- •PMLF/FMMtala. , S.l,:iP:lli3l, o 7•lme • • Nest-frcal - the mannta-maker, of l'axis, is de4• , Dead. infants a picked up In the dchlnl raft, N. Y. , ' —Peteiliburg, Va.,: is atgipg the cieetioik or s wo rk one: iSZTOW/iiltt * 11.• 1 : 636. Th e y bare bad no skating 3, - (4. _ Women earn fort f i tea' 1 6 - adaY at usrrestbw la Prusio• : --Kent-achy has a Serpeut feet long and four feet thick. —A boy .seimi.',yeana of **as . a. noted for arankoness tri St.:U*4- —ln August 4221 immigrants riv.mi at Boatcm, of whom i 306 aro.tualea. —London ha 5,24,000 streets, 8000 of which arc °punted "business streets." —New York is incensed because Po river Wens arc never brought injustice. —Commodore Vanderbilt has feast ed 'Tem Mace, the pugilist. —The western railroad trains have lire at night in their stoveS. --Horace Greeley writes the lead ers for the Boston Dilly Tribune. servant girl in New jersey stat.bed her mistress for discharging her. —Gainets and diamonds aro found hi Mune. —Ledru-Bolin declines to accept th.. Entlx•ror's amnesty, and rotarn to France. —There are•two thousand profea nional thicios in Chicago, besides the unprotes, H, --A colored man has been appoint- L.ti en the examining cove of the Patent Office. —The Jews'of St. Petersburg are to ;mild a apingognce costing 1,000,000 roubleg. --Liin Thompson's hair is' not turning 'brown, as some of the Boston rapers —A man, named Lott i killed a %win g student in Nitudasippl, beciani* hip with hack at hint. —A well (Tressed woman vas seen totykil4; a clay pipe, at tho Hartford, Conn., rai1.r.41,1 depot, I —A party of three passed through Dubuque the other Ba,y, aggregating 874 UnllPt6 avoirtlnpoia.. . • --In Indianapolis the trees are in d with - a ravenous black bug, which is said , be very dostnictiva ---A Berlin comedian has - been lined forty . thatera Inrointting in n "gag" re !..rring-to the Caraentv affair. —A Portland man, who lins owned 1, I runs liana-cart for a atnlx,r or yeara, Lax o , retired upon a con:potency. - ---Foirr new steam grist mills have built daring the past yeefr within a radius .I..zun miles, in Be Kail, county. lIMIMI.. Coinnlodure Vttuditrbilt 67... witted to surer per 41,..t. ioturost on ;1:z.:V...1.33f on the 4,...ath .t her I.ll."banl. -3laternal i)linriogiarlts are 'a t. ti and faalkartide v,julAialimentn 1.. v . a cell-orderod awl nrc-.• ; ,- "lr'...tqftaby on : for general mr.e. —A company has been organized in Milligan for the manufacture of Fall and uatee pipes of wood, varnished with non and wered with composition. —A Mexican belle, in Newnin,pos scssed of a regilenent and perfect act of teeth, insists upon having thin tilled with Fold, so as to h in the fuhiou. -A ninn and his grandson went 0:It hunting inArlamsni list reek. The boy got behinil some bushes end whieiled like k turkey, azalifs grandtathe,shot him. —Ten thousand outcast Chinese families iu tha overflowed country near Ching Kiang have gulTered greatly and received but litttlo assistance (min the government. following quaint epitaph halt been fontal on n tomiNtont. in Sonth (Hasten bury, Ct.: "Xlv glans haa rnn, rind T,mrs running Pel t -are of ("tenth, the Milgtnent's coming." --New .Orlea.ns ia not populated by ‘..,...-etariann. Tite people of that city eat meat amnia& at the rate of tO,OOO beeves, 73,000 valves, 30,000 - hoge and 53,000 sheep. —A couple in the west have story . 4 deir child to death &vans° it had a harelip - --It has been suggested to adrriin i Atcr chloroform to artimals to bo olarortitered for rt oa • ' • Providence man hae invented I,:tubilie for sowing books. It has been pot u. nic..-eastul operation. —A drover at Leeds', England,was iffiL v i.med two months for cruelly_ beating be was driving to market. —The Corsicans,. on the arrival of Logooiv„ were to "give vent to spontaneous en thosinni," per order of the prefect, - - A white woman in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, created a sensation by .parading the streets in male attire, with a pistol buckled at --On opening- a • cage in Boston that had contained ere boa constrictors, but I. , qr nun• found. The largest had Swllowed [Lo —,Three brothers,the yongest more than 1-prenty ypart; of age, athected great atten tion in Boston by promenading ono of rho prin- Liintl btreets armto-orm —Fort Dodge, lowa, contains twenty-firo hundred inhabitants; ten rd: g ious organizations, a fine court bonso, that ‘,.t $40,000, and has in irrocess of erection a i3D,OiOO school-house. —An edition of one hundred copies 41 . -The Black Letter Prayer Book," '1638, with Alit: eter g inal illalauscrlpl note, photo•zinco f,rapll,4 lay Bir Henry Tame.' .I) , Clift, is an ti.minovil in England. • —Mr. Fisk- . Mills is buisy, at his :Indio in Washington,modeling a Colossal &plea trial' .r.tatne of President ,Grant. The General Is presented on the battle-field, in full military C.llllllll'. 