GI LOCAL str A Special, Court is in: session hem. - w.,w211. H. - Giniiijias Drag Moro to Drs. Vasco 4,11E44 , irlk6 continuo the boldness ot theibla stand.... _ se- Ali. E. W. Towns, of Rai"; raised &Conk 71 pounds • sowing, AI bushels. at Norway oats, weighing 34 pounds to thobuaheL VWWe publish on the first . page of this paper an interesting latter titan CAW dent in Cornell 'Univers!V, Ithaca, N.Y. We hops to hear trombhn lir Miss Mwrzra Wzrros has our. thanks for decidedly the largest and most dell. dons risimties Int have tasted this season. They were grotto at the residence of Mrs. Winros, in Norlairitp Hollow. Mir EDWARD Pisses, of Wells twp. i was brought to this place and lodged in jail on Monday last, for shooting's oolored man named Row. Rom:mos. 'The ' mandtwaipremeditated. We understand that Rcumiscas has diod Bf his injtuies. _ . I. The mother of Wm. M. Mar Loirr, Esq., of this place; died in - Corning on Satnrday last. She was ono of the oldest resi dents of that place, and highly - esteemed by • largo circle of friends. • Or' About half-past five o'clock on Tuesday bftornoon, BEIIIA2e6 livery stable was Aiscovered to be on fire. The fire originated in some straw in the loft; and was either the result of spontaneous combustion or.tbe work of AM incendiary. i . . Wt. The Elmira AdthTtiser,is hay, lug a little "onpleasanhiess" with the Typo graphical Union. From all that we can learn of the affair, we judge that the proprietors are in the right, and hope they will hold-tint. 09:- We are ilidebtedlo A. T. Lur tsv, editor, fora copy of the Bradford County Teoch.erl Attend. It is an interesting little - volume, neatly gotten np, and deserves an or, tensive sale. , Ii The directors of the North Pennsylvania R.U. Company passed through this place on Thursday last. They were accom panied by quite a party of ladies. The com pany took dinner at the Ward House. Stir EZEKIEL Caen, of Herrick, is anth , rized to receive subscriptions for the Itz- VORTEIL T6Q Circulation of the IhreorrEn has now reached over three thousand copies, and if our friends in each township will only give little attention to the matter, AIM!. reach five thousand before the 'expiration of lain ger We learn 'that Rev. R. Carr- TENDEN'S barn was entered On Thursday cran ing last, and sereral articles carried away. Pernong other things the thief got bold of a set of Seriptiiie modelit, but finding the "Ten Com mandments" wrapped up with them, returned the package. re— A good family-newspaper is a lieeessitY which every intelligent family will ha% c. It helps to - pass a leisure hour pleasant ly ; it furnishes material for a profitable conver sation, and improves the mind, elevates the feelings, and drives away drill care. -Therefore let every intelligent man take home the REPO' 11- TEII, and read it to liisfamily. gitT A County Sunday-school In oitute was held in Lellaysrille, on Wednesday and Thuraiy dtlast Week,. A deeper interest in the good work has rarely been more mani fest than at this convention. The friends in L-Itayeville and vicinity most heartily no-toper ated in the meetings. We hope to give a fuller report next week. SUSQUEHANNA Cousrr.—A brake man named DATID Dtaasr, wa killed - at Great flood, on the 23:1 nit., while coupling somo care. 4. W. Jonia has beon appointed postmaster si Great Bend, in place of Dr. H. P. Moon; d,,•, n.,etl. Three' Baptist churches Susquehanna v tty have contributed $132 to the Avondale `rt,livf fund. • i We take great pleasure in di: ii , tivg attention to the report of the condition of tlt,• First National Bank of Towanda.plt will 1.0 dt•VII that the T arerage deposits are about This flittering extol& is in a great inua,uro due to the personal popularity and bus licss ability of the gentlemanly cashier,litr. BETTN, upon whom the entire management of tlt•• uleerti tests during the illness of President 57.11111. tar The ministers andNlaymen prt, , t.iit at the Sunday-school Oonci4 on in Troy, took the responsibility of changin the time meeting or the 'Troy District As *a to enable members to attend who oche i 3.• could not consistently, both that and the o• story services of the 31. E. Church in Wells- The Association will commence its first cu.:; , •rly session for this year in Millsboro', 2c,, at 2 p.m. The dedicatAiry services are 5:•; , ..,!.ti,d for Wednesday, Oct-27, at 14 a.m. and layman are earnestly invited to WEsi,rx Coctril.tx, ear The Watkins Democrat, says: 11, Watkins Glen will not close this year till .:os.nt the first of December, and as autumn is m •at favorable time to visit .that beantiful uno. romantic locality, our readers should em roc, the first pleasant day to make an autum nal acpuintanee with its ever beautiful and ,t: ;doss scenery. Its former manager, Mr. II !IT:A, hes been placed in charge by the new tor, and its staircases, bridges, railings a•pl pathways aro reported to be in perfect or- ii4ir EDITOR OF THE REPORTER : We iu your paper of tall oats and briers, 3 potato vtne twelve feet and four inches knob cud potatoes _ that weigh two pounds 5 , :,1 ton ounces each. ThoY weraraisedneither 'Ow Athens flats or Huckleberry mountairt, I , lt on Holton Hill. L. E. Gamuts. (Mr. Games has given us a practical demon- ration of the truth of the above, by leaving usa basket of potatoes, one of which weigh .l viands and nine ounces.. There were 1.1.11. Q others in the lot which were almost as ‘,l be. Now that the election in over, 5.:,1 the political fires all oat, wo have time to 1..4. after other fires, and to see them burn ith n pleasing effect is an easrmattcr, as by i;..1-ting a Morning Glory, Brilliant, or , Illumina tor, the effect will bo satisfactory. ASPINWALL kec; s them. Also, the celebrated Baltimore linter, which for convenience; -economy, and heating power, is the best thing ever invented. Thy ally . use as much cosl as an nrilinary stove, antl will heat four roomeotp stairs and down, eel eat but little more than a first-class stove. lie has put a great many, in kero, and every , no speaks in the highest terms of them. Pco` .7 1.. it tiAtrate circumstances should have them 1: all Licans, as they will heat their whole house r ni, flu r. al used in a common heating stove. t'oupt-Tmo IltrEttrsr.The Chicago .1„."-:01 gives a new nal° for rinaptitinOriter ,..t. and says it is so simple and ro true that ~ry banker, broker, merchant or clerk shonl4 ,st zi up for . reference. There being no such a thin?, as a fraction in it, thero is, seareolY my to error or mistake. Byuo other ;with- Tecti...ll proms can the desired.information obta:ned by so few figures. • Sir.per ceid.-31tatipli any given number of 1“Ilsrs by the number of days of interest de bire.l, separate the right hand figures and di vith, by six, the result is the true interest on such sum for such 'number of day . * at all Per cent. Eight per coat any given antount the number of days upon which it is-desired L. ascertain tho interest, ar.d diridW by forty °`e, and the result will be the interest of such fur the time required, at eight per cent. 11n per cent —Multiply the same di shove and divide by thirty-sin, andthereardt willabaw the rate of interest it ten per cent.' " t 9 1•77 1 ,7: 1 4 00 .4" far knnabli4/.o o l l i4rtheo POI are 0 9 11 ,0 - 4 111 . 6 head were out all their ,itiength; smote them hip andtbighroutedtbem, coot and &spot* -- . _ ~ Some six or eight new l iUtere dome: ' critic side made their appearance, yet i 0:4 1 / 9 they posted only 79 votes. Last year, at :,, , the Presidential election, they Polled 85 into& The Ilepnblieanithis falleastl96 Votes: :Bois 25 or 30 ofoar voters did not attend, GUN:want of the 0411010thien of thin samirintro Witte or one of heel% ethlecoee. i test were too lay or too hultiforent eo.eome.„)Tharke on a man who will not some out' nd 'rote ',Or hu manity and equal it the . day , stortny and unpleasint t Such anima ought net Whore the right to vote at Well, the die Ismail and .I hope liberty has been triumphant: I have faith.4cdl thith—in the rietth)liam and integrity of the muses of our poople t , and I be lieve that right will -in the: end prevail. The monster we have been combating diesbard, but let us be faithful to oar trust and we will me him perish, fade sway mid - die—"lntirely," as the paddy seys .• Awhilo'sge• I told you of some huge totateca and long potato dues.,l hair° now to inform you that Lonmr.Paermwm4 of this Phew, picked apydrs,from his orchard this fall; setae of which weighed 23 ounces. What doyou think of that? Ah; Mr. Editor,-Warren is getting to be a famous pace: - • We barnlarge apples,large potatoes, largo men; and some great and awful sinners—politicalV, I moan. • Let us hope that they wall repent ind do better iu filter°. Oct. 18, 1869. • &tat. , BIIRLEMON.—Among the news of the day, politics is occupying s very important place. That now that the - election is grew and Republicanism triumphant in our State, there will be less talk, and we hope less, of the bois terous oicitement always attendant on a politi cal campaign. Election passed off quietly here. There have been -several serious accidents here lately. A boy about 13—a son of Law. nsmcm lissinsise—fell from the tap `of a chest nut tree and broke both limbs above ttielmecs. Dr. awns's. P. Triser, forincrly of Monroeon, was called upon and displayed some of the skill previously acquired in the army. Ho was as sisted by Dr. ELY, of this village. We under stand the boy hi doing well. Two twin children of Mr. and Mrs. Lan flux toy, seven weeks old, died in ono day and were buried in one coffin. A warning to all that none are too young to die. The October frosts have colored the forests with a thousand beautiful tints, so rich that no painter can imitate them. . . There is some prospective wealth here unde veloped as yet, in the large, ahuost exhaustless quantity of limestone in the quarry near Bur lington village. It only wants exter&iind capi tal to develop riches/or the soil . and the own ers thereof. Central Lodge, No. 505, LO. of i3.T., is doing The present number of members is IL The Officers are—W.C.T., H. Ely; W.Y.T., Mrsr3f. H. Everett; .W.S., Mrs. E. A. McClel lan; W.C., Mrs. D. H. Sweeney; P.W.C.T., C. S. Knapp; W.T., Mrs. L. J. Wright; W.A.5.,. J. Heath; W.F.S., It. P. Hill; W.L.S., Mrs. Anna Boss; WAS., H ss Helen Heath; Loren Web:mg ; D.3L, Miss Sarah Ward; W.L G., Newell Winston ; W.S., 3. H. Hill. May success and prosperity attend them and - their efforts in the temperance cause. Oct. 10, 1869. • Musictr. 'Hamm se. We find the following bio-. graphical sketch of the Into N. W. Amt= in the Sullivan County Free Press.. It is evident ly from the pen of ono who knew. him well : • "NELscor W. Acirmr. —The subject of this notice, son of NLILAII and Soma ,Acar.r.r, was born at Wyalusing, April 3, 1835, rt_d left an or phan by tho death of his father December, 1814. In the spring of 1819 the second mar riage of his motherbroko up the family at Wya lusing, and NELSON-went to resido with an un cle in Susquilanna comity, where he remained about ono year; after which he made his home with a brother-in-law (at Wyabasing), and as sisted him in his business. Then commenced the course of training which in five years fitted him to become the head of • business, and to conduct it so as to win the commendation of all. On January 2, 1856, ho came to Mullion; and, served in the Store of F. N. WELLCOX. A CO. 112 X.. til April Ist, when he was taken into partner ship and the firm tuorganized in the name of Wtm.cox,.Acrtzr A Co. At the expiralion of two years, April, 1858, llr.-Wrr.mcor. retired and the business was continued by Wm' Acs- LET. "On April 20,185-1, Mr. ACKLEY Withmarried to Miss Sdudu B. Hom.m..l3.tes, of Wyalusin?, who died April 80, 1885. "Two terms, or'six months attendance at t,o school of " Uncle Lraux " llicmuoosos, at Mar- . ford, Susquelmnna county; when ho was about fourteen years of age, comprised the whole Of his scholastic advantages beyond those furnish ed by the district school, 'at the -place of his birth ; and it is needless to say that the district school as it then c*isted, was a much less thor ough and satisfactory institution than it is at the present time. •-• "Ho was rather a student of men than of books, and the success with which ho won to ' himself friends during the active pursuits of business, attests snificiently well his intimate acquaintance with human nature ; judged by \ this standard ho could nut be called 'an igno rant man, although ho bad little time, as boy or man, for that diversity of reading which goes so far create the average of American intel ligence. To those be knew him as a man only, it can be said that e saying—'The boy was father to the man,' wa verified in his case; for, being left an orphan 13e re ho was ten years of ago, and being the elder son, ho necessarily became his mother's man of sinoss ; and oftimos he might be seen coining wn the road riding or driving old 'Doll,' and to ' g aloig with so much of energy in the expresOon of both the boy and the horse, as to make3t seem a strife between them, to see which sho4l s, first arrive at their destination. That ho shoo d develop a high capacity for, as well as integrit in busi ness, was no unwise to those who w e ac quainted with the stockfromWhich he des nd ed, upon both shies of the family tree. Y Mr. Editor, well said of him, ' Strictly honest, giving to others exact justice, and demanding the same in return, ho his gained the good will of all-classes irrespective of party.' "lit Is hard to realize that Mr. Acxxzr was but a little over thirty-four years of age Hav ing been in business so long, and accomplished so much, in a calling so divernified, and made up of such minute transactions, and yet in the aggregate so large, thatat the Smear his loath there were upon the books of the firm over one thousand different accounts. The greater part of the labor of book 'keeping had been his, nn tfl within the last two_years, as well as the eh. tire management of the business from the date of its reorganization in 1858. The book-keeper of a Now York flint with' whom Mr. LCIELET had done business for thirteen years, said that - they had six hundred names in their books, and that among all of their customers' Mr. /wax= was the only ono that ever checked their books, as an error of so much as ten dents never escaped his eye. "To illustrate his prominent traits an inci dent may bo given. Ono who had business re lations with him (the papers and evidences of which were entirely in the control of Mr. Antr im) wont to him during a depression conse quent upon ill health' and asked for a statement of their affairs, saying that he- was of infirm 'health, and wished to have something to leave as evidence to, and for the; protection.' of his children. - The reply was thia—' In case any thing should happen to you, yeti children will get all that belongs to them, and not' a cent more. , 3Vas not that reply such es Would re assure the doubting? It was so felt to be, and his friend wont away confident that the 11112111 who hid the courage thus . to. frankli claim all :that was his, had ago the integrity to yield to others their due. . . " Coropicnous among his best traitiii)f char acter was his lidelity 'to trastk r .a/as I it led in directly to his end. On Ifondayntarning, Sept. 29, ho took the fatal train hoping to bo able to servo a friend, and instead of meOting him, be met death. • - - -"On the Wednesday following, we paid the lase sad offices of respect and affection at Wya losing, and laid his remains by the side of those of his wire of a year, end- near 'to kindred, and among scones b.oth of which loved fall welL" WANTED.—A good blacksmith namedistely. 1. P. lattra. South Brandi; Oct. 2G, /81Plat. mum=l Et= , .4 1 **440401 , ' 44 0 91 34 fasacklOkle,:** : */ 71$,Atlanat * Imeoche-oldest and i! 1 I,3l.lkiLseisaithishoitafip,has,bmies; abifamsao4 4 4 o ;*Oree B choioi edi #:# 01, 4 06, 1 11 . 41,0 P0 014 4 11 °" 943 n** 11 ' 1, Petikinit.4 l %**Priblb4l l l ll l,l4ael POIX" tai e ob; "" 13 iu grae T ' ,-u•qa.Sined , . 11,4:,P1:6011ii*irii,4414:1retuiFikid :40 ) 11 ii**!x4 11101 44 1 49*Pli:# 1 1inglhiff 4 ever: 1.:..'.: -.- --- : '.:;' :::' f',l".;'' -.' •::..._ scetticaleillo W;.B- *lne_wwerWhe.hne h.nen - 06 11 00 i n /an t ininil l hank for tlerpast nein - Hie. been , lip. poinkel eashier".;This wileaerrod cupplinust to 'a faithild and efgclent.e.lork.Oday he lint retain the —Topeka, Haaucie,is Brad ford county brayera&W. H. Warance, rag., makes tikfourth oueffelithic county W 4 01116 settled ht that thriving 014.- ' : • —E. Gum% Enl.;;of Highland, while cutting wood AIM anlot eine% acclaentalif struck the ate into his foot, inflicting a secrete end Painful vcsind. • - • • ..—Wo aro sorry to hear that_ ASPM. 'WALL hi anninottnhia-kunini.nitka nem , ma) him around again Ic4al fully reo9T* 4l :i , —Judge Parini was in town on Tuesday., Oncq Coatis uag Coed lioproaoniatlie . from laizerne He WM make, an end-, -If. a mucus, Beg:, is in NUW York; on, liminess connected with the 9..3ER.8. —H. E. Timm; of thieplace,lumbeen grant ed a permanent =Om** 11 1 3 , the Statw.SnPcc intendent of Common &hook _ Editpr: The read ers._ of the Idmounis arc blessed to notice ,that its column "local" continues '‘nersij,"andwc.ll Although the 12th . of Octolme.mili a stormy day, outtown never polledao heavy a vote. It was feared by soma that the peopletolght neg. lect town matters in the heat and strife of high er politics, tam that our elections both come together. But it was not so here. : Li fact, the interest in town offices fairly eclipsed 'coanty and State. The chief haute was in the electiOn of school directors. Now that wo_aro building now houses, it was' the conviction of many that tho sub-district lines needed "r+econstricting," in order that justice be done to 'the children. This was stoutly - oppoptyl by some. Botli par ties put up good men. It was no personal or political strife, but a war of principle. The doe- trine—"Thy greatest good to the greatest intro ber"—was '4llsallowed. ' The - storming party, believing their cause a just one, moved upon the enemy's works" and " faught it ontirn that line," against odds, and won by sixty-one ma jority. Amd now, "Let ns have peace." Mr. Editor, you may still remember, "When froin Aunt Patty's quilting party You saw sweet Belly home." - Well;..quliting partiesare oat of datenow, but our young }elks have bee n enjoying a Teri good substitute therefor in the shape of "poach cuts." But even these are about played out, for,want of peaches . . Our election bond were occupied until three o'clock the next morning in •""counting off," and fixing tally papers, certificates of election, &c. They worked faithfully and well, too. Wonder if the eight honr syttein has became a law yet? If so, our board are entitled to two and a-half days pay for their services. • Where Is that "Lightning Calculator" man? be in good demand next election day. Would. it' not ba a good notion to have as extra clerk or two, to keep tally as fast as the votes are polled ? At the Institute held here, 'one of the 'ques tions answered road thus: "Do snakes go blind during dog-days 7' A pretty girl arusweked, "They to." Willmomebody give us the reason war? Your correspondent is a little skeptical. Let in the light. We bawl nothing to report in theiray of long_ briers, but have, to report a' long' clover-root found thrso years ago, while pulling stumps. It was four feet long„and ran • straight 'down. not seen audineasurcil i it, I should have put the above down for a "witoppor," bat it was a fact. Ar.rn.t BETA. Oct.: 1860. TBOY.—We clip the following from the Elvtira Daily Advertiser: Tao; Pa., Oct. 15th, 1:117J. "Et:wrens ADVEUTIBED.;—EarIy this. morning or last evening,a series o^ burglaries ,were com mitted in our village. Some one 'entered' the residenee'of Mr. NELSON ADM', and took there from two overcoats, ono valued at forty dollars, and also a gold watch, worth about one hun dred and fifty dollars. Mr. Canvas Gaon& 4itoi4e was entered, and over ono hundred del ilarslaken. It appears the' thieves pushed out 'the key of the door, and inserting a duplicate, entered in that way. Mr. Owns found Lis . Toth' the hall, and hii; pants out in the front -yard, . and his papers strewed from the door to the gate. *. An attempt was also made to enter the house of Mr. E. C. Ouvr.n, but a suspicious character having been scan around, Mr. Our= bad taken thoprecau- Voilto fasten a piece of wire frbm the front door to the bell, so if any. ono tried to open the door the bell would ring. About two o'clock the bell tapped; waking Mr. Obitnn, who on getting up lit a light, but no one wattle be found around, they having been frightened off by the bell. A few 'weeks ago the depot was entered, and on the some night the cigar shop ofletr. d. H. LADLES, and a week or so after that some one entered the store of 'Mr. Wrramar Onwaw. And the cry' is, "Still they come 1 they come l" No clue to the burglara. The new buildings on the site of the late are progressing finely, and some of them will be read] for occupancy by-the first of Novem ber ; they are a credit to our village, and much Praise is ihie Mr. Hoaacn Powanor •for his efforts in overseeing so many men in putting up such noble buildings, Tr.oraw." —Sue CARNOCITAN, Laving become satisfied that the South is to, place for a "yankee," even though he be a good democrat, has returned to Troy. . —Poatraor andLmro'snew block is to bp oc cupied by llrrcnn., Ibmnicr. & Co., Dr;, - Goods, G.D. Lora, Dry Goods, PAIISONS & Co., Drug Store. They arn all first class business men, and will succeed in mating Troy the same buy; wide awake town it was before the fire which destroyed the best part of the place. . —The Troy House will be open for the ac commodation of guests about the first of Novem ber... udge Love deserves some substantial roceigrii 'on pf his enterprise in fitting up such a house rthe comfort of the traveling pub lic, Will o. Trojan friends take tkeir initia tive. . .0- WELLS.—The .lorious days bf au tumn are with us. The praises of spring-time have been chanted in our ars, bat how Elate are its charms compared wi i the more sub stantial richever Nature's rip • g! • The vio let, though sweet, has not the ties of a gor geously tinted landscape, nor the a breathes the fragrance of a world of lascious 't. We are pleased that your local colum made to sparkle with so brilliant a collectil ready wit and talent (Jaz counted, out.) .It' making the Rumor= what every countypapei should be—a - medium of neighborhood intelli gence from every town in the county it repre sents. Every town may be improved, 'and no stronger influence can be.brought to bear Upon its people than through the colonies of a lively paper; and we find that a good paper, is pre dated in i nearly the sank matmer is any other good thing—by liberal subscription and hearty. encouragement ; and whore a people pro plecilgr, state their wants plainly, and supliort their lop reel:mitotic° paper Den*, they are tram: to succeed. ' Our local mentions are' few this ,week. -- Wo left it to the people to get up material-for item, and they , failedd - to report except political ly. The Bird of tho Republic shit finds a hOtne in the Keystone State: If anyone seis fly': ing tower& Wells, let them be sure and head hint off; for' if he depended on a Republiesn's getting to election and voting him a dinnor,lo would bo a dead eagle iha minute. Taiarig our town as a sample in this 'respect, it's passing strange that Oar Veteran to-day . is not Melia out - Of the chair for money. -As it - is, we rejoice that a country should remember Its &Nader& A: democrat man of French 31ffls says it beats all that a people will vote such a load of 'ta'ia. Hon on themselves. Well, they did come is ith• ilia few thousand .of getting a Worse load!lian taxer. We aro now paying if; ante given dur ing the late trouble, as a surety forriddiag t_'‘o State of* such a menagerie ; and, sec, Re propose to have the trio itlghrli) Ilac allow and Occupy the back = A b*Plattts lll o4 l-1 4 1 44 146 **** 1 * , 'lri '' ' ''' t; ' for > :;' 7 Mitteeiciiiiv wi s e , . tecchecie ,i): * llTlrOLtat,hsCirA o lf 4 .- thitt l l.oo . o.l3l*****S.Withi Athit, AlPti hlteccet#46*l; 7l WilkaK* l6l6 4o l , - ,: - sodeihoilt*iiiiiii . . - -A: - .._ .• ;': , wiltra truiiii*Aripetwiliqrßiteme- ,001- fortalkle - ilisitieiilliiiireittick: '• ho''clkilfir tdcd*c l C , * l AddOli•theceithl4 l vitt . ' tei,anisitioro44katei*.dusiPmakits tie the mitt* i PskichiOACCitbitliiitorigi datyftwirespougibility — : Itintglitheweneimilh to houto the swot iitui Apdcg ctetuthOltt 'ati these Itivn't much feerlog;and to mat dell' AA" 441 4 e 44" a re . 1 496 4 Offerelt it 1,,W be policy to leave litesk lout iii ilti'oola t sea ritlithc ticlusiltAYht the' eittleigla dkeep by feedicaccd cited ec rindh! ) ,' AIR an igrproredfiptip the iprinie• - " .; , , % ,--1.-a ' Come 1 0 Oink alrgit* wOld - 4 14 0gewani suaTip on r tomws4oiiii , 4 ,ratrOenyittre ftutaican in 4,44 , pitied tliti word:-•-•%'-' 4 - 1 Oct. tit i v pp% - • • Jolt Commit ,--. . Mila'o7gg Amman Ektctioivatiy CatiOdong s 4 th ItfProoddikild*:Pll44 ,ll . l all . Ili 00 mood of - roplithw Loitaisisor's * *Ysi x toli l o "11' t ain it izi a t h e : 2611/ F,": vreaV" -little - boremgh polka about erfcoii; Ina:s isnio Republican n4Witf Tho oleotiorkof borough omcors was :stkowSw with considerable =interest, Ma consequence- of the,' fed that we hive a conple Of rural 'Political popes here; Who - hive heretofore. managed the' , borcingkeleetknas to : stilt themselves:- ,llnfor tunateljfer,their*Mmoi they Coinffilited the folly.Of nominating a "hard. "hard cues" forme of the offices. - The !animas re. belled; made ntiothes tidal and electedAt the unparalleled astonishment, grief and indig nation of the "rowere that used to be." gprti is the Re - pular result: Xidge of !cosy; immeetors 7 -0. ltzcßEr,Wat. Communal' BolVess= ll - Toni; it7ponel—JoaMlVotrarrr, W. W. Woommant, A. W. Wool:meal, L. L. MOOD; D. Vorotrri:. Justice—F.lV, Maus* 6 majority ;.„, Mutable—A: P. - Yotraro,l4 *neje* ty; &hoot Dieedors L. A. - RIDGWAY, A. If. Wartuts; Over o:Poor—M.D. pAitt H. W. Your correspondent, "Pluvius," should have told vou about flood No. 2, on tho 4th ult. To change the poet's similitude. t• little, it, was "Strong without-rage, - lei& overflowing "full." Tha flats were covered with water. Bullard Creek took a fancy to travel in- the Main road south for perhaps 'half a mile. Said road looks like a flattened out torrent bed. - L. L. Noomr lute bimght out Wmensat Elder Bunzuparis is slowly improving., The Baptist church hi comingont in white garments. Other items of interest I should liketo speak about, but timo . will only permit •me to add a slight dramatic sketch: •-_ • ' Scene—Borne. Personagcs—l. Independent but upright citizeni.: - 2.• Libidinous candidate for important office. Ilme—Dayjor two before IE Elilil Candidate.- 7 "Won'tion give me a vote elpc , tion ditty?' • . • Independetit citizen (in a strong Saxon min tier and with an tacleserilmble Cyclopean ex pression of countenance)—"Ain 4 t they got any better timber :than you r Candidate--" dims you'd find out if I was af ter you with a warrant." 'Citirou—" Yea, no doubt if tgot into a woman scrape, you'd be after me." • • Bat "I"lnvius " and "Yarout" could do more justice to these village incidents than " Yours, ISDEPERDENT YOUR. Oct. 18, 1869 ATIMM-7- - goptilarity js a draining value in the eyes of our. great Yankee nation. lu-the contest for preferment envious partisans gallop along with vehemence, keeping one eye on the "gun" andthc other on thO dear public, whose fulsome praise they regard sti the cyno sure of all !nanbood and gallantry._ Even the - , most modest, retiring mortals are tickled with vanity, desiring to appear recherche and get their share) of public flattery.. Your correspon dent has no wish to Ktab finch darling ideas with hii gesyto-quill. We have 'tried to be careful and not say anything in our reports to blister the sensibilities of any, desiring _rather to act asa healing salvo in promoting universal good will. • But wefhave • unintentionally blmulated.. In the report of the election last week, some can didates for borough (Aces seem to show to rather poor Advantage. But this is no index of their popularity. These offices are not desired. They are a tax on any business man's time and pockets, and he is considered most fortunate th4tpails clear of then/ altogether. The ticket was made up (with two or three exceptions} without thelmowledgc or consent of the can didates, and some of the namosput on but an 'hour or so hoforo, the polls rloied. Thorefote those who received fewest votes, hi some cases - may havo - boon as great favoritecof the public ae any. • There has been a great clamor for NIP all this week, and-two or three persons have boon treed for the bloody We have given our:expla nation, audit not satisfactory, aro.roady to have our head shaved and go in on "muscle.'! A jury last week, after a two days' trial, de cided that Fuescms Titan's brain is muddled so he is not competent to transact his husimais. Some on will be appointed nort court , td look after his affairs. ' - The directors of tho North Pennsylvania N.B. wore in town last Thursday. night. In the even ing were guests Of CoLionn. Wrzurs in a pri vate soiree. Work is progressing rapidly on onr new de pot. The trenches and stones are nearly done, and the contractor, BEIDLEiAZI, Will rush the brick work to completion in about three woel4F. CLagr's now planing mill is now in successful • .. operation. . Ns. • • - vat.. Prof. McMummy, the Light ning Calculator," gave - au exhibition in this place on Tuesday evening. Ho iswithott drinbt the champion "figirrist "of the world.i Those who failed-to witness bis wondorhil feats n the manipulation of figures, should improve • the first .opportunity of seeing him. His daughter, lama, is also a perfect prodigy, and bids fair to equal her father. • • 211‘ As many Of our democratic friends have been unfortunate enough to lose hats 'on the recent election; we laiow they will fluinh us for telling thorn that Crinrfotr & Ama• mut luire'all styles at - the fewest prices. Per sons alio did not lose on 'election, will also find chanci foi a ggod hatpin there. • ' DEmonnsfi - 15i0N . -rin,y.-This and a sowing-machino is beginning to be considered' indispensable by yonnghonsekeeporsandladies generally; but the Moreau must be had, whether - thd sowing-miehiie is or not. One of the great things in its favor Is, that the gentle= man no it. i They tlid• it senaible - instead of frivalous, full of practical information and use ful idOas, which save young and inexperienced Wives and Mothers any, amount of trouble and xponse. Tile illustrations 'and patterns, the vie and.other departments; are each worth and i i vroiolviso hisbands whO want to y• good thing for . their wives, them the family gOn*Wally s 'tO send AOC) ay, 11:T., Immediately, _ • . the c do a rol selves, to 838 Bros, DR4oakar's 'Youtra itraticA.—The Nevembernumbes , this. -poptdat cation bas just re us, and is deeidetilpthe best number. *al ' has issued. Opening the bright - cover, nt pop a beautiful bird, a supplement to thq Magazine, !worth its cost. The departmenti tor-1W ' the "Little Housekeeper* and the "Toting arc or ceileut. In fact, --the entire mouton sire just such as are calculated to please and ins of the Juveniles. It is the' best investment for 1.50 that we know of.. rnblisized at:R36 Broad . ss. m. Lswrs & Sox, Bridge Otr&t, a • Towanda, harejust received largo stock of Stoves, which wo invite that public to" call. and elan - Line. ale invite your attention to Sof froy's Patent Rev ibla Griddle.. 'of this little article, e task of proparingbacakes for breakfast is a pleasant pasthrie. The greatest facihty is secured, and the work ,4huie, in it mannerthat renders the,_grlddle an indisyonsablo utensil for the kitchen. It ac cu es a netters:idly of sire in the. cakes, toms tio;ut Withoid the use of a knife, andbalies them with much greater rapidity than the common griddle of greater surface. It* ,' '4.-- I • i ILA frVA ,_.-_* X =1 *lto otO.spt. ~s::a~ 1416:4111 Peronisinterested itt - Bee ingiorinalissussostsie aid tele - of Hives, are'regnested tamest stiho Wad ' 4u Towanda, M on Wedneiday;Oei. et9e P.m, for the pupate of consulting in reference to Matters oflnteresttosl'Dpirtie oonaroed. . 'B. W. Omer, •., V. Lsoseun,: ' ' C. MUM VAlmair. tOck-U ure est -To Painuat: ,Tbankupteca lobe a through the_preashar me trot,- Tim than a week *Kw: XlOUngelun was ilehraled Old Wlnda ad trot agahr beli! eimi lL iabt otheredse engaged: Hence thetiuiteotyin lf was situatndlie Pathan --nothlng eke , do , ht e*age.,:j trotind,twica.- aroud- the - XIII TAW hweltiWaikol 4 11011 V: PA - - 2:47, andoncs aroma- Uri 'same' ha I.IIK- "Piitoben trotiodlndoe armada) name track in shrink three *luta., 'Myna even kept far_ gam- Ming wwpftwr, TIMM Consider Woo 'MU= to fame to defeat a ball bred bona: Patch en's dammia advertisod in the iixg of 'el aa " - Liberty" and "Sweet Brier *; "in the fall of " that"hunrms ;Messenger mare*; in the upring . or69, !tidareenger , " and Thum"' Neat vrg I think it will be 'Row lkishiese Opposition:' ' I hare only 'one laire in da m,, and Items. Kingsbury & liokaanyother *toe, Pin Prg t OAP° ir not represented. •", r- ours, &of , Ntencrr..—The third 4uarterly nieet ink for Wyainsing Charge will be bold, Provi &mod Fermittin lt g, _at tha.E. Church ill Stan ding Stone, 0ct..,284 and Sith inst. Services it 2 o'clock, p.m, on Sattuday-r-Lat 101 a.m., Sun day. - Rev. Lamts Pa= will officiale. Campton; Oct. 130.869. - ',P. B. 'Awl= SWARIrkaiD . & Paarr have j_tud, received a now stoelCot whiter raillinery._ Lacs, please and minim Rooms over Truro Slam ldonroidoa.: • Oct. le, 1869. •;. • • • Wit' Dalkon the 17th illetalit;be; twemi Monroeten and Rome, a'Sitchel iontain ing a black alpacca . drces and some other arti cles. The Baer will be snitabry rewarded by leaving it at this office, brat tho Post-office In Borne.. - . • : Oct. 21-IWw. WAYrr.o.—Nine e Teachers' with No. 1 - certificates, to teach three MODULI in Albany townahip, at thirty dollars per month. Address Ow. H. KIRCD/4.1., New Albany, Bradford Co, Pa., , , - • - . Oct. 21-4 e. - Scit s °Oz. DrawrontiVAßE '.NOTICE= There are several male and female Teachers attho Susquehanna Collegiate stitute, -who desire winter Schoola., Enquire, If Dr. cos'r. . . Fon SALE CanAp.— Be i ng about to remove from this place, I 'offer my threling house and lot, situate- on Chestnut stroet, for sale at a bargain: .Enquire at the Post-office, or on the arses. D. W. Goa"- • ler You can save fifty e.ents. on every pound of tea, at Mamba's AIWA= Test Store, Oritfltlot Patton's new , block,Brldgefit., Towanda, at the Bed White and Blue Store. 'Sept. 9, 1899. 1031" AT T UthgEWAY.. , 4 - Nat. You save money on even-- thing in our Mb at the Iled,'Whito' and. Blue Store,'Try Ord satisfy ycrarseives. Sept. 9,38 69. Bassmun Rtpii.EWAY. At . the Bed, White .81,11 Blue Store 'you will find Crackers, Candies; Nuts, Dried and Canned Fruits, Tobacco, kc., whole sale and retail, cheaper than the cheapest. Sept. 9, 1969. Bniww 4tt - tt Amway. lar Good, reliable, working agents wanted for a first-glass Life insurance (Mn. pany, in every town and township in Bradford, Susquehanna, and Tioga Counties. For partic ulars, address C. F. Cross, Towanda Rem A HOUSE AND LOT MB SALE (Ai RENT. --First house north Orr. Di Morrore_e,- on Sec ond Street.- Enquire at the Red, White and Blue TeaStoni. • . Sept. 9, 1869- BB ( VII " ' Yr BWOEWAT. tom. The celebrated 31Oxican Coffee for aide at the Bed, White and Blue Store. Sept. 9,1869. 111prootAra, 4E Moony-mob . WY I. .Or COipLEECIAL COLLEGE. " A Bus' ess Education will be of adrantage to every m whatevcrhis future occupation may • . The ming Commercial College, Fstabllsh ll.Cfikit "•din 1863, and connected with Wyoming Bemi nary, oilers a thorough and complete course of instrUction for those desiring a commercial edn cation. Its location in the beautiful and historic Val ley of Wyoming, with its canal, three linos of railroads, and mimetise coal and other business operations, afford rare opportunities for young man desiring situations. - Our graduates are tilling positions of trust all over the country. Young moil have attended this Ifistitution from Mississippi, Kansas, Min nesota, and nearly every State in the Union. - Our tuition for the regular Business Course is from fifteen to twenty dollars less than at other Commercial Colleges, and yet advantages here are in every respect unsurpassed. . - Wo offer all the aide/Aoudad by any Commer cial College in the country to graduates in oh ltitisituations. gents of the College have all the advan tages otthe Seminary in regard to library, lit erary societies, - Tnitibn for the regular Business Course, en Telegraphing in connection thdrowith, 110,00. Telegraphing alone, $25,00. Stationery for full Boldness Course, $15,00. Board per week, SI. Send for Catalogue and specimens of Pen manship. Address S. S. SPRAGUE. - Prirt,_Wyoming Commercial College, Sept. 29, 1869. Kingston, Pa. PIANOS, ORGANS AND MELODEONS.— It gives us pleasure to call the attention of our readers to articles of reatmerit. In this co noction, we Advil° your pa trate who are about to nnrchoso a Piano, Organ or Melodeon, to call at W. Drrrtucatk Co.s Make Store at Towan da, before buying elsewhere, as the instruments sold by W. D. & Co. are really the only first- - class in every respoit. Tile Decker Brothers, Ballet lc Comet° ,Ta and Conrad Myers' Pianos have now been before the public for twenty years and more. The Pelanbet & Co. and Sha tdnger Organs and Melodeons for sixteen years. All of thorn aro known to bo as near perfection as it is possible to mako them, and are giving the most entire satisfaction toall who havonsed them. Our prices aro low; and will' sell Pianos from $2OO to $1,600. Organs from $BO to 11,000; Melodeons from $75 to $BOO. ' Sheet Music, and Instruction Books for Pianos, Organs, Melo deons, and Violins, always en hand. To those who would like instruments from, other makers not mentioned above; we say, girs •us your or ders and you shall.have them oni short notice. Recollect, ladles and Ontlemen, that Professor W. Drrrincu has had experience for over twen .tynars in.the above business. Tuning and re- pairing done, if wanted. Those who have. waited so twig tor the Delo. brated "Briefularken Polka," msy havo it now at our Store for 62 cents per copy. It is a good piece of music, besides having s Axdleotion of 42 foreign postage stamps primed on the out. side::'," • " W. Dreriacu & Co. SOUTH -SIDE OF-74:ER: OUR'S SIGN OF THE Mel HAT I NNEY •& •AMSI3 . FA HIONABLE HATTERS! And dealers In 1 LADIES'' AND GENT,' IFORS; BUFFALO AND FANCY ROBES, DL0V15,,17118AW.413, ;:e g.tTS - I'ERFSgT4r FITTED:IFITH 5rEll,l9Ax HAT CONFORMER. - -• ' Pa, Oct,. 13, 18014 ST FED STOLFS.--EIVIII e.-7 the'. • barteinon Friday night. Oct 1. one BLA • MUL&`a r bgatB peers old. matted iet tight aide at • with an 8 and • govertunent omit en shoulder • •p. hop information la regent to eeld mule will be basity seeranted. - • • Lune Biette.Te., § 1864 1 -11 r ; STOCK FFEES - :-AIID • - . 'Ct. B. PAT OM FLOUR. --WHEAT all grades. packyliest flaw. reed, to - w. ENE • q 51 : 41 :4 -" VI i IZV...:IIII 7 rO ithicittisseir l o - • 7.; 4vz nisilire HirdWe — rekinoves; lff - • - • • -? J~x . r . ~. '.4 ill II , • `acalitiokiisusis - it• • in The 41th_ pari i MEINIMI=IIMM , _ - CLARK'S NMI lIR OP • Corn ideal. ..iiffer'to — itie fde -illal - CIM/3 . rnil, _ .MO3l. 'lli4ditwuto the ENE ; _KEROSENE , Which is in nil' nmq;e '-- .etn eqnal.,to oil eoldhi-the - insitet The e:elebra:: ES lEEE ixATNExcliox4v.LosrvE or wluab by actual fixe test was found the @afoot oil meow add in, New . York. The contents of every beoel, are actually into patent tight barrels: Thil 'Oil will burn longer anit chiar the wick legs than any a& er Oilmaae. Wo mai attentksit to our stock of STOVES. HEATERS,' RANGES, We have the AMERICAN, LIGHT HOUSE. ORIENT! L, IMPROVED mmumi'r FAVORITE AND .NATIONAL. ALL BASE BURNERS. We have the very beiA COOX:ING STOVES as yet produced THE ALIERICAIc maintains its position as the most perfect FIRST CLASS, HIGH PIPICED STOVE in. market. With the late improvenanta lire can be kept longer than in tiny other We also have the stove. NATIONAL, COSMOPOLITAN, TRIB ST LING , MI EMPRESS, GOLDEN PRINCE, SUNSHINE, YOUNG ,AM=CLIf, and many other patterns, *all ent, for their respecte prices. Customers 'will always find our stock of , - - norm. ITPIWARE, PANNING • • ' Cot3s SHELLEMS. &C.. on -• SECOND and THIRD FLOORS; I' , 1 , !EITONIMDIMEaMED , TO ANT %par, or set Tip within' the born' ihnite . FREE OF 1.H18°4 Coilding Russell & INN ME 'rock !. 13; 1M ,t . j , -,-, -....-.-- , ---.4-,2. ~..,; 4 ,.. eO,Ol '''' l rAt„, „., • .4.• '-• , •i - , --; . ...- • — ''...L--t i - . kir. -.. - ,:,:eig 4:14 ; 1 ' A l , 1+ ii:' l7: i, --'- '''' '' ~,, ~.' ' i ',•,, . r . „:„.111111re'' --;.-''' 1 ; •. , 3 0: - .: ;It -.::_ r " 1 , ao tr ..,,. . ~,, b ("t .*: r 14 iP j i e , t -r , . - . -i 5 . ill 1 '''' if ‘-.7 ::. -. U. ,e; 1 0 1 . r itr, -..- 7 ..,,1e : „...., 4 ,—..11 1 i..Y.r,'.:- Ai llizt '. : -.--;4., , i. . . , }409 . Or To ri 10,Pal „ ~N,+ti.. q _.~: -•- - . - - MEI OM 1 I '‘ •,:-,, -: ._.-.' -.- :."- o' . . . , .%" . : 2 ' ''' , -' 4 - . --:' g4 ',.', ' 7' g i '" '1 -- .-.7 . ...-!:: . '-- P. '..•:...,; . . ~ :- .... Xli' '' .. i ' 4e 4 .1 I I •_ 4 .. - . !: .: ~ 5g 8 - 4 - :••• 4:5 a ro• - v•Q 2 • - - • :..4 . t:1 : cQ - , =I .; . • • ue . i - .." • : . • L 0. , -, „ -.. 14 • . Q ... 1 •El.l kl •' 0 t l . 4 • 1: 1 1 0 - P e • A a s? o 4 4 N) iii z b ; id o 04 % NI o ca _ 41 hl , . • . z • x fl . '6 l 1 ct, - .., p i , zo p: 0 r a . 2 zyz • it ect _.r. • -%. • , . two,toxt, -.2 -- . ..„. 4 . . i .• ] 15 . A 3 . 'a • , • 0 ... eii 1.1A•17 - ," I . . • E. .. 1 . V , a ..p_ • ~,... , 1 , - rr 4 - , . . I • • 47 , • • .. • - I. . - , • . . W 'i • g. a , -- i ' . .. 64 MEM M • j; L. _ o F_ 2 A ••• - 4 •-• • ' . 0.... . o ': 4 g • - : El A -t4 E• 4 OE 4 , ~. ~~ IMMI .1 , El . _ F g 1,44 • t:C - . - i 2 I 1 1 - -0 140:44114i - - - T" 171 1 . el - Tr - . ' l ' . '- , ThO - Issgest and most, oompkits, sortusnit Ocode=iii 'this !sae " = offs sectiiil'owandii now a.; - IRE tamed, - !! - 111711PHIUM -` le 'Weeldri 1 ,444 110614 U 4 geir stock of W " AND„;BOW FALL, AND W:Ntiga: Ygia IMMR=43 neatly:Comptisin lOncla FINE AND :HR&VZ-*MOE; - . los _ TARNEns,--MECELNICS, •• Anti 111NETra -All the latest and . l inexit - I x•patui •'' r - - styles of . _ - LADIIB~y M~' - Hind Mu. . in pant, Frenchlima ;tans% -.FIX Serge,to or Bull'. : - • . ' At all times Ostomers will . fist gar assortment , ' - of goods, unr.:7144 in thfs market: and the prices at. oivest figures: We offer in our - I " TRUNK 'DEPARTMENT, tuiTtimally attractive stock of . SA4TOGA A; FRISCH TRUMS, TRAVELING. BAGS, RETICULES, &c. HARNESS AND SADDLERY. •Ne call the attenMort of Roane men to our lieulease variety °U..' Carriage and Team 'Harness, • • Saddles,. Bridles, Whips 'and Robes This _department is .directly over our Shoe Store, and will at tituop be fully stocked . 6irif !' 'l'o7 wining to the Harness trr 0 • • -40. ituv- thipg in the line vr . : .a to . inaile on, - - snort notiQu'np - ..1 experioneat • 13, 1869. .. _ ___pA. &-N.Y. e.._424.At ,k R.R. R.R do:-. • AItRANGE.II Nl,rt.' * PASSMGER 221Ar18. 'Omenietwitig Sept. lt; 1802. * • • _•.__. - - . • l ircistalloonro soars Wm:. . - LekVe * Tciwatals at T:00 am.. 4:00 and 6:38 pan: Itetiglart. leave Warmly at '8:40 Lin., and- UM, .. crastun. - - - illaill•CIOMI •013113 1111.1.. _ , Leave Towanda...... - 0.30-aan. Arrive Trial.,.. 4 11= Pittston ' ' I:LS p.m. , "Wilkes-Barre 1:45 * " Hatch Clinic L. 4:20 .." Allentown - t . 5:45 Betbishstg....; , ' • 6:00 Philadelphia .. Easton '." -,.,.. 6:30 ..., 815 " " New York. • ' ' .2:25 " Dine at Pittston. y • nrrincrso, ' . Leave New Tort - ' . 0:55 0 Philedelphia * Easton* .... ....,..10:00 " Bethlehem 10:30. " • " Allentown 10:45 " • " Manch Chunk • ' 12:00 p.m. " White Haven 1:32 pm. " • Wllltee-Barre. 2:50 -• . ' ?' Pittston. 3:10 " " Tunkhameack • -• . .k.m . .. • •Arrive Towanda •,- 6:35• 0 • Dine et White Haven. , . ..Pseaengers for Harrisburg and Pittsburg win change cars at Allentown, have time for 'nipper and take the Through Fast Repress. with sleeping atm attached, at 830 lame evening. . . . . '• ' ~ JOHN P. COX. . ' Superintendent— .. 'MUM RAILWAY: — •-- ' - - ' -EA 1300:MILES UNDER 806 MILES WITHOUT I - •- • . caw I.lwrAnzarsta. - cwaosap ooscwes. • nnain qtrAciiporißLE TRACE ' roa CLEVELAND. TOLE:DO, DETROIT. CHICAGO, _ MILWAUKEE. ST. PAUL. OMAHA, . Andall points West aral Northwest. XILICSTIZLD, trus. tranass. • IItATTON. etENMINS Ws .II. - INDIANAPOLIS. RE. LOU/S. And aD points Norith sod Southwest. NEW AND nesoluo Co&ma m tars TELSOLTI v wrntour 'anima "20 Itocusstra, BurrAul, Dpi. sirs, CLEVELAND AED CDICINIONL. • • On and after Honda/. 186 g. kluxt. leave Waverly at about the A:Cawing homes, vie • I . . - , GOING - WEST. I .. . . - 4*4 a.m.;NIGHT EXPRESS (Mondays excepted) for Rochester, Dunkin, Dunkirk, Cleveland and Cin. ' tinsmith, connecting with the Late Shore and Gm& Trunk Raglan at Ratialo, Dunkirk and Cleveland for the West, and 011einnati with the Ohio and Nissfaidppi Railway tbr the South and Southwest: also at Minim air Catianalao fns Willisam- P ort, and Conde:eft . .4;40 s.m.— at NDIRT 1111. for Mochester. Redliskt, Minket, Cleveland' and Cincinnati, roak lag direct : oeuneetion with trairui of the Grand wnira - Trunk and Lake Shore - at lllalkdbdo, Dun ' kirk and Cleveland for an. Wed, Mat i Cin. eilinati with the Ohio and . Italiway for • the South and Southwatt : also at . andaisen; nt Corning ibr likeetng. 03. This tithe maker a Mind di flar , dy connection with an lines to the Wert and Southwest, and Is pets- Tided with the. Dew and trammed dqr and night Coachenpecallar to the Bread Ousgcrunning Dire' to Rochester, Ittetalo, Dunkirk. Cleveland' and Cin ..drinati, and thus forming the ONLY DAILY LINK from Now York to Ciminniti andthe Southwest, run ning through 800 miles without change. .. IldS a.m.—MAIL TRAIN . . Sundays excepted, for Buffalo and Dunkirk. - - 5:Ni p.m.--NLIIIIRA ACCOMMODATION, ..fintidaYir excepted:•• , - : • 8:41 p.m.—EX. NAIL, Sundays excepted, for Bat. alo. DunWiliand Cleveland. cormemingidthtratue . - for the West . A. (Mach Is attached to this train atliew York.. through' Meadville., A Sieepin t s; ch eeh Is also at Btikquohanua, -running to Diablo... 9:10 a.m.—WA IRRIGRZ Sundays 'excepted. 4:10 p.m.—EMIGRANT TRAIN, dairy far the West. ' - • • tan—AIGHT EYpHFS9 . Sundays ezeorded. ' connecting at Bostonork withaftornoon trains and • . steamers for and Bo w England cities: also cannecta at ll*hantlare far:Albany; at Middle. , town for tinionWk. and at Goshen. foe Mantioni• Sleeping Coaches saw:Reny this train from Bate. to to New York. 6 : 4 9cni.--CE501311 . ATI EXPBESB. Mondays ex.; cepteel. connecting for Ittemea: at littglo Bltoonee and Albany; at Brest Bend row Scranton; Jt Grays:out tor Newburg and Wormidr. arid at etlis7 City with afternoome and evening trains of Raw MaedJerity Railread for ildladelpida, Balthnore and m.' - • • Weeping Coac a/ri hes accompan y this train from Mead. male to New York! • ,•• - • thlig a.m:e-4x ceIIed I.INORAIITON ACOOMMODATION. . &indices 12=.—DAY EXYBEBB. itandoseettepted. at Middletown for Unionville, and at Jar. eey City with empress tratei•at Mew Jer emy' Railroad for . • - New and improved Room Coacher accom piny this train from Bank) to Now Tart. 12:4A p.m:—ACCOMMODATION TILTi; ddly, con meting at Owego for Ithaca. 6:40 MAIL, Sunday. excepted. MOM p.m.-AIGEITNING-EISSEIek - daily; torment lag at Paterson Awl Newark • at ZerseT tat %wlth Morning Enema Trsln.of Ne w . Amer .13altintros and Washington ; and at New Yorlirei r h Morning =pre" train for Jahn and New 123811 mad •-• Bleeping Cachet' itceonapany Wm train Rana& to - ' 'New York. ' I • p.M.HMAT 111111111 HT. Bandaptrcentel.; r i t *Mao and complete “Poclietllmei Table" of Tritium an the Erie Italliar and coo. •- • . ham recently beeti t p=d, and ant rioprocured am application to • Agent .of " Ural Supt. •. - Bend Poser Agi. • • re ll artile% ,lii_bFt•olpkr'lll:*wsiiisrg•il t i t A umg og a ll rim wit MI to flie . li laid r: ilmoor:o. L , mid dill•Mialliel BO leitierlPS4a I.• a pastorate of meet or Oath ju,....0t me . dittotottiost Ye iptodlot p OPffis ails "Ow la .tkio oCtods a/ llMpistpo 800 ortoiC mow ate& lit *Mt pm Rlout on o Ord WOW Ind Alien mode* " srrelgr ill" er i r steirti 48‘1". fa 'bear ' a 'egoligw r e r st r ow ititiltpitdrisk ohadi a , ta - ber-idd iirlowallt, °rac k doVilifirol get Um beliess, es .0 01 talkiliarflaiisadmarratosii -, oolina _ - --c , - PIPDX2OIIr.aIIMIT. mars. ' ° T r uss? COVRTri olts et=e asril ". the' tems tsit eer the' obis ofGlOltilstua. win flpo scat RIM! egig *do regeing. es MICIDAY. _ NT er. lOW lift A II dela* y t ee" Me dolleeNbe• 2 0 741 bed lob If** of pond Oil". 141111ie mma ga x.ozeing twp.‘noladed s ‘hdr_ a h: edit 1 . buds 11. Costellit _ .Malfilifi south leyl 1 and wed brae rhie — .diondeffilitill fr o and II meg Ilbewe_of leo g frowned " Mudd 'Dem 'MI aloft orebended, "re& trete Iblisenk ~ - . 1 . ;Your Alb Wilm4" eetonlV tbsovtw.. ee ler • "- . : J .11LIII. I H - Z.f. .„* iitiell - i r EiALF.BY - our' VfOrfaelf Wardle lareied old ot the = •ftWlStedeoMy. tbe 1 Irak?' wt thoo t op e cd TWA I I .ll. W.deeereed. : NOM -werelegat - nide on the psalm on YU DAT. NM I Lea, st 2 odo* p.m. the Mow. ingdescribetL atip. * piece or parcel of land dtende in Sheibusehe ' and bounded as follows : North Aiboh: of Jed WM*. wild by nudes IL . south by Odin lernalidge, and wad trit lbervellibldibirly. , Oarldaftig . " .bo au =we or lese.wweepting iliumunded se Mo e wn : Begin alnorst • earner on 'duet edde et !dew" . Itanwoegbi illiaihilvda :Why t theme: hi Ne worn skew Mrs. Brondid,p's land. Min :tub earner• theme a northerlywurwilahltik . 4 1 . 4 =4 -line la rode, and 'two mw ; theme a w to piece ot beglaning. _ , 71:11118.411111 to be' paid 'on lbw property being droele down. tbe teAdne PO on *be ecutinnagoo of ale. end the restage, in 'one. To front ecatirms lion. iritichetenat to Oct. It Ude. MEE ARPHISS'• :COITEr BALE BY ' "Mee of an order issued out of the Orphans' Allaart - .66llradfard ereenty, the Itaderianwl mew for of the estate of MOM awls, waler pose It public sale dock premise., cia - FUNS. 10T.,1213, 1262, at 2 p.m.: Ole foe. lownplescribed lot, piece =parcel of hind , situate tale township. bounded =follows: Beginnl= at a on- the bank of Towanda Met • thence mon 167 pushes on line of P. P. —to H. 'IPII - earner; thence vest 345 t perches to a sten • thence north 167 peal= to Towanda Creek: thence down said erotic 114%•perehes to place of tmartotdro Containing SCRIIISIOTO or leas. - ALSO-0= other lot. piece of bet libido In laid township, bounded as follows : 71=tuffesr at the aotith.weet corner of the Cramer (now fictasderl I thence by the north line 6871; devout east 110 3-10perehes to south-wed coffer of lot Ito. 16 ; thence by the west line of said lot north 2 degrees east 1 , 340 perches; Atlanta north 87% deg. west 1 to the - norflpeast earner of lot Ifo. , 'then= bit= east-aide of the seam DOW ill dOe. west 33.10 mares to Moll= of C. L; Wear* hind* thence by the same smith 2 &wrens la Mit pearl= -to Mei 'place of beginning. oraidain g a acres and 130 perches. TERss_sso to be paid on day of -tom; 2500 on confirmation of sale. and the balance is oneend two years thereafter. with interest from cosfirmatlon of aale, • • RZUrillX MUNE. • Oct. 14. IMO: . Easeutor. LIST OF THE NAYIEs OF PEA sons drawn Sept. 1/,,jesk to be to In an adjourned Conriof Corr moo pl eas t o b e b e id anMonday Get 18. 1809 Co m mencing . • Milifoudts9 of Oetober:, oo the Ulu* MeDoWell. 'Ma* t on b ow.: wnk . t r Getrunbia; Geo 'Gran, Can. ner, shooh ont d o Gralthleldl 0 Ingrae k on H000ta; • - t Jinneal J onm UM; Wm Bow. Heath crea k• akinkd Duidtek. Aldthy• Wm Et macre. Ir x , w o o.. .1 IMIWIna Minn. Mauna imp.: BWrank bom, Towanda bore.; Ecornel gam& Wind. wan? An Whoot: Joseph Patton. To. yo• Aborts.: Smith Tattle. &Eta Horton tn.: Martin Fee. W3arruang; John Doswortil sad, Athens twit.; Frank E. Jayne,' 'Towanda born. t Giles X Hoyt =Athens twp.: Hoses Es' Rockwell. ' Monroe burl: o 4:ooes ,DoWnit, Mei A Hamilton o=. Corfon twp.: - Beth lihernok Spelusaeldt itt Taylor. Branding Stow . • John 0 Drown.- Wilmot; WO= IV • Baker." "tiarrsh; 'Wanted 0 StrolatildnArastdr John Pe DOdp. Wan tomb Bork. ; Part= rt. A ekley. Atkin; brp.; EDP" 111U0sKpaln; Jesse EdsslE ;french; ' Dr. La layette Cut. Athena twp.: Dun= P. Stke theqtda: William rtistote..Terrr. BeAt. Wort , 4:2RPHANS COURT -13A.L.E.—Bii t v cif irtne nr = i - odder lamed: the. out of the Orphar nn a' • of Hiram Stevens. late of Weston, deed. erpose 'to Public Bale on the premises. on TERIEBDAY, DECEMBER 2, ink at 2 o'cleek. p. m. the following described lot, piece or warred- ' or land. "itnete lying and being' in the township of West Burlington,: &handed as follows: On the; east by laud belonging to, George W.'Goddard, on the' south by lands belonging to O. P._ Ballard and Bingiulto L. on the west by lands belonging fa Warren Kellogg end Burris Montgomery. on the meth by lands of said "Montgomery and Goddard. 'Contain mod. acres. be Rut same mom or leas, mostly im- TERMS.-250 tube paid on ' the 66 of isle, and the balance, in,one year with interest from day of sale.• LE M! IMTNA.N. Eranvitle, Oct, 11.1869. . - Executor. P -N. ECU T OR'S N TIC E. -- -KJ Notice is lierAY given that all lemons Indebt ed to the eatdi3 of P. B. PRATT, ide of--West Bur lington: deceased. mart make stunnediate payment. nod all persona basingclaims against odd albite. nmatinesent them dtdrrothentleated for settlement. BE TSY ANN PRATT. B. E. nizas. Etecatars. 04k.21, 180. A UDITOR'S 11. Densmore es. &tuba Derfey.—No..62l. Septem , ber term, 1867, In the. Pent of Common fleas of Bradford county. • : •' Tim oundersfgaed an Atalitor" aptoidateol hy kid ourt to diatributemoneysin the banderole's Sheriff arising from Sheriff's ode of defendants personal property. will attend to the of add appoint meet et his °Mee in • the of • Towanda on nunjax the Mb day of leifff,; at 2 o clock:Wm.. st whirl thniand place all persons claiMs to said money are ropdred to present the acne orbs deferred from comin g amat end fund. • . PEET, Ocet:lB69:--tt. • dodder. :NI BBC T OM'S 141 0 T E.- Notice le hereby given that aU preemie indebted to the estate of BANC= Bauxr, late of Leßoy twp., tarp., deceased, are regnested to make Immediate_ pur ulent. and all; persona lining datum tor fate must be present the same duly - bated pe settlement • . - Z. ft IS. P. 1101X131301f, Itaseettont. Oct. 13, 18W EXECTITOR'S NOTICE.- Notice Whereby gtren that all miens indebted to do estate of Mama S. Sarnia, tits Of Granville tarp., deceased, are requested to _mate' immediate Monet, and all persona . Laving dab= against mild estate must present themdulyarithemlicatelor settle ment • 1 .171tAN FOTNAIt • ' Oct. 14. - 069. . Executor. DISENIARATOR'S . Notice is hereby glven that alt. Indebt. ed to the eidste of Jalfirß C deed. late Litaticld township. ate requested to atePqment, and all persatut hydng elstms against said estate must present them ditty attbentiadcd tor settlement. . WM. CAXPBELL. '* Adwagstrator. . IRXECUTOR'S -ILI Notice is hereby gtren that .U" Indebt ed to the, estate of D. L. BODY of Ortnetnia dareaeed. are rogoreted to make tinotadiala ratritent. and all persona haring elatmiaglitaat midanlsta most present them dtdr , antbantieakd. for aalthownt. -C. DENIM= ROM .c. W. CEMBOULL. Sept, SO. • - • Itszatkra. Beal Atate for sale. :VALUABLE-FA= FOR SALE. The subscribers offer formate their Pam, situated' in Ida township; about % mils from Palley Rouse. sad abort one mile. from the Depot of the Pa. k N.Y. RB. Co: at Ulster. 155 acres, NZ acres Improved, with TOO 5 large mg house and one tenant Inman large barn Mid feet with good .table and cellar under the whole of It, frame corn hoass: and grm together with a thrift young orchard of choice Me tress in good bearing thereon. Plenty of good spring water at both holm and barn. The farm L well adaoed lbr either's:rata rising or for dairy purposea. It Is in a good state of improrement , and - will be sold on ressonable terms. For nuther particulars enquire of the sob. on the mcribea. • Pren CVNTON and DAN= GORE. Shesheouln, Pa., Oct. 13th. PNlS—tf A VALUABLE DAIRY FARM L 1 Yon sm.r..—The subscribers cese Ike as hi node line Dairy Yarm, situated two =Gee east of Gress. "rood, McHenry Co., Illinois. lahl Arm andsins three hundred and twat:rates choke kmil,datcab. ed as follows : 181 saes choice timbered, 100 ases meadow. and 60 area - under the ntos& Goal drag ling-house and outtalldlngs, large mak lam ara6o, and good horse bans. The Onest. co i l = omi sartaccs is the house. Is coadiy. running ble of thScas capa 73 any sad 17 1 4 I% mike from Abbott's Ma" Tams oar het cash. balsam In easy payments at Ilpar mat. in. toast Referenies-.H. 1C Garai& B. 8. rhicHatry. Greenwood, McHenry & Co., EL, or T. Ayer. shsehe. unto. • A TE& ~ , • F. 8. ATIEIt, Atay 8,1860-11.. - • IL 8. EA.RM. FOR SALE -IN cANToN ; The enbacribor cars for mkt its farm in Can. ton. oinitadnirm about elghtpals SSW; toms stranty imProred• The taklmoresmonts are. afte bowie, one' bum one milk boa ama aser t ril g good running order. with 12-boras porlda• engine capable of running mill ; It as Au Is rut by water a r. ,, rtion of the rear. Connected eitth the saw. aa tl,:t :rotatory machinery for tossalbetarteg wagon huLo. In good oar. Them ia ohms Ibrllly young apple orchard on thepremises. and other fruit trees around Abe haute. The farm Is kestatobout two miles from Canton tillage. and within OM Modred rods of the Williareugert k Mau U. Tot terms, 'call p o r n C. fitockerell, at Canton. or the mdaurfberon ilm i ndaet. MEW VD= OR §ALE. -A FARM. SlTUATE* Fuurlin g tnn 'township near the Annshot MW, containing 27 raw. all improved, good bniW lege, *smutty situated. $ good , ovelstrd tat fruit, trees. The whole is , under a good slobs osiVors..l Non_ Tor particulars, empire of Szonsza awn: on the practises. gept. 41, igegl4._ P 4 7CI =MAX CM=