•. =7,: 3 =-othahs'lusi tin t ' n4.eadatits of - • : Oniy‘n'the . - - • - ,r ; .1 - - -Frost has been gene:rafthrough out Georgia. . —A itinable silver• minus beau Aiscarozidin.4.exascky. —Land in Alabama: lhaai•advarieed 103 paypont. in tiro yepxs. • :•—A. newl,y-inadci baronekitEtig land, is known as Sir .Titus Slit. 1 - ' • —Ohin4se teEils'sold iris Alio - bin* sa sore ware for chil 0 ls, ' - I • •:••‘ ' • —Atlanta, Oa.,- luts been allnoi onttrely rebdilt Shift tholter. • - -The lowa Quakers have entered the Tefatin field itgust tobt4oo.' . ~ Eifility..ibeaWiraie been de.: aimed by are in ,ilme - rici and Europe since 1768.' _ 1 —The. &iliac= .ctop in / Spence!, Wa-vic and Dubois einitios. ladisaa, 13, Oot- • —A - colony of 'tvitintY , as s ao2tt setts fail: alai have seiti out agentetollittemeioti to purc4ass lan& —Madison, =be health.* plazn nut single itileriumg Kok platio iLizoin4Yweok. lowa girl, • supposed td hash be,2 dead, Rsa rostorod i branAPPlkOna of f galvanjF batted.o. —Two' young men both took out a 1t0:m.41 to-many' the same Nelquakate, lowa. --Sister Celia. Superior of.. hhe Sihters of Prolidonco atlndianspolit, is, also i sfiitvr of Gen. BanlL —lu exporting. liyiz g 034 . tia,4l. J4pane‘e wrap tfie roots in zarxtura of 0 and cirrotagrounii,t9gethar.' , .=-The 'Hon.'. 'dohn. 11.--lielpna,. oX Tern., Peatniester-Ganbral of the late 1 bag Jotted the Methodist Chunk.; ", • . k • —Two of Gen. ..lintler's children . r•bikti from New York • lbr Etirope 'on SatordaY p shil will bo educated in Germany. —They have fat.men's race - •in Montana. Coh daimon,: also htradred ant 2 thirty it. milder, took s prin • tko othes day. • .1•:1 • —Father Hyaninthe; npou ma ar rival in Ei)stcm, will reselve a ribliti .walciona from a pal-trot EyangaliOackrigyvtan. —lt is i intimated that there is s large treaatrr of gold - and stherinuiottlti#4 5 -abeam of ttio town of .)lindon, A.L.- • . . —The Empress Eugenie, when traveling en ilia sob, wears • Roanliar •kital'of cmif.,tra, resembling b a faisieruno way that of a naval Oleo. —The sheriff. his deputy and the district clerk at Victoria, Texas, aro all =dee arrest, charged .with the release of a prisoner trie.lt,g. murder, - ' I . —Near Paaucah, Ky., there *xi immense deposit of clay onitable for tho facture' of do:low : aro. which is shipped to fit. Lou!" and einritusti. —The Sultan has dismisse4' hie Seen:tan. of the Treaaary beeanso that consa entionalanetioaary &anal tf),inplty himirith Ilieleat pock& money. Califontia priblimh•t_p told Mark Twain, when Lu wroto his , first article, that ho hadn't brains enough to a node going straight in it ten acre lot. ,In undertaker :raring ainut - ini , nt4 to let pobitell his La!, ni) Pe the cAltns is the window; announcing, "1. lig t rnp for tinlVe gentlenien.". (Hone cigat: Gogg i the Lunen tAhle Immte of a lady who diwn-Ltaad on the 'emanci pation -a her ex hew victr,ro Hugo' and ollit.rs, at the reeaut pc..ev macting at (I,•ttava: • —A. young man in Elkton, Nary-, land, Murdered a negro. The jurythought it "aa unfortunate eau.," and &matted tha psis: °n o r on account of his previous **tractor. --A Negro_ woman in Cynthiana, was seized with a pain in her thumb which greatly and caused death on tho follow ing evening, It is said to have been infltniama t,my.rliganuktism.. —A quarry of the highest quality ui itthoJraphic stone has jut boon dlaco'nned' apon a farm five miloatrom St. Louis. Litho= grorhers prononncoit eqnnl to ,the col°, bratelSamisn atono. —A Berlin antiquary claims 4) hvre reteical the coffin in which Juliet WU buried at Verona, and recently gave a party, 'aim+ NAksPeare'a pL y traaread overtheitlleg ed r‘atailis of Rococo's inamorata. citizen. of Belvidere, 111., , pne io.,rning last week, discovered a skunk in his rtotry, lying asleep on the floor. He procured some eliliroform, dragged the animal, and re tuorod him without didiculty. • —The British 'Dialectical Society hits given up • spiritual inctottigakion, and puts forth a book in which it is urged thst no finuly shall contain more thin throe children; if more come, the =cells tabonmrdered. ,—New Eitimpshire N . slll yoto on the question of eatablishlng a State pOlkie oirthe 9th of November. The tentritz people of Stato ire holding peelings, • to create a public sentiment m pf slac a force. —kocur in Dunkirk, N. Y.,Teoent ly presented ita owner with two spotted nehmen, au exaotly alike in site, shape and the diatribn bon of eelore—whito and red--as abaolutel7 to be undiatingniahable from each nttiOn; —M. Barbey 4rAuxisTille }sites liie "onpv" for the printers In' ink'orvationi colors. Oro line is blank then its a line hi bine, and green, red and violet follow in order. The,esp nal lettere are written in ink of a special color. —lt is now the.' custowin.France, among the country gentlemen, in seuduig invi tations to their friends to ;visit there, Ili their chateaus, to state not onty the day when the vi,dterii are to' cclne but the • length of time they are expected to stay. —The Ban &or Whig. ► - says. that within the city of Portland, •Meaudit *lnuit of ten wiles around it, , there a about twenty brick yanle, , which produce shoat 20,000,000 'bricks per year. Thoy 'aro all operated in the old-Snahicuaed way r except .the steam work, at Strotaivater. • • —At a short diStauce -from Rilra+ drllt•sa an immense natural grotto, .entirely tilled with stalactite columns Of greabbeauty, has just boos tlisoorerod •by some English miners. Famines °Mond hi different