News from all Nations. Burr Htonraat ie flity-eiglit „years —Thsi,Prineess of Wales is dying of • broken beart. . - • - . - —Potatoes are a drag in thelifays villa, Ky., market. —The Alabama coal-Sells cover an &re& of 1000 miles. • - I —A firm in Paris is publishing Baron Rothschild :2 mantoirat • —lnhuitcide is increasing to an sl imming extent in England. • —Au accomplished Oboist, Emilie (1k l'afmrdi, has =wed from raris. --In low lady has a "missionary" _ 12,11. :• , he lays her eggs in a contribution box. —The Wallingford community, , r t tient, begin the manufacture of silk this week. . . —Three years in the State reform 'wk.., llits penalty for stealing fruit in Nor wich. , --Francis P. Blair, Sr., has been arrested in Washington for selling vegetables witip , ris a license. —The temperance movement is sttaLli t ,advanoing to lilerrida, Examination of Efunabodlt's pa per, pines their rains to ha wily alight. ...a -Commodore Vanderhilt is to start lb., Wrenn* rsilroad,'N. 1".; —The old Morgan court-house at Jacksonyiuo, m., had been add for 1775. —A. man in New Jersey kieled his Birk rife to death, Just thr the fan of the thing. Missouri editor ventilateshhn self on " equincrlial ComuZ" to be held in Rolm, —Ex-King George V, of Hanover, lone four million irollderiby a matt bank 'min le hi Vienna. •—A gentleman while plonghing in a Deld near Naples. 111, unearthed • poi con taining $4OOO in gold. —William Burnam . walked down to the battery, New Tort, deliberately undress ed and drowned hinaselL - —A two-story building was moved, with ite occupants, on platform cars, on the Providence Railroad, last itmday, —The Superintendent of police in !low York btu directed the oflicere to ttko possesgiou of all empty boxes and4rarrels on the sidewalks. —The Dubuque " girl of the peri-. od " , ita at the window of the principal hotel, Icons bdck in her chair, trith her feet on the winche- sin. —A young lady in New HaTen, Onmectient,'waing to whiten her complexion; took nreenic, find in a few home was deathly white. , woman risked her own life in „,acing a child on the Lyons railway, in France, and the directors rewarded her heroism with one franc. Mobile, a negro juryman stood out against eleven men, nine of whom ware white, for two days, and finally brought thgtri to his views of thg case. —A statistician has figure(' uut the arnble land in the United States. It monnta $o 2.000,009 farms of IGO aCT ell 'er.eb. or E1,324,- 000,000 acres. Cayuga county', has twitisti. , r, which lion at tho Witt yolati at people with "eyes 1.1 • ,• mow, • ft, snys n western papnr. —Colorado sp.., tstnen. propose t. 4 import quails i+s Lasterti cities. They are soli. tr3ir4; v.. 11 mrncg+mt•nts t ' l 7 She transportitiolL gurawf .1 New York yacht dumnndK tlO,OOO fur an am t.:: Well blown off firing a I.'aintii. Another ask., : • hand. The tariff see= rather unegnaL --General Sherburne, who was - robl,s-d of his watch two months sinse in flan Francisco, had tho pleasure of seeing it dug up ftwo the burglar's backyard last week. —A man out west heard that dry .-.. l .p.ras put in a bed of ants would cause them to bare. Ho tried some in his mother-in-law's b mil, bnt did not meet with thcolesired success. --A man named Death lost $50,000 b, tbp burning of his distillery at Warsaw, El., the other (lay. It was the that time that death .--r 1.,4t anything by the whiskey business. —The proprietor of a concern at emetzmatl recently engaged • clerk on account of his flashy appearance. The young man was behind the counter four hours and then left, .as dill tile() $4OO from the safe. —Everything was lately in roadi 11.1sfor the marriage of a Cairo, DJ. ledy, but the groom came not. After horn ofWaltutgja dispatch was received which read, "Hare to wait till ut week--my wife has overhauled me." . , —A box of oranges, packed in sugar, was sent by express to a family in Port land last week. Snmo slight punctures in the fruit excited suspicions, sad an analysis rarest cd the tact th3t the 'allele was impregnated with strychnine. —One million two hundred and damn thousand ono hundred and ninety pounds of sea island cotton, ,vslued at $1,070,- 736, were exported from the customs district' f Charleston to foreign 'countries during the year ending the 30th of September, 1869. —A colored woman,namedEohnes, living at Pittsfield, Mass., who was liberated by the war, has just gone to Jamestown, Va., to visit her mother and friends, whom she has sot seen for forty yearkhaving been sold and saps riled from her smother when twelve years of age. —Prof. dresselbeck of the iiitivtir bity of London, has discovered a sleeping po tion which nth suspend the vital faculties for any length of lime, when he can revive the patient by a "stimulating fluid." He propo ses to test his discovery on the next =Edna cundenuiod to death. —A Cincinnati lad crawled into en empty [deem boiler, which rolled down a Edll and broke big neck. —A society . in Nahaut, Mass., is composed of nutarians' and Tributarians, who work together in perfect concord, --A thief broke into three rooms .f.f the liipmati, li. 1., depot x few nights since and stole exactly six cent*. —The Onondaga stone giant hum bn,- soil for #50,000. The proprietors refined to allow a scientific examination to be made. —The sensational dissenters in London,when desirons of an extra large proyer. meeting, advertise that "uo collection will be taken up." —A gentleman in Branfield,Peorie wounty, 111., obtained 4200 pounds of honey this year fr om forty swarms of bees, an average of 105 pounds to each swarm. —judge Case, of Montana, lowaji h.w days ago stopped a lsWyer in the middle of his arguments, to marry a couple who could not wait h➢ the court adjourned. —Wiset - Aufin bas &boy, aged four- Lunt