News-froinitiliktixam.- her -4 taggit4 4 4 ,1 40;4 1 t, bal),T Fan an : j , . T . l ChiP 9 &,:ithsi uilTior~ad ~ Frano,e a *am ruacirkollq, . j tifent4i4l 11 44 1)61 ' 1 4/A reiriTF4 a litres! Of slo,9ofit • • -410 Londoh Tisiiersays•Nar4e.. 011igAtfawF ow? tIT is to give Ildrleznigfepoev! a recopt)ork *al* return flystatome. •.:: —A Clergyaustr hat' liebeiviid.sl6, "000 (or An apasiaatinlalibilt,sa illilWay;•• -i; elearie Aida 'irik6s bnt not so bird nail* oftetOis itlattholiceod; -3fartbu s'Qmeyard is Y Re s first-elars'ittonmer resort.' large force of kilkinese baxiers has engrigti to work upon a Georgia rail- . • • roa,b. —Hon. Horace Grielf ana Gen. I:•theri E. Loe ISTIO' in Alexandria; Vs.; last —Maidens. are wania in' Kansas rity where the "anxious and itmlesi" EOM —A:. intim! in 'Bo i tting,denn, Ear,- Isiul, tired a the baby; throw it ewer triwiptce IvJ fivt . . —.l"..lilne tulle, with eight flounces r lute tritraboati,is tho coy iliTangllrsacb. —Over - 4:50,000 have been 'sub forAttnew Gorman. Orr* Home 'in iientneky. • • —John 3forrissey is said tolikive hiakl , a hair: gallon .by lomat speadation N. xi Y(-1: Central. . - , , —The bwt, clerk in the• Internal nue attic° at Wsphington la s deaf mute. I!, r, r —lt id the .fasillion of the American ,ib,r• to call .ii3o t. S. gunboat %%milli/ton the • Wilw t , • _ Imudtiome blende at . Saratoga re t. eitity-on•-• new dress KU last reek, and 1.1111 1-110 has just begun. ' • —The 'Prussian Goreniment .„ pro;- I • , ,tes to lava anbmarbae cable between ,untry any] the Erni tad 134t0g. • ' ' —A hiuidied ellinwii6n. are going t o Mart • Unwary Lia - Chieago. They base The trionupuly of that busmen Jo Ban Frabciao. —The•street boys of Chicago have pay times. The num never interfere with them f. , r fear utinjiripg llu it elm , . —ln the r four months' ending Tune 20, t/ re were forty-one etearalerenJosiaos in the Coifed States. , —A Boston paper says that Mr. q . e is - ill be the-mipitent o; over $lO,OOO fr ,, ni the Peace Jelitlet Asaoeiitioo. • Livermore hits . put down r and says that she.tcl7/ Tote at the n. t election in (...hicagn-Lit* at try. —The English Consul at Savannah relwn-t, to his pprertitnput the mining impor. lance of thst city since the war. as's-centred —A heu of J'Cowport • has laid an 1 .• g whieh on ene ride hid an accurate dial of a c: ti. - .; metre tigaree being very plain !, Inim who threw the first • •:•• in th , . 1 Baltimore at the old i‘ir.::elin,ettf, Shah. if lieintrintafayette, eireamittartex —ln spite of the repute in which Enouasnderc held, an order has beim d in Sall trancisco from a prominent Lon. r. fur a ,:ct of table catiFy. --Loving wife, at Long Branch • Tlic torrid snrf makes me keep my month Sarcastic husband Take some home —Atli-nada'ajar, Mexico, Carlot .., rr , ,, a {girl of 16, is Clerk of the COllll and tan of the .City Council, and teaches —A smart man of Buffalo isorpn iziug dirorre excnrsigin to Cbi9go. Tickets will be said champ to any one desiring a divorce. —Miss Braddon, the novelist, is gr.olvdly recovering from the mental aliens tim mused 1.7 excessive brain work, but is >tretlj prohibited from writing. —Prohibition in)Boston means five hundred iiinicoB open uncre liquor is mokl,openly defiance of the statue, not only on wee k .hyo lmt on StlllthiCA. ---Griffin, the • engineer, whose an-les:regs etased the recent railroad collision t llaht Hope, bas been admitted to bail in the .1:, c,,4:i . tx) by Ytulge Sharstrood. . --Water place hotel-keepers are in to g,t poitle to Tilsit theta, it wo csn fronilik• rose-colored telegrams constant- Interjected into the papers. -The insulter pi which the French Entpr•-., talks r. nOlsh polities is said to take s ' , math away. Aimilar exploits of the Fretteh peophron French topics hare a similar ...fhtet her husband. --An exhibition in Hamilton,.on tarin. came to a sudden clone the other day. A 1; I tt.,ti foot male got out of its ago. He hap. 01it.,1 to be lively. .He imparted the faculty to 111 wl , o were in the vicinity.. • —Chicago has been under the weatlwr Fn long that tlieri)apets are glad to be atilt. to mate that "it hasen't rained Ibr quarter of nn hour: —Donn Pi:tlt halt had the dipthe rla. Ibe doccur put a booming dowin hid hr,.a r very half hour, he says, which gasp him n,-at inn of lxing hanged. . . —lO hope are now entertainedof the rvoovery of Bishop Dng . ,of Chicago. iti.tinttv I% so prono that the Rev. Father Ilethilktu is, to be appointed Meth*: trator of the tliwese. -1116 Nicobar islands ' recently :ow,..,:trd to Great Britain, am to be colonised with chineo a sittlicieut number hating agreod to etnigTate io the itztatids from the Straits set- —ln Sweden the railway guards are obliged to study -.rummy sad bandaging, in rdi r to be :ie to afford prtnisimual saawdantee in ens, et accidents ; s happy ides, which might b fulvabtagemaly adopted in this -country. . —The Austrian and Freneh'Stelm rp. "n the 'Mediterranean offer to tali° ion; t.,1 to the CEertmenical Council u ht,0.1:- as far as Chits Vecchia, whence they are t:, hr r, nt try railivay to Rome free of expense. --The ohl.tower on the church of 1.