' Nam from all Nation --There are si Smiths in' therOon ,. lieetieut legislature. —The merchan ;of Lewiston, Me., hare organised a quilit club —There is still y two feet and a half of snow in the. 'ds near liwiston, —Hazing has broken out in Brown University. - —Ainerica had- but tbiqy papers bgelearti sae. —Jenny Lind has made her home in Hamblug. grand Dnehess Constantine in consnmption. 111„,. • —Head Central - Stephens will be in New York this month. 1 —Dubois county possesses a calf with a heavy fleece of fine Tool , —A New York girl takes 3'7 white muslin dresses to West Point. —Canton Zuriab, Switzerland, had 64,016 citizens at the lad election. —An Admiralty for the seaports of North Germany will soon be established. —Dile, author of Greater Britain. is dead. —Mrs. Dc. Walker wants to be a detective. =A Detroit widower has married his mother7i,u-law. —Next-fall New York is to have a woman's parliament. Stoelkl has received a decoragou and a pension. . —Ole Ball gives his farewell con " cent in Boston on Friday. —ln carver county, Ky.,, a woman has been indicted as a witch. —The marble statue of Henry Clay, in Richmond, has been iiintilatid. —The chasers( l of ,New York have formed a mutual benefit association. —ln the Indiana State Hospital for the Insane, oat of 322 inmates 157 me women. --J. A. Knopp, formerly deputy sheriff of Tioga county, died at Emporium on the 7th inst. --The Seth Thomas Clock Company at Thomastoj made eleven thousand clocker last month. —ln Jackson county, Mo., the blackbirds are devouring the grassh4pers by the million. • —The Hartford Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb has 232 pupils-18 of them from Connecticut J —Nearly two hundred babies have already been entered for the show in Boston, in Jubilee week . —The St. Paul "pioneer" reports another_large arrival of Sweeds and Nor-. wegians nt that place. —The driving of piles across the Quinnipiech River, for the Air Line Rail road, will be completed in a few days. - -There are. now in New Hamp- shire fifteen,pliapters of Royal Arch Ma sons, with a membership of nearly 1.600. —Winstead and the surrounding towns in Connecticut are fall of freshly arrived 'French Canadian immigrants:• —There are sixty-one children in attendance at the State School for Imbeciles, at Jacksonville, Illinois, this year. —One thonsond persons have been conceited in Indianapolis under the recent preaching of the Rev Mr. Hammond. —lt is reported that Boyle the no torious "Butcher Cart" robber who was sent to Sing Sing for 40 years has escaped. —Alfred Pell original projector of New York Central Park, died last week. —Gen. Robert Anderson, of Fort Sumptir fame, has gone to Europe with his family. —A committee of the Maseitchn setts Legislature have been- examining.the Binghamton Inebriate Asylum'. —The new railroad between Fr,ee hold and Farmingdale, N. J., carried over 'three 'thousand five hundred passengers during the month of April. —A class'numbering fifty-two com prising the best musical talent of Bangor, Maine, are in rehersal to take part in the great peace JuWee, in Boston. —Some men have lately been en gaged in removing the bogs from . .the outlet of Etoricon Lake, in Wisconsin, thereby lowering it perceptibly. —Eleven black snakes have been killed in Pittsfield, 1.1.)H., lately, whose length average five feet wach. Two were killed by little girls. - —A starch company in Indiana has F"consumed during :the last season, in the _ manufacture of starch, - two-hundred thous and bushels of corn. —The chaplain of the Kansas Pen itentiary has induced the directors to make an order prohibiting all other ministers from preaching to the convicts. —Farmers in Minnesota are pay ing twenty-four per cent. interest for money to head their wheat, not wishing to take eighty or eighty-five cents for it.. —Fine salmon 'are now taken in drift nets in the Penobscot River, Maine. They weigh from twelve to twenty-four pounds. The number increases every year. —William Souther, of Blackburn met, Minnesota, saw twenty-four rattle- snakes tear his place,. of which number he killed nineteen, the remaining five escaped unharmed. —Over five hundred dozens of pig eons were caught in- nets near Oak:Held station, Fond do Lao county,.Wisconsin, one day last week. They were sent to New York. —A fellow in Newcastle, Indiana, sdrertiges for a wife rho, be says, "hag just left him as his summer's work is be- ginning, notwithstanding he has had the expense of wintering her. —The Frankfort (Ky.) City Coun cil have appointed a committee to arraugO for the 7th day of June air the centennial anniveraary'of Daniel Poxes arrival in Kentucky. R,o[rnirTh Catholics have erec ed convents on the Wild Rica rives, in MinnesoLay.c.„inlOtter Tail comity, and a number of Sisters of Charity have recently been bent there from St. mid. —A society has been formed in mantinbton, Mass., for ,the purpose of set ting out the shade trees, improving the streets and enforcing "the laws for the pro tection of trees, fruit and useful birds. —The baggage of Mrs. Kellogg's opera company was attached at the'New Haven depot, Tuesday, by an extortionate expressman, to compel the manager to comply with his demands., , —A giant has bought a farm near Algonquin, in McHenry - qouitY, 111. He Is seven and a half feet high, And weighs 614 pounds. `He is a nietie of Jeanine, oame to this country nine years ago. asOspoe?cs twenty languages.. vaitord =Toss : E.G. GOODRICH. 