Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 12, 1869, Image 3

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    Itradfoxi ..* tportm '
is— Peaches are plenty, delicious,
And arc going to be &esp. . ,
i. Dr. T. B. domaloN, Lea remo
wed his residence to the Mesas Rouse.
rm. A Pic-nic for the benefit of the
Catholic Church will be hold in Convent Grove,
ou Tuesday, Angnat 17.
186 The boat race on Saturday
*A-ening readied in a victory for Mr. Largo, who
'nt's beaten at the first contest.
ie. By referring to his card, it
trill be seen that Dr. U. A. Bairtszrr has re•
nabved from Burlington to Sugar Ilan.
Stir Rev. F. W. 13.tintErr occupied
the pulpit of the Episcopal Church on Sunday
morning last. Ho delircred an able and inter-
e,ting discourse
s Persons traveling the "over-
land ronto" to, Troy, will find the "Central
House," Burlington, an excellent place to stop
and got a good meal at a fair price.
-A man named Ammar was
Coned near Owego, a fiw nights since, in an to.
Nensilile condition. It is supposed that he had
been robbed, and left for dead by his assailants.
lie lived but ra few hours.:
tom. A. Sunday-school meeting will
\ held in the Grove at Spring Lake, on Son
day,,Augnst 22, at half-past ten a.m. The ex
ercincs will consist of concert exercises by arm
day-sehoola in the vicinity, and short addresses.
RM. :W3l WOODWARD, baggage malt
tor on the train between this place and - Waver.
ly, while attempting to couple some ears at MO .
junction on Fridayercning last, had his arm se.
verely bruised by being caught between the
cars. We understandlhat no bones were bra
M. Mrs. DAVID B104: \ 311X8, Of Ulster
fimuship, died while attending Sunday-school
at Oak Hill School-house on Sunday fast. She
had walked from her residence to "the school
hon.e, and engaged in the exereiSes of the
~ehoel. As tho last hymn was beingitmg she
fill down and died before she couldbe re
KILLED EtY CAllB.—The train, *hie
brought Mr. MESCIIIN remains from littskon,
ran ii7er and killed a man named DaTroDrams,
its return from Wyalusing, this side of Lir
....yvifle. Ho was deafand could not bear the
doubt he was sure that no train
hove Lareysille—tbe present terminus of
t hi• rood—especially on Sunday.
Tim' A sneak thief entered the real
denee of L. B. RODGERS, Esq., on Chestnut
treet, a few evenings since . , and stole • (man.
tity of napkins. The thief then went to the
lionse of Mr. L. C. RODGERS and attempted to
rater, but was discovered by the family and
4I riven away.
vg,.. ADOLPH Goai, HMI of 0. GonE,
E;4 q .., Sheshequin, started to go into the field
for his cows the other evening, and discovering
n dog a short distanceln front of him, thought
Le v.-ordd creep alongiby the fence tuitilhecame
neat enough to frighten him; but as he was
.Crawling cautiously along on hist:tan& and feet,
a large grey eagle supposing him to be some
quadruped, pounced down upon hint and flew
away with the back of his shirt. The lad was
badly scared, but received no injury - save •
..wratelt on the back.
BENJAMIN BALL, and two of
hi, sons, B. F. and Joas B. BALL, of Litchfield
toun,ltip, were brought to this place on t3atur
‘,..eiting last by Constable tiesesnatton, of
Athons, and placed in jail. The parties were
,ontinitted by Justice WoLcrr, on complaint of
kl'oll L. son and brother of the prison
, ,s. It appears that the familyhayebeenquar
r. for some time, and as this was the third
ut.• that the parties had been brought before
th, Justice refused to admit them to bail
the complaint licitig for ansault and battery
tth intent to kill. Tbe difficulty undoubtedly
of a lawsuit which is now pending be
t 7.. •II BLNJAYIN BALL and bia SOU J►onn.
us— East Troy Lodge, 1.0. of G.T.,
o looted tin following officers for the present
term :
W.C.T.- M. 0. Looting.
• W .S. Morf.
W T.-- , ;AnAn C.u.JuNK.
W.A.M.—FLoRENta: Lilcxoc
W. 0.0.-1. CALKINS.
Ir. —Mrs. E. WARD.
1.. I .S. Wurr.vET.
A correspondent of the bide-
Repubtiffin, in referring to Scarfs
t,t•• ntent that Canton now bas a good temper
nr, hotel, nays: •• little ways below Canton,
• e.t•lh .lon WANDyar:, tweuty-fire years
hwtl slippl 4,f dowing water in a trough
• the ntattsid tharliorst s and cattle, when
IC••-ne;;, n•n: a 1 get a, F cmptl, cool, free drink.
P:1 tl: , • fill,' while the,: would be readily seen,
thr>• lines 1 rintel or written:
"• Teroperanett fixtitains good as any,
r tar that' %Vino• or liragdy
1: this yotir fury,
L•-t yotirshorsi• Is. Judge and Jury.'
Clink 31r. rANDIKE Mild the Atli= was
•••I •.I Vvratoll.."
ran,. List of officers of Central
1:;e, No. 50.5, 1.0. of 0.T., of Burlington bor
•seztt, for the pr , s, , nt quarter, commencing
A 41,741.4: 1, 18;9:
W.( .T. —I,M. Storm
w.V.T.--Mrs. H. S. Even:tn . .
N.s. -Mrs.- McC.LEaasta.
W.F.S.--It. 1111.. L.
1‘...T. L .1. Wratutr.
WA'. -Mrs. D. 11. SWEE.,CRY.
. .
W.11.--L. T. Yosocuan.
ilowsurt amt..
W. 1:S. -A'. 31. - -
W.1).31.-11144 &mall WARD.
W.1:.5.-31rx. 31. 31. Sxrra.
w.1..: 4 41.-31iss HELEN HaAra.
P.W.e.T.—en.011.r.9 KNAPP.
U 54.. The following is a list of the
or Granville Centre Lodge, No. 307, LO.
i.T., for the present term: _
W.V.T.—V. 11. TAYLOR. ,
W.s. 11. H. HE.U.D. .
WA'. --Onrzuz PtTNI3L
W.o.G.—P. .
e,e; W.11.H.8.-311.8. MATILDA TATUM.
3Luuos MAIM.
WINDHAM—Edit*. Bradford Be-
In regard to the Legislature, the pee.'
pi.• oi this pert of the minty think it no 11101111
than fair that they aboard harehare their tinn, tai
t,, Arly all of the toirnships hare had their tarn
•Itit . , the northern pszket the county.
I sill say ray to numerous applications hum
I..rstim from this and acijoiniou tarn ships, in
gars to my being a candidate for the adios of
In the first pl I would my, should ifie pee
pi.. ui thin part of the county select ate 1 would
glad to serve them.
Iti the Iteetxtd pace, if, in order to secure I
eu2einatien in this enightenr" age of the world,
' , mires a man to travel - from town to town
mitt pay out money for whisky in mace to Ile•
, ttre vutett, you will oblige me byaniwettogiolike
oth, man, as it is generally known is this pert
of tha orauty that I bare no sympathy-tett that
elas3 of community. Tours truly, " -
Aug, 18 CR.. J. 0. Dawn.
PERSONAL—jhur Fag, edi
tor of the Wasiiisioei Ifeesiog likpross, is la
.lons7f.sxua,t4 tbeTreassery
and E. L.Norer, of the &reconnect biking
Office, are spending a lbw weeks with . Menai ha,
this county. '
—Ex-layer buses, of, Eines,
moat and W.E. Breams, of liesantisit4.
Tnaersex, of Pittahm, ware in tmlet".-Aff•
dsiy, to attend the funnel of Mr. Minmem 5 I
—Han. O. A. Omni is *On c a *:ren.-
date for. tie Legislature boa' , tmesehleems
county:this ' .
—am Cow has been
sentstive by the Itepublicans onemerne ermikj.