direoUms for more than a league. Tourista 'declare Ibis cavern to be ono of the meet biesutiftd hi thi --4 he Democratic nominee for sheriff in Pond du Lao made the fonewhigic ceptation speech: Gentltmen--I haw served you as Olean' one term. I regard this nomina tion as an imdonsoment of my °Metal sandurt. I cannot make *peach or preach, but,when this convention is over wo will all go down to Itnpp's and take a driftL" —Gen: Toombi, recently reported at the point of death, was at last accounts try ing eases before the Superior post of HUI* eock county, Gs. • —Mr. David' Thompson, a well known grape grower of New - York, tuts calkd a now and delicious varlet of the vine the lion. Horace Greeleyl3. - L r —TII6 'salutiticut,. "How do7ol] do really means, " How do yen 'Wrise the, stniond "do* being really the obsolete Baran ord "dew," meaning to thrive. • —An editor in 'New Jersey brinks trelhiquentinticnliors ;to -his (make by 'raking obituary notices of when they have paid up arrears, ho contradicts thezePork of tlosedea by saying they were only "dead twabi.." - Lk Wisconsin paper alleges .that thei Keret nt tbn *moms oUChicago fieinipaPer4 lies in the tact that . every man, and woman in the town takes 010.1`f paper, tor tear a divorto imito in 'which they are interestodteayboymb-1. halted and they not find it out. - - •L• ! —William Beach IlaWienee; was in in:lanced at tho Bristol enteibn; of the Btitish . tiiocio Science Congress, -received' public COW, reinentefrom the presiding officer and from; die Stsffardliorthcote on his ascent edition of Wheattoes Internatiored Lww. • • —A majority of the Chinese 'wa Mutt who now arri ve at San Friinciscei are the t mu already established in the State. and 'bring-with them their children and house holdgoods, and settle dowti 'with their hns bands to, an liceesl • The Boston thitintal says that one Of the , ending. pOttslot-NowEtufbred do. rives Invite Income from a gravel vannwhieb he nem& then lie doe% trim id; literary prodno t ow. It Irrnkf bo interesting to know how math ho derive. from the "gravel bark.'• . ' —Catharine Beecher, the okkit of the race, is 112 ream cAd. she was betrothed ksty ykr yttrrik i'ery bawd vro:rog seborar, who is still reasoiribsted—Prof. %Ow, of Tide College: And he havitig beret• lott yes, Nits • lietthor Terrott..ed *high , an her Ufe. The Graed Jery, now in musical at ric wfmrgh , have iixlittml Warm Irenoreolor *to torir4Al rf Atotillttpt RoUot, of Port /ink, . it I ; tport R. 0. GOODRICH. Towanda, Thttraday, Oot, 28 THE LEGISLATURE AND IT ANTS. ':l7/ The followin i k article w i lkieh in the Harrisburg Telegraph of Ne L rwmalte...cpSains,sa 4anc4.sound '!sense that nrq transfer it Mire t c . our '171 . ;'` . 1".....r..4 • - • ::Colt111112.13: "The 'victorious - Republicans all over tlikifiete,/while execrating the enmity of those 4 leaf *publican journals which damned orir„tioiet; with faint praise, ure lkisd and ;earnestiin cortmendrl tion of such neiripapers as stood up -4031101 W-the 'wort - 'of' defending the . priAcil4el an , a ,our nob* Oiey'of‘ party, and in fear/pas deonunciation of the villanies of the oppositiou'r ,Con-• ipieuerni in. honor , for• - ,having done 11`'StitiidIttoS str- Pleir Inn antr. 4o • a • bu, . Pittsburg Gazette ! *A4iFctED I Rri s commi. the Tiog4 .elgiteko, ithinaiVest 'Chester , Rcpublia. an; the *Beaver - Ruelicalii and many . Otttetii throughont'theState.;,,:' `,`That' the mere perl'opnance of a' clay 1 'sliguld forth eutinalunUi world; under ordinary eircAnustanees ? seem surprising; but when •we '' > member the large nunil4 of tiiaitorii in oiir 'canip who control the columns of journals, nominally Republican; and contemplate their treasowto oar pinky in', the 'late desperate work - the' praise Which honest comi mande is high indeed, and should be, given with an unsparing hand. _"But while we'• applaud *hat .htli• been nobly . (unti,,the hiiyeitt *add fairini tln RiOwliackers of the ReptNican press who , ,curse oui ranks with their 'Presence.- Their mode of fighting' ,if Toss,ible t more'dishonorable 4hen their Mere opPosition. to.; otq . party. ,To assail the candidate for ,Goveinot or' Su preme Judge would,noibe , tolerated for an instant, And their cowardly in stinct WarirS'thein' lgaiiist any Piglit winch bring face to . danger. ..They 'therefore seek . out some point of assault when- an inn. personal 'opposition may be indulged and so escape the cowl:hides out' rage eondidates and the condemna tion of the party, -in pursuance of this plan: the Leg-, islature has beenthe - one - object of, vituperatiOn and abuse . ; Flil - re are ono hundred and thirty-three people assailed, and no one of the number, feels called on to resent' the outrage., That this is , a Buie dodge' thin , ha shown; raul. , saieV'is all theSe era d e sire The diatribes against the Legislature carefully avoid names or acts: They as carefully avoid ex-. onerating any of the body rho are above, suspicion of, wrong doing. And thus the noun of multitude cov ers a mandeld wrong without secur ing n single •reform, by abusing en ma - we. WWI "gamy member or number of mem bers of the Legislature are deserving of public chatitisenient, let them suf fer; I:outlet the Punishment fall upon the . guilty. and 14, the nplight be vin dicated. No one is capable of defend ing so vague anti 'irresponsible a charge as this against a whole delib erative body; tuid,.seeing the coyness of these assailants in Cobain't?, to the point of itemisation, we propose to say a few words concerning-the good which the much abused Republican Legislatures of the past few years have done to this State. "A supereerviceable zeal for the Candidates whom. they. dare not at tack--by which, theSe Bushwhackers Manage to retain their place in our . pe&ty:—has Made it the fashion to at tribute : to •the exeetitive off:were elect ed•-by the people and • chosen by the Legislature, the entire honor . 'of ,our wise, adminstration of the affairs of the Stat'. Our debt is beingraPialY red and : and We Are hart doTie hear: ing ths L under the administration of Caroms and GEARY, and by the sa gacity of Iswrs; and'Akcs4 this good result is being Obtained- Very well. We have no wish to dettectirom the credit due to any good officer, but 'wecatinot endure' that the I, 's.t of these should be."dressed in borrow ed robes." Take par present admin. , istratum for - example.; clev. GEARy is an itinight min. Geri: Harritsir is incorruptible, . 4r. AfACitiv more fiisancial ability than any form at State Treasurer, and to this extent they are admirable exective' officers. Each is entitled to full, praise, and wel:terebi bear ultneas to their faith fulness ' and: ability. But"we also claim that their very litotes for the 'places they fill ,so will are lint .proof of the wisdoni of 419 Peoplein select ing Qum and HAirruturr, and of the Legislature in. 'choosing Mammy to administer their trUstii. ' "The 'Legislature - of Pennsylvania, with ;all; the, dirt flung 'Ton - them, levy the taxes through ehich we de• rive our income... l They make the ap propriations which carry on our GOT lreep tie outlay within theinc'onle-largely, and they order,thatthe.surplua shell be appli sed-Ao the-'exttnctitin 'Of the debt. GLUM antsprize tl;st collection of a dolla%' e=cept,i>l 5 ;44( v tp the law. which Abe have Raly3oll.- Hserearirr*ntilaitt!crify to order the payment . of a dOlEvi havenet appropriated. 3Lesini dare not.fiiii out a*t they ' arena. au thorised.- And the who: , a three are bound, by the sopremP thoritY of the Legildature, to apply he hiillance to'the r paymentOf the b' te debt. in exact conformity with ti4J. law :-they have laid doivn. Not one 'of these Rafthwhackers has the hardihoixi te, deny these factS, nor the ho tarty to Publish this arti cle. licit the people may see at a glance tLs the abase besPed on 'the Le~tre of PermaylVania Uenq9- EDITORS 8. W. A iy-defittea- , the party- unionized conspiracy against the ballot box:" That highe4 prerop tire of the citizen, which ..Eneentee • freeman's will As lightning dies the will of God. in the elttimation of the moderaDem ocrat, has no sac,rednesti, .andis look ed upon - only ns the ,means bY 'which offices are to be Bemired' To heep the.ballet-bes pure and initiollthlti r no Concern of , the Democracy. It seems if the first ,thoughts, and the l `most strenuous laborie of the leade7 of that party were given to the Means by which Meet votes can, lie " and fraudulent returns mannfactrir ed. In the city of New York this rascality has reached'a point almost incredible.. The leaders of the 1 4 4 . 3 43 4 ' who in that city control all lriihrichee -1•of its governiakent i . who take Mugge. of the lialletliokea, ormrnipnliteth rretarns, can give for the Democrati c candidstes as' huge majoritiesas they, deem expedient or necessary: , It" i 1 corteeded 14 1 411 fafr initidedSsen that the majority . given in that - Stete .fer Democracy, fa .fro th , fraudulent votes cast in the city... • We were faetetlrifting to It sibitai condition - of things 'in Penneylvarria, • ~ • and but foi the... Registry law of last winter, ;Philadelphia ; .would have shown at the. late :election, .majority enough' for P . p.erate • to have secured his' election :_ ''And more; could' the Derneeracy. but isiesre the 4tate GOT, erementr. and • the .I.egisiatune, the they would: sweep away all the *habi t deb to illegal voting, 'and Philadel l phis Weald rival' New York - in,. the character and extent of her ketion frauds. The people •of the ,country may well congratulate themselves upon their narroW escape from the, first step towards , such 5 clis cm ter, se cured by the election of Repribliean governor and Supreme Judge. The late eleetiom has demonstrated the necessity, and efficiency of such a law, and we litipti that emningleglelaturtla will emend it, if it neet.l. - i'Amendmenq so,. as, to make its • provisions still -more efficient in preserving the purl tty Of.the ballot-box. ' - The Conspiray of the Democracy • ~ appear's not only in the maunfectur Aug of, • coffee-eelered Ufttliidintion papere, but in opposition tot every proposed Measure which is calculated to make a fair and free eqpression - of popular will at the polls. Whenever a measure is proposed calculated to prevent illegal voting, the Democra cy, as represented by their leaders and legislators, universally and unan imously array themselves against it. They have no confidence in the free, honest, untrammeled voice of the people. Their forte is in stuffing the ballet-bosee, end Nalkillactu.ring 911e gal returns. • They declaim against the obstacles which are put in the way of unlawful voting, and ,cry' out against the checks enacted topreverit frauds. The party . etittulti,tseli-con 7 deemed from this persistent opprd-; tion to all measures proposed to preserve the elective, franehiie from' knavery and corruption. • The Harrishime -Patrfel geoa even further in its conspiracy against the ballot-box. In the chagrin and appointment of defeat it . proclaims the necessity and propriety of anoth er Beck . hot War! ,That is , defeated at the polls it conesele ftilislance to the will of the Majority, force. This, though it may be the wildirriv lugs of a lunatic,, is notable as being an indication how little regard the Democracy has for the pot:Attar or how little respect for law and or der. Theleaders of that party would set aside the popular verdict, because it was not rendered in their favOr, by invoking the aid of desperate. men. They would pliihge the Commonn wealth-into all the , horrors of civil war, to prevent the - inauguration of a 6overnor, chosen by the people! Don't get . alarmed, clear reader. There isn't, the..slightest danger of such desperate counsels being marri ed into 'effect. oov. Geuu 'will . again take the , oath of office, with the usual civil and military display, and make as good a Governor for his 'sec ond term, as he has for three, years prst t Shoirld his life be spared te . the State, But the hara.suggestiee, with reference to the exciting time known as the Buckshot-war, shows the ani-, mes of the writer, and bevy Willing he would be to let loose the tad Men, whose - illegal practices so materially swell the Democratic vote.' .. • _ —The allusion of our Itarribiaerg botemporary to the Buckshot, war of 1839, calls up the history of, that memorable incident, which fora time threatened the most serious conse-. quenees. The;contest for Governor, in 1839 wa,s between JOSEPH BrrNEB,, who was: lected in 1835, and DAVID R. PORTER. The deepest passions of the Commonwealth were aroused by a series of issues of momentous Inv ! portance. The Democracy,, defeated in 1835 by their diesensions,'were in- . tens ely •auxiona to regain theirivont- ascei, 'ency. The Masons Were eager to r.renge what they .deenied unjust oppression: Reformers de.l desired to secure a' fair teat, for the r. 7 !led leetirres of the near Constitu 7 'and to tairify,- t i he . ebiatow. Questions connected with, the men agement of the public 'Works, the free 'school system; rind thell3nited Stites Bank, added hide* • 4citementy to the conllict;and ris the candis dates for Goveruor.had been subject,- ed to scurrilous and vituperative 'personal attach of every description. no *monk was w4t.tiNc, to awaken Must Pees the Bnal Milf_depensict upon the official count of the returns, and this was surrountlgti*ith &UM' by the contesting &thus of rival Can didates for the LegislatereW! al!3JPhi!': lie . Democratic applicents part* 'would gain - control Of 'the Howse, p,* by their rejection -the, would retain ' Peel ing ran so high that for it organizations were ' 7: 7 claiming. to be legal. of these difficulties the, littiladekkh4 Democracy sent to Harri 4 sbureltnit; delegations of its fights gloss, 4thite tiny, alle g ing;tha, th - ei - sought tt'i overawe the'ltegietatitm by force, appealed, ; but in rain,, to the. Nationateorernment for trove to aid in tilgiriiasing this outbreak, and Cke , calle d the militia to aid in' I the 'ii - ait,il4taucto of order. It is der Scillt eten`4t , tbia day, to predict the reistdtvif a fen— of the 'Whip and fititildinions in the - House not OPP frttgl, kfMt ! an d; ,by uniting with Alfp ??PoloA R.e ftts, fllred o Democrat l is organization, of. the, Leititiature, which wisp &Hewett:byl,ol4 th 4 gu - bernatoriat'voto ,Onti c rely . s4isfac tort' to:the DePPcit4; o4 a Peace' futobliegotaoti of peworly the anti Masonic administratierL rc • Thitt' attempt to "treat the 40161 it if , had never . lioe3; lief, a ilk IxttlAy t likir kepditio'n, however tough the Patriot may adrecate - ita iteeesci ty. , °Onion walittot teleiate for 'tt -tuoment, ' any proposition ;eq inianstrOns and dangerciitsiiitictipr octet.- The good.,f,c-beenhd, love of law - and order of thexeople, will 14= 'buke even the insane 'invitation to, ViOi3llCV Billfaiineni ruaY .rest 494 1 ) - I city. , They will not be,' called' upon, to put down_nany violent' attinnid: to 'set aside their verdict, until - the e ec, . *.f and Tuesday of October comes aaui, o!tak ' • "NrianEw Joina.o* roker, total heart was jeicetia" the Aewa:that flashed over the wires on Sat - Arany last, -annonnoinßtlta de. , ; feet of AllnitEWJailtificill. The people of Tennessee, through their Legisla-' ture have accomplished what the , treachery of a few Senators do-, tested," and ANDIMW 3011100 N Rill now rettlftl to piqvuttt lifo, ..• out the confidence or estectu of any. party. He has learned 'that while; the Democrats were. willing to avail themselves of the benefit of his trea` son, they spurn the his aspirations to 14ecoins their er in 1874 ere Filthiest* "nipped- in the bud." Alas, poor Atrui-1 The successful candidate, Himik GX)Plill, is one of the oldest lawyers in, the State, and was one of the ry Governor's (Jougsox) appointed to the ilidirinly,ttlla was dolllnleltdeti by rittowis-thif; for integrity as an offi cer, in one of his messages to the Legislature. He is represented as being a moderate Republican, and as 'a mu of 'Shinty. What his curse 'in the Senate will be, remains to be seen. Jomisos's•disapdointment and elm grin 'at Lis defeat must be severe. His anxiety to return to the Senate was elleessiVe, gtoviing out of his de sire to meet some °Ulla Senators in the arena where old Impeachment. scores might be paid.: The eshibi tie'ti OfrAsor Joussos in The Senate, , niighthave heen winging, and mons bOt world hart* have been of ,a character to give that boily repute -tkm or standing. We_ think -it fortn `nate that he did not 'sneezed., , itarSous ofourDeraoaraticeotem poraries made . theinselves quite emu sing before election over sjoun Co 'Vona's 'spelling. We don't suppOse his figures were splits so , funny to them. Whatever they might say of his spelling, his .figitres - were uniform from the night of this' elec tion 'until the official result was known. He telegraphed that Guar's majorityiyas.froni - 4,000 to 5000, and stuck to it, all theiiine that the Dem ocratic Chairman was sending word through the State that PAciza *as certainly elected. -"Honest Join?' was , right,* he always is, as those ' who bet:their money on PACXER will bear selp..We know' how every man, wo man and child of ten years of age can make themselves happy and comfort able for exactly one year:' If any desire to try it they can send us two dollar; and we will fonVard to Omni at once a receipt which we will war rant to do all we proms; , without any more expense to - theta., We hive sent the same article to several hun dreds of persons, daring the last niX. months, and every one of them 'are' satisfied with it. - A New Dazes: Alexander Cyun mings, well known as an experienced idannilist, proposesto publish a daily pti.Pcr " indipendent upon' all questions," judging " every , question solely upon its merits." The paper will be "of moderate eine, but Urge criongii to contain all the latest xua Ws:With_ proper ,commenbi thereon:l The publication will . " commence in a . short time. 'from, Philati4hia .states ;t &t -Gov. Choir has. tanderadth -,CiSasitioa • at Attorney denerid tb 'ramithisti 0., tpawsna, of fluit EW ' Walk in After the counter . Both id,: not. majority oae of diet he he bad lose air- Atlegrbeml. ..... . .. Armstrong . • 1 =±:•;•i ii .11 Eel% , . • -.4. "' - .rtii 0:3 - 10,11A444•621..5at1. 311...:.... „.t: a .. ~...,.c . ..„ ...,.........,:i../. ..„,...":„th....„, .......„,„,....,::::,,,....... if•i••ie,44.•i••••i . - 67.17.71r.,;.i.1:::: rE. , 1•••P:4•V9147 , ~..44‘ .slat ti.! .4 :.t3.la.tit:tliti Greene. ..: l ar c l 2 P l . ,• ntt 1 Jefferioae 0 0:41.0 4 r...a . • latiefiatiil7.ail.4: Eal= MMNIO 1!Egl la= MUIMI. Maras Montgomery Northam= Thaiham Vera Philadelphia Pike Potter 4..0*.: =kin , . ... ~:4: - till.;:itis.4.l " Antlinul Soteesist.:..,. ...- ' AmpMamma U t• nion. MCI= • ...Val4 l B l lP - • • warrea l "116411AFton •' ' ' • • aY 718 ,.• Westinerelkid 11Yrotaing .... 4. ' Totar ; ;. I. 411 / 9 r-itie° . fivarrierrit Opr rei;iet4ber bhat at Philidelphia :Citt, Eitodtion i , one year ago, a majority of votes xi.ts iipthothlitietstudidates; ihongli it *ail *et knO6 sthaF-thte litoat gluing *ids had belin ,taitted. , The -*publicians .apps sled So:the Omits fcir , rt dress and the este tip rerasine r tlititMeided nn it ifah4 ! f9e 443.; the Conti Keiulerea iiiA declaring thatetheDemocratieDistrict . Attorney;' CitY Sblieiter i Prothonotit-; 't*lteceiyer, of faidii 9ity dimli4itp4.4oui Al, an a PitirtrOgtroi)vr had !:lecii.electi ed by ,Oititdulont votes. • • hf i r,,Fos, the Ddiziadrotie ilocitivod 'eleet6d by a majority of 'eft ,votes, is wing !iini 'atone s ' of all wiii)olithea to be.tdectad last fai,L in posession his - of/Ice. . A dissenting opinion was &livered bkdosige Ludlow. The in, vegigaiiou oftheie frniic ha ion 'tiaa.idf(lBolne,tn?ntir?.l'grOa(*44 :9f , f 3 fA.denne Aka* been liiken. and altle and - elaborate urgunients:,vuuule , by eonnod - lin" both sides. - the eases were thorbitglilY sifted' and the trios iitgtdidg ati, etdl3e tld is tran4 Vie' , • • ' , •1 1. The result of .this investigation fully justiftles" the' chargeS' of wholitiale fistier;ao46 . ,igi)iuit Democracy by tbv RoPiAblican party. and wink) it must give treat satisfattion. to all good citizens, it is still mare satisfac tory to luip,w that the ...Registry law makes thetiepetition of such fatuds practically impossible. With the rig id enforcement of this law the success of Democracy in this state under its present colors, is out of the potion, and is to be,hoped that the time is not distant when it will be °quail:Tao in all the States of this "Union. 011Atl .I,llivt im. 0•1111111111. The, Democratic party in Pennsyl vania has suffered a great many re buffs during -the last few years, rbut -we doubt whether inch a severe and telling blow - was ever administered, aS it received at the lateglactlon." Its leaders were sanguine of success, and they infused,the same spirit into their followers. - The result has been very disheartening, and evidences of dis integration are visible on every hand: One of the prominent members of the party remarked a day or two ago that "the party ought to go to--; that they never had a better opportu nity of defeating the Republicans. than was presented at the late'elec tion; but they failed, and he saw no dse in attempting it again; the party ought to be disbanded !" This feel ing pervaded all classes of their par tY. They are beginning to reati6 the fact that the disloyal record Made bythem during the. war, is fatal to mimesis; and that further attempts, under present eirennistanees, are bopeles& The party, • therefore, at the present ; time, is'as "dead. al Jul ins Caesar," and if another election Inas to take place to-dayl they would not be fiblutAx mainland; by' at least ong f tbird as man,* votes_ as were re 'corded for their candidates on the . 12th. -Truly hath it been said way of the transgressor le hard." • . TEE "NEW ELECTION Law: =The Pittsburg,'9fitzdae elkYa "the ' Perdu' judgment very generally demaudathe repeal of the new law combining 'the State, `County and towiehilielections. The return j4dgefi Erie cont,'nY last week, unanimously adopted a resolution of that tenor, declaring that the new law. 'works -conftsion without any corresponding benefit, and ought to be repaled at the' next session of the Legislature.' adds the Gkizeite, dissubstantiall,, universal opinion in the is tho first newspaper expression of opinion we have seen on the qubjea ; and as we Wive heard but little, if any, individiuddiseuilsion of the question, we are not prepared to say how fir public opinion in this see!lonc of the State is in favor of or apinstthelitur: But no doubt, if the general sentiment prove# to )4 nnftivarable to it, it wlll cm; 110011 Jl.l l llO . WW2 • SKI MO HU F E F F lii= ~' t.~'. FE 0 2 E rEI !sisal 1642 El Eli E B;;? fm tall 880 48291 1840 651 7361 1066 40221 EVE 1179 Olt 1880 lOU )4014 .11783 1702 i 692 Bu7l U6ll 7449 ri= : 1791 9919 2215 18 . ` . I Ii ~j AU I 291M8 • • MI 11191 a EtmeTtos cAstra I • NIA. ' - -- I—sosts . itolow— _.0 0 0 3 _ tory of the cemeteries in which they are inteo l 6o, at Memphis, Tenn., and Chahnette,La.'lhe - TAele — ntlniber :in_tervidfat . tliii-allkaissippi River Na tional nietry., near_ *Aphis._ 41 ,4 i 1". Ogilsand'? V I44 t(*.:fyinfit#L-t.ivtk niht $14414 , iilkiAtAiwo atm.: mid it ni onizsemnisi are,preitent4 diChintilreid and{- .10.011_4400444**:09 , . ,quOitly 4 (l44iin,:4be ooenpanixy Othat Fort, bar ili been unsaved to' 4 44imitta4.***olikAi4. *titcoo*?4 * ktMie"o:o 6 o :,411244,11g0.4sioigio[_ Pi ,the thktp-fortt kao ;natava.in this lint. onlythroelie tettilit nfivietinisofthb -indf .. seee*3; cal4dliikelfertita of?tiali the *IA f lliVotto. tkok-ftwiliwnweptid.: Tohung Ittioitt-threkt: 'eon*** thi#lneorchinio:Owitniti 16,f15 V i f f4 o 6T4 Wr ii4/ .+o* 4ll ° ll"s * -13 / 7 : 1 4104a 14 . 4 4'40 , ? voi!: Th .. #4lohg . TODllai (anctstipplimentari to No. 1 / 7 01 t. 4 ItOotiltint , o tittiotyl: ll44 l'"ii'Aiver) 1i! t • r Nnmbers, 4wpntyand twenty4wO of - „Rollo Honor. are-nart rendrfor'fstati.. • t. f 0511, 2999 U9O 1011 Ell ' 440 q:i:, 'twit r., ua Arrow= usts zasl— PleifliosilfrA 4041ie Woe ',the load in presenting the -tigtottOf one of Lu cerne's .able. tingnitylieWeitizeti's fiir the position "iliAttOrney . nuderstoplthat BAr, ! ICersOain't name is soon to be formally Ft:merited to the Gavernorjor,the appointment- We livid. not it will ix:!•fm-iirpfvpon sider434by hlil 20elieloY, thus 40UcUrif thP leiki'-of our P 447 LuZerne ken;•Glearycwill shosi.a katitahle and 'proper appreciati4i i3l ; Tic-just' claims upon him for iik4lcd Trite lirssette,says ;. . • 'AteOonntionwealthk rcquiresalitud adly 40 010 4 0iinl with or, no ,delay, a f l ew Attorney:Almond, The Governor hos Alto ,Isnver of -appoint , went as Nell mei removal. ,We have no kuowledge of hia intentions. in the premiseo, There may he a multitUde candidates; for- an appoiptutent which, faithfully .reducts thl highomt, honor, upon WI! recipient.— Offie.indy; the,Attornq Ottuattl*tantiti at the Ikelid•oin learned and most in gueutialprotession, the , bar of this Connuouneolth. Personally,- he should be of spotless charatter, and this should adorn conspicuous pro fessional alAlities, Thep to cannot he satisfied ,with either, atheist 'as the sole qualitiaiti on of their principal law ,Otricer. wo to express what we believe Who , the general sentiment of the bat; ,outside, perhaps,. of Philadelphia, :we 'should Yollinre. to suggest Abe name . W. W. Ketehaini of Iclsernie, for-ihe ,considemtion of the Executive. His public life...like hii private cluiracter; hae,beeri witheutc:a stain, while his pVolsosional• attainments- amply_ fit hinii for ,the important post of legal adviser. to the State Government. Whomsoever,the Governor, may api• Point. We beg his renumbrance of and respect dor the univers a l public dia• taste for any selection. from the pres. 7 it. Now ie,the tine for everValf ire member of the Republican party to be tit irork. -The late election prov.es con s chuirely that Republican principles are gaining 'ground, and that close, watchful, actions action is all that is required to make them perminently triumphant.. Let every live man exert himself in the support of live , working newspapers, and through th bin extend the tine light abroad. giSlii''coniplete o ffi cial rebirns ffore every:comity in the State, it will be seen that Gov. Granr's major, ity is tow tb/nisand five hundred and nine. ' Judge WnxiAits is elected by a 'larger rote thin the Governor's; thus at,last ilnkcaril.and braga. docia of our captions_Democistid op ponentsis silenced. lavertmmints. IHOR sitE.--:1 pike of WOrkibg mute, yogi old; IMO Or eta pair li'sur °IA colt& will be sold at regulable rates. lbaraire arai edam..olo.barai t t. Teorendifittr. Oct 14, leeb-t4ery - , BAKERY AND..DMKG ROOM innt.tock- ninier waka tone, „ . . DREAD, PIES, CAK E ? . &C., baked dally and sold et ithaiesale end retail. We use the bed materiels and our wort le alsrsest i ly done. Dumber ans Invited teesandne our e prices. PAIITULS. si Tea° &amble rates on abort n oti ce. 'II our o auperliebsdieenieliti to ill who Want either *lunch as • good . ladies , tana , step to and quietly enjoy a rap of Tea. undhneabedby noise or 43=inelkat all hours of the dot or enrertog. 031 WWI during their swat and scarred out try the disk or 'sold kV quantities l 0 . Of CONFECTPIXSERY we keep an esaortment eqoai to any in this pert or the Mate, and sell at' wholesale or reel& Also • general assortmen , or Asion all nee kitten.' - I , ' brioche .Off. 124 30. kint*TED,' ort 'STOLEN ea_ the itemises a[ the to.Al=ol s:c teatie twP. on the 20tI t et October. • K = 'about 16 yearecht. with • *hite epo•on one at the MA W^ Any iddnentation in reputto aaktroare *II be troltabbrirewurded. • : . , 1 Oct. 1•M•-** . -11=0112Y. irtm,t r im. YEsiL4tcenorr 46 B. MON. MenuaLdectineer. All t w i ta alt prom* attended to and mittatiction Call or adathur.A.U. Moak lionroelon. and county. Pa. . 0ct.26, 69. . - - 1 110 WANDA COAL YARD. ; it+- • , Azrni . .4crrE siiu irrurazioirs copia. J rtie undersigned. havinc ' hoM,l, tin Cod Yard and Poet at the 014 "Barclay Midt, end pot completed *law Cad-henee and oma on the premium ere now mowed Join:11114i the (anent of Towanda and ein• Mt, ertththe differtntlindaandanel oftbe above. named ecelampon the mod Terminable feriae In any quantify dashed., l!rif,..ea at the Yard mita briber Large ' 66 50 &Boil Egg , 660 Stove • 660 • Chesnut ' - -a so " Lame COO • " • Bun - a 50 Paso or,ll.backatolah 606 The following addition) chassea MD he, mesa far. &Bearing Coal within borough Hafts •• • awe Tork. - ::50 amt. tars kir eartrag fa. SO iOnts. qr.T0n...25 " " w " 25 " I• fl dMiili req hi left this TOM; ifirerk of Sall. Irma inkAiitaabem adapts, or at IL (X• Itartpeo Drug • • . _ . • . Orbits' milt malt be lecoutplaloas Übe • - _ Towao4, July 26, WARD i WM& • ATM IPALLA WINTEBOA* - -LI • M. E. liosziot* Tfik*, Pia . 4 4 =omit yeadmi, Audio' - :a .- 4-17 \ f • CLOT ' t4%.,.vr; GENT'S FURNISHING EKX)DS, B row kr i gx,c ife Ere' r., cia ir i nt io 4 - _ sal el UmWest sits4i . saiLln latest style, Thlels I am also fp- 0 - Pfi ()A t 01 Phil BlAVlWCWielithWii*lXentitA . ; If. E. ROSENFIELD'S =dimwit= Vim . o t h e V eL th# s t e ro eau it =ol al ella rtl= I =aloc4l aingra: - mmoslirmmANL; CA14110111114 f 10FILL:. 'll O OO LIR le! ritty;t 1 , 0 , 2 t. ..::.,; : ,. A :...-, ....,• t er - 1) . 11 ,th- • ~: n• D it il ptal .4 1 , ,„i, :It) to • • tr .• : ;•.•: ( iti* A i- Ls ,- ''' ' '-` 6i4R741; (.. 17 IltTrZee/zetaLatent*, Tin, Eluspeci,iers,,eud Coi iltn the latest atees. ' - .ff 44 XS, CAPS ittc. (EC. oft Mil ant>tieiDea it6rdtailrl Q telssirnere t lin „..1.. , .•! 11-0 i c i s ki n k6. Mei Watt aoltl lege* ; 116:411tIltattt Arent op poodle Penile. MIPIMPIK-146 7 , 0 • , octeatll6 , I• _ NElVPiittk.iNfltitEti'MYODS; • - .A;2 'PETTIS CO., FALL AND, IyINTER GOODS.I 71 7gr r rgarsais coujistlog In WI DOMIPSTIO" ocodps,:pl MEI BWAVN - tt - 151),.27*C1MD - MUSLIN,. DRESS GOODSA TRIMMINGS, • Hosiery, Gloves, Notiong, &il l , Whkb irti ' cita at the lowest mariat prices. ••, •• 4 ' raw a wow line JIM gown, inlet' as REAL ARD . lll* . il* , ACCOO I .O4Da. alloN9N B . OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT being . raigenia!wi wii% a bow, f icoi.4 of,the late* dyke of HATS AND,, AUNN4TS ! FALL AND - WINTER TRADE, Together with ' s Ilan aniortment of the Idol styles FLOWERS. ITATnEns, upon, - and a general IMe of T/1116113038. 1 Having in our employ ilmt-elaa and ttaty XU.UI TIIB, we natter. ourae/Mai that aain floral& as trade goods in that gm ems will pl m ow all who , Astor, us with their pat. . H. A:. PVMS & CO. • Tawittitla, Oat 5. lEl*—Ana WHERE ro FTND Ll4llBEli QffiSl~f(l, YLOORING ,~ SIDING W4DESCHN oasnaar **UP BAgli, =EI WINDOW 'AND'. DOOR FRAMES, ?mei RAuth,POSTS, 110KETs, ; DOUR& DOABBI3, BASE BOARDS, lALINGLEt3 .ackg, .&c„ &c, I= L.UDMB,F, WAREHOUSE, QPROFTZ IiNTIMIST CHURCH., TOWARD.. • , •• • • Me prompUy done. Taiunds, July ILI*. . . hOST SUCCESSFUL LIFE rannialtoi'airrketry or 'nix woar.p. NArzanum. • . • LIFE :tifSp o ßANClit comrAifi, UNrrEm Swims tat AMER= Chartered by gpocisi r Act of Congress.. : • Cash Capital; " - $1.',000,000. Onpcs, 4 1215114021137114.. It; pLaki.ladelphis, JAY Coots. Phllsdelptilk Oyeinnan an 4 Ezeitutive Committee . '" . I ' Itiatairk. 00aulAr4admigino.Nbe4raidesk p r i m , Elawrij3 Pare. ; PbiLddlpeiti *OMIT ..oad "swim a. oditr. 7[ A» Phgadelpti4 ;Mdic+il t . • D. VI: SWAT k CO Mk Company tuned. la Übe Apat. yss ita Wok 0 3,14 411,1 E S • mda. nmby 19.260.00%900; Tboaarrailkaaaturaa 1 4PCM WU" W A 'S 14 F,Ter S 7II °A O MCM• " IV* ItIa!IMAX. 17SFRANCIS 03 PAN! tba Vatkirletako of mod, Wards nuttiaalka arowly Oita rag beldars.'sarl ccaottloaa att Ike orlarrod by othca-Ootapaaka, vittl soyaral Its art - Warta] meow Worm it to b. _tkappat papaw Ina larraraaor oOrapany ta tb• vartiloirMlka tabby as Wit agents. 4plioaboiai tar toriarratai Woe .4 , note..=`n be •ftea ta tokoparry'dtriek a/y*00'4,4j. , ;••••Pit' I? • - • iftt MAIM k 130.. 1-41 f. • • .• - . 311-MatitSd Street. kiwi, Gamest roatt tor sadNorthota Nair Jong NONNO.4 — e litmager. . 'N. C.NLBENCIf 11.11110 N; M*404114' . 9 014, ,• Mania tor BradtOrd amity, .k Trout BLUE Trout-aim Nickkd 9lthillos4BlMbalialibt sad Dried Heat. se ' "-DEO iiZECUIDIL rstoll,Eictri, 4.14 p ,DOMESTICS. A Trilniqto/0 0 1 ' _7 0 04 0 • . 11.02 20: ' • ' PATCIII3: • ' ' i;' . ntM AND VLOLTIt tf . OF . .1 11061.- .11*11. k mr".77-r -, LOIC . - - : Wirw .tbsuods. Beaver, IMO an now reoelving a fresh "pply PRIICII3, DFIANEk .111A9If, DOOM, DISKO:4, INIMII ME =EMI IMES I= MANTEL B,*ELV/314, WATER TABUS, FACiID IMIDIiBe BURL TEICEME, • Gib.. P. CkSli'S , *AIN STREET. IMM IMEEM OP ' PICBRS N.w Ldv r a antL 7. ' • • W FALL - ANI) ., IVINTER - 000114,;' „T. 'F) 1 1 't - 1 • „ s' •- . thMt i'edelVed • "15: r ••;, ,o 4 f • - rA 11; Olt WS: ; .q,r. •h zr : I .r. ( 1 - 1 NM ...-....,.: 1.. '' , "-•'. • .- --; '• .”-6 ...- r .. i 1 ty"./.. .1( ' ;..'" i : - /!....i . ..T'': M. -7f r , • ITT - . --' /. ":":-;''-• 5 ;. ....i . ) ' - --: — r - if ia: : • .:: .• , • . : - - ; 41 - ' ( 7 7.' f, - . 7. ,*., - ..:4 : 1 - 61 :i. . -. 1 - , 4i — .A - ' 'rti •' . t - I - 4: C. I ,-1./.. 'g i ll FT .e. : 1 ' r'' ~';, ..d -. r• c , : i i • ::..,:".,..oa tio l . 4 - 4. " --_ - -4„, 1 11 :-: --. t• ;tl.l • .1. T .,:: `15. - .......: -.0 ) . : Vi1t,', - . 7: 1 I lk.. -WI -- ! 1 ...„ : ..:. ...V ~. ,• , Nricr GOODS ! NEW GOQDSt =1 . • . . ' :1 •' - . _ . A: cv.B E . , . • • "t*.:.i • eniessidblii of •g • Z4l ,•. !.1•, - ." I : FALL ANOINDTTER 0,0 D 8, f. C ;7`. ; , 4tuktFecelvod at,s TRACY "&. 'MOORE'S /3plp2kdi now „ OIL CLOTHS, 1,- CARPETS, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, HATS & CAPS, 800-T§D SHOES, - Just Ivagrat, TRACY • MOORE'S. HOOP SKIRTS, BALMORELS, HOSIERY, YANKEIF, NOTIONS,. And everything In the line. jnat'ppened, AT VIE sTpar. OF Towanda. Fiept. sR, 1869 eigNtßA_L` . • Wp nave 'extended our lines thniugh to Waverly and are now prspara to receive and .forward money rind 'merchandise, and colloA notes, Arent, cheeks; so., with despatch and at low rates. Wo run • carilnl' and experienced - Mesierwers thrstrqh betwerniltillidelphia and New Writ and Wa. verly daily,nxecpt Stand ays,' Dinning quiskthete and . • : prompenellvery. • • . SPECIAL BATES will be allowed regular aldp peni • ofDritter and Eggs, and particular attention given that: Tramp C .i deltrery in Philadelphia and New ltoElx4 , - '•k 5 Sept. EDW. E. PARK; east. Sapt, General Office-3 2 . 0 Chestnut Da. Phitadottldn' Sept. 73:180, • • ' I SOUTH SIDE' Tr • SIGN oil Tut IMI CIANNEY PAiEtIONABL • ; • f. AAA toilets la. ~7V1?8, BUFFALO - AND FANCY Rcems, E.• go • • toviss,,trxesimix to.' BILE 11,41.8 prenterzx 'prnTre.WlTH AMERICAN HAT CONFOR. Tosands, Od. IS. 1809; WANDA , I: 'MEAT MARBET .. OYSTERS, EMIT AND CLIMB; Bich to their *won The sabeeribeis Rm • keep Aonstantl7 ea hand a hell stook or OUTS*" FD3H ADD .CLAMS, at irbolaiala and retali There all parties - rail be *ap plied a* rereestalAarates. Abe a fall stock at Mesta BEEP; potiL *wow, 4H138, HAUILIHN. INZAHNIMHI3BII4 . 11040HDA. , TALLOW. LARD; to. 11arliet amith4id 'tali HotiaaOtalti•at. Towanda Pa. 0011.41411 a I 51 % 11 , 1 : 2 111 . ;CS.'" ilejaz4 - 4:k; ds'iffEn,y,w77l, IME . . . . FINE SWISS.)WATCHEK to U• replusiia ziO.,ATLy:Arn) 1 1 4tikl Li TEST AND BEST ! • - tlild-.3IIRICANPUTTO.N.IIOLE, THIS MACHI twtribinea - gii . 2d of all other drat-clam. machines, doing with ea,. rapidity and elegatu.n. - ST fl 4( t .;. .~ beside, doing !Efferent Moto of work that newr cu. chines Minot do; snob as ma:fog better than can be made by band. at the. rate at fear er minute, and over , or sewing ever and ever. which by many Is ered of. mart...Talmo then even making button•holes. DOn't fail to ace Cu Warbune bacon purettaidng.. We desire all to re and try. It, and are.waling to let the case rest on iv own merits. Every Machine warranted kr ape en tire nati.r. , • , 0 1. DOOR, &C. It ACY &-.llOOltE, 122 314 n-et OF lIEROTIVS :4 I Kt , DIG HAT I AMSBRY, 1. 4 HA • TTEItS I CLII2IIiS LW. SBI►HND k CO. AttibMp. ' • .nrier.rms =liZElll >~;.,; .. ; Qn°.,iq~ agrth ot; , =ME mslcur#,A*4" o : 41i6i* rox4sD4. Dealer la Of idt deseilpetons Film" A MERrcAli iivAixams, Kt • GOLD CI3APc'S •G'TET CL EB, scom: I! El BEM Towlifids;Vtis uw - - • - • O VERSE.' MING .I SD 841VING Zia! AVS 801 l by CALKINB,& BARBER, 'attar's New Block. Towanda, Pa. lIEMEME FELLING TilcitiM43 COZIDING trEcAmmo, ' 1 ',QUILTLIG GATBMBL'iti, 'BUTTO'N ROLES . ' CALSINg4"BARBER, Agents for Bradford count; Sub-agentaawautedsha each town. . Towanda, Lag. 24,.15617.-4m CARPETS ! CARPETS POWMI2T ,Sr CO flaring lamb' incresed their facilities for erhibittn,g Weir goods in this line. and are now ovestying for the FALL AND 'WThiTER TR DE, nd more extensive' and BETTER ASSORTED STOCK CASEETENS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, MATTDIGS, DRUGGETS &C. ac., Than they hare before offered, They respectfully Invite- attention of the public to this department of their trashier, and pledge them ) mites that their goods shall alwxya be peddle. the (•),:4 Muth 22, 1869.-M B1.100ZY& - CO:. Stillumitinne to manufacture Wk. celebrated HORSE POWERS & CLE HERS. and will sell a better machlia. for lea mousy . daa Lan be bad elsewhere 4n the world. We claim ha our Machines that they will do as much. : or more. than any other. and are more durably built We perwmially superintend our work and see that It is well down. We will send DISCHIidTrE eATAXAQUES: Of our machines, on spplicatlem 8 . ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS: One d• TIM Horse THRESHER ct sePrakpas. THRESHER and CLEANER', -FANNING MILLS, • clitel7LAll AND DICAO SAW =ma. SAW AND OftD3T 311 LL work done to ord.r. Give. us a call before *pr=2 . usiU:w elsewhere. .!•oa. alioaavuti `'SI4IaILLY: _ •0 0 9 5' aoo'i Aug. 2.,18a9... G REAT BARGAINS pocirrs siloms t ES= NEW Ivor AND SIZOE sroar, South end of Ward gouge. 1 ]e The The 4toek wadu of signed are yteieving i large and weu P- 800 - TS A"NP' 'SHOES, Ettatable for the STAIXES AND. FALL TRADE, Whkb we offer low for Ceeh. - Coneietiog of GENTS: -LADIES, CHILDREN'S WEAR SE*ED AND PEGGED. BdOTS MADE TO ORDER REPAIRING NEATLY DONE AND READ P WHEN PROMISED • IrPhanttnt f;r past fagot's, in sotleft a continuance ie the tape. Kixtzt, woovroiui: r OILELIT WV, Tow*o4i. April 5. M. DI II AND SEATNO.ON mßsh't 4