animals. • Calves need not suck a craw; they can be raised on skimmed milk. But to sussed in making them oome to early maturity, roots should be grown for:their winter feed; maroon turn ips are best for the autumn. and mo dish turnips for the winter and spring till grass_comes. In the absence of roots, there is nothing better for them than flax-seed jelly or oil - cake; but with roots I would not give flax seed, as that is very opening, and roots being so likewme, rt would be better to have something. more as tringent. Barley and corn meal are all very . well for salves, but more ex pensive if gives to try , and feed as fat as the former will force them to be. • Lambs . Wlll'llo better on turnips in autumn and swedes in winter, aocom , parried with hay and some white peas than on aught else—the extra w eig ht of wool and carcase pa *g most re muneratingly for the ext ra nutriment. I noticed a New England article wherein the writer said "sheep ware useful animals to be kept; as they coal' be made to eat up the inferior hay yeghoats of old English farmers 1 Rim upend face the New England ones 1 Tell them you have lain in your graves half a century, and yet New England is behind - your grandfathers ! G. G. SUOMI NOB Hoassa—A gentleman in New Tork is the possessor of a $l,OOO horse, whose organ for appro. bativeneie is so prominently active that he can be coma, but rarely &T -en against his will When the con siderate owner eaters the stable the horse greets him with s hear whin ny, his only language, Which is equal to a cheerful expression of delight. He is at once treated to a lump of loaf sugar, which the beautiful and sagacious Creature knows is usually carried in a vest pocket; for he rubs his nose directly in there. On return - - ing from a drive he expects two lumps. As two are invariably forthcoming when unharnessed, it is unmistaka ble evidence to the horse that his eon= duct and efforts were satisfactory! , The sight of a Whip to that animal weal be an insult and an outrage to his-affectionate regard for one who' looks carefully to his health, security' and comfort. Such an instrument of ; barbarity does not behmg to the good' mans carriage, and may God Ispeed the incoming day when they will on ly Le seen 111 mamas, to \ illustrate the conditions of countries that . niti mat* became christianized. Own ian Vomoais.—The best \ \ trap to make of inrerior fruit, is to coniAt it into tinegar. - Good. cider can Toe made only- from good fruit Much of the stuff called cider is poor trash. If the apples are allowed to "sweat" in heaps for some time, they will lose a coninderable amount of water and consequentl a richer juice. It is bet ter to put o ff cidermaking until - the approach of cold weather, as then the fermentation goes on more gradually and a bolter article is the result' ilwabumOi. ' GLORIOUS NEWS! TBAS GIVEN AWAY IMEI GREAT AMERICAN TEA STORE, 31.1. 1 1 .airrn4 r PATM:es NEW :!: w STREET, TAVOI,,kNDA. All tiro sign of th 11/ER/C.IN FLAG !MIMI lIED,•3VHITE AND BLUE Sou%lea att 'foss ortism AWAY IIZEFLY. t.. waxy poopla that Leis la the Owe to save money. PIIWIN LOW AS THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA 0011EPANY OT NEW YORE. .Yrish Ground Coffee received daily front New York, sr peed So order. Alec, whole - Coffee. green and muted. ill stylish whole and ground .9lt!cca, Dried bk., at ovally low prices. TG stibscetber begs leave to return W. thanks for Massa Moral patronage extended to him "'bile in So °wary business in this-place. and re ipectfraly 0011•!•1 a kid be Ms new enterprise. The business via be osa/MMd strictly on the CASH SYSTEM ! Bo irie sIUnG4 hats to pay extra prices to make up Am dui looses of a credit business. If yolk omit spire ttio money to pay fo- a pound, by fa gonna and pay for it. Be Indepe-elent- - -then you trill ha wonky to, walk ander the 41111RICAti FLAG lutojthe Ainertcan Pea Store •ld by row Gads sheep. ira- Uoteember the Bat Whits and Blue Store., tiewßlock. Bridge Street. Jitly 1. 111106. BROEFIALI. & RIDGEWAY. GO TO S. N. BRONSON'S 9 FOR HUBBARD MOWING MACUIVS, SOSO better, and parts for the pane, nu I eipartant IsZnounaccusat. SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS! No better quality eau 1* found, ■nd at priced attain abbe Tana of • STOVES, IRON AND HARDWARE, As low is the tido of the market, ke.. ke., at IiSTROPOLITAR HARDWARE STORE, tone 114. ISW—jyl DIARIES FOR 1869 PAPER, & E..NTVEI:OPES • NEW-YORK PAPERS: SCROOL BOOKS PIINa,TYNK, Music, STATIONBY AND Picrunrz BLANK BOOKS YANKEE NOTIONS. Tornado, Nov. 11, IBM G O T 0 H E 33 A. -TC. M POI A GOOD M A. 1-i . AT ALL 1[01111.4. GUMS' ALWAYS ON HAND, IN TIMM SEASON. BREAD, . 8 FRUIT, 0.4 PIES, St. CANDV, OASES, 14, NUTS, SCOTT A & /SOTO'S. Tonaula. Des. 13. 1868. pHILA.DELPHIA & ERIE RAIL BOID.