—Joao Elan; of Owego; Abel* of this
place, and Man ImizewbeWelloilkti N.Y.,
formerly of Troy, sailed for Nurses a *ow days
since, to look some property bebingthE to
the lisernau. The termer will nit re.
turn to this •
DP= as H. 13\terta—Our vil
lage was ovemeressi with on liatuiday at
toneen bet, on receiving a *dogmatism Pitts
ton that ale esteemed townsman, Hem IL
bedbeen found dead le his room. lit
appears that Ir. Mums hadbees iod rat attend
ing to business during the ibrenoon, mein
his room preparing for Same He had bees
there but • sheet time when his =WO/
was found on tais Noon He bad his
hat and coat aid easheilhis lace. His eoun \ tk ,
nonce indicated that 'Sled died without a
straggle, and probably abode instantimeoudy.
. His remains attired in this *se On Handl
evening. The funeral took place on Tuesday
afternoon, and was largely attended by the ciie
sans of the borough and adjoining townships.
Ale Mask et respect to the meow of thei de
emed, the storm end badness places were
dosed during the time oceopiedby theservicee
His death is kit se s public edamilyies his
long residence among our people bed endeared
him to the hearts of all clews. Inesessed of
&mild and amiable dbpodtke, and character
ized by greet Umbers of hart, it has been the
privilege of for men to enjoy a larger share of
the affectionate respect of the community. As
a successfal business man, his reputation was
without a biambh. Several years sines he pve
up mercantile permits and embarked in the
coal badness at Pittston, when he pined the
respect and contidence eta with whom he came
im contact in an extensive and lucrative bud.
J Tutor.—DEATu or DE._Rocz
wau..--Dr. S. O. ItocKwau, died on Saturday
morning last. Although he had been in feeble
health for several months, his death was then
ponied and sadden. Only a few days before his
demise he was able to be out, and it was confi
dently hoped by his physicians andikiends that
he would soon be restored to his usual health ;
bit on Friday night be grow suddenly, worse,
and died in the morning. His loss will be deep.
ly felt by the people of-Troy and vicinity, u, al
though • pang man, ho had gained the con&
deuce ntthe community, and was looked upon
as one oeu,.e most skillful physicians in the
country. In mental attainments he was fitted
to adorn any station, in life. His early death
- has cast a glooth over the whole village, and
falls — swith especial \weight upon his wife and
child, who are called'upon to mourn a kind and
affectionate husband nd a fond and indulgent
Ho was buried on Monday with Masonic hon
ors. A large concourse of pcopk• gathered from
miles around and followed his \ reindna to the
—ln a few months every tracecd \ Hie dim-,
trona fire which swept away the business por
tion of Troy a short time since, will be*iter
ated. New and better buildings are t \ ap
preaching completion all over the burnt dis
trict. We notice that Honurr d Pommes have
their block completed and occupied. The Mears.
Pouraor and H. F. Logo will have their build-
ings ready fur occupancy before winter sets in,
and PONEIROT . II Bank is already enclosed.
The "Troy Home " is enclosed, and is to be
completed by the first of October. Through
the politeness of Judge Loin we were shown
through the borne, and have no hesitancy_in
pronouneing it one of the most convenient and
well-arranged hotels we have ever seen. The
rooms are ail large, well lighted and ventilated,
and most of the sleeping-rooms are provided
with large closets—a convenience which people
who are in the habit of stopping at Hotels will
appreciate. The parlor, office, and dining-room,
on the first door, are spacious, and will be fitted
up in modern style. If the Judge has enjoyed
the reputation of "knowing how to keephotel,"
he has also demonstrated that he knows how
to build one. We bespeak for him a generous
patronage from the people of Troy and the trav
eling public.
AnneSs.—The eclipse came
this way.
Smoked glass did net protect nu from the
natural. consequences or shuttled tpties and
overtankod rutes:
Goggles and doctors flourish. •
Therefore we "see doubt.," and must not -be
blamed for disconnected sentences.
We believe do boat substitute for 'food is vie.
huh. Physicians recommend other' things,
but this is tho only ono we place confidence in.
Next best is Dr. Itrrrwa's A.retic Soda. WILLIS
is &frosty youth, mid will give it the flavor tei
Rev. Joirs.F. Saw, of *ha IlaformediChnrch,
is taking • three weeks' vacation in New Jersey.,
Ja., ditto. •
Miss MARY E. Manta., of our town, has ac
cepted a situation as teacher In Waverly Insti
Ely Inatitnte.cmnmeuced its tall term Angtutt
H. C. BALM, and H. WILLDITON have perches
ed a tract of land known as " McCoan tract,"
in this minty.
" Tows" Trioxesow, ex-Erie senductor i , was
gt ty
in town Monday. Looks as th be wait fix
ing his month to call '• rickets" a
Our lawyers and constables have ad a lively
time the past week, looking after a little "on
pleasantness" in Litchfield. A bunny quarrel
has broke out in tho BALL family in regard to
the ownership of a piece of land. The disputed
territory has been the scene of three knock
down fights, which hare caused the sktne num
ber of arrests end trial. Twice the aggressors
hare been bailed, but the last time one of the
boys; Mr. J. L BALL, was so severely beaten
that his life is in danger, and tbo parties have
been sent to Towanda to be cared for.
Family jan are anything but preaerna.
The sub r ietting of Southern Central Railroad
for grading, bridging, ties, lie., vrlU be at Owe-
go August 17th.
Ditto Ithaca Road at Van Ettenvilk) same
date. •
Work is to be commenced on both this month.
We , contemplate a forward movement
rail) on Spencer Springs next fourth of July.
are atlU buy trying to make a stir in theworld.
We know that Wonreetonlit 7 or has been—ptit
down as a dull "hate" and a hard town, aid
for . the sake of peace we will admit that it's so.
But, Sir, isn't there [Mich a thing u getting
down to the bottom of the ladder, so that there
is no other way loft but to go up? And the
way things look pow, I think we are going up.
Over one hundred tons of rail have been deliv
ered here, Ind more is catnips daily. We hear
the busy mound of the hammer in tattoos
parts of our town. 1. L &comm. is
making great improvements• in his grist and
plaster mills. Be intends to bite a grst•elass
mill. •
g: W. Alma has purchased of A.L. Came=
the building formerly occupied by Dr. NMI*
and is fitting it up for a dwelling-home. Rae
mor says be thinks of starting a liquor store.
We hope not, Eider ; there is a plenty of the
poison sold hies now for the Emod acme yam(
men. Besides, you once taught better things
than to place the "cup to yourneighboeiliPt.".
Dr. Etwrom has fitted up a new Aloe nod
door south of Post-Mks. Jon Romp Wind
moving into his new: booze. Tabor k MUM
and D. Switar are doing abe badness ki the
grocery line. Rocklin:a. Bum= are throng
ed with work, I understand they have in ad
dition to the castings for the Towanda Caul
Company, all the bona to make fat ibe flullhan
A Erie Road.
• Rey. II.• Aseamposto eanunessees kb school
again August 30, and we need not say *aglow
who attend his wheel she ldm the name of be.
lag one. of the best of teachers, for swryboky
Ulm It altogether, I think you mastachltorg.
ease that we utfweiWir up.
Aug. NOM
mom :(1,47.7.71 - r — wiii,
Lae Um smile *eta tor the Asoideen
eamblastha BllttOolpie azel Sewing Math*
Thh Nubia° to *MY WWII of by those sake
• •
ow Dr. Ibmur!t, of Ditahonk
saidentri es Toady Inkhorns the offecht
aa earedole c inerwbba whnhaderedAy
bawl& to bad beget oat Mbar, and ieseldn
his bones, laid downmaa a bedind asked.bin
Iliktoisand Ida Ithiptaliefrie we. and UMW
tranita bottle et sorpitha Wok mew On
oasft the boats, beArmond that holad
taken too *mob. Two *Wan" were lama
ilinady Wad, bat *Heads to sate hint were
standing. 'Ho died - 1n leir , than an boor after
taking tho done. - •
OLICESON-111,011NP.--4ha the Id instant, at
St. Moping Church, Washington, D. 0., by
the H. Daniel Igne-b. I. J.IL P. tileenon,
of Tottant s Z e foAlke darer of th e
.late Oa X. Bk.* of • additgisn.•
IIPEN61:11-41ABDEBILL.,U the bride's boron
in liteldleld, July ft, - by Bev. D. Personebs,
Mr. B. W. apace; ot Pismo* N.Y., toNias
Pkwenee A.-Bandri, sot Llinbiedd.
Botrrwimatirit Vijdiinnder;* July
49, liy Phl. I.= In Midas Bostwick,
Pa., and Miss Jai
IL = l ts, the fernier
BESS-11111DIABY.-ja Bomei :Aug. 10,- ISO*
by Bev. B. Elwell, Kr. J. P. Bwi• promlekir
of a large Hardware Skive Lanark, M., in
Mrs. Zama M. Grid*, anionic, Pa:, a lady
osteemod and numb belored byallabo
- - - - • • ,
1 1 0 011 r. LINDA CHOU= DIRECT O R Y.
\ .
Tam Toonoliaa'a Csurnaa AMIIO44TION hold a
Prayer ta Asir Roos orrarilgors Clothing
atom every Maga arrabog at 6 k.
Barns Cainica.-ltirr. 11. $. laash , Pastor. Ser
vices wasp Ilitaing UN am. raid IN p.m. Prayor
tosethig Wadassilisr arming. gainlaparking at 12
o'clock. \
!KEMAL 11.16irn. Paator.
lorvices nary gaudy 10K aa. and 0 Leo.
aaci. 112141nr awning at o'clock. 'ftitftiiehool
11.2nrostar Carmaa-Morr. ¢ 8. rm. Palitor.
viola amp flitolnr sting a. 72 P.= =SP
It mooting Tiraning mat* thirgicracbool at
Paarirrnaux Cgroacs—lkrr. X. Hallam Paro."
tor. thinikee Sandy at weak* ' 101, mai 714 so.
Csliaraso proaint-41ar. Panama Tomu. Pastor.
Red Mos st ; seecedline at %Vera at 6
;Yeacklc. llosillopmelooll ;Nast p.;;;. \ •
NEW Currsum STOM—J. Was?
has opened a Clothing afore one doorsouth of
Means House, where he maid be pleased Who
all of his friends and old customers. He is pre
!o owe mum sunup in the line of
thine stir Genie Famishing Goods. Give
me a call beforo elsewhere.
• ••• antra Worm%
Towanda, Aug. 9,1869--It.
The Presbytery of Susquehan
a wIII meet in .oirrell Tuesday, Ang. 31,1869,
Aug C. C. Conn,
12, 1869 . - glided Clerk.
la- The great demand for, the
Singer hiproved - FandAy Sewing Machine is the
very best evidence of its weath.--Itt buying the
Singer yon-cerfaialy get the worth of your mon
ey. Samples of work to be semi at the office of
the agent s, WICKHAM & Bum.
Aug. 12, 18M--lw.
WANino.—To exchange for a .gne,
two or thre year old colt, s bsy horse, years
old wand, true kind. 'Weight *boot Ekren
hundred. Or would sell for good•papor.
Enquire for D. C. Rum= Orruns.
July I, NW
stir I widi to inform the Repabli.:
due of Stselord county OWN= •candidate tutee
office of ouldy Trimmer
this tell Subject team
dectekut of the county convention In August.
hay 1$ 1/MP. ILy . erunetr.
IS. The Fall Term of Miss Os
mium's School begird' September 1.
Min\ • L73(a7.00
1 7562.50
. Fran* taught daily, by an experientrd toich.
or. \- Aug. 12, 1869.
-- ' •
Kr A now style of Instruments
called "Meloiiimas." 'This style is entirely new.
In beauty, peva, and clearness of tone, this
instrument has equaL It is "a thing of
beauty and a joy fore,Ter, l and no family Or mu
sician should be without one. It hastwo stops,
Octave Coupler which doubles the power and
the improved Voil Humana Fremolo, and in de:
Esttrfor the drawing4rom, parlor. etc.
icli&rosewood ca corners, three
rows of moulding, carted! tc. Pianos, Or
pna of only first-elass - sheet music,
music books, instruction is for, all kinds of
musical instruments kept alwaya hand and
for satoby W. Drrrsi A Co.
Aug. 12, 180.
Foa SALE.—New Platform Spring
Wagon sad one now open Baggy.
N. N. AirtswAu..•
Narks.—The nes:ow/Cs of E. 0.
0001DZIM tats PrOihOndiry. MI aim Ids
aolonste have been left me with for settletnetni
mdleetlem Thom indebted wW IWO coda by im
mediate attention. Ofbee In the Ilemader's once.
July 1O ISM Jown 11. Oman'.
Grr nre BuT.,—The subicriberis
agent for Hander's GM Medal and celebrated one . ..
two and three hum Medway Powers. Threshers and
snd 'Thienhera and cleaners. The beet
to ith world. Send for circular. .ad Wee bats. •
Towanda. July 15.!11169. - B. IL Wzmia.
ler We the undersigned wish to
invite the attention of a inneical and in pub.
Sr to those Instruments we sell. and w hi c h me the
only Pianos In this country and Europe. with full
ken Prune. in which Wilms acing. mid upon wood
cut beetturs, and In which none of the taming pins
go through the Iron plate. The gresd advantages
=sdquilitytht tone anangeme . ntare ruinga er m .
eg ore re.
ty of toes, and of standing in tune better than any
other Instnunant now In nee. Also are the the:musta
rd and economical balreors of Orden and Melodeons
for home use, as well toe Church and Sabbath School.
invited to sundae our Instruments
quality and quantity of Was are unser
permed. • W. Drermost k
at Chaiiberialn's Jewelry Store.
Nonce The accounts of Ingham
& Beaumont relation to the business at the Woolen
Factory ars left with Louis Camp, Junes of tlle
Peace. at Onoptown. tor collection. Yr. &bemoan*
Is now oat d the badness and Wed& be accessary
he parties interested to attend to the mike at once
to saws east& NC Mather' delay will be made In eel
lecting after two erects.
Joly IS, 0119.-4 w. Lennart & lizaimmer.
Immzxsz RzotreriCent PIANO/L-71E1A
CIIICIZI/NCI Puna; which took the "Grand
Medal" at the Paris Exhibition, and the still
higher recompense, "Ae Muss of for Legion
Honor," are now selling at greatly
prices, the diseount system Awing abolished.
L. B. Powell, 116 Penn avenue, Scranton, Pa.,
is their wholesale agent ler alingegllon s l e at
States et Penroylvania and New TOM r
his address for the new circulars and price lists, i
eentabgeif fen explanations, which la be far-. 1
Eland tree upon &natation. Mr. Powell
also whalede agent be the celebrated Mason Ac ,
Bimlin Organkand dealer in aD kinds of Musio-i
al Merchanitise -July 1-sw.
New AduKkemAlL
1010114 SALE.—The undersiogd, de
terA:siring to change Me bushiest and ti of.
a store home and b i t
sale. The lot I con. MMO
het. The More room is Ide4Obet and a mare room
of a feed. The propatty Is boated In the theniabing
town of Albums itnellbetcoonts, A. on the Sol&
wan k Tele Wt., and Is a tees dedrable m =petty.
Tor hulloes partleukrs enquire or
ass 13-41* A. IL =BLEB.
VARIK. FOR .13AL74.—d. W. TAY
.a. BON dal Men his valuable Did.; Perm, site
dad in Orwell tomudip, tbrsele. He inside sli da
shing with
as t le ezemine graftof while the growing
erne via he the mdl. whet is
more reliable than evidence alefted tem persons
baring a hail to beer taw witness. Tema man
satgat.4t' J. W. PATBON.
WM bego lopsee WO and ooittlase
twidve wea l
s. MIN **Mg lab be oblelned In the elehefty
at reasonible rates. Tar pertiallers see bye. ; .
L 1110P1L618071,
A. 10, W 1119.-21 a .1013000.4.
• •
pAßmtits sdwirGE . YOUR
wear.-40 witedeir Iron OEO. A.
=TVS Ibparlaratal Seed Vita
} Mum, selected.
llobasolua flasootlymber.rbeat, bad' • lid 00
Amoco; MlL , each 1040
ancalli - vidia. ' • lOW
Ikelemilks. - bsar4•s red. 0 1010
The above aaelhoaild roe year.
nes& 1111110) Clia/r Nkateranara.- • 5 00
44 a i d 44{ , - 44 000
Mawr. maeolli. * " • 500
'beams. mbar bearded." I 00
Mile OW Ileetkelaaam amber beardoo 4 5,00
led , : 540
=lll !Mk OWL - 4
0. !carded . • " 40
Tredve! 0 , • 5:00
o lXebra Inas • IS.*
.C .. la briamit
Imlay .
are lady eallproeltatia; lateilag,o4ol4. l firmi
Waif* DM Ili, Aft la ale,mirs-550.1ialiella
IRO" prof..
