Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 01, 1869, Image 4
11 Slricetural. ~ MIELOHEFiG. • ;-; Wherever there has been oppottt- VreQiave unieormly advocated Mulching for all kinds of small fruit and for resit-trees. It is probably ,in , )re efficient than manure or culti vAtion, because supplying' an abun dance of moisture and an equaliying temperature about the roots, trlikh is of the very first consequence; The St.' Lords journal of .AgricuOtre echoes our sentiments exactly; - end we quote its opinions entire Mulching, as counnonly under stood, is covering the ground with partly decayed straw, corn-stalks, or coarse littnr. This, when of iintficient thickness, keeps the ground tinder it cool and moist, even in ou hottest and dryest summers. Evely,ineWiy planted 'tree should be mulehed ; and if rotten straw is not to he ob tained,tindecayed straw answersi - ell, and should to piled- up to the lower limbs if not 'too high_ and a few shovelfuls put on to keep the wind from blowing -it laway. The object of Tilin r ,o it so high is to ' shade the trunk. A newly-planted tree has not the life and vieot• that it had before re moving; the sap circulates( sluggishly, and the branches beingprictlyremov ed permit - the 81111 and thi( southwest wind to have free access to the trunk The sap-worm----or, as some call it, trook-bour—seems to like this con dition of things,and attacks the tree, fueding upon -the sap or t:endermewly (ruled wood. This taking the life blood I%•cn the tree soon, finishes it ; ,r it maintaitth, a sickly existence for a year or tWo—f-perhaps for a number and is a longtima recovet ing• from its removal, if it ever does.. This worm is probably the death of 'alg,c trees than the real borer. It is a flat-headed korm, very much like tux Woflll so common in the hickory. It inv=ariably cononences its opera -, ais on the south or southwest side the tree. The flrWimlications of iT are discolored spots in the bark. Tiit se, if examined carei'ally, will I,rim to light the rascal who has done mischief. This won(' is 101111(1 iu ;Iv' maple an.l perbcps other shade-trees air() found in the pear, plain,am. 0. easninally in the peach. I wil not attempt to give,its__szientific .477 - 1 7 . ;iltlimgr the., insect is to the domologists. A thrif- Ty. ; Q•owipg tree is seldony attacked. Now molchiDg the newly-planted , • - thoroughly will enable to go'' ',Hi: usually h, t. sum aiers .‘ * lhorornit culti a t 1..0 of tre,s. • , t insure the lives of as many trees the first, year as mulching withOUt nitiVatiOh. I fully believe, if ever:: in wly-planted tree was well mulched l‘of :re-the hot. dry weather of sum nv per cult. of the tree , .. as osually rspived from the wirsety, w“nhl live ; while, with trees taken up and set out as- they should be, ninety-nine out, of every hundred would live and make good thrifiy trees. I also fully believe that a thrzci , gh mulching of a neitq-planted tece-or four-yeqr old tretl, which would cost but a few cents, js worth a dollar to it ; in fact. it is ahnest impossible to any but yoilng trees live and wrli without it th-orgh a hot. dry rquinner The writer- has praetice4 planting trees for the last fifteen years ; and, wl ito lie has al %s ays ndrocated.mulck ing. has somc.thnes failed in practice, though ire has always intended to nuthl every tree set out ; yet.during th- littirying of cent planting and leading, it lies been occasionally neg leettd. Last year, being short of material for mulching, some fifteen or twenty trees were left umurdehed ; and, though they had been taken up care fully, plant - A immediately, and well cultic ated—the orchard being in corn —one third of them were more or ler,s,injured - by the 13ep-worm, while two were entirely.girdled and had to be replaced. He intends hereafter to make an invaaiablo rule, and keep it, to mulch eve,•y newlyfplanted tree, and advise every one to go and do I;kewise. =I Loss STACKIN6 farmer of sound judgement, and large expe rience in cutting and storing,hay, estimates his own loss at twenty-five per cent. He cuts probably a hun dred tons a year. and stacks a fifth part of it for the want of barn-room. lie has very properly made up his mit id to build a new - barn. We think this estimate is not wide from; the mark. There, is a large loss from moulding at the bottom of the stack, and old rails, boards, or straw will not wholly prevent it. Then the whole external outface- fur three or foie• inches is wheather-beaten, and loves much of its sweetness ; and it is not imprObable that the loss of aroma catcnds through the whole stack.' The conviction is universal among intelligent men that barn-stored hay is worth much more than that which is taken:ham the stack. Why then follow tins wastefal practice? Look attthe loss to this - farmer who cuts one hundred tons of hay, worth $2,- 600. According to his own estimate, he pays $lOO a year, for the prili3ege of stacking one-fifikof.his er3p. This is lint a small part of the loss where the hay is fed out at the stack. It costs -at, least. a third more hay to keep cattle without shelter. These arc strong arguments fJr more barn room.—Er. Usnyta. Hiyrs.--A bit of glue dis solved in skim milk will restore crane Ribbons of every kind should be washed in cold suds and not rinsed. If your flatirons are rough, rub Them with fine salt srld it *ill make tinm smooth. • A bit of soap rubbed on the hinges of doors will prevent their creaking. Scotch snuff pnt in holes where crickets come out will destroy them. Wood ashes and common salt wet 'with water will stop the-cracks of a. stove. - Strong lye put in -water Will make it as soft its rain water. lialf a cranberry, it is said, bound un a corn, will soon kill it. If you wish to avoid,a cold keep your mouth shut. The same plan also keeps the teeth from getting sun burnt, and people from noticing' hem if they are. I•r is stated that there are iaready three thousand steam ploughs at work in England, some of them with stationary engines capable of driving from three to six ploughs each., . As Ohio agricultural journal is responsible for the statement that " handsome apples are sometimes sour !" ;Mercha . NEW SPRING GOODS JUST =lmp AT TAYLOR S 5 CO.'S A large titoaof DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS and SHAW,LS', 1100 P SKIRTS, CLOTHS and CASSIMERES, HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND NOTIONS DOMESTICS, SHFreffiNGS, MUSLINS, I TT Tr PAINTS, COTTON YARN, AND BATTS LADIES', MISSES', and CITTLDREN'S I!1 CAPS CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WALL' PArEll ALSO, THE CELEBRATED lo" H. .‘7 1 .. K. G.-603 Our Spring Stock is now i anplete in every Department, and r r Goods have not been selected with' a view to . secure large profits. but ti lease and benefit our customers. I+e beli ace w•e have succeeded iu this, and invite all to call and verify our statement TAYLOR CO. Towanda, April 1, 1869 triscellaneots. TOBACCO D CIGARS! The undereshpe( ve established a STEAM TOBABCO FAL' TORI TO W _A. N,3DA, On Main Street below Bridge Street, Where they are manufacturing all kinds of CUT TOBACCO AND CIGARS! Which they offer to the trade nt WHOLESALE PRICES That cannot fall to snit. We would most renvetfully solicit a call from the dealers through Northern Penn• sylmala to an examination of OCR kTOCK AND PRICES ! Our Tobacco manufactured from the best KENTUCKY AND VIRGINIA Stock that can be procured In the market.Te us a try. This Is a home enterprise, and will lanceted with • liberal disposition of the trade to aupport home manufacturs. MEANS & PIUNNEY, June 4, 18168-41. - 157 Main Stmt, Tonunda, NEW PLANING ;MILL The uieleraigned having built a large and commo dious Mill In the Boningh of Towanda, and tilled it with the moat modern and Improved machinery, for the manufacture of WINDOW SASH AND MEWS Are prepared to All orders, a Nether Marge or email, upon the shortest notice. We have mtlso a largo ea riety of MOULDIIiOS, of the latest style and pattern, which we can furnish much cheaper than they can Iw worked by hand. PLANING, TONOUELNG, GROOVING SAWING And all other work pertaining to Joinery, will be dent to Emit our customers. Persons building, and not living more than twelve to fourteen miles distant, will find it largely for their interest to buy of us, or bring their lumber and have it worked by our machinery. Bring your-grist of Flooring, or other lumber, and while your team is feeding, have it ground out and take it home with you. _ _ . We will pay CASH for PINE AND lIEHLO,CE LUMBER delivered - at our lumber . ya.-d. Come and see us. or if you can't come. write. Towanda. Feb., 1864 GO TO THE 33 A_ B E FOB A GOOD E , AT ALL HOMIS.' OYSTERS ALWAYS ON HAND, THEM SEASON. BREAD, c) 1-3 FRUIT, : • PIES, I.r CANDY, "CARES, NUTS, ikon. S BUFFINOTON. Towamda. Doc. 15, lIGS. LOOK HERE! COWELL d 41.YE1t, At the old stand of Illtuttuai. k- CciwELL, arc now reoelving a large and well selected stock pf GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Which they offer to caBh buyers at prices that day competition. Cash paid for all kinds Farmeite Produce. April 21,1869-4 f. DRIED FRUIT OF ALL KINLS COWELL k WEIL HAT,CEL BEAWED SELF BLS ing gMoor, at r PATCH'S!!! May 2(). wH9Lps4LE,OIIOCEIVY PRO SIGN ROUSE I 6F P. S. The undersigned, encouraged •by the success which has thus far attend- ed their new enterprise, desire to make dalmowledgment far the very liberal • patronage they have received, by giv- ing their customers the Advantage of their yetirs' expetieuee, together with the benefit of their greatly increased facilities - for doing business They keep constantly on hand very large and complete assortment of evorything in their line, and *are daily receiving sack additions to their DENIMS, stock as the wants of their trade re- STRIPES, quires: They have now in store, Sugar, Sy- rui;, Molasses, (Wee, Bice, Tobacco, Fish; Clwese, Fruits, Crackers, Candy, Matches, ,Brooms, Wrapping Paper and Twine, Flour 'Sacks, SveN, and a great variety of other goods, which have been recently bought at the lowest point . in the market, and arc offered at wholesqle, at rates to corrv:mond. SHOES, They desire to calf atten- HATS, tiou to their Largo stot•k of Fitn: Teas, which they are tat New York Jobbing price:;,--gliarantc!eing the 111:12111=1 liav(: ahu.) {,11;111tnil ;t g„0(.1 merit of Finn•, Purl:, and lieroxene T;:,•r still vont i to have the hen Olt of a ro:-itlent. Partiiior in Now • kC., &U Turk. i‘; I.lal ka, and pmpart•d to inn' to our :t(1- vantage auy fay , ,ralile elatiiges in the price of ;Dods FOX, STEVENS, MEOCUI Alay 12, 1868. p ATTER SON & NIN N EY, GEOCEIITES AND PIIOVISIONS, Having plircha,,,l the of T. J. JONES, runt Ihlving aditealArgely thereto 65 ruo'nt pnn•harrs, they tam plc:v.llC, in announcing to the public that tiney are prepanal to yell anything and everything In thy SUGARS, FISH, FLont, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE AN cheap a. the eLeapo,t. We gnat:n*43 mrtect infaetion t 9 all who may favor rot wall a eaU. J. S. PATTERSON. W. S, KINNEY March 10. IR& tr. PEOPLE'S GROCEItLEM AND IIZOVISIONS Which It:ill I, 6,4 , 1 at th“ pox4o,lt, prices AND SCROOL FRUIT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS IMIII=II i t , FLOUR, F ED, MEAL, G itAIN, 'A:O __,—, . • .- • - - .. A.coii.?...taut'supply of t Aoluim Salt. alt ,C.crtl Cburus. Buffer Firkins. Tubs: kr. Please call and look throngli our stork, andave rill do our beat to pkwa...-yOu. W. A. 110rXWELL. Towanda, April 2, L opK r •AT wmINETs. FINE GOLD JEWELRY, AT WAIINtit'S. • Spectacles, and lots of things too nnmernna to men- Call and WC LLn. yon Rlll saw .twenty per cent. in yoni-purchaarn. Chhit. IL/1.1 JciccJrp lepairetl, nud warrantml. I'ation't4 111 , ..-k. A. M. \VAUNT:R. • Timan.l3. 1804 EMI ClValit :Probing: Groce - LIM lISIE m. & co. 113 81...gx STnEE7, TOWAKDA. PA. Sll,ll Q,01 . 6 .1 .1 ~..s1 OOZE nitTN, &A.• NO 2, PATTON'S ItLOCli TOWAND _A„ PIIN N ' A 14,,, = OItuCERY AI•ZD PROVISION LINE ECM TEAS, COFFEES SYRUPS, MOLASSES FEED, COEN MEAL, liEROSENE, STONE. WARE, S;t: I= PICUVIsioN sTv111:, ,orru corzilal ninvcir. :d.uN A :01 , 1 (•••tarlvt, -tack c. CODFISH MACKEI DEL, HERRING - PORK, MUTTON II 111, 310DERN STONE WARE, YANK EE NOM nn yont'pfalnee. which we ray mall for. DAIRYMEN, NEW JEWELRY, - AT WARNER'S. GOLF) WATCHES, AT WARNER'S. 'ELGIN W,ATeIIES . . AT WMINER'S. WALTHAM WATCHES, AT WARNER'S. ALL KIDS OF CLOCKS, ttan, at WARIW.R'S. c*,l)o*ll,wicrto;bilaill.- THE W r 4 1,1S1;*! . 1111,1,- J gkikVIN G - • 1 . .: rin:o6itiiitks ill oc.----- , •• n "-If .- „:- - , - - -,-. .f-i24... - :',- - ' -,,:'.-' • -: - •'''.:,-.":•:::, -- .,,:".•*: , ,,ify - ,•;-._*- , !'-';;,i; . : - •„ - ,::-. _. A.T.ffi In P;;*T:ci 4 o l :,47 . kct. , P ll °! , •gtncd :t° 4o. tialic:4lii“utt cPunii'gcol7V-lig , ...---!,....-7_,-..._ _.,•-,1- . t 3, a lama arit! won Lidatatna ain of -- , -, . • '.• . G R 00- -E R I F . i..8 • ' • - i . .. .1 Which I bavn purchased far Cale?. and !cc! c onfi d antfit that I can aellat as low A6Lares as can be pcuchased L i ericabare: I nuificacr VS the pubuc aaplendid stock Ell 82191 TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS; srltal.. &MELLITUS, S PICEB, tic lino on hand a large stock of IJA G . 1. AKRON FLORAFEAAI DO RYE DO.. .BUCKWEEAT DO.; I keep coutiantly on hand ry OIIK,IIADLS, L.llinpud 011 • lands of FISIL Would call the attentlontithe public to our Can't lk Beat STOCK OF TOBACCO, In quality or price. Jesse Oakley ;i CololiratedLoun dry. ow York Chemical and Drown Soap Vim:, can and examine our storkof .1 WOODEN WARE LArge asrouttnt 'of V.V:•.:KEE. NOTIONS, TOILET SSOAr will vny tI vc price for st COU)rTIZY PRODIT(E Farmers, give diva mil before !Ailing ,10selv-here C. B. ,BATCII .I.lllaLr.."air the lA , Linn ivillplca-c call inuneejite payrw•te Totrw.i<ln. Starch. 12, 1E47 G EOCEIIY, PEDVE - 'ICYN AND FEED . STORE JOHN MEI:IDETH fm,h) ti4cet . hem nahrold wonht most n,speetfully invitc the at(votion of the publio to hit; largo atut.well eolected Ft'..l,:k of GitocEßrEs AND I'IIIYVISIONS, Whit It Ito it; t.lhug to Futt Ik. Vint, Introot , of Ht • lint ahot opottetl , • FYEI.) STOP.E, Kittiatilt to .miply the t.juo and col rogion at all hums. 1l.• Le•psl,onstantly on 1.,n.1 a 3.trgo 01 t.F.AS. COFITES, tiI.(IIAIN, mo FLOUR, BUTTER, PORK, &c., is ,elling trlkkltp for cub DELl)latt.l) IN THE .13010)Utill FILET OF t:11.1.110t. • the cltizets• el Towanda and VlClrnly will ileac accept my tlianLe for their very liberal patronage for the Last two years, and e proanhe with their atolls lance, to improve every opportunity to enlargi. our ,bnainess, b 0 as to warrant satisfaction Mall, Call and sue na main. Jollti AIrItIDETI.I. Towanda, July 10. 18137. TOWANDA STEAM FLOURING MILLS. _ W.II. It FULLER & CO., inf. , nn the public thnt they have par elta.,l filo n-w and cxtioi arc `:b-un Flouring Wells in the .south part Q`, Will be at the Ward Ilouso every Thursday, with sample 3 of Goods, and prepared to take mea• sores. VAN .VELSUR k MANNERIt, Gkl Broad-st., Waverly, N.Y. ern imprave.l.leutc. and eo:lli.etent they are I Feb. 20, IfiC2. of ill, burongb of TO.Va:l , la, raid briv - ing .. !ill Um mod prupated t do CUSTOM GRINDING .1:a the beet poseible manner, and . tlt wittsualiy eller .livery pains will b,. taken t, VC PaCoractlon au&u•c Unite a public trial F ; artuers doing buktiess in tofu enu bring, their grain, and ha,: it r,ro1;11,1 to tahO hack with them FLOUR, FEED ANI) .HEAL, t ati WV eSt e,ll ;trot,. •al -I',l , ! tv,red iu 011:, part the try.• ,a! Towanda.•T.frtliber lu, 1868. FURNITURE WAItE-T.0031S JAMES MAKINSON to.mtvi!.= to the Imblic tha he xtill corattutws to niantaltetn: awl 1.,•••11 ou lintl( a Inge r.s.ortlqinit ii(' C 13 'NET 1V 11 T 1: ..wears. Ikatie Stands. Chairs, every deecripticim which are made of the best mate rials, and in the moot workmanithe manner. I invite the inspection of the piddle to my wort:, which shall not be itarpasscd in durability at any shop in the country, and my prices will Lip found to be as low no the Mace will admit. . . . . Reidy-mode Coillll9 constantiy on band or made to order. ...good Ilearse will be Inn:tilted when desired. Ant!. 15, I itil.s. p AOFIC HOTEL, =1 NEw Dm:, 10, 11915. The undersigned takes p!easnre lu. annonneitm to his inuncrona t [tends and patrons that from thls doh!, the charge of the PaeOle will be $2 59 per day. tieing sole proprietor of thin ionise, and therefore tree from the ton common emutitth of an inordinate rent, be in:Tully able to meet the downward tendency of prices Nfithout any tilling MT of service. It will üba, av heretofore, be hie ithri to iii4intain winiiminished the favorable reputation of the 'twine, which it ha, enjoyed for'njaziy yenrs , as one of the bei,t of travelers' hotels. • The table will be bout:fanny auppllckl with every . &limey pf the urr.a4ou. The attendanei:i will be mind efficient and obliging. .The location will be found convenient for• those whose lineimiss calls them In the lower part of the city, being one door north of Cortlandt street,and cue block west of Bro.:tin-ay, and Of ready access to all railroad and quaint oat Nov. Vt.lEti—fan. JOIN PATV}N. rrANNDIG AND HARNESS MAK undersigtwd have this day fortued. co-partnership. to be known 38 the flow of MAGEE k FULLER. for the of carrying on the above business. Itarress tnakinit and repairing dune to or des. and all work warranted. Curb retid for bides. ORIFFIN MAGEE, E 16.1.11 S..FULLEIL .13u. 24 1 sCO4. ("HOICE YO NO HYSON, 00- Ounpowavr ::nd Imperial Tr , its or :dig radon Warrauted gocut COWELL A: MYER, NEW TAJ.LOR SHOP A3IOS PE:CST:PACKER Ma opened a shop in the room tack of the 'looms of the liming Men's Christian Asspelation, second story, over .Edily'm Clothing Store, where br le now prepared td da all kinds of TAILORING, to the hest and most Ptebtottable manner. An es prit:nee of many years. 4 detrinnuation to keep up with the fashions of the times. ant a desire to please his customer., he beltermewill enable Mtn to give sat isfaeVon. aCceutllng ilonn on short notbx and reasonable terms; Tee - anis, 17, ItG., A SHTON SALT PUT UP= - IN lar g o or small vaattiog at May 20. CANNED FRUITS OF ALL kinds at C. B. PATCIrB. May 20. 11101 FA TT OC K Surstu.n.s.A prime article of /Mauls, •Flooring, Scantling and Timberof almost any kngth and dimensions. Also any quantity of Lath and the best Sawed Shingles manufactured in the County, can be supplied to putts for building purposes:upon short notice, and upon the most reasonable termi, by leaving their orders at the Towanda Coal 'Yard, or with MMUS 31. WOODAVVF, Esq.:. - at the Towanda Coal Company's Depot. • . . Towanda. March 25, 186 ATACKERE.L, CODFISH, BLUE ,LVJU Flab,, Mackinaw Trout. Cismas, Pickled and Smoked Salman, Smoked Ilalibut, and Dried LW, at LONG REELER:B. VLOUR.--WHEAT ' FLOUR OF all graelvss, 13nrksrlical floar, Item. Cons Fced, &c., at • W. A; 17,0CIOYELL'H. ilk,. 15. ' , - A Ali fr R ~._.._. -- ~- - brA-1, 46-. ,...; : A CT/Olt '''' . 4,' • lil4.l'o'. .ca1,..f1, ~ 7'7,1 ~.1.;4 • ' .;,5 liiiilifferi4LlClA" !I•., P2•?''of ..' ' '' ' orllr.°- ,110, 4/13,;Miti,i''''''' ..,,,. ii •Ifi I 114 '.. , .'L'O i 'S'§ IlitlE*Xl 'I etu far NM, 8a13.'!".°4 . rm 6 - . I EN ' ' filgia tea al/ ' get:te4 tiT, .. ~ CHOICEST • • ' And ABSIVO our friends and engidanna that they.w and it thatr,intened to cfon us anal post Mm• stares in prn:us. betinn plicasin4g olepwlngo. • - THE STEADY INCREASE tithowN that To cell only FIRST-CLASS GOODS As low I:ws Plop i s CAN BE AFFORDED, Have proved Aud that OUR CUSTOMERS : APPRECIATE • THE SAME In Fgruishing Goods nur 'dock la euniplete. All the new Spring Stylea of Neck Ties, Bows. Underwear, /1 0 .1!orY, Snapendera. Uloylla, and the celehrata , FRENCH YOKE SHIRTS, -11 ave uow arrived. Each lot is marked in plain fig. urea, and our customers arc all treated alike. Thank ing the public for putt patronage, we solicit a call when in want of golds in our line. We will do our utmost to satiety all'who will coil on ua at the Ono Price Store of •-' . , SOLOMON k WOLFP, No. 123 Main :Stmt., One doer north of Taylor k c 0.53 Store 1:5)" The highest price hi Cash paid for Wool, Hides and Pelts. Towanda: Pa., April 2.3. 1869. , ' 11:. 1'.111211 VAN VELSOR R MANNERS, AIERCIPA NT TAILORS HATS AND GENTS' 'FURNISHING dOODS ! WAVEItLY, TIOGA CO.; Wo have a Faninouable Cuttor4roni Nov Yotk city and take all the rli.k In giving you a good lit. : We make at our own establielnnent. We give Ear tienlar attention to Youths', Boys', and CHILD RENS" CLOTHING And always n goal asnortment. CLOTHS AND CASSDIERES, From .3 etnts GO p-r yaraiull yftwl) Best Stock of flats' and (itps Kupt within 20 mile,. and and prove for yournell. , THE TOWANDA REGULATOR 0 7HING 87 QB ! I Adjoining Putt." 11'm • ItOSENBEJ,IG 'WOLFF, Would respeetfillly announce to the citizens of To wanda and vicinity; that they have opened the above Store, under the name ,ef The Towanda Regulator," with n splendid assortment of Pente - rurnishing Goods, Rats, Cape, &e., &e., which they a. nre the. FILM citizens cannot be excelled in APO elegance, and that the prices ate so ltitv as to anirh everybody. Rosenberg, ,e Wolff, hope that by strict attention, and fair dealing with the people of Towanda, they will obtain their patronage and sup port. They also subjoin the following Com mandramto for (brie 4oticlance : Keel, them, rind Happy will be Thy Days 1. Thou shalt I.•are no other place to buy clothing except Bosenher4 k WolfT'a One Price Regulator, Main Street. 2. 'Thou shalt not choose any other merchant . ; thoo PhaltytiTti listen to their speecheA, for lbmenblirg Wolftm no Chatham-st. dealer.', but sell at one price. and reliable, awl will serve you unto the third and fourth generation. 3. Thou shalt not iwek in vain auy more for cheap raiment. for they can be fontiirat Rosenberg /I; wour, Ono Price Store. 4. Thou shalt bear hi mind that we SelLonly an via days of the *ea. and don't deco to the Sabbath by keeping our doom open and banging out a chow, for, on the seventh day, Rosenberg k Wolff, and their clerks, desire to rest fronfitheir laborr. G. Thou shalt honor the way Itosenbdrg te Wolff deal, and long may be thy days to enjoy Its benefits. 6. Thou shalt not commit au impropriety-:-.of buy ing of Dhatham-st. Dealers, but come directly to Rosenberg &' WollTs One Price Rogulator, Main street.. 7. Thou shalt not Firek in vain for goods of For sign make, for lioa , enherg A: Wolff keep a large Varie ty. 8. Thou eilagt not purloin 'from the Regulator fur Rosenberg tc Wolff sell - io cheap it uould be a sin. . O. Thou shalt nut boar false. witness, but honestly acknowledge that yon can get better suited and for less money, at Ittisenbem and Wolff's, than any oth er More.. . 'holathatt tint covet thy neighbor's goods, or his bargains. for Rosenberg Ic Wolff can give them to you likewise ; therefore, take counsel. and lily on ly of Rosenberg & Wolff,. the Our Price Men. At RosenbergßN One Price I:et:11140r, Main Street, .Towanda,-I'a. Sept. I, '6B. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ! G4EAT REOUCIIO4 IN.PIIIIES ! 'ritocLAIIATION UV - COItEN & ItOSENF4ELD, Wannass, It seems to have pleased W c inhabitants of Towanda and vicinity to rel.l9gnLte obr fair way of dealing ;' 4 AND Warnr.q. We owe our sincere thanks to the community for extending to us so liberal a patronage unit ow ; Wintasaii, We deem It onr ditty to rectprQcate all the favors bestowed upon us thus far ; We de hereby publicly PROCL.kild, that our great stock of WING AND SUMMER GOODS, SUCH. AS BROADCLOTH, BEAVER. Doeskin -it. Cassinume Snits, Of ail im4ll And of the latestFrtylea, willor at REDII,CED 'PRICES! Our goods are inanufactured iu Now York city by one of tlie wen era of the firm, therefore we art en* -likyl-To as Cheap WI the next, anti wishing to re. duce our stock, we will put our goods at such low rates as will enableanybody to buy a snit of clothes. We are rec.fising thefinest stock of 1 • c PATCH'S SPREN- hNIh , SUMMER GOODS! Ever broaght to this:nrwket, saes as IrAver. Chia. china, Doeskin, &c., for Hen and Buys' wear. Call at the Clothint Store of COHEN & ROSEN-FIRM, Anil convince yourself of the fact that they doss they my, and do not misrepresent any of their winds. We also call attentionlo our stock of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS! 2 . Such as Cassimere and Woolcu Overshirts, Under shirts and Drawers. Overalls and Overskirts, Gloves, Cardigan Jackets, Tics, Collars, Siivendm. LATEST STYLES ITATS & CAPS, • whi e bli m y nt,...,-11 at 1Z.N1.1,...,1 Vrico+. cap bit:c.c.., " • COIIEN x 11,651 - 2 , 11 , 11:11), Towautts. Apll 1. NW. OppaAlto Powell 4tt Cu. : 7 U14 OUR, SALES OUR -Kol'olll6' -A. SUCCESS, MI FASHIONABLE EMMEN fib Bruitcl Street, READY-11LADE CLOTHING! THE Trti. COMIIANDMEN'fS COME ONE I. COME ALL! TOWANDA, PA. 7, „, NPI- .•.;;;;roc,fo?)T: 01 9 AK, ',iitli4io=7lll3: Tar. siiate be 4 ditg°all3:4' ' 61) , efl.9iit'"? 9 - iluit;of the to thalforsirt In bli i11iV4"311316 „ bo yin 04 fOr e Olt ani j,-nksbkii°l° C (No shiiddyocafritind) coutaung BtSINEI9.S SU ITS an oidee, COATS, VESTS' A:Nri', PANTS, all Wool, DRESS COATS, PANTS & V.ESTS, titan Coda. renders sad ,rantai tinning and Overahirta. Linen' ainl Paper Cam* Linen, Cullman, and Fennel Shirts, Neck Val. SM. ponder* Oluvea Canes, 'Leather Bags, Spring Style Milk. Soft and Straw Hata liernens. her that good.lloodearo cheaper at itlair price than poor goods at any prim.' Call and examine woods before • Next door to Powell t Co.. • Towanda. 551.28 1867., L W. EDDY. • _ ... T HE TEMPLE' OF FASHION! I.• . . - - NEW kb - 1W AND NEW - GOODS i . .. . . . , - An entire now stock orClottdim, cheap as before the war, to be sold with . • . . . • ... . • . - 'SMALL ..p,Ronts I-. . . ~ ~ • The undersigned wenbi resporthilly announce to the citizens of Towanda and ricLuity that he is DOW ready -to offer them Clothing, such an • , ~ FINE BEAVER OVERCOATS, auxemu..4s,:riwr4. . , . Also!, the i FINEST DIUMS AND BUSINFNB SUITS, . . . . HATS AND L CAPS. . . - • , • • . • Furnishing floods, /M... and that these goods, bought at very low figures, will be sold with very small pro fits. I intend to establish a permanent trade In this place, and in order to gain the confidence of purcha sers, will deal on.a basis of . . HONESTY•ANI) INTEGRITY! • And all goods will ho warranted tor what they are represented to be. Come and examine, and matinee yourself. Don't forget the place, Temple of Fashion; epis.c4te the Means House, south end of Beidleman's Illwk. . - H. JACOBS. Towanda., Oct. 17. 1867., Miscellaneous. . • . NEW FIRM ! NEW GOODS ! WICKHAM k FROST, Woidd tho attention of the eitizenn of home and th..t„they Lave opened with New Stock of Goods At the old stand of L. L. Moony, where with claw attention to the wants of the community they will keep a good assortment, of geode. which they will SELL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST And at prima that sill induce awry one to tmy 01 them. We shall at all tlmc have a good assortment GREATLr REDUCEL ITICES! , My stock consists in part of ,Parlor, Library, DIU , and Clamber sets. Parlor, Library, Exten sion, Dining and Office Tables.. Chairs, Bedsteads. Damns, Washstands, Sofas. Lounges, Tete-a-tetes Whaf-:tots, Cradles, Cribs, ke,!_k.c. A full line el llattrasses and Bedding, Pier. Mantel and Common Mirrors, Oral and Rustle FranieS and BraelCets, kc. In fact, everything DLLAISIX ALPACAS , PRECT B . GWVI74' I In,. the ltraitu re Line-! FALL AND WINTER GOODS! Embracing all the latent atylea of LADIES' DRESS GOODS! GINGHAM, HOSIERY, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SIIOa4, CLOTHS, CAS,'iThrEBE, VESTINOS, FANCY 0001g1, UMBITELL.tS, Family Grocerie29,lHardwarc, CROCMIY, mmnons, LADLES TRAVELLING BAGS, WOOD AND TIN-FARE, • Drugs, Furniture, 4re., &c.; The above gives lmt a slight idea of GOODS WE HAVE IN STORE, And WO only say to our numerous friends and the public generally, call and ace UR, test the merits of our pretensions, and If convinced, Bur AND 31.4RE . YOun.sEvms . Rum Ily Imaying inonej , in your purelitibel. We luteud to GIVE GIIE.ITEII BARGAINS.TILIX EVER BETOUE HEARD OF! ran please. -you. CO Uhl: Ws a call. ...111 MEI FARMER'S IRODUCE Takell in exchangp rot goals WICKILI3I & FROST, Successors to L. Moody. D. MOE!. 0. A. WICICII.I.3t. Pa.. Nov. 12, 1168. NORTH BRANCH ' FOUNDRY MACHINE SHOP, Situated on Pine, east ot Main Street, TOWANDA, BRADFORD CO., PA • Is now prepared to lurtilslt CHICULAR SA W MILLS AND SHINGLE. - MACHINES, tho be quality, with tho latest Impriweinents. All kinds of :11a:halm for Flouring. and Saw 'Mille. Steam Engines Made and Repaired, Steam . Whistles, Steam Gl:mires, Cocks, Oil Cans, &c Fuitnalleil at short notice. BOLT CUT-TING, Done front !.; (aches In illametet. FORGING Of tinny wrought work for Bridges, and all other pur poses,Alone to order. Alio, a large assortment of COOKING & HEATING STOVES, and Wood Ourners,Furnittire for Cooking Stoves ' Stove Pipe, Tin Ware, Boat rumps, Plows, Contra. 'tors and Scrapers, kept constantly on band. Drawings and Specifications Of all kinds of machinery for mSls, and other pur-i poseS, prepared by . ,• WARREN HILL, Foreluau. who Las bad largo largo oxperlonou In flits branch of the bruslneek . ToWantla, Oct. 25, lebs-42. THE MOST CONVENIENT place In town to get I C+ 0 0 r; b et the EATING, HOUSE, 'Two doors south of tho Nattoual Hank. , ALVOltb Irtrim 11- 1 nuo:itabliatnoutt, ab°r° upon all who way tivur with w a - P L I.?" 11 to Wait I°U . 11t4 atm) keeps a full supply of FAArTf4Y GROG 4 3, • , Which he is pre to sellchm. Towanda. May 20,1869. FULL ASSOF,TWENT OF intrnb and CASNin Min, at _ 10,1869. LONti E EEELEIM NICE STOCK bl" CHROMOS and Engravinga at 'PILE UST FRUIT JARS IN-USE 1 at • akeeDE & Furs. 33152 ... _ ... . -• . -, ' .- x ,, C4';' , i;' , :i.i'a; - ' 1it.:1. - -:. ,- . 4 4 - 1 , tr.. -, '.4. . . ;.*--.• , i... .. I .i W. -;:' id- xk . ,*. , ..i. , ... - --:.: 4 ,. /-" , i'E-- , i'.4 , ..,;'.'fit -1 , . ~ ~ ,_,•-,:-. '. ~ :. '..-.!_,::: -....--.'::. ...!,- . - , 4 01 , --- , F - ia..--=:•J ,. ..= 2. 1,;,,, - - - I: : -. : -.',..t v --..i:57..- : - . -::: • : ,- -., - .A.., - -..-i! .;,' . • -" ' 1:::::: -rd , rii te- - 1 .- :+':oB'.i., -.•.. -;.-.-;: ,+ - 1. 1 .1. 7 • : -,. -.--- 0:1,;;: , .m :3 J . i..: t.' ..,:. i - 7 ' '..-:: - .1"- - ,,r i -1 1 i. ....• ; ..,*4.-....: ...P . .. , ..: r.. .7 . ;Y , AI:s -, .... , - r d . i 1 -:. _.--: i.,- ,5.7: .. : . ,., z4 - - _. .:..,:::•.,-,-- j...f, .:'•:!. A.. , ?i ' 7.':t ., :.,: . .. - it. ', , la, •-.-- 'j'' i'i' '''' ..., ''..': ' ' 'AZ . > .:,. , . ,-, • , ---.' , ; f,e -- i i:•i,.: ill t• f ..,: , - I ' .. . . .. ES MARSHALL BIIOTHERS,& CO. ,wishl3 titll the attention of tho . iiitbLtc. to their HAIIDWAE. • • FARMING _ KLINITHS' TOOLS. _ and eitItPENTEELS:. TOOLS.. Mao. a WWI asso rtment of • „. - • !indoor Olaaa, Sulc.Painta. Oils, , •. . "Varnimbea, and Paint • ' - and Varnish Brushes • - Of all:kinds, which will bo sold for tho !Gwent Gash price. Alao,.a fine amoitment "Of _ " • iczubsEri PS, . Of every istylo and pattern to suit the public. • Lamps :malted and changed fronaOil and Fluid to Kerosene. Faith:War attention paid to the manufacturing of all klutla of • - • • TIN - WARE: 3011111X0 mourn= iiiTi2PDZI, TO We have on hind a One irtirle of • GLASS FBUIT JAIO3:, With improved settotallne, corks', and , _ lIERMETICAL SEALIN(I CANS, Which hs ono of the beet catut need. June TOVES! STOVESI STOVES! joet nxrivcd new line Stoves at THE MEMOPOLITAN HARDWARE STORE •'ORIVELL,. PA. Are attractlng much attention. .\n Immense. V:. rie ty of Stoves , . -1 Lll%l TS ON iriND , Stoves. enal orwood, that will cud you lee Parlor, Office, Store, School, Shop, , CHURCH. IIOAT Olt .COOKING Come and the new pattern,.--et lewd. ONE LOOK BEFORE- BUYING' We keep all leading first 'Alas's Stovo4. to: the opu lent, and a cheaper variety of Skives for the 'maddest. Examine for yourselves your own interest. - W. iIIIONSO - N. - Orwell, Pa., Oct. 217'156t3._ L oos. HERE! v . Them i 8 now flit exhibition pt the Mirmonoth Furnitam ore, FTTRNIT-UREI To be found iu Northern Pennsylvania. whielt IM: lug sold at • Which meet th 2 ken to be amwetaated, aud which be sold at LO it' E PI.I UE,S Than the same gnality of gO 4 Mx canhe puretin.-Ct where. Thankful to the public for their past liberal patron age, and determined to merit a continuance of the same by offering inducements not to be found else where, I Unite them to call and examine my goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. No charge for showing gOcds, and I WILL NOT RE. UNDERSOLD! COUNTRY DEALERS supplied 2.3 usual at the low est market prices. I also keep on 'hand a largo assortment of Ready Made Coffins, from tho moat common to tho finest Rojowood. Also Burial Robes, Crapes, &c.,and lam the' sole agent in Bradford county for Shuler & MA's AIEETALIC puma', CASES, cAsErrs: kc A good RE.UtSEalways in madinemwhen n.quirOd Towanda, Doe. 10, 18t 1. JAMES 0. mon. FURNITURE! ' NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! • NEATLY FINISHED 'AT POPULARPRICES? Concloting of (1.11.::11111ER SETS, PARLOR SET. , DINING .110031 SETS; ' MIRRORS, PICTURE FRAMES, • Photograph YrCnies,• for everybody. .1 GENERAL ASSORTMENT Or 'FURNITURE, Suited to this markrt. I have the best Uphohderer ln - the country, and manufacture,our own nphoh‘tered work. REP.AIIiING AND JOBBING Done to - order. having an experience of 20 year 4 iu the linable" I can confidently hope! to plena e alt who patronize me. Don't forget tile place : No. 1.1,1 Main StreeCtW. doors south of Ikb.llentan'a Block, Towanda, Pa. S. T. DECKER. Towanda, May 30, 1863 -tt'. D UI" ° S FOR -1869 PAPER & ENVELOPES NEW 7 YORK PIPEItS SCHOOL BOOKS PENH" MUSIC, STATIONItY AND PleTUlt&, BLANK BOOKS - JOHN CABMAN YANKEE NOTIONS Tovnindo, Nor. 19,1868. . IMM 1100K- - -BINDERY.-T.R.E - . JJP llb Is respeggulity informed that the Book•Bl¢- de;y has been removed to the Argus Dulkting, third story, where will be done - . In all its Tanana branclaem. on toxins as rasonabloss. - ..Uto times " will allow. Tho 'tindery will b a undur the cliargo of - .• - . An inperieneed hinder. and all work will be promptly done in a style and manner which cannot be excelled. Music, Magaatoes, New Old Booka, &e., bound in everysfNety of aksie. lar attention Will be paid to the Bnling and Molting or. . To any desired pattern, which. in ilitabty and .clora- Way will be Warranted. All work nth be read:U . (lr delivery when preentse4. The patronage of the public - is solicttrd, suid,per• feet aatielhation guaranteed. • • • • Towanda. Andnrt 2,114641-4 f. • . '- 4 FROST'S. A E FIN • • ASSORTMENT OF TOI-, txr soars. at McCABE AIMS. • ~:,..: ~z Mi Parnitnre. Lt TOW. NDA, PA..; - The largeat and beat atuck vi 130,0K-BINDINGI U.' O. WLUTAKER, AnA,Nac BOOKS, ,_ ~.- . __ , v.; lEl ' ;Cl A±l'Citt , TER, •:4114?D" CASH: '. - DRUG , :STORK , -. ~ r..yrua,vonz. TwE f , :ii 1 Cr-Aiiatf . „ ~. -. j - • Caron', Main and Plod Street*, Totranda, 111:, ••i=.z if row nttr addollaw am = stock. a full and runt Auulortaiefi tr. an' ettetuarn as. rlirtGrankraldnif Want uttalessose4 la:the. Mtn for innallskik Cada, faxl o 4 wdh,rtilarEr to tikt to Wants ofatto =Oda , * will be on the 1: 5 1 *l e trynts;at 7ii7bulaa4e or , . C F Esi - er., ' 1- ' - • . . acta, MgINCTES, • tilElliC Ilill, , ";•-‘ I t e ht, • • raurri,:OnaJ iA.uoggF.a, . . ' . ;. BENZINE AND. TDRPENTINE,.. BE Ivlirrer-W4K I . And ell kinds of Brnihes, KEROSENE - OR COIL • 01L,." Alcohol and Burning L.Ops,,suaDzs, • • Sperm, Lard. Whalc, , Skfaid root, • TANNER 'S AND .MACHINE-OILS, . , Finley nudinilet: Ari.r. l les in Mittel: variety, 1111138m39„fi60ak, CONTS: • *Rmados,;llalr-toits, .Itrtnniery, . POCIiiT BOOKS PORT MON PuetLl TOOTH, Mali: AND ILialt PIIEP.tI:STIO i 3, PirllE WINES AND ,LlQrolt,%' TorUmlleiunt.ust;! TOBACCO, Ssurr, Piro i AND Clic.uts, Garden, Field and Flower Seeds, Trusses, Sup -, porters, Suspensories, Shoulder Braces, Break' Ihuurrn TVething- Rings. Nursing Bottles,_', • Nipples, Nipple Shells and Shields, Syringes, Bed Pans, tklf-Se.aling Fruit Jars, Thar. ammeters, Flavoring Extracts. Steno - • Jugs, Glas,,,Warv, Bottles, Vials, Corks, Bath Brick, and Stove Blacking, Fish Tackle, Mn- - munition. Sc., /3otanie. Eehalle and Homrepatit ; le 516licines. sod an the pt,polar Patent MEDI C- INES • •-. All articles wltrrtnted represented. Persons at a dittialaCe mu receive their crawls by stage or mail, which Will receive prompt and careful attention. Medical 'style° given gratuitously at the office, charging- only for media - no- - Thankful for past liberal-patronage, would res pectfully announce t...) Ids friends and the While, that no pains shill ho spared to-satisfy, and merit the con tinuation of them confidence and Patronage ()lsm Sundays Jor prescriptions from ti to .10 awl 12 in. to and sto 6-p.m. Jan. 1, 1863--yr. IL C. POLTLit, W 11. H. GORE'_S linuG S7o4E. W. 11. 11. GORE isneceosi - .- to Goat::: kotrina..), is continuums the bitsiness at the old stand. No. 4 Patton's Block, when, he is daily 1T...1 - thing, additions to Ws stock from the oncost reliable' importers and manufacturers. Ile r,spodfully asks for a lilnral share of ' , Wilk patr.nare. 'Fargo , . etork of • , ruEsit IMUGS Al,;.l).lll:DlCEsilii Ilati Just been rcin..ivi.4l, nail I'ntri. n,'v pc: psred t, supply We , tvArrs Tire prim(' wrni; mrricsEs pl:LQ2:1:11;1: Ttir. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS POI MI ONLY. , .1 PULL A. ,- .4OU'Mtt:Ni tor C,NVENTILATKII DuTANic,Lucrui AND .noataDDATlne EEMEM ALL TIIL: POPULAR PATENT - MEDWINES I=l PA/NT AND VJi?NISIf 1111 US HES, = FANCY TVILET MiTICLES EI'ERY-K.lNp. TILD4ed ErrItACTS. .IA-D th, Tru,,; A 111. 0 NAL . BtiPP . .O 11 TE I: Shuntd - rir 131-:Fes, ituaNsT maws, NIPPLE SHELLS S.: SHIFT Itti Nurmittg Syril;;cs ahtl-C.athoturs ==3 I= AND B 1 cr:,SLIT A Irge supply of Brtyches ff,r.tho Hat and Hair. Also for the Teeth and 'Nails. 'tooth - Powder mid raktes, Oils, Perfumery, So' apt:, Combs, Hair kqe, Invigorators, he., "Kerosene, Kerosene - Lamps, Shades, Chin:m.4K, he., all of the latest- lea. - CHOICE ciDAns, Top ADO AND SNUFF Kb • Physienuis supplied atrcasonable rates. Me3i- Cines.and PrescriptiOns carefully awl wttrately emu. pounded.hnd prepared by competent persons at all hours of the 'day and night. Sunday hours from eto le o'clock - 1n the forenoon; and Ito: in the afternoon. Towanda, Sept. 29,- DWG. W. IT. H. GORE. Manufactories. TOWANDA . AGRICULTITRA.L V':l., MANUFAOTUI:/• , S t us SI'ON.E.-i IT 6Tcri, HEAVY' AND. LIGHT WAGONS • • '• . - s , Wut qouK, . . . , Wool) TUltilNu IN ALL rri IlitAN,clll SCROLL SAWING, I.,L.VNINci, ETC.. rre II CI sPoKEs 111. ;\'.T bTOCE: F1:0,11 Willett TO HET:Eft =I Sa ciliOWTl.l lIRTURY AND OAK LIGHT AND HEAVY WAGONS ON HAND'. hax(- the Broad Narrdw Griage I= W.R.T, nisuur. Ynixriutouktit 31E.RCIAZ. TOWANDA. .04111IAG:E. FA C oit Y Tlu• undersigned respe , At Uy :nu:ounce to tbb pub- He that they have purchased the CARRIAGE SE VP G. H. DRAKE, A - nd axe naw'preplim:d to build work in THE LATEST ' Y And moat work:manilla maiatter. They will ediataiit ly keep on hand an alma:mon of oploudid - ...... AND, O P EN BUG , . I'OP AND OPEN -G lES, - • dARRIAGES; DLUOCRAT.AND. LUAWER WAWNB =I ALBANYHSLEOU ALL WOl3ll WAIIItAIiTED igtPAIRING promptly:ntlenAci fo at rranonable prices I.IIIYAI4T.k STULIL.V. Tbmuulik, May 9,18 G. . . , . . -A- -.cHOICE . . LOT . OF WIVIT I t LA.; Fruit of On kinds. for sato by tiwboxrel'or bush el; at • ,McCABE .-_,,-, • % - t - ti, 't . el'.44 : - _ ,41FiraIIINit ~.. t !.. , ._ -- - - .., . ~ , ,,- -1-0,40. .e...;w - . e-4-1....;•....:1,:, ' p : RE, 11.481111ANCE- AGENCY WYPIliAtt ." • rt t4 7 ' , Asitli . A%9.1:12VM..1/Siritii:eo,, • Laicastcr, LL . . . . . 2towrzt .I.3ft/11.1114 I:4:vnett-cE CentraNY. . • • - Con; EIVE2 IN UnKS- MI!MII We offrl a In!y 2, IttGs. =I T. 13, CAM.P,AGENT, - • • fiettthinzur Eint..asnimararr, ismrsuscre•co., Jb-m I'vvvs:4 CLoatAl.:4 ArA.tirr CITY Timiiiiiiii•66ii.trr MZIM I=l Amount of Capital'Eopichoultd, • - $2,100,009 1' 0 - 1:4 - Y, f - St'curcd.iu it;e at 1 1 A lit It A T E and r:to.r.s ta cu 0:, L DINGS MEM , , x.ossEis t tfirc. .A,4 the timlctAgned Clue et kilthen EXCLUSINkirIdi Oa— 'BUSDiEtki, • Mating a imirefottnut Ltiowngh kiramination - Of ruAL, eithrcialna care Asavconiptlwaa,nl rctlewl , • Polk w.luti about to Crytr6i - and by a careful a 1. ., 4lligant attention to Ifie . •lnfainesa rtteraily. ), , •p.. to accilre the conn , lence...iutal-paironage of Ow ••• notnity. - , „artiapus. t, 1, aurinite on . • ' • . „ FAISM-IRlTLErigGfintlT-TrAti.J.,lN6s, • 41141'011c:4s wilttPn thelPrm - nt: TEE P.E vv such rL ks ifthe Wry:La ValiT . .ILATES. ' Fanners and otl ,,,,,, to give me a call leLi u coming to, town. otpc... second dour df. the. Ward Itom.e„ htaire. . - • . e • T. U. Arir Applie=t.tonerrueehul anillaneyb; F P BOWMAN. Sont Tfisvi*Ja - ; S. Anson. ficilthfield ; Wira..aras.l-10:r.a.ritlieex LIFE; ANI):ACCIDENT INSTILS:SOE. . BEM= TEZS" .1L1.1.1-101 DOLL .1 1, C. S. RUSS:a !,!ie Cwhi iNEVII.CNTE Cu., ' CA 1. 4 %141'.1 uver .r...,.: 4 !1; Ire k 1 Ntio ovur .1":.-c - n.tNet. CU. , A• N. iau .tmlaue.l, I ,:urvnt, ALLrIIATTA:. CV Mi. I (.7410 i;11 ;111.i YtlT1 0 111) , Orr: ComPANY. -Philatklplaid., liiiiiMililla 1, , 51 . 11.4. , rx.QT • fta,:fi. , ;.l, .1 •Capit/I :- - ,, per tr" ML - TVAL COMT.,NT. , e Capital furl mer TRAVEI.II:II , 1N..t1,Nr..1s Colgp.tNy. , .IberfArd. (*win. i • . Capital and kurplits over ' i 600,u0' leisk* tekrs , •71 all Rinetsnf at a. , 1 .,, w as by aurother reliable Companitl. iseued and Loasart, ann. ..; this Agency; thereby sat - int,. the trfliilde and exp, of going elsowherc for.settlenaent. Office at the llardwate Store 5d Codding. sell /a Co. C. S Towanda, Feb. 7, IS'l6---11. 6. NATIONAL LIFE , I‘7S - UIZANC'E • • CO. OF CI.A.MAJO- 1 -VAil• CM- ( I I Cy Comm.,,, • CLUtENCE IL CLARE...l'rcpillcilt. ; 4.‘1" COoKE, Chan Limn Fite.mce Mid EX. c••;;; -LIENIIY COOKE. Vice President; E . :WEI:SON W. PEST, Scer,tary ate; t-ciry The a.lva:,ta,: of I. It le 3:l:a.ttottzl Cotilpanp,i.ltartn,lls3 - tc , llgrt 2. It has ti paid ap ezpttal of Otte :Nltlliott Don offi•ra low tat , , of prerlttints .1. It, fttrui,Lt.e ntrjser-111...err.r.0.t. -than th.: `.panics, for the. kcune dos e ? ; 5. 1t is ckflilit, cnd certain 1:11!•Ve ix nn posgiTiility' !,, imchti: or nli:mmlerp..tau.l.rug r. 7. The policies arr pluift 'eclair:l.lA, go noirll much ; All vor.-forf,ltimr ; • Tlimpr.licic , are exempt fern, rittachruc.m. i: NV &. &r! :;;c'ut. ts LUi,ELL N. C. 1;1,111:12E .': foWV.van.Ll Tan: q lei;^, B EADFOiIIi. COUNTY EntE IN,SVIZANCE AGENcY 101.1 N W .1?;,:1:, =I ?at :I Fink: I:4 , rd. ( , , th. I NM CoN. - Al4 - :. • At. . . . :M,Lt rm ( MOM New N , t7.7:1 EOM MEMO No Iv ,L. . = 1ic.1..2s w•r_ ,•‘ 4.1; u ..tvklitt tins Faini • ti.;,. at 141•, A;,-ollico iu Afvuotr'A Nov north aid,. I tll, Pc Square. yowanLlA, r 4. • JOHN W. MIX April 1. 11-.0. •xI EQUITABLE LIFE' .Ititik IL NcE SOCW.Ti'S Ap.nvy rot m linnl eo • CASE: CAPITAL it:3;000,000 Warty 111.otac. i , ver $12,000.00ii 4: W. 1.1:: Tosl7lll‘l.l..Nly 25. ISGT. PHE LYCOIIIING licaratwc Agency fur pradforil Cantuty. • I= „Mutual ca•Flaldan. In dual:v..lllh rrd Olt run, Fw ty-vea Seca.l,s. MONTAN) E k W.V111). Towanda, duly '!5;1.867. • • THE. IMI.Tp,VED ELIAS ItOIVE FAMILY -SEIVIA I. O CHINES, W•re,awardati tho I , lrlst Prize_ at the Parte E 1E , 67, over 83 othjr Mochineg. Also, the following State Fairs of 1813.1.1in,N., ed this 'Machine the first premium : New York. Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachuaelts, Hampshire, Vermont. Wisconsin, and Indiana. • At the County Fairs of Madison. Onondaga. Os'a'o go. Wayne:Orleans. Tpinpkinti. Seneca, Moor. C. tier kimer, Schuyler, Lividgston, and a host of others. Report of the Committee on Sewing Machines. al the State Fair held iu Rochester. faller 18x8: Tour Couunittee have examined, the different Sexing Ma chines. to which their attention was called, and wenid recommend as the beat Family Machine fur all week. Elias Rowe's - Sowing Machine, end for the follow in,: reasons Ist--Sintplidty of Construction. ularitroftendoti on both upper and lower Vtreads. 3d—Ease of management.. tth--Oreat range of-a ark* upon all materials. Gth—The perfect attaelopint+ tr. the Machine for felling, hemming. nicking, braiding. quilting, binding and cording, and the cue wit It which , they are applied. f,th—The dural•ility of the chine, it being made of hardened steel. and atljo,it•l inito bcarhgA: We mcommend a me.laL - New styleliennuer. Braider: Tucker, Quilter. cor or, Embroiderer, Bindle, Feller and 49provea Marker. -, . - It will 110, any kind of thread. ?tx l rn t. fljtest to the coann4l, with •a much gmall,ll nee.h. than other machines.. Be sore and examine Jane fore sou purelea,,e.Price from t6O to $2OO, add ev ,-, " marltin, warrantol.. The real value of our Mannfa . - turing Machines for Tailors. Boot. Shoe. Harness :eel Carriage 3lakers, is too well-known to require_ ion, molt Don't fail to call and see them. SIIEPARD fiTERNEUIt Lik. General AfTels. 20 e Street, flndra.*N.Y. . For Bale by CORDING. RUSSELL /i: CO-. General Agetit.4. Towanda, Pa.. - vri riiM)(111 -LBS. )() . 1 . 1" watiteddor which cash will be paid Mly W. A. ROCKWELL . 11 'You r,) i'V I !PV. N.l co N 3 IME EIMEI BIM I=3 I=ll El= lEEE ~~: ~1.1-~~~