--677MMAR TIME rABLX, suborns Lir timer moss mins& iltitaretrusi, lemmas. E►SERDVEO, wumusmsts, AND Sq GMT alt E 211411011 01 PtalitEriLTAAIA. DUMAN', SLEEPING CAM on ati-NipAt Traita, 150 e NMI after MONDAY. JULY NM 110. the inane pri the Philo&lphis Is Erie Rail Bead will run ee Tot. lows: *win= Kea 11 11. knee Philadelphia, ..... • • • VElUunepart........ • • arr. st Erie las IMPELS loaves Philegielplne • *. • • • W. at illienisport... • Zele EMU Yam lames Philadelpbli. • 0. Willienuport. a 0 arr. at Lock Raven.. =TWA= _ _ _ Mall Tasix leaves Erie 11:13 3.11. ••• Willimeport 1210 3.x. r. al Madelphis ...... ~ ,1.5 3.3 L Ilmes amain lames tide cas raL ~ Williamsport 7:50 A.Y. " arr. at Ptilladelpbls 4 , 10 P.M. 41110511111:10/11031 kii•ell Lodtlissen.... ..... 12:20 F.Y. .. .. Willismrport 145 F.Y. . err. at tlimbruy 3.40 MU and Express emoted frith On Creek and Ails. _ban? River Ball Soon. Zem o Ckeebst Through. L. TYLER. Jtp 114. PM. Omura Elaperinte ndent. THE NEW AND DIPROVED ELIAS HOWE FAMILY- SEWING MACHINES, Wes nodded the First Pride a.the retie Exposition, emir In other Machina. gee, be following Nieto Pairs of 11118 hare swan& ed this Kochi= the first premium : New Yak, Ohio. Pen 1i Massachusetts. New Terttiont. WLmoidn, and Indiana. Ell at n e le. oounty Pairs of Madldon. Onondaga, Nice r, Wayne,Orleans, &nem, Monroe. Her anttr. Id o tni e a ve h t zti t =ers : at . 11118 . 1Wia Air held in Rochester, fell .3: 1868 : Your Oconntithee bars .somadned the different Sewing Xs *tem to which their athattionvescalket, and would eseconmend as the best letallty Machine for all work; Ifewe's Machine, and for th e fothoring Menu t of eanstraction. nic: bombe oftand lower threads. 01 mamigement. ° M -.Great amp of ark moos all musteliek. iticam o stad attachments to the Media n Sae Mai, :Madam Uddng. ch .idadtpromdmedid. the easewith whi Cri r re mid. • lab—The dematlitze of the Ma dame, ft beets made of hardened steel. and adjusted is di bstatem •Si measenead a medal." . • Xs* *Oa Seeder, Team, Quiltei, Cord- Btadar. Yenee end Improved Tuck ~ats• - . • It via we issr abl grory kW at thread. from the • b e to tie ammo* mai n • math man.needle Sam ether membems. be emniend • - be. Ilts=pusehass. Price bun/16M - .10,97 meresiekeL The reel value of o.r. IM e NaddAell torTanorlynOOLBhots. • Waken. is too well known to mutt. Ms* Demi id to eall zed see thew. =PAW k =REM Menent - Agante- - illake tenet Simam, N.Y. Nat mils by oCkDDDIG. MN= k 00.. Genera armee. Towed's.. Da - A GENTS weNTED , -- k PROF,. 47. Parsons' laws a Swasess. hill directions and torsos for Trsasmesisas_ . . Stata, Trisormaos Pamela. L.L.D.. Pre; —or or Law in litsreard Vateetwity. 411. saw soda " - a MiltuaDY. lind of Cantraet i'Leget,ObLiga. Sm. and abensing how to draw and emote the= The MAW and best authority laths land. Eiendhe sew noel twais. Also Or oar Patent Bible Pros. • • aim Pass. MINIMIZE t CO.. Ma. ALL RINDS GROCERIES AND Provisions. at wholesale sad retell. at Mir 14 - C. S. PATCH'S. ALL HMS SP4CES, 'COMM, forded, reedy gfeend. or groond to olden vat u p in 2, s t. 4 rillool!d.Doofs. W411;41011 'CiDioceritie analPiovgons. WHOLtB4tJE GRO.OERY PROVISION frousgo:. F. :~ * The zind6rAigtied, Altragetl by the SIICCETSS • which litts thus r a titr; ed their new e!! t,rpricie, •.() a.)ku , w.-letignienkfor the t.ry liberal patronago they have reet,ivetl, by giv- ing their . customers the advantago of their years' experience together with the benefit of their greatlyinereased facilities fer doing bnsines. • They 'l,eep coustnntly ott hand a very large; and emaplete. oa,,:sartnient, of everything in their line, and are daily receiving sneh additions to their stock Ts the ivants of their trade re- gums. They have r e in• iu store. tiugur. nip, :NI, )1:t sses. Cofrov, liirr,'r Fish, Skit, Cho,se, Fruits, Crackers, Candy, Matnhcs, Browns, Wrapping Paper and Twine, Flour Sacks, heeds, and a great :variety of other goods, .which }N! .'C been reet-qtly ii tight •it the lowes.t ; the inailiZt, rind are offered at wholesale, at rates to corresponil They deHir;• to If.tll.op,..N!ial Lion to their large s; oeli of Eine T(ms, which they are selling at lien• York Jobbing pricui,- quality in all case Have also on 'hand z good assort, meat of num-. Pork, and ht rtnicale They still conthme to Lac the bell- - Orwell,. Pa efit of a resident Partn'er is New York, who is constantly in tlict mar ket, and prepared to turn to our ad vantage any favorable changes in the price of goods, FOX. STEVEN . 37FIUTII S: CO May 12, IHt3R. pATTERSON KINNEY. ~ GROCE } ItIES AN!) PROVISIONS, TOWANDA. PENN'A IEuE - E UE. AE4IIE, of • 66•Qf .1'.74/ of T. J. 1 haviii,; • l•y recent pnrehase,—they take pleaenn• in anneuit,ilig to the pnblie that they ii - e,i^ca to Il '4:1) - 1 , 1in;; rid everything in the • • SUGARS, FISH, FLOUR; WOODEN AND -WILLOW As cheap as the c1u.ape......L We gnazautc, peraut tat isfactlon to all who truly fa.vor na with a call. CASH PAID FOR COUNTRY PI:UDC - CP. • 3. S. PATTERSON. n. V. E.El;tin'; March 10, 1080— IL PEOPLE S Fotrttl 11:21 , l1E SVD U.IIIC 10:45 1..3L .5,15 A.Y. .GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, ....9:30 P.3L • LK Ltti -10:00 A.m. ... .8110 A.Y. 6:50 P.ll. P.M. Wldell prlo CODFISH, FRUIT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, MODERN {,TONE FLOUR, FEVD, HEAL, GRAIN, &c Bring on your producer which we Tay cash for. A consfant supply of Ashton Salt. all sized Maras. Butter Ilrkins, Tabs. to. - Plait* call and look tirsi•gb our stock. and wo do our best to please yam W. .L ROCEWBLL. • . _ Tospurls. April 28. 1869. LOOK! NEW JEWELRY, AT WARNEIa • GQ 7,D ":WATCHES„ • . xxlvintives: . • • - ELGIN — WATCHES,' • AT WARKE2I4. - VA L THAM WATCHES, AT WARMER'S. FiNE GOLD JEW .:X, AT wAnmars: , ALL KINDS OF. .AT WARNER:W.4J t3pfttseles, and LA. of *lmp too Min:mons tton, atIVAITNERat: - dB and see tdm, you . Will gam twenty pFr eent. In raw purehwes.---- ._Cr Kagatu.a. abets and Jevetri repared, and mad. Pdtallea Mork. St. 1 . Ut2GEU, 7r.ninebl• No. clem or 4. - • •• & stAIN sacra. To V. -AN —guar; teeing the (S;•••• t., Tuom DEEM Fict ;1•,, =I I= OEM Til i'-, COFF,EES SY it UnS - 110LISSES, FEE V, CORN MEAL, KEROSENE, STONE wA_Rr„ GROCLEY AND PROVISIO:`.; hTOItE. A'new and c a n u o,t, pi o ,,k of ItACKEREL, HERRING, I'OR K, MUTTON, HAM, YANKEE NOTIONS, DAIRYMEN, eivierki'ba HE UND EAEIIGNED, HA'VINCi V. kitraW,m lo d-thelcamitre . interM, of, R. IL L.PATCH, lu'oo nru* - 014,11.?.weit4 ao.. is, iiiir!pri*d oftyr in the dt,l7.cmt of itiadford County and ricitd-. 3 Ne.,:o;:tod stock of C! It 0 C E It,l E S, Which I bann intrclla.4 , A for Caiih. and feel contideut that I can arll at an !OW OgUrCR . III3 can be purchasetl I UON - Ott`r l'ar!inblie a ap:unilld sinek I. TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS; rAncli, sALEn.yrr..sinvoi, lllow on baud a !arge pt,>.-k of AKRON F' EEEEEMB-cE , :-Tinvnic). I Acep con,ta.ntV on ha ./I=ll all kiu.le of FISH. N 'Olga r.e.l et; stte prtt..tit: to war niu't Ito lest . ' STOCK F TOBACC • Tit (polity priet;. J4wse Oaktey's Cele dry, York Chrtnkid and Drown Sol: c. 14: anti :4411.%•41 WOODEN 'WA HE Large, 113.sattuent al: YANKEE NOTIONS,. ToILET &c.. kr. 1 m fII pay ra, higlieht,:aab price fur COUNTRY PRODUCE Us a cal! bera:c. W;;:wheri. C IqTCH persolot tudefAell to the lute firm :Fill Oea , e ea l and make tmuntliat± payLerut towatuln. 12. 1s IGO =I MAIN AND lI:UMW 'Jilt Tow-AvnA, :dl J : 4 .4 GROCERIES. PlloVpilay,s, • Feed and Ilea ap 11 7 ,00D,L OW . fi it, 1 STUN E W A _IR, T 42, Wu would cuil trpeeial attention to our e kxl of FLOUR„st'u.-11( COPPER IVAI:itA::T t., give.:4lV.2,ll4.llrar :l .I NP pup CASH paid for fltviealde Cornaey I'ft,r(jcr•rg i. •* G. L. 7 .11 “k•li. !rm.trellt. ..!.% at , . I 1 - 701.1 1.1.11:th4 • !Ilirr.rtt's", • .1 , v..xt,,t,. • •• ilvF.r•• 4_ 11,....11:1t“, Coon unit itri,:n •. •- Etno ( foun. Enjoin Ext--a Soil., ('n.,.1“.. - .- ••(_;rant'a-":".. -. ::1•:r Eoston, .v 4.1 Lattt,..7 "Cracli4c, • Towanda, Jane 2d, Mil ti . cC I.IIE 111 111",(;1.;1•, - 1. , ;(:, NEW (''“?.I)CEII.T.E:i D .1 I L Splendid As6ortraeut! Wholesale ■nd tbill Froth and T.tir relo:o;y o; tirot:Cra 2111c_ut Le toit„l.4 MACES • RANGE , LOI" THE MARKET! fi kin,i'A of • NATIOYAL FIRE WORKS ! Tt - bnle,Gie Country Llerehent, will do well to mil. Our mires shall be, with the rcar , ualdr,". entisructory. CALL AND SEE trf4, As.ti pAin Full COUNTRY FII9DUCE. Goode shown natl.% pleasure. We shall pay 'attention to all ',arts of oar !rate. IVIIOLESALE AND ItETAiL Atx•cpt our tiszuks for, past favors Towanda. June 11, 1569 Flom', Peed and Meal. TOWANDA STEA.AI FLOURING -11` M I L LS CROBAUGI-1., VULLEiI & CO., Itexpet... tray Worm the public Mut they have put.- _ chased the new and extensive Stein Thra ring - Mills, in the south part of Ch , borough of Towanda, and having all the modern Improvementa, and emnpe teat 3unei, tim e zro vrtTared to do CUSTOM GRINDING In the best possib:t nvutuer;ll44l r.t tnnutitally 'short. twttze. Et c,ly 01113.wal lic taken to give net:facton, :1:3 tic fan:ye r publie farmer. dolng lutelnes,o in town can bring their tazd br.V.2. :1 g •otthd 4 1 . !ake- - indk Kith thew FLOUR, FEED AND MEAL, ror as!e at the cub pricea. and 1411 U -end lu any part of the Village free of charge - Tow ands. cto her 5, ' E NW" TAILCiii SHOP.." .V.lOB MINI:PAC-Mt • inthe'roont back of thinootrui of the Young Metes Christian/mot:Mon, second story.. over Eddy's Clothing Store , where be Is► Serold td do all Bads of •• In the . beat end most . 40th:cable manner. An ex• perience atm* yes% A dethrtelnatlon to keep up with the fashions of the times, and a desire to please .with customers, be believes will enable thin to give sat ,. • gfuttn e ag ding on 'taunt untied and ieisonable terms. Towanda, Oct. 17, 1867. VANNTNG AND. HARNESS M A K - A. EICO.—Tbo urulenslguta have this day formed ' a co-partnerahlp, to be known as the firm of !SAGER k YULLgII, fur the inirpose of carrying on the abovo bush:woe, rilllseNs making and repairinxdoao to . or. der, and ail work warranted. Cash hides. 