years, who weighs but dghteen and another, eleven years of age. weighing pounds. Who wishes to,starta showT - —The Coliseum building was drawn by a man named Maguire. Me is a ear writer and budder, and w il l be supplied materials for his t rade for some time to come. —Lord Holland, who lived in the lime of William M, need to treat his horses to 4 weekly concert in the gable, on the plea that mimic cheered their hearts and improved their tempera, —Cont.n Von Trantmanadorf bat! gone to.ltonte. charged with an autograph l egit Ler from the Emperor of itustria to the Po alsol bears some conciliatory iaatructiu uj from Commit Bengt, •—Applea are dull at ten cents pur l bushel in Crawfonl comity, Ind:, and peacbmr at twelve cents per bushel. Immense quad s ties of fruit are used in Crawford eotusty fir the - manufacture of brandy. —Louisville,Ky., has mean thieves. One of them entered a ho ci sa where • negro was. lying dead, and, during the absence of the fr th i e ends, stripped the corpse and with clothes. - Au old Eilver eau, an Enalish shining-picco, bearing the date of 1561, and the inscnptlon of Elizabeth, Queen of England and Prone, was .plotred up lately in dold no in the rthern part o Rhode Island. —Chicago ships fresh oysters to California, after getting 'them from Baltunoria. —Salt Lake is' taking it "Under tiiu Oislight" in its th'satro.' —A little daughter of Judge Hub bell, of Milwaukee.' wed a playmate from drowning, in Oconomowoc Lake, a few dap since. —Wasllington • will have large things on ice this wintvr. in the way of mas querado balls. —One. mannfattire in California sues 1,(%O •bcnbela of ostor Letitia per day make tilifiOr oiL Tilig WIT - be pleasant news to rbildren, abo are r. Totirl of it. tatifia 59Stiff. I:DrrORB 11.. O. GOODRICH. Towanda, Thursday, Nov. • 1 THE FIFTEENTH *meson The fifteenth article, which, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of ihe-Stetes-will-be it-put • the Constitution of the Knite,d 414489 reads as follows. It was agreed to oil the 25th of February, 1869, in the Hotise, by yeas'l44, nays 44; and on the next day, the 26th a:February, 1869, in. the. Senate, by yeas 80, nays 13: Memos 1. Tbo rart il gizmo bi tllt Miami Stoke to loto stoat mot to dotted or libridged tbe nailed States, or by Mts. oo account or by MN color, or prelims eoadttloe itratrvitede. Bso. 2. Tbeltoagren obalt boo Power toettforce Ws article by appropriate lectalsticat.- Twenty States hare iotect ,for the XVth Amendment, viz; Arkanaaa. New York. Connecticut. 1 New Itaialtehlre. rtorida. • Meads. Indiana. North Molina. Linda. PenTeillu,4?" South'ea:nftik. IZZl==! batbiuw, E r.r!r i Mindid. = Xmarinnetts, Kahn. lowa, Minneiota, Nebraska, Rhode _Wand, Vermont and Ohio will follow, and Mississippi and Texas lust rati fy before they are re-admitted. This makes the number of Stater, required to ratify the Amendment—twenty eight. It is barely possible that souls of the States named may fail to ratify the grandment in time to allow the colored votersio, exercise tLe elective' franchise at the elections' of next year; but Colorado, and perhaps oth er Territories Will soon come into the Union as States, so that it may be safely set down as a fixed fact that the fifteenth amendment is to become a part of the Constitution of the Uni ted States. Nor will it be in the power of hostile Legislatures to de feat its operation—Jodge SAWM having already decided'that the four teeitlit amendment over=rode the State law, so that this amendment will se cure to colored citizens, a right-which neither State laws nor:the decisions of State Courts can abridge nor de- The present effect of admitting to the ballot-box the Totes of colored citizens, will be of course to increase the - Republican majorities iu all the Northern • States. That ears can hardly be made to vote for a party, which has in the past been the steady and zealous supporter and apologist for slavery; which has persistently opposed the emancipation of the Slave; which has step by step, sought to defeat or render abortive, enplane proposed to secure the civil and po litical rights of the colored race. They cannot, and will not, forget that the Republican party has fought a noble battle against ignorance and prejudice for the sake of human free dom. It is fair to presume that the bal ots of the colored voters will be cast for the candidates of the Republican party. How will their votes affect results? By the census of 1860, Pennsylvania had 56,949 colored pop ulation, and Oregon 52,465 white population. Oregon, on this basis, in 1864, polled 18,345 votes for Lin coln-and McClellan. This may not be an exact guide; but still it will en able us to calculate very nearly the addition to the. vote of the State, which will probably exceed 20,000. The same rule will enable us to esti mate the effect of the amendment up on other States. New Jersey, in 1860, had a colored population of 25,336; New York, 49,005; Ohio, 36,673; In diana, 11,428.; California, 4,086; Con necticut, 8,627; Delaware; 21:627; Maryland, 171,181; Kentucky, 236,- 176; Missouri, 118, 503. In many of the Southern States, in nearly all New England, and in some of the North-Western States, colored men voted at the last Presidential election. But in Delaware, Mary land and Kentucky, hitherto the most bitter and proscriptive in their political. action, the colored voters will play a most itnportaut part They will irate in sufficient numbers to revolutionize those hitherto Delia cratic strongholds, particularly as the accession of their votes will give heart and encouragement to the Re publicans hitherto dormant from the knowledge of the hopelessness of ex ertion. tkanissrosomrs.—We print on the outside of thin paper two communi cations, one from Gen. PkTrox, and the other from a Republican. The one from Gen. P. needs no comment from• us. The of his position is made more apparent by his ow declaration. I nto reasons which he says induced him to vote against Gen. °TART elided and were understood by him long before he ev ir "oontemplated" voting in accord ance with his temperance professions. The General might' as well conical that he is n "dyed-in-the-7.-ool" Dem ocrat, and goes the fiche', right or wrong. In reply to "Republican," we only have to say that no Convention was more fairly conducted than the one he complains oL In the nomination of County Treasurer a great mistake was made, but it was neje. - er the fault of Dr. LAUD, nor the tion. The Chairman did. 1. near the name of Mr. VAeaux call ~ when the motion to make Ihe uma.u ation of Dr. LAnD unanimous Wile made, he pat it, think; at: , his was the only name before tl onvention. Mr. Yorans had been '.e ' . rated in his own town for delegatc ld it was supposed that be woulc. press his claims further. We regret, however, sa much as "Republican" does, - .that a vote was not taken, and then .113.. Victratut could not have made any one believe that he was badly treated. "Republican" think„ a mistake was made in the nomination of the candi date for county commisaiorwr; that jeax lk jkales *should hire been *eat i-the ticket. Wr s. AmSere- reed, r Stn' Nord for its /. 1 r• "RO.ub licym:yop and others who were hon es lined p to Mr. RINDS' election will be satisfied before the expiration of his term, that he is not a bad man. pwpidet bib recently been is sued by %NU C. Clear, the distin guished economist' of. Philadelphia, Setting forth - bow Resumption may may be brought about, according tb his opinion.' He Winks the contrac tion policy of Secretary McCou.ocu wr(s a complete' failure, and Prot a fi nancial plan - , directly the, Ter of it. He thinks money is "the oR of commerce," and the more there is of it—of course within rational limits —the more freely will the wheels of business, revolve, and the less waste will there be by friction. He sur porta this theory by reference to our financial history just trevioue to hnd during the war, to iiri?Te that the country was never en probperoUS when the eiretilatimr medium most abounded. But he complains that thy, present banking lalw diminishes this "oiltsupply" by conclqdrating the power to furnish it in the hands' of a fevilbankers. He asserts that seven-twelfths of this monopoly are oontrolled , hyinoney-lenders of New York and New England, While these sections of the country have the least need of so much currency', because the population is dense and private credit is universrd. In consequence, the rest of the country is short of money, and wheat, cotton, and other products haw , to be legal tenders. Mr. CAREY'S argumentifeordingly is, that Secretar) Iteurwsu's policy should be' to furnish sufficient cur rency for the transaction of business in all parts of the country. He would have Congress remove the restriction whereby the capital and the circuits- tion of the national banks are limited by law to the sum of three hundred millions of dollars. Instead of a lim ited - number of national banks, he would allow every one who wants to go into business to do so, under prop er regulatiOns. "Let our people," he says, "once again be euabied to find at home the machinery of circulation for which they are compelled to look abroad—and then, from hour to hour there will be seen a growth - of indi vidual and national fort* so great and so regular as to warrant the belief that the day, is faht approaching when en the precions;me,tals must come into daily use." - It is well known that in the con struction of the Pa. & N. Y. R. 8., it became necessary for the Company to take possession of property where needful for the proper location of the road. That the owners of such prop erty and the agent of the railroad company eel not ill all instances agree Is to the amount of damages to be paid, is not at all surprising. Where such is the case the law provi des that viewers *hall be appointed by the court, whose ditty it shall be to assess such &images as they shall deem just—either party having the right to appeal from the decision of the viewers to the Court of common pleas. Three such cases were pend ing in the Court of &Hutson pleas of the county, on appeal by plaintiffs train award of viewers. Yrotti the affidavit which we give below it will be seen that CoL Pror.Err, who has full power to manage those cases as he sees fit, has lost confidence in the .courts of this county, and petitions to have them tried in Sullivan (+aun ty; and as Judge Smarr= has no discretion ih the matter, the reeords will be removed to that Orinty, and the parties interceted will be com pelled to go there and contest their righter Bradford county, Y. E. Proderr. being duly 4wornbuys that he Is ftmintendent of Conatruetlon of mid deibndant, and am inch Superintendent. he has full poser and arith ab on= f ar adjust or damages b mutest. e lesion lms against the location and construction of its rout He farther 5075 that be demises the above canoe removal to Bul bs= County, and QM Mb removal is not made for ? i l4Mol delay, but becsa ann r be tti o inglUelleves toe partial ,P. E. hazes. Envoi% So end subscsibod Wore me nu 22nd eiff of Oct., 190. W. C. Boosmr, J. P. Similar affidavits were made in the case of 0. B. Spring and N. N. Betts agsinsi..thel Railroad CO, The whole expense of these trials is to be borne by Bradford Cuiinty, end will be three tunes shalt it would have beta if tried here. ; We merely refer to this matter to show the people of the County who' is responsible for this useless expenditure. Col. Pious?, it will be observed, sari he has full power to settle these claims. ANOTILER RICDOCTION, 07 7111 Sur" Diurr.