4—The cattle diseasq in west Prussia i■ diminishing ao rapidly that the authorities at lfarienwerder have authorized the reopening of the.markets in the present week on the right bank of the Vistula. --lowa has thirteen insurance cotn iquics in operation, uppbrtionoil among the as follows Des Moines, 8; Davenport, 3; Decorah, 1; Burlington 1; Fayette, 1; Keokuk 1; Blomnileld,1; Washington, 1; Independence, 1. - -Agassiz. and Nathanel Bowditch were too poor in early life to :frarchave the books they needed for their studies, and ware compelled to make manuscript coma Those which Dr. Bowditch copied are in the Boston Public Library. —The grape crop in New Mexico will far aimed that of any former season, not only in quantity but in quality. During the /AM SCIBOII more than half a million of new sines were sot out, many of them bearingtne erupt this year. —The southern women are about to position George Peabody to have arrange ments made aluireby a part of the large fund for the education of the sonthern people can be deroleil to the industrial inatmetion of young 170111i:I and girls. -13 - shop Huntington of Central New lark Ins been presented wall 'a house c , sung i2 - ...1,500,-kt Syracuse. • —The Florida Indians, comprising 4 , uauts of the Seminoles, Tallahaasees, an 4 r.. - coNakies, lately met in council to select a LJ -gat, to repreaent, them in the State Legis lature. —The frefihnien and nophomore clai,s,,Act Isle have reaolrod to have bat one "Faili" this fall, and that for the purport of d;:terinining which class can push hardest sad steal the most hots. The trial sill come off at Pir_oeltou Park. • - French chemist asserts that etn cleanse printed Tam Is to make it ‘litabi , • for meeting a fresh nnpression. • titt , , that by immersing the printed sleet in a .light Plklllitle Solution the ink disappears, and :=ves the sheet of a pure, spode*. whits. An miner" at Avondale pro ;hat 'hereafter all the miners give one pay toward the ?mid for the benefit of the ividirai, and orphans. Br this means, ho says, thfiy esn raise 110,000. given his first day's v. - ages, since the disaster, to the cense. • —Tho rising_ generation of Pig yule:, a suburb of Hartford. hare lately beeri . — srovilea fastening eats together with flab and allowing them to fight HU one or tho ..!! or literally torn to piece& —Submarine telegmpha have be. , . aircad,v ;imp familiar to th ottblc mind hat lAnIo inatead r o o as m ing g ouchother,iow do aor inquire, "How do you abler . —Shamyl, the 'vanquished hero of the Caucasus, had recently an interview with the tialtaw.of Turkey, which was din • nnituallamentataona over the enema ta cer their common Rumba enemy. Ititafait: •"Oki*: EDITORS & w. Towanda, Thursday, 5ept,30,14 a 0. GOODRICH. Repubilcasi State FOR OOVE.RNOR: JOHN W. G`EARY, CD Mt/MT - 'COMM r HIEN Wti WILL I A3l-8; or ALLVOITUT COUNT'S' IlTlOitean County Ticket. !Anyza: JOHN - 17 CHAIM/2MM; • : of wohaing.: • JAMB H. WEBB, 1 of aluithiteld. . Vat 101110111% FOB J. PERRY VAN FLEET, Of Towanda. FOR PROTHONOTARY, W. A:• THOMAS, of Way FOR =GUMMI AND RECOIIpEa. E. GLADDING, of colon:Ma. FOR cow= DR CHARLES. K. LADD, Of Vilma,la. FOR C0M31288/010ER. J. B. HINDS, Of Wyaoz. FOR AUDITOR. W. S. BOWMAN, Of Wells. FOB COTION.ZB. JOHN F. DODGE, Of lorry, Republican Meetings Will be held at the fallowing time and places : LIBERTY COWERS, Thursday eve., Sept. 30; speakers—P D Morrow and Oen Madill. BURLINGTON, Nichols School House, Satnr day evening, October 2; Speakers Gen" H .1 Ma dill, B M Peck, Esq. and Hon II II Myer. SOUTH CREEK, al School House near Gil lette, Monday eve.,' Oct. 4; Speakers, H N Wil- Capt W E Carnochan and Capt .11IShaw. WEST BURLINGTON. Tctesttay eve., Oct. 5. Same speakers. AUSTMVILLE, Wednesday eve. l Cetober 6. • Same speakers. SYLVANIA, Thursday evening, October 7th. Same speakers. EAST CANTON, Friday eve., Oct: BSpeak ers, Capt Carnochan, Capt Shaw and j Dartt. ISTALUSING, Monday eve., Oct. 4. Hon U Merritt and Eon E Overton, jr. LeRAYSVILLF., Tuesday, Oct. sth, at 1 p. m. Same speakers. BOWEN HOLLOW, in Warren, Wednesday, Oct, Coat p. Same speakers. _. 4 WINDIIA3I CENTRE, at the church; Wed, neaday,eve., Oct. 6. Same speakers. PENNYVILLE in Rhlgtmry, Thursday eve., •Oct-7. !, Speakers, Hon U Mercer and Hon E R Myer. x SPRINGTIME CENTRE, Friday eve., Oct. 8. Same speakers. SMITHFIELD CENTRE. Saturday eve., Oct. 9. Same speakers. , WELSH CHURCH. in Pike, Tuesday eve., Oct. sth. Same speakers. ORWELL Monday evening, Oct. Ith. Speak ers, Hon E R Myer, O D Bartlett andl3Laporte. ROME, Tuesday evening, October 5. Same speakers. LITCHFIELD CENTRE, Saturday eve., Oct. 9. Speakers, A H Spalding and 7 B Reeves. ORCUTT CREEK, Friday eve., Oct. 8. Speak ers, A H Spalding, .1 B ließve and I N Evans. REGISTER ? REGISTER ?