.11111.11 1 1....; patifovi /tepovitt. LOCAL AND GENERAL us. There is no , harm in one glass led • of brandy—if eilc t he glass. The'Conrt Room has been thoroughly cleaned, and a new carpet put down• r . - pir The mations are at work on - larxtres HAIL It ;ill probably be ready for Occupancy in the ,bourse of a few weeks. , to- We are now prepared to exe cute job-work of every variety on the short est notice, anti in the neatest style._ 09. Persona thinking of going West' to purchaie hunk will find a valuable property, near Greenwood, McHenry Co., M., advertised in another column. , Ite. The Wellsboro' Agitator ad• •vertises seven applications for divorce. People in Tiogii must believe in mtirrying when they can, .and !venting at leisure, The lawyers of Seianton have donned a uniform, so that they may be dis tinguished from their'ietbis. as. Boston is soon to have a baby shot'. We expect to have several of them here this season. ..salr• Decoration Day was observed in Troy on Brinday last. An Wrens was delicerea by Capt. W. H. oAnnocnart. M. 0001,8Aran, of Virysoi, (t, has been appointed Assistant Assessor of Internal Revenue for this District, vice O. H.....:,removed. A good appointment. agt. The Bradford Baptist, Asso ciation will hold its annual session this Year at Caldmi, commencing Wedneiday, June 9th. - . pia- An exhibition will be given in the M.E. Church,llyersbarg, on Friday evening, Jane 4, for the benefit of the Church. £ Cucumbers have made their appearance incur market, and are sold at the very reasonable price of twenty_ cents - each. tet. Jos. POWELL & Co., of this place, mg the only firm in the county who report sales to the amount of $200,000 for the past year. _ I z There is not a single firm - in Williamsport that reports to the Mercantile Appraiser sales to the amount or _sloo,ooo Tor the last year. ser The first pie-sic • party of the season came off at Barclay on Thursday last, and was participated in by several of our townspeople. t 6- The receipts at the fair held last week, in aid of the Catholic Church, were hawed! two and three thousand dol lars. The ladies of the Episcopal Chnrch intend holding a Strawberry Pesti -ral and Fair in MEACUIeS nominal week af ter next, to aid in paying off the indebted ness oT the parish. gibs Mr. E. J. Oeurinu., of the firm of Comrama 'Dammam, *overly, N.Y., is flbont opening a new Boot and Shoe Store iii the room formerly occupied by A. Herr as a confectionery store, in Mercur's new block. Stir The anniversary of the Pres byterian Sabbath School will come off on .Sunday, the 13th instant. In interesting Fiore to all' connected with Sunday-schools may be .expt.?.cted. DrECAN $. MAGEE, son of the late Hon. Join Mauro, of Watkins, N.Y., died in Germany on the Bth of May. Mr. c. la= visited the old cowltin hopes to regain his failing health. His remains were brought to Watkins, and will be interred there to-day. ~ M.. Ex-Mayor E. N. FRIE3BIE, of Elmira, has just presented a splendid form- tain.basin and jet to the college in that city. Frasrac has lost none of his generous quali. ties since leaving our town. zet- Mr. H. E PITCEIER, one of the oldest and most successful teachers in this county, came from his home in Ulster on Tuesday evening last, to unite with the Sons of Temperance here, there being no organi zation in that'place. Mr. P. has set a good example to his brother teachers: CM. A. A. K EENEY, Esq., the' new County Superintendent of Common Schools, was inducted into his office on Wednesday. Mr. K. is every way qualified for the res ponsible position, and will succeed in keep ing up the high reputation of the schools iu this connty. Liar Rt. Rev. W. B. SEVENS, Biala.: op of this Diocese, will visit this place next month, when the rite of confirmation will be administered, and Mr. F. W. Rurrtarr will be ordain3d to the deaconate of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Zt J. W. Goorant, proprietor of the . stone-quarry just above this place, has a'contract for furnishing stone for the cells of the Luzern County Jail. ' Mr. G. is get tin; out some very fine stone, suitable for walks and other purposes. , • Topeka correspondent will receiNe the•thanks of a large number of our readers for his very interesting letter. We are always glad to hear from therßradford delegation nos; sojourning in Kansas.) BOA' BEER.—Lovers of this Ile4 lthy everage are referred to JOHN Dir.amErn'ti Store, where they will find a gentine Root Beer Fountain, and Ors .r always on hand • ently to " dish it out." ' • tS..As an old lady named O'ilzaor a, dricing through the lower end of town on tnesOay last, her horse became frighten ed at the cars, and upset the wagon, break log Mrs. Olannores left arm, and pthersise injuring her. Dr. STEN - mcs set the broken 3E5— C:A.);Dos." is info6ed that his cominunicitiou is declined, as . ire make it a rule never to publish articles of a iferaonal character. We do not suppose the. gantle man referred to knew anything aboiut:the publication of the item copied from the 'Ga . OLIVER BtiFFRIGTON, residing Gwoon s ...ornsrs, Mega Co., N.Y.; • committed suicide on Friday, 21st tilt., by hanging himself to a rafter in his barn. Mr. B. wa s a tevectable and, well-to-do fainter. incurable bodily infirmity is supposial to have driven him to the rash act. He was ,tbout '5O years of age. • . Dee- Rev. B. CarrromEs will deliver :1 di s,...ourae on the subject of Temperance, is the Presbyterian Church of this place, on Sunday evening next. Mr. C. has spent much time in collecting statistics in "regard to the consumption of intoxicating liquors in thiq village, and we have no doubt will be abletipreseht some jack on th4ubject which will astonish those Who have new givenjt,mttch thought. decorittni the graves of 'soldiers, which vu observed in this place on Sunday iast, was emanated in a quiet and beooming manner. The oto; , ple in large number:assembled quietlYend orderly at the Court Howie, wham . the* were organizedinto apra ed to the cemetery. On arriving at the est , trance to the cemetery grounds, thevreaths and Bowers were distributed to a number b[ Sunday-school girls, by whom they were placed over the monads which , . ark the resting-places of the brave men viholie live" I were given to save our rowitry.,Dering UPI time occupied in this 'ceremony, the tad throng who bed asfihrphle4 towlines. it re =tined as quiet at though they were: lisiten inito the most impressive faneral discourse: At the conclusicui of this sigilar4iteremony, the burial service of the 335. Qdurab was read by_Bev. IL B. Fax; after which an ap propriate' prayer was made by Bev. S. J. Luau. . After singing a hymn by the con gregation. Rev. F. D. Hoaxes delivered a disoonne befitting the day and:orreasioti, which was listened to with marked good &I lion. • Nothing tramqdrcd,during the entire services to mar the - solemnity of the occa sion, or in any way to wound the feelings of those who were bereft of friends in the army during the rebellion. Panaora..—GuanxoN.Hzwrrr, in., of Owego, returns an income of about $27,000 for leak year. . - . -The fishing party, which left this place for. Sullivan comity some two weeks since, returned on Thursday ensuing last. They !mod good luck until cold weather set in. —Our lhte townsman, Dr. H. 0. Et; who has been appointed to a position on the Board of Health, New'York, has also been selected by the proprietors of the St Nicho las Hotel as physician for that pop ular house. Good. —W. H. ChiaErn; of New York, the'eele. butted oyster dealer, was kilo's!' last week. He was the guest of his relative, Deputy Sheriff Vex FLEET. --001033313 BII,TON and W. T. BD3HOP are delegates from gorthern Lodge, LO. Of G. T., to the State Convention, which meets in Scranton next week. —D. B. Baurlarr, formerly of the "Means House," was in town last week, looking much improved in health His appearance is a good recommendation for the healing qualities of the Poultney (Vt.) Springs, where he is at present located. Poultney is a pleasant summer resort, and only about eighteen hours' ride from this place. Those of our readers who desire to get away from business for a short time during the ap proaching " heated term," will tind Mr. B.'s house a pleasant place to stay. —Ex-Sheriff SPALDMG, of Athena, and his daughter, Mrs. J. W. Mrx, of this place, have gone on a western tour, to be absent for several weeks. —Bey. Wu. Munn, pastor of the Pres byterian Chnich, is spending a few weeks with his friends in Philadelphia and Prince ton. —Rev. J. L Rosszau, of the as. Pres byterian Church, Wysox, is !attending the General Assembly in New York. TROT-POLYTECHNIC ImirritrrE.---Among the students in the Freshman class at the lierujseker Polytechnic Institute at! Troy( N.Y., we observe by the catalogue, is GaL nem 211:ker&tuAlir., of this place. This in.: stitutionis one of the oldest and best col leges in the country, and is celebrated for its thorbugh method of instruction and the high character of its alumni, among whom are some of the first men in every branch of engineering and other scientific pursuits. No one can gtaduate at Troy, without a most thorough scientific education. The course is entirely a practical and useful one, and every graduate goes out with a profes sion as well as an education. By discord lng Latin and Greek more, time can be given to mathematics, chemistry, civil, mining, and mechanical engineering, and the French language. Among, the first graduates in the year 1824, we notice the name of Dr. Gr.cinoz F. HOUTON, of this county. Even at that early day, the Institute was one of the best,. col leges for instruction in chemistry and the sciences, and the course having continued to improve with the advancement of science, it has been one of the best colleges in the United States until the present time. de' The following-named gentle men are authorized to take subscriptions for the REPOIITEII. We should be ,glad to have an agent in every township in the county, who would agree to furnish us local items and receive , subscriptions for the pa per. - Any persons wishing to act in that capacity will address us on the subject : M. Luther, Luther's Mills ; Chas. Hollon, Liberty Corners ; J. 0. Dawes, Windham ; R. C. Sinsabaugh, Athens ; G. W. Brink, G. N. DeWolf, Leßaysville ; Peter Bilinroe, Geo. Monroe, Sylvania ; J. W. Van Dyke, Canton ; B. B. Geroulds, East Smithfield. Persons in the several townships men tioned .abOve, who desire to subscribe for the REpours.a, are requested to' call on the agent nearest them. On the first of July we shall issue the paper in nn entirely new dress, and hdpe to greatly increase our list of subscribers. We especially ask all post masters to interest themselves in this mat ter, not only to .secure subscribers, but to keep us posted in local matters coming un der their notice, and thus aid us in adding to .the usefulness of the ilzpoirrna, and building up the Republican party. Mir Mr. W. 11. PIIILLIPs, whose . ill ness we noticed last week, died on Thurs day in Elmira; at the age,of sixty-fivoyears. He was a man of- great intelligence and liberal views. Once active and energetic as a politician in the old Whig party, where he was a warm adherent of Henry Clay,'he has of latesears taken little part in these mat ters, though his interest in the cause of the Union during the war was conspicuous, and patriotic. He was a gentleman whose indi viduality strongly impressed itself upon all who knew him, and his personal traits great ly endeared him to his circle of friends. Imo. A little son of Mr. iff.at of West aderidan, Conn, aged five years, who is att t present visiting in the fami ly Of Mr. EMT Mix, of this place, fell from a tree in front of Mr. M.'s housepn Saturday last, injuring him quite severely. When: picked up the little fellow was entirely un emulous, and remained so for several hours. Re is out again, and it is hoped he has recovered entirely from the effects of the fall. aft. JOHN FtitOtlON and S. VANCO vim, the ringleaders in the recent' attempt to break jail in this place, have been taken to Susquehanna county for safe keeping tin tfl September -court, the County Oonunis sioners deeming the jail of Bradford county insecure. The jail here is not only fuse- . cure, but it is disgraceful for a county of the, wealth and iatelligence of ours to tole rate such a miasmic. _ mar The people of Binghamton have voted almost unanimously to raise a tax for the purpose of purchasing the bridgee across, the rivers at that place, and making them free. G. W. Suits requests us to send his paper to Troy'hereafter, but fails to State where he bas been Trashing wellave several subscribers answering to theWame name on our list et 4,000 be* we are at a lou'to *ow Which4o;lo change: : please gin as bisfor. mar address ? ,s• . • ' MIMMLIE 'ttiltilOilk 4 hitthOruOglilititati go; i__, Orange finnifyi,rride? the control Kilo' 11 MA Bt aa-1611 . Teie 4 o B , ll ' iti hone at greal - - 21 WW Egt;eatab4 la. i d i markAhoi4be liii. ais stride, *a* aid Poirees of esdurunie are as pat*: se TO•Ortelt,ibes Xe.,sero; trot, .rridee:tbm * Whiten • irttkett' ttidigni:_ , aii,whi.7 the - Notrk,, .INIPA!to iffim!,;:fi! 140 1 4 1 trot is Amu r 1 14 iboyi49*__ . kadi - ciiakY Pal gemeration. • Many one will-look at the his tory of the- ifor*liiiintinfirea. Olt ttuthi Dertarb Ids,tenthen; in the king of the, turf irkthie etPriATOthel!vetieA. -. Ai sieriloi of this bithie aktair eqii,44::imen 409, would int hl W inpsM,ioit, of view more Wise than the.nervier, of nine-tenths of the 'stock tones at :no pries at all. I mud* the ertt. - et the Meeir berm are a damage fin= wintry. " Some merit*: rious " men sre'after littleceit, Mid often prone= than , nothing 4or the cost. To buy a ti#g worth four or five gaol t h e oust iii - the coned - sitiniiiilobkt . _ : : - I — VerY few dol lars sometimes oloseithe 'Vision, judgment, and usulerstandhig: - , ' --, - . ~. • There is.nothing more beautiful or use ful to the embroil kingdom than t*majea .tio Amerkian nurse. '- Why not:. be as wise in the orating= of the horse, as you would be in the erativation of your farm ? All the Raub-Mike aro mobwt out, and all trees, vegetables, seeds. Ike., of. true -merit 7" euitiVete- le it 41 44 te 1 ; 1 ,04 tide out* . of Ours with the most .beautiful dock, fields nicely arranged' with 'the highest state of oultiiri, the grounds around our quiet homes orizemenhA; with the most beautiful Sow ers ? Some men do hot get above a bill of potatoes. The cultivation of the potato is all right; to go no farther "hi a law order." Some men are so sin& theYdisgraoe the very noble steeds they own. A man can own some of the blessfags in this lower world, and be a pure-minded man.