--ouficrt, atlttunati , r, nn which John of inirnerteliSeci — in Meyerheer's "Proph , 1,,," max exposed M, an iron cage, is to be do. in order to make room for repairing the vlatreh. --1 woman presented herself at the Internal Revenue Bureau tho other day with . reeeommendation claimed to have been re iN ed. front_ Abraham Lincoln in 'Ate spirit world, And demanded an appointment on the ~trengill of it. - • - —The untorinnatePrincess Char- I•lits is Arm stibjeCt only to intermittent attacks of madness and employ" her Incid ^momenta in , riling, letters and _part of a work on is v, Well there is said - to be a fair admit=' ilangptbac. end , . . . - . • —Ail. in ,4 etilops -trenebin invented nportaide freidiThntter churn, tole . used at the tible. It hilts !le of eta, trystaland mounted on silver tea. A rod revolves ejdekly in the cream, and presepte a pat of bat ter every them minute*. —A waitress in a fashionable &mi 1, the other dav, when giving warning to • hay, on the ground that her master was not • geuttcnian, that her previous emt e rr. Val a tn :zentleati, innatnueb as "be bad t kinds of t ire on his titbits and aw ore." • —•;its:. Julia 'Ward Hdwe (imago :.lty I ,n -fiches; it the Unitarian Church In New-, 1. r A Woman's Rights Convention ifto ht.hl in that city die 9Gth of this month. MN. .Nve, Misses Anthony, Dickenson, Logan, a ?HI ether advocates of the r dinSe, Ate to speak the ..ceasion. • • . --A California Chinaman baling' sL,nr ia by his mistress how Manske aped ,lAng ow.itaining three eggs, bat haviag Await her throw mu , bad egg array, continued for months after, whenever le made the padormg, to mac fur . eggs, regidarly tweaking • mid throwing one away as he had seen her • —The length of the r .Pacifia Bail r,,^d is ' , act' that a mortal:4 began in oide was retismiratolln a motive the tiro Irv - Ann Mullein/se end' of the route. —Town Can Ix:limit of ititinex school tnml than ariv other /Rotolo the Unklia.laiing the znagoitieentaiinount ad three million donut 2`.. • t hide for that pntione- ' - ' 7---norace!. 4 3treely-r-is inrpiroving in agricttltural know l i ellga .iodprodom. sbtur nips last yfitr. cr ag birp 004 one Adis: and twelve c-ents *Oh. ' • • - —Twenty- ve irii of f ft3!ff, 1 , 4 streetittri in 'the' fllthieit tionaißoii buff sonoi of them act bowing been stnitpt . ite I,•ral seam. , ,7 7, • •' • Punch does tv the , tour* of the ri -, :nch Cable in ~s' singli!;seise. • •st might from the Brest of thesbarn. q1 01 ;11". r.l in tho Broom) bf the puma." illmsfrated• daily .ii*PR is 09 tara•d In BEI Franc' • I =TOW R. 0. GOODRICH. Republican Bute' FOR GOVERNOR: 6II;66 / JOHN W., GEARY, Towanda, Thursibah a 1 1& 2i FOB JUDOS OF 131MONF. COURT: HENRY, W. WILLIAMS; •~`~r"% Asa lnela CAM . triztos ( *cipin4W_ itepobscri lady at itradfard County. to pe GLLlTo_jhbeasoi litarsiclig _ia caddy will rearm. .tie at the Coact Wadik. $ l l *aid!. ad MoNDAT aSkaaoaa. - AM= 4 10 . *A"; to *ea socabiattaa candidata' ba le • qapp Ida earatag dediaa. ' not tollowthy persons bthe bins Selected is Cowl pities it Vie:lnce !Or their respective thatch' AM Alreo" to an aveihthis ith the *tics at Mbytes*, the: tionventioth at. we Ass* pima of cauguiiii. between , the hoop of and Ithivsnat' The hinh day of Anoint. By order of the Union Republican Coma; Cthi tithe. • : • W; T. DAVDB. Torinds• - inkr 94 use. .• ._ • Vion.aSes Oinearrus : Area Dors.—C. 8. Wean, C.O. , beam& /Mom tsp.-8. D. Maim Warren s e. Co bin. ..birearneen Ilbernlea. San Barearan.Blmeon WlEJams. - 4/Aess twp.--11.. W. Thaw, LW. Patt, Y. Watley. PVJZoIi. rylamilAriseellopili.,lo4,wes. biro Zings, , ; thirelap.-1111as. Wain Ltivi Secriri fakl• =Thamas Bisairen. Riad W.• Hem Trod Marbled. . • " Thu./Upton bore.--pr. Everet : Long. John nuke MostiganirMint- Canke rene =t W.' OM% il.• Leia aiissibis.—Jobs IL Calkins;A r k:. w. COnself,'DmOti — ifeWee, *nu tioi; r. r. himbaa. amen. Vaist Orlin& *Z er. -I,ll.ltroviw. Xiitel inner, Cie( toicks. 4.t Asibm. /IA; Galigrold. Kelimq.ll*.iketwick„ (43.1arma. Lel iv a eicairout. Jar* Oerl. solorpe Imp.—aomMeSeok /aimm7.212111 Monroe boni.—Mariel apellerrA , )14eM. = Oa. Cialbuck.44l-1111ilbria. Ocotes,—Jao.lll2l2mn. Deal Hem*, 11. Mudd& .111.1*—Wisprob1411.)1.11:0•Walt loans Swaim . ! . /Luii=jr..l, $1 . 71 1? "tr 7.11 11 451 111 xes• ^Old Rene atop.—L.W.Towner.Joihnalle ti n Rome bore.--John Possatons, Tents.ll..Youghte SoßkSelL-oso. Poe AszChas. Posse* A. 'Phelps. Jr. DeJLIITIdes. Rat* AJM. Wm. Iflides. Sone ettiet.=l.llLYousg.D.P.llll3lagnriL Rpleamis lare..-;WlP.Afesses. PJfelsose.WLSeesten. brateleies.--O.D. Rinseep.Z. 8.120415 e. Usti SW Sted* Stemse---lolas Gordon. Was. RcetiSolt. Rich .sed Jennings. Yerrp.—Wm. HOeto4 aptak MidgeOlria. Taw. Ikeeassis hip.-4.11L Sesetwook 3.6.31b0e, /Miner. feseseds AreetA—Ress iltaßr. IL R. Ileralse. Dental Renady. Iheesiesbare.--TUILPede. 3.Mr etb. RlLltwiens. In" hep.—X. Lomas, R. Me, Zahesed ablbstless row boro.—N.lLltamerox L.. 1111" Clement P. ftwetwers.—D. Md. R. J.aapnrell. Staley. Ulder.—Jess Maths. R. B. WI A. 0. Moors: Warres.—Abesas Whitaker. Ronne Pendleton, Was. lere HMS eeletek=ahs • Segiandall. Andrew. Raßand. WpalesSee..-31artin Pee. Jibes Ctssashettie. Mtwara D. Sialked. Wpses.—lL Coolisogb. Gem Orsagei. Soma Clesobeelin. • . , t. laniard. Wade licsideP. J. a Brame& Wihte—Waddzetcw basitees. seeitkTuttio, Geom. Rorrow. • time Sr aseethag on SATURDAY. AUGUST 28th. between the holm of Sabi o'clock is, sp. THE "REPORTER" FOR 'ME CAMPAIGN. We will Send the &Torres from August 12 to October 15, 1869, for Twenty-five cents, or in clubs of five for Twenty cents each. I ii .4 l (i). The Republicans of the County will bear iii mind that the time of holding the nominating Convention was changed by last fall's Contention' from the first Monday of September to the /List Monday in August, and the time of electing delegates, of course, to the Saturday previona to the Conventicrh. Reference to the call of the County Convention, will show the dates, and also the names of the persons appoint ed as Vigilance Committees. This change was made in accordance With what seemed to be the universal de-' sire of the Repnblicans of the County, as the holding of Conventions on Monday evening of September Court, was attended with serious inconven ience, and when candidates for many offices were to be elected, did not, give time enough for careful consid eration. Itis to be hoped that this new arrangement will cure the evils some times complained of, by bringing to gether delegates.chosen specially-. fur, the purpose of attending the Con vention and selecting candidates . , and by allowing them ample time for their deliberiitiens. , . ' We urgenpon the , Bepuliicau3 of Bradford the importance of s la at; tendance at the primary meetings. We knOW that the delegate, mstem Inis its faults, bit we hare yet-to find a system, of mmxituilia4,i ctindidates that may not be abused hi corrupt and unscrupulous men We betere if the voters Will attend toile Matter, that, it isles good a plan as has yet been proposed. The "CraWford County es it is called, liar Made more trouble and caused more con tention and charges of Joni Play, where it_has been tried, than the old method f choosing delegates. If the people will attend the delegate meet ings, andselect good aud trusty men to rePresent't*ni, therewill belittle or no just cause of complaint. The election this fall is an unusually im portant one, and demands the atbm- Hon of the . Bepuhlican rotera. The Most desirable County offices are to be filled, and the selection of a pod ticket will materially aid in a large rote for tlev. GEM. We are pleased to know that the canvass so far has been conducted in a credita ble manner, and there is no reason to anticipate . any tickeriags which will create division in the ranks, or cold ness toward any part of the ticket nominated. • . ' 'We vronld have' the voters attend the primirytneetings*l in the inter- ; es" , th 4 that.au44oe, I ;nt , froln a desire to see the welfare of the Re pabliata' party advaneekand the' or fmniza— tion . 'pi ; oserVa . ''from' the schemes of iel.filihandintted men, if Fa/ &mid attempt to Ulle it for improper motives. In:selecting - "Mack ithilat • the 'Voters' have right" 'cheese men viho ieprei en t `a right .their views latillH ehnuid MA be elmaan inereigheemme they are pertivankdevoted "nattily to the livittrinihi of it paitkithir *di= 411 4 6 `; alicad above alt at liegi4 *40 4 ilitp‘hiimin-peirkeipLark ill& the :a*. fastrand rernif the pry. eti lfQ i#,gl4Wrll':i ,• 1:,;. :i,' iL tied v- by "i & W. ALTORD. - I VI dkri4. Attend the Delegate_ ;deletions :3 PACKER`/ ACCEPTANCE; e *)e on) y • k required' t'hilinee 'thit"Detti Itimxxii; it w i a not t ik: b q that Pseszawould 'decline ;the •hciiii inatkifk,"' So,' tlio-, - Po*ttecAlifivite =nomina • ~63a tuoveraoranip :of ~fieunarva-, 'repliea :in 4 letter of !wine He ear; that, he • Vitt 'been to iiaeie : t9 l ,'tiel Abe.nomiii4ioP: 'l4l thi;re - ! hie duty- toluicept the hen- efasinses. _Jrred uponi' 41tF Sets ertt, nTe,t7 064713171.11ii010 what IP; intends, to, do atioit,6 rows 'of *Orr or ttiOnt:o state.' ment differs , in effect:very, little' fro what fins been prombied by "Goveri- . ors who inve 'preendtkl ~iitii; and olio' have 'not thoroughly redeemed their_l undertakings. .Thus, Mr. • Puma, says that he is iin Allier Of the *tier vatioit Of the Stiite *Credit ';tlieredirc poll: Of the expenses of the state tiOT I , er4ment ; 4 1iberia. sYstqa ofilliPPaYr merits for: intercourse and trade ; the just. exectition of the !awl alcimtiOns use of the fund i otningpOwer the.prOL 'motion of general: education ; *qt . tion ! to the : interests ,ottlnbor ;."and lastly, •the the restoration of purity and 'character tO ottr;Governoient by the putting down or, preventing of special and -corrupt ,legislation,, and of all improper uses or Managements of the public funds." These 'suggestions are very p ro Per, wilt' be 4 1 0aullY al) proved. • They are the utterances of a candidate seeking -votes, 'and are only worthy of consideration: tui we consider how likely or unlikely they are to be carried , out... Tiken. for all they are. worth, ,they are pledge that if elected Governor be will en. deavor to make efficien t an Executive as the present inetun bent. We doubt. 'Whether the people will see the propriety or usefulness of placing an untried man in the place of a tried And faitlifil public servant, particularly When the candidate has nothing to commend him to ..public favor but his enormous !wealth, and has the discredit of being surrounded and influenced - by the most disloyal and corrupt men in the State. PACKER would be a good ernor - could he succeed at the polls, and earry out implicitly the promises he so fully makes. That he will do so, or would be able to do so, howev er willing and earnest he may be, few Will believe. Firstly, a Governer has but . little power, per sr: He cannot benefit the State solely' by his own prerogative, but' heiaast hOV'e the co l operation of the L4111014'11. • True, he may interpose the veto, and, stop exceptionable .' This Gov: Grum has done, to great credit; Mr. PACKINfeB surroundinga . eve ;tie promise that whatever might be his good 'desires, he would ?dewy be GOvernor. Nitirrally.. addable, and entirely inexperienced,s, he s woad be in the hands of the inoit.corrupt and dangerous ring that ever (*used any State. His friends in Bradford; are . hetter ispecireetii than the' : overage, from Which 'ailaY-be - jtigtA t) I P -4 1407 : . ity of the,meu'who would controllini, Could anything good come! from Iphi.; dile, the , Execiiti ve Department orthe State 'the hatids tit suet irien Apirrumq, tupaEs, RAND. 44., gun, LE; and others of that ilk? that: is really the question to be determined. 3 11 71 - 0111er the patriot and *Mier; sIEA*, }lan be defeated and repiidii ated, to give the men we have muned. the opportunity of. , Laing the. power and patronage of the treentive De partment:for their : own selfish and' eonupt Purposes:. . Tag PIIIIADELPIat 'Flin.—The tent of the loits by the tire in Phil adelphia, can seine measure be. appreciatedliy f ii feiv, moments reflec tion, and the - aid of figures, over the. quantity of whisky destroyed. The lowest estimate igaces the loss at over 24;000- bblis. Allowing the loss JO have been btitl4;o6o hhh!•; ! tiOt! 'F e ? dated to 6 111 94 1 K.( 42 to.° *6-1 04) . 7 3 , 1 1 make.l,ooB,ooo , gallons Reducing that to. Tunis, we have. 14,032,000;; more than one' quart° ` to every man, woman. and ch il d Pcn° B 3 lll :rnia• A gill of pure whisky 'willtangle ;the, limbs of almed any man,- and one: half gill hie proven too -much , for : more than one beginner. AlliAiing . on Ptrugh' gill : 43 th‘-, ciO,uilt7 ; one , intoxicate ,. ( and Tr• it takes a quart .for Some), .there was' enough sidshydestrived at Philadel— l+iti b Yl he fi re c ' n lr, . 1 4 4 4; j , to make li i *erOk - .71r; /4 1 / 3 0,0 0 T Ym-likeit4l 46 4 4 .fmtwillionitte.heat' dred andflfly-siir ,!thananidAioram' hip! or , enough' for 'the lobolo r triiitell Staf& tO'bitye',tyiprottlOrti,i44rlcyle nearly gi . V l 4 WschPt Are 040 vboOs4y."- t t.i:, To. the foregoing can - be" added nearly two ialliteteeVilellarti 404' of other iniveiti, &Ole; 'hiulcrpiii le-e - enTlght47 -thee 03ro 4 4:buy neerlyerery buildingth onei:sideat Market street:- odd •thee. 4 lie`; tiairt eethe ides of he teirthle °f,Prßeo7, .by{ tiMl?!loWkati**- gon i s-B o4 4 o l 7 wertthottwhtltil4el4 ,phie;,tot legt ,- Wgideekaayinight. t ;14 -4 1 antAinipreeiz4E44 n i l piivak, e on ; JOE, taitribrasaik 11 1 104' WI/ 0:6 tf•tt)i ' : 2:4; VIMIO POWIIIII. cense the (lambi i ad ituiladidicavg* because they : covered such matb . gaof specanl legidatieit as were 7, • ~* •••• - tae. Five ‘6iiiiii4egielt " t114:4 4 1.41 g ',the 0 0 1renkOr . to{ COI , O . Unite the 1 4eath' penalty. , IThis , IR ibnld has; given the ilrecutlie the Pti4*of "Wlig Ode AkP i lligeiiiiorel . ' 4 44,4 any iir.v,iikt4f:44 ill laini tinal dames .:. No ibillAbecaene a overithe?tetb: otrist4tiwer ei - • ', ititheiticiverigi luit i eniy &Ten ttliellortieq* , bikint , Ind ! ' pmtpt44 InindreOvi h,sitaar.charaeter fn) , being paisuid.'. o The resolution iti tlio ltigiitlaicitnritititlbrin 'endorsing 'thei Oct vel lic i i=fq r i glii killPgl4elM4l 9 Veeitil legislatic4 zwas ,bseekt these vetoes. Among other ;reasons, given :fornot apiroving a Ceitigli* ,phin,igli,,tluitkiejiwi l aQ* 44- Witi on oriiiimal4 MP niii o ii.tlut 8 414; ment was deskred) hadneveribecome; a law, and on enquiry the Legislature,' ettutd tiiislo be the ease: Anbtlict bi'l'l' witiVAIMA(P;IItIB6 by tbi insel-, tion of three words a igivate oOrPO4'. ation,litouldbare obtained the tower! to etitablieli an irameneepoliee tj , titestr over the 6 0 38 tPte. j "-inwar 6 'rel company had beepAFT:llie4 ilaluierl 'by the :.Legislature .46i do .businessi with a taillion of delbtricapitatlrlant bat fkrc : hnildred . 'dollar , : ' bad ' been 1 - Thfs'euit r Nft . ' te4.i PI in- 4. e . L e / e° ' Another bill was so carelessly drawn. as to be without meaning ; and still another (passed by the Legislature) proposed to authorize the company to "construct and,use such ;'works - anal improvements as might, be deemed necessary and expedient byrthein." This enormous grant was properly refOsea. This statement shows the carefelau-, pervision which Gov. GEMIT has czar- 'eised to prevent imprever - and tinemi-' stitritional legislation, and to Odra the rights and interests of the people. : He hue fearlessly and kali:l4ly inter posed the Teto•nhenerver andwherev er duty :demanded it, "regardless of deuttnCiatren from any (litetez." By so doing, he bas in wane instan ces, offended unscrupulous and inter ested parties, who were looking' to obtain by ' legislative enactments, sPecial privileges or immunities. No man •who everoccupied the Executive Chair, has been guided by more up right motives, nor more fearlessly dis charged his duty, than dov. GLARY. The people owe it to hint, and to themselves to sustain him; at the Polls, to show that they appreciate worth and integrity in a into& officer. THE Diristontcr..—The Republican party, bases its claim to taiblic. coati den& .oil accomplished and of:corded facts: A nation Fumed: That of its elf should be enough ; but when we add wise 41 44044 k administered individanl liberty in all:its aspects preserved.izthe national debtreduced forty-four tallow; since the list Of Blarcliounier President Gratirti - aid ministration--and when we add to this a reduction. of • our .own State Aebt - tti the extent of some iuillions imderrie tairuinistratio3n of governl or Giet9r, we have'sritexhibif oi publican rule, National, Awl stak which commands . public confidence to an extent untNegree that, rtoDemi• ocratic cart 'elnilte: ppoz!lFltat tlke PP:Inoc , F4Y - 13 , 0 10. What have ,thoydorte Oine or .sehli, that the people aIe:AM restore: them to power ? Notlrmfir. Absolutely no- tlnng idthe'land.Bu't they , pi v ,,n 7 1:144 43 *ith the rebels, as they till -T-431 thin-State .at 16814,--64heTe• to the doctrines from which sprang the of rebellion On "this .'groittni theimust rest if on:any. Beyond or._ cantle. from it theyhave, nothing' to offer brit promises, as idle and empty as the Wind. ' - • Tur Pooa noes CoranArr„,--The Beading Timex is vetilittinr,, Pack er's love (1) for the pour` man. The Times says that Mr. PaeVer' arnak*d ,acolossgfortimAypßi44:thc race of. the Nor- Xeani 4 1 041 e heiwY . 'contracts for beating .coal-to New Turk, and-got'S kind nt 3 ; of 0 16'1,4 4n4' 1 ;re sP‘ ri ‘d triri 4406?44icia1i g!, , fP= 04ktrttpki. red belled against him, and.resorted to a strike. :He 'Went to' ;Smith i , .Ettit.on, lthefe the bOatinen lat 4 giegated; tb coMPel them to :Contnine in Ida service ; "but so violent was theifeel-, ing against him that he win seized by the . tnen, and thrown into the Lehigh,- And would haie f !heen l dimuied hfit for a ' tirpely rescue , - go" : WerA.thel , men ; :sgsinst ,Paeker, that they drew theL Man , Mut sweat life fronitliw_groundWittltoike.s I n . 11 F 1 fF'rf r i l n gA . !" . #,4!t .not. etT7.*t!k :finatrsperit,a4osvemaikvtiviot in lie is4~olingD~noeratiarotnoivmitlttii.R mr: • ~3.1 i n his address t" : 44 e4 . 