--Saturday nest is the 'last day on which 'Voters can register. See to it that not a single Republican name is left xlff the list. JAMES H. WEBB. By referring to the proceedings of the Representative Conference which met in this place on Saturday last to fill the vacancy in the Republican ticket caused by the death of Mr. ACKLEY, one of the nominees for Rep resentative, it will be seen that Hon. J.km-LN H. Winin was unanamonsly nominated—Mr. LORAII, of Sullivan county, declining to permit his name to go before the conference. This action of the conferees meets the hearty approval of Republicans not only in this district, but through out the entire State. His course in the Legislature for the past three winters has been such as to gain for him the respect and confidence of both political friends and opponents. His return to the House of Repre sentatives will be hailed with delight by all who desire to see a stop put to the tricklry and corruption of that body. 34.WEsn's ability, ahrewdness and sterling integrity, give him a power and influence among his fellow members which few men have ever exerted. Mr. LOAM! in yielding to the almost unanimous wishes of the party in the district, by declining to be a condi, date, and giving his support to Mr. 'Wien, has won for himself golden opinions. His generous and unself ish conduct will not soon be forgotten by the Republicans of Bradford. ' affirßzsonrs are being circulated that the Republican can'ditates for Treasurer and Comtnissioner are in temperate men. There is no truth in the statement. AL Ruins is as good a temperance man as his competitor. Neither of them are total abstinence men, and no friend of temperance can be justified in dropping Mr. Hums' name and substituting that of Mr. g.k.*k.ss. We are well satisfied that the temperance cause will not suffer by the election of Mr. Ruins. Some of the best temperance men in the county aided in his nomination. Dr. Pam, of this borough, was a mem ber of the nominating Convention and gave him his support. No one can doubt the Doctor's fidelity to the cause of temperance.• So far as Dr. LAnnis concerned, we know him to be the most efficient and consistent opponents, of the Whiskey traffic in the county. as a physician he never prescribe, liquorfor patients, he does not nermft its use or Presence in his house, and never drinks it. If all who profess .an interest in the cause Were as consistent as , he is there would be no trouble in driving the traffic - from the-land. Wrivr Cassrmim A GOOD DEMO cur', TENNEME.--T4' -AiempLia Ayaliache now argues thet , the advo- Amey of negro suffrage is no longer a sign of Itepnblicanisra, and Igo , lie, done' without imputation of iu*urni ness by a gooll Democrat. ; f- • m —.wally trom to.the close tha-e • Hop . esittep section of the Slate ourinfor inilion is that Packer will not ran up with his ticket ; that he is unpopular in almost every county upon which ilv_Pew.texittutivipapitaly .411eit heaviest majorities, and will not re ceive We fallvote of ills ; party. In ;the western counties generallyldl our information leads us to look for heavy majorities: The Pittsburg Gazette, a reliable Republican . paPai, , and ',Well boOked as to the political feeling in all the region thereabout, says : "In Western Pennsylvania an average vote may be expectekont, and Re publican majorities will be obtained closely approximating tluini awarded in the Presidential election ;" and remarks further, "the question is now not whether Geary and Williams shall be elected; but how much of a major ity will they have The larger the better it willbe, and it behooves all good Republicans to work diligently ' and earnestly the few remaining days left to swell the figures so that the golden tidings of another Gettysburg victory in Pennsylvania may thrill with joy the loyal nation." therefore, Republicans, and at them I. Let a " Gettysburg victory," a crushing defeat of the enemy, be the sole 'purpose in view from this hour, and see to it that the elorions pros pect which now dawns upon us isnot clouded, the grand consummation at which we aim not marred or imperil od by any relaxation of duty on your part. A crowning triumph is within our poiver, If we do not achieve it, it will be our. Own fault. Arouse, then, at once ; and if there is any lethargy in the ranks shake-it off and go manfully to Fork. Remember that victory, the generalship - and Valor of the troops being equal, belongs to the heaviest battalions. We have the heaviest hattelions, and nothing Nit want of zeal and activity in the ranks can prevent us from achieving the victory. The trumpet has sounded the charge—onward, Republicans, to the battle. LAMMING MAN, !--:What is the price of coal ? Ask the dealer. futd then prove, if you can, that it is as low as it should be at this seasof the year. Who is to blame—the mi ner, the retail dealer, or the monopo list? The monopolist has been in tank in all other such outrages,' and surely must be in this. Asa Packer is . one of the heaviest coal-mine own ets in .Pennsylvania, or in the United States! With other monopolistk r . he hasisided in forcing the market up, and will not supply coal at fair prices. This campaign has cost him "some thing nice," and he will be bled still more. Who will'have to pay this in the end? Why, the "poor who burn his coal, paying- therefor more than fair rates.