-41itate Treasurer Wean has issued the following circular to the holders 'of the five, per cent. State Loan: . _ Maoism% Items.. Nov. 1. 1•0. Gamma, :—Tb• Cklendsakeeriot the land Dave antbottaed mei to elm soda eo all bOl4 me of the Om per amt. Inale Loam die l ob 1. 100. that an mob bands win be redeemed by lie meat In withmn aed Merest to Me =i t. :of wnl..tholefere. sonfinm. Pit Ono 6 1 10 0 di ad amount of b , reds you bold gad &dm redeemed. and 1 win dhoti ' - te themant ead Medtemiee nadactel Bank. of 1.1:4-4elptda. Macess Tom' trenetere and pep the amount of your bonds. with mimed to date of Mender. Them Imttoada win be made . on theind and third El.tardMs tot emery month. • . TOUT% relreethath E; A. MACIKr. • alildS P. !Mama on these bonds wino _ em My 1, 18111. • ES iirtixostrour Boni-m.of state ment for Oceober'shovi a further de crease in the public debt of $7,868,- 852 75: The ammult of indebtedness ciumell4 since March Ist, - is $64.- 882,070. 65. By the time President (Ruler's tow years are up, the debt will be' pearl• paid. ukd Jo ~emtlsma. RAILROAD DAIDAORS. AWFUL STBAKBOAT DISASTER. as instants ..7kP" :lllll : ld) OW/nil" 1)1 . , "' I: • - Carbondale, IL. . • ' er fitcmewan, ; .1 on Tuesday eve= 4 'heavily Wien • crrses, mules, hay, and er sightgenerally, took fire on W en near Neely's lending, and, despite all efforts to edge. When the fire brokecut every effort was made -to lank Int the steamer was so heavily laden that the could not be brought neartirthiin 100 yards of the Attire. Cirese..Cdrifitsiort . • I --terror -prevailed. There -were a , at 200 cabin , and deck passe/term on board,, quite a number of w *ere women and children. The flanie:s spread with great rapidity. Beorek of men sprang into the water - and• at tempted to teach shore by nwiniming. Nearly all of these were lost. Every conceivable object that could be ob tained was thrown into the water, and to these the pasesngers clung with all the tenacity of life. The steamer Belle Memphis, Captain Crane, on her way to St. Louis, reached the scene dating the fire, and picked up from the water all' that are known to be saved: The pilot, engineer, stoker, carpenter, and krty•fonr passengers, are known to be saved. The captain, the clerks, and other officers, the deck hands and many passengers were lost, . The books and papers of the boat Were lost, also the (Tittle and other: freight on board. A number of per sons died after leaching the shore from exposure in the water. There ' was no explosion. Allr the women and children were lost, nearly, if not all, being burned to death. The con duct or the officers and passengers is said to have been heroic. Such an appalling scene has notheen witness ed on the Mississippi for many years. The saved were kindly cared for by the (Ours of the tale 3ieniphig, Mit were taken 66 St. Louis. A PASSZNOEIeiIe AOcotTNT--CAOSE. OF THE DISASTER. Mr. Phelps, a plantar of Shreve port, .La:, has arrived ;t St.. Louis from the wreck of the kiteagneF Stone wall, and furnishes the following brief particulars of the terrible disaster to that boat : The boat caught tire at 30 o'clock Wednesday evening at a point a little below Neely's Landing, and 125 miles below St. Louis, from a candle which the (leek passengers had - placed near some hay while . they were .angaged playing ?cards. The Stonewall was , run on a gravel bar, the pilot suppos-; ink that the passengers could ,wade ashore, Unfortunately at the cud of the bar there was a slough, and here it was that the larger munber were' drowned. The boat was run on the , bar but two feet, and the phallowecit point about her had'five or six feet of water. She had so much hay on board that she burned like tinder.-- All attempts to extinguish the fire were without avail. The Belle 'Mem phis carne up at fl; 30 o'cloek (three hours after the accident,) and ren dered all the assistance possible. Out of 252 passengers and crew, only thir ty are known to, be saved. The last . seen of,Captain Scott. he WaS floating down stream on a log. The people at Neely's Landing saw the light, and hastened to assist thed unfortunate passengers. One Man rescued sixteen persons with a skiff. Had it not been for their help all would have been lost. A gentleman from Paducah, Ky., SWUM', ashore with a lady on his back, and, at her en treaty, returned to save her While swimming ashore he was grasp ed by a drowning man, and was com pelled to shake him off in order to save himself. Ono man was taken from the wreck, so badly burned that he died as soon as le reached the shore. Captain Dandy, of Shroves port, La., was saved. There were thirty-nine cabin passengers, and six ty of the crew. There were quite a .number of ladies on board, and all are supposed to be lost except one. Fulkerson, the pilot, and the carpen ter were the only members of the crew sated. The Stonewall was owned by Cap tain John Shaw and Dennis - Long, the latter of Louisville, and was val ued at $45,000; and insured for $30,- 000. She had abOut 800 , tons ,of freight, inducing 270 horses, sheep, and mules. They were insured. Captain Shatii had ate . this trip, and Captain Tom . i t was in 'command of the boat. • THE STONE OTANI'. A great deal of excitement has re cently been created in Onondaga county, N. Y., by the reported discov ery of a stone man ten feet high: It has • been pronounced by gait a grand humbug, but a recent number of the Syracuse Journal, says: We are apprised that the proprie tors of the stand wonder have given notice to Professor Hell, that Wed nesday next has been set apart for the conference of scientific investiga tors to make a thorough examination of the statue, the place of discovery, and the general surroundings: The statue will probably be raised . and brought to this city in the course of the ensuing week. Dr. Wills de Hass, a distinguished scientist, who has devoted many years to the Subject of archieology in this country, is making a visit to the gi ant statue. Dr. De Hass is the chair man of the committee on archieology and Otlir-aktny of the American Asso -eiatiou fur the Advinceninnt of Sci ence, man in the country is better able to investigate this marvel ous snbjt ar. , d mull correct conclu sions,, than he. He has pernlission to nedie a thorough - examination of the statue and its surroundings. His report will poegess gnat interest! Mr. Newell and his wife, Mr. New ell's father, and his wife's father, and other persons who were present when the statue was discovereil, have made affidavits setting forth fully the cir cumstances attending the discovery, their disavowalof all knowledge of how the 'statue came to be found, and their ignorance of any attempt to impose upon or de fraud the public. These statements cover the period since the Newell farm was c l eare d up, about forty years Sge, and are positive in the assertion that the statue could not have' been sur reptitiously placed where it was .found. palpable that - an impo sition of the character suspected could not have been perpetrated, except through the aid and connivance, of the several parties who make these affidavits. The statements now put forth under the solemnity and bind ing force of a legal oath, must be re ceived as conclusive. igt..Tne Lightning Express runoff the track near Susquehanna Depot• last week, while running at the rate of thirty-five miles an hour. No one was seriously injnrea. 4 1 00mbIP DUSSACIIIIBETTS: - 110100/4 from 224 toWni-fdota4) dinnlinbitustii These figures give elailin a iftiral ity di 5,223 over: In)th - Adams' and Chaiaberiabi,' and' indicate vittralc. iy of abent 12,003 in the total . vote So' far as known the — Legislature 'stands 141 - lrepnbablicans, '49 Demo eratCtind 19 Labor Reform; thetien ate, 'Bo'i ReptbliCsinii, `IY-Diaitokrats, nia '1 Taber *term. - 'lt 'is Cithilated • that the' lZone stands 75 for prohibition, and-123 for license.' ; ; CHIVAOO, Not. B.—Vecy few returns *gun the: State t have ,been: received, It-is generalli conceded that the Se publicans baits the -,Constitutional Convention .:- *,,.1a - mo majority. TlAty elti metobeyfs f in.ibe San gainon tdistqct. 1' 116 y cane i' the district composed-of Jackson and Williamson ccntnties, heretofore Dem ocratic.- - • ' ' WEST TntoisLt . WawaNo, Nov. nine counties in the t3tute giyo the following result for the Rouse of Del egatei; Republicans 15 Liberal Re publicans 9, Democrats 21. The. Senate will atnad . abent 18 Ileyublitaus to 4 Democrats., Eight of the liepublican genaturs -ate re garded as %Liberals. JERSEY NEWARK, N. J., Nor. 3.—The State election resulted in a Democratic mizjority iu both branches of the Leg islature. - The Senate - now stands, Dennicrats . 13, Republicans ti; Democratic ma jority o; a gait► 41. The Louse stands:, 'Democrats 83,; Republicans . 27. :The 'Democratic majority oa the joint, ballot, 11. Zvi sx' llor.-:-The' Republican inajorify will be frein seven torten thongand in Wisconsin. ' • s.A large convention foithe; re- - inoval of the National Capital assem bled-at St. Louis on the 20th. Hon, I. D. Caton, of Ottawa, was cluiseu 'President, All thri Western and ev oral of the SautheruState4 'were rep resented. Speeches were mach by Judge Caton, Garrett Davis, of - Ky., Gov. Gilpin, of Colorado, M. Turley, of lowa, Joha Hogan, of St. 14tih , ,, and. others. One enthusiastic oratOr pronounced " the United S;ates the centre of the world, the MississipPi Valley the centre of the Uni - ed States, and St. Louis the centre of - the val- ter,T.i.i* New lurk Dani?..T,,i° ,ii!t meratee, in R late article, 119. ,w.i.uta f the Democratic parV of the llnite tl States; among them it enumerates tilt, following Its wants :are not numerous, but severe It wards; brains. • It wantm It %lintel pluok. It wants unity of action It wants integrity of purpose. We very much fear that the m'ants above enumerated will remain to bel ' I wants of the Democratic party so long as it remains a political organization. itittrON Saturday last Governor Chamberlain, of Maine, appointed the Hon. Lot. M. 31orii11 United States Senator, to fill the 'varlancy-oc-. masioned by the death of Hon Wil iam Pitt Fessenden, whose term of service would have expired .March 3, 1871. This wilj be Mr. 1 I Morrill's third service as United Stales Sena-. tor, lie having been elected to till the vacancy caused •by ;the electioki Hannibal Hamlin to the Vice Presi dency in 1861, and re-elected in 1863. As last term expired on,March 3 of the present year. • When the new nib* Hotel of Leland Brothera, at Saratoga, is coin pleted, it 'will be e the largeSt !hotel iu the world. It will have a frontage of 1,950 in five stories high. It will be built of Lit*, and the building will be divided into nine coinpart 7 nients, almost fire proof It is to be finished and fttrnished,•ready for the reception of gnestS, by the Ist day of June next. • *irk: etuinent physician of New York reports that heinitc sent to the insane asylum, mince the bursting of the great gold bubble, no less than six men who were madficrazy by their losses. He also states, that there are quite a number of,persons Who ex hibit symptoms of madness, but not sufficient to ju , their confinement. It xvirild be a fin thino , for the inter eats of the coun if all concerned in this business weiV locked. up some where. f father, mother and caught by a fast • o of a' long; and acAiseu, 3fich. h stopped . Ttching- up the to run and jur'p. in the shalloW a . edmpe• death, while imsolf und children • u the beams beneath over. se -A family, two children, w • traiii On the mid,' narrow bridge,at I train could not and'the• father, dren, teld the • She did so, fallin. ter just in tune ti the man lowered through the ties.. as the train pass air Republi land for Six ye, inelnsive, nt an e i teen millions of the eitraordinsr In the two years racy tias A4nand: of iiikrl7 thel Bard financieki nix 148 , wive& and has P . m g overn ed 4ary from '6l to lifilboth . pease of only h• the war. succeeding, Donnie :red twelro millions peopir. Tt in that which Penni7lya froiii: hitherto; erul or iwthe future. • BLACKSM/TIIING ! - . • . . going atipsetod my mg tniciraisop, gale hay rtaidMiCe on lbilwatroet. lam now prepared to do EUft„.