Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 15, 1869, Image 2
Newsinn all Natio= --500,060,000 leadipeneih; are iwit eartY. • - '—The veloeir•eder is in use on the Vienna stage. —The poet Tennytion - • is traTelling, iu 13wittesha8. -310 'wiles of Sumner,'9_speec . +tire sold'in England. . --Tiie c abdiattioti of 7iricitOr. Enuiii ux4 b talked ot. _ . . Henry.. Ward 'Beecher _will not ..10ctttred next winter. . • • —A Joan initenteglry shot himself became his aister died. • —The railroads 'of the United skate earned 4400,000,000 lut yes:. —PhOrth fans are among the latest Persian Wh in New York. —Boston offered a minister in Brooklyn 114,000 a year, bathe refined it. —Thi) price of the Englidk Pall Mall Ganiithas been rearmed to one peiry. —The Washiugto.n rationallotelli yriteer is to,be revived... . - - —Lou tnia will haye ante:many abundant fig crop this year: —P. T. ..Barnum $3 25 for a eand to live his hair bcd. —BOgalMl --Dawison„ 'the trage dian, is red expected to tire crrer ayear. —The score of a comic opera las been found among Illeptrbefern pipers., --Two dollarS trday is offered for -hands insugar making in Louisiana. —A couple 'were married iu the Tombs at ! , .tew - No* a few days since. . E ngland . . rkently a jury. was int r panpated comp - T.04 entirely of Smiths. —Tho operative - plasterers -of Ilna3kll4 have wen to the collar laundres p•ef I of Tro3 4 . ' • • —ln the Indiana Soldiers' Home are seventy men and one lamdred and siiteen children. Inuldred negroes are said to 1 gtralving in Borne for the 'Roman Catholic priestbrind. —A man in Minnesota backed out being married, beCarnto the , *orrice %mild "eit him tiVO dollar& —A black woman, while picking blackberries neartTernula, Minn., Wee killed a panther._ —The canebrakes. of the South: are I now extensively used for making snapping pa l'ur in New England. ----A Massachusetts farmer kilns lci v e a kind of potato s "jnst fifte e n minutes arlii than the Earley Rose." —A gentleman in Illinois owns a ens. which lately gave birth to a calf weighing 113 pounds. —ln St. Louis during the month of Stine there were 392 deathm, 12 divorces - nud 29 marriage. . , . —Of 80,000 inhabitants of Nagag• aid. Japan, 48,000 get drunk every night on ati or. rice whisky. —lt is computed that AMerica uses 3 4 9,2.51 kegs of gunpowder in celebrating tho F.mirtil of Jtily. —More people, were intoxicated in N..ton 'an the sth' than on any other public holiday for many years. —The "drain fish" has eaten 20,- 000 oysters on the Keypert beds and destroyed i-100,00n of invested Impital. . —On the sth a New Tsirker cele brated the anniversary of the" Declaration of Independance by kieldtig his wife to death. —The Marquis of Hertford accom ,m,Klates his duelling friends by lendin g them itivialltsl park at llagatclle, near Paris. - —Min - Ida Craig will not receive -tloo,ooo as Witt at first decreed; i 60,000 hare been remitted, and she will g et lint I-10,000. , —Commodore Vanderbilt lilts tak rn an entire floor at the new hotel at Niagara, Cantda, for his fautdy, - durifig the yummier sea tif .n. —.lleesre.- A. T. Stewart Lt.:IL, are lntrudeeing r.altn•cromen into their establish tent. a n d 'intend an time to employ only wiling ‘i - ..nieu ae elerkx. A —A' young mnn appeared in St. lonia, and claimed a reward of 1100, advertimed 1 -,, r amissing girL lie lad • eloped with and inarriva her. —Bostoii has statues of Franklin, Webtter Everett, Vann, Beethoven, Hamilton and Washimpon, most of which are said to be lamenth ctiticiam. - —Chicagio is now the great distri tribriting post-offiee for all the American made for China, Japan, the Sandwich Islands and the Stales of the Pueitle elope. matrimonial engagement con t raeted by a daughter of Madame Bistoriawhile in this etinntry, has been broken'olf. —They .hare improved upon the -square tnear in Montana. A saloon m Helena Oral "cube nutala" at a low rate. —An emigrant train, consisting o a man, his wife. and form children, all barefoot A, ling ihron g li Ohio on tho tray West. • B4iCk has so far recovered ns to he able to be tamed trat Louisville to his !none at York, Pa., —Two children, aged 15 and 13 years, tried to get married m Des 'Moines last n eek, were reksed, and wept over their fad -1111.4 —One of the emigrant age4te of the state of Minnesota report. that ho has stto e,leded in inducing 75,00(3 Swedes to come to that State this year. —The first tune a writer in the ciacinnati 'n um, saw Thomas Bneharmn Reed, he mut parting theatre bah for a strolling coo. h any, tor widen he was one. —New York has an Enoch Arden ho came back, chimed his wife, and they to gether put husband No. 2 in jail. —ln 1860 the Vermont Agrienitrni Society was orgardzed with ninety-live corpora tom. To-clay not one of then —An Irishman writing from the elit to a fiiend, remarked: "Pork is so plenty here that every third man you meet is a - hog." —A Frenchman has purchased five thousand sacs of swamp in Tennessee,and r oposes! raising frogs for the Memphis mar: —The Boston Traveller says the latest castle in the air is the houseported to re have been given to Mr. Gilmore, of 'Millen fame. —The /Influent of strawberries from Centralia, EL, this season sinsipted to iln,S7spounds, or nearly 249 tons, fe 10,372 Imsticha - rm =PH quartz —Mai/ Charlotte Thompson is sap -- dial with a lire baby titthe manager of a San Fmnehicto theatre, with whirl' to play "Made* line," The infant is nightlyencored. -- 4—A couple -in - Savannah met for the tint time cm a Friday; courted on Saturday, and-wcro"engaged" on Sunday, and married onMonday: Th e man was 75 anlthe girlls. , -Beecher's pu l pit is decorated every Sunday with .two awe bou quets of flews , at cost of fBOO a year. The pastor thinks Wan excellent investment. Mary A. Livermore, editor of the Mace ~ W Mor, preached in the Md. versaliat church at Hingham, Masa., a few Jaye ago, that tieing the prat time she had occupied the pulpit. • ' , • Eight years ago. the lowa Wes bran Usurenity, was t 82 ,000 in debt. That has liven. paid, and now bail an endowment, fond of 840,000. Itiot a dollar of- debt wan in curred , . iilhorkght to- be certain that the uffeading Austria.' n arehelialwip will be sent to the penitentiary. It