..~g~CttZtux~l. t,o Buy a Farm• Very few persons seem to know that the monthii of June 'and July are the-best in the year in which to look for-or purchase a farm. At this seasonnne - can judge whether the land can or does produce good crops: for, if it hi ricb,the waving grass and grain will be ocular' , detnonktration of the fact ;.and if there is,' accord ing to the stereotyped' assertion, an - abundance 'or choioe fruit,, can be seen at this time to the best advan tage. The lowlands will sheir wheth er they are. really - dry 'enough for pastures in ummer, the upland capa city for 'Withstanding a fdrouth. If there Airs - any mosquetoes, about, they will usually make :their presence Anowu at4his- time if ever; and by observing the children in the neigh borbod one can readily determine whether the locality is a healthy one -or otherwise. Summer is also a very good time,to view the never-failing spring and the trout-pond near by, and a draught form the one and a lunch from the other are attractions which those who possess them sel dom fail to bestow upon those - who are likely to become purchasers. Even the weeds upon a farm will amis . & man in determining its value ; for; if nothing but stunted rag weeds and five-finger are to be - seen,,then the land may be set down as poor indeed ; but if burdocks -and catnip abound; it shows.atrength to produce -crops of a higher order. The pasture and meadow, orchard :Ind garden, all show what they are and what may be expected of them in these months ; but earlier the as pect of things may change. In the spring the trees have not shown leaves; flowers, or fruit ; the roads are muddy, if ever ; and the distance from the raikcsid dittation to the farm appears to ba-,Anuch greater than_ ft actually is, especially to a stranger. Ia autumn the leaves are turning yellow,•the grain has been gathered, s and the dry stubble is fill that re 'inains, and the fruits are nearly all , 4 "gone—still the air is fresh and the landscape glowing with autumn Vote ; but tie valuable; propensities of the fan:Di:which , are . its products, are mainly out of sight,being stored in the barn or ih the proprietors pocket.—Weekly Sun. Farm Implements. There is one part of farm economy specially interesting and valuable to farmers and< cultivators of the soil— viz., the use of labor-raving farm im plements and machinery. Fanners generally are no longer fearful to purchase new things of apparent use and profit ; but oftentimesYhere are many implements of decided conve nience and utility which -escape their notice,- because they have not the opportunity for t - examination or search.' There ought to be a complete rec ord of all the beat, implements of the farm andin small' a form that it can be kept for constant reference and become a perfectly reliable guide. tressrs. R. B.Allen & Co:, of this city, (189 Water st.), have placed on our table just such a work, which admirably fulfils the need we have above described, and in as judicious a manner as...possible described the advantages of all the farm imple ments thus far patented and found of practical utility.. The volume con tains 272 pages,is handsomely print ed on tinted paper, and suplied at bare coat (one dollar) to purchasers. ACT:Tr as we, have knowledge, it is 'the only complete catalogue of the kind in this country; Sand an indis pensable volume for the farmer's table. The firm we have above named arc the largest dealers in agricultural implements in the United States, and have certain specialites which are quite popular. We are using' one of their lawn-mowers which is really convenient and one Of the In st made: working easily and r, quiring little care. —E.r. Points of a Good cow in Rytune In aus*4 to • the _inquiry oh this subjct, tWrp correspOndents, both in Maryland, send UR copies of the verses subjoined London's "Ency clopedia of Agriculture," , edition 1839,page 1020,given there as quoted from Wilkinson ; while iu the second letter it is stated that they were originally published in the "Far- , mees Magazine," London, and repro- dnced by Youatt in his work, "Cat -tle : their Breeds, Management, and Diseages. New edition. Published by E.lward Law, London 1864." "A valuable work," says our correspon dent, "not easily obtained . in this countrr—at least, I had to Import my copy." If the verses below are not the ones asked for, we shall still hope to get those specially relating to -Ayrshires "She's long In ilia face. she's fine In her horn : She'll quickly get fat without calm or corn ; hhe'. clean in her jaw and full in !fir. Oahe ; She's beery in dank and wide in her loin. •She's broad In her rib and long In her ramp. A straight and flat back, with never a hump ; she's wide in her-hips and calm in her eyes, She's fine In her shoulders and thin in her thighs. .ghe'm light in her neck and mall in her tail. She's wide in her breast and good at the pail. She's line In her bone and silky of akin ; She's a grazier's without and a butcher's within. How To DESTROY TRE CURCCLIO.—The only process that has yet proved itself effective in my ,experience is to jar or. shake the tree every morn ing from the time the_-fruit leas large as a pea until it is fully two-thirds grown. By pasting newspapers to gether and placing them under the tree, fiting the paper closely around the trunk, the curcedio will fall on the paper when the tree is shaken, and can be easily destroyed. By practicing this plan - ola your plumb trees every morning as directed, the fruit can be 'saved. it is sometimes nec-scary to thin out the fruit, espe cial! of young trees, which are apt to set more fruit than they can ripen, and often die after the first heavy crop. _is matured. It is better for the fruit itself to thin it out, also, that which is left to ripen being improved by it. CLoves is the cheapest and best manure that can be had. Nothing pays better than a field - of good clo ver plowed under. It enriches the soil quicker.than barnyard manure, and puts it in better condition. To plow it down well, if it stands thick and high, each morning a roller should be , drawn over as much as cau bo plowed in a day, and a heavy chain should bo•fastened to the point of the plow beam to drag it in the furrow. In this . way it can ye tho roughly .covered. Clover contains all the elements needed to enrich She soil for ' vklt kinds of grain, aid in larger quanties thanotkter maures. it brooks are as ' poets catl:• { tbem, .the . taaa.t.joYous nature, what are they ; always marmerhig" •. =I Lotng' VAN yELSOR & MANNA FASHIONABLE MERCHANT 7AILORE I F9/1A.1161 HATS AND CAPS, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS 68 Broad 81'04 WAVERLY, TIOGA COUNTY,,N.Y We hare a ?saki:nano Cotterhota' Nei York City, and take all the dal In gletagbou good At. We make at our own establishment. We gin particular attention to Youth's Bo" and • CHILDRENS' CLOTHING sad always bus a good sisortaieat CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES,C E'rom 35 cents to $3 per .1 1141 ,(L n wool-) Best Stock of Hato and Cap `Sept within 20 miles. Come and loot 'and prove for moult. la. Will be at the Ward House every Shea• day, with samplei of Goods, and prepared to take measures- VAN VELSOR & MANNERS. ES Brom:Wt., Naval:, N. Y. Feb. 10 ,1669._ , SPECIAL ATTRACTION . For purchasers of SPRING GOODS. Wilma now ering a large and varied a*. _ornament of new and decidedly nice styles iin the line of CASSI.MERE SUITS, Pants and Vesta for 7 MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN Whl,b bare been eelected fennthe CHOICEST STOCKS, And assure oar friends and cnstomen that they will And it to their interest to call on as and post themselves In prices before purchasing elawbete. • THE STEADY INCREASE OUR SALES Mord that OUR EFFORTS To sell tools FIEST 'CLASS GOODS Asiox a* they CAN BE AFFORDED, Hate ptoie4 A SUCCESS, And tita[ OUR CUSTOMERS Ai'PRECAITE THE SAME. In tliinishing Goods our stock in complete. AU the hew Spring Styles of Neck Iles, Bons, Undetinmi, Hobery, Suspenders, Gloves, and the Celebrated ,FRENCH YOKE SHIRTS, Have nod arrived. Each lot Is marked In plain figures, and oar customers are all treated alike'. Thraldom the public-for past patronage, we so• licit a call when in want 01 goods In oar line, we will do our utmost to istlafy all who will call eiti im at the One Price Store of - SOLOMON & WOLFF, N 0.123 Main 81. One door north of Taylor & Co.'s Store. TOrrairds, Pa. , April 25, 1889. higbast,price in Cash paid for Wool, Ridear arid Pelts. TOR. TOWANDA REGULATOR .0. - ";071IING S7O.RE 1 , Adjoinlog Patton's Bleck. ROgENBERG f t WOLFF, loniti *Medially announce to the citizens of Towanda and vi deity, that they have opened the thoire sane, ander the name of' The To. wanda Regulator," with a splendid assortment OF, HEADY MADE CLOTHING! Gents Parnishing Goods, Hata, Caps, ike., &c., which they assure the said citizens cannot be excelled to style or elegance, and that the prices are so low as to astonish everybody.— Rosenberg & WoM hope that by strict atten tion, and fair dealing with the people of To: wands,: they will obtain their patronage and support. They also beg to subjoin the follow ing Commandments for their guidance. COME ONE! COME ALL 1 Main AOlosenber To g & a nds, Pa.ltrs One Pries Regulator BOtets THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, Keep them, and Happy will be Thy Days 1. Thou shalt have no other place 'to buy clothing except Rosenberg & Wolff's One Price Regulator, Rain Street. 2. Thou shalt not choose any other merchant: though shalt not listen to their speeches, for Rosenberg & Wolff are no Chatham-st daskts, but sell at one price, and reliable , and will ,serve boa unto the third and fourth generation. 3. Thou shalt not seek in vain any mood for cheap raiment, for they eau be found at Rosen berg & Wolif's One Price Store. 4. Thou shalt bear in mind that we sell only on six days of the week. and don't desecrate the Sabbath by keeping our doors open and linen out a show, for, on the seventh day, Rosenberg & Wolff, and their clerks, desire to rest from their labors. 5. Thou shalt honor the way Rosenberg& Wolff deal, and long nay he thy days to enjoy. Its benefits. . Thou shalt not commit an impropriety—o buying of Chatham st. Dealers, but come di met to Ramberg Weirs Once 'Price Raga lator, Male street. 7. non abaft not seek in vain for goods of Foreign make. for Rosenbef" g. & Wolff keep • large variety. 8. Then shalt not purloin from the Regulator for Rosenberg k Wolff seU sockeip it would be a sin . 9. Thou shalt not bear fa* witness. but honestly acknowledge that you can get, better suited and for he. money, at Rosenberg & Wolf's than Soy other store. 10. Thou shin not covet thy nehbor' goods ortis bargabss, for Rosenberg I Wolff can give them to, you likewise • therefore, take mensal, sad bay of Rosenb erg & Wolff the Owe • Towns !Mot. 1, 1898. T OWANpA STEAM 'FLOURING MILLS WM. H. FULLER & CO., itespeetfully infant the piddle that they km purchased the new and exteaalve Steam Flour Ins 111Ils, built by Grimtba. Wells & Maim. ta the south pert of the borough of Towanda and having all the modern Improvements, and competent Killers, they are prepared to do CUSTOM GRINDING, la Um twat passible saannell and at unasually abort notice. EverApalas will betaken to g in astbdactlaa, sad Ito Invite a inddla trtaL Pawnees doing Wilma* in town eaa bring lb& vats, and hue it ground to take back vith thou. 17418, FEED AND MEAL, Pot ail" it sb• loud cub rim, tap dellversd la sly plat !it the villain fro (debars!. iSmuklik lorember 10, 191111. MIME 4 k1 1 401 -A - . . wito.zolsmas GRoinalt Pit 0 V I S lON Routs 1 F. S. ; Cid - 113,141/11Fmmer,.. !.. ..-: : fOWAWD4, P 4 The - undersigned, encouraged by the envies which has thus far, et- tended their new enterprise, desire to make seknoWledgement:lor the very liberal patronage they have re. ceived, by giving their. customers the advantage of• their years' experience, together with the benefit of their greatly increased facilitiett for doing businels. They keep constantly on hand; a very large and complete assortment of everything In their line, .and are daily receiving such additions *to their stock u the wants of their trade requires They have now in store, Sugar, Syrup, Molasses, Coffee, ,Rice, To bacco, Fish, Salt, • Cheese, Fruite, Crackers, Candy, Matches, Broom , Wrapping Paper, and Twine, Flour Sacks, Scrde, and a great variety of other goods, which have been recent• y bOught at the lowest point in the market, and are offered at wholesale, at rates to correspond: They desire to call especial atten tion to their large stock of, Finn Teas, which they are , selling at New York Jobbing prices, guaranteeing the quality in all cases Have also on. hand a good Tort- ment of Flour, Pork and Ker§aene -4_ They still continue to hive the benefit of a resident Partner in New York, who is constantly in the market and prepared to turn to our adva tage any favotable changes i.l the price_of woods. FOX, STEVENS, BEERCIIIIi .t CO. May 12, 1868. pATTERSON & KINNEY, Baccesson t, THOMAS J. Joss, GROCERIES ANt) PROVISIONS Fauns, ike , No. 7, Pattcn'e B!ock, T 0 'W A N DA., PENN 'A Having pne •h&sed the entire stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, of T. J. JONES. and .having added largely thereto:by recent purehases they take pleasure in announcing to the public that they are pre pared to sell anythin and erery• thing In the ORO° FRY AND PROVISION LINE, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, FISH, FLOUR, FEED, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, STONE WARE, &O. &a As cheap Si the cheapest. We. ge arrantee per. Meet stisfaction to all who may favor us with a CASH PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE J. 8. PATTEIIBON. W. S. KINNEY. Nardi 10, 1868. -U NEW GROCERY AND PROST SION STORE, McCA.I3E, In thelNortb Store or. Mercer's New Block', MAIN STREET, LOOK I NEW JEWELRY, Is' AT WARNER'S. . GOLD WATCHES, SAT WARNER'?. ELGIN WATCHES, AT WARNERSI • WALTHAM WATCHES, AT WARNER'S. FINE GOLD JEWELRY, AT WARNER'S. ALL KINDS OF CLOCKS, T WARNER'S:I Spectacles, and lota of things too numerous to mention, at WA11N131174. Call and see him. yon will we wenty per cent In your porebases. u Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired, and Warranted. Patton's Block. , Towanda, Pee. 1, ins. WEW TAILOR StOP AMOS PERINSPAOKER, Sae opened s shop is the room back of the Booms of the Yount :Yen's Christian Assoc& ties, second story, (mew WO - Clothing Store where be is now prepared to d all kinds of TAILORING, In the best and wit tsa = bkimble manner. An expertesoe of al datinzlinlitklainakl° I = llt ro w pta l ie bs ble customer . h se bellevire — iiii enable Wm to ere satisfaction. done:on abort nage. and reaso t. l able terms. Ttnranda.llet. 17, 1887: A SUTON SALT . PUT • UP- IN JIM. large or cull quantities at -` Nay 20. C. B. PAWS'S. CANNED FRUITS OF KINDS Kay to. c . & PATCH'S. HMILOOK. UMBEL-LATH A . 11111311()L1A. who saki* of Board,. ~otbLoaf Mather of alothat any Magi i =oaa. Also may quantity of ad amplest Ravedalaaleorathaatastor ahAtCloost7.tha es be sepplied to patio for penmen ap theft pollee aad Epos Tltheetaable Wen t by leavba tbeir or Ms at the sieweeela Coal Yard, or irttb Tam Woatiern. at lbs Thomas call Poi I)4l*Nits, M ath 11, Midi • , Dealers In Such a SYRUPS, MOLASSES, CORN MEAL, KEROSCENE, •. N. WARNER. Azigartur Iltiohionvs flßocurat,Atoituaoli AND .•• 7, • 1‘ swourfinkla ' 4004;1111RIDITS, ir,„ , ; figb am' iierrilmipeethlly-b*•l**.. tribligredillletis Maw. ill Oe; • asocnnwp AND novisiOirs, Wide!' N'aaag la tan thoilai pane at all.- - Re baa iLO aasaaa a 'PEGID t STORN,, Which is wen Armed toart a . tb• eau sad ,Imlay owl nape a* A' • osmisagy ea Imp stink of T,BAS, 0 . 