3 44 e Deg1 . _ 90 4) is Convention exprosiied iftiametterac ition at the slowness with viiiichLthe `national debt iie beipg the Republican adzilinistxiitiiiohEr o;be tyiegethitty,exid flutragainuer ;rime the 4thiailtikrth list ie pretty:- tepid _ _ _An'ii*Tiekeheik'doeelm , Milli tie: jAn dieldfldc ly, expresses the opinion 9Ust f ina the reefeiatigikez,V.3Pe*TfMr_ ek. huedreti,th.LeVdel*P. .of Roe , debAlhoixdd bar bekuilseeelletli I t a rrl tt *P eCi f Pt t lk l ki r . 4 t#0, 1 ::: ' 0 1 111 1 iVitkii 7.;,pfival ;:Tp : ! Q1 tlnaimial p le :dleplayhig itaalt We, 'lpatActog to' the country. - It i=matralL'%ll3:2 National boob are sought 'liter with eVa ;ett lowest, iiiikneigothitiats` am Wilda mediae& Vet: ;, tr. 311oture6s, , hits i " prepesitioodreeteinalizertotous oil; ' ii Ant PM' Pel*i Sii is riot Aitithlitigettuit osplaisi. 4 the_ tiod, -and ode 'at' Lk, to . 99 11 PP. 9 4 RINF9 9 I; . 9941; kr, IhOligkeAkt i t ! 3 ,., acts.!l9 f 9,10 11 ,t 9 ) 9' 0. 13 tft A504 .1 40#7.4 14 per, 044, , TN? i WR *Ow ; - .A . 90 urea - In. the-amen' Outlawed" tort 'es. :I';'S • tie 4414 111 . 44 id4h ' ,?!4 sWig tbit i "ticineSOli theiestlfotle '1 !ftei t i ftoini`jrit'iiri? 11116,74* _iit' the tienu4, • Ow* Into power ; :irttli'thelti threitiVg pppi distioNiuf course el:Washita; luesttl'ati.OS rid. no tor.urrodoetion arluteresi iAtarre • 04 lassr-P Path ,iraidtbi;fits irliestx 441ri1ltkin >rtagertihei P9K lll 4oll4tifirl. l 9?fintbo. 4/015444 grcnring obseslo4lhlla. lumNycrypirpila9q4 441189° comb it4nie mf trirage tenni. The people 4itro *sea tuseforeougrattklatton that the, elm • ap tannptiini et the hist:elect* ; loa ;the eortBitton iheidantry ot*.s , hairy ES= . - cotamputav :speaking as igrowth re this vismatzt:rnandthe Outbid =primal:, ?tiAblibuoligiat.twojears henouthoreprgpmatm 'On 41001/Mif dike , nodiresH .4 6 1401 3 ° l ut! §tAtrit: 1 0 0# av 9 u nO t Tg r4ll° ' ,liaiaillls l 34 AI? . bgi 404Y1 ) . 0:1 4 sMS,dci, htkelitiort!to, repreaeotatien i in jam • Taio4 up o n Cur' MapiOsed!Piesitat 'pe:pniaNqn; is Coripirda last' ratio, ' ?ront tli It iPpears that* nintaber' of ' t4o6l6ltidiiii la continued tIM - mini as 'note; iheAttintic 4iiistin wilt intro - 107 members, *cites& of thti ;120 We now hive, Stid'ilte Western and Pedalo States will here 198 Congressmen,.:laultiad. of .115,f whirls thiT:bew , hate; making a =Maar * O l 4,4:0 ieFliou to another of 24 members, aril dettited majority for, the „West: se 413 i. tine change—the estimate made upon thehaais A#0,000,000 ea the POpulatiori of the Uoited 2tatee, inch:Ong ; Alabama and the ,Pacilla will together . haie a majority of 16, trieinbeiar vier the entire Atlantic State& The New Engliald 146144' mcml4 hare-20 members j hibalither Atlantic BtatoCB7 ; in all 107. The flotithern States, bordering on the 'Gulf land river, 35; the Northwestern and Pacific States '9O-; a total of 126. - The next comma OM not may tar from 83,000,000—it may reach 4/3 1 000,.: 300—, Whether it is, either, or mom or !mote rimy rest satisfied that the West ~ lta7l have,a majoritY of merntoers in the liationil notion of Iteineseniativei in 1872, and' she is lilcelyj to - Maintain that majority Air an indefinite number 'Of years: Ikmumwafie'nemmimpers all over the State are laboring to convince the people of Tonneytrunisithatif their:perty had the manage. moot of stairs our ;State debt would Men be wiped out. It should not be ihrgoten that tide .same Democratic. party contracted r. debt.of Orerliffs lad/ions ?idol/ars while they tad put ted of the State 6s:eminent not a dollar of which wak paid until the Republican party came ;into power, Since which time nearly onelalf of it hie lbeei Canceled. Other stateswherebomo , crate - luso managed to got s majority, show the same result. The Democrats of Ohio him a majority in the Legislature of that State. The members are elected for two years. AD the officers of the Legislature are Democrats', The Chief Clerk of the Senate . drew pay at the rata of Are *dais Per day, and hie bill for two year, bas bud been paid by, the State . Treasurer.: One would iniplieSothist sivittindit4 diykwonld be itixsitial the time he could get in within the. tWe'years, but he "beat this all hello*" amid vetually charged and riesiced pay for 845 dads' work peltbrined by himself. This is 115 days rums) than -onlinary mortals find in two yew* even- including Sabbaths. That is iplendli thundering, but the Clerk of the Ohio House of Representatives beats the Senate Clerk easily, for he performed the ,renurkable , feat, of doing 560 dap/ work and getting the. pay for it all to one with thdie evidences of Demo cratic dnanclering before him, who will may that that party should bo entrusted with the finan cial management of the country ? ; Mho Erie Dispftich fr!ays on S141114:111 ' y last n 00,000,000 mortgage-J(Bs entered, in the Bow, rder's,pillee, in that eity. It represtoits tho hugest suni recorded these: The mortgage iS that of iiiikilotphisi triSzahr*, kfOrAiaqd - 3Ofioihs;sfi, of and ii object ' if I'4 o raising of toirribrihs purpose of braiding:a double traeh' tri' Erie` to The s'aerprotitt forms a complete book of about the size id! Witelieths Miss; and is* speoinien of ',hiding. And perunanabip. The weitinigii Is regular Ii eoppirpistetuid plairy as.skrprint, and the hentbsi aml4lAarrie Portion:, of. the other mat tor is hi the! old:Erighshlletter, in sliders* cot-, 'ol'4l iiPtafißf • fac , 'fizOlf‘ of, :ati the Undo; lndeigonAsnidi, and all other psiers kiiiiiitngto thiSh4nense - finsheial transaction. r• • Vrank the,ttvirwed and neniticati‘rObet : syttipsthities. during' the War, was the author of the !resolutions of the llore: inaticitrwhich nominated •Judge Packer. , Wrn. .6; Wellemotoottewgronadushindizationfiento, was the eldellengineer inside the Convention; 414srUfanitichltdlep, the.ruleF,Ofßourth Want of Philadelphia, which easo givc„riaore Demu erotic 'rifles than it has `inhabitants, was the chairManUtthe Committee on Organization; and Brici Porti4ny, of the lei trUieseTfewics4.