905: lam* sad ara
F hes ham
raim ilms to
• , • - 17. - 1L.151W111. ,
ilpalme 11111.
aili 4 llos, ' Aiwa Jar leaktliellaall ON*:
Dika l BARnarrla i ktifet .
ape Mac Desdied tee*
:alba priliesestr, lAD!. •
*-0 1 410 1 0 1 1ftli, :i..`;‘!l
.4 I lie..
. 1 /1=p1 7 1%144Li t. :,
Uti c t i * l 'Mal. ~, C irt'a;- : Mkt le Ai := 1 i
......p!wik,... .- : ..:.- 1 140k - ..,
=I •••••••-•:•141-4-mt.2.1-”Itt.t.::::4 -lot W
Ikalls. ••• •:••• , t• **: **** *tr tt '!t t "'• t ; 7 3
Bai lur• All i tt. o 4LlNstf‘ •', -',' In
i zt
r__ _ . 4 01 0 1 ,„...! . ,.... ! . **
.••••-• a L s :
i,"1104) , ...•,•••.*, : . 4
.. -, = , s' Ss ,• IS
Oolong. Si bush A ''''' ****
"” -. 1 50 SI 300
Witaires dr 133ent.—Wheet SO lb . ; Cork 50 lb s, ;
lips SI lbs.s:o l ol3oolthaj:Werill nod; iloclorheat
illbe.: Bowie Me.; Ma 30• Clam Seed 00
lbs . ; Theseeby Seed 43 lbs. ; Dded .
Pe Shea Id UM; ;
Aged Apples Übe.. Isaiseed MD& .- • .
lag Is thelinte Tilde of the Pstaugdvants sad
New Taut (Baud sad Rea Bard Compsayorbkh teak
effect on Batstrix4Sisast
J.:11. • • Llt.
.WATIMIZX 115 e•4O
Y S " 11:35
MILAN"TM 1:74 9111
Maria. • • • ' 1:18' ' 1:14;.:..4113
• 'i. . . 4.111.7 : -.: .4.191: , ~. .- •ir.X.
Wax= 810 12:46 kW
ATIPIMII ;,..,7;30 1245 ' 5110
3111iiii.::4.......;:.4.i..::.:.2:37 = ' •"12:12;;.`.1.411g47
Omni. —.7:92 • 11:117 421
'Towpma 710.,..z..11:30.,....4:18.
• ....,, •••., 4-, -.,..'•• 1.-J , P. - 1 , . : • 44/4: '' ' '.7.11t
• . - i-:, . : •t ' JOHN P. COX,' 81111j!Grfil
irittearews cowry.- IN
"111111:—The Counhr•lsetititte
T=7l4 0 cloCh „Von,
_clemizat at C an t on
enezdisu s-Torresdi'smi' Springhill, op
" %Wiled slositors are expected to be presenit
that* Vie meselaiut of the Institute. . •
All who propose to teach In the public ichooloare
ezpeebst to attend st the place most convenient. • -
School Directors, and the Mends ot ed.
nation generally. arecordialtydrnited.
A. A. taceatzt•
Aug. 10, 1809.4 t • - Comb , Sart.
B.ING 0UT1341.113w ,COST
A wonderful Incettlnity IM all wtio.wlilr to ,
PUltdiA,SErtrititrititt OlikAt.
will from this data mil all la goods rambling of
. f
• • &C. &C.,
BEL;# . . \ V COST!'
sir The store at present, occupied by me is for
rent` It bi one e best bustuess Stands
Towanda, July 21. hop.
Patented July 30, 1867. This Pump to • ted
not to freeze in any climate. lt ha. no leather for
, ndoloar valve, nor bona or screws to wear loose, •
wafts with such facility that a child era.-operate it
with ease. lila so arranged that a hobo can be. at
tached to it, making it Suit the thing for washing
wagonsUnd windows. watering gardens. ,te. An ex-
amina eri tion of its merits will satisfy any one of its
su p over any other Pump in use.
Comment% of Bome, Bradford county:PA,
la the authorized agent, for the sale of county and
township rights in and for the State of Penn's, and
who is also peepand, and will put up pinups, on
abort notice. AB orders for pumps or rights, ad
dressed to me at acorn will receive promptnttenticua.
J. E. Plot. Wyaoz; Jameailiuwal, Millen; J.W.
Iftyssard. .e; C. 111.,Maneille, Towanda: Werkizer
k Co., Orwell; Powell. Safer k C. Rome; Reuben
Bennet; Towanda; Mr. Tingley, Heiriek.
Baum, Aug. 2, 1869.-4m* .
Manufacturers and dealers in
• ..4Men4, . Bradford Co., Pa.
. •
89111 continue to minnfactum their celebrated
and will sell a better machine, for less mmreythan
can be bad elsewhere in. the world. *f) claim for
our machine, that they 'will - do as much, or mores
than any other, and am more durably tmilt. We
personally superintend our work and sec that it is
well down. We will lend .°
. Dlscnirrivz • CATALOGUES, •
o our machinea, on application. .
One .9 • Heise THRESHER if , SEPERATORS,
Raman and CLKANERS, .
i'vl I N Gi - , If I I.ll' S,
Cr \
-Cm • 11.itif1, /Mill RAW MILL , I, .
RAW AND OR Idli;I: wort done to order..
Glee us a call beta rcilssing elsewhere.
.. .
'Yet "OD 4110 . vas `sistattax
. •'• a O 2 5 1 \o.o r l II
Aug. 1, 1869. \
The Fortpeightli Tette et 4hU Inatittito open'
August:fatty W 3, nuder the charge of A. J. Lima ,
A.M. " • •
It la one et the bestLyrraaua betTibaritoits - of the
uotultm seeesandeteezp an pat*, azul Is situated at
Ny - tritt; - TioGA•po-eN.Y.
The defortmantapp•parepletn; "
imbiecesull th.studias rogatrod o n (o •
ourod best Colleges. Also, a thorough " in the
The Enr iA lli E recZse comprehends both the am
nion branches taught in Elementary Schools, and
many of the higher- branches madly - panned in the
Colleges. In the Cronnutwial Cour* the instruction
is as thorough and cannpleti as in our most success-
Instruction bpon the Plane said Organ by the old
method ; aleoby w Robbins' New-American Method,"
by which pupils can a edge of music iv
one-third the time which's- acquire ilk knowl /meow:spired.
The rates of tuition are-very moderate. -Dowd ob 2
-Mined at reasonable prima; a limited tnimber of pu
pils can be sceommodated hi the families of the In
structors Rooms can be procured in which students
can hosed theaselres and lessen the etpensei; one.
- Woririal due, as usual, orgigthed M the betiiining
of the Fall Term, in which twenty of tho appli
cants will receive freetnetruction forkrorteelt "weeks.
Tor par ticulars address the Principal at Waverly,
ILY. Information in reference to Rooms and Baud:
Broaalo b
Street.e obtalned 4 at Waldo ,k Tracy's Drug Store,'
116 d . .
_ _ • A. J. LANG, A.M.. PrincipaL
NEWTON MONEY, President oflioard ortrnstoes.!
July 15,1969.
or-row/caw -
CANT* • "$125,000.
t lst i a lr i
Bsizza. CARE amix TO THE Couscnow or -Renzi
„, Parties wishingto nap mina to part of the
lb&dah:* Eosin& kelaad. or the pin
cilia dike and to ot,Torope, can ,herepirocore
- ' -- rAssAdis ricszTs':' •
To or from the old el:matey:by beet ~ow or
PI MISR , . Aintr""ladi
Funs= EROTTINT OTIII AT airovnio a►ira.
Ptig 01 1 fotrArPii , P;
Pkaa4..'*A, ,tar#4,44
• Tama% .7tmen; - cashier:
Toicom, oniprolto. 00.. PA,
This Institute will open its fifteenth year- with a
hill amps of instructors for all, the branches in the
several depart:limits:km' Wedamd#, September hit,
.11189, - SAIREL F. COLT,
STATE ',.XOlll5lAta
TlOqh oaf s ; '
the lan fleastmlet thle Institution wni commence
.84 " 1 _ 18r1
1101 tr E
.14.1 . . e- , •- arta
" - AU mem litiddng it - nn
11111,11111.160flaykilld • 1 • • •
aittrir i l
rmada. IS, Int 4
PIGS; TANAlatipit'W
- COWELL4•111111:11.
L - N..- - iN.iiiii: - ;i:. i ,
-, :-:,14 1 1 1 4 41111- -- -7, 1 1
1 4
Si 11 4 , 111 111' 11l lit
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Zri(1,1'401?5,51f141T1 MVP( X
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ceding;{ Ainselll-4k13%-:
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proved•by the experience of all who
have . used them for five_ years past, IS
competition. Any child can use them
The &tit is placed in the Jar, and
properly heated, when the cover is
applied and it seals itself. It eau-be
et4y . openedimithouGofinger of
breaking tho . Jar: For sale in larii'
or *all` qnanti ties by
And other. fruit, can be kept for
years, in the•
z z
:: r~ ~
.: ~:.,~
~ Y}
1 :0c , " - *
TOWI4IO - :04.! 7 t, Pii.,
~•; ~.t..~~;., ~, _..
..:,....!,-_,; : ,-, c.. , 7-r74...:714
- 13; '- iho Gross,
By the Dozen
DT the Dozen CtNir
The BEST JAR in market, as
Headiparters at
Codding, Russell & Co.
The - HERO JAR challenges all
fiol4 by
FEraJo f rrq
- .1 :4-.4).
!Tornio', ;to 22, imst,
Testify to tkor tar *rang aolgoblic a of
thes r i rf.i
:;;•., -- 4-e. , ' , -•••• 1 :•• • •••• •
J^...,;f?•!l= .
. _
Full atm% anl Faucy - •
. - Dny - 0:0 to t o 's
An deganiisiccnimen 4 t
~•, . •
Liie: of
4 .1' IVAT.Ek.:II4-ii:
. "i,-
• I •
u -,„. tt
-! --- -' , f
fluePu of . ,
!%,' • 6EA6B )I.*D, NAILB.
VAILPET'd, OIL pLOTII btu mAnuat
An extra stock of
~1300 TS AND StIOESi
Trunks, Valises and Traveling Bags;
OILS AND PAINTS, gaalitf grisianteed, and prices
below the geziemt market
Jopf reeered,loo dozen
zal gin... self pealing, at manttfactnreen priros
lu Mae, it stock of Gouda in extent and variety un
equaled thin site of New York city. The public are
cordially invited to call and examine goods and prices.
July 1. 1869. . -31ONTANYES.
The underalgned haire_eatahliahed a
T,9 :V9 - _A_ S . _TD .A.
On Main St:uet below Midge Strfvt.
Vilo , re Mos it% to?tuttocttirink all kinds of
, Zhich-they offer ti the trade at
That cannot fail to malt. We world most respectfully
Polk:it a call from the dealer, theenghont Northern
Pennsylvania to an examination ot,
Our Tobacco is manufactured from the best
. .
'Roth that can procured in the. market.. Give ns &
try. This is a home enterprise, andwill succeed with
a liberal disposition at the trade to aapt home
Manntsetors. • MEANS k P BINNT
JunitA. 157 Msin•st. Towentis. Pa, .
G •E M
TOW:lUtia, Jilt , 11, 1u;.
iihdithireet; llrit dove wadi oitheiiihroid Ilonse.)
would . nnatt 'reaped:nil' y invite the attention ofthe
public to ble large and well selected steered'
Which lisellinit to iilt . tke , tinei. sad purses of
id, , He has also opened ) ; stdendkl
rEED , STORE, , •
Which In cell altnateftio the canal and Bar
clay coal,rogltaaat-glthrea, T lle korrioconotafitly on
hand a law stock of • . •
,rinuft,:BUTTEß;` PORK,
Which be le selling cheap tor. csati:
m ci
thth:o ns anks for tartMat* will plower
accept their iliterelrmalre tor
the Malmo fail; andlre aids Midi&
tap:a, to Improve every onkirtialtr. to ad ergo oar
boOnest, so sato warrant sithdlotton to all.. Cali ead
see be itgaln;, -' . ";oliPt MittDrlllL:
Towendkluti 10, PM— - • ,
f ;
Ir . .
~~fJ~~r: } f ~',
In aLI ety.k. ;
• •' . •r.
.- • •
. .
S 8 ,44. 3 e*t r
S I I : EM redid lesnal . " ot tbiß •
of Common Pleas of. Brodford =us mad to Me 61.
meted. azpopedto,poblk: at the Coed
Haase imtheMomitgbof Tartailiss, ea THIIIINDLIfy
, 1112MIMBES 2, 18 M, I teckeli. yam the folleerf
leg deseribed Mt, piece gemmed of lead sited, 41
Colturillis township, boun north by lead of L.
RelMpil,i end by bWef Use& Milk, iff lead
of 111118; Miff *RSV limas WYMAN Iteekoalt
and --AA; scres,moor or km.
.behigthe mate badeeh nowbdemg to Leptis A:
Cue; Lauri Cad..
ALBO—Lriether z eore imit . ras Armed
Awl , " bounded laJpea. pal A. case sad la:
home -eretirr lauds et 11. A. Case, at
_sonbrand of Ana. 10ercen.arif on the wig
'hY hadmble arThirefly Ala:, deed ; ems.
o tab u tz er tit ui rbur saes, mote or lel = being i. tuft
ALBO—A piece of la Ifroy twp..berrodedaerthi
hrn..wWoreseLon thereast by hark at MAL
seam by bads MM. Cde,nod Wier by bade
Reuben Cue; Mobielter 2 acre. and 128 yardman,
and being the =se pi!eece of land whirl: was convey.
ad by 12ihrt Ease try Na.deed dated the . day ,
• • -. Liftee L Case for Ste, whit,
remairuler to. Wm..P. COW: Moo T. Cam sad KW
ale,A..Carl•nid therareespboa cried aelmbleit le
.holtm a, itatistd seamilLtleslting lemma gad,
other inigarrements; ,
• Seized and taken in mention at the suit Cl Poi*
A We Me al Cade
e W s getm-*, ;
; a
'ate In=Pap,bound'bd MC bed si .
deserlbed as frd•
lows, to wit : Beginning at a ample Mee, themes
land alb:abaft Icitallianth Polchlat *IA '
pie tree, thence by vacant Mad wwoBllB perebes.ll*
a hemlock, thence - Whet addled of Sirmeat
meth all perches to a ebeatant. Sepia by
John Boyd east RlOperches to
plsee or riga*
'ulna ; centainfng Manes. mano at lef"
Num Peat arroyo& la waledkisied•
March 25. JL11.3210.
br deed dated Auk.soik,
the sane to MS albas. In : ka*
the ecermonweiltbof Hamm
by. tent deka June Sarciled la patted
book No. BA, 117 • .
