Vt•i!dtil -14orter. LOCAL AND 'GENERAL. flea` RENIti Twine,' de., has - been appointed Postmaster:oi New Era, this eoimty rice E. Baas, resigned. ' Mr. Gunn; has joist completed an exCellent likeness of Xien..P.mosr., • The painting is now 'on extulition at the store of CALKINS & %saw& . Ilet. The ,person who, by mistake, took Lora* Iffocca'a tztabrela from the MU oethe Preebyter-Chictott on Baader kma, tot Air a "'Tor by leastag !tat the 8M Taecrk XOOll2. "Bona," infant son of proas w. Maas, ofthis place, was seized with a - severe attack of cholera istfantum on Friday af ternoon last, from the eSects of which he died in • few bciam Reir Farmers who are in want of Mowing Nullities, and eakeiarly those who want a good ono; had better call at Asprawsu:s and get the sample Buckeye Mower. It is the last ono, and all ho will have this year. Mir The largest run of billiards -ever accomplished in this cormtry. was made in the saloon oil. Btlla llama, in Trenton, NJ., a few days disco. 001. Elmo made a ran of 1,487 in ono hundred and ten =teak • lam' Mr. -Yon, who:thade an at tempt to publish a paper In Tunkbannock a few - years ago, is about to make the venture again. We hope be may be enmesh& A good &pub. lican paper is needed in Wyoming county. • ift:Our readers will see from the following table, which we take from the Bthooi Journal, that Bradford county ranks fooith in the number of its public schools, in the State: Allegheny has 513; BMus 191; Lucerne 444; Brobrd 3871. In. A little . son of NATHAN DEWY, of Orwell, aged Ave years, while attempting to climb over a fence a few days since, touched his feet on a log which rolled, throwing the boy to the ground in such a position that the log pass ed over him, completely crushinghis head. The boy lived but a short time. D®- Linta Hose Company, No. 3, paraded the streets on Thursday evening hist. Tlu• men presented a very fine appearance in their new - uniform, and their carriage gave ell (knee of good taste on Ate part of the female friends of the Company,- as it was beantifdly ,i,corated with evergreens and flowers. . Liuta Hose Conipany have is cued imitations fora grand pic-nic at Green sy,..l to-day Thursday). Trains will leave this place at lair and 7 p.m., and return at 8 and 11:30 p.m. We have no doubt it will prove a pleasant occasion to all who participate, as the management of the affair is in good bands. ' wa... We took a "peep " inside tEe new "Bed, White and Blue" Tea Store, on Bridge Street, the other day, and were agreea bly surprised to find so large a stock of goods. We should judge Mr. Baaaruau, able to fulfil all ht-advertises. His teas and coffees are all new and fresh, and as an evidence that he has confidence in his, wn goods, he offers to give away tramples. ter Perhaps no branch of mechan ical Industry has undergone greater improre ments dtirtng the past few years, than tho man ufacture of boots and shoes, and CAMPUELL, south side. of .31tacra's new block, takes special pains to "keep up with the times" in this lino of goods, and he feels confident that his facili ties foepurchasing enable him to defy compe tition. Its: Two youngmen namedL IA; and ItEvNot.rs, entered the harness shop of .To‘. Crommt, in this place, on Sunday night la.t. and took therefrom two toile of cloth tiatxl f.r carriage lining, with which theyleft forparts unknown. A Towanda gentleman happened to 1.• in Owego on Mond +y, where he saw -the thieves and had them arrested and returned to this place. They were placed in jail on Tues. any evening. Vir A New York lady recently purchased an outfit for her child's doll. Among the articles was a shawl at thirty dollars, and a handlke•rchief at fifteen dollars. What extrava gance; yea, worse than extravagance, sinful wantefolnegs! While SIVA= is selling these n.eless goods at exorbitant tignres,- - Cr.owrizr & Ainsiniv are selling hide and caps at prices with in the reach of all. Call and see them, south side MEnerit's new block. .. We regret to notice among the names of the persons arrested at Owego the other day on a charge of being connected with n gang of burglars, that' of RENIIT I[I.CDALL, formerly of this place. He was a nice boy while h.• lived here, and had the esteem and coal:I -a.:nee of aU who knew him. We sincerely hope he may be able to establish his innocence. His ease is another sad warning to boys toavoid bad company. nis- We are indebted to Prot. VER - lam, of the State Normal School, Mansfield„for 3 s iry neatly printed catogrie of that institn ipm, for the school year of 1868-9. The whole 'muds r of students registeicil during the year :t:t7 nudes 161 ; females 176. Number of students 225: males, 102 ; females 1.T1.. "7iinils 7 r of model students- 112 : males 59; fe -71131,, 53. Forty-one of the, students were from county. Dia- We find the follOwingitern in Harrisburg Doily7ikirelph of the 13th: PicKs:n.—We learn that Judge ULYs s MEnern, of Towanda, was telieved of four bonaired dollars—two hundred and fifty in green bAelis and one hundred and tifty in drafts—this m.rning. He arrived in the Northern Central train; and while obtaining a seat in the train aSt on the Pennsylvania railroad for a lady in lip. charge, he was crowded by several men, and • oon after discovered his loss. It is supposed the thief was one of the parties who pushed so um him. The Judge onght to knmy better than to visit flarri.burg when the democracy are there in , :ech.numbent. It isn't safe: RI Rev. W. B. arEvElis, Bishop ..f the diocese, visited Christ Church on Sunday last. In the morning he preached an able and eloquent discourse ; after which the Rector, Rev F. I). MIKKINS, presented Mr. F. W. aturrxrr w ordination to the diaconate. At the enoclu-• ,1, , n ?if the ordination ceremonies, the commu nion was administered. Bev. F. Basler, of At hens, was present and assisted in the services. In the evening the Bishop delivered another unpreasive and forcible sermon from the text : sits, what shall I do to b l e_ saved?" At the ten candidates for confirmation were pre - nted, upon whom the Bishop laid his hands Hi accordance with the usage of the church. The church was crowded durhigbOh services %all interested and attentive audiences. The ...mo m , were evangelical, and the services t hnnlghont solemn. PMSONAL.—Lt. J. W. MEnctra is , r..ndin g a few weeks in this place. Commissioners' Clerk of Basque- I - lanai: county, paid us a flying visit on Thurs day last. lie lira very pleasant and affable gen th•tnan; if he has got an in-natured name. --Mr. At e r. W. , Goonsics, of Philadelphia, is in town. Xr. 0. hµtiispposod of bis interest in the printing estashment of DEW/WO & t „ ■,t)Cica, but does propose to abandon the _profession. —OX. Cam. ]M ic a and funny, of Valium . Lim) been visiting with friends here - far .o - eral days psbt. --Lt. J. Busaitaxa and wife are 'visiting their hien& here. . —Rey. D. - Coos, °Marra is to deliver an addri.vii before cite of the literary societies of Lafayette College, Easton, on t h e 27th instant. C. was a member of the class of '42. --Fitaxa T. ScrilDEß, editor of the Waverly Ewer-in-asp, gave-nu a call on Saturday. - G. D. Lowo and wife, of Troy. have returned from their western tckir. -*rt. Lis . ltonotaa, has joined the Totrari ‘l,l7ation at Avon springa. Mni..Y. D. Roan= and daughters,have \ Ovrarron and wife have returned to tbi. place after. an absence of several weeks, daring wh i ch time they have visitedCanadaand lAsees on, - the St. Lawaence. mentolissiour Ark aregll • I ' . paws ot rolii4y, Mirk ail ter, I badly dare hope to patch the pal& at• tentiew with the eommoophice wirwsotaarateady ken). And• yet we law thy filicitamna i idit every lbw public expectationis ontip** wateii Log for the shadow ofaisniag events, asidbtdid leg fancitrdwurs stabs Mow- • cr., _ nor new BeNCreellt,PWln_ new thn atinittki l theme of carriessatien, -Wiery; plaa.,Aid:Ma r metre it 11 94bektdthffrelVetettet: 71 _,Pf.,' "Mime Reid lAA ffieffitet, atectlie.',446 l =Vented" beWetbrethefe betet,lDElHlllo' State line on the Woctowiniiii WM; . :i . day it was to have been given ma to tbe.con• tractors wttliadierti that the last •ipiker Antal be driven and the stenm horse all hautemod, ready for the traveling public by May, ISM Mesa; linsinar e Count maid Hausa iitiki; Ithaca, wore here last week lookhig after. the interests of their road,; so it looks vet* nark' Bey. C. C. Tau; wbo.iretit 'ai a amine* to Turkey, from Smithfield, Pa., two yews ago, had a very narrow esespelkom ,allitte ly. He had been . to Constantincoi& to attend the Annual meeting of raissirmarletyindOn the 29 tit Grief stated be* to his boultf Al*: thisidan• A mmer 66 Or After haring . been out to sea one day, & thkk l&E, overtook Oki* and the rowel got int Of its comae and strlek a hidden rock. *There was It once the gjeatest onniternakot omen the passenger; abed in number. Bet in a little while woe:Owes ed that all was right, and the?srfli . .. It proved, however, that the' ieisel was hafflyln jured and rapidly filllog with water. /She was headed toward slate (about throb es distant) and the passemmclaid off,coatsshoes, and pat on the cork rackety , ' 'soon to be = 4:id east into the sea. BOW and sachem* of the ,orawd, this lilb.boati (four in could not be managed/One boat with twenty twenty persons was cat loose, but lunar by one end, and the pusengers all fell fete the sea and were drowned: ,The ship kept itscouivelowaril shore, and Snaßy stranded on the sandolkere ft could not io dawn, and the leMainink pas. angers were taken off in lab* •i. . i “, The GMal Template have a festival Wedgies-, j day y‘ening, for the purpose of raising 'Midst° I fit.up their new hall. Their numbers are so : 'rapidly increased that they were obliged . to get • larger room, and they have ma& arninge. manta for "hogs Hall," and hope to lit it up. in neat style with proceeds of festival. ' Mr. A. A. Kuniza bas just brushed up and re painted his store inside. ''lt is now one of the finest stores in Bradford county, and•Bmwsw, one of the most prosperotui merchants'. Wiznot: I lice again the smilingcountenance of F.R. Prue behind the counter. The "old Foundry" is being fitted up with new boiler and maelMim, and will moan be mi ning again. In the meantime, the Messrs. BLOOD AM driving things in their shop to its ut most capacity.. • Na'. DISROBE CORRESPONDENCE.—Last Thursday, June 24th, High Mass was celebrated at this place, in St. Basil's Church, by Rev. E. Torres, of Towanda, for the happy repose of the soul of XAVTEII FRANCIS KATrit L who departed thi s life on the 24th ult., at his rtritidenee in Bennin ger, Baden, Germany. The deceased was grandfather of Rev. X. EVIXR, the present worthy and efficient pastor of Dnshoro and missions. Ho died at the ad vanced age of nearly 87 years:fortified with the consolations of our tidy Religion, and retained, even to his dying moments, the full use of his mental faculties unimpaired. During his short but very painful sickness, which he endured with christian fortitude, he was visited almost daily by his parish priest, from whose venerable hand he received the sac raments, intended to strengthen his soul in its journey to eternity. Although his death, owing brag° and infimi ty, was looked fur, nevertheless it brought heart felt and sudden grief to his children and grand children, on this side; of the ocean, sonic Of whom cherished the 'fond hope of seeing him \ once more ere death Should complete its. cruel work of destruction. At the conclusion of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, an eloquent and in structive sermon was' preachill, by the officiat ing clergyman, to a large and deeply interested concourse of people, who had come there to unite their prayers and sympathy with their be loved pastor for the aged and venerable deems-. ed. The Text of 'Holy Scripture' chosen by the reverend' speaker for the occasion, was . the twelfth chapter and forty-sixth verse of the sec ond book of-M.aocabes: "It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought ,to pray for the dead that they may be loosed from their sins." Ai ter a brief but clear exposition of the text in fa vor of the doctrine of purgatory, as taught by the Catholic Church, and the antiquity and effi cacy of prayer and sacrifice offered: to God for the happy repose of the souls of thofaitlifill de parted, the reverend gentleman concluded, by exhorting his bearers to prepare for death and judgment; to live holy and- edifying lives; to approach frequently, but above all worthily, the sacraments of Penance and Eucharist, and nev er to Vogel:, even for a moment, the solemn and earnest warning of our Blessed lord and Ito. viour Himself : "11'hat (loth it profits man, if he gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" 20)- C.orros.—Mr. Editor: We have three hotels, .two of which are of the ordinary class, and one a first-class temperance house, such as has been needed for some time past. HOIIACE knows just how to keep a good house, and will see that all fare sumptuously while un der his hospitable roof. Upwards of twenty men are at work on the building at the Springs. Tr.i.paraiimui are be ing made to furnish a constant supplyeif gas for lighting all the rooms. We notice that a con siderable amount of furniture has already been placed in some of its commodious rooms. Mr..3lEnrirrr, of Leßoy, informs us that he has picked twelve strawfx..rries from his vines this season, that measured 4i inches each, and one that measured 5 1-12 inches. The variety is known us the Marriott Prolific. Who has beat it? Wat. LEWIN, better known as "Blind Billy," has opened a grocery two 'miles west from Le- Roy Corners. BILLT is the only - blind person in this section engaged,in the mercantile business; and so far as we know, he is the only one in the county. Re is industrious and limiest, and de serves a fair patronage. The Good Templars of Leßoy are to have an ice cream festival on the 6th - nf Angust, in the evening, for the purpose of furnishing their hall. WO understand that the best rye thathas beau grown in this vicinity for many years, has ins- been cut on the farm occupied by A. W. FEL- Lova, in Leßoy. The growth of straw exceeds any that we ever saw; it stood thick arid aver aged about seven feet in height. There are about seven acres in the field. draw, oats and wheat are good—many any better than usual. Other crops are medium. July 20, 2869. NIMAT. Cutprows.—Mr. Editor: We have; not Just returned from a "golden," " tin " or "wooden wedding," but we should like to in form all those who are attending these festive gatherings, and making such an ado about them, that they are not the only happy beings on the earth, nor are they getting all the good things thereon. _ A few weeks since, my wife had a quiet inci tation to bring her husband into the " conn: try^ of Herrick, to eat strawberries ; sad as she was anxious to accept the invitation, her per suasive powers became so irresistible, that, at the appointed time, we found ourselves some five miles north of this quiet little town, in corn- . pimy with a few husbands who, hie us, bad been listening to their wives. An hour's chat, and we were summoned to the tea-table. Of course, we expected to see some strawberries upon the table, but we were not looking to see a dozen or more quarts set before us to defy our appetites; and yet we did not beat an inglorious retreat when we found ourselves in such a predicament. Not we.. We fearlessly feasted upon the delicious fruit until our appetites—which were never better—were satisfied. And these berries were not the little serf, such as they est in tin dishes at tin wed dings, but they, werefourandfloe.-eighOus inches in circumferen ce the smallest way. Nor were we doomed to oat these berries in " aldm for old "Spot " had just averatml 571pemnds of milk per , day for thcee days, dieing up with 604 pounds the last daY, June: 16, and the , txpase, from such milk yo ri may conclude was the owes of cream. Now, "if we didn't bate long stories," we could write a "column" about pails of finclehei t r bon! tit bony,etc.;gte.;bat ; lSipefNh is enough. P. July 15, 1869. _., . -'. , , .-. , . —.. : •_ ~ ... .Aims or . Ingilliimminteroar`or Eons . Tonsturre.a.antehrded.The that man • , ,omioneed Mug the WNW -bred on tAltillitown" as "Towner MU," was •Etkaa roan- iln _lffft4sibuilthiscatin on tlai firm 'Abed by the late Awn& Foam. - He lOW, In ant, *stonliftrarar min ' g oats !erne% the. same neiglt , ocarg apart etnideh lit. notrowned brbbi sop, B. W. Wm= 410100Wie Made a °OM' lalneetirent War btla Miii r'.`:. 1 ' , : w p d leal, Earan Towsmifither of thotalle• ' , irmsegre tie farm itow Mined ,I 3 Wife- . attamon.lTowyna,lbt gruilsinthe :,:eld gin=. AigmanVent the ranutindef of At dayi on , the ham with his son,. the latelbrv. keg. Totp4.a: • ozi / itboutthe year IttFrean Inner nd Bee. a= anima rime into the northwes rn part -of the tow* in what isnow Imown as ' liusoptown." kti ! Bra was s great hunter _proverbialifOr telting huntimpstoties„that *seemed to the @Elders, as 'y , • listened themi as large sto ries, andwerchmg , .. known as "Bmnp E y tit latiti,,*" . T ' 4 Lida 0111 l crixdr, abo ut. Allen froze its mouth. The , hint saw-mill as built -by GODYSIXT VOINIIIi; 4 l P ara 8 ' I rl +Oft , V• E WO;; , * 64 ' l "9 the *al INI soiheittltninx,YPrijur, hear thecosithionee alltdbad,a4di "sox creeks. The uneaten, is,,pronothriealiudia,:i!Why is I creek 'cikiled:frptdiarit !7R: , -,-- 1 - t - - • About Urhfeßhhig:ik :lite •iii: l 4t catkin; I man by the name of numsan . commenod a "ehoPPinewilevesthefteshequinroad cross ed the creeks.oo hoar „ ad* from its mouth, on the brat noyr.fonsed 14 War.. Dula. ; Where ha then, or since has lived, we have no means . PllBOl, GODFREY VOlkillebttili the first frame house, and ins short , timehrtilt a frame barn. They are now standing and doinigOcid'aerriCe.' In 1804, cATT-Votraii and: Alvoleit Enron were married in the, ,ioreri . frinne, house., The firit school-teischernianottanot rug, .Thp log schoolhouse in which he taught the:youth ful mind, ararprondly wielded the rattan, stood Apar Where,lo.,V. Yoetwi head residea..-11 Wait about the year 1803„ „ .. , 'Abe that grist -mill Was erected by Bunn Russ wArsOn°F;4l4o4inh*AB9.4 tfM -, t ier it s hashed Sio libl it tio af his brother, who kept it unti l 4BlB.lqlen he die ; ' poised of it to Snauriza'Biami. The first mechanic shop (blacksmith) was that of,BiLairOoni, In . 1812, iii ihe ionlhern part of 463 township, near whore 8. 0. Aram , : now re sides. ACHATIAB YREVIIT commenced a ,farm on ?Park's creek, about two miles north of Home village, in 1807. Here he lived at the time of his death, Whieh ocantiod ibOut thirty tears ego. His widow,'" Aunt hum," went tatVrit "better land" about two years ago, aged 93 years. CloornEt Yam= departed this life when 88, ind his wife 'Polar when 93 years of age. ' There is a singular coincidence in the longevi ty of some of the early settlers. The' wives of the two brotherii.' Hour= and ActiAn.ts. Torun., both attained the age Of 93 yeankand the widow of. HElrtir . Mtrr attained the same age. ' Wu.usi ELLurrAvedio the greatest age of any person in this vicinity; he (lied at the age ..,.... . of 95. "Aunt C.vir En on" has been a widow over thirty years, and has lived a few years last 'past in the house in which she was married 65 yeara ago. Though more than four score years have passed over her Lead; abo.rotains hex physical . and mental faculties remarkably Wo will now pass down to the year 1830, when' the people felt that a new township would be pest . convenience. Consequently , in Sentetn ber,jB3o,.theY petitiOned the Dorirt Qriarter Sessions to erect a township out of parts of She shequin, Viyaox. and Orwell. WherenponCourt appointed . Emu th o, JA3IIII GEaour n, and SAMUEL Sntur, Ja., as viewers. Turing the same term, the viewers reported "favoAble." Ina few weeks a meeting of the citizens was called, to agree upon" name for the new town ship. A number of names were suggested— " Watertown," t` Pleasant Valley," &c. L.uotort IL Famorr, in rieir of our being upon the same line of latitude of Home in Italy, proposed that it be called some. A largo majority toted that it be Borne. In February, 1831, Court issued an order of conhrmation, and ordered that the new town ship heretofore called "Watertown," be Rome. The next fall the people thought they would try the relative strength of the political parties,• and polled a fall vote. Thu result - was BO votes. polled=4o Whig and 10 DemocraV The borough of Rome was 1143rporated in February, 1860.• J. A. 31.. I . • Mn: tprron : We, of the M.E. Church of MINFOe ton, desire to publicly express, through your ezmilent - Paper, oar gratitude to to Prof J. G. TOIMEIL and son, for euraining us with ono of their superior commis r an Tues day eve, July 13, in our church for our benefit, .from width we realized a little over thirty dol lars. The evening was quite unfavorable. As the rrofessor increases in eorpidency, his soul expands in the same ratio in love for music and in benevolence, to which we can happily testify. The concert was a success in 'every respect. Many thanks to the citizens for their patronage. The Professor's reputation is established—we have only to say TOWNER ivoniing, and meccas follows. , D. B. Tovrazu, l'ofessoi's son, the basso profondo, is la wonder. The bass solos performed by him manifested skill, cultivation and power. We, could only, listen N:ith aston ishment, THE THIMUILENT Messrs. yews t Emilio); of Towardii;gavo us ttieMse 'of •onif of the best 'of organs (Er. blittoClE 7 maker). Its superiority consists in its smoothness, its power to produce the full rich tone almost in tv whisper, and then with the same 'richness . end miumiliness swell to such power'in tone as to thrill the soul of the listener. - Yours, Crro. 3lonrceton, July 15, 180 J. fltg. din. ALvoica--Dear Sir : I saw in the Harm= a few weeks ago, the fact of twd beech trees growing together in this town. I am going to•tell yOn about two sugar, maples ; that arc growing together here: The two trees stand 24 feet 2 inches apart. One of the trees grows-up about form feet, and then Wird" over nearly horizontally for about half the distance. to the other tree, and then grows in an oblique direction until it strikes the other 20 feet above the ground,_ !did growsAdotheother Amp nice and smooth. The perpendicular tree measures 6 feet 10 inches around about two feet above the ground. The leaning tree is 5 feet 3 inches' in diameter. • Anyone doubting the truth of this, can ask Groans McCann , Of Towshda, . Tor Abe trees stand on his farm ; or if they doubt his word, if theyArill call on me I will go and lot them see for themselyes, Yours respectfully, • Illeftsap McGarr. Roine, dnlY-1448434. far The National Life Insurance Company iitill continues to do an enormous busi ness. The business of the Company * is in the :hand. of honest, capable and energetic business We learn that the Hon. E. A. ilou.nts, latetommissioner of Internal Berenne, is now aetist as President, at the Company's Branch °tee; in Philadelphia, during the temporary absence, in Europe, of the President, C. H. Czauitiz,.Esq. Mr. HOLLINS has been an active member of thO Board of Directors of this Com panifid' nee its organization, and In'givlnfr to its interat the benefit of his personal co-operation, andihe advantages of his enlarged experience and extensive acquaintance, we confidently look for axenewed impetus to be given theatn*y. unpn4wdented progrew r ia thin great' NitiOrul Institution. -Some of the special advantagesof fered by the National Life, may be .ascertained by calling on Messrs. ?lissom & Nusamrs; agents IfOig 40, iSt4 G Goons . Editai; tank ten aiws,faiii Wiliam three-year old heifers that "come in" this" Spring for the first -time. We milked them the second and third of JrilY, set it, and when sour skimmed And churned 'it.' poraidti' 8' ounces of butter. I then milked what I Oalled' my best one, weighed the milk in the morning, and had just 20 pounds. Milked het again in the ,stun. in& - 1 ?!tt did• not it--but eared that itaelf,4 and:whea 'Wm skimmed it and , eh la Th9Wittllt 7 oz: I then milked 11310mi:best ;-.1u417 , 11ia.• of milk in the morning ; sarcd j that day's.nulk as before, and had when eLarueil Y lb. 9 oz. of butter.:Akt yon ace it. fill not the • notantity: bak the oriality East Smithfield, July 10 fl9bl Mad) Printing dove* , &Witt- Um magi cuetiled at this Office. , ft. McCaw kattx(-iiill continue to* i '!:"FiW in! thooF f ror 4602 *dr milizo, ,estgbitsbakest; - bat aSiii sahr4 leorm acme Orsilliteca. - we inaiu Aim PS Pribliligi mettomi•t!lM nTifirimg. gieiM4 &lb% 114 10' VW% Jag tolkevte,:sf 0* las na main we* .tbrtnliplmbiktheir 0001.. tows* IsirThp pit t s,l9c4enkoit .14 Jpne B4d IPhodandace i 6 ar far possibli: ; agsbart ; the Axemegiumawctimob. ashmittes, by rreligtotne "aqiiihkoiblEtlareti.' before otartiog,ln PFAU: 144/If)fi at the depot, hi ligentlOr 'jelled° (=piny. kir The "Ifagadgellare," tut ani ma that hugaititil emsi here iltimpilequetwonsecilestness,bubesa pfecliarl hyDir. W. B. Doixis, of this place, via ulnae iiitialralia from tie."course;* ifir By refer:nee to an advertise- . Mont inintithei &amn, it Ida% lied 'eat 41 persons against whom internal revenue taxes hilve been assessed are notified to make immo dhito,Rapnent at thitcape cp4e9tor, • fiek. M. E Itaantrumn, mom= to Cluz 3 !- . -BarunqiN bii4 I large Idoell of Men Goode= Lod wlO4OlB masa Wooed Pima. C4 l sild 18111201eat.nem . „ MABI,ED. - 11eDOX4LD—Lin8e1R—At thehors a of thebrhhea father. Kr. basil Luther, he July 14. ISMIAGIIay:W. K. Mad& XL • Jesus Ilepanaift ' to SW Starr Unbar. both Of Thalington. - . WA'OBER—PICIIOIB-4nWarian ()entre.- Pa.. July 18. 1860. by Bev. Geo. W. Stone. Mr. Abraham Etta rer and Ulm Sarah Jane lachola. both of Warren. Smkti f 3gfifictiT, • Fon SALL—New Platform Spring. Wagon and one now , ope n.. • S. N. Aarneinu., ser X wish to inform the Iteribli cans of Bradibra county *Miami's candidate Air the office of County Treasurer this fan. Suidect to the dodsion of the county convention in Angurt. July 18,1869. , E. R. V. 1.17011,41. Nonce.—The accounts of E. 0. doormen. late Prothonotary, and ahn his printing amounts have been left me with tor aettiement anti collection. Thom indebted will save code by mediate attention. Mee in the Rea:miens office. July 113, 1869. ' ' Joan N. Celan.. • . teirbiports . having been circulated by men in the Sewing Machlne buabuss to the effect that I was disathified with my WeedfleWing 'Machine. I take this occasion to state that I wive used one of the F. F. Weed Sewing Machines In my family for the past year, and for ease of-running, durability of work and reliability. - wf the. lehichine.l consider thee F. F. Weed equalled by few and excelled by none. Persona in penult of the - best Family Sewing Ma. chine will do well to buy the Weed.' . . Towanda July let 1869.-1 t A. 0. Ferceer." SYNOWG SCHOOL' FOR 'CHILDREN.— Miss Mvrrve HEntz _will open a flinging School in the Treeloterian Church on _Monday July 26, at 0 a. en., Where' children ..between the ages of 8 and 18 years will be instructed in -the rudiments of vocal music. The course will consist of 20 lessons, one lesson evens week day morning, except Saturday. To conclude With a Concert. Terms $1 per scholar for the -term' July 16,1869. . 'persOns except those who are now regular ensittaners,will herearterhe charged one 'cent per pound for ice. July 15, 1859: =I C jr.TI7 PLAYrs.—Stocky Plants of Fieythones s Superb and White Dwarf. The former best for early. and latter for late winter and spring use. 3.1 cents for 60, 60 cents per 100. Ttutanda. July 15.1869.. It. AL:WELLER. GET THE /3E-ST.—The subscriber is agent forMarder's Gold Medal and celebrated one, two and three horse Railway Powers. Threshers and Separators, and Threshers and cleaners. The hest In the world. Send for circulars and price lists. - Towanda,July.lls, 1887. B. M. WELLER. Noncc.---,The accounts of Ingham k Beaumont relating to the bulimia of the Woolen Factory are left with Louis Camp, Justice of the Peace: at Camptown. for collection. Mr. Beaumont 111120 W out of the business and it will be necessary for parties interested to attend to the matter at once to save costs. No further delay will be made in col- Meting after.two weeks. July 15, 1869.-4 w, keruirem k Bit‘tworr The great demand for the 'Binger Improved Sewing Machines, evinces its great 11111CM18. • . It takes the lead everywhere.. Its sales are the greatest of any. It makes las noise than any other shuttle machine. • ;It 'sews equally well very heavy goods or the finest cambric. The - agents for Bradford county. WICICHAM rupplying a great many and request all to try them before baying. - July 15.-Iw. H. H. Psxniero e, - a freaduate of Allegheny Musical College, Will com mence a course of instruction for the children of this place on Monday., nly 19, at o'clock p. in., in Her cur's Hall. The course connist of 22 lessons, closing with a Concert, Saturday evening, July Mat The textbook used will be ..Fresh Laurels and Bright Jewel.," bound In one volume. Tom.—sl for each scholar, This course is more especially for the Sun day School children, but all may be benellitted, as the elementary principles of music or ^ reading notes," will be thoroughly taught. July 19. ,10 We the undersigned wish to invite the attention of a musical and intelligent pub. Ile to those Instruments we sell, and which are the only Piano. in this .pountry and Europe, with full Iron Frame, in which' all the strings rest upon wood. en bcari , and in which mono of ' the turning pins go thron g 'the iron plate.. The groat advantages gained by this arrangement are many ; a more re lined quality of tone, inreetiess, great power, equall •ty of tone, and of standing in lane better than any other instrument now in use. Mso are the thought ful and economical buyers of Organs and Melodeons for home use, as well.for Church and Sabbath School respectfully 4 invited to examino our instruments , quality and quantity - of tone are unsur passed. . W. Drrrtucu & 'Co:, at Chamberlain's Jewelry , Store. THE A.IIERICAN- YUNG , rORTE,— *gars. Holmes At Passage, Towatida. Ps., are agents for the American Piano, and- the Boardman k Gray Patent Improved Insulated Iron Rim and -Frame Plano Tortes. The iron rim and frame are cast in one solid plate, and insulated from contact with the sounding board and vibrating parts. Theneiiros have great streng th , and are especially ads for schools and for districts where tuners are di cult to, be obtained. The wood and over-siring scales give. In connection with the suspension bridge, a full. rOnnd, powerful and sweet tone. The small-sized cases take up but little room, yet are elegant in .1 p pearasee. These Pianoa have taken thirty first premiums, gold and silver medals and diPlonias, at the ]lechan lea In New York, and at State Fairs in va rious States. They have been exhibited in - Loudon, where testimonials to nil:lr eveellenee In sweetness and power of tone, and delicacy of touch, were vol untarily forwarded by some of the first planista of Europe. These Instruments are, In those respects which make a perfect Piano Forte, pre-eminently superior to any ever before known. We are agents for 0. IL Eldridge's Cottage thirtn, /tingle and double reeled ;. also the celebrated Dodge k Lord Melodeon, for the family circle,' churches, schools, dc...to which we invite•the attention of the citizens of Bradford county. Every imirsseut war ranted to give satisfaction. dune 10-4 f. " THE REASON WHY" the Weed F.F. Sewing Machine sells better than all others, it is simple, durable, and easily eratixL Don't buy until you exam ine the Weed The glinte of an ; perionty of this justly celebrated rntly Ma ; chine will be fully explained at the Agency. No trouble to show the 3r...thtile Call in At Hos- TANTE& 'July 1.. • NOTICE—The following-named per son?, or their helm, arerequested to eall, or send their post-office address, to H. B. Ideßevs, To. wands, Pa., for important information : ' IV. Horse, Litchfield, father of Oliver Morse, late private Co. I, 141st Pa. Vols. Juliette Folk,, Warren Centr e. , widow of John 8. Folk, Co. B, 144th Pa. Vols. • Susan 13 . siding. Towanda, widow. of Ezra 'Spalding, Co. H, 57th Pa: Vols. Diana Miller, Burlington, widow of Willard Miller Co: E, 141st Pa. Vat. • 13ophi& Barnes, Towanda, mother of Christo pher Barnes, Co. C,l4lst Pa. Vols. John Williams, private Co. 0, 58th Pa. Vols. He was a substitute: . John Kayla, private Co, C, Mith Pa. Vols. Ho Was a substitute. ' • H. B. XcKnit, Towanda, Pa., office over G. F. Mason & Co.'s Canting House. julyl-4w. Ntu) -2bocrtifitmento OW - ANDA: MARK Pucci.) Corincted •eiery, , Wedanday by : 1 0. B. imbject to changes daily: Wheat Rye .. Bachithent Corn Oats - Beans - Batter (Rolls) :.. do (Dairy)... Potatoes. Flour Flour ... Onions.. $1 50 ••• • • 100 85 ........ 65 . 2 00 . ..... . , 35 new 88 I' 800 10 00 18 20 2 50 Ig 300 . , %MEM or Gurs.-41Wheat, 60 - lbs. ; Corn 56 ibis BYe, 56 lb* ; Oats. 39 Iba ; Barley, 46 lbs ; Buckwheat, 48 lbs ; 62 lbs ; Bran. 99 list glover Bend: 60 ant ; 'Timothy Bend. - lbs peekebes k 33 •rhe ; Dried Apples. 221bn ; Flax Beed,s6lbs. 14°8T. -,A JUDGMENT NOTE fplven by Joffe Passe, :a., to enteints Wren; petti tot SUR dated about the lath of Ita=ten monthi after - thite. • Payment has been the note. on STEPNEY/ WICRIZER. Rome, hub - 15, 18121-3 t., .STRAY; COW. —A COW, CAME -L4 tube the enclosure of the sub/m=lWe batman & township. about the sth of July. The owner ie requeetal tommue,heinutt, Per obelrg i altd Ma bat Towtauteiwp., rely 15, 1869.-3t*. • - I'ASZ • Notice Ist U*7 *vas Oat 4aurail - LIM 9E340p0 miktopsbmstaPpaolltsd to me or tie Arserm ad Opium bagilmsome tlim and Cr= wor lX:=o l = a irap ttti• .Tommidlet as ar.bilbro — Wiek Airo** M SNOW XS XI pomp wed or Mtimp to Map dallessattomprtmoppiAppouthen 7 ititbtp the fipepifte4lll3ltpr i IXbit to >:.s Vie momaipoil rra e ti one, - - 0 D. X MX= • ", • , Opitootot Mtb, JAMMU Pa .. OoMP:toep Oa% • Tottsodsautr B:W9. .. . ~. , .... , , _ . . . ~_... 'QIISQMUSNAI I -1301MOIATBi k.? i?' 113 u 7 !7. - •, F.1.; . , i--:',',,'.r. - - . [': , ~•'-. , "F A XM". • • it. •I. ' This Inatitute will open tie . Meow year, with tutlvcapsa initzacOsa ..* l2 tb* se deratmestoh ca',Woormaannw!st. leek .1M3(004. COW. rdy 22. - I Trine/Pia. STATE 8698100 L • mAnnELD. TIOGA CO , The Fan Seaelon cif Atte Intittnautinlwill commence September Ist, ~ inkr 22, 1862.Lef 1""31 ! t13. ViralUlta • 1 - .•!'l A ITT I ON.L,I9IIEIt,EAS, MY 1103. X A.R4R. has left my bed and board with. out jest came or provocatton, this Is toroth/40par; sons harboring or Uniting her on my. 'soon* as shall pay no debts of her: contratter this date. RANFORD STEWARD. Nonroeton. Julylit. 1869.-..3te cONNECTIOUT, MUTUAL . LIFE nonmexce, XX)IIPANT, OF HARTFORD. CONN. ' ' • Nomormwo YORE ram 50,000 ifarozna. ASSETS gape 1560) over $25,000,M0. Ettaiihurover 17,000,00 a ' MIMI' DIVIDEND FROM 40 TO 70 PCB CENT. Total Claim keDaath paid to date, ever $0,000,00q. WOW. DIVIDINDS Pup DiVxivio46,ooo,ooo. A PURELY MUTUAL COMPANY •in its m e ylas sa egaihbly divid e d ' the i 4 Icy holders in ANNUAL DIVIDENDS, . MOO, may be alrAled 14 reduction otrreminzeuk;Aar may be accumulated at interestprthe berMat of the Aierneel; ar map be received by M Cash.: Paid -op .Pc*ica aro.srartted after two or more PAW Praraillailibivi bola Paid. Um practically waking • . ,ALL rozzegs NQN-FORFEIrING issues Policies upon all , "Drin 4 BLE PLANS OP Is . ptlpANcE, .e!iline adopted in ins world 48 several SPECIAL FEATURES ! ORIGINAL WITH TUTS COMPANY AND OFFER- . , • •H.B. Mc • 4gent., Tow:intik .Jub r ltit. ll3o a — tr ' WAVERL- INST iTUTE The Forty-eighth TOrrn of this Inattinte opens August 18th, 1869, under the charge of A. J. Lino, AIL It is one of tho - besarrrmany las..c.mas of the country, ac cemdble from all parts, and is situated at IVAVERLY, TIOGA 00., N.Y. The departments arc complete. The ..Classie.al , ' embraces all those studies required for admission to our beat Colleges. Also. a thorough drill in the Modern Languages. . I The English CouraC comprehends both the coin. mon branches taught in 13ementary Schools, and many of the higher hmtichesaisnally plumed In the Collegei. In the Commercial', Course the instruction WAR thorough and complete as in our most success ful Commercial Colleges. Instruction upon the Piano and Organ - by - the old method : also by o Bobbins• New American Method," by which pupils can acquire a knowledge of mu:dein . one-third the time -which it hitherto required. The rates of tuition are very moderate. Board ob tained at reasonable prices ; a limited number of pu pils can be accommodated in the families of the In structors. Roams can be procured-in which studente can board themselves and lessen the expenses one half. dons Alma. Normal class, as usual, organized at the beginning of the Fall Term, In which twenty of the first appli cants will receive free instruction for (thirteen weeks. For particulars address the Principal at Waverly, N.Y. Information in reference to Booing and Board 86 can also ba obtained at Waldo Tract's Drug Store, Broad Street. • A. J. LANG. A.M.E Principal. NEWTON KINNEY, President of Board of Trustees. July 15, 1869. DISSOLUTION.—THE CO-PART nership heretofore existing wider the name of WHEN 4t .IIOS:01FIELD. this day dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the late flructunst be settled and paid to M. E,Rosr., who will carry on the buldwess, and hi: hm•Mly authorized to receive and collect the same. coirEN., COHEN. • M. E. ROSENFIELD. P.S.=-Havlng bought out the interest of Mears. Conks, I will continue to carry on the business; and will try to give satisfaction to all my customers bet. ter than ever. The Store will hereafter be known me the NEW YORE CLOTHING BAZAAR. and. I will still continue to sell Goods at the lowest market prices. Quick Sales and Small Profits is my motto. Give me a call before p law elsewhere. Towanda, July 6, 869. M. E. ROSE.IPIELD. DISSOL 'TIO . N.-THE CO partnership h retofore existing under the name of ACKLEY & VA 'GUN, is this day dissolved by muttudcouseut. Ail accounts due the late firm must bo settled and paid Ito 8. W. ACKLEY, echo is hereby authorised to receive and collect the same. P.8.--Having bought out the interest of Vaughn in the Sham Or Mill, I will continue to carry on the same In the neat aatisfactory manner to all of my customers. will pay the marketyrico for all kinds of Grain at the mill. Flour,'Ecedand Meal for. sale at the lowest cash price. & W. ACKLEY. Standing Stone, June 1, 1869. June 24—tf. DIS S OL lITiO N.—The 'co-par tnership heretofore existing - ander the firm name of Sown= fc Wourv, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. . ALEX'R. SCILOMON, Towanda, July 11, 1862. „ JULIUS WOLFF. P. S. The business . 1Z 7 - 3 o continued at the old stand by ALEXIL SOLOMON. I assure my friends and customers that istiafaction will bolgiven to them at all times. The small stock on hand will be die. posed of at reduced.prieen. Call and Cvsmino before purchasing elsewhere. ALEX'S. SOLOMON, July It No. 123 Main-st. atipThe highest Cash prim paid for Wool, Hides, and Pelts. DISSOLUTION. -THE CO-PAR tnershlp heretofore existing tinder the name ol i Warman, Cnexnat.t. & Co. fa thin day dissolved by mutual consent. All accounte doe the Well= must be settled and paid to Warr/un k Sox, who will carry on the business. and who are in:dhoti:od to re ceive and collect the same. .1. WHITAKER, J. CRANDALL, - ED. C. IirIITTAKER. Havlng bought oat the interest of J. Crandall, we will continue to carry on the busineas, and will try to give satisfaction to all.who will favor in with a call. J. WHITAKER tt BOK. Romo, Pa.. Juiy 20. 1869.—1 w• ; ; ;; ; ;• ; To rue Worurreo CLASS sm now prepared to furnish all classics with constant employment at their homes, the whole of the time, or for the spare mo menta. Business new, light and profitable. Fifty cents to 95 par evening is easily earned by persons of either sex, and the boys and girl:l:earn nearly as much u men. Great inducements are offered those who will devote their whole time to the business ; and, that every person who more this notice may send me their address and teat the business for themselves, I make the followingeled offer : To all who are not well satisfied unparall eled business, I will send El to pay for the trouble of Waiting me. Full par. timbre, directions, Ac., ant free. Sample ant by mail for 10 cents. Address C. AL LEN, ' May 19, 1869. Augusta, Me. Hotlute k Pe EWIE • B LUE STO,NE. All persons wishing dinigliteps, Ras, lintels, stater lablea,ar any kind of b please address the undersigned. 'An ere promptly at tended to: 5. W. GOODWIN. P.O. BOX 330. P.B.—Any orders left with dons Mien will be for warded. Max_s, 1809. LIME! LIME! ! LIME! I ! The undersigned hereby announces to the public that he keeps constantly on hand at his KILN in. DROWNTOViIi Pa., a fa supply of fresh burned NEW TORE LIME, which he win sell as cheap' as it can be bought at any point along the Canal. May I, 1869—tf. • • DAVID ;DROWN. ALL KINDS GROCERIES AND Provislcraa, at wholesale sad retail, at May 18, 1869. C. 11. PATCH'S. .IRESH FIGS, TAMARIND PRE servos, and Jollies of all kinds. COWII. k JYER. THE GEM FRUIT JARS 1 best la •wholesof e and July 1. •- • • • MtCABE k MIX. &T 1 PITc9; CANNED TOMATOES; PEACH es, Dried Fruits, fie., wholesale and retail. July 1. • McCABE & MIX. 1 75 / 75_ 90 ss 300 30 32 W ANTE D.-TWENTY GOOD BANC Pzatmas by the Towanda Tanning Co.. at Greenwood, Bradford Co., W. eat , yaws will be paid drat* the p0e11a ... ! l ealson. J. B. ILOWE. Greenwood, May 81, 1 CONCENTRATED LYE AND 11l Publish. at C. B. PATCH'S. Alat2o. At`EINDS GROCERIES AND PrOTWOVIII, at wholitsalo 011 retail. at _ Km 20. . C. B. PATCH'S. STOCK COFFEES AND Nr:idees, .e I C. B. PATOI%. XX. A FULL STOCK OF WOODEN Ware, at C. B. PATCHIL May 20. A lIDITOR'S NOTICE..;--TILE dersigned, an' Widitor appointed by the Court of Canon Pleas of Bradford County. to distribute money la the buds of the sheriff-raised from the sheriff's tale of Gamma W. Comes personal and real estate, will attend to the dtttleA. of 11111 appointment at-isteo° In the borough of.Towands, onTneadet. the 10th day of Amapa; A.D..' 1809; at [o'clock. P.M. July vs, 1809. BENJ. M. PECK, Auditor. -.A STOCK OF TOBACCOS THAT Am. can't be beat In quality or price, at May 20. C. B. PATCH'S. New aboviiiiiints. ED BY HO OTHER. Dissolutions. &cELEir & VAUGHN Oatne '.' 1' i .. .i i ra . . - 1:•.11...:t.931:34111. f::11.11:1?-, ''• - .. iii - ...... ....4.1 . -• : - - . 1 : 1 5,-: 4: ::---tilkiji ; 41m.ti... , i , i . ,:,,. .{ Am! : _ z :_- .1 „.,;• :ill .-- .: ,- .-..... _ , ~ a mp_.-_, ..,.. •11 ---:'''-, I- „ mi ., - - a r. -, , - - 4 1:5 fil,i,:i. .[e . ) i. -). =-: 2 -:,:,,: Air . ":3 ''. . - 1:' I ; ~,,,-. ( , 7, :: i r . , 1 -4: , --. : .. 7 - ,, , , .! . : , ,- , -, 1 .-- • • - .1 _ - 1 - - -• ‘,.; !mg' 1 ,0,:,, C Min 4 .., VI vli .. .. 4..; •.: . I ~3-1 . •-- 0. : lvi .r Itif \■ -?---- mpg' - F: -, '- '. , . . - 0 . " 1:14 • 2,;!, '.ft 111111 II I , vc • El , • .. :, ;•- . - • . . , CZ . 43 . M 2 °4 +C ... •-• . • ' 00E4 X 14.4,.. . . _ . .__C..) . . iel ... 0 • t , A - P x E. = rz., o. . • 0 ..._ -1 - ; , •C a E-f ..1 q . P 4 1 = i 8 _ 7 7 2 M W . r.. 4 e.V' P ' a 4 .. 1 , • , . E • 4 I rl I I &I • 'el P-I E A :zi Is :,...: 4 -1 ~ ' 0 ' 4. it: :.% x. 0 Q ... t.. ..S. E.I EN a; Zl , Z . O $ t Oli t)Z . I n t% M I. 18 44 ..: .5 p < ... (:: / E ' l4. C. ' .- cz i ' m / I‘4 . .... 7 C , g 64 /to / g 1 • IFT4 t gA 0 p, e V " ?• 1 " 4 ' ' ! A . • 3• 0 - ..f 0 x I gli i i SS .. E. 6 - 2 D. • ! 0 a z e 1 a A l . l t S yj 1 *" $. : w . ' . * '. 4 ' b 0 0 , 2 . d• en .s.s. : 1 . 1. a - : , • 0. W • 4, , I , 1 ° a 1 I,g -64 .a g ....? , 1 EN 1 1 1' = s t 1 . m 1 1 - 0 1 R .t 1 g o l uipleuptt vAli t tirscf. pH7 I t,t • • '• • 2 4- owEr.. - 1, - - A- co . : geeing /ire, Inetessee i freWlitellitrer tor ek. - 4.4 .1f • 9141494 e in 1 this line, ono ere new *4 , 12 for ' ' •• • •..); c! of 51R.11411 'TB`ADI3' ifi , 4,11 41 601 .0ikteii i i T io N yltb , Oe ip ; • : 4: .;. ;;, ` •Iv;J DIV Ptn.,.:Al;`).llll: `l - Trtt( - . !, H 7 In i. .CA BPSONGS;r :. ;:- f• , ! : . i i'ri 11 .: , !, '. z,• -.4.. ~. .:, ,',., ,• • ' ~`-' iT F,IiP.P 4 --, ,Q; I: /4, •°,44.:9-T,4)3,9, .; ~:~, • ; !•• • .• ,-; MATTI.N.G S, DuIIGIJEI7B/. Than Abes tuivertmr,before ofored. They 1 !eventfully unite attention of the puh. 110 to thb department of their-• inn Itiesli; ' gat themei;vs - !bat their . goods: i'ibair ;al. wess be sold at the' • . • •; 2 , 2, , 1 4 69 t ; '" T WAR, itf• MAYO RJ • CC RAVE JUST IWOIVEP A lAptikKtigif. i co) A I 72 A 0 Spring, aid Summer Goods, . Which they are a efruiu • Such- as- SILKS, 6... O on po- ' P - it'.4 . •, TIeKIN.O... CAI{ P W.T: , . - , , 4 .0.7, A Oil. E W Cr 1 Q 1 p tj x r.; r 4 ' 1 1 :-.. p Please-mill and eituejue oar etcnk be fore parehas‘ng e$ se. here. • TRACY & MOORE. Towaada, April 28, 1868. HAT, CAP, AND FUR STORE 1 jd , 09 j al south he ride t iitedl h r t i ve ne ote gr oc 4%Store'con;th TOWANDA, A. Where they intend to keep aid stook nll • FARBIONABLE ILISD / ASO AKE -• ' ', ,', t k Goods, c nsistlig of LIA 78, CAPS, I (IRS, : ;rItAVFLLINGr BAGS, „ , UMBELLAS, CANES, 0 LOVES, 121p 9 CUFFAI . .0 nud WOLF IZOCtE4,.tc Which we will sell at 'he 15west sr.t.shis Prim and respect! ully solicit a Abaco ol 'he is of the public. arilata fitted with the AMtetidan Conrormater. CLONNY.,7 aAIt :4 Y. Towanda. Oct..i, 1951. GREAT .BAR_GALIT / S- IN .c -S• BOOTS & KW YORK FOOT 'AR I D BUM.; • STORM The nnderalgned are reedging a large and 'Well selected stock of : • BOOTS AND SHOES, SPRING AND SUMMER TRADSt. Which we tftr lo+w:forp.v:h. Ci;esieting of GENTS, MISSES, AND CHILDREN& WEAR; GENT'S , SERE!) and 800..1 . 'lh int lon mut (avant . n Molt a cunthla ace of the sumo. -- • - - ~•• surmwooDron. Guam L q.i; • Ps., April 15, 186V—tt .2461101111MM,t7=11 I •;.: &C. ltC4 LOWEST MARK ET ;,,:,r POPLINS, ALAPACAS, EM PRESS, DOM ESTICS, SIIIRTINGV MUSLI Ns; HOOP :+6l RTC BOOTS & SHOES, IJATS & CAPS,_ CROCKERY, GLASS.WARE. CEIZCI Scritti end of Ward Bonne Bleck. Suitable for.the •, I I - LADIES 7L&DII TO .ORDIII. aspenuttil and ready wbesi Promised. ( MbigP. /3a 9/ 1 )f. Iti 9 F9Port,, • . • • LI .1 ..01),WCYT ,r - Ltafet '".14p,1143 TOWINI/AMM , j . , : ,; , 1 ;It.)re, A:JL.V.I..cI-4:./.-3:1111.11..A1, '~:i fit. /J ~Y ` ~~~ W V •,'~ atzt . -gtA ; ? • • - TIN E t ,I; 51 - turv , :: •• •- Firt ri.l grOVES,r n-Ktrvl.fv, • . . , ..t1 . . -, 7 :r, . - .l , iq.:dt ni .t,,a,,,r: : 1.--..3;) 1- ,, -4 t' ,-.?"rr-ir.r. ~,. “id ,I lioti ..., r: , i ,41 tp:t a? est., blosildr,-, *.f . . NECIWIW,Tg QM r. . . . RICT.TIIIITitAii 131:7''LlUd1215TS, •! ).4 ; Fa, • tit; HERO `FROIrm4ARS • By the Gross, 0 * • ...t.. „ 6 -fir . 0 1 -.,71'd re: \,•er4 ~ ~-;.' i r rl () HERO FRULT JARS, 0 .. !liithalicizak 'f a ; • --- • ' ALL RIGHT FR JABS= lIMI By thecDozga Chimp p*A . JAR proind by the experience of all who. . . . . . have . used them for five ypars past, is T ,HE R Q. ± ,1 ll,e,adqurk,ri; at coddiog i , Russo!, ;dc Co. The 51F : .1i,19 . JAR chapenges: all coiaiii3talbli. Any child can tt'se'Mik. The taut is placed' Jar, and properly heated, when the cover is 'applied and it, sc . * itself. ; ',ll,cai4 lie easily opened without dai*er. • breaking the Jar._:„. For: Aale lart or small quantities by !--- CODEihk4 . " - 'e, RUSSELL tt CO. • yEs, PLUMS, .: i:);:*iQiIP!";11r And other fruit, can be kept for, •. . years, in the " rir gip: JAB,- Bold tcr coprem,, Itusstax. bo. .., I:L .§l BELLOWS, VISES, ' MEM JIORSEHROES, HUBS, ; ::; At CORDING, RUSSELL iv op JO3 THE HOT BLAgratE lIIPROV- =ME ZEE 1!1 , 7P n v - 1 , r• gi ,45 - .1 Arraol:tin: i :..1!;1`!> , • ' •• • :IS A L9 N * SqT ° 7 -. 1 1 1 . *I W PI: ( I .ft .A - I d.DT I') it.ll ) At COD~bIN ' G, RtraSELt . I R :OI 4 ).• Towanda, Jai: n, 1869, ti TA, '&11., i:iabt - ..itt'S f. EOM .r .!I .1, MMEE =IIM Mr a t)T f .., i~i ',;f I 1 UMI MO ;%.%, MIZE I= =ES =MEM =TB BEM SOB,SENAms, IMIE e;% I. )11.i • w I CI. ' EMIE I= ~ I( Es a ~ ~ =I • ...A I ' . , • -. M.PPLLT-OT L EI P TOWN. MOTIMittIiToRE-1 - i oylill ili b1iti141144.16,1ff00 MA 4 KbAI ' ,tri • ) 0 1 itg l i r Of r T At l i. ;' " , - -twit 11(1.1i :1 1: C.. - I ),lltr •-4 . ,7" :0 ,1 . - 111.07 t; gigYgtll 6 f 9494 :/.2; 1, : . F s . 1114♦t17tAroakalilitlbOACIIIMIg• : .13 ICLOTHUAIW; TAtOTlCLeiuditalt f. Utinigniii it Mar ilai4loBV 3 7 . 1 : i. ' • • i t . pit .' ~• V ~1 :macl.7ii74;7l7 r :Tr 1 .14.4444 N ,.',AMPL11111• ..“ ._ 1 . 1 0111 • CqUIVIIIIi•gIEr. 1 ....:,.:1-r. . • itrir o'2ll 'T 8 t h * ditur f ali o•a,...r.•• . 112111rju1t,..? SPRA WIMERP, AlRThiliilit4B l ' 'or ~f Atti"itiND,i; titdMiga.s-4.1 , C0MN0.,1 'I: COLLIZUM - ,v ,. .f• .1: tarairt ) ,, ' O6ODB, r if •:•;;•.! ~ 4 ' *•.; •• • •, , ;VT CQUARW. , . • - :::1 • n • 1 , 144121 1 8- CIA"6 - .I:DEU - 7' lll •6 1 Avitvitaittritisre,' lie"; C 141141.14 1 . 1 .10 tiOa t v'e T 0110,14. CALL ASO BES BIN - 11 11i , 1 1 4! /::1, •'/ • . Usy,ls, 1.040. .„ J COLLINS. . p:Dis A T ~•!.. litre. i,B, AlfrTALik.ctvis Direettiol44iii .77 1 1,1 . • • I , f a' old t pk./Fcw, Ictk a 1 , Ir,') .• (1 • • ,%. ST4 I N. SUMME dORS, " 1 (6 1 17;14) ' V9 l (#Ptc,44s l A YAI4( 3 7,PAY wow 'DhESS GOODS, MILLINF.RY GOODS , a9-B.IICaV; p ; ltsk.ppmkiNds, e I skid it: fall aersoitintiii of NOTIOVS, 0.,46 • TheLiwould'respee tinily Invite their old cus tomers and the, public generally, to give them a call before purchasing elsewhere, pledging_ themselves to sell as chart eta any one in To; wands. - • • . T4e7 keep the sensitize ALEXANDER GrASYE,S; JIYVANS KID GLOVES, trAiems , SEAiLESS KID GLOVES , • Their 414IiiTERY, DEPARTMtNT lhotelighly — ftunlabed with all the sorehlev f t e aemon. andisome of the enema ssperienext milliners to attend to tbe.wasta of of the Lads. e. Eepedafattention paid tolthaching and Soar wort. - vlahing good. as • whohnole prices n4l ,do , wcll to call or .send their olden. -' • ' 'B. .1; P4TDS a co. .Towano a. Apr. 27. 469 --3 to - • G:'F. 0 .,:•:::',... : X.Y.:.11',.• Ka iriag Purchased the X'OBACCO AND CIGAR STORE, 'One door tmanth of the First Natbina 1 Bank, in no , r seining ever) thlrig In his line wholesale eratretall: ! • Ile ;keeps constantly on 'Mod a complete stock of CHOICE CIGARS . =1 PINS OUT, SMOKING & PLUG TOBACCO, Pat u) 11 all styles.. The beat qnallUes of BROWN SLACK 10 84X1CH 13P117148. ME ) • : .The moot: bolotostod br aids of 111111 FANCY SMOKING TOBACCO El 0.11 '.!i% kit ; 14 grvat varies,. MEM in Os; TCillAqQo`; POUPHEk. 244MPIL ;SAFES,' , arfil ins lir PIOAR • • , - - ; . • _ to•cal rand exit,hu: his largo mad welt adeele& dock . Towandlippril-19, 1869. -I_ r . D.Ay S C H-0 s SUPPLIED wrm I 3E113, A:22,13E1S , 4ls9n l ,AkEkri BoOKO, , Atli, QUILSTION BOONS ATITBLISHERS'PRICES. BEM eLB~y 1111 M ~~~ MY+ii~~}Y~~i: :~r•J:~i~Yl)t~:r~'C111)Nr:S • ,PlrT 4 4lPlif &BABB!R: Tcantads, lbw 141419: •1 • ' ES nq'm. , lpOtt A FULL LlNkn OF COLORS, : illirt , r 4itiaiva 11 F,r,~IQ ~~~' f I • :",•, qtyi • • L••:' , • - is ' 4.,ll4ti#l4oltiiitt). ATP I OEM u 1 1 ' i 1 `'POWELJJ dr,:oo OE ', GfAPE`S, OE MI MEM lIE MI