Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 14, 1869, Image 1
TERM OF PUBLICATION. • , Tax Blum= Bum= b plag4hed every Tlaindv Bilpgag. by EL W. Az.voß and L. J. Cursor, at Tr? Dollars per annum, WI/Aire. sacceding Mini Linn am inserted at as Q 126 per line for first inacrtirm;turd rnm =la per line for subsequent insertions. Special Notices inserted before Marriages and Deaths, via be charged ran= man per line for each insertion. All &solution of Associations ; cannnuiloations of limited or individual interest, and notices of Marriages and Deaths, exceeding fits lines, are charged tar awn* line. . I rear. 6 lot 3 Sas. is $l6O 460 $4O 60 - *3 25 One Column, 1141' • “ One Square, 15 - .10 Estray. Calition, Loet and round, and other *dyer tlaements„ not exeeviitor Ten lines, three weeks, or less $1 50 Administrator's and Executor's Notices, 2 00 Auditor's Noticell, 2 00 Business Cards, dye lines, (per year)........,5 00 Merchants and 'others, advertising their business, will be charged $25 per year. They will be entitled to 3,1 column, confined exclusively to their business, with privilege of linarksiy changes. - 11134*. crUsing in all secs exclusive of subscrip t ion to the paper. - JOB PILINTING of every kind, in Plain and Pitney olore, done with neatness and dispatch. Blanks, Cards, Pamphlets, Bil!heads, Statements, Be; of every variety and style, printed at the shortest notice. The Itcrowran Office is well supplied with Power Preiles, a good assortment of new type, and everything in the Printing line can be executed in the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates. TERM =ABU ELT CABS 11171 RHEBINE, Fashionable 1.1 Tailors Boot= peer 4.6pinwall'a Store. Towan da, Pa. octs, 69. ItFOWLER & CO., REAL ES • Tarr. REALM& N0..10 Washington Street, op po-site Opera House, Chicago, 111. Real Estate par chased and sold. Investments made and moneyloati . April 21. 1869 88. HOLLF,TT, MONROETON, • Pa.. agent for .the Hubbird Mower, Empire Ithaca Wheel Bake, and Broadcast Bower for wing Plaster and all kinds of Grain. Send for elr reiars to B. B. Hommrr, Monroeton, Bradford Co., Pa. june 21, '69-Iy. p ATENTS! J. N: DrxrEn, Solicitor of Patents, ;73 BROAD ECTREET ' , WAVERLY, ti. Y. Prepares drawing; spectilcatiotui and all papers r. ,pxired in making and properly conducting Appli ,itinna for PATENTS In the UNWED STATES and POE- EloN Corr. - mita NO CILEGES UNSECCEFSTI7L CASES ANT NO ATTOILNET'S FEE TO EAT cvni, PATENT IS oIITAINED. S i pt 16, 1869-tt \TEW WHEAT FLOUR MUM Folvi.xpi STEAM FLOURING )ILLS ! =I! - ~I, 01 r YERSBURG IaLLS ! 1 ike having purrhaAed of Mr. Barnes interest in the.Myersbrn Mills, will carryon the isiness of Milling, and guarantee all work done by • in to he of the very lost quality. What, Ityc and Buckwheat Flonr. and Feed. con Intl). on hand and for sale at the loweA midi price Mp•rsbnrg, Sept. 24. MYER k FROST. p RICE LIST-CASCADE MILLS R—t quality Winter Wheat Flour ? cwt.. $4 504 5 00 R—t quality Rye Flour ? cwt. 3 50 ,n Meal and Rye and Corn Feed 2 25 X lair margin allowed to dealers custom grinding usually done at once. as the ea. .tcLty of the; mill to sufficient for a large amount of CM eamptorn. July 12. 19i59 L E RAYSYILLE • MILLS ! The subaeriber. having purehaFed the Lallayaville 31dh., and refitted the i-anie in good order. is now prepared L , do good work, and to give general sails faetion. ffi. J, FRUTCTIET. Srpt. 22, BEEBE .11FILL-SPECIAL NO myER. CAL tleliver Flour. Fr.,tl. '.l 11. Graham Flour, or an 3 thin, t Is, itt th'tr line in M=M ~t ,tomers will find an Oril,r at the akin' , of Stiwrna. Merrrir Ai Co. All orders left in said • I, will to promptly attended tn. \nv Inquiries in regard to Grinding, or other bind -- the Mill. entered in said book, will be answer M\ ER. FOSTER & CO. = DYEING ESTABLISH- EW T...tth..rthor to thin itt.thott 01 Informing the of Towanda and viein!ty that he hart opened 1.,. Ettabliehtneut in rol. Means' new build- No. ! stAiN STREET Gen. I`rtton'al, and that h e in now prn to do all wisrli iu his line, such as CLEANING •1.1 COLORING ladies' and gentlemen's garments, ke•.. in the• mutest manner and on the most asonable terms. Give nu• a call and examine my HENRY REDDING. B RADFOPD COUNTY REAL ESTATE AGENCY II 11. 11.1:Ar. EST \ T 1: AGENT Canus, Mill Properties t City ant Town ts sat, Parte, luau, prolst ty for sale will fiud it to their :vant.V. , lee leaving a .1,4-e:talon or the same. with of sale at this y. a.s parties are constantly ft , m• fart,. fir. 11. 11. AfrEllAiti, 11,11 Estate Agent. Ma,011":.11.1:.1:. 7%0,1:144. Pa. 2 1, v. rI I HI :UNDERSIGNED HAVE allankinv Hon, in Towanda. nniler the 17.1. .4 G. F. )LLSON k Co. e fli y prepar,l to draw httiht of Exchange. and collectotna in \,•w York, Philatlclphia, and all t..ins of the Vnited States. a., also England. Crer :iy. and France. To loan money. receiTc &polity, ik grneraT Banking linsin-eas F. Mason triLP one of the late firm of Laporte. Co_ of Towanda. Pa., and his knowledge of I , ll,:nrsa men of Bradford and adjoining romitimi ,••1 Lew,ng iwen in the bapking businem for about n 3 ear,. make this hone• a desirable one through 1: t:: Tunlo collect:l:mA _[_ : l%, - at:1::t. 0:1. 1. Ik4l. 4.I"fENTION THIS WAY,! N. KINNEY & CO =EI s 11.• t 7,1.•. the I:l74eßt a El= .10 iu th, tbr okuntry. rh:ch th. y n pri.a.g. and statt.r.ant ill that ,1 , 111 , t nra-11,ht call and tintitt•. I t tv,,, t. stlt'i, - 11 1. 1N.19 —fatl CO. VF W FALL WINTER GOODS 1. ivER(v.:, I IPN I . 111=1=1 NIL 1 .V E e; 001,1. s tht I kt:.•t impnrt,l t•ty!,.., of =I ' ,11.1 re-lie..tfully invite the Towan i, inety to giVC ter a call before purehastng where. Work done in neat and fashionable style on ehort note, over IL E. Rosen •l'e Store. oppokto Pon - ell's. Towanda, Pa. ~ I.tember 30. INV) E F I It 31! `•, Gf pbS.lXl)l,Olr Ml= FI:ACY HOLLON, P in Groeeries and ProNi.ionß, Drugs K , `,R4lle Ud, Lamps. t'hituneys. I •,, muff, Pallas. Oils, Varnisb, Yankee cnzar, anaSnnff. Pun. Wince !nu] .f mialiti, for medicinal purpoites tes4s sol ! at the situ lowest pricer. Pr& t.. , e , etsapottntled at all hours of the (I:ve nv a call. TRACY A LIOLLON Jrul, 24. 1569,--ly. ( P P - ASSA.OE FROM OR TO 111:1..1ND OR ENOTAND •• I.lyr. OF .11 OK TO Olt LIVERPOOL. t • A 1;11. Illarik Star Line" of Lie - railing week. tad Loc. of Packets from ',t- to London t,. nt,sult. • • t En %and. Irt-land and Scotland pay o t•.l !..rt.•vtla7,. apply to Williati4 t 61.1 . 1011 .1:. lurk.. or P. MASON t CO.. Blinkers. Towanda, Pa. s. 1' E K )IILLIVIIIGH'T ^ • Tor. - rtla. ra. }[ills built • •‘• I and 'toilers-set In the best • ' tits attoutton of guilt OWIICII3 to .I:rux WATI:11VI1E1 L. o•o; sli th• elom,nts of a flrat-clafot trotter • • 1 , a,tru,-uon, aceoAaitnlity,groat strength 1 •2p , u;.! th , greatest aattottnt of power for t re weed, running under backwater tr,..nt to power etrept diminution of ' . tt t urn; to , Alt ration in mill frames or addi will-ron under low bead. and made of • tog COTT3CITy. /111 . .` teheeht will be furnished t'.an one-half the cost of any other first-elms eo.rket. we.rranted to perform 1111 that .1 tor th. to. These wheels will be made kbr t:."r wdhont COhrt notice. of the t - 111:111O•T. .':. lurtwolarsuati ree s euquii: of .the under- G. S., Towanda, Pa. --• All ITO ItTY`TI in operation at •r. ilorton A Wells' Mill. Towanda twp. The alt compo.s, 1 of Iron as now tuade. I°T.i..