Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 17, 1869, Image 3

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    Inuifol4 Stputer.
sir Strawberries are selling in El
mira at 16 mita per quart i
lek. The second trisl'of Dix NOBLI
r esulted u dillthe fink in the disagreement
of, the jury.
so- Scranton has a first class res
taurant where no intoxicating thinks ars
sold. dust what every town shonlihave.
som. Fishermen who visit the
streams in Sullivan county, report the
„ speckled beauties " scarce this season.
1d• The youngsters unable longer
— b:Prestrairytheir patriotism, have already
,commenied binning Are crackers.
ler The County Teachers' Conven
tion tabl&l a resolution offered at its -last
session ficommending the election of wo
man aaschool directors. ,
Vll. An adjourned guidon of the
Grand Divialon 8. of T. for Western New
Tork, was held in. Waverly on Townley and
Wednesday of this week.
iiiir What a spectacle Grecian
benders will present in a short time if the
axiom "Just as the Awls is bent the tree's
inclined." be true.
se- A Fair and Festival for he
benefit of the Episcopal Church will open
in Idercur's New Hall, on Monday even
ing next, June 21, and continue for several
a& lir. G. B. ALVOED has our
thanks for a good supply of string-beins
and new turnips. Mr. A. keeps i full sap
ply of green vegetables.
sek. Particular attention of mer
chants and bluffness men is directed to a no
tie 3 of the County Treasurer in another col-
ta.. The first ripened of our home
grown strawberries, for this season, appear
ed in this market on Monday the Isth inst. ;
grown by Mr. SHERWOOD of Hollll#ook, and
R. M. WELL.r.s.
as. The pews in the Episcopal
Church are to be sold at auction, on Mon
day; JUly sth. . All persons desiring sittings
in tlfechurch are requested to be present.
itter Thc Ithaca Journal makes the
astounding:announcement that flu Episco-
pal Clergyman niade a prayer on the occa
sion.of decorating the soldiers graves in El
ter LASKY S. POST, well known to
many of the traveling p_nhlie, as a gentle
manly and obliging conductor on the Wil
liamsport d Elmira R. B. kir many years,
died in Elmira, on Sunday evening 6th inst.
tom' C. W. McMcritßAY has been ap
pointed Post Master at Granville Summit,
Viet J, T. LEONAILD, an inveterate copper
head, who was appointed by Aitnanw Jontr-
SON. The new appointee gives general sat
isfaction to thelieopleW Granville.
re,. A wedge of gold, in the shape
of a brick was exhibited at Taylor's hotel in
Rome, one day last week, valued at $41305,38
in gold. It was the property of Mr WARD,
who gathered the shining thud and had it
An old man named BENJAMIN,
and his daughter. a young woman about
eighteen years of age, were brought from
the western part of the county last week and
lodged in jail, in default of bail, having
been bound over by N. M. Ciaxocs►x, Esq.,
ofTroy, on a charge of incest and infanti
cide, on complaint of the wife and mother.
stir C. S. TAYI OR'S store in Stand
ing Stone, was entered by burglars on Tues
day night of last week, and goods to the
amount of about fifty dollars stolen, Mr.
T. is poit master, but does not leave his
stamps in the office, so that the thief did
not make as large a haul as he expected.—
This is the se; and time within a year that
t he'same stole has been entered by thieves.
telt— A friend in Rome informs tie
that there is in that township a beech tree,
hiving two separate and distinct trunks fo,r,
about 25 feet from the ground, when they
are united. The tree is thrifty, and no one
seems to understand the cause of this
strange freak of nature. These is a space
of four feet between the trunks at the roots.
ittir Friend Al vord of the Reporter,
says.he "regrets-to notice that he (we) is
. n,ut enjoying good health." Well, we've not
hut an opportunity of trying the thing on
very lately., t _bos if Stephen will furnish tie a
m Xll supply of the article we will show
him whether we'do or not.— Way. Adv.
If bfotker K.i.:vmsr will only follow our ad
viee, will guarantee him good health,
and plenty of it. This is our prescription :
Don't drink lager, or any other whiskey,
qpend lesS time in your office, think less.
Ike- Tic fellewieg named persons
were installed officers of Athens Lodge L
0. of G.T.. for present term :
W. C. T., J. B. Resvzs ; W. V. T., Miss
ELL., WELLES ; YT. S., E. Eisaalcs, Jr. ; W.
A. S., Jvo. C. WELLES ; W. T., Mrs. E.
DRAKE ; W F. S., JAS. IL WrEsos ; W. M.
Miss ANNA TYLER ; W. D. M., Jos. ELT ;
H. S., Miss S. Pr.sxnas T.A. R. BL. MisA
0. G., Wot.corr ; I. G., Mrs. SAILIII
Coorzn.; IssAc Litoarr, Lodge Deputy.
'• An effort was macre a few
years since to prohibit the importation of
fire crackers into this country, but our pa
triotic senators and congressmen thought
that the Fourth of July might as welt be
stricken from the calendar, and refused to
pass.the law. So thought our enterprising
and patriotic townsmen, McCsar. do 31tz,
and they have now added to tlited'exteruiive
stick of first class groceries, a full supply
of Fire crackers and Fire works of every
de3cription, which they can sell to country
.dialers at as low figures ` as they can buy
th-ni in the city.
rag' KINNEY of the Waverly Advo
ife.says, Towanda is the wealthiest . town
of its size in Northern Pennsylvania ; that
it contains a greater proportion of first class
buildings than any other town he ever saw,
that its hotels put to blush anything they
have in Waverly ; that there is are amount
of intemperance vastly in dispropiartion to
the number of churches ; that our people
are sadly lacking in putlie spirit, judging
from the condition of the streets. Mr. K.
must have fallen into bad company during
the latter part of his stay in our village, or
else he is afflicted with dyspepsia.
Isar Some true heart has given ex
pressions to its generous nature in the fOl
lowing sentiment : "Never desert a friend
when enemies gather round him. When
sickness falls on the heart, when the world
i, dark and cheerless, is the time to try a
true friend. They who turn from a scene
of distress betray their hypocrisy and prove
that interest moves them. , If you have a
friend who loves you and studies your Inter
est and happiness, be sure and sustain him
in adversity. Let hiin feel that his former
kindoesi is appreciated, and that his lon
is not thmarn. away. Real fidelity may be
rare, but it exists in the heart. Who has
not !peen and felt ita power? They deny its
worth who never loved a friend, or labored
to Enke a friend happy.
Paannx ' nai,l474;i Tamrt and
WILLIAiI Xmas of' tide us students
Mike Poughkespidecomineusis4
_ 4 r
Wx. HUM of this pinata VI.
gaged in compiling s book of Hymns for
ass otpreyer meetings. end ohnrebes. 4 47:
11..H0w4X,8,54, been 'WM
ed street EA this i borough.,
- 7 8titkin Agent Baum toed
severely Wand a leer veiiks since, Li A' .
to be sienna Gobi: !.. -
—Judge Sure and ladi. of Owego. Asia.
boded their golden. Waddbig.on Musli"
evening. JIM & - ;ad. Swims at 01 1 11 thus
figured quits eonsplonously io.tbe_, lioUtlor
of this county.
—Atm poitarof one of the
Methodist 011ossittel of flerantos. :Sahhssted
his golden waddiag caThdirdmjlsst We
notice among ak. tunes of the pests, that
of Mr. J. B. $n fl of Wyelnsing.
—Prat P. P. Bused Rome, this county,
takes part in the. great Bolton !Musical In•
—E. N. Mawr and L 0. MACELIMANA
who are at prelleili Tide% theirkiends,in
this place, have been oridineil*Wea on
board the Babble which is io sail from Bea
ton on the 30th bid.'
• .
— G. D. LW /40 . 0 f Tray , *Wed
through this place yftsterday on his way tci
Kansas. He gooi to ilook after
_some teal
estate in Topeka. Mr. I'4. id accompanied
by his wife. 4_ .
Miss, son of Hon. E. Bran
Um, of Ilyersburg..tibloolmtYt ilroOlatot.
at the Mandela NoMPI School Wit week.
Mr. Um was the youngest member of the
class by serreral years, yet he stood seccrtd.
Ms thesis was "Informal Indnottaru'f
—E. Gum, Gen. W. Parrott,' J. B.
Buys, Casa. E. 'Warm; J. B. &ma, U,
B. PLIISONIS, G. H. Err= and 'nu, W.V.
Rumor, Dawn and Guiccuts Housros,
all from this county attended the Meeting
of the Grand Lodge of Good
,TemPims at
Scranton last week.
—We have received several copies of the
Portland, Oregon, Evening Conenavia,
which is now wader the editorial manage
ment of our old townsman, M. P. lieu--
Judging from the tone of the (bmmerclal we
opine that PAT still adheres to his old fogy
political notions.
—Bev: J. Ô. CAIRNOCRAN, at one time pis !
for of the Presbyterian church, 'hwy. bila
just severed his oonneetioti with the church
atDanville, and taken the pastorate of the
Presbyterian church at Meadville, Pa.
—Maj. OVERTON and family arrived it Salt
Lake City, on the 6th inst.
—Warxnaun do %Lynn of Danville, ref
port sales to the amount of nearly fine hund
red thousand dollars for last year.
--Sarmotrn Nyanza who left this place
some fifteen or sixteen years ago for Cali
fornia, has been in town for several days
past. Mr. H. accumulated a nice little for
tune in California and - is now comfortably
Betted in New York City. He is a son of D.
W. Evan= of this place.
—We congratulate our townsman, Dr. H.
Wasrorr, on his good fortune in discovering
a metal for dental purposes, which is much
cheaper, and far preferable to rubber. This
material has been kited for the past year
and has given universal satisfaction. Dr
S. & Warra, of PhiladeFphia, one of the
largest dealers in dental gixals, in the
United States, is Dr. W.'s agent.
Porrraa,, A.CRAMBRELIN, G. D.-
iloarinvr. and - P. D. Moartow, are trout..
fishing in Potter county. They drove
through with their own team and the fish
ing wagon.
--Dr. IL Wzgros, of this place, *Presi
dent of the " Bradford and Susquehanna
Dental Association," was on Monday last
the recipient of some valuable and beauti
ful dental instruments at the hands of mem
bers of the Association.
—Jousi Connor; a conductor on the N.
Y. k E. R.R. died at his residence in Bing
hamton. on Saturday evening last. Mr. C.
was at the tea table, and became strangled
by a piece of bread, which produced inch
violent coughipg as to break a blood vessel.
He lived but a short time after the accident.
The deceased was a brother-in-law of J. M.
OoLt.rsa of this place.
—Drs. Rorrox, Mims, Ax.rsx, 'arid
Mown of this county, attended tho meeting
of the State Medical Society in Erie
last week. Most of the members made an
excursion to Niagara Falls, after the ad
journment of the session.
--S. W. ALTOBD, C. G. KELLum, C. Hots.
TON, and CHAS. P. Warmas, Were elected
delegates from the Lodge in this place to
the G. T. County Convention Meeting, now
in session at Athens.
—Among the gradnatesjit the State Nor
mal School at ?dansfteld, we note the follow
ing from this comity : Misa Mass,. 3. BITEN•
sax, Troy ; Miss Sus B. Cnittnax.2., P.4lte ;
Miss Emma R. DOANE, Leona ; Miss Lubwr-
Ta LION, Spring Hill ; Taos. E. Mimi, My
ersburg ; B. B. SLADE,' Alba ; .ELNVIt Sorsa,
Columbia ; Mivros D. STILES, East Troy.
The salutatory was delivered by Mr. SLADE.
—Oar old friend BMIE, assistant asses
sor of Internal Revenue for the western per.
lion of this county was in town on Monday.
Mr.B. has heldthe position ever since the of
fice was created and has made a most efficient
and faithful officer, and should the " pow
ers that be" think-it expedient to give his
place to nnothcr good republican, it will not
be on account of his political, opinions, or
neglect of` duty as an officer.
—Among the distinguished guests pres
ent at thie "--gulden wedding " of Mr. and
Mrs. SwErm, in Owego, N.Y., last week,
was Gen. Hrsar M. WarrrEtstr, Chief
Quartermaster of the Freedmen's Bureau, at
'Washington. He is a nephew of the late
"Peter Parley "' (S. G. GOODRICH), and
served with distinction in the war, having
been Chief Quartermaster of the Army of
Georgia. He inherits in a great degree the
superior literary attainmeits of his uncle,
and is at present historiart of the organiza
tion known as the "Army of Georgia."—
He is also noted for the systematic method
with which he transacts all business, and
was at one time favorably mentioned for,
the position - of Third Auditor of the Treas
ury. Our Governthent is fortunate in the,
possession of so able and worthy a servant,
and more es,p: clay - Gen, Howame, op
whose staff he occupies an important place.
There is perhaps no man in the service who
is more fully acquainted with the various
ramifications of the Quartermaster's Deport
ment. -
seL, We thin' there is' no .doubt
that Summer has 'at last made its appear.
once, and people should no longer hesitate
about purchasing suitable clothing for,
warm weather. On 3of the moat necessar y
articles of dress for this season is a light
summer hat, and we know -of no better
place to purchase than at the celebrated es.
tablishment of Cum= 4t. AMUSIM south
side klercur's new block.
11‘9.. For the purpose of direeting
more particular attention, of. farmers and
dairymen to the subject of raising cows for
dairy purposes, I hand you for publication
in the Baron= the following item :
khavia coW'eight years old and have li
ken pails to weigh her milk on iseveral oc
casions with the following results :
May 15 (three days after turning out to
pasture) evening 84 lbs.
May 18th, evening, 17 quarts.
May 19111, morning, 13i quarts.
May 28th, morning, 28.11ba-
June 2d, evening, 351 lbs.
If anybody clan beat this I shall be glad
to hear from them. The cow milrorabord'
the but of February.
Towanda, June 16.
~ p,rilyptimmainiffiserasOzt, by
Rev. & 4T: - Lon. pallor of the Baptist
• witilendnyltrenhie IaStIN
id to by slaw) andlenoi, eonipbeff, einem
bettor ooniinfietkins in
*ARON •31441. 1 04880.11111 eXeY
7 11Ia r v #,P ll° !PO
41rthiMitili*OSAil .of man
44411 Mar
614111 " 11 °1 1 " 1 4 1 411 4 0 3 1.*441",„
will find their nsiinliesi icrestly_msaita,
Ada their Oft& itoiaidd
Pfllliii_ l 9 ool oll**l94 l / 1 A004 , 34W
Ii nw We ham tio;
Rathilm , rBP;lo l 4:3oo l odwzrenw*On,
the day and responsibility of the Asioeie=
tion; and we'idieeiaifnksti l ltey may hein7
otinreettkeliiritiorelirmly welling the Oh&
Gum . of this plikep,in n e",wripsisisi effort to
OtnulaySilicior ristitutiLiuidei the
luisilkolotthe 11:110011weli?-408 868
Liberty Oozneedart week. Sim 0.8. rot
At gdi.p4m ._ANdated
wase l oondnotod. Alin 'tactics. which were
both interesting andTlfrbctiye.
*3oo,ril NOW Amoibetitkir herd'
its *mud session with the Cseten Baptist
Cher& lest' week: 'ltem' E. IL ALL Of
anlibleid. :AU rude. Moderator 4 Dr;
Mow, of Welles.. - -ehosen Clerk.
The introductory sermon wan, delinied
byltar. S. 3. 'Linni, L ed ilielkoirinda church,
11.,'Wuusug of.. thlii puce wits alai:Lod
Corresponding BeF,taii, and TIMM* for
the current -year. Mart rnlnlaters,andw
goodly nuintri of w ere ' resent.—
Resolutiorut stronglyeandemning the use of
all intoxicating benc,d7 o, _were ,Pacs!le4.
The next meeting - "willibir held 'on Tuesday;
dune 7. 1870, at TOWinada. . I
—The annivasszy of the Swift.ScbOol
connected with. the „Mgt Presbyterian
church of this place was celebrated on Sun
day aftesnoon last-, The exercises were all
of a very interesting Amide*, and were so
arranged sa,not to weary either the children
or spectators. Me, cy were's, the, ,Siiperin
*dent' read: hie report 7 etbich contained
much usehd liformitiowendrneiny valuable
suggestions in riftience to Sunday School
- Miss Rums Hoots: Presided at the or
gan, and Mhertiarrix Kwi led the Infant,
- class in' singing:
Prjxea Were awarded eleven scholars who
had been present eseiy"ldnikdsy.,4*Ag,,tbe'
-The sebool numbers 116 ; We mattes
temlance was 8k Total amount' id Mis t
sionary collections during the`yesr $215
Da. : The ,felloFieg Jihevarere writ
tetity i lady in the Weat, on the death of
Mra. - Elurta, wife of. Dr.- Hu.= ol.Parolay,
and daughter of Dr f %. F. and Muni= T,
Homo's, of Tarrytown
She faded away in the early
Ere Nature put on her robe of green,
And with a peaceful look in her clear blue
She calmly passed to the ,19d tumeeti.„
Oh, she has gone front us ; so young and so
Wearing all the charms of youthful bloom,
And round our hearts there wane..., deep
O'ershadowing us in Midnight gloom.
Earth's tenderest ties were twined around
And fain would we here had ‘ her stay;
Bnt angels round the throne were beckoning
As if to hasten her flight away. -
No fear of death, could blanch her marble
Nor dim the pure luster of her eye ;
Through faith she looked above this fleet
ing world,
Wherejoys immortal no'er fade or die.
Her face was radiant with beat:pray glory
As she marmeredii parting prayer,
And then we knew, by her sauiti , like beauty,
That the seal of death was , wriliten there.
We miss her, yes, we mitistiteeheiwful saw-
That she east on eirery side,
And ire *town the ernshed and' blighted
Of a fond and loving bride.
But there's a light to lure us homeward,
In this sorrowing world of °Ars •
And we'll strive to meet the dear lyloved one
Where forever bloom needing flowers..
E. L P. 8.,
Rochelle, 111., May, 1869.
MST Co* OutaAar, AND Kuissx4.--$-
Mr. Editor:—How long twist, shall,- and
will our citizenis, who do not keep cows to
lira upon their neighbors, submit to the
outrages and damages'done almost daily by
the cows of other citizens; many of whom
are abundantly able: to pay for ow Pasture ?
Is a front or garden gate left, open for a
few minutes, in rushy Mrs. CoW, AO; with
- especial delight, lib° beautiful
add valuable evergreens, and soon' their'
beauty' are fore - far goice=ilecriiWs are.
destroyed—gardens 'cut up--vcgetable r s eat;
en or destroyed = valiable young fruit and
shade trees are mutilated—lawns disfiguied,
and the labors and hopes of years of care
and labor brought to naught.
There are many cows, within our borough'
that appear to have received 'special train
ing for the opening of gates—breaking down
fences—cliinbing into wagons arid sleighs_
—foraging apt& loads of hay, wad. stealing. -
their living generally ; to the great annoy-f
mice . 01' our community, and to that of ma
nrpeople who visit Towanda upon business.
The cow owner's are aware of these raw a ;
brit what do they care ? •
There are people in town, keepirig cows,
who do not buy a pound of cow fodder from
one year's end to another.
It was only a few nights since, that one
of those lawless, trained cows broke off the
entire tops of six cloy° and valuable young
acne Chestnut treesan Pine Street Poor
people who are. illy prepared to procure co'
pasture, are not so rilic"fi to be censured for
these things, as thoselpersons who are able .
to do better. More anon. W.
The utility of Life Ineurance
Companies is , no longer questioned by any
one. Ii fact men who have taken pains to
tutor= themselves upon the subject, have
come todonsiderit a duty they oWe tothem
selves and to their families to provide in this
manner for those who may be dependent up
on them for support. Fortune is so tickle,
that the man who is in of Cirencuishin
ces to-day, may find:himself , penniless to."
morrow. A small amount inVested in a pol
icy in a good Life Insurance Co. wosd
place, the - family' on many an info:Waste
man beyond the reach otwant. It is no less
the duty of a man of small means, • to pro
vid4 by a judicious investment of this kind
for his Wife and little ones-who ere Unble at
any time to be deprived of his support.—
Lifi is unoettaip,-. but de5t4.4.:414 - tuittitU
e)m.talte 'MO' that min 'tyke fidlifte
vide fez' ids honeelliold whin "he' hill Op"
portunity is :
w orse than a 4: infidel. 01.11
the Insurance Companies organisied • none
have met withgrethter , success, t h an the Ks-.tional Life, which commenced operitleki.
about one year since, and is conducted by
same .of the''kest businnis Amen in 'lids
country, and upon a principle easily nildev=
stood by Mr. IL Iltntszin who is
wetland favorably known to the people of
this county is the Gealtral stiiseer:4 Miss
COmpany for this State. N. O. Evamisi
and CoL A. (..-Menu: sew agents In this
place. Persona desiring to insure should
call on them at 'Menke and aim
ine bibles; : A
sir A horse attached Ai; wagon
w9mtpzi4 Hr,,;
ft-Mgh, 4061 11 0. 1 0 6110 **
ban g 'ow= arena the streets on Mon
* WI aVtio g y! infror4 of
Prr4 14.5 . 44 54.:4 1 /4 '01 '9 01 4. 0 tio1 113 g •
T. P. PAT 011„
:ail itfee awolow
o m b ir .
Leonard &Alp, Lilley, Thom . "
DeCobiiiis i sadlCK. tity,
riga, , 4L. 071,
nes.oludob lioZ,1•"•' - y . "'''
/kaki'', .13nalcsiasanniatot
WWII bard -be -ooniperied.' hi
maw belimii6g, , as , we do; that
OAP 0" IkkesliartlA 1 00 1 4".HOsi
Dismissed by,Cobran and Leo
laid oi thi!: table?' = - ' A =`" ''
The Wei* isiolution;hibrov
session t was , taken up,; . ~. ,.,..
,_,Wiareividiiks happiness -ami. rity
of the-governed b the highest _ ‘; °rigor
aliment ; and whereas : t' IMO ' ini , ,and
sound morality lite the fieheisari fp won
of national snoops, and OM; - ' refore
Resolied, 'MX it . is - air' n of, " State,
let, to atfonxi, loystim.:4o 4om ledu
cation ; 2d, to•maktiousewkage the ale.
manta of moral philosophy a req quali
fication of the, teieber ; . 1141, to:i, de fat
the education of tie po ds at thiS ' nee of•
the Shan' ''' • • ' • '' ',-CorbM,-. nerd,'
•Thompson, Pitcher, Brainard, Kee ily, and
Colt Only'thr4 'WHOM voted bust the
-.:;Dr Coburn readthe early history
ten, Windham, and w ell , and )
Passmore an essay.„,_Both rece
.thanks of the Association. • ,
S. L l ' Colt, Chairman of Comti
Obituary, reported as follows :
In the lamented death of tiorr%, Charles'
R. Coburn, late.' State iiiipelintendent of
Public Schools, the Bradford County Teach.
era' Association have, in common with all
the friends of populareducation Penn-
Sylvania, met with a great loss, his hon.,
_tired man was a son of Bradt° county.
Though laboring long and most s ful
ly as teacher in other regions, his ost of
school-work was among us,' and cul
minated in his grand success in the State.
Department, .when, during the froublons
„times of war, his patience, steady energy
and indefatigable indriiitry not only sustain::
ed the wise school polio) , of the mmon
wealth, but greatly enlarged it an advanc
ed its essential interests in all: of ?
Sylvania, i::
We mourn in his departure the oss•-of a,
dear friend and brother, *hose. at judg
ment and valued experhura,wera .always
most tenderly and , franitizat the s6rvico• of
any engaged. hi-teaching, especially of , the
young, inth w.hose trials and difficulties, he
was always in aympatby„. • '
Mr. Coburn was endeared .tri" tl
elation as its originator, and up to
a most active and tiraitt suppor
presence at the meetings Was alan,
pated One of their chief iind'm
ble attractions.
The Bradford County Teachers
Lion feel deeply with the afflicted,
the loss of afathir;linstituzillutd,
hereby tender,to.them our Mn ,
Report accepted and adopted.
S. P. Colt read a brief history o
Evening' Sensi6n.Blnsic tb
and Lataysville brass bands..
Declamation's by B. - A. 4rigle
- Hon. Germ - Landoirdelivered'a
taining lectva, ! ;,;f ,
Salurday Sessioi.—Deeided to
session at Trhy. .1
The question of publishing 7%. •
nucdwai 'called and discussed
s gtiubbnals,.,
and Brainard. ,
• Circulars were 'gitirn to those a
to obtain_anliscriptions, with req!
-Imods;and trfposid
T. Lilley, Ch_airrnaii of,Committee
licatfon;teßoy, Pa.
The followhig*e the. appoin
the next session : Lectnrer—Rev.'
ski, of Towandal
. Essayist- 7.
Zwart ; 0. 'Dom!,
Blade ; , Bnsiness• Committee—lL
aoti.l.,t Rolf** gi.1 4 0121 .
Delos Rockwell, and Eliza_Adams.
All desiring to get tip erabs
anal, should address thechairman
ness 'Committee for Qirct lar. 7l lk
Adjourned to meet at Troy on
Friday and Saturday in Septum
A. T. Limr.r
Oiwolt, ;nab 11. NO, ; •
ScsquiipsNNA Cousrt,.4Tti ,
petlest.i..ftepabilcMals- toithority , or sap:
tug Idieranuldah -Henneity, ` Auburn
4 1 wutbili...suknaluinnk ,09 1 Ukti's , covered
oneacre down in fout - houra, a -w--days
ago, and on rather rpngh ground.'
.h.=Anew Mothodiet ehttrch' edicated
in Gibson, on'the 3d fiat.
, .
—A correspondent. of the ' says_
theni yea a' faaipertineti aboiety":„. ,-; nixed:
fortpone years agehy,ltar..Suir :•
pledged against the use. of distill!: spirits.
I think only two years after:" ther - wae an
organisation called the young - t thatiiia'a
and Ladies' Temperance i Brook
lyn, pleidgri not to use as a bey.. •: • any
thingthat'wouid totozia►te., Th. Society
existed for marathon twenty - PROM
one that has kept 'the pledie`
—The Fourth is to be celebuite
leisl of the tinhis hiSusciiiehinis
Sayre & Bros of Mon
mannfactnting 125 Mowerti this
-_, v •el . N - 4
4 1
'MIA.— As we never see a *o fi , , but
we mentally blessAdAm.for going to sleep
end losing a 46, and hale are_ of mil, on
tie leskAitaidaasiAMi, isiiiis .' le the
following recipe for keeping the • . clear
and beautiful. !re &Amain to.insinuate
that , there are , IV . Skirls about ~e Vin
givien't`tiii • loilelleit, peicldait'in the
world; not at all 2 But *4; or some of
; is
their - acquaintances, midi happen go to i
pio.nio on rant* of July this . and
get a little tanned, and then thz ipe - will
-001i1.1111 hunk i r'Cutd'it sut Itii - 101481 t,
- on yard looking glass : " tin. - ,be re-
Moved from the face by mixing in
Soft Wands the exasistedefaf - *hick
should then be spread on the and al.
towel to nsualurs infidel:lr t-= Tha
-wash off -i ntik i4llllt Mips7intep
with sett waterX ~ - -', - .• - - ..:-,
:uou Whakieveyito . 4y
endly icainowle4 Oa id bet.x_ab,.:.
OA' 4 f i ff I NIV7 O
.11‘ 6 ,1 0 _
baNlPAria.ftrA. anOadiAlik.
e Bey
Ofth eras .
. 54 •
,„.,1Rb0,3i.,. 40 X,;10)
Mt47l I a all
I 17
117 41 :
3 : 11 T = 4 1 u r - , b r a 1 tlO t • r 7;
Web 4WW14011/11111
Tici itid.
1 vs&
National Nmk of Tosanda alsopit ‘ io esu.
l ood o v i ltairo r. , Aoggi t ,
77 71-- "7 -
sw-naremb has t itintaticin of
forodisitierNorl •
Ws are repined to apply D e aien WM'
theasuottik at{s'my osurli Oilmen on
Agent Prices.
Valtliraqhtre4llittiOgii reil"*PPll4
" ' O C T e a. ',s t.. P,
au r wit of samosa on Wind.
:ilVzonnanLa MA*
' . .
. .
-...,,-. ...L. 0 ,
f o.
'IS. W fish fOt P in * Duces
lovertisimmkpoomog. 4banitist
***UAW ad lY*6 ll k t•* (° 4
411 verkiled l Wrevrid ixisOlfiitiiiii Ost,-.
": , i, g p•,--ZAißittHriM
, 1 : : : T :4 1 licr;
-800. 11.1:=Crookkail. lilfogott ;And
= - MirsZloninolloottbOootrt or ,
'':& ' 1151 oAir
..! At l ez 4 ii, . ti r, - ;; 01... .
i‘, .30 r iot aiemiio ni l roes,
7 166
' both of Standing: iltoolo 4
ffrAg-c_, ALTENT vormprune
' Mb; by Parir. It 1: prrae Mr: Jan 1.1.
fitte11.0144,44,V0a44.9 ink Miss &I
to F. Carman Of E,mooton.
litC;Notittif ,
t each
of fe
e inter
. be -
Ih■J„jitit 4Ath'' ;toile iiditn ed wish to,
invite the attention of 'a =deal and intelli
gent patina , terAhOlirlnitrunteints we sell,
-111dishielifitithwOrdilohitibifin tbil*on
trylitidkltiirvilieriithlaTil Tad, Frame, in
which all the stringiwest upon wooden bear
. tairdiiiiirhichliciiis °Me timing s
go ugh the iron plate. The great
van . • Bablfa blrlthill :Arrangement are
3 0
a more refined quality of tone,
sweetness, great poWer, equality of tone,
and of standing in tune better than any oth
er Instrument now in .use. Also are the
thoughtful: and economical' .use..
of -Or
gans and Idelodeonqor home use, as well
for Churokand tiebbath School, respectful
ly invited to examine our instruments w'ch
v fOr quality and quantity of tone are tuisur
~ ,
.PI L l ll ,l'
. ~ •tf / ,
r•=3161 a Co.,
:at molt Jiwahl store.
[Piopt the ilyea Dailyy Observer. tiepf. IMh.]
Figs: Pas:mum y'reference to . the list
, villich,wepriblish elsewhere, it will be seen
that the Singer Sewing Machines (both fam
ily and manufacturing) parry off the first
preniiums frolkilbe State _Pair Which ,closes
tci-daY: is worthy that those
lia - ohineinare reptily seers at; fa* saad the
Singer Co.have nibtAnteissil into•tbs goner
-4 scramble for premiums which has char
acterized the past law years. •Thwagent in
this city saw Bt h however. to come, out on
thit(nneationitifcmio ; ind notwith standing
the competition was sharp—the Wheeler &
4atover *''s aka /W. joining
in tho'crintelt—if was to be seen,
when the practigettesta were applied, that
the "plumes" Mast be handed over to the
;.L • .
Wicsata.4.t BLACK. Ag'ts .
of War-
ved the
Mee on
Aentri.:l3oltaeal Paean* Towada, Pa.,
are agents fcir the Anterhan Piano, and the
Boardatan &- Gay Patent Improved& luau-
Wad Iron Om -and Fatostr , Pismo Fortes.
The iron rim arid frame ire'eascin one solid
plate, and insulated from r ecatnet with the
sounding board and vibrating parts., These
pianos have great strength, and are espec
ially adapted for schools and for dbitricts
where tuners are difficult to be obtained.
The wood and, aver-atring ,imps
ebrinection itith the sus pension bridge, a
fulA9B/o*W.Pita itt 3 tWtate• The .
anttr .
esi to
Yethre aegerst ter , up at ,little coom,
These Pianos lump taken thirty first
tafnule,goad litlier.Miedits and diplo
mas, at the Mechanick Institute, in New
atrEitstalraiirs in; various , States.
The j, have been exhibited Iri Loridon, where
ressicaonisicto' their exoellenes in sweet
meat and power of tone, and 'delicacy of
taueb; werevoluntarily, some .
of :the frrst'planists of Enieri
Theiel instruments Arc; in all ihose yes-
PeCti'which mike a perfect Piano Forte,
pre-eminently superior to any ever before
We are agent's for 0. 1 it. Eidriago's Cot
tage Organ. single and double reeded also
the•calebrated Dodge & Lord Melodeon. for
the family cirele, - ehirrehesi'sohoolu.' &a, to
which ,we sinyite theattentiou of the citizens
of Bradfcird Connty. Barg -, instrument tear
ranted tohire salisliolio4.
/0 7 7 4 ; • 119iitha..-PArtatur-
.is deeds
• . Aptici
the Pl-
e Orwell
..d E. J.
liet.tattitt of ibti am*. 8 of persons
drawn to be Traverse Jurors - in au,adjourn-
M. - Court of COMinori-Pleas, td , beheld - on
.the,thirA*ONDAl' . of JUNE, 1869, - at one
- '•
BarnetJgairieLtWri• ;;Jacob Rot.
%ethane, Overton ; Calvin Eastriaan, Orwell;
15..50 M. Valnies s Smithfield; Allen Bovier,.
Granville • :eel Cauipbell;Litoliffeld : Sam
uel FitswAer, Canton' twp. ; Thos. McMa
hon, Sheshectin ; John Tomlinson, Ar
menia-4 Lenience Wi. Kendall, Burlington
twp: ; Westbrook, Sprilkfield •
Benjamin Denton,Smithfield ;4 - abez Fish,
• equin vEdwiretWalker, Ulster; Chris
topher Piatt,• Fr ilia ;J. Stanton Clark,
Smithfield ; Jacob' A. Weller, Athens , twp. ;
John Wolfe, Troy twp. •• Albert Tozer, Ath
ens tvrp. • ; Abner, roty, Canton born ; Dan
iel N. Lawrence, ~ Wells ; Lemuel,-Sherman,
.14401041 i, - ElllOl B.' Cane. Tror"twp. ; S.
A. Chamberlin, Wysox; Andrew M.R. West;
Leßoy ; Wilsey RlMert!, ,Windham ; Isaac
Smalley, Towanda' tom ; G. Darius Man
ley, Canton twp. Frank' Dailey, Spring
field-. Philander' Holcomb, Ulster ; Allen
Conklin, Wysoz ; Geo. Blrney, Ulster ; R.
R. Phil ps, B urlington bore; Dolson J. Man
ley, A. bit •,' Aimee W. • VanAnkin, Terry ;
Miner- L T. Porter, Granville.
;old next
ere -An
y Colt,
'eat that
11eTo A.
on Rah-
' l eats for
. Hai
-1 M. J.
dB. B.
. • , Mr&
the An
of Boni-
SISAWBERRIEB I—Good, for the heoth
, :proldituid Yonne' ereparr:to sell And
eat, The subscriber will in a few days be
• PrOrtredltrittpply,Strawberriei .ist --whole
sale and retail, from his headquarters, for
the berry season, at Messrs. Mix & MoCabe's
Grocery Store in Mercer's New Block.
Grdess.from dealers, ,families and festival
ecatnittees, for' 20 or more quarts, Oiled at
wholesale rates.
-.Onion solicited from dealers and others
in ail the neighboring towns and places;:and
proMptly.filled.- Berries shipped by stage,
express or otherwise.
r.l haVe Grated holding 10,10.-and-4b, qte.
each ; also Tray Crates' (best for carrying
berries in nice condition) holding 32 quarts
Mich, fo'r kepplying festiralit, parties; .to
We expect the berry season to commence
with us about the 18th June,
- •
'Towanda, Jaffe 9-tf.
I Sven,
IND STOPPirMONII likelovinhairs AND Two
nom Parsers.—After a long series of pipe
riinenbi; we have added theßase Burning
principle to this already world-renowned
Stove, by mains of hot air chambers in.
*out And rearof the of the fire-box;;, pad ii
tel# ll o 4 ,0.4 iliii - 09 1 1 1 4 11 i ' 4 1 44 3 .-
provement wa secomfdiskthe folloiring re
sults :
in soy.
• se, sr!
WI bialtli6ll6 be keiDillif Winter by
replenishing the fire twice every twenty-four
41. A conipuotse fhb van bil kept thre ugh
the winter . viith,.. the consumption of less
*4i 90;:,lbs:of woalin 24 hours. an 4 the
ov , en,kept in bsking orcter a large por,Aon of
11411:0iiiciiiiii.iri'l?e th0i604,,:e4.
*mod without the;*ituklii*totoit:of flplera
il ls.
,Pike** . . :44 6 V 1 i , 1 44 4 4 8 ,cir iluini
i latt*/ - every morning to uP* 3- aft 4 4
1 lltit,,X l * , IVr'n, '''', :2,. :..''•, 7. --.:', .'.'?,'. '
, t .„4tii - 01 0 Ailioadfire.-Taitia Ural tioarasto.
sized' 1041! of dirrao't a OO .. e ll b' e* 6 o
01105 14181wharii eviihont aiir ; fiOoto,
• Prhisleiltlie forted ple : /*45t, ,, h4t6,40.
iniii)oofitiakili tkoliiiigStoves:... 4t,hils
all'ibiodiriatages of a aelf•feefkitioritlitinob
10 3 fil i ir 0 1, 1 3 022 / 4 ll l k
. 44, - 14i.iiiii# ipqn...
0:9,1 4 1, 4.. i, f 4l 4' liec4P4 — . by (tarn
patent:': *saufeetored by . :-,-. !r: -
' " -4 .'""' '''' ?Nina, PAciumo &Di.' '
17 sul;l9 Green 8141
'"je or gii i i e b y- 664 0 R f l =
.„ ; ; sz 419.
‘ sosii Ithirmirx jar
tiWg i tlVltk atio Ortaf 494
b onkl-liiiii*A* !Ma bilk.. oda
ir4tm_s : ~9_,(*emmimeeast:our Natioted
Inilepisiblieter-by * bri lOC Bout. at Clamp
town. ea
3,1 V. by B. B. loraserabeo . -
1if..0.. * . Of=liel Son.
ArKeieftie " olei,thirkAmedos.i who
williritimet Mita per% satimufe iv.
the band and d aim: ..- - - -c-t , :- , t-li _
..., t,
By order of tbe Committee : •
- .ITII Vi ;:i'i. ';".:1:.' IV aarNAZZ4,
J. P.J.88, . t.
-,.. MMUS CAMP. .. i
i,u 4 sW l ,
1115.. Mr: lint begli leave to •;rpre
molt hill gliAft foitheirery liberal patro..
nage heretofore extended to him, and Coln;
lormidi Maids • And-the talblkt: ,genetall - ,
that he UMW ptepareikto Inenfehlirirata
familiar Or rata' with aujithingin tlie line
of Ice Cream,_ 00nh0t1.448 or sited -Emil
tin Veleta& flatten. Store, ftb. 3 Patton,'
Block. - April 34,-
r 94 p Ail A PA594.111.-411,015e and
Lot 4a 4: l ltorthern s tiberthe ffo-Toirinda
borough. Enquire. of
Hai ;r 1..: 34f. da.niy:' ,
Nsw riduss,•son ;BALE- CitesP.;-The
subscriber offers for sale his dwelling house
i t=impleted on State Street (near Judge
s)p req-ehisp. - - - Enquire Om. C0n
•,141,-st Barber Shop.' N • 'r' f'• Iftrip-73t
• ;fi , - *- 4 7-
7116:Zifribri4P 44'1 - .
:A4,ll9trOA, Lino*, sae invited to
attend Dance, Friday eve, July 2E1889.
Smith's Cotillion Band. Dill;
12,60. • C. D. IfOzoOlie; Proplr. •
FOR RENT.—House 'and' , with
good garden. Enguitapf Join( D. Warm.
vs, at 'Towanda Coal Co.'s Office.
dam 104.
Fax ' Errr.—One house and etti,to
Of rooms ln . Towanda borongb. Apply to
Gro.litorfor.s, Rome, or W. A. B,ocswiir,,.
Towanda. Irmo 40-3 t•
owt ost.— e whio bor
rowed of me "Townes STAT/STICS OF COAL,"
it large yolume bound in black • muslin, will ,
oblige me by returning it.
June 10-1 t J. Idserma.
THE House —The thorough bred horse, .
Orange Ccrunty, under the control of KINGS.
war & sor.cerou; Toiwanda, is a horse ief
great merit. He certainly will make hie
mark should he live. His stride, strength t
and powers of endurance are as perfect es
well could be. Ho can trot under three
minutes without training. — His sire, the
Rysdyk Hambletonian, as sire of trotters, is
far above all competitors in this'or any past
generation. If any one will look at the his.;
tory a the American Horse, he will discover
this truth : Dexter, his brother, is toe king
of the turf in this'or any other nation. The
service of this horse at • the cost, or even
$lOO, would be in a money, pint of view
more wise than the Service of nine-tenths
of the stock horses at no. price at all. I
consider the most of the stock horses are
a daniage to our country. "Some merito
rious" men are after little cost, and often
get worse than nothing for the cost. To
buy a thing worth four or Hve times the cost
is the correct standpoint. A very few dol
lars sometimes closes the vision, judgment,
and understanding. •
• •Thete Is nothing more beautiful or use
ful in.the enimal kingdom than the majes
tic American Horse. Why not be as wise
in the cultivation of the horse, as you would
be in the cultivation your farm ? All the
scrub-oaks aro rooted' out, and all trees, ,
vegetables, sends, .0., of true merit you
cultivate. Is it sinful to beautify this earth
of ours with the most beautiful stock, fields'
nicely arranged with the highest 'State - of
culture, the grounds around our quiet homes
ornamented, with the most beautiful flow
ers? Some men do not get above a hill:of
potatoes. The cultivation of the potato is
aU right ; to go no farther "is a . low order."
Some men are so sinful theydisgrace the very
noble 'steeds they. own. A man can own
some of the blessings in this lower world,
and be a pure-minded man.
Far t
AYER'S HAIR VIGOR, .car I restoring
Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Colon—.
A dressing which is at once agreeable,
healthy. and effectual for
. preservieg the
hair. Faded or 'gray hair is restored to its
original color frith the gloss and freshness of
youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair
checked, and baldness often, though 'not
always, cured by its use. Nothing can re
store the hair where the follicles are destroy
ed, or the glands atrophied and decayed.
Tad such as remain brut be saved for useful
netts brthis application. Instead of 'fouling
the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep
it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use
will, prevent the hair from turning gray or
falling off, and consequently prevent bald
ness. Free from those deleterious substan
ces which make some preparations danger
ous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can
only benifit but, not harm it. If wanted
merely for air dressing, nothing else
can be found so desirable. Containing nei
ther oil-nor dye, it does not soil white cam
bric,and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it
ft rich glossy lustre, and grateful perfume.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer k Co., Prac
tical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass.
Price $l,OO.
Sold by Dr. H. C, Porter Towanda, all
Druggita A Dealers in medicines every
where... Nov. 26, ibcs.p
cerely thanking my customers for their very
liberal _patronage during the past years. I
have much satisfaction in informing them
that I 'have this season' a large stock of
'Plants, such as Roses, Geraniums, -Enables
and others too numerous to mention here,
either for house,. or 'garden culture ;. Also
now reany a lar ge supply of early Cabbage,
Tomatoes, 'Peppers, Egg plants, and others
in season. .
Orders from nnknowb correspondents
must invariably be accompanind by a_Lfc
mituuace-or responsible reference.
April 21. Towanda, Brad. Co., Pa.
us. Trial List tor June Term Ca
jounted C0:n.0,1869 :
Decker et al ini Long et al. ' Issue
Mimeos vs Pollock's heirs • Eject
&Dickeys Storrs et al Trespass
VanDerpoof vs VanDerpool Replevin
Gibson vs Gibsons Case
Wells vs Shepard. Trespass
Miller_vs Tanner • Sci Fa
Patterson vs Griffis et la .:.Trespass
Elise vs Brains Appeal
Sackett vs Spencer-et al 'Eject
Ridabory twp vs Gardner &a Debt
McNeal vs Smith. Trover
Bliven vs Ball . Appeal
Manley vs Griswold - Appeal
Howard Express Co vs Braine.gar... Att Ex
Megneen use vs Elebree Sci Fa
Passage vs Martin's admrs. Case
Pike et al vs Smith et al - 'Eject
Do ve do • Eject
Coppinger &c vs Welles Debt
lst.N Bank Pittston vs Welles, Friable
& Co ' Debt
Davies va Welles, Friable &CO ' ' Debt
Langdon vs Welles, Friable & Co. Debt
•P Davis jr & Co vs Coon &Pomeroy...Debt
let N Bank of Mauch Chunk vs Welles. ,
Friable fr. Co - • Debt
Weishlogton tn, vs thilthEteld tarp../tppesl
StibpMnas returnable,. on . Monday at 10
a.m., Juno 21, 1879. •
W. A. TninfAH,' Prot
Ber• NATHAN TIDD, Justice of the
Peace, in °Moe with E. Overton Jr., front
ing the Court House,and over Pettis & Ctrs
Store , Feb. 25.
Nov. 2b.ottitatmints.
2r, O FP 'A N'D A.':' ll' A::R.K,TI', I
; .-- ,' (Wu ousix.E. rnici:e4 ';,.
_,.. • '
ireited r every.' Wednegaj by ..C. , U. gsaCtr ,
.subject to .cluingel daily
• •• $1 . 50 ft ' . l 75:
Batter (Bolls) .
25' d 31.
25 '35
8 00 0,10 00
18 - :20
2 50, @ . 300
%mown or . tlaanz.—Wheat„ 00 As.;
Croin:sBlba ; 68 . 1ba Oats,' 32 Ibi
Barley, 40 lbs ; Buckwheat, 48 lb*•i'Beinus,
-82 lbs ; -Bran, 20 lbs ; Clover Eked, GO lbs ;
ZSmot~~ Seed ; 44 lbs ; Diied peachee, 33
lbq ; DrieCAppleic 22 lbs ; Flax Seed.s6
do (Dairy).
: Eggs'
Pbtati3ea -
Ham: .
. ;MA; Trout sod &loud HOIMIL
eat Rio Cathie pt' crates. roasted awl
ground. COWELL fr, MYER.
• C, B. PAWS.
MM` s 7ri - 7F, 7Fij
. .. .
N . i400 - 3fAut Sistiet. , '.,
.. ..''';'. - e; - . 7 .''' . :Ad: • .''..,.'''',. ..---Tl-''..
It ,:., r
' l li, .: 4:1 , , - .,, rr.'.1 ' , - 1)."!- 7!: - .; i - % . l;ii •:I If ;,..-.,:e
'keep Colllttti oi Ind' die niist 'afttplete
t r e iC lM Att 44 1.6 e ' -
7: "5 il .I, ':liiir-P.,•:li grl
'17 . •:: . :::77'ir
, 11, ':A•RATHER;L;
- SHOE 1 1 1.11)11:1913 •-•
I` .
• • , 1 .4,1 ,
•'; :1
7 - 1 -•
All ut: -hid) w , llbesinld upon the
Httiitphrey's Boots
so well established thin we consider it ad
necessary t.) sly urything about them.
Huy 11, Ist*
[ Spring :and Sumter Goods,
Which they, are near onring cheap fur cash. ,
Each ts,
• nein) call and 'exratiTi oat stook bs fore
purchasing elvewbere•
Towaida. Apfl
WANTED. -20 G , cid ftark .Peeler et
bj , the Vol:aid* Timing Co oit seen
wood, Bradford County Pa Higbpst yoga,
will be paid dartni the Peelleirseaser
.., • . •-. J.. nHONE.
Greenwood..lby 31.1869,
BRIDGE NOTICE.--Notice. is here
by given bi; the. undersigned Cirmedselow
ere, under the cr of the General assembly of
the, Comneiwarekillf- of Permanents, entitled
au "Act to Incorporate the Waverly awl North .
Branch Bridge AsioclW loci' approved. Mitch,
26th, 120..thet tliwnsielaltss amount detach to,
complete . the twirls:Radon of laid Assoctetton
baa bees subscribed and thit a-meeting of -the
Stock Holders ' held at the Bradford
House In AthewiTAiihip, on Thursday, June
17. at 2 o'clock P. or for the election, of olßeere
and arrodeation the Armenian=
• =OM stnitra,
- Wlf. & *OOHS
D.:l4 . lrtiCLABl ,
85 0 t9O
CO 0 65
200 0 300
25= 0 28
Atlmai, Kay !PO:
N EW '-§jr°(3-E OC leFigiSTlkk D
iptcei st, • C. B. Pi.TOBS.
Ware at', C. B, PATCyI3.
May 20. tr . 0. •
r y,S A .,--eo n tiostit,v'„
~ D
filf, pn, op 4 4 ad
' 1” ,
AND kilt - , D.CI & p
waits of an ithatin ui•irstss•sat ,
TITOOLJ-150;000 Ibl Wool Vl*
for which cash aiW ba paid., •
Nay U.lBO. TW. 14 11(10KIVICLIm
!i.-. , :,-,;-! , . -,,,:-!t
~,~~ J; ~a~:~
WHIPS, &o.„
The reputation et
1 .:
FRO, SEAL, &O. -
AND ` rO.N4
'VT A. "Ro TO I
Nb. 1, PAM. N l _B BLOCK 4
: • -,. / • i ~ y ', , ... , ,,1-...- ~..„1
eth and - Desirable Goods"
want, DAUM.
Assortment allev,yB
(9"t -;l!fTkilt.PiC.)7?4,ltt!
0: A-SR '.-' =R VT
nIY-E R 8%4t
?1:17i '..",i '.'•.::. k"I, ... (1 . '1,'
THE - JIA RA!' ET: , R 44. T.E.B.
The imdershmed hale - op:mai a fitoreca;tbe
with pick eit ~ lierecteattew Meek,'
Where ,they•tutend to ieip a full stock of
Glods, coating of
i7j ll A. 78, CAPS, PUl th ,
Which we will tell at the lowest pondhle
and teapectinily ardl•it a sbate of the y311[0114,
of the vibe:.
4t. we l l he, 6:4 n ConfOilitater
Toaand. Oct
C 9.. OeC. S.
Ciaq CArIT&L, 5L0.04,050 —PAID HI FITLL
CliarflTAti by covgtese.l9CB
CI.A iENCE H. CI.. UNE „ PreaWent ;
.7.A.Y;CCOKE; Cbsitue.a
HE AY : D. , COORS . Vice _President; 1
EithRSON W. PF.lttliiec retail and Actitary.
.The advantages cf the Ngtionll Life Insarane
Camper.) , are : - .
1. It is a :FatioaalCa y chartered by. Congress
2. It has a paid up Capital of
.ooe 11111100 Dol
3.4 t offers lott rates ,olretalataa ; , •
f. It tarnishes larger insurance than other Com
parties„lorthe gime raonoy.k
'5. It li\Jelfaiti and certain
6. There Is no possibility of misrepresentation
by spats, of misunderstanding by policy
- holders ;
7. The pellicles see plain eontracts,.so much-in
- &trance for so much money ; .
B; •All pallctee see non•fOrfelting a t .
9 ,Ttie•exempt from attachment
E. N. CLARK & Bankers, Phtladelphis
General Agents
B. S. RUSSELL, Manager.;
'gip Agents for Towanda aid Ja9
u • CAL 7/:II"..ELER.--Wonld inform the
people of Bradford and. mirrounoine Counties;
that he has opened a new Jewelry Btore in Caw
ton. Where will bet - mind-constantly on hand,
a nicely, selected stock of- goods' In his line.
consisting of Ladles and Gents Gold and Bit
ter Web:xec - of American. Eng fah end Swim
mannfac , oreiClocks, Jewelry, Gold . Pens, and
all the grtielea usually- sound In a drat class
Jewelry Store' All goods sold as reasonable'
as is any s t the surrounding - cities;' and Vier
ranted as repressuted.. Repairing and Jobbing
done orashurt notice aad on' the moat favorable
terms:' - -A-liberal ste:reof patronage is respect•
fuliy sodeltedt: • . • •
fropfitreet, Canton P . “ Hay 12;'69. '
FOR EIALE.—Tits sebscribere ord. for
saie-tbelr fine Dairy Film. 'Ousted two miles
east of Green'wood,'.McHenry
contains' three hundred and twenty
'sores - cboiceland,- described as - follows : 160.
acres choice ihnb - red, 1911 acres medow, and
6 ems under the plow. Good dwelling home
and ontbuildhp, large.mittle barn 3Cged.'sad,
good tvrai barn. Tirs.linest - living
. sprlzga in
-}he country maul g through ' c ommodious
'piing booms. - Is cepib!e of keeping 76..co_Wit
Ifid is Only If mike from Abbiut's Churn Fac
tors; Terme 'use- half cub. balance is egey
payments at 6 per cent. interest. ' References.
'H. M. Gerould. Greenwood, B. B. 51cHenry'
iMellenry county, 111, or P. B.Ayer, Eitteshequin.
Mty k iset.;tr
PUB SALE.—Fifty.thQueand sores
'alba Quest farming lutd, 'situated in the
County of Los Ample,: California; at :priees i.
Tooirtng-tvom $lO to s2o: ( eurreitey),per acre.—
These lea s are eel:Uproot to the thriving city'
,of Los dageirv; Ina' ere`admirably adapted for
Ablienitiratioti of the Cringe; Leman. ing. 01-
-Ive7ifilbirrp aid; frolt and . grain of eyery
description'. - aped at tentlint is now being Fir
ma to the productiottsUlTairEilt in this We
tract, for whi , h venial climate renders it.
tepe,el.4lly, !eyed. '..irrang.nte..4te %ill short
ly by *WA itteoding emigrants can.
be furniebett with no ir , ntees 1%-r title deeds be
hive leaving
. Nevr yertz. turttri patttcu•,
lays aodreis •
March 30,'69-3m J. Angeles, Cal
The under,ltned hereby anniiiinces to the
Public that his-keeps constantly en hand at Ids
BRMONTOWN, PA., a full supply of
fresh burned NEW. YORK 1 , 1114,1110 h he will
sell as cheap MI It ran be' bought at anlpolute,
along the Canal. DAVID BROWN.
!Nay 1; 1869.4 f •
- at " C. B. PATCH'S.
Niy 10. = • - -
. Ins Flour at ' - C. B. PATCH'S.
May 20, ,
- - -
.El. Provisions at arbelerkale and retail at
• Kay 20. . 1- ‘ • C. B. PATON'S.;
: emu 11'0 Jellies of all binds.
. . . •
A GENT4_ WANTED .— For Prof.
Poisons Lstrier Boldness, With full Di
rections and Foraurfor a!1 Transactions ha event
State, by Tazornittra Patios. L:" L. D.,' Pro? •
tenor of Law in Harvard University. .8. sew
Boos toe xyprisenx.- Explaining every tied
of Contract and legal' obligation', and 'showing
hawro draw and . -execute them. The •highast
and best, authority in the land 4. Send for. oar
liberal terms I - Men Tor ear Pettit" Bible Pro.
lipectris. Sear Fess. PARMELEE hCO.Phlitti.
finolps CLNDIES: t
'tot= . • COWELL k MIL
Xotke hi badly give. it a ti a e
nidebted JO tbe'estiteit /dm - W Jai& et
WPM? • IWO d deed.; 'me yegesetell Se i Ts.
mediate palmist ' , Read 411 , 1peneete."11. 1 11
dams Legeta# sato .neest . them
41aly adMtlatod for ..,,'-,
- - • ' ; ,••• ! .- • W 1,W417015.
' lasel,lo6L : • 44l.lolestor.
Ito,p sives. PIC AttNiIiNNBII
ol tototo of t , owl ANL,
risk !if Sir top, iloet. • sifs miaow lo
saisho,hoosiblia , lhoor bitley7
%Woo oid ui sto s ittpo.ilqius 047
japi2,lBllll. -
•Aitift - Seiko liked" irkes'_ OJAI imam die
dl to..X eit aalsiff liscism. Oft
of Mte 4 AWL, Sle ~WA 15%61
i lt
'lmisedlitir NC sw
aphid • • egalloromas. , paisol imil lui aI F
FA-141 " kirNigai ffrai V •
, , • , .
1 , 'Jam I. lIMIL • , - • -4 . --
Ii -Nana—
I= Mils la bresky givaa'ASsinew
sasses la_ lima *SW OM. f. eipalW,
Pa.i.sma rasmotai as sake ht
mediate parseat. sad an pesos barbw
=sostate men =wat, o ar id
MOB Onag.
1' Jaaiilo 'IMP
TWA,' G Bested Pro
.I.P posh; wilthe riesdyed iit the knee
lieet.3lulsimea Wallas tarp.. es Teasley ,
Jae. 22. r ata vre - olidesk p. fe. rise Use WM.
hid aid MIAOW hehtpithre. traipse._ e
ning C ree k .liiiis laid lepitsweaut,ssil imps .
is be WO epos theerise passel the aid Mess 7 .
it said polet. , IIN. S. DOIXIII,
.a n A. arto Moo cum p
t Vass's'. 011ke. Jose 6.1849. Cesseheissan.
' , A MONISM'S- NOTlCl—Nottoe is
Ai hereby ens thot sQ porsoutsiebtod to
be estate of: THOMAS UM of Me
at= UM.. sil o - to=oti to sok. bo•
Sm' = f a dloil am.
Nis t ma4 Wit 1111112,
. .
Smarm Ommitei's since,
- Hmuussana Pi., Bay a Me.
To TUE .owner or, tiprsiftornn
In obedience to ems . of Asarably.amoved
the eth day of Aprn,eittothistsant has
dred'ind - dxty-whie, jowls hereby notified
. that the "Penal' Lir &LW Docket,' eamtain-
kg the list of upateated kids for Bradford
minty, peeper• d under the Act of Amembly of
the twentieth of Kay. one thou:and eight hun
dred and sixty-four. and the simplemsat there- -
to, has this day been forwarded to the Prothon
otary at the county, at whose
ft May be
examined.,.. csa only be . liquidated
by the payment of the purchase mosy, talons'
acid fees, ant. reoelvisfr patents throweit this
Department. ' .Proceedings by, the Mom,
General have been stayed lon mui year from
this rate. la order that parties may obtain
their petards without addittonat east -
May 11,1E69. Burveyor Gees:al.
virtue of an order issued orn of the Or
phan's Court of Bradford 00111ity;, the under
signed aeminiatrator of the estate of John
Horton,. late of the Township of Terry, der.'d,
will expose at public sale on the Omens. on
WEDNLItiDAY, Jane 30, at 10 rs'eloek a. a., the
following described lot, piece or parcel of bad
situated in said township Mown as the Home
stead, boundrd as follows •
ed the.. North by land of Ge e. FAlorton,
East by the Somnel - anna Biter. South by W It.
limn Terry, and West by Myron Babcock, con
tainiag 80 acres - more or lea, (`nelnding his in- '
teiest-lu sew mill and prindege,) , shoat 30 •
saes improved, dwelling home two barns,'
store house, out buildings and fruit trees these- -
on. (Subject to any incumbrasee us account •
at provisions madein the wU' of sold testator.,
for .Harry Horton.)
ALSO--One.other lot snows mese "Dodge
Farm," la which said John Horton °weed 3osi
undivided halt. past or moiety, sold "Dodge
Farm," bounded and described - es Mows. on
the North by lands of Jobs P. Hoare. Tot by
the Snsonehuurs River, South hy beds of An
J. Jae,tsca And Joseph =et d West
by C. Thompeos and Jno. Lenten. 'eattsiiihrg
• 100 Acres more or lee; about 100 acres Improved,
drilling house and good Irani and fruit trees
thereon. • i
TERMS. --4150 be paid when 11141 parcel of
land Is struck down, 61000 mt each pares! on
confirmation of sale, balance* la two emit sa•
nail Installments from confinestion, with in
ezest on all stuns unpaid annually.
- Exemiten.
Tbe &limiter J ars fat isib-Ida tun t
in - Canton, containing snout eighty six acres,
room seventy. improved, the bnprovemeate are
Gee Dwelling nom, one Hers, ow Milk Seas*
one Saw Mill in good running order, with .12
horse Portitde Bagineespable of muting Jan!,
it ean also be run by water a portion of • the
year, Connected with the same, all the 111011•11.
ry machinery for manutecuming wages labs,
in good order, • there Is also a thrifty
apple Orchard on the premien, aad other re =
-trees aroond• the house. the le located
about two mUse from Cant co Village d with
in one hundred rods of Aa Wlllirsport A; Jilt
mire B. - 11., For terse all on 0. Stockwell at
Canton, or the subscriber oaths provokes.
W ay 9, 1869. •
; '.'ll`
Kay 18,10 t.
Nay 10. 1869?
Alison`: i
FOR SALE.—A large: two . story
House and oil sad atahaltaere of laud
situated one calla trent Burlington Bore. Tbi;
same is well Intend, sad surreanded with
trait trere,good ostAmtUdlngs, and war a din
Wet school - For farther information, apply to
Yflton Coollteush, on the promises or to H. B.
McKean at his L. w oaks, Towanda, Pa.
June 8.1848.=w3 •
..pestaus • OBSERVL-BED
SIRS-A Thoroughbred. Short Horn or
Durham Ball, recorded stock. A. 11; B. , voi. 8.
Will stead for service the primal season, on
Joseph Hornet's farm, in Kouroeton, at We fol
lowing very low rate of service, cub Sown.—
Single cow, 83 ; Two cows, SS ; Flue or six
cows. $lO. Ten cows. M. Also for sale,
calves', both heifers and balls, the get of Red
• Kirk. Call and examine the stock.
Moaroeton Way 6, 18 63.
As persons wisblog 'steps. sills.
lintels. water tables, or soy kind of band lag
stone, will plesseadilreas the undersigied. All
orders promptly attended to.
J. W. 430 ODWIN.
P. 0. Box 330.
P. B.—Ans oilier; lett with Ants Baez will
be forwarded." lay 5.'59
the package or hundred at
May 20. O. B. ?mail.
CHOICE FLOlllt'all the grades at ,
The lowest possible prices.
Feb. 24 , • ItcCLßlt & 111 X. _•
This perdu , Hotel basin bees thconsetly
refitted and repaired, and taishibed throngeent
with new and elegant reuniters. • will be epea
for the reception of gusts. on LOMAT.
1,1869 neither expanse nor paha - las been'
spared In rendering this house a model Hotel,
In all its amassment,.
A superiekquality old Barton Ale for brands
just received. ;• -
• April 28, 1849. •
" the ' ewe " Pri"L COWILL a 3MCIL
- I -
GooD ?got Inman
. Towsids.losy " P&
wit Ware. le. COWELL i NYU.