• art
tract 'Mame township, beginning all maple poll
on the north lined tenet to the weereates mate at
.Theiese Baratillaa, themes earth maaddirammatias
If perches to a pod, thasies north II digresswestallf
perches. to the linen( Ephrata Mendsme warrarg„
thence north 88 degrees wed 811.preebes to • posIL
'thence 'oath 2 &VOW 1112panas• to • idea
pine comer, times math dogma Utrpserbse le
the northwest. comer Ilitseeme mumedie
white pinti corner, thence Usti degrees mist 202
perches to a rodeo* the seed career at Thom,
1 as Hamilton warrant. theme swath MI- degrees sad
162 perches ton post' ideadiag wsrreat fa Um
name of Elizabeth Ilitnilton, themes neethUdagnieS
10.mlnutee west.l6o pathos to poet, themes north
.22 degrees west 147 pmbes to the FM°, Cl bees
sing ; containing 630 rieresead pai.ft* mom or
I led; rebid& mid bid Otipeetbea whet was gtsats4 by
patent tom thectemmentealth
Both the aticeedeseribed biota:acts of - la — r - 0vi;1127 ---- soll
And andeyed. try deed dub , recorded kra
arnataTdated Ilecerater so. A.D. BBL b 7
and wife to Rollin Wilco., and afterwards
by did Wilcox to the perry of the Snit pert by
dated January 7, A.H. less-
ALBO-411 that other tract, Ode or weal of lust
*toad la the menateamallip, lorthedradboandedl
Minnows :"Beginning at lemple.* ea the northeast
corner of a tract of bad to the mambo mad ct
Samuel Young= %IV C.Kallegg sow=
I.l2rods to a hYleade ot.Jasses4L
Lewis ninth le &trees weatlll rods, to ,* ellestrat,
thence by the same meth 60 degrees wait 20 rods to
an oak, thence north' 67 west 40 soda to • •
~bq on the tine prlbmid . 4 land,Widem by
add aldgerm's line north MI ma** a hwahmit. the
southwest corner of Judson Dladtmanla lend. thence
• by . said Bbickmaes land cut IGO rods to the Noce of
beflboth4l . containing WU tares. more ar ham be.
hug part-of a larger tract granted by pined at the
commonwealth of Pentriyilci Wilhelm WM*
and others, who by deed dated February 2, IW/L
conveyed the same to Willians • Ward, who conveyed
the name to James H. lamb: who by deed dated
March 15,1854 , conveyed the OEM to David Beck.
man, 1114114/th bienife conveyedihe same to Rolla
Wilcox by deed dated Decemlber 20,1056, who by deed
dated January 7, 1817. conveyed the woe to the per.
ty of the Brat part. • , •
Seized and taken In medlar it the salt of Alfred
Ncoon vs. The Towanda Cod and Iron Company
ALSO—By virtue of a writ or Vend. Ita., the follow.
lag described lot, piece or parcel of Lad situate in
Tuscators twp.; bounded on the north by bade of
Bela Cogswell and John Trireme, on the not Wpm.
lel Bpotanan, on the smith by Isaac Greek and on
the wed by .21..3; costaining 86 Imes of
land, more or leek lont one acre imprc, mak, with •
bawd house and ebbed/de thereon.
Seized and tabus In examines at the salt of Thos.
-W.. Clymer vs. Isaac Greek.
• ALSO—The following lot, piece 6r parcel •of land
'situate in Alba borough. 'bounded on the • north by.
lead Wilion, east by A. H. -Wilson. south' by Gran
vale street, and west by "Chades.Shielleug - contain.
lug 13; acres, more Or less, all improved.
• ALSO—One other lot bounded on-the north by the
Baptist church • lok • and A. T. Dunbar, east by C. 8.
Wilson, south by Willow street, and west by Hrs. 4. ,
V. Waimea ; containing. acre. more or lees, with
-*framed house and-horse barn there'..
LESetted and taken In execution at the win of W. H.
Warren.-e: James rt Lynch and James Henry.
•• ALSO—The following lot, piece or. parcel of land
-situate in Alba borough, bounded as follow', to wit :
On the north 14 -lands belonging to the Baptist
church and A, T.. Dunbar, east by C.B. Wilson, south
by Willow street and west by Mn.s A. V. Withwal
containing .3; acre, more or leas, with shone house,.
frame barn and few frufit trees-thereon.
- Seized and taken in execution at the ant of lead
Wilson vs. James Henry and Addison Wilson.
- ALSO—The following lot, piece or pared -of land
aituats'in Tuscarora top., bounded °nib) math by
:lands of Smith Tewksherry, on the east by the WWl}
south by Win. Coburn,' and on the west by Smith
Tewksbarry-3 containing A.aataanore or less, about
12 • aces improved, one framed house and .framed
• barn thereon.
ALSO—The following kW, Ida* or panel of bad
situate in Tnacaronttwp., bounded on the north by
buds of Wra. Peet, on the net by Norris Fargo,.crol
the South by B. rikrgo, on the weslbY 8. Y. BagP
containing 37 acres, more or leas, about 13 'urea Wl
proved. •
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of that,
W. Clymer ve. John Manning.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land
situate in Leßoy twp,. bounded as follows, to wit :'
On the north and wed by the public, highwaleadi
lag from Leßoy to Bailey's- Corners
Oramille twp., and on the east and south by lands
of H. L. Coburn ; containing one acre of Imd, more
or less, ell :rumored, with a framed house and fee.
fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of R. L.
Coburn's use as. James McCraney. •
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land
nitrate in the borough of Burlington, bounded oaths
north by land of L. W. Wright, eastthe Berwick
Turnpike. and south sod wort by tbe by
estate of dddiJ
son McKean, dec'd . : containing 3; of an acre, more,
or less, all improved.
Seized and taken M execution at Meant of Pane
royltrothers* use va,P....W. MrSeanand Mason Long
ALSO-11y virtue of a writ of Ft. Fa., the fdlowhar
described lot, piece or parcel of land site in tgs
borough of Alba; bounded as follows, to wit : On the.
north by Linde of had Wilson and Charles Meiling,'
east by A. IL Wilson, south 14 the public highway
loading from Altai to Granville, and west by Chaim,
Sterling ; containing 13 4 ' acres of land, more or km,
all improved, with a young orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in executions! the suit of E. Pom
eroy vs , ./m. Henry and Jae. D. Lynch.
ALSO—The•following lot, piece or parcel of land
situate in Franklin twp. -bounded on the north bbyy
lands formerly of Josiah Raines and 'Joke
east by Occoue Lantz, south by ,thirs (ky r and west!
byJohn Inykendalk containing lia acres of had,
more-or less, about 8 sacs Improved, with &beefed:l
trees thereon; • •
Seized and taken in execution at the itdt of Allen
McKean II; Ransom Payne.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or Parcel of land
altuala in theturolli*Of Towanda, bounded on-the
north by Bridget; east by Pronto" Wartor street.
aonth-by • private Mfrs and vast bi Isaac of the
Peonaylvania and liew-York Canal and Railroad Co.,
on arhidli is erected one bct:gre bused building human
am ...The American Hotel."
ALSO—One oilier lot, piece or weal of land situ
ate in the boicru4h of Towards, bounded on the north
by an alley. east by lands of the Asnrintmla k New
York Canal and Railroad Company aforesaid. south
by4Obn F. Means, and west by Brarnball k Cowell.
on which is erected one - -tramped barn and abed at.
tached, said two lots bob* Bib lane as conveyed by
deed recorded inpred B.,•ik No. BP, page 7, &c., in
Bradford county, - ' :
Seized and uken ikescaitßin at the suit of Phebe
:Ann Griffith and J. SE Patton vs. H. B. alibis.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land
situate in Pike twp., bounded on the north and east
by leuillot Jason Passed and Homer Stevens. catlike
Mouth by land of LeoeyStevensamd Myren: ffitsweles,
and on the west by Myren .Stevens ; containing 6
'acres of had, mere or testi, shoed
.with a lag house theroon. .. • . • - • •
Seized and taken in erecntion at tho sink ef4leory
Shaman pi. C. D. Moir. . • • :•••• • • •
ALSO—The following lot, pleeweir iwerd of hod
situate in Herrick twit-, bounded entbe north. east
and weld by leap cdedi.M.:BrOwn, and southaj M.
Slocum ; containing y of an acre, more or law; ell
ImProved, *Ord house sod few hulk trees
thereon. -
- - 13etzed and Wei in ezerettem at the snit of IL
Wrniame . use iss.• C. Brady. -.7. • • •
ALS3O—The following lot, piece or parcel of had
situate in Wiadhastalp., !Sounded on the 'north-by
Lens of Bina theptemifehrilaamt by Myron Wiehob,
south by Benjamin Gleason, and west by Guryablit
highway I itontellting 33 scree dfanal."nacre or lees,
about nacres improved, wi h saaallibliat*Husese
and few young fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken In execution at the snit of 4. W.