„ l ,n l xii iir dna - blaufbell,. enter attention paid splaur / riuic iiruf It ~' Uail - g spent many dhi bla community in tbit - buvinese, I trust inu liilt* - taitgoll/ LibliMatf My glielliVillt4 liber al amoun of the public ea . • ..; • . . • • , li ti ni§ilsWiti g. Towandii,. Nov. 3, 1839.41 HODIWOE,AND STCO I O, A • ffroni man TIN 'REIOP -4ATALiTIYING R F Das just rozsdimil 0 spppfy of COAL AND WOOD CtoinENO Brom. COAL AND t• *Dori mitntoercrnz szxrnsn O*UI. BASE BEOE9, BAIL sons, • mous niSoi inal l o ll 6Se is-Sitne. cons snlyrn, • Apple NAM'S, 'else* 'et Kell 'any Honao Telionansgoodft .:.; Et6PAIRND ANit 1011111,V,a 017' A I.4IVINDB of tht atoatapprotrodt styleat,tkautatahort natio. idll . kinds at tutlertivadasora. Minors, Cartientvs, Storkisulths, and Megan Makers' Toots: Mass, novae, itc(x)ra,,/cc. Olvo Mt! A I will ft. , 41 as cheap aa the etatapest .AitYstinstug. /ivy. 3. Te). , R: P. gtrtattt. DOR yoko , _of. working oattila..lyagta ,o 1,1„ one. or one. 1.110 year old, colts, will too BM it ittiythblei rates. Enquire otor address. • ( kV.). JicuTPLI , • TolraudeltwP• 0ct..14,18Z3.--4wl, BAKERY; AND: DINING ROOM! • Vlrat block nor& ol Ward Route. . . .. .B I RtAD, . PIES, CAK,F., &C., • • .. :• hakeddally end 'old at wholeiale and retail. We nee the best materials and out work to alivsys neatly done. Deadens are invited to examine our prices. PARTIII3. PIC NICI3. de. mulled at rea sonable rates on abort notice. In our • • Dttimia, . ROOMS we offer. eupedor inducemeata to all who waut either a lunch or a godd meal. Lidice ran Map' In and leily eillarg cap of Tea - tradiatuebed hy foam or rtardyisaa ALeala at all hand; of the day or rearing. OYSTERS an hand daring - their asisaa and rawead oat by thee dish or .acid in quantities to salt tif COIOT.CTIONEBT wo keep an assortment ealiello any In this part of the State. and sell at wholesale or mail. , . Mao a general assortmout of OTl,o(MtteBt PrlocA as law. as the lowest. - ToTwin, Oct. 26,'69 ,TRA.YEI): OR STOLEN : From LKJ the rrentigea of the undersigned, iniliteglumnin twp., on the 20th of October. 1062, a BLACK 31. ARE, ! about hi years old, with a whito spot on ono' ot the hind logs. Auk information inregard to said mare will be aultahly rewarded. Oct. 2d, 11369-4t.1 MICHAEL MALONEY. . OH YES ! OH YES !---.‘UCTION! 413 - 4, Lieutsed Aulaurtrer All calls promptly attendtat to told lauCatartliou guaranteed. Call or atldraaa, A. B. 3fox, Ntourocton. Bradforl t.onnty, In. " 0rt.26. 69. rw A.Np.t. COAL 'YARD. ANTILSACITE AND BLITI3IIN - 0178 COALS The untlerabyde having leased the Coil Yard and Dock at the old "Dares, lbudn." and poi completed a large Oval-bouve and Office upon the premises. arc now prepared to thud& the citizens niTOwanal and vicinity with the different kinds and steel; Of the above named coats upon the most reasonable ternia ih any quantity desired. Primo at'the Yard nntil further frothy, . rd zge Fsig t 4,,5G Q 0 firnin tktg .... 6, 0 011 Stow.. , ~.. „ 0 00 chestnut 330 " Lump, 4 00 • • , 11.srels•t • " Run of Ili nett.... ...., ... 6i.. 6 6 . 6 .... a 30 rLtie or Bleidismith.. .., ........ .. 11 00 The fulhmin3 additional charges will be made for delivering 11'.031 within the borongh litre to : Per T0n...50 Lxiiitt. Extra for carrying in, 50 ceuts tiolf Ton ..33 Qr. Ton.. . t l.- Or.lera am be left at the Ya-d, enru-r of 41231- road and E'Jzabeth Strents, nr at H. C. Po&si's Drag wt.. Orders nattlt in ell ,asee be amorai....ied with the cask, WARD h. DIYEN. Tmmol, s'p,. isal.,tr. ~Iit!-3T TIPNALI3:\N- Ii OF TOWANDA Ctp,i ti Sr cFiND This Batik orkra UNCSUAL FA , ,;LLITIES,foir tLu t+atuusd:on Ora GENERAL BANKING B USINESS. INTERWT PAID ON DEPOSITS A.C4:OIIDINO. TO AGREEIIM:T bricuLa. CARE. lIZTIP:If Pi THE. COLLIXTUM UT NOXICI ARD Parties niahing to SZND . 1110EY to an/ part of the E utted States, England, Ireland, 8.:4413nd, or the prin cipal titles and towns c: Elope, eau_ here procure drafts for that purpose. PASSAGE' TICKETS To or farm the old couhtry, by beet eteanter NO. log Ilnee. alwaya on two: FAMILIth 1132017G11T oYEB aT alrliCED Highest I ice pesittjhe U.S Bon - de, Call and Jileer:s7l E. H. SMITH. President. N. N. BETTS, Jai: Towanda, Juno 24, 1822. • Caabler. T OBACCO AND.CIGARS . I Theitnalers.+-ned !lava ewtal;Ralletl a STEAM . 7'O.IIACCO FaC TnR TOWAIDA Oh Ittsin Sta , c!lielor Bridge Stroll, • irbOrll they are manufacturing all kinds of CUT TOBACCO AND CIUABS WI they qfrer to the trade at WHOLESALE PRICES That - cannot 11,311.4*N. Well-mild most respectlntly solicit s caU trau the dealers throughout Northern Pennsylvania to au niandnation of OCR STOCK 'IND PRICEY! Our Totisaso is iiiatinfccturcil from the Ucrt KENTU.CK I Y AND . VIRGINIA Stock•that tini be prWured in tho market. Olson' a try. This ia Ghouls enterprise, and will suocend with a liberal dispdsition of the trade to support boles manufactory.- ' MEANS k Pkl7l'in, Jima 4. 1858—tf. . 