0/"BlES, SUGARS, - MOLASSES. . FLOUR, BIFITRIk• PORE, &0., Which he loselliss cheep Ace es& GOODS DELIVERED IN THE BORO' FREE OF °maim' The ottaiews of Twat& and plasm wept-my Umtata for theft vetylNlool paroles. - be the. last -two loon, sad ow pada, with their andataato Miami iv ory ppm dealt, to *Mogi OUT WON., so as to warrant oatidattloo to all. Call qui Nova - JOilmr isamirra. friraida, July 10, 1867. • : . - PEOPLES' GROCERY di PROVISION irons, South Corner Bridge : and Meta Street.. . - a new and complete stock .f GROCERIES AND PROVISIONE,' Whloh-will, be sold at the lowest possible prices. CODFISH, MACKEREL, RRRRING, PORK, MUTTON, HAM, FRUIT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, MODERN STONE WARE, YANK EE NOTIONS, FLOUR, FEED, MEAL GRAIN, Ape Bring on pradan, which we pay cuh for. DAIRYMEN, A constant supply of Ashton Salt, all sized Chumes, flutter Furklus, Tabs, ite. • Please call and look through our stock, and we .111 do our best to please you. W A. ROCKWELL. Towanda , . April la, 1 669. THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING Purchased the entire interest of R. H. PATCH; In in the Arm of C. li t PATCH C 0.03 now prepared to offer to the ettizena of Medford County .and ►lclaity,.a large and well 'selected stock of GROCERIES., Whiab I haveyartbased for Cash and feel cool dent that can sell at as low figures as can be purchased elsewhere. I now offer to the public a splendid stock of TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, STARCH, SALERATIIS, SPICES,L&C. Have on hand a large ituk ol AKRON FLOW GRAll42ii DO • RYE DO. BUCKWHEAT DO. I keep .constantly .on beuitl, PORK, HAM. LARD and kinds of FISH. Would the at• tattoo of the pciblic to onr Can't Be Bat STOCK, OF TOBACCO, Intimlity or price. Jette Oakley's Celebrated Laundry. New 'fort Chemical and Brown Soap. Please call and examine car stock of WOODEN WARE Large assortment of YAISI , IIEE NOTIONS. TOILET SOAPS, tce.,,lce. I will pay the high• eat cash price for COUNTRY PRODUCE Farmers give us a ....all .before selling elsewhere All persona Indebted to the late firm will please call and make In:medl3te payneet • a•t R. PATCH • Towanda. March 12, 1867. ' FURNITURE WARE.ROOM I JAMES MAKI:WON announces to the public. that he still continues to teanufactnre and keep on hand a large assOrtment of CABINET FIIIINITIIBE, Sarcoma. Tables. Bedsteads. Staudt,. G , Ira of every descriptaa which will be q. de of the beat materials. andlo be most wcrrint s like manner. 1 invite theinectlon of the public to myfimk, which chalice be summed In durability, stay shop in the country, and my prices will be found to be SO low as the time, will admit., fiesdpmade Coffins constantly on band or made to order. A good Efearse will be faralsbed when desired. • - Ang. 15, 18045 p ACIFIC'IIOTEA, 170, 172. 174 & 176 Greenwichl3trest, NEW You, Oct. 10, 1868 The undersigned takes pleasure in name. lug Ing to his numerous friends and patrons that from this date, the charge of the Pacific will be $2„50 per da. - Being sole Proprietor of ' this house, and therefore free from the too common exaction of an laced hate rent, be is fully able to meet the downward tendency of prices without any fall- Mg of of service. t will now. as • heretofore, be his alai to maintain undiminished the favorable reputatit a of the Peale, which it has enjoyed for many years, as one of the best of travelers' hotels. The table will be bonntifolly 'untried with ever* de lcacj of the s• soon. obliThe. attendance will . be found -efficient and ging. The location will' be found convenient for those whose badness calls them in the lower part of the city, being one door north of Cott. land% at., and one block west of Broadway. and of ready saes to all Rail Road and Steamboat tines, JOHN PATTIIN. • 'Nov. 17, 180.—am. TANNIN - 4 & HARNESS MAKING The =dandified have this day formed a )-otrtier. hip be known u the drat of XL. OKIS 3 MLLES; for the of carrying tinthelbove bminess 2 .Harness - making sad repahing done to order and all work warranted. Cash paid for bides. - - 2 - • GRIFFIN MAGEE. EDGAR R. FILLER. Camptown;lao. 28. litGg. nIIOIOR YOUNG HYSON ; 00 long: Gunpowder and Imperial Teas of all Wades. Warranted good. WarlILL .111rEL DIREI:! MIT OF 'ALL KUM pm:lz Arra. i ME ~ .. .r• ~....a.L Ore BUS' ' - ,'. 7 ' l 'l. -. .....::: , C ° 4 T 4 '17:1 I DRESS. CO Man ,s Over an Liam ltak - rise altiTtraiL '~.~ . T4riraids. NAi Emi Ei2 to Ili% oiliness isitow reeds FINE B ?riser D. Pinar/ 117 S " sad that therm goods bought at we low Osumi trUI be mid yids very emall pro I band to es tabUsb a per manent trade n this place, and In order to gale the conild -- of purshasen, will deal on a basis of j HONES ' AND INTEGRITY' !I i . and all goods Ibe warn intad for what they are repro, a to be. Come and ezmalrie and convinceyolf. Don't forget tbe place, Temple opp f nite tbelhane Boast, south end cd 'dames it Block N. JACOBS. Towanda, 04.17, 1867. SPRING GREAT COHEN Wasasas, see= to bare pleased the la habitants of da, and 'skinny, to recoil else our fair yof dealing ; ' Arm Wallas We owe an skeet. Riots to the town for =tending to us so liberal a patronage sow; Aso W s, We deem it our duty-to re (Amami' all favors bestowed spool us ass far ; We do publicly PROCLAIM, that od I greet stock SPRING ND SUMMER GOODS; BROADCIATH,IEAVER. & Cassonere its, and of the latest. styles, will be disposed of at. . ORD VRIORSI, 1 manufactured to New Tent - city menthes of the Ann, therefore to sell as cheap ea the Reit. o reduce our stock. we will put cb low rates as will enable Rep stilt of clothes. We are rocas stock of SPRING ND SUMMER GOODS I Doeski Of all grad t • Z ;e -roods by ons of W d wishing or goodsat body to boy lag the Ras Ever broad' • Chinchilla. wear. Call COH And cousin as they say Weir goods. stock of GEN7S Bach al derstnits Gloves. Co psalm; - LATEST Whisti they us a call bet Towinds STOP CZ= C. B. PATCH. Stoves i - coa PARLOR, 1 oHerium,l Come an ONE L we lteepall oulent, o blest..Ds terest. °swell, INE , G-0 Two down G. B. well known wilt upon - Be I= • 'TO TI i s toflualib relia - iri with Maisiiiiiii at their . , the whole piths time, or for the spsre mom te. Bashing ant; light sad prial. table. • mats to Si per imagism Is easily io earied by , its or either sex. sad , the boys sad girls Dearly u ma th as met. Oreat lamessea are awed those who - will devote their Ish ti me to the bestow; mid, that every pe who sees this settee may mad as their sad test tbstbadates kw Mew 7 5p selves, I the following - . eapaislied -elm t To all who sot well saitided with -the bast nem, Iwi mad $1 to pay tor ilia trouble - of intim ate -Fill psrtkaslars. dirastioni. fie., seat ftee. to seat by mall for 10 Clintik.-- '_ -Addreig . .`IL C. AURN, , • Mayl9, 9. - , .. - : dodgem We.. /11.'pbbI and Smolt Wed Bali Pj LOUR:=Whert Flmir of . all Ilace*beit Cone Meal. -F •• ' • c •Vee:l6 W. A.- 0 - 7:- II I.11:4-...',',.'.fr- • S 8 8 'BIIT !IBi -AL gobs: I ,4,214 „TANTS; T 8 PAITB * ihl‘"l' OW Shirts; Miasma Paper ebvga. 4"- = Ze M i& tL eZarita Gar , Oak mt . e peke thaapear Imam liefare arTairell a uo - le; IDDY. 11,'1117. v °, PAiItION az axblaw itadis . . . . Attack - se Cliglidig toilets as the vitt° bit sold with PROFITS 1 would :Taipei:odt isamoto Telco a aaa eidoitt est bir aft thaa Gabbs arrik es ' • Avis HULAS PEW'S Alpo tto 411ND' BIJOIFSB SUM.: Ts - kw -aunt: AND SUMMER GOODS ' : 1 ffeN II PRICES t • s i OX & ROSENFIELD. TO,IANDA, PA. to this market. loch ss Bon,. • -5, &c.. for Van yid Boys t the Ckbthing Store o' N & ROSENFIELD; yourself of the fact ilk they; do d do not misrepresent say of We also call , MA/nth:in to, oar FURNISHING GOODS Imere and Woolen Overald= f Dr elven, acra Ile and of !gni Jacket'. 111 - COWL SU' • STYLES . HAT'S dc CAPS, ts, sell at Reduced Prlima 1.1 it. re baying elsewhere. • cons a RO/51111F1SLI). Oppasita Powell & 0:. April 1. 1869. I STOVESI STOVES I - Irecetied new Una Stoves at, ~i ,OPOUTAN HARDWARE.STORE ORWELL, PA. lug touch attention. Aa immense vadat.) , of Stara WAYS ON , HAND ! 1 or wood, that will .salt you for FINE, STORE, =I L, Mir BOAT, oa coosnwo STOVES d see the new pattetrosLat least OK BEFORE BUYING !t ibes due Staves for the beeper earl 7 Stoves for the keen fee for yomeetree, lour owe be- R. N isoNsos , Oct. 11;1068 ST CONVENIENT PLACE torts OD h7.A. Is at the ATING HOUSE, of tbo Natlooat.Bask. VORD babe • purchased the abase Lest ,bllabment, Is Row, prepared to ;II who amylases biro tilts a call. a full 'amply ot LY GROCERIES, FE be Is prepared to MI chop. Yu 10. 1869. . . Ij P .P P aiuxa CL4I, t=.l tm nowris!rel EltEL,[ COD: FISH BUM Meakinsii Trost. Menem. het: Ma Si, mac P.:naked ad - lose & Knissis. V , Pfitietir . - -- gt 740041111312411" At , , 4 , t ,fro,•,: . ~,,j,,-;i,-4,:. ;,..1...2;;;.,..-', -t.t.--sT ~.`'':, . ::' :,,,--;:'' •-: ' : . ' ' .- - '''. ,-, -; ' .. , ,--i'fieg.:- , ---:::• , -;' ,-;- .4MiCABIErt:4/11.1108TORIk ki!.;•riti, - Yf... 'a jilf-d - 4 -,r.j.,t.ilitii.=;;.:; - , ~..;,„ --::.,;'. ifiilir a ' - lit ilidir i * Ibie mismiatp illai limb Meal M inarilisilikairiif iikrigliskif soil • • .. at , • - oria .4iV.,t , i.r-j - ---..:-, (,7.•:'r- •-. mwa'% 0 ZUNI. OILS, ' Pon; namil;itsin:ingsg, idl !bad • COAL -'on4 MOM ad lambs • PMI4 , = • 1 .4 1 * .-$O 6lll . ~ WW/1 24 - Zeds not, / 1 1 .00 1 , 01 rilfV:0 0 0 1113 MU!, /lief Attlithabl Wir midi; 8 4 111' -14"1 9 18 ! • 'P9OEILT . ,100,10; , toots Bittiristbittitlimputimmis puss woos .-astrzaquoss; - ,' --:' roi ietefimaii•;' '''. .TOSACOIN SlOrt Pins ,: Us C l /”Iii• .... . . • dudes, Plidd said Piortlheds,Trwasi.tap porters, Saspessarlss, amidst lhaesi. Baud Ps= Tak ii ialds:gs. Numbs -- llottiss,l . 1111ppis ft- sad .. -.-- . 141•10. Isd Pass, Edf-- - , „:. Similar add. Thanamslass, - • • -_ _ r I win lisilactig . AP. ast. _S Silistillsk nsb _Osaka. Olass auk Ikkar. . Sid Stors Bladdad i irsskle_, Amami. Uasida4 Iletsais. miass— sad Hausystht la Usadus, sad sU Uos Popokr Patent M I 0 8. All articles rensated a. tepniested. P. saw at a distenee era rewire their *den by step or teen, which ' trill receive wins end certelebeatba.. Ilene& *Moe glreepstattftely at lbe ales, charge; *trot , , ilk Thulal let poettlbeist Pateonags,wonld ily mimes to = bb Meads sad the ta that so pates doll be' epered to nth% tied merit the tbetleastlett she* eatildeace Opai Baadgs hr pireicelptioss from 9 to 10 A. n 4994.12,11; to load 6 to'. P. r. H. C. PORTER, M. D. Jai. 1,1869.—yr. . 4arbwart. O 03 ' Wil t . g o 1•os . E 'V - . ; I •I ' . 0 . • td . . : I 1 1 • ' A . ' { 4 4 ' " I 1:11 • - • a • .1' 1 . ";• I I` •• I ial - .1 - o --. , 6 • 1 2 .- 0 . • t 0 0 - o o 3 , tv - .F •--- MARSHALL BROTHERS & 00., Win to eall ttlas attention of the palls to. Mar new Stoat of HARDWARS, PASSIM) lIIPLINSNTS, BLACK slums , TOOLS, and CARPBWFBBS' TOOLS. Also. a large assonant of • Winn Glass, San. Punta, WOW. Tunable, and Pabst and Viola Brushes of all kinds, which win , to sold for the lowest Cask rice. Also. a Else suottmeat Of RIIIIOIIBAS L•MrB of every 'Lyle and pattern to Chi public. tamps. repaired and cbaryred OdaOil and inierosene. Particular attention paid to the manufacturing of an kinds of - A • TIN W• 1111. ./ 10111/• TIOIIITTLT £TTIIDID TO WP have on bend a One article of GLASS FRUIT JARS, Nth Improved -l icit-means corks. sod RICRUBTLCALSBALINOCANS vbicb Is one of the best cans ailed. • Jane 20, lin. furniture. LOOK HERM There la now on exhibition at the Mainnuoth Furniture Store I IN TOWAN .4, PA., no largest and best etock of Irstr 76 N . I T - 0" M To be 4.and In Northern Pasnsylyania, which is bs'ag sold at GREATLY RED Li (ED PRICES! stook consists In part of Parlor. Libra ng Room and 'Chamber gaits.. • Parlor, la. 7, littension, Dining and °Blies tables, Ira, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Washstands, as,lmages, Tete-a-tetes. What-Nota, Cra nes a s,nd ke. &a. S. fall line of Mattras- Bedding Fier, Mantel , and esmtion Mirrors. Oval ark Bostic Frames and Smelt eta, ito., etc. In fact everything In the Furniture. Line which most be seen to be appreciated and which will be sold at LOWER PRICES Than the saws pally or goods can be par chabed elsewhere. Thankful, to the public for their pest liberal patronage and determked to merit a contin ua:lra of t &e same by offering Inducements not to be found ebenbere, I Invite them to call and examine try goods and 'prices before ;Mr. chasing slumber.. No charge for showing goods and I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD COUNTRY. DEALERS supplied as usual st the lowest market prime. I also keep oa Ueda : large assortment of Ready Rade Collins from the most common to the MN at Rosewood Also Burial Robes, Ceps &a.. midi am the sole agent to Bradford ma ty for SRULER/3 k FISK'S =TALK, , BURIAL CASE% CASKETS,. IC. A geed RSAESE always relabels% men required. • • JAIIIIB 0. PROWL Towanda, Deo 10, INS. FURNITURE! NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS.! NEAT•LY FINISHED AT POPIIVAR PRIOESi clonadii4r tot CHAMBER SETS„ PARLOR SETS DISISO BOOM SSTS, MIR pichlßE FRA • Photograph Frame% tor everybody.' , A GENESA4 AS3ORTIIIINT FURNITURE, Betted to this market.. : lave the best aphids. tares to the country. and tesantsetars our own ephotrtered work. REPAIRING AND JOBBING, • Doustto order. Having in uperksos 0110 r an t pYrae l i gt i t=d e ca s : ' . l°l l , 1113 P0 4 deloksd2 ce. NI Mslt i !tw P =th of the leldle ; lrCh, To • - 0. DININEL ,Tolroleas PitYlkiss•-4,f• A .La.lar litt a i ne ASS o4 o , MiM . .. i.eim - ir p irm l l o . t 7 rel . '~~ _ . low , El a vAlvf - 400 - .1‘111 4 4' ' - 1Avii , 41 ; ..--- . .. , :•.----;Ttit.p. , 704 . z.v.t. 1- 4..:0,7 ; r.... t k..., , g4P4iit , ... 1. , 01014 1 4 1 , 011111 r 14 r'T i. 1 V25.. i P lib ailLihi** , -' • c' ' .i i i:': s, illsrl ' ' 'CI ...--. .47-7 L - 1, . ~.., , birt 'l. ,--.44,.... . W,..-- ...,1...... ' ' .., . a- itillr : if illi ! Ttir ~:.., ati p ir444, t-51:,..-2.,,,,t5r t., - IA. f . ... z. -4 4 I,L-or , 1 :.,,, . INIIIM4 , 0" . siumnas • alifiltliiiiliditiallAieiti v isi '41,1“.. PEINIMAINIKOSiar nizi; -, - ;44,-, • InurneOreirsiiiratiti whirl w ~t u - allsolre • lit,Tsaysanc- . f nits4pis o'Ain) tiquoits; '''' ~. PO* inundit. triii ozal L. . _. 6 nia ► Mill Of 401061 1 .11Tusi ' , 10ia 1 iq 1112=4110 MITAIONCIPATHIC • , i. -.,••• ' 4111111KMUL • a Ma. ins POPDIi N PATdI ODIOUS. PAPRao Visiamt, PAINTAND . ITAIM3II BRIMHa BM nicri unPronar awrictse or 'Muir ~terii'i aiooso to ass nun ? , 4,1 ILKALOID AferD greisdroir. ' tio* Tries u;.` A r) o IL4 J. .11 17, PPORTE SIDEre CA PIINIS,NIPPLI. SUNLIA3., AND . .. 1 81HILDN, - tfsofas 1114tilli,,plidNed sad Cattateas. = VIWC4I..RISTIiMMTEI,OF LATESTYLE LIP lOW ;QVALITT. thief, snpp., Bruins for the Hat and Bali. , Also for the Teeth aid Halle, ?with Pow. .dell : -.and Pastas, 011 a. Perfutaary, - Soaps. Cad*, Hair Dv; - atoreake.',Herosene. Kerosent Lampe, Shades, Chimneys, Wkb_ eta. aU of the - late at styles. " CHOICE CIGARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF. ar Pbrieteas_ nlotiod at realanable rates. Iledlelnes and Freeptiona -earatally. and se, caustely com Pounded and prepared bycoorpet eat poem at all bolus of the day and night. Resay boars front .1 to 10 o'clock In the fore noon, to 2la the afternoon. Towanda, Sept.'" 11126. Books unit Stational. DIARIES FOR 1869 PAPER &ENVELOPES' NEWYORK PAPERS SCHOOL BOOKS, ,PENI3, INK, MOW, STATIONERY AND PICTURES BLANK BOOKS YANKEE NOTIONS Towanda, Nov. 19,;1888. BOOK-BINDERY.--i-THE PUBLIC 4 respectlPlly informed that tbe Book- Bindery has been mined to the Argus Build ing ,5 1 story, where will be dour B 0 O'IC -B 1 N `• INOI In all 'a various branches, on terms as rel. sosabla a►" the than" will allow. *The Bind , toy will be man the charge of . . H. C. WHITAIiEIt, An napalmed Binder, and all work will be promptly done, In a style add manner which cannot be excelled. Mule, Magazines, News papers, Old Books, &c., boandln err; variety of able. Particular attention wills be paid to the Baling and Binding of • BLANK BOOKS, To any desired pattern. which in quality sad durability wU be warranted. All work will be ready for delivery when promised. The patronage of the public is solicited, and parka waisted:on parranteed. Towanda, Aupett 18114.—tf. NEW FIRM I N&W, GOODS /..14 WICKHAM Jr, FROST, wotaa call the attentl on of the citizens of Rothe and vicinity, that they have opencd with A - New Stock . ' of 'Goode I At the old stand of L. L. Moo y, where with close attention to the wants of the community they will keep a good assortment of goods, which they will SELL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST, And at prices that-will Judaea every one to bay of them. WeahijL c at *alt times have a good • assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS I Embracing all the !Meat styles of LADIES .DRESS'. GOODS! DELAINES, ALPACAS, PRINTS, L'IIiA)TES, GHIGHASS, HOSIERY, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS: SHOES, CLOTHS, CASSIHEBES, rEt3TINGS, FANCY GOODS, 'UMBRELLAS, Family Groceries, Hardware, CROCKERY, iIMRORS, LADIES TRAVELLING BAGS wow) AND TIN•WARL Drugs, Furniture,. 4c., &c,, The above gives bola slight idea Of the , • GOODS WE HAVE IN STORK Asa measly say to oar sostroes• Meads sad the whilegesemft, _aell sad see us, test the II salts of our lutd It elleineedi . . Bus AID Ifni' Arayßsusgs Bias ajr asiligjetosey is late.. pnrchased;' Wolin- OWE- GREATAIki 1415494LN8 TRAM ivia,ozroar, um Or I We know we Can pleysetiou, so:;glTe ni43.11. kinds et • • • PARAIERMPRODUCE %Plop la exragelor gocods. .r• _ . . _I- - - WICERAK iiillo6l l . , - ' ' Bacppeors 66 L. L. Moody. o. D. WWI AX. • 20 . IFFor'• ~, 4111am...Pf....110w..1k Ude - -':, • . , . -•-..•••;..: clizaz Toßtct6 aGmFi A . /MIL lIMIORT I NENT of D COMM WM; at • sick 19.11. 4 • Los Itesseals. OF*APIR"" VOZ-PIXIC kw-arab. ME i„.11,411i - „s 4 - 51 ' 0 , 11-1 101, ,, II" — S=ll- 0 5 1'1' 0 eikriati;eihik4 kauisßeet. 1 1 0WANDA t AILADFORD co, PA„ - --. 4Ligatirapir#4•timat cumuli , SAW, MILLS MEI 01r{Ai0lid; Orai;i l ;t rOCCBT inn* W. H. H: GORE. IØII4d,IE • ' : - r rA3aIIIOLVAIAOHINTak Ot ttii latest , beim* asta.-411 Iwo et memory Oclittodsit sad , • rg , — l ]Oll4W . Anum , STRAW 'f.tgagTßAll GAM OW— % .‘ -.GAUGE =COCKS, CANS,*(I, ~nnitaitotssithort 011.7T1N Dose from to lit 111C1101 in dhuneter. f• . 1- FORGING - , wharf *Mot reit ior - saiges; and all elbow room, dope SO ;VOW; Ain/ 'a COOKING' itAtiNG STOVA,S, Cosi sad Wood Banter.. Fornitare lor Cooking gloves. Blot!. Pipe:" Tin-Wste, Boat Pavia, Rows, Calibrators and Limners, kept etwuktant- Irce Daetwoips ot SPECIFICATIONS Of all kinds of mschinSty for skills and other purse Prepared bY WARREN RILL, iciriniszi, who has lutalirge .isperleine in this intssir • of the Dashikis: Towsnds. Oct 29. ' • TG:w-41'-- Ap :4" tjA,.GII FA-CSORY. eidetitgeed reipectttdly announce to the. peptic that they hare purchased the .f • CARRIAGE SHOP G. H. DEAKF, And are now prepared to build work In LAVES . T STYLE And most workmanlike manner. The, will constantly keep on hand an asiortment of TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, FAMILY CARRIAGES, DEMOCRAT AND LIMBED WAGONS, ORE ^a WO EiViTED. ALBANY SLEIG HS. ALL WORK WARRANTED REPAIRING promptly attentlod to at rea- notable price!. BEYANT d. STULEN Towanda, May 9,1867.-Iy. " 'PLANING . . The undersigned having built a large aid 'com modious KW in the. Borough of Towanda, and Oiled It with the moat modern and improved 'whiner', for the manufacture of ' WIN O sma,i BLINDS, are prepared to 'Ali orders, Whether large •or mall, Wpm( the shottest notice. We have also a large variety of MOULDINGS, of the target style and pattern, which we can furnish much cheaper than they. can - be-worked by band.. , ; • . PLANING, TGWU/DING., • . OBOVEING, • , : AND SCROLL . . SAWING, and al other work pertaining to Joinery; will be done to snit oar customers. . Persons building t and not living more than twelve to fourteen miles distant, will find it largely for their interest to buy of cis, or bring their lambs, and worked by our machinery. Bring your grist ofFlooring, or other lumber, and while your team is is feeding; have it ground out and take it home with you. We will pay GASH for • PINE& HEMLOCK LUMBER delivered at our lumberyard. Come and - tee ns. or ifyou can't come, write. L. B. RODGERS k t,'O. Towanda. Per.. 1864 TO WANO A AGRICULTURAL , 170IIKS TOWANDA, PENN'A., MANUFACTURES HUBS, SPOKES BENT STUFF, HEAVY AND I.IGHT WAGONS, GENERAL. WOOD wintli. WOOD TURNING IN ALL ITS BRANCIII; SCIaLL SAWING, PLANING, ETC:, ETC:" To Dealer 4 .11.1 HUBS, SPOISES & BENT STUFF, We offer a . • RGE STOCK FROM WHICH TO SELECT, The above are from the best SECOND GROWTH HICKORY & O:AK Applications for instrance in the above cow parries taken at (lir Tit' es and tipsiness attend ed to with promptness and care. Psrticnl attention will be given to Farm ,risk: in Cat -country. Also Life anti ln•oraLce .fected in good and reliable 'companies. On ;over the Bskery on Main•st—lorincriy oecupi; by Mort d Morrow W. T. BISHOP, Suerintendeat 'Towanda, March 12, 1E69..--if, LIGHT - AND HEAVY AVAGC&D . ON ITANLL"' , . We have the Broad anA ...yarrow- Gouge sa-miLL rigKs maJes and,dressed N. C. MERCUR, sPrelieeet Towania, July 2, ISGS A Vv. AYRES'•MARBLE SHOP, ELMIRA. N. Y - _ YOn will And Granite rlonumrets, both Quincy and Concord; Marble and Slate Mantles, and oal Grates to fit: A large assortment con' atantly on band, cheap as the cheapest. Aug. 10,1868.-Iy. • ACHOICE LOT OF--WINTER . Fruit of all kinds, for- sale by the Burrell o Bushel. at ; McCABE It MIX'S. 11"0,DA06 . 0 AND CIGARS! The aadeisivie d d have established a ,STEAM TOBACCO FACTORY,, TOW &I D 4, On Main Street beloirißridge Street Where they are man itfaeturtoeall bade of CUT - TOBACCO- AND- CIG t 1 Wlikb they o es to the. tilde at WHO LE SALE.PRICES That cannot fall to suit. We would most rest opsatfally , solicit a call from the dealt* through' Northam Pennoylvatila to an examination of . OTJEC3TOOK AND PRICES / Our Tobiteci 4 manufsctured from the best 1 KINTOZKY AND VIRGINIA Stark that can be Oreenred 114tbe Give as it try. Tble bone enterprise sad win roe With a liberal dliposltlea of the , trade to sapper home maatdsebna. MEANS & PHINNY. - Ib7 lteta Street, Towanda, Pa. Joao 4, 1268.-4. . «'rpl'~o~.'3.. r,., t 1.4 O - W - A - NDA INSURANCE nu c l ei uned,Leasses siditisted pr. ptl y if He' /VW KRA' t otitimg 01 the tolls:min rsikkullins and ''. Psalm. 41dlassISeatanye' Blt.ck. I ;dignsSs l :C=4s llo rS:Of C4 984 t- $ 010 a; Li r* prom lisatiasstriCiatmu m Bertferi, Ovens: Cub.4.otd• 210211' , -1&-17 . . . UW1111113007. MID' LONDONAND GI 1114 OW jr141131,110 lan isimousas co. - CattAilaglas and BeaoLcsed, Tana. toesda haarliinited Mates, our. .. 9 ' 171 L 74 DaiirPrembasuotpvirds el (Gold) 1 7 ,V„ Ilistri.urcii Cum: "' Marifirs4- Capital ' -$l,O N " • Co. -guar !magi. irg • lirrigerk. If. J. - Capital • _ • ,' • Nara Annicks Taaxatfr Inans4cs co., • - ( Accidental) - • 7 - . ' Phstaielphts, 1 Capital tsp., .; . . pcninericur Illiwriras.Larsbuiruxc e CO., Hartford. Coma:, Capitol Toinsids. Ve.b. 20, 11036-tt IRE, LIFE, AND ACOIDENTAI ~ INSURANCE. CIIP!ITIL4 RIPIMENT7ID Or . ° ?S'EVENTEEIV • MILLION noz,LARs a S. RUSSELL, Agent, ?O THE TOLLOWINO ZWICED SELIAELI COY r A `O7 --- OILED FIZZ a, burcaz Ixamuscs COMMUIT - Philadelphia, .capital and surplus. over. - Hogs iFsvra2rcr GAIPAI,NY, I 4 • Of Neittrotit. Capital and surplus, over • btHIMANCIL COIiZLN7 . 01" NORTa Arnica, - .Phdadflphia 'Capital and surplus, over I SI,I(A. fo, HANZIANT.4.I: iNTIIILL 7 KOICCINFAXT, . Of Neut. York. Capltzl and'ettrplas, 0ver...... ..::,. • .gNSIRISIME INAMIANC2 COMPANY, Of Phdade Capital and sarplcui, over, luau INSCRANCS Coltristr. Of Neu• ryrs Capital and surplus, over.... Prries humLaxcic ,Ccutv ANY Of Hartford, C 0,.). . 'Capital and surplus, dyer' Mt ti. LIFE 12:6rilAYCE, Cu2l Ai , Of New-Pon'.. Capital and rirphs,over........ TRAVILI.t..I* CONFAtiI.. t • )0f %larfford , Cour" I Capital mid eityplns, over Risks taken an all kinds PrsTt, ty, et ef lay ratesas by and other reliable Comp.a.ies. Aar Policies issued and Losses, if any ;.e..knifed this Ageney,there . by naving.thetrol:ft, and expense of going c: sewlere for setflena at. W Office at the flardz - bere Store of t (-Cs ding Russell 'U. 5. RUS-iELL. Towanda, Feb. 7, 1F466.-.41 LIVERPOOL AND LO N UQ N ANI GLOBE FIRE AND LIFE I. -.URA COAIPANY.--Ortice, 45 William fit. . ntvi .Broadway, N. Y. Capital Surplus and Reseresd 'Fund. • (Gold) ,271,1.7.. Assets lathe United States, over.... I ,g00,Gt. , 0 Daily Premiums, upwards of (gold).. 17,00 a The. shareholders personally responsible lot engagements of the company. 111 Diret . l,, r • mu t be shareholders. 'ELECTORS u NSW YORX.—Frallcis Colic.Le i Es Chairman, Henry Grinnell. Esq, Cep -, Ch rman, Joseph Gaillard, Jr.. F-sq., E. !.i Archibald, Esq H. 8. 1 31. Consul, AlCit.L.jr.: Hamilton, Jr., Esq., Robert C. Ferguson, r-sq.' , Alfred Pell. Es Resident Secretary. A'., ender Hamilton, Jr.,. , Esq., Counsel r t E• n i .i . • Bartailis--Phenizlllank—Camtcann & Co. • The Policies of title Company a:e Iv-ad sy well-known American citizens restdrut in :Cps. York, who are Directors and Shareholders, and consequently, with the other Shareholders. sie Individually liable for all the engagements b I the Company ; all Policies are signed by them. all claims are payable In cash on proof ut lons without deduction for Interest, and nut, a, i• usual, sixty days after preseMtatitm ul prop. j 'They expire at six . o'clock, P. M., ate, act a, noon. Lite insurance effected, an annuities granted en favorable terms. H. B. W.KE.V.i.- gc!..t Towinda. April 23.1867.. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENTAL, AN ;1 t INSURANCE AGENCY ! TOR A N D. A P. A . JOH \ Agent; -For the followi rg reliable Companies Phcenix, of Hertford, • Mame ln. Co., New., Haven, Certninia, Fire, New p0rk,.... North American Fire In. Co.. of New York Hanover. New Yolk National T aveicrs (accidental) New Y rk 2.;) C.:O iK 'Policierwritten the above reliable' c.'r. nies at the lowest rates. ►.twee, ij anti, ted at this Agency. Particular attentiap gry to farm property. 01:11._e at his law Mercar's ccw block, north aide . put,lic square ' JOHN W. MIX-. k i yowarla, Ifarch 17. 1 g , ..t0. , r l l E EQUIT.UILE. LIFE Niisti! Axr.r Society's Ageir::. CASTE CAPITAL $3,000,000 Yearly lucerne OTC r $2.000,000 cwt. DI O I 4 :TANYE S VTA I Towanda, Jay 25, 1567 THE LYCOMINGL MUTUAL F.I;IF Insnrance Agency for Bradford Cr,,,r. CAPITAL $340,000 . - Mutual CA plan. In sc..mitful operuher er Vonty-seven years. . MM.l' '• 1 YE ...I WA RP , Towalida,luly 25. h 67 ' WYOMING INSURANCE AGEN Y. WITMING INSURtICCE COYPANY • Wilkey-Barre, t' - 823UEL WA tat A MS... .. L. D. SHOEMAKER, B.C. SMITH; Capital and Serpla. . . North America, flaittord Coor, asset:: $363. it Fnltcui. New York, " 250 G 0 T 0 fi• Ii E RI - 1 i- FoR A 91 - 1, i3 0 3:) 4 MIEM A. I:, • AT Ai.t. HOURS. OYSTERS ALWAYS ON - IN. THEIR SE liSON. BREAD, .8 • FRUIT, PIES, • CANDY, CASES, P NUTS, BETFINGTON. * Towanbe. NEW MILLINERY GOODS 1 HRS. E. J. PIERCE. Presynts herself to the ladles of Towanda, with a very choice selection of goods, and is entire ly confident of. being able to meet the j9stly discriminating taste of soch.as may do her the ()nor of an examination of her stock. Thank ing her former patrons for their favor., she so Setts a continuance of the same.; Fluting done beanUfally and on the sbertest notice. Roams over Cohen & Rosenfield's, - Ifaln Street. Towanda, Oct. 5. 1861. TUMP MACH.INI S G. T. GRANGE3,llserebursTa Is now manulacturing Lever Power Stump Machines, and 'will keep them on hanty,or make them on abort notice, from the lbest materisl and warranted. '. Feb. 25' 1 , 1839.-3 ms MACKEREL, TROCT, Fisb, Cod-Fish and 'Herring. MOAB 111 X. RUTTER TUBS AND . FIRKINS Sea, ready lat:of April. . Feb, 21. McCABE MIX. • 310U0 s3sr ,IX if 13.76 r MEM $ 1.4G7 5:33 1,619,07 i 1,160 (Jul: 771 , 1 65).6.1_ Pre t Vice President .... Secretary ESE T.B. CAMP, Age°