Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 17, 1869, Image 1

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Tasslispoirsa is published only Wm!.
.ay Morning, by S. W. Axvoin and IL J.
Cr arson, at $2 per annum in advance.
ADVERTISEMENTS, exceeding Moen
lines are inserted at inn cars per Halt An
first insertion, and rrvs =sr per line for
subsequent insertions. Special notices in
serted before Marriages and Deaths, tin
be charged mast aura per line tot each
insertion. All resolutions of Associations ;
communications of limited t Or. Individual
ntereskand notioes of Matthaei or Deaths
exceeding Ave lines, are charged Till CMS
n line.
1 Year. 6 mo: 3 ino.
One Column, $lOO $6O $4O
Kali 60 35 25
One are - 7 15 10
Bstray,O Squ n a t i on , Lost anttl'onnd, andother 7i
advertisements, not swain 10 line
three weeks, orlon, $1 50
Administrator's k Execrator's•Notktes..ll 00
Auditor's Notices 2 60
Business (lards, five lines, (per year)..6 00
Merchants and others, advertising their
business, will be charged $25. They will
be entitled to 4 column, confined exclusive
y to their bzusinessorith privilege of quarter
-4y changes...
Advertising in all cases exclusive of
wibscription to the paper.
JOB PRINTING of every kind, in Plain
?Ina Fancy colors, done with neatness and
dispatch. Handbills, Blanks, Cards, Pam
phlets, .te., of every variety and style, prim
,ed at the shortest notice. The Biros=
`)rhos has just been re-fitted with Power
?resses, and every thing in the Printhig
ice can be executed in the most artistic
manner and at the lowest rates. TERNS
W B. KELLY, Dentist. Office
se • our Wickham & Black's, Towands,Ps.
Particular attention Is called to Autumn
as a base for Artificial 'Teeth. Having used
this materiels for the put fonr years, I csa
confidently recommend it as being farm
to Bobber. Please call and emuniaa
sm. Chloroform administered when desired.
May 20,1868.
ITENRY PEET, Attorney at-Zero, MYERS' MILL!
Towanis, Pa. jon27, 66.
4 .I DW4RD OVERTON Jr., Attor-
Aney al ;Law, Towanda, Pa. Mee former
.ccupied by Ole late .1. C. Mama.
March !.,1869
TORNE V AT LA IV—Office corner of
fain and Pine streets, opposite Ponce's Drug
• Towanda, Pa• Office over the Bakery
South of the Ward House and opposlt the
Court Rouce. -Nov. 3, 1868.
Lf Office in Patton's Block, over Gore's Drug
ni Chemical Store. Manes
H. WARNER M. D. . 'Physician
J. and Surgeon, Leßaysvitle, Pa. After
nearly seven years experience ,and extensive
practice, wenld respectfully tender his profes
sional services to the people of Leftaysville and
vicinity. Office same as formerly occupied by
Drs. Dewitt Ict..Davis.
March 3. 3ra•
U B . 0 0RD—Licensed Atictio leer,
Wit att- uu promptly to all business entrusted
to tam. :barges moderate. Feb. 19, IE6B.
FOWLER it CO—Real Estate
R• Dealer . s, No. 70, Wean' ton St., oppo.
site Opera Rouse, Chicago. 111. Real Estate
potchased a-d sold. Investments made and
money I sued. 1.. 1-IINT.
April 21, 1842. R. Forces.
(G zaduate of Woman's Medical College,
it hiladelphta, Class 1854.) Office and residence
No. IL Pars street Owego. Particular atten
tion given to Diseases of Women. Patients
isited at their homes if reqnested.
%lay '29. 1868
. 4 1RANCIS E. POST, Painter, Tow
anda, Pa, with 10 years experience, la con
•nt he can give the beat astlaaction in Paint
• Graining, Staining, Glazing: Papering, fr,c.
ea-Pa etieular attention paid to Jobbing in the
•:tatry. . April 8, 1846.
K. VAtTGLlAN—Architecl and
• Boilder.—All kinds of Architectural de-
:13 tarnished. Ornamental work in Stone,
171 And Wood. Office on Main street, over
Co?s Bank. Attention given to Dm
.xrchitectore. such as laying out of grounds
1. April 1, 1867.-Iy.
f EEWUR & MORROW, Attorneys
‘,l /.me, Towanda, Penn's,
, undersigned having assocjited themselves
••.%cr in the practice of Lasr offer their pro•
- nil s-rvices to the public.
S. T H. CA RN OC HAN—Attorney
• at Law, (District Attorney for Brad.
County.) Tray. Pa. Collections made
and promptly remitted. Feb. 15. 1869.—tf
EAriv, Towa•.ds,Brad ford Co. Pa.
;t•-iral insurance and Real Estate Agent.—
tutie , ,lnd Pen l / 2 lona collected. N. B.—All
tu the. Orph 1.12' • Court attended to
orii,nitly mid with care. Olrice Mereuee new
n WI side Public Square. Oct. '24, '67.
•; , I' LA fr, ToWanda, Pa. Particular at
• catlon given to Orphans' Court business, Con
. -'anciog and CA.llections.
./s4- °lice at the Registet's -and Recorder's
th of Colt-1 otoase. Dec. 1. VMS.
11 B. JOHNSON, Physician and
a - Surgron, Towasns. Pa. Office with W,
occ.r Wickham k Brack: Residence
ilumphrey's on Second Street.• •
Pi. Ali business intrusted to
• .• it receive prompt attention. Office
•,. I Velv o-onnied by NietTur & Mor
.•, no stairs.
.'ll% 14. :4 '4.
.11,irty Winter wheat Flour per
h ri,red $5 00 61, $5 50
.1 e Fl , nr per hundred 3 r.O
1 . ,11 n Np.a I and Rye and Corn Feed 2 00
n, i; wheat Flour, ner hundred
A f iir margin allowed to dea ers,
co•oom grinding to:Lally done at once, as the
ap wity ~f th-, mill hi sufficient for a large
Lin aunt 01 work. A. £. INGHAM..
ramritown, Matoh 21, 1.469.
The slb,criher h3vina leased this house, late.
'y oo•upled by %.(:. Bentley, and thorcinghly
!,:..iired and re-S , tel It, is now ready to ac
th trlseßbg pablin. Every en
,.elsor will to • 'lady to satisfy those who may
txrir him with a cull. A. G. REYNOLDS.
FAL. 1, If, i.- Fm •
3. Cor. Bridge and Water Streets,
NI. 11 CALK I NS Pi oprletor. airiifed by L
I'. lloesE, formerly of ' Repo Holse," Eluting
FenrCa. Feb 24, ISO tf
tving leasNl this H ii mow rellv to ac•
.n tu )date the Travelling public. No pains
r ex pense will be spared to give satisfaction
t h nr w .o •xt.iy give him a call.
r North side of the public square, east of
- uew block [now building).
Having purchased and thoroughly refitted this
and we 11-kown stand. formerly. kept by
Gras, at the mouth of Bummeregid
e^—k.!. ready VI give good accommodations
101 sAtiitactory treatment to all who mai fs.
hiin with a call. Dec. 23, 1868.—tf.