will belibe first timid that so severe s *Catena) ban lA* been eseetit ell ripen ao high a prelate in the Catholie cons - t rT. . —A' man, in; Somerset, Indians, nho had beodbonBnedtohisbedeerendmonths with con - sumption, blew his brains ant. He bad beireely strength to •hobi the roroh-er, to Ids head. •• ....;r>: . - • , —A Russian_ • pa_per says that the cousumptioh of - akimbo& drinks is the has Mermised. -PM 101- rer Deng inuulawr . of perilous who IEB4 from unumimess in flukodo list rarrs 2,118... Y• brought oit thcitratininioy of c t ttuct Ili hid pod tjvt, orderis nosh' MBAs to refines all the smsements,•oreri StAbo boor of death, to those who sent. their chiliften to the tree r.ehoola.; • ' • •" • —Efforiaaie W4'641416 ki'render Paris a market for Americanseetnitieti, and cori t•idetabic success - kw- beim 'obtained, Deben tures of the Rockford, Dopk Island and ML Louis Railoay bave been introduced in the. im they market there. E.O FOR .0 VERNOR : • - JOHN W.•GEARY, 011 CIIIMERIAND „ • r9lt._. o V suglPrKk_, ,M 1 03 13-1, HHENRY 'w. IVI , LLrA mtS, Or ALI,DIIMST ()omen - TEE' Matsu env STiNDnai COMMIT gica allandiardaoasky-nre aequestedito mita . baron i al' et 7 1 0 mond" on TEMIEBDAY, filnar 2:16,1864.- at I o'clock p tn.„ !be: the purpose of 'appointing a Vigilance Committeeand transacting my other neces sary business. Towanda. July 16.1869. The following tuned 'persons compose said com mittee : ' W. T. Davies, L. P. t3tatiordr. Wawa While tots. P. IL Dock, J. L9elek. J. •A. Rodgers, disatiing, D. IL Adams. L. L. Woody. " PARTY OROMUZATION AND PARTY FEALTY. the Republican Convention in Philadelphia, renominated several of the Representatives who were -in the late Legislature, and the Pori of that city, repudiates the_ action of the Convention, denounces the nominees as unworthy of support, and calls up: on the Republicans to defeat them, oven at . the risk of electing. Demo- crats. The' New York Ti•ilmuie, AN:e observe, proposes another and moi sensible reniedy,flor the correction of abuses in the manner of nominating candidates, 'and to ensure the selec tion of Representatires• who are hon- est and trustworthy. The 7kib7Ule's plan is, not to "bolt" the nomination, but to forestfill the action of the Con veniion by 1 . ..4e signing of a refines addressed ti): some proper person,: asking him to be a candidate. Of the . tiro plans we prefer that of the tine; but we - doubt whether either will do away with all the evils inten. ? ded to remedy; or whether either plan is any great improvement upon sub mitting the claims and character of candidates to a norob ding conven- • tion, and then acquiescing in the do claim of that body, when fairly ex pressed . That the delegate • and convention system of nominating candidates for office,-is perfect, we do not believe. It is liable to many abuses, but the ingenuity of politicians who were sin cerely desirous of eradicating these evils, and devising some less objec tionable system has been unavailing' to propo§e any better plan. The "Crawford County System," as it is called, at first blush, appears to be a, fair and honest manner of expressing •the choice of the people, but experi ence in the counties where it has been tried, has shown that it is infin itely more liable to abuse and more objectionable, than the old manner of choosing delegates. In the cities, the matter of nomin- ating candidates for office is in the hands of a few ward politicians. The voters have little or nothing to do with it. The delegate elections are not attended by the respectable busi ness men, who leave everything to a few professionals, and scenes of vio lence and acts of fraud are common. Not so, in the country, as we call ev ery reader of the EFTORTER to bear us witness. If the delegate election's are not a matter of interest, and are not attended by the voters, it is generally because they have no prefe;ence be tween the candidates. If there is an improper or objectionable candidate, the people would promptly and gen erally attend the delegate elections, and repudiate the candidate unwor thy their support. The absence of ' voters from the primary meetings is not generally an indication of their, want of interest, but most universally a sign that as between the candidates they have no particular choice. It sometimes happens; as the Post alleges is the case in Philadelphia; that unworthy men are placed, in nomination. Then, what is :it the duty of Republicans to do? First, they should carefully consider the. circumstances of the case, and impar tially judge as to the qUalifications and character of their .candidate. And then they should carefully cal culate what is to be gained fcir the cause of honesty and for the 'welfare of the country, and - the purification of the party, by aiding either direct ly ar indirectly, in the election of a Democrat. ' For we consider . that a voter who withholds his suffrige from a candidate, is less consistent and not less •culpable, than he who votes plumply and boldly against his party. Retrenchment, Reform and the putting down of political corruption, have alivays been the favorite rallying cries of demagogues and knaves. The•political trickster and prostitute, who does 'not possess - the seinblance of honesty and virtue himself is the readiest and quickest to attempt to . blaeken the reputation of others. Charges of corruption and profligacy are easily made, and difficult of refu tation, because always vague and in definite. The "secret whisper, dark surmise " is sufficient, now-a=days to destroy the good name of almost any public man, ,because a wide-spread idea is prevalent that public moiVity is at a low. standard.- • Wliat.T we Would impress is, not to "bear false witness against your neighbor," and not to be too ready to believe what others may allege. Too often inter ested men, will denounce a man, 14.- cause he will not become - a partrto their selfish scbemes, and seek to de- Stroy him because he is honest and upright. - . • . . We. would not insist' upen.the:3up •• • _ port of a notoriously corrupt a nd bad man, because he has secured a' nom ination; we would live 'Republi cans pause and very seriously er the probable consequences 'befOin: they aided in the election of a Dem.; - ucrat - If the , pytrabican'orgailiza= . tion is of tiny viihi:to:fttet should' be intleiiblimitirifaiii4l-4iiii: party . or. he n 00... , :.........., —w agentse should ;put - -an ip . : .the seaie.agifit - liTtrOliouracy, .- the lade:tut:toes not kick the beam: We do moilhenein that any -ico?d ever - came in any. instance by deseit- ing the Republican organization and ding-ther-electioir-of-zr:-Deanocrat . We ahould ' hare ;the the .M;iieune;. 'or .' , `tury..othei7:4o#l4 l l-1 point but# . sirigleirild,tutei3:wlierOt4.l migalii,wer ~ concerned; ..the public :'ti•etri‘ury. guarded; or , the piiiaiiwfortyllll,*fied',,bi tiou„of a J.:!erimerat 'instead': of a publieatr? ," Prfatuated Repr4diefias; himesiliintent- upori rebuking cak-:- ruPtion'er,Preserviaff - thel.b*Otiiii the party have Often lent iheifeid to defeat some- - objectionable; can. Theresult has alwaYabeem Meiltalge Repar* cgr,lrecimme cOrrupt,:#• : Deprill4 doubly so. • All experience*Slown this.. - The. infirsiOn - of -Deirioczaeyiii-;; to.. pritrid ' political, mass .always' deepens and • doubles'its . rttreserice., The facility: with - DeriM'erat's form rings, and adapt 0/64014,3' all the cluingesrind , ecrinbiriatiorts of political dishonesty is . matter of rec-_ ordirefore the c,ountiy:-.l.fafßePub- , . lican Legislatiiie%getss'a bad' name, and is repudiated fora Perricieratic.; majority, in the hope of bettering their ruorals,What has been the tuiiVer;. sal result? Let the histery . cif the late' New York Legislature answer. a Democrat; is niade a• member of a Board or Commission to att. : as „a check 'Upon the Republican majority; what has-been the.effect? Why sim ply, that the Democrat has 'Shown a willingness and 'facility for roguery, far in advance - of , his Republican as sociates. The debauchery which op portunity developes ill a Republican is instinct in a 'Democrat. To at tempt to reform dishonesty by elect ing Democrats to office, is simply,ab surd and impossible. We are see this disposition on the part of the Post and the Trilk row to set aside. and ignore the Republican organization, Under any pretense, and for any purpo: Th idea is a vicious one, and ci ri kited to strengthen the Democracy. The mission of the Republican party most certainly ie not ended . that its banners should be folded, and its ranks broken. There is still as great need of its protecting, aggressive and progressive march. Though victory may be upon its standard, though its principles may, be ascendant, yet they are not so firmly established, but that they are. in danger of attack and overthrow. Bearing this in mind, We trust that our Republicans trill not' relax, their efforts for success, and will not be diverted •by . side • issues nor de, false and specious pretences that the organization may be relaxed, because. the Republican party has ac complished all it was intended to et-. W. T. DAVIEN. -- Chairman, jThe re-nomination of Gov.Gr..i4 BY recieves the approval of . the 'Re= publican press of the - state. _Gov ernor Gar's administration has been unexceptionable,' and' 'We' have' no donht that'he willhe triumphant=` ly 'elected, in. Pctober. Bradford County mill do her whole ffiity. Wil not our Republican friends in the,dif ferantielection districts,,bcvin ' :to, look alongthe lines land see liow the rank and file stand. • .!The deMocracy, expect to make capital out of our differance and imaginary diaapppia raents. Let Them be shown that they do not appreciate -the feelings of pat riotism, that have in the past led us on to victory. Now ,is the' tittle 'for the members of the Cennty - CoMmit • tee to begin their-Work for October. Begin no* to make out your tof voters. Look after the doubtful, and there will be no difficulty when Octo bcir comes to give four thousand ma jority. We have the votes; ' and :We mean that they shall be . cast for the candidates of our cause. . ta.. Tas Supreme COurt of this State have pronounced tht , RE'gistrs . :Law, -passed by the Legislature 'hist win ter, constitntiortil The threats and imprecations of the Democratic iireth, could not swerve the, majority of our able supreme bench from the path of right, and to-day we have a law that Mill in a•• great measure add mil& to the purity of the ballot-box; which has , been SO ',recklessly and feloni cnislY.used tile limit; feW years in 'a large number of Democratic districts. :With the prospect of a fair election next fall, the only show. of Democrat ic leaders • carrying the day' at that time ie gone forever. The ,goliVeri tion can /10W,meet on the, 14, OlaVer thsmselves over the induce-inents be held out to put certain men in ther field, nominate ancit'ailjourn. They may stagger at recirganizing their se cret societies, with their._ money no;.' tires plastered in conspi4ous_pliicSe, but the labor l in- Cain: , ty and justice • rule •the hour, • and time will now do the' work- for that once powerful and ixirrritit: organiza tion called Democracy, seirlt is said that lairmistetr• hicrrigr will show" h4r . tiutrietluta #sileg tieue but A*Ckiciiii 4 Winfi dining, his 'sta . ) at 'the 'Cork (if St: James. 4p. would display his by; wing no v,ine - at all. • 116 n. John Ccicol? bpFt . 'made qadra4M- , of* ( j4o.iS a A l Ileimblecan State IL: central Onti - 7:1 initteti .of-, is full of etterki,: - Itilf ifndeiiskttnc the politics of tipLl'ii,titt.g;T:''' MOIMON, of M faithfully, the condition of4he yam , try when the battle wanfought and its great importa,yn the war itself to y dliiiryi r aid o , - tional sidet7:tstitgfAviie; l 4 liber - 'ty over the maktisttesiteplfritnl776 td I**.pititipux machlS7e:deiii*-eoceleii4, :And the3iiiot9ri.:,ovektihe-rebeilion to : credited to thesenaiiif ki the greater hitelkehOkitielli*sleal vigor of the north. A fitthigii4fl4 given in Pr* of f*,liying bqoes of the . war, and.glofious anspices,of the / 11 § 3 / 1 1 /l. future ere. draWri[frem 'l44h:that enabled , us to:withstand eudha tetriblitevi " 6*e for: the country, and the most signtd„RerlMps tfiat has ever occurred ilia 1 414017 J Ikelikijaeilie. !° ll . TAthe ` 112( /Polen.i: i 10.4% now • iiiiii)ty re calls it; and silently moo of llie dangers that , then 1 1 . 11 T4itenek, w hile Preserving-the At; rmt*n .611 4 I*Tthat eclPl*Tel , is a fitting memorial , and will . serf r: to kcep more thoniughlY lave the• leis ens of the. rehellion. ' The address 'in which the csumesi , the incidentk, and flier glorione results af the hattle ana of the war are, grtturiedr and they are harmonionsly preiented, was not.only worthy of the distinguished orator, but rase of the day =and the events commemorated in it. 1:=1:3 BEE He sketched xf9,.. The election in Virginia result, ed. in the election of WALKER the con servative republican candidate by a majority of 40,0,- Six out of the nine Congressmeb are.... Walker. men. The Legislature is also larNy in fa, vor of the Wiilker party. The non stitution is carried by an overwhelm, ing majority. The clauses which-e tensively disfranchised those who were prominent rebels and exclided them firm, office, having been by President GRANT submitted separate ly, are voted down overwhelminly. • Most, of the blacks voted the Wells ticket, though thousands of them. sup= ported Walker. - ' • The following ard'tlie - gtate officers elect : Goverwor--Grmarr C. Wain'. Lieutenant-Gorerrior--JosT F. Laing. Mortify Genes!—James V.:TATLOIt. /46, - We have recieved the first number of the North Carotin ian;pub lished -at Elizabeth City, N. PALEMON JOHN, Editor and 'Proprie tor. The paper, presents a very nest and ; tasty -typographical appearance. Its editorial columns show that the Doctor is still sound on the great principles of human freedoth. vigorous and ready pen will do much, toward educating the people of the South in those principlms which have given the Nerthern States an impe tus unknown ,south of :Mason and( Dixon's line He has onr best wishes for success. stir seertary BoirrwELL's public debt statementior July shows a de . • crease, during the Pak month, of $l6; 410,132 54. This is gllttif3ink telliience" for 'the people. But - we anticipate still;: better TAe, administration is tAteAlly c reducing etpenditures, and perfecting the ma ehinery for ! - en honest collection of 'the revenue's. Geri. •Alualrr faithfully redeeming his pledge to'se cure economy, retrenchment and the : payment of the public debt. ISL. A rumor is current • that, At: torney-General HOAR is about tor re tire from the Cabinet, and that B. H. BaEws7..a, of this State, will succeed him ,We hope there is no truth in thinstfitement. Mr. B. is a man Of abrhty .and fine' legal attainments, but he' is not a man to lend' dignity and character either to the 'CnbinetOr the; Commonwealth. The Supreme Court . ,has aided the law abolishing the Lyccrin ing*dicial district unconstitritionak The decision vas rendered bl,:ty:TOr dance with a full, fair and. hearing of the case, and proves the just course pursued by the Wpubli anis in'office, regardless pf partisan feeling: r:. New ea,mrtbl'er2w''' WAVERLY • INSTITUTE , The reitiNdElaUr Tenn of el le institute opens Aturtud,lBth, MP, under The &lige oUlt. di Lisa, .0 lame of beat Ltraaathl.overrorlosa of Ur country; accoaaftao from all parts, and, altnaked at WAVERLY, TIOOA CO., N.Y` i The thsiettmente are complete. Tthi ;A. thansiell" ;names aflame studies for ithetnice to "our lent Oothgel. Also, 11 aegb'drat In the. TM ,conrea olthietherthe both the CCM. =OA bnthoheethaitht Eiessentiollapoloread runt ot tither tonntheetunithy= ID In the CoinnsercialCourse hi an thomgh, nail complete an In mimed *teethe, fel Ocethiercial thietreellonnyt i rloisno end (Mimitl E th et ad' method:lamb, eltoblitne* MeV numnioth by *bleb mils eta empire a lame/edge at =theta onethaird the ttithithelokit Idtbilthe repthed., • The =tempt WU.* slivery reethrate. , Bond th. Pined. et stheonable prima :11 limited number ape., piL oth brincoatthrothiteil lathe families at the In. ettnetore: • gnome eatibiptoenrat Wend& ththeithi see holik#Abenietre and Westin the enveneen one. Norma dasa4 Y imial..ampiatzed at the bestwatai Pt therralTena,ta add* twenty at Ow that=- Itadtraillittaeivelkao taatractiontbekuseterm has pp vadrert lis PtlnC*.tl Waredy. mosioatianln reittreace-to Roams and BOW imaaraste obtalaett at Waldo Altai:fa Drag , 811 " Wt 43, A.lle. Prtncipal, '` TAI Pltia, Eltaidept:of paarott: inIr411;• DWZO.fiIITION;-4.11EV0-PART COMINI** tell 2Xl;ll li4l : 'k aM% "tl =iVlt l o keel . t r y andielfeeisest.l ilaseeemb, doe tbelielbeiSseell be eetibdired veld teriLlE Roemsetee,•eebte war ibik the baba*, ea L, berebtentbaeieed, to ".' ll O MO ogled* pew •-. * • • : t: MOIL 11151 • 1 " : Mt 7.8.-31ittati Wean out the WNW ot Mesits: Collor, FWD cowthroa to tiveryitelltat twataka aad TM WI tally. wallttioa to Wikatfrailetwaii boa , tar that *W.- 19115 ebotawflll~w 1 Wont w 11 W3INW1191tittGLOITTORIlIAZAARAaatt Rama atniscatisuaWadi Gatalaattlatlenwat wattott }dew Quicklaisi sad floostkrgiss h. ukotttu Ottawa a cattbitow wathaaitta Waltham Twarlai.l4t, wt - fa. , nent to fell in Ind, bat sin im. throng lee fir . nee. ir WINDOW AND DOOR FBAMEA 111101(1/ 11 - • .li*l 4',t , ‘ YENCE BA , ll4,,Makit 1/C1 =Rip ; . _ . .• thi's . 4 , ll WA?* • V, q)ll2QF.ll..llllAßlDOilillieviloiiltrlEV t , -. - --',...t .0.:,'..f' , ?.:,.. ...;:, I,i ts .;4,f.:71 i ~' s,. , r. S~ -.. .... 111112•1111.1. • 7A012:1 LII POO t G E 0 .-P . ,C 8, L U:M BER =RkABE°H'OU'SE; WAIN 811/1/G6l; • ' , OPPOSITE llzzumsr - Intuncli.' oromixtti. N. 8.--Job d?pc,„, Tokigmig liartilt,tllllolt ri 31. CM i FBIT J A WHOLESALE C,ItOCKEBY (STORE , IVICKHAM & BLACK Towanda, July 14180. 119(TEMTE e nStIt ered VIMP*.katt this mg V a : gy to r eounuo t : t 1: 1 = partnership. tb hem s, or" dayidltarcit. 1836, entitled an Act relative to lim ited i'art lllo4ll Pk" OM do hereby acetify that the name of the Ann under which Slid6 ll o. be Conducted Is COOPER . BROTHiiila • that thePillinte4ll9. gen cal intuit of the business to be *Mulcted lath" manntsehne of ale and other malt Bosom and MA.' ins the same, and the saute will be tranactod In the Baraugh of Towanda; Bradford county, Ps. : that the wines rat the general :parienturd middens", Bkhard P. Cooper and WWI= 13. Cooper. both.of. the bore** of Tranads. aforesmid'ind the specht partner - is D...talne PdVat the My d New Tarte State of New Tort that the capital _contributed by . the said D. Archie Pell. 'special parbients tom. died dollars * cash far osedenth in add business ;that, the period at which the add Portutr , ship' la to eintmence Is the did day of April, one thinnand efifht hundred and aisty4dne.dnd that it widtyre on the** day API* om tha!ttliall nisei 'hundred and alneteen. a. P. , 00aPas. •I • mt. s. COOPTit;_ General Pertners . D. nom rm. • Special Psztaerr., Tirkin;u:iprii 188e. -4k: POR SALE-IN MONROE BOW .01ehemo, end WAWA& cut, Illtectianie street Ildjohoing the Denby rsittond dvot. Ateo ono toe aimed rontetnlng ttronnd ono-halt beret %restyle of thethdltraiterid Irksialtmed. end only one tier of lots between i = end= etroet. tiot sold , by November Ist **ill be toe rent. For tesontenotrese Jaineolliolt.Toen‘ads.: or Wm. tem* on the premises. • Dinmee.llll7lll3etre.,4l.o. ADUENIMATORIC Newel: hereby peraom indebted to the estate of MAMMA UM of Mb,' top., *mu* ere regoested to aminlinnindialopag. ment, grid all peruse haring .elalma spinet, sante*. , 109 . 1121111 i be Presented 'ditty anthentleated fin settle. 15.1e99. A . DREINISTPATRIICS NOTICE,4 Notice Is bereby*lsen tbst all prams Indebted to The estate of AMR LAMM" land ot Towanda . borrestb. deceased.ead oe.6edtomike Immediate payment and all,persons chime wind said estate omit preseM_Utem duly authenticate for Settle ment - • CATILMINE LAVIIBLIW • - July tn. 1069. Adnintetrerri,s4- lIDITORI3-NOTICEo6R: Leon -476 and es. /LW. Lamont. Ito.6oll.lrettnileyterm; 4862. In the ,Court of Cmoomms Phss of Bred:pot , • The moderaigned Asidifsm'appoisdad 'by said court to distribute funds. in -the Sheriff% hapdamta. tag from the Sberiff's sale of defendant'aloreonal limpet*, nal attend 40 tbe duties-of Mid appoint ment at his Mice in the borm of Towanda. an ifiATURDAY the 7th day of AttGllff, IMg. at 2 o"- Ark. it widen time and - pbee petieme having, claims to said fund, are sequeetesl to Neemt thiMme or be &boned from coml isM fund: JAr 12.111011.-4 m ' • r I•42Pre = A 13DITON8 NOTICE.- - --jokn M.l 41..ontbs: N. A. Colmar .rd H. n. liyazta." SeK 7is7 tamp ,In tbo A:ontt of Pointnon He or ftadard county.. ' The- andonigood 'an Auditor. appointed by old Coot to tilintibototstonoys in tie bandint thO *miff matintr.from Itheritro sae of *defendants personal ProPeref. ittionir to the Antal of Ind stipaint meat at bin Mop io > tho 801 . 0111011' CUMOINSaiII on TUESDAY' tbe 10th dir of AUGUST, 1869. at 2 - do* p. 2Lonnideb ttottesad place narperiotui tog ctaims to aid noloty are: requite& to moan the yam er De debated . tem! rot bag s i•t rE 46l)a mkt fund.. • Joby 12;22f0.-411. • - •- - Alisdnor., AyDrf-e oitss Nterrek-iyilifird'BU we tr. , no: • Datafaxi: etie Elepteinbal teem.OM tholes:oot of roommtilleMs of On& Vbe ec ratMdgneg no Mimi': apphinfed inott to OlLOtibusteitonds-VMmot bytbeftre Wen( denaldant's personelproperty, wttt atten4 to the ties of htierpolntment at' hie bate in Me boroi4li olfif Tone gh ndsom 1B Du the 27thileir-of 1111XIMR. cJdmr at. t M °Woe& es w mt an pas. au bathimg *a said mad wawa them m else .?A 3llB 44 44 ' z i elt. Lii. • I (l3Cii k ' • Aidifor. rille COW. foto eta:knob ot the aubeettber Tama toweshtp, shout the iterierlbte. - The owner is thquested . th,einue toward. , par-and take bie sprw •I' JOHN POST. , mowma,tatp..oaria,,lB6o,-(40. .„ U=E . : S:.T.N " I rippolut - 16111111$1 . Ski" 411 4 griteli. ' ')rstme maisk, amarldat = dank Ida ' 11 ' ' l M Aglid e md f . An -**, 11) " - L W. , ~: ' P.O. Dcaullikk. , 4.B.—A wa ny o:ciless loft with .1011 ' N Mace WM , b!. de& f • - • • ‘.' Iftp LINN. " - • • • Itaticebt ' itteb ChM' fbe :Wee Tumiktiseeber teen tramisftilip Wei by imessorAyki the Amy ban become Amt fink " prnAM tit 'lbitVotlWor i==r i lareW i llgry=ll;6lo:. l ISM* pitimbintliboOsair refinery° yertbs dobstiqd tagyibp,ftefillyol4 OM- Idildathe IMO Vecllo4; mug beam moo to ptr' am?PailbatottommattrintA M ttallilloa. r:;,k RAtiat i ‘.; vottedoroastoi tolottrAti Ink ' A BARGAIN.--koFINE • BUILD -41:1111441kt be sold *MeV& MSG cri * Koanow • Atkurneyaat•Law. Towanda. inly 13. Atliktf-U -vilest firming land—considerable thnber-431 Mairamrs .!frunuildp: tam from CaMPtairtl•—„ -PrifitlVlirltormtrOplimioditmarY3.. ;ir etr,il • a ! --‘1% , 1t5 "-ry q-ofl ! ,- ._-,,', . ~~'._~'7ln • . t AT =EH ME MEE G. E M ALL ,GLARB, RETAIL, AT TIM —& "Atetiviso WI WOO - 14 WILL 011( Iv' a STONE" • - • ' rtfhltin 1 u . _ .... i :!,f t .- /, , ,-i:3. , • ! ...iil-134 . 1/ ,, ?ire, 1 4tii ' liN - iiihigi --fna;l , . l -,:ti:tii. ryfliik . . . iiilOURiitiVO4ll4AVA flidri,P4 I. ' , nit f';..",:1: ti - ± , Y:tb.t..;f .. .';',.1,,14,1:! ; tz.Y:ltsis.,l-.: , , i t 1.-. 1 P 4M iI ,' I #YR U IP-I T R ISI I CI M I°I. i 4 1 -_ii,v+-.11 , f1i+7 ;•,',71, - .+l At!ti. , ..:T'7lT . ;+, .7?. •++ . 1,1 1. ...1 i . - 1. - 1.. , :4174111ArniiiA120 , isisoltt (.1 .I', 7 , . 1 . 71 , 4771 +.>.'iij.l.ttl',::' - .1,i,1,4 ,i-if :',il/...i.,; - , 217. ' .- • ~, 1 , ~, ) i t ':'iSiAeirlitielpkaitibliVO l anii‘g s ." I "' d:l * - ' 5.1. * 1.- +r'' /. 7 .t =,•.+;___y,f r `;. . - 4 !tkic Flu f . ...;_at . • 1 . Arrumuce ;C.lts lo ..r,), , if.: , I, J....L , .;41:,! iii; 11.,;.nr"i.-• Ji lip-,1 , - •, ,vn =i•;-- 1r•IL IL , I.goNei I '.." . G.. i L.... 1 K I F,.. , ,,,:,..,v,- -, 'IQ; l• '%if N:.f!: , t i ..1 , 11.; ;1 , 1 r 1 - 4 •L'):.ii , fil.. ~ . 1;.f. 1 77 -77 .i , r5.1 .I',l. ' :,'"7-1. , ' ,, + , + .l iTaipteits.:vimessimmicaroal.tbrettoreatiosek ' iwil 110017±1,01~4.Takies.'sotromks .. . r . "" 'ref* 501011.11Ztallaillte. , , ' '.' ' -,- lA,ilintliilollll3)3l4, ', • i 1 1 . t , ' •I:i :I ;...-Tiarritliiitedstltal:;l,.lT y I 1;: . 1. It.ifi'lianktrYir4l 414 '4',1.4 , 44 , ,":" ., 'i .4 -.. I.4).telaaeldilii. ',,. ''''' .l ' .) 1 .rrirg . l7:Zittit . 4 ...'4,, f [II., ,e , 1: .."214111 1 110' 43111.1111.1 d Of/CUM f 1 . !r i lii, .!.' itil lalr il !N L L,." l4l . ~...'..1‘;..“' e ~, ...)fl! 1.1!. 1; ', •?i, ] li : ! t o xi i- 4 . 113 6 an c Tarlida, June 98.1889. .l. , rt I. rEqt, STlfkrialciAli'lfAltk., ,ii.1.;, , i-,tzi.." . .-1.1 .11;kixtvi :11 , ...1 I il:: e‘ ;.. i , i; •::.. CIF : t 9:A W R • ni;''',. , :: ~. ;. -, itkamint F03tD. , .f1:1-1.4 .. fA40,000. - r."' ~-,.ib. .; : !,i , :.•-. sii r '. . ;:lf ri 1•• :';'::: .":-.: Hittiiiiiiiir f igfiill6lBl3itlilit tiWAiia' ;WWwWWW of a OENERA&BANNING ReS'IN'ESS. !INiEEIT'PAIO ON DITINOTH ACT*BOING TO j itxcr; ; i ,:' + ' : , , : ' AOMMENT, thitcid. - Chia (aria To 'Tied() ciri or Noiga' ••, , • . retie . wit,* to . ems um= eny part of the rioirttintorroakitato& Ireland. SootheW, or tbr Prho cipal cities and Am= of Europe, an hero procure Attidtelie thell phrpoee.• RASW,46! 1474' I 0 0 or from rho . old tOtOltri, by best itCeiner or satt.' Joe Ilisei. cro head. • • • • . • • iordirt • • • riirruzs • oven AT MOW= 1011* pipissit Price paid for ca Bonds, Gold and Sliver i. IL ElNlMPrsaideat.. N. N. NETili. Towanda/Jane 2a, 189. .1 Cashier. A .GBOAT.CHANCE:FOR SPEC ut.6.7loll.—ns Sas FAIUR ,A3D MILL Piot , 'mi—One hundred acrd of land;l4o ameilm • - ad, two dwelling barn end olbei saw mill, new, with 24 Wad and fall. Pi acres of pond, and can est twin to 500,000 • year; acres of Imamber kat with a portion of choke pine, lying • mhos south of timilltboro% with" as Terpesur The shine property will' be sdld iaw,Mtd payments' made early. Good remons, given for selling.; Enquire of the mnitesigned en the prop - & & BRADLEY. — *Wham Gomm& Joao V. 1069-3 MO. ORDINANCE4--BE IT 011 MI- N, ed. and Bill berebiordained by the Town Com ell of 'the Howdah of Towanda : That hereafter no boilding then* ended or removed within*: lbw its of mid Borough, without application 'tort made to thelturgess in writing: dating the kind of build= In& materal.• s pea t sed in its consists:Um mut lie thollitY, Oa a granted by the Barges' 6f said Dleitheil; . th = es s ee of said agldiestthirr also; that rected " Viin or. odes: addithe shall be the following limits , to wit : On Bridge *Week wittdb a - stet of either side ofasid rimed. Boni the Arm to Main Stmt. On Kan Bt. witldn one hundred and twenty feet of either side of mid tsrees. tram Froth* Allred to Westonfitreet Mid that hereafter no wooden building shall be re. rebored wltidn Caid Blotto from any tainti WW mit the rime tind any,wooden **hog or wooden addition erected tirmst or removed into said Malts in violation of this wammm AO be deoutedannbanee, and the peraau ao erecting or removing oath building , oha t i I be punished accordingly. Attest: .I: • • _ C.18,1071101111.L.- Burgeon 0.D., MONTAN= Secretary. ; ItOrmathanne liOgef—jyt. • ••j3ANiattr.PTCY:LlikartiCT court of the ante d Bales fie the Western fila. Wet of Pennsylvania. In the natter. of BOLYNON If., 1.11:011d111), lianinnpt. Western. Ddetdct of Penn e, Warrant fit Banikropley has bean issued by said Conn against the estate of golymod IL:Leonard, of the'flosmir oflgeamingand• State of Penlinfhlonli; In mid Diserict, bandaged a flankrupt . by pW. non of ptf creditont, and tbent banin to. add t oratirde and the d'eltregY ai* belonging m tit him, or to we. as* transfer of any *mare Madden by WI: •A meeting of tr=es of ssidianlnipit, tO-mobe their gehtsandehoose gine Or mere assignees estate, vrilLbe heldat egksirt of Illanlnnp tube balm ni-Tovaindl: P&,; in• add District. on the sisals dol,of A.D.11109,;* 10 o'clock ,a.m., M the Moe 0f =laird 'Overton, Jr'.. gaaa.. eineof thei Registers In flankettr ß l Kac it slid Lb. . ,A.. ••• -• 13 • .6.llinital for amid Dbitefet PlttabtligaLatia.l4oB69.—inne, .44,2 t; „... I)* 0 lartlO N. , z-THE CO of JAZershipheretotoreedding under the name ,VIIIGUN. tie Ude dissolyed by inntnaletakent. • - MI acevaxibittie thelatelharmtud be *Wed end 106140 8. W. Arnim. who to bereby }el to ireoel7e n ied collect the sane, - ACKLEY k VAEGII2I.' • P.M—Matingboopbtatit tbemobnw intere t at o ot,Vanglin in °Aid IEII. : carry on the Was in the moat satisibeteity nok , tO all .or enekenell• . I *MAT the anarket peke tat ell,histile Of Grain at the rea. Flour, Feed and Meal for Bale it the looeS each peke. 4 IL ACEIMT.' • litarelinil Stone. June I. 1 • • Juno 21-4 LIKE t LIKE LIME ! 1 The iindersignek hereby announce . to tho ptddle that he keeps _einisturtiy on hand at bis KIM In DROWATOWN Ps , s, thll amply of fresh tamed NSW TORE LIME. which he will sell as cheap as It itan , be based id ray point skim the Om& • May k IB6B—tf. DAVID BROViii. • A LL WINDS bROCERIES AND peolistan, at:lholsulo pad zeka, 81 May VA 1869, C. 11. PATCH'S. ALL- KINDS S i PICES, COFFEE, ?hi bandorder, put VBESH PIGS, TAMABIND PRE -I.a: siress. sad Ales of all kinds. - , COWELL & NUB. "pOR SALE—THE 'SUBSRIBEII Whys for sale ou hti Mal estatein this Borough; °mudding of a Dwelling House and Lot and Grocery' Store. on the north aide of Lombard Street. and two vacant Jots oxi the month able of mid attrea Mother vith to enongh the wean:teflon' of duee houses. The peoyeety willboaold et It Towanda, Yay 911.1869. D. W.agr3E63. k 1 ; 1 ; 1 1 4 ; ; t; 14 , itoti ne mared *to lbeatlb all idasseslittboonitest inud **their , 'homes, the s wbele of the time, or r tor ma Mesta . Business new, Ned and sormitidr7 lllyr , ate Vu , i ap u d theb t o i u o. and g w irls earnbt lomo, u maul:mon: Grist -are offeinitthoss iihq.lM devote, their 'thole , time to the_ Madness nni„„thaereery pasonartia trees Unstolice nay send „math& sdimosandtestembadness tortheemehes. .I makethe Amparalleleal. over ; -To all who sibliaell aatfalledantlr the bubo*. 'Wahl& alto parlor the trash* far writlas sm.., Full :lair, Allenlare, Mitcham he., at trfe... R am pl e aelif Marla mita; ~h ohlataa IL' 0: LLEIt• , Marta. ; Milashh "` Ngiv; STO K co.MEs AND ...motediod t , 11 VATCWS. • ..13,wocupi • tvtrart!: • Atr IO ‘.. wife, LOTTirlar po znjo beti arid bolo' ititheatt moo or Pore)* Wahl all MrPofs=7l her eon h" I Ser L i r. gbes!sigifii, • • " AIV If IF: :. v rtto iibitera.L 2 13 tkottimilii tharairwrions fndefil edtorbie arida*/ t TATIORaite: of Orwell.: Id e e ar r nT S i :d r eam i *Ned them tptlir forsettlentent: • • E/441Werinit',, r iatiint • Ili': ALE IN 6.40r1b1i: 1.7 The rebeerther offers for male Ms farm In Ci %014,oeefahaing atmotafeldr-ds *ma, amna seventy wee, The improve:beets are, ohe,AweDlna. 'image; an bud; mie rank-Wm% 'one a 4 0 41 1 muds* ar.dfitat a :Frilifea annahlti of Montag ; inn rah by water portielkof • theteefil Seferifea>mate,all toe 1 1 =f tiv "Ft wpm NW offs areee: l = "8 6 1 =1 ; tliZ ab4 f S = from lad' 'one* go& 441•6 111131imenerrt* SIMON ILikiro; Mew WI OD C. 16:MtiCritl. si Canaan ;art he irj ilr •erlbet on AND TIM i,g1111"1 . 4 9, left , iIatiMERREVIOBSgRvit:-:L4i t-Indr-41 thlaaaghbele; dieSikiew arlhallase sesealst A10kek,11.10.4 "ILA; irlitqiimaist servicethe paws* dame sialawith Moat% Azov tt Mosavetoo.AS trig , way bar sula,a4 ea. Mae. ark Goma : S; _tyro workss ; aye se • ativiri. *di - *is. . - -unielieWK tithes. bush bffesearil %OK tie ofitidlint.. Oall sad. seaman J. a. -F IMOIITOt4O6. MO. /40: • F 0 2t+IJI7 to ~~ colyout (w r ung Sr. 'An. MM SQUARE, initto 41 tittle it 314-411"' -L. , ' An el** 4536rtgaint WALL !AND, *MD* kAi'Ellti Speyeal.tinicoe I,WATWALb,PAPRR: ‘,CROCEERY; s 4Itp: 'WARE, htryorttliM, Full nue of ' fV,V oF4'll -1 1g 8 SHELF AND. SADIILEIiItkIIAIIDWARE; CATIPE'TS, OIL.CLOTH AND MATTINGS: An f ) P9"4 4 4 CLOthigi .C.IBqIMEIIES, CLOIrtMG BOOTS AND SHOES ; All Hide of LEATHER AND SHOE FENDLYGS. 'HATS,: CAPS, AND _ UMBRELLAS, Trunkft,Oralises and Traveling Dap, OILR Atilt PAINTS, quality guaranteed, and trricea tonlourilan general mullet Jast-reft,ki!id. 103 &dein PATENT. "GEM" .FRIITT JAR, An*Limi. self siallng. at ranzattacturcOiprice.f. . In fine; u stock of Goods in extent and variety un equaled this side of New York city. The public are invited tecallandexandno goods and prices. July . lefra , - 31031TANYES. G•LQILIO.I:7S 13--V.IV TEAK GIVEN; AWAY qBEAT AMERICAN TEA STORE, No.rl Grimm k Pirrves NENC 13/15C)F, IMIDGEMMEET, TO*ANDA, PA., At thealgif of the • ,AMILTICAY 'FLAG! RED, wimp AND RLTJE STORE Samples of Teas on AWAY YIIY.FiT, to satisfy thorropl F4O-01% ictho place to salt looney. ERE4DI lOW As• TUE (law +MEIIICAIt TEA COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Fresh Gunnel Coffee received daily fmm :few York.. 'or ground to ' , order. Also 'whole Coffee, green and muted. ail utylea, whola and ground Spices, Dried . Prink ire., at equally low prices. I• I , , The subscriber begs tenet° return his thanks for QM*, liheiat him While in the Grocery business in this place. and re *elicits a trial in his new enterprise. The=s will be imnditcted istrietly'rm the . flo ran 'Pill not hive 'to pay extra prices t 2 make up for the losses of a credit business. you; can't rime -the money to toy for A pound: buy an ounce and pay for It. Be Independent—then toot ttfll be worthy to walk under the • - 1103 ADE 41r. KU. . . dad buy Tony Gooailcheap. si.,ll.otuetuber Belk White end Blue Btete. new Block. Bridge Ett,4 le . .fatr I,‘ : W...IIBAMILSI4,_ . - TO ; a N. ' BRONSON'S FOR . . 11.1:AltdIRD MOl1 7 .I.NG MACHINE, iioneitetter;and parts for Ito same, an Important attinnancenent. SASH, DOORS AND ; BLINDS ; • = • • 4. • • No better iguility can be found, and at !miens attain abitt Tints of ; STO ; VE S , 0024 , • Ai low ad Um tide of Um 41ar8ct, kc, kc.. at • M.ETIIOPOLITAN IT.AB.DWAtIE S:T9ttE, /nue 94, 1849 HE OEM FRUIT JARS, THE best Wine, whole.salq !TO Xvtail• • • • • hity , ~. •VcCAtrE & . C.lomATots: PF, t "iti, Dited wVileinle and refaq., L- ' • ! I' V. 4 ; • • 110CABEAs AIMED OItSMS;OINrriCiLE %.9 - tab iitid ietsl2. jrl - lact'Aßt k inx. • CIOVIU Mts Str-Gklt, I . l Sat N.. 9 Itch,itageale'ead ictsif July I. a • XcelltE BIEL A • . Lii THE AIME GOODS AMA, be loft to the We excetatniclnse.° ' ' Jolty 1. I McCABIK k. COIES, AT WHOLERALV„ 71 1 * WW „Taco= ■a"MIIMEY•PLA,NTS NOW READY ; ../EinflpO,Ontlittlei t et the otteden of •:. . MT 1. • audit dux.' . . . . . .... NOR SALE OR EXCHANGE.,,.: - : .que iiigiendanod ogee for- sale - se asstsage : obitrisie cotted-entriage'ad 8 4 12 k MIL, . pi a Thrift! Hens% Just Viseme Of landa ' es. lititk 1 plaiiks. " "shissres. "34t ima i n al sint ral" ber of Pe sdisde m* ' ei sp Wes. , Sop plitleoliss sawlike , of; G. D. lltosmatir, aeldscms vrceportrri4le spld psi , and psp:ipms 7 — . . . ukr:Ll B O B 7a.. , - W24.408(AUP. • , . _ .... . . . .. 10ErNTED.-:L-TU'ENTY''OOOTi. ~. Mix Nauss by the Towanda Tanning Co.; lat OrenwpoL Iteadford.Co... - Pa. • tlig,l4stonges will ,betisid dufing UM Wing season. J. rt.-nowill , . IlivionT* My SE Itglit—tt. ~ r• . , • ;• ;_ , , - *IL , . arms ANDyelis. MEM IMEM77I 'CASH SYSTEM! ANEIIICAN FLAG Into the American Tea bore Ort(e, P4l ME HHHHHHH 4 Wst aro in.dsily receipt by Express and rrthglit of air : gjerii4re / liiitteUO? r BOOTS AND 'WOES _Li ": 3,1(i. - ;i1- O Vl i . BOOTS AND , Eispecmiky itaiptedo:, the iitititti bf the Bradtoilountt •• ' _, • , :; H H H 33- B r -B B - B B B " :ir?; Our stock of TR&Niti% Hall 11 4 6 • RETICULES, and VALISES, offered atjowest rates., - • -4 e * ' '• • • 7 C H. H. H H H - H- , 11 888888888 We hate on hunt themost exten sive.assortment of • HARNESS AND .SADDLERY Ever.offered in the County, and . are prepare& to order anything in this . • line. • - . iiiMEI HHHHHHH-HH 88.8-BBBRBB - Thankiney our friends - for the, very liberalpatzronage git 6 twin the past, we -iaiite their attention ,to Our as- sortment of goods:,in each depart ment, assuring them that we have never, hefore, been able - to offei - ,Kreat, , er induceinents than .• at the present. • . . BROTHERS. . - 'H' H H H H H H. H TowniNla, June 24:130. - FARMERS OF BRADFORD CO. THE CAYUGA CHIE.F IS THE BEST MOWEIt, - THE ]EST READER, AND 'THE. DE,...3T CDSIDINFD NAME. . . It is the LIGHTEST toItAFT littelint. sold. It 'is two wheeled, with a flexible pole, and co NMIGFIT os Tar Roasts' umms. It has a floating ilogpr, bar, And follows closely the inequalities of the_ ground,yrhile the graduating bar gives tOefeet, control of, the guard fingers, so as to wort perfectly in lodged and tangled grass, and Clover. In lodged blover.ft beaks anything out;.-tio plaoe ts tocitod for it. A simple ledger plate, easily taken out, enables the owner at any tinge . to o make tit cutting apparataks to tart as perfectly as wli en neir. It.l‘ an iron machine, and will hat years longer than a wooden !tamed meanie can. , Our new machine. Ho. t in DURABILITY, LIGHT NESS, UTILITY, SIMPLICITY amt CHEAPNESS is unsurpassed. _ It you want a PERFEtir I THhiCt, come and MM. Ina ttut CHEF'. before - purchasing, and ou will tyit no other. • Do yon want a SELF RAKER, the CRIKF, With Wheeler's New Controllable Rake. is ahead of any other. RFTOUT OF T'6TS' OF 'DRIFT 'AIDE DT THE TLIOJEC ' PAIL MILS' CLFIR TIMM SLITIL ANY VAL • Tata" or Istrz.narsari: Oodge's Ohio and Bnekeye,NO. n,averagc per loch, 7.84 Foam Warrior, do do 7.54- Onondaga Chief, do do 5.88 Etel4;' ' - do ' do. • 5.35 itrOceye, No. 2, ' - • do do — 5.10 Carla& Chief, So. 2, • do do 3.02 For Innredeta or MaClilnes apply to • - M.JISHALL BROTHERS, Towanda, HIRAilf ELLIOTT, liferryalt - NEWTON - lIIIIIVEIRET, Leflaysville, GEOItOE-11. FOX. Tormudtt twp. EVERY arAczipt rtrux IV.A.RRANTED June 17, 190-11. G EOCERY,. PRO VISION AND FEED stoßmk JOHN• MERIDETH, (Main Street, iirat door eolith of the Railroad Flatland would mod' rergeetfnlly invite the attention of the public M his large and well seleded stock of GROCERIES AND , PROVISIONS, WL•ich he is selling to suit the times. and purses of ail. M., hils nlso opened n splendid FEED STORE, NVliich is Trell'sitttsted to supply"the tnual and tar, clay coal region at all tray keeps constantly.ou band a large stock IV TEAS, COFFEES. StGAIIS, "'J~fOI..I~SL' = , FLOUR, . PORK, &c., 1.1019 Palling ebe p fur climb • . OtPDS LS TIM Bonciticu ITAz OF cituloE: The Citizens oC Towanda and. aleiniti . will. please, accept my (haute for theta very liberal patronage for Um. last two years, and we promise, with. their assis tance. to Iniprovu : entry' opportunity to enlarge our tiClitiitleBB, no as to warrant satisfaction to all. Call and are useguln. ' 301111 3.II:IIIDETTL . • Towanda, July 10,1862. One.of the bestlitarary :Institutions of the coma• try, accessible frotirall. Points, is situated at - -VALUABLE DAIRY FARM 2-1. sax.r.—The subscribers offer for sale thelr duo Dairy Farm, situatedlwo miles east of Green." wood, McHenry C 0... Illinois. said farm contains three hundred and 'twenty acres choice land, describ ed air follows : 1C acres cdoice timbered. 100 acres meadow, and CO saes ender the plow. •' Good dwel ling-house Mid outbuildings, large cattle barn MOO: and good horse barn: - The finest laving springs in - the country, running through a conunodimut spring- , 'house. Is coped° of keeping 75 cows; and is only - macs from Abbott's CheeseFactery. Terms one . half cash, balance in easy payments at G per cent. tu- - teresti Itelbrenees--51:1141ercruld, It EL Menem, °romp:rood, McHenry - Co., 111.,. or . P.S. Ayer, Bhesho ' O. AYER,• lfay'B;7B6l—tf.. ' R. ft. AVER.. - /COENTS WANTED-FOR PROF.'. ions' Laws of Itssiness, with Aill dfricthinxii End forms for all Transactions in every State„by Tnnorntr.vs ransom. LLD., Professor of Law • in Harvard 17rdvarstty. A:anew - 110 OX lon. =IM MO. Explaining every kind.of Ointract add legid Obi Son, and showing how to draw and execute' them. The highest and beat anthority ha the land. Send for our liberal tering; " Also for out Patent Bible Pros.' Fair'. PABInfLEB k ! P7 2 .t.,91 . • . • N.) wife. OROELId. has loft myboditnd board - with. out feat moo or . ircreotstlon.thit is to forblAtalipes. Awns harboring otruitang her an my. a/want as 1 'shall pay no de of her. andractlng after this date. on. hp* 12,1,100-3t* 10 . 71 MUM retuned by the Mercantile Angelo*. remaining nupahltott the let ilaY bf Jttlya attall,bo coinkielled to bring staid toe ininiediateloullection. ' C. N..MOBEY. Treasurer. Juno 10.180 :eooDs , ausr gantri t Al? TAYIOZ & CO '~; Ditgf3B GOODS, 6LOAKt3 and SHAWLS, CLOTHS and pmmth=:t3, DONESTICg, • SHEF/lING:S, NM AND BAT% LADIES', CAPS CARPETS, M/Mail ALSO, T H ri'FT,EBRATED stir H s'. K. •G. 1. Our Spring Stock is now complete in (wet) , Departuient and our Goods, . _ have not been selected with a view tot secure large profits, but toplease_ancl benefit our customers. - We believe we have succeeded in this, and invite ali to" call and verify our utatement. TAYLOR & CO. Towanda ; April 1, 1869 TOBACCO AND CIGARS! ,STEAM TUJIABM I'ACTOR TO W A N DA, CUT TOBACCO AND CIGARS' WHOLESALE PRICES That cannot fail to snit. We would most respeettnily solicit a call from the dealers through Northern Penn sylvania to an examination of . Stock that can be procured In the Market. Give o• a try._ This Is a home enterprise, and will succeed wlth a liberal diSposition of the frade to support beer. manufactory. MEANS k Jurie 4, ISAP—tf. 157 Main Street, Towanda, I.a. N E W The undorelgued having built a largo and comma. 31111 in the llormigh of Towanda. and. filled it with the most modern and. improved machinery t for the manufacture of Are prepared to fill orders, whether Large or small. upon .the shortest - notice. We have also a large va riety-of MOULDMIS, of tintiatest 'Style and pattern, which we can furnish meet fllcapc% . l , on they mu be worked .by PLtNING,'' TONGUEINO, _ GROOVING, ANTI SCBOOL And all other work pertainingici.iolnerylone to suit our customers. Persons building, and not Using mom than tweli to fourteen miles distant. will find it largely for their interest to buy of us, or bring their lumber and have it worked by our machinery. Bring your gristi of Flooring, or other luMber, and while' your tient feeding, have it ground out and hike it home with you. We will ply : CASH for PINE AND 111.3iLotli 117248L/3:delivered at our lumber yard. Conic and - see us, or if you can't come, write. Towanda. Feb., DM. L. 13. 2 1K1DOEIns CO.. GO TO THE E 3 A. K. E FOR A C+OO3D -AT .Iq. Horns. 'OYSTERS ALWAYS ON- HANI), - . IN BEAI3OiL BREAD, .- 0 - FRUIT, TIES, ' . - CANDY, Pr CAKES, - -p . NUTS, St' , TT tr. BUFFINoToN. Towatda „Dec. 15, 1868. 0 Q K:.HL.ItE t • COWELL & At the old atand'of lIRt ui tI L Y CouTu., am a.m . receiving a large and well ',elected stock of , • GROCERIFI4 ANI) - Which they offer to' od, ',niers at prima that defy citapetition. paste paid for all tindkFarraers7rtodtice. April 21. 180—tt. Drat]) FittlirPF ALL - KINLS. cowni. & )fIEII. 'P---R - AT CELEBRATED SELF EIS- A_ log Flour, at ' - C. B. PATCH'S. : 151ar20. • .- . PRUE . HORSFORDS ' BREAD Pm: wawa. at : C. B. rATCH'S. May 'lO. ;:fAhriii','.4'o HOOP SKIRTS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, - AND NOTIONS munrNs, TICKENGS, DENI3LS, STRIPM, PRINTS; COTTON YARN, MISSES', 'l. and. CHILDREN'S ' 11A-TS, IND OIL CLOTHS, WALL PAPER, The tindersliArted have established a On Main Street lx•low Bridge Street ATlfere thry am manufacturing all . ktolle. of ,Vadch they offer to the trade at OUR STOCk AND Pfilet;,k; Our Tobacco is mßnnfactmed from the boa KENTUCKY AND VIRGINIA PLANING "MILL WfIDOW SASH ►\D.IiLINIni,, II SHOES, ' &C!