- A LOT= or JILL TEAT 18 GOOD. 312.•Enrroa : Thinking that a brief des ciiption of what maybe seen on the longest mountain range in our oohnty might be in terestlngto numy of your readers, I venture to pen srortguitliChnirthe-pbnurani of seeing a nhort,time since. . 'Curiosity, and ;the specklettfellows of the .mountain streams, caused our wandering desire to lead us to the height of Long (South) Mountain, which lies at the right of Towanda . Creek. As the top was neared, we cast a glance' behind, when we beheld Mount Pisgah, the hills of Wells, Smith field, - and Sheshequin, and the Armenia, looming up in the distance. Nearly all of Nest= Bradford was spread out like a nap before ortr i gaze, 'reminding us of :what a Dutch lawyer said at a Teachers' Associa tion in Clinton county—"lf you want .to • understand geography you must travel and not waste time by studying an atlas." There is a small cave in the rocks on the bank of the northern outlet of Cranberry marsh. The Indiana made an excavation in its rocky floor, which served as a mortar for flouring .the corn which they producetronthe fertile fiats of the Towanda Creek. A man by the name of Hams lived a . considerable tim in this cave. while making the clearing that we saw on the mountain-top. Hs attempt ed to drain Cranber4 marsh, but made a failure; as he found it would require much more labor than he at first supposed. The marsh is more than a mile in -length, and about a half-mile in breadth. It is sur rounded by a dense growth of laurel and hemlock. We saw many a hemlock lour feet in dianieter,, and a few that exceeded -five. They are short and mossy, looking 'like the . " butt end of hard times " knotted up to a point. As we stepped upon the , marsh, we disecivered that ourleet were on a shaky foundation, for the mossy bed shook in every t direction, This marsh is a lake covered with moss to the depth of several feet. Cranhfirries -in abundance may be seen lying on the 'moss. ' Here and there the huckleberry is commencing to take root. At every step the water covered our feet as we proceeded across from the northern to the southern outlet, while our knees caused the mind to revert to our boyhood days when . weitrod hay in • the mow. Early set tlers say that they remember when the moss covered only a part of the lake. We follow ed the southern- outlet among the largest laurel that we ever crawled 'through, the bodies of some being six inches in diameter. Alwe neared the little Schrader search wan made for fish-poles, but they were not found Until we broke through the dense thicket a quarter of it. Mile from the stream. When all were ready the lines were thrown, but the water was too high ; so we were obliged to be satisfied with a very few trout and more or less nibbles. A mile from the mouth of Cranberry Run we encountered Sunfish Bun, which we traced to its source—Sun fish pond. Heavy masses of conglomerate boulders lie all along this run. A few rods south of the pond a hemlock tree has been uprooted, thereby exposing coal to view. Sunfish pond is 7 perhaps, two miles east from Cranberry marsh. This, too, is sur- rounded by latirel, but of the large-leaf kind. It is about a half-mile in length by a fourth in breadth. Its bed is composed of con glomerate rock. The water is clear, deep at the centeic and contains many sunfish. A small boat'is in readiness for those who wish to glide over its beautiful surface. Long pond lies two miles farther east, being more than a mile in length, but only a feW rods in width. Lest, patience become wearied, we cut short until some Suture time Lfgor, May 29, 1869 (limp MsETD:G.