1 • • . - , •OItWIN ItAIJER. • . EDGAR A. FULLER. Carcrptown, Jan: 28, 18G8. tittE I': ` iitrE The.undinA r iodkitgebi bum:nth:4l64 ,11 pnbflo tb3t 11 , 3 ktopit constantly on hand at WA KILN in tgeownow.S. Pa..:a fall impel; of treats burnad SEW 111118 LIME. WM' bo will Pell as cheap is It cup_kboltyLat spit alatig r Ut i 6U t f. .- ntilEPT4l,ll'rB OPAL!, KIN •S IfcrIAMI VII 11LVNgflfl ..•.„,,,,...,:, f! j ; ..1.1.4: (..-... 0 ; , 1 7. , e . .. ;' ~" •• . '., ,l i r . , ' .',": ifEIi6VIA NT ' ' ' TAILORS - 1. H4ar AND MATS , '-'! GENTS'- WAITgRIAI.Tiou.t. co Wu liake a 1? - 440,ib1a c4tuir 1e+.40 N and . lskia all Um flalL fu givuig you a g I DO • bate at oiir uxR CAtablitilim‘ ernliri attention .t 9 Tonal s% IMMEM MEE RRE,\Y CLO Atul alwaye Itart4 goal serial. LI,Utl. CLOTHS ,nut. t , ,53,00 per- StPrie ?Intl ( 'l' 11m A,•pt waltin 43 Mlll.B. ('ozn ft nri 164 n - Ove for yourself. Will by at Cie Waal 11414 ovary T4rinday, with samples ( - 1 esooas, :tu...1 Imia:ea to tuk.c nua curea. 'VAN VELSON.4: MANN 1 .4 Waverly,_ N.Y. T MAY - BE; INIONDERFITL 1-1()#/ I WE` 1)O IT, ..f,CT,Yik: . , _ clirann Guo.;:iTilAs C. n. r.vrelf. !, 0, 7' II I A'/; Y 1 a Eal - IN BRADFORD. C010,11.".t.- • If you aro stall slCrvtleal of raa roilijoa. Jo ull EEO NEW CLOTHING -EMPOIMMI, One &nir spud* of thiillEAZiSliOUtiE, and All d'otrr FL(II*1. !raving jw.t optmol witl . l . an entre 'Itow:119.11: 01 3IENS' A'ND I.3QYt-T -C.lf_,OT,lff(4-iA. ht cn ha:d.•a•u:' fot ctYh , et t'.‘n presnut depression tho luarket. I ran. bQY +LAG!: bar. gains ' th 330.. Who /121 - 0 3 - %t to '1.3T31355,0 when prices wpm M4l3cre. solit;:t a tall from oh iquoicunerg, nut! 221 who i4•siie'to buy uora.6 et a I:r:.:rriL. , r 111,, Thwania, Au g , 24. vo. . . COLMII . - 1 UR - TOWN CLOTHING oppowt.• U-t• co, • No. 1;;; MAIN '7[7:}'i.l. 1 1::R1f1 4 . - 41.t ' %, I.l.N‘li i1:111:5: I i)LUNS.. OVER COAT: FALL LONtl F.l I, o tEI r 0 .1 I's_ CLOTHS AND .CASSIMEtZES, TRFAMINGS OF 4LL kIf.XDS .Lt JERRY COLLIW. ' - GENT'S FURNISHEiG • GOODS HATS &- CATE'S : sap.„,liper thou cuy Latter To t .7attap, CALI: AXIII sEn Erni J: • Sept. l'S,ltiti6 :NEW SPRING AND . SITIO:IER . E 1) 1) Y IVeuldtunatture to the citizens of Towanda, auul, the intblie generally. that he loin tu - etore cud dolly ro celving neui . and lu ltix line, imitable to the wants of the people. trizieh he wilt cell for Currency at former Consilding!ss usual of good. well end reliable wad? )Na 811(44 of any kind) consiethig of BUSINESS. SUITS, . , . alilginacs, COATS, VESTS AND PANTS, DRESS COATS, PANTS -&VEKrS; Overalls and Cwershirts, Linen and Paper Collars, Linen, Casviinerekand Flannel Shirts, Neck Ties, Sim% perulers. plows, Canes, Leather Bags, , l3pring style Silk. Soft and Straw BILL All flrebelass. Remem:: her that good (Rods are cheapotat • Alt price than poor good), it any price.' Cull aniteiamine my goods before buying. Next door to Powell k Co. • Towanda. May 28, 1887. ' R.' W. EDDY. 0 ELLIN, OUT .-BELOW COST ! 14 y.1 wonderful opportriiitty for all who w;ith't. PURCHASP : FIIFFITP}W, ClThAik will from this date sell all Ids goods consist/lig of PARLOR SE7'Sit DINING ROOM SETS, • CLIMBS,. . , BEDSTEADS, • - The store n present oerapiezt by 'nt'6 for rent or. :Pa10.% is one of; the best bitstrielor Rtitnin in Towanda. - Towanda, July 21. T. , It E CKEtt. a 0 ";" HE . COIVEL `MTvlrirtni At the Stlied fraialafilf , IC, PAILLT...IIII, tag* receiving a terite ishdiireSt melectedLetteele of eo, : ' , • 6110011111i$:0111%01.5111 . 0111t: AntldrUs competition, : Cub 21.1 , 1 1 / 1 2eidnitidln Farmers' Pmduee. April 21, 12211.1-VP. 4 ' 1.,„; .Olot FURNISHING liB Broad Strout ANT cmrr.:; lii , lll/6 Win VIIIIIIIiI In I= I= VEIV - NPRIAW 14(n;:).,: At COLLINS ND \VINT E c: ITS, At I=3 at COST. a JERRY teOLLINS :t ..11:11 . 101 COLLINS'. 110 Y'S &LOTJIiNu ut JEliltY COLLINS 4, 4/0')I 1 FRE i BII GOODS, GOLD PRICES! CLOTHING, all Tool, Linen Caata, Dusters and Pants S.B. T. DECICEIt MTRRORS,. tEC. 11.4 A ;0. w.,. (I 0 ,s, 0 WEMPLE • FASHION law oronE Aim • " • • '(• , ;1:' stek 4.ailitlitias+44titilev it lietcce Om wiz; be lipid with..., 811ALt The underAgned• w a idd rentioctrulli aimminee to the cltlzenn 1111 .TOWand irldnity t thid he In new r,oldy to nrer them. ng, • auchaY INE BEAVER ON P4.11C0 'I.T3 I.ILoTs. - tyi • . • . Sorrs„ • . • • . • • . , rtyrs f ulD FurM.A.dng t:M...14, Am., p an t/Mt (lama geode, bought et Tell !ow flmifea, be poLkwitli se:Tema:l pro fit.. I int.nd 4t Obtilfidi 3 permanent trade In Pla , e. and is mdennogantihncoaddrice eery, deal on a basla of lIO,NESTY AND- l'N'l'Ed-RITYI And all gomti Ide -warrantatt for whet they mr t4pmeent , o to 117 - Come and exannte,imdeonvlnee yourolt... Don't torott.he plena, Temple of Pashien, oppoeito Cos liremis Hulse, aolthend Mr Beidleman'a Mork - JA:COBS. Tovrauda, oet yr; issi. • 7 :001),S 1 , =I w York lit. lIMEM MI • 7 ';` litimellgocnifru ' Nr'W' ktiou NEW. : GOODS - I I E RES: ' Would Cltl t.luvulteutiti . :l.of fic eitticas ut 1.:0ur., cud vt.:,',l4tn. that. t.lfrl, ' A .of i . • (ir.),(,)(lk At the old stand 04 L. L. SfOOOT. Tthero Mention to he wout%, or tho conunuu;ty tl,e7 , r*u *cop g„ •.2 ass,ttzi,,t g 044. whloh SELL AS ..14 OW AS TIIE LOWEST, And atarrier...m that Sill induce / every one t.. buy Of thorn. )Ve ;41.41 t.s all Alnico Ilvr agou.l an=d t;orat FALL AND: 4VTElleqool)4s Embracing an tlir Ictedt kgr:et. L.IDILS' I)PESa C_Ual?s., DMAINES, PIInCTU; GLOVES :10511.... , cAps, 1300Tg, -CLOTHS, CzaCI7,IERFA; iTsTmas, FANIA. c,•:)ois; .1:-:111f1Er.i-vi:, FailOg Groceries, 11(i - rilwrf re, = LAW: 4g !7'HAVE.I4,ING IfAUFf, • . . , . Drugs,. 'Furniture, 4c., (fc., Tlio ablna itiveki but a slight idea fit ,0001)s WE ILIrE IN . STORE, Alta uu ouly ray to our unntero - 44 , frienda and .the public gond:ally. call aLtd.ace us, tct.t tho merits of on r preteusion.:4, an:l it fotiNinceil, BUY --1-ND MAXE 7101:11$EINti ) .. 1y A3V . 4 .r.g irt , , tvW4o . s . our..l;!ticlutse.a. We lutentl to J;vill MEE= IMM I= Nur. I:1, 14,;T IMANM VOUNDIO: , 11 i a•L S Ff..o .1' ti matea am Pim . st (if 6trrifit TOWANDA-, fiItAt),FORD 00., PA., la now in - fir.F . .ed to !Amish ' .CiieVL - 1/4/? JAIL LS. AND, • SHINGLE .11;A.O.LLENES, 4".! f the bc,f, qralltr, with kite latest ituprovementi. d:,l kin it tit Al.whinery foe r.utt . Saw MAL% Stearn. Engine,s, - gade and - 13,1•iiiired, Ste:Lpi , • Steam- Guagu4, lOitage U 1 C,tiils, &e., Varuittl.ted tahort not:c.v. BOLT (JUTTING ' Done from 13 4 inu'hel in diameter. 'FORGING • oc /16vs rrdught wink ror Bridges. au4 11 other pm , imaes. - Myoe W 9r4er. Also,a lards assortment et : COOKING (P. HEATING :STOVES, Cod and. WmxlirnrnerscFtirnitare. for Cocking Stoves, Stove kiln!. no Ware, Boat PnloPe, tarn and. Scraper& kilt tatnivtantlytm band. and Specifications Of nil ,f mnillinery for mills. and other pot 'votes, prep.:red by. WARREN HILL, Fortnum who has hut lar g o large experience in this branch,of the tinniness. TOMLUtII..OIi. 37, 18G.; -!s THEeip "XtOST g . „ CONVENIENT GOOD• MHLA...L, •E4TLYQ HOUSE, Tsidittrors south of the National Bank. G. B. ALVOrtli having pardased the above 'well kactan establishment, - is now.pvegared , *nit Upon all Nilo treat him nithn ' He ehieikeips a tall impel ' ' FAMILY GROCERIES, Which he is prepared to sell cheap . TawSmis, 1869. • . . VVRISITUBE WABE-ItOOMS. -JAMB MAMMON announces to the public that he still amtinties toAnauutreture nud keep .ou a large assortment - of • . cAnnirET van* Yine" Ewes s;llblee,l3edstesda, Stands - :thilra, lte:, of eterr tleecriplion: which are =ado of the beat =ate date, Owl Sn the most weekaumliko Inatalet. I lust= the ftigeollon of thel public , to ser work. ^add& shall skothostutassalindunbilthyst lug shbp In the cOuntre 11Thilh7 pekes will be found to be as fow aa tbn W= adnalt. - Beedrfuei= Wins cmistautli on = Wade to 'O Vc 444 AgC lbd li - esl9lfililm ftllllo3lB4:l,4eP4ealTod- _ . . BooKatrowty.4 , NE,„; PUB= Ito Is infonme4 Abet the moan. dery bas been =mired to the Mg= 401114 g. third storn ivhere win by aPek • ' ' • f. • 1 • • • • In as tb~ifbua braiidhea. oteteitni as raiariatde ai "thetlmoe".wlllpow. rr:/ 31 0 di xT 1 1,a IS' timer. the chaago`nt - 0..1:11t1T1111;1FR •••• - .- •' , . 'Atka' 'xperieriee'dikle, iiitT tin iiiiiiwilibepiinitz dew ist au ewe ihul.rium .ior which eannotbe me ltutdmlllagitranuttewnrrpervt)billooleKlee4ben4 In every %Imlay - of 034 e. Particular attention will be i „ tt ft,,o6..rmlit 4,4J.Knatkid T., ,„. .: noogs,.. • • To any &Arad patter,:, which in onaiikv•Pui Rabb' Rill be warrant.;;L. . • • , - All work will be ree f4r , delivery when onagsedi - The patronage of t• • ••7 - 1. Me eolielted...and -por• feet satisfaction val.:7', • • Towanda. Aregu24 lea6-,tr. , - - A FINE ASSORTMENT'OE' TOL, z r 3, - ;zr sou! , nt • • / 1 0.Wir. 41 04 1 tM A SECTON - L ALT:: PUT -AA -• urge or =Ell cptr.tlties at , , gat 20. -,. • ' tX.44:14 , k ii id i e rl 17,c, sby 20 .. xtri c 11, trtn:."7. .1~ - dZ'.'~LtlC '~1a: ~iothiag: i lE. :. ;.V:: ;as .\' is IMAM. , OU! 5 - 4 .1 04 1 .1. !al pit MEE93 EEO x ER LIT t • 31,1 >y. E', JUILN LIUILIN udthe • • ' rt. z 74 • 0= ki ! : 0. 3 .ca • ;g- • se. .4 MI , 6 (:) , 2 .- - . '' "1' JARSHALL BROTHERS & CO . Wish to rill_ the attention of the public to their stock of I . lIAILDWAIIE," • ' . tAIi3fING rithirtuirrs. i ELACILtiIdITHW TOO/44, , ' ..' .. I , Ar . a4ld C.,!atY,SIN,TEIi . " r0p.!...5. :go a. abut of _, : - ' in Glass; Pewit; Paints Oililj . • ' PnltY, Varnishes,ln/41'41A I , and Varnish Idrushe.a s, which wiit'be sold ifar the by, t o, a line essorneentof . ' •'! . iii:llotiilltE - L'iiifi r 's, 1— ' • yle azeipatirru to anit fin pohil , •, ' :paired and eltouged front 911 o'.l i il•Ithl h r attournd a' l' to' re: re.. TIN I'. - ..Atc'E:. ,' I _ J 1.41.'s 4. 011 ..Y fl. p., $l , ..7, pt. i i, , . . . : frr ~ .;,.. . 11'r 'taco oi4 'taint a inc. a LI:, , le b. ' 1 • .•'•, 41,AS1S Fllli,ll' .1.1.115, • Walt huprorifeelf-reJlin,g e.n.s. tio:1 • irEnairric.ti stALLSCi' CANN. Which is Gnat:lllle beat eon use 1. June 20.1865. lEEE f ull . kin price. Al Otto.ery Limps Kerosene. Part, all kisul tl .SfoYEs! sToyEs! ST(.. , ;11,3 liOrlece:TO ni- , r hap SLAT, at (ti tliTi.OP{liiii....E . l .. iir,ll: l , s oßi. " STORE ORWELL. PA' Are attr., Hug much fite , Jatiou. All variety Of Huge, ALI V 111 jool or win Huit Stop; School, Sh6p, cauncu, DoAt on COOKING STOVE, ellue r•it,l pea the new pr.ttern,i-l - nt . l , .- .t . , . • ONE LOOK BEFOBE BE . W. 91 thlit.elate3 Stovei opn oaki a Variety of Stoveis for tho hulublet ymxr.f.vr, y ,, nr (IV;11 - . S. N. I.IItON Omen. Pit.. Ott. 21. IS:N.' Famiture. LO*o',K HERE! •Theit. Is uirT on "exhiblco'n afttm " , Alummoth lettriaiture' . -Store, IN TOWAND4, PA., nel,:rgen and 6,44.i1,t's 1. R., W. I 'l' TT IR, To be !.natt.l-iu wlllch in,Lc ing qt:8..141.1" PRICES! My stock consist.; in tart of Parlor, Library, Dill iug-room, and Chamber acts. Parlor, Library, Exten sion, Dining and Ofai,e Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Washstands,. Sofas; Loungea, Tao-a-tetes, Wbat,Nots, Cradles,' Cribs 4c., ice: A full lino of tad Pier, 3futdal and C.,nunon :Srfrrnrs. 0.4 al and Fratnr, ant! Ert. ,, I 4 &c.. .;:c. •In Ind. everything In; the .Aurititure line ! ircu iJ b Ilipre...l..teli, anti whisla will be. i•ri!..l (i 11'1? It PII I E ! q..1.2.11ty of gdola be purck...,.lcleu . • . . t Cr.) pubile Or their puttilffltri patron ilvt,-nniuti to merit a continuance ar.the nanin by offering infineententa not In be found else wheco, I invite theta to call nzul munine toy 'wombs and pecen berore rtrehaaitu3 oirsewhe- - e. :Co ylla,^ge showing goods, and ' ll'/ L NO T RE UNDERSOL CuUNTILY sittpi?!:t.,l ey asaal at the:ow tzt,t market prices. I also keep on Laud a Largo assortmeul of Ready Tab Coffins ' from the lnost roramon to the finest 'towns:owl. Also Bur Robed, Crapes, /c.e.,aud Ilan ibesiAs agent in I.lratlford co:111V for Shaler F 1 's RETALIC BURIAL CASS& CASKETS. &C A good =ARSE .11enya in ratlinLls . whea ragnired Towancla,,Pez. 10. 1869. J t_lrya O . Fr.osT GEORGE• V.•'MI.YER 14 . 1.....irLig.purchased the, TOBACCO: AND CIGAR . STORE, • One dem' svnih of t 4 - ; Find. al Bank. is pow 0111n7 everytitlng in tliis line, 5:7 1 . , ; sale au. retail fin teens conrtauljy on tunp a .14 — letg at• Jell of G .0 LC E U1(IA It S , AND eakoKrici ToiLICCO, 1 . 111 np !if e. btyieS. ,The WO. nowN. "111..t:K. AND SUDTeII nto too,1; celobroted britorlo of FANCY• SMOKENC. TOW CCOv, all 6 , rcat variety rims, TOBACCO BOXES and PcilUtlH[EB, mA'rea SAFER, And all goods =nail,. kept In a fa 44358 CIGAR - STORE? . Deafors will do *o.ll to Call andue lame and well 'selected stook.' '• - Towanda, Aptil-29, 1069.„:. • ; ..- • • - NEW —PLANING , MILL. The. undLiisign4 haring built a w 7 4 auil comma Zeus Mill in the, liorongli of To' and with . thk most modenrand- Ingmar machines* for the manufacture of -, - - • • WINDOW SASH' AND BLINDS, • ere PrePareil to Jill orders, whether lei/e'er upon.tlfe shortest notice. We hare:Vie • I tern ricty of MOULDINQS,pr.the latest style d which we can runtish . moch cheaper than they can be warkedhrhendti • •,• • •• t , PLANT O. TOlcte;l7l3N6. ' 11nh all aWicirtie . .tosuilt ear entittoulters. , . •.; Persons' building and not Using =VW.' ' fit fourteeti miles disUnt. will gM it la — • • their mould to buy of us, or 'ming their Itinuer ti, .1 have ; puked by, our_ inse::rurry. .11ring your = of 'nothing . , or other Imo' Sr , and your is feeding. hate it grotmeant and take it :home with. - Weida* isty 'for itib • HildtOClE 2.1.1148Eft delitored at our Walther. Sac& Game .and see no, pr if you can't come, write. . - Totrinds, Feb.. 1.881.• Ir. , BODO:NW& '4O$J A, Yell, AI3SORTXENT'OF Daien,tind ming . = 7 , lllnts, at 'Math* 1869. ' • " ' LONG & XEELErri A NICE , STOCK Oi CHROMp MH.4I"E§T FRUIT, JABB-ItirsE - ' _ centlk . .JARS.Vari 1. be't lu" w4oleasle and retail. July 1. ', • 'li the 1h °MX. . , • CONCENTRATED LICEO at •I! Usi 20. Dr. 11. C. pc.)n, Twat, =EI OLD CASH DRUG STORE, Curlier Main and Pine tiUvetg, Towanda. ' reivintly added largely: to iii stock, it fell *and compkto aviortrecut, .constitutitig aq extensive Vl liar. embracing many articks nand In thn Arts for mechanical-purposes, carefully selected with "regard to the progressive mints of the public, which will be kept constantly inipplicil with fresh' frofehases.'and offered on the most teas , enable terms at Wholesale or. Retail, eons:slim; cf Dity,;s, :truDioNEs,, BtlNzi - N - 1.1 AND- TuRPENTIN.I,', r. • . Anti . kEnosEATE ofi (1011; OIL; a lid Ikulliag i LAMM *1.1.tr4i3., MLR'S, CA/MNENI3, ,_ - , , !iperm, 14r4, %in.!: 1., I.:rat..i FU.)t, '• • Si . TANNER : 4 ',..Ni f ,;.%[A'CIINE Oil. - I s'l . I' 4 l. 47 an:] Ti . .!, 1 , :L . .',41.414. , . il) L.:l ~:f3.1: vu.r.4..4.. - . ~ 814150.1.5. .15.1113 , 41;:, ' (.).',l'ti, (.3):+113,. . - • ; 1....nni,1. , ., 4 lirl'ir.'3r:l..o..l.l=tery. . , - i ~ „, „ , ~,., . j/ I C) C/C4z:7'n Quili • e).1;:, , i _lit i),' ,1 1 3 IT(.101.1i, taKIN, A!:f) !Olt I•llk.r.'l,ll.‘ll4lN:i. , " I'l. - 11E IVI.NI '... 4 .:3) I.14)r()ILS, t 3iiy , o . . , Foe 2.1.i:11e. mil 1t,.. ; ' i ...1 TOBAC S • -,' ' , l ' ' ' e 00, 4 N1. , 1-,, ,/ I PCS AND ,t.1A11.. ~ I . I i ' '• . I Garden. Field and il`Jriti . . StilA T1:110 , ..w. , ..i111 1. 1 INJLt,,re, 5U511i.11,:.,k2 Sh,)llide: ii,MI,A, Brl ...,t tlllepA, re,tii:lig IL:lgs. Nit:iiii.l4 Lloit!ea, lariPles, .lilrp:c Shells au.l fi1e.01 , 11 , ., 87riti:;v:<, IkNlPans,J*ll-timaliill4.E'ru:t Jara, tiler- . jilometcr:4, 11.2‘ , :•42.%', Extzwt.s, tito:le • Jum, Ohms {Care, 1:0tt..14 Vltils, Col•kn, Bath , Brick, out Stove Ll:tekitig, lIAlt Tsekle:, Am auLl Huaurvith - L.nd All articles a - Arno-lied reprosente.l. Persona at a distatuce can remire their orders . by lit Or 'LUAU. which will receive proaira earoful etbnlEon. Medical advice given gratnLtously at. try Unice, charging ouly for nanlieinc: kir I:haul:nal for past 111,ral patronage, Isamid res. pectfany atuaouncv to hie/ friends aud too public, tWt uo pains shall be spared ea. sat.3fy, and rierrd the 6u tionation of their eoilar7ruLe aud patronage. • it Open Sundays for preaeriptiour from 9 to lo a.m., aud tu. to 1, anal 5 t., . Jan. 1. 1869-syr. If. C. 91.1); W . H. 1I 011 E' H. IL GORE . to (mac Ai You: F* is continuing the busineM3 at the old: stand. lick, Patton's Illock, where he is dal)! rsciring 'additions balkis stock from the ino,t reliable Importers and manuttetttrers. lie rev., AtAlly asks fora liberal share of public patrviryv. A lzrge stock of . lituiyast Leer ,rwtr.vt- I, wui T 11:11 '49,v pzepazed to• enik,plp thq WART:I Or THE MIMIC WITH ARTICLE* A FULL AAFOXrAIENT OF CovESTUATED BOTANIC, rii,ranc, AND HOMIToTATtiIi_ . ALL VIE roYUL.IIt PATENT PAINT AND 11,1thy1,sli 111: &NIES, FANCY AND TOILET Aiinci.Es I3N 15 - I.ltY RIND TILLEN's ALCOBVLIC PLOW SITUACLY. A•SDOMINAL PIT3IPS, .1 11ntt1.,..`,3 - iiuggls and iazon,„ grucws, roacm sunaicAL INBTII[73fENTS Or LATE STYLE. _ . A large supply - 01 Brushes ror the Eat and Roar. Also • for tho Teeth and Nails. Tooth Powder and Pastes, Oils. • Perflonery. Soaps, Combs, Bair 'llye, , • Invigorators, Ac., Kerosene, Kerosene ' • Lamps, Shades, ClrAnneya, Wicks, • c., nil - of the , late.,t style, CHOICE, CUIABS, T011it:CO --IND SNUFF PhYsichuis siipplied at reaaouable rates. !lea. clues and Prescriptions carefullyand accnratelycorn. pounded and prepared by competent persons at all hours of the day and night.. Sunday hours from 9to 10 o'clock is the forenoon, and 1 to 2 in the afternoon. • Towanda, Sept. 29, 1506. W. H. H. 60HE. 1 1 GWAND . A AGRICULTURAL 2'o WANDA, PENN'A., HEAVY AND LIGHT ,WAGON, • • WOOD TURNING IN ALL ITS-IGIANCRES. SCROLL PLANII:4, ETC., ETC SPOKES A - BENT STUFF, .TAME !!.TOCK mom IIIRCH TO SELECT SECOND GROWTH DletConY AND. OAK • Liam kni IVG MS nASTti.- NlTe.hri:re the Broad and Narrow Guage Di. C. ITT . Tilain. Pie iideat TONVANDA CARRIAGE :rho ihdersigued resitecttngy announce totheipub- itc Quit the hare rarchaadd.the OARRIA-GE SHOP . THE LATAST STYLE 11k014 wo'danuillibasaatem eonstant- A.T.koeP oa band an assortment of splendid TOP AND' OPEN BUGGIES, •. DEMOCRAT A.ND LCIIIIM :WAGONS. ONZ AND TWO tiZATED I A - btr . ' SLE/GH 8.1 11.1 . 2=40, pr4s4ly attended to at reaaossatda • lIIINANT G• STOLEN TowardLi, May 9,1,847-47.• A cHowN LOT , OF AvirrrEß 4 2. el S at eititot la kinds, far sato by t AIM hitbarrel abush . SW k r& Drugs and Medicines. EMIG I= =I MEDICINES DRUG Dltre.s . AND .ii DICINE.'i BEI.O:44IN'a TI TIII-. fIURE WINES. LIW.TOIIB FOB ttiE, 'O 4LY PA/NT., lin.. 'VATIIAFT, =EI .4NI) RESINOWS, 111 tite bcit. Trusie:s, S:/u:li(iu a'l::h'CY = Manufactories. WOMKS: 3IANUFACTURIZ RUM SPOSE.S, DENT srury, GENERAL WOOD -WORE, To Dealers in \Nu ,raiir The aboTei ere fropithe best MILL PICEA made and dress . ea. Bupezintendeni. ' Towanda, 1868. FACT-DRY OF: H.. DRAKL• And .re now viewed to lndld work In FAMILY . CARRIAGES, ALL WOME WAIIRANTED • P RE INS =M TOWANDA, IA WYOifiNG COMPAXY, Crpilal ast(l,: . Sui plug, - - $270,000. -.: C. DOIXBANCB. L. I). SHOE/TARIM. `Woe l'rr.d. B. C. h),IMI, Keex. • T. 11. CAIIP, tioneral Agent for Bradford and par of Tloga county. AULAze.4l.:{ ecUPA %T. Hartford, i-41, OTT num bog:nal:4 Y. 4:4011.4,11 `ALIJAST .(ITT COMPA-XY uLTos 1 , 11.1.:Jr.A. 1. r. CourAnt' Sin,;;i.n bILE a 'II MAL Mil INITLANI:K. Sprjng)idd• WU. LA:Tr AliTI it . (Iry AT: LV 17Ftt.ccc'cc ('r_ , Eli I i al rrmrtnentrAl r),1110,01$1 .I=n:wit!. Cap NE I A ~.4 um.lics;Ajustia,l r ap , r t. ' . . 