s s twattra: n iosicuTrium ODE. DT JO LX G. VIIITITEB. This day two hvunlied years ago, • The wild grapes by:the river's side; And tasteless ground-nut trailing low, The table of the woods-supplied. Unknown the apple red and gold, . The blushing dui of peach and peat, The rairr e r of the fewer told, No talc ' of °what& ripe and rare. Wild as the fruits he scorned to till, These vales the ideal Indiati trod, Nor knew the Flad creative skill; The joy of lum.who toils with fvod. 0, Painter of the fruits and flowers! We thank Thee for Thy wise design NVllereby these human lands of ours In Nainre'; garden work with Thine ..nd thanks that from our daily need. The joy of wimple ,faith is borne ; That lie who sautes the Summer weed, May trust Thee for the Autumn corn. Give fools the goldand knaves theirpower, Let fortunes bubbles rise and fall; • Wlio sows a field or trains a flower, Or plants a tree, ie more than all. 1 7 .,r he who blmes aim' 4 is blest; And God and mat shall own hui worth Who toils to leave , : as his beque4l An Odell beauty to the-carth, . . ..Vl7l SL 611 or late, to all that sow, 'Clio time of harvest shall be given Ili, flower shall,hlloom, the fruit *hall grow If not on earth, at least till:x..lms.! Hints about Work. Ilgy-nierking.—Cut with.the inothi ~• when the dew is off. If heavy and a tediCM - is used, as soon as Well wilted stir constantly until cured enough to cock-up ; then throw. into wititlrolos or cocks while the sun is still high and the hny is hot. It is I.,•st to use the hay caps every night, :.4111 to apply them before dew begins t fall. On eastern slopes, this is : , fore o'clock, -usually, and the nten will have anhour to mow away 'iray, hoe corn, or other work.. Let the hay cure as much as possible in , the cock ; 'and after the first day keep it in the heaps or windrows. turning nd loosening them up frequently,but never spreading them thin,—that is, if Ton have caps„ to protect against !..hewers. Ila!lig and Barred. ,It requires a 1 , 4 ood general to manage the cutting crop, and curing of a large grass and tll.. harvesting of several fields of grain of different kinds, avoiding injury from rains and thunder showers, if they prevail, unless a large •gang of hands and teams stand relly all the time to do whatever is needed. Qood, plans are-worth much, and should be made, knowing the order in which different fields of grass and grain •,‘ ill he cut, where the. product of caeh is to be stored, permanently or t ..mporardy,the use to which the hay, 07:iM, or straw is to be put, and the ;: , aomit of work that can be done week: , P o t a toes, ouzlit not to be disturbed Uter the tubers hare begun to form. With the ekkly sorts this takes place arly, but With the late ones not be ton! the middle of this month. After the tops interfere with the use of the cult ivator,tarn a light furrow towards Lo hills, . and leave them, pulling ..coeds by hand as they appear through illy season. Grass .Land.—The best tithe to lo:inure grass hind is as soon as the llav is off, and though "hand" forth- z,rs are hest applied now, they have much more effect if well mixed with (liy muck soil, spread with a shovel from the trail of a cart, and brush e,l in. The beSt dressing for mow ing lots or lawns is well-rotted barn yard Ithiirtre. fAci/ CAps.--,The pressure of ()th ': work leads often to neglect of these crops, and they are not so thorough l; weeded and attended to as they might to be. For:this reason every thing that eau be hoed - -by horse power should be. Corn that may be it, danger of neglect should be in rows both ways, so that there will be - little work for the hand-hoes. _,The rows of Swedish turnips, beets, etc., should, on the same principle, be wide (parts() that the horse-hoe may be used freely. . Ciii.??.--LStop hoeing as soon as the ground is well shaded. The plow ma}: still be used with care, for the take of loosening the soil ; and the little one 7 horse subsoil plow is often rim between the rows, if you have a strong horse, with great advantage, especially in dry weather, Weeds.—Let none go to seed. Easier said than done ' but do . it if you can. We use a heavy hoe, 2 inches wide; 6 inches long, and sharp. It will .cut off a dock root three inches voider ground at one blow, and it is fun to use it where the weeds are not too plenty. Dock that is pulled or cut in-blossom will mature every seed. We think ; so will many other weeds. Lay such in heaps,and when dry, burn them. I /ficts will still need attention. See that the borers do not penetrate the tree. If the eggs have been laid, rubbing with a.corn-corb swill kill • them. If the grubs have already gained an entrance, the fact may be discovered, and they can be easily dug, out by the use of the knife. Keep a look-out for the late caterpillars which prey upon., the leaves.. It is Often better. to saeriflce a branch np on which leaf-caterpillars have estab lished themselves, than to let them • spread to the whole, tree. Visit the orchard frequently, and see what the many insect enemies ftre doing.-- ..typiegfitttrist. ,}co Cnor OF HAr. —Very season ably the }question of great advantages of cuttirtg hay when in a green state has been taken up by some of our agricultural publications, although there can be no doubt concerning the propriety of doing so ; for every farmer who cuts a second crop knows how superior it is for milk-producing ami feeding purposes generally,when c.napared with hay which has been (ft while inn ripe state, and when almost all th 6 saccharine matter in liat.:,gone to .constitute woody fibre. No season has been more favorable for a trial of the early mowing plan than the present, which, so far as we ,-- • can learn, promises to be good, for tya) - crops:--if , the first is seasonably harvested—and, when the rowers or second crop may\ turn out as liberal in quantity as the first one. The subject is onelfarmors wouldkxwell lo think Over and act upon, even should hoeing be partially neglected when the moving seasonscomes. In . connection with this subject, the 'method of drying hay in the shade, , in the cock and partially in the mow, may also be considered. A Cosamioomrr Of the'Buiyil New l'in-ker, says the best method of de- stroying lice on cattle, is to make strong suds of soft-soap and rain wa -I,r, with a handful of salt added. This forms a paste like substance, which should be rubbed thoroughly • over the animal. When used on colts, tlie animal should be blanketed. after the rubbing. A corynrr editor v having "mitten a long article on "hop,' a :ilia paw upbraids Lim for intmlucing ails family matters to the McOolong. LORIOI7B NEIV§t TEAS GIVEN AWAY THI GREAT AMERICAN TEA STORE, Igo. 1 Gum= k Par/Tali Iftw BLOCI. BRIDGE STREET. TOWAND/l i t At the sign of the AMERICAN FLAG! And the RED - , WHITE AND BLUE STORE! Samples Of TOILS OM= AWAY MELT. to tasty the people that this is the place to sato moee., PRICE:3 LOW AS THE GREAT AMERICAE TEA COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Fresh Ground Coffee roceieed dally from New York, or ground to order. Also whole Coffee. green and rooted, all, styles, whole and ground Spices, Dried Mao, Ex., at eqmay low prices. The stibscriber begs leave to return Ids thanks for the very liberal patronage extended to him while in the Grocery business in this place, and respectfully solicits a trial in his new enterprise. The Mildness will be conducted strictly on the CASH SYSTEM ! 's:i‘yrsa sill not have to pay extra prices.to make up Tor the lows of a credit business.. i If you can't more the money to pay for a pound, boy am ounce and pay for it. Be Indeiwwde . t—then you will be worthy to walk under the " AitERICAN FLAG Into the Antertean Tina Store ! And buy your Goode cheap. t Remember the Red, {Spit and Blue Store, new Block. Bridge Street. July 1, ISO. W. BILUDIALL. GO TO S. N. -BRONSON'S FOR • 111.11)BAED MOWING MACHINES, None better, awl parts for the same, an important announcement. s &SA, DOORS AND BLINDS ! No better quality can be found, and at prices attain able. Tons of ,STOVES„ IRON AND HARDWARE 1s hue as the tide of the market, ac., ke., at t METROPOLITAN HARDWARE STORE, Orwell, Pa. June 2t, 1869—jy1 NEW PLANING MILL The undersigned having built a large anti comma !Bona IdiU in the Borough of Towanda, and filled it with the moat modern add improved machinery, for the manufacture of WINDOW SASH AND BLINDS, Are prepared to till orders. whether large or small, upon the shortest notice. We haye also a large va riety of MOULDINGS, of the latest style and pattern, which we can furnish much cheaper than they can be worked by hand. • PLANING. - - TONGUELNG, OR.OOVINO, AND SCHOOL . SAWING. And all other work pertaining to Joinery, will be done to anti our customers. Persons building. and not living more than twelve to fourteen miles distant, will find it largely for' heir interest to buy of ne. or bring their lumber and have it worked by our machinery. Bring your grist of Flooring, or other lumber, and while your tenet is feeding, have it ground out and take it home with J on. , We will pay CASH for PINE AND HEMLOCK - LIMBER delivered at our lumber yard. Come and • see na, or if yon can't come, write. Towanda. Feb., 1864. L. D. RODGERS k CO. G ° TO THE - 13 A_ IC E 1"):)R A GOOD MEAL, AT ALL HOrRS. OYSTERS ALWAYS ON HAND, IN THEIR SEASON. BREAD, 0 1-3 FRUIT, /.4 PEES, 72 -MANDY, CAKES, n 'NUTS, SCOTT k BEFFINGTON. ' Towanaii. Dec. IS, 1868.. FARMERS OF BRADFORD CO THE CAYUGA CHIEF Is THE BEST MOWER, THE DEBT aiXER, AND THE DEBT co3n3zmo MACHINE It Is the LIGHTEST DRAFT MACHINE sold. It is two .wheeled, with a flexible pole, and so wenurr ov ruz nosaxa' seers. It has a floating finger bar, and follows closely the inequalities of the ground, while the graduating bar gives perfebt cdntrol of the guard fingers, so as to work perfectly in lodged and tangled grass, and clover. In lodgedelover It beats anything oat—no place Is too bad for it A simple ledger plate, easily taken out. enables the owner at any time to make the cutting apparatus to cut as perfectly as when new. It is an iron machine, and anll last years longer than a - wooden framed machine can. Our new machine. No. 2, in DURABILITY. LIGHT. NESS. UTILITY, SIIIPLICITY and CHEAPNESS Ya unsurpassed. If you want a PERFECT THLNG, come and exam ine the CHIEF before purchasing, and you will take no other. -.- • Do yo • n want a SELF nAKER, the CHIEF, with Wheeler's Sete Controllable Rake, is ahead of any other_ REPORT OF Tr-.4P.* OF DRAFT MADE DT THE TROirs RILL FARll2$l' 3' CLOD AT THEIR San! Ai NITAL Truax. or biruormas : Dodge's Ohio and Briekeye,No. 2,average per Inch, 7.81 young Warrior, do do 7.54 Onondaga Chief. do do 5.88 Kirby. do do 5.35 Buckeye, No. 2. do do 5.10 Cayuga Chief, No. 2, do . do 3.112 For Pamphlets or Machines apply to 3I.ARSHALL BROTHERg, ' To;Wanda, HIRAM ELLIOTT, 3leriyall, NEWTON llllMPHREY,Leltayerille GEORGE H. FON. Towanda twp. EVERY MACHINE FULLY WARRANtED June 17. 1869—tL G ROCERY, PROVISION FEED • STOEE. JOHN ➢LERIDETH, (Main Street, first door south of the Railroad loner,) world mo..t moon:lb:ft invite the attention of the pnbli , z to his large and wellselected stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Which be le selling to wilt the tunes, and purees of aIL He has also opened a splendid FEED STORE, Which Is well situated to supply the canal and Bar clay coal region at all times. lie keeps constantly on hand a lap stock of TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, MOLASSES, FLOUR, BUTTER, PORK, &c., Which he Is selling cheap for csab - GOODS DELIVERED Ili THE BOROUGH FREE OF CHARGE. The citizen" of Towanda and vicinity will please swept my Qualm for their ray liberal patronage tor the Mat two years, and we promise, with their amis. p ace , to improve every • opportunity to enlarge our business, so as to warrant satisfaction to all. flatland see na again. JOHN HICRIDETIL Towanda, J 134 10, 1867. One of the best Literary Inatitutions of the coun try, accessible froin all points, la situated at DRIED FRUIT OF ALL k RINLS cowl= IMER. THAT CELEBRATED SELF RD3- fag roar. at C. D. PATCIIII.°I Xi, 20. PROF. HORSFORTYB BREAD Pretwition. at - C. B. PATCIII. May 71. * 1 4 . .1 1 1 4: 00 1:11111 IW4 0 L74 . 54L! :14 PROVISION ,- HOUSE 13. 1 : 1 113 Meese Stater. • The, tin4ersigued, ,by the success which les thus fit; ittertd- ed their new enterprise, desire,toSnalre acknowledgment for the very4iberal patronage they-have received, by giv- Ines their _enstomeriilhe ndinntate their. yeails' experience, together with the ben* of their greatly increased facilities for _doing -business. They keep constantly on hand a very large and complete' assortment of exerything in their line, and are daily rceeiving!ltich additto . nsto their - "trs,6l stock as the wants of their o re they have now in shire, &wit , Si; quires nip, Molasses, Coffee, lice, Tobacco, Fish, Salt , CheQse, ;Fruits; Ci!liekrs, Candy, Matches, Brooms, Wrapping Paper and Twine, Flour Sacks, Seeds, and a great variety of -other goods, which lave been recently bought at he lowest ant in the market, and are offered at 4 wholesale, at rates to correspond. • - They desire to call especial atten tion to their large stock of Fine Teas" which they are selling at . New York Jobbing ptices,=gotaanteeing the quality in all eases Have• also on hniid a good assort- ment of Flour ; Pork, and Kerosene They still eouthine to have the ben efit of a •resident Partner in New York, who is constantly in the mat ket, and prepared to turn to our ad- vantage any favorable changes in the wice of goods FOS, STEMS. MEECUIt. & CO. May 12, 1868. pATTERSON & KINNEY, (SUCCOf P. 0 1 44 to TITOMAN .J. (.ThsEo BEM GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, FRUITS, &C., 2,,I'ATTON'S BLOCK TOW ANDA, lisvinTintrehasyd the entire xtoiityi ROCERIES d PROrISIoNS, of T. J. JONM, and having added largely thereto by !went purchases, they' take pleasure in announcing to the public that they are prepared to sell anything and every - o , ln in the GROCERY AND PROVISION LINE QM SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, FISH, FLOUR, -._ FEED, CORN MEAL, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE STONE WARE, &x., &c As cheap as the cheapest. We tmarautee perfect Fa hifaction to-all who may favor no with a call: CASH PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. J. S. PATTERSON March 10, 1569—t.f: PEOPLE'S OROCERY AND PBOVISION STORE, =I A new and complete stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, IChirli will be told at the lowest possible prices. CODFISH, AIACKTItEI,, HERRING, *,,_ PORK, MUTTON, FRUIT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, MODERN STONE WARE, AND YANKEE NOTIONS, FLOUR, FEED, MEAL, GRAIN, Szc Bring ou your produce. which we piy rash for. DAIRYMEN, A constant supply of Ashton Salt, all OCCA China's Butter Firkins. Tabs, Ac. ' Please call and look through our Flock, and we will do our best to please you. W. A. ROCKWELL. Towanda, April 2 3 , /869. LOOK! NEW JEWELRY, AT WARNER'S GOLD WATCHES, AT WARNER'S ELGIN WATCHES, AT WAIMEWS. WALTHAM WAfCHES, AT WAICiER I S. , FINE GOLD JEWF.LRY, AT W.kRNEWS. ALL F k .INDS OF CLOCKS, ) AT WARNER'S. Spectacles, and lota of things too numerous to men non, at 71.611.24E1t1i. Call SM OD° 6 / I U , YOU win save twenty per cent. in /Mr purchases. Wakikka, Clockm and Jewelry mixdrod, -and WirritMed. ilgtem'a likkk. A IC WAIINEII. • Towanda, Dtrl.lbbtt. kaM UNDEBSIOXRD:: aqiNG - PaiitAilithi.llololitend littfil * M t.; 'Di i f T li k* (4 4,4 l ; ll 11:94 LI "lgid u~hr to 4 41 : C1 * ;1 ! .i121713414 43°4 * in t .4 o o. tr, a 116 . m0d ito4odoitiliffioa. or 1: '00:' TOWAIMA: PA. - _ Virldeb I lincoprirebieCd for Cieb. sue feel .conliderkt. 4,47:41 can sell at as leAiligare as can be maimed elscwhere. I now offer to tho public a splendid stock TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, .ti . .ltON. FLOUR, GRATTAAT DO . f ( RYE DO., BUCKWHEAT 1)0. 1 keep nonatadly on hand, PORK, runts, LARD, and an kinds of FISH. Would Tait, the attention of tho public to our Can't De Beat In quality, or prim. Jesse Oaklcy's Cerebrated Lana dry. Sim York Chemical and brown Soli) Plewe can and exinino onr stock of Largo arsortment of YANKF.E. NOTIONS, TOILET- SOAPS, ac_ I will pay the highest cash price Fanners, giro us a call before selling elseribere All Kreons indebted to the late firm will please call and make immediate ilayment Tomautla, March, 12, 1857 AIcCABE &iIIN-• • . RECEIVINd NEW (,11QCEETES1 Sp!mllet Assortmeetl' Wholeitalo and Retail Frcmh and fin,' quality of Grove:ll,B Sti can bebongh PRICES RA GE . LOW POl iyholoiale and Retail. Coniltry Mereliattki,will do well to call. Chinn - Ref; 1:11 "with ibe.reationnble." patistactory. Goods shown with pleasure.' We shall pay strict attention to all parts of our trade. • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Act our thanks for past favors. T OWANDA STEAM FLOURTht-G PENN'A r. WM. H. FITtLEH & CO., Ithpectfitlly inform the public that they have pur- built by Grill:4l . Welb t Matxon; in the smith part of the borengh ) of Tosratb, and having all the mod ern improvement*, and competent Millers, they are Vierared to ile, In the be-,t I,ds jidc manner, and at unusually short notice. Ever 7 pains will be taken Mgite Natisbetion SYltcni, and we Invite a pane trial MOLASSES grain, and have it gronh,l to take back with them KEROSENE ERIE= H -in ..: . G RAI C7RIII E' 13' . . .STARCH, 13AtillATUS, 81' . &c. nave on bind a , kip' Moak of STOCK OF TOBACCO, WOODEN .WARE COUNTRY PRODUCE C. B. PATCH D A ILr! THE MAHKET ! All km ' of NATIONAL FIRE WORKS! CALL AND SEE . US CASH PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Towanda. Julie 14. 1844 MILLS •Laved the new and extetudiy Steam, Flouring 'Attila CUSTOM CRINbING Farmers doing 'business In town can bring their FLOUR, FEED AN MEAL, For sale at the loweat cash prices, and dflivcred in any part of the village free of charge Towanda. ToNei - ober ln. 18G8. FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS JAMES MAKINSON antionuees to the public that be still coutimies to mantilinture and keep on hand a large assortment of CABINET FURNITURE Bureaus, Tables, Bedsteads, Stands, Chairs. /cc., of every description, which arc made of the best mate• rink, wail in the most workmanlike manner. I invite the inspection of the public to buy we hieh shell not be surpassed in durability at any shop in the country, and my prices will be found to be as low as the times will admit. Ready-made Coffins constantly nn rid or matte to order. A good Hearse will be furnished When desired. Aug. 15, 180. pAciFic HOTEL, 170, 172. 171 176 I;rei...inviclt Street, NEV Tuns, Oct 10, 1868. The uudcimigneil taken pleanure in arinEntneing to him numerous friendm and patrons that from thin the charge of the Pacific will be , 4. 2 2 50 per day. Being mole proprietor of this home, awl therefore free from the too common exaction of an inordinato rent. he fa fully aide to meet the downward tendency of prices without any falling off of meryice.. It will now, RS heretofore. he his aim to maintain undimlninhed - the Ins orrible reputation of the Pacillc, which it has enjoyed for many yeare. as one. of the beet of travelerm' hoteln: The table will be benntifnlly anpplietb:,vith ceery alelimey or the N 0314011. The attendanee will be found erdeienc and obliging. • Tholucallon will be tokintl ronvenieut for thtlll.3 whose business rills thou in Ow lower part of the city. being one door north of Corthault street, and one block west of Broadway. and of ready access to all railroad arid steamboat lines. Nov. 17. 18Git—rim. JOHN PATTEN. ANNINGAND HARNESS MAK mo.—Thee undersigned have this day foimed a co-partnership, to be known as the firm of MAGEE FTILLER, for the purpose of carrylug on the above business. Hands, making and repairing done to or der, and all work wilminted. Cash paid for hides. GRIFFEN MAGEE, ETIOAIt S. Fuv.v..s. 'Caroptinvn, Jan. IN. VG& CHOICE YOUNG - HYSON, 00- LONG. Gunpowder and Imperial Team of all grades Warranted good. COWELL & MYEIt. N EW TAILOR SHOP AMOS Etas opened a shop in the room back of the Rooms of the Young Men's .Christian Association, sdcondstory, OM Eddy's Clothing Store, where he is now prepared to do all kinds of ' TAILORING, In the best and most fashionable manner. An ex perience of many years, a determination to keep up with the fashions of the times, and a desire to please his customers, he believes will enable him to give sat isfaction. - Ka -Cutting done on short notice and reasonable tams.Towanda. Oct. 17, 1867. .cx.SHTON SALT PUT UP IN largo or small quantities at May 20. GA-IsINED FRUITS OF ALL kiniksiat ' C. B. PyrClll3. May 20:: H roArriOCK LUMBER.—LATH AND Suraintes.—A prime article of Boards, Flooring, Scantling and Timber of almost any length and dimensions. Also any quantity of Lath and the best Sawed Shingles minufactnred in the Comity, can be supplied to parties for building purposes upon short notice. and upon the most reasonable terms, by leaving their orders at the Towanda Coal Yard, or with Tuoscas M. Woonnryr, Esq., at the Towanda Coal Company's Depot. Towanda. March 53,.1860-6m. _ MACKEREL, CODFISH, BLUE Fish, Mackinaw Trout, Ciscoes, - Piekled and Smoked Salmon, Smoked Halibut, and Dried Beef, at LONG & REELEIVS. • VLOUR.-WHEAT FLOUR OF _IL all grades, Bueizalteat Flour, Bran, Corn Feed, Jac.: at ' W. 71, .BOCKWELL'EI. Dec. 15. DRIED FRUITS OF ALL KINDS Norm& MIX • - " , - - , *e IM32S= ..9j. - #,,ftWAVIC:#I 3 )74 *- gf, orne f „,. -•.- • . NW, BOWANP;p4EstaWkiX /#.4 ll 4:,i* . i!*#:g.' - ;; 7 ;. '•/-'-:,-':100)/61304.1r-OP,S= -. • . . • • . post ' V El i; _ • aiivel IT THE 1 :/ STEADY [OIIE4Sh- ltt OUR "SALIS Eilicrwe that 4 OUR EFFORTS To aell only GOODSI As hymn's they CAN Bg, -4F.vgapEp:' :,- .-i Have yruyell „ Mul that Otrß cusTDArtuts APPRECIATE THE SA E. In Furnishing Goods our stock Is Complete. All the. new Spring Styles of Neck Ties, Sows, Underwear, Hosiery, Suspenders, Gloves, and the celebrated • FRENCH 'YOKE. SEI1117,•: Have now arrived: Each lot is marked in Plain fig ! urea, and far =deniers are entreated alike. Thank ing the public for 'pint patronage, we solicit a. call when in want of goods in our line. We will do our ntmeat to satiatr all who will call on no at the. One Price Store of - - SOLOMON k.IWOLFF, No. 123-Main Street. Ono door north of Taylor k 00.'s Martz . • EirTho4ighestinioo In comb Fold for Woof. Hides and Pelts.' Towanda. Pa., April 25, 1869. C. 13. PATCII VAN VELSOR & MANNERS, MERCHANT IAILORS ! HATS -4. ND CAPS, GENTS' FURNISHING ,GOODS WAVERLY, TIOGA CO., N.Y • We have a Fashionable Cutter from New Yarkvity and take all the rink in giving you a good At Wo make at our owu eatablishment. We give par Ocular attention to Youthat, Boyle, and CHIL D RENS° CLOTHING lud always have a goo-1 assortment CLOTHS AND CASS=RES, From 83 centi to $3,00 per yard (all wool) Best Stock of Hats and r ups Kept 'within 20 miles. • Come and look. awl vivre for yourAelf. Ira_ Will be at the Ward Rouse every Thursday. with samples of Goods, and prepared to take mei'. MIMS. ; VA.N VELSOR k MANNERS. G 0 Broad•et., Waverly, N.Y. Feb. 20, 18411. THE TOWANDA REGULATOR GLOWING 81011 E! ROSENBERG & WOLFF, Would respectfully announce, to the citizens of To- wanda and vicinity, that they have opened the above Store, under the name of TheTowandaltegniator," with a splendid assortment of Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, kc., kc. which they assure the said citizens cannot be excelled in style or elegance, and that the prices are so low as to astonish everybody. Rosenberg & Wolff hope that. by strict attention, and fair dealing with the people of Towanda, they will obtain their patronage and sup port. They also beg to subjoin the following Corn nuinduaeuts for their guidance : Keep them and Happy will be Thy Dap; 1. Thou shalt have no other place to buy clothing except Itosenbefg /V. Wolff's Ono Price Regulator, Main Street. . • 2. Thou shalt not choose any other merchant ; thou shalt not listen to their speeches, for Rosenberg k Wolff are no Chatham.st. dealers, but sell at one price, and reliable, and will serve you unto the third and fourth generation. 3. Thou shalt not seek in vain any more for cheap raiment, for they can be found at Rosenberg k Wolff's One Price Store. 4. Thon shalt bear in mind that we . sell only on six days of the week, and don't desecrate the Sabbath by keeping our doors open and hanging out a show, for, on the seventh day. Rosenberg k Wolff, and their clerks, desire to rest Iron; their labors. 5. Thou shalt honor the way Rosenberg k Wolff deal, and long may be thy days to enjoy its benefits. 6. Thou shalt not commit an impropriety—of buy ing of Chatham-st. 'Dealers, but come directly to Rosenberg k Wolit's One Price Rognlator, Main street, 7. Thou shalt not seek in vain for goods of rot , eign make, for Rosenberg & Wolff keep a large varle. ty. 8. Thou shalt not purloin from the Regulator for Rosenberg & Wolff sell so cheap it would be a sin. ' 9. Thou shalt not bear false witness, but honestly acknowledge that you can get better. suited and fce. less money, at Rosenberg and Wolff's, than ary ot.h er afore. 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods, or his bargains. for Rosenberg & Wolff can give them to you likewise ; therefore, take counsel, andbuy on ly of Rosenberg d: Wolff, the One Price Men. At Rosenberg k Wolff's Ono Price Regulator. Main *met, Towanda, Pa. • sept 1. '6B. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS GREAT REOllOflOl IN PRICES I COHEN .& ROSENFIELD., Wnesr.as, It BOOMS to have Fleas ft the inhahltants of Towanda and vicinity to our fair way or dealing Am) Wicenr.As, We owe our sincere thank" to the community for extending to us so liberal a patronage until now ; ' ' . MID WHEREAS, We deem ft our duty to reciprocate, all the favors beatoared upon ne thus far ; We do hereby publicly PROCLUM. that our great stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, SUCH AS BROADCLOTH, BEAVER. Doeskin & COssimere Snits, Of all grades and of dye latest styles, will be disposed of at REDUCED PRICES! Our goods are manufactured in New York` city by one of the members of the firm, therefore wq are ena bled to sell as cheap as the next, and wishing to re duce our stock, we will • put our goods at such low rates as will enable anybody to buy a suit of clothes. We aro receiving the finest stock of C. D. PATCH'S. SPRING AND SIIMIFIR-GOODS Ever brought to this market, arch aa Beaver, Chin chilla. Doeskin, ke., for ➢ten and Boys' wear. -'Call at the Clothing Store of. COHEN •S• ROSENFHILD, And convincoryourself at the feet that they doss they say, and do not misrepresent any of their goods We also call attention to nor stock of . GENTS'. FURNISHING GOODSI Such as Casalmera and Woolen granddrta, Under• ahirtnand Draokra, Cnnralla and Overskirts, Gloves; Ciirdignn Jackets, The, Collars, Surplmdern, LATEST STYLES HATS & CAPS, •Which they also sell at Reduced Prices. Give ni • before.buying elsewhere. WHEN & ROSEMIELD _Towanda, April 1, 1869. 'Opposite Powell k Co. El MB E A, SUCCESS, EASILIONABLE 68 Broad Street, Adjoining Button's , Block. READY-MADE mart/Nil! TEE TEY COMMAND3IEN2EL COME ONE! COME ALL! PROCLAMATION BY TOWLtiDA, PA. ffN Fr!, ,_.43.pllum..alffigroureat, err*.PAsir ~,.• ; 4 4 1 , misismieramtaisoltathlt 0 0 41 451 . -Azi"„c", l 4 Kl°7 , i • gi:a lx.-tr. t;.,-;;VIRRS ‘.1.1:..,4 r; 14! itt hill Weld' driblrtftiMr . US will sou for Cunryl at Iberner 1 , 11 ,f_ • X1W441114134 PSI4OI 40313dourn r4„1,4444.. .• • o ; • ) 4. .. -------- • t .( 7 r - P : 1 1 7' f*V 4l' 7o 3 13:':41111A1-13'7;‘''.4 • -••,‘ • 1 COATS' VZSTSIAND.':: 4 -PAI I CTEr , , . 1- - PliraqS ' COAl i k-VArrSANXST I S Cost, Daatoriaad mead •I' th;Crix - tit_ 4'44 -ovoid um:lt Paw' rialthit I Linn, •=leredual Manta Ilea Taw Mao ponders; moves, snes. Leathavissosiaprine 44, oacksalt,tormr HEAL , All, atia.alam -Batatta., bartliataaod Goods lido at alair lima c a rabata* yak* V g atai trimidaemygoada Toi=rJierct 1194 corn* co , tiy W. THE TEMETIE I FASHION! ; 8 " 4riv ikoni ART) Ntletid4C)Dilt An entire new "kick of 'Magog, bought u "cheap as bgtoutbq wi; to bo,oiog ittal ''#;i.'•:•iliSt''itl4 - ': . ..` • Tho nudersigned would re=hda i lamainco to thedozens of Towanda and ty be. Is nWir seedy to offer them Clothing, sick as 7. •- • • • FINE' BEAVER 'OVERCOATS, CIIINCIOLLAS; PILOTS. • ) Alta the • • FINEST DREW AND BUBL'TBE IS • SUM, /EATS AND OAP% Fundeldng GoodS, kp,; and that these goods,bought at very low figures, wM be sold with very small pro. Ate. I intend to establish I Perrnanent trade in this place, and in order to tho oonfidence.of maw , seraorill deal on a of HQNESTY ANR....INTEGRITY And all goods will be warranted for What they are mpreiented to be. Owneond examine. andconvince yourself. Don't forget ihophoe, Temple of Fashion. opposite too Menne llon•O, month end of Beid/aman'e Block. ..: ' H. JACOBS. Towanda. Oct. 1"1. 1867. - Wiscoilaneons. NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS! VirIMEHAM k FROST, .IWonld call the attemtion ; of the citizens of EOM) sad ;Nicirdt9 , that they have opened with A New Stock of Goods 1 At the old stand of L. L. lifoottr, when with cam attention to the wants of the community they will keep . a good assortment of goods, which they,iral ,I'Dlll And at prices that will induce every one to 1,4 of them. We shall at all times bate a good assortment 'PALL AND WINTER GOODY! Eralyr?wh*all tho latest ttylcs of LADIES' DRESS GOODSI LIMAINFS, ALPACAS, FLINTS, GLOVES, GINGIIAILS, HOSIERS, lIATh, Cdl'l3, Doom. SHOES, CLOTHS, CiammaniEs. irkSTENGS, FANCY GOODS, UMBILKLLAS, Family droceries, Hardware, CROCKERY, MIRRORS LADIES" TRAVELLING BA(S, WOOD AND TIN-WARE. Drugs,, Furniture, ic., ctc., The olgrve givea bat a slight idea of GOODS WE HAVE IN STORE, And we only my to our numerous friends and the public generally, call and see • us, test the -- Merits of our pretensions, and If convinced. Buy mu MAKE Youssia.vra Rica By saving money in your purehaece.. We Intend to GIVE GREATER' BARGAINS THAN EVER BEFORE BEARD OF! We know we can please you. so give us a call. All !Linda of FARMER'S PRODUCE Taken in ezei 've for goods. Dome, Pa., Nov. 12, 18C8. NORTH BRANCH FOUNDRY MACHINE SHOP, Sanatoa on Pino, cut of Main &root, TOWANDA, BRADFORD CO., PA., L now prepared to furnish - CIRCULAR SAW MILLS AND • . SHINGLE MACHINES, Of the bed quality, with the latest Improvements. All kinds of Machinery for Flouring and Saw Mills. Steam Engines Made and Repaired, Steam Whistles, -- , Steam. Guages, Gunge Cocks, Oil Cans, Ike.; Furnished at abort notice. .BOLT CUTTING Done from to I,i inches in diameter FORGING Of heavy wrought work for Bridges, and all other Pur poses, dim to order. Also,'‘ large assestment of COOKING d HEATING STOVES, Coal and Woad .Surners,Furniture forCooktng StOves. stove Pipe. Tin Ware, *Pat Pumps. PMTS. tors and Scrapers, kept (units/14 on Land. Drawinga and Specificationa • Of oil Node of maeldnei7 for mills, and Other pm , poses; prepared by WARREN H ILTS . Fermis% who has hid largwiarge experience in this branch of the business. .. .•• •• •• '• • • JOHOt Chtlata. Towandl, Oct. 29. 1866-Iy. rpHE MOST CONVENIENT . pile° In town to get CBE C> 0 . D M I.a ultt' EATING _HOUSE, Two doors south of the IQ/Atonal Dank. G. B. ALVOltio 'basin parchasekthe 'boor wea l:nom ealabladcamara to now Matadi 19 WO anLion who may favor him with a • .-.- Ea also keep. • full sanity of - • FMMY' GROCERIES, *bleb he Is prepared W . sell chomp. Towindli. 7107 20 .,x• • " - ASSORTMENT: or Env and cainczn mars, at 1 ' 1 Starch 10, 1860. :LONG IF SEEMS A NICE STOCK pF CHBOMOS ./01- and Engravings at FROMM - FRUIT JARS 11 4 1 USE WA= k SOSO. IliftE BEST „ . .. :1-7,7- ri-_ - -- . : • -::„ - :- .:, . !FILL ., ~,... ,: ,• 4 ;- .,,,••, ,• , ,, , ..c.: -. :, , , ._,. ..„._,....„._.... .. „ .... !.1 - , 1 '..1 Alf tq1f . P;41217K.:.:1F4.41.1 . q 0 1.- =i- ') - 41 =- Zi 1. ~f.' . 5 . 4. , *...• , ',;',..'10.1 -1 t . 3l , 4*irt! 4 - - A . : .. -, :, 6) . r ii 0 '.. , 1-n 4 - , - ti"),sl'"'eta , A isl.i.Pitliir , ,...:iik4 : '.- 1 ”. :,i .., ..i 4 :!klIt;' , : l . . 4- ktf: r, 43 - :,- , ., -ir•F:r4.; ~:., -. 4, 1 . 2 • • -, tikv >4 . 11.. - 3f4;il,'•'r.: - :'..- ;L'F;; ~ .i . i ..i St'l..-i. , f_.. , -.011.4 41 1 k, :: - ir,.,2.fkiite,t.f`:. • •'. ! - 4 i;•i.e .. .t......4;ei . . , :ef . ;.8, -• ,:-.,....vc)!,.,:. , .4:,•? , a 1 ..1 , ...1 : - 1,.i of ..::::rif rr. , s ..-.!.....,, ~- 1;.'; 4 V. -4 ::;:W . F , re , 1 ~t.,.... .4 0.• ~,,,,, , ,.1.,a2,1 • ...t. ..,.,- 1 _, '-...: • • r Ur . 44 ,A, ...4 . i 1 14,!A • '.r , •?; ,- -:' , ."`" , q. - - . .-1 ,51;.1,-' ~..,,.. 4?.-1.:, ,,, tt. , in R. -:,:.t. :r.-/"%.. - It t • „it . ; ..:•, • ~.,.- . .4.:,i ..7.. ,01- - - .3..,.i.1..,. - r.P.. = lv .. i•-.z -,...ii,......,..-.:„ 1 -.,:., :, ,i',oo-..,....i A” , ,--- i'F . F f '..;,., •7 ' ; i. ~ A. . . =.O T i tt44-P40P01f 5 ;.•4. i.ttioemf the' rieition of lie tittafis to thitr i •HARDWAIIE. - :t FARMING hthaldirrii, macular's' Tocli. ai.. 1.,; and _ '•i11Yo, aline eursoetcoent ot, , ' Window taus, SUN Mali, OWL, : - • .Putti: Varidelek ape Patti L . • • anti Irooldalvailaw k . Of kinds, which *IU bci Aold for .thelooisi (,1414. peace Aloo,an eneiWit 131 • • Of every etytn and, pattern to snit thopulM ~.„,.. Latin . airkPalreil Chinged tenni da Fitt 01011131. r. -ttt •. t " Fart attentionvaid to he manttfootwdng o • 'IIIC•WARE. • : • 40101010, 11101117202 /2211210:11ED 2upro, op kiwi .4 Ana artkuse GrLAfiti FAULT JA11,13, : '. Withlmpitrtvl selfncaLlng Intrke.estl ' - 111310:1=041. 844•F • G CANS ? Whkh - is one of the. be STOVES I STOVES-! STOVES fast mxived ixlr tine StcNe;i:ot: TIE METROPOLITAN "HARDWARE MDR Antittrat;ting much Ittentloti: Ari cnunciiee uric Parlor, Office, Store, School, Shop, Come and see the new pattzrne—at least. ONE L 003... BEFORE 1311YING r We keep an Rid-elm Stoves for the • ova lent, and s cheaper variety of Stores Tor the humblest Rsmolue for yourselves your, own interest. S. N. BRONSON. Oriel, PS., Oct. 21, 18GS. LOOK HERE! There hl noie'an exhibition at the Mammoth Furniture Store, FURNITURE! To be found in Northern Penneylvante, which is be ing neld at ' My stook consists' in part of Parlor, Library, Din ing -room and Chamber seta, Parlor. Library, Elden. don. Dining and °Moo Tables. Chairs, Bedsteads. Bureaus, Washstands, Sofas. Lounges, Tete-a•tetes, What-Rots; Cradles, Cribs, arc., ke. A full of Mattresses and Bedding. Pier, Mantel and Common rs, Oval and Rustic e Promos and Brackets, kr.. , In fact. everything 1,i6 the Furniture Line ! Which tenet be seen to be appreciated, and which will be aold at Than the esauke quality of goods can be purchased cis, where. Thankful to the publie for theft. past liberal patron- age, and determined to merit a continuance of the same by offering inducements not to be found else where. I Invite them to call and examine my goods and prices before-purchasing elsewhere. No charge for showing goods, and I , • WILL NOT- BE -UNDER,SOL. COUNTRY DEALERS wnpfdled as usual' at the low est market prices. • I also keep.= luitul a large assortment of Ready Made Caftan, from the most common to the thrst Rosewood. Also Enna. Robe*, Crapes, .te.,,alul lam the sole agent In firrulford county foe &Eder A: Flek's FURNITURE! ' NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! NEATLY: FINIS-41ED • AT POPULAR pRICES.I Consisting of CHAMBER SETS, PARLOR SE.7'S, • ,DINING ROOM SETS ) MIRRORS, PICTURE FRAMES, Photograph Frames, for everybody. . A GENERA!. ASSORTMENT OF FURNITURE. Baited to this market. I have the beet Upholsterer . in the country, and uuumfacture our own upholstered work. REPAIRING AND JOBBING Done to order. Raving an experience of 20 years in the twangs% 1 can confidently hope to please all who patronize me. . Don't forget the place No. 155 Main Street, two door's aoirth of Beidlemen's Block, Towanda. Ta. ' S. T. DECKER., Towanda, May 30, 1008—tf. ,DIARIES FOR 1869 WICKHAM k FROST. Sucrensars to L. Moods. ED. POT. PAPER k ENVELOPES y NEW-YORK PAIjERS SCHOOL BOORS PENS, INK, Artiste, STATION - 1W : AND. BLANii BOOKS yANKRE NOTIbNS . . .. . . • ROOK-BINDERY.:-: ACHEUB JUIF lla to Kespectfally informed that the Book-Bin dery has been removed to the Argos Building, third ntnryorberti will be done - . .' , icEnosOt - t*, PRI,J , PA of fßores .ALIVATS ON HAND! .ILorca, coal or wood, that will milt you for NOAT:0II COOKING STOVES nuaitnre. El TOWANDA, PA, The largest and best stuck of. GREATLY REDUCED !'RICER! LOWER PRICES.'® METALIC BURIAL CASES, CASKETS, tC • A good BEARSE ., ' iiOnlys in readineps when required Towanda, Dec.10;0868. JA3183 0. FROST PtcrunEs Towanda, Now. la. 1864. BO'OIB.INDINB - 1 In all Its various branches, on terms as reasissible as ...the times" will allow. The 13Indery . .willb& tinder, .the ebirge of • • - • / H. , - . An experienced Illndpr , and all woik willbe p=n2 doveis&at3l and manner which Cannot be WAG ppeenn , Old Books. ha. bound. in every varieV nretyle.-. NrUcalar attention will be 'paid to the Ballng and Illuding of =AM To arty desired p a ttern. which tn/qxudity and • dors. Vwill he ready for de very whew piotniaed. The patronageof .the 11l solicited. and pet. fact satialhotion guaranteed./ owanda. August 2, 11360=tf. A , FINE ASS / ORTHENT OF zar SCUM at / ' MOMS& & =VS. , - -O.II4,PORTER : Oa; Alirsky.. CLASH STORE,, rlO / 1,1- likinumourrviriorrr =Uri 1 •,st• 2 : , :AbiltPerlik*OgrlCktoo Moorraolosoaroro•.• ' ILFO • • • , labia stork tan ogr. 4 1 1- Olie,,,,ffshlx. • ••- • vaterolailfri inobrOrlarisibllOorkfeli be kr. __•• • • •oopliad irlds bookrir mot L nand on the toostrosooarlif tors et Whotesokt or X . 01011 • 011111110 got - 4i:. - : - ;•!;Jfi smr - - ii i t;, - . 3 . - th e • , •' • ' • -• • • - -.•••• .• • .•-w• rusas,'4*sh. : _uastianilr. BENZINE ' IND" TUVENITNE, ;5' AmmFMT. _YA 4 IVl7z7wmg , VAld l Pub!ofiktu ; .XEROHENV:OR*'OO.I:6.'O,IIV . -' 1 4 : Al&OhCli aMi'Ptaining Fluidii.% • ?• 1 013. 14 /4 8 !.PIPOZYPr 1317:11. Wl4uiLfesturook.: - *TANNER'S ANDS . , • Fanag and Toilet Articles in !id altar ivariety' ~" Vlicillpti„ 'Bo*, COledi„ • • • 100Lti. F O4 / l a* ;POCKET BOOKS;PORT MbNAIO, Pocket itzttkeit, 3rit, 799113,4 ND, Wall ! AND :14QUOitS, Yoe MOdlannt iaso; -Ir°/44,:534-13n; Parry e r n_lCg i/t llBl Gardelf,Tleld - and mower Seedi, Trusses. Sap porters,; iltuvaa. Shoulder Braces, .11reut =Teetbing MU"' xurslag Bottles, Nipple Shells and Shields, Sges, 7-114:Eaus,SelilikalingFruitJars nuncii:t2Ty . Flavari,* I Ezttactik, stone Jugs. sk i ns Ware, Battles: vials; Corks, Bath Brisk, and Store Blacking, Fish Tackle; Ant-. munition. lo.,.Botuile, Ecloath:rand Ithreaspath. Medicines. and all the popalar Patent MEDICINES intake warranted as represented. Persona at *,distance can retells their orders . by stage or rain. which will receive prompt *la careful *Manna. Medical advice 'given ,gratuitously at the once, Icluirghtganilyr. for medicine: , , • WThankful far past liberal patronage, would ret peethdly announce•to his friends and the public, that no pains shall be spared to satalf*, and merit the con tinuation of their confidence ind patronage. • ryir Open Sundays for prescriptions from 630 10 a.m., and 12 m. to I,and sto p.m. • Jan. 1, /116.6.—yr. , 11. C. PORTER; 21. D. W . H . G 0 R E W. 11. 'IL. (Aactrwit to Goss. Lc Powntl), is continuing the business. at the old •stand, No. Patton'a Block, where hots daily receiving additions to his stock from the most 'tellable importers and -manufacturers. lie respectfully. asks fora :liberal share of public patronage. - ~ A ,LiArge stock'of • , FRESH DIIpGS ANA mrsncrcEs Ilan just been received, and I nm now prepared to enrply the _ WATTS OF ME PUBLIC wrra ARTICLE = PURE WLNES ANp LIQUORS FOR 'MEDICAL USE ONLY A I'L'LL AFFORD/LEST OF CONCENTISAXED DorAisle, ECLECTIC .tlid HOMiEOPATLIIC ALL 'PRE POPULAR P. .-ATEST ITIU?/CLNES pArnm, OIL, PAINT AND ITAgNISIIBIaTSIIES, DLE-.7IITEA FANCY ARP TOrT ANFLOLES OF EVERY KIND. • TATA:Iea Ai:cc:o,llmm 4.lrn FLUID krraAcrs. ALRAI;OIDS AND RESINOIDS, ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, 3;titiAs-r PI/lIPS, NIPPLE SHELLS a: SILIELIA, Inti , ing Bottles. Syringes - and Catheters A LAZGE ASSOUTItinST or ILAPASpAi, trrnor , i, POCKET., SURGICAL I\STItU3IF OF LATE STYLE. large supply of Brnahes for the /Int and Karr. Also for the Teeth and Nails. Tooth Powder audTastes, ' Oils, Perfumery, Soaps, Combs, flair Dye, Invigorators, ke., -Kerosene, Kerosene Lamps, Shades, Chimneys, - &e., all of the latest styles... -CIIOICE CRUM, TOBACCO AND SNUFF Physicians supplied at reasonable rates. Medi cines and Prescriptions carefully and accurately cem pounded and prcpareci by.competent persons at all hone of the do,and night. Sunday homy froth ii to 10 o'clock In the forenoon. and 1 to 2 in tbe afternoon. Towanda, Sept. :J. 1866.. W. H. 11.-691tE. TONV,LNDA • TO WANDA, P I= HEAVY •AND LIGHT NVAdOS fi.ENFMAL WOOD WORK, _ WOOD TUUNING IN ALL ITS rauNenns SCROLL sAWING, PLANING, ETC., ETC 111:BS, BPOKES BENT STUF, riemtlwerartti The above are trout the best SECOND GROWTH ittocony AND OAK LIMIT AND HEAVY WAOONS O 'HAND We have the Broad :Ind Narrow Gunge E - 2....11pu. PICKS matte and &nagged M. (.. Presidt:tit T o W AND.C, All RI A/GE FACTORY. / . The tuttlFrsitoted.respecilully anticnoice to thetilltt- , lie that-they have purchased the / CARRIAGE / . SIT. P • •G. H p-R.A KEs i / Anti aro nniv preparod to build work to THE/LATEST 'S:TYLE And most workmanlike manner.. They Will constant ly keep* hand an woo-went of splendid / - TOP 'AND OPEN' BUGGIES,: / :FAMLLY . CARRIAGES ; • DEMOCRAT AND, LUMBER WAtIONS, A.'Ls.l.l 'LW Y ..• $4, E,,t.q- Ks. ALL WOW WARRANTED, lIEPAIPSDIG promptly attended tot resAonablo Towanda. May 9:1867-.4y. ACHOICE. LOT OP WINTER loin lit el ktads, tin. isle bp tee bard or bush • •-• •••• - mecum k 3ax:s. DRUG STOI:h MEDICINES All the beKt Trues Shoulder ..Brzi4.:, AND DEBT 4VALITT Manufactories. AGRICULTURAL WORKS. DENT' STUFF, To in MEM IV. T. BISHOP, Sllperinterdent T:ncancla, July 2._186E1.4' ON . II AND 'XWO SEASILD BRYANT & BT4LEN 111.1 ,- 4. fg • •t ';O:ANCE-"AGENCY, ~~~~. TOWANDA,,Vt. 1 4 . t.r.:d611112,-.4.G.ENT, AndiStitteitorfiii‘ the folldwire g reliabln Comixttzielt: ,wixotwr: igstaAxex vairrim ' - " ' I bake-Barr!, Pa, Lusciirtiu Czif am:Leon:Nu Isavauccs Co.. ,Lnaccuter, 21.5iniz ' • • - • ffarfford, Conn , . apacconni) Essz Axx• kujinix i m i luipm , c o. , , Firringfield, Parr. • i • 'fnirCri rICITLIRANCE COMPANY, ~, . .. • ;Ulu:a Cal' Isstme xer. Coltem4l,, Agi — 64 . 'Col Capitid lippremmted, : $2,400,000 . • ,P=.o L q ,l 1 E H . " • - .13ecurol lR the tinrie 01n) r n b.! A A -T. E S, and riots takenim all kinds C,f , . CONTENTS, suinnicas end their LOfiSEli adJunted and paid at thin Office AC the nntlerrignedal ,lire Ws Whole thee ando tention.WWSWELY io the INtIBIIAHCE BriiINEBB. making a careful andthorough.exandnation of_every risk, exercising care and promptness in renewing Politics when about to expire, and by a metal and dlbgent attention to the buelneaa pcierady, he hop, to lieenter the oiadellee and patronage of the ' , ..111- M . p.titY, PAIITIcIULAU ATIESTION giveritto to:trainee pnr, num BUILDINGS AND DWELL! NGS:2; and Policies written for the term of MAU, YrAIN such risks at the reryI,OITEST RATES. ' FarmCrs and others desiring to Insure. will do 'Ol to gibe me a tall when coming to town. Office second door- south of the Ward House, up stairs. T. L. CAMP. sa- Applications received and nairrep Inuit by it. F. Boynton. South. Towanda ;L. B. AIIMILD. .t I Bmithileld ;.,WILIAND Luna, tntber'S 311fle. • • June 24, 180. _ - 5910 P E, - LW ; AND ACCIDENTAL • DISI7RANCE. CAP&L ncruzgEbrivn or= VEN.TEE-V MILLION VOLGA S RUSSELT 4, „Agent -/ - or following-nadted Contran Gm= _Fime A v .t.nrv.ziatiLMANCE C0..1 Ph iladelphia. Capital and aurpua over Ho n. INY,TiLtNcE Xreo York. Capital and Furplus 15151.7/LINCI: CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, } 1 Philadelphia. Capital and irarplns over. MANHATTAN IMAMS:WE COMPANY, I New York. 3 KNIN3ZITO , E INSUDA NCE COMPANY. Capitalond gurplun over ' !• $3.50,r00 Capita! and.eurplos over I.II,CTIC in , Ll2l.tiCE COMPANT. ,VCW York. $7",i0,04.0.1 Capital and warplus over Pczs.vt Irtornesce Ifartford, Conk.. Capital and surplus over 31rTc.,F. LIFT. INFI.T.ANeI; C'ourANT. SF. York. 1 Capitil. and surplus over TII&VELL.It6A . Übeat:cm C0MP.1....Cf, IlartArd, Conn. Capita] eta elrrplug over $600,000 Risks taken on all Linde of Property, at as low plea a4y any other reliable Companies. Policies bunted and Looses, if any. adjuoted at this Agency, thereby saving the trouble and eapenec of going elsewhere for settlement. lia.Otllee at the hardware Store of Codding. Rm. sell d; Co. - C. nussta.r... Towanda, Feb. 7. lari—cr. ATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF U.S.A. (2.1;"11 CAVITAL, $1.000,000 4 f 4 -r'AID IN I ILI Chaiterea by Congre,s, 186 M CLARENCE. H. 'CLARK. Pretdd , nt - JAY 'COOKE, IL:bairn= Finanor. , and Ex. Corn. HENIM D. COOKE, Vice PreaiddnA ; EMERSON R". PEET. Secretary ,;nd ActnaTy. -The .tlvantag, , .. of the,National . ,Life ar. : • 1. It 114 a National Company. cliattered by Coo , : re.... 2. It hao a paid np capital of tine Million lieffart 3. It offers low rater of prentritno. ; 4. It fltrulalies larger insnlsnor than ith..r panies, for the same morwy ; - rt. It is definite and certain ; G. There Is no possibllitrof rhisreprcemitatimi Iv ?gents, o r mitsunLinrst? . cuslin,g by policy-behicri , ie 7. The polics are plate tiobtriv2t., co notch 17:;.11 • ranee tot' ea prich mquey .1.11 policies ail; non-forfeiting ; A. The polieles arc exempt frimn attachment E. W. CLARK A: CO.. lionkr.r... Pinladvlplw, General Agent, p. S. ;RUSSELL, 31aliagur IL C. EL.SDP.EF. k A. G. MASON tz="..igcnta for Towanda and vicinity Jan. 9. 180: RADFORD COUNTY I - FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY JOHN W. MLS, Agft, TOWANDA, PA., FOB 'IFFE FOLLOWING muma.r. COltrANltim liar:ford, .nrt . 5 GE= 013111 HoME.ListntANCE Co)rrANT, New Boren, Ctrnta. ME I= CM Nolan A.3tEracx:c Fuu I= HANaEIt, ME Policies written_ and Losses adittsted at phis Agna..s. Farm property risks taken at the lowest rates. LIZ - Office in !demur's New Block. north side rut,- ' c Square, 'Towanda, Pa. JOHN MIX. April 1. 1869. THE EQUITABLE LIFE R% CE SOCIETY'S Agency , for Bradford Co. CASH CAPITAL $3,000,000. Yearly income ore: $2.000,000 cash. - . SIONTANYE A: WARD Towanda, July 23, 1867 THE LYCO MING.MUTUAI FIRE Duran. Agape) , for. Bradford Comity. CAPITAL $3,40000 Mutual Cash plan. In succokslnl owin Rim flyer twcti ty-seven years. MONT:ANTE , k WARD. Towanda, July 23, DM. T HE • NEW AND-Implip_vED ELIAS HOIVE FAMILY SEWING 3LI eli LVE.s. Wen awarded the First Prizo at the Paris 1:11,osihou 1 . 841, over 81 other MaFhioes. Also, the following State Fairs of. ISGS have award ed this Machine the first premium : • , • New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, kfaitaachnsctts, liampahLre. Vermont. WISCOULD. and Indiana. At the County Fairs of Madison. Onondaga, (hot, go, Wayne, Orleans, Tompkins. Seneca, Monroe, Hun kinurr, Schuyler, Livingston, and a host of others ' Report. of the Committee: On Sewing Machines, at the State Fair held lii Rochester, fall of DM ••• Your Commithg have examinedthe different Sewing Ma chines,. to whietetheir attention was called , and would recommend as the best Family Machine for all work. Elias Howe's Sowing Machine, end for the following reasons let—Simplicity of construction. fl—lieg nlari. tcr of tension on both upper agd lower threads. 34—Ease of insnagemonit. 4th—Grhat range of work . upon sn materials. 15th—The perfect attachments to the Nadine for felling be tacking. bra - Sling. . quilting. binding and cording. and the ease with Which they are applied. 6th—The durability of the Ma chine. It being tnede of hardened Steel, and adjnsted, 'hilts bearings. We recommend a modal." l6ew style Hemmer. Braider. Tucker. Quitter, cord. cr,Embroiderer. Binder-Feller and Improved Tuck Marker. It will nee any and every kind of thread. from Ge• lined to the Coarsest, with a mnch smaller -nemfe than other machines. Be sure and examine one he fore you ruching.. Price from SCOW $2OO, and every machine warranted; The real value of our taring Machines for Tailors, Boot, Shoe. Barn.eas and Carriage Makers, is too well known to require rem ment Don't fain° call and see them. SHEPARD Sr. TEARFUL General Agents. • 20 Lake Street, Elmira, N.V. For sale by CODbrdl. RUSSELL & co., General Agents, Towanda.. Pa. WOOL. -50;000 LBS: W. 00 L warik.d. for which cub will be paid. May 2t, 11369. W. A. ROCKWELL. rzili Sao nrt Albany, (.1 IMEM =I $1,700,(Jt4) Z'AN) 1t4.1 $704,0011 $8,000,0V0 $l, u;7,233 co SI.G•Y].)74 3.3 Nov Fork. Ne:v rork. milsEa New rork. $6.10 CA2 28