-41 ALYORD isc, cr 4 A.us9N, Publishers. VOLUME XXX. W • AT TH MPSOR,NITOORNEY IL LAW. Towanda, In. Mae with W. C. Bogart Fag, No. 5 Brick Bow. All badness en t ruste d to Ws care will be promptly attended to. J 1859. N HENRY• PEET, ATTORNEY AT Law. Towanda. Pa. Jun. 27, EDWARD OVERTON, Jn., \AT row= at LAW. Towanda. Pa. Office formerly occupied by the late J. a Adams. march I. 'fIJ: \ GEORGE D. MONTANYE, AT 70111IXT AT LAW. Of fiCO—CETTAT of Main and Pine attests, opposite Puttees i)rug Store. NV A. PECK, ATTORNEY AT • Law, Towanda, Pa. Ofhoe over the Ba. leery, south of the Ward House, and opposite the Court HOLUM - • nor 3,18. WH. CARNOCHAN, ATTOR , • ITET AT LAW ( District Attorney for Brad ford County), Troy, AA - Collections made and peompt ly remitted. lab 15, '69—tf. JOHN N i CALI - IT,- ATTORNEY AT Law, Towanda, Ps, Particular attention giv en to Orphans' Court brudreunt Conveyancing and Collection& rir Office at tho Register and Ilecor der's office, south of the Court House. Dec. 1, 1864. B. FOWLER, S. LEtiD. BEW.iPECK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Towasola, Pa. All bttlineas entrusted to Ms oars will receive, prompt attention. Mee in the office lately occupied by Mercer AC Morrow:south of Ward House," Op stairs. PIT AfERCUIt & MORROW, An:YR -111 iwn as Towanda, Pa. The having associatakthemselves together in the rosettes of taw:Offer theirprofessional services to the public. ULYSSES idERCUR. • P. D. MORIIDW. March 9, 1865... JOHN W. MIX, ATTORNEY AT t LAW, Towanda, Bradford Co., Pa. GKNERAL INSURANCE AGENT. Particular attention paid to Collections and Orpbana' fOrtrt. bnaineas. Offlce-3forcur's New Block, north Ando Tablie Square. • apr. 1; '69: TT B. 31/ 1 c g .E AN, ATTORNEY • AND C0UN1571.1.011 AT Law, Towanda, Pa. Par ticular attention paid to business in the 'Orphans' Court. . July 20, WT. DAVIES, ATTORNEY AT • Law. Towanda, Pa. Office. with Wm. Wat kins, I:eq. Particular attention paid to Orptsans' Court busineas and itettlement of decedents' estates. - NAT - B. KELLY, DENTIST. • fico over Wickham & Black's. Towanda, Pa. Particular attention is called to ALUMINUM as a base for Artificial Teeth. Racing used this material for the past four years. I can confidently tecommend, it as being far amierior to Rubber. Batas call and *Jr: amine specimens. air Chloroform( administeredwhen desired. may 20. '6B. DR. H. WESTON, I , Office in Patton's Block, crMr Gore's Drug and Chemical Store. jan I.'GB. B: JOHNSON, PHYSICIANT• Srnomm. Towanda, Pa. Office with W. B. Kelly, over Wickham k Black. Renidence at the Means Honey. apr 16, '6B. ' n. B. INUHAM DR. H. A: BARTLEIr, Physician and Surgeon, Sugar Run, Bradford County, N. Office at residence formerly occupied by Dr. Ely. aug.10,114.59,tf T STEVENS ' PHYSICIAN cr • AND Scnoiosr. Residence at N. "NM's. Esq., earner of Second and College Streets. Office over Rockwell's Store, opposite Means House. Zweanda, Mn. 25, lB69—tf. fOCTOR 0. LEWIS, A GRADU ate of tk,r college of -Physicians and Surgeons," New York city, (lass 184:1-4. gismesclusive attention to the practice of Ids profession. 011 ice and residence ou thu eastern slope of Orwell Hill, adjoining Henry Holrea . S.Jan 14,'611. • TB. CAMP, I:I4`St.TRANCE e Au:EST.—Office formerly:, occupied by Mercur & Morrow. ono door oontli of Ward House. July 22., 17 4 1 4FORD, LICENSED ALTC _a_ • - ritixrfin. Towanda. Pa.. will attend promptly to all business entrusted to him. Charges moderate. Ftb. 13, ISr,A. Fj RA CIS .E. POST, PAINTER, Towanda, Pa., with ten yeara experience, ia con fident he can give the beet satisfaction In Painting, Graining, Staining. Glazing, Papering, ke. fil_l;trticular attention paid to jobbing In the country. april 9. 'fig. T K. 'VAUGHAN, ARCHITECT tr • AND BrumEn. All kinds of Architectural De signs furnished. Ornamental work in .Stone, Iron and Wood. Office on Main Street, over the Post-of tiro. Attention given to Rural Architecture, such as laving out of ground., apr. 1. '67-1y /-1 4 W. AYRES' MARBLE SHOP, . Yon will and Granite Monuments, both Quincy and Cou , - , ,rd, Marble and Slate MAutles, and OW Grater to rt. .1 large assortment constantly on hand, cheap as the 1•!.,.....15ei5t. Aug. 10, 1860--ly. W i W. STEVENS, COUNTY SUR-. (.7 e VEYOR. CalliptOWD; Bradford CO.. Pa. Thank ful It his many employers for past patronage, would respectfully inform the citizens of Bradford County that he is prepared to do any work in his lute of busi ness that may be entrusted to him. Those having disputed lines would do well to have their property accurately surteyrol before allowing themselves to feel aggrieved by their neighbors. All work warrant ed correct, it, for as the nature of the cam will per mit 11 unpatented lands attended to as soon as warn is ts ar e obtained. O. W. STEVENS. re . 24.-ltrial—ly• V. DOOLITTLE, PRACTICAL fdr• 3Esci:Lint. would inform the pf•aple of Brad foil; and slirromaling Counties, that he has opened a r a w Jewelry Stare iu Canton. where will be round eenstafilly on hand a nieely-sclected stock of goods it his line, cansieting of Ladies' and Gents• Gold and sdver Wat.hes. it Amerbain. English. and Swiss inaimfarture. Cloaks. Jewelry, Gold Pone, and all the arto•les nynatly found in a lint-clam , ' Jewelry Store. All goods said as 'assailable as in any of the sur romeling cities. and warranted as represented. Ite pa.ring and jobbing done on short notice. and on the !Icier favorable terms. A liberal sham of patronage is re-pee tfully solicited. Troy street. Canton. Pa-. May 12. ism). O. F. MASON A. O. MASON MERICIN HOTEL.. CORNER of Bridge and Wat, Streeta, Towanda. Pa. M. 11. CALKINS. Proprietor. asaiste4 by le T. Itcrnm f. rmerly Boyne Mow," Burlington, Pa. Feb. N. ls69—tf WARD HOUSE, TOWANDA, PA On Main Stet. near the Canrt Henan. C. T. WITH, Proprietor. I=ll AMERICAN HOTEL, EAST 837711IFIELD. PA. The subscriber having leased this house, lately occupied by A. C. Bentley, and thoroughly repaired and refitted it, Is now ready to accommodate the travelling public. Every endeavor will be made to satiety those who may favor him with a call. A. O. REYNOLDS. Feb. 1. 1869—dm• VLWELL HOUSE, TOWANDA, PA. • Having leased this House, to now ready to accommo date the travelling public. Homana nor expense will be spared to give satisfaction to those who may give hint a call. Z North side of the public square, cant of fitm ent'. new block. ITITTERFIELD -CREEK HO TEL. 'Having purchased and thoroughly refitted thin old and well-known stand. formerly kept by Sheriff Grif fis. at the mouth of Rummertield Creek. iffi ready to give good accommodations and satisfactory treatment to all who may favor him with a call. Dec. 23. 18(04—tf. . ITEANS HOUSE, TOWANDA, 1 PA.. JORDAN k Hourme, Proprietors. This popular Hotel having been thoroughly fitted and re- paired. and furnished throughout with new and (de pot Furniture, will be open for the reception of guests. 011.SATVI/DAT. MAT 1. 1869. Neither expense nor pains has boen.apared in rendering this Hooas a model hotel in all its arrangements. A iMperkte quality Old Burton Ala, for invalichOnst received._ April 28, 1869. WAVERLY INSTITUTE? The Forty-eighth Term of this Destitute opens August 18th, 1869, under the charge of A. J. I.Also, It Is one of the best LrrEnsite liss,,,,,oricras of the country, accessible from all parts, and ts situated at The departments are complete. The Classical" embraces all those studies required An admission to our. best Colleges. Also, a thorough drill in the - Modern Languages. . r The English Course comprehends both the com mon branches taught iu Elementary Schools, and many of the higher branches usually pursued in the Colleges. In the Commercial Course the instruction is as thorough and complete as In our most aucceas. ful Commercial Colleges. Instruction upon the Piano and Organ by the old method ; also by 'Robbins' New American Method." by which pupils can acquire a Imowledge of music in . one-third the time which it hitherto required: The rates of tuition are very moderate.. Board ob. tained at reasonable prices ; a limited number of pu pils can be ,secommodated in the Widnes of the'ln atructore. Rooms can be procured In which students can board themselves and lessen the expenses 'one; hall Normal class, as usual, organized it the be of n n n of the Fall Term, in which twenty of the Ant applk cants will receivo free instruction for fourteen weeks. For particulars address tbo Principal at Waverly. N.Y. infOrination in referenc.o to Rooms and' Board can also be obtained at Waldo k Tracy's Drug Store, elf, Broad Btrect. r A. .1. LANG, A.M.. Principal. , - NEWTON KniNEY, President of Board of Trustees. July 16,1E09. EMMA, ILY Hotels JOHN C. WILSON I= WAVERLY, TIOOA CO., N.Y ejniz,itSzi3i:A^ElA T •,/ .7", 1-.1... ,- ' ? ~1- / , , -- -0 • ''.l - - i) . :93..e",1: - - 1 i 1 " / l ' ' ... ' 11111 tI I k MIMI 'o# /Mg!. Dllll/9L911P11 El • W 4 . 11 41 4 11 . 7 " 41 ! . . • - To die alonennd quite forgot . By those who loved you ere the spot: Of drunkenness hid grown so large, • ' That UMT,wouldlefklisigalthe &MA Of watching you with kindest are, Mien they no longer could totUear,' NBY.diing plteonsiigl►/!) • You can contribute your small mite ' ' ' 'To roar a drunkard's monument! - To see, before yoink deatialmell cornea:: Most Wretched miserrisayour homes ; To see rim- mother's hair turn grey, Thro' anguish lest you go astray; Youriister'sface suffused withahame At simple men' ton of your name; To see your itoble, L manlybrofher, .; Vainly try your shame to cover •, Your aged father, limit with years; ' His eyes bedimmed with sorrow's;cars ; By seeing these, and eve's more, Yon can contribute; tho' you're poor, To reara dmnkard's motTmont! To spend jourponelitudieurintrengtki That you may lay your form at iOngth Upon the pave or eellar-docir, Where others oft have lain . before ; To spend your all, and then be thrown,, At risk of neck and every bone, • , Upon the street; hymn:teat hands , Whichcare not for theseCain -lice brands Ile made to suffer this humility, • ; • • • E'en snubbed by those who think gentility Consists ht,tirirdnag poisoned drink,, • (Poor imbeciles who never think!) By suffering these, young man, you will Contribute largely to the till 'hiat rears Idrunitard's monument I These - monuments on every band Are seen, throughout our-glorious land! They look netlike the marble towers, Surrounded by the sweetest dowers, • ' Reared by living, loving hands, , , • To mark the spot where those, whose bands Uniting them to earth, are broken, • Gone, at summons of Death's token! • No I no! the ones of which we speak Are reared by selling, week to-week,: . The damning draughts of fatal drugs Which even drunkards idrink with shrugs ; These m ake the living erislenee, , Of howa kindly,PrOiid , erd4 Will suffer men to sin and thrive— A lesson that may prove to them A bright star in their' diadem': It warns them timely to beware Of sin's alluring,. tempting snare ; It points unerring to the place Prepared. for those who would disgrace Mankind, end all that's good on earth, By brewing at a single birth Mart-misery and poisoned drinks, To sellto h:m who 'never thinks! ' Consigned _ to everlasting woe, • Must be the men who ruako s show By rearing drunkard's ;none :knouts! • '. tiOtellut!em:-. ,- : - , ,-:- THREE NIGHTS. A TRRILLESG STORY It is now ses'eral years since I was returning- froin• the- NOrthwesterri District of Lake Superior. Winter with all its winds and deep snows had, already set in, and instead of the usual lake voyage, my journey to the land of civilization had to tke per formed in a sleigh. Each day I took my way, over roads whose ruts the snow had filled, while my horses' bells rang gaily out through the snow clad forest whose pendant icicles- flashed in the sun's rays like. a fruitage of gems. - We had passed Lake Superior and were threading the foresta• bordering on Lake Huron, when one evening we Caine to a better cultivated farm than usual, where the scraping of fid dles and the echoing of the music an nounced one of those blithesome frol ics with which the settlers at inter vals-lighten -the monotony of back woods life. But it soon appeared that this was an extraordinary festival, being for the bridal of 'our host's daughter, whom all these friends, who came from many miles around, were to ac company to . see the knot tied on - the morrow. What a jOyful scene it was. The sun shone on our unwearied revels, ushering in the wedding day; and then one and all—for I deferred my journey in honor of the occasion prepared to. escort the bride on her way. 'through many of the backwoods settlements clergymen have never passed, and troth are lawfully plight ed before the nearest magistrate. But 'on the present aecasionit chanc ed that a clergyman was visiting his brother-in-law at a farm some twen ty miles distant, and the marriage was hurried that the bride might have the advantage of a "parson wedding. My two-horse sleigh being the best appointed vehicle in the company, I placed it at the bride's ,disposal, and we were soon speeding through the forest, followed by a bevy of , sleighs and trains filled with a laughing crowd; and while the sleigh-bells rang out the.merriest bridal peals the young settlers played wild choruses upon their horns, until the woods echoed With their minstrelsy. • Abput midday we reached our dear tinatiOn. Om- fair bride seemed • al most scared to find hew solemn were the words which - bound her to share the burden as well as the joys other bridegroom, though she plighted her vows in a trembling but earnest voice and smiled happily as he handed het into the sleigh for the return journey. Again we swept through the bush with laugh and jest. My high-bred horse, fresh as when we started; soon outsped the heavy steeds of the - other tmvelers,_and left them out of sight and hearing. Let us go bythe lake shore," cried the bridegroom, " then you'll see the ' tumble,' and we 'will be home before the others are." The idea was highly approved by the new made -wife, and as I was , soinewhat weary of the monotony of The woods, I readily agreed. Between = us and the shore was a:winding- gfF ley filled with frozen . snow, which soon brought us to the broad belt of ice bordering , the lmut. • Beyond was the lake, which, as far as we could see, stretched a vast expanse of blue, refreshing to the eye wearied by the universal whitenes& Troubled' by ei recent gale, the lake heaved and roll =ed in heavy whose very action 'was cheering'amid tlie desd.st3ll**, Meanwhile we bowled