157 Male-at, Towanda, Pa, GROCERY, PROVISION AND FMB t erron E. JOHN MMIIDETH, Olen Street first doer loath of the Itallroval Iroaia Wei MiPeCtraUX invite the attention of the public ta hie large and well ticketed Meek of GitOCERIES AND PROVIS I ONS, Mach he to rolling to nuit the timer. and parser of all. Re bee air° opened a splendid FEED STORE, Which la well situated to supply the 013.141 and Ba r : cby and region at all thnes. Ile keeps canstantly on hand • large stocker - ' • TEAS, COFFEES,- SUGARS, MOLASSES. • - ' FLOUR, EU TTEIV pont . &c., - Which bean aelhni amp fee cash. 4 GOODSJIMINTIAMdIit Tab 73F1 Van EH= . 1 OE iItAMOE. , The citizens of Ibrireks and 01 ty mat plow accept my thanks for Weir very li "potroaage for the but bhp plan.; And we promise, th their Imes ; Alum, to improve eme - ,. opportunity. enlarge ear .ImainesS, so as to,rcruct satialhctlon to oIL Call and see us spin. ' :OWN MEILIMETTE . TcnWritilik Sttly, 10: SM. ; ',. . ' I NonCt--APj,: i . ; rseiLa aie cantiop •ed not to Mgr*. to for any Ole • fblieneteng , natea. lost by tho and •th:gtrit during the mongi_ot Jelly. in Albany townsAp : Ono note 'Wrist Oen. 'Very. for $42, ghee Um middle of Juno : one ailaix 41 John Teeter, I.:: 112, given the 15th-of Jun% and o n e against E, Bailey yid = Beal; foe given! abont Jnly Int r duo in 30 dayn.. .MI4II - 1~. Sept. 111.• Ye, l -3t• • CHAS. I. TERRI.. VON SALE- YOKE OF OXEN, seven years 01. large tut, well inatclol, aradeetrable to every teageet either for farming et Inuftwrtng. Mao a ;Air of Coita, two years old lama Spring. Reasonablt r • will be given. Can be peen at Davidßattra. 'at North Tawaritla. Inquire of lam Rutty or E. T. Fog. tiept 11.,1861—tt 2t.72n.;••lv!sSm t . •• AWE - ' May 2e. FRUIT OF ALT. GROCFAtTES AND t En 4 j:er . of STOCK 'pp Voo'ol%l NEW FALL di WINTER rOIXODW Romintruktr; c*otwii!ii4 Haar reoetral, and ia.lousrlusty, ntici' *mow. a 1.-go ; CLOTHING . GENTS . FURNISHING: GOODS, Couitatlna . of ; , ? 4 `,.‘ Braadtioth, Camintere, all yt Old leketiihrhilahil tq , !hi latest style, which will beaOld tildocQ3ytiras. '1 a% aloe colving the largest stocit of tc.1,1 fug Mon and Bopp" wear. Cid 4. e s t AL E. ROSENFIAD'S '• _. and convince yourself of the fact, - that you eau get goods cheaper; and. u represented. I also rail the attention of the •pribli' to ow 'leek of t3sure Fur nishing Goods, mush sa- CABBIMERX9, Trofinsx . 1 (111.1141.1.:. • J . SUIRTS, tili .. - • • • Cordar Jackets. Gloves, Theo, Saspetklart;arstl Col. 14-s, a:lin the lat•vit ni71•03. • I.IA TS, (ft.. CATO mg &eat lig** Trardhseltig elsewhere. - M. E. itosnsvrELD, 14 4 . w York Cllothlsig Bazaar. No. ill main stnaat, op postlto Powells.-Tommda, Pa. 0de,1360 NEW FALL NUNTER GOOD§ A. I;ETTES Ai CO. nro now revolving a treyb 'supply or' FALL AND WINTER GOODS capeclal:y adapted to ttda faarket; caneiNtinf: W part of a general line of ircteh so • BROWN tti. BLEACHED 1.1.%-iLIN; D. W. SCOTT & CO. DRESS .GOODS & TRLILUINGSr FLANNIa.B, ZEPHYR 'WORSTED , . Hoxiery, Glorert; Notions, whiel wa offt.7 at the• Inwert rulr.ket ;sei•-es AIA. A general lino of HAIR GOODS, WWII as HEAL T AND IMITATION HAIR SWITCHES, OUR 3IILLENTERY DEPARTUENT ts. Whit replenlelatta with a largo stock of the lateet styles of • HATS AND. BONNETS 1 • FOE 711 E • , • FALL Aa'D WINTER TR IDE, Togr•thttr w‘th a fan a.ecortoient of the lethat atyles of 111D13ONS, and a general lint of T.1:111.11.ZIOS. .11aving in our employ first-clam Sul tasty 311ELLINT.115. we flatter ourselves that we can furnish the trade gouda in that line that will please all who favor us with their pat. ronage..l 11. A. PIiTTES 5: CO. • Towanda. Oct. 11. WHERE T(.2 FTND LITABER CETAING, FLOORING, SIDING .$125,0(10. 40,110(), tiLAZED 81,q1, WINDOM' ANI) DOOR FRAMES, ~.~~ u.A\TCi. "9ELCES. FENCE RAILS. POSTS, PICKETS; conNiejli En.utt, 131 SE CORNICE, !"REIZE, SHINGLES • FACED LIMBER. "RILL TINTDEN, ROOF BOARDS, &C., &C., &C., MIO LT7 BEJt WAREH WISE, OPPOSITE 11ETiLODM CHURCH, ToWANDA N. 13.—Job Woik itromptly done Towanda; July 15, 1889. • ' MOST SUCCESSFUL LIFE T . INSITRANC.E COMT2eNY OF TILE WORLD, LIFE; 1.18 N c C0.M.1"..1.ATY; Cask Capital, - -.- Cr x 1 ti. CLAIM. Plantelphio, President. JAI" Coons. Philadelphia, Chairman Pinanso and Xitontise Committee.,, limar D.. Coast, Washington, Vice-Pile l Meta. 1.11/".R.S4IN 71 . . Pare. PliSedelphia. Secretary and Actuary: ' i 1 I I raasclr; G. ibarret. M. ).. Plilladelpida. Medical Director. I ' ~ This enreptuy lune& In the fleet you of ite'esle• WM. . • 7,07.0 POLICIES, Insnriug over 19,250,000,000. Tlic amid icemtumn upon which amount to ovor $750,0011,099: WTHE NATIO Are WS INSURANCE COMPAN Y Cif the United tea ut America. affords unoquallod security to Its uoi 'holdout.'and c :r to all the . .savaabgectspetrod by otbor Coatis:do With several peculiar to itself. Its wonderftll en proves it to 'be the 'mod popular Life Insurance Corapany in the ,vratidoetth. the yobbo ;Lowell as with agents: i . , , - a ; APidim- Koss fOr bruin' anis Orifor A.: , •,i• • .- lit ba Mida to this poin i patty ( ',wt., orbs tt, a • • : ' 1 NS south 9d Strad, 'llills. General Monts for ..".,, and Southern" New .yonter. S. /lUSSILL, Manager. Y. C. MASON. Towanda.. octl4 . ~,Agents for Bradford -ArACI.EREL, .CODFISH, BLUB IL Fish, Mackinaw Trout, Clawea, Pickled and Smoked EiMOW Haliter!, and Dried Boat et , k KEEL/1111. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC rriiikß of Nil t .•• • • mom at May 20, P. R. niacin. NEW STO ()MEM k Vrat VIDUR .rLO.. Or AL. 511 '!e• tit . • !Ir„ .urr pr t • ct;:ifr.!.4 New Advertbethontg. EMI Ileacee, aiid"7lui~iJ~ i n";S%t ib+; O V E le.0:0 etti:ilrimgific4s market. • irsns, f . DOMESTIC GOODS plinrrs, DELANES ROLLS, CRAWS, afforiams, Siktill, D!)oltti, IiT.INIPS MEI wATE:I/ (4EO. CASH'S 1141X.STIMET. riff: NATIO7VNL 1113E13 UNITED ST4TEA OF l . 'haiYrnvl by fiptx:ial Act: at Ctmifroes ttn:uccii - Ptnzabsx.rat 01'1711,4MS AND .• eATOBIL Advorthemetts. N E W Fitt 1.:l ND WINTER troops, ii;c4-441ed ad SOnembei 27, I$G2. _ . . ' • • - 41 or' 2 ' • • •••. g - - . - CI W H .. C: • 07 - :,4 ' - U- ti - • . 6 4 ... ..-: . t..... o -.... .„. .- ~ • C' 4 " ' .c.) .- - 4.• . . . kl - !,''. . , ••; 3 1- I - • b... - 1i.,,A • . . 101 ...e, ~... ... :.." . , Ado ••••1 ^•••* X • 4 -.I C:, 0 . • •••• 04 z• / . ..: . q ' F.., 2 • ' :.1: ,-,,,,. . - 4: / ' • ...4 • ; 5/ ' • o% - - es . b•-; • ,P • -1 • - t,.. / • -'X .. .i . .... :.4 g :7-) "& - 4' , -.. • ,- t i P - • - NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! TRACY- A; 11--0 OWE Itevr and rantiful 'style4 of FALL AND WINTEI DRESS. GOODS, TRACT S; 7.1 0 0 R_E!B :-.1 Splendid tu-w OIL CLOTHS CROCRERY .AND GLASSWARE, HATiSkt7CAPS BOOTS AND SHOES; TRACY & MOORE'S HOOP SKIRTS, BALIIOIZELS, HOSIERY, Aud everything in tho line, just opened. Towaucto. Sept. 28;1859 CBMRAL EXPRESS, We Ual'e extended our lioes through to‘*averly N.Y ; . and aro now prepared to receive and forward tuoury and rncret,andlae, ant collect notes, drafts, checks, 4ke., with hisiw.tch znd st low rates We run careful and experienced inoweugera /Aro, between Philadelphia and New Yoricand dally; except Snndaya. huntrtng quic.k time said p t delivery.. SPECIAL RATES will be allowed regular ship. pen. 'of Butter and Eg ;s, and . particular attention given their rery in Philadelphia and .liew York. ED.W. E. PARK, Abe. Supt. General Office-320 Chestnut SL, Phlladelplint, $1,000,000. t. 23. 1169 SOUTH SIDE OF MERCUR'S wee• macs) - SIGN OF THE 1320 HAT ! I • CLON - N EY IS; .113SBItY , FAS 1110N.ABLE 1111ATT'ERS LADIES' BUFFALO AND FANCY. BODES, RfiLOVES, USIBItkI .If . N .*: IT. i -I EltrEC FLY urea: rr• rrhr I r CLARK'S ' , AMERICAN HAT CONFORMER, Towanda. Pa., Oct. 18; 1848 TOWiNDA MEAT MARItET orsrErs, F 1 11 AND, CLA.Ne,t The •üb•cribeis curqtantly rr , baud • 'NU stock a OYSTEUS, ;nail CLA;trz, at wholowde and retail where ill partiotcan he sup plied at reasonable rates. Also w tnll stock of Bleats connoting of • r POBY:3EUTTON. LAMM, SAUSAGE. ITEADCIIRENT6 BOLCKVSA, TALLOW. LARK, kc. Italica l omneraouth of Na l rd . Howse, Mahi•at. Towanda. Pa. 5ep21,67-9ni an , ZA IV, 0 & uy,y. AT THE . : STOVE OF Jriitreceived at c . A ItPETS, DOOR MITS, &C. &C.! JUKV rvivive4l'e,t YANKEE NOTIONS, AT -TILE - STORE OF TRACY A: )lOORE 122 3Lainlat JOHN Supt Awl dealer. fu ,AND • GENTS' 177 RS, Eut• • •liAti _Cteir Peinti) mis 3 BRAUN]) CO '':-:,: - . ,-,-3te*:-:.itilor;ilOmiwas. JI'LE" livol;cn(IN JEWELLER SILVERSJUTII, • Ol* door north of • MERCCR'S .tit; akiix , TO WA:AIm. Li ikAln• in J T EL fy, Of a!! deseriptfuns - • .. „ , i . j FINE SWISS W .L . CHES, • i . . . . 1 AMEIIICAIg WATCHES, - .., - , GOLD CHAINS cthelus of V 11 1 .7 style, from ttut - cheapest li, ti.,, •boa.t. / ' , • .• - - ~ • . ~ - - • . A LA.I2(kE ASSOSIXENT•OI , • / /-. S 1"14 C 7' A •C L E 8 , FOIL ALL AGE& EEPAIRING NEATLY AND EIPEDIOUNLY Dol; AT /LZABONAULT EATM, TOlrandik• lA* 16, 184 . .LATEST iND BEST ! TIIE A:IIEIRIGANB UTTON lIQLE 0 VERSE.I.ViNG AND 81:1VI.VG,,MACIIINB. Sold by CALKINS k BAUDER Nett- • n{_s New Block, Tocranhs, Pa Tani uecatxr, ,- , rathicew A) the gwid qual:t of all other firal-elasss so.aelduca.. doing with rarddity and eleganc,, STI('ILING ItYMILING F'k LUN TILCKINO, CORDNG, intuDrm, QUILTING, besides doing dtfferent kinds Of wort that other ; L a chines cannot do, knell as nuking better BUTTON HOLES, than (1111 be made by hand, at the rate of four yet . nte: and over.ieaming, or sewing over and avez. w . ich by many la considered of more 'value than 'ea n malting buttonholes. Don't tail to on thin , • before parcluming. We desire all to we and try it, and are willing to_let the case rest on it. 01,1111 merits. Every 3faeldne warranted to give cu. bre hatisfac atop. CALEDIS k BARBER. Agents for Bradford county Wab-agents wanted in each town. Towanda. Aug. 24, 188k-3ut CARPETS! CARPETS POWELT & co Having largly incresed their facilities kir exhibiting their goods in this line. and are nor maestries tar the FALL AND WINTER TEiDE. tut Wurti'extettaive 2;4 BETTER •SSORTED STUCK C-1111'ETI1VG,S, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, MATTING:S, DRUGGETS. DEM Than they hare before offere4l. They respectfully invite attention of the iiublk to this department of their busbies*, and pledge them irleeo that thole goods shift atoms be sold at the • - .t.owiwr mum Plllo£B March 33, 1869:—U .B T.. 1003;) &COO Still continue to manufacture their celebrated HORSE POWERS & CLEANER.S. and will sell a better machine, for less money thee can be had elsewhere in the worlj, r tre claim toe our machines that they war" do as much, or mere than any other, and are more durably built W personally superintend our work • and ice . that it is well down. We will send • DISCRIPTIVE CAT.II,OGUE.S. of our machines. on application. ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS. One d; Try> Horse THRESHER f SEPERAPPP• THRESHER and CLEANERS, F :INNING MILLS, • 2 CIRCULAR AND ORA? RAW =ALA, ,SANY AND GRIST MILL ;work done to Ora... Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. 'Yd "00 aaoaavaa `SN'ARLY ='Oo T 0 0 - Aug. Y. 15t9. G REAT BARGAINS IN - 33ooirs*slic:;m's I= NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE _ B,;uth cud of Ward How* The undersigued are recieving a large and era lected stock of BOOT'S AN . D SHOES Suitable for the SUMMES AND FALL TRADE, WhiA we offer low fur Witt. .consistlng of I . GE;\ TS LADIES AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. SE {4 ED AND PEGGED BOOTS lIADE TO ORDER .ItEPAIRING DO2cl, AND READY WILES MIMED Inlankful for past favors, vr solleit a continasscs . Of th:^same. wooproati. z!- T wand,' April 5, 1/469 II GATHERL'iti, AND BEIVIN4i.o.N. 31ISSES 01L.SVIT Y. MARI