(o, the culogiat of John Wli.tes Booth, was 'the ontdde *engineer - fed- Picker; and the only .pester tithe-Meeting held to rattly his nomi nation. tstriots-and sohliers, and honest and decent men, such as aro the kwdesa wholave furnished you with a candidate, and Wide you to loin shone in soctuing the election.l . • i • ? -- .Pe BcP4.4kuk Utllte Contrekallmlititee inc on the OW utt., .at, Hon, Join Cavede, Chairman, presiding. An myn: it* large nuinber 'of Members ercro prcleent and the utmost harmony prevailed. • Thegent" of v witti; iirktiti"htit it WIT lot' lithe thiqtiina Cattiee; In sui irtrivier Say • kits 'the = renreleintatives •Binai the dliteiontaxmittiCii elithendastiessed their confidence in victory in October. ' Quay; Eng, (Moe •the lkater , Radical and Geo. W. Banunelep who lesseirerndin'thestuile eirocity, for lIMIen4 eleakli Bogota rirs,of the Ccumulttee,euid Gen. 4. ff. Bingham, Treasurer, itt•place of AI. Ken?* who dip, dined to some. , Tut; ipiwAi.n SAfidvnai . The liew— 'Toil l ittirgld is st:hust sati n ea with _ _ ~ .. . ~. „ , tOo.fittaneiel condition of the eoluitrx. SwOowdizig ibvdioposition to growl 'at OriarlitNt it ads '' '' Y . : ''' ,`:Niniatlia'a ; gir clir44 6 .iy Pi 4., ' l *.l,oi'ofr:little' i ili - orp :4), . we hitTo r pOt: Plfveid :4 1 144fed 111 MiOtRi, 'Of iiiiradolfulifilit.e•beaft l iiiishit i lhini, 'lii*frOxistati,',PaYilig: Via, regtacif 1 004 4eOfFoltipf the GoveionieOf; ter a i li tint t iat 4tiaailliaaiZ r 4=, te l i '' ' fur ' ' th l re 144 ' neiyilreie ik' The tieloi: ophypi less__ Air°, ~?I,:te_ httudiiii I :',:i4 4f dollayiohtetao44: :Y_Vac a itaali U n lai aliai t l 4#ot; it ;.* R`6 4be .., eiie.4,4,, !ic,,yttte., Mid Wliitt Aie'`i%* 46 ii o ii,r;?: Vint Mr: te44911 is .04 .:wrifill:;t' . 4.q. i r, 50giii,, 4 0,,„,,. t,,,, ..:., ,„,,,,,,, . ~,,,, ,nc,,: ~.5t, , ,,- ,y, n . ;- 'AI.P I • . --- ,' a, -- ' ' Ctiiitetip .. driwotboK iyi s q i putong,t,he fft ark 7 tiu,,qo, niAss * - ,-*Ors9. r. A 13 11 1047%, l it lt a Of 41104 r i -- ' - kfia stxtibt • ODS in . ,,i, *arm., yh0,,404 0 4114 a Yikifiii!tf7o . o:'. INTLI : qc , ~ La* 11.-4 CM Sumo= PitospEcts,—Mote. , than Out BOutkkor# paper. doclaieit thitthe mopeds shied s aro • bright des ; the South; awl Abet WI ere:stgoodAsles fer off. The New priesho Pie qv 4e, 114 Ult soutliewiajits tone, is growing ;jubilant, oodia.44,64itorial ear_ "it jo now bogie/Root thalami& cif Ahreo wed* tha Arstlodoof oCitkot revoiregto4 thigßort, awl from All.o*noto tt*Airoooto wilbstead, •iXorolooktroo4 Allot k u k aUx No. Agaegyhint *Weft lab* &MP Jim yet ocoorn4 from the row" of thhkow_ my of the mowy kiwi 144 qvirlhAve • cmileito ipd3ge the. bola) • amtl Ado ‘YOar4t4rtil not ouroottwifonttlial*W Vim and Ai* PAL' • COVigilere pokiniee otePle yiettliiimosk (COW iPilOntoro lumps loomed, itodraitilby, Oat Lard butithoPmghleacht;„ 0z..1 , POrioFA ihOvo pliOted , Thore /Am at ,a4Alengt. !beside 10144g 0t finthegu .. i ; e Viuirey kpluslitg *444(ll47l44nflanWiditt tom, .Pith 2 •• L O PlTPfk l efik*AMl Au, Iwo liriky,44: in .*:,poniervingda efl4r in liga l tiko.lfnw,nmsblia !, , Lt • : I A `th. 71 . 01 indianikhilko.- T AUt , O Pi9. 1 . 111 ~044 , o n - s f tov., ME t to the is T ordr, so ,1 4 , Bebiliksr 6qt:by:Speared -the -intilarrCef their friends. This policy has been oppOied by the Brous . on the grow "thereto. et Dea rrtiettrAW ll l*** threat e!werred,exert th.: *fifffieelearaelgar mite the rebebrwith own body, outgo ondrol a-hodr. P e d6eoth l otrulilld'!i.o? t/ • rrwilksexeß,Neso can. but'llhisMr attobeedWin"aseil4 ing Demoodie . sidk lit 1.8871k0vh4. Voiktll=4lll7itit s 2o so h* n 1 'Kn i t 44,iilliartimtotra; kinsa*s Wiajotßy 51,938. In the last Legislatar . the Deraociatallida.:ziw , to tln. The oji ogo .i ck6w. , iiiiitep4imasto two bentointai The .retnrns are nems*OVTlTt ! i2 , 6 ; the ,gere.Xft *4,4_ .. .0 6 . 1 444444- *4 o tikte% The commove* lima. reportesVike : ely tolaverilicrl4nolature. '" telt, tuff* rum Er • ,•• 4 •>. • •• Wriffli•AOSTi - *VW Tier $0914.1.1r 1 4 k ."47 d It id4 de. .53 , 11n506 • A oti r t 7: 6 '4e street in elartjapqednesday evening * nod was at extinguish- _ Fourdives were 'IA' rrT64 - 6, 1 4131ty dentnled2lv - Theitosa ik'estnunted at ss,ooo, ``We give *IOW • 't4 , 'n.'`of the llrelaken.tiam the.Prese. ‘ 1 :-Iresterdli into — ruing-we:paid 'a visit .to•the.seene of thadestructivn-eonta gration; taking Doek street-Ns ec shOrt enLi. At the take& !warehonse we were foreiWtemindedkd the' 4ruth nit the mum; 4 .!that: riff Wind that blows • aohciol* goOd, An old hammer biaslymg upon his *fide in thedOorwararthe warehouse with thitteyeatctrhed'npwards,n4oing "bnl4 ly fire !'?• ‘!bully.ber• aidasevinalAwAtles fall of the ardent, etjdf . ndly dipped out of the guttere: a • • • 1. • " "yrniclatent, or,ltix rire • Marlduil:lllackbuin iietermiued to nialus,a'speedy,extuninateonsof the bOdere and nittabbiery connected with the Paitet.'aen'storee.., reeonnoi tired tlnkpaveinent along Lomb ar d 'street, anittlien,the entrance to: the 'boiler roorne. It ; was 'a .difficult and ext~y dangerous experiment to descend to the places sought, and W. 'L. Foreman an& Mr; Alen, Of, the IVei6uioe - Engine Cori' y, volun .teciret.i - to accompauY the Marshal. The party tunny descended . ,to, the archways covering the engine room and boilers, ascertaining that the boil, sir 'and 'inacbbiery ocenpied- space not oiily beneath the parement, but i also the street: , The arehes surround ing these -faults Were • of a substantial character of masonry .- The .botTere were miched 'and diseivrei•ed to be in the exackcondition as left by the ,en = ter, thete g 47 banked precise.. ' ' for the night. of the maclunas - perfect in aria." detail. Th e e Marshal Nis "eicertaitied that a large number , of barihi of liquor 'were stored in this bidding. The bungs were left' out, and acertain diem of teat"was gen erated thiongbliCrooms, This MIS done for .thB pupotie 'impitiiing (us it k termed) flieliqUotior rather to;tilitaiti - tib - same:" restilte:as that - "Itis : posed r ioeßtie . .*eight:Of the stoch in tlko store eatiked,tbe building te'lettle it 'throli'onfitteigrible end, On Lien, bard idreit.;Theliquid egiCapini hinp . t'hei.l4 tritivl Ati way tolliefireir eiat the store, end the fhiinee*- ''..: ded iipwa T 4. - It is , sai that it pe- . tioc,woula lie, 00-' • ettiiitioned u by ,tl4 Wigs of the honors :caning' in canted -Ai* a beefe d . at , 'um here tlifillames reached Oc cuved wlii . P*Eitl* el4fre' etPlettie if! ' e ;e 6 tk. g * •* • ' the steak lathe shores tkrsie,itoirVied S now esfUnat -0,414%100,000. 'lnsnranCe on stock 1 7,611,306. - (L . ,..0 Ar 4 91 1. •1 117 . 114 . 1 21168 , • .. • ±.„ We AD 4101 i ittum the table Cakrnel Rattitosaaphmanpotrhisstore& They coat aboutitalla bonne a t a tine Why mateliftle.sintilabor were theap. 41.tekdiliiegit inqtary-we•ern , unable 4P,fitlt4l7 tnoiel,thati -an :insurance of 40$1,00$,4ndlr; divided between the Xbui4 ip nand and Green Tres. We . are attha L epinion that therein. more: "an thin.taitikinbad enough for • a 41614,ki Iguiliktout without :being ixtrtitimuyeenastilynaft9ttlist • insn. 11 11 00: 5 %,,, :I.'. • ,• • •: ,to a~ uJxttK' l'eaPElrtir "I "tetiniili*titthe'sontiteitße aetand'Frciat Loiebaill ritreela, otenpied isirtiro in the lietra land Ore 4 Trig trals4, eatilthiteeat'' 'Ate Wading* Nortielkalreet' and"Deta enom4bicbi toblilre Any - • lig the Pripkliii"itad 'United .'!:-:"Itivasi,jointfle4 by it • • atenark., Be4ainin Harley, grocer, and Bich erdix* k Laic:titer, prdrialoirdealera ina .' wiKkezir chled I ron 4 ale, 1144* ired. • il i ve V; 1 1 6111 " -i lek• danYigia tl~e, Cot :tag '• . inltt ; t•• (3egapiaitilbfti raintber'af i eth, er bouspa ,bcr c4 " 16 1"14 4 4tr . ' 1 WF#47* Atifittiorie otimklice 4 0,*Aeli f . _44Ay m t&thg piiiate'thK ftter, %le Dirtrti &timed, laidietilchwyk 101 at, thiq time is • - FT i lilliaiiin* the mar thellimP QM.' 4 S ° 4ll,tdiithinnAhti:nst . #64 liierigniiti i°l4 * 7 *-;,iy,44; 1 04 , #( 9, 1 : 1 4 M01MP1 . : 0 ,051A 14 /4 1 0. AC,NOWirs, 101144 goiornor, , at Ms nithisina* imaelvehine Wain ()Mitt Tiptili.i . lie;la ft stkoii-Aiiiiiiik t iiiiii*iirtli#, k. Ildsieoi 3 e:!i —ThO Miners' . estimates thit year will be by ...maker' fully six tons over last year; -nv only 83 788; ,rly of bat year. Jae' fignres . that Postpone laying `-nonth or so,there tees and they will sunecidators who have undertaken to maintain the ex- "WrtM*76lB) I — E — We naficelliaT in fintruitsis pro pi I It, lit v a Of *elating piCtlie coal monopolists, to the coluitry to foreign coal, and it is not sit .. ""• • ;that Congress may be kI r g - dijaidee • t 7.1t-le certain thioermatenarbNiee of ex.- bid to Yreterkiliinti oriolio7sOrcOn. , 'the part of ther.public., 14 , 33•41*, 1868, Jiiheorr, - (onee 7 4effluiresemigri,, isOgry, thenistioned4fikitial $2,50,129 0 2 - 71 9*.JW/4 06 ( 4 - Amest ' 18 4 9 : • Agave mordurbipublican govkate ment.:thb Altires stand, 42.481;56 6 , qiirdedwgziat 0ft5.102,796? - 11ciar-- ) 14 AX1C , P 00 ,4 thnt bvm 'rag Whif -- 04;tiaeavi imitu•Wt #.440".46WP00 1 4. 1 4 0 1 1 11edr V*" Ti• -t pportnnity for Rfpx•erektr , • • tile-make -a,- little_Olitt«ll "athotit tibid - ficeet i ii • - I !the fight:in Xoppri;ta4iii tor GMT• tif/A4 .1 4 0 0 /6 0 ne Y. at t 47: 4 ' 4 F4 4 1 V 3 -1 11 0' 1 49 1 :TY, audCP.A 4 T wolhe glory and the inixidetreet."l • ' , o s H )1 'II H e ll H. B'll'l3 R8881313_ We are in daily receipt bY'EWFes*. and }reight•tof all' the. latest . styles and most iiiakes of 800T6 4 .: 4NJJ .8179415.' . . H H 4g-4 -.l:t H B. .B 'B. B B' 13 We. are cnnntantly ma/mind/wing =BOOTS AIM .SHOES, :Especially adapted to the wants of the Bradford County trade. , H It „ H H . H tu: BB ILy B BB BB Our stock of TRUNKS, TIMVELLING Is the largest in Towanda, and are offered at lowest talks.= • 'H H H if 'Et •B .B. B B. B. B B • We have on hand the most paten: sive assortment of " • • - 16.1114TE54 AiSl3- SADDLERY EN;er offered in the Connty,•and are prepared to order anything:iv this • . - H 8888 - B B B B Thanking our friends for the very intrli.oria& _given ns in thepast, It• • _their _attention to Our as .rbnerit of gcsxls• in each depart= meat, -assuring them that we 'have never before been able to offer great= er inducements than at the, present. .fl ft 11. •IT a. •Et CI ' Towanda, June • PILADELPIELI fi ERIE RAIL BOAti.-SITJLWER TL TABLE, • . 4NP Tuasturtpta, witt,u.umsrord,... t ecd r - "I nue 08th OIL BZfl of rxessn! , ras.u..7 ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS on an Xight Trdins. TOD and atterllOND.d; Juir 366), ism. the triiiis on aterbiliidette&it Edei n.u.eo a will roe lie tol• lows : wyerwAnD: MAIL T*anvlraves arr. at Erie Env. Errates leaves Philadelphia.. • Malanisport 'I3!2AIP.m; "ht atlttio 100 A.V. Er-ituu Wm —.8:00 Williamsport ; .6:30 r.x. - '4 arr.'at, torirltaven" ' • • 7•451,.m. Mau : 71107,1±271 trio arr. at Philadelphia gat a.:x. Eaut Parma leaves ___ .re 6.25 .• . • • .Willimvort ' • ' 7 . 50 a.m. arr. at Philadelphia 4.19 icte.• ACCOMODAI7O4 1101 , 1111.401/11111M0.... .. : .. 12:20 r.g. WlLLisatspaFt 1.45 P.*. *a and Thpiess eecuteetwlth Oil.llretiCaltd. etetiy River ltallitiiilL • PleggeteCleekerThroalth. 4.5213. p L. MEL . !relent. tili12,11!0 wANTE D.4TIVIDITY , MitPaimiza tri thertniatida Tinning CO., at Greenwood, Bradicati Co.. Pa, WOW ' , raga win be paid &Moir the peaftg wootn.; Y B. GOIFE. . oremook imp st; lINFLO.7 A iTcrintt TOBACCOS. THAT xi. as tie iiiat,th qua* or prim. la 3107 30. c. S rATCIII3. InalorMi TOMTOES, dritiA.ol,f es. DOM Ferdte. ket4 thsieeile out vela - 4 4 1 11 , ' • •• ; • MOAB' le 11111:1. intun,.TAnk THE rain 0214 • retta. • • CONCIMILitED 'I,II , "';tAND 0141,1‘ Wig Zlft}i-Git(MdlM AN -* enT • 1 .. • (i . e ". .1' ), , ikarttiM3MVlC.o4itiOlikt -t•hme.. • C. , a,PATCIPEL T agielm6 - r Wk. . • • •- GOPMETkii' SIUGAB, , ASH, Ntri; r; 7 ....