- They who use the monopolist's coal will pay Pack er's election expenses. And Demo cratic tricksters claim the laboring men will nearly all, vote for him. 111 S-Tun people ofeastern Pennsyl vania ought to know Packer. They have paid tribute to him on the coal that warmed their bodies and manu factured their waxes. As the chief of the ring of coal spxadators, his influ ence has been severely felt in every household. To cleat himself will he refund a tithe of the sum that he took from us in past times? 16.. WHILE Gov. (TEARY was refus ing to be the instrument of the slave drivers and border-ruffians in Kansas, and was nobly sanding up 'there far freedom, Mr. PACKER Was in Congress humbly and servilely following the lead of Toombs, Wigfall' and other fire-eaters, in their plans to hand over all our free territory to the slavery in terests. SerAT the brealing out of the re bellion, when the three-months' vol unteers were raised, ABA PACKER gave 00 towards their equipment. This generous donation from the possessor of twenty millions it seems is expect ed to offset four , years' service upon the battle-field, which was Joint W. GEARY'S contribution to his country in her hour of need. Vg). Air of his abundance ASA PACK ER has contributed $2,500 toward al leviating the condition of the anfrer ers by the late great mining disaster, and Goy. GEAR; out of his limited meana, has contributed $5OO for the same Arpose. In proportion to his wealth, like the widow's mite, Gmav's contribution is infinitely greatei than that of PACKER'S. SIS.FIFTY HEM cents extra per ton on coal is the result of Asa Packer's nomination in Pennsylvania. This extra sum goes to defray the expen- ses of a Democratic campaign, and comes out of the inhering man'S pock et. Voter, how do you like • A MORD TO PATHOLI.C.FoRTIONERa— Remember that AsA PACILER ones bolt ed the regular Demociatie nomina tion, because the 'uominee ieas a Cathol ic; and at another time bolted his party nominations, and andimpport ed a Know-Nothing eaudidate. These are undeniable faets, and. bill own party papers know them to- tree. They. would deay them if they. could. cambrhi' county palier ree- A. GROW fot the Ohhuisebetteisolection . could be made. =I GLOIUOVS. er .ror inglarb3g ccdonk.his' partisanship. being of die most unqualified kind. Chief justice Tnoursow is another tm comproMising Democratic partisan, and thesa two are, in*ari*bly fctOidi acting togetkor....x.pQn matt . er cdming,.bpfore . the Court, in which political considerations enter. ' We do 'not undertake to assail the personal integrity or the ordinary ju dicial sualification of these justices. Doubtless they are sincere and earn est in their political views, and act -out what they think is . right. But the doctrines separating the Repub lican and Democratic parties are so very important that there is really no chance for half-way men, and a Dem ocratic judge of the Supreme Court is a Democrat to all intents and purpoi es, and placed in a position where ho can carry out the partisan policy of his party most unfortunately. We might have been forewarned of what we were to expect of Judge SHAMWOOD by his decision in the Dis trict Court against the constitution ality of the legal-tender law; bid a great many intelligent citizens • seem to have been poisessed with the idea that he would forget his partisanship' when elevated' to the Supreme bench. But he has not done so, however; but on the contrary, has appeared deter mined to make that partisanship more conspicuous and scarp. During the civil war, when the re public had need of all t 'in) aid it could get, this highest tribunal in Pennsyl vama rendered itself odious by decid ing the national conscription law un constitutionaL Of course this was in strict eccordance with the State soYereiguty school of politics to which the Democratic majority of the Court belonged, And these gentlemen had no intention of weakening the arms of the government, though the midst of a terrible conflict is a shocking time to arrest a conscription law on the ground of State rights and strict construction. The fact is that the really pernicious character of the doc trines upon which the Democratic I_. party is founded renders it extreme ly awkward to have the Democratic lawyer in a position of judicial au thority or power, since of all others that is just the place where his parti san dogmas awe sure to be most con spicuous and unfortunate 4 for the public service. We ask our independent men to re flect upon the fact that as the justic es of the Supreme Court are five in number, and we have now two firm and uncomproriiising Democrats on that Bench in Stumm:en) and THOZP KIN, the election of a third Demdcmt ic justice this fall would give to that party a majority of the Court, and .frnable them to rule unconstitutional ~-. almost .. everything everything the Democratic party might choose to contest. The national banking system, the relation Of railroads to the national govern ' tnent, the rights of citizenship as af £cted by the fourteenth and fifteenth amendments, claims against the re ublic by parties Ili-rested during the ar or who tin tiered by rebel invas ions, and al hundred other matters equally important, all come under the (operations of these peculiar partisan views of the relative jurisdiction of the State and national authorities, and would be decided in the same spirit as SHARAWOOD has indicated. All this tends to rekindle again the flies of the old agitation about State sovereignty, that we had thought ex tanguished by the war. On motion of T. J. INGHAM, JAMES IL WEm3 was imanatnonsly nominat ed. On motion, adjourned. SOPNo true Republican will refuse to. vote the whole ticket this fall. The candidates are all worthy the earnest and honest support of every member of the party. Remember, when you hear reports derogatory to the character of any of the 'Republic an nominees, that they are instigated by personal enemies. Yore Tan wriorx Trcatr ! itilirign you registered? If not, go to your assessor at (Mee, - and see that your name is placed upon. the list , _.4t the:same time, -look for the 'names of non-residents, and if you find any have them erased.- ' 1%-.7vm , r , REASSEMBLING OP REPRESENTA TINE CONFEREES. The conferees appointed by the Republican convention of the coun ties of Bradford and Sullivan, re-as sembled at. the call of the Standing Committee of Bradford county to sup ply the vacancy occasioned by- the death of Mr. N.a...smi W. Acm.Er. The following conferees, were pres ent. From Bradford county, PAUL D. Monnow ,ANDnEw FEE , S. N. BLOOD, M. A. ROCKWELL, and D. F. pommurs (substitute for NELSON GILBERT. ) From Sullivan, THOMAS J. IsonAm, (with letter authorisin,g. him to net also for Taomas A. Dom, the other conferee.) _ On motion Mr. D. F. POMEROY, was chosen President, and Taos. J. INGH AM WAS appointed Secretary.. On -motion, the Conference pro ceeded to nominate candidates; and thereupon Mr. bion_im presented the following letter from Jleon Loans: Tios..l. helium and Taos. A. Dims. Conferees from Sullivan. Gentlemen:—The salon of the he: publican Convention of-Rallis= Cminty placed me . before the Conference recently held, as a candidate for Representative- The result of that Conference la well known. The =ford/mate accident which hap. pened to Mr. Amu .= makes it necessary for the Con. Lettuce to reassemble. I have now concluded not In be • Candidate, and I respectfully request you to withdraw my name. D. F. PONpROY, President. Thos J. Ingham, Secretary. me /he able /ling, Acme I . :try. trireme ATTEND TO TIES AT ONCE. of .the election, yon MV,INIf): Your NATI:IALIZ= CITED:NB. yontrarnk alio* yonrllsartnir . td, iiicAlifietaira. 4 1 0 41 1 .9 r iPLionr names registered. . , All naturalized citizens. must take their "papers" with them' to the polls; unless they have been voting for years in'the Same district' 'You' must Mice your "paper!". with you. when you, go to vote, even' llama ie on 'the tilt. The - livr in relation to the payment of butte is unchanged. If'Yon have paid neither a State or county tax, as sessed within two years, do it with-, out delay. • 4hLts your last lax rewipl truth you to the polls. Do not delay in registering or pay ing your taxes; attend to the i matter now. THE STATE DEBT.-READ! BEAD! We invite particular attention to the following exhibit showing the SI. financial condition of the State under Republican rule. our Democratic cotemporaries will do their readers a favor by also publishing the same. Amount of public debt Nov. 30, 1860... 937 960847 50 7868 432 799 78834 Amount of pubfludebt pakl,trom Nor. 30,1800, to Nov. 30, 1868....., 33170 061 16 During said piiod the 'Otrite paid expenses growing out of the rebellion as follows 1862.. 1863.. 1864.. 1865.. 1866.. 1667.. 1668., $1073 770 32 Leis amounts refunded-by the3lnited States (ioa. ernznent 1861. 1862. ,1863. 3864. 3805. Amount of miltary expenses. kc.. paid from Nov. 1, 1860. to Nov. 30. 1868...8 087 056 76 The State also, during the years 1866, 1867 and 1868, reduced the tax on real and personal estate, as fol lows: 1867. 1868 61 210 070 90 , . _,L • iticAstrvtanoN. 1. Deduction of public debt from 210 v. 30; 1860. to Nov. 30, 1838 !3170 061 16 2 Amount of military espenies mow , lug out of the wtckod Democratic rebellion paid daring mid period...6s 087 036 76 3. Amount 013tate tax on nal estate reduced for 1866, 1867 and 1868 $4 240 670 99 The above is all taken from the boOks of the Anditor-General, which are open to all persons. There is na necessity for. honest men to be piem ing nor for villains to mierrpresent. 'Senator Sherman says that " a Republican Congress passed a lome stead law, and the last Deraocratic President, Buchanan, vetoed it ; and it was only when we had a Republican President and Congress that such, a law Was passed and went into opera tion." The workingmen of Azneri7thave to thank the Republican pal y, not only for the free Homestead Law, but also for the Eight-Hour Law, for the , protective legislation which 'sustains our varied forms of home industry,, and for abolishing that blot upon our national honor, and curse Of pool men wherever the system exited'.. Human Slavery. WhaS has the falsely-called Demo cratic party ever done for the poor man and the cause of labor? We re ply, .porutio. iriirTHE Democratic pipers all over the State are parading before their readers the account of an interview between a correspondent of the N. Y. Sun and their candidate for Govern or. it is one of the best Republican election ring documents of the cam paign. The - Sun in rOiewing the ar ticle editorially, says Judge Rican' dodges from the beginning to the end, and predicts that the people of this State will doclgeihim on the 12th of October,. by at least 10,600 majori ty. 1-IT is confidently predicted in Carbon county that Mr. PACKER will run behind his ticket. He is decid edly unpopular With the workingmen. He has never, with all his wealth, done anything Jo alleviate the poor. Where he is best known, people laugh at the idea of his being charitable. His corruption fund in this canvass, is to be used in. buying ,up men of supposed influenae with workingmen. The bone and sinew should be on the look-out and distrust all who suddenc. ly become convinced that PACKER ' is . a great friendlo the cause of labor. bia'-We call the attention ,of 'bor-, ough and township constables to the. fact that they are required tcigive the same notice of the borough aiul town shipi elections, which are new held on the same day with the election for State and county( officers, as would have been required to give b d the time for holding these ;elections: not been changed. Jacon Loath R~isunsß! - -If G0:47 clt7 is de featedie will be through the apathy of RePublicans 1 We have a clear ma jority of the legal voters an Pennsyl vania, and if every man does his duty, we are certain of success ; Re publicans of. Bradford, thit you do - your part in - this • great stiiiggle! If the democracy succeed this fall let it never be said that Bradford was resppusible for it. See that every Republicau in your town is properly registered, and then do not fail to have them at the,polls. We ought to give a majority, pffbitr thousand this fall, and we will do it, if the Y 043111 • - are all out ? 82 864888 88 -832 867 14 -208.882 03 .1 087 787 49. ~.469 601 24i -930036 29. -534 088 05 ...636 198 02 $ 638 229 45 ....MS 306 94 93 57 ...667 074 33 $1 9116 714 63 e $1,416 890 33 ~1 416 - 890 33 '1 416 890 33 $l4 591 788 91 gulf freemen ? Emma—Taw EIGHT HOUli LAW." —Mechanics and laboring men- re-, member that Packer declined to give aii rf laaTerAckiho question "Are yon iu fa4or orthe tight Hour Law?" Congress; and enio#eo in all aieica tioitaNcOsliPB67Bid6nidr.4lt. 11Pticker )3101311 favor of it ho would have said so, :AS he eqUivoeit t4 he must be' set down as opposed to it, notwithstanding .profeirion of friendship ,for': for': the. workingmen.WW 1 of toil;his Pio !anions •are.delusive—he is a.." make in the'grass." ' • ' A SMALL GAME, BUT JEFiT WHAT WE mtrerr EXPEer.—The friendit of Judge PACKER, in 'diffe;rent portions of 'the State, 'are seeking 'to make Political capital by reporting that certain Well known Republicans-favor his election For instance, along the cattiti, it, is asserted by thesworthieS, that that staunch and uncompromising friend of the Republica cause, 'Mr. Shirty CLAYWELL, is dissatisfied, and will vote for PACKER. We are 'authorized to - give' this statement' 'a flat" denial. The same , story is told of Mr. PARDEE, Mr. LEISDNEM, and . other prominent Republicans of this. vkinity, but we- are assured that it is Without the least shadow of truth. The circulation of such falsehdods demonstrates the hopeleasness with' whiCh the Dem4oe ra7 regard their cause in this cam paign.—Mrsch Chunk. Gazelk.• Now Adiertbementi pATENTS.T. •N. DErmc So lfc- Uor of liiztents, 23 Braid Street, ttraverli, N. Y. Prepares drawings; specifications and all papers required in ltag and • properly conducting Appli cations for Palma in the UDITED firms and Fon. ZION COUKTUIRS. No dump in, wawa's:Jul cases crud no Attorney's fee to pay rant Patent is Wedged. Sept. 16. 1862Lif FALL OPENING ! pOWELL CO Will, open for exhibition, on. Satiir- day next,'Oetoixr 2, In?, their FALL STYLES of MILLINERY GOOD,SL Having devoted ninch time and at- tentiot to the purchase and mann i facture, of their,`mtocii, they design I V making the display at that time PARTICULAIIII ; ATTRACRIVE. • NEW GOODS ! 1 AT )tHE ORE OF TRACY' ,&,1 I= ME WINTEIt DRESS GOODS, Just rcreived at TRACY & MOORE'S. Splendid new OM CLOTHS, CARPETS, DOOR MATS, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, HATS Ar, COS, BOOTS A ND SHOES, Just ntelved at TRACY MOORE'S HOOP. SKIRTS, BAL4ORIiIE I S: HOSIERY, ' "', NoTims* And everything In the line. lust °Penal. • ' AT THE ErronE of TRACT & mooliE v . 132 Mata-st Taiandc: Sept. SR VtG3. ,VARKETS - 1 _a. • • orozEsetitraram • Corrected, cre4W y,by auu• Ica to changes &Br : • Wheat, VI bush.. ' $1 507 fir 150. Rye. Ift bush - Welt 65 ,I 12 Buckwheat, It ' IS . Cat% ft k iPttall' ' .15 Oata,l4 v ' -45 Bela& ft.. 11 4.:':. :_4 ' ' • 06 Sti — ttti(rons) -- ' Wilb..i • ''.. . 3f @., , • • . ,35 do @aim ill lb Rega.lvdout,4.:"L ' • • ' ' •-••• L... '' • . 1 ;20' ll:tope+ 1 1 = e ; terftl.';' - ' ' ' ' -• is. .8 Oii 1 - l OO - . b. 35 .V.. .... " - :.,., 20 igi , '• 29 Vr,Posb.. .. . "".. po.os • Wsiorm OiP Vltner.--WletSitAo lb- :- COM 56 pm. gra 56 Mo.; Qat 32 1 1M , ; Barley id lbs. ;.ini4r*heat 48 Tbs.; ROM as pm: , Wan 20 Ibis.; 'Ckreariked 60 Um ; Thnotior.l6§oll46 lbs. k Pd o 4% - ftiches U Pms• ; Dried .4 1 1,66 Ss Ibi r liss OW PS tbs. . - ' , • . • •% . ' l ': •: ( ••• ..• • ' • ' ; , V. ( e - TOWANDA, PA. Invito gxtft lktttritiftsett tieriuhliertii their stock of • ' BUILD-ERS' HARDWARE, NAILS,' ASlf,' GLASS & DOORS, LIME by tuic, IitIWah:CEMENT, MARBLE DUST by tho. BARREL PAINTS. OILS; DOOR LOCKS, TOOth of all kinds, of the very beet mannfieture. firortsOleu can R,II'LtS, SHOT .OUTS nEvoLvEics. cAnnuPtim, LEAD, 15110 T. HERO R ALL-RLGHT FRUIT JARS DY VIE CASE Olt DOZEN `For lawiewettlie we kayo Bik-RDEN ,SHOES, Nusmax: AND;l , c...ev; LoNioN NAms. PIPE, SKFANS, SPOKES, HUBS, do Invite utteutlim to our JEWETT'S LEAD, FRENCH ZINC, VARNISHES ANT PURE COLORS Of which uyave a supply, and are eonfi dent, that ln t4e,'lnture as In the fit, they /`TEW GOODS! M. 0 0 R E. SILVER PLATED WARE, 110GE12, Blito., HALL, ET,TOI , I, An :WREN BRIT La,pi fir ye-us. and ix to allcuientitill . winti, as good We invite attention to our and new patterns of IVORY and PEARL handled HOUSE tURNISHE% GOODS, S.C. S.C. Kei•omnt Lrtntps, 'Washing Machines, WQODENIVA I RE, STONEWARE: ENA . LED POIiCELAIN -KETTLES. Automatic Clothi:s>' SAD IRONS, KNIVES, FORKS, SEWING -MACHINES Gb'e finlvorul 14tis ' fact19 - n. They uo .801PLF"— OCMDII4G, Rtrstsmii it, CO. =EI fR4IN DRILLS, ‘LOWS. ••< < ; i:EANN.IO • Wag, s. •cai• At CODDING; RUSSELL ~21; CO.. Toyrandll. JitlY 180. . wig; co: -. /0 4.1 *070140 At kactury jprlcen; • 8 3 110 DE ISLAND LIjfIL, PLASTEII, l• . • With onr twist. very large stock of ursur3. BMLN DOOR ROLLERS, &c Latex! lour enonah bi 6114 x z,,111.: buy of nu and the beet of PowtO 1110 N, STEEL, AXl.ky, FFLIAts, awl NVIIEFLS • ITETALIC OXIDES, will satisfy all who ui d ay use them. .la:lnfactured by TA:s.r:iLl, CO.. - nolid Codding, Bused! & Co. TABLE• KNIVES, na well as io our gttivral stock of livid' as STOPES, TIEATEiZS, RANGES 1 , 0F_E7...s haus, .1:v0-v3. Anil mashes tit .141 lauds: ELIAS HOWE DIIRAISI.E Ana EFFICIZ4T. rAt - I =MI ' Itiw Ad.virtisenien" ts. EMI FALL AND WINTER GOODS, I= •3"4) Jest rev , ' lel fle • . 2,772 . " • • # - ,•TAYLOR ,f l o;l4 , eiptre-r 2 - 7 , poi lIMEMENIUMMIEM • 4 . ; . • z • r P. 4- . , , SA : 4.. Q T - C:J r" • 14 E :4 E••• 1 • Q - • .1, • •- , . •0.. Zfl et - • , 21* - - t , • 72.. C A 4-I' . E.T ! 'GA RP E powmEt -, & 00. Having. Jan;ly inert-led their facilities for exhibiting their . goists in this :line, and are now receiving the , '. • FALL AND WINTER TRADE, awl more ext,:riive and IMMI BETTER ASSORTED STOCK • Cl RI'ETINCI,S, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, 31A.TT.11G'- 1 ., DIIVGGETB Tll4u thvy bayc'brfom offered, They re.. - ecvtrally iLVitr :lteution of puhlic to department of their hnsilies;,:atol pledge them- naves that their good% shall alrraym lr. sold at the LOWE-ST u.tiIKET 44exch 22, 1h69.-41 CODLINP' 111 TOWN CLOTIiING STORE ! . oprosite-the Court Itouso, • No; G 6 MAIN STREET, TOWANDA ' , PA NEW SITING GOODS Received emu' day, at dr-11,RY COLLINS", itLACK CLOTII AND FANCY C.V.S.,43lEftE'srus It JERRY COLLINS' OVER COATS- At afauir COLLINS'. , FALL ANT) \\INTER SLITS; = 11 I , ' ' ALL 13 Ir . E I l 1? (.' r) A . 7' ,i:, ' at Jgany caLccs.. CLOTHS AND CASSLMEHES, rt cOST..atJrnitr COLLINS TiiIII3I:LNGS OF ALL ,KINDS,, at JERRY COLLINS', BOY'S CLOTHING ! at JEURIC - GENT'S FURNISHING at JEtlitY COMINS HATS 8z CAPS, Cheaper tLr,R ony . house, in Towajula CALL AND SEE NISI! 5ept.15,18419. J, COLLINS. THE -INTERNATIONAL HIPP9- CWIP;rE AND NEW YORK crncrs! Will ~ l iow'at • TOWANDA', th,7ol;Ell Ist, ONE ifl , YDltt.l) AND FIFTY Mr AND Hoasts Th. 1)6; and most uneecFgful Circits trawling. THF: DE.YT izrDERY, THE FThEcf flo1:.s-b: The three well-known Clowt. M .DA r. Wonderful Tiutt!ers and among wh.ni Is CLARANCIE BURTON, She only 'performer who can and doe* leap over 12 , horses and turning a double somersault, revolving • twice - in mid aid before alighting. Mao a boat of STAR 'PERFORMERS , not , mentioned in the pro gramme. fiii'lletnexuber the SHOW to given.in the canvass, arid not all in the street. Doors opened at 1 and 7, afternoon and evening, Admisslon 20 eent Children • under 10 years 23 cents. B. RICHARDSON, AOnt.. CENTRAL EXPRESS, We nave extended our Knee through to Waverly N.Y., and are now Prepare‘l to receive and torwail . money and merchandise, and collect notes, dmits, i*ks , With deSbatcli and at low Mies: ~ We run • care hl' and experienced meimengers Wong& between Philadelphia and New York and Ws exixpt Sunday;;Anaittini; quick time and prompt delivery. • sic SPECIAL BATES alllbe allowed regular snip: pore of Butter and Eggs, and partientar attentimi given their prompt tietiriry in Philadelphia and New .Eork. ,TOlL'st SMYLIE, Stip! PAUL Aeet.-Supt., General Ofilee-39.0 Chestnnt St.; Philadelphia.' Sept. x 3.1864, . • :LE IIAISYILLE . MILLS r. - : '- . .... • • . Tho indoseriber. having pareltheed the.LeßaYstillo Mlle, And refitted the same it - v.llood order, .0 new. prepare 4 to do good work,. And to give general ifatls. faction. • 51. J. FlttarthElr. -• lieltaystilleo3ePt 22, 1660.-1 y . •.. • .• :. .„. , . TISTRAY.- , —Cine intothe enclos- ILA nie of enbeeriber, !n' catrton.".on or about the 10th Wet.. • frill ' two year old 13TP.El1, some 'white luthilnixel In *ban! the bead..' The owner la requested to Provo. Property , Day eta and tate the sane away..• •' . p. D. • Canton, Sept. 10;1000.-3w* - . . IMES SA If LA 7111.!Or. and LEE POWELL. r New divetiseAnents. 211:J( UENIN, JEIVELZER'- 'BIT,VER,SWITII; 77 One deer nortli of .IVERCMS sEW BLOCK, ' 7OII 7 ANDA, P.i. D . c.aler in 'M .NNT 311 II 'l 7 " , Of il3l desalittt9na FINE' SWISS, WATCHES, . BOLD CHAINS, CLOCKS of tret7 etyln, from itc, to tio, best . A LARGE ASSOICEMMT OY , - 1 1 TA' C L , FOR ALL AGES. REPAIRING NEATLY AND ESPEDIuusLY DONE It i1d.14034.111-1C XLATX/i. Toren!la, Lept. 16, That VE LATEST AND BEST THE iLVERICAN B.CTTON .ili) LI OVERSEAMING AND SEWING Jl,lOllll - t. Sold by CALKM k 13111 BEA Mercar'i New'plock, Towanda, Pa • TA'S 3f ACIIME combine% all the good 'pall, • of all other •lirat-elass maehinta, dolt r„; alth rapidity and elegance, STICHING. , HE.II3MG, kELLINO TLCKING CORDING lIAI I\G QI7ELTIVri GATHERING; Ix:vides doing differrnt Linda of work thit chlnen ranuoldo. finch an =Mug better BUTTON HOLES, than can be made by hand, at thei rate of fanr 1.7 minute. and aver.seamlng, or aewing over and 07. r which by many is considered of more value than - evenfmaking button-boles. DOllll fail to wee., Machine before purchasing. We desire all to w. and try it, and are willing to let the Case rest ce 'T own merits. Every Machine warranted to givo tire satishiction. CALKINS A BASSES. • Agents for Bradford county Sub-agents wanted in each town. Xowanda, Ang. 24, 1861).-3m BLOOD - .11z still ciintinue to manufactitm their celebrated HOtSZ 'POWERS & CLEAN Ells. and will sell a better machine, for less money that : Can be haeLeisewhers in the world. We claim I.r - our machines that they will do as much. or trier, than any other, and are more durably built W. personally anperintend our work and' thu. ~. well down.. We will send DDiCRIPTIVE CATALOGITS, of our machines, on applicati) , :m. — ONE AND TWO HORSE POWEIzs, One Horse THRESWER SEPER A TOIO. JIIRESHER and CLEANERS, • VI 0 111rLX. EntAC: FAR' an Lia. SAW AND GRIST MILL work done to Give. nn a call before purauwinwelicwhere. 'Ka " 03 (11103.C[Yllif. `SX'aItLV ' 2 S % CLOO r I Aug. 2. 1842. T OOK HERE! • CO WELL tt .11 YE 1:. • At the old standof. 11r.a.ant Au. d: 00wELL. are receiving a large and well selected stock of OROCERIE,N AND PROVISIe Which they oiler to cash buyers ai s prs'i s 'that defy competition. Cash paid for all kinds Farmers' PrOducv. April 21, 1862—tf.1 G RDA T BARGAINS IN 3300T5.4t SHOES q I TifE NEW BOOT suor South end of Ward Ilou.o The undotaigued ardnri ~ •ring a large and well hvted clock of 41 - 0 OPs IVD SIIQES, 121=11 SUMMES AND FALL TRADE, OVltielt.we ofivr 1,2 w for i2ahli. Conbisting of 1 GENTS, LADIES, AND CHILDREN'S WrAR AYE IP ED AND • rEGOED B(10 MADE TO ORDER REPAIRING NEATLY MiNE AND READY WHEN PI:01118E11 %Thankful fur past favors, wa solicit trontiouast, Cl= 11.131rEL WOODFOIID. Towanda, April 5, 1869 TOBACCp AND 6IGATis! • The untler!igned have or taldished STEAD! TOBACCO' F.lcTol:l' e l l 0 W.A. N" ri Op Mani Street below Brads Street. Whernth4 are manufacturing all lends of CHIT TOBACCO . AND CIGAEs . Which they'biTer to the trade at OLESALX 'PRICES That eannot- fail to mat. We would-rook neap ...11111 1 T :solicit a call from the dealers throughout Northern Pennsylvania to an 'examination of _ STOCK AND ITICEs! ' our 'abut* Ia manufactured from the beg . KENTUCKY AND VIRGINIA Stork that Clln be procured in the market. • Give m a try. Mt is a home enterprise. ended; succeed lob a liberal disposition of the trade le import home ro mutilator& MEANS k June 4, 1868-17. 157 Ilaltrat, Towanda. Pa. .LND SEWING.i)N 3ILSSFS, E=