617Ccia4 rm all lir no gr ..tex as by any Unser reliable attention- lateen to 1 - ; AND Tif 1:111 COX? "ti. Pot.tra.t.l l acrW.,uu a . rum 'pima:. born i'i•operty, at as L.w r rnmpany. aml tprotal FARM ISILITIAS( ()Mel. Inlaw '.Yarti. Hvuac. up stain, T. IL CAMP. Agent k Vevitra,;.. Mi. 5, 14tri. Smitbleld. llArty, nog:. scants•. Pa. FIRE LIFE AND ACCIDMa'TAL NSUBANCE. - c4PITAL • asmviTED, (.ssus ,v4 , ;I•ENTEE.V MILLION DOLLAns C. .S. RUSSELL, Agent i•cr Compaxivi Cituaru Fucc a IlLauisz Immaaxca Co., I • and inuplua over ' Saso,ooe gout: C4.2.31PA1TY. York. j (:31,!ta,i- and r 1411,111! ! over ~}: 7.VortTIT ALEILICA,i Pi,iltWdpls a. and horp!us over lAxtrAThts' ComrAba, Now York. f $906.00U Cap:Lil and suridnx aver ENTERI•I:Nt. COMPAWIr. • I .t.i•kpi . 4l and surplus over A.11747T1C 11t13.10.CrY. COMPAICT, Neic Fork, J $760,01A1 Cnpital and surplus P ::11 L.VEANC!!: COMPANY, Hartford, Conn. J strphts aver $704.000 •3iczc.w LIVE I.S. , VCASkT. COMPANY, New York. Capitateed eurplns over TUAVELLY2t: ItcncllANCl: COMPANY. Hartfurd, Conn: Gap:t4l awl hurpluis over $600,000 - Ri.s.ex faiths on el Jail& of Properly, at as tow nt.. an by any other reliable Compudea. Policies honied and Lorne', If any, adjexted at this Ageuey. thereby sasiset - the trouble 'and memo of going elsewhere for methane/A. ' 1y5...Wt.:0at the Ilardware Store of Coddle& nu. aeU k CO. C. S. inissrm Towanda. Feb. T. ,1866—tt.. NATIONAL LIFT - INSURANCE CO. OF U.H.A. C a CAPITAL. SI.OOO.OOO—PATD x PULL. Chartered by Congress. 1868. CLARViCE IL CLAEK. President JAY COOKE. Chairman 'F:inanno and Ex. Cant. HI MY D. COOKE, Vim President EMERSON W. - PEEP. FS•. , ...,rttary cwt Actuary. The m ivanta g ,,,a • the National Lilo Inerniance co 1: It is a National Company. cltartered by Congress; ti. 'lt has a paid pp capital of One Million Donais t. It offers low rates of premiums ; 4. It furnishes larger insurance than other Con. panics, for the same money ; „.1. It is definite and certain ; 6. There is no possibility of•m'srepresentation by agents, or miaanderstang by polierboklers; 7. The policies are plain ccajdzicte. so piacliltum -mnee for so mach money ; 8.• All pollees are non•forfeiting ' 4. The policies are extort f Mill attachment. E.- NV.: CLADh R (X).. Bankers. Philadelphia (cny.ral Agent* Is. Se, ISCSBk:LL, -Manager. N. C. EI-‘iBEF.T . A: A. O. M.A.SON 11 . 5, Agent,' for Tow udi and vicinity Jan. CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. OF ILARTFOLCD, CONN. Nummactsa x 0424 vow 59.000 Mixamat ASSETS (June I. 186).cmg,1115,000.000. • Surplus °Ter $7,400,400. .curaikacr DIVIDEND FROM 40 TO 70 PER CERT. Total.Clainit lo Death paid. to Rafe. over $6,000,000. Tor.: DINTD=D6 PAID TO DATE, OTIS $6,000,000. PLTRELY MUTCAL COMPANY • All its' employ is eqnlisblk divided among the Pol fey holders in • • ANNUAL DIVIDENDS, Which mad be applied in reduction of I'Vemlinna. or may be accumulated at interest for the benefit of th. Awned. or may be receircd by than in Cash.• Policies are granted aster two or more nut' Premiums have been paid. thus Priebe' ll 7 Elating • - ALL POLICIES NON-FORFEITING. It issues Policies upon all • DFATILUILE PLANS .OF INSUBASFE, And liss adopted in Its workings several • - SPECIAL -FEATURES OBIGINAr WITH TIM COMPANY AND OMR. - ED BY NO OTHER. H. & measkx,-Agest Towanda, I's., July 73.1867—U BRADFORD COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY JOlfl W. UM. Ageni, TowAxDA. PA FOR THE FOLLOWING PHCLNIZ Hart/anti Conn. 1 IT=3 HOME USI7ILMY CONVANT• NM Harm, Cyan. I I= New Fork. OZIOLLVIA QM NOSTIt . .AMEXICAX ' rork. .k $773,517 17 IMMEEI j% Tork. I ET= Pollees walla and Losses acijitatel at tide ageoci. Pl= property risks taken at the lowest rates. ' ikg-0111co in 'Memory New-Block. north side Pulp. lc Square, Towanda, Pa. . JOHN W. NM April 1.1867. • riIHE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSU ..a. RANCE SOCIETY'S Agency for Bradford Co. CASH CAPITAL $3,000,000 Yearly Income over $2.000,000 cub. • MONTANYE k WARD Toirands. July 25,1867 TEE LYCOMING MUITCALFIRE Isnranoo Agency for Bradford county. CAPTTAL s3.4C*.teCk llntualoash Plan., In en ceesehil operation over Bien. ty-seven years. . MONTANYE k WARD.. , . Mianda, July 25, 1.1367: Alin FOR SALE.—A LOOOD Farm situated in Armenia township. in the '.eastern Dirt. adSoining J. U. Bothwell's properil•• — : It consists of .172 scree, 40 acres Improved. lhri! li7Z°gcbl'!'"'n :r 11! la well tally lieary . ood tams 1 - e l jey resii i rms . riteriiievuost'l l joining. It ; loiXt2cl,,and Is a de:win:l l ;ls property.. Will be sold cheat, For briber particulars address or shilluiro Ut • a t . 0 .-2. st MILES 'RACK, Towanda. Da • C OFFEE ' TE A, SUGAR, • FISH. kc.. who:csalc old July 1. MCCABE , k THAT egr;ERRATED STILF RlS ing Flour, at C. B. PATCH'S. may 20. DRCF. HORSFORD'S BREAD Prrparat:on. at Q H. PATCWB• May 20. . Illeford. Vt,, All toy: x . r A , . , 1.,,; ~.. $3,750,000 $1,700,W0 s&po.ouo $8.0.113 I tO = $1,461.8:35 co $1.622.971 3 1i.000,000 vu $630,682 -