8. W. ALVORD. Towanda, Thuraday, June 31_1801;4 LEGISLATIVE CORRUPTION. It is somewhat failionable now-a days to write about Legislative - Cor million. Editors and correspondents dip their pens in wormwood and gall, if not morb combustible and aril phurons combinations, metaphorically speaking, and say the hardest and comelest words they can put on paper to show the profligacy and dis honesty of the Representatives of the people. So when the Legislature of this State lately adjourned, a . gen eral and spasmodic strain of thanks giving was indulged in,,that the ter rible body had finally separated, and the Commonwealth was relieved of a danger more serious than " was, pe stilence and famine." We don't know that even at this late day, when all these rascals have been merged in their respective con stituencies, that it is safe to utter a word in their defence, er to dissent generally from the popular verdict, which consigns the Legislature in the agregate, to the depths of infamy and disgrace. We say, "in the agre gate"—became we have no idea that the presses which have been londest and most unsparing in their denun ciation, would include in the condem oation their own especial Representa tive, or Representatiies ; But while they are sweeping in their charges, they have a good word, and a saving clause, for, the gentlemen represent ing their own County. If we can be lieve these newspaper judges, there was no virtue in the Legislature, ex cept' that embodied in the represents• tive jrom that County, who succeed ed in preserving his integrity amidst -the geneial debauchery. The anath emas hurled at the Legislature are always accompanied, with the declar ation which places some one on the roll of honor ; and we , are led to con chide that the general= corruption is but the setting introduced to show off to advantage a bright, particular *ewel. =I It is undoubtedly the prerogative, as it should be the duty of the press, to report corruption in office whether, in the 'executive or legislative branches. But we question the truth, or. the propriety of the wholesale al_ legations which set down the whole Legislature as being venal and cor. rapt. That bad men get into legis islatures for dishonest purposes, we do not question; , but it is insulting the integrity orrintelligence of the people to affirm that all their Repre sentatives are•uecessarily scoundrels and thieves. • The general charges of,dishonesty, so freely indulged in, have a tend ency to lower the standard of Legis lative morals, and to bring aboi4 the very state of affairs deprecated and mourned over. Satisfy a Member thathe is to be convicted of having ari "itching palm," and branded as a felon, from the fact of having become a legislator, and we fear be would be more easily "talked to" than if he felt that he had a good name to pre serve. We notice thit most of the mem bers are looked upon at home as rep utable citizens and enjoz the con& deice and respect of the community where they reside. The approbrinm of legislative dishonesty does not seem to attach in individual cases, but is res&ved for general use. A news paper at Harrisburg undertook, soon after the adjournment of the Legisla ture, to make a distinction, and sep arate the faithful from the unfaithful, by making a list of the honest. was a lamentable Jailure, being so evidently and palpably unjust an4in correct, that we predict that nr re spectable man is likely soon again to make a like attempt. The truth is, different critics view people from dffierent stand-points, mild have en tirely and widely different knowledge of their motives and conduct, and what to one may tppear flagitious to another may seem honest and proper. Personal prejudices and private griev iances have their fulLshare in affect ing or perverting our judgment and in doing injustice where wrong is not really intended. re have no intentions of entering into a defence of Legislative misdo ings or of whitewashing -the iniqui ties of • the late body. They' did enough in all conscience, which was disreputable and for which the peo ple should hold them responsible.— The point we sought to make, was, that whilst everybody was _ready to join in the hue and cry, yet each one, had a reservation to make which saved some one from the general condemnation, - and hence, if we gath ered the evidence of all the coustitu ences, each enulpating - their own member, the Legislature, was, after all a most virtuous, honest = and ex emplary body, divisible ; but in thp agregate fit only for the peniten tiary. Corruption has undoubtedly crept into our legislature. In plain terms there Are members who expect to make money from every important meE sure, either by promoting or retarding its passage. They i form what is called a "ring," and though not numerically strong, generally include a portion of the talent and experience of of the Legislature. pass a bill without their co•operation, or with their opposition, is ahnOst impossible, and they often succeed in "bleeding" the agents of important measures, of large amounts. The gentlemen composing this .ring , are well knowkatlfarriebirg, as are` n fact, all those who are in'the habit of selling their votes. we amluippy to say that the number of inch* Marv utable-vitatncters is not large; but Spey ari-0 010 /10 1 7 01101 P) ti i i # l t h e il th rna P l4 o 4 *' ant to.-7ataht ,the -*PO*, 17 Whole 64.70 f which' - The:evits 'and abuser groanixt °vitt, now are no worse than in days.' They have existed in all ages andiinder all go -liniments. not suPtiOse they will be entirely eradicated, until " the good time . coming." Certainly not, whilst hu man nature remains as it is, and has ever been since the fall of man. ; We people can do" much' _towards correcting the abuse, - and restoring or rescuing the characier of our Leg islature, _by sending only las_ mum burs; honest and trustworthy men A.' man of integrity ; is not likely` ,• to become a scoundrel because be serves a term, or half a dozen terms, at Harisburgh ; but an unreliable,_ dishonest man, is alreadit a corrupt legislator when he first sits down in his seat. Let-the voters then song , nize closely the character and stand ing of the men who seelt,toth represent ,them n - CHarrisburg, and judge, sole. ley, cautiously, and- without local prejudices who is the most fit. By so doing they will effect more -to wards proper and honest legislation; than any amount of groaning and lamenting over , legislative corrup tion. If the legislators are• corrupt; then their constituents are either dishonest or culpably. 'negligent.— For they have tie power'and should have the integrity and intelligence to be properly represented. : , ' sey. The British press met - Mr; Motley's arrival with a grand erup- tion of American essays, and Mr. Laird has come opt with another rocket to defend himself and England for the Alabama outrage. The tenor of all these expositions is that Eng land is and always has been perfect ly right, and that if she has ever ig norantly done wrong, the United States set the example that warrant ed it. The specifications defending the latter ' assertion are so meagre that we may well take credit for our blameless policy heretofore. The hopes of a speedy and happy issue to Mr. Motley's negotiations that, were 'predicated on the action of the Liver pool Chamber of Commerce,are dash ed by these more genelal expositions of feeling. They are not, however, decisive, and thoughtful Englishmen in controlling positions see that some: thing more must be'd'one inthe pre mises than merely saiing "You're another'? and "I won't."' stir The Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia_ has sustained the section I:4 the new registry law which applies to hotels and boarding-houses in Abet city. .The decision of the Court commends itself to all who are in favor of sustaining the parity of the ballot-box. Under this law asses. sore are prohibited from registering the nmates "of taverns, and sailor boarding-houses.' If any such are citizens and qualified :voters a- they• must go before the board of canvass: ere and establish their rights. , The Democrats are very indignant as they are well aware that the enforcement of the law will deprive them of thou sands of illegal votes in Philadelphia, and will insure the city for a Repub lican majority. THE Detroit Pod pictures a dread ful state of affairs. It says : And now two colored clerks have been appointed in the Patent Office. Henceforth no Democrat will invent anything patentable ; or, if he does invent anything, he will, of coarse, refuse to patent it ; for what Demo crat would not scorn a patent per haps filled tip by a "nigger" clerk What Democrat would subs it' his invention or claims to a "nigger" for examination; or for record? ' Whether the world will lose much if Democrats of the modern Ainerican school cease to "invent" remains to be seen. A Korman, upon Southern soil, in honor of the tens of thousands of brave Union soldiers who perished in prison pens, has been projected. By all means let it be built, and let it be eo conspiciously placed that every living rebel, who has upon his conscience them order of patriots,may at some period of his - life see it, and have recalled , to hin.' the pictures of misery and death wfiich his fiendish barbarity assisted to produce. HARD TO PLBAss.—Some of the little yelpers are whining .about they price of,wheat, "only $1.40 per bushel," and they call on the farmers to oppose the administration of President Grant, because the farmers cannot live at these ruinous low price& for wheat. On the other hand, they call on the laborers to oppose s Gen. Grant because they cannot live-at the high price of breadstaffs 1 Ob,you insectsl when will you be wise ? Ammar. cum FOE Ausserr.—the attempt to Murder a whole company of soldiers, at _Louisville, Ky., is an other evidence of the quiet loyalty on the part otrebels. Should not an amnesty arid a _restoration -to the right of Nuffrage be . voted at once to rebeli7 What a repentant !set they are ! . Virmassless, the new- Ameri can Minister' to Paris, bas had his first official interview with the Stip; ror Nothing : was said beyond what is usual 011 such weasions,. hut Mt poleon • estavesed his , satisfaction with the kindly. feelings this country was stated to entertain toward his government., .. IS. The tieit:Torlt Suipnblisbea accidents occalkineds by dinnkemis under the bead iit"Tetipecapoe Pdzo Essayei - _ • MGM LETTER FROM KANS AS. 1 ' ' ':lol* - 41bii 20 . / 86 tt an= of rintr.: t i t s * " I 61 ! eamicr i die soCrecipmestat TN!Prt , menu= and boa% aaa we banialk*Valt*Tei t Monde, anamplatimonso lull tamed • a The rooks.with their eisisal bracts " stingielkiesimisorablem. i mam • I propose more pintiniarly, however, to 'peek of a few of themnip Bradford mu* men in this vie _ z l/mow of mem that ere dissatisfied ar 'desirous eot retiming. One loon—o Ihniington absi—dbi bark: sitar. steams hare of afew months.' No one.can blame poor Rosa, though, for be settled down among the Irish and con trabands.- . Wing Rom , canton . Myself, •ot, muse I have bebonie more particularly se ,ciainted with settlers fonn IYestern Brad; "' ' *am • a*: 4 and H. a •PAns• °Royal . .Tamis Plasmas TiFlua‘ an," Doane Taotsca t *A. Man i W. E. .BA ,:G. NimPsys Tamen iiPlXer s Dr. Roconals and that °Lothar's, .From Towanda ii Capt. TOIL &us, now. mining IkaannAd tar= Is dot AktenkeY. :.015t. Rxerrillls the o- floe. with - sti ib.. and has drawn front ail raldla his Iddliff to ; the.iniefesta of the ' inaliqua of the county... Z. J. Donau-, a niche* ..of 001.-'Mama, ,of , Towanda, formerly edited the 2bpeka • Pak: Tram; but the • dribi me "went dead"----or, as the plainsmen say, "got out oltick7 and NZ BMW& is now managing &Tubuai in the butte Record aloe. 'Tulle Orme " Tams, though still strong and active, be gins t 0 show the.effects of; constant hard ship and exposure. In his inimitable voice . ha says, L "1 h1013.)321011 and spent a heap of money in Banns." • Beif oontisets are generally supposed to be tolerably remunerative, and so they are, provided Ido• "Lo" (the poorindian) don't bidet upon a division of pro:Cite. This of ten occurs, however, and "Lo " is not in variably honest, taking the lion's share whenever practicable. iskoped here, that Gatar's Quaker policy with thl red-skins will settle the question in Eastern minds. It is confidently expected that some Quaker hair.will be lifted presently, and this, it is supposed, may serve to convert the pseudo- philanthropic Noacci G. and the Tribune readers from the folly of their notion that, it is all a. pooito," and " the base' white men." Government has pampered and fed these fiends long enough. lon, readers of the Exponrsa, pay a liberal tax to fundah men as able-bodied and 'strong as your selves sustenance and clothing. In return, your pioneers, men of pith and enterprise, are slaughtered and scalped. I tell you these people are not the "noble red men," but a pack, of thieving, murdering villains, Inca pablo of humane feelings. Civilization must stop, or extermination proceed. I prefer the latter. Here I am, switched off on an Indian trail. Pardon me, and let us go back and see " DOLPH " THOMAS. He is to be found in the office of the Clerk of the U.& Courts. Comfortable quarters, and profitable.—, "DoLiA"ls a fine clerk, and deserting the position he enjoys. CHIBTZB Tatnas, at.; has become a tiller of the soil—not that "yeller clay" of Bradford -z-and lives happy in the consciousness that cattle grow day andnight. "Carr" has a fine herd, and no man in the Wakarusa Valley takes bet ter care of stock. I believe he considers it no particular honor to have been beaten sheriff a year ago. His father' played the same game successfully - upon the Bradford county people two or three times. " jr., however, received a majority of all vote . cast, but owing to cestaiiiinfluences broughl to bear, our District Judge instructed the ' Commissioners not to count, the soldier vote, which gave " CHILVEI opponent a majority of seventeen. Dr. W. S. Bases, with whom the greater portion of the able-bodied male citizens be• tweet' the ages of eighteen and forty-five residing { in the Thirteenth Pennsylvania District are acquainted, has just completed a fine store building, renting for p 1,200 per annum, and is now busily engaged in build ing a dwelling in which he expects to spend the remainder of his days, -unhaunted by flaky visions of towering rockrand bottom less snows. The Doctor insists Pennsyl vania, and especially that portion of the Keystone comprised .within the boundaries of Bradford county, is a splendid country— to' emigrate from. Sztrairr Mums, who is known to many citizens of Toiranda, as a former student at the Institute, and later 'a law-student with Miscue A Moanow; is eated at Paola, county-town of Miami Co. In company twith a former Classmate, he is doing a general insurance and land-agency brudneth, hoping, probably, for opportunity to say to "twelve good and lawful men," "Never, gentlemen of thajury, never in'the whole course of my professional career," Ac. He has been duly admitted to. the Shawnee county bar, and to practice in the Banta States District and Circuit Courts. Wax. Baia is at his old tricks—nialcing pills end spreading plasters. The Oases? Oh, they are 0.8. The Sri of A. H. & M. H. Czar. (A Hard and Mighty Hard Case) is dissolved. En is the same Bra that left Bradford • years ago—a good lawyer, but for him "even'bacchanalian madness has its charms." Mturois, for merly a practitioner at the Bradford county bar, is a member of the heaviest law firm in the city, and so crowded with business that I think he scarcely even dreams of trout fishing, anft it must be " business " indeed, that drives that from his mind. M. H. is intending to erect a dwelling this summer. "Box " Cass- Honest "Bee "—is located at Marion Centre, 100 miles southwest from Topeka, His name is now entitled to the prefix "Hon.", he having been a member of the House last - etinter. He aUb enjoys the positions of P.M. (" wick means Post Mager "). U.S. commissioner, Notary Pub lic, County Surveyor, Clerk of Probate Court, Landlord, and Attorney. "Busi ness is business—go in and Win." - Dimas formerlyof Leßoy, is driving a'con tmcting business. He is a good mechanic —slow but sure. Dr. Bowles, formerly of Herrick, like "Joshßillings' Perambulating PBX" attends strictly to business, and has good pro&peZts of .16 pleasant and lucrative city pectic& But my story is growing too long. I cannot name half the men that have fallen from' those Bradford. county rocks into this - "Garden of the Weak" G. E. Buzzogs. of Canton, Is here prospecting; also SAYUZI4 NZIMAN, from same place. Both are pleasantly, but not yetpesnent ly, employed in the. city. L 'L Mammas, formerly of 'boy, has just sold out the .Lader establishment, and is out of's' hii." W. I!, Mr ezemez; s son of IbT. Atreaszi, of Eimithilead, who came here Aimee years ago, a: niers consumptive Skeleton, is now Wig a. geed truthless at Auburn, fifteen miles southwest, Sum Puma, who left the Old Keystone some twelve yearslago, ownsanawatits • Arm farm at the. same Thelmmigratiort this spingis Immense: lis.thmoress TIRCOLUFisys she has counted over Myths= passing their , depr in one day. And still there is room: Fariners end mechanics cannot come too fast. We al. 'ready have a alphas of e/erke and domoth t folto,. Poi, stook state is only excelled by the vast wilds Of Taxes. and our' spkrattun t l propels are beyond compari son., 'The soil is deep arid rich edi the constitetents requisite to the healthigicrirth of coral and' forests. Oar farmers' can and 40, ride their plows, ride their Man- EOM 1 ' - tam not ga IM em Ik/s -oma cense it is stoP "Wain I *odd hen, nally,ireidere. gowas , hut,: thefilea terrestrial the unit. nob end land& enstenanee sir The New ing, annotico4 had given _up religien, arid hia total abhttnere* vieWe and oPetied a, faro bank at !White , kine,,t4ereby; in the eyee of the editor : of the crat, becomh:g a epectable c itizen,", • • Ned aenda•him e following: - I have' nevei ambled •in my life, never belonged any - 'church, never voted. • with an . but :the - Native American piny, and never ;aincei joined'the Sons o Temperance,-ehoit• ly after the clo e of the war, have broken the eel obligations of thet order. I hivi tt t. yet becnin 'White Pine, and aluinl4go . there; I do, pot l i fear demorelizeti _n. .I expecteoon to reach New :for , and hope to find you have been juet enough to afford me, room to reply to an attack at once unkind and *merited.; . -Yours ravec,,. tfalty, lb • .Z. 0.. J ODION. - :!,The Imperial come- out,agairui in favor; , of De, called Democracy I rialism, thus at gether." - &re the ne' against Radicali. "Oongres is us a „ form of g , gland's and a ma a monarch. We rale over ns, a., continues to rule! INDIANA has lest the preeminence it once held as the easiest State in the Union to get a divorce in. Its laws have been so amended that dis-; contented husba ds and wives cannot commence proce dings in its courts T y for a release fro \ their matrimonial bonds, unless th have previously been residenta i good faith of the ir State for one ye 1 and of the county ninety -days. Whether the change has been made i the interest of mor ality, or only in that of boarding : hone and hotel keepers, does nut ap pear. i • ) Tat Governor has appointed John Eadick Health Officer of Philadelphia, In place of Ga i n. H. G. / Sickle's, re signed in consequence of his appoint- ment as Collect.r of Internal Beve- Iltle New 2 'AGENTS Parsons Laws motions and Forms f State, by Tutor= fervor of Law in Boon FOX mars° of Contract and I • bow to draw and • and best authority I liberal terms : also - as. Barr Pau; . ANTEI).--= 0 Good Bark Peeleri t by the Tow •da Tanning Co ,at . rent wood, Bradford Co nip Pa. Highest wager will be paid datingS peeling season. J. B. BOWE. Greenwood, Nay 31,18e9, tf, BRIDGE NO CE.—Notice le her underiven by • undirsigalid commission era, the Act o the Gemini - assembly o the' Commonwealth of Pessimists*, eiti an "Act to tricot •• to the War e- and No • Broach Bridge Ass ..iation," ippoired. March, 26th, 1867:that the egidsite smonat of stook • complete the Into • • Sion of said.. Assochitio • has been an • • and that a meeting of • . Stock Holders will be held at the • Bradt° • House In Athena To • • p, on Thursday, June 17, at 2 o'clock P. for the election oral and organisation of .e Association. TIMOTHY HIRERS WM. R. MOORS, , • D. L. F. CLARK, Cewonfssioners Athens,May 1: . 1889. MEW eroc! May apices A FULL 411%. Ware at May 20. FRESH C iimny morning cane at •POREIGN Frults of all May 20. WOOL.-;- 50, for whith . May 3.5,1889. CAUTION.- YAW witheatjast cause o' bid all persons .har seetnuat, as 1 will p log after this date. Asylum. Ka 'y 24, ALL KINDS May _P B rovisi MO ons ai w . DHOF. HO 1 a7O. aration st I STEVEN: I IN • rren. Be' coiner o Wa f Second 1 Poirendd. Key 25! C • •, AIITION. - = itaarraliee left Jost cause_or p by forbid harboriagl moat, as I will pay after tble date • I =3:1731 TEM OAK GOOD OIDE TwmuLs,May 20 A LL - KIND • A PmAdomi at, May. 20. • CHO , IOE L 0 0 lc. -4 ,at the old steed of sow reeetelag a OBANlatni . *Wt** 011 it to plilashotomoiltloo. paWfor Aprll it, 1819.41 AfAVEREL; 4111. e.L, Y4ot4 1111 SPILES OF andAtiv geowad. FEED AND "abort Asokhziortor OPP!ki,:aet. yon a question: Sabred witikei 11 , 114- r d "t i .ot. Jae that 'thou upon to 1 7. Dnzoo. MEE k , DernocrA hay !lied 'Buntline", "Ned Buntline" . neWspaper has the "Radicals," and °crag. What is and what is lave - last "lie down to- prononciawnto 'he Dictator. Give i vernment like En like Gen. Lee for want no trash to it hte ru l e d and I" • vtttistmcnts. • NTED.—For Prot .f Badness, With full Di• &Transactions In *very PAZIONI L. L. a, Pto • University. A mew Explaining every kind obligation, and showing ate them. The highest the land., Send • for oar r our Patent Bible Pro. PARMELEE & CO.Phils. COFFEES' AND C. B. PATCH'S. TOOK WOODEN C. B. PATCH'S. FFRE GROUND put up In 2.4 and 6 and C. B. PATCH'S. AND DOMESTIC di In the* semen at v. B. PATCH'S. 00 lba. Wool wanted I. will be paid. W. A. ROCKWELL. , ereee, 'toy wife &shift my bed and board ployocation, I hereby for. 'Hog or trusting her on my y no debts of her contraot. GEO. A. CHILBON. : • 9.-3 t• GROCERIES AND lank and retail at C. B. PATCH'S. FORD'S BREAD 0. B. PATCEVA. D., Physician and deuce at N. Tidd'a. Env , • College•sta. 1869.—tt " . ereas my wife Ela m/ bed and board withoit UOllOlll persons are hero or trusting hos on lay so debts of her contracting 8.8. BENJAMIN. ,869. S.CELEBRATED C. B. PATCH'S. VINEGAR at C E. PATCR'd. GROOIMIES AND Diesels and ret4dl at O. B. MOWS. oANDIBS. (*will& WEB. RBI r L Ar, MYER, I eataLu. & Corm" aro and oellleirtod suck of D P1105110E; topes at 'pikes that di fa!men Mane.' ,: c ii r lirrße Smoked BAWL cowismi LL KINDS, JAVA all grades roasted sad COWELL at NM, RN KRAL CHAP. cow=4. a NUL oo oo oo P•O 4. N --- ioo ~.. at _ • 0 i I.:W - 001mile* ..,.1 aso -n-. --'!•41 A Polies .. s_. 4.15-.--.1000 MAO Brothers -11 l 10 00 i it A Rime 3 80 .00 DEW -. 1 - 3 3000 judebist i ts ' - '1 i" f l it iek i -r-r ,1131141310 ..:_,,,,'4.1t 0154 ~' t‘,.. 5 '3 4 :tpv 700 Ape , bora-, at Plaice' ' .4 / - _ 900 0 Gllmiley& Sons ' -- 13- 10.00 . .•; E X' Rockwell. •,- r, ,- .13 lO.OO 4 "` .1'1111141. -8 1) & 841 = 4%; C° ' .--' '-: 11 'Jr! 00 Moron MUM - ••• - 1111 - .Et 00 Is7hol-4 1 3/041, 1 - - - ; . 13 -10 00 BOU9s4 ol 4, l mrorr•D *Moe* ~ . 13, lO.OO Dribs'& Clo: ll'' slO IV - ' '-Wl9lsvirthetit - -' ?• ,-, 14 , r - 'too ' A 'Orb , * ' ' ' ' ' `i ' ' . 14; . :..-910 in&fEWest : 4l - Ittoril* ..- 13 , ' 1000 Berelayowsweooelllo _ -, 0 .. ..30 00 Osaka tirp/1 Viindikti.Rlion` 14 'r 7 - 00 Centon-bmo-0 Shepithis •14 " 4 '7 00 Mt Speldlarg , --' -- .11: -16 00 r _ 001. &Maisie I A Taber . _bl -,,, 11 1 H Mown •' ' a-7 Od - -Basitl, Thomas A . Co" - !-10 'llO 00 E Rieman 7 • ~ .- 13, 10 , 00 -, Warren & Xis . ' -- 13( 710 00 I 8 J Ekkok & Son . - 10 '9O po s vmnit i soi - -14 ..- 700 ' Hamm Tittle •, • - " , 14- '7 00 Wotoott lienlet: 14 .-7 00 JyDoolittki ~ . .U 4-• 700 N 5 Dennuirk , - 14 :700 Abner Doty .I' lt 16 00 oble-dostin & Eaves -4 10 :10 00 JR Mills it Oe - 14. X4:00 . trrial=mon "14 7.00 ma t e & Me* ~ I 14 7.00 W E Einedaker - 14 ', 700 Anklin-,-M H Inborn . 13 10 00 McKee & Warner. . 13 10 00 leanvilkt--L D Mirk* ! 14 700 McMurray &Iwo _ -,,- 14- 700 :IE-Wleldzer & Whipple 14 700 Giddings .& Anderson •14 700 bald-D A Renee 14 700 Bit 1 13' . 10'00 , r-jit i Vcomb 14, ` 10 00 B El Tears 13 OO Same/ Bailey 14 700 rmille--1,P.14 700 DEt Bailey & Brother 13 10 00 L Bosworth 14 700 Bsworth & Bildwln 13 10 - 00 L o ittle & Lyon .. 13 10 00- , ; F Borworth & Son 13 10 00 Oa hrp-J R Cowell 14 700 ,Irline A. Sommers ' 11 15 00 oeboro-Itockwell& Smith 14 700 A L Orannier & Bon ' 14 700 H G ST • 14 1000 11-Cass Brahma 4 14 700 Darling & Friable 14 700 Werkheiser & Shoemaker 13 10 00 Friabie & Coburn 13 10 00- ton 7 Mro/nsonNor 1 1 0 4 . 20 0 00 0 , Emu Gibbs 14 ' 7.00 m-Herohimer Brothers 13 10'00 I;;3 UM CC! Francis Oldham &00 13 10 00 Pike-E .1 Eastabrooks 14 700 11 AB= - 14. 700 J Burroughs & Sons .12 12 60 boro-1111 Baxter 14 7 00 L Ridgway 14. 700 Whitaker, Crandall &Oo 14 700 Wickham & Bust 13 10 00 George Nichols 13 10 00 my-Voorhis Hazoneind 14 700 J 0 Robinson & ' 14 700 i M L Martin &On 13 10 00 Gll Penton - 14 700 Sylvania-Peter Monio 'l4 700 South Oreek-G E Haniphrey •14 700 -,D 14 700 P L Pe ng ' e i - 14 700 You & d 14 7 Smithfield-J H Web 12 12 00 50 B (Would • 14 700 : 4 0 B Biggs 13 10 00 E S 'l'racy : 11 15 00 Springfield-N S Watson 14 700 Isaiah Montanye 14 700 , Addison Decker 14 700 ' 1 0 Harkness &Co .14 , 700 Shesheipfin-Kinney & Watkins 13 'lO.OO 11, Gore • 14 .700 Standing Stone-11 W Tracy . 14 700 Janes Espy 14 700 1 1 g E Bash S Taybdr '' 12 - 12 60 14. ' 700 Terry-W I 0 B 13 00 B 0 Strong Horton 14 'lO 7 00 Troy twp-Bectban Stiles 14 700 Troy borowey-J H Grant 14 700 •M A Gam Oo 14 700 Velie & yanarded. 14 700 ' Mitchell, Parsons Jo Co 13 10 00 0 P Ballard 14 700 Davidson A McCabe' 11 16 00 GH. Eaten • - 14 7.00 • F L Baihrd 14 700 Jewell A Po'ineroy -12 12 60 11 F liedington 13 10 00 Charles Grohs 12 19 60 '.. L W Eigkmy 11 16 00, Itedington, . Maxwell & • Leonanl 4 80 00 0 K Spencer . 14 700 G D Long 14 7 : W 1 Newbury fr. Peck 8 30 00 I I A Pierce ' 14 700 B W Paine 13 10 00 1 H Ladley_ 14 700 Towanda.borci- Montanyes 10 20 00 Foi,: Stevens, Ifeccur.& Co 3 100 00 Cohen & Itosenfield ' 14 700 Miles Carter 13 10 00 Wickham A Black 12 12 60 John Carman 13 10 00 Solomon & Wolfe 10 .. 20 00 ' Taylor &Co ' • 3 100 00 13 N Aspinwall i - 9 26.00 S Bosenburg. - H. OO A M Warner 14 .700 WH H Gore 13 10 00 0 P Cross 13 10 00 Long & Keeler 6 50 00 Porta 13 10 00 Patterson & Kinney 10 20 00 W A Rockwell - 10 20 00 M MB 14 II Jac Ll obs 13 10 7 0 90 0 Cowell A Myer 11 15 00 8 T Decker , 13 10 00 .1 Merideth 13 10 00 T M Battles . • 14 700 I A Record 13 10.00 Dennis. McMahan 14 700 - 3 0 Frost ' 11 15 00 ' Codding, Russell ACo .3 100.00 Tracy & Moore : 12 12 60 B W Eddy . 14 700 P owell & • 1 200 00 0 B Petah Go 6 6ooo' G V Myer : 14 - 700 Humphrey & Brother 6 50.00 W A Chamberlin 14 7.00 .1' 31 Collins 13 la 00 Emmons & Brown 19 .' 10 00 B A Pettis & co. ,13 10 00 .. Scott & BMn&xt 19 10 00 Woodford &_Oark ' 10 20 00 , 3 Mes& • . ' 700 McCabe im & Mix -• . 14 5 110 00 ° W u & shall I:l=rs 14 700 .8 Calkins A Bather , - 14 • 90 7 00 00 C l one A Amabry 13' . 10.00' ' G H Wood 12 7'oo Ulster-M Claire . - 14. 7DO ~ - Hollenbach & &Own 13 10 00 00 Henry Shaw ' 14 : 7 OOO 0 E Ferguson ) 1,3 10 00 0 G Rockwell ' 14 700 A Watkins 13 . ' 10 00 0 L Sullivan 14 7 ,00 WysoxA E Menu& 11 'l5 00 ,W .7 Crane • 14 ' 700 Wells-0 L 131 Rea tffl • 'l4 700 .1 0' 14 , ~7. 0 0 Windham-Wm lientingkon 14 100 Wll Russell 14 ' 700 Watren-4aseph Peale . 14 700 • =& Abel 'l4. 7 00 Cooper, , . 1 4., 7,00 Talmagel4. 7,00 il at iTwen : - 'l4 ' '7 00 Wilmot-J Stowell 14 700 . Michad Kinder • .14 700 Lewis _ Chaffee 14 10 00 Wyalusing-D D Chafibe . 14. 700 0 13 - Lafferty . 11 15 00. Avery & Beaumont . 1 13 10 00 Ackley, Lloyd 4 Swim/ is to 00. Keehn & Vamhn l4' . 7 .0Q A Lewis' •". - 11 1500 G M Bixby - ..*" - ' 2 13' 10.00' II Et Ackley &Brother ...13 10 00 Bike & Chamberlin * - .13 10 00 A Liit And Classilleation at ' =4 =in the sale of Patent - Nos- Le., in theta. of Bandfbrd, Int 1850 ; Biller 4timnin iksro-P D - '• . 4 '5 00 Alba-0 GMan/sy &fints •- '. 4• = 600 - B P Bodraull" - - , .:,-, , 4 • 6. 0 0 Burlington born -QP Tne taliiiil 4 :..6. 00 Osaka boro-Oolirißß " 4' .' 6 00 Oaluinbis-4 B BMA 1-' • : 41- 100 M! Tqloe -,;,,' -- . 4;-, -500 B &Tom .." " - -, 4-5 00 Bolikorlik;' 1" &Snit: 4 ''x`oo Borne briro=traltidgway ' -' I ": s'oo Biiigbasy-4 0 Boldnroa .-, 1 - - . 1 4 ;:e5 00 TIO7b OIO -10/411dieregionsi00 4 . -, , 5.00 1 4 i 84 0110 . m. • - -... -... " 4 ' .. 5 °0- . E2= !!!! To WX X Oote - 2 1 10 00 1101Politi ; -Ai :1 0 00 Ifidm= i i ke lLssila il Nreaglid l.t'lrit t itaW SPRING GOODS Jilin um.14,1A.P - illia linD AV Cud.l ' k ni% " 2 ., '' ,s 4 -1 7 ,.< boar—A Lodes* l' 4l ' 3104111 IZT.:011,- dlc CO.'S o••w*Brohatio, ail .4*. 21,1 ~,„,, 'C O 'S Tals& mrp— 4 4 0•6 ,i.. _ _A the of mow ' XIV '!- - 173 laid Tab's . in Ha Oasaeot `pm .- len: .,,t- fir?, , Marl Tray bori—ls X Mak& TAW A " - -.40 - 1/8- Toms& boro—A XA a 8 Smith 2 - IN 001 161)( —42.4k24044501111ataa11ums sad t Robb' bi Ulf Cboak,of lke l dfor4 for th e C' =air, r Ilh .-In - c, . Al-f__,1,,..: Y. tago—astr Soak ' •• N 0 100 ~: .'0 Elfasea ibOo --:- - -, ':' , lV NI 00 Troy boso—Pastavy Drotiaas 9 25 00. I, ifossa thearsav, Ifferesoill• 128ribig for the of BeedlbrA, do aweby ees tHrlfatibs staasetllitottbs Ansalssisesl Olaboldestiosiof for lb* Yoktn isi mig sri irr- 6 1 ral Inn be held at the • OISos, Towolit de, oa SATURDAY. tbi 120 i day °CHUM, 21109,.# destamoakofimlstlit sob as Awl tbasoayss aggareed-lw ream of said e mbalmed. NORRIS SHEPARD, ___ ~y - r ' ' IllsreadlisAldwidset.' 1 W 4 4116 *sr .13080.- 8!.•..1t:;,_ . .:::0P:Ai1i Would invitit(the citizens Of Bradford and i oioing cotantlei, — to call at his HARDWARS 'STORE, - and examinelds Vioodi''and I have -an igen -constantly 'ln 'New York, and boy *stilt: hands, Which fives me so „advantage, ;Ivor others in the would say, to mei chants, tilat'i faith& them c iwith Goods at'Neir YOir price s, `ridding freight ' haver:for sale the 'celebra. Buc k-E y e ow-ex . SMITH &: BAND: POWDER 00. I am Walt_ f°r sise NORTHUMBERLAND NAIL 00 I am agent forthe DIIRHAMVILLE GLASS WORKS I am sir ot for the GREENWOOD SCYTHE CO. I am agent foe the BALTIMORE HEATER I am agent for'lhe STAG LEAD AND ZINO I am agent for OUR OLD HOME COOK STOVE, RATHRONVB BRILLIANT and MORNING GLOIRY Heating Stoves! I aniaimit tar TERWILLIGER & ' Co.'s SAFES I am agent for TURNER'S PATENT LADDERS Ihave a very large stock of SCYTHES and 'GRIND, STONES Hay and Straw Forks, • Hand and Horse Rakes, .1 Scythes and Scythe SnathEl, FOR THE SAYING SEASON. I ohrar keeps complete rock of Carpenter's Tools, Wagonmakees Tools, Blacksmith's Tools, and everything weed In their line I anodways re : dy to MANUFAOTURE OR REPAIRh Any kind of Tinwant. • I am Hinidqui,sters of anything• In the HARDWARE LINE. QUI and be convlnced„ 6 Towan(a,./ime 1,1869. GE9. V. MYER, Ha Ting tarchased the TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE, One door South of the . Pita Nations I Bank, is so• Mlliog ever3thlng In Ms line wholesale and retail. fla'kespa constantly on bud a complete atm& of ' O . I IOICE'CIGARB, PINE CUT, MON NO 1 PLUG TOBACCO, Put hp et elketyles. The beat (panties of nowt BLACK and SCOTCH SNIIP , B. Tti► mist eelelna t ed br ands ct FANUY SMOKING. TOBACCO is great variety, PIPES, TOBACCO BOXES and -POORES, MATCH SAM, • and all ariWs ;441y iep tin a ilrgt elan CIGAR STORE Desists sit 11110 will foal 1 siot esaiolne his I=adsod iron abets& - Met.. •-•- April - 214 18514'. - 1 711 DIMUSTRSNOTIOtINotiiie is AZ.-Ilistilitvoi Solidi pinions fiSobtoi to Is edits of Tlia4B tuif tale _ 1 of Pe • pewi obsolo w: the'd.. .11f ts make la" Maw. t; sod' %twist- claim =Mato auelpunt ties dolysii „PrJlo4,lollSP. -" StlMEti; ?Aro 10.,1151. r: AtoSaittatir: ... , InIOE ' l oiii - to ki - AL" ' ( , ..- og : took az _..r. VI 'lmPrOitstate.'_'li Si Moot= nage viler potter wait bs :Instil:to mud wog tor mks likit& tali Resat„ • iitiltriett WWl* to prev at, d Yappl lose Week eistemiats '.- Muhl settiousti lir• W .... J/ Via u ettellgibinitt s mar . AM spelt of. do. Waft &Ike imisatOtid at Ant so. -C414 14 04;14$ U, lice.: . • ' ..:.~;~, Nisrlitt - pale GOODI3, f iotL -pL4AKl3,and 13HbWL$ HOOP SKIRTS, CUATEdl , wit i l OASSIOnS, , ' SfLENt•INGS, AND .BATTS. LADIES' _ CAPS. =I CARPETS, • 1 OIL OLOTHB, ALSO THE CELEBRATED ; • wrH: S. K. 1 Our Spring Stock is now complete in every Department, and our Goads have not been selected witkayiew to secure large prpfits, but to please and benefit our customers. We believe we have streceeded in this, and invite all to call and verify our statement Towanda, April 1, 1869 UST RECRIT ED .MOIII4NYE'S STOR.E LARGE AND WELL SELECTED Eribok Spring and Summer Goods, Depression of the Market WHOLESALE AND. ItEl'AlL'i P.m ORATES OF tIROOICEKY I Apri15,1,868... 111011111 LOOK. LIIMBEIL-LATH AJLXILIXCILIB.- t h 'dm Witte of Sonde. Ifloorlag, Sesatlies aid Timber Of 'almost say bulk cemeniens. Aleo g= Leib and Uri beet /awed eae ri tats poeitymalmo= l eto puttee for Palms=clod notice aid epos re= nosoubbe • bir leathrthele or at the 'Amide OM erl. or with tam X. Woomonrs, Ileep, At the Towanda Coal Cob Di ge;t4ti - larch 31 A brie dock cps HOSIStY,. GLOVES, -,:; AND '.N ()TIMM ~~ I MIISLINI3; TICKINGB, DENIMS, STRIPES, PRINTS, '''CCiTiON TARN, MISSES', and 13HILBRICifY, SHOES, HATS, 11111 WALL PAPER, .&C. &C TAYLOR Sc. CO. AT THE PRESENT MEI W bleb .wiil:be sold secondly at dim ilreet, fro* Liverpool, -- . Inuridhauous. CARpI CARPETS- I . 1 ttrilifacreued ibelr facilities forlei Nbittillt i r ic:l4 *ls title. Mae, Ana ete now remielthig foe t6g: . S'P.l“ N G- TRID more extensive and .11!liTTZR d 814011TED0 STOCK CARPETINS, I FLOOp. - OIL CLOTHS; MAtrINGS, bRIFGGETS, tce,,AC., ?ban they flare ever before offered. ibt7 respectfully unite - attention or the pub lie to thls department of their business, aui Pledge themselves that their goods shall al w 471 be sold st t be LOWEST. MARKET PRICER • .41'• March 47; 1669 —it :BEAT_ BARGAINS IN BOOTS & SHOES, imEmi --a NRIT YORK BOOT AND BROE STORE, Soith end of Ward Horne Black ;The undersigned are receiving a large nod Well selected stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, Suitable for the SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, WWI! we offer low:for Coq'.' Consisting of GENTS, LADIES, AND CHILDRENS +WEAR GENT'S . SEWED and PEGGED BOOT IltE - TO ORDER ll= REPARING NEATLY DONE, and nay when promised Thenk al for put f4r3r t a coo tint , awe of the mate. - SAYUEL WOO)?ORD 411. - iga7 N. CLARX.I Towanda, Pt, April Ls, 1869. -tf J. M. COLLINS' lIP TOWT CLOTHING STORE Opogite the Court 96 MAE STREET, TOWANbA: NETT- SPRING GOODS, Received eery day, at JFERY COLLINS BLACK CLTN AND FANCY CASSIKEBE 813.78, at JERRY COLLISS% LINEN COATS Of all ;Ma at JERRY COLLUOV. LIMN DUCK SUITS, A:JEARY COLLINS', SPRING OVERCOATS[ AtJSBBY C3LLINS' CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, At JEIIY COJLENS' at COST TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS, BOYS - CLOTHING It JERRY COLLINS' GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, it JERRY COLLINS' HATS /k- At JERRY COLLINS', Belling Clever thnnany house in Towanda: CALL AND_ SEE HMI May 25.1369 NEB GOODS AT R. A. PETTES & CO.'S Dirt.ey oppciite the Corirt House The. hie rust parch wed , in New York a fresh stock)f SPRIM AND SUMMER GOODS, Consisting (in part) of DONEEriC AND FANCY‘DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, '4ILLINERY GOODS, HOSHRY, MESS -TRIMMINGS, and a tcal as s ortinent of NOTIONS, &C., &C They oillil respec tinily invite their old Ma totters & tithe pgbile generally. to give them a call bye' purchasing elsewhere, pledglog theasseirs to sell as :cheap an any one In To . "OWL • wands. They keep the genuine ALdANDER KID GLOVES, ,lIVANS KID GLOVES, Haßiffi , SEAMLESS KID GLOVES Their 141,INERY DEPARTMENT f e th o voildri furnished with all the norelllas of th e moon. and some of the most experienced migh)ittea to at tend to the wants of of the Ladles. g e p oo hl boa paid to Bleaching and Straw woe h. - . Miners wishing goodant wholesale priest Ido well to call - or sand their orders. B. A. PBTTDS A CO. . •a. Aped 27.1669.-3 m 1011106LAMATIOK—Whereas Hon MEWS B.' STREET/lit, President Judge of the 11th Judicial District, consisting of the counties _of, Bradford and _•• Baennehannt. and IhAzn o tbolon Triable eaut J. W. Van Dyke. Judges, In 'and • for - uld Donny of maned. have brutal their precept bearing date the 14th day dila 1869, to me directed' lor Win; an a ourned Court of Common -- Mew. It 'Towanda, for the County of Bradford, on woodsy. the 21$ day of Jane nest . Dalai atthe 14th day of Nay, In, the per of our Lord Towanda, , one thotteand eight hundred .. and alzty•nbee, and of the Independence of the United States, the rdnetywecosid. • WILLIAM OBIFITI, -Sheriff. • INI MISSES, - i 1 c 4 • 4., GLOVES,