[tural. ---, C;(-r- Holvinuek.GretuidArill-Baram . After concluding that pasturing. • is awasteful . : system, Are ; ,:deter= nain4tolik4' just 'how Wasteful it is. *Ting n Geld , near the barn on which was , -growing , Very henry crop - of clover, forty square rods were meaored; and' when the Boyer came to iti . most • nutritious state; just be foreblossoMbx we began feeding it t(iiiireiciawsi arid four horses, opal twelve cod s,and it fed them, abun dantly fifteen, dais. The tiro,follow ing seasons WeAried• the sane experi ment differing.somewhat in kind and number of annals. On the second, sip 'cOvve itita "41re. horses 'were. fed fourteen day!! .;- and in., the third, eleven cows were fedldteen days-7in each' instance on the clorerrgrown upon forty rods of ground. It will he seen that this was 'about equal to .bne . _eONV through the pas-- turiiig. season on one fourth acre. We knoW :this is nu eltrtiOrdinory r,:•slut,land tan only .accomplished wheu the land -is, ill the highest con dition and the ca-op the largest ; but. it shows in the ,strongest' light the rn in soiling, animals: When the lalidisin Toad condition; one9ialt aOtrinay bo • ' , relied' - Upon" to fuffiish abundance of foOd for it - Crow through the saintlier, and this will enable the farmer to keep four to•six : cows on th , ! sane la . ul that would pasture In 1862 we' tried a larger exveri mi.nt. soiling twenty steers, fora. years Obi, scruff cows and six horses . bcing,perhaps equivalent-to thirty:. <e cows.. 4 Wivetapart the amount , Ir land which : was supposed to be io.t sufficient to pasture this•stock !• •:. the scason-,--ne• hundred acres. T:leseliundred acres were occupied follows : ninety acres in thnothy, t vo in clover, two in sowed corn, and t.ii , in oats. _The order of seeding w.••:: as follows ; Ili-Beth° two acres of ; second, the five acres of clo t timothy ; nextlite'oats ; then loth}- meadow, till it became tgh ;- nest the second cut • , .:, 2r ; then -.,(iNved corn and' .y first day of Decemher—leav uplus-oi sinty-five tons of hay, f i N ere sold for .-'97: -0 .. The soil .. an May 20th. and continued .: mo ths and ten days. Fifty acres '. titi - s- land were in poor condition, :t.0.1 the balance in L. - .0c , t1 li;.!art- Had all been in prime co;Slition, the \ trpinq would 11.1ve beenvcry.mneli •_ : , , r. 10 , .\: - , let ifi4 l , , .4::t•et this ex, !11,•:11. and ,:eo - 4 , .:,..- ..n- i it -was MIME MEE l' ~. tin 1, 0 tot r o ur • ' tit : • •,i • t TI It' I it ), ckaminol. men ; two tri each i„..Tassi and t withl the low 'vi ge - z.zi ! iit at that time, sin ant ed. 'With hoard, the Milli of $65. If - ti!‘ expcim.id. of eati;m.T and sowing this sixty-five t of ha* be c::iin.at-d . a 50 per t hi (which is more than it cost), infrting to i 0.17.50, added to the lalior . Of soiling, makes $16'2.5,0 . ,which king deducted from the $97 . 3, leaves $.!:99.50 as the net profit of this experiment.: ' But it would- be only just to estimate the ' in ma nure. One hundred largo loads were saved, arid if we soy worth (1.41111 . 0. thus saved und•ir (i.,ver,.what the 'droppings in the. field would have been. then was worth t7ifs fi*tra, making the whole gain $859.50. , To this might, be added s,»nething tor theClictter condition of annuals and the largiT;quantitxof mill; 'l ,. .,72ftvit upon tie: of : will lia ready to fist: !`whether soiling i 5 consistent with the health of the animal ?“ This doubt results • from the tupposed necessary con thonent of the • animal: But soiling may Is 'practieed with the largest liberty., W,o conlimnent prejudicial to . the animals health is necessary - 1' We ha-, - e animals that have been soiled firun sly to thirteenyears. One cow, now sikteen years old has been thus fed for thirteen. summers and has al was been healthy ; another cow has been soiled eigli years. We have raised colts in that Way, and thought them more thrifty and quite,ashealthy as those raised of pasture. 'We re !.-ard it as promotive of health, as the 'has a more equal diet, not s ibject to such fluctuations of :Amu-- d inc.. and seareity as in pasture. - *KIN MATS.—The following is far twirilkins, and if the,directions ard faithfully followed, will make imething. nice: . Make rong Oap suds, using hot water, and let inst.:lnd till cold; then v-a , .ll.the skins in it, carefully squeez ing the dirt front among the wool; then wash them in cold water till the,. s, nip is oat. Next dissolve half a poutul - each of salt and alum in a Ile hot water, and plaint° a tub of cold water sufficiput to cover the skins :Ind let them soak twelve hOurs; then hang over a pole to drain. When well drained, stretch carefully on a I,nard to dry; stretch several times while drying.. Before. they get en t'rely dry, sprinkle on the flesh'Side One Ounce' each of finely pulverized aluin and saltpetre, rubbing it in well; then lay the flesh sides to tither and hang in the shade fon two or three days, turning them over till perfectly ( - 11 7. Finish by scraping the flesh side with a blnnt knife. to remove any.re mhining scraps of flesh, and then rub the flesh side with pumice or rotten stone and the hands. Wry beautiful mitten's can be made. 61 lamb skins tanned as above. Goal; FAR SAVE.MONEY. Thuy take good papers am - tread them They keep account of farm opera MEI :ThrT do tiot leave their implements scattered over' the fariu, exposed to the rain, snow and heat. They repiiir tools and -buildings at the proper tiine,_ and do not suffer a threefohl 'eitpendititre of time and EMI Thcv ILSO t.'ucir moncy- judiciously SY. riot atfettilArtaiDli sales to pm - clmse all kinds - 0 - t..tKumpery • • • Titcy.4lo taiLloiZirdkCPolTa4 • x.pc:iments, in a; small *ay, cyi ihany new t liiugs. `The- plant their fruit tees well, care for th.em, anti of course have good crop. Successful farming is made up by attention to the little things. The farmer who does leis best,- - earns his money .best.. w app,reciation, 'Hes it with'best StA - iden re tle "salt of the earth." PmenwrsoJos.—A Parisian pa ..r.rocommen4s,the following meth ,”l fur the pregervatian'of eggs: Dis a.4lve four ounces of heeswaisin eight ounces of warm olive oil, in this put 0..1c - tip of the finger and annoiut the e ; 2-,g all around. 'nib 'oil will imme iliafcly be absorbelby the shell - and the pores filled up by the wax: If . kept in a cool place, the cows, after two pitri, will be as good tis if fresh. laid. ttiocellmteatts. , • '. Jrf 0 011 .TRE • The Cross of Christ is an object a such transeendant brightness, tluit it spreads' a glory round d to all the nations of the earth, all the corners: of The universe, all the generations of time, and all the ages of eternity. , The'„rrieatest actions or events that ever happpied on -earth. filled -rith their sii - lendor 'And frifkietioa - btit moment of time and a point Of space; but the splendor of this great object fills immensity and eternity. If we Lake a right view of its glory, we shall see it spreading influence and attracting regards from times_ past, present and to come—heaven, earth and hell—angels' saints and devils. We shall see it to be both ;the object of the deepest admiration of the crea ture, and the perfect approbation of of the ilifinite Creator. We shad see the best part of mankind for fOnr thousand years looking forward to it before it happened, and new genera tions yet unborn rising up to admire very large and complete assortment and honor it in continual succession till time Shall (be no more. We shall of every think in their line,. and, are see innumerable imiltitud.es of angels and saints looking back to it with c 'hol -` ••; j suc h a Ilitions to their ly transport to the re - mutest ages of . eternity. Other glories deeaf — by lengtl( of thee. If the splendor of thip object change it will be only_ by . increasing, The stuff Will Spend his beams in _process of time, and, as it were ;, , Tie dim with age; this object bath a rich store of beams which eternity cannot. exhaust. If saints and angels grow in knowledge the splendor of this object will be still increasing. 'Tis unbelief that inter cepts its beams. Unbelief takes place only on the earth. Thercyls no such thing in heaven or in 14, It will be a great part of futuke blessed ' ness to remember the oblett that -Pur cha,,ed it; and of future punishment to remianber. the object that offered deliverative from it. It will add life to the . lieams of love in haven, and intensity to the misery of the unsay ed. Its rays will tuot only adorn the regions of light bat pierce the realis of darkness. It„will be the desire of he saints in light, ant the plague, of :he Prince of Dirslihe , -; :Intl, his snli leas, Its glory prodin,:c floWei etreels wherever it They who be hold this glory are transforlintd into the same image. It melts cold and frozen lnartis; it kr: aks stony ht ts; it pierces atlain , nt ; it pi netrate thr:,* 'thick d ar k nes s. How justly is it call ed "inarlAlons light!" It trivet:l.7es to the blind to look b. rind not only to the but to the dead. It is -tin , - light. Its energyi ir:. and th,. - forett of thunticr; nn(l it is n. , than the d.,:w iou the tend'rli-ii;.--W•sci.vb CZ= 'THE (11;1:+T LI gi,;11: •n y , ;1111g 111;111 01011111 learn 1,1 th:tt In. ilows earlier an i ±Lc :II : th , m)I;:z7IIIV 111; t r. A Ivinio bred vouth up in th“. light cf parental ntiiniration; with evll. , thing to foster hi:: vanit:, anti ,elf-cst c. cm, surprised to find. niul n to aulinciwht•h2,:•, ialp-riorit:: of otlicr people. - 11iit c: a:n . 01 1 .3-1 learn his ite:igniticance; airs arn ridiculed, his his - , ,"1 to cut a so:Tx • figur,l, :AF- C • , t,:• , .: 1 . . ins When a' young man has thoronghl . ,- edinprehended the fact that lie nothing, and that, intrin§ically, he is of bill little value, the ndat lessom is that the wild CAT's nothing ahout him. He is the suhject of n . o man's overwhehuing admiration; neither petted by the olie serLynol• ended Ya k • the oilier, he has to take eari.:of him self. lie will not he noticed till he notietahle; he will not-he :4- , , . - -COMe4PLICeaI Man he does some, thing tai prove that he is of sonic lisp to society. NO' recommendation or introduction will give hini this, or ought to give him this; lie must 06 somethin:g to Lc re:•egili.,-.ed r-; F(1111' - bOtlV. , :41 Thu 116 XL le".- , ;LI is !ha. 0: l'atiN-00. A. llam uit,t, h) wait as.: w:.11 as to work, and to,ibe content \ridh tifo.-e. means of advancement in life width he may use With integrity and honor. Patience is one of the most difficUlt, lessons to learn. It is natural for: the mind io ifol: for immediate re-; sults. 1:11=== ROMANCE IN RE U. Lirc.—Au lowa paper of a recent date gives the par ticulars of a romantic story which borders_somewhat qp the marvelous. Yoarli .ago a Pennsylvania farmer loved and married a charming young girl that lived near him. The mar riage time passed on, and soon the farmer contracted a taste for liquor, which freqnently got the best of him. His wife remonstnited with him, which on one occasion ended hr the husband stabbing h'er with a butch er knife. He left precipitately, sup pOsing he _had killed her—hid him self in the \Vest, where in a few years he became fr prosperous'and werlthy merchant. The wife in the meantime recovered, and after living alone for fire years, married again. Her hus band, however,, died at the expiration of a year, and she also went to the West. Then the ineredil4e part of the story appeared. The parties met again after their Jung separation, and because acquainted, but neither rec ognied the other. An engagement was entered into,. resulting in mar riage; mid, upon the wife disrobing in 'the evening he notices the sear made by- his hand years ago, and sud denly recognizes her as his wife of former years! Here is a chance fin• story writers. CIT:3 IIC.II 'WITHOUT MONEV.—MaIIy 111111111 is rich without money. Thousands of men with nothing in their pockets, sand thousands a good, sound, Constitution, a good heart, and good and pretty good head-piece are rich. • Go3:1 hones are -hater than ~crold, tough muscles are better than silver, and nerves that 'flush fire . and 'carry energy to, every function, are better than lionSes or laud. -It is better than landed estates to have had the right kind of father find mother.— Good breedt and bad breeds exist a- Inong nieu as really as among herds and horses. Education may do much to check evil.tendc..!ucics, or to develop good ones, but it is good to inherit the right proportion of faculties to ,start a, flavor of Wit and fun in his compo sition. The hardest, thing to get along arith in . tria - tile is a- man's owirself. A Cross, selfish fellow, a' desponding, ! and complaining fellow, tilinud,`care ! *doled man—these are all deform on the inside. Their feet may not Imp, but their thoughts do. A man of fo o..we A kon ! the, brink o(, the grave, would'illadny ink •Yritlr'ornry dollar fo obtain a longer low of .Grecorleihint WII 0 E'ALE G OroElt t rficoW lo l 4 4 z,49l4iFf 1 3% ,- EL '' m kepi Sump, !„ TOWANDA; PA. The undeisigned, encouraged by °the success which has thus far attend- ed their new enterprise, desire to make saknowledgment for the very liberal patronage they have received, by giv ing their customers the advantage of their yearW experience, together with the benefii_of their greatly increased facilities for doing biksinesa. They keep constantly on hand a stock as the wimtvof‘theit: trade re- quires They have now in store, SuO,r, Sy- rap, Coffee, Mee, Tobacco, Fish, Salt, Cheese, FruiLs, Crackers,' Candy, Matches, Brocims,, Wrapping Ewer unilTsrlue, Fluor• Sack's, Se,Als, and a greitt- variety of .other goods, Which have been recently bought at the. lowest point in the market, iuid are offered at wholesale, at rates to correspond They cicsirc to call especial atten-. tion to their hirge stock of Fine Tens, which they sea.% lit New York Jobbing prieeii,—g,uaranteehig the quality in all eases Hate. also on hand a good assort merit of Float•, Pork and Kuoseile They still co7itimie to haTe the hen ofitAyf rt-silent Partner in New -,rho i cir..;t:lntly in the mar ket, prepaKed to tit:nil') un vantage any favorable change:; in the price of goods FOX. STEVENS, MERCUR k CO May 12, 1868. NEB pATTEnsoN KINNEY, (Flv-oevoni to Tune.,, J, Jo:: F+) MESE GROC.EIZIES AND PEOVISIONS FHL - !TS, IME=I TO AVANDA, PLNN'A Ira the entl:e of IN ot T. 1. ,TONE r .'-. and having added largely thereto by recent porehaseg. they take plcusure in announcing to the I,nblie that they are preparel to sell anything and everything iu the GROCERY AND PROVISION LINE, suoAris, , - TEAS, COFFEES, FISH, FLOUR, FEED, COB., WOODEN AND AN STONE Al*Al.E, &c., &c As cheap s+ the cheapect lefactiou to all itle, may falti I=Ei J. S. PATTERSON 31ar:h 10. 1S 9--t:. pEOPLE'S I= =EI 1=111!!!IN MIME= I=l CODFISH, MACEL lIEREINCI PORK, MUTT FRUIT OF ALL D MODIPN STONE WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, FLOUR, FEED, MEAL, GRAIN, &c Br!io i c-• it pr lacp, w1V.,',11 we pay caell for. DAIRYMEN, A constant supply of Ashton Vali, all W. - zed Churns Batter Firkins, Tnbs. kc. • ' Please mil and look through 6 our stock, and we evil do our best tojdease you. Nl'. A. itour.WELL. Towanda, April 28, 1669. • LOOK . ! NEW JEW , LItY, AT WARN S. 'GOLD WWITHES, AT WAiiiiltr. ELGIN WA AT WAEX WALTEAk W AT WAIL% FINE GOLD . EFIZEM ALlZictsaxi 'OF - - AT WAR Call and act) Jim 7E44 will sae! yotir parch . im 4 -Watchem; and warranted: DaUonleßlock. Towanda, Dec. 1.1868 - HE _I , : , IRRIGMED' SAVING _ . , l iputoutemiotzum-, 44%1m, rpor , 80 is 130w~ io orb; Dimity ariVeini. tr. a large 7 awatt 1E4416'1'4/ s ick • ibid! I havdruichaacd taidialC IDA fe : t . cnitatlFni that rean sell at . 40:4 114nun6 nit can be; tairchanclk &nowhere. I now offer to the public a orplendtd afoot AKRON FLOUR, GRAHAM DO 1 AYE DO, AUPKWURAT I DO. 1--1 • I keep constantly oa Amid. POItS Y flAlli9, LARD, and KA kinds of FlBll. . Woula call the attentlett of the 1 . _ public. toaz' Can't Be Beat §TOCK OF TOBACCO, • . . , In grinlit4 or Jean Oradea Celebrated Laun dry, licce l York Chemical and Drown Soap• licsse ail anacsamtne our stock of Large nr. , .ortment of YANKEE. ItiflnONS_, TOLIXT S(?.%_l'B, kc., ke. I Will pay the litgbest cult pricefor and malt; Immc Ilete payment AV.cABE & MIX Fresh and fine quality - 01 G!., , TICA re raibebolt,ghL PRICE izANGE LOW FOR MED ST . I3I7PS, MOLASSES MEM), • KEROSENE 4J1,0"-fiRE gnaratter perfPcfaat ir fin with a call. = W. S. Kn.:NTT- PROVISION sTonE. I= 7I PROVISIONS pcinmible price 1231 I.SCRIPTIONS, CHES, ATCHES,. ,EWELWY, CLOCXS, ']ffMjlaa rFer.ty per coutAri s. wcirT reialred. Arid A. M. WAIMMIL a...it . '6 , 0*'. - B - 1...F."? TEAS, 66FFEFS, SirGARA, maul, aa,Eturtrs, smas, kc Have ola band a largo stock of WOODEN WARE • COUNTRY PRODUCE rarmern, give xis n ivll twfore eolllng ulnewliete C. 13. PATCH, All pcnotr, Itttkilted to Ow late Arai will Oyu° cal Towunda, March. Y 2, MGT. RECEIVING NEW (41ZOCERIES DAILY SVlellaill ASP!): tannut ! THE .lAl';:E'lL'l'! All 11 , 11Ao of NATIONAL FIRE IVOEKS ! Wboletgit• 'and Comit:7 3l ,chants will to well to call. One pric••s mli be, with the rcaeonable,•• riatisfactory. O.LL AND SEE ITS CAs!l PAID FOR COUNTUY PRODUCE. Goods shown with plciuure. %Ve shall pay Ftric Attention to all parts of our trade. - WHOLESALE YD RETAIL ccopt our ilita4, for.rut favors Towantia, June 14, ISO T °WANDA STEAM . FLOURING MILLS WM. H. 'FULLER & respectfully inform the pnbliv that they have par. cha's,a the new and extensive Steam Flouriag Minn built by GrUnths, \Vella ,k3on. In the eolith part of the.borough of Towan , la, and having all She mod em Improvement. , , 'ant competent MillefF, they are prepared to do CUSTOM CirIiMDING prweibto manner. and at nunsnally short notice. Every fiat: pi will be tarn to rive taaCsfnctiou and we. Invit ,, a public trial ran u p t , aolng tmsn emn ,11rt:Ig filar pain. ;mil lizve .t t' , take lia , k with thiq FLOUR, FELT) AND MT:AL For at t!•' 1, - ,e.st , 11 I.ri rx, nugl drliv'•cril in any lAst of We v:llarr fri, of elvir4, Towanda. T..verabrr FURNITURE NVAIZE-ROOMS • JA311 . 7.S ItAItINSON 311 w -wire, to the p❑L!ic that be Min continr.es to mato:Pk-tore and beer on hand a larßaesortment CAItIN T r T III:. /nirvana. Tables, ririblesds. Stantbi, Chairs. &c.,-of every description. which are ovule of the beet mate. rials, and in the moat workmanlike manner. I tutite the inspection of the public to toy work, which shall not be surpassed in durability at any shop In the country•. and my prices will be find to be as low as the times will admit. Ready-made Coffin's contaantly on band or made to order. A good Hearselrol be furntrli , d when desired. Aug. 15, 1865. PACIFIC 170, 172 171:: 176 Grcentirlk fitreet, NEW Yana, Oct. 110868. The undersigned talies - plea;alic in announcing to pia numerous friends and patrons that from this date, the charge of the Pacific will be $ll 50 per day. Being sole proprietor of this .house, and therefore fax from the too common exaction of an inordinate rent, he is folly able to meet the dcovnward tendency of prices without Any falling MT of eervice. It will now; as heretoford, be 41e - tam to maintain undiminished the favorable reputation sif the rneilic, which it has enjoyed for many yearn, ro one of the best of travelers' hotels. The table will be boutitlfully supplied with every delicacy of the season. _ ' The attendance will be found eflelenc end The location will be found couvindeut for those whose business rails them in the lower pare of the city, being one door north of Cortiandt street, and one block west of Broadway, and of ready fleeces to all railroad and steamboat lines. "Nov. VT, 1868--Gin. T ANN:L'siG AND ma.—The.muk,rsigne co-partnership, to be known k Ftrunt, for the purpose of carrying =the above business. Harness making. and 'repairing done to or der, and till work Avarraut,L Caali paid for hides. GILIFILN 3LAGEF... EDGAR a. FULLER. Camptown. Jan, 24, 180. 011-OICE YOUNG HYSON, Cinnpowdor and Lwertil Tem of altvides Warr4toll good. COWELL A: MI ER. NEW TAILOR SHOP AMOS PENNSACEMI Ens opened a shop iu the room back of the ROOlll5 of the Young Brines Christlau Amulotion, seoond story, over Eddy 'a Clothing Store, wheve he is now prepared to do 'all kinds of -T.III,ORTNG, In tho beet and most-lashiCiable manlier. An ex perience of many.yearic a detormituttlon to keep up with the fashions of tho thrice; and a desire to please kis customers, he believes will enable him to give Sat. isfaction. • ._ aii - Cnifing done on oltort . notice znd mutontible terms. Towanda, Oct. 17. ISM. SHTON SALT PUT UP IN Fruall quantit:o; at . • May .20. CANNED piturr.s OF ALL kinds at C. B. PATCH'S. May 20. HPAITAOCK LUMBER.-LATH Lk, SHINGLE.S.-A prime article of Boards, Flooring. Scantling and Timber. of -almost any length and dimensions. Also any quantify:of Lath and the best Sawed Shingles manufactured in the County, can be supplied to parties .far building purposes upon abort notice, and upon the most reasonable terms. byloaving.thairecdors at the Towanda Coal Yard, or with Tuogss M. Woonem V.sq., at the Towanda Coal Company's Delia, Towanda, Marsh 25 5 ISOS-Oon. MACKEREL, .CODF.LSR, BLUE rig,. Mackinaw Trout, Mmes. tickled and &nand flinokeil MEWS. and Dried Dorf. at • , • LONG 'REELER'S. .IPLOUI.REAT FLOUR OF all grades, Dnolrittrat-Flour, Data. Corn Reed, ke.. at IP. •A, ROCKWELL'S. • Doc. DRIED FRUITS OF %LI; KINDS'A SREct.4 l l4a - - - . - 4 11 T-344. C 14014 I P 4 P-. Rittlfo 4, `. Q . °film rod* -OW I:W i t Iwo! C A S SIMEAe, - ;, Str,ITO, .. . _ f.PinbaFdYegfi ~#;e:~ ~a . t.:':•i-~. MENfi S,Q T S J 'M D CBDEN.x vnddibaToi;mfselitt4frai;th,;_ _ eginciBT;sfocks;:-.1" , ' A.134 COMO Mr frimakitnitcnototoito that win and it to thttir In to oin Ito idol POI . 1 " tors in prices todcnrteißtlitlit ollootbort. • • TEE STEADYINCHBASE Shows that To nen only . FIRST-CLASS GOOD. As low"an they (IN BE . AFFURB linvolprovea And that OUR CUSTOMERS APPRECIATE THE SA . . In rundsliing•hoods our stock is con plete. All the new Spring Styles of Neck Ties: Bows. Underwear, hosiery, Suspenders, Gloves, and the celebrated ! • FREXCII. YOKE SHIRTS :•.• flame now arrived: Each login muked in Plain dg urea, and our customors arc nil treatedam. Thank big the public for past patronage, we solicit a call when in cant of goods In our line. We will do our utmost to satisfy all who will can on us at the Ono Price Store of . -" • :`SOLOMON k WOLFF, .•. No. 123 Main Street. Oita door north of Taylor At Co.'s Store. MD - Tho highest prim in Cash paid for Wootaildes and pelts. Tanaplaaa.,.April 29; C. L. PATCH VAN VELSOR &•, MANNERS, IfERCHANT 7A!tORS 1 HATS AND CAPS, 1 • GENTS' FIIIi.TISTILNIG GOOth IVAVETILY, TIOGA CO., N.Y ,liaro a Fnaldonablo ender from Now York city andlaYka all the rick giving yon a good We niako.at one own eAablishinent We giro pay! .tteular ttention to Youths'. Boys'. and • , CHILDRESS' CLOTHING • I And alwaya have a goo I assottment. CLOTHS AND CASKIIERES; From E 5 (vote to $3,00 per yard(all woos) Best Stock of Hats and : raps ._ ~ 1 . . Kept within 23 mite& C one and look, an d prove for yonreelf. y.n ill be at the Ward flora every Thursday, with samples Of Goods, and prepared to take met sires. • VAN VELSOIt .2..II.ANNEM GB Brigul-st, 'Waverly, N.Y. Feb. 20, MI THE TOWANDA REGULATOR CLOTHING 870fiE I ROSENBERG & WOLFF, Would respectfully anummee to the citliena of To wanda and - vicinity. that they have opcnedthe above Store. under the name of o The Towandaltegulator." with a splendid assortment of y Gent? Furnishing (Coeds, Rats, Caps, hc.orhich they assure the said eitizene cannot be excelled in style or elegance' and that the prices are so lariat to astonish evirylb6dy.• Rosenberg & Wolff hope that by strict attention, and fair dealing with the people of Towanda, they will obtain their patronage and sup -port, They also beg to subjoin the folicnring Com mandments for their giaidance Keep them and Happy will be Thy DpyL. 1. Thou almlt hare no other place to buy clothing except Bose übc.rg &We Ono Price Regulator, Main Street. 2. Thou shalt not choose afiy other inerehant ; thou shalt not listen .to their speeches, for Ramenburii k Wolriro no Chatham.st. dealers, but sera at one price, and reliable, and will servo you unto the third" and fourth generation. ..-^.,- 3. Thou shalt not [via in vain any wore foe, cheap ralnunat. for they canl)e 1011'w:int Rosenberg k Wolfra One Price Store. . . . 4. Tlum - - shalt bear in mind that we sell only ou vii days of the week, anti don't desecrate the Sabbath by keeping our doors open and hanging out a show, for, on the seventh day, Rosenberg k Wolff, and their clerks, desire to rest from their labors. 5. Thou shalt honor the way to Wolff deal, and long may be thy days to enjoy Its benefits. 6. Thou shalt not commit an impropriety—of buy ing of Chatham-st. Dealers, but come Rosenberg. & %airs One Prim liogulator, Main stmt. 7.' Thou shalt not seek in vain Lei gocids of ror- Mgr& make, for Rosenberg Wolff keep a largo Tarte tY• 8. Thou shalt not pirlolit froth t h e Regulator for Rosenberg ic Wolff salt so cheap it would bp a sin. 9. Thou shalt neVimer false witness, Mt honestly acknowledge thntyon can get better sui d and for less money„nt Rosenberg and Wolff's, any oth er store. , 10. Than shalt not covet thy .rielghber's. goods, or his bargains, for Rosenberg k Wolff cYu glen themMem to you likenotse ; therefore, take counsel; and buy on. ly of Roionberg k Wolff, the One Price Bien. Atilloaeribarglra 'One riga! Regulator, Maio Street, Towanda, Pd.• • • • aopt..l. SPRING xiib SIIMIEER GOODS GREAT REDLICTIOON Prom COHEN & Wasemas,.li seems to have itea;elthe hahahltante of Towanda and vicinity to recognize our fair way of dealing : , . AND WUEBW, We owe ont,sineere thsults to the community for extending totes so liberate patronage until now ; Lane Waratts, We damn It otfeauty.to re'olprocate all the favors bestowed time .ns thna far ;' We do hereby wahltely 111.001.4131% that one great stock of , SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, SUCH AS BRUADOLOTH, BSAVER. Doeskin,' & Cassintcre Suits, Of all grades and of the Int,st stylex, ,v:11 lyz. di Tc;stsl, of at D D PRI.CESI • Our goods are mantifaetured in New Wok; city by one of the members of the firm, therefore we aro ena bled to sell as cheap as the next, and 'vriithing to re . duce our stock, we will - put our goods at mach low rates akwill Miablii anybody to boy.a suit of clothes. We are reochingicho finest stock of . • gPWENG AND SIDIMED, GOODS rfertioi k i c httsiiii clthla r Doeskin, kr-, for Men and Doyen-Cdr. % % Volt at the, Olothirg, gthre of -1 • • • -1 • .• • . ' .. ROSPAT . ,' • . And nominee yourself of tho fac . t tits they dy as they, say, and do not misrepresent any of eh g.rxis. I We: Rhea call attention to our stock - of ' • C. is. PATCITS • GENTS' .FURNISHING GOODS! „."" . • • such cassimere, sipd Wooten . Ch-cretiirtx„ , Untlei; elAttis and Dravera. Overalls arul OvagiirtA, Glovam, Cardigan Jackets; Ties,-Collar4, Su;plendees, LATEST S'rYTTES HATS ••&.' CAPS, • Watch titay.'alt;o at Boanc•Al pikes. .cliva us =libelant Istying atzewhere. • • , DOMES k ItASENEFIELD, 'LiOrs:ids—April). LSO.' 'Opposite Pain & Co. ,'li _ Mil OUR ' SALES OUR EFFORTS si ►' 1 1 - 1 . It I A SUCCESS, I , i. FASHIONAIiLE EIMEME3I 68 Biliad Street., •AdJoiiiing Pattolis READY-MADE notarNia I Trn TEN conavanmprrs. CONE ONE!' COME ALL! J 3 TOTVAIiDA, PA. ME - 7 :‘ • .1a) rir.4OPRING ANDAMMODER goio4, ' .1 :0 4 W 41- '4 o til a tMs. liimitionivae6 to pie 011160litif___:. Toi*M4l6 4 Thlithe Wlbli bit *Mr Se 4 deny re ins ti1:4:0 I Flt''.- , ''' ' i II . E sir --- G'o,44,rts i..bi., wit% induagiwp-iiiii - 4 dm iiippi.iihich ~..; betia tOtOtartaberalibitieit-t ..1.- ~ -If• .-Z:A• •-•- q -0 L IP, FAX: . RI -,- 4 .,... • , ,::, Wi t; , - ..-.,.. 2 , ,, ; , _, i , _,., Collllll2dtha as usual stsll4lollll/Laud 6 / 1 " Mid° ''''' I ' 4:311 O A T 111. - Nl3l‘; . 1 . - -..... . . ofe atiatur of smlutd) 0541 1 1.1 1 v.pf, B V SI N E 13 ' 4 3;;:= 11:15,'; I 7 COATS, - NNSTB r -AND. PAN'TS,- '_ ..L. PI -- 11V4.4.- 1 , DRiSg 00410,:ii.143:84 VE S TS,ST - - 'Linen ffeati, Dusters alp plats, ' stirts;ineti • Overalls and Or ; _ 'and It:ollars, Linen,,Casslssere, and Wiarniedilldrhs, N, dos-. ponders, Morel; Calies,44weter . atfle ttottrinfflittlertliats. „Att, Tildnihnt tier tatcood l';iottdany",eklMor at a fair Dike than poky gamut at any.iniee. - -osu and . mystoods ! before buyinst, Newt door to it Ear ;Towanda, Myky 2A. 1867.1 , EDP/4 MEM 4 • TEMPLF , OF FA.BIION.! NEW STORE AND. NEW 000D81: An entire new stoeliraftlini*; 'gild a cheap as Peitte the war; by sold Irlib i.• 1. • I , I • , „. SMALL • ,IltoPfr4, I I The nutters' -taxed WouldrosNly announce to the citizens of i Towanda and pectty thathe is now: ready to offer them Clothing,-snelinar ' . . . , FINE BEAVER OVERCOATS, - CIIINGILILLAS, PMOTh. I AS so th . FINEST: DRESS AND BUSINESS 'SUITS; HATS AND CAPS, • • Filmlolling Goods, ke.. ioul that thesegooda, &night at Tory low figures, will be sold with Tory small pro. - Unload to establish a permanent trade In this Plae" aM In Avast loardn tboi ea:Odessa of purcbs• sere. will deal on a basis of HONESTY 'AND INTEGRITY ! And all goods will be warrantei for what they are repressenbQ to he. Come and examine, and convince prareelt Don't forget the place, Templas of Faahlou r opposite the 31011111, 'loose, won end of Betdlematex Block. ' H. JACOBS. • Towanda, stint. 17, Dart.. Miscollanens. . • H NEW FIRM ! NEW GOODS • ' • WICKLIAU L• ROST, • A • • . . Would call the atkition of the c:tlzena of porno toad sichatly, that they hove open'4 with ' • A New Sloth of Goods/ At the old stand of i.. L. Moony. where with clooe attention to the Irinto of the coromntiv they will keep a good assortment of goods. which they will SELL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST, And at prices that will Judaea awry otie to buy at thgau. We .I=ll at all times have a good amsortideut PAiL AND IViNT . EII GOODS! Embracing all . the latest styles of LADIES' DRESS, 'GOODS ! DELAth.S, ALT4CM, PROTS, GLOVFA omegAms, uosintr;VArs, cm,s, HOOTS, SIIUI.7i. cLo7lis, ica.S.SISLUIM, y&n•rntcs, rANcr GOODS, MUDItELLAS, Family,Groceries, Hardware, CROCKERY, muttons, iiADtES TRAVELLING BAGS, , WOOD .t:.%ZD Drags; ftrnituie, 4v4 rie'alaoTe givealmi a slight idea of GOODS 4 4 1 4. 11i1ith . IN STORE, And we only say to out nunaertraa blends and the public generally, call and wie us, test. the merits of our pretaudetis; and if coarinixdr, Bor AND - MAHE YOHH.SEINE3 RICH Bp saving money in yone "'menaces. We intend to orri•GlizeArEß BARGAINS TITAN EVER BEFORE BEA=D OF! w. knewome can please 3 - on, so give . All kinds of, • PROISCo E Taken In exchange for goods. Home, Pa., Nov. 12, 1868. NORTH BRANCH FOUNDRY MACHINE SHOP, flittuated on Pine, met of Main Stroot, TOWANDA, BRADFORD CO., PA., In nEnr proparedto,furnbah CIRCULAR ; SAW _MILLS ' SHLNGLEt MAPEEDIES, Of the best quality, with'the latest imairovementa. All htuas of hisehhitery for Elourrtig slad Saw um& SterOn Eilg:ines -Made and Repaired, Steam Whistles, ' Steam Guages, ' . • Grtage Cocks, 011,Caus,,ke., • . • rulastica at short notice. •- :BOLT. OUTTINOI .Done from nto 14 Weibel in diarucia% • • FORGING Of hew wrettgiit work forliridges, andall ether ptir poxes; done to onlen Also. a large nswartuient of COOKING d HEATING STOVES, Coal arid Wood ISurnerti,FurnitiunforOooktag Staves., Stair . ° .r/Pe, 'Lin Ware, hoot Pumps, Mows. Cultiva tors and Scrapers, kept eonstanUy on band.; . . _ • . .. • _ Drawirt.gs and SpecificOloriff . . . . Qt till kinfis or vael.inory for !ale; to* Other pur poses prepared by. WARREN HILL, Foremio, who has had largo largo evcrieraco in this branch of the loiaticas. - • mix CARMAN: - • , Towaiatlai Oct , 29. 1860-17• . MLLE , 1 40 ST CON.VENIEN . place in town to get a 4 3 - -60,3 D 1641..1 EIiTING HOUSE, cr• . tt9 or U. Nrattoit • 0:11. A.T.M0413 Laving Pprehipeil the a vi 3 Wen-i known estahnahment, la now prepared to watt' trpow al whettuay.favor him with a call.• • . • ;11l talgo),e.vp;t a frill %poky pt • Nrfr r Y GROCIERIES, • Which ha 1. proparocllo sou CLOap Towanda, Nay 20, ISM - FILL AS§ORTgow co* tad= endc!..., ,, prEp rums, , Mach so, - Limm. & A LICE STOCK CIEEtOMOS qinz BEST FRUIT JABS IN IJSE JL at - McCABE k MM ram ENE= 116 - 17 -p,:s :,..,,,, , ,1it,i.':i..0;;,:. . - ); ; -:>.4K:i4=p,fsi2Milt-ti , E , ' .. .41..- 1-114T:e4.44:•.i.44.'4;._'': 1 ~.X, - tit. , ii. 'Y.'it , ~ 3 1....111:..141r4. . ,, , ;3 , , : :4 ' ,106- : , kg. 4, 1 V. 4:_ , "" th . 15.t:4 ,, a0.1 , 7^t i tt 1 4.E - fitt44s - 1 . 4.(t? - :: rPt ;: , ,i, - :: •4, - 4 - WI - : - .... t ic . ,,,,i „ ,..i,_,:i 1 1,.. , ,, , i 1 :..... i 2: ; .c -04 ,41 , v.1 .. ..0!;:: 1 ''-• , '7'*7l;:i :- 4 , ,•,:,,:irk,,„ ~..:• .., ,•,„,„,.,,;„ ~„, ~•!../..v. .i:fa ~11L-'.d,'. . _t -A./V , 1 . 0 ,'E t-, .1:.•t0,i,-±; :'.1".;,4;:'..rit,....'.',,.:ii.,, .f..,.,:: 1 - i, ,-; .:::: •- i •<:., - - Oil, :.:7. - ~,,.....„, , - ,1.tig . .',._ , ,;,,... k ?,; : : A ..,. 7.5: . t. 1 ,, k:- MEE MARSHALL BROTHERS * CO. &IVtAiit; the itte;: stick oftho Plabliv• tt 4r ttAltinvAisr, TAMING' I o' .71- , it —117,144.4/.4179)F TOOLS. I . if" a farce asaortanent - tdt • • --, t .f . L: =i r ' WtsdPaFtniaaaloldtaallikaOCKla.. . . . . putt : , thirgebegt, and NatOt - , Ind VernildrUnahelv ,' ' ' ''!' 01.4 Muds, drbichtirUt too mkt for: the . P r . 1 9 4 A ;n? /In 9 !' 1 , 1 , 1 !?:CPlj. , l i - . 1 • ',--1. ..! ... . ;!..E.Ai11tr.21E..1...d.*P18..: : ! . bi l eyery ; atyle told pattern Ao unit the Public am repaired alt 4. , 'tstuo Oil and. 11C a lwiae. '., •.. .1 ; 1 i • animist attention paler 'thd utandtachti tilthiudd (?1' ~, ~ '1 ..• - • j_-4,1•••,;5t ••- - . • !-- TIT; W . Dm. . . i • • • Joanna° lonaaertste- Tiri.nnin 4 ro. I - , ire hanronladiglaftrie .. ..9tl . - '1 1 GT.,4138.,' PitUtT , JAltB.-- , 1 ”' tit 'idyl:ond iett-einding parka; aid 7 i . 1. , PPil.lialcA4.o d .AN s ii IN , I;t1 id one kr . i l! , be.xt caii, pse4. r . .. :. 1 Jane' 20,11X3.• TOVES !- '.STOVESI - - STOVES l Joelcal new line *esti at . . .. Tili ,MEIEOP.OLITAW.HARDWARE- STORE . • , CiInVELL, ~ PA: • -.. . : • ' At'e attracting lunch, attention. Anisnutonao rariety . . of Stoves , . . . . - • . ALIVA ES OX WIND! Std or wood, thiamin suit you for - .I . : l 4 . Office, Storii, School, Shop, CIII7IICII, BOAT Olt COOELS4:I STOVES. . , Ctane and sec the new patterns—at 1e.y.1. . • - Jr ONE LOOK BEFORE . BUYING! We keep all leadingllrs t-claas Stores **te opu lent, and a cheaper variety of Stoves for thelntmbleat. Examine for yourazlvps your own Interest. 1 S. N. 11111ONSOli. Orwell, Pa.,Oct. 21;1868. ~. .. . LOOK iiERE! Tlr.ro'll now on exhibit:on at the Atint 7 W/th F(entititre • St Ote FT.TIZTIrEITIZMI To be Biwa In 'Northern Pentit;ylvaaia, which In be ing ,wltl at My iFtcx_k Moist; -in part of Parlor, Library, Din lng•roont and Chamber sets, Parlor, Library, Exten sion. Dining and Ogles Tables, Chairs. Iledateadii. Bureaux, Wastuitands. Sofas, LoUngelt. Tete.a-teles, - What-Nota. Cradles, Cribs, .kc.. tae. A full Ilna of Mattrassea and Bedding, Pier, Mantel and Common Mirrors. Oral and Bustle Frames and Brackets, kc., kc. ld fact, everything In the fturniture. Line, Which nand ber eoen tnbo appieclated, and which will be sold at Than•tlte mule quality of gaol's can be purchased else where. . . 'Thanlam! to the public for their past liberal patron age, and determined to nierit a continuance - of the same by offering inducements not to be found elae. where, I invite them to call and examine my gouda and prima before purchasing einowliere. No charge for allowing goods. and .;" WILL NOT BE L'NDERSOLD! COUNTRY DEA r MS supplied as moral at the low est market prices. I also keep on Band a large assortment of needy Made coffins, from the most common to the finest Rosewood.- - Also Burial /lobes, Crapes I am the sole agent in Bradford county for Mailer &-Flek's FURNITURE . I NEATLY.FINISHRD P'O - P:11 A-R PRICES CHAMBEESETS, PARLOR SETS, MCICEtai & FROST, Succemeors to I.: Moody. Suited - to this market. I have the best Upholsterer in the country, and manufacture our own upholstered work. Dow to order.- having an experience of 20 years In the bnainesit, I can confidently hope to please all who patronize IDs. • . - Don't forget the place : No. 155' Male Street, two doors south of Ilcidleinau'a Block. Toiranda, Pa. • S. T. DECEY.It. 'Towanda, `slay 11468—tf. PAYER' & ENVELOPES . _ . . El Jr =RE Parnitta: IN tini'Ann.t. PA.. The lergest and beet stuck of GREAry it.EPt7CED PRICES! LOH' ER PRICE ,S ALETAUC, BURIAL OASES, CABRETE4,ao. A good REMISE always in readinem when rent:tired. Towanda, Dec. 10, ISGS.. JAMES 0. FROST NEW GOODSI SEW GOODS! ConsiEtlng or Dnaxo'noomArrs, MIRRORS, PICTURE FRAMES, Photograph FrallloB, for everybody 5 I REPAIRING AND JOBBING D IARE S FOR 1869 NEW--YORK PAPERS SCHOOL 1101.)KS : MCISIty STATIONIa AND Picruum BLANK BOORS - • YANKEE NOTIONS 11.), 1868. 14,004i80D - BINDERY - •T lie ia riaectf, Why informed that the Book Bin. diary hits been irmated to the Awns - Bailing, third story; whore will be done - ; ' • 11012K-lIIIi/IfS . G! :waits vicious tcraitchnn, on term isreiiimableas tbo times" wW iUow r . The Itnnlery : will bo:Folor the'charg4 of ' • it: C. WHITlin. AAA/11040m; Dinderouul .woiltwial proinpUy, Bono In-a4l3rte ead umber width =riot be evivert. MiudeOlisgaziatuill &WM; ft.. beim' In everyverkv. at etyle. PerUmlig , , attentron win be SA to the WlnginPliniltog of• - ' 3 3 4. 01 1( dished pstiSim, quint ) , an' educo' work will be reedy for delivery litAtea preinfseiL The= of UlO public icsoheited, and rt... Volum* Atiest 24146—tf. . . ' . A FINE ASSORTMENT OF TOI4 211. TS{ says, at MAME a Itlra EEO A k r - : 4 : :)5/4A,;;'.64 1 / 1 4 - . 7 V.A . . 0 a... - •; 14 0SJ: •-••-• !' - 74-9 6 ,0 8 !-,44.4iN* 1 : 1 40*. 1114 ? Wise* slat lialtroblin'anaL ms ' Witira*Ps* =the 146, , fair Z I ONK: Who - 411112 Et1= 4 wint.. PP.1 7 4;04 :4F:0411.4?Wl"-Nrt.' sAsaynnrt, TompnOiransmiati, ,KAROMATO,O/i.00,11;,0/4 Akotiol and Duna* riniair.'? =- tamps; slilmi!:lPlCKB, cmanarre. Sperm Tlra; 1111 . de, .;" ats , AND AtACHMEOELS.- •Fancy' and Twat Artides ID 1;11 thalsrartetzt, BP6l!6lti; I . 4l*Eg, SOAPS, COllllB, • PoniadolOtalr-Dies, Periarneri IMACkET/tO6KS, PORT NONAM, ' I Packet IthtTes, tiazora ; ,Togrn, )1;41:1 716:141 PIiEPARATRMS, I NiniES AND, 1.114t1611/4 uldto =l9 ttii3At6)..SsM CIGAItS, 44t. Mkt aid Rower Seeds, Trusses, Sup. Porters SurPeriSoliee, Shoulder Braces, Breast , ipl Par 4 Muss. liundpg Settles, Raus,seurseaUsiginguars.Tber ,____—_, •T . . , ,nunneterk, Flavoring ",Extruta, 'Stone 1-auttot Oituue Ware; 'BMW; W, Coti*Bath • :_tiridt,,atutttmus . l3 Malt Taulda, Aim ' munition, &c., Botanic. &acetic and liomtepath. • 'lc 2dedleines; and all thelippular Patent • . 11EDIC.INES:. All Artidet warranted as ,represented.. Pomona at a Watt:ice can receive their orders by stage or. mall, lrldch'ulli receive pratipt and-carehd attention. • , • Medical advice given gritultnudy at .1110 . ' • co.- charging . only far medicine. ' , .. • laeThankfal for past liberal patronage, ; poctfnlly announce to his friends and the public. that no palms shall be spared to satisfy, and merit the cog finuatlim of their confidence andpatronage. far Opeu.Sungsys for preacrintions:from 9 to 10 a.m., and 12 tn. to 1. and 5 to G p.m. - Jan. 1, 1 .009—yr.' ' H. C. PC . H.D. H. H. G 0 , 11, E ' S .DRUG sip= W. H. 11.- GORE (successor to Gciz.S: Powintr.), is continuing the builhess at the old ntandi•No. 4 Puitruett Bleck, where 4 e is daily receiving addit . ion. to'his Mock from the tue,d - reilable troixuters and toshnhict. .He respwAtully for a liberal share.or politi^ parenuge. large "etock Of - • FRESH DRUGS AVD - MAPICUTES Ras just been receired. and 1 am 'now prepared to supply the . . . . WANTS OF THE Fugue WITH ARTICLES I= rum WINES AND LIQUORS FOR • MEDICAL tiSE ONIX A ITLL .1.146011111ENT OF CONCF.NTILIVIFII INYE. - LC, • ECl=Tic - It.M/ ILWICEOYATItiO ALL THE. POPULAR PA=ST .11191CIND3 PAINTS, On, VAUNISIL PA IZT,T AND VARNISII BR USHES, I=l FANCY AND TOILEVARTICLEB OF EVERY KIND ;ILDESS AND 11.VID •!' Si3:.lCL`i ALKALOIDS AND RESINOIDS, All the best Tzlieses, ABDOMINAL. SUPPORTERS. Shoulder .li:cacfeß, BREAST P - UHIS, - NHTLE SHELLS A SHIELDS. Niirping Boltleo, Syringcs and Catheters A LAJUIE Ank3OII.7ZENT Or EAZOILN, racops, rOCKZT SITIKIICAL m..7rlirltENTS or LATE STILE =I A large amply of Brutal:Lei for the Hatnntl Hair. Also for the Teeth and Nails. Tooth Pow der and Pastes, • Perfumery, Soaps; ;Combs, Hair Dye, Invigorators, Kerosene., Kerosene . Dumps, Shades. Clainemoys, Wider, - • all Of the latest styles. • • CHOICE clomis, Tomeco AND SNUFF tar Physicians supplied at reasonable rates. Medi cines and Presaiptions =crony and accurately corn ed and prepared by competent persons at - Al pounded of the day andtght. Sunday hours from Uto 10 o'clock in the fore oon, and Ito 2 in the afternoon. Towanda, Sept. 22, 866.- W. H. - H. 01:111Z-• IttaxdidOie;: TOWANDA AGRICULTURAL TO w.ANDA, 3MSUFACTUIIFS HUBS, SPOSEs BENT I'CUFF, HEAVY ARID. LIGHT WAGONS GMIEGAL WOOD -WORK, MirifOrd, CUIIP. xi 1 0 7.•35 t Haut Isbcmccer. Co trey. New //niTn, Ccnn. SCROLL HAWING, PLAV6, ETC., ETC. I Ai '" t !' • vri AVQOD TITICQNG ALL ITS DlLkNcruz HUBS, SPOKES (P BENT STUFF' LAKOE STOCK rndm mum TO SELECT The aboi - c arc from tile beet SECOND GROWTH HICKORY AND. OAK. LIOUT ItEA . VY ;M N'S 'ox ItAND . We have the Bwa,deutl NaITOW Guoge el- MILL PlCENinade and arriased: M. C. MI:11CM PrcAtleut. rllOll 7 -ANDA CARIUAGE F ACT ORY „ . The im4raiVEtetl roepucittay annoutteq to the yob - Ile that they have ftychaetA: the '- C - A *RTtj:A. 'a . :4-,, .S.''H;O't G. H. DRAKE, .tnd are now inrpr*to build workln THE :IrA'rEST Mid moat worbontiiike manner. "They will i.mwskutt . •17 keep on hand an assortment of splendid . TbP AND OPEN ra CIRRiIGES, DEMOCRAT - AND LIMBED. RM./DNS, = Atj) . ALL WOKE WAIIRANTLUL AEPAIRIM vro mrtiritteitil4 to ativatou2W El Towanda, Apky-9. A•- CHOICE LOT • OF VOTER Ymit of an kinds, for sale by thebarrel ortrusk el, at • McCABE k 'B. ESE n~iftcn~s. IMIM WOAKS. To Denleril in We offer a W. T. MAiloP, Snrwilutendetet. Tomtud4, July, 2,, ISM ..EuGGiEs„. I BUYANT ,141 q, wrinr, - .-Itirtagnwt9E-!. 4.GENCY, 4.1 • Ipyroji4l - T.:I3.I:CAMP4 . .A vire ijoi.for*.Alliitaing reliable wruYi~ro~Tsebir'excz Zjo~iriiK; - E ,, , - 4 - .. - -.W4ltalJanw, Pa. ►ssarrrs Can Ail) CMlriT 14601 ASCZ no., -- Ldneaster. pa isurcAat :Incluitcs Cot:Mgt HEM • . .. ......, . , . _ . Itritzeornazi to Al'l 'Wain= lloontort Co.; • ~.. Sprisafield, lam 71:,,t "57;' w1 ? 1 .7' . :” 17 `.!"•: iv; *AL,i'r Orr, blircr..'9(nqA.T.,Y; laciprint of COitftl - ReproJenteti,- , • $2, 400 000 , • . . . Wow Opvipanks cf Eli RATES,= • and r 14." Men 913 aR Idndn nt BULLDIRGS , and gull CORTEN'IR : %LOMB siViaird itudytitt at this Ofece. Le the undegitd ?plies Mg wiote Woe 2.1:11 rt 4,euttou KXCLUBIVEL to tho • .. lli$13:11A;ICiE idpilag a * careful mul.thorough aiiingnation of eicry .riak._ exercising care and promptness In renewing Policies when about to expire, and by • careful and diligent attention to the leakiest, generally, he hope to smiute thecimildeuce madpairmasty la of the -irm inunity. PARTICI:MO Arrin4tloN ;Ivo= to In- ' PABNIBUILDDRIS .AND DWELLINGS. and Poliiies written for iho term of THREE TEARS on melt risks at the very LOWEST BATE& Farming and others desiring to inaire. , aill do rot to give me a call when. caning teams. Office second door south of lb' Ward Hook.. op stairs. T. B. CAMP. ' air Applications crertreal and surreys ;nadir! Li - r. 'Awing", South Towanda • 1.. 8. Attnoto; Es,/ Bcalthileld Wzmairzo Lanz, Latin's llll3s. Jpze 24.-1869. . "ERE,, LIFE, ASItiACCIDE1 1 4.1TAL • ;,-Flstraxscr. ctrl - {L SEVENTEEN MILLION' DOLLARS C. S. RUSSIELL, Agent Fir fhejd7..win.~-naatd7 Rakit!le Cnmprtn fn GMAT? Frar t ILaraz lasr . rarct. Co.. k and surpl9,3 crier , 110 MC biRCZAFCE Cour4Fl.-= ic Y ork. } Al i Capita! and vorplue over 17ILANCE CO. or Norm Arrnica, Philadelphia. J .tztrital r.rid mirpina OTCT: INI.TP.AXCE Cfrifr ANT, rw fork. 4 Cairita!"ll4 Ir.irphl, , over Einnuwasr. hanTIRINC.P. COUPE...T. PhiladelpAla. Capital rurplm over Acme Comp....st Capital am) rurplus over P . '12 , A11 LZ:tVILI.I:C}: CX,lll`4!ri liartfOrET, Conn. j capiltha stL.Latuplcut aver HMV - 1. LVE Is XIT.INCF. 013.1.P.12VY, , Nett .1117,• y and surplus over 660 Tadyl , VT'S . Is-stens.ncr. Coni..usti, I - -Hartford, Conn. f Cipital arid tairplcm over $600,000 Risks tokat on nll kind• of i'rfiperty, at as low rate as by any other reliable Companies. B'3' Policies homed and Losses, if any, adjusted at this Ageney,lhereby saving the trouble and exixl.i..• i of ailing elsewhere for settlement. US—Office at the Hardware Store of Codling. lin.— sell k Co. C. S. RUSSELL. Towanda, Feb. 7 2 IRG6--tf. : NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CIMB3=I CAFII Carrrai, sl.ooo,o*—rato n mu. CLA.E..KEE H. CLARK, rreaident JAY COOKE. Chairman Finance and E. Cpta."; FELNRY'D. COOKE, Vico President EMERSON W. PEST. Secretary aud'Aentary. Charterilyy (.7olgress, 11I!GS tali! advantages of the NationallifelnFuranf,e It is &National Company, chartered by Coup . ,,; :I. It has a paid up capital of One Million lii ll it 3 It offers lo;ar rates of prernituuS ; 4. It furnishes larger insnrance than Piller C'•^a panieM. for the fame money ; It to definite apt certain C. There IS no' pOsSibility of misrepresentattou by agents, or misunderstanding by pulicy.holderr ; 7. The policies ace plain contracts, en much iu•n -' ranee for no much money ; - 3. All policies are non-forfeiting ; P. The policies are exempt from attachment E. Y. CLARE & CO.. Bankeis. Phil24ol,l:la Gvneral Agents B. S. 11USSE'LL, Mann.; r. ts". C. ELSBREE & N. 0. 7.11.L.50N Agnate for Tolvanda and vicinity. Jan. 9. 1869. • BRADFORD COUNTY-, rittE INSURANCE AGENCY JOHN W. 11:1:%, TCrW.LNDA, r FOB TIM FOLLOWING r. ELIA.III2. COUPANIE- Pncryir Frnr BEE GErSf FtnE 1119102 Nom! AurmrrAN I r inr ! liticoszu, J Policies written and Lossei adjusted at thin geary • Farm property rinks taken at the lowest rat k es. 11Y - Y - Ofllce in Mercnr's New Bina, north Mae Vol , lic Square. Tcranda, Pa. JOUN NV. 11LX. April 1,-180. rrittE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSI 7 - -.L RANCE•SOCIEEVII_Agenry for Bradford Co. cAsHTAPirLui $3,000,000 -Yearly' income over $2.900,000 audi. .NONTANyE k.WAIID Towinda, Juty,2s. jscr. MILE LYCO 3.11NG ALUTIJA_L FIRE lintranre Agency-for Bradford Comity. • • CAPITAL f ;t400,000. - . • r ---/ C . . llnt nal Cult plan. In !successful'oiler:Win over twr n 17-sacen year& -;;,,MONTANTE A WARP. Towlrods, Jelly 25 1q867;5: . THE NEW AND INTEIWYED ELIAS PAW LT ,gEIVING. MA-C IP ES Were awarded the no Prize At the Pub Etros,ithw 1867. over 82 other Machines. Also; the following State Pairs of ISalt ed this Machine the first premium : New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massaelanc lA,. Neu Vampshlre, Vermont, Wimiconsim and Indians. At the County Pairs of Madison,_Onondaga. iso , - - go,Wayne. Orleans, Tompkins, Seneca, Monroe, r kimer, Sebnyler, Livingston. anda host of others. Report of the Committee on Sewing Machines, ct the State Fair held in Rochester, tali of. lafai : Yon; Committee have 'examined the different &wins Ma • chines, to which their attention was called, and stsild -recommend as the best Panally Machine for ail work. Elias Rowe's Sowing Machine, and for the following reasons : of construction. 2.1--Iteg t'ularity of tension on both Tipper and lower tlatods. 3d-- - - - Fsso - of management. 4th—Great range of woe: ill materials. 'lsth—Plit perfect attacteuts t° the Machine fm* felling, hemming. tacking; 'raiding. ',tainting. binding and cording, ,and the ease with which LOY are applied. infra—The durability of the Ma chine. It being made of hardened steel. and adjusol in its bearings. We recommend a medal ' Mew style Mummer.. Balder, Tacker, Quilt-T. C•rri , Cr, Robrokierer, Binder, Wier and Improved Turk Marker. It Wili - TISe any and every kind of thread. from ile• finest to the coarsest. with • much smaller needle than other machines. Be sure and examine one be. fore you purchase. Price froui a loe of andecery machine warranted. The real vahte of our Mannfac toting Machines for Talkus.Boot, Shoe, llamas and Carriage Makers, la too well known to require con. ment. Don't fall to replan see theta. • • -L SIIEPAIW &. TERMED% Genera Agents. • • • 20 Lake Pipet, Elmira. 'N.Y. For mile' by CODDVIO, RLr9SLLL & CO., tleneral Agents, Towanda, pa. ------ - - 1 00L.-50,000 , LBS. W 0 01, Ininted, for which cash will be paid May 25. ISGS. ...._. i W. A. ROCKWELL. T• M I "rVinir Raßs. Atbay, TiD, CA7M ..E150.1 $3.7'1 MEP= s3:so ~ , =MEI ... ;IVY, (.6o *7414,“mi BM Neu , I = New York: $711:+1.1 New Turf: ) itG50,614 - 2 42S -H 0 'W,-E
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers