TERNO OF PUBLICATION. TIM Brunton') Riceowsna la published every Tbursaiky Morning, by B. W. ALTDED and IL. J. CLArSON. at Two Dollars pit:annum, in 'draws. ADVERTISEDINTB. ereeeding fifteen Lines an tr,,erted at rt' entre per line for Bret insertion, and casrs per line for tobseq&nt insertions. Special Notices inserted before Marriages and Deaths, will be charged rim= min per Ras for each Insertion. All Resolutions of Assoclatlona ; Communications of limited or indhidual interest. and notices of Marriages and Deaths. exceeding lire lines, arc charged T=.l corn per line. 1 Fear. . 6 MCC 3 Mos. .S 1 OD • SW 140 . GO 15 23 . 13 . 10 73 Oue Column. llalf .. c ono Square,. Eatray, Caution. Lost and Found, andidher adver tisements, not exceeding,Ten lines, three week,. or less, " SI 50 Administrator's and Executor's Notices, 2 00 Auditor's Notices 2 50 Business Cards, five lines, (per year)...........5 CO Merchants and others, advertising their businpsk will bo charged $2 per year. They will be entitled to column, confined exclusively to their business, with privilege of quarterly changes. Advertising in alleases exclusive of subscrip tion to the paper. JOB PEP., - TING of every kind. In Plain and Fancy colors. done with neatness and dispatch. Handbins, Blanks, Cards, Pamphlets, BMWs, Statements, ko. every variety and style, printed at the shortest notice. The ItrreorrrEa OfSee I. well supplied with Power Presses, a good assortment of new type, and crcrything In the Printing line can be executed in the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates. TERMS INVAItIABLY CASH. BIMITESSICA=. FOWLER & CO. REAL ES IL. TAM DIALERS. No. 70 Washington Street. op- Opera Hone Chicago, 111. Neal Estate par , chs,cd and sold. Investments made and money loan- 21,_1869 • B. HOLLETT, MONROETON, .P• Pa., agent for the Hubbard Mower, Empire Drill, Ithaca Wheel Sake, and Broadcast Sower for walg Plaster and all kinds of Grain. Send for dr .-dors to B. B. Homarr, Monroeton. Bradford Co., June 24,'63-Iy. AI YERSBURG TATT,T,SI The Fubscribera, having purchased of Mr. Barnes his interest to the Myersburg Mills. will carry on the 'business of Milling, and guarantee all work done by them to be of the very best quality. Wheat. Rye and Buckwheat Flour, and Feed. con. stantly on hand and for sale at the lowest cash price. Myershurg. Sept. 24.'68. MYER k FROST. to RICE LIST-CASCADE MIT ,LS, quality Winter Wheat Flour 'f cat., $4 50(05 00 R,•rt quality Rye Flour P cwt 9 60 Corr Meal and Rye and Corn Feed 2 25 A taw margin allowed to dealers. Custom grinding usually done at once, as the ca.. verity of the mill is sufficient for a large amount of work. H. H. INGHAM. camptown. July 12, 11%62. 11 - ERS' MELL--SPECIAL NO -14 MYER. FOSTER k CO. will deliver Flour, Feed. M. al. Graham Flour. or anything else In their line in any part of the village. ctudomers will find an Order Book at the store of I Stevens. Nerenr fr. Co. All orders left in said . A will to promptly attended to. for inquiritilt in regard to Grinding, or other bust. the Mill, entered in saul book, will be answer- MYER, FOSTER k CO. Toianda. June 24. lßdS—tf. TI•:11' MILLINERY GOODS,! MRS. E. J. PIERCE herself to the ladies of Towanda with a very •io.ce selection of goods. and is entirely confident of able to meet the justly discriminating taste of • n, U as may do her the honor of an examination of ~• Thanking her former patrons for their •r... she solicits a continuance of the same. kin; done beautifully and on the shortest notice. I: ' , ma over Cohen is Rosenfield's Main Street. Totratida, Oct. 5. 1848. _IVADFORD COUNTY REAL ESTATE AGENCY 11. B. MCKEAN, REAL-ESTATE AGENT v. Vahiable Farms , Mill Properties, City and Town Leta for nalr. Parties having property for sale will find it to their ads antage Ity leaving, a deseriptsun of the game, with terms of sale at thin agency, an parties are eonntantly roquiring for farms, ko. H. B. MeEE.O:„ Real Estate Agent. I ItTior over Mason's Bank, Towanda, Pa. don. 29. I kin'. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE opened a Banking Bonne in Towanda. under the topl , • of ii. F. MASON k CO. They are prepared to traw Bill. of Exchange, and snake collections in Neu' York. Philadelphia. and all of tile United StAItA . S. as also England, Ger many. and Prance. To loan money. receive deposits. icel to do a ,zoseral flanking Misfile.. F. Mason wax one of the late Srm of Laporte, tio4on k ro., of Towanda, Pa., and his knowledge of th im.mess men of Bradford and adjoining counties and haring been in the hanking.:,bnsiness for about teen years. mike this house a deFlPable one through hieli to make collections. G. F. MASON. Towanda. Oet.l. IsfA. A. G. MASON.- TTENTION THIS WAY! N. EfINNEY & CO., WAVERLY, N.Y 11:ive on hand for the Spring trade, the largest a5....-trent ....-trent of BUGGIES AND PLATFORM WAGONS T.. ti.• timid in Una part of the country, which they 'II at the moat reasonable prime, and warrant all a.trk. MI that doutt need but call and examine. k wont to the 'Rine Is aoltrient. tpril 1. Isf9-6m. N. KINNEY & CO. NTEW FIRM! NT Tr GOODS AND LOW PRICES . , AT MuNROETON, PA. TRACY & HOLLON, li.tail Dealers in Groceries and Provisions, Drugs and Medicines, Kerosene Oil, Lampe. Chimneys, Shake. Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Varnish. Yankee No t.,xus. Tobacco. Cigars and Snuff. Pure Wines and Liquors. of the beat quality, for medicinal purposes only. All Goods sold at the yeq• loyest prices. Pre ,,riptions carefully compounded at all hours of the as) and night. Give us a call. TRACT k HOLLON M , mnn•tnn. Pa., Jane 24. 1869-17. CHEAP PASSAGE FROM OR TO IRELAND OR ENGLAND 1 , 1 CO.S LINE OE IFEFAMSIIIEN EIIO3I 01/ NO =I "la Sur Line " of LIN r.,, ~1 1.4c1it.t... hailing every week; ••-) s.allna . -tul Lam , of l'aelet4 from or to London. twin• a month. 1: :11:ttances to En.:l4nl, Inr.land and Scotland pay Al,!, “11 di•ruand. further particularst. apply to Withamn k Chtton, 2) I &A way. N., York. or 0. F. MASON k CO., Bankers, Towanda, Pa. =ECM :„ S. PECK, MILLWRIGHT • AND M‘cinsier. Towanda, MINN built an Lrep.hred. nerines and Itoilca's wit in the beet te emcr. I mould call the attention of mill owners to NEW VORTEX WATER WHEEL. \-..oinbinhig all the el.ments of a that-clams motte_r, of construction. acoessibllity.mvat strength pels, developing the greatest amount of power for r used, easily repaired, running tinder backwater 'cal. no detriment to power except diminution of requiring no alteration in mill frames or 'M t.,/ to flume. will run under low head, and made of any desired rapacity. These wheels will be furnished at Inn than one-half the cost of any other first-claas wbeet In market, and warranted to perform all that: 'claimed for them. These wheels will be made for delivery with or without cases, on short notion, of the beat Iron in market. For full particulars address nr enquire of the under eunn4l. G. K PECK. Towanda. Ps. P Y.—These wheels can be acen in operation at N4—Ari, Morton A Wells' MW. Towanda twp. The are wholly composed of Iron as now made. Jan. lt. 18419—tf. 1 lARDING & SMALLEY, ilarum entered into a co-partnership for the loan f.on of the PHOTOGRAPHIC bosineaa, at the ..ena formerly occupied by WOOD k HARM S°, apt l n•ap,ctfully call the attention of the pub. h• to e,eeral ',tyke of Picture* which we make ape as—Solar Photographs. Plain, Penciled and (maltypea. Porcelain Pictures. te.. which Ire .I.oro for clearness and brilliancy of tone and artistic mew.: be excel/rd. We Invite all to =maw th.e.. a, well se the more common kindsof Portraits • a hiLii we make, knowing full well that they srillbear th , , loaest inspection. ThisOalletyclainis thehigh. ,•••t rrontatioa for good work of any to this section of ..miry. and we are determined by a strict attention le.ineA. and the superior quality of our work, to n•q only retain but increase Its very atrial* rqufa. w.. keup constantly r oci hand the beat Tortetf of Fratoes • and at lower juices than at w other ratab• lishruent an town. Also, Paspierantesta Card lorames. card Easels, Hobnail' Stenstempes, Views. and everything else of Importanee l = t. • the biraineja.; . Give no an eart7 ealL Nil—solar Printing for the trade on the most rm. trans:D. HARDING, 29 'fit 1. MALLEY. TOWANDA COAL YARD ANTHRACITE ,AND BITIJMENOCI3 COAL& nnderatgned. baring bused the Coal Yard and ,k at the old Barclay Basin,- and just completed a tao4o Coal-home and Me upon the premises. are prepared to furnish the citizens of Towanda and a a . :nity with the different finds and sizes of the abate• o:au.st coals upon the most reasonable terms In any quautaty desired. Prices at the Yard until further Love Egg Si Egg St"ve. .that Itarrby " Lump " flat of Mines._ " Fine or Blacksmith. The following addition"' charges will be made bx. , I ,,, lveridg Cori within the boroagh limits : mobs Extra for carrying In. 50-centr. .4 4. 4.0 -15 ( r.T"ii. —25 .4 •• •• a. 25 • air orders may be left at the Tara. earner of El& nni zee EliAbeth Streets, or at iL C. Porteee Drug Bore. Ill+.lem mutt in all cases be amnapaaksi with int ceeb. WARD k DIVEN. T w lnuld& July 2e, 1862-11. , .r_.vc).ttro & CILAUSON, Plablisherag. VOLUME XXX. • W H. THOMPSON, ATTORNEY • AT Law. Towanda. P. Office with W. a Bogart. Esq., No. 5 Brick Now. An Nielsen en trusted to We care 'will be promptly etteritied to. July 1, 1889, HENRY PEET, ATTORNEY. AT tsar, Towanda, Pia. •46. EDWARD OVERTON, du, AT. 101011 - 1 AT Law, Towszdi, RWs_ occupied by the Ma t.V. Adams. simnel. 10. i fIEORGE D. MONTANYE, AT ==riaCZirecaber of kiln mil W PECK, ATTORNEY AT • Law, Towanda. Pa. Mks one Wks P. kery. moth Holm ot Qs Ward House, and opposite th• Court, . nor 3. V& NV H. CARNOCILikIi, A2TOR 1. ' xxx £T Law (Dirtriet Attorney 11:4 Bra& ford CotodY). Troy, Pa. Collectkan ma& sod prowl* 1y remitted. fob 15. K FOWLER, 8. LAID. JOHN N. CALIFF, ATTORNEY AT Law, Towanda, Pa Particular attention gta en to Orphans' Court business, Courspincing sat Collections: Sir Office at the Register and Recor der's office'-scath of the Court luau. . Dec- 1, 1884. BEND. M. PECK, ATTORNEY AT Lew. Towanda. Pa Alt badman atitruitlid to him care will receive wn=pt attention. Mae in the °dice lately ownpied by Ma•car & Morrow. son* of Ward Hump. op darn Mr 16.'68. AirEfiCITR & MORROW, ATTOR kv_i_ MI AT LAW, TOWILIAL, LIN The undereigned having associated tbeenselnes together in the practice of Law. offer their wofessional strriceato the public. 11LY88.153 W.DMIL P. D. 31108110 W. March 9, 1865. JOHN W. MIX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Towanda, Bradford Co., Pa. GENERAL INSURANCE AGMIT. Partlcular attention - paid to Collections and Orphans' Court business: Oftice—Mercur's New Block, north fide Public Square. ape. I. 'W. B. McKEA N, ATTORNEY H • AND COUNRILLOE AT lAA, Towanda, Pa Par ticular attcntlon paid to business in the Orphans' Court. July 20, '6ll. wT. DAVIES, ATTORNEY AT • LANs: Towanda, P. 001ce with Wm. Wet. king. •Particular attention paid to Orphans' Court business and settlement of decedents' estates. Nir HERSEY WATKINS, COUN • saizoa AT LAW. -Also * NOTARY PUR. LIC. resident in the borough of Towanda, Pa., for ac knowledging the Execution of Deeds. Mortgages, Let ters of Attorney, Wills, Contracts, Affidavits, Pension ers' Paper* and other Legal Instruments. April 28, 1869. ANT B. KELLY, DENTIST. OF • tic° over Wickham & Met's, Towanda, P•. Particular attention is called to ALIIXINIIM as a baae for artificial Teeth. Haring used Me material for the past four years, I can confidently recommend it a being far superior to /tubber. Please call and el. amine specimens. air Chloroform administered when desired. may 20. '6B. DR H; I WESTON, DENTIST.— Office hyPatton's mock. over qores Drew and Chemical Store. Jut 1,'6& B": JOHNSON, PHYSICIAN Ta AND Stiloran!, Tolialla; Pa. OltMe with W. B. Kelly. over Wickham & Black. Residence at Mrs. Ilumphrey'a. on Second Street. spr 16. '614. DOCTOR H. A_ BARTLETT, BURLINGTO,.i BOROUGH. PA. July 29. STEVENS, AI.D., PHYSICIAN J. AND Scraogos. Residence at N. 'Mid's, Esq., corner of Second and College Streets. Office owe Rockwell's Store. opposite Means Howie. Towanda, May 25, 18W3—tf. DOCTOR 0. LEWIS,.A GRADLT 1-/ ate of the College of -Physicians and Surgeons," New York cif4.. Class 1843-4. glees esolusive attention to the practice of his profession. Office and residence on the eastern slope of Orwell 11111. adjoining Henry Howes. jan 14.'61. HISS E. H. BATES, M.D. (GRAD -1 1 of Women's Medical College, Philadel phia, Class 1854.) Office and residence. No. 11 Park Street. Owego. Particular attention given to diseases of women. Patients visited at their homes if reuest ed. may RN'S& B. CAMP, INSURANCE T• ,dower.—Office formerl occup ied by Mammy k Morrow, one door south of W ard twos. July 72, 1869. B. FORD, LICENSED AIIC • norm= Towanda. Pa.. r ill attend prntuptly to all business entrusted to him. Charges moderate. Feb. 19, NM. - - FRANCIS E. POST, PAINTER Towanda. Pa.. with ten years merle:we. li con Adept he Calk give the beat satisfaction In Painting Graining. Staining. Glazing. Papering. he. K. VAIIGELLN, ARCHITECT J. AND Bulimia. All kinds of Architectural Di. aigns furnished. Ornamental work In Stone. Iron and Wood. Office on Main Street. over the Post.of. fire. Attention given to Rural Architecture, such as laying out of grounds. kc., ke. apr. I. '67-ly A W. AYRES' GARBLE SHOP, • ELMIRA. N.T. Yon will find Granite Monuments. both Quincy and Concord. Marble and Mate Mantles, and Coal Grates to fit. A large aasortment constantly on hand. cheap as the cheapest. Aug. 10, 10011-0. OW. STEVENS, COUNTY SUB , . verve, Ccumptoom. Bradford Co., Pa. Thank ful to his many employers for past, would respectfully inform the citizens of County that he is prepared to do any work In Ma hue of busi ness that may be entrusted to him. There having, disputed lines would do well to have their property accurately surveyed before allowing themselves to feel agglieved by their neighbors. All work warrant ed correct, so far as the nature of the ease will per mit All unpatented bunts attended to u soon as warrants are obtained. 0. W. STEVENS. Feb. 24. 1869-Iy. JY. DOOLITTLE, PRACTICAL • Jawicuni, would inform the people of Brad. ford and surrounding Counties, that he has opened a new Jewelry Store in Canton. where will be found' constantly on band a nicely-selected stock of goods in his line, consisting of ladies' and Gents' Gold and Slicer Watches.. of American. English, and Midas manufacture, Clocks, Jewelry, Gold Pens. and &nth° articles equally found in a first•clus Jewelry Mote. All goods sold as reasonable as in any of. the sur rounding cities, and warranted as represented. !W -=and jobbing done on short notice, and on the ramble terms. A liberal share of patronage is respectfully solicited. Troy Street, Canton. Pa.. May 12, UM. AMERICAN HOTEL, CORNER of Bridge and Water Streets, Towanda. Ps. X. B CALKERS, Proprietor, assisted by L. T. Born. formerly of Rorie Hone," Burlington, Pa. Feb. 21. 1169—tf WARD HOUSE, TOWANDA, PA. On Main Street near the Court Home. C. T. SMITH. Proprietor Oct. 8, 1886 AMERICAN HOTEL .. ., EAST Surranann, PA. The sabletiberlSving lowed this house, lately onnanted by A. C. Bentley. and thoroughly repaired and scatted U. la now reedy to accommodate the travelling public. Every endeaver win be node to satisfy those who may favor him wltb a call. A. G. REYNOLD.. , Fetu 1,1869--6 me Ei tiNWELL HOUSE, TOWANDA, JOHN O. WILSON Haying leased this Biwa, is now metr to accommo date the tasselling public. Nopains mire:pease will bite cal. be oared to give satisfaction to those wbb mu, glee Nil North side of the public square, east of Km , cues new block. RITMMERFIFILD ORM 110- Ilayinig purchased sad tbsraiNhly redtted this old and arellancnrit 'bad. tonne* !kept by She:lllora. de. at the moots at Ilimuneedsid Creek. Is tied:ran give good wwwwx:latlonaandmitlifulory treatment to all who may Amor Mak witb a& Dar. 221,.1866—tL MEANS HOUSE, TOWANDA i a k .. ll .l l cianati . k Boasts& Prolialealla• popular Bond haying bees thoroughly fitted and rw paired. and furnished throughout Wits arm and els. goat Furniture. vill be o pen tor. thy ptlite pests. on Illatunnar. NAT 1. UM Neitherrsee nor pubis bas been spayed by readouts, tidal= • model hotel In all Its ayrangyonents.. A imperial . quaitlqAVM 2A, Old Barton Ale, for landidn, just reeeliad. ._ 11101, VOR SALE—FIFTY THOUSAND Ides of the east farming bad, gtastlia 1a the county of Loa darselos. esilflients.at *does from $lO to $2O ( per arm Thses i Ve are to !bo t h. thri dty at las nOOOO4- end in . adapted toe Use eulthatious at the Orme, Lwow Oliraltalbnlip. adAO 'NI of emery n delatptkm: Grad aqsn 10 *if Ore to the production of law Ink lAM; trict, - for wblch the penialclimanspendindt M omits& Anangsmenis Ida dissind mid= Intending einigrante can be furnished 'milk roar tees brittle &ode before tearing Nor Yost• 'Cr 'further milk:dare address $660 . 660 . 660 . 600 . 400 . 360 . 300 ifbreti 30, 1909,3aL TIKIBT9N. Las 111.11:416;i1., CANNED OYSTERS, AT WHOLE sale and retaa jyl - MCA= k XIX Oh thou to whom my rootless eV turas When I am week sad weary of my life. • When the poor lamp of being feebly burros, A -id e 'ode and waters mho an envy str'e, Pray Heaven I may be kw, !kir I shall be False to wee ce.ta eta so to thee. There la so lit tie in me that la rod, 8o mail • part that lama the Pahl of day; Theretbre I pray thee, oh! my aeon ideal, To keep me Moe, or I dual Ml Like a poor e-ow:mg mai to bumpy IMPS, With immely et:caigth to temp the head that sane. Then f-aosest not how my• kanpast-it-Fven soi ' Is wised with doubts and dark tolsgb :ng fh.rs ; Bow I despoil- of geeng that hilh goal Which mast bo resiehd through wean length • of years, Whose path is pared with corpses of the slain— Dead Mini= hopes that bad their Willi^ rain. Ohl give me rest! my soul cites oni to thee; Praying, yet imemins ihat -Ryer' are ;air, Useless as It a lightenrwither'd tree finoe'd ask to- Spring to g.ve to 1 o agan,l;‘ , ' And seek renewal from'the rain wt•'ch brings Fresh. strength and be4nty to all Sling .hinge. The rain which cheriehas the drooping sower But coldly bomb' upon the hopeless dud, Oh keep me toe v.:tb thy most gentle power: For what is love when faith and hope on fled f. Oh keep me true! and yet in Paradise Death shall give to us that which Li's denies. MARRYING A PIOKPOOpT. Ralph will persist—not vonsly, as I say—in telling the chil dren all sorts of nonsensical stories about it ; never the simple truth, but always some absurd falsehood or oth er, full of extravagance, which only stimulates their curiosity. No soon er is he out of the house than Edgar or Belle, or both together, will march up to me with the gravest of little faces, and the solemn inquiry, " Did you really pick somebody's et, rea ek mamma ?" or, " Did papa - find you in that old ugly Black aria wagon ?" and of course they are not old enough to understand the actual story, or to remember it rightly if I were to tell them a dozen times over. Hotels. ■ twit fatty. TO JO HIRAL. tiertebtore. So I think, as I have thought many times before, that I will write it all down just as it happened, " nothing extenuate," as ;Mr. Booth says at the theatre ; and then the dear boy and girl will never get a wrong fancy , of it in their heads ; for I might lose', in time, the vivid remembrance of every incident of it which I have now; and as to Ralph, I think he has made so many fanciful additions from time to time, all in fun, that he might al moat begin to believe some of them were true. We read almost every day in the newspapers of :worthy old ladies and gentlemen, who, at three score, and ten, take their first ride by railrad,. after living all their lives within hear ing of the locomotive whistle; or who die without ever having tried the ex periment, or even seeing J train of ears. So I suppose it is not altogeth er incredible, and perhaps not so very discreditable, that I, Mary Gilman, had grown to be a woman at the foot of a mountain - from whose summit the dome of Boston State House au. bnseen in a clear day, and yet had never taken a nearer view of it, nor, indeed, set foot in any city whatever. I had no business to take me from' home ; ' journeys for pleasure were rare with the hard-working residents of our neighborhood, busy as they, were in the summer, and snow -bound in winter ; and 'my mother had al- ways , said, " Another time, child," when I had teased to be allowed to go with Uncle John on his quarterly trips to replenish the stock of his lit tle store. Now I was alone in the world ; my mourning-clothes - were almost worn out ; the school tersn *caw over, and the money for teaching ten weeks—thlrty dollars—wiis in my pocket ; and I had answered an ad vertisement in the Journal; and se cured a position as an assistant, ;at a much better salary, in a high-school in a large manufacturing town in Maine. To get there I must pass through Boston ; and I had studied myself into a headache over a railroad guide, and had ascertained that, b;y l taking an early morning trainil could reach dust city in time to leave it at noon on an eastward train, and be at my destination before dark. So I had all my worldly goods in my trunk twenty-four hours' in ad vance ; spent the last day in bidding good-bye to old family friends, as will as to the little people to - whose obi cation I had' devoted my list year, and the pleasant households with which I had boarded in rapid succes sion_ during the last term; and in the gray, winter mo • I took my teat in the jumper," w • replaced the lumbering stage-coach of summer, and was driven across the. creaking snow to the station. I was not sorry that there was not a person I knew waiting for the same train ; for I wan old-fashioned enough in those days 1 to hie to enjoy first sensations alone, land I felt quite in the mood of a dar ing discoverer at the , thoughtaf mak• mg my way to Boston and through I lk on my own responsaelity. "I suppose I have plenty of time to take the 12.20 train from the Maine stationt"- said!, who!' the urbane con ctictor vouchsafed me ten seconds or so of his precious tine.take the ticket I held in readiness for him... . "12.20 train off, ma'am," said . ; he ; "change of time,htst week". - I almost felt my courage.take wing at this first obstacle to the easy pro gramme I had markedout ;. butf re tained enoujih of it to snatch at this huiried official dui Unit time bellow ed ice, with' the query when the next train would start for Portland." " 2.45. ma'am," as Plecidkil as before. • r • After a brisk resort to the mental arithmetic which lied lately filled so large a share in; my daily lifr; - -1 , 71e1t reassured. Two ~hotirs,:and !a .halt would still carry me to •Inyl:thistina., tion in season to Ana the . coniinitti‘"-i man who bad wired - i*Veilidi* plum me; before he - *add belikei , ly to be ineeceenble.:?, Timken* anal a half in Boehm woiddgivall e oPPO. for an amount :aireeibleAstipa and adrentiike I - lint not. ' hope for. :I hadvesdinixiiiiii aoPhicad newspaper Paragraph that BIM TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., AUGUST 12, 1869. the first requisite Of a hood traveler is coolness ; so I rose above the con- dition of worrying, and amused my self with a study of the faces and manners of my fellowliaseengena: In the seat before me was a hal* • csin s mother with her baby, whieh, otenthstanding the only • hour at which it must have'been taken tom the cradle; never once ini rnded its voice upon the attention of its elders, but slept and smiled with wonderful amiability. Behind me were a cou ple on easy flirtation terms, who took no pains to keep their conversation from my ears, and varied the tedium of the trip by the excitement of a bet of a pair of gloves as to whether the baby in front of them was a boy or girl. Across the aisle was an old lady who, I was pleased to perceive, asked the iticent conductor more questions than I did, and always had an inqui ry ready to intercept his transit through the car. And so the corn- dement was made up of all he inev itable ehara3ters—so new to me in those days—whom my subsequent traveling experiences have taught me to look for in every railway journey. At half an hour before noon we ar rived at the Boston station, and my heart had thrilled at the recognition of the plain snaft on Bunker Hill as we passed over the water to reach the city. I suffered myself to be captur ed by a hackman, and taken across Haymarket Square, for the sake of getting my trr_nk there ; and I can remember to this day how strange looked the high brick walls, the bnl lant shop-windows, the hurrying crowds that have since become such familiar objects, as I peered, half sick with loneliness but excited by the novelty of the scene, from the win dows-of the carriage. I think it ap peared all the more wonderful to me then, fresh from the country as I was, than a glimpse of Jecido .or Pekin would now. Even the people seemed !Ile foreigners, as they rushed along with inexplicable haste close beside me ; and the signs furnished re:l4l'llg as interesting as a novel. This taste of the sights of the city. I suppose, made the quiet of the Maine station particularly tedious to me. I could not check my trrnk un til half an hour before the train would leave i • but I could leave it with en tire safety in the baggage-room, my hackman told me, and I myself saw him deposit it there and noted the spot. I ate my liinchn sandwich and slice of sponge-cake--in the wait ing-room • and as I rend the inscrip tion " lieware of Pickpockets,' which hung by the ti‘let-office win dow, I remember mentally congratu lating myself that I had put ill my store of money, except enough for the needs of the journey, safely in my trunk. Ralph has told me since that that was the beginning of my follies, and the fruitful source of all my woes ; but I thought at the time it was a re markable piece of womanly prudence. At least it relieved me of 'my anxiety as I resolved to spend the two hours at my command in rambling about the city ; and I set forth with a stoat heart and eager anticipations of p!ea sure. I paused, however, at the threshold and looked upon the noisy tumult of the square, thinking whether I had any especial point to aim at. I knew but one person in the city—a Mr. Churchill—who had paid a hunting and fishing visit to our villai,e in the summer, had; e=tended his stay far beyond his original purpose, had vis ited my little school, and had left his photograph in my keeping when he came, in a merry mood, to say good bye. Decidedly, I should like to see Mr. Churchill •, but, decidedly, I world not go to his office to see him, Perhaps I might meet him. I had noted the windows of • Washington street, as I rode through, aey offerrg the most positive attractions ; so I determined to go there , for my walk, and, WI saw Court street by the way, to loot up and down the walls for the strip of board which, Mr. Chnrchill had told me, indicated his office there. - A burly policeman gave me the right direction, with a courtesy and clearness which made me set don a a mental credit-mark very near the maximum standard of a hundred, as used to grade my pupils at school, 'for the whole class to which he be longed. .By dint of long waiting at the crossings till a wide gap should appear in the endless processions of teams,-and frequent questions when I found myself getting astray in die confusing labyrinths of a part of the city in which now, as a resident, I often get puzzled, I made my way to Washington street, and Speedily plunged into the delights of book store windows and millinery windows,, with an enjoyment only interrupted by inspections of my . watch about Once in ten minutes, in my nervous fear, lest I should overstay my limit. I walked around the old State House, and fixed, by a combined effort of memory and imagination, upon the very spot which mast have been stain ed by the bloOd of the Boston mas sacre, so familiar to my mind from frequent listening to parrot-like reci tations of its history as coldly told in the school=booksp stopped a full minute to look at Mr: Whipple's re volving sun—now only a memory of the past--until people trod on my skirts, and the expressman stopped to smile at my curiosity, as they trun dled their holm in and out of the office elose by.. Every little incident of that hoar ie photographed u po n my mind, as the trifles often are that go before s great ealaMity or a serious fright ; but it is not worth while to recall them here. - I taw Mr:Chtu.- chill's 'gilt , sign'ender a 'window on Court street • bat I did -not see his bright fate ;Miler ' any, one of the' countless black hats which swept by me as I strolled'up the street. At list it:was one entoelr, and I thought Ilionkl turn back, and' so have plan tY of time to reach the station. The . windo;# at'which I had paused . ;when I made this resolution was the .motifflOrid and ihn inost` persistent in ittrappekh to the'pttblic that T. had seen:Ais contents clamored for at lehtionrwith-grestdplaeardi in star 4 irig letters, few more Eleft =- onl y serrity:tive cents," and mtnolootiPhosir— • to ni -1 /crireatm sindllosketi viddolVincany Innocence, I eltotdd have: fancied to be of the finest gold, had they thus - -. : ' -.-, •. . ..- .. :', :•1' . .., s 1.. ,- 1. ~1, 1 .$ 17. i '•.:::','"' '..7 l' -... i.'..