merrily along over the wavy ice, 'Which ilashottindl sparkled in a thousand blinding- 'and V orgriinis -. rays beneath• our bank( it e- • ;;; ; 4 r‘t • . ;:* NUE Mr , . ••:' • • • ; DFORD , COUNTL' ,, Pk:' , QCToBER-- • - i ' .1 Nt.': At laigtkndeep XelterbOrathnkswy nounc‘d , thelkunbW-7a Vi a, of foaming cascades by whichlho miter ofelaftrriverlonnd its way kitothe Ink% and whose , iskagne ;beauty wseenhaucod b , y ;the; littering;lines of icicles which fringa the overhang ing rOcks, and the .glasier-like cone of ice thOlePitrY ridit*ibefProAr This admired, we on, on, for tinidny, wile fast dra to a eked. As the inure:Li& behind pine crest of a distant headland, we'eametto an mtnaiy, *hoe() fortherpoird ed. Bend wail the Ann; ind"we, urged tho horses to a, swifter le* for the eon's d came*great-, er increase of Cold: The eptnary, some eight miles stretched 46, into the' laid, Indio save time, ire &vivo sifflught across 'the vast ice which' , bridged it. Night fell as 4e - preceeded, ht though' the moon had not 'men, the misty reflection of the r "snow lighted - us on our ;way. We bed reached the centre of thel3ay; 'when' a report - Wm a discharge of artillery tilledthi 7 eir; and rolling back lA* the ice wir re peated by the thoniiiidechoes: It *he the uninistakable sound of j e , e . • _f • ' Without it -weird I put the horses to their speed. , The next moment a yet loitder and sharper concussion broke on the still nesa followed by a third, which sound ed as if itrent the aif asunder. ' . My companion* peered eagerly, in= to the dark. The horses stopped sud den* andlooking before. them we pereeiveda dark belt of heavy wa ters. The deck Was' too" broad for our home to leap, all- left WI, there fore; Was to turn:landward, hurry on and outstrip the sAtniger. But each step thefglip beside, us widened; un til it resembled a river, and' to our consternation- we discovered that the ice had parted on either, aide, leaving us floating on a large 7 'sake of me, Which the swift:Current of Ntie river was driving rapidly out upon the lake.. Wat idden dismay . -La a But. APT came \cover us as we gazed at the. increasing , chasm! - ..1,:. ~ :\. bridegroom the space, and bear Sidi/ie.-to the farm, but it Ivied . have :630:.1 a use less sacrifice of life. There :wail one 'chance . left--that we might hit upon some proting point upon:the Inkei Bt as our raft floated steadily further and further out from land, that last hope vanished, and before,long, we who s had lately been so joyous, stood sad ky watching the white outline of the hills ffide into the .night with the sor rowful knowledge that we should per ish Misernbly upon 'our . 'frozen rest ing-place or be swept into the ice cold waters of the,lake. It wean terrible prospect. The remembrance that we had, in 'a measure,. brought this upon our head's,. increased' ate bitterness. Had we but apprised any one of our route when we diverged from the - usual track, we shciuld undoubtedly have been sought for in canoes, and most probabl • • escued; whde, as it was, in the,b ' pail by which we turned' into the ' would put them stint fault The bfldegroom'sself7reprwich es were the keenest, forhe felt hint self the destroyer of the bride so late: ly committed to his care; while the poor girl wept in utterabandcmment of spirit, not only 'for the blighting of her bright hope and fqr the life she must render up, but for the sudden parting from the belcived ones she should never see again. The moon rose in the deep blue sky, making night beautiful, and flooding our ice emit with he silvery light, quivering:in, broken rays on the broad lake which now rolled in waves around us, and shining like a glory on the distant hills, giving us one more glance at earth. 4. The cold was tramming intense. The.wind, straight from the frozen North, swept over the lake ' in gusts, and seemed - to pierce us like icy ar rows, and though wrapped in heavy sleigh furs, and crouched within its narrow limits, we could Scarcely en, dure the rigor of the nighcand;worse than all, our fair companion had to share these hardships, with no pro tection save the most sheltered corner of the sleigh and the warmest wrap per. Yet she never murmured. Day at length broke on this long night of misery. The current' Of the lake had swept us out of sight of the IVe told Ofirselves we 'had . no hope of rescue, yet long and anxiously we watched the circling horizon for some sign of coming aid, and it was with deep despondency we discovered that as far as the eye could reach, , f.liere. wia ideating but 'awl sky; save on the spot some five miles distant, where floated a fragment of our raft, which cracked from the commence- Ment, had parted during the night, bearing away with it our horses. And as the day wore on another hardship was added—that of hunger. Since the preceding morning we had eaten nothing, and our long exposure made the want sorely felt. Though many birds flew over thelake, not - one came within reach of our rifles.', . 1 , Two days passed, and no words ban tell the intensity of our suffer ings as we floated on our frozen pri son, and when the third day broke upon us, cold and exhaustion -were fast doing, their work, • and we -lay helplessly in the corners of the sleigh. But the young bride still bore . up. Whether it was the , unbroken for of her youth sustained her, or that marvelous endurance of her sex which lois so often - carried them through wreck and tempest, I know not, but she was still comparatively strong, and' while 'she drew our covering closely around us she earnestly en ,/ treated us still to hope and trust. / .I began to think with horror that a time would shortly come when' the unhappy girl would be le ft alone up-4 i on the ce ,• Thus another night closed. As the hours passed a furious storm arose.upon the lake, belting its ha ters into foaming billows ! which dash ed against our raft, tossing it wildly Among the waves. Clouds black as ink rolled over the / sky. Our hun ger was succeeded' by n pains tdmost biyond/e . ndurance. It was ell nigh num e 9t u nlng, and many times itte we sat • withinthe sleigh • , ME t.iiP. L 7:l. 7M:7::::1 MI - i .•l ,„ Elnagutaid _atinelnapwrioN 'sox poi,,lwurzwl rl • - listening to reahing of•the waive did we -pray • they- :swank]. - over-- 7040 our raft and,endt our misery, At banliktbis desire seemed granted. Therelras a suddert mash and a mio ant concussion; ma ~tlrugh • •we=.lzad struck upon . rock,. and - the billoWs beat and, roared. mcm-'. wildly s than oyez- While we • waited, !the dawn crept slowlyover-thl sky, and,our domitable kid% springmg up, .utter...„ ed a cry of joy. • Before us, nrung,, , ixi hills and • valleys. , lay the snow-clad land, and. its icy.borders• our raft was eghtly,moora. ' • Thegide had driven , us.back to the shore of the lake, and thus saved our 3 Not far of the ascending smoke announoed a dwelling, but we had no "" • it; 'so we ,fired our rifles, a signal which quickly brought the inhabitants. to the shore.- They roved to have been members of, the late wedding • frolic • and: nothing Could exceed their, as tonishment and joy at our disomery. • •Eveerry possible care, and kindness was lavishedirpon us, and we soon recovered from- the effects of our ii‘• Maim WILD• l'illonvs." . . win= Irmo.. ' , Thrift7iille wants a minister. They are looking far end near to find one; but they want the ' "right tam" Thrifty/vine is none your old, ef: fete, worn out per, ' It is a place . grown up quickly on Rapid River; in the beautiful valley of Rusks. It is a very important' place, standing di-. rectly over the centre .of the earth. It has a growing population and boasts of a "circle of very intelligent people." Moreover, it seems 'to be the centre of a great moral influ ente,"'and now it wants a minister second to none. They , want• to. gat the society out oldebt, the house, ,to gather in tie young, 'to " draw a fall house," and to make the concern every way lwasParaaa and tespectable s . and easy to support. Now for the qualifications desired. They are so few and simile, that " the right man" probably stands at your elbow. Irm--He must be a man mature in intellect, and ripe in ,experience; and yet so, young that all the young people will rush after hini. must have power to awaken \ and aro* the church; and yet.must Jet them be .quiet and look op, while'be does, allAhat: is done for Cihrist. \ keit-14E3 mtnat - be strong and "or iginal in the pulpit, and 'bring none but beaten oil' there ;'''and",yet" be at leisure to receive any call, any inter ruption, be preporec for , every occa sion, ane like the to*n • yump, never sucking for, water or givrg out dry. IraitHe mast have health, so that his body Diver' wearies, his mires 'never quiver-areal specimen of mus cular Christianity---and yet a hard, severe thinker, a close reason'er„,, and a most diligent student s , getting \ his books from any quarter. G timi-L-He must bo poor in thiS world's veils to show that moue.* is not his object, and so that ho can sympathize with the poor, and so that he can't help feeling human and de pendent; and yet his family must be the most hospitable and entertain more company than any other in town, his children must be second to none in education and tinining; they respectably dresied; he must give away more, and more cheerfully, than any manila, not even excepting Squire Bich himself; and his family must all be models, in all rapects, for the community. ITEw—He must be able to liie in .a glass home, always tiding iii public, Coming in contact with all sorts of men and of prejudices; so original that all Will respect and fear. him ; and y 4 neVer odd, eccentric, morose, repulsive or. awing in manner. He should have the lofty attributes of an angel, with the sympathies, the gen tleness and'softness of the child. lu*—The minister must be sound in doctrine, able to lay his hand' on the naked 'foundations :a truth, to fortify and ° defend the hill of Zion; and yet must never preSch the old fashioned doctrizie s . They are not spicy..'They are not taking. They will never "draw "a full house. Irma It is *her desirable that he should be a pious man,:arid one who loves his Masteri and yet, as this ar ticle piety, has not aequired great value is Thiift: 3rville, it. would be well lor him not to.wisluk_ilsit too obtru sive. .Freir--Ilis wife must be the mod el' of all models. She must be young and handsome, but mot indiscreet or vain. She must be worthrof the ad thiration Of all - the people, • and yet think 'she is the htlinblest of them all:, She mast _ watch and disCipline, and prime ;and lead, and make her brie= band the embodiment of all eicel lence, but, she must never be aware . of her, poirer, lest she become' over bearing. She must be the bdel of a lady, have o• fair face aid white ham* though compelled/ to do all the work of the family. /She must be ready to meet everybody with a smile, take her hands from floor at any Moment, wear h ac ed apron, and still be dressede Cindy. ' Herface must never be otherwise than cheer ful; her head mast do its aching in secret, and.she must give none occa sion to call her extravagant, or to call her mean. /She must be able to alter the samedress four times husking it thrice and fitting it to a small child each tilne. - She will be expected to be the very life of the Dorcas Sane- i ty„the most zealous member .ot the All-Labor Society, the very backbone of the Maternal Association, the warm leader of the Female Prayer Meeting, the head and mover of the Reading Circle and the Visitor ()matelot _the poor. be etpoieted to-Wm the prayer meetings, and, let -how. many soever brethren be present, be looked to set the tune for each hymn. Ae she receives salaryrot course her qualiticabons are not so impor tant, though the above are essential. Buck in a few words, is the man they want :for Thriftyville. It they can light on him theywill pay him fine hundred dollars annually; =diet it riot runlehind unreasonably. This is not,. to be sure, half what their clUlti receive; hat they .think that the minister, Abe be only the "right" it:'' , _. !i:i:i, - ; , , 47! ,-.,;i.-,-::.. _ii; •,:, ! A . 1 1,1, !i; i ., 1 1-a....p„.1::.:,: - .,,-,... ..1::::1 - 11,',1; .71, ',.' t., ':-..4-1:., t 't,,C.:,- ; ':: ' ENE T 71;1 11== ++, 11. • t • •• • . • caw; fcllll4lM%. e! . .'to tire:, oo,:it t , i)l 7 ti .tk •-• ": N. 8 . - 7-411 applicant 4 most. put, : gm extra posti!go eWnp (AA ,the letter- or • it, will men* no-ottentioo.:. ; rY• ; ' ' cow IN.II2.IIMITVDIiiiItIL Ggacoi D. rual=4 41'wtitten mane Prott ty thloggi but urr anYtOng jnore quiCitY ' ' [:Come. In.tlcantifuLdrerwmi, love, mo tile Oft, 't When theWlate irjnge el cep Oh my tosceit Olif'ecetio when the set ' ; • ' lii the, thikeiii gentle light,' - • • ; . , Belts loft bn'the air,' ' ' Lid the -ids° 'of tee nighk, ' • When thi Isky and the - maim ; &Wear thole leitteet Mae,- r When tho.dow's cm the flokr i . • • '. And Um stare on the dew. •,, . • Come, in beantifitrdreinis,:tnt; - • Ohl coma ilia well stray -•-• Where. tie whole year is crowned' .; . With the. blossems of May— , Where ciel sotind is Meet _ • tho ; coo Of a dosrey, .; z jAnd•the gales are ne pwifi ; , As the br,eatldngs, Of lore; v *hero:the b eams kiespe Wires; Arid the waves the The beech, And our War n Iris may catch," The'sireet lessons they teach. ' -Come„ in beautiful *cams, lova, Oh! come and well fly . Like two Winged Oils Of loco throngh'llio 144; With hand clasped - in hand, - On our dream-Wings we'll go Where the starlight and moonlight Are blending their glow ; And on tho bright clouds, well linger, Of purploand gold, the angels shall envy -7, The bliss they behold. It does not attack its prey openly, neither, as some .have said, does, it go on shore for that purpose. It watch es to see whether any animal comes to drink, and than, ,sinking beneath the surfade of the water, moves rapid 4 ly, rises unexpectedly beneath the unsuspecting victim, seizes it with a sudden map, of its huge jaws, and drags it beneath the water. Should the intended prey be too far from the water to be reached by the month, or So large that it may offer a successful resistance, the Crocodile strikes it a tremendnous blow with its tail, • and knocks it into the water. The dwell-. err on the - Nile bank say that a large Crocsdile will with a single blow of its tail ;meek all the four legs of an oz or a horse. , . , These cunning reptiles even' con trive to catch birds as they come for water. On the banks of the Nile the . smaller- birds drink iu a very peculiar manner. They settle in numbers ort the flexible branches . that overhang the stream, and when, by their weight the branch bends downwards, they dip their beaks in, the water. The Crocodile sees afar off a brunch thus loaded, swim:ins near as possible, and then dives until it can see the birds immediately above it, when. it rises suddenly, and with a snap of its jaws secures a whole mouthful of the un suspecting birds. - Sir S. Baker, in his travels on the Nile gave much attention to • the Crocodile, and Las collected a vast amount pf interesting information about the reptile, much of .which is peculiarly valuable; inasmuch as it il lustrates the Scriptural notiteil of the creature. He states that it is a very crafty animal, and that its usual Mode 'of attack is by first ; showing itself, then swimming slowly away to a con siderable distance, so,as to make its intended victim think that danger is over, and then returningunder water. It is by means of thiamanceuver that it captures the little birdS., It first makes a dash at them, open-mouthed, causing them to take to flight in ter ror. It then sails slowly away, as if so baffled that it did not intend to renew the attack. When it is, at a considerable distance, the birds think that their enemy has departed, and return to the branch, which they crowd more than ever, and iu a min ute or two several dozen, of them are• engulfedin the mouth,of the Croco dile, which has swiftly dived under them. On one occasion, Sir S. Baker was walking near the edge of the riv er when ho heard" a great shrieking of women on the .opposite bank. t turned out that a number of women had been filling their "gerbas" (wat er-skins)• when one of them - was sud denly attacked by a large Crocodile. She . sprang back, and the reptile, mis hiltuig / the filled garbs for a woman, seized it, and gave the owner time to escape. It then ,dashed at the rest of the women, bitt •. only succeeded in seizing another print. A short time / previously a Crowdile, thought by the natives to be the .same individu al, had if, woman and carried. her off; and another bad made an at tack on ' a man in a very curious man ner. . A number of men wore swim ming across the - river, supported after their etisken, on gerbas inflated with air, when one of them felt him self seized by the leg by a Crocodile, which tried; to drag 'him under water. however, retained his hold. •on the skin, and his companieni also grasped hie arms and hair with one hand, while with.the other they struck with their spears at the Crocodile. At last they succeeded in driviugcthe reptile away,. and got their unfortu nate companion to land, where they found that the whole of the flesh was stripped from the knee of the leg downwarde. The poor man died shortly afterwards. 'These crafty rep tiles also try to catch the babooas by laying hi-wait for them at their drink ingplaces; but the baboons are Ken nelly more than a match for the Croc odilee in point of cunning and quick ness of sight. celebrated ifocalist, ass tram ono day in Lis carriage near Edin burgh. A tioolch_papti shot recording the strident, said: "We are tiappy to state lll tha e was able to appear tho .Mowhig evenhig in Wes pions!" " Basatorr, what have • yob done with tie.cream4 Those ehiblzen DODOS mil skimmed milk for bresidltitm "Mork warm, meth isn't meeelt that would be Mtber string Abe scum to pees. I oak that off sad the eats." - AL Lux of KNOWIZDOE—A speaker exclaimed : ," I know no north, no sou no east, no west, fellow" citizens!" " Th en." ersdaimed an old farmer to' the crowd, "it is lime you went to school !bed iamb fography." rl l + y Y~ THE OROOODILE. • . . ~, . , „ . . !....: I ' .: ' ,:i'll`rvisi , "...•"T' 1. , :5.r If ~',....4.(1%) '. 4 "' ;.„ • r .- i. -.. ~ ....„,. ,- ) f• ,r•• - ;sr! 74' --,"..-'';' • . ' :::•!:;',.-:..., 1 .. ' li . ; . • L.C? s bEI ~.!. . .1 ,;( , ) ; ipf.,!...f.•-il` ,i !•,:r, ,, ,-fl, '• i ..., : ` 4l •' ' 0' ( t , OZ. l l ' 1 -. :"- '';; , •! i - ...: - , . -', i• ' V. a '.3'e.,::k V., f:::i. 18:1:: /: ;111 , ': ;=;; TIT ntt'i 1 l_qie . -I , ,iiii.'" .1.:,:1.i... , ..1i.v.ii:- '.;• II =MI :.! .r, ; r t BEMBISOFAWE OR PINE,MEIL. Creek' the 'Sweeilen Itilhiouidl6loo west; and-south for fifty miles„ , where it . jo i a p7) iru T i: the: West Branch of the Susquel a, at Jersey Shore. It is, fed , along_ its . entire, course by tiollfitraMß, and is fartiOns for the quantities' f the timber 'from 'which it takes its`present name. 'lts Indian name traslrunivoirrow, which isaaid to mean "obeautiful - scenery." Andthe worry isheautifid.. Stand ing,pn,the piazza of the Isaac Walton House, in Gains township; and gazing. 'njith t :i stream, you will see no church spire ;.nor homely Old stone barns ; tor e ivy covered gables of ancient firm bosses, gray with. the storms of a hundred years ; norhiAtinnhedg:,,- all, in blossom'; nor hoise ponds' the near distinceretannierdy called " lakes ;"nor impossible trees, in the ktreground s ;stretching ble cows ; nor , any other of the "ac-. cesfenies " which make up settpeei . which girls are taught to paint at boardin g schools: 'On the eontrary, -Son can have the - pleasant _ sensation of"lpphing,:for once, at the natural scenery its_grandeur—miles of high; towering hills, crowded, with the'wealth of a'thouiand'yeani. AbOutitwenty rods down-the road towards Washer° from this spot there stood, twenty years ago, a, tav ern galled Barse's." It was burned down, yeak ago, and as - for Barse, the place that knew him then knows him no more. I remember my first visit to Barse's. n was in the -winter, and one of the bitterest and ebldest days of the season.• I got there before noon, and the bar room and the room abjoining: were both crowded with people. Although wintry out of doors, xt wanwarm'inside, as there was tin "arbitration ",going on. I soon got to know that the defendant had sold the plantiff a dog - ond had warranted the article as 'a first class deer dog. The dog had not been' made fully ac quainted 'with the terms of the con tract, and hence the dispute On ac count of the storm, the lawyers from Wellebero had not come, and " coun sel ":was improvised from 'the crowd. The fun had commenced long before I got there. Thirty- odd witnesses had been examined and cross exam ined, and the court adjourned for drinks and dinner before the sum ming up. I will not weary your readers with it report of the speeches. They are neither able, learned, eloquent, nor elNpint. One of. the ailiitrators was 13, Rohrnbacher, a man who weighed 225 pundit, without any extra flesh, With a fiat like ,a sledge hammer, and a voice and a'synile as genial as a wo man's., Rumor said he bad once been a clerymau; at any rate, he was full of Scripture, and Shakspeare, and whisky, and fun;and the assembled crowd•had the full benefit of his an omalous mixture.' The dog on trial rejoiced (by wagging his tail) in the suggestive name of Danger. The. counsel for the plaintiff and nook to quote in his speech some miserable 'poetry which he thought would ap 'ply, but was immediately interrupted by "Rohry, " who told him 'that no such doggerel would be allowed there; " but," continued the Court, " if you desire to quote poetry to help yotir case, dive into the classics.. Don't you remember that a - Danger Inows full That you are far more thumeretts than he. You were two lions littered in one day, And. en the elder and more terrible. Forman Is of few days cud full of trouble, Hia hems are mitrrowiess—his blood is cold-- There is no speculation in hia - eyes; Go on with your case and cut it short; The'eaurt-is getting cussed dry." • This quotatibu (?) wad delivered with the, greatest drollery imagina ble, and you may well believe' the labt Terse brought down the hon Se. Alter three mortal hours of slang whanging, thc'court gave an award for the dog. By_ this time, considerable feeling began to be manifested on either side of the question, and a tall, raw-boa ed chap, from the Ticinity'of Cathend, swore he could lick any man fioru Pike Mills _ who would. say Danger was a poor dog- To complicate. mat ters two young lawyers arrived from Wellsboro and. these were followed soon after by ." the learned. gentle man, Barrister Skinner, from West field," of counsel for the defense. The whole proceedings of the forenoon were pronounced illegal, and the trial proceeded - dc 710E70. After three wea risome hours, the award was render ed againscthedog.—Letoisburg Chroni cle. • - WILLLIU LLOYD &Alamos lately ad dressed a'great temperance meeting in Framing tam, Mass. He is thus, reported: ‘=“l'he anti-prohibitionists said that prohibition did not prevent' men drinking; that it injured the cause of temperance, that it stirred up rebellious opposition, and made men drink the more. If that were, true, why did - the anti-prohibition= ists band together thvrthrow that they alleged was in itself null and' void? 'lf so, 'why diet they raise money to carry on an election cam paign against a law which worked, exactly as they wanted it, in order, thit they might proinote the -cause of temperance? [Laughter.] What audacity in such men to assert that the veterans of the cause of temper anee did not understand their busi ness, and that they were much dis 7 turbed lest the • temperance cause might be seriously , damaged t * * After speaking of the haneful nature of alcohol, he said that he, regarded the feet 'that John Quincy Adams; ,the grandson "of the Ad man elo quent,!'"was the nominee of the Dem ocratic party, Who had. once sought hilt grandfather's life, was a proof of degeneracy Tram the parent stock. Whatever was corrupt gathered •to that paily. by natural 'affinity. He deeply regretted_ that women did not vote. If they could, as right and jus tice demanded, the question of pro hibition would sexist lie settle& If .the Women of the commonwealth went in grand array .to the legisla ture to support prohibition, he did not thin,k that the - legidatori would dare to disregard their petition. ° . item() LADY engaged to be mai rioJ getling.sielt of the !negate, applied to a triad:to help tountie the Mot before it was too late:- "Oh, certainly," he replied, "it, is very easy to entie it now, while it is only a bean ,s.rtsq: k a Oa per 4nnuinin-Aflvanpe. ;. = I 1 DOW A. 011101011. ThO following ; nitiah may. Dot be ner to all our readers, is-given by xetitieat of a e . oirespotiilentwbo thinks it “"to the poiatel - How To'BRISAI:DOI¢N I carnal. •To do this .cffectually, you must, ' L Discourage the pastor.. 11. Diecourage your fellow mem= Beers. • : I[l:rDestroy the. confidence of ;the coMmunity. L To discourage the pastor: ' 1. • Absent yourself from one Her . nee every Sabbath, or miss at-least one in three; if he is not very strong, oneln four times may answer.•• 2.- Neglect prayer and class meet- . 'Criticise your ndnister freely— praise him . Erparingly—find fault plen tgally—pray for him little or none. • 4 .If* he proposes to hold extra Meetings, withhold your co-opera tion. 5. Give yourself no concern wheth r his salary is paid or not. 6. Never call on him socially, ..or allow him to think that his comfort or that of his' family is a matter of any importan' ce in ycnu. eyes: :;11.. To discourage your fellow mem bers:-- Observe the directions given above. . 2. Complain about everything they do and don't do. • '3.. Contrive to make -yourself the head of a cliclue, and by their assis tance and your industry, to keep the church and hot water generally. , 4: 'While doing this, lose no opor tunity to complain of the bad treat meat you are receiving. 5. Be as much like Diotrephes and as little like Paul as you can. • 6. Discard charity and candor, take distrust to your "bosom, and make scheming your specialty. M. To destroy Abe confidence of the community; 1. 1. Observe the foregoilk, direc ions. 1 Tell the people that you, 'rare ifi the Church by force of circumstances, but, have no respect for the way in which business is conducted. Publish the faults of your breth ren,-taking care to magnify fheni. 4. 'Make no- effort to induce people to attend the church; ' G. Take no intrt in - the labors of "the Stmdav-school. - 6. - Publish' on 'all occasions that yon have no confidence in . the -con cern=predict thnt it must fall—go down—blow up; and can never sue- By observing these directions faith fully, you way have the satisfaction, if the church is not unusually vigor ous, of witnessing the,fulfilnient , of your preilietions.2—Southern -Ex. • AR INSULT TO MR. GREELEY-DlM moors GREAT MISTAKE. Years ago Mr. Dimmock, the keep er of one of thehotels now conducted by his son, was a leading member of Whig party in Milford, Pike county, Penn. He used to attend to the most of the party machinery, and like our fathers fond of "smiling" oc casionally. About 1850 Horace Gree ley started from'New York for that village. By some means he missed the stage at Mildletown. Coming on to Port Jervis, eight miles from there, he likewise missed , the stage at that point. Now it so happened that the "host" had been "smilin" that afternoon and felt unusually sa lubrious. • As Horace entered the bar room, lookingvery seedy, he walked up the counter and pointing to his dusty garments, requested Dimmock to give him a pail in which he might te( 1 > bathe his fit But the. latter, in his exhilara frame of mind, mistook our Tribune hiosopher fcea beggar, and'roughl replied . : "You:d—cl old hog,. go and wash in the water trough there. " Dimmock never, heard the last of that unfortunate response —made .to one of the leaders of his own piuty—not even after he Went into the Democratic organization. To the day of his death he used to be plied with reminiFcensea of Greeley and the trough story. Since then Mr. Greeley has hated Pik - c0 county with honest hatred. Why should : the - wind, coming from, the 'east over the &eau of the water, depress the body,while that _Which- conies . from the west across: the contineritellyens the spirit and gives., courage and Vigor? Be this as it,may, it seemß as if some people never' felt any wind that Wan not east. Theyarei:alWays 'brit - ofsotts." The ;weather is always just . what they don't,want. I met - . one' of these men a while ago, "a farmer, i wha rais ed altraanner of crops. It i kVas a wet day; and I said,: " - "•Mr. Nayling, this rain Ibe line for your-grtunw-crop." . "Yes,-perhaps ; but it•ii bad for the corn; and it will keep it back: I 'don't believe - snail have a crop." • A few days after this •when'the sun was shining hot,- I said : • "frine sun for.yiir corn sir." . • • "Yes pretty fair, but . awful for the rye. iye. wants cold weather." Again, on a cold moring, I met my neighbor, andsaid' l :•• "This raust'be capital for your rye, Mr. Nayling." _ . • " Yes, but it, is the very worst weather for the corn and grass. They want heat to bring them forward." Arid so the Man' .Ikied in perpetual , east • - • .... Nothing suits him, an& it wonid be impossible for ,Providence to . give him weather about which he would grumble. I knew one - man that feels that our country is on the very brink of ruin, .the governthent a curse, and, everytlimg to be : destroyed. And he has felt and talltell thus for at least thirty . ,years, tind'Yet his property has been maiimied in value all this time, amid this gathering ruin. The feet is; the man lives in an unchanging east wind. •And there Mr.'filow,who Urea in the hollow under the Long Hill; he has been mourning for many years over the, degenerancy . of the times, and alWaye telling what won derful laiyers, and doctors, and ministers there were when : he was youn! He can sleep under any he now hears, and the 1(1)7 cio tr for A. WY : lll4 r it pra diTh me • gimyjAttigule. Ah 1 itr, 1:0#1400! yam., weather vane ever pot any ; 44 140 , but4lQ-A9, .0 14 -. 