—The Troy District camp meeting is appointed to commence Wednesday, June 23, at 3 o'clock p.m., to continue about one week, in Mainsbmg, three miles east of Mansfield depot, and thirteen Miles west of Trey. Accommoda tions for board will be furnished on the ground to those preferring to hire. Mr. Sam, the owner of the ground, and, others, will furnish horse-keeping—hay, eau, kc. Attendants at the meeting are earnestly re quested to provide themselves with tents, and to come early. Board, tests at a' rea 7 amiable rent will bo famished to those pre ferring them, # early notice is given to Rev. S. (1. Itialmykurir, Mainsburg, Tioga Co., Pa. - But our idvice is that families make their own tents of heavy factory cloth. Cut it-into lengths of five or seven and a-half yards, and sew together at horde for such size of tent as may be 'desired. When the meeting is over,the cloth can be, used at home, and scarcelyany expense be incur red for tent accommodations on the ground. And it is believed Such tents,as a rule, will ,shed rain better thturthose IMilt of boards, By doubling the cover, drawing beat tide:le -1 Leases together over the ridge but raising the outer covering about a- foot at the lower edge, the air circulates - between and the. rain will not beat through. Domestic sheets can be hung at the ends of the tent, and far partitions ; and boards can be obtained. on the ground . for floors, to board the sides three: or four . feet high, . td, if desired. Those familiar with army lents...will appre elate' ouradvice. For a tenfeleven feat by fifteen feet, one thickness, atone-half pitch, tweittpfive yards are sufficient;; for a tent sixteen feet by twenty-foor feet, ilftyeix yards ; and either size , maybe enlarged readily by adding strips for covering. Eriporuaged by-the respect for good order and the. real interests of the , camp meeting last year,,we are laboring hopelkilly fermi= better success this year- , `Now it remains for the people to say whether this meeting shale well sustained. by their presence, and trieveryway: • Ills lipped all concerned exinorny aintsonvenienie ex• poadipfiea,and k eep . tha AIM 400 real 014 eof the i1ic#024)".146 ixtt to win _ souls to : : • • 7 .)v4..1'..-??F‘• •%I* is Ar itiM l 01 0 310Winifiii ig) 'O5 0fthe14*.A** 11 041 41 44.14:4 the ter* edgekeollimod 'l 4 !Ayl UW - 0 1 40 3 10 W.V.Tw—Bakir CIL Si& W. W.T.—Ests sour» . Oafb& O. Loomis. - Buck.' „Vika—Rids - 1-- ;:%, 0, 4 1 401 1 01Reee47:- `l3.ll.lL 7 lioey_A. Hbzkok. t.ll.o.—Plorma B. Loci& Prom Pi roPealsntithe qte , Midas. and L. T. Louie, Yioagi► `_ ' The meeting .we well Wooled. Lc l lie reSsixev*, ,Rowignsif AT TOOL—On spiel earthman recently. a patty. cif &make dies have entered the ems of = the No Central Road at Troy, s,; and insoll abused the passengese in a very mm ing man: On Saturday math, Visited both the train noosing to and from this city c end on- en& mask were pretty roughly handled by thee men and pessengue, Conductor_ i of the down trein - detaining itnntil himiW and thrasi carred men had administered a soundla g to enteral of th e villians. • - _ Troy is getting a boa name by Ira anent sots-of violnee , that boys' - there neatV, and it is ,, time pram t men sures Were Wm to purge the feim of such nuisances. We metope/ blown that Su perintendent Sonar, of this city, * the names of the offenders, end will -110nPtl, call.them to account.-;-.4afra Ad. Our Trojanneighborsehorddsee conduct is dbmontinued. so. We never advise any o e to emote: In fsotOrs wish - there were no smokers in the country ; b6t, **smile peo ple will smoke regss4hsts of "our • Oki° and savior., we will advise Ahem tol buy of Was, if they Want a Moe Sign. ' ie._ CLONNKY & AMERY,' • I serve, have a fine assortnicad of hats of the latest styes'.'here is n thit they sell their goods at a living and yet they seem to offer better :nerds to purchasers than any .o lislanent in the eotmty. We sn . are enabled to do so; frorkthe fact deal exclusively in one line of : sell for cash. War The Methodist congre will use the Court House for divine till their church is St for use. Be 101 o'clock a.m. and 7# d'clook p.m. The Court House is being tho - renovated and carpeted anew. Our prayevineetings will be hold Grand Jury Boom Thursday eve 71 C. S. Wickeem. Avliwica.adve new Fruit Jar at wholesale, and ea low figures as any city dealer. LOST. —lit this borough, pr on Elver Street. a Black Crocheted Shawl. The finder,will be rewarded lag it at this office. ,J - Alt the faimere will einem bar that the Buckeye Mower and Reaper is the beat in use, and that they are to be found at S. N. ASPINWALL'S Hardware Store. Those in want of e machine will do well to call early, as he can only get a limit ,d num ber this season. iliB" Rev. M. A. FAIRCHILD is a good work Hell yet doing bnsif the -American Tract Society,, gni schools and famillearadth the choler' attire of the age. W 6 recommend the confidence of the public. - •MARRIED. DALTON—DUNN—On the 17th • SS. Peter and Paul's Church, in by Rev. Father Brady, James 'Dt Elmira, to Retie Dmm, of Towai BLACKILIN —GILLETT—AA the ri of the bride's parents, May 26th, W. H. Gavitt, Frank Blackmai Rochelle, 00e Co., Illinois, to Gillett of Sheshequin, Brad. C0., - TRACY—WOOD—In 'Smithileld E lay 26, by Elder, Lucius Ames, - Mr. Belden 4 t, Tracy and lira.' 0, A. Wood, all ; Smith field. - COLE—OWEN--In Wysox, May b, by Rev. H.J. Crane, Mr. Clarence . Cole of Lock Vaven and Miss Hattie . Owen of Wysox: NEWEL—BARNES—May ht, -by J. Crane, Mr. Charles Newel of Pa. andbfiss Anna E. games of Warren Co. N. 3. ALBERT—HORTON—At T the Ist of Jane, by Rev. strong of Monroeton, Mr. Calvin of Stroudsburg, Monroe Co. Pa.,,, Emily -R. Horton of Tarrytown. GRIFFIN—ALLEN—In Athens, at the residence of the bride's b Ray. N. Riley of Masonville N. Job Griftlin to Miss Martha .1 daughter of •Prof. E. P. Allen, Athens. DEXTER—:BOBERTi—At the real Elder Nixon, in Warren, May Rev. W. F. Nixon, Mr. Almon C. orTaticarora, fo Miss Anna N. of Pike, Bradford Co., ` Optcial - - Nowa,. J Nonce.—Notice is here en to the 'citizens and property o , Towanda Borough, that omen •.! the Streets and Alleys of the ; • proposed' location of all streets • has been prepared under the the Town equneil. They are hilt r, at the office of Win. Morgan, in . Block, within five Wm._ from their objections, if any they ha*. same. After which time said alleys will lie" ordained as said deems best forihe interest of said , , G. D. Mo Towanda, June 1, 1869. • a EZRA. Lima's Hem 'Nog, For r Gray Hair to , its natural Vitality • A dressing which is at once of healthy, and effectual for preen hair. Faded or gray hair is reek original odor with the gloss cmdfre youth. Thin hair is thickened, th l igs checked, and baldness o ft en, th not always; cured by its use. Not can re store theludr where the follicles , a re 'Warn ed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. Bat such as remain can be sired for useful ness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorous Its mesa onal use will prevent the hair from tundl i gray or falling off, and consequently pray bald- ness. Free from those deletasions substan ces which make some preParatio danger. ous and injurious to the hair, the •• can only benifit but 'not ham it. .Whented merely, • for a hair drag, no • • else can be file4d so &arable. Con • nei ther oil nor' dye, it door sot soil w them brio yet lastslong aetherhair, •• •: it a - rich glutei' lustre and grateftd • • a Prepare& by Dr. J. O. Ayer 1 0 .. Frac tical sad Analytical Chemists, Low •11,11405. Price $1,00: Boa by Dr. H. C e Porter 'Fenian - . k :ell Druggite A Dealers in meal , • .every where. - Nor. 26, 1b60,y Fair NAinzt Tmz. Justice Peace, in office Irak W'Overton I fag the Court Ho and over Pe • Stop 4.3 To THM uov las' Of Flow X l 7 *Waft Ipy customers for liberal patronage_ dudes the have much satimwqm in 1 ' ~~- and others too numerous to men either for house or garden eul now ready a large supply dimly Tomatoes, Pepper "Egg plants, Qrdiss frem-. most Willis* lie mom ' ' mittance or responsible • TowOildo, Bade ;April2/% ihselantif ?..,,„.4.3..-;:- :_, _ _,...... . COLOALi AT A. , , 0 _ ur nulds Lot o n - •1441thint.,,WISI, 4`-, ,i)._igouev,:•'l.l•' •-•:' - ,..T. ri - ; . : .'", ~ ,114.07 lei i tsa , -.4 'f‘•;', ,, , , -,4 ~,,::: ~, ~.,,_. 1, --- . , , 11„„k_ ~....}trititiii4*.aui.lthlur h= .iialiathor otsliVi t adl ast oar logo zeivimillet444.* Aramath•cdl; : oir-o ,- • , f )ai; ---- iiii - ,iiiiii;iti iftAlie.nsu iik * 0 . 4 to ___p il yquis ....„ . 118. mittiglotreci=-0: exec oviu■Dur , -- b ' iNu a r hid= tmt. • , aiseih*l--7- *my• 40.16;a401 02/ a llea " • Sic )1 COM ME Grand tr• the alga row. UM2I 112 . doubt Ptak editab they. they and atioa service ices at onghly in the .13 8 . at Fox. tise a wastes bably 'orated a leav- doing peas for rhi lying at liter. Lim to at ton ra, of Ida, Pa. 1 -Aenoe by Rev: 211, of tbleezi lia. IL Wysox, owltont • 1 •on Arm . Albert to Miss y 27th thee by I Y. Mr. Allen 'both of . ence of 22d, by Dexter, ,; .berts, .y gm ere of map of :11, with , on o gs f to call occur's to Ale to the •ta and Council ANVIL Wor 'mg the its .hnessa of the fecint. Co'.do .b. 25. ---o-.-e • —Bin youssel .• g them stock of rubies here, • • Also by are- 0 • , • .-- . . • iii - Afr.lffsit - hogileni4ib Ore 4 , thanksi. for thelay liberal intro; Inge heretofore intended to,him;anit to. form his triendt-nnd the in44)-_ imn it ProtorOl to' - familia orfolk pa l ws with imything in line of /oa.4lteam, - . Conteetions or-swest: mats on test dant Oise.' ,Store, .No. 9 Mani Block. :•• 4 : - April 21. , .• •-• • - SPlClALHaticz.—David ' Hinton. Bagiment L ather ofiTaniat HiPannsjim nton, LW Pinto Och sad 111th ada a, Robert Graham. Athos, of William ` Am. ham, tote priirato Co. If, 84th 'Mgt. an ?minuted - to,oall - at, H. B. Moraines Oldoe. - Towanda, 'Pap., for` important Igor. motion. - - May 27 IList Of th e names ; of : person drawn tabs Traverse Jurors in an adjourn ed Conti of Common Plass: to be held on the third MONDAY of JUNE, 11180, at one o'clonk, .p an. . - - - • Silas N. Barnes, Nome tWp. ; lamb Met tenstine, Overton ; Gavin Urftan, Nam M. Eames, Smithfield_ ; Allen Bonier,. Granville ; Joel Campton; Litehliebl : Sam na! Fitzwater, Oat= twp.__„• Thou. Melba.' bon a itheshequin ; John Tornli= g t mania ; Lantana W. Kendall, , twp. I- William Westbrook. ; Benjamin Denton, Smithfield ; Flab, .ftathe ; Edward Walker, Ulster; awls topher. Piath nal:Min,. J. Stanton Clark, Smithfield ; .Jeoobl A. Weller, Athegs twp. ; John. Wolfe. Troy twp ; Albert, Tozer, Ath ens twit. ; Abner DoV, ()anion boro ; isl N. Lawrence, Wells; Lemuel Sherman, Litchfield ; Elihn B. Case, Troy twp, ; & A. Chamberlin, WsAndrew M.K. West, Leßoy; Wilsey Windham; Isaac Smalley, Towanda ) ; G. Darius Man tap- Canton 'Prank Dailey, Spring. field ; Philander Holcomb, Ulster ; Allen Conklin, W ; Goo. Birney, Ulster ; B. B. Phelps, born; Dolson J. Man. ley, Alba ; James W. VanAuk_ In, Terry ; Miner T. Porter, Granville.. se. Trial List for June Term (ad jotirned Court), 1869: . ' Decker et al vs Long et al. lssu e. Min : os vs Polloek's heirs,_..Ejeet 8 vs Storrs. et al • .. Trespass ' —1 vs VanDerpool Replevin Gibson vs Gibson Case Walls vs Shepard Teel pass Miller vi Tanner Patterson vs Griffis et al Krim vs Brains axuver Sackett vv Spencer et al Ridgbnry twp vs Gardner &0... McNeal vs Smith. Bliirea vs 8a11... ._ Manley vs Griswold. Appeal Howard Express Co vs Braine g.v.t...Att Ex McQueen use vs Estate . ' Bei Fa Passage vs Martin's admrs • Cas'e Pike et 01 vs Stnith.et at . tat Do vs doEject Coppinger &a vs Welles Ist N Bank 'Pittston vs Welles, Friable &Co Dawes vs Welles. Friable & Co Debt Landon vs Welles, Frisbis lb Co. ....Debt F Davisjr/c Cove Coon &Pomeroy ...Debt Ist K Bank of Mauch Chunk vs Welles, Frisbie - it Co ' Debt Wasidngton tap ra Smithfield twp.. Appeal Subpo9naa returnable on Monday at 10 a.m., June 21 1879. . • W. A. Thomas,. Prot. g. The next Session of the •Brad ford Odunty Teachers. Association is to be held at Orwell on the 11th and 12th of June. Lecturer—Hon. Ilso. Lassos ; Essayist— ADA Palmas : Declaimers—E. A. MOLE, E. J. Garozsr ; Business tom.—O. elms sum, H. CHAVPISN Jr., E. M. Fines, AbA. Raucous, Orzerim. Paysoft ; Rnfomologist Dr. Mum • A. T. Dusan, Sea May 5, 0 - i -- Tile BASE BEMNING AMERICAN icOOK ING thorx.-11EMIE lareaorimmers A 26 Two moss Perzirre.—After a long series of expe riments, waters added the Base Burning principle to this already world-renowned Btore,ebt means ot hot - air chambers in front and rear of the of the fire-box, and a regulator at; the pipe collar. With this im provement we accomplish the following re ' suits :. Ist. 'A doel fire can be kept all winter by replenishing the fire twice every twenty-four hours. 2d. A continuous fire cianbe kept through the winter with the consumption of less than 20 lbs. of coal in 24 hours, and the oven kept in baking order a large portion of the time. 3d. The coal will be thoroughly con sumed without the wihal amount of cinders and clinkers, and the annoyance of dump ing the grate every morning to make a fresh fire, avoided. - . Ith. For ek wood, are, with two moderate sized sticks of dry wood, a are, can be kept from 15 to 18 hours without any trouble. This will be found the grbatest improve ment yet made in Cooking Stoves. It'llas all the advantages of a self-feeder with much greater economy of fuel, and Without its in conveniences.. It is folly secured by letters patent. Manufactured by • SILVA PACIARD & CO., 17 and 19 Green • Albany, N. Y. For sale by COnnING, ItITISILL, Ac., To wanda, Pa. April 97, '69. New 21roatistmetts. TOWANDA• M — Aft (Ws oursate Parma Corrected every Wednesday by O. B. • subject to changes day Wheat *Bye Buckwheat Corn Oats Butter (Boils) . Eggs do (Dairy). Potatoes 8 00 VT 00 18 20 • 50 300 WEIGHTS or Gaant.—Wheat, 60 lbs. ; Corn 56 lbs ; Bye, 56 lbs ; Oats. 32 lbs ; Barley, 46 lbs ; Buckwheat; 48 lbs ; Beaus, 62 lbs ; Bran 20 lbs ; Clover Seed, 60 lbs ; Timothy Seed, 44 lbs ; Dried peaches, 33 lbs ; DriedApplai, 22 lbs ; Flax Eleed,s6 lbs. Flour Ham.. Onions Tuts Tents.—The following is the Time Table of the Pennayrvards and New York Canal and Rail Road Company, whkli took &eat on Monday, April 26, 1869 .); !ovum= • 1.M., P. M. - WAvauti f i. sas' las 810 Ainexem . ' ...6:50 1:30 * *8:55 .7:03 143 - 9.08 UL4TZ 1:58 923 TOWANDA... • 7.40 2:20 9.45 NORTHWARD. - ' M. P. M. -P.M. WWI= 810 12:45 .520 !aware 1225 - 5.00 MILAN .7:37 ' 12:12 447 - . 4:32 Town= —7:00 11:30 • 4:10. JOHN P..00E, lisporbitedid. NTICE.