Ali er's niers. Malden I: theltb. •
Aber at tbermit of LAIL VelsWinlbs ; etre• re.. Mah
lon •
• . ntSo.,..The, followinsrkst, pow. or parcel pf husd
a g o g. In Terry twp bounded on I/senoras end west
by.buids of C. F. Wells' .rattle, east "by amebae
Drurnivan and John Bush. and erasth by Henry Mean;
econtaining 36 sues of land, more oe . laws, sbedt 6
ferns impaorol, - with a Isc Irk hnuse.aad few frail
t,., ex thereon.. . "
• Seized mud tapes In extvutlav at `
he suit:ot A
Leris's lime vs. Ersir :t. and Visurge A
Alt.ost the ettt. at 4.a:tali* . atis:'Arnalibrpi.
ALSO—The follesdnte Ake °rimmed Of baud
sNosto Inliertitik:twp.„-boanaledvnt the north-by
lands of James Newell and L A. Park, ems by'. A.
Park, south I* L. Dolan; Slid westby.C.ll. Thstiey and
James Newell ; contain*/ 88' sem._ ips.,
about 70 acres improved. with a tram.R tat barn.. batn,. Atitpputihv ant% orchard. of frOt 02011.
• Seized and taken in execution at the suit of di&
dings k. Anderson ra. Elviza
ALgo—Tbe fealowinglat, Oae_or' gn , W at land
situate in Smithfield towmdW boft. °tithe north
and oat by Woof Wadi Geronla.
lieldgbway leading Wan Smithfield to=
and south by Walter Name ; contadng S area of
land. mare m. lade. illitmatared, Nan Wand bon*
frizzled *Arnold LT fend trees tam= •
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Wen.
ben Waders van a. Lava A Towns. - "
ALSO.—The following** piece or- pond Of kind
situate to the licautinh d Diwjaes• bed da
the north by land of John A. maw. eat brok
Sanaa. month by •A. T. Wheat; . set the
Berwick taraVen W= l 1111*
. more or kill. with lamed Mow •
Selardnadtaken ja amontionfill the amt at A...J.
Boas vs. Sandidana anteney and Bawl •Ralatawry:
ALSO—The knowing lot Pia. at Lad of land
. ante balkaaaereaktia.. , bousdad es .111, nab
by the pita, LOW Liataanna elan
'to WellstopdeallbydandaillannanaSiatltillar
lasona.mali l l l l. ..13./Litiarna
tacit W39461111 1 51awn anataLind
inozwalsantabaktd Lao LatandciliNik SWIM
framed Lianas,* hantiLliangendaigmadtallnig
thereliltoi ." - ,Nt4sl ...,..mter , t ....,-:
__-11-All or ;• ,, V, ,i.
1 ffehatillatighisulaisaailimil 4.41).“110‘ elan*
1 imilttkiisibm Celiclikrinr— -: .!. x;,-- , . .
!ILlSOrnstoilavioelokikmebr .pinvei 'a( In&
*wan In tbetbarmit id-ToriadiriboWelei , at Um
tntattubr Lemberd *reek: cad 17, kali el Mama
lasintkr. imod log* sad irgst byirmateitC6l6 Ward,
awing' sbout &Met on raid !street and about Who*
!deep tz eolitainiag 400.« Pan geli a luil. awn it
;liisortutatrimailiiiiithetets• - ._,/ ~ _.-.,
ioA szatx
1 Wolk 'WOO liktilOontlon st dos illaktrAtc..l.;
, Wool Nik " Papa. :. - -.; :: .....-- a - .. . . • • ,
' r. Appals. k 4. vtioe fir 'mai or Ind
lusisitaidelsrailmabil ' boordled dr Illir *Mb br
brillemW totsieiti; out - bp , ilasimi Wei%
south by IdarthrizeterolidAmit• Willaui alliet
and John Elias ; coutstalog 73 aersiiimisoi km,
aboitt 60 aenwentrovettofiviftetrecoophow,frday¢
" liffn sad a few fruit treemipareoq: • " ,
' - ..,
logall awl NW k soseollos of Wow
toy linemsol
Azao— ail
iii ism
ol1" e is Apia by
Mae - WI re -
Am 011OlOwf Wee& *Mat imig
"Wilms 11101;slaoslif lows
top Q rz
_I Ilb IlMilos .tt. , }- 4- 01;:r.
. Jaen* • : 7sollos i k i t A
, Soirtslos oviva 'orliossyer
240. 1111
iii Jost
sw* iv
WA* ; . . illi a tjim .
411111111111 moss
11•1 1 01000.1. . .7
' o 4 NW nil if: a
vorma i r v c t , 4 1..4•
....... - • i....
i t :zsmeiir ip.
I...wit ttit........-...
Imam bormoslS Sbol of
r ill* illostbismos .:I to I, ! v f . '" '
[ fa a =g r oolioloos eassikos of Posiol
• solost 01.111. . ' loss aid
bloonWeeifsi.rfoli ia liike.
.. Al/10-11.• s=eil Sod
Staab is of . isonfot as tbe
meth setGat
OGG MIMS INS Pt.-or. 111 --- Foe"Greitek
boatets.G 22 het *Get ott aid Mod .tM IGt
dear famaittatibe IMO Guar' loot et Yd. seer ee
• -
. itoeilkiii Go Iva" at Pata
snip ortimet Glitem GA ill Map.
/1 1 0- 1 12 tal l o o oll,. gra
=oriceLial God
muse is mafmtliskt timp4 es' Go GIG
latotottli Wu& eilloGeelo of tram aofol.
eta e2je ///f4 1 4 1 = Pea Of M. B. GookoGe
team. sew kn. Gait! moo if .
GG1T12.224, Itoloop SWIG Imittereoliom
sal token esseatSo• at- Se. Hill at L.
fast rodrs Ir. isilk pig Vs Blosis•
- •
• ; f int ' ' thestlf.
soma 4ra/is Jane Ilk Mei Se he James tri •
Court of quirk!. thamioen, An, Bs &piranhas,
' • ' mainii rams-
Athena bore Ilenrylßr: &atom, iihneOn
Decker_ .•: likarioat iord Wage TAM ;
nsarrEie,.Loren ' • lb' Parley
R.Bildk ;1 1 8te, John Warta i• . Am
C. C. Bohnionn Moen Giesia6 aidhat than
WaltEt_litnAdip t ;Bambegur4
*ram . owns Ciont,
_•• MOW,
Thomas J. ; ILroyo.,,Linnionl Bodi
ne/4 /Syron Com; Koiranft ban?, Berry lam
; Tetanal/11AZ L. Bowman : ,Tu.
, - Wilmt=l V i a
Philo th. , , c halk& •
//saingtonilKlicnip, d, 0 6,71Fren.. - .
. - '''
ilA i Ll !i g fi 11611 *71 11 V. 1 4a 6 •,
/ . 1 Tribrili;ANZ l 1 1 1 4 1
Covert, /Ir.,'
ton : 43=ktr ;IW O)lft anilliet einggs.
tiaiiter__ , %Mr M i i!
field, Theism a Xerißl; Leßol &law Inn- .
don; Qtertani, Hen Wolin" •
4=lituP W.. nlfon ; Plks,
theta, I, _ tV.,
Wrince; some now, &nod Vaught ;
, Albert Dewey, Adam' Coom South
Creek, Mnh Craig, David Dunning ;AWihdeld,
Was W. Ch il d, A.maL‘min , ...
ft/ tinter Imniard ;-
Jacob A. LindertnanMV, Cane:
lolanda bard, James IL ard, WilßanalKeel
er, Mortimer Parma ,• Towanda Norik-Daniel .
Kennedy ; UhterMaviclHiggina . ; Witaolin
8. ()ilia •, Wyalawing, Harvey B. ineasa,-WM-t.,_
ham, William Babcock, Lewis &melt ; Wells,
Decker E. A ,
_• Wynn, Lucius , K. Whitney,
Joseph • Noses C. Allen ; Warren, John.
?UMW ants—arcola arm* •
_ Atlanta twp.,. William Westbrook ; Alborg
B. Spicer Boman; - Burlington tarp., Janata - W .
Wrialey; Burlington boro', William T. Mead;
Buclay„. Levi C. Howes, James B. Johnson
Canton boro', , Wm. W. Whitman ;'Canton twp.,
George J. Goff, Leonard Lewis • Columbia, S.
IL Furman, James B. McKean,
Gernert ;
jit,wa,Johnson Bogor; • Bitabl e;
Monroe lino', Jewett G. Honiet • , Pilm, WlDiam
Agnew, Jr. ; Boma twp Albert Richards, Sam?
C. Mann •, Bidgbay Lewis Palmer; South
Creek, John DeWitt,' Daniel •
Bathe ; Shinditiltone, - Itieltirlentr;
Smangffeld, Cooley: Towanda buoy, CUaficetil. James McCabe,' Charier
L. Tracy, Troy tarp., John Yeomans; Tuatara.
ri, Isaac B. Coburn ; lllster, James IL Tan
dyke; Wyso; M. 'ln ees -lifianca=
Abel, Perry Bowel k; Wells, C L:
/atom H. Brink; Wyalusipg, .O. Coleman.
rairateia avuoan-Lianut amy l
Athens:lwo', Giorgi H. V i V ra Z, theme
.twp., Patrick Flood • Asylum, ' e Decker,
Ulysses -Moamly ; Burlington 4wAe; en F.
Nichols; Canton hero' M. - -Ittiffey; Canton
twp., T. R. Watts; Columbia, Nathan W. Pot
ter ; Leßoy, Lewis Jenkins, Le r*.
Litchfield, WaL Cooper
,_ Moan* IOW" Henry
C. Tracy; Monroe tarp., Freesistriliwart; Beane
twit., Edwin W Taylor,. Thosatiarma=t
bury, Dan. A . Gißett, Daniel IL
fiprmgtleld, Wm. F. Brace, Wm. A. Bullock:
Arm. lkirt,-; Towanda bm.d, Henry W. Wells,
Wm. Mix, Ira B. Humphrei; Tadit North,
Wm. IL Foster,- David Bu t Tft Wat
-Inn Freeman ;,ratacarora, an. Mahoney, Bea-
Wen P. Browning ; ter B. Rockwell ;
Warren, Levi Imes Canter ; Wye.
Wang, Samuel H ; Windham, Hairy Ir.
Mooney, Anson Collins' Wysox, Lyman Morgan ; Wells, Andrew P. Bowman.
Hon. MUM B. OTBEETEIt. President audio
of the 11th Judicial Datart. consisting of the coun
ties of Bradford andjimmedisona. and Bona. Zscr
um Pump mid J VanDran. Amoebae lota*,
in and far said county of Whined, have famed their
bearing date the 10th ha of Anat. Bilk
no far holding a - court of Oyer sod ?alpi
ne', 042101111 Bealonst attire Pam Commas
Pleas and, Dept Qom,. st Tornado aw the maw
Vol Bradited, onXtailwr, the apt day of &pant
her nest, to contain two'welba.
Notice as therefore baste ghat to Om Cortetere.
and Amnon of the - Peas, of• tbs amity a
Bradhed, that they hi and thorn in their
at 10 o'ciodt that brea t a
Z 7Prr witriVt i r recade„
sod r •
indalwareess, to do thonellgoo whit* to their °flee
appertains to be dons I. and Mosears bound by rio
condms "reethenitse Impromeente opens! the
gr=who ars a may be friths 818 of mid corm
. shall be mow WOG said cowl
are to ha then and than to promarts agelost them
as shall be put. Jitters ars ramested WU wand
In their attendance, agreeably air to ante nonce.
.Dstad si Towanda, tee at Aull tbe
zerrof ear Lord, am loth
Monatad dot berated and
S ia & ln h e,
ai an n d e ya UM
ad. e
W rs l ea L d 0 m
l os
75he COW
: To Edna eintien,ato. fM Fe& tem.
Yam erebereby UM Ilers Center,
by bee
nest Weed John P. Ilicerres,, sees hestipplien
to the otiot of mama. plat d Dradilord constr.
for &vase from the book etmilissess. sedthe
acidecart his appointed. lianaw, feria et
lefre; focbeerber the said Yea hi the peenuisee,
which Ulna hod shot lot sea Wm" If Mak
ProPtia -
TA. To victor Thelpe.—lto. 2/111-Yeta . leak UM
Tpa aro hereby notlbed to Webby IL Phelps. your
erUe. by bar asztletead. Wellharlema r bea applied
to the wart of mouton pleat of . Mame misty.
Mr liiteoroe front Übe bade of . and the
mid court hma appolabod Yosheytha Mb alley&
1w?. lbe bearbag the NM Webby &la the $ l Olllll l Ol l 4
at which thus and place yea teme slaked ;Mink
pope:. - a
aug.9.-4t Aler
To Milk O. Wlthermit—Ro. 2110Veb. tem la- -
Q.—Ton are hereby notified that Ahura A.
'your Mix by bee next Mend A. barimp•-•
plied to the eouit'of (mum= pleas of Bred/bet eci..
for a divorce from the bonds at anfietenon7. land the
mid cowl haa appointed Waft; the 10 day the
&pt. 1869, Mr blazhig Ibe saNtiltmojr,..ta
Trendies: at which time and view Wand If
yon think proper.
A PPLIOATIOX , 124 Drvonox-=,
To leabeidk L thetee.-110. MAD. hem -
teee.-4ou see hereby noliael that Team TA
enter, =. wile. by bee' bast Mod Abe.
bee appfed to the meet of mama' Vise et Dab
teed Windy. fee a ahem teem Sebes& ot
=my,. Ethe l red court bee appall/04 Noeley, lbe
Stltdiy, et tor bootee Ye Olt Pewees G. -
babe yeemehmesoet "bleb a.. said eta at- -
teed you tbto hpeoper. -
Auprrows THE
matter of air Ate* elf& .I.i qf Boa&
ilad mmr r r iArg amalre fleassel Mee,
Thaundenigned. appointed by the Orphans' Cowl
ot mid county. M Moy term:lW as Ardhier.
tribute moneys tn• the heads et the aderdaitedeor.
nomael nen eating trout theist* at mal estMe.etll
attend to the duties ot liaiggeoldnimib eibta odes.
hi the borough at Torenda..oo Iridium&
1869. et 10 o'clock. a.-m.. " Web lase' ell
persons having dipiass'Asokil
to pfteKthe iihnes. or - be
einiallit *man OMR& a t•" .
July 24. IANA • R. A. PlICIL:4•44!•;:
W= I VELIMIAMM a Jrc I ke -
top., dement, see emplisled to WY larisibie pay
meatand en paw Imlay Agar aid IF
nat_b•p lires464:
444114 ! • c 7
. S ianiekt iCW
July 1,1. INA'" ; •
*AnSliss_4 On antiona Webbed
ton. MOM air 4011011LAIICOIL1111.10* oe Sonodo
banes. dnemed, on ennonsil tondo Inaunnto
ponosof. aad ponoosinnoi ebbs, whist NM
andonoot worn Unnilot oolliononfor wan:
1.5. IND. . ; 4nonfolnOrta.
A 13DITOR'S NOTICE.-Onatd /Yu-
XI. Mika. J. W. Dissiass. , No. ON berplember
term. LW. lo the Cloopil:Colowo Pio so et Ord-
Tie on Aslant* oppolololl tor eaN
°oat to distettotte MAI Mod WHIOW• rsl..r
4110588tait'i pommel pooportr, WI Mod to tied*
Sot of kis tinollotto t.t bl.sbstothebarowb
at Terneds. Go FIUDAY tbe » olsi WIXOM
WM BS 1 o'clock: p. *lmre BO porno. liaitna
!claims wins% saki tuna mtN plunk teem Of elim
Is alarm aebered tbetahces.
July 13, Ifa.-44.:
met eik N. oCeit‘iet art H. B. lye.. No.
Wity tem. LW Ii the Otterlet Celesea Flee.
at Brotterd comty. -
The ithketehtbett 616,62164 by mid
std Stetetbuteateaettalsibe boollsellbo Mow
troos aberre o h ieleilithia meow
veroltilet to Ike belled mild appciat
kie aka ,in flo o r mall Tome% ea
=SW the lOW bey k 3333 k, 33.
eke* p ft.. at letdAthoo Oboe woo bar.
tog chime to mid woo oho sequhei to prom* tie
nos at be debarred hob tootti r ma NM toed.
4nly I% 1869.-0.