1 : 41 hn cfroitfl: D. •. ' •.. • .. • . •NJIMBER. 2i. EAST .WIND. W7O STOP DEIHSISQ. To OA coign' from 'thd -117. e xi drinks,.and who beconie sober; reOe iti4 L9r.l . honored members of society, we reSpcetfalli;offer _the follotting . trne which cannot • fail . , in . a -,"single • At, the natal drink . i tinan in the • 11-119rang,4kktead _54.435ang,,9ier the way,: or.FP.J O 11/0 AsatudY y9ur cialang,for the ,alcoheliebstium kilt; don't go", tbiat ArinklbOtali half pint, 9r even a pint CI - fresh wider. This,":ef Coarse, yen have `fit had Bnt if you desire . to b'e '"the make" also, 'Vise. the money which You have thus sexed to Our wife r 7 t or some other reliable friend, Lrsiife keeping or more pz:of iable investment than by dropping it in the money-drawer of a nasty; filthy • body and soul destroying rum' shop.. During . the day, _whenever you feel like drinking, rePeat as &NEI, but don't go to the. saloon or mil shop.. r4l i t the close of the day you will - have seme,mcineY in your newly instituted' bank; you sober; the . faznes whisky or lager beer. will not annoy yoUr wife, and'your little ones:Will be very happy to, know that daddYldso ber! - Before retiring for the night, get 'down on your knees, and; in your own way, thank God for this, your first glorieus and all iniportaid ciao, ry over the great "de*stroyer of mill-., On the following morning, in all prptiability, you will wake up earlier than want and feel Very strongly in 'Alined to drink something.- If so, get out of bed,' and makeup your mind that the devil is after you—to get yon back; if possible, to - the shop. Get on your knees, and simply,_ but earnestly, pray God to give you strength, nerve, resolution and, firm iiess to prevail against him. Then do as you. did - on the preceding day; dOn't go the driiild . rg shop, but drink water, and every lime pay for it into yciur own bank. * Stick'to your work or employment all day. In tire evening call on one of the Gixid Teinplars and give S him one dollar—if necessary, draw on yOur new bank for the amount—and get yourself proposed, elected and in itiated. You , will be received and welcomed most - cordially to a new fraternal hoine. Brothers, and Sis ters, and true friends,' will surround you and congratulate yon,and encour age and strengthen yon in your good effort to be a man ! GIVE WILLING BOYS A ORANGE. The lesson inculcated in the follow ing brief sketch is worth studying A green, rustic lad came years ago ' to the metropolis from a Connecticut killiage. At home he, had done well in an honorable way, but he had read and heard of the wonderful city. lie Made up his mind he could 'do,--some thing in it. When he -reached the city no place seemed- open to him.. Day after day he hunted for business. Want starred him in the face. He would 'not go back to his• 'friends: Dropping into a large dry goo& house one day in search for work, be chanCed to come face to face with the proprietor. • ' • "We.have nothing for you to do. sir," this great business man - said iii reply to his inquiry, " but stay, what , can yen do ? " he. 'continued, '" yon seem io be an honest looking lad. " Oh, sir, I etin do° anything = only try me. Only -F ive me 'a chance to do something ! And-the tears - came out and trickled down the cheeks of the alinost discouraged, forlorn' boy, though he tried as , hard as he could' to repress them. "I will lake the. poorest place; and do my bdst." • He was engaged and. set to Work. He was sent down to the cellar, and commenced his business career in ton .`York by pounding bent which had been thrown in a pile 'be 'side the packing boxes, so they could be used. This was his work for two weeks, and he barely kept body 'and soul together on the pay-he received: Then he was put in a better.. plaCe. Then'he rose to be a clerk, 'and no 'clerk hard-working, so: faith ful, so interested in this;great 'house as hiniself. Ho saw his chance and counted up in his own busy brain every pciint in the game. In five years from that time he sat on the inanagei's seat andhammered the crooked ins and outs of the-busi ness straight. During his clerkship he never miss ed a day ; and no morning went . by without 'reporting promptly at seven . o'clock: He saved money and pros pered as the years went by.. Go up Broadway to-day, and- you will see his name in golden letters over . the entranee to ono of the largest anal finest establishmerifs. In that build-, in. there are seventeen million dollars worth of stock. His trade extends i• • all over the land. His' 'fortune is ° princely. And even now,.tlfpngii the great•merchant is-getting • gray, and: the old time energy is. waxing slow, newlight.will come into his eyes, and a new life to-his form, when . he tells of thoie past 'dais of Striking, and says to the young men- around hint- 7 • " Work, if you. Wbuld succeed. Be a true, *faithful, earnest clerk if you would beconie a merchant Of position and importance." . How TO KEEP POott.—There no lima but who would rejoice to'haVe a way pointed out by which he might honestly attain riches. No one would thank ns for a prescription to insure poverty, and yet there is many a man w h o keeps h* tr f poor by nidulg ing in the owing: Two glasses of ale a day, t ten cents, seventy-three dollars;, • e eigars, one after each meal, (= hundred and nine dOlhirs and fifty cents; board for a big. dog; thirty dollars—all in one year, thy() hundred and twelve dollars - and-fifty cents—sufficient to buy six barrels of_ flour, one barrel of sugar, onb sack of coffee, and a good coat, a respectable dress, a frock•for the baby, and half a-dozen pairs - of shoes. Peter TROUBLES.—Don't - harp on past troubles When we see a pale, nervous woman in the midst of her friends preferring to entertain them with a hst of the racking pains she has suffered to a saunter in God's free air and sunshine, we cannot wonder that the, rose returns not to her' blanched cheek. Why is it that to some the% memories are very Meat and drink? They ,ctaisumq them— the. bitter agony is. acteif•rover and over again,,the tears thrice shed, the place cherished where sich - ,i,:dread., ki thing occurred—the scar Kindly Petted that tells of the most fatal knife. • They gasp over and, yet cling to thorn. 11