—The subscriber being - been out dukes all periods In debted to him to make Immediate payment , as he ia In need of toner. He larl3l be compelled ta make costa If those indebted do not pay Op. •-• • ANDREW f3EBBIgt Townidt; day 18,1469 - .4t fIONOENTRATED INK AND POT. salt at 4 0; B. PATCH% - May 10. • . • • AA STOCK OF `TOBACCOS THAT .11a1 cant be best le cant" of per, at MAY 20- , -C,B 242113 W& von BALL—The ingssetiberoffers tar see all his real estate Is thW heron% consisting -Of a Dwelling Rom ead Let and Ormery Storm oa the North aide of tallest sweet, mid tea vacant lots on the* South Me of wild street, together with material eaaegb for the construe** of three homes. The property will litoold al a harruma' ' T D, W, MHZ& '-Aiiwaada, f0;1889. „let Ai' , et. Godditig-aitstloll4'''-e i o; • : • • - • _ ••• N 0.1211 tusilleOflr. irtolif, • f. TCIVILILNDA O PA.' .zt' .- Dsumurtig- HARDWA' ,- `Mak ENE BLACKEINgIiii logosacvrwi CARRIAGE TRIMMING% FELLOW., :SEAT liAcE9; TOP LS4THER, DABB LILLTHER, ENAMELLED CL9Tg, SPRINGS I ,AXLES. PIMBOXES, CIRCLES. BOLTS, •pYILe., . 1 . 1 . 1 4 1 ;/: YE,EBI At dadding, Russell & Co 4. MACHINE OIL, ROPE, LEATHER BELTING, BABBITT METAL, and SAW.', Trespass CORN SHELLERS, FEED CUTTER& CHURN POWERS, rt.oWN APPed AND ALL FARMING TOOLS. At Codling, Russell 4 Go's: DTI .Deb B UILDERS MATE RIALS, NAILS, PAINTS AND OILS, C. ME AND•dEItiENT, by the barrel, CARPENTER'S, BLACKSMITH'S, And COOPER'S TOOLS, DIIPONTnS.P . L OWDER; AMES' SHOVELS, PICKS:AND FISHING TACKLE and HOOKS • I x. . 2 V 2 Xto ~:. , 111)- 2 - • E. c 2$ xr a 1 foli :-- . . W - 1 NM Cla .75 4•S OMB ti 0 , .4 ea A lir = it .. &a & z o 8 CC 411. co -" e. .g 0. I 410 ‘2l 6 a . . .0 at - • g 1 1 -a , 4 Li 4 1 1 . 4 2 a —O. it •_9. - i , ~., ill E. , ' m . • .4 • DOTY'S WASHING MACHINE Universal ClotheB• Wringer EIXC EILEIOR BENCH 'WRINGER. SILVER PLATED WARE, LAMPS, LANTEANff„,BIWBH/38r. GUNS AND PISTOLS ETA ; PATCH, 1 76" $1 50 1-00 65 85 60 200 30 30 17 POCKET-KNIVES, RAZORS, 90 65 300 TABLE CUTLERY, At Codding, kussell & Co.'s. - - ; al hti aAI 1 :5 • fidl g g; 7 ' 4 1, t t PI 4 5 . a gq . g.i 2 sell 11 4 Bti f t I a to en E 4 ID 8 Zi s " 1g44 °- HP i. e ! ANPintidr. ORIN =I IRON, KEROSENE 414 SCYTHES, 'HERO Faurr juts, WHOLESALE. EMI ,f3ivrlse Tffinaakpastaar,ls,lBll9. 5 ISM ~~~ :t - StOY:ES, itc; will MA dads Opt, itept4:N. BPOILES, TIitGLEI, GAS PIPE, A.mrs:rekoti RAND In large stock. Including SASH, GLASS,; SAFLTY Ftrez, WHEEL-BARROWS,: Tho largest Stock of BCISISO.RB, AND In Towanda. 1 OucAstituilvo* WS 416 w -NAILS, - `,:GLASS, Agent' for Bilis flows, =le „ - BIU)Er A . f . , . . :',..''.•;:::.'- , . ; i".,4' . ;47:A. , ,1.; - : 4,:l4Ti' ,', , r - i.;,.., -.- :,:'. v .- '. ' ... :.;,,-..,-,..r;',v.---';''.,Nol--100,11rartiviirater,.;.,-,,;-,, T OW AN DA, P =I Sup oondlatiy *l6lO the most complete amortmeat of l • BOOTS' AND . sHaEs, - .V•, , -- , .: . .i •,",-,,T LEATHER, 1 , SHOE ECA4,2Z=ISSJ SADDLERY HARDWARE, TRUNKS, TRAVELLING BAGS, All of which Will be sold upon the MOST REASONABLE TERMS The reptitatioli of " Eitmphrey's . Boots" Is so well established that we Consider it an necelaary to Nay anything about thank: May 12, 1869 TRACT&.MQGRE H&VE •JOST RECEIVED - A .LARGE STOCK Spring and Summer Goodi, Which Olefin - 10 not offering Cheap for cash buch is SILKS, POPLINS, ALVAOAS, EMPRESS, DOMESTICS, E OARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, HOOP SKIRTS, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, ;CROCKERY, =1 . • , , -.. - . . S§ WARE_ - - 1 - I Please till and kxrce oat. - stock befoti purcloeng el eeerbere -' • • 'MACY .2, 110 . 03 F.. - To wseds , April 38,1868., . , . 'PEW MOST CONVENIENT PLACE J. In pun tb get a , , C+ 0 0 ID A. EATING 110tr8E, Two doors Booth - it the NatlOnat.itank. O. B. ,ALVORD baring purebred the &bee well tat eatabllshmwat;la now prepared to Walt 11Pw all who =yaw hlatarfte a all. He aro keep. a full auppl a rot FAMILY ..01100E1gEW Whick be is preptiett to mall deep. ToiNids, WU, VAL; ; Illy I'l l Toni tifoiiitata • am now to fond* all classes wi th conduit ampU et their bow* the whole of the thae, or sr the ware moments. Butner new, light enema table. Fifty owlets per -tneeleg.le easily earned bp-persona of either sex, and the boys sad &le new oesrly as, moth es men. Great inati are - oed at* who will deft.' tMir irbole - theelo••the boalateil lat4;thit _everypermat who seeitldw kolleOwaslaselluie their address sea -tag the besteserfetothes.- slim, I nalwthe _ups:WM dal t To all who are sot well Whilst with the bael =via:seal to wawa* Irma& of see.. pultleolsrs, nog hew fliseplismothriesil fetlikoseiWi- Allirees , - 16:"TAtt 1L414L111111,.. Key 19, DOW A : Amok /N.' gni illAt l . ::-OAt',.1 . li*J . R STORE ! ._ Y., I, .'..lff: ' 7', . ",..• : , -.1 - :;...`,.? 7 . I.), - 1 ~ Thinndereignethara °mai a Storelon the oath Me of, nerenei new block, MUM Mil Which we will cell at the lowest pcnalble Priem 4 reapeotially solicit . aluo:e of ilto pair:Rage of thepobkc.' • • - ; • , G 0: " •N•E W -JEWELRY, •• ' • - , G 0-1 D .A. T.Oll E S; • ILT WARNER'?. ELGIN WA.t.CHES, ' •