, n Main Street, near the Coart Roan
C: T. SMITH. Proprietor
' , L4, 1886
- -
C,mptown, Bradford Co.. Pa. Malaita
I:k many employers for put patronage would
respectfully inform the citizens of Bradford
equoty that he is prepared to 30 any work it
his line of business that may be intrusted to
Cm : Those having disputed lines would do
Acil.:o have their property accurately - surveyed
' allowing themselves to feel aggrieved by
" it neighbors. All work warranted correct
rtr u the nature of the case will permit...
ill papitented lands attended to as soon as
sisrrtnts are obtained. ,
Pe, 2t, '69 -ly _ O. W. STEVENS.
1) 00TOE O. LEWI-S
a gsaduate of the College of "Physician;
and gurgeons," New York city. Class 1843-4
gire exclusive attention to the practice of his
uscuelvion Office and residence on the east
rra slope of Orwell Hill, adJoinirg Henry
inviary 14. 1549.
r, ruled, ready ground, or ground io order
untoin 243, 4, or 5 pound boxes.
._, f Irlq rl ;5 itrz zfl I:: rP*l X
- "
• .
AL 1 1 7 4DIEt.ti' , &'
- -
ds. Pa. Pestioaler attain= pal/ to bagasse
a the Orphans' Coast. July 20. WA.
WT. DAVIES, Attorney at Law,
T T • Towanda, Pa. Once with Wm. Wat
tles, En Pattleslar sitealleat peldis Or
plats' Court buziness'ead 'eetAlemat of dem
dente estates._
Alai NOTARY PUBLIC. Mani In the
borough of To wends, Pa., for seinewledging.
the Eneestion of Deeds. elostpies, Letters or
Attorney, WPIs Contacts, Affidavits, Pen
sioner. PaPero aid other lege Isstruniente.
Apell SS, 1869.
Wyer; Poster 1 Co., will deliver Flour, Feed.
Meal, Graham Fkier, or any, thus else in their
line in any pa tat the
Customer. will dud anT a S e ider Book at the
store of Fos. Stevens. Smear 1 Co. All or
ders left in said book will be promptly attend.
eel to.
Any Inquiries in regard to Grindlng. or other
business of the Mill, entered !Weald Book, will
be answered.
Towanda, Jane 24,1848.—tf.
opened a Banktng Bona "In Towanda, an
der the name c; G. P. MaBON & CO.
They are p rep ared to draw Bllls_of
change, and 'male collections in New York,
Philadelphia, and all post's= of! the United
States, as also England, Germany, and Prance.
To Loan money, receive deposits , sad to do a
general Banking badness.
G. P. Mason was one of the late firm of
Laporte, Is eon it Co., of Towanda, Pa. and
his knowle ge of the business men of Bra dford
and adjoining Coanties,and having been in-the
banking business for about fifteen years. make
this house a desirable one, through which to
make collections.
Towanda. Oct. 1,1866. A. G. MASON.
H. B.' McKEAN, ItiAi. Bsurs Aosta
Valuable Parma, Mill Properties, City and
Town Lots for sale.
Parties having property for sale will find it
to their advantage by .eaving • desnriptios of
the same. with terms of sale at this agency, as
parties are , :onstantly enquirim for farms lc.
Real Estate Agent.
Office llontanye's Block, Towanda, Pa.
Jan. 29, 1867.
Hare on hand for the Spring trade, the largest
aaaortment of
to be foundd in this part tf the country,
which they will fell at the most reasonable pri
ces, and warrant all work. All that doubt need
but call and examine. A word to the wine Is
sufficient. N. KINNEY A CO.
April 1,1869.-6 m
The subscribers having purchased of Mr.
Barns his interest in the ldrmuustmo Maas
will carryon the business of Milling,-_and
guarantee all work done by them to be of
the very best quality.
Wheat, Bye and Buckwheat Flour, and
Feed constantly on hand,' for sale at the
lowest cash price.
Myereburg, Sept 24, 1868.
Having entered. Into a copartnership for the
transaction of the PHOTOGRAPHIC buslneN,
at the rooms formerly occupied by Wood and
Harding, would respectfully call the attention
of the public to several styles of Pictures which
we make specialties, as: Solar Photographs,
Plain. Penciled and Colored, Opaltypes, Porce
lain Pictures, Itc., which we claim for dement'
and brilliancy of tone and Artistic finish. can
not be excelled. We invite all to examine them
as well as the more common kinds of Portraits
which we make, knowing full well that they
will bear the closest inspection. This Gallery
claims the highest reputation for good work of,
any in this section of country, and we are d.
[ermined by a strict attention to business and
the superior quality orodr work, to not only
retain but increase its very enviable reed/alien.
We keep constantly on hand the best variety
of Frames audit lower prices than at any other
establishment In town. Also Passepartouts
Card frames, Card Easels, Holmes' Stereo
sco'pes, Stereoscopic Vies, and everything else
of importance pertaining to the business. Give
as an early call,
N. B.—Solar Printing for the trade on the
most reasolable terms. D. HARDING,
Aug. 29..A7. F. SM A LLEY.
onox'a co.'s'iwis OF aTTANsturs roOK OR TO
Williams h Gnion'a old "Black Star Line" o
Liverpool Packets, sailing every week.
Swallow-tail Line of Packets from or io 1 ,,
don, sailing twice a month.
Remittaneea to England, Ireland and Scotland
payable on demand.
For farther particalars, apply to Williams a
Gaion, 29 Broadway, New• York. or
G. F. MASON & Co., Banters,
Oct. 1, VW. Towanda ,Pa
• MACHINIST, Tow Liana, PA. Milli built
and Renal , ed, Engines, and Boilers set in the
beat manner. I would call the atteLtion
mill owners to me
As combining ill the elements of a Mt-class
motter, simplicity of construction, aceessibit
ity, great strength of parts. developing the
amount of power for water used, easily
repaired, running under backwater with no det
riment to power except diminition of bead, re
go icing no alteration In Rill frames or addition
to flume, will ran under low bead, and made of
any Mired capacity. These wheels -will be
furnished at less than one-half the abet .of any
other diet-class wheel in market, and warrant/.
ed to perform all that li claimed for them—
These wheels will be made for dilivery with or
without cases, on abort notice of the best iron
in market.
For full particulars address or enquire of the
undersigned. G. 8. PECK, Towanda, Pa.
P. B.—These wheels caw be seen Is operation
at Messrs. Horton & Wells' 1111. Towanda twp.
The wheel. are wholly composed of Iron as now
made. Jan. le, 1869.—tt
One of the best Literary Inntitutklia of the
country, accept/de fovin all potato, le nituated
The departmeMs are complete. lbe "C Mod
cal" embraces all those studies 'required for ad
mission to our best Colleges. Mao a thorough
drill in the - modern Language,.