--ptemmt*un. ME=M MEM RETICULES and .VAiIBE,S, lIIIMPHREr BROTHERS ==2=6l=em NM NEW 1311GiNG -GOODS JUST azernrED AZ TANTLO# ,63r, CO A largo itoek of DMSEc ‘10()ilS, .64,(:)A85 . ar:(I.AHAAVL‘:Y CLOTHS. and .CAESpriIiTES, HOSIERY, -GLOVES, AND ICOTIO DOMESTICS, SHEETINGS, MUSLIN'S, OM COTTON YARN, A'~ID `I3ATI'S: LADIES', 3iLSSEW . , . CAPS' CARPETS; OIL CLOTHS, ALSO, THE CELFRRATED stg - 13. :-3. K. G.llll Our Spring Stock is non• complet in every Department, anti our Gonik have not been selected with a view tc, secure large profits; but to pleas( ;uvl benefit our enstoliaeys. ice hake mcc,eetled in thi{a, and jnyifi all to call and verify our atatcaleut Towanda, April I,r-1869 j OO-HEI!E! L c 0 WELL& MYER At the old dam! of BRAIIIIALL S Comrai..., receiving a lie and well aclechAl otock I= Which they offer to cash buyei-1. , at Kit-- :S r, .1 competition. . . Cash paid for all 'kinds Farmers* Prodm•e. April 21, 11Wd—tL Real Estate fox' Sale FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE.- -A_ The undersigned offers fur male or eiehan., Mia Property, situate center of Bridge and Ninth st. consisting of a Dwelling House. and 2 , , acres of lan with a large variety of fruit, snrli as grap,F, p. es. apples. plums. cherries, and a numb. r trees. For particulars-enquire of .0. L. Nl.oir MEMMESIII Towincia,duly 1. 180—tf. r A VALUABLE DAIRY FAll3i Al. TOW &M.—The subscribers offer for sale tbrir fine Dairy Farm, situated two miles east of Gm. r.- wood. McHenry Co., Illinois. Said, farm contun , three hundred and twenty acres choi6e land. ed as follows : 160 acres choice timbered. lon a, r. - 'meadow. and 60 acres under the plow. (tool do : 1111 g-house and outbuildings: large cattle barn , and good horse-barn. The finest Using sprier. in the country, running through a commodiells spruet:. house.. la capable of keeping 75 cows, and is 13, miles trim Abbott's Cheese Factory. Terms half cash, balance in easy payments et S per cent_ In .terest. References-11. M. Oeronld. It.';. ltcllur3 Greenwood, McHenry Co.. 113., or F. S. Ayer, 51..141.. 10221 R SALE.-Di ON ROE 80110 n .M ue house and lot -militate on lfeehanie en .1 'adjoining the Barclay railroad depot. Also one 1. t of land containing two and one:half acre x by tit, s:de of the Firillitan and Erie railroad, adjoining the tie-,ot and only one non of lots between the land and ]lan Street. If not sold by November 'lot it will be for rent. For terms enquire of James Elliott. Towanda. , or . Win: Lewis, on the premiaes. -3 ,I Idonrotc-Itily 15, 1569.-41 c.. ARA! FOR SALE IN CANTON. F -The subscriber offers for sale his farm in Can ton, containing about eighty•six acres, sonic oeveni) improved. ' The Improvements arc one dwelling house, one barn, one milk-house, one saw-mill good running order, with 12-horse portable engin caPable of running mill •, it can also be run by wat, &portion of the year. Connected with the, Sanle, al' the necessary machinery formanufacturing Neap. hubs, in good order. There is also a thrifty young -apple orchard on the premises: and other fruit tree,. around the house. The farm is located about to 'miles from Canton village. andwithin one hundred rods of the Williamsport k Elmira MIL For term't. all on C. Stockwell, at Canton, or the subscriber on the premises. • ' AM:IAM. • 7TBER. May 9, 1R69 ABARGAIN.—A FLNE BUILD-. in g lot on Third Street, near the Catholic Chnrel.. Aft* feet front. bounded tn the-rear by an 01, 1% rill be sold at a bargain by Immediate applicat , on tnlllrn ectz k MORROW, Attorneyeet-Law. Towanda., July 15. 180. ' 10:4S p.m _0.13 A.H. .9:30 /P.M 11:50 A.m T . .00K, AT IT !-131 ACRES EX cellent tanning land—coroillerable timber—it Tuscarora township. ls miles froze Campherm Price $lB per acre. For particular., " E. B. BARNS, July 15, 1869. Tunkhannock,•Wyomidiffe., Pa _11:15 .a. 31. .1240 Aix. WE,THE SUBSCRIBERS,II A V 1.1 this day entered into a limited Partnership, .agreeably to tbeons of the Set of Aseenibly 4 the emmmwdalth of provisi Pennsylvania: pawed the Illst day of March. 18313, entitled "an Act relative ig Lim ited Partroarships," and do hereby certify that Warne of the firm under which aid partnerebip is to be conducted is COOPER BROTHERS : that the gvn• • aril nature of the burgess to be truneseted iv the ______fora of ale and-other malt liquors, and vend tag sanie. and the same will bo transacted in the Bordner of Towanda, - Bradford • ceinnty: ; that thitnameit of the general . re of Sabi firm ar , Richard F. Cooper and Wtlßam S. Cooper, both the borough of TortandA'aforesaid. and the =is D: Archie Pell, of the City of New York. New York ; that the capital contribnted by ihn said D.: Archie Pe% special partner. is eigt tom tired dollars in cash for one-tenth interest h In "IN! • business ; that the period at which the said partner , chip is to commence is the first day of April, eue thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, and test it will terminate on the Bret day of April, one th , n-mls . l nine hundred and nineteen. • • Towanda, April 1, 11363.—C 44E'N'I'S NTIID--FOR PROF. Mamoru.' Laws of Dusizie/w, with full dire farms for all Transactions in every Stab% riltiornrtro Panso:vs. L.L.D.. Professor of Law in liateiard University. A tarty wog son vvr.uvis.ra Erplainingsvery kind of Contract and Legal Obhg. Hon, and showing' bow to draw and cxeeute Bow. The highest and best authority in the land. Send r, ottr liberakterms. Also for aux Patent Bible P. 0 , -- peetes: Misr-Vim — PkitXELLE k CO.. -PIA, OIC E COWThL ir3iTEI . A 1111 KINDS SPICES, COFFEE, mated, ready ground, or ground to order, put up in 2,3, a, or 5-pound bole& .SIcCABE - , . HOOP SKIRTS, TICKINGS, DEN I 31 S, STRIPES MIMTS, and CHILDREN S SHOES, HATS, AND WALL PAPER, a! Wu btlic TAYLOR &• (11 WM. MOSer IP. Ei tk . It. 8. Al-Er: B. F. COOPER. • vl><Ca coort:u. General Partztvi-, D. ARCHIE PELT.. Sper/al Partner.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers