IM Nem fromwall IT,sfts. ,„ . :.• ..All the Philadelphia thentrfsAre . closed except the Arch. . . . —The overflow .of..the Illinois river cove' over 800,000 acres otbottom land. —The only rtun-seller the State of Masuelossetts now tolerates is the State • The boll '.worm'' has 'appeared .— near Columbus, Goorgla:. • - %---Of 300 Firesbyteriim iiiiinsterf in cum* only nine:sit aciatirOt —Bevks ; enrurty ; p. bnl,lcbng l a new hospital on the . " ll ho , t , .011)9'0. —the , peat h „trop is very flattering, in Berke enmity. , t • —Ammonia` powder' en new dis 7 revery for blasting: " ' • , —A new railioad' is to be bußt tQ cunnect Xeir Ycnit Boliton. f " —Fifty dollar parasolsmith'watch es in theb - audles, are the latest agony. —They nrannfactrire genuine fish mummies inTitis out ofjoikei maehe. —The expenses, of the Virginia Witarr In4tittite diming the session just closed were 5 4 ..T0.000. - • —Governor, Randolph and family, of Net- JerAyr,' aro stopping at the Mauston House., Long . Bratielt. : --Gen. 10&lima Missiil3ippi, has grow to Sari Ftsbeiseo - ito in'vestgate lof phuttvrp, the tsuolig gneatiots. , , . -,-Charlotto Thompson, the netiess; ib expected back to bee plantation near identko niery, Ala.. in Octobci. _ pair .laf 'picikpockets escaped from th e pair cOmty prison a few days -11,obcrt Wallace , got drunk in Philadelphia, a ttw days ,age, and shot his nifu in 'the arm. lie lyas arrested. —An independent mongrel ticke 1m; twen fanned for cooptp . oftkors,, in Craw. ford County. case of infiritickle has beeri irroverell in Beaver, Pa. 'The rerretra fnr of the crime is not disouvorod. —Mrs. Joe Jefferson has presented that distinguished comedian with another: liltle —A voting etapritag,ed ten,recent- I . ..,attempted to the Recorder of New York tiventv-five cents. "—ln Scotland It statist has discos ,red that widows are married off (-sire as fas In the towns as in the eonntry. --,-A plot of land has been parchas (it at New Haven, Vermont, for a Methodist ramp meeting, to begin on the 13th of Septem nest. .—The horse Elmira died at Long Branch on Monday. Hom - ns a son of Ramble tonian. Ht. tun& Ida mil,- in 217, and was vaned nt MOO. —The weather has been so hot in Virginia that many gentlenwn have digpmed ith (Alan. .11 an "nnmeo , :nry and °maim-tit:. mail in Tedyffrin, Chester county, 'Mob a pnir of oxen and cart. Hie team wa Aon'and lie Iva, eltlgilt :11n1 lock- I np. . . - cows and eight turl4es vcvn• reevntly by a .tr• di. , of lightning; in county. —Miss Maria L. Sanford, who WctS rt• vently a candidate for SarPrillterldellt of put>. lio ...hook of to county, has boon elecifd principal of fin high aerhoof at Coatavillb, at a •alary p,r annum. • • —Willitun-JlVaguer, Esq., Cashier of the York County National Dank died at his residknee in York borough un the sth hist, in tho 3:ear of his age. —The total valuation of the real and }RI-son:11 property of Notwaska exceetlstlo,- 1)90,600. Last •t ear it was /22,000,000. ----The mortality of Memphis dnr ing the mouth of &mu. ITU forty-tour per cent heavicr than daring the same month last year —A witty but somewhat irreveren writt.r culls this Evangelist ;it. Mathew "CoHoc for of ,; for the port o! Capernium." --New York iN compelled-to follow the example of Philadelpina, by getting her a board of health to clean the streets —Josh Billings says : "One of the h(1..11e;.4 I eVeti" listened to was two old minds waiting on One nick bacliehir." - -Pittshurgh • has increased the weab,•l• ~r her. policemen ; wants pest house ainl a city park,andwants Manny% the itubeebs. —A i)ridge across the Missouri, at KanAas, is to be Plitt immediate ly. Work at lintli ends commencing this week. . 7 =etreat Britain has '14,500 miles or railway. ,ostiap: /2,510,000,000, against .13.- mil,•6 in this country, costing •only-tt1.t4711,- 000,00 1. --Albany has become one of the .4r,•at huubvr 'fluid of the cot:wiry. The huu b..r businoss of last year aggre;,-ated filo t:um of about el-1,009,000. —A baggage smasher on a New York railroad was aotonighed recently to see h eXplodu uudor his manipulation. It con tain, .1 hared, wo for the Fourth.. —The artisan well at the Insane, lum at 4t. Louis his reached a depth of 4,- 000 feet. and IA aim' being abandoned until more ntonuy can Is• raised. The last 1,000 feet cost t'2oo is , r to.d. • --Capt. Lott, of the Cunard Steaut 1. RIVIAirt, has crossed the Atlantic 37,1 times. lie has just made thequickest passage on rec ord, from Nen. York to t4neenstown, Ireland, iu citht flays. —ln the preset condition of affairs in New Idrk dn.- in the police force involves about till• same aaugerons chances as an en listment in a lighting regiment during a lively campaign. --During the recent freshet in Connecticut, a Waterbury editor telegraphed to another at the acew of aerial', "tend me fan particulars of the flood." The motor CAMP. "Yon will (hid them in Genesis." —Ole Bull, ttn . great violinist, re tnnr, to Enns: next - week; but it is probable that he will again dirt this country in the fall to protect the. arrangtnent , lC he has in vented for the pianoforte. —James Fisk, Jr., telegraphed back the words "Non I P , SSII lil viten Path sent on her terms fur an en},•agement of 100 nights. These were *N(000 In gold, one half in advance. the rest in daily instalments. —Western physicians predict,that, (ming to the ;treat amount of rain which has falieu, there will be mach sickness this stammer and fall. Many person are already threatened with ague and similar diseases. —Land in Fannin county, Texas, , :ells at prices ragging from $2 to $6 per acre, Vnited States currebey, for unimproved lands, _and. from $6 ItO $l2 for improved lands. Wages are good $l2 to $2O specie being pa id for farm laborer,. —The:nuuttol' fair of the Northamp t.m Agricultural Society, will be held at Naza reth on the sth, Gth, 7th and Bth of Oetober. -lloses JameB, colored, received tee volt, for councilman of Bethlehem on Fri day last. His opponent, a white man, had but tight majority. —The Inanairrs of the Schuylkill Bridge at Pott.tawn hare declared a semi-an nual ditidend td fourteen per cent, payable nn demand. —Two brewers in Readi, pro dlio• 2M.000 barroils of beer ann uil h. —Cyrus Shirkson of Henry Shirk, of Lebanon, Las invented an improvement on -the harrow, for which he has received a patent. It ip itntil. by competent judges, to be a good thing. —There is n minor afloat, at West that • Geu. Grant will visit cheater comity in a few days, with a %low to purchasing a farm. The property known as the "Seheotz farm," near the Street Road Station, is the obleetive point. • —The hirfjest ; income . in the Fifth Collection Distnet is returned by D. N. Farrell, ~f Loylstown township.' It amounts to $lOl,- 7SI. There aro ei:ty•llce persona in the dis trict who return incomes of over 'lO,OOO for 1868. . —The first diploma ever awarded by the Boston Girls High and Normal School to a colored person was given last week to Stias T. bads* E. Brown. —The Peabody schools at Green , C., will 'reopened on tho leth otAngust. Six or SO'Crl teachers are to be elected, with ~alarier ranging trots 1400 to $1,200. —A. Memphis- dispatch announces a hall is to held in that city for the p of ralaing funds 10 Wet= the reprse". re of twn pi now tinder arnterioe of death for mar der. • —ln a printing office at Gosport, Ind., is a blind compositor. His average day's work nice thousand ems, awl on several ocea siorni he has act from seven thousand to nine thousand. His letter is destributed for him, and his copy is read by his partner. fradford ftpil 0 A 1 ) V CO OA E. 0. GOODRICH Towanda, Thursday, July 2 Republican State Tick FOR GOVERNOR JOJIN IV. GEARyz CZ IPORVLI4E4SF StIVIIINIVtottV HENRY W. WILLIAMS, ,aIL.F r fiII.ENT COUNTY. IZEIE A Cent:cation of the ; Union ,ilegnitile3ri,./"!#Y7114 Bradford - Coduly, to be coutiteeed of Dro.delegates from' each eleelloa district safdcotitity ;Ad mical. bleat the Court 'Mane, •Twounitla Bor~augh. 'on DONDAY aftertexub AtrOlllrt 30,3804 all:teciada it),Dblee in aomWaflon ; C;ndidsEes tube IMVPqrte4 at the ensuing dection , ~t i . (.1 ' • , ` The,follm.4 l g, Mi . °P s PFPm4Pet.ld 6 ,. a&c°F; inittee of Tigillace for their 'restwitite cat:riots 'sad theineediretibal tit call meeting* Ibrl the election of Delegates to the Ccraittnlion. , at the tittnallibteeti of holding Caucuses, between the hopri of 2 . 4aulny; su., on ficruntax, the 28th day of ItPOW, • I By order of the Union Repubßelrt, Go}inty Corn eittet: • W. T. 8A1TF.9., Towanda;',lttly .1.1:1869. • 'rfairman. LW II 4.'NE7 ci;') 3 4ra; .o , 4/La Bore.—c. S. 3.4nley, Rogkiren. .Ailtianytioji. - --.13'. , D. ttertgenVitreit Ayok...V.'ettrbin. AM MIK4-43th3 W n St tellnan. inbilbuni!MlM Simeon t]llsms Athens-bsp:.,ll. W. Thoinag, PIA; V.B:lldTley. thou F.Y.WIII. D.F.WKitaleY• A sylmn.—Elyeses 7loody, E.Z.Ayres,lsnae Ennis. . Barr/cur.—TWA Muir. Wm. Taylor: Lail C. llaives; Burlington.—Jeremiah Travisdr., C.F.lsichols,lityc rbni CampbelL Burlivtos irest.—,ThOnms Btukwell,, jeigna Bine. Seca, 'Fred Whitehead. rhirlimpfas ben,.—Dr, E.A:Evarts',ll.asen . Wee. Canton !ann.—Enoch Frllnnt, .rence Maley: • ' !! • ,• Canlon bore.--dnim W. , W..W.l'ars9lo..PeXY „ • . . Oalatabia—John H. esittro, 31. format Dc it! Wolf. Frankthi.-Bfrra MeKee,*ra; Lyon, P: P. Fairchild.' GramaTle..—andrew Inmyma, : Qatar SaitOni Orlando Taylor. Herrick.—A.R.Brown, Rawl Fuller. (l W. ERlbtt. Leßoy.—ltobt.licKee, C.S. Anxlrows,, D.A. Griswold. McKintiey,Wm.Bostwie.k, G.L.Layton. LeßaysciDeboro.=o.W.Brink. flOorham, lease Cad: Monroe riey.—Chas. Motion. L. klarcy.-Thos.HOrthoP. Monroe boro.—Ktletrial Rockwell, M. M. Coolbaugh, Orweli.—A.C.rristne, 0. J.-Chnlibrick..A.G. Mathews. Orerton.:,ino. Mathews; Don't Harerly, G.N.DeWalt Joshua Burrows. Ridobury.—MaJ. Y. C. Robinson, R. S. Squires. Jarard Hammond. Rome trop.—L.W.Towner,JofthualiortomALlnchards. Rome boro.—John Passmore, H. ICantz, D. Vought BstiDtfield.—Geo. Beach, Chas. Forrest, &Phelps, Jr. Sprinfield..—Dr.S.Wilder; Robt. Allen, Wm. Wighten. &WA Crrek.—J.M.Ponng, D.F.Hildreth.L.D.Shepard. _Sylvania boro...o.P.Monroe.P.Furman.W.L.Soonten. Skrakeguits.-O.D. Kinney, J. H. Chaffee, Lloyd Fish. Stamlitsg Stone.—John Gordon, Wm. Bostwick. Rich: a nt Jennings. Tcrry.—Wro. T. Horton, John F. Dodge. Wm. Terry. Towanda Dep.—J.3l. Swartwood, LG.:Mare, .k.Shiner. Towanda Nortib.,Er.ra Rutty, S. IL Harding, Daniel Renady. Bravais& J.Merldeth, E.M.Parsons. Troy lop.—M. Loomis, B. lase. Edward Redington. Troy 10c.r0.--IF.2lc.Pomeroy. L. Miss, Clement Paine. Turearora.—D. D. Black, N. J. Co , Twell, M.B. Ackley. Llister.—Jas. Mather_E. B. Minter, A. G.. Moore, Warres.—Abram Whitaker, Monroe Pendleton, Corbin. trindlinis.—Benjamin Huykemlall, Andrew Hand. Platt Van Dyke. Wyalusiop.—Martin Fee. Jals,t. Chamberlin, Edward D. Stalfonl. Coolbangh, George Granger. Samuel Chamberlin. 111',11s.—E. L. Shepard. Wade Beardsiv. 3. It. estc,L Iribsonl.—Wanhiturton Ingham, Smith Tuttle, George Morrow. Time for meeting on wrility, AUGUST ?Nth between the hours of '2 and 6 o'clock p. m. A WORD TO REPUBLICANS The campaign of 186 f), may now be considered as opened, mid it is the duty of Republicans everywhere 'to commence immediately w and earnest ly upon the work of preparing the State for the coming struggle. Gin-. GEARY must be re-elected, and can be without difficulty, if Republicans all do their duty manfully. We call up on the ,Republicans of Bradford to commence the labors which the im portance of the c o ntest demands, that the credit of the County shall not he dimpled by reason of a decreased ma- joritv. The democratic nominee has been selected because he has become inor-, dinntely rich, and is prominent as a railroad manager and speculates. His public record contains not the slighrest evidence that he possesses the abilty to fill the Executive chair with credit to himself or honor and safety to the .Commouwealth. Nev ertheles.s, the choice has becu made with pi >litical sagacity, as Judge PACK ER never having been prominent, as a public man, is supposed to be in but small measure chargeable with, the disloyal sins of the more prominent men of the party, and consequently less obnoxious to the people. His great wealth is depended upon to flu' nish the means to with which t.o col-. or the naturalization papers of fraud ulent voters, and to supply to the lenders all the necessary machinerY for colonizing votes and bal lot-boxeH. The Republican party should not in this contest rva`the slightest dan ger of defeat throngh apathy or over confidence. Gov. GE.ULI has been an able, efficient, and ppright•Chief Mag istrate. He has managed the affairs of the State with sing lar prudence and rare jndgMent„ He has never failed to interpose the veto, when the interests_ of the people demanded its. exercise. He is, moreover, a man whose private character is Without blemish, and whose habits are such as meet the ApprOval of all good citi-• zens. Butit is not from perSonal consid erations alone that GOV.:_ciEARY de serves to be re-elected. is not merely that as an Execntiie he. has been tried and not found wanting, neither in his devotion to the princi ples of trite Republicanism nor in his integrity in adhering to the strict line of principle in his official acts, nor the 'ealous care with which he has guard d the interests of the tax-payers and the rights of the people. He is the nominee and representative of a par ty that stood by the country in .the hour of danger, and that stands by the principles of justiee and freedom upon which our country is based. Pennsylvania owes it to. her honor ' and fair name not to permit a brave and gallant soldier, who drew his sword for her safety in the hour of her deadly peril, - and who has served her faithfully in time of pence, to be defeated by one who. - sympathized with her enemies when the dark cloud of battle lowered, and the fierce' conflict for national existanie surg ed around her. A just regard for the memory of the martyred dead, who fell, in the heroic struggle for nation . al _existanee, forbids the State to place in high. official : position those, who sympathized with their enemies. Defeat in Pennsylvania; at .0c;• tober election would be fruitful in disaster to the country and to the Republican would be hail-' cd with delight by the disloyal thro'-' out the country, and would give them S.W progress of evi met-eixmffitig4—tike-eleotioit-ef 418,4w.a,t would suite their hopes, anct:#move the mask from their false professions. Coprierhetulism waits but a favorable opportunity to make AiShiTTElN*lf l l4?l49 l .k fc q,Mi l t . F e t torationAth9 I:4#!.n an .t he. secur ing of eqtialhts, ana . iiillaeize the fir ` s ^ t occasion j~lua ' the 'o7eUrktrY. Uovexeless•,l4lP kiPli6(4t l 4eiWitiCß la in the: =Owes of the itepubliettia CAnse; and -tlie!te4l44iiiti , cif 'Etii: of tlle,nnitist* l iiorianer , 13, • " Til , *': l !• l 9Pf'4tNl 4 !H ), TiNFlinli It is stated that Asa -rtieker,lthe candidafeloVGl34o4i . of n9l l 4atOil because le , is estimated to : -, woEthe $20,000,000. Packer has nothingl to recoramendlini but his b ank AO is old, infu'ino, and pagt neg.& :Grovecrnor Geary, the. Reptibli can.enndidati3, has Served thb oonntrt as a statesman and a soldier. ! Ho is energetict and. Progressive. The ifr;SUe .•, 41-C.PliTuis. an I relPitgib-ailiP will dollars i age, Mad imbecility against brains; patriotism, and. activity. l• 'The pending Timex says : 'Judge rackei Willi a supporter and defender of -slavery • before the' A-ar 4 peace Democrat and persistent Copperhead d trring the scar--and a 'Repudiator and Rebel inhpathier- since the war, and up to the -1-ifesint moment. He is the best rei)Femmiativeman the Cop perhead parts could have chosen' to head their ticket. If any . Union men vote for him on the supposition that he will be "all right" if elected,' they will find themselves very 'Much Mis taken in the case of his iniceesS. ' The New York•Heei/d thus 'Curtly disposes of Wednesday's Work at Harrisburg : "The DemocratH in' Pennsylvania have nominated Asa Packer. na their candidate for Governer. Asa Packer would Make a good aciterndr, --but the Coaventiodthat norniiiatea' have hmig a bob to that kite: which will swamp him. They hatepinnime ed against negro suffrage, a principle the conservatives of Virginia accept ed as a positiN;e fact, and byjtlie help of that vote not only elected their can didate for Governor, but gave a death- . sting to the carpet-baggers and' seal awags. The Pennsylvania Democra cy, in smouldering, Hiester Clymer, their old candidate, have placed pre sented a new victim to be placed rip en the political scaffold ferthe (laws to peck at." wy t .Wr: understand that the pro prietors of the lV Y. Ti ileN have form ed into a joint.stOck asso ciation, and on Thursday last formal- . , tendered the editor Ship of that, journal to Hon. Jens BIGELOW, at a very liberal' salary. Althorigh Mr. had made arrangements kir: a trip to Europe, he has .set them aside, and accepts the position, the duties of which he will assume. on Monday next.' The proprietimi had under consideration the nitnies a, V.truoranc HveSox, fornierly of the. Jkrild, Cisoitor: Wu4AA4I Cuiu'is, the Hon. \t mu M. EvAars, the Hon. Lttumrll..M'Ansii, and' other gentle men disting,ulshed'in the fiehrof let 7 ' tern. The selection of 'Mr Bioaow over. these able and eminent gentle men is a compliment of he' mar well 'feel Proird. :; . We 'iv'eletsnie his return to the editOrial circle; . slued / that under Iris experienced guidance the 'Mlle.* will do. no -dis credit to its well-earned reputation. - - REN'ENIIE DEckagN.—Counuissicu . er Delano has made a:decision* upon a: question submitted to him by the . Board . of Brokers of New York,. a 4 to their inability to pay a tax of twentieth of one per cent, upon sums received by them for negotiating sales. It is said that lie decides that they are liable, as coniniission merchants, on all sales-in excess of 50,000 made by or for them ; at therate Of one dol lar on each $l,OOO, except.iliose made through other wholesale dealers, who pay tax as slick, and sell on sales made through . commercial brokers; and that commercial brokers ore also liable upon jail sales negoriatefi by them at the rate of fifty cents on each $1,000,. excepting those made by or through. another hrSicer. Stir-Fran:Cis W.. Hughes, , Es4 - I.;'is said to be the ioithor of the resolu tion's passed:l.4 the Pemocratic'State convention. We observe nothing in the resolutions about a bushel of po tatoes being worth a bushel of green baCkS, which was Mr. HUghes' favor ite illustration of,the value of our currency during the war,. when the success of. the Union arms greatly rested upon the national credit. But we never heard.that 3Lir. HUghes was particularly anxiolis for ,the. success of the 'Union soldiers. iparlorn.; A. ROEIII.ING,, the known bridge engineer, and,chielen gineer of the' East River Bridge at New York, died in that city on the 23d, from ldekjaW,' occasioned; by his fodt being jammed while surveTinit the grounds for, the East River Bridge. The wire suspension bridge at- Niag ara Falls; the" two ''at' Pittsburg, the one 'at Cincinnati, : and another at Wheeling, are all,nioninnente of .ija engineering ability., ra.csua `showed his patriot, ism at, the eommen 4ement,,of the Be- . hellion by leaving his natip,re lantl and sojourning. in :England, until it be came quite 'certain thaf were to be col:NO:ed. "; . ge the other, hand, every member, of, Gen. Grany'a family, able to bear arms; were in the army fightig for the preservation. the Union.' - lamp, had beest he • and had need Its M. 11 1; ions power in peopling the place aturdoitli* the' valleys and groves with cottages and hindssme residences. The place is named from being the IRO of an old ipaiapittgo., mkt a Mff can see west of them Omaha and its beautiful 1=1:11 capital of NebrsalW,bas . twentifemoved to Lin cohi City), the, new h r kige over the ; Missouri River gradrisily4i ng , ithalieiu*in ;the' 'Men matte° sunk to the solid reek Toil to the deitit';et 'seventy six feet). Thiaoridl4 well at;eit hind 'tin; Union Pacific Radroadiniktuncllnefilywhere its char ter locate' the initialfoint offing road. , :North, one can see tirenty4ivemikiwto the'oldfort tablished smith:the . . month. Of Big Platte River, bearhtg , itstrilnitu of wittierit i crom the goldenylla i or, Coloratio n QA !?,:ilelr day one may deiscriNehraSka,.til,4l o roMkkes"'uth , at the mouth of Table Creek, formerli old Fort , . ,• Kearney.. At our feet, - upon a high and beauti ful bottom ettenty Ikea this city of ten thektiandlittaj . peciple. , ' It' hi already the terminus 'id rEattlern Railicitds; with more enuring; eartilis few ibettaikt bithelUnion Pacific Railreitui, which will exchange wittithem • the cornmerew otthcovorklowathelboitgtiful pia teen, in front otwittelt i l*w.sit- -Councilitings -will evidently be mole a,,port, ot, eptry,tind all the advantges of such a designation by legal en- Aetna.* accittelo 'the riving "city. There is no doubt otherwise, ttinii that g&ds'etin be imported here 'llirt;et"Mar i chants, anAiittt *KM the rniiiket'iti Che'ziply as can be done by the fulltellitits of New York, St: .Louis, or Chicagi.),`lifili Might saved, Take Liverpool ass starting peintl: From liverpool to New Orleavisitislireo Miles from Liverpool to NeW YOrit it hi, 5,048 ; 'miles; "or:rtter l e , than a thousand milks . farther is New Orlea ns ; from ' New Orleans to St. Louis it is - shout a thontiatid ' miles, making ,thn.tliStane# AO9 l LiYokP ool . lo , St. Tpuisolin New, prlean s 5,750,„ I The alotcloett +stance from New cork in cl4ifyig9 ,by, by the way ifit. Art.l,V44, miles; and 500 miles ridtlea 'to Vounctl Vint's"; *child make between Liver)) . 0..1' and Viitut4 Bluffs riri New York, 4,519 against' the distance by the way of New.Orlonits, ding'497 mike to the 5,750mi1ei; 'between Si. ' Lorne:and Lirorpo il , inerenseit in; 0,218 Mites; So far, than., as distance is: concerned,: the hri-' portationofforeign gOods.yrould.naturallyfol lovr.the shortest route, which tie by the- way. Of. New York. Mere theorists would, : !skip:thin All: conclusive, and act accordingly. But, asen,an tithesis of this, we have a practical which is worth more than all the theorizing that can be brought into an alliance. hi the-month . of January of this year, a firm of! this• city had', Kloppeti from Liverpool, Sugitiod,..thirty-two, crates of sorted. goods .by- the , bark Bridgeport, to Council Mica by .the way of New Orleans. The,freight out thete g(kOAS, from Liverpool , to New Orleans '4819 cents I,erhtintired weight, From New Orleans to St. Louis 25 cents per . hundred weight, or a total of 74 centsper hun dred weight for fora distance of 5,750 miles. In contrast With this, is the fact that bait the same goods been imported by the way of 'New' thonghtheelistance ifl mach shorter* the Item est -rate of freight .by rail that •ooitni urve been! -obtained between Now York-and Chicagoonthe some class of goixls, would have been 83 -cents per hundred weight. Add to this .$3 cents the, freight between. New York and Liverpool, and it i i eativ,to see what a margin is in favor of hat portatien N.the New Orleans route, and one can also easily iniderstand why' a Council illtiffs iriiPorter'can 'sell goods as low as can be Aoki' either in Chicagi. or New York: 'COtincli Blptfet people du assert, that they are lei the centil4 , if trade for the great new Northweid, and tliat capital of the united States ill eventually be located there. Their geographical plisition; and* railroad and water counniuticatimi give thein. advantages that anti neither light tom tritildv Sitiintpi an it is • betwtsei the extensive Wooing regienii on the cute land, and a go o k grain pro &icing country un the other:, it does appear as. if it would, with its sadden rapid growth, be the. second, aye, possibly the first (in size) Chicago . of the West. I find iilonty of Pennsylvanians in this daSh ing yintng city; bnt ns tione frinu ftrnd.: find. Itospecthillryi4mt, G. D. liptootot: How 'Muen..---L.Deniocratic.. journals: dWell upon the fact that theirfifteeti millions candidate, has gii;eii halt 3 million. to. a Uuivelliity. Where— upon the Philadelphia Batetin aalmt: feed peitinent : llb inneli has Mr. Packer given to the raiep soldier's of the War ; bow . ; te.'the sanitary and Christlaic COn:imissiOns ; how much to the 591 7 , (BM's' widowk and orphans, mid lici* much to all the various patriptic char ities to which poorer men' have given so liberally? Row much did lie take' o the various war loans' of the, Goy-1 ermilent Does he Rowhold . the' Viands ? - 369,..An up 7 cciuntry • Penasyliaina Democratic editor hits 7 his Brother Democrats in this way: This diiy the Democratic State Con vention assembles at Harriiiburg to make a nomination for Gliveraio,r. General George W. Cass hate the in hide track, but a large riny,,,,9f dema gogues, who go there uninstructed as delegates, will try and cheat him 'opt of the nomination. They are fir the man, axed thatanan may be any man, who promises them the most offices or money. These men generally, fa vor Packer,becamie he is very wealthy, aiid they expect to make hini come doNiti with the "dust" It is by no menni - 1,4 gooil qualitiOs t.hey arO ; • • imit.Trte list, of the, new,Pemperatie State CoMmitteo is .very properly headed by; the leader of the Philadelphia "Dead itabbibi!" His crowd are not tip 'be balked their sliiire in PACKER'S quarter .of Mil lionof corrnption money. . 19,-TusNEI!, the colored postmas ter at, Macon, Ga., recently' arrested for complicity in circulating counter feit money, imp been tried and hon orably acquitted of the.: charges amiinst -0 • 9' . ' lerTwo years ago the 'Democrats objected , to' Jilite 'ifliams been* he ',Was born in Connecticut. As Asa Packer was born in the mate State; consistency demands that they should now object to Packer. MAlN:maim terrible colliery exploL sion haS taken• place in England. Over thirty_ persons were bled ontf;. right, and.siaty more-or less injured. tiirG ! IBFIELD, theltepnblienn cau l , didate Congress from !--Washington TeriitOO, beZn flee- Ilea by 148 majefity. • , . psk, r The ,Aeobli . enne of . :p4:kga, ;Co bile, nominated tlie'following '. tiet• 'lte l ii;eifentatires—t. B. Strang and J. Bake . 4. T Prylhowg . art,Leroy Tabor. and Rirortler—D. L Atmue. i . • • : Awn/ors—lsrael Stone, H. D.IL (tminlixsimier,—Deter tan Nessi. romarr--Dr. Reggie. Adak won Iri al r l379 o4:C i t i g h kion among insurance -suen,-may mg filled the position of seen I • in .ll=aiide aniutilill„ i f s ex ..sere of 071 viiil t, •• ••• • , . •• I '.l OW:kJ prb e e.• .• •• 0 Ain y_lle , v ! , ii.o':•. -.;", dt - Ilii'' 'J. • I tioeiß ilk 1 , ,1 I''.4 '0 ,* 4k li' `. • effi ili'66t .: ;AV' " it "'Whilltiietin 14rtio •';''', .i,iii, i i t ia ; " , as t. , ' • 1 TO6, 'ml i k sciti:',4l.4' . ail , ~. ta .1,3,, kfm.„; , Ytl i' !" .', •,44 , Ii) ,', ' • 't • ••• ee aia ,rtil. i add' tk , aiwal i v 1. :,. bUsiiiiiiii VI.. '; i. r iiiilrt 1160 te&C' •• • • ;Wig; 13111" . ' • • itti i e ,• rt book-kee • ei::' ' 'Ng' ; ';'• .4* :ri-'• I • 'll4o 4 ii :• ' •liii iilWilf,s2oQ,- c i K' •• X 3 ' I! • iti li ilrfoilicact kin ''' ' • : • iirtilfittik>eti • tirXei4 lOW' fhit, i • ' • • ilietittl, ti •1 4 1 5 61 - I &ii% : !bAly Go* • • rtientls;so.llol.lW4 latewat , ieciiiitg. ,, .- Thbki r '66161*V/ilk 16%rtfiell 1t"Mi.: 1 35:t14...i6 loi!iiiir:•' , p v,i , wi l t- m it t i o . 1:1 : , : :•11 ,ti , r)1! i ' I Ther Arelit ' 6•••ollPi•Uee,ityidsed' IW ife. , lfir f tmai by IthoAla'seg'"Ot thif .' i • htertY hillaPir i 0 ` . 66httiilitik`the :6 ;. beiteliiiot2 ' rPe'O II ,O"YOX ill' - ‘ e.ti've'red *line' hie Ntiktilieeiltftif,tci eity'.---N."4 ) : lEr•;:Td.fti iiinf2 . 2 ) .'" ll - ,, 1i ...J. , : , toit ;In i fr. t:t! , .'t !iis ,tztel t e i couvemence of ; that ! ;I'd Vift,PP4qcrag,,NTiliopp. Pt" OA° L app h.1,0±.(1; _ave ,preiarod 401,814 .naillon o f the ThrriPli* ix,ivalmlAn, .tbe h Oktrth:Viira; a'nd,tl49; Affek pia .or so,rlts.eninitY, and plap',PPle need nof ! be, en,w4.o, 09 1 i4tY Ou*Attees. .1) . 1 4 'recoMend that, it, ;be 494nAit to' h el i r t„ amt Itn.m,km.:.4,, .I,Aiy.. 010111,0;c innkle cliiiiiinan : of the central. Connuittee it willbe priutpd in ita l lies,•sinall i 9ps 9;ple,iive punc tuation umtl Ft i, dur i dialocate4 ; pain and diatiiluited in stunning, hand bills, scorned , with Phaf4te wo6LI - after' the style of Brick POlll- . coy.. The Demoe:raCy of Peimsylyania, in comatose ,convention, do declare : 1. 17913. , , Shat t kifahle Ao,or aft l er, ijorne ia gone: . o,..cOntradietion Of the fifth plank Is not, the. iingro a.jahoriug wan, NO the Ballot an !amelioration?" 4." Let us go into the Treasury, q ?a Floyd and 'the , old , 5. Clap trap tp p atch votes • 5. A. Johns'on. 7, Patera pi a : dauhln SenfiV• , 8., Coffee-C(4°1.0 natinidization pa perri for every shiplo,ati :, 9. Don't pay, ,your taxes ! GIUMN'a S•cony.—T.he• • :engineer Glurria r on, whom rests the XeBpoW sibility. of the: Mud: Hope ,:slaughter, is thusWported to havespoken te, reporter who visited him in jail , : "The prisoner states that he was asleep;. the time of the Tamidenti And ; the ; throttle:of !his engine While ,ti a dreamy and :half tuteonseions state. •He says he is .. extremely -awry, but that he ; ought not to-he: punished te veretly, He l eonfesSes,tbat he was to blame in allowing himself • tor go to sleep,. but thinks• • his. - fireman- was sleep also,and says that lie. depended on. his fireman. adds that -he means-to tell the whole truth, and that no man, ever. worked •harder • for. promotion .and :the interests Of the .road than:he— He Atates' • that .after. !the accident he; by the.advice-pt friends, and: then to - :home inSusquehanna. -.Having a sister: living near Salamanca, his -wife >and friends advised and urged him to • • stay with-his' t;istee. until the aflitir had blown over, and: he, could -return in safety. ': He did not mean ko rtui away. The:prisoner is small in -.slat twe, and seems reconciled. to his ar t rest, but scents, sompwhat fearful that he will be rigorously dealt with.." • 11Igianr Democrats do . not succeed. very well in their gubernatorial nom=' inations. 7n Pennsylvania they lime put np Ask PACKER, one of the least popular 'men in the State, to run against* Governor • Grkkay, who has :won universal praise in the tulminim tniticm of his official duties. In Ohio the• nomination of Illismaniss is a bit ter:•dose, for the t democracy. The years • ago the,. press of that party branded the Union General as it' tool of tyrants and a• Military upstart, Now they stoop. to .16se 'theand of `the man who then styled then "trai tors to their conntry." The irecord Of .RosEca&ts cannot be satistory to Prinumuni, Vkir...csMariAn;• an ere*, and they pursue the can- Vass. only.with faint hearts. • 'But the Itetiubliaans'cif.Ohio and Penirsylval. gia will go ia to win mkt fall, hoping to wkreep their Stateshygoodinnijor ities.— noy(N: ) : , • 011 . 41. .r..3.' 1 WAEIIIINGTOI4, Slily ...L, ---7.a..01"1 motion ,has reached Wailirigto ' tkikt PoStinaster Grener4Creswe met' with an,aceiclent yesterClay at hi' home in Ceeil . :coxkuty,, VI Be Wtli contbrstiv . W4h.g.om6; Mewls; wheii his ehair,either, Vroke.,undOr him or tipped Over the; porch; While he was leanin'g haek in it. Falling heavily, he broke, or dislocated his lat, arm, which, is swolloa, and causes hha much sOferirkg.,,, sew. kavertisements. - 'Mega 1 ' Correv.ted every INadneaa.y by 0. 'O..P ,111h1 , subject to changeadally Wheat • ..... 61 60 .110k_ 75 `8ye.....,• . ...... • 09 ("i 1 Bucks;lda Go Itet ' 75 Oats' . . ... ... . . 65 ra)08 p e jo ! , . • 2 00 3 410 Bp ter. (Rolls) ...... 28. 03, 1 , po do (Dairy) ' ' 30 32 Eggs • 20 ei Potatoes '7O a) 'l5 Flour 8 00 .#6.10- 00 tlam, ..... : ....... la .20 ..`a , 517 ® ' oo Witaute' or 'Oa&m.-.—Wheat, 60 lbs. • Corti' RYe: 56"Ibi ; 1 Oats; 311,bit; Barley, 46 !bi - ; ; Buckwheat, 48 lbsT Beata, 62 lbs ; Brruu 20 lbs w Clover; feed. 601b8 ; Timothy Seed, 44 lbs.; Dried ; peaches, 33 lbs ; Thied Appkw,.22l4.;Flacc.Seed,s6 lbs. C o V wife, MAMAS, bait.leftinYbedanidbairdarltb oat Just came or prarocationittria is toforbbiall per. eons. harboring or trusting ktnr,on, ray Account. as I shall pay no debts of ber co at:riding after this: date. SANFORD STEWARD. Montoeton, Pa., July 22, 1269...-2 e f 4,JL Tr E ST•f) - N:E WfiliVi to ga , 1""' oim 4dot getonc,irlapleane eadristeethe tirdrsired:; Ordthi promety at tended to. • • - J:Ni GOODwm." , .P.d. 11 3e.0. qtarpiiell,Mrttit JottCJlM'C'iin Ld fur warth4l,. ' •'q -" staykll3B%. . pit,FAH FIGS, TAMARIND-PRE .xervria, and Jr/Ilion of all kinds. COWELL k MYER. • Eats inalltall leaves Philadelphia 11 8.50 r :50 • 'n Willbausport ' .ar. ' are. at Erie 10:00 a.m. Eratina ?dam leaves Philadelphia 8.00 n s Williamsport .... 0:50 P.m. " arr. at Lock Raven—• t.. • ... .7:45 P.M. 141. 41 1t . i4 " " • " W_ LIUMP!PF!" ERIE EXPRESS leaven Eric 6 . 25 r.m. - 011Xelat i • trj ? t r Yug, Lula aiutzstiremietlerO l3: Ct a +4010 143 4+ 1, ana O k l l l . l ll r eT I fe:' , tND e l e f=TN 1:3 111 320 , trtirAiPePtg a i fiuK ti At e 4 4l 4 l t f Irr S. INTERNAL RE 4 E.:--c• v ii ,AO l iiNodi w nuerbgitta VA= bet Vier Ci =4. ._ l9 lre VIVA TiTtil ONPl4lVtilai Mow , tWOOPP • the tore I gii=rvi, Tiff JP payment at dil: btilorbeforb Ihelfltd day ,Tuth [ gos, t ire illit:toratzt,rtr ReTvattimixttez within we Pa ttme speamiL raw twoomeltabur ,to Tv 419 , 19/11 "r Waffi lga in lAlititYNE ,/ 4/ , (1 f oi , 4: ‘ 7,11.<11 1.' Collisctoiilla Pietist" i T i - ( W t .or;AM i l e n Rirl da ' 4910 18 61? % WI .- ir' 1 QIfStaItRANNA - : ' f.I:)IILEGLIORE LV atiIIETTUTE, ' 1. , i .r.!..1 ! ~,r l, ,f , .I,i 44041 11- o .646' 'ia.`iiteadtb h a faltiorpie it tructritetore ,, fot , ;" ell the bruit:lolln the ingtr 49104 , Watfi,9 4 '• Vn e l ida *i ffr-n rf,p' t l ANTIIEL 7. COL , .41133117;11861).4.ttl it • PtineipaLr s "•• . -_-.;.,,,,.-, !.__:::,:_ - - v ..,; 1 ....:;. - VANIFTELP;',4IOOA WA:I., Ow r . j ., , I " .• VAIL . cknhinieilki Elepttntqer /lit 404 ;i ; i o ; t li.s ti r iii i ii; • ! r.rr s . r...rprintairo, • 01:).NNECWIC,UT > I .2.114. T.J,ITE k../ . ! INAIIRANCE"CO3IPANY, r! -, ..!•! !..!•.;i1T , ,,!-!, •,.. r-, - . •, . , . , r . . oF.A.Leamwm. cbmi- „ . 1 r ' Ntratrntanio ROni. 'nt 59,006 4 At5-ADIEER. " .. j • lisris (done L.tem twerl23,l)oQ,6DO. '. 1 Sumter ore i 7,006 0 0., :: • •a. r . 6.IIIIIENWEINEpPIiP•I.7.III44/ - 40 . TRin l'Elt CEN - E. yotal.cJAitorl•by 1 1,0.1 . to G4e, pros ef,000.000. Toni. iirenizioa VAXD TO DATE, ovin if,ll,ntiO,o6o. A PUREL4' :MUTUAL - CO E MP A N. 1.• All Ste •intrilna is equitibly Abided among the Tnl-• icy holdereln.i ." -, • .. If , •-14 : ' • ' '•IN N U A.l, ' DIVIDENI)S, • • I ' which mayi .. . . . i) . be aril* in reduction of rennums, or , niay be iteentnnialckT Aliiterevt Dn . ., the enellt iretlip 1 Aantri4'. orinay'Ve r:etiel-i(4l by t l 4n In Caah. I " I Paid-up Policies are . granted after, tt,y9 or mute years! Premiums have been_ paid', thria practle.iliy making. . i 'ALL ' roirems . ; 11 - a.Y-Foß . - I , ~ :1 -it I;,ini: •i;,,n,ien iiii;nl - all 1 1 , 1 , DR§IRADLI; VI.ANS OF 11.-NSFIRA..NrE, And has adopted in ate workings fin-eral • • SPECIAL , • PEA 7 1 ULIES t , • ORIGINAL WITII TRItO "COMPA I NIe AND omen. ED itE . ,NO OrILLE. . . a. B. iIeRE-VN„ f tgent. TeAranda, Pa., July 1.1.111439—tt ! To TOE 'Nora - 11w Cr.:Ami ..!—.l ant 'now prepared to furnish all dame With txmatani employment at-their hornee. the.whcde frf the time, or fur the spare mo menta. Dialiteia mash lightwail' trofitable., 'My 7. w 4: , 11.4r, .4.444,i A , !,, , ,,ortgkrudt by, paean. either ger, and the hop, and girl& earn nearly aft much ali men. ! Great Italie/Armes are' offdred thew . who will devote their whole time to ,tlag Ituatneea.; and. that es : err person who geea this butt& Mal-Fend rue their addreasand text the hueinem' fOr thrtnaelyna, I males the following unparalleled cifftr : Te all who ate No t well eatiglled With . the bnislne4; t will Miff 10 to pay .for .the trouhlti of writing rue. Full par, :'tlenlara, dtrecbone, Sie r . sent tree. Sample sent by ' waif Coe 10 tent*. Achart•es 'E. C. ALLEN. ' ' alay , ; lo, 1.860. , , Allgtletai Ile. it LtIVIE! ! '! thatrilli4siguillturely.,auniluees Ao the nubile. that he keepa cohatantly on his KILN iu lIRCIWKT9II , I3, Pm, fnll tupply of fresh hatnel Xoll.4\LlME,,which he. will Nell 4e cheap co it can be Ishight at uil point shrug' the Canal. Shay 1: ltked+lf.••.. 1 • ' : DAVID BROWN. • 111 A )• LOENE :11.1LN 1113.11)U4 STRUT§ TqliAtipA, PA. licalers in MI libido at aftOCElerks, /'JtU I'JXiON.R, 'Feed' :. anii Woub,. -wiLL o ilnd. slynvE "W" Ri - H., 1. We would c4ll special attentiou to tlnr Relndi FI ! Q CI ! ',' TEX.& COIT/:3'.`, *lllOl )ite WARRANT f. , ) girt. gntiefaction its 4111..turr ,t) PRICE } CASH paulfitr deeirable Country .1 . !1 ' Lose. Prod ter, Tapioca, Venuacciii; llaccaronl. Sago, Pearl Barley ' and Hominy, Oakley'", Taylor's. and Ford'it _ ' Sow". Holman a. Talmadge, and, Royal Baking Powder. • • • ' "IV=etra ^ Stan hard Extracts. Ilecker'a :Farina. Hope... ~Cox's Gelatine. • The; Gem 'Fruit Jar. Baker's Chogelate, Cocoa and Broma. "Titus" Cream, „Lemon and Extra Soda Crackers, 'Gtantli Wafer, 3M, Boston, •Egg and Butter . • Crackers. Towal4ila, Junci 23, 1869. FIRS T. NATIONAL BANK, OV TOWANDA. . 4 1 4 CAPITAIi . . ... $125,000. . Srnl'LU Fusti 40,000. • • Thie Bank 61f1;es Ui4II3DAT. F.teIIXtIES for the transaction of a ORIVERAL BANKING .13CNINFISN. INTEVEST P. 111.01.1 DEPOSITS ACC'OItIIECO . TO • AtittEE3IENT. . • I .. EirFCIAL CAnr. urrus 7o Tur.tot.t.rt-rx.v., - V F Kerins ann i Cutsw. • ravtis suxn litoNrY to•iiny part or the ;Jolted States, England, Sreland, Scotland ion the prin cipal cities and loirun of Europe, eau here procure drafts tem - that ptirptste. - • - , PUSSAGE", MATES T 6 or. front the old country; bS• digit steamer Mum' always-ft hand.' • . ' • r ki lamina" tia7ra.:!'. l • thy!. rAt paid fur ('.B Bonqe, Cold Ati.l Silver., E.; H. SMITH. Prroddent.. N.- NVEETIS, . .Tolranda, June 21 , 1009., . . Cashier, , -vvrEMEEE SUB, SCIRIgERS,HAVE .this clm , etittred Into a ,114ted , partnesaldp,. agreeably to the Drottalmmof the act of.A.serahly of the •Oommonwalth 'Peirniyltanle; teEP . ed the 2111 f day of March; 3830 1 .• Waled °an Att relative to Lim, Red Partnerships,' titt do' hetebrevrtny thrit fhb name of the don under, which - tiablyeuthership Is tto be cesiducteo U PPOPERIMPTHER§; 4 , 4 1 thOlen• eral aaturil -of the bnainbire •trintaactedla the ithainfacture of aki and tither melt, liquors, and Tend. lug the RAM", end tho'same..will lie' the otteadt - of:Tinrande. l Bollfbid . 'taunt*, Pg., ;Islas Um nankin; opr *lip:x..l2a Ina of: pa arm it* Ward r. ooper and Coopercboth of the borotigh ,r dfl alorelegd. ad the tatsV%P•t, J). Archie of the City of New= r .ietark 'capital 'ciintftbuted by the: mid D. Moine Poll, - *Tod partner. I d v.. dmd 49ttara Is cask for one-teMh linens to said, bltstwee thet the period at which the WA partner *bin le for coil:mentor is. the. And sity at Aprils one thousand eight hundred ankatxty-nlne, and that it aitt t.m.wat on dayof , AitriE ono thothand bino hundred and *elect* .... . ' „ . . • • • ' " - • • " " :MIL'S. COOPER ' . ; D. General Partnere., D. ARCHIE PELL, • - sPefial Palther. t =I i , 1 I =7===9 1.1.1 imps • GROCERIES AND Provisions, at wholesale and retail, at May la, 1869. C. I. PATCII•:1. F 0 - R T Y Y iTestify to th(). fair...tenting izoN - tr.A. .11:15 A.M. 12:20 roll stock of Maple anitTauu s - • .(1/bettl . 411-121 1 f-, :r • ‘*;,: !.rf - Al''cicgallta.llrtisthittroft Ir. (• i -; rt• -i- , 41:1, - 7.:?;;..• , j1.2.-h WALL AND. 4INDOW - PAPERS. t.•; • dR0C10Utr . 4.741,1 :a-US$ WARE, I'ull line of siZELF XNlr .--,AF1Ji:1,11.LS CAIIPETS, on. CLOTH A\l) MATEINU:i An extra 5t1314. ,;.1;; T 'L.07715, ('_1&47.31E71E5, EL'ADY-til)E Cl:oTfiiN(; k__):111tillifo of Lli1T:11Elt AND' fa f(f TINI)TNGS HATS, C4PS,''ANID UMBRELLAS, Trunksp ValiHus and-Trayeling Bag O.ILS AND ty gunrintred. and iiricen tho market. . Ja.A. AK) du=g a PATENT " GEM "i FRUIT JAlt; Ali ith 't Edits;. Et main rtt , lu line., a stock of fioott. in estont and vnltuty nif ,qualvd this ss,le of : , ;ow Yntli city. The public.arn cenUallt invited to enll :int) eTnininn g ,, mlsl.antt priers. Jik 3810.. • ' MON:CW(6i. P oil A: c (7.0'. A -..\- D I G . A.,11 . ' S'i STE4. I I . TOBJCGO K. T Q L') _A_ CUT • TOBACCO AND .CIGARS FLU U L'R, FIZI VIIOLESILE PRICES That, cattp,tt.f.tikto taut,. We would west relteet(ully eetielt . entl'from the Ilf.alers thrreohout :`:orthern rettugybratta, to nn exuttittation of •• • • (1(:11b. ••;:l'ul; .1 ND .PRIGEN Ii 1: ~TUCI~T .I\D. ZTRGINI%I Stock that can be proeitred. iu the market- - Givens a try.. Thfs tr ahtennentfrptite,ataltvill suctvott with. n.l beeul divpositien of. the trade to support Immo, mauufactors. 111E.11.413 k Jam. 1, 18613—t f.. 157 Main-at, Towanda, Pa, UDITONS NOTICE.'-IA" THE •attrr of lbe Ertnio Pr.•t, bite of Smit 3 / 4 - Bradford count's', decofsed. Satunvl Atimitilstrathr, ' . •••• • - The undersigtied, the Orphans Court of Azad county, at :tray term, pit% en Auditor, to dis tribute nioneya in the hands of the „administrator, 'Samuel 'Niles, arising from the sale of real eatite,will attend to the duties of Ms appointment. at Isle office, in the *numb of Tcnvanda, ohlVednesday. Aug. 25. lftf,D, at 10 o'clock, a. in., et which time and place. all persona lacing claims to said moneys, 'are required to proactit Lira same, or be forever debarred front, coming In upon said fund. 1 July 24. 180:' • W. A. rtaK. .1 wlitor. G. L. tEIS.EiIt .A D.3IENTISTRATOIt'S NOTICE.-. Ifotlee_is hereby given thatall 'pritions indebted to the estitpi ALLILVIS.iiiI. BLAKESLEE, late of Pike twp., deceased, are requested to make immediate pay ment, sad alt Persona haring claims against Mid .6- tate ;mist Ic prei , ,enied duly authenticated for souls me4t. July 15, 1e69 LON 3 b REELER .4 DMINISTPATRIX'S .Id 7 Notice ix hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate of JOILN LAUGHLIN, lath of Towanda borough, deceased, are requested to• make tnimeillate payment, and all.perFonii having claims against said estate must present tbeindnly authenticate for settle ment, .. 4.IATHARETE. LAUGHLIN, July 15, 1869. Ads, ini?trafrix.' UDITOR'S. NO TICE. —B. TV. Leon— .,/ rx. c. .11. Lronrtiq., Nb. :103, Fehrunrxtenu. 1803. in the Callrt. of C'etemon Ilens of Ilritciforti tottuty. The undersigned an Auditor r.rw0.t....d by said coati to distribute - funds in the Sheritra hands aris ing iron' Ibn ..Sheriff's Sale of defendant's personal property, 10.12 attend t) the duties of said appolfit men, `at hill .eillce in the borough Of Towanda.; on SATURDAY the ith day of AUGUST, 18GO, at 3 o- elOeli; p. - m., at - sidelt • Hale antl 'Place all persons hark; liainas to .laid •fund are, truneeted to present the same or be debarred from coming Upon said fund. HENRY PEET. - 441.1i10r. July TA; 18G9.7--4w llDT i rOit'S • NOTICE.--John O. Criterium and R. 17: 7righn 8,. *0- UZI% 1862.. cintrt, of Cawiriou Malt of Iltadfaid' coanh•.'; • . Thir undersigned 'an Auditor appointed by said Emilt to distrihnte moneys in,the hands of the Sheriff ariaitiw' from Sheriffteale •of defendants Pereonal property, wiji attend .to the duties a said appoint. meat athia office Bokoudh of Towanda on TUESDAY the 10th day of AUGUST: 1600, at 2' Clock p. ni., atfahich timeand place all Persaua hay. ing claims to said mosey are required to present the earns or be debarred from coming in.uplan said fund. TIF:NitY PEET. iscb.--t: • Auditor. 1313.1 7 10 R'S NOTICE-Oplahl• Bu- A , eftile're. J. IV. Pentii.em. No. foit. September Iwm, Ifte.9. In the Court of Continuo Pie is of Thad. The undersigned an Auditor appointed by .ai ' d Court to distribute - funds raised by Sheriff Kale of dofortelaut's personal property, will attend tp the.du. ties of his appointment of his Olfue In the borough otTotamida. on FRIDAY the. lith day (*AUGUST. 1: at_d_o'cleek. p, n., where all ,Pereglis baling e ..sugrdttst said fund most pretent Witt or else tat forever debarred therefrom. , . ' • , s . . J.llO JttlTib.'lBoo.-It,'' " Altditer.' • trpirtijit'gNOtles .iL - ICdersimied, an realm' amiointed by the Court' of Basitinon Pleas of Bradford Contity. - td distribute money in the hands of the strrriff raised from the atitittrs bate of Beeson W. 000W1ipersonai and reel estate, rW attend to. Up dation ,of lits: appointment it, his aide in the borough - of Towanda. on TursdaY, thd 10th day of Atignst; 1867.. at 1 o'clock, Pat, July 15, 18e9. , XECK. Aluusor.. ASTOCK OF, TOBACCOS THAT duet be - btat In quality or price. at 'May 20. • C B. riTtn.s. riANNED • TOMATOES, PEACH N.../ es. Dried Fruits. &e.. wholesale and retail. ,filly 1. - AUX. Now holy TOWANDA, PA.., , Dlt Y '0- 0 0 • ./..our) ti 14u I'7 -- '''''-7-", ERE =1 ,ccc~i•~~~+s fn. . , air) T WA Mi •E' PPY?. eltisr—tiwti'lttip‘rtatloil, F,{4 ' kY I • ... •.• • 1 Eil t , - twt t t. G it!o. et E itl E 8 ■ BLOT :i AN.151,-SHCri:S ; I'l um L'Le4tuc.Lli e c—labLelied lIMM On :111,;infitrec..t bui.ow I;rittge Strret, AS 1,1, they are mainlficturing all lava' , of Which they offer ta the tra to at our "1",,brx,0 Li munithvtured from the he,t. Legal E. S. Sttrin. .lirminiAlrotors bilscollaheous. HHH H H B BB B jaftragit , cinaritnit)e - st atieti and most reliable 'makes of BOOTS 4VIYO.- AWOAS.O --7.-.ZCZEO."-Z4:KC,LU;F.%Trn . ,WZIEttKi ft . ,11,f,V004 ttlq•r•t-t • 1.1 5-: .i POO YPitii4()RlNF_lffi r • -r.,4;e'ciaiy . :ag i cit;ifitgai4,vaiawiii the nrridikha COthityatadd ;111,..fii OE I= - .erp..),T.T o'f4 . i 33 . : 11 84. Eli = • Q. 17 iftsic,lt of b_; - 1( z ).' 771/.1 Tt.ttliVO /fist CS, - , ~ : 41 : 1 : ;V;I jr--f rE / ; 5 t it a IS the ki : g&i . / 31 ' TZWILII4IO,- at i 1 - o. offered At I(;Niestrates. ' • r,-' ; ' , H H H H. H H H H H 4B 0. 41:17 81-0 B (13:11 Lave on . .must cxten- hive' (;r! IEiRNE4S SADDLEIeg Evoit aint:zi.rd prepua•ed: r prait- anything in this = HFI!I . II.HTIHHIT 13BBBBBBB"B Thanking our friends .for flee very Theral patronage given u 8 iii the'past.,, , we invite their attention tO our as= sortment of :gixals 'in !each dePart inent, as:Ruing them thatrwn haVe . • never rhefoi-e tCn...idile'tei offer great= er'indueenieitti3 Limit at the priseilt EUMIHIU Bit OTHERK fr - a IT II H H H II IT H Tom llola door 14, ANTHIIiE TO FIND 1:61-1-3-Eii- f 1/1.01 : 131.1:11-n:"! CEILING, VLOOIIIN(4, SIDING • • • t;.sra,; t • t •t.ll-- • . • AVINDOIV \NI) Dpoit FRajtl:S, u,i~r r: sIL LVF;~:, FENCE RAILS, POO-4, cuf:NER I;6ARDA. VAsE CORNICE, • ITEIZE, r.k, CEP LUMBER, ItILL TIMBER ROW 11041111 S, &C., &C GrEa...v LUMBER AV All EILOU,SE, orio=. 117-TITOITST . 'f6WA:cp,k N. 11.--Job Work promptly done To‘vaMla. Jnly - G FRUIT JARS: WHOLESALE clioeNßgT sToi'E nu.ciT- Tommili4JWyltlW9. • •• . . C OFFEE, -TEA ; • SIM Ag; .I.ISH, -&e., wholesakrandretaiL - : •• • - -July L . ••:• . • MLcAltil& hui.. • LL TftE ABOVE GOODSAVILL 1 - 3. be Sold to tjri+ . ttade etc:v . ollA doer. MS 1. ' '3IcCADE te VEWORKS, ATWHOLESAIE at JO. • ItcCABE k ,111%"3. etrARY t i ltitOS NOWII:E.A.P In fine condition: at the, Gardetrof Inix I. -ALUMS ltlX. HEM !ErErn ? roi / OEM - 14 ES T TAI tLE,st MAIN VTIII:ET. ;11J, I L_ 5. 1 IIETAIt; AT .TIIE hi; If AMA. ,I,Jrf s ; Xerililindiso: • NEW' SPRING. 000 - AAJt:i.l - A - r •4, ,r; .77 - 7 - 7: • . T.Syrio. &= co.'s MIMI= Siii MEE! 4 blive stock_ of DyESS , , , GtOii; : CLOAItS and SHAWLS, HQOr SKIRTS,' 6tOTIIS ana,-CASSIMEIt}IB, El HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND NOTIONS ) DOM..piTICS, t SHEETING.B, 31 X 3LINS, __._.._-~IC~I~CiT~, TA I nC.I.3IS, t• .1.-_ ES PRINTS, 1 01 1 T0g •- • ; 11~c7)~B~~'1~ LADIES', 311SatS, % and CHILDREN'S HAAS, CAPb CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, IVALL PAPER, ALSO, THE CELEBRATED x_ C-3;.-11 H Our Spring ;41.0e1i is now romplet, in _every iiepartinent, anal our C:Oo,l, have it , , t; been gele(!ted with a viewt,, sceurc largo 1)1 dit.t:, but t!) plc ahi• :111,1 benefit onr enstoincrs. A1"0 Lt li we have : : ;nec - eoleil hi; it, all to call and verify our statomilit rAyLoil ,k; Towanda: April 1. 180 1 .4 00 K HERE! coll'ELL d .11 ui is ti lo j.t:111,1 of - I.3i , ..sxtrAi.t. t v.:J.. a / f la;gc aud ,to:k =I Wllob 111(7 offor to brup , r: Cash laid for all kuols farrarrs"Pr , ,llac Arril 21. 11cti2—tt. . . Real Estate for "Sale Fo' SALEoiIEXCII.C.N(iI : .. - The u;atiereigr , .ll Offeri4 for sale r N. ).311. , hi , . proyertY. 0 7 '.rner of 11.^khn. and Sl‘th ~ I , n ,ieting of a I.lw,lling and 2', urn I.oel largo variety of fruit. Ankh ae. •••,. apples, pluton. cherriee. and a mind,. treeA. For particular,. .mttire of 0. 1). 3forrrnsyi The above property will be 40h4 low nod payment Towanda. July 1. 18111---tr. t GRE I.T CHANCE FOR - SPEC- Fan% .tun Mitt !Tor hicl7.—olle 111111,1*111.Cres of laud. 40 acres - rd. two dwelling houses. barn and other lutilduk: saw null. new. with 34 fret head and fall, 30 acre pond, anti can cot froth :300,000 to 500,000 a year 50 acres of heavy titular laud, with a portion of ele pine. lying about 4 miles south of Smilltboro*. r a very easy grade. The above property will 1,, I low, and payments made easy. Good mason, e.n , 'for selling. Enorilre of the undersigned on tile prep S. S. 1311.11)1,E1'. Wanthain .slltunlit. Jllll, 21, • IT ABLE DAIRY FARM +. -T 4 11 holt SAUE.—The offer fur sale their Eliot Dairy Farm, situated two miles cak of vireed• wood. McHenry ro.. Illinois. Said farm contai, three hundred and twenty acres choice land. ilescrif• eil as follows acr, choice timberi , d. Ino mire's meadow, and N under the plow. Vinod clwel lingdninse and umbra-WM.O, lgrve eldtle barn and good hurt, barn. 'the tinert lnitt, rpriugs in the country, running through a comruiloms al/ruM• iptve. Is capable of keeping 75 cow+. and is only I:, miles from 'ti's lict•.:Fwtory, Terms ono. Intlf cash, balance in cane papnents at 1: per rent. M- U:rest. Si'3.lcllcur7, Oreenwoml, Mno , :Iry Co.. 111.. or F. S. Ayer.Sherlii iquin. F. S. ASTI:. May ISO 9 -tf. S. OR SA -1N MONROE 1301;k ) One house and lot eituate. on Mechanic stn t adjoining ,tho Barclay railroad depot- Sled one 117 of land containing two and one-half lICIV ,, by of the Sullivan and Erie railroad. adjoining the depg. and only one tier of iota between the land and Mao, ATM... If not 'gold by NOvgroher let it will be t rent. For terms enquire of James Elliott. Toorand , or Win. 1.,e20. on the preTnisee. Monriiitly 15. 1 1 A111I FOR SALE IN CANTON. I.The subscriber offers for sale hie farm in, Cal, ton, containing about eighty-aix acres. some sereiity improved: The Improvements are one: dwelling lumse. oue barn. ime milk-hones.. one raw-mill in .goiel naming order, with 12-Lorse portable engine capable of running mill ; it can also be_nua by water a portion of the yeast. Connected with the .1111 e, all the necessary machinery fur manufacturing wave Eubs. in good order.- - There is elsnst thrifty young apple orchard on the premises, and other (mit tre artamd thej house. The farm is located about two fromreanton village, and within one hundred rude of the Williamsport & Elmira ILIL. For terms. call On C. Stockwell, at Canton, or the enbeeriber on the 'ref:ultra , May 9, 1969. A BARGAIN.-A FE BULD-1 ...1.11-ini; lot on Third !itreet, near the Catholic Clem L. fifty feet front, biotin - led in the rear by au alky, a II be aohl at ahargaiu by inunediate application t” & 31olutoW, Attorneys-at-Law. ToWatala, July 15. LOOK AT - IT!-131 ACRES EX ...L. caent fanning lana—consldcrabln Tuat;arora ton-n:414. 13. Julles than- Caufou , il. Price ftlB per acre. For particulars, addrea,. E. D. BARN ,, . July 15, IgP. Tnukbannock. Wyoming I', ..GENTS WANTED-FOR PROF_ Parsons' Laws ,4 Business, with full-tiro.tion , and !onus for all Transaction in every. state. by Titrornir,ra, PAIIRCNS. L.L.D, Professor of oa Harvard Unireesity. .t !lEW BOOK ron Explaining o.ery kind of Contract and Leant 0 1 . 1, 0' Con, and showing hcnr - to . draw and exeente Ran, The highest and beat authority in the land. S , nd for t our liberal tercets. ' Also for,-our Patent Iliblo rnctnn, fisvr Fars. PARMELEE k . CHOICE CANDIES. • • COWELL &MYER. T - 1 7A.RArE - rts - OBSERVE.-- tI) •K lIIK—A thoroughbred, shorthorn, ur Vurbain recardr.l sto a, A. 11.11., vol. t, will .stand ter : Pro. bet:the present N.:3,011 on Joseph Flom, i•„, farm. iti.,il,ouriieton, at the following very low rat. - 'IVC, C:lsh Smile row, 4 , 3 ; twoirowg..s ; nut or rizcowt 3 / 4 ; 10 • ten corn, $15.. Also for sale, calve, biath,heifers and bung, the got (4.144 Kirk. Csll and ,examine the rt ok. _ J. 0. iioMKf. - 3tonrorton. 3f# IRO. A LL KINDS SPICES, COFFEE. ti routed, ready ground, or ground to order, pot 2, 3, 4, or .pound boxes. W. N - T ED. -TIVENTY GOOD BA.= Thrszata: by the Towanda Tanning Co.. Orvenwood, Bradford Co.. La. Ilighent wage. win paid.ditring the veohn.,; e.oawn. .1. B. lInAVE. tirronvood. May , 61. 1,;.;o fr. S'TltLPl{s, - SHOES &C! at - pr. that =II lice.USE .11 MIX