1111 Vr . *Vol:.. Tow Itisansi,Tßssonsos .is sisblisbelLsels7 %%vowlll Mimi* 14 le tr. ascnia ssist4., Clamor. at Two Donors per =am la admit. ADVSMII=M, ezessilog Mega Lime ire iaeeetedat son owns per Use lee fret hwertios, sad rles asertiwr tow tor eabeepeet trweitkme. Special Vett i or Insetted bears Itirelages anti Deaths. wm ba, charged 'wens caw per lice the each insertion. All ItesaWliont of Aamoclatiow ; Connanntestioas of limited cm Watchful Intenat and notions et ManiagWana Death; exceeding !kw' gnu, we charged ging auni per Una I • I roar. 6 Moe. 3 Yoe. llslfColumn. $1 00 IMO $4O " . 50 33 33 One Square. 10 • 20 ' TX PAM, Cantlon. Lost and FOUnd. and other adver tisements, not conceding Tim lints, We yeas. at lees, c.sl ISO Adininistrldnes sad Ementoes Notices: • 00 Anditoes Notices. • 3 50 , Badness *eds. tire lines, axe year). ..... 600 Merchants and dhot i. advertising their badness. will be charged $25 per you. They eillbe entitled to l; column. confined eachustrely to their business. lath PsiTUctis of 9=1 ,4 3 • , • , Adratieng In an eeeee ezeicele of inn rtp. Con to the Inger. JOB PttlYttriio . every hind, In Plain and Pansy colors, done with neatness and dispatch. Handbills. Blanks. Can* karaphlets.Binheads. Statements, es of every variety and style, printed at the shortest notice. The Ittecornot 06toe to weD supplied with rover Presses, a good maiortmeat of new type, and everything to the Printing line an be ententsd In the moat artistic manner and at- the lowest rates TEEMS INTABLABLY CASH. 81731=38 CAPS. T . EWIS RHEBINE, Fashionable Tailor. Rooms oflr Aspinwall's Stare, Towan da. Pa. °WS, a. RFOWLER .8 CO., REAL ES ,• SATE D=•*-tas No. 70 Washington *Brat M y...a., Opera Howie. Chicago. M. Real Estate intr. oha%cd and sold. Insoiltmonts:made sad moneryloan. B. YOWLER. April 21. 1/160. B. LIND. lot B. Hour.v.TT E MONROETON, • r.c. vent for the 'Hubbard Molise, 'Marini Drill. Ithaca Wheel Rake. and Broadcast Sower for ~,.ring Plastor and all hinds of Grain. Bend for.dr ciders to B. B. Hors - ^- If•nroeton. Bradford Co., Pa. Bine 24. 'elf—ty. PATEN'T'S ! J. N. DErrnr., Solicitor of fatents, 73 BROAD MEET, WAVEELY, N. Y. Prepares drawings, specifications and papers required in making and properly conducting Appli. cation■ for Paritersdn the UNIT= Searle and FOl/4 KlOll Corrwrates. No CELL1101:11 nt 1111151:10C/0111/CEL CASE/1 BPD 110 /LITOILWXYB 771,5T0 14/2 11111 TEL. PadzWr to orrrarnro. Sept. 16, 1869-N NEW WHEATiFLOVIR AT THE TOWANDA STEAM FLOURING RILLS i MMIBAUH. FULLER k CO p 1 N.Cp. \IVERSBURG AfMTS! The viatsoriberot, hiving purchased of Mr. Barnes tits uat.•rcet in the Myersburg Mills. will carryon the business of Milling. and guarantee all work done by ch,•:n to be of the very best quality. wheat, Eye and Buckwheat Flow. and Peed, con gtantly on hand and for sale at the lowest cash wive. Myersburg, Sept 24.'68. MEP. & FItORT. PRICE LIST-CASCADE NITT!TAI li.'•at quality Winter Wheat Flour VI cwt. $4 30@5 OD Boat quality Rye hoar eat. 900 Pan:. Meal and 'Rye and Calm Teed. 7 25 A tale margin allowed to dealers. custom grinding nanallr doie at once. is the Ca peeity of the mill is sufficient for a large amount of work. IL B. niGEA.M. eamptown. inly 12, 1869 F , RAysyna i r, ATTLTS ! Th^ enberrilvr, having pnretased'the Lollayardle Mille. and refitted the fame in good order, is now preparod to do good work. and to give general Kati& faction. • 31. J. FIRITCHEY. loneysville, Sept 22. 18C9.—ly ..I.IYERS' MILL-SPECIAL NO . TICE. ' MYER. FOSTER le CO. will deliver Flour. Feed, Meal. Graham Flour, or anything else in their line in any part of the:village. Costumers will find an Order Book at the atone of Fox. Stevens, Mercnr it Co. All orders left In said 1... k will be promptly attended to. toy inquiries in regard to Grinding, or other bud :l,o, of the3fill, entered in add book. wiD be answer- MYER, FOSTER & CO. Towanda; June 24. 18011—tt. IVEW4' DYEING ESTA.I3TitBH -11 The subsmiber takes this method of informing the I,.iple of Towanda and vicinity that he Wu opened Dyeing Establishment in Cot. Maass' new build- I.\ \ rm , Nhe Gen. Patton's). and that he is now pre. par,' to do all stork in his line. such as =ENING ant :oIAiRING ladles' and gentlemen's garments. ke.. in the neatest manner and on the most rt a. , nahle terms. Give me a call and examine my w „,k, R.MiltY REDDING. ISG7. SO. 166 ISAL.i STREET, B IIADF OR D •COUNTY REAL ESTATE AG&NCT, H. B. WKEA.N, R ESTATE Aoma Vs',table Farm, Mill Properties, City and Tovi I. stn f.,r gale. Parties having property for sale will find it to their !,intage by leaving a description of the same, with of sale at this agency. as parties are constantly , •?, , intrarz for farms, &c. U. B. McKEA.I 4 I, Real Estate Agent, lib, ovvr Mason's Bank, Towanda, Pa. Jan. 29. Bea/ THE UNDERSIGNED HATE "pened a Banking Houie In Towanda, under the of G. F. MASON It CO. Th.•y are prepared to draw Bills of Eschange. and u:ak.• collections in New York. Philadelphia. and all I..witotta of the United States. aa also England. ()fe m.,. and France. To loan money. receive dtipoatta. and to do a general Banking brunness. ; F. Mason was one of the late Arm of Laporte. 11w.ou k Co.. of Towanda. Pa.. and his knowledge of th• lorOneee men of Bradford and adjoining counties su•l loortng been in the banking business for about tifto•ot years, make this house a desirable ono thremgb so, eh to make collections. 0. F. MASON, Towanda, Oct 1. Iddd. A. 0. KABON. ATTENTIQN THIS WAY! N. KINNEY & CO., WAVERLY, NS., Raw ou hand (or the Spring trade, the, largest ais. porneent of ISUCrGLE3 A :q) pwasoßlicAraooss To h found in this put of the country. which they .cd! sell at the most reasonable prices, and warrant all vr , rk all that doubt need but call and examine. A a , r.l to the wise la sufficient. April 1.1849-6 m. lILTSCEY & 00. NEW FALL & WINTER GOODS. HR S. E. J. PIERCE, IL.- jog rrturned from New York with a first-clan k of MILLtERY GOODS I k “wilating of ths latest Imported styles of liATR, BONNE'TS, lIIIIDONB. &e. wonla melee-trolly invite the laalte of 'rowan. a. end vicinity to givg Der a cell before purclawing elbewhere.-. Wort done in need and *adorable stile le 1 ~n abort notice. ,*Rooms over IS, E. Ream. Ce.l3:x stem opposite Powell% Toasnas. Pa. icptember SO. 1869: NEW -FIRM! S F.' Jr GOODS AND LOW PRICES AT ,Itusnorros, IA. TRICY & HOLLON, lad Dealers in, Groceries and Provisions, Drugs a Sie,heines. Kerosene 00. Lamps, Chimneys. Lye Stuffs, Paints, Oils„ Varnish. Yankee No. T. , bur...Cipars and Banff. Pure Wine. Slid rl TA, of the best quality, for medicinal purposes -eIY AU Goods sold at the slay lowest prisms Pro. , - - npuons carefully compounded it all boors of the dq and night. Give us a edit. TRACT & H 011.01; • 41 -2rerton. PL. June 24 1849-Iy. CHEAT PASSAGE FROM. OR TO IRELSND OR ENGLAND. liiiiiliME W Am% & ° Won's old ..$110.! Star Line" of LiT rackets. tailtag every week. S'rnimr-tul,Lato of Packet" from or to London. .natng orlor a month. ri-codtat.v4 to Ens and. Ireland and Scotland pay t , tl demand. further particulars, apply to Williams k Union, ,alsay, New York. or G. F. MASON & CO.. Bankers. Towanda. ra- 1111123 ( S. PECK, lIILLWRIGH'r N. - A • ctil, Tonssida. Ps. 3 fille 14101 ••,7 r. paired. Enziaea sad Boilers set in the best av:ta,•!.. Iw. mild call the, attention of mill owners to • NEw voRTEI RATER WHEEL. 7 A. c‘natning ell tho elements of a &stela= Metter. it In ‘'..e.ty of construction. secessibility.grerd ottv 'r wrta , derellng the greatest amount of power for s coed. sadly e , palred. running under bmk3rs ter_ a,th to detriment to power except diminution Or rNpurimul no a/Aerator' In min frames or:addl. u" to fitliner will run under low bead; arid made of d...4.rtd capacity. These wheels will be furnished than one-half the oust of any other llxitelaas st,el in market. and warranted to perform all that e tann e d for them. Thsae wheels will be made for 4aivorr wlui oe without mak on abort natio% Of the hem Iron in market. F.*. full particulars address or enquire of theunder- G. S. PECK.' A. P.e.—Tbese wheels eta be awn to opTowandae ratkni,Pie Ileum Horton k - Wetla• MlD:Tcwrands tem. Mho veeeti are wholly composed of Iron's' now map. Jan. ;~:~_...__:.. ~a ALVOELI): & CIL.A.IUSON, P'nblish,ru‘„,„•,; VOLUME XXX. " ( 4. t 1 I • 0 ,A 4 I.V • . AT Lot, Towanda, Po. Olio* with W. C. Bogart, Na 6 Brick Bow. AU business ea. trustedto Ms olire SwomPti7 Ended to July 1869. : EDWARD OVERTON, JR., AT roam as Law. Towanda. Pa. 01lice tbesacely ocmpkd by the late J.O. Mania. =arch 1. G EORGE _D. MONTANYE, AT- M= = c ar: jat-canwr Of Mau and INT • A, PECK, ATTORNEY AT • Lim Towanda. Pa. Ma ow• !Le Be , ker7. south of the Ward House, and °Waite the Court Bowie. now $. E eARNOCICAN, ATTOR v v•• m 1.7 Low (District Attorney. tar Brad tbrd Coruitil, Troy. Ps. Con.*lass war stid prompt-, 17 realithsti.' tsb 15; '69—tt. • :TORN' N. CALIFF, ATTORNEY vi AT UV, Towanda. Pa. Particular attsatton W en to Orpbans• Court badness. Conveyancing and Collocithma. - RR' Ofßos at the Register and Recor der's oaks. south of the Court Roam. - Dec PAIL BENJ. M. PECK, ATTORNEY AT Law, Towanda, Pa. All brudneai entreated fa hie care will recl a dErompt -attention;. Orrice in the calla lately by 3fercar Morrow, south of Vfard HMO, UP in/I 16. '6B. kISIORROW, ATTOR— Wa Tawanda.P. Tharoadsrsigned having amodated themselves together In the practice of Law. offer their professional services trithepnblia. ULYSSES ICitlie6ll. P. D. 110111e3W. March 9. JOHN W. MIX, AT TORNEY AT. Lair, Towanda, Bradford Co., Pa. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT. Porticolar attention paid to Collections and Orplions' court buidpeaa. Offo:o—atarcor a Nor pdodiroprth Ado Public Square. apr. .B. MoKEA N, ATTORNEY • Awn Comma am ar Las; Towanda. Pa. Par , Ocular lineation paid to business In th• Orphans• Court. jalr2o. •66. A v T. DAVIES, ATTORNEY AT • t&w. VOrauda, Pa. Oft with Wm. Vat, Faq. Particular attention toid to Orptgans' Court buoinera and settlement of decedents' estates. VB. WELT,Y, DENTIST. OF • flee over MUM= & Black% Towanda. Pa. Particular attention is naiad to Amman= as a-base for Artificial Teeth. Having used this material far the past fom• years. P can confidently recommend it as being far superior to Rubber. Plow call and-ex amine =Mut. Eir Chloroform ' • - when dos DR. H. ,WESTON, DENTIST.-- Mice in Patton', Block. arid. Gore•i Drug and Chemical Store. yan . l• 'ca rp B. JOHNSON, PHYSICIAN • ARD SURGEON, Towanda, Ps. 01lice with W. B. Kelly. over Wickham & Black. Beeklime at the Means House. spr le. '6B. DR H. A. BARTLE , Physician and Bergron, Sugar Ran, Bradford County, Pa. 0111ce at meidance formerly occupied by Dr. Ply. ang.10,1859,ff STEVENS, 211. D., PHYSICIAN J• Elm:mow. Residence at N. Tidd's, Esq.. corner of Second and College Eitneeta.• Mice OTC! Rockwell's Store. opposite Means House. Towanda, May 25, 1862—tf. DOCTOR 0. LEWIS, A GE.A.DU ate at,116 College of "Phyeiciene and Surgeons," New York city, Chu 18434, gives exclusive attention to the practice of his profession. Office and residence on the eastern elope of Orwell Hill, adjoining Henry $01113 . 11. Jan 14. '69. TB. CAMP, INSURANCE • Aciss - r.-014ec formerly cock:ruled by ?demur & Morrow. on• door ionth of Ward Rouse. July 23, 1869. FB. FORD, LICENSED JOJC .I' LUC • TIONEGII. Towanda. Pa.. will attend promptly to all business entrusted to Dim. Charges moderate. Feb. 13.1868: FRANCIS K POST, PAINTER, Towanda. Pa.. with ten years experience. la coo. fulent ha can give the beat satiafaction in Painting, Graining. Staining. Glazing, Papering, /cc.. MMMMNMiiI T K. VAUGHAN, ARCHITECT CP • 413 D BUTLDER. All kinds of Architecturil De. signs furnished. Ornamental Wink in, Stone, Iron and Wood. Office on Man Streek morello Post-of. Gee. Attention given to Rural laying out of grounds, &c., .hc. A W. AYRES' 31XRBLE• SHOP, A. FT MTRA N.Y. You will find Granite Monuments, both Quincy and Concord. Marble and Slate Mantles, and Coat Grater to fit A large asaortment constantly on band, cheap as the cheapest. Ang..lo. 1888-4 y. • OW. STEVENS, COUNTY SUR • Tyrol', Campton:l, Bradford Co.. Pa. Thank ful to his many employers for peat patronage, would respectfully inform the citizens of Bradford County that he is prepared to do any work in Mistime of bad ness that may be entrusted to him. Those having disputed lines would do well to kayo heir patperty accurately surveyed before allowing themselves to feel aggrieved by their neighbors. All work warrant ed correct, so far u the nature of the case will per. mit. All unpatented lands attetled to as soon m warrants are obtained. . W. STEVENS. Zeb. 24, 1869-Iy. 1 - V. DOOLITTLE, PRACTICAL • Jmnaan. would Worm the people of Brad. ford and surrounding Countlia, Mut be has opened a new Jewelry Store in Canton, where dill be found constantly on hand a nicely-selected stock of goods in his lies, consisting of ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches, of American. English. and Swiss manufacture, Clocks, Jewelry, Gold Penn, and el the articles virally found in a first-clua Jewelry Store. All good, sold as educatable as In any of the sur rounding cities, and warranted as represented. Be pairing and Jobbing doniron short notice, and on the most favorable terms. A liberal share of patronage is respectfully solicited. Troy Street, Canton, Pa., May 12, Mg. • Hotels. A MERICAN HOTEL, CORNER of Bridge and 'Water Streets. Towanda. Ps. H. B. CALKINS. Proprietor, soadsted by L. T. Hots% formerly of •• Horse House," Darlington. Pa. Feb. 21, 1869—if WARD HOUSE, TOWANDA, PA. On Main i3ireet, neer the Court H . ouse. C. T. EOLITH; Proprietor Oct. 8, 1866. AMERICAN HOTEL, EAST tharrungim, PA. The imbaeriber Iminaglessed this loom, lately occupied by A. C. Bantam ind thoroughly repaired and refitted it, is now ready toy accommodate the towelling patina. Every endeavor; gill be made to satisfy those who may tour him with a call. L. O. REMOLDS. Feb. 1, 1889- 4m' VLWELL HOUSE, TOWALNDA.,I .L.A Pa. _ JOHN C. WILSON Saving leui4this House, is now ready to acecanmo. date the trsreMng public!. Napalm Dareiralie Inn be spared to girs.satisfaction to those who my give him a call. >) - North aide of the public square. east of Waa info new Wet. • • RMMtFIELD CR , K HO- PETER LANDXEMEIER, Haying purchased and thoroughly refitted this old and well-known stand, formerly kept by Sheriff Grif fis. at the month of Hrumnerfield Creek; is ready to gin. good amommodationa and althdadory treatment to all who may favor hhn with nealL Dec. 23. 11368—tf: • - !4S - HOUSE, IX)WANDA, , 1 1 011 I ) • &. Howros, .PrOptietims pas popular Hotel having been thoroughly fitted and re. paired, and turpialiad throughout mitt' new and els. gent Furniture, trill be open for the reception Of guests, on Sartraxiax, MaT 1.1869. Neither nor pains has been spared ikusidering this HoYae a model hotel in all It. arrangements. A superior quality Old Burton Ale, for invalid/1. plat received. Apra 213. 1869. • • . WAyFR'XJY .. , INST4,TVTE The Tortreighth Term of this Institute open August 18th. 180, under the charge of A. J. Land„ It Is one of the best UTMOST borrrroTtoss of the oonntly. acoesede from sal ports, and !s sttneted,at WAVERLY, TIO6A CO.:NN. The departments am complete. The Classical " embraces all those studies required for admission to oar bad OeMeges. Also. a tharoogir drill in the Modern fulsome& The English Course comprehends both the com mon branches taught in Elementary &heel& and many of the higher branches usually pursued in the °olive& In the Commercial Course the Instraction is as thorough and complete as in our Most sumasis. ful Commercial Oollegoa. . . Instruction upon the Piano and Organ by the old : method ; also by " /lobbing' New American Method," by which pupils can acquire a knowledge of music in one-third the time which it hitherto required.._ - The rites of tuition arc very moderate . Baud oto tained at reasonable prices ; a limited number or pila can be secommodMed in the familia' of the In structors. Booms can be prOenred in which students can board themselves and lased tlici awaits one= htU Normal dim. u toned. organised at thebeits— ding of the Fall Tenn, in which twenty Nei *eat omit. cants still receive Oros Waived= torfoutissu weeks. For particulars address the 'Principal at Waverly. N.Y. Information in reference to NW= and Mord adds° be obtained at Waldo t Treq . pPragAtor... eel Broad Street. - - • A. J. LANG, A.M.= NEWTON KlNNET,Prealdeni of Haed julY U, 110 vs7l ISSE ,••,„ • , ,A.L• • 1 r..:j. ~,‘ iimpihni .' ""•‘: ,-..) 4., . • .i: i, 11,-rnirl4 - ' l "' 1 . i: ' , 4-i , ; - ' 4 Ott, the Aelnkflie tenttaii'attalk, Making each eltY amt.tollet • Idnitt Of misery dire, and feerfat tojell Of the nuinbeassi vietiine .in` to hell. eft. • :.‘ Crfa** 4 ll .44 Thto Wang.driol ntaitiet ht ie 1,1 ar4 The curse of youth and &sera Adding to thirst instead of assammil,:aaw Continual drink, thikArnokatqa move, Till it drags him !knm to an early grave. Oh, the drink, tho borrible drink! Seethe child from its father shrink As he staggers home from his night's debauch, Iris soul on fore from the demon's torch. • ' Blind, " • •` . Wildly, • Ettlinliliniati4; Crazed with drink,-intent,,oamrogg; And even the dog with a bark and a bound, emend man aa he gropes around t This is the pictuiLdtettit irltOWan. , CI the downward steps of aftlle i n umn.4 / Omni° was free from the vice, but he 3e11.1- Fell, him the angels; front heaven to holl— t-Fell, to be moektd At, Gaged at, and beat, -13fingling withfilth in the horrible street. Pleading, • • • - 431211filir • • , ••• i • - • • • • ••• ti - 10 • Drinking still denier, yet greaterbis Wait . Till ho sickens find falls, degraded . aila roir, And &alb profer:44 to Walt:* of Woe! Merciful God I in tby goodness save Thine own image.frinn a drunkard's grave, I lie on the shingle, waiting; The brealiat my feet I The min Is a nary furnace, .. But the wind tdows - cold and street. Why tarries my little amyl n• She promised hero to meet. fr • .; It is time! it is time! she lingers By the cliff whertinone can see,. . Anieng thogrosi, chalk boulders, She is coming to talk to me, In hefiroiao, which is deeper, awiister, Than the cold wind or the sea. r . She knows 'tehere we cut the letters ' Which 'mairj L ber mute to I lie here,. ffinging the pebbles,. In the with.; foie. Sign. " Como, little gypsy dark eyes, I long to see you shins, may 20, 'GB. 014 e is gay as mocking-bird?. She is sad as a kg:4y dove . She whispers lesi," I hate yea She laughs with liars, "I hive Our bonds shall hold fora torndott!,., ' Wefiaxe 01456 by the 'RUA above.", I see her, I see her winding - Down the whits chalk curra gam . The old Scotch cap, short petticoat, 0 4 And stop hke a mountain roe. Bait, little brown loge, bare little brown fedi Ay, well be gay, I trow. —Caner elfagazine. lA:A:t3rUzi:ll/48;i:ii440):1 1 1 TRADITIONS CONCERNING FRIDAY AND atm • DAY.--TEIR "ri " Struggles and Triumphs; or, Fort ty Years' Recollections of P. T. Bar. num, written by Himself," is now passing through the press of J. B. Burr di. Co., M Hartford. , From -4114 vanes sheets we the tali:twinli chapter concerning Mr: Barnum/ ideas of popular superstitions: rs:r apr. 1. •cr-Iy FRIDAY. .• In'the summer of 1868 a lady whof happened to be at 'that: time 'art in mate of my family, upon hearing me 'say that I supposed we must remove into Our summer reeidence an Tlinri4 day, because our servants might not like to go on Friday, remarked: " What nonsense thrit is!' It is as; tonishing that some persons are se foolish as to think there is any differ• once in the days. '=l'A& ittrank tea.' thenism to be so superstitious as to think one day is lucky and anothei unlucky;" and then, in the most in 4 nocent manner possible, she added; " I would not like to remove on 4 Saturday myself, for. they sit3P 'people who remove on the last day of the week don't stay long." Of course t his was too refreihliti case of unnoubted superstition to ba permitted to pass without a hearti laugh from all who heard it. * * * Several years ago an old ladi who was a guest at my honeeremark4 ed on a rainy Sunday: ' " This is the first' Sunday in ,the month, and now it Sunday in the month; that is a sign which never fails, for I have noticed it many a time." Well," I remarked, smiling, "watch dole'' , this time, and if it rains Oil the nest three,.Sundays I will give you a new silk dress." She was in liigitglee, and replied ; " Well, you have lost that dress as sure as you are born." ' - The,following Sunday , it ilia indeed rain. " Ah, ha !" exclaimed the old lady, "what did I tell you? I knew it would rain:" I smiled, and said, "Olright,watch for next Stuiday." ' And surely . enough:tie next Sun= day it did ra in, - harder than on - either of the preceding. Sundays. "Now, what :do you think t" , • said the old lady, solemnly. "I tell you that sign never falls. • It won't do to I doubt the ways . of Providence," - she added with a sigh, " forltiiiways are mysterious, and-past finding oat.".: The folkiwbag Ina chilliness sky and not the - slight, est appearancodfain 'WOO. man.V.4- ed throagh the: *LTA The olit ; 6 4 like to hear any allusion te the jest; but' two yearn. lifteoiirdii,; she was once more my guest, it again happened to rain on the first Sunday in the,:siiotb;;nn4 heard tier get. emidi • t_ that it would. every su iSundily in: the. .Month, "for," she TeParkedi•r:iti *la sign that never:fiat" She hid foititten 1 the: failure : of hefoid; deo;the continuance entlpirelence 'of inany popblur nupert4ittoria to the fact that we notice the - " sign" witoti - ,it.happexis to be;:iveri#4 , 3ud dci:not : Observe it, or we . forge it, When it fa. - -- • - . ils - • • ti, , ~„ Ten *mini Tunrrziai. 7 Many persona are exceeding* an perstitions in regard to the moulzer ` 4 thirteen." 'Tins in case, I have noticed, in Catholic emu- 1:4 Q)'.(.1111P i :".:)rirl -'-': rt-:;U) ' ' - i GTP. tete atitonts. • LUNY S ir- UNDAYS. Mil I,i J 1 .711 lir .44 3421 4 86 13/,'Dasu2 ' , -•• , --''''-' ' ' ,<.-:, ' :-, t ,,,..,. 4: i 13s.' 14.1 ""“ '`....;'' ' ' . l ' WANDA',".BUDFORD., .VOLINTYi - TA-4{..O.CTOBERIB .1.869. - . . , ~ .., - ; •r. ,if ',.--,, •,ir0. , ., 1• , .',). 1,1' , .. , ,, , i i t.:011 . . iT.: - --7.1 , c.-' , .! '., ~.. .._.; , f :-, - ~ ":. , ....t i( i-T.,1.--,:, , ,.... , ., . f.• •• , • t• bit* rhfiva vzsitedi',and ter. been `told' that' ii tit itami' iirigiziateil , thefiet . of•O thiitattith . 4 opostle i4g boon , ou.. soma . of.c. th e tßaChen: 7114341:.41 , 4*arnte, X 14991taovilmikematirre!41#5•!.; 'sbni wboilad qw - ie a horror . of umg lady` who bad- taitinifinla* *Ocean, attinmr,: indi who,' en 'IOW I !bog indfirlasbelramegised.l** room.tato poiSted, it &it UM,cimila *era bakeidoi, at a 1 1; slieLed iiitherforfeitherPit , rigeilhoneyi though finally Ate- wag - Pqrst 6 44tOts)wariother room, And. STP4 xuaU=k l Poo4 - , ,, FrePek no an d. Anunman`Will not :tinder.- linpo r titit eitteiliiise r Onthe thirteenth day of thetnontknot . nit' ntitablewithAit . frdLcomplanent of t thirt persons..., { With: regard.. tO tO,'Whic4r#l,l9.Jwir. 'Haire Wine uktereit. ing expaiencia''ind carious ikatoes; 'which. are worth' relating ad part of , My Pea** history. • ' . hen. I.wa a cunt, in Zugland with tlen'erat TOM Thumb, I well remem ber dining one Christinai day !With. nit: friends; thiiill3rettelhl,' , :ht St:. datnes'ar Palace, in London. and ber ,. tare the dinner woo - finished-1(A As' n wonder itwal ppLuptiCed before) it wag -discovered tit thenumber at table *di cractlY Wrack: ' • " Hbw - very unfOrttmatel u remark {ed one.of the guestst . would{ not have {dined. under circumstances . for any consideration ; , .4d known • • iiither,"'s'eribtodY remai•lc ed another guest.' • ' M • , " Do- you really suppose , there is anytnith in the old.; superstition - on that' nbject?" I itakOd.. . „ '"TinthrtoleUuily replied' an . old lady. Triith rajaelfliaie known. three ifiatamiesigand - ' • hare ME ,heard : of scores of. others„ where tbir- teen persons have, eaten ,at the same •talde and in every case one of . the number died before the Year was out:" This assertion; made with so much 'earnestness, nSidentlyiliecited sever al of the guests;'whose nerves' were easily excited • Icaiftruthfullygtaie, however, that I dined- it '"the Palace 'again the following. Chiiitmua, and although there' were "Seventeen Ira.- sons preeent,:every one of the orlsg.. vial thifteen who ditied there the pre ceding r Christmas i was • aniong this number; and all in good 'healthi' though, of course, it would hive been nothing very remarkable if • one hid happened to have died during ttie last twelve Months. ' • • lIIT while I was on my western lectur ing tour in • 1866, long • before I get ont of Illinois, I began to observe that at various hotels where I stop ped' my room very frequently was No: 11j Indeed, it seemed as if this intra. her tinned upto me our often as four times per week, and so before many days I-almost impeded tbr have that numliersetdoirt to my name whet; ever I eignedit upon the 'register of ' thehotel. - 't3t114.1 laughed ' to myself at whatl was convinced was' simply a coincidenceo 'On one occasion .1 was traveling from Clinton to Mount Vernon; lowa, and was to lecture in the college 'of , the' latter' place that evening: • Ordinarily' - should have arrived at 2 o'clock p.m:; bid' owing to an accident which' had occurred to the train from the West, the conduc. tor informed ine bat our arrival in Moniit Terionwouldprobablybe de layed until'_ after 'seven o'clock. telegraphed that fact to-the .conimit tenwho were expecting and told them to be patient. When we ha& arrived within ten 'irirneric of that' town it - "was" clerk. 'I 'sat 'rather niciodilfin the king this" train Wenld "linty up;" acid happening' fort some :MUM to look back over, my left shoulder, I diem -1 area the nen moon throti,gh,tim win; dow. This omen 'struck me as a 'eck. incident additionje my ill kick:Mid with a pleasant chuckle' muttered to myself, Well, I hope I Went' get 'room number thirteen'to;night, for that will be adding insult to injury." retched Mount Vernon a fewmin; utea before eight, and was met at the depot by , the committee, who took me in a carnage and 'hurried to the 'lid, lard House. ''The committee' kola tee ththall in 'the college was already crowded, and they hoped Iwonld de 4er-taking ten-until-lifter the-lecture. I informed them .. that . I would gladly', do so, bat :iiiinPlivisher to run 0' roon? a ,Montent , fox; , waahl While mide6' m)%face IluiPPeAeat° think about the• new room, and at mine stipPed outside of ray bed:** door -to took lit 4 the r unniber. - „3518 . " ntunber thirten"' '`• t_ After the lecture I took tea, and I confess that I, began to „W.* that " number - th irteen " looked_ a little ominous, There wa.l,'lnany 'bun dredii of miles /rim my- family; I lelt my wife sick„ anal began to mat my= self does "ninnixtr. thjrteen " portend anything in particul a r_? . - ,Without feeling willing even now . to acktiow• ledge ,thrit I &it initili'aPpreheneinn on the subject, I must sal , I btittati to take a serious-view of things ingen liraL EMU I Mentioned the cointideneuotiiii luck in so often having "number Ibirte6 - 1040Rmd t o 1ar,8 9 14 lard,, the proprietor of the hotilitiv 7 .41iirei• the ' InkrtklilorsX4,o4- I will give you- another loon' • if you. preferit s ,",said Ittht4.nrizj inIiATTO semi-serious If it me; I will take itas it' wales,' and if it meaner anythin g I shall probably find It out . -•— • - That samn night, befOrnietiring 'fa rest I .irartif a? dotter; tO/4 &eta friend, then . residing in „Bridgeport; telling Mina my eiveriemies . in re• itard'to"" number thirteen.''. : I said to him iu closing:, at ine fi:kr.beiAgsuperstifiMu4 tar I hard ly-PO-so:1 think it insimplynseries Of ``'coincidences' which' appear the more strange because I am sure- to nolicenverrone that . °mum' Ten days afterwards I received an answer I. from my reverend friend;:in which,' he cheerfully said: - "lt's' all 'right; go aliead'Ond get" inuaibini.,!, as' often as : you can. - .It is mucky num ber," and lie added: - _ " tinbelisving um' ungrateful Jinni I VhatiS tldrteen but- the -traditional •.` baker's _ dozen;- • indiating, `good measure ,' pissed down, shakenAo! gether, and, running 'over: a s LAllig& •• I - ---- gated iii:7oUr #iititgliiii:l* . tttring thist, 'totiit Sy all insist "ut upon hay ingsrocen'lNO...lB at every hotel; and' It thii.guiste it 'any intif bilatiatliaa Telunkookninsiplement k :send -- , - ;!* and'eomel somebody tit'. come in. ' `f,Wha,ao - ion 8 43! 213 90443 6 Aliirteetc(lototiies,t -Any , ill-Isekiin 'theiiiinibeil''.3Vie Abe; ptttrii:Yii:- cob afraid!' of ;'it 'when he adep* - .lgidirairs'indikanainieh, the twirler:it PO 3 9 - OolitOO* 6 to complete thi,ziok• ''ie Cit%ile of thirteen?... ........ . ... ~;-% 't, d Vosciii noti know. tlitiVAiiger thirtnin of First Corinthians' is' the grandest , iii tliii - Xlible, with verse thir teen'as the culmination n of ail.,-re li .- giouilhoughtr: And can you ,read verse thirteen of the fifth chapter', 'Of Revelations 7ithoutthe 'highest rap war 1,7 _ ... _..:.. ..,' But myclerical trienflliednot heard I of a certain carious . ciirenimitance I which occurred to me after I„h6,d mailed my lethir to him, and , before' 1: received hitiansWer. . ' - 4 i 1 ! - *-* *My experience with this main- i ber has by no means been confined to ap-rtmente. In 1867 a church' in ~Bridgeport.. wanted to raisCrievnird iho*sand,AollitXti in order to getf#o .from debt.: , - tatibscriii - eif.one t4?-S3LI - by aid of whichthey.as .suredme' they would certainly .enough!tovicife the ~4 debt: . ,fini weeks subeegnently, however, one of thii7ja hrethreaoowrote .me that they were Still six hiiiiiired dollars short, with but little prospect of - getting it. Ipliit4l4.l.7oniattz , °unil O ' the sutri-oxigintria-; e bro ther ' soon afterwsrds wrote ma that hp had l'obtained the other half and I 'might forwardhiin myetibiairiiitiOniirilthil, teen", hundred (Whirs. - During the , same "mason I atteridfxl a !air. in Fraradin Hall, Bridgeport, given 11iy a 'temperance'' orgamzatian: `rivo of my .little ' granddaughters Monorail ' riled- nie, and telling% thorn td seleet what'artieles they desired; I paid the ' bill,,,twelvn *Mars. ao d fifty . cents. Whereupaa I 6M:to - the children, "I `id glad yon `did not 1'1111163 itthirteciii dollarir, and Twill'extotind"no more here to-night." (We - sat awhile lis teniug to . , the tattaic,,mid finally start ed for home,,and as we were going, a lady at one of the sten& near the di , r canna 'Ont:'" Mr. Darin* you have not - patronized me: ' f Please take I a chance in my lottery" "Certainly," I replied, "give me a ticket." , I paid Jeer the price '(fifty cents ), and after ' I - anived ho me, I .diseo'vered that in spite of •.y eifireased 'determination ' to the ... tram I' had expended ei aetly " thirthen " &dare. • ' I invited a few friends to, s ",cialn bake " in the summer of, is6B, and being determined' the party . 'should I not be thirteeri,'l invitedlfteen, and I they all agreed to go. Of course, one man and.his.wife were' ".disappoint led." an 4 °Tad not/P - 744mq Party numbered thirteen. , At Christmas, %in the same' Year, m y%children and grandchildren dined with inei , and, finding: on -ii counting - noses,".; that they would, rin4 r the. inevitable thirteen,,arranged to have, a high chair pia it the table, arid my youngest grandchild, seventeen months old, was placed. in it, so that we- should number fourteen.. After ,the dinner was over; we ,discovered ' that my son-in-law, Thompson, had 'been detained doyen town, and the ittinliber ' at dinner table, notwith standing my extra 'premutious, was exactly thirteen. - • • Thirteen was certainly au ()whams I number to me in f 186§, for on the thirteenth 'day of July the AmeACan -Mtilimiiini was burned to the':giotind, while the thirteenth - dayrof •Ncrrem ber saw the opening of " - Baxnum's Nevi Atnerican Mtettertii,*• which was also stittiently - destroyed by ire. ' Having concluded '.this veritable histeil id 'mrerstditiiid'coii2indences 'in regardlo thirteen; I read* it- to a clerical friend, who happened tp be present, and after reading the mann licrip ,I paged it, when my friend and I we're atittle startled to „find ,that the pages' rambered exactly thirteen. "MAKE IT GO PLAIN' THAT I OLN GET HOLD OP IT." • ,-- . .On the Sixteenth day a ft er the bat tle of Gettysburg I ent ered the room where a yotti:tg Wounded COlimel w apparently ibar•to death. As len ati tared he wnd roused from his stupor, and inekaned me to his•bedaide, and threw liiEir feeble . arms around .my neck.' • ' -' "Oh, mY lather;how'glad I am to see you! ,I ! was afraid • you would not come till it was too -late. • I am tee feeble , to say much, though I have 0 o:eat many things to say to you ' ;i 'yoti must do all the talking: - Tell me , tal about dear mother and &Sten" ' .%. • I soon-perceived•that - there was no hope entertained of his recovery, and inquired of the doctor— ' Doctor, how long do you .think he din live t" ' '' ' ' ... 0 Not more- than fear! , days: .He may drop off at any. hour." , ;• ;,." Have:you; or, hair any one, told him of his real conditionV' • I "Nor 'we litive left tha t painful du- I ty kir you to do, Si we have bein ex pecting your arzivalfbr Several days." ):, lAs I entered :the: 1500111 with the dren44 mq 3 eage ,of- death . Pressing' on my heart, tb.e.oyes of my son ha-. , tend on me. -.T • , " ' COme sit by my side, father. tiiive' yoitbftn te,tag With the .dot 'tar, , .. 'about me?" • " What aid be tell, you 2, Does ,he think I shall recover There wasn, painful hesitation for • a moment. ' • - "Don't he afraid t,o''tell me just „what he,said." , , , • He told mo you must, die 1" How,long does he think I can, Rot liv;)r to exceed fonr days, and that; yon'inay drop away any hour.'' ;.: Withgreat agitation I exclaitue' `,`,Vather:is flint I'hen I must die! I cannot; I must not died Oh!, I ` an t 'not - preptwect to' die iiow I Da tell me how'i can get ready 1 Make it plain that I cra•get, of it.' Telkme mit few won* if you can , 8.3 that I can see it , .know you can, father; for . I. 'mica to . bear 'yeti 'explain it to etheri." .'Twas no time now for 'tears,' but ;for calmness and lights by which:to, lead the sold to Christ, anilboth were given. .1 - M=M= 31.114. / ; 1 4 ,..;,;131, 4 1 .9f,-tit . /. - :,,..1:'. ..^ ~. .~a'=.,~ k ~ ~ SZ Pr.. r 1 ; r ;; „; ,r MEE , 111; 4 0 74 . 1 inft• . tl, - • • ••=1 ,,- 7 - ;' ,, .i , ( " A t t Y,T ,U PA S TY, 4 • ,14) 16 ,1 -1 at e, Well; Em . pi , 64wytiati ; feel giciltyi' l "-Tee, that.v3, , I..have,been: rised r•Pg n4u4;; Y9u iIOPY:49* ' 4 1 mq.: : ''. • Want to ... r ; ill' 0, ydale tvhatlwank 1:40, fathexr,f.r. , , , '" danl.'kuovilit I . ;4li L e L T 41 Nietaily.lll.l < • • 'Snoir, frithei,:- make it' . so plain that Dcan.get hold of it."' , 4 : I W liitich occur ed during* school days of my eon, came to ins.mind..-thad not:thought 'of it before 'fcir SeVeral *years: ' Now it came back to me, fresh with itain-• truest and just what was wanted to Ode the agitated heart of thityoung inquirer to Jesus,. " Da yoti remember wee at school came home one day, and,:khaAng occasion to rebuke you, you lieeartie. angry, and abused me with, harsh language?" . , _ " Yes,. father, I was thinking aboid diys ago, fiat thought of You alining' to sea me, und• felt; no. badly about it thati wanted to see you, .110 4:04e,0 Wore asku, to forgive' me.' "'Do you remem ber-how. after the f" ' paroxysm o your anger had sub - eft you' Mine in and'ftew yin': arms around my neck,-and maid," My dear illAter; I am sorry ,1 , abused you so. It waanot,your loving son, that did It. " I ;was Ty, angry, Won't you fOigive met' . " Yes, I remember it very distinct- ", Do you rerhember. what I said- as you Wept,upo,n, my,neek ?" " Very well, Yon said, I forgive witt and kissed mg: I shall never forget those words." '!.Did you believe,me ?." .1, • Qertah4ly, I never fambted your word." , • ' ''Did you then feel happy again ?" • "Yes, perfectly, and since that time I have always loved you more than ever before. Lshell sever forget how it relieved me when upon me looked, upon eso kindly and said: I forgive you with fanny heart.'" " Well, now, 'this is just the way to come to Jesus. Tell him lam sor ry' just as you told me, and ten thou sand times quicker- than a father!s lovei^irill be forgiVe yOu." , • . '‘‘ Wilt ho forgHe Mel" -" • " Will he forgive you He•says lie will. Then you must take biii word 'for it,jug as you did mine." "Why, father, is that the way to beednie a Christian ?" " I don't know of any other." ' "Why, father, I can get hold of this. lam so glad yon have come• to tell me how." Returned his head lipen his pil low for rest:' I sank into •my chair and wept freely, kir ray lie r aii could no longer suppress its 'emotions. • I liad i done my work, and committed the case to Christ. He, too, I was gain assured, bail (Tone His. The broken heart had made its 'confession, ,had hetird what it longed for. , , " I forgive you," and believed it. . I'soi:th lien the nervous h ml on my head, and heard the word "fath er ' hi such a lone of tenderness and joy that I knew the change : had come. ‘, Father, my .dear father, I don't want you to weep any _more; you need not. I am, pe:lectly happy now. Jesus hp forgiven me. I know he has, for he says so, and I take 'lift word .forit : just as I did yours." The doctor soon came in, and fon* hiin - cheerful and' happy—looked ut hiinfelt Ads, pulse, whiCh had been watching With intense' anxietY, and said: . • • • . "Why,;t3olonel, you look )3etter.l "I am better, doctor. I dim gang to get well. ' My father has told 111 how to lie a-christiati anal fun very happy. I telieve Paha recover : for God has heard my prayer. Doctor, I want you should become a chria-, tian - too. My father can, tel you how to get hold of it." - The coloner liVes a member of the Church of Christ I was made a better man, and bet ter minister, by that scene, where , this dear son, struggling with his guilt and fear of death, was led to Jesus and found the pardon of his sins. I therefore resolved never to 'for get that charge he made me, in ; his I extremity,: , , " Mike it so' plain' that I can ,get hold of it." ' 1119 AND rrs, TICIT/EL BISToRT- OF THE"OAMH AND HOW 1? Is ..pLATED---4IoW OIuoVATES ABE TUDIOLD. 'As . Many of the young men of the eities---elerks, businest men and Me, chanies—are " taking the chances" at Keno, th following description of a keno-roo th in operation by the edi tor of the ljetroit Post, may prove in teresting to the =initiated: Keno, which has in ' a great mea sure taken the place of faro, st least in the Northwest, is founded on,,the German game called "Lotto," a , di version or 'sport.' It 'Wee originally intended for children, or,-when care • - fully played, by older persons, and niade some skill and, calculation Atac ama/yr. -Grailuallyit was altered and. amended until it has becoina flmeans of seemingly theip, but in fact tern-. My expensive; gambling. • - • •, Air air long tables in the room are strewn with thick paste-board cards, each about 7 by 3i inches" in size, LI the eh - AE*3'4sf each card is a -nuniber - inlarge fq,iares.• This Card is in Stet thOplayer, as will .be awn. The, rest:of the game is merely me chap:cfd, as regards the, Ten playing. Th'eta tire 21 spaCes or squares ;nark ed or the. card, 7 horizontal_ and 3 perpendihnlar. In ii_of these squares, WI each of the horizontal row of spaceN are small figures, each ETace 'containing a nuniber chosen at ran -200:: 'This. - fills just , 15 . squitres out of 21;•loaving '6 blank spaces. The number.of d thoeards issued RI 200 in the room described, and each Plikier has the large central"number, nielitiontta -above,-registered on `board with boles for pegs,.and 1133111- ; .bered to i fvirespond•with, the cards. ; Every player pap ,twouty-five cents to the banker for one of the 'cards MENNE ;itiss /‘ EEMEIM U=EMI =I 4 , "03 , ( r.l M .deserthek and if more than one are used he pays the same price for each udditiena! one, and the, game open& A."raen on:the dias, in the centre , of the ,";chirlti 41 ' bottle-Arniial wooden thing, which is filled with • little ballas t nuelberieg,,as is the board; ,fi.Pru! 040 tO.t3r3 ; hundred., • each' revolution One of these balls is thrown out of this bottle and (*right 'hi the hand of the operator;- who cries , out the number marked on it; and every }pays whose; card contains the cor responding rininber eocPrs the figures, with a button or clibek: The , pleyer , 'whoffist filla 'straight row of five nUmbers called "Keno," is entitled ' to the stakes in the .banker's hands, minus twenty-five percent., Placing the . number of platers at twenty, what are the: of win ning? '!They have deposited $5, a quarter each—that is, if each one plays lint one card, Of this the ban ker takes $1,25,. leaving 0,75 to , the winner. Here are twenty players, each holding a cor d - with a di ff erent combination of numbers, to- be coy. ered as called. Two, three, five, six Or more players may c o ver a number atone time, but urdess i thelittle ball indicate fear Other numbers on the Mune line, 'his "chances ' for winning are gone. •So the greater the num ber of players, the less the chance for• winning the pool. If twenty play, the odds are 18 to 1; if ten, .9 to L This would seem enormous odds; but lit is not all. -Out of 200 you have but' ,15 figures that can possibly win; that is, you have three rows of five figures each and one , of these rows Inust be covered; chances against 11 Now the oddi iu fivor of the player are ,very small; if he wins, he get fifteen times as much as he investes. The balance,. then,_ can be fairly cast as - follows: • Odds againgt player.... Odds in favor of players Total aftatost itninee of winning , 17} .:Yetiyoung men and old men take this venture nightly, when in the or dinar)* course of business they .svould hesitate to risk anything at a tithe of such adds. It must be clear that they are only depositing in the coffers of an unscrupulous. gambler a . percent age even of their winnings; Which are very small at best, and that the ban ker cannot lose anything, but' must gain. - How they ran. consent to sup-. port such a leech -it is hard to imag ine, but they do; and night after. ,night, men who , move in .good soeie, tv can be seen bending over one of those fifteen figured cards, vainly at tempting to calculate what combing . tion of figures will , win in the next deal. • As if there were any arith- - rnetical problem that can bc solved balls whirling rapidly in a bottle and continually changingplaces He' is a fool who looks for ti solution in That way. In Keuo, as in faro, the chances in winning are invariably against the winner, and frequently great care is taken by the operators that a player has - no chance 'et all. A "brace" or ". skin " game is often played, and is done in this manner:. The operator,: as the lisps fall from the bottle, or wheel,: calls out the" numbers. He is invariably a professional gambler, of -course, and has it in his power to cal thereat number or a false-one if he chooses. When he desires to favdr the " house cards " (and these things are sometimeS numerously dealt out), he calls out the number that is on that card,,and which is_ in the hand of his Mend, and all risks by oif.- dors are easily taken in the " fra ternity." • A MINISTER'S REBUKE, A writer in the New York . dger tells the following anecdote of Pother Baltoa :" " • • ' Many of . our readers remember Acmes. -Ballon," one' of those men who, thos r ,ah kind and hrusane. to a fault, are bold to speak the truth; anti td rebukb evil at all times. Many= years ago, when I was but a boy, I went with my father to Exeter, N. H., to attend the annual. State convention of the religious denomina tion to which Mr. Ballon belonged. Our abiding place for the, time was beneath the hospitable roof of Broth er—, one of the leading citizens of that pace, who had an exemplary woman—a true and faithful friend— and accounted one of the best house? keepers living:. Her dwelling was a pattern of neatness, cleanliness and order,; and her table was the , festive altar whereon offered the best things that man's normal 'apPetite ever crav ed. • But with all her virtues Sister W. had one grevioua fault - -a fault often found with the very best of house.; keepers. She disparaged, without stint, the results of her own and best endeavors. Her house, she declared; was "all topsy-biryy," "not fit to be seen," etc., and yet she must have known that mortal woman could not, have made it better. But her chief point of self derogation was at her table. Having.expended 'of her ener.; , gy, her ingenuity, and of her superior culinary tact and knowledge, to pro vide the bestlhings possible for her hcinored guests, she prefaced her 14- hors .at. the board by informing them that she was afraid they would hard ly , find mil -thing fit. to eat:—she had. no hick—everything seemed to corn - - bine against her--and she' 'wail really ashamed to tee such - victuals before . Sister W. knew tiMt Father Balled -Was very fond of a" - peculiar kind of apple'pie--L-a pie of sliced tart apples, made very sweet, with-fine sugar, and enriched by the laying on of extreme ly, thin Slices ofpork-7,-said pork be-' coming thoroug h incorporated with the pie drthrig the process of baking. Slime of these pies were made for dinner on the second day, and Siiter W.' was glad to-know- that her guests were anticipating a rich treat; for she bad dime her very best, and she laieWihat she bad never in her life made a more perfect pie than were the ones just from her oven. The dinner was 'served with the old story of " nothing fit .to "heavy as leak" " burned to'a crisp," "not half done," etc. It was painful. The guests were becoming ~ tired of Father Ballou bit his bps, and those who knew him beat could see that he' had arrived at a resolvito administer rebuke. Ho felt it.to be a duty. - , 1 , 1 - 5 44 4 4 t i l / 4 1 1 1 - N "i" ,Irt t " 02:0e . r'Annugn in Advgance. . • :At leagtlithe ineat and vegetables were removed, and: with :her own hands Hrs. W. placed two ofherrich pies upon the bible. There. was; a sparkle .of pride in herl eyiesad, a momentary play, ,of self, satisfaction nbout her lips kr aunt! two more Magnificent looking' ies never came to any bizird.• • - ." There, gentlemen, is a bit of pie. ivieh I could-hatomade yon some think'better ; but if was n0t,;,,t0 be. Nothing went right with th em.- They, are not really fit to eat—not' fit to bring to the table. 'But I have no other- lam sorry—verysorry." During this speech she 441* been cutting one Of the pies, lE4 rat ins' conclusion, she transferred a pieceto, a small china plats, the amber juice weeping from its cut sides like the richest honey.tSlie looked.. up at Father Ballon. - " "rather BallOu, shall I give you a piece r The old man slowly and' soleninly shook his head. 1- ` lam very fond of - that kindnf pie when it is properly , made ; buteuraly„ Sister W., you should be a competent judge of your own works"; and. as I think you are a woman of truth, I must- take your , word for it. You certainly cannot expect: me to eat that which you yourself most emphat ically pronounce unfit to eat—unfit even to bring to the table ! I had promised myself a famous treat ; but I must wait till you have better luck." And *ith this the -old gentleman arose and left the table. The other guests saw Itra-V. sink back aghast, and as a matter of delictcy, they fol lowed Father Balton. . Nearly the whole of that afternoon Sister W. sat. `alone in her clamber, sobbing and crying, and reflecting by turns. In-the evening she presided at the tea-table, and not a word of the old style did she utter. Those guests went away, 'and time passed on—other guests came and went—, came and went year -after year---but never more did the - good wife distress the partakers of her bounty in the old foolish Way. - • - ; TEE OIERISTIAIiIi REWARD. _ Though no man can become a Christian if he is. seeking a reward, he is none the less certain of reward. lii . every true sense of the term, the practical Christian is not, only better `than other men, but better AT: than other men diction in terms, to-deny that man is in the best estate, when he is. in his natural state. The fish, in the air, and the bird in the•water would each find miser y and death;' and because, each woul d be out of its natural ele ment. The prophet, ins calling on men to be truly religions, 411 s _upon them h> eat that which is geod,iolo. their N, ails delight themselves in fat- nes's. Then the Rittgdom'of Gled is not oLly said to borighteotumess, but peace- wad joy. How'feelingly do the apostles speak of the joy of believing. "Believing, ye rejoice with joy un speakable and frill of glory. The' poet did in no particular` over-state the reality, vvh4n he' exclaimed in the' lines no* so familiar: - • , Tongae on hem enrolls The read a•nfert and peace Of • soul in Oa runnel love." Travel the world over acid you will not find s single devout and earnest Christian, whose experience has led him to doubt' the reality of the joy there is in Christian believing and living. The bliss of faith, a, peace that passeth understanding is one of the first truths:in the creed' of every experimental Christian. He woun. as soOn think of .doubting that the sun shines amidst the full blaze of the n. in-day; he ivould as soon think of ‘,. - .gin questiOn his exhidence as to entertaining a ~doubt of the . fuli happiness of thecsoul that has reeeiva ed yet to the 'worldly eye, the eye that cannot see in the light of Christian . experience, the letter, spirits•romme and actual result of the Gospel in hu man experience, are in flat contradie tion with this alleged fundamental 'truth 1 The founder of the Christian religion was Himself an outcast. Iris \ life was sought even while ,in the manger.. He had no where to lay His head—not' so well provided for as the foxes of the field, or the birds of the air. His whole life was one of toil, pain, sorrow, bodily anguish. It went out in blood. Christ was de rided, scoffed at,, and finally cm - rifted 'as a malefactor. To - His followers He proiniied little else than his own 1 hard lot. In the - world they should have tribulation; They must expect persecution ;must eipect to-be list ed ; to have all manner of evil said of them; to be,cast off by. parents and friends ; to become wanderers in the earth, with' every man's hand • raised against them. Ais the Apostles found it, so they declared. 'We _must through much tribulation linter the kingdom of God." To be a Chrisr we must daily bear our cross. . • The exelanation .which recoil ea f this seeming contradiction is. in one sense easy — another sense ' t. It is easy to those who have * ex perienee n to, its interpreta .tion •' ' very difficid those who come to it in the cold - . light of reason, and eau comprehend only philosophical reasoning. ' Yet there is one general fact to which 'we will direct attention. The entering the Kingdom of God is clearly a great change in the life of a Soul. The mere statement that we are to enter ..the Kingdom of God implies that as yet , we ate not in it. 'We are not born Chriatilins. The most that can be said is that we are' born to become such—born with natures fitting 'carte be changed into Christians. There is—using - terms in the NOW. Testament sense—the state of grace "which is Übe dieting guished. from, and which 'succeeds 'to the state of nature: There is the 1 state of regeneration, which is din- 1 'tint . from, and. which succeeds to, the unregenerate state. Now, this change involves a revolution in our lives--in our aims and motives. The man of flesh is crucified. The love of the world, iis the supreme good, is overcome by the love of God and of divine things. Theft far e : he selfish partootus has been in tlieimendant. Of course, this cannot be overthrown without difficulty. Aeocinling to Scripture and the testimony of every saint, this substitution of a new =hag NUMBER. 23; It innonnts to a contra MVO The will sanctified must l 4 ll:47: s 4wayto thereastay Onion, iiivfindketde nnutt bed:lvan out L ynt a detlisioriaa; And ` it i s` Larder to txrngtu#sme'it self thin to take L • ate ut, remember, the struggle, the pal.% the trfindation pertain' to the proses "not to the result—tti the act ofenteringthe kingdom of God, not the kingdom. The kingdom once entered the soul finds not cad' , right ecnuttme, but peace and joy: It is often a tribulation to be saved, alas recovery from a half strangulation is often thsatreaablg is the extreme.— But - those who are ietially saved, find the peace of God Which ',tweak tuiderstanding.*Chrkiien Liader. THE BEVELATEMB OP A EAT On LIGE It was long regarded as` a .w.ftt scientific feast (and it oughkto be so regardedstill) for a chetah**, sepa rate into component pails. and tluirouighlyinalyze'and . deacitliet the formation of a vegetable, mineral or =had bodyj but_ how much more . wonderful h, t,seience of , whir and stellar chemistry, by which we are . enabledlo discover a• portion of the :on of the very sun in the heave .1: s and to declare without a ' doubt that: in s that great luminary may be found eopperrck el, zinc, cobalt, - um, iron andL :tithes : j..• th which we are, perfectly • • i On the first pre._ sentation this statement it - seems • incredibl ' of belief, not ' that such things Otildexist in the sun, but thst anibody should be , able to find itont.r.Thesejiisc:tinerieiCand many otheeiMportaat ones hive been made by means of the spectrum analysis; a full and infiresting explanation and elucidation of which -is found in a work of Professor Roscoe, of Man- Cheater, recently published in this country by Appleton & Co. - The fact that a ray of light when passed through a prism is bent has long been known, and upon this char muter of the,deflection of the various parts of a ray, each part forming a different color ire a perfectly regular and unalterable manner, Sir Isaac NeWton founded his optical- theory that color of light deperkils Upon, the refrangibilty of the different parts of a my. But it has- since been discov ered that much more knowledge than this may be derivedArom a ray of light. It was found that the spec trum_ (or the ray that is spread out on a wall after having passed through a prism) had certain narrow, lines across if, which-lines were dark, well defined, and fixed in their relative t, position. The light from the Sir, the moon, and that from the • planets (the same light, in fact) had differ ent markings, it was fonfid, from the light from the fixed stars, which are considered to be Inds thenislvelves • and perhapi of a different. , nature from our sun. This gave rise to ex periments, founded upon the fact that all burning bodies have a spec trim, and which had for their object the discovery of the. substances An these distant,huns which &used the peculiar markings in their spectrums. Thus commenced the spectrum - anal ysis, and it has proceeded until the results have.been highly satisfactory, and encouraging to its votaries. For instance, it was found that burning sodium had two intensely yellow lines in its spectrum, exactly where the-so lar- spectrum had two dark ones.- Therfore, allowing for rthe fact that the solar light would destroy the col or of that hrom sodium, when the lat ter is in a state of luminous vapor, it was conjectured, and has since been proved- by many 'experiments, that the vapor of burning sodium will al waya (and that ,from no other metal will), when rays from the sun shine througla- it, produce just such lines in just such positions irt . the spectrum. Therefore, it is concluded that, noth- s. ing but sodium will produce the above effect, there.nmst be" sodium itt - the sun. -Simms experiments have prov the exhistence of iron and other met als in the great centre of our system 4 and that they exist there in a state_ of heated vapor. Besides this,"it has been discoAered by the same analyt ical means that the: aebnlee,•-which were once considered to consist of - vast - assemblages of or universe of stare, are not really 'such, but are what any ordinay person, 'Unlearned iii astronomy, would suppose them to be, simply massei of vapor . and The 'science of the &misty of light as developed by the spectrum analy sis, is'yet young. There is much be fore it, and although it may be urged by some that the fact that copper and niche exist in the sun is of no use to man, unless some method is devised by which he may get. some of it, hu manity will always applaud 'the eff orts of those energetic and elevated men whose works are making ua know more and more, year by year of oar world and the qstm pi which we live. A man might , carry on a vex* stiecessful business without knowing that the*orld turas around, but for all that every .one is glad to know that ouch a revolution does take place. Whether the results of theapectrum analysis will ever be in cluded among -the applied sciences is a question we cannot answer, but as tronomy.' itself is onl7in part an ap plied science and who would revert to the condition of the pre-Coperni cans, because it matters not to us to know that the sun does not revolve once a day around the earth, as long as it continnes to give! , the usual amount of light and heat? W0X13 7 8 GRAVE. .I. can paid by the 'tomb of a maxi with somewhat of a calmindifferince; but wheal. survey the grave of a fe male, a sigh: involuntarily escapes me. With the holy name of woman I as sociate every soft, tender end delicate . affection, I think of her as the young and bashful virgin, with ',ryes wparkling, and cheeks. crimson with each impassioned feeling of the heart; as the kind, affectionate wife, absorb ed in - the execirse of her domestic duties; as the chaste and *turas - matron, tiredivith the follies of the world, and preparing-for the , grave into which she must soon descend. Ohl there is something in contem plating the character of a woman that raises the soul far above the common level of society. She is formed to adorn and humanize mankind, to soothe his caves and strew his path .• with flowers. In tress _the hour of dis she is the rock upon which' he leans for support,• aid when fate calls him from existence, her tears bedew gil,ve. Can I look down her tomb without emotion ? has always justice done to his memory-- IVMM never. The pages of history lie open to the one, but the weak and unobtrusive excellencies of the other sleep with her in the grin*. In hex. may have shone the genius of a poet, with the virtues of a saint. She - too may have Pottsed unheeded along the sterile pathway of her existence, and felt for others as I now feel „fur her.