‘ i . . r , ..,.. s , 1 AI ~ , . , ~ _ 1 , (. , _ ,! . A.... . . .. _ , REGABDpISII br DIONTIMILMON' ?ROX ANY QUARTER; not proclaimed ' their own baseness. Vases that looked like porcelain, statuettes that looked like bronze, chessmen that looked like ivory; trunk ilited forth their inferior material by similar osteniations announcements of cheapness. Strings of beads and toy tea-sets, cases of soaps and packs of playing-cards, babies' rattles and old folks' spectacles, mingled in the heterogeneous assortment ; and lit tle boys on the sidewalk thrust hand bills into my fingers, to-assure me that the entire stock was to be sold toff at an storming sacrifice on account of removal. But it was none of these temptations which led me up to my fa.e and made me enter the shop. It was a paper doll that hung in the window, with her wardrobe beside her, all in a single sheet, ready for cuAing out—just what would fill wish unbounded delight the soul of little Susy Whiting, the one Member of my deserted flock who hid actually been moved to tears at the news of my going away. My heart seemed to be turned anew towards Sully by the chilly, nnsympathizin rash of the throng which swept past me ; _and when I thought how easily this addi tion to her scanty family of rag ba bies could be sent to herin .a letter, I hurried in to secure it. The shOp i was so crowded—with women almost exclusively—that I made my wiry to the counter with difficulty ; and I clutched my pocket book as the sight of a policeman at the door reminded me of the caution posted at the railway station. The young women behind the counter were busy as bees, and I waited pa tiently fully five iainutes for my turn. A seddea scream startled me ; and the lady standing nest me turned round, a'l flushed and half ..antic, with tile exclamation : "My money! 0, my money is gone!" The titlendaat behind the counter and all the cus.omers in that part of the shop crowded around with eager inquiries, and the policeman was there in au instant, putting quick, curt quesi'ons. ' There seemed no prospect for my geti;ag immediate attention for the little purchase I contemplated ; and thinking at the moment only of the lapse of time and the distance through strange streets to the station, I turned to go with-- out Snay's paper-doll, committing thereby, my acute husband informs me, blmider number two. - "Please waa, a minute, num," said the blue-coated officer. " The lady has only missed her money a minute; it may not have got out of the store. Just keep that door shut, will you" —th;s to another man who had join ed him. , . " I assure you, sir," said I, commit ting I know not how serious an er ror, in my amazement and consterna tion, ". I "am on my way to a train." , " Going to a train, eh?" rejoined ' the policeman, with a perceptible di minution in the tone of respect he had used at first ; " seems in me I have heard just such a story before. Do you think you can i tell who took it, ma'am?" The lady who had lost the, money —rather an elderly person, with sharp, unattractive features—seemed greatly flustered by the incident. " 0 dear, 0 dear, no such thing ,ever happened to me before," said she, talking at telegraph speed, and at intervals t 'Vital:dig her hand again and again into the de pths of, her pocket, a nt , if the thief might havbleft a glove there, or as if she expected her pitrikto reappear by magic.. "I had it hut a moment ago. •It must have been this woman who stood next me." Full of wrath and bewilderment as I was at this abominable accusation, the team -did not come to my eyes as they usually do at moments of excite ment. I seemed rather dazed and stunned by the interruption of mY sight seeing, and perhaps I looked calm outwardly to the woup who were scrutinizing my features as if I were already on elhibition in some rogues' gallery. " You will have to be examined, ma'am," said the policeman. "If Ton will step to the rear of the store it will only take a second. You will please come also,"—to the lady whose loss had occasioned my misforLime— " I want to take your name and ad dress." " I am 1 , entirely willing," said I, quite rejoiced at a suggestion which promised my immediate exculpation; " only . pray do not detain me longer than is necessary." But as I moved to follow in the di- , rection indicated, soniething, fell to the Boor. It was a wi.rocco pocket book. Half a dozen ds hastened to pick it up. "You see you have merely dropped your money," said I to my feminine accuser, already beginning to assume the haughtiness of vindicated inno cence. " Not a bit of it," said Officer Knox. (I was destined to learn his name' soon after.), " There is not a cent of money in the wallet. How much is there missing, Mrs. —?" ' " Mrs. James Proctor is my name, and I live in Ames place. There was siXty dollars in the Wallet, and some small silver and a gold eagie." " I shall feel it necessw_.-y to take you to the station," 'Mid the police man, addressing me again. "There is no call to tsearch you here. Yon see, ma'am," turning to Mrs. Proctor again, " it is not probable she has the money on her. They work in pairs generally, and when this one took your money she pond it directly, to her pal, who would make off_With at once. I saw a woman piss out ratter hastily just before 'you anti out." ' "This is too much," i exclaimed, gathering courage kir one desperate , effort. "I never saw the woman vitro I went out, but I Presume she was the thief. She must have .dropped, the wallet into My skirt. My wine bi Mary Gihian ; I am a school-teacher from the Coimtry, and a stratiger%. Your mistake will make Me lose the sign of officer's face iditWed 'no*;mOrti Hip of attention teuly rentons*lnice than did the bright buttons ) 'on. his • • , ,• coat: "'Will you be ado good is to «nue to the station in hali'an hour said he to Mrs. Proctor. "You will awe- ~ • ; ;.1 1 ..i tf.•'-i AC> WM ly have to state the case to the cap tain of the district." • " You see it is your duty to the community, ma'am, put in another group of ladies who had clustered around us ; "if, you have no chance of getting your money back you 'should feel obliged to bring the thief to justice for the security of the rest of us." Mrs. Proctor wavered. Abstract justice-seemed a trivial thing to her by the side of her sixty dollars. - "It is by no means Certain that the money is gone beyond recovery yet," said Officer Knox, reassuring her. "When this woman itt fairly fright ened by seeing she is going to be dealt with, she will be very likely to offer terms, told put you in the way of gett;ng it all back again. It is more often dore so than to bring the case into court." So to the habit of bargaining with crime, which was rife even then, but which the newspapers have only late ly li!gun to talk about; I owed the persistence of my accuser. • " I will come them directly," she said to the policeman ; " and if the money is got back," in a whisper, " the gold .eagle shall be yours for your energy in assisting me." In the midst of the , tumult of thoughts and emotions suggested by my dreadful predicament, I remem ber thinking the real pickpocket they took me to be was not a whit, worse morally than those honest people conspiring for their common advan tage. Brit Mr. Knox, in h:s impos ing uniform, probably eared very lit tle for my good or ill opinion. He offered me his arm, With the same po- Menem which I had seen his com rades of the force showing to the la thee they escorted across the snowy street. " Not that, at least," said I ; " let me walk before you or behind you ; you need not fear my naming away." , For I had made up my mind that Officer Knox was too stupid to be reasoned with to advantage. "Sure lyr thought I, " the captain he speaks Of Will have penetration enough to see that his captive is not a thief. A word of explanation in an unpreju diced ear will at once release me from this ridiculous dilemma. It must be that after twenty odd years of staid New England life I have enough of manifest respectability about nie to satisfy a captain of police." So 1 walked rapidly through the streets, in the direcdon which my captor in dicated, he following close behind me, with an apparent unconscious ness of my presence, for which I was deeply thankful He was sufficient ly near, at the corner of every inter secting street, to show me that there was no hope of 'escape .by sadden flight; if Iliad contemplated such a wild hiancenvre ; and in the midst of all ray czowded thoughts as to the methods to be taken to make my hon esty clear, there hummed over and over again in my . mind, like the bur den of some old song, the words, " Driven like a lamb to the slaughter —driven like a lamb to the slaughter." "Here we are;" in the gruff voice of my guide, interrupted my musings, and scattered my half-formed plans and carefully elaborated sentences of explanation into chaos again. We ascended a sh9rt flight of steps, and entered a roopu wainscoted to the ceiling, in which a row of staves, caps, and blue coats hung against the wall, suggested .o - my distempered fancy the night policemen here suspended to take rest in seemly erectness and uniformity. -Behind a wooden raging sat a- tall, burly man with a prodigious length of preternatural ly black beard; which he caressed and smoothed, with a fat, white, ringed hand, unoeseingly during my whole acquaintance wit h him. , " Ah, Knox, what now ?" said this personage, looking through me at the wall behind, with entire ease and overwhelming " Big thing, Cap,' said my police man, entirely forestalling ray pur pose of stating my own case before an unprejudiced mind. "Party caught p ickinga pocket in a store as my t. Pal, dressed in black like this one, made off with the plunder before I could lay hands on het. Empty wallet thrown away by this one when 1 proposed to search her. Lail com ing here presently to identify her. Sixty dollars in bills gone, and some small silver." " Oh. most diseeeet schemer," thought I, with all my horror at this &menet statement, "..o avoid all men-. ;ion of your p_omised eagle 1" "If you please, sir," I began, when the curtain of beard and mustache parted, ever so sligutry, with the gees tioz, " Seen her before, Knox r " Had my eyes on her for several days, Cap. Always keeps her veil down, brt know her by her general , rig and 'build. Think she is lately from New York." (Ralph says it is a part of the pro fessional police • etiquette to have knoWn everybody before, But I thought at the time it nes a deliber ate lie.) "Will you hear me a moment?" said I, with a forced calmness that , was.anytking but real, and I deceived nobody. "This is a most Silly mistake. lam a school-teach er, never in the city till to-day in my life, and going to. Maine this after no.m. , I know no more of this rob bery than you do." "We always take down these things" ' , in order, ma'am," said ,the serene of ficial, openimu t i huge ledger, and imb=. stunting haMlLlar his right' in the taak o atroking his flowing whiskars, while he puiked up a stumpy n. pe '" Whit name?"Yoni ' °Miry Gian." • I told him. " Where NMI?" ",Ideieschneette." "'Not a perixeiof color,' 1 inured the- l!itiptidni es be jotted of something in each cd the ruled-off column& iiCharge,. *ebb' g eipoc&et, You Bey. Officer, 'Knox. .ComEalin• ant Y . "'Aire. 'Proctor, of Ames-Flake,'' said Mr.llCnox; Tomenptly:_ " ollow; Institut, probe* it would beideseenter be rat toemptylienti ° I II / PC4 12 4. " ' glad impezioxol-. car, wing both bends alternatek &mg - his' Neve& etuntedenf *Welters, and gazing Lovingly at the seintalls- 1 z: 1 • • • • • ; Cons of a - diamond, thus set off to adva*ge. " You Can pass the things right over to this desk ; and if there is anything more your. want to say, I'll bear it"." I began to detest this man, imper turbable, glassy, self-satisfied as he was, morn-than I did his blundering, impulsive Subordinate. But there was nothinito do but to obey him. I took from my pocket by wallet,ill handkerchief, the key to my t with its long blue ribbon, my 'We bottle of ammonia. " There is very little- more, tO say than I haVe already told you. I left my home fifty miles from here, this morning, on my way to Maine, where I :lave a school engaged. I leftony trunk' at the station, and was Merely taking,`an hour's walk before the train Should leave, when thin man pounced upon me. The pocket-book must have been dropped in a fold of my skirt by the thief as she left the store." ' " Have you any friends in Boston?" I hesitated. I need not set down all the reasons why I did not desire, in my present plight, to send a police man to Mr. Churchill., Had I liked him less, or known him better,l might have done it earlier. But I could not yet believe my condition so des perate as to require this remedy. " There is nobody whom I wish to disturb about this matter." " You will see, Mr. Knox, mere and more, the longer you remain in the- force," - pro eded the captain, most de`iberatelY—the white hand. sailing down the black ripples more luminously than ever—"you will see how incapable these people are of making up a tolerable story. Let them be ever so •smartin their regal, lar line 'of business, 'their lies are always chunsey." I clutched the railing involuntarily ; but the men regarded - me no more. than they did their spectral annrades on the pegs in the wall. "Now this party has done eery well, very well indeed. But just look at it. She is on her way to Maine to stay several months, and she has only six dollars in her poeket book—barely enough for a ticket. She has left her trunk et the depot, but she has not provided herself with a ba g gage - check . She is out for a walk only, and you catch her a mile from the, depot in a crowded store. She hangs fire when I ask her for her Boston acquaintance. It seems as if any one ought to' haie done bet ter, .Knox ; but they are all the same. Yon can put her in number nine, Kiwi. Your property will be quite safe, Mary Gilinan, in this drag er." The captain unfolded - copy of the Herrifd,which a boy hadljust brought, and put his polished boots on the railing. ' I am afraid I exhibited myself in the eyes of my children as having been a girl of cry little spirit. I did not audibly resent the captain's very. logical and professional analysis of my folly and falsehood. If I thought anything at all in the .bewildennent of the hour, it - was that dignity on my part would impress my persecu tors more than any display of wrath. But my dignity is thrown away. Offi cer Knox took down a key from a row of them that hung just aside the . railing, and; in obedience to his ges ture, I followed him from the zoom to the door of the cell designated for me. One glance at' its graitings, rte chilly floor, its neat, narrow bunk, dispelled all, my fastidiousness as to means of re scue. " Will you go for me'," said I, "to Mr. R. H. Churchill's office, in Court street, and ask him to come to me for a moment ?" " Now on begin to talk," replied my custodian. am glad you have had the sense to give up that school-. teacher story at last. But Mr. Churchill has irifmostly beyond this branch of business. I haven't seen him in our court within a year or more." ' " If you will speak to him as I ask you, I think he will come to see me." " Well, perhaps, - if. it is an old client he will make an exception in your fan r and defend the case. Shall , I tell him the- same name you gave here?" I hesitated again. I saw the hon'- est officer chuckled at my pause for reflection, as new proof of los sagaoi ty. But should I present myself to Mr. Churchill in such a distorted, character as this officer might give me? It seemed better to tell him the whole story myself. "You need. not give him my name at all." said I ; "simply say that a lady whom he knows wishes to him at Cie sta tion on very pressirg husiness—not as a lawyer, but as a friend.' "Just as yon please," said officer Knox ; amid then th e door swung into its place, the great key. was turned, and I was left alone. 'There was no d window, but a sort of twilight came' into the cell through the door.. I threw off my bcniet, pressed my hands to my brow ' and sat on the edge of the little be rth to think. If I had a volume at my disposal ; I could fill it, All in trilling what I thought in the few moments I spent in this way. I remembered shutting little Freddy. Leo in the wood-closet of the school room a weekbefore, because I could not find it in my heart to give hini Severer punishment, and how pale he looked when I released him. I tried to remember what sentence was given topickpockets, and where waa the prison to which they .were sent. I wondeied whether judges and juries looked at innocent people through inch spechiclearas bhndidtheeyes of the, poliicemen.. I wondered where the guilty wog= was , with. Mrs Proctor's money : And memOry. And conjecture werBthim busy cenhk;- sing each other in their cowman, the door opened again,-and thehide mudy hmilir, face andbuttomkofthe tarot 0/0,1120 Before: my eyes. in the T"Ekirry to say Hr. Churchill is not in his of .ce. , May - riot be ..batik day ;And lip boy_saya boils going for h*hut t* the anugry.t.o97ol7l to belitoirt' a viseV. This ' news l eahardtb' 'mote n tli I.fieidi drop in - the:hdl" bicket. Of my ddispair: fAilisf rather than ikaditbnuiL wea-when-..officer contimonttl "bfra.c.PrOttor She intwingAnniy to morrow and if she is to appear bi sort it must be this afternoon. ,filo as the ~ i~ i ... - . IHlWper Annum in Advance. • court happens to be in session I ,w;11 taint, golf - right over And have this thing disposed iltat once. It can't make any differance to you anyway, as I can "By all means let us, have it over as soon aii.possible," said tying on my bonnet again with trembling fin- Prs. - • "Nothing you went to say to me before you go in; I suppose," said the officer, looking at me through eyes - "Nothing but to thank yen for do ing my er:and." ! ' "O, very well, I like your pluck," he replied. "You know yon won't have.another chance to make an ad , vantazeous arrangement for getting the money back. - I said nolliing in may to this fur= titer hint ; aid the , agent of the law stalked before me , into the ou'er room again. I caught a glimpse of Mrs. Proctor leaving it for the court-house. The captain had lighted a cigar ; but the task of watching its fumes left bis hands' and beard still free for their endearments. He-did not once look at me as I stood waiting "for him, while Mr. Kiwi gathered up my pos sesekine' from the drawer and thrust them iota his own espial:me pocket. Then we left the captain, -and I never saw him more. • ' I. could not have told whether my guide and I walked a mile or two rods 'when our destination: was reached. All was a blur beforeray eyes. Streets and alleys, 'stairs andpassage-ivays were all alike toiny dulled conscious ness, until I found myself in a sort of pit, so walled and railed about' that I could see nothing but the ceiling overhead ; while I knew from the murmurs which reached my ears that there was a room full of people just outside the barrier, before ,whom I was destined to appear by ascending a short flight of steps. At the head 'of these steps stood a man all rags and tatters, volubly explaining to lis teners outside some charge against himself, bat speaking in a brogue so rich that I thought at first he used a foreign tongue. Officer nom had disappeared, .but presently. I saw his face over the railing above, and he seemed to whisper tome, "You come next." Then the'oration of my rag ged comrade in misfortune came to a pause, as I „thought, for want of breath ; but a period was put to it by the announcem e nt in .a clear voice, I .could not see from whom, " Four months, House "of 'lndustry. ; " and and the fellow, hislace grinning as if rather pleased 'than, otherwise at his fate, turned and descended the steps to a seat by my side. The stunmons to myself; which I bad braced myself to .'answer bravely, did not follow. There seemed, as well as I. could judge from the mur mur that reached me,.to be some un usual in'erruption in the proceeding/ of the court. One or two people came and peeped at me curiously over the walls of my den, and disappeared again. Presently, I thought I heard my own name, arid in a voice that Rental thrill of'delight to my heart. The shrinking horror at the idea of .being seen which had before belie, me departed ; conquered by my own ca riosity, I crept cautiously iiii theateps until I could just see over the wooden barrier at\a. le top. -There, talking eagerly' wi a gray-haired man who occupied the most eleiated seat in the room was indeed _Mr. Churchill In his hand': was a Pocket book,the little photograph of 'himself that he had given me, and which"had laid hither to undisturbed in one of the compart ments of the wallet. Close by stood Officer Knox perplexity, and chagrin chasing each other over his counter nance. Manifestly my champion had ' _arisen and was fighting my battle in his own way, without-having notified 'me °this interference. As I looked, Mir. Knox stepped gingerly across the room and . 1 consulted gloomily - with 'Mrs. Proctor, who Sat Opposite me. ;The judge made a geiture of approv al, and fell back into his cushioned chair. Mr. Churchill turned. towards ,me, discovered my eyes watching him ; over the railing, and in a' moment Iliad snapped bacok the bolt of the lit, itle door, descended • the. steps; and 'grasped my handa. - - - I had no eloquent" speech ready for him,' 'like the rescued heroines e .!1:1 novels: I only said, IBr lir 'chill l" ~ ' /,oth ' "Not a word, Mary Gilman, till we Elie out of this hole. ' He opened the door by which I bad been ushered in, and while the 'stentorian voice of some clerk above us declared the court adjourned, he hurried me out, and putting my arm in his, ledme at,breathless speed through the and the street, in at &Alter door and up stairs again, seating me at last' in an easy chair in his office. "Tominy,"he said, torn urchin dis turbed from a luxurious nap by this movement, "go to - the . post office and wait until the mail is assorted." - Tommy vratreff at' he word ; and then Mr. Charchil. pacing 'IT and down'the room as he' spoke, relieved his 'mind in thilifs4hion. "1:/Pit my word, lidissGiliaan, this is a charming- acme I find you in. Don't venk a ware: You must be half frightened to derdhly,your ad venture. Let me tell you how I die: covered yori, whge you cool' doirn, , and then you - can tell me what Ido not know already of yorir • story. Most' aceiden!al thing in , the world that I happened into the court - room. Have n't - been inside 'the door before for n'year. 1 satratired- casually took up some prisoner's . lourcr&y on the deck and Wanamased by the din.. cover,. °flour name in'.the pocket book, and in this thAtering portrait to assure me it was no other Mary Oihnan than yoUrself that Owned it. Of corirse:mrlirst thought was :that I your,peket had _been ipieked. - Bat when ,I went , with' m t enquiries. to the - t o aceman, I blun der that, by P*o inenidibliatapia, hadar-, rested youreso- - in'place of some oda niottN4. Itbought it rii4 worth While ti)luita ft+ - liiied:yo4 id, ,cribirrainten% ; and ' l ?3' giv l lLMi •PC lB6 * " alizilie° of yodni en anperinrity tO ,1111 Ch an a ar -im tepri e mand for WT01100141" end' yemdiate teleaqii; qn44, r it hartrkl: of the chirge againit Y i ' n•" At this moment there was a knock =II RE NUMBER 12. at the door, and Meer Knox appear ed. His hang. hty aspect had vanish-. ed ; he - se2mod like the convicted thief in the presence of his judge. • " Beg pardon, air," ho began, "I merely brought Miss Gilmane key and things, that were left on the courtetoom table. hope, Miss, that ' you will not bear malice rgainSt me for this unlucky mistake.. We, hate to be very suspicions in our line, end to doubt appearalces ; and that old woman was so sure it was you. She says now she remembers her pocket was on the other side, , and that was the woman who went before she spcke that stood\next her on the - 610.' • • -" Well, well,,Sir," said Mr. Chr • ch ill, tilaost fiercely, "bother us-Izo' more about it." The forgiveness I was about to off er to the contrite officer was prevent ed by his abrupt departure upon this, admonition. "If it were not for the loss of my train, I do not think I should regret the whole affair very deeply," said I; " it will be somethit.g to laugh about for a lifetime,. when I have got over the shock offright and annoyance." •- "What train have you lost, pray, and where are you hound ?" inquired Mr. Churchill. I told him as succinctly as I could of my destination, and tile plan and purpose of my journey. "By Jupiter, Miss Gilman, you , have time enough for.the train yet.. It is only twenty minuteaof four, and we can get to the station, four pin- - minutes. Will you try it?" Of course I was ready, though un able at first to believe that events / which had seemed to me so long hid really passed so quickly. We went through the streets at a pace I-, had never ventured upon in the country, but not much faster thin the , _city habit. Mr. *Churchill found and checked my trunk; whie I securoid a seat on the train. I noticed that he did not accept my words of .inade qttate gratitude and good-by as final ; but .I did not snapect that he was to .accompany me till he took the seat by my side as the cars left the station. IYou are too kind, Mr. Churchill," - - said r; you must not undertake this journey on my account, especially if, as I heard from your office when I sent to you, you are going to-morrow into the country." "I have given up that trip," replied the gentleman, very placidly ; "since 's I decided to make it the rural dis- - triets have lost their charm for me." I-am not going to set down all the conversation of that railway ride for my children to read, and perhaps I may as well stop here as anywhere. air. Churchill escorted me to my journey's end, and . returned to Bos lon by the night train. The story I pro to tell is told ; and the ail dre=w just how much and how little their father means when he tells themljocosely about maxrying a pick pocket. They are bOth too sensible to allow it to prejudice them against the sagacity of policemen in general; for they both remember that how when Edgar tumbled into the Frog Pond last summer, and Belle could do nothing but scream, Officer Knox. now a veteran and most efficient mem ber .of the force, popped up most op-, portttnely to the rescue ; and oiey have not forgotten what a whistle of delight be gave when the dripping boy—whom he had , wq). pped in his own coat—told him he was to be car ried to his father's; Mr. Ralph Chur chill's, fm the other side of the public garden.i l Mr. Knox took the occasion to renew his appologies, interrupted ten years before, for a blunder . made when he was new to his work ' • and I learned from him then that Mrs. Proctoaever recovered her money. on =HAIM A mechanic whollwroughly under stands his bnisness is %Villa's Called master of the situation. He need humble birnitgaf to no man ;-tu no one at all but his Maker. The question has been agitated for some time, "why don't boys learn trades More gererally the reason is, the major part of &Li would like to be 'what the world calls gentlemen ; but what is it that , makes a gentleman ? Is it to be a lawyer, doctor, minister of the Gospel, kgi., (what is it) ? Why,- according to my idea a gentle -man is one who dims unto others as he would be done by respeets the' worthy poor, and IS as polite and 'kind to them in word and deed as the rich, and practice' the law, of die country as well as of God. What wield our country be if all were pro- Sessions% ? Where would be our palatial mansions, railroads and steamboats, and many other gigantic - works, the contrivance and 'invention of man ? Hew few at - this day think of the many Weary hours of suffering and labor that poor forgotten' John Fitch spent in trying to bring steeni into practical use. He had not only a jade of a wile to contend with, but poverty, always the reward of genius. He knew not.the word fail. His brain was:set on something noble some- • thing to benefit mankind, so he la bored on unassisted amid sneers ,of men who doubted the sanity of his mind, until be died leaving hie great. work to be completed -by the more fortunate Robert Fulton- (POor John.. bbonld have a monument, .friends.) To the thinking mind, much - can be seen arid learned in ono of ourlarge, cities in day. It was while sitting at the window watching a bricklayer as he steadily and pa tiently laid brick after brick that set me to.tbinkin - g of the nobleness of the mechanic. - - My mind - ran from one branch of lndustry to another, and from that to the supermity of the mechanic over *hat the world terms a gentleman. 'What do they exercise their brains over but the latest style of eravat,baf or some article of dress, cigars, wine,' fast horses, and so un. never oc curs to them, as they are traveling by land or, sea, what= brainwork or how much mechanical skill it required to perfect our -traveling system. The engineer shards at his post, hie eye closely scanning the rails ahead to see that ad m mht, his hand holding on tn. tlinthrotW which starts, daps sad regulates the monster. In the hollow of ' that man's hand, in the glance of hii eye, in the brain under ,the cap prdlld so closely diArn, in the ,awn of his •knowledge and mutiny_ of his mechanical eye, are the lives of men snit women whose p/aoes on earth eould well be filled. See how steadily the train runs; it Makes this post, the next and the next, on Lime to 'a mina e. . We love the engineer, the monarch of the fout4Vari ; it is his care that enablis 11s tot visit des= wands at a distance. Aim* feel afraid when. I know a good and noble engineer is in charge of. the Amino, Give me the lieelianic with good principles who takes pride f in his branch of art, and. is always striving to improve both mind and mint - Hi is therein' who is an erne ' ment to society and comfort to man kind.—'The Mechanic.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers