iesta ftOm tatthmv ' ,- -I.3l:foston box alive4eggedwcns. • biwriiploi rid Ids Lewis is being midi& , —Dexter bees Wet,Of aaver4uted tisinie. shoes. Dar] brown hair brings the hisheo Prkee in Fart. —Bismarck will not allow his ten to:wark qa SusubJg. - —Adelina Patti baa taken Bnrlia gamo's apartments is Pssim --The new opere House at Meade- Nem has been opened. ...:-Lancister is excited over the mad-dog guesikm. • —Pitieburgil rejoices in a School of Design for women. —The first. anneal fair of the Lan meter Park Association oosameateixi on Took; day last.' The poultry in Lint:meter county are: dying from a fatal and *stork= disease. —Tin-weddingi are beooming fash ionable in tho interior.- ' —The diggers in the Westaiore land coal 'alines aro on s strike. —A man was burned to death-re cently in liGnersele,Behiylkilltecomity,by Ming into. a limekiln' . itewly-married couple at ENium *rill; LA, Lte7j commit led imade togeter. —Old Prince Charley, of Prose* has been basso-whipped for envie:Di In a bad low affair.: • —Brigham YOung is in trouble ; his family record is 1* and he la to imuddle about hia cbildren. —A Hindoo widow marriage has taken rime at Calcutta and causal a little es -lAentent in the native comunity. - —Pittsburgh, in order to rival Philodelphio,haoliad a cuo of attempted ma& ablation. —Contributions for the Avondale sufferers come in very shiirly at Pittsbin. The total amount raised _does not reach a thousand dollars. --Greensburg,Westanoreland coun ty, was on last Smutty night deprived of all light by.a leak in a gas main. —lt is said that 35,000 children •assembled to Fairmount park on realm lait,for a "nutting• and play day. They hada grand time. —Nine stills 'lave recently been boized in um Richmond district, Phib&lphis, for illegal diataling. —The grand conclave of the even 'Mae Men,recendy session Lantsstor, has adjourned. • —Robert liontgOmery i the copper head mdidate for Ausembly, m Northumber lancloonnty was shot by a ruffian at the Tim bottaville Fair, severely though no dangerously wounding him.' —Hon. H. Jones Brooks, was the Republican candidate for Senator from Cheater, De/aware and Montgomery counties. —Frank Clayton,of West Bradford, Chester county offers trio for the return of five fox hounds which have been stolen from him. —There are 7,000,000 ,Soong men in otir cotuatry,abont 250,000 whom prologs to bo Christiana. —A man in lowa in the last stages of consumption was, last. week, baptised by im mersion, and thinks his health Wag thereby im proved. Very likely. —A Jersey Quakeress thinks it an insult to God to force vegetables and fruit by the use of hot beds, which she calls an inven tion of the Evil Spirits. .-- —The editor of the Lock Haver. hoimendeni has been to Bellefonte r.•. 1 n - ss not apprecistod, Ho don't like them. —Mr. Charles Myers of Orristown, Cumbbriand county, was fatally burned by the explosion of s Kerosene lamp, which his wife was filling as he was holding a candle 18 inches uway. The oil was impure. —A new Odd Fellows Hall was dedicated, last week at Upper Stradsburg. —Philip Clipper, aged 23 years, IY.IR recently killed, near C&IIIMS, by bluied cinder a bank of earth while ho w b at ei l i g work in an ore mine. —Burglars recently entered the abopat James_ Blair al Orristown and after ~tealing what they wanted set, it on fire and eft. The fire was extinguished. —A. Chicago street-car driver,nara ed David Walsh, shot his wife through the hinge, beesuse_sho sued him fora divorce. —"Scandalous reports" says the mother of the Duke of Oenoa and porlaps fn tore Xing of Spain, is ;Victor Emanuel's rnia tress. —Madame Rossini is troubled by a seedy chap who hangs around her plate in sistingthat he is a son of Rossini, his mother ling in Florence. -Theclerk of a Portland hotel throw a man down stairs and killed iim, for insulting the head waiter girl. —A young lady teacher in a negro timidity school, =Detroit, was somewhat sur prised to receive an offer of marie from the 'most burly and blioakerd of her pria. —Sarah Hay, formerl y of Albany, now a noted nymph dupare, New York, has fallen heir to property valued at over $l,OOO,- 000, through the death of an aunt in England. —The Czar forbids Russian news papers pnlallihing extracts from magazines, —Howard Patd and his wife have been very successful this summer and fall, in their concerts at the English watering places. —The brave Hindoo widow who married Mr. Eomby Canoba has ruceived thiusands efinpoes' worth of presents, and it is proposed to start a general fund fur tho endow ment of widows who wish to marry again. is rather hard upon lEndoo spinsters. —A State Convention of theacew Jerusalem Church is to be hold in Henry, EL, commencing on October 22. •' • Rnehusetts has 40,000 more 'women than men, and wants to know what she shall do with them. Send them to the South to take care .of the freedmen. —The " appea in behalf of Hud son, the ppooverty thicken Englith railway king, has mantled in raising M,OOO for him. Who wouldn't be a poor railway king? —:.The Nova Scotia papers are loud in their delanee of Canadian dominion and declare that province will act up for indepen dence . aa soon u the British troops, now being withdrawn, are out of the way. • —The last canal project contem plates one from Romo north across the Italian peninsula to Ancona on tho Adriatie. A . T. Stewart has already sold this season twenty_ $2,000 shawls. In two months one woman an a bill of 020,000 at his atom —A coffin ware-house was burned in Corning last nook. It belonged to John —ln the waters of Lake Huron the diver can Doe objects 30 or 40 feet distant. In the other Lakes he ainnot descent snore than 10 feet. —Bismarck em_p loys two Americans es translators In the Foreign office. —Sin& 1814 the Prussian Bible Society has distributed 9,000,000 Bibles. —The Ketchum family is again in diffi g culty. 4 son is sued for 4100,0 T for thrash in a clergyman. - —The editor of 'a Havana publishes a general challenge to all whott r - ed Nunez boxed his ears. • —An Englishman proposes to pun . Ish wife-beaters by subjecting them to the shocks of a galvanic battery. —The . first edition of the Italian Bible published since the reformation halibut been issued in Florence. —An old lady iu Mississippi has • • f aired a rreeppuntation for 124 years Of age by tap*. jttdlcloaaly about the Revolution. —A very learned man, said: "The hardest words in the English language are, '7 was mistaken,'" Fredrick the' Great wrote to the Senate. "1 hare just bate great battle, and It was entirely my own fault." Goldsmith says; "this =.on displayed more greatness than all his victories." —A greenhorn, standing behind a sewing machine at which a young lady,was at work, looking alternately at the machine andite operator, at - length gave vent to his admira tion with, "it,s party, especially the part of it corered with .-mloo." - • —A "gentleman" in a state or in toxication fell asleep on the side wilk,in Wheel tag, West Va.,' last week. A phortograpber brongbt his camera to bear on hin,and seemed the shadow. • SNI being presented with the pic ture, the ti leer "esned the pietist." Vntafati..i'leportei EDITORS: a. w. a_papip. Towanda, Thorsdai,,Oot. 12, 1 .40) 3. 0. GOODRICH. TEMPERANCE AND POOTitife,A In The Argus, published n short time before the election, wefind t• following semi-officialmmouncenient G. Plerrox.—We understßud the Radicals ire repotting in some parte' of the county that Gen. Prarox will veto for Gen. Gmnv as a temperance mall,,but we are authorized to say that although the Aleueral ,had. thought Of - doing so, yet when he came to review Gariar's record which shows such an utter disregard of the will of the peopkt in approving of the Herdic bill and the XVth amendment swindle, that he made up his mind to vote for Judge RICER; with whom he was intimately acquainted when in Congress, and knows -him .to be one of the purest, and best men - in the country. It needed no such announcement to inform those Nyho understand "the situation," that Gen. irerrox would not vote for Governor GEARS No one with a grain of common sense imagined he would &so consistent an act. But the article is a key to the hypocricy .those who would 'persuade Repub,licans to ioteagainst the nominees of their party, on the pretense of aiding the cause of tem perance. If professing temperance Democrats (we suppose there- are such) ever had a reason to leave their party, and manifest their regard for the cause, it 'was this fall. We do not mean to say that Judge PACRER is particularly obnoxious, but be cer tainly makes no professions of total abstinence. Gov. Gray, on the con trary, is fully identified with the Temperance cause, and was every where assailed , for being a Good Tem plar. He lost the votes of thousands of men who will not be denied 'their lager beer, or who are interested in the liquor trafic. Ho was openly and violently assailed by the Whiskey Ring, If he gained a single vote from the Democratic party, because of his being an open, avowed Tem-' peranee man, Nve should be pleased to see 'the individual who deposited the ballot We do not believe such an one can be found. The true friends of Temperance in this county, will do well to study the extract we publish above, and also to consider what has been tke history of the Temperance movement in the past. The rock upon which it has has been Politics, and its de- struction has been brought about by over-zealous, insincere, and designing men. The canes itself, which is the cause of Religion, of Morality and Beneficence, gathers strength thro' the efforts 'and perseverence of un selfish and honest men, whose labors are freely given to stay the tide of black intemperance. The noble cause gains .. strength day by day, so long as their counsels govern, and the effort is continued in proper and legitimate channels. But at length demagogues seize"hold of the organ ization, for selfish purposes, and en -I deavor to prostitute it to their own personal aggrandizement. The end inevitable. It hits repeated itself time and again. Dissensions are cre ated; contention engendered; until the cause droops and withers, and the progress made is lost. Confined in its legitimate channel, the Temperance movement has the sympathy, if not the open and active support, of every right thinking mem ber of the community. But once al ly it with politics, and you convert _Mends into enemies, because it is without its legitimate sphere, and is made a machine for personal advanc ment, rather than the instrument for attaining the high and noble ends to which it should be confined. We do not mean to say, that pro fessed Temperance men should al ways vote for the nominee of their party, without regard to his habits. They have a right to vote against any man whose habits are such as to out rage their professions and principles. But they should do it, as indepenent and consistent voters, not as an or ganization. For in all bodies there will be different opinions, different 'views, different interests; and to at tempt to use any organization for purposes foreign to its general design, is inevitably to bring trouble and di vision. The Mends of Temperance should take warning by the past, and carefully avoicl the dangers which in the past have been so full of disaster. seems that several .reform mexibers have been elected in Ohio, whO are Republicans and are eipect ed to vote for the ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment. The Chair-. man of the Ohio Repullican State Committee founded his confidence in the ratification of the amendment on the hope that these "reform" mem bers will vote for it, but other prom inent Ohioans consider themdoubt ful. The Tribune expresses confi dence that the Republicans have car ried both branches of the Legislature, thus securing the affirmative vote of the State for the Amendment. SfirAFTER October the monthly payments to those entitled to p.icl from the Avondale Fund will ho on or about the first day of each ;n Jr,',h, and in sums-as follows: -To -‘ ow of a deceasedminer or to an in firm parent dependent •-- :laid miner for support, $16.66. 7, u ~ a rit child —boys under 14 and . • 'l6_ years of age—sB.33. ' • the lute - of $2OO per ounur. ' , _cr.% and $lOO per annum for ...—ldren; • •Sfir'READLNG was" recently deprived of her gas tOr n single night. During the general darkness some thieves improved upon, the opportunity by robbing jewelry store. They made quite an extedtdiiYhard. Is sumsvior - ifgsti *um This is what the -Vioustealls our - "off yes!i*,itipOlitie&. - "Tklat , ' \e t" ) • 11 1 AO6 llll . tarn-Put to the po I dr..7 reasqn, there were many faint- Republicans who had no hope of our - success. -- That great apparent - : piwailed, is unquestionable, so far 'as the Republican party was concern td. OUP tote has falleen:off largely in the rand districts, whose agricul tural populationkaakokrealized the necessity of giving, one [day .to the country, forgetting. the maxim, _that "eternal-vigilance is:'the price of: lib erty." -The' democracy; 011 - the *Cow. bury, stimulated by the apathy of the ' &Publicans, 114 . 4 encouraged by this prospects of success, have. made a vigorous and systeniatii effort to elect their candidate. Their nominee was selected with great shrewdness. He was unusually invulnerable, trona the fact, that his Public , . career pre- sented no salient points of attach. He was a man of irreproachable pri vate character, largely interested in some of the most valuable public im provements in the State,ltuid possess ing enormous, wealth; . Which latter qualification, in such a =canvass, was supposed to be a vital consideration. • But with all . the advantages on the Side of the' Benmomer,-.-with the coldneis • and ',indifference, and the disaffection in mix olVn Parto','olll in evitable result of the distribution of offices—the people have testified their devotion to Republipan principleaby re-electing jolts .W. OVARY as Geyer nor of the Gommonvitalth. election 15 a teStimonial to the hon , esty and fidelity of Gov. °many, and an indorsement of the National Ad ministration. The people recognized in the former:the fearles and upright Executive, who has endeavored faith fully to protect and subserve the in terests of the public. The wise pol icy pursued by the national adminis tration, has more than satisfied public expectation, and we may now set down Pennsylvania as thoroughly and radically Republican. RI RELIGIOUS BIGOTRY IN OLDEN TIME. —The Newburyport Herald has of late unearthed some of the doings of the Puritanic bigots who dwelt 'on the banks of the Merrimac over two centuries ago. The Quakers, it seems, were among the earliest religionists in the valley of the Mer r imac who descended from the Puritans. In 1659, Thomas Macy of Salisbury, Mass., was fined thirty shillings, for sheltering three Quakers in his house, for three quarters of an hour, - ,from a violent rain storm. He stated in his defence that be was sick at the time and in bed, and hurried them off as soon as the storm would permit, fear ing they were Quakers. His thirty shillings was a good investment, as the poet Whittier chronicled him in one of his poems and thereby he has attained what many have struggled for, without gaining it—immortality. The Quakers were afterwards/hanged in Boston. The first Quaker Society in that' section was formed in Ames bury, 1704, and has continued to the present time, Whittier 'being one of its members. This organization seems to have struck terror into the Puritan ranks, for in 1816 a fast was had in the First Parish of West New bury, that, the people might unite in prayer to God that he would prevent the spread of the' Quakers.. They had'a society in Newburyport in 1744, with a house of worship on High street, Belleville ; but as Quakerism found this an uncongenial soil, they moved and built another wiling house, which has this season been re built, at Turkey Hill; West Newbury, where some of the best people of the county now worship after the manner of George Fox and William Penn. WINNEBAGO biDIANB.—SAICUEL M. JANNEY, Superintendent of Indian af fairs held a Council with the Winne bago tribe on the lath tilt., in aegard to their allotment of land. A major : ity of them at first insisted on living in the "timber," but friend 'LINNET showed them how much better off they would be in every way, if they would build houses and live upon the prairie, where they could plow and cultivate the soil. They have . such confidence in the Quakers, •That they agreed to have him do as he thought best. They had a long talk by means of interpreters. .It seems evident that had the -present Ipolicy of dealing with these children `ofthe 'Wood been adopted years ago, the Government would have saved many millions of dollars, and thousands of precious lives. Let it -not be forgot ten that the credit. of inaugurating this movement of "civilizing" the In dians bY humane, just and honorable dealing with them, is due to Presi dent GRANT and the Republican par ty. . Tztorrsszr..—From our dispatches we learn that "Democracy" is at once taking advantage of its triumph which was obtained through a pretense of Republicanism and conservatism. It was the old game of carrying the onion flag to deceive loyal men'. They no 7 propose to repeal all com mon scho.3l laws, to repeal 'the law giving advertising to Republican newspapers ; to restore- the_ infa rct ms impeached Judge Frazer to his rights; to hold a convention to restore all rebels to the rights of voters; and, finally to repeal all -laws passed du ring .the past- three years. This is the true Ru Klux Spirit Tennessee is in rebellion against a republican goverouts*,;to-day, as fully as in 113 f tfle4PFlEfidenrrns would not sustain, political vilany and hypoentcy hits aecomplishod: U m ‘ st4im aj ta:l adL mmaa A wn, L i j u Lta :it g ,tem j il 1,4 :47.11 1 1'c esi. it 11:41: :'fa,;,74'% c . . - - 4 .. 1i . , . - . . 4 , 1 1 ‘ 101 " 9 110"1i41. 4 lo;A:_kl.i e.. - Hit .'.....',".,,;-a-,i:, -w, ., -e .-.i- ; ' 21 "" 14 $ v... I- i • ~ I.• . t .. , . e. : „._•• , ~e. 5 . .... ,.. _ il , _. . ' try , 1 , _^ 1 , = QQ33I: : . . • . .., 4 ...... ......• ........ ...... , ,„...".". ll - 111 ii 30 -44 - - if le 41 - 11 4 1 'ft -.a All "la Bt aine atarQUlP.• al 1617303218 1 33 7 71171312 96 11 elm tip.... 147 223 146 *2l 145 119 1211 so 163 -219 145 119 144 290 143 219.144 210 Athens bore... 103 93 93 81 97 100 711 77 101 . 90 101 80 ,92 is el so us 83 Agbim... 84 138 81 .135 11 90 UT 136 89 136 90 .126 -21 137 89 138 58 172 1 e 7 131 99 145 92 150 134 •117 03 149 98 160 94 146. 97 14 147 /S 1 123 Hamby ..... .. do •96 55 91 41 so 91 91 82 93 a 94 60 94 15 96 32 15 0 isuassksu— •• la 66 '.166 38 •151 14 a49 4l 1 6 1 39 164 41 164 is le .`901151 34, Burlingtouboe 32 19 ,31 ,- 19''36 sr ga >l3 di -11 44 19 161 31 -' 111 22 'l4 1. 110 1 Hur/11187011 W.. 133 50 128 51 111 102 ft 46 140 40.135 65 US 47 111 56 1 122 80 011111 0 3 1 1 72. 7 . • • `ll7 "SI 139 'aB - 221 Id 01 Sil - 51 "215110 'l9l el 1 61 117 "236 111 Canton bore.%• 122 15 126 34 120 113 47 35 126 22 192 138 114 - 39 1 09 68 107 43 Columbia 191 91 190 93 191 189 96 '91:201:54 -190 , :93 3714 -.42 191 91 190 Si Frankho .. ..... 97 09 98 67 19 86 70 86 119 53 100 66 99 61 8 1 15 71 ''BB Grarmille....... 238 46 235 44 132 129 51 48 234 43 233 41 132 19 12 1 59 132 50 Herrick ..... .. 188 41 170 38 110 170 39 19 189 40 1811 40 1 66 41 100 104 93 106 202 -211 196 13 104 100 11 16 108 19 103 14 100 24 161 61 303 24 rigid 146 107 146 104 US 186 N 106 US aft 761 114 16g 117 1 5 3 195 1110 107. , Lells3lllllll3/01 59 11 IS 111 II 37 11 11 Pi 11 81 _ll 57 in , 35 li . 41 / 7 /1 0 07 0 0 1 w1)-••• 166 60 167 57 158 150 64 80 170 66 166 1 / 1 264 82 159 ea 113 46 1 160 0 10 4 Ixes... 65 14 illi 13 69 56 10 ' 13 35 40 66 As 15 18 59 17 57 • 151 Orwo/1 233 31. 219 _IM 137 CH 33 18 199 31 237 27 120 la 23 3 18 171 00 Orertoa 3145.2910 . 1039006060 1 59294528.602059.28i169 . 10 . Pike . .... . . 276 V 271 19 273.273 80 30 273 30 . 2111 .30 373 31 217 84 U 5 51 RidsbvW 171 110 170 113 111 190 108 al 113 111 112 111 .172 111 171 111 171 pe Rome t .._ l ll.. .. 154 50 144 47 147 143 511 31 141 23 lib 53 158 st 117 51 111 31 Home borougri. 48 14 41 13 41 2 g 15 ( 18 41 1$ 41 15 An 14 16 17 29 26 amledleld..... SW 107 166 107 286 8 107 TO 291 /04 186 100 205 no Os 98 376 119 Spingeeld :... - 140 103 262 . 96 341 112 103 SU 111 168 -103 216 106 141 104 138 AIN Routh Creek. .. 121 77 119 76.131 111 •79 77 112 18 110 77 U 0 77 120 77 no 1 77 = 1 6. 41 17 41 16 39 37 17 17 42 16 39 17 $3 17 111 17 39 17 Wu-- 227 93 221 86 210 211 95 SI 127 Si 923 93 146 137 925 91 191 116 Steuellag 81eme. 37 169 42 113 40 27 170..166 45 1161 41 161 40 156 82 166 24 180 78 101 71 97 81 12 101 'vs 43 124 81 'lot 'l9 176 17 4685 179 =ids .. 90 73 91 MI 91 93 68'-.66 97 6 9 99 19 96 97 111 41 - 62 17 Towanda . 301 119 801 191 311 118 955 199 849 143 355 • 165 811 101 409 101 211 176 Towanda 17 6 10 44 68 48 70 69 di 45 48 48 70 13 419 45 56 56 as 60 Iry 21 6 95 215 92 208 216 .109 93 230 MI 222 01 232 89 217 05 2/8 HA Troy borough.. 135 70 127 65 106 120 109 -68 121 Si 139 64 127 74 135 ca 111 87 Tnscarors 163 55 169 42 189 189 '49 41 169 0 189 49 1111 - 49 62 156.117 Si Ulster; 129 111 131 103 131 121 119 137 333 106 133 107 139 114 no 100 116 125 Warms . ..... . 195 19 191 78 195 125 78 73 196 78 195 18 US 90 Ng 78 195 '7B S'incllmui 147 106 147 108 145 144 110 109 116 •110 133 190 144 - 110 187 115 134 118 WyaluMng 195 131 199 125 315 187 112 116 104 116 211 132 198 lid 88 212 80 252 Wye= ......... 150 171 152 111 132 154 110 liro 153 AN 154 167 150 173 183 188 159 167 Wells ..........113 118 111 149 113 109 111 149 128 140 124 115 138 . 140 111 151 114 119 Wilmot. ...m.. 115 88 111 86 117 114 83 81 109 89 114 83 113 841 113 85 104 83 Total 8853 3688 8357 1112 6615 8117 3864 3319 6743 8572,0081 3592 , 608,3E435 6093 4077 373014115 9:rcruir ACD dososizt ASlrtbe Tr Tits NEW Srpncr.tny Or WAIL —The President-has Called into his Cabinet, to fill;the place of. the Me Secretary R aw li ns , William Worth BeMsnap, before the war a lawyer in Keokuk, and daring the war a meritorious offi cer, who entered the army as '.major of an lowa regiment, and left it in 18651 s Brigadier and Brevet Major- General. of Volunteers. Since then he has been Collector of Internal Revenue,in lowa. It is a curious in stance of the mutations of fortune that Mr. Belknap, now Secretary of War, in 1885 when he left the army strongly desired the position of major. orfieutenard-colonel in the regular army, and was much disapointed when he failed to get it.- • • The now Secretary is a man of thir ty-eight yeah of age, of good habits, and reported to possess excellent ad ministrative talent. His present wife was Miss Tomlinson,• of Kentucky, whose brother,-an-officer in the rebel army, General Belknap captured dm ring the war. Ho has • several chil dren by a pr6iotie wife. THE Emma. REVENUE.—We take from the New York Times the follow ing brief statement, which we beg the reader to examine: We gain on tho Mx MoWls 011860. compared with the last Ms months of Ma On spirits $15,2136,000 On-tobacco • 4,002,000 On fermented liquors On groat receipts.... On mks On Inman. On banks We lose on special taxes $205,000; on legacies $177,000, and on success ions $lll,OOO. We gain on passport $B,OOO, on tax upon gas $135,000, on stamps, sBso,ooo—nearly a million of dollars on the single article of stamps on legal instruments; and we lose on the salaries of officers $242,- 000. This last loss Mr. Delano hap pily explains by saying, "WO don't have so many officers now drawing salaries, and that is one of the things General GRANT inten4o to do—while he collects the tax he intends also to reduce the expenses of the Govern ment. SLEEMIG CAR Taounr.ra.,-A corres pondent of the Louisville ,Express, writing of the Pullman Palace Sleep ing Cars; makes the following ispital hit on one of the worst nuisances traveling,hatehelors have to undergo. A " palace sleeping car " which is advertised as such a comfort `to trav elers is rendered a positive nuisance by sick and squaling children. Ido not blame people for having children in moderation, nor do I say that the little cusses are to blame for being had, bat I do say that a pair of, pro dacers who take into a sleeping car seven children all under sixyears of age—tiro-thirds of them teething and the balance suffering fi3in various complaints incident to the season— ought to be able to give a very good reason for not staying at home. No ventilation, no quiet, no sleep, no nothing but a sullen and growling disbelief in the existence 'of cologne or any perfumery more attractive than asafcetida. Every tune known to the infantine gament, from the montonous "yar, yar, yar," to the belly-aching scream two octaves above the highest A, is familiar to mine af flicted ears. SOUND Panrcrpus.—We commend the following extract from' HoRAcE Granules letter - of acceptance of the nomination for Comptroller of the State of New York, to the careful at tention of that class of Republicans who now profess to believe that the issues which have divided parties, are settled: There are those who would per suadens that the Republican party has finished its work, and should now dissolve and pass away. They say thisin full view of the XVth Amend ment, whereof the ratification by the States" is still pending and •by no means. assured. They say it in defi ance of the fact that we are called to vote this Fait directlT to abolish or retain the Propert Qualification, whereby a part of our own citizens, who were required to , serve, and did serve, in the armies of the 'Union. are yet denied the Right of Su ff fage. Four Colored men from the township adjoining mine fell dead on the sin gle field of Olustee, fightnig bravely for freedom and their country; and now their sons are denied a voice in the government of that country by the efforts and votes of men who have no more propertY and no better edu cation than they, and who took excel lent care never to risk their hies in defense of the Union. If there be one Union soldier—even one—who votes to deity the Right of suffrage to the sons of those who fell fighting for the life of the . Republic, I must believe that he _was impelled to enlist rather by love of-bounty than love of coun trY. votes, 1). B. • Itomtut. =1 roinathißLE'smilt. The Ifechawroa to (Aa Snit Railway Bleeps at (aqua Aiussa and Plwit.fervi(Rn a Strike. New York, Oct: 18.—A formidable ; strike of the mechanics employed in the shops of the Erie' Railway is in progress. Not less than six hundred ' men have refused to work—four hun dred et Susquehaniia and two hun dred at Pert Jervis. It is alleged 'that the scarcity of currencyhas pre- . vented the prompt payment of the• men, and that the Company has been compelled at times to pay as high as two per cent for it. Pay-rolls are said also to have been delayed by the freshets and breaks on the road; but it is clamed that all hands were paid on the 15th, except those at Port Jer vis, numbering 110, and they were to have been. paid on Saturday, but struck on Friday, and were on the following day paid and &limiest& The Siisqriehanta hands struck in consequencethereof on Saturday', and those at Jersey City to-day, and have been paid and discharged: It is supposed those at Buffrlo, some two hundred more, are also on a strike. Officers of the road say the strike will occasion no interruption to the business of, the Road, , and as applications are numerous they will have no difficulty in filling the places of the strikers with new men. It ap pears that the Erie Company, some months ago, inaugurated a system of consolidation of the machine shops, that those at, Patterson and Pier- Font have been closed, and that the ort Jervis shop will be closed soon. The object is, a reduction of expens- , es. I nn • .16,000 .41,000 165,000 A STRIKE AT:IItIFFALO. Buma.o, Oct. 18.—i The employees of the Erie Railway work shops in this city, two hundred in all, struck for regular pay at nine o'clock this :morning. At a meeting held this af ternodn, resolutions. were adopted stating their past grievances, and de:- termining to hold off, ntil such time as their objects shall be accomplish ed, and the employees at Port Jervis • are reinstated. 1,864,000 112,000 VIRGINIA 11. S. SENATORS. The caucus of the Walker members of the Legislature closed after mid night on Monday kit, having nomin ated for 11. S. Senators John F. Lewis of Rockingham, and John W., Johnsf ton, of Washington county. Mr. Lewis is a native of Rocking ham county, fifty years of uge, was a member of the Secession Convention, _voted against and refused to sign the ordinance of secession; 'was a Union man: through the war, and was the candidate of the Walker party for Lieutenant Governor, lie led his tick et over 2,000. John W. Johnson ,is a native of Virginia ; a nephew _of Joseph E. Johnson, lawyer by, profession, a Union man through the war, and *as appointed Judge of the Washington Circuit Court by General Canby. On the ballot on which Mr. Lewis was nominated, the vote stood, Lewis. 57 ; Judge Edward Pendleton, of Winchester, 53. On the ballot in which Johnston was nominated, the vote stood, john ston, 60 ; Pendleton; 30 ; Robert Lor ren, 10 ; Joseph Seger, 5. The caucus of the Wells Republican members to-night nominated for United States Senator L. H. Chand ler, late United States District Attor ney of 'Virginia, and Dr. Alexander Shiur, at present Marshal. of the District of Columbia. The caucus also appointed ai Com mittee to carry to Wwhingt,on, the protest recently adopted by tlie Re publican members of the • liegialature against the legality of that bbdy. ANoraza CONVERSION.-Rpi r , Mr. Morrill, of New York city, wlr has for sometime past been practicing the most approved ritualisM;ha.6 land ed in the church of Rotne. • thinks that the mother church is sufficient in holiness, for all religions profession and safety. While an occasional con .version to Rotnabism takes place among the- clergy of this country, Father. Hyuciiiithe, in Paris, withdraws from that church, and is likely to draw a large number with . him, as he I's a very popular preacher. /Mr Hon. Join Covons estimates flEAßy's majority 'at 4,800. He has the official vote of all tle counties but three. DS-Father HYACINTHE has arrived in this country. He brought letters of introduction ; to HENRY WARD Brrcnzn and Gen.. Dix. i& The Republicans have a ),, ~ jprity in the Ohio Legfidaturd. tv; Bch insures'the passage of the 'Fifteenth Amendment. igi.Ei-Gov. Emma died on Sun 'day last at the residence of his son in Carlisle, Pa., in the 90th year of his ag,e. os.Taz opening of the great Na.. ti;mal Horse Fair . at 'Williamsport on' Tuesday s was a perfect success. .~~ Norimpiraping• towel sm.,. 11160101 V • ,-410;146- 1 :14 A', wror 2 ,,, trioN, 11 12 11 1 11 0 111 01 9 1.0 6 .34.?. - --i.?,,' ; '.;.. • ;1% :, , Auesovicatal.-Akokto, . Ale 11 Overinew • - US& 41 Bondi*" socure_dradio2ol4 . .4c:121,000 00 :LBoode tg smug deposits... 66,000 00 II Bolide issOmenviDas_onlausfl . 900 00' 10.129.. Doplide awl 20,011.1ft6...,.. Dag tenta reasagair and roam - 41.1 10 Doefroin Mier Didkonal Daaka..." 19.014 r e Due itain OW= bank* and biaters....... 000 Bialag .0020.• • ... MOD 00 °Dior reargstals . lrandtarbatadaxtuntir Di 00 Correasissi.; 2.1 0010 Tutes•a..' I.i .......... , Maga= ONlDDisastiadeding . ... . 1.019 .- 18 Exchanges for ilb.”l22 sonee &Is of. other Ziatomilße t uks .. .. „7.2,111 00 , Fasetlonal Currency ibieDutlug *AO-- 1.212 00 =w: --Cain. as 91 I taasitry NOite• • . Gold Cheeks an otter Dual ' • impil lead= LOM.S PM/ 0 0 svertant. . . Itomlttginoss .675 40 iNgidtal Stock pals 4 In Surplus fmttl ' Dlietrant.. • Profit *maim - 4418 48 Minimal Dank .411reolation ontetneding.: 111 4 135 00 Didietdealelte... IMO. 06 Cottlied Ceelderl Meets outstanding -United Rates Deposits 4 ,36,932 48 Delimits of U. B. Disbursing 015eere.... moo Doe to National Banks J 535 31 Doe to elbee banks andbinkere 40 43 Dotes end BlUe rodisootinted • Bldg Payable , • • Dividends unptia • 3681 To Hine ;17 v( Efi LLillll:=MiL 4 " • $473, 96 1 14 , Bra sz OP-Pemanca.vanta. s E L. " County of UniaOrd. : . ' N. N. BETTB:Jr., Milder of tho Pint National Bank of Towanda, do soleninly swear that the above statement in true, to the beat or know and belkt . • N. N. B er. Bubacribed and awain to beim me, this 16th day of October, 1669. , .' ' W. G. GORDON.- ' NotartPablic. MT. Fox, , ' CAL mumulaw • S. Boas Di iscftm RPORT- OF THE CONDITION of the First National 133a1t of Athena, at dos of badness, Octobor 1112 : BESOMICES. Loans and dlsoonnt rivr:rri 118. Bonds to secure circulation .. ti ~... 110,000 00 Due from redeeming and reserve agets. 9.334 68 Due from other National Banks 3,420 87 Due from other bank! and bankers , 180 Sit Current expense' • j 1 674 26 Cash Items (including stomps) 1,031 00 Bills of other National 303 00 Fractional Currency (including nickel!).. - 1,329 07 Legal tender notes , 11.186 00 Exu3ufrms. Cap Mal Stock Imy cuad interest • -• • Profit amlloas) 1 - '• ... 10:000 00 Nitional Dank Sireulstio' n outstanding... 89.531 *OO Individual deposits .. 60.494 07 Doe to National Danis 8.554 59 Due to other banks and bankers 181 06 Notes and bills mdlsorunted... . 4.000 00 Sunr. or PZIEUTLYANIA. Calmly of Bradford: jF. • 1. VDIIIN'A. , SPALDING, Deader of the. First National Dank of Athens, do solemidy swear. that the above statement is true to the best of my know-. ledge add belief. spAtitmo, Gaoler. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this IGUx day of Ociober. 106.9. CHAS. T. HULL. Notary Public. Correct.—Attest: M. W. Wur.muct. J. P. Mow. A. H. BitALuixo. Director,. CONSUMERS OF CONFECTIONERY! ma LET US' RYttSON TOGETHER! How can • any person manufacture Confectionery, and sell it at 15 cents a 'pound, when sutor ii worth 16 cents at the Itellner7.lunleas 4 is terribly adul terated)? ' . How can any dealer retail such a silo compound to . • Ms customers and have a conscience void of offence? How ern any ceinitinier expect to •purchirse pure Confectionery at twenty4bro and thirty cents per pound when a pure article. cannot be, manufactured lees than thirty to forty cents per pound, consisting of masts buds, burnt 'almonds, and such class of goods? • , . Within a few days we have been offsred i cassia i kur buds. etc., for fifteen gents per pound.'n d Choco late Creams at twenty cents, and the age t acknow ledged that they were adulterated ten per nt, with Terra Alba ; and it is fact that tons of Cheap Confectionery are made rind sold in country every year, and the consumers are the only persons injure 4 by It. Nowitbr flit Gettritt of tivitti, trio - wi th a Pure Coll& of co weiteetY. we will *Tat au" article ?oar mans adore dtrictly Pure di free Ann every !ogre , dim! deleterious to kealth. ' _ A. may . . 1 Store formerly oatmeal by iohn carman,Mahr *rect. kToWanda, October 41, 18416'. • • . . • SENT FREE! • CO.' , OISFSEYE, SON & 'S SEED CATALOGpE AND GUIDE TO THE FLOWER AND VEGETABLE (4411 D RN, TOR MO. Published kaanuary. Every loins of fibiterg ail/th ing this new and valtiable work. free of charge, should address immediately M. OILEEPE, SON k CO., ER. wanger & Rarty's Muck, Rochester, N. Y. Oct. 21, 11369.—tjum3. NEW MILLINERY GOODS I. MISS Gllltruki: would intim= the ladles that she hai returned Di= New York with a large and oarettdlp selected stock of FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. which ahe now offers for their inspection, and will be pleased to wait on all customers, both old =Lyceum. • & GILLIVIN. Towanda. Oct. 20, 1869.-4t* E i: X.ECUTOWS NOTlCE.—Notice islereby given to all persons indebted to the eats of FAIRCHILD CANFIELD. late of llke, deceared, must leake immediate payment, and all persons having claims against said estate must pro. sent them duly authenticated for settlement. MIL B. STEVVIS. It:coital% Oct. 21, 180 APPLICATION IN DIVORCE.- TO louse Stough.—No. 448 May. term, 1807. You are hereby ,notttled that Catharine. A. Stough, yourwife,by her next friend„Pleb E.Coe,haa applied to the court of common pleas of Bradford county, for s'disoree from the bonds of matrimony, and the said court has appointed Monday tho 6th day of Sept. 1809, for hearing the said Catharine in tho premises, at which time and place you can attend if you think VroPer.WM. 011117113. 0ct.19.4t • 'Sherif. APPLICATION IN DIVORCE.- To Sarah M. Reaves—No. 494 May term,lB69. Ton are, hereby notified that John Reaves, your hus band, has applied to the court of common pleas of Bradford county, for a divines teem the bonds of matrimony, and the said court has appointed lgon day, the Sth of December, 1869, Air hearing the said John in the premises, at which time and place you can attend if you think proper. GRIFFIS, Merl, oct.lo,it T CORPORATION NOTICES.- App,catiom for Intorporation for the Methodist Episcopal Church of West Granville. Notice is hereby given that the above Associations have rurally presented to the. Court of Common Pious of Bradford County, their articles of Associa. tion asking for a duree of Incorporation. and the said Court having examined the same, and finding them correct, will decree that they be incorporated u prayed for, on Monday, December 6, 1869, at 1 o'clock p.m., unless cause be shown to the contrary. W. A. THOMAS. Prothonotary. Prothomotary's Office. Oct. 16:1869.-8t - EXAMINATIONS ! The . annual examinations of Teachers for the several His: Was of this Count)'. will be held as follows October 12, Warren. Bowen Hollow School house, do 14„ Windham, Ilnykendail .do • do 15, Litchfield Centre do ' do 16, Athens borough do do 18, Ptldglurrs, Centreville do do 19, South Creek, Gillett's do do 20, Wells, Rowley Hill do' ' - do . 21, Cohnnbia, kuntinvilla dor do do 23. 22 Troy, tiorre . tglt do' uprelo. Centre do; do • ' 25, Sznitbleld Centre . do do 26, Ulster, Village do do _27, Shorlatquin.lcorerValloy •do do `2B. Rama borough 7 do do 29, Wm; Myaratrurg do do 50, Standing Stone. Stemma do November Wilmot, Sugar Ban do do 2, Albany and Overton, 51abra do •• do Fn. Varney do do 4410n05. Cornera do '5, Canton. ugh do 5. - Grairrille boro t. Cerdre do 1 do %W.* Itorilngtan, Centre do do 9, Burlington. Luther's Mlle do do 11. Maids. Camp do 12, Orwell, Orwell Rlll do do 13, Mu, Lehoorah) do •do 15. Tuscarora, Commit , •do do 16, Wyslusing,Camptown -do do 17, Terry, Torrytown 'do do 18, Asylum, Centre do do 19, Monroe, Monroeton do do 20, Towands. Collegiate Dole gersmination at Towanda, Dec. Oh, to e h e ld a at I the Collegiate Institute. • ° Applicants are roquuested to provide themselves with toobrcip paper. p-ne3 and sixth Reader, and to attend in the sick where they reside ce teach. Those will 1 the special EmmiuWon will comply with t' -moots found on the 139th page of the set Exercises will- omit. mence at 9 o'clock a. in. Towbars must procure CM. tillages valid in this county before' pammencing school. All pro/aerosol mink:saes now valid in this county will expire on the first Monday of Juno mixt. a and other , friends Of Education are re. spectfully Invited to attend. . EINtiEY fiept."/45.18 A. A. 39. County . Rapt. MACKEREL. - CODFISA BLUE Macitunr Trout. Ciaraaa. -BMW and &naked Samoa, linzakad Balitmt: and Dried Bet I • LOllO4 MU& • Now.--Adiverdsimento. 414 1 nd % er Agva%34, Nirh r rALL#WINTERIKkee -tv, a if• Bow!1" Triatilo4 - PS = • t e ttrieteek° 4 4 03418010 1 114 4 13 . " ~01-10TH1M141:3' oENT's FURNISHING GOODS, _ jiroadcloth,"" ' ' . - -dam! e 4 - --and I:kleSkiti efitakt all of the Wart masalada, slil.lne West *q li. wbkh wW ba radwead riot: I am also re. calving the begat Moak of 118011:14 . CHMOMPLIA. !MIN OS, ke. 1111,961 14 Sat 3/04 112141 WPM can at M. E. ROSENFIELD'S .$125,000 00 40,000. 00 end convince yourself of to Pact. that on mutat goods cheaper, repreanntrai._._ alas cell ; the atkation of public to any dock of Gent's Toe-. fibbing Goode, such ea . • ON) 35 oASIJN R 4 OTERSHIBTS, Ifivosslumrs, \ DIU WEBS, IE4 oo Cordage Jackets, Shores, T►ea.-Suspenders. and Ca lms, ali ,the liked stens. . - • Give me a call before purchasing eleewbere New Yea Clothing Elasser, 110. 115 Main street. op posite Payrolls, Towanda, Pa.. 0et5.130. NEW FALL & WINTER GOODS. B. A. PETTES & CO., FALL AND WINTER GOODS 1 9182,037 49 CSIIVI meets* adapted to tilts market; couslating In part of a poem; line of BROWN & BLEACHED MUSLIN, I '2323,325 29 DRESS GOODS & TRIMMINGS, $lOO.OOO 00 . 50.000 00 . 701 00 . 3.823 13 Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, dc. fie., which we otter st the loireat *sad; prices. Also a 'general line of HAIR GOODS, such as TEAL' AND IMITATION MIN SWITCHES, $929,923 22 OUR 31ILLINERYPEPARTAIENT is being repleallittexi will a large etcrlrof tie latest styles of • . • • -., • HATS. AND BONNETSI FA.LI4 AND 'WINTER TRADE, Together with • full egeortnent of the West etylee of FLOWERS, FEATHERS, AND RIBBONS, and a general line of TRIKKINCIB. Baring In our employ tirstolass and tasty MILLINERS, we flatter armoires that we can furnish the trade goods In that line that will pima ail who farm na with thetr pat ronage. B. A. PETTES k CO. Towanda. Vet. f 1869—din WHERE TO FIND LUMBER CULLS°, FLOORING, SIDING MOULD INDO FENCE CORNER BOARDS, BABE' ROARER, CORNICE, FREIZE, SHINGLES ROOF .BOARDS, &C., &C., &C., LUMBER WAREHOUSE, OPPOSITE 3LETIIODIST CIIIIECTI, TOWANDA. B.—.Tob Work prorrii4lF done Towanda,-July 15. 1869. THE HOST SUCCESSFUL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF TUE WORLD, NATIONXL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, IJNITfa) STATES - OP AMERICA Cash Capital, Cumzum H. Cr..tzut, PMJadelphio, President. Jar Comm Philadelphia, Choir= Maxim and iituomtioe Committee. Harm D. Coosa. Washington. Vice.Prosident. Dawson W. Parr. Philadelphia, . Secretary sad Foams G. Barra; Y. D.. Philadelphia: Medical Director. This Company issued. balm first par of its exti. team, 7,070 POLICIES, Insuring over 19.260;000.000. The annual preminms upon which amount to over $1150,000,000. WNATIONAL LUZ INI3ITRANCE COMPANY sUnited States of Amor** affords unequalled security to Its Policy holders. and combines all the advantage. oared by other Companies. with amend Mastto itself. , Its wonderful rums* proves it to b i eutost popular Life Trumann, Otanpany Is the world, with the public as well as with agents. • Eap to lletrui Ituntranee mrot 6 A. ..kgr ou itcza be ooa®pagf direct, eto M. • a W. CLAM t 00..--.l.rerrit. 10 south sa. elan. _General Agent! fur T I; and Southern New Jer • • B. B. &MM. Maigger. - N. 0. Eta it A. 0. MASON; Unman, 0004 Atlanta For Bradford 'county. T ow.TRA MEAT MARKET I The sabactibers will keep constantly on hand MI stook of ai wholesale and retail whom all parties can be irep pUad acreturnable rates. Also a fall stock of Mesta emul et . . BEEF. PORK MUTTON. Loma BAUSAM _ BYWDCHEESE.• BOLOGNA. TALLOW.' LARD. An. Market Ant comer 'oath of Ward Ham. Main-at. Towanda. Pa.. sect2l,B9-sui, RHAW. BR.&UND & CO _ *.r- , • Reaver, 0 V.E.ROO.Ar 8 1 ems brought Sothis market.. OVERALLS, HATS, CAPS, tEe. he arc sow reasising a truth supply et DOMESTIC GOODS, oath is PDANTS, DELANES. MtNNI:LS, ZEPHYR wousrEte, BOISE, 1014.1D5, CHIGNONS, Ike TOE TU SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, EGA, CASINGS, GLAZED BASIL I V AND DOOR FRAWS, mem!, gipcbTEs. RAILS, POSTS, PICKETS; WATER TABLE% FACED LUIIDEU, DILL TIMDEU, 0-EO.-P. CASH'S MAIN STREET; I&.. Chartered by Spcdpl Act of Congress, - - $1,000,000. Buiwat owner" intuDEErata. orrzesßs OYSTRRS. FISH AND CLAMS,. Each In their season. OViTERS, FISH AND CLAM, _ • • - - . - .• • r • E._ W . • 1 1 2tliti * : 211 4 1 DTIFINTOR • - GOODK -;.•• •A .-_• . • . . • • • - ..• ; ;-, k*t. • ;•• TAY.r. , OIV (CVO'S. „ 1344V1, nber 27. ISO: o g . I 4 ' 14 4 I .0 02 5.4 • o •T, 1 g g SHIRTS, NEw GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! AT THE TORE OF r TRACY Ar..340_0,RE. 'New and beautiful Asks of FALL AND -WigThli DRESS GOODS, TRACY & MOORE'S. __ 4 Splendid new OIL CLOTHS, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE; , HATS . k CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES; i• Just roceiTeirat TRACY & MOORE'S. HOOP SKIRTS; BALMOBELS, HOSIERY, And everything the line, Just opened, AT THE tyro= OF Towandi. Sept. 96.1369 CENTRAL EXPRESS, • We nave extended onr Ors thrmigh thr Waverly N.Y., and are now prepared i to receive and forward moneyand merchandise, and collect notes, draft" checks, am.; with despatch and . 111 low rates . _ . • •We run careful and experienced' Messengers arousikbebiren Philadelphia and Naw,lrark arid its. ,yerly daily. ercerf. Etundajls, kW:erg qtdrk t!nfand. prampt.dellmy. . • - lei. SPECIAL RATES will be allowed regular abip. -Pits of Butter and AIM and particular **ration gtien their prompt delivery In Philadelphia and. New York. i . EDW. E.. PARK. AUL 8 0 Pt - Gement *lke-320 Cif enfant St.. Thilecktiphte. Sept. 29, ISO, • T OWANDA • COAL YARD. • :• - ANTHRACITE AND BITUIDEOUS COAIR. • . • . The nedertAgned, having leased the Coal Yard and Dock at the old "Barclay Basin," and just completed a large Coal-house and Office upon thcpreamises; are now prepared to furnish the citizens of Towards and skinny with the different !duds arul sizes of the above named coals upon the most revaluate terms in tory quantity desired. 'Prices at the Yard until further notice: I . • Small Egg . , • 16 60 • - 6 50 Stave 660. Chestnut " Lump - 400 .• Elm of Hive 860 Fine or Blacksmith ' 300 The following additional charges will be made for delivering Coal within the borough limits : Per T0n...50 cents. Extrifor carrying in, 50 cents. Half T0n..35 . • .. 25 • Qr. Ton . ..25 04 .41 Si 14 dd • W Orders may be left at the Yard. corner of Rail road and Elizabeth Streets. or at C. Porter's Drug Store. - - ' ..Orders must to all eases be accompanied with the cash. ' WARD DIVES. Towanda. July 26.1860—U..- • , . TOWANDA MARKETS I JL (WOLESALE PRICE'S.) Corrected ever , y Wednesdar by C. B. PATCH, sub. Jeri to changes deny • ' 'Wheat * bush Eye: * bash - Buckwheat, it bush. Corn. bash Oats, It busht Beans, ff. bun- •• • Butter (rolls) * do • (dairy) * lb. Eggs, dos Potatoes. bush Flour. barrel . . Biro if lb 10 22 Ordotts. P bush - 1 00® 1 25 Wmatrra or QUM—Wheat 60 lb. ; Oont 56 lbs. • Eye 56 lbs.; Oats 32 lbs.z - Battey 46 lbs.; Duckwbesi 43 lbs.; Beans 62 lbs.; Brsi.2olbs.; Clcrrer Seed 60 lbs. ; Timothy Seed 44 lbs.. Dried Peaches 33 lbs.. ; Dried Apples 22 lbs.. Pisa Bsed 56 Tbs. • V - 0 REIGN AND DOMESTI mos of an kinds In dolt sown. Mrs 20. C. 11. PATCH'S. rir4 g • 0 Ad Zngt recciml at CARPETS, DOOR &C. &C. y / INKRE NOTIONS, TUAOY ..k.2IOORE. 122 Main-at JOILN SMYLIT, Ja., Supt $1.50 , 8 r5O 1 17 36 , $5 '0 SO 00 @ 29 00 MEM , , _ 20IMENN- • 1-,;1,..?5 JEWELLER - it -: SZGVERSMITH, ~_ eale'oitit; saki' or althWV* ll . l W 014M:"WAND4. Dada. hi, i'.'-irici.: . ,w_. - .*..T., -y- , of AU- descripuow ; atm FINE SWISS WATCHES, AMERICAN WATCHES, GOLD U M AINS CLOCKS git,ettni styloilrout Go cleated to the beat... A LAME AB B OETIO37 . or S.I'ECTACLES . , You ALL AGM nzemm;lo xurty AND Ezimunomur toIE ttoeninde. Lept. lan HE iLATEST - AND-BEST T THE AIIERICAN,BUTTON HOLE, orts t szA.MrNa AND SEWING NAOMI: Bait br mum% k imam, lilerears Sow Pam-kr, Tairinds, Pa. t - THIS MACHINE combines all the good Tashi:es of all other eret , elses machines, doing with we, rapidity and elegance. STICIIENG, s • 1114131:136, FELLING, TUOKENG. CORDENG. DRAWING, QUILTING. besides doing different itlnds of work that other ma chines cannot do, each astruildnir - 'IIU-TTON H. LES, . . . . than' can beniade by I=4 the rate of four per -> minute, and ovumiat Or sawing over and ever. which bj many Is ••mod of more raitio than even nuking - bation•hc&m. Don't fail to are this Machine before purchasing.. We desire all to see • and try it. and are willing to let the ease rest onita own merits. Every Maehlne warranted to give Sa tire satisfection. • CAKINS & BABB= _Merits for Bradford °Minty. . Sithagents wanted Meech town. -- Toratular, Aug. 24. 1969.—Sui CARPETS 1' CARPETS "POvv JULT & CO Haring largly incresed-their facilities toe exhibiting their goods in this tiny, and are now receiving for the FALL ANI, 'WINTER TRADE, and more extensive and BETTER ASSORTED STOCK f. AT CARPETING'S, YLOCIR OIL CLOTHS, MTTIN'GS, DRUGGETS. &C.. iC., Shan they hart before offered. They mili4)lt:dly invite ettentionof the public to this department of their business, and pledge them selves. that their goods shall always be sold at the 0.1 , f 4:4 (.0 March 41:1869.—U Bi_Jocm •ac co.. Still continue to manufacture their celebrated - HORSE POWERS & CLEANERS, end will sell i better m c ichins, for less money thin can be bad elsewhere in, the world. We claim for our Machines that they will do as much. cc more, than any other. and are more Mustily built. We personally superintend our work and -see t~e►itia well down. We will send of our inseldnes, on applfilatcau 'ONE'AND TWO HORSE POWERS, One & Ttco-Horse THREthER,If REPERATORS.: THRESHER. anti i CLEANSES, FANNING:4fIA LS, cractrus AND urrAof AW 301.114 SAW AND MILL work done to Order. Glee wit's all before pureluedgg elsewhere. - •va "os'.(attoarniti `SIZZELIV_ "_l3 V- aostria . Aug. 2, 1869. GREAT.' BARGAINS IN poorrs 8z siaoms EEM NEW 'BOOT 42174, WOO -111:ORB. South (ad of Ward Noun The undersigned are regieeing a large and wen se: laded stock of BOOTS • AND SHOWS, Suitable for the SUDiM S AND FALL TRIM, Which we offer low few Cash. Consisting of GENTS, LADIES, AND CHILDREN'S WEAR SEW ED AND PEGGED BOOTS MADE TO ORDER REPAIRING NEATLY DONE AND READY WHEN PROW SID illThanktut for peat facors; uni solicit • continuance of the !suite. 11111117 LL WOODVOID. Towanda. Aril 5. 1567 I CIAnWMIG, earn ECERING.aN. CATALOGUES. MISSES, G iyyac • CLARK