The English coarse comprehend's both the
common branches, taught in Elementary
fichrhi, and many of the higher brandies; san
allypursued is the Colleges, in the Commer
cial course the Instruction is as thorough and
eomplete in oar most successful Commercial
Instruction-upon the Piano and I organ by the
old methodsleo by Robins' new Amer ic an math- '
od, by which pupils can acquires knowledge
of Music in one-third the time watch It hitorrto
The rates of tation are very moderate". Board
obtained at reasonable prices—a' limited num
ber of pupils can be ammoniated is the Amilhs
of the instructors. Rooms can be swarm
which students eau board themselves an les
sen the expenses onolialf.
The Summer Term consisting of Id weeks will
open on Tuesday, Man* left - -
For particulifersoldmale, • •
A. J. LAN ,G. A Z. Pelaclpal.
A. Yam, President of Board Titans.
Feb. 25, 1869
T 448 IN UM
atoo/MC k NM&
j -
It is a well known fact that during
the greater portion of the war, Rear
Admiral Porter 'commanded on the
Mississippi. On hie arrival at Cairo,
Illinois, in 1862, he proceedud to re
organize the squadron, and one .of his
first official acts vas to divide the
river, from Cairo to New Orleans, in
to eight districts, each one o! which
was commanded by an old regular
officer, who, in addition to his flag.
ship, generally an iron -clad, had un
der his command eight of ten vessels
of the class denominated tin-olils,
and these vessels were in charge of
volunteer officers, who were in most
cases men promoted from the' ranks
for their gallantry, and' of but little
naval experience.
In consequence of this last. fact, the
Admiral found it imperatively neces
sary to issue sir inept orders to the
effect that no cotton should be ship
ped, nor provisions landed, except
under the guns of the flagship ; and,
above all other things,, no one was to
be permitted either to land or leave
the shore without having a permit
signed. by the officer commanding the
The fourth district, extending from,
Bayou Sara to red river, was com
manded by Captain G. R. Watts,
whose flagebip,the iron-clad Hohawk,
was anchored off Bayou Sara. Cap
tain Watts was an officer of zeal and
ambition, and greatly annoyed 'the
rebels by his frequent capture :of
boats passing from one shore to an
other, thereby cutting off their sup
plies of percussion caps and other
much needed articles, and sometimes
intercepting important despatches.
' On the night f August 7th, 1863,
an armed boat from the Mohawk had
captured a sluff crossing from the
west side of the river, and containing
a young officer, who stated that his
name was Charles F. Gore ; that he
was returning from a visit to his
mother and sisters, who were resid
ing just back of Bayou Sara. Hp al
so stated that his rank !was that of
lieutenant, and that he was an aid of
General Dick' aylor, whose head
quarters were then at Alexandria, on
the Red rivet.
On the evening of August 7th, the
officer of the deck on the Mohawk re
ported to Capt. Watts that three la
dies were on store abreast - or the
ship, and that one of them was wav
ing her handkerchief, and was' evi-•
dently desirous to .Come on board",
The captain, ordered a boat manned
and sent in, and in a feW minutes. it
had returned with them. On reach
ing the quarter-deck, the eldest of
the ladies inquired for the captain,
and on that ,gentleman approaching
she introduced herself as Yrs. Coulter,
and the two ladies with her , as her
daughters, and stated that . the young
officer captured a few days betbre,
was a son by a former glart:lfprin4-
that she desired an int.:any with'
him. The request was at once grant
ed, and the ladies were (*ducted to
the room where ring -One was
%intend. Captam Watts - , then, re
tired to his cabin, and had justereach
t.3.d there whei the offiter.of the' deck
sent word. 'that a :Steiner &Mktg
down the river had blown three whis
tles as a signal 'thatshe dnked: :to
communicate. Capta in Witte replied
that the , steamer night come along:
side, sod in a manes:she win
securely lashed to the portliarnkif
the Nottawk, when the -neen
panied by a grave lookisiginiiddle
aged gentleman dame en boar&
. Th e ,
stranger Was introduced as Mr. Ours,
eitinn of Chicago,, who, hitl.SOula
Sonth:for the PurpoaS4r pprrcriafiiig
cotton; and npon-Uapteli Witte *-
fig if be had „the!
he replied in the ettirituttive,-anil Pro
duced oiniigned by the Secretary of
the TreaSny,,.: l glflaptakilifaUs
. 11 - 1 eXi gualsg tAte i
the "diock!stiii
-i:,-,,; r..-: t ,z,:,, ) f
_ 1
•"! f
/Mid fOry.
' 'Titit ithrOil iioT.' • ' ' ' ' .'- `..
BI 70~ 44-11M1211111,
Maley conk, Moulin
Barefoot boy, with climb of tan I
With glolufltelllontokamo... , • •
And thy wiry; vhisikd tunes—
With thy:od lips :adds! still,
Hissed by strambersisi on the
With the inuuldnecit thy hoe.
Through thy tent briut t iattntf ti ;
Frini lay bassi I gill you*, •
I was once a barefoot boy.
o! for boyhood's painless "play. •
Sleep that wakes in laughing day,
Health that knocks the doctor's rules.
ne4ir krieeld it seboole.
Of the wild bee's morning chess,
Of the wild flowers time and place..
Flight of fowls and habitude.
Of the tenants of the wood.,
How the tOtt*llt IMMO big ahsil,.
Here tie woodchuck digs his cell, -
And the ground mole sinks his well,
How the robin feeds her young, •
How the orioles nest is hung ;
Where the whitest, l il lesfrew,
Whereihe freshest berries grew.
Where the ground-ant trail his vine,
Where the wood-grape clusters shins;
Of the black wisp's cunning way,
Mason of his wall of clay,
And the mehiMatural plans,
Of gray-hornet artisans !
For eschewing boas and tasks, •
Nature answers 611 he asks ; -
Hand in hand with her he leaks,
Face to face with her he talks,
Pot and lima of herjoy—' '
Blessings on the barefoot boy!
Cheerful, then, my little man,
Live and laugh, as boyhood can.
Though the flinty' Mopes be hard,
Stubble spread the new mown swar3.
Every morn shall learthee through
Fresher baptism of the dew;
Every weaning from thy feet,
Shall the cool wind kiss the heat ;
In the prison cell of pride,
Loose the freedom of the sod,
Like the colt for work be shod,
Made to.tread the miles of toil,
Up and down the omelet moil—
Happy if thy track be found
Never on forbidden ground—
Happy if they sink not in
Quick and treacherous sands .of
Ah ! that thee may know the joy,
Lyre it passes, barefoot boy.
f •
l ,
pr. 111)00M th a x by her . . . • tank
uti hs
'tiltAilli - .. Aft er • t
for the in , Mrs. 0.. ery ser 7
needy ind Apieeitaly ked Ow
Captain for hinitlnd tre e ut of he!:
sOn, and was then abou t Ao 'Adis', '
when Mr. Gars , who, ~0 n 'the en;
Ariiiiee bf' the liiiii*l • -'' '. • . 'to
.the further end Of the nab . 'addam
4 =odilifiont4flfra.; . and ek g
I dtrea
,t.l49%.•ktuiv*lo",i). '
The lady looked up, withont
utteringikmakieli Fi less into
the stranger's arms. This remarka
ble okeimitikoirtiiiited test'
a:ailment * whiOit "NI RA klitPl•
ed byAhn gentleman pietist kiss of,
ter .kissAlliftfl ' Mrk -Gild- •f! .. 11 P La '
CIA Wafts ' sienuibliar ' s urgeon,
and the, laps!, with the i naeists . *of
thet'yOufig 'ladies; manssl . in - the '
Course of fifteen' minutes„, to restore
.vroicito..exialetomitill, • • en she
found Mr. Cure kneeling a her side;
liiid exclaiming; '• • .'"- ".•-. ' '-'•'' , 1
, !! Thank Gal_ it is apt dont V I
l ie
4yokiiig lanes 104- ' igitilWd
spectators of this scene, a now tbe
eldest bent over-sad said, )
"Mother who is this m ? and
what does 'this mean?" ' • -
Mrs:Ceolter' •Made _inn-. • p ly, but
gave an, appealing look to stran
ger, owhO 'sit • Mit* teitied.. related
the following stung s tory :
"Twenty - tiro yenta igo met in
New Orleans, a planter fee iug near
Bayou Seen; - who 'wee the '' looking
for an overseer. I at that , time was
a youth Oflerenty-thieeingi had .been
brought up on I farm in Connecticut;
I bad come &oath fee' the -pprpose of
obtaining. employment, and at onus
offered my services to th planter,
whose name wail Atkinson. .
He accepted the offer, an. in a few
days Lwas duly installed i . the posi
tion of overseer at Clifton. Col. At
kinaon's family consisted o - his wife
and one daughter, the latte a young
add beautiful girl of eighteen, who
had but recently returned from. a
Nee* York. boarding school. ' ': ._
Mary Atkinson was a crpature of
impulse, and I a anacepti le yenth.
We met frequently, and d apifi the,
difference in our stations ,
ormed a
frie,.. .... ,which - soon dfled into
love. " e knew that Colonel Atkin
son would never. consent to receive
me as his son-in-law, and so we were
secretly married. Three wombs at
ter the ceremony had been perform
ed, the marriage warrdidooovered. I
made arfull confession to Oclonel A-,
received his forgiireness, an was ad
mitted into hie family, pan .. treated
by all with the respect due he future
head of the house. I
"Some weeks - after the iscovery
and forgiveness,
"I was se kt o r f by,tbe
Colonel:and told by him ilia he
3 ,
sired me to go, to Illinois ,
is look af
ter some western litidp wld he 'tint
purchased some years bcfo I gld
ly acceeded to the request, nd in , a
day or two le f t Clifton. As I expect
ed to , be absent some mouths, it was
arranged that my" wife, whi. health
was deVcste,!ehould visit h relation
in New Orleans, and rem in theie
until my return. ,
" I arrived in -Chicago land
weeks after - I . ldt Clifton, and had
been there bake few days hem l re
ceived s letter,from my fath r-ii. law,
dated New Orleans, and st aling that
my wife had been. takensuddenly and
alarmingly ill, - - but was t en some
what better and considere Ot of
dangui. Ten,_ days later I redlived
another letter fro Col. A., in ;Mich
he informed me of My wife'S drib.—
The letter was: it long one,an is,,it he
gave all the pirticulars of Mylrifes
illness, the name of the physiCiafewho
had attended het, and the n Oil the
cemetery where she was in rtid.—
In conclusion, - be informed mrthat
his wife's heath Was much i paired,
and that he intended to tak her to
Europe in the 'next steamer that left
New Orleans. -
41 The. - 111w was a° iidde* And my
suffering so intense, that it b rought
onn attack of the brain fe er, and
for_weeks . I was confined to l my bed.
When I became - Conialeseent, I tho't
over all the events of my lif at Old- _
ton .and for the fitettimei ' 'don
entered my mind that Colon I Atkin
son might mot have been si te, and
the story of my wife's death, and his
suddenderiarture for Europe 'II rd.°
to prevent my returning Sco t & I de
termined to sift the matter t . °rough
"Another mouth found in; in New
Orleans. I went at once to the retsi
deuce of Dr. Wee,' and fo finitely
found him at home. I' co.. menced
the conversation by 'aikir.g him . if he
nef i
had wife dun her last
illness'. "He replied thithe id, and
at the time of her,,iliness she was vis
iting his wife; h`er cousin, and had
died at ,his hotute, l He thin
his desk, and took from it it lacit - Of
o L
hair, which I !eco*nized ail m wife's;
a miniature painting of her, and her
wedding ring. These things e Wind
ed to me with the remark - at Qolo;
nel Atkinson, thinking it tobable
visit New. ... -,.. ..,.
thafl would vent New- wood
left 'Tthem in his keeping, wi th in
structions to delivet them to tee.—
Dr.tates then offered to ". pasty
me to the.oemeter ) Where- - wife
was buried, • I
"Together we went to . 1
Cemetery, *here I found 0
son'. iota and hi ita new. me
at the head'of Which iris n
monument, wrected to the:*
my wife, and on it was engi
till same of- Mary F. Gunk
date of her death.
" That night I imitate:li I :
and from thenekreturied to
and engaged in mercantile
-I Cow thcee-ch,ilthen t .,
gentlemen, this lady,'' poi
Mrs. Coulter, "Li the wife
mourned for twenty /esti."
Mrs. Coultir — thin::iaid.;
days i efter you left, Clifton, • ;
infortied melted ne late • •
to liew.Orlesno. hs 4,
pbetlio:ttek Mrs: titeatitot •
at once wrote to you of the,j
inroni . , plate. TO this letter
ed.ito.reply, nor did I hear
you' for Six weeks.. ..At the e
time my father received a 1
forminglost yonrdesthi • • •
that you had fallen a-victim
!aid flit
thoughts sud,wpOs. w ere
-LW -ft-, 0 9ktc1:14
1 44 43 00 11- Wadi% $
iad, hell, now 4 - :s4o,4ka
` . :4 7 ftiiiiiii*liiirilitttaf t , blttitlit his
targli O din
for his cruelty ycni
qy vtlEs ; inadimb*Bp-ti
r stud
bitSirst -tT,tte kaafta,„
Dr. Bites ' was tsar dogi
that hasneTeiWielfinth.
down tWitrieili got
Orlemitolnwairmaireniss4our sup
posed death in Berm Sara.
Tiiio*Triroliker ; 4411)a
son, I was married to Mr. Conft.,
P4 o is the Aar* *me
kin' believe to 'aye toms
innocent of anyshsre in the foul con
spiracy timt i rninedim u died soon at .
ter my Second ' marriage.,
While MM.:Coulter was speaking,
Captain Watts 'had - stepped , out and
yetuineilikith)ol4 Sore. ' As the
lad oimainded, she fed to 'the
tonaig billse:wlrini, Yr. Beira-far the
wine Wear 'With his
filthit *Won idtrptitrii litin Chica
go. 'olitained' a dieOros !Wallis first
wiiii,iinTiii,niditikiegithinitize his
childrenby: his IleCObit
compelled to have the 'therdigelier
.eamny perfetiiied oee itti‘d. Mrs.
Conitet did the lathe.
" What'will on take to drink f"
asked the waiter of a yminglid ' , who
for the Seat time accompanied his
father to a'public dinnet. Udggrtlih
what to - any, and feeling into that he
could not be wrong if he folltiled his
father's example, he repli+l
"I'll take what Meek takes."
The answer. lent:hid the father's
ear, slid instantly the lull responsi•
bility of his position reihed upon him.
If he had said, " take ale," as he
always had said before; hi on would
take it 'also, and And the
father ihiddered ai the h istory of
lieverld riling - men, who, oboe prom
hang like his own bright lad, • bad
been ruieed i b y drink, started up in
the solem n 'warning before him.—
Shen* his hope also be Whited, and
that open-faced, ,noble lad EieCome a
bimien Jiturse as they had be
come ? But for strong drink they
would have
_keen . - Active, eireest„
prosperous data ;. and if it could work
such ruin 'them, ottn
eon safe? Quicker than lightning'
aided_ thonghta passed through his
mind, mad * a moment the decielon
iras *tide. " if the boy failske stall
not have me to blame ;" and then,
tenealremulous with emotion, to the
astoubbment of those who - knew him,
be said, " Waite; take water ;
and from that day to this, strong
drink hae i been banished from that
man's home.
The young - lad, in his brief utter
ance, was really the represent.ttive
of the generation . to which. he be
longs: God
- has so decreed , it, that
the father is the highest authority in
the werldto his child. Who does not
titow that "Illy father said so," is the
end of all controversy .with the, pule
ones around nu? Who Is not see
the parent' s tone, gait, An manners
continually reproduced in, the chil
dren whose nature is now soft as wax
to receive an impression, and rigid at
marble to retain it, and who, watch
with a quick, imitating eyes those
who to them are God's vicegerents ?
- Would that we could impress upon
the` fatheri and mothers of this coun
try-the solemn fact that the future
charaCter of their r iohildren is being
- formed by them thatif they are train
ed up in. the way they should 'go,
when they are old they will not de•
part from it ; but that, if they become
vain, sensual, and degraded, the,
seat lilt- have been deposited and
the bias given in the early morning
of their lives.— Voice of Truth.
—Everlasting equilibrium, or pay
your way is a fundamental principle
inimitable law of nature. If
you do not pay, then nature takes pay.
The account must be end is kept
square ; and nature, never sillies a
mistake—is never deceived. Nor is
there any use in trying to elude her
decrees, or to escape her jurisdiction,
or to evade her sheriff when she is
sues execution. Her detectives are
born in our own bosoma and have ac
cess the very recesses of our tieing.
A selfish man may surround himself
with everything which he most cov
ets ; he may lay under tribute the
vales of cashniere, the looms of Per
sia, the spice fields of Arabi" and the
mines of Golconda and fence himself
around with 411 wall of gold ; and yet
the Nemells - of iiiilated equilibr i um,
balance sheet and.' bill in hand
stiale that wall, and blast those lux
uries, snit hurl. Abe . plagues of
Egypt upon the delinquent. The wa.
tarot' his•hope shall be turned to the
blood of disappointment ; frogs
of .discontent r shaX croak in all lus
chambers ; the lids of secret evils
shall infeit bit wholesbeint:. the flies
of •ciiiisoikuliness. shall sting him;
the murrain of indulgence.shall con
siaie bite ; the' boils of shameless
wickedness shall cover him ; the hail
of malevolence shall devour him ; the
thick darkness of prostituted fami
lies shall envelop him ,• and over all
shall be heard his wail lot the death
of his first born—cf_ that in which r he
tad tirinited for liiiiipinieits, l o
which he had most cherishiugly set'
his heart of Mute. —Gums Dux; in
,Packerda Mon thl y, for lay.: •
, ,
• atifal
ooii of
'eh the
I - w Toil,
1 ,
• - fir-Goon thus.—At the —-41qtel
in.Cairo.,tboy- are noted for dinnitch
in Siting orders for Meade Ifs warm .
al sies is ordered , some time is taken
- to cok it. Not lon's iince I_ 'toiled
there, and sat down to the table with
,elderly gentleman, who ordered a
squirrel But his patience was . at
last esbausted, and he beckoned the
steward to him sad
,ssid ,
.".Hsi the sisal got a foOdigua ?"
What man Iftselind the steward.
. e) bit,
ting to
I have
"A few
, lather
ed visit
i• .to
i r ab be
l ive. .1
I . &silo
word of
d of that
.tter in
, stating
Ito I ma-
"TOc man that'. , ,tiiihciOkthe
agairtell ordered;" said the old gen-
Atli% with gravity. '—
Jost thee I choked, and did sot
here the steward's sourer bat, I saw
,* few 4 ,Rtis
* typal waifflevol.oll
with apparent iallab.
~» ..:i;
• -
; "I.
CV: • ”:ip i. ..y . 1, - ,-.1 ,!.,
. f . '` ' '_!,:fl
r ipiamiaL'
~lj*i ~
The temperance men affirm truly,
that alcohol is t poison to a well man,
decreasing his vitality, impairing his
health of body and mind, and blast
ing the happiness of himself and fam
iy ; and in their resolves they some
times advert to the danger of its use
as a medieine, meantime admitting
the truth of The theory that alcohol
is a " respiratory toed," a " support
er of vitality," &c. This is the great
fallacy of the temperance men. How
can alcohol be poison and food ? If
alcohol Is a poison to a . strong ,
healthy man , holy can it be • " sup
porter of vitality" to one just recov
ering from: typhoid fever ? In the ve
ry nature of the case it cannot be.—
Science enables us to demonstrate
that alcohol is in no way usable in
the organic economy, hence never is
food, but always poison._Thus we
there is written in te constitu
tion of every human being, by the
finger of Rim who created it, a pro
hibitory liw which must be recog
nised as the basis of legislation:—
Statutes should re-affirm the natural
law. The natural relation of alcohol
to the human sy-tem is only poison.
All license laws are in direct conflict
with natural law, and should be re
pealed. The law of Nature declares
alcohol a poison under every and all
circumstances. • Prohibition then is
the legitimate right and duty of the
law-making power.
The fact that science declares al
cohol a poison, should be taught the.
youth of our country through the me
dium of our common school system, 4
task easily performed. With such
basis prohibition could be easily en
forced. But without correcting pub
lic sentiment upon this great ques
tion, temperance men can never ee
-1 force a prohibitory statute, in fact
would not . sustain it themselves.—
' And why should they ? If alcohol is
" respiratory food," gOodfor persons
in depressed conditions, why should
we not all have access to it ? We
are all liable to become diseased, de
pressed, debilitated, l -- - and infirm at
times, and if alcohol can "support vi
tality," or is in any sense food, why
prohibit its use We could have no
right so to do, 'and rum/tellers would
not be wrong in claiming prohibitory
statutes unconstitutional. A fact
they well understand.
There can be no greater . inconsis
tency than that of temperance men,
fathers, mothers, halbands, wives,
who at the beck of an M. D., or even
a quack nostrum-vender, administer
alcoholic stimulants to " su pport the
strength" of theii dearest fr ieods,aud
at the same time'denounce on legis
lators for repealing prohibitory, and
substituting license laws. Such an
_ _
erroneous public _sentiment must be
corrected, and temperance men must
do it. Asa prominent member of the
Order to which you belong, jou can
render_ much aid. .
110PAILIFIlla tiLl4
,Wa - sergo Orli* the bat: lull ',be viri
WI .
WW um to dil a. sal is is ii; •
MYR be anima mrl 6114 ma beg
seemMinas Japposinutbprre ireidadagto do:
. pea* min inik, rot bulimia* wm Upt. •
0 pi. itif Mk bill UN(
tteilifirt ram«) IlOssamod
Taw s wolf IsAdruya dolidas, at Idal rata bolt
itailgat efi,i—keep peplooltr cool. ' . •
gialitai gig ram': awn wst sot ia* 4164
Theft hie sari loadidits tbal Toile sa sod
alma; ,
IT stmiglit and boseil; and sk a.'the dstr
Dais mu biao blab Is a er. alai" mi.
fed Ibla UM dna Ilri banal bddmin
Or adieu tasumitias .11) we, rir,ana • a
Mall Mlles in npitist essiMinl tad tabs., .
DM bap etralntit Mud Baal atm to ignite.
thriiMise iron took or old Iholdesed lone*,
now me Omura snitlisin atelot dQM, .
AM Ent Mbar dm" UM pm owl nag mar win ;
Dist dos' Lk excited Malmo they war.
yini dross In SS "obi" dos* think to ism*
Vas thoy adagio dm in • *O sitq a
Tont' shod Cl your mum, he'rotir V
But mind soar awn tonsiness—thare is *mkt to be
mini& -
They wm talk lien baton you, tut then at your back
Of vaunt ami dander these•. urvai a Let;
Now kind and petite in all that they W.
ad Uttar aria whoa you're out 91' Ur way.
The beet Iry to do le to do se you plesee..
Az yaw awn Lind, if yon have ono will then be at
Ormossir you will meet with W sorb of abuse.
t&Nut try to stop tiem—lt sit et say tee;
toe people will talk. you Mum people will Wk.
0 yes. they will tal, you know t
?MIDDY AND raacrics,
The magnitude Of the work for
temperance men to du, demands their
united efforts. That a correct theory
is also essiiotial to the attainment ,of
successful practical 'reach, in any
undertaking, is a fact that has many
illurtrations familiar to all. Butior
the theory of the earth's rotundity,
Oo!embus' would never have discov
ered America. And in the great
modern improvements of steam nevi.
gatlon, railroading, pr telegraphing,
no permanent progress was made
while experiments!, were based upop
false principles. I have little faith
in the great temperance movement
now sweeping over our country, or the
total abattuence legislation likely . to
grow out of it, unless the prevailing
theory of the relation of alcohol to the
living system is radically changed,
The temperance reform will never. lino
ceed until its i placed upon a correct
acientitic ba3ie
There are ofeaeedtemperance
men enough in the country to sup
press the rumtrailic in a short time,
if united upon _sound principles.
Such I deem the principles I haveen
denvored to present in %hit mum
icstion, and in lectures in different
places tho put winter, and expect to
continue to ovocate. These printi-
Ples ire being accepted, end when
everywhere presented and accepted
by tempirance men.' the impresses
reform will be readily and ea4ily s
chieved. " Tbeal abstinence in nich
nem and in heads, and under airy
and all circuntstances"—we bold to
be a law of our organisation, and the
only safe and tree;tem ranee_ plat
form. -
N. J. - wau, IL D.
—/Idependeat • a.
GOOD company sod good °mosso
lion aro the very 111‘o Of virtu.
MITIOC; says Anerbackwashes a sy
brnia the nod Me dad of owydsi
Wart rod was most famed 'by tbs
Ram deka of 014 ? Mood.
t :F
A BEAL E:pp.
Tio Weeks ego on - bOar..l an Snip
Imb isteimer a Hula tagged boy; stol
nine • .years, was disicovered on the
fourth day of the:ontward voyage
from Liverpool teYO44Ol cuir-
Tied befoie the tint mate, w hose , duty
it' was 'to deal with Such easel.—
Virhea:sphistioned as -ter - the object of
tile:bang stowed awiy, sad who bro't
him onboard, the , boy, who bad . ..
sunny tale and eyes that looked like
the very mirrors of truth, replied that
his stepfather did it, because be 'Co 'd
not afford to . keeP him; sor to . pay his
passage 0144 Halifax..7whererhe had
an mint who , wai off, and ta,
wh2se house be -was going. The mite
dieri ot believes his 'story, in spite of
the Winning face arid truthful accents
of the boy. Re hid seen the Much of
,stoiketways:to be easily deceived by
them, he &aid ; and it was his firm
conviction that the boy_ bad been
brought on board and provided with
food by the sailors. The littlefellow
.was very'roughly handled in ..conse
quence. Day. by day be was clues.
Monad and requestioned, but always
with the same result. Be did not
knoW a sailor on board, au I his Path.
er alone had.seereted -him and given
him the food which he ate.
At last the mate, wearied by the .
boy's persi-tence in the same story,
and perhaps a little anzioui to incul
pate the sailors, seized him one day
by the collar and dragging ,him td
the fore,told- him that unless be 09n
(eased the truth in ten minutes from
that time he would hang him 'on the
yard arm. He then made him sit
down cider it on the deck. All a
round him were the passengers and
the sailors of the midday watch, and
in front of him stood the inexorable
mate with his chronometer in his
hand,and the other officers of the
ship by hie side. It was the finest
sight, slid our informant, that we had
ever beheld—to see the pale, proud,
sorrowful face of that Coble x 4 his
head erect, his beautiful ey--..right
through the tears that suffused them
When eight minutes had fled, the
Mate told him he had bat two min
utes to live, and advised him to speak
the truth and save his life ; but he
replied with the utmost simplicity
and sincerity, by asking the mate if
he might pray.
the mate said nothing, but nodded
his beid, and turned as pale as a
ghost, and shook with trembling like
a reed With the wind. And thert,all
eyes turned On him, this brave rind
noble little fellow, this poor waif from
society owned iot, and wnose step
father could not care for him—there
he knelt with clasped binds and eyes
upraised to Heaven, while he repeat
ed audibly the Lord's Prayer, and
prayed the dear Lord Jeans to take
him to Leaven.
Our informant adds that there then
occurred a scene as of Pentecost.—
Bobs broke from strong, hard hearts,
as the mate sprang forwaid to the
boy and clasped him to his bosom
and kissed him and blessed him, and
toldlim , bow sincerely he now be
lieved his story, and how glad he was
that be had been brave enough to
face death and be willful/ to sacrifice
-nis life for the truth of his own word.
A BILAIITIPTE Fassuis.—The follow
iug is from the' r6 , eries of a bach
elor, by Ike Marvel :—"A poor man"
without genie kind of religion is at
beet but spoor reprobate, the foot
ball of. destiny, with no tie linking
him to infinity and the wondrous
eternity that is even worse—a flame
without heat, a rainbow without a
color, a flower' without perfume. A
man may in some sort, tie his hope
and .his honor to this shifting ground
tackle, to his business or -the world,"
but a woman without • that anchor
called faith, is a drift and a wreck 1
A man may in some sort-of moral re
sponsibility out of relation to man
kind, but a woman, in her compara
tively isolated sphere, - where affec
tiou and not purpose is the coutroll
iihg motive, ean i find no basis in any.
other system or!right action' but that
of faith. A man may craze his
thoughts to trustfnlnese, in such
poor harborage as fame and reputa
tion may stretch before him , but a
woman—where A eon she put heri hopes
in storms, if not Heaven? and that
sweet trathfulness--that abiding love
—that enduring hope mellowing
every page and scene in life—light
ing them 'with radiance, when the
world's storms break like an army
with cannon/ Who can bestow its
all but holy soul, tied to what is stron
ger than an army with canon ?
Who - has enjoyed the love of a Chris
tian mother, but will echo the thought
with energy, Sad hallow it - with
tears r
WATCHMAN, TAKIC BULD.-4t is not the
province -of the Good News to expose
the (multi of ministers, nor to read
them lectures upon the- neglect of du
ty. For the. narration of the follow
_ing incident, however', no opplogy is
needed. Its trathfulnes is vouched
for by Mr. Spurgeon, the - Celebrated
Baptist preacher, from one of whose
sermons it is slightly abridged.
An aged minister was sent for to
visit a dying man, who looked at him
earnestly for a few moments and then
asked, " Do you remember presaing
at many years age r "r do,"
was the reply. " I was cloth im
pressed by • the . sermon." " Thank
God for that," said • the minister.--
" Stop," said the man, "don't think
God till you have heard, the whole,
story. After you finished that sir
ton; I, with some °there walked
home with you You spoke in' sai.h
a strain of levity, and with so much
coarseness that I said in my heart
you are a liar, roll Obristianitytinat
be a shale if you °bald talk so in the
pulpit and then come down and talk
like that. I have been an infidel,"
he continued, "from that day to thii.
But I em not an' infidel now. I knoir
better. lam dying, and lam about
to tie danntedoand at the bar, of - God
I stili lay my damnatien to *Sir
charge ; fay bloodis on.yoni head,"
and with a dreadful shriek, and one
demoniacal glance- at the trembling
minister, he shut his eyes and *ld.
Wilt. kind of tare, is best
J to ive
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THE ofnapr or moo fiastwAs.
NOW that an organized and' power
ful opposition is , being brought.. to
bear upon - our system of cotillion
'schools, it' will be interetalog 'and in=
structive to , look 'a little lit° , their
origin. . .
'The • 4 common sChooll is one. of the
prominent and :greatly. beneficial in
stitutions 'of our country; especially
of the Northern States. 'lt hies never
been no popular , or prevalent 'in the
_South, baths.been .extensively`
posed there. by the more hithiential
of the people.' Two Mildred Yeini
ago,, When the' commissioners of for
eign plantations" inquired of the se,-
oral Governors of the colonies hi re
lation to , the schools, Governor Berk
leY, of Virginia responded : " I thank
God there' 1001 no free schools.-nor
printing,..and I hope we shall not
have these hundred years:" To the
sane :inquiry, the Governor of Con
necticut replied " One-fourth of the
annual revenue of the colony is laid
out in free schools for the education
of our - children." •
Snob was the different sentiment in
the two pi-rtions of the country touch
ing the -Tltal question of common
adroit,. The 'same difference has to
'a great extent, continued to the pres
ent time. Within ten years a promi
nent editor of Richmond, Va., printed
a most bitter denunciation of the
whole system of free schools, adding
a hope that it might never be intro=
finced in that State:
To New England belongs the ori
gin of the common system of the
country Two hundred and twenty
years ago the Massazhnsetts Legis
lature made the fiillowingenactment :
" It iet herefore ordered that every
township in this jurisdiction, ifterye
-Lord bath incressedthem to ye num
ber of= 50' house-boulders, shall then,
forthwith, appoint Doe within the
town to teach 'all each children as
shall resort to him, to write and
rode, whose wages shall be paid ei
ther by ye parents or masters °finch
children, or by ye inhabitants in gen
eral!, by way of supply, straws° that
order ye prudentials of ye town shall
appoint, provided those that send
their children be not oppressed by
paying much wore than they can
have them taught fol. in other towns."
.8o early commenced the common
school in Massachusetts and Connect
ieat whose noble - exatiiple was soon
follared by the colonies of NeW
Hampshire' and Vermont. And thro'
all the severe conflicts in which our
forefathers, were engaged, with In
dians French and other enemies,- the
free schooli was maintained and seven
generations heti+ participated in' its
great benefits. - Within the last half
century the common school has un
dergone the most extensive improve
•menta. ,About fifty years ago the
country realized whatmay - be proper
ly termed a revival of education, and
an impulse was then given the com
mon school . system, which has come
down with constantly increasing en
ergy to this-time. 'Under - the inspir
ation of enlightened and good men,
the whole . institution has been d
ganized an wonderfully improved,
while immense amounts of money and
of talents hive been consecrated to
the advancement of the. great cause
of general, education thrtagh all the
Northern and Western tea. And
now that istavery—that bone of all
good progress—is swept away, this
school systein, with all its grand im
provements; will doubtless, spread
itself through all the South also, and
the advantages of a good education
be brought to the doors of all the
children and youth of this great coun
try. This wilt pea blessing of incal-
Culable value to the nation, and wilt
excites prodigious influence in per
petuating and enlarging the liberty,
comforts prosperity and power of the
American people.—Auburn Morning
At a masked fisherman's ball in
New Orleans, wee before last, a gay'
and handsome m 44 who had refused
to take his wife to- - tbe ball - on the
plea of business, was Much struck by
a stranger, a lady in a mask:. On
her be exerted all fascination.
"Oh, sir,.you quite pnt me out with'
your flattery ? I suspect you are a
married man," said the lady:
"No, indeed ; but I confess a
inguesc to get married since I have
had the pleasure of seeing you," was
the gallant reply.
"Indeed ! but you haven't seen my
face yet I"
"No but I . know it is' beautiful:—
The exquisite grace that accompan
ies everything you do and - say tell
me as much."' " •
"Indeed !"
"I think so . ; but you will no longer
dentme that satisfacilon ; for I as
sure you lady, im deeply. in love."
"Indeed I"
"It is true. Until I met yotr,to•
night women, have looked to me
homely and aininionplact".
Oh you
,are jesting."
"Indeed, I am not."
"And yon neverloved any one be
fore.?" ,
"Never I Your sex appeared - to me
always deceitful, and my heart reins
ed'them all sympathy, but for you I
feel a passionate attraction I have no
power or inclination to resist."
"Can this be bus
."It is, indeed."
4 !Andyou wish to see my face ?"
"T am mad - with impatience, since
it will be the only face my heart will
ever mirror. It has upon it now a
rival impression." _
"Too *0 so poisuasive I can no
laikger denj the privilege 7 —look I"
and the - mask was removed:
Ii was his wife.
"The devil said .the disootnfitted
Benedict, indulging ,in s prolonged
whistle. I
"oh, 4, my dear, only the face
thit his to rival impresmon on your.
heart I"
"Say, Nary, lets call it square and
go home?
"I think we'd better."
And they went.
Too 017/111 OASIL—An =hinge
paper eorrwth " fa - type. bat is
crowded aid by arretimportawe roattet,
Was? kind of ease is 'dislilted bJ
DEOltir OP lOW 111that8•
The dna who *foie "fforne;liweet
honw nnever bed s.hlunn,.— A ffgehange.
N. 0.: (4 *Pim] not..! ,the folki
at home say ge Nobody iroui
_writes shoat. anything ewer Ni. it. If
. a n& is - oue 'of iieything. be lame
distal,* writes. about , 4. No one
*cite '
s - tio ItfatiY • lniesdkale BO Abe
&Ww O . fo aural blatant
Certainly be didn't cid live any
home. The man "trim *tete the "Old
Arm 01 - utle' never kuntistkano chair
in all hie life. Ise best beital4 ws*
an. old sg iithottom cto witlmat any
back to
The either a u7i6 kills& to-
Switietiind" setter was la Sifter
land. The of pt be eviareame to
it -was sitting in , the William Tell
&loon- eating Switimr
wily, that was the best he - Could do.
"Mother, l'vit Come Poste to Die,"
hitaigt spoken to - .the ofd irinean for
years, and wouldn't 'get near tbs
house. Besides, he is one 'of that
Class of spirits's:lista. who Abel be
lieve,they ever will die. His health
was Dever better. His mother is
nothing but a mother-in-law,- and she
is dead anyhow. -
There is the " author of the "Old
Oaken Harlot," tOo. Thero'wasen,t
a backetirin the whole farm, the wa
ter being drawn up with a 'tin-pail or
I cistern pole.
"-If I hid' bit a thousand a year"'
stated privet 4ir to his Mends that be
would be perfectly Contented , with
half that'aum,;as be . WA. doing chores
just for , his board and three months
schooling in the winter. •
The author of "Champagne Char
ley" never drink anything but ten
.cent whiskey.
The man who wrote "Mary' bad a
little lamb" knew very well it was
nothing butt Utile lannb fry.
I.' Shells of Galan" is a humbmr. Tne
plaintive poet ..represents himself as
wandering, one summer's eve, with
seal:teat tho!ight, on a pensive shore,
wee raised in the interior of Pennityl-
Tanis; and was never ten miles away
fr4e his home in all hid life. "Oath
ered Shells," did he 1 Ail the shells
he ever gathered were some, effg:l
shells back of his mothet's kitchen.
- - .
, "Hark, I hear the lords, sing"
spent all his evenings in a concert
beet saloon. ,Angels, indeed I The man who wrote the "Song of
the Shirt," hadn't a shirt to his back,
wearing a womans for the most part.
" Oft in the Stilly Night" used to
get on a spree and make the stilly
night howl till day break.
- The author or" We Met by Chance"
knew very well it was arrangedle-
ferehand. He had been weeks in
contriving it—and she admired his
The author of "I knew i bank,"
etc:, didn't know one where he could
get his note discounted. The only
check he ever held was a white
"check" on a faro bank. He never
had a red check in ill his life.
• • What - are the wild waves say
ing ?" knew very well they were re
proaching him for running - awsy
from Long Branch. without paying
his hotel bill.
" Who will care for mother, now?"
Who, indeed I- You took the old
woman to the poor-house just before
writing that song,and there is nobody
but the Postmaster to care for her
" Hear me, Norma," wad deaf and
dumb: He couldn't mike hie pa
heuitor ,n&
" My motber,dear," need to threw&
he old woman within an inch of her
ife. s"
The author of "Rain on the Rock"
always slept in the basement, except
when he slept out of doors.,
f Lot me kiss him for his mother"
got mad because his mother wouldn't
have him, and whipped her little boy
within` an ineb of his life.
" I dremp't I dwelt in marble halls"
used to cheat at marbles when a boy,
and his dream vu nhorightznare
brought on by remorse arthe recol
lection of fraudulent marble As uls.
" saddest when I sine was
tickled almost to death if invited to.
"'Happy be tby dreams" sold ben
zine whisky. Yon can fancy whit
kind of "dreams" were produced. ,
"No one to love" having just
killed off. his fifth wife, naturally felt
like the devil it.—Cincinafti Times.
Dtairoan Currtito.—The art requires
that the cutter should have extraor
dinary skill for working the stones, of
Which the smallest often dO not reach
the size of a pin head—so small that
it -takes hundred of them to weigh it
carat 1 Nothing equals in this re
spect the skillfulness of the workers
of Holland, and one is quite confound
ed when one sees stones of such small
dimensions cut into twenty-four faces,
perfectly equal and regular. This is
not, hbwever, the only difficulty the
diamond cutter has to surmount ; it
is the cleaner who has to make choice
of the ,form to be given to each par
ticular stone. It is he who must de
cide, afters minute examination how
each particular diamond ought to be
cut, whether a brilliant or a rose ; he
determines the choice by an endeavor
to lose as little matter as possible:—
Bat this is not all." It is not neces
sary that he shbuld recognize at the
Bret glance in what way it is conven
ient tb attack the stone, which is not
an easy matter, for if his measures •
have not been well take; it may per
haps occur that Iwenty-three • faces
have been already cut, an imperfect
part of the stone remaina ;and so ,it
istOund impossible to continue. ,
The cutter and polishers are often
thrown out by finding unexpected theotones, as they proceed
with their work. The color, toO,,cif
ten changeis ; so that sometimes It is
quite impossible to tell how a dia
mond may turn out, and as in the case
of the Kohitioor, one portion of • the
stone may sometimes prove to 'be a
great deal harder than another part
and if, while cutting, the diamond bi;
allowed to remain too long oil the,
abhyff before being taken off to cool,'
it might melt the lead in 'whickit
set, and so, by'Clanging its position,
do very serious injury:to the slobs.-_— ;
In cutting the Kehinoor, it was nec
essary at times to increase the'revo
lotions of the schyff to-three thouland,
per minute, in consequent* of the ex
traordinary hardness of some portions,
of that most valuable diamond.. •
IS. A few days, since a man-well
known in New York society—not
young, and who could not dance—
wen sitting its party near a young
lady, and watching the mazes of the
gOennau." He turned to her, -know
ing her well, and 'said, "I wish you
would let me put my arm around your
waist." 4Of COWIN) she looked at him
in emszement. "Oh l" said be, you
know I can't, dance, but I doix't see
the difference, All - these younirmen
hive their arms about the gide
*aide, end why should not I have
